BICOND IDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. INTERESTING FROM WASHINGTON. Secretary McCulloch, and the Tariff, COLORADO AND NEBRABKA. THE PUBLIC DEBT. A Large Reduction in November. LATE FROM CALIFORNIA. From Washington. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] Washington, Dec. I.— Several leading free-traders here state that Secretary Mc- Culloch is opposed to the tariff bill which passed the Honse last session. He has in structed Commissioner Welles to arrange a new and tariff bill so as to make them conform in their workings. The Senators from ColoradOand Nebraska are here. They have the assurance that both these Territories will be admitted this session, aDd should the President again veto the bills, Congress will pass them over his head. The public debt statement for November will not be made for some days. It will ex hibit a larger reduction .of the public debt than the statement of October. Benator Fessenden had a long conference with Secretary McCulloch to-day in regard to financial matters. From San Francisco. [By the N. Y. Associated Press.] San Fbancisco, Nov. 30. —Yesterday be ing Thanksgiving day, business was gene rally suspended. The stock boards are notin session; there were noimportant sales. Prime shipping wheat was quoted at §2 00. New York crashed sugar sold at 13 cents. Up to Wednesday afternoon, fourteen bodies from the wreck of the Coya were washed ashore. Capt. Page, Dr. and Mrs, Pearson were among them. Advices from Idaho to Nov. 17, represent that the Indians were very troublesome. The Internal Revenue, Collector of Idaho reported that the value of the bullion pro duced from Jan. Ist to Nov. Ist wa3 $11,000,- 000. The ship Silas Greenman, Capt. Weber, which put into this port in distress,has been ordered to discharge her cargo for examina tion by the agents of underwriters, and will probably be condemned. : San Fbancisco, Nov. 30.—Mining shares were to-day quoted as follows—Savage, $1,900; Yellow Jacket, $1,190; Ophir, $215; Imperial, $125; - Belcher, $135; Chollar Potosi, $220; Gould and Curry, §500; Legal tenders, 713. The Central Pacific Railroad is completed to Cisco, 93 miles east from Sacramento, and 121 miles from the summits of the Sierra Nevada mountain, and 5,911 feet above the level of the sea. , Price of Gold | By the Aroerics New York, Deo. quoted to-day aa folic 10.00 A. M., 1402 10.15 1401 -10.30 140 i 10.45 140| 11.00 141 11.15 141 Financial News. (By tfce U. S. Associated Press.] not Yobk, Dec. Ist, 10 80 A. M. call.—The fallow ing &re the latest quotations: T7oited Slates 6’s ’SI, 112% bid 113 asked: United Mates 5-2 o’s ’62; 108% bid 108% asked; do do ’64, io i % bid 106% asked: d». do. ’65 1 07% bid; iu7% asked; Ten-Forties. 9y% bid.ioo asked; Seven Thirties, Ist series, 105 bid, 105% asked; do. 2d series, 105 bid, li>s% asked; do. 3d series, 105 bid 106% arked. Isk.w Yobk. Dec. 1, 11.30 A. M. sail,—Pacific mail, 170 bid, 170% asked; Atlantic mail, 103 bid, 103% asked; Cant* n Company. 45 bid 45% asked; Cumberland Pre ferred. 69% bid, 70 asked; Quicksilver 44% bid,4s assed; Mariposa, 12% bid, 13 asked: New York Central. iu% bid, 112% asked; lirie Railroad, 71% bid, 71% asked; Do. Pr* t» rred, 83 bid: Budt on River Railroad, 120 bid. 12'% asked; Reading Railroad, 112 bid, 112%asked: Afichigau Railroad, 112 bid; southern 81% bid,Bl% a«ked; liliu >it Ctnir&l 116% bid. 119 asked; Clevelaadand Pittsburgh 85% bid, 85% asked; Northwestern Railroad, 44% bd, 44% asked; Cleveland abd Toledo Railroad, 113% bid, 114 asked; Rock Island, 101 bid. 104% askea; Fort "Wayne, 105% b d, 105% asked; Toledo and Wabash, 40% bid, 43 asked; Terre Haute. 40 bid, 41 asked: Ohio and Mississippi Certificates, 29% bid. 29% asked; Western Union Tel graph Company, 46% bid. 46% asked; Boston Water Pow*»r. 30% bid, 31 asked: Chicago and Alton, 1(0% bid, 101% asked; Do. Preferred, 109 bid, 109% asked. Martlets. Mew Yobk, December 1.-Cotton dull; little inquiry and. prices weak; Upland 33c;Mobile,35c. PiourduU, andlfcc@2oc. lower; State, |7@ll 20. Ohio, slo@t3 10; Western, »7 55@il 90; Southern, $ll 25® 1 6 00. Wheat doll and lc.@2c lower. Corn dull, and l@2c lower. Oatsdnil. Reel quiet. Pork dull. .Lard dull. Whisky dull and unchanged A New Way to Protect Safes.—A new English invention is describedas a“safe protector.” It consists of a small apparatus fitted in the upper corner of a safe and dear the door, performing the functions of a gas meter.* Ah ordinary pipe affords a supply gas*which passes through the protector iuto a large iron pipe running from the safe to a lamp in the street. - The iron pipe is an air chamber, and serves to contain a gas pipe, wbicb is preserved by means of a drill proof coil of steel wire. Tne lamp is intended to be of unusual appearance, and to give s very brilliant light. The mechanism of the pro tector is strong, but even a blow on the top of ibe safe will disconnect the supply of gas and put out the light. The same result wonlo be effected by any tampering with the door or the pipes. In large cities; Where safes are numerous within small areas, it is cen 1 emplated to employs special watchman who would, of course, immediately detect the absence of the external signal. A Case of Sharp Practice—A Sheriff In Manchester, New Hampshire, on the 221 of November, laid an attachment upon, some $2OO worth of. property, and placed a keeper over the same. On Sunday night following, just before midnight, the keeper was seized by four men in disguise, who pulled a bag over his head, took him to the river,and placing him in a boat,ferried him to a small island and left him. Meantime.a writ, which had been previously made and dated Saturday, was put into the hands of another Sheriff, who, visiting the premises, laid an attachment upon the property and put it under keepers. At thesame time,, the owner bad a mortgage executed, in favor of the plaintiff in the last case,and the keepers were discharged. Keeper No. 1 having ar rived from his moonlight excursion; in formed the first Sheriffof what had occurred and he, Under advice of counsel, proceeded ’ to*retake possession of the property, and at lflßt accounts held it peaceably, “waiting for something to turn up.” Wisconsin Majorities.— The Republi can majorities on Congressmen in Wiscon sin are 24,186. Paine, in the First district, baa 4,380 majority; Hopkins, in the Second, 5.296; Cobb, in the Third, 5,403; Eldridge, Democrat, in the Fourth. 2,562; Sawyer, in ihe Fifth, 5,050; and Washburn, in the Sixth. 6,619 Fiftv five out of fifty-eight counties gave 10,000 majority against the proposed ConetitnUonalconvention. In New York. a Telegraph Co.] I.— Gold has been >ws: 11.80 141 11.45 1403 12.00 M., 1403 12.15 P.M., . 1403 12,30 1403 THE SHEET. CITY BYJMJSTES, ; Till Tappeb Caught.—About half-past seven o’clock, this morning, a young man centered the liquor storeofMr. Alex. Dongh j erty,located at Fifteenth and Bedford Btreets, and finding no one about the premises he ! helped himself to the contents of the money j drawer, amonnting to some two or three ; dollars. While he was engaged in the act, a daughter of Mr, Dougherty entered thB {store, -from the Btreet, She notified- her . father, who was In the second story, of the fact, He rushed down stairs. The fellow ; had reached the street by this time,. Mr. : D,, gave pnrsnit and chased him, several ; squares At Eighteenth and Walnnt streets ' the fellow was captured by Officer's Lankey and Barr, who had also joined inthe chase. He gave his name as Henry Homkeith,and his age eighteen years. He was taken to 1 > the Filth District Station Honse and looked np for a hearing. ' Caucus Nominations,—The Republican members of City Councils met in canons yesterday afternoon to nominate ■ Heads of Departments. The following were placed in nomination: Wm. W. Smedley, Chief Commissioner of Highways; Henry B.Bobb and Nathan. Spering, Assistant Commis sioners of Highways; Charles Dixey, Com missioner of City Property; Frederick Graeff, Chief Engineer of the Water Depart ment; Jonathan H. Pngb, Commissioner of Markets; CharleaS. Smith, Superintendent of Estates; Samuel S.Cavln,Agent of Girard Estates. The only change made was inthe selection of Mr. Graeff in place of Mr. Birk in bine, the present Chief Eagineer of the Water Department. The vote was Graeff, 37, Birkiribine, 19. Charles Dixey had a competitor for Commissioner of City Pro ipexty in Chas. W. Zimmerman. The vote was, Dixey, 32; Zimmerman, 24. . Shoe Stobe Robbed,—Two colored men, giving the names of David Smith and Richard Taylor, were arrested, the,former at Fourth and Union streets and the latter at Sixth and Bedford streets, yesterday af ternoon, by Lieutenant Goldey and Officer Baker, of the Third District, charged with having, on Thursday night last,broken into and robbed the shoe store of Mr. Cooper, N0.G39 South st. A portion of the property stoleD, consisting of thirty pairs of boots and shoes, were recovered at the pawnbro ker’s where they were pledged by defend - ants, Mr. Cooper’s place was entered through the front door by forcing off the lock. Smith and Taylor were sent to prison in default of bail to await trial. Concealed Weapons.— Officer Dnnnon, of the Fifth District, arrested a colored man named John Cope, in Cross alley, last night, for carrying concealed deadly weapons and threatening to use the same. A razor, billy, and dirk knife were found upon his person. He was held in default of $5OO bail for trial. Moses Hoagland was taken into cnstody by the same officer, at Seventh and St. Mary streets, upon a similar charge. A fall supply of murderous weapons were found in his pockets. He was placed in a cell at the Fifth District Station Honse. During the night he amused himself by tearing off the plastering of the walls of the cell. He was held in $l,OOO bail by Magis trate Swift. s Stobe Bobbeb Caftubed.—About three weeks ago the Eecond-hand clothiog store of John E. Van Brankle, No. 611 Pine street, was entered throngh a hack window and robbed of goods amonnting in value to $2OO. Yesterday afternoon a colored man, named Anthony Thomas, was seen passing along South street with one of the suits of clothing stolen from Mr. Van Brankle npon his per son. Officer Lazaiere, of the Third Dis trict, was notified, and he took Thomas into custody. He acknowledged to having been implicated in the robbery and stated wher% a portion of the goods had been pawned. He was held in default of $l,OOO bail for trial. Petty Labcenies.—Bridget Welsh was arrested yesterday for the theft of wash clothes from the yard of a house At Fifth and Thompson streets. She was committed by Alderman Shoemaker. A lad named' John Heilman was arrested at Walnut street wharf, last evening, for stealing a coatfroin a hack driver. Held for trial in default of $l,OOO bail by Alderman Beitler. Wm. Hen derson, for lifting a pieceof cassimere from the front door of Mr. Dahadway’s cloth store, Second and Market streets, yesterday afternoon, was held in $l,OOO bail-to answer at court, by the same magistrate. Larceny.—A young colored man, named Isaac Burr, was arrested last evening at Third and Lombard streets for the larceny of several horse blankets arid covers from the stable of Daniel McCaulley, on Grlscom street, below Pine. Defendant was for merly in the employ of Mr. McCaulley, and is alleged to have entered the stable on Thursday night and pilfered the blankets and covers. Isaac said that he had pledged the articles at a pawnbroker’s. He was com mitted to answer by Alderman Bntler. Abbests During November,—The fol lowing will show the number of arrests made by the police during November— First District, 301; Second, 442; Third, 395; Fourth, 344; Fifth, 378; Sixth, 149; Beventh, 139; Eighth, 285; Ninth, 220; Tenth, 250; Eleventh, 210; Twelth, 128; Thirteenth, 47; Fourteenth, 33; Fifteenth, 57; Sixteenth, 149; Reserve, 170; Day Sergeants, 21; Harbor, 28; Vagrant, 46; Park, 12; Chestnut Hill, 12. Thanksgiving Seem on.—By special re quest, Rev. Daniel Washburn, Rector of Trinity Church, Catharine street, below Third street, vrfll repeat the eloquent dis course which he delivered on Thanksgiving Day. Judging from the brief abstract pub lished in some of yesterday’s papers of this sermon, it is well worth a second hearing. Anotheb Arrest,—John Ratter, was arrested at MarouaJlook last evening by Officer Dawson of. the First District, for complicity with Thomas Chance in the in famous outrage, upon the young woman near Point Breeze a few days ago. Ratter was held to answer by Aid. Lutz. Malicious Mischief.—Three lads,named Van Hariinger,Keen and Harrar, were ar rested in the Twenty-fourth Ward, yester day, for throwing eome.unflammabte liquid upon the porch of Captain Levy’s residence, on Fortieth street. They were held in $l,BOO bail each by Alderman Allen. Robbing a Benevolent Institution.— Charles Barry was held in $5OO bail by Al derman Swifr, this morning, f r the larceny of a push cart from the yard attached to the honse of the Union Benevolent Association, on Seventh street, near Walnnt. A ttem pted Bobgeaby.—An attempt*was made, last night, to rob. the flour store of Dunbar & Bro., on Sixteenth* street, below South, by foroingopen the bulk window. The thieves were frightened off before’they had succeeded in obtaining any plunder. The Gbeat Remedy of * the Age for teething, pains, cramps, flatulency sleeplessness, *c„ In children, !b Bowkh’B Inpant Cobdial. No family should be without tt. “Liebig’s Food,” for infants and invalids, Bower, Sixth and Vine streets. Price |1 00. Druggists’ Sundbies and Fancy Goods. SNOWDEN A BBOTHEB, Importers, 23 South Eighth street. Bbnbow’s Soaps.—Elder Flower, Turtle Oil. Glycerine, Lettuce, Sunflower,Most, Bose, Ac. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, Importers. 23 South Eighth street. Ladies’ Trusses, Braces, and Me chanical Soprorts adjusted by competent females, at “Needles’,” Twelfth Btreet, first door below Hace- Banning’s, Braces,Elastic Bandages, Stockings, Knee Caps Ac., of superior quality. ■ A Favobable Notoriety.— l The good re potation and extended use of 'Brown, j Bronchial Jrrc/ie«” for Oougbs, Colds, and Throat Diseases has caused ihe Troches to be extensively imitated. Obtain only ibe o«nnine “Brown's Bronchial Troches,” and do not he Influenced by those who make more profit by selling worthless Imitations. t Dr. Fitleb advises gratis, from 10 to 1, at his office, 29 Son h Fonnh street. Theonly man living wboqad permanently ,cn e Rbeamafism, Neurelgia, Oont.'AeUima. Core warranted or no charge, • Bilious Disorders, Liver Complaint, Costiveresß, Tfyspf speedily removed by: Dr. D Jajne’p SM.Btive Pil's. Tiie teat of thirty years’ me bes proved them superior, to alt oih>-r remedies for tbp core d fch® vsrloos diseases for which ihev are re ;C' mmei ded. Id tbelr artion they are mild and certaia, and msy retaken at anytime without riss from ex* posure. Prepare d only at 242 Chestnht street. The Saddest , weepers are . often the gayest smlleis. Everybody, smiles at the 4 sweetest ; thing” ever offered for the handkerchief, We refer to "Sweet Opoponnx, ’ adellghtfnl perfume,and fresh as a rose in its richest of promise.. ’ E. T, smith «fc CO. Hew York, Sole Proprietors ; Mtjjaviro —This delicious new perfume for the handkerchief is without rival fbr delicacy durability and richness. 7n fact of all perfumes the frt grant Mttjaviro may be called the qnintesseao. For sale by all the principal Drogghts.—ffrmey’* Free i, ‘ Elastic Supporting Bandages for Ladles’ and Infants' use. These incomparable Bands torsale at “Needles' 1 rues and Brace Store,” iwelfth street, erst door below Race. (Conducted by Ladies. Christmas Preparations.—December ;hat c- me around again and Christmas U almost npon ns. E. G. Whitman the work nt ibe novelist, bas found of late, bnt few faithful de lineators. Itisnotfoomuchto say that few Ameri cans have been bo near to the American geople Intbe r bcmestead die and characters as settlers ana pioneers as the author of Me-won I-toe; few have traveled so for and observed so closely amid the varieties of tbe far mers’ and pioneers’ life. East and West, and no writer lor thedaiy press has bad aheener relfsb fer.or live lier sympathy with, tbe fifth and free oat dor Ufa which enters Into tbe elements of his novsl. Mr Bob lnson’e writings have always been marked by a quaint and dlreot rorce; plctnres, simple, bat graphic, of things as they really are: practical and minuteknowl eageoftbe useful and beautiful as they are brought log-ther into every day consciousness—these are some of the features ofa styleof word pain'ing with which tbo readers of ibis paper have long been familiar. : The new novel, which will be begun the first week In December, will continue during the Spring, i In addition to this, Tbs Weekly Ttibunewlu contain, as muai, features or entertainment, instruction, and varieiy, buipassing those of any other Journal pub lished, to benefit the home life of the people and jusi tfy the ever-increasing support which has made it tbemest widely ciicnlated pajper in America. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is printed on a large, oouDle mediam slieet, mating eight psgea of six broad columns eaeh. it contains an the important editorials published in the Daily Tribune, except those of merely local interest: also. Literaly and Scientific Intelligence; Reviews of the mostipterestlng and Important New Books; the Let ters from our large corps of correspondents; the lat*»t news received by Telegraph irom Washington and an other parts of the country: a Summary of all import* B £?t imelllgeßce In this city and elsewhere: a Synopsis of the Prfbeedinps of congress and State Legislature wnen inses'les; the Foreign New* received by every stumer; Exclusive Reports of the Proceedings of the Farmers’ Club ef tbe American Institute; Talks about Fruit, and other Horticultural and Agrlcnl'nral Infor mation essential Jo country residents; Scock, Finan cial. » attle.Dry Goods ond General Market Reports: making it, both for variety and completeness, alto* aether the most valuable, Interesting and instructive Weekly Newspaper published in the world. > , *=Fu)l Reports-oft*- e American Institute IFarm ersjjinb,and the various Agricultural Reports, in t ach numbei%are richly worth a year’s subscription. THE NEW NOVEL GRATIS. the money for ten copies WEEKLY TRIBUNE, will be entltlei to an extra copy gratis. Tho work If published in book form, would cost two dollars. PrkentTHE WEEKLY TRIBUNE, fire cents per copy. For sale by all Newsmen. TERMS Mall subscribers, single copy 1 year, 62 Nos- -.»2 60 Mall subscribers, Club* of five........ , o 00 Ten copies addressed to names of subscribers 17 50 Twenty copies, do. do. do .31 oo T» n copies, to one address-........, is no Twenty copies, to one addre55,.,.....; 00 An extra copy will be sent for each olnb of ten, cash to be paid in aovance • Drafts on New Tork. or Post-office orders, payable to the order of THE TRIBUN K. belue safer, are pre ferable to any other mode of remittance. Address Ml THE TRIBUNE, New York. ® Pdhllcation ofttae New Novel will commence in tHe weekly tribune of Decembers. Sand in your orders in a^vancs. , Affc ycur Newsman for it. ‘Zieber, Winch. Callender and all Newsmen in Phila delphia, sell THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. it THIRD EDITION, BY THE ATIANTIO CABLE. THE FENIAN EXCITEMENT. Sailing of Gunboats for Ireland. No More Arrests Made Financial and Commercial News, London, Nov. 30, Noon.—A gunboat left Sheerness yesterday,-and another will leave to-day,, their destination being Ireland. They carry with them a large supply of arms and ammunition to be used in the sap. pression of Fenian outbreaks. No more arrests have been made. Commercial.' Liverpool, Nov, 30, noon.—The brokers’ circular reports the sales of cotton for the week at 73,000 bales. The sales to-day have been 10,000 bales. The market opens steadier at I4d. for Middling Uplands. The market for breadstufis is unchanged. Nov. 30,/ Noon.—Consols for money axe quoted at 893. . American securities—The opening quo tations are as follows: London,Nov.,3o, noon.—The Govemmen has ordered two more gunboats to Ireland* and another supply of arms. Following are the latest quotations •of American securities: U. S. Bonds, 70J Erie Railroad, - - - - -46 Illinois Central, - - - - 77 Liverpool, Friday, Nov. 30.—Cotton.— The Brokers’ Circular reports Bales 6f cot ton, for the week, at 73,000 bales. Brloes have declined during the week, Middling Upland being now quoted at 14d. The sales to-day were 10,000 bales, the market closing steadier. The Breadstufis market shows a declining tendency. Western mixed com is quoted at 395. 6d. w London, Friday, Nov. 20.—Consols still quoted at 593 for money; U. 8. five-twenties 703; Erie shares, 46; Illinois Central, 77,' The bullion in Bank of England and France showed a considerable increase. San Fbancisco, Nov. 30,—1n the case of Mr. Bigler vs. Mr. Avery, U. S. Marshal; it has been agreed to let the papers remain at Sacramento, taking an inventory of them and bonding them. This 'will leave Mr. Avery in possession of the office and insure him the resnltsof a judicial investigation. Milling Wheat sold to-day, at §l9O per 100 lbs. Crushed Sugar, 13c., and Manilla Coffee, 2330, - Baltimore, Deo, I.—Mr. Wm, Wate3, editor of the Baltimore Commercial, the newly appointed Surveyor of the Port of Baltimore, entered npon the performance his', duties to-day, Mr. Edington Fulton, the former incumbent retiring. NewYobk, Dec. L—U. 8. 6-20’s of 1862, coupons 1083,; U. 8 i 20's of 1864, coupons losip U. S. 5-20 s of i’6s, coupons 107J6; P, 8.5-20’s new Issue, 108?,'; 10-40 coupors, 100; 7 Sts. firs' aerles.lo6),; 7-308. second se rlts, 105?*; Virginia £s.Eo@6l; Missouri 63,87‘,©55; Ex change st sixty days active. o}.]. at Mght iu.ti: gold 1-n ?6; Cumberland preferred.-69?i@70; Western Union I eiegraph Company 46?;; New York Central, lU',: s rie723,; Hudson River, 120; Beading, 111;,'; Ait m and Chics go, 10SJJ; Michigan Central, 112; Michigan Southern. 8136: Illinois Central, 1 1 f?i; Pittsburgh and Cleveland, s:: Rock Island and Chicago. 10136; North Western, 44’,'; Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne, 103?,'. New York, Dec. 3. —Teuton heavy, nominal; Up .aids Middling. 33; Orleans, 35. Flour dull, and 10 to 20 cents lower; sales of 4,100 bbls t-tate. 97 75@IU 20; Ohio, if; Western, 17 75@U0 70; Sonthern drooping sales 200 bbls at 911 25@i6. Wheat dull, 1(52c. lower. Corn dull; sales of 36, 000 barrels at H 18>* for mixed* Oats dull and un changed. Pork doll; sales 760 bbls. mesa 921 37@21 50 fcetf dull. Lard dulL Whisky unchanged. Wool steady. BAi/rrMOREjDec. I.— Flourinactive; Chicago extra, fil 60@ll 75. Wheat very dull. The receipts of corn Hrehea y and prices are drooping; dry new white, 86 f!88; yellew. ss@9s. Oats quiet at &5@57. Provisions ail. Seeds are steady. Cloves active, Sugar doll. Coffee quiet; Rio, I?X@lB|£ in gold. Whisky steady; Western, la bond, 23&@236. 4 iIFE—INDIAN AND Fire this Morning.— About 11 o’clock this morning a fire brok out in the cellar of a large two and a half* storied brick build ing located 'at tbe southeast corner of Twenty-first and Market streets. The structure is divided into several apartments. Tbe corner store basement and upper stories were occupied by Amos Watson, dealer in hay, grain and flour. Tbe fire, as before stated, originated in the cellar among a lo of hay and burned through tbe first floor damaging the stock contained therein to a considerable extent No. 2056 and No. 205! Market st., were occupied respectively by Barney Dougherty as a liquor store and by Patrick M. Gibbons, dealer in shoes Both Mr. Dougherty’s and Mr. Gibbons’s establishments were directly over the base ment in which the fire broke out. Several holes' were burned in the floors of both stores. Mr. Dougherty estimates his loss on stock and fixtures at about $5OO. The liquors contained in his place were nearly ail stolen, but little if any being destroyed by the fire. Mr. Gibbons’s stock, which he valued at $2,500, was almost ruined by wa ter. .Be bad an insurance of $6OO only upon tbe same. Mr. Watson has an in surance of $l,OOO upon his stock and fixtures, which will probably cover one half of bis loss. The back part of tue building facing on Twenty-first 'street was ocoupied by Mrs. Brogan as a dwelling, Her furniture was damaged to the amount of $l5O by breakage and water. During the excitement attending the fire some person forced-open a bureau drawer iu Mrs. Brogan’s bouse and took therefrom $l5 in money. Tbe building belongs to Mr. Barkins and was probably damaged to the extent of $5OO fully covered by 1 osurance, A one-storied brick building No. 2052 Market street, occupied as a coal and lime office, was deluged with water; damage to fnrnitnre about fifty dollars. , Tbe origin of the fire is at present not known. Bales at Philadelphia Btech Board. BALES AFTER FIRST BO A.RD. ,1300 Lehigh Ca ’B4 Wli 1 lOflO ah St Nlchol’B C 1% 2000 Bosq Canl Bds C 69 |lo2sh do I*6 15U0 U 6-afs *65 rg | 37a&PeanaR 54^ s 5 wn 107££ 100 8k Read R 5591-iji) d'OO Morris Cff 2d mg 9<> 1 100 sh do - bioflat 56 14 eh Lehigh Nv 2OO ah do o3j 56 , SECOND BOARD. 9AOOQUSf-&0a Jnne 1(5 134 sh Mlnehlllß 58)» _2COO.Bch.NaV 63 ’B2 3:30 O’Qloote. BY TELEGRAPH. [To the N. T, Associated Press.] Financial. Erie R. R. shares, - - 46 Illinois Central, - - - 70 U. S. Five-Twenties, - . - -70 i I By the United States Associated Press.] From San Franeisco, From Baltimore. [By the N. T. Associated Press.] New York Stock Market. Markets. eill BULLETIN. FOURTH EDITION. BY TiSLEQRAPH. FROM VIRGINIA.. A New Constitution Demanded. FROM BALTIMORE. The .Guillotine Still at Work, FROM WASHINGTON. The Congressional Investigation, FROM THE DRY TORTUGAS. Charges of Cr uelty Refuted Interesting; from Virginia. Richmond,. Va., Dec. I.—A. meeting of the leading citizens of the Peninsula counties of Virginia, held at Williamsburg, have unanimously adopted resolutions declaring that the legislature, which meets on Mon day next, should immediately call a Con vention to frame a new Constitution adapted to the hew order of society and relieve the people from their indebtedness in ratio that their present property possessions shall hear to the losses caused by the war. It is understood that Gov. Pierpont will recommend the adoption' of the Constitu tional Amendment in his message. Interesting ,rom Baltimore. IBy the United Etatis Associated Pre^i.j Bautihobe, Deo. I.—The New Surveyor of the Port, William Wales, of the Commer cial, entered on his dnties, this morning, vice E. Fulton, of the American, removed. Deputy-Surveyor Parker has also been re moved, and Robert Cathcart appointed in his place. There are indications of a general removal of subordinates. - Mr. Fulton was the last of the supporters of Congress In the Baltimore Custom house, and the above subordinates were all of the same class. Considerable interest is manifested in the mercantile and newspaper world as to the telegraphic, contest between the old Associated press and Mr. Craig’s new organization. The coarse of the American in refusing to submit to the exclusive orders of the old association is highly approved, and the superiority of thA despatches furnished by the new association generally admitted. Their old fogy notions will not suit the present progressive age. A colored artist named William son has astonished our connoisseurs who think nothing good can come out of Africa, with a life-like portrait in oil of Judge Bond, for which he has had two sittings. The likeness is and the execution is very fine. From Washlngto ’. Washington, Deo. I.—The Congressional Committee to investigate the Cotton and Sugar frauds in the New York and* other custom-houses will, on Monday, ask leave to remove the seal of secrecy from their proceedings. It is rumored that their re port will involve annmber of high officials. From the Dry Tortngas. The following interesting report has been kindly furnished to the United States and European News Association by the Secre tary of War of the refutation of the charges of inhumanity against officers at the Dry Tortugas: The officer sent to investigate the charge contained in the article in the New York World concerning the treatment of prisoners and soldiers at the Dry Tortugas has just returned and made his report. The following is the concluding portion of it: "The conduct of the officers in each in dividual case, mentioned in the World, has been grossly and maliciously misrepre sented, but this is not to be wondered at, considering the course of the report imme diately after the appearance of the article in question. A search was made in the quar ters of the Chicago conspirator, Gren fel, and among his papers was found a draft of the same letter that had appeared in the World addressed to Bradley S. Johnson, who. it is presumed, forwarded it to the World for publication. Grenfel is represented as very unrelia ble, self-willed and rebelliously disposed, and would be anywhere else a dangerous man. His word cannot be depended upon even in the commonest transaction of life, and having been deposed from the position of gardener, he has since ei deavored to place the officials in a very unenviable light before the world,by trump ing up charges against them for inhuman treatment of the prisoners in their charge. The charges, which,taking their foundation from the most trivial circumstances, were enlarged and exaggerated to such distorted proportions, as only his' low and sordid mind is capable of. Bis diary ''shows that he has been in secret communication with the rebel in the Saulh, and that he has been led'to believe that strong measures.would be taken to effeot his re lease. His game wasthentodrawattentiou to the Dry Tortugas, and thesupposed atro cities there committed, and through the in strum en tality of theiniluence thus acquired, secure his release, and enlist in his favor the sympathies of the public. He has mis erably failed. I visited the cells of all the prisoners there, and their oleanly and or derly appearance spoke well for the care and vigilance exercised by ■he commanding officer, for the comfort and well-being of the prisoners. The pri soners receive the same rations as the en listed men of the post, and are neatly and comfortably dressed, and the labors required of them are of a very light char acter. [Signed] P. H. Sheridan, Major General U. S. A.” The Fenians. Buffalo, Dec. I.—The Stephen’s wing of the Fenians was organized here last evening and money and arms was donated for'the cause in Ireland. Roberts, and some of the Fenians present, thought the most feasible work was the in vasion of Canada, and opposed the sending of arms and money to Ireland, where they had no confidence in success at present. It was stated that - officers of experience were required to be sent to Ireland. One man donatedahorseand buggy worth 8300. There is some feeling between the two wings, but it is kept down and all seem; animated to work in any way that their object can be obtained. , 3:45 O’Oloofe. Probable Bespite of the Condemned Fe ninns. Tobonto, C. W,, Deo. I.—lt is understood that the Fenians recently sentenced to death, will probably he respited for three months; to await the result of appeals in their he* half .before the courts. Justice Richards yesterday announced that judgment in. the case of Slavin would be given to-day, this being theJast day of the term, and decisions are expected in the other cases also. The Sew Tor! [By the V. B. ; New Yobk, Dec. prices of gold to-day: Time, Opened, 141} 10.01 A. M.,. - 141} 10.02 uu 10 03 141* 10 05 I4il 10 06 . 1418 10.07, ..... 141} e 0.13 i4i| 10.25 i4i| }O3O 141 10.32 i4oj 10.35 i4i 10.43 ' 140} 10.45 1401 10.48 144 10 49 i4ij 10.50 ill mining Stocks. _ **3® BAjr Fbancisco, Dec. I.—The following „ e quotations of MiniugStocks: Savage, 81,180; Belcher, $135; Gould & Curry, $500; $125; Yellow Jacket, $1,170; Chol lar, $220; Ophir, $125; Legal Tenders, 71, „ New York Honey Harhet. p - M.-The fast gayß: The 1 e s ow . fl symplems of growrng ease as lo esu Joans and or growing distrust in commercial ; oij current rate for Government securities is for choice bills T@B. Governcaenti are doll, which-have advanced to 10854. in con. the change in the rule fur conversion, demand°2fS. t °' da7 - market is dnU, and in view of the openinsr „kV2, D 5^ esjr v“ <1 general uncertainty in fiducial H ttle to doing. Ral!roads areir unv lower. Gold at 2 o’clock was quoted at hpk. After boards stocks were dnU and lower. The 'T 7 ' 000 ’ tbe ViUede Paris* 4185.0 M. and the City of Washington $140,000. T latest Financial Intelligence. New York* Dec 1,1.80 P.M.-The following arethe latest quotations: Gold h qao*ed at 140% Stocks heavy. Couponi 6s, ’81, 112% bid, 11s asked; do -’62.105& bid. 10836 ssked; do,, »€4 1083$ bid@% asked: do., 65,100#bid© 101 asked; 10-408, bid 100; iTpasa ies, 2d series. 1833 k blcL IC4 asked; Va. 6s, 60 bid; Missouri’s S73a bid, 88 alkedr CaiplinM,73bid 81 asked Canton,4sbid; Oumberl.nd, 69bio; Waterpower.3oj4 bid, 3ia*ked; Western Union. 4&?b bld@*sasktd; H.Y. Centra], 112% bld@% asked: Erieß.R.. 77% bid, @% asked; Godson R ft. 120% bid a*ked; B?adlng B. B, 112 a*bed: Central. R 2 bid®3£: do. i-ontbern, 813 s bl*@% aas d; 111. Cen* bid; Pittsburgh, 853* bid; .>orthwesiern.4S3£ T oledo * t>ld©H4 asked; Bock IdT, ic-i3aold@3-4 asked. _ OFFICIAL LIST. Gold, 14f%, Coupon 6’s 62.. do. 6’s, 107%: do. do. new issue lt8?4; Treasury. ICSJ4; North Car .Una, 5654: Western Union Telegraph, ISJs; Cumberland 70; New York Central.ll2%; Brie Bailr. ad.TiS; Michigan south ern, SH;: North Wes'ero, Cleveland and Colum bus. ill; hock Island, 10154; Fort Wajine,-10554. The W< 'father lor November. ggsi ids as the following table of .t Germantown for the month B. J. L. sem the weather at just passed: NOVEMBER, 1866. ..» . J M O• M » fl7So-o«- O O O l< 2 'i *o © ® ‘o © Wind and Weather, g-► fi © ,s • >fi ® 2 2 a a 2 J. £8 H H ft 49 30.3 se W. Clear. ~ S 5 46 52 30.4 54 s W. Clear. 39 48 55 30.5 56 • S. W. C»ear, 37 46 43 30.5 54 F. Clear. 26 Zi 38 30.5 40 N. Clear. 20 34 37 30.6 36 N. Clear. 28 44 55 30.4 56 N. W. Clear. 35 48 58 30.3 56 N. Clear. 41 50 61 30.2 60 S. W. Clear. ' 39 52 59 30.2 60 W. Clear. 42 55 63 30.1 65 3-10 8. W. Clear. Shower. : 40 48 54 30.2 £5 N.'W. Clear. i 30 43 50 30.4 51 N. Clear. , 33 41 52 30.4 53 N.’E. C«ondy. •36£6 60 30.0 58 7-10 E. Cloudy. Rain. I 38 49 50 Sfc65 37 39 SG.4 39 N. Clfar. 20 28 46 50.4 47 N. W. Clear. 28 35 61 80.4 50 S. W. Clear. Fog:. 2? 49 60 30.2 62 8. w. cloudy. Showery. 40 60 67 30.0 17 8. W. Cloudy. 47 59.50 302 52 lin W. Cloudy. Rain. MONTHLY AVERAGES, yim Lowest Pol Eight o'clo< Twelve o’cl Three o’clo Depth of B U. S. Assistant Treasurer's Statement. The following is the statement of the badness at tbe office of the Assistant Treasurer of the United Stata, at Philadelphia, for themonth of 2s oy ember, 1866: 1866. Cr. Nov, I.—Balances on hand at this date...-111,214,596 28 Becripts during the month viz: “ SO—Account General Treasury, in cluding Customs.... $3,521,26$ il Post Office Fund 30,236 10 Interest Fund 2,624.333 00 Diaburser's Fund 608.664 60 Dr. Payments daring the month,viz: Not. 30—Acc T t Gen. Treasury. |9,203,642.30 Post Office 69 310 19 Interest, 1.922 803 48 DiStmrseX , B.... M 817 294 17 - *s 12,013,250 U Balance at close of business this 55,985,845 TEMPORARY LOAN DEPARTMENT FOE MONTH OF NOVEMBER. 1866. Nov. l*—Balance due to depositors at this date....... $2,743,900 Nov.SO. Beceived from depoei* tors during themonth. *2,713,900 00 Repayment to depositors durine the month 1 894,700 oo Nov. SO.—Balances due to depositors at close of business this day.. M .....~* $1349 200 00 Nov. SO.—Fractional currency redeemed during the month. |127.578 OO OOHM ERCJIAL. SALKS OF HTOOKSt FIRST BOARD. ISOOUBICWOS COU 99* 100 do 1033*5 700 Lehigh 68 ’B4 92 a lah Morris Cnl pr 124 200 do 94M 20 eh Harrisburg K aiy 100 sh Coal Hidge 9 loosarenaali 54Ji 48 eh Beadß trf ESii soab do 54 J 4 100 sh do *3O wb 88 28h Phil