Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, November 27, 1866, Image 8
Mnr BVLLETUI. PHILADELPHIA, GEEHAIPIDWN AND Non- RISTOWN RAILROAD. --The annual report of the managers or this road - has just been issued, and Col. John B. Peddle, the General Ticket Agent, has favored us with a copy. The receipts for passengeri and: freight during the-fiscal year ending Setitemher 30, 1866, were greater than those of any former year, amounting to 174,721; - 28, and ezbeeti*. mg those of any pr loos year, 1.62,094 80,. viz: increase of passengerreceipts, $3,433 33, and of freight receipts,-:558,661 • 47. The small inbrease in passenger fare is itttriblatO to the appearance of the cholera, the fear of which-had a tendency to deter many from coming to the city. • - During the year, one-fifth of the road has been ;plaid with new , rails", (including 49 tons'of steel rails) and cross ties, exclusive of 2;000 feet of,sidings. TO maintain the rolling stook, anew first clasi:lacomotive and two passenger cars were obtained and paid for; ten four-wheeled freight cars and five engine tanks' were re built...in the shops of the Company. The regular passenger trains each way, to and from Germantown number 21; to and from Norristown; Conshohocken and Matta ynnk, 10; Chestnut Hill, 10. The total number of passengers carried oh the regular' trains during the year were 2,447,783, destined as follows : Germantown, - - - 1,316,810 Manayunk, - - 350,14 / Conshohocken, - - - - 83,338 Norristown; .• - - - 383,230 Chestnut Hill, - - - - 284,183 In addition, there were 21,573 excursion passengers. One passenger fell from a oar and was killed, while riding on the platform, in violation to the rules of the Company. The funded debt of the company now amounts to 6162,800. From the ordinary receipts bf the com pany, for the past fiscal year. after deduct ing all expenses for operating the road, maintenance of rolling stock, interest on loans,National, State and City Taxes, Ic., two ividends were declared, one of four per cent., April Ist, and the other, five per cent, October Ist, leaving a balance of $lB,- 804 71; carried to the credit of Contingent Account. The officers of the road are President, Ed ward C. Dale; Secretary and Treasurer, A. E. Dougherty; General SuperintendSnt, W. S. Wilson, and General Ticket Agent, Col. John B. Pedule. A PLEASANT REUNION.-04Wednesday evening next will be given one of those de lightful Reunions, at the Musical Fund Hall. That have occurred regularly for the past fifteen years. We refer to the Contri buting Members' Parties given by Beck's Philadelphia Band. They always seem to us likb a family gathering, the same "old faces," with an occasional sprinkle. of "new ones," and judging from the names and abidties of the gentlemen composing the Board'of Managers, we feel satisfied that the company on Wednesday will not only be select; but that all former odcasions will be eclipsed and thrown far back in the shade of time. To those that are members we know that a treat is in store for them that they "wot nor-of:" OUTRAGEOUS ASSAULT. Before Alder man Beitler, this morning, Thomas Chance was charged with having committed a brutal assault upon a woman. The com plainant is a poor, miserable creature, who has no home, but has been wandering about the First Ward. The allegations are that Chance and another man enticed the wo man into a boat, and- there committed the assault. After maltreating her in the mok brutal manner, they tied her down to th seats in the bottom of the boat, and .set a dog upon her. The accused was held for a further hearing. A DISHONEST' BORROWER.--JOhtL Mc- Gruden was before Alderman Patehel this morning upon the charge of the larceny of a watch. He went to the house of a man on business. While there he borrowed a watch. Afterwards he denied having re ceived the time-keeper and declared that he knew nothing about it. As the evidence showed otherwise, John was sent below in default of $5OO bail. ROBBING SCHOOL BOYS.—For some time past the children attending school at Second and Pine streets have been stopped by boys who steal their hats, gloves, scarfs, dm. Yes terday John Maloney, the leader of the ja venile thieving party, was arrested. He la only 13 years of age. He was taken before Alderman Butler and was held in e5OO bail for trial. CHURCH OF ST. MA.TTRIAS. —At this church, bitnated at Nineteenth and Wallace streets, a full choral service will be givenon the morning of Thanksgiving Day. An Anthem,•by Palestrina, will also be given by an enlarged choir. The Rev. R G. Chase will preach. Services commence at 10% o'clock. A MUSICAL Tail .—A negro namad W. S. Butler was arrested yesterday at Sixth and Lombard for stealing songs from a man who was engaged in selling them about the streets. Alderman Butler sent the musical thief to Moyamensing. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP ZEPHYR loons.—in another column of this paper to-day will be found liar—Scout M. Finn's, (Seventh and Arch) advertisement of itch and desirable Zephyr Good; such as slippers, cushions, chairs, camp-stools, and rugs; also the plantar Eureka Zephyr, and Cable Zephyr suitable for Afghans. His assortment is the beet, and his prices the lowest. Read his advertise ment. SCARLET CORSETA !—The most stylish and elegant article in the Corset line that we have yet seen Is now offered by Air. John Al. Finn, Seventh and Arch, The Material% of bright scarlet, magnificently got up, embroidered with white silk It is a French artiole and is certain lae popular. His new Gelmninn Embroidered corsets. colors, are also beautiful.. In addition to these Mr. Finn off.rs. At the Zawest Prices. French Cane Corsets. French Whalebone •13." Corsets, 16 bones. French Whalebone - ft, B." Corsets, 32 bones. Secondnn Lynd Whalebone Corset. quality Ratbroidered-i op Corsets. _First quality Embroidered top Corsets. Embroidered top and front Corsets. E. Purple . E p mb n- ioderh dC Cmrst sa. nd Black Embroldd Co rsets. Mr. Finn has alto r. now open a full line of Notting ham Lace Curtains, at the lowest prices. All the above gaols wilt be soldut wholesale, rates when purchased inquantities. Now OPEN.— RICH 'BLACK SIMS. DRAPE DE FRANCE, GROS GRAINS, LYONo TAFFETAS. • And every other desirable styles for DresseS:and Mantles. Ihts is a new department, and is worthy the atten lion of buyers. J. W. Pnocron & co. 920 Chestnut street. FURS OF ALL NATIONS.— RUSSIAN SABLE FURS. HUDSON BAY SABLES. FINE DAD.K. MINK SABLES. ROYAL ERMINE—CHINCHILLA. DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRBEL. PERSIAN LAMB—ASTRACAN, &0., &C. FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN, J. W. PROC VCR & 00., 920 Chestnut street. Rica PARIS CLOAKS, now Open, in great riety. BICH VELVET CLOAB S. CHINCHILLA CLOAKS. VELVET BEAVER CLOAKS. ASTRAKHAN :CLOAKS AND JACKETS. HANDSOME PLUSH JACKETS.: OPERA. CLOARS AND 7e.uKET9.I J. W.TBOOtOn & CO., 920 Onestnut street. BT. LOtrie WHITE WHEAT FLOUR . . MITCHELL.. FLETCLIER; Hoi CueatzkuL ;Street! I • ELLIPTIC SEWING MACIIENE COMPANY'S dint premium lock stitch sewing machines Input pa, sably the best for faintly use., Highest prena medal), Fair Maryland - Institute, sae* Y ork-and panneylvania State -Fairs leas.. No. _gza fleet, only authorized agency in phu s d e l pit hrusuur . ,• • • A FINE DEYFLrar of CONFEOFIONEat.— The drmand for sweFtmeats al war increase as the holiday draw . near. George W. enklns,:eio. 1037 Spring Gercen street, displays a choice assortment of Bed-lams, Caramels. French Seereta,(Endy it^.. •e. which are excealt , sly attractive. Be haa.also, at 6.1 times, Foreign Fruita. Nuts„.Alatonda.liorAllm• l'reserved Obiger,Byrups • An. • .. • C. C. DlTsation - 'Jo., Merobaat Tailors,' loth street below Chestnut are now closing ont their entire stock or Imported. OLOTHet AND .13A.58/- ERRS, MADE TO ORDER In the Eiteat styles. SILVER' PLATED, hundred I a amount of .Patriit Spout Ice Pitcher . sale In lota to suit, at the maumiacturing fistao- IL-lament of • - . . • FRED. .LEILIFItELD, 233 South Fifth street. F. 0: ILEXES, Supt. 'lubricative steam ensine,pack hag.--for terms, see arch eO., phis. and 26 dey at new York. GENTLEMEN, if you want a pair of boots uitunlP for the coming season, go to Win. H. uelwig, 53i''Arch street, one aoor below. Sixth, there you win all dtfferent styles of boots at a very reasonable Gum sole boota, very durable. , . Cork sole boots. dltrerentatyl4a. • Quilted soled b wta, very gJorl. Boys' boots and shoes stems on hand and made to olasr Gum soles put on old boots HESITATE! PAUSE! It' ELECT: ' nousarm & WILSON, . • BROWN STONE CL OTHING HALL. ELEGANT WITS .608 FOB ND 605 ORESTPUT 8 EMMET , GBRTLEM EN YOUTHS; BOYS, • MILITARY MEN, &c., &c., &c., &c., &c., THE FIRST SNOW.—We have had the first snow of the season, and it Is welcomed with all the z tt that raw things give us, and like most other things. It loses its attractions w he.. we get. too much o‘ it. The only new thing that we. think of at preseat that bas not lost its attractiveness, is the One Price :otbing House of CharlesSt•ices '& Co., under the Ci minental;that bas the continual freshness of novelty a ways about it, MISSES' HATS, Children's Hata, OAS.FORDS' Continental Hotel CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Brldel Presents. Presents for your wife. Presents for your Daughter In the Style ors Flue set of Furs CHAS OAKP F O7 I 3 2 e B2l t g r S es Under the Continental Hotel. DEAIItrESS, BLINDNESS AND Ca.TalitaH.— J Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treat V! diseases appertsin ng to the above members with the ble so os e t success, Testimonials from the most re , arces In th city can be seen at his office, No. 5' Pine street. The medical faculty are invited to sc. mossy their patients, aehe ' , SA had no secrets In hit • .:cties. Artificial byes inset No charge Made f r E xsvuiratton. AIM •Ptiftliklattal.o.iib MRS. ANT. B. STEPHENS' NEW HOAK! puBLIs ruPT) THIS DAY, AND FOR SALE BY T. B. PETERSON & BROTHIGIS, .I* , 0. 306 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA THE SOLDIER'S ORPHAN 1 By Sirs. Ann 6, • tephrns. Put/ or of "Fashion and Famine." C ost pleie in one lark e duodecimo volume. Price ft 50 in paper 'or St (0 in cloth. MRS AI% .W S. STEPHEN'S'S OTFrKR WORK 1 . The bold SO Mary Derwe ..... .41 50 Scent r trriggem 1 5.1 Fashion and Pa•Li e... ISO '1 be Wife's • sejTha Old Himestead 150 Ti e tojected Wife 1 501 The Rehm.. so I box ears in paper covecover.or in cloth at 00 each. THE NAT, riNAL COOK BOOK. By a 1....dy of Phi• LIC drib la. a Practlcal Housewife, sad anther , if the Save A. 11," This is tne best aad most Prac • tical Cook Sr ok_for getet al use ever issued. It 1x by lady of Philadelphia, who has proved every re. celpt, at ter own table fr on her own kitchen. t•ora. plete in one large duodecimo volume, bound in cloth. Price Two Dollars. 0 A EA' C GA. An Indian Tale of Frontier Life. A ruebury of 17e7. Complete in one large duodecimo volume. Pri e, 11 So in pisper or t• 2 Oo ln cloth, .110 E AND 13 S LAWS The Laws and Practic of the game of r. ochre. By a Prolersor, a member of the Furore Club of Wasuington. D C.. which Club have adopted (tag their test-boor. One vOlame,cloth. Price Onk•Dollar 7sk (.X.OIKICANI BROTHERS. By Alexander Du mas. author of he Count of Monte Cristo,' "lhi es Guardemen." "Twenty Years After" • Bragelonne," etc. Being Lomas' Great Dramatic 3-tontr.ni e Complete in one large octavo volume. Price Fifty Cents. Copies of any or all of the above popular books will be FEDI to ary one free of postage, on rec-lpt ot price. Address all orders for any books at all, to the Pub- ISA3ers, T. 33 PETERSON & aROTEfFsRS, 306 Cheat - nut street Ph4adelntda. Pa., Ard they will recclve promptattentlou. Se/1C for one of tur new and full catalogues. [n027.31 _ _ WANTS. ./aA N iCTIVE BUSINESS MAW. with a few thou rand dollars, whites to secure au INTER ICS V, tte Ist of January: In some reliable Martufacto•lvg or Giber business, where Ms services could be made available. one but those baying a business that will boar the oh seat rerutinv need enso er Address "CONFIDE.Y• 71.5. L," Boa t4es Poet Office... ,rpa I.OLUM WANTED aq SALEAMiN In a Brat-class Retail Stationery Store. c ituat .11 per t:Li:went. Uneri - etrionable refe.enma required. affi drt ED J. S. 8., BULLETIN Office. ne27-it• sa WANTED-A, FURNISRED BOL:4E C. H MIIIttiLEID, • No. 2 5 ealltll SIX4II street. A : - SA ‘) •A. C: a Store, or for an,y other basic& or tru3t by a ilusiaonhy man, well recomn ended by the hes. tnsiness men of the city, address H. D., Dux 1497, P. 0., Philadelphia. no2l 6trpt AYOUNG COLORED MAN WI3EUE4 A SITUA- I`Pao as Coaelman or Porter to a Store. Best of re'erences Apply, to 1240 ,NIERVINE street, below THOM P - ON. nota ttrpf I[ATANTvD—AS bRECLAL C &P1.T.4.1. from FOP V • to 00 OtO,to continue and e , ,tend the manarao• tro log interest of a Jobbing Home, well established .1-utilehnt evidence will be fornished to prove tins a deeirabl. investment Address with read names, J. J..80x 168, Philadelphia P. 0. noe,tf.rpf IWEGAL NOTIC!g!;o, IN THE ORPIIANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF ...DELPHIA.—Ftato of A ei,ED C. BURR, died-The pRi Won of NI. , rgaret Burr, widow of skid decelent. with appraliement or property elet.crd to be retained tinder Act, of Ap. 11 :4 A 8.51 bast eon tiled and will be ano-oced by ,he ; hurt on SAI UEDA 1 , December 8, 1868. notes, exm , ptioas are fllto there - o. 1:4430. M. CONARROS, - -r027-W.r.noZt. Attorney Cur Widow. BLAirinrrs, BEDDING AND FEATHER WAREHOUSE, TENTH SI REEL', BELOW &BEE. Feather Beds, 'stem, Pillows, Matress of all kinds; Blankets, Ooiniort ables, Counterpanes, Spring Beds,- Spring Cots, Ir. n Bedsteads, Cushions, and all other articles In that line of • msiness. AMOS HiLLEo.BS, No. 44 North .TENTH ist= Below BLANKETS. THE HARRISON BOILER A SAFE STEAM BOILER.- - - This nem Steam SA :combines essential vantages EN ABSOLUTE.AFETY 'FROM EXPLOSION Inad lint coat and cyst ot repairs durability, economy of mel. facility of cleaning and transportation, not pea seated by any other b.uler. lt is formed eight combinati externaltron hollow spberes—tach g Inches in ehameter, and three eighths of an inch thick, connected by curved necks,and rebate machine th e nmadeits,held together by wtcught-iron bolts smth caps at ends. the form is the strongtst known; its strength to resist internal pressure very great—tmweakened as It is b punehing or riveting, which lessens the strength of the wrought- Iron boiler plate about forty per cent e.very boiler is tested by h' dranlic pressure at lext pounds to the square tech. Ix CANNOT. BE BURST UNDER ANY PRACTICA BLE STEAM PRESSURE. lin& r p esstue wh ch might - Cause rupturein ordin ary tellers. every joint In this b-comes a safety valve. leo other steam generator possesses this property of re,lef under extreme pressure without injury to Itself, su, d thus preventing (emote.. It is. not anima* , aff tied by corrosion, which so Soon impairs the strength of the wrought iron boiler, /t has economy In fuel, equal to the best boilers. it gets np steam quickly, at d with little fttel—pro duces super eated steam without separate apparatus, and Is hot liable to priming or foaming. It Is easily transported, and may be taken apart so that no piece teed welsh more t.an eighty pounds. In difficult places °raceme, the largest bmler may be put through an otenieg one foot equare. It is readily - cleaned inside and out. Under ordinary drcumetauces it is lux free from permanent &push, by blowing the watirely out under full pressure Once a week. requireno special ski lin its manegernent. Injured folio can be renewed wi great facility, as they are , m in shape end size. eit en renewed the entire boiler r. mains es good as new. The greater part of the boiler will never need renewal, unless nqfairty used. A boiler ran be increased to any extent be simply adding to its width, and being t them tire icatio single term, its strofeh remains same for all Si zes . It has less weight and takes islet than one-half tee ground area of the ordinary cylinder boiler, without belt g increased In height. Any kind er - fuel MIS 9 be need under this boiler, from the most expensive, to refuse coal dust. Over, two h in these Where are now In opera, tien, some of themn the best establishments In this city. .1 , or descriptive circulars or prices. apply ro .108EPH .R.A.R.IticON, Harriaon Boiler Works, Gray's. Ferry road, aejoining if, B. Arsenal, Ptilla, delphia. nog-lmoi THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN WATCHEIS AND .JEWELRY. CLARK & BI DDL .Jewelers and Eilverimitha; 712 CHESTNUT STREET' Have now ready. for Bale the most completeand elegant assortment, which They have ever offered comprising evesything usually found in a .TEW2I,I - establishment, at the LOWEST CASH . RATES. no2A to th as idZirpi - STERLING SILVER fir'- hianufactured expressly for EBlDAl,Presealti NEW JEWELRY, Wedding and Etgagement Ringo. Old Sete, of PEARL or DIAMOND JEWELRY re• mounted in modern style. . watches and Pocks repaired and adjusted by °Mai Petent workmen. All goods warranted of firm quality. - 3pecial attention given to DIAMONDS. J. T. Giallagher, Late of BAILEY & CO., .FORMERLY BAILEY & KITCHEEN. 1300 ['HES NUT STREET. cam a to th-if rp WROLESALE STOOK OF Wateht s. Jewelry and Silver... Plated "WAR E. T BE CLOSED OUT AT RETAIL, AT A GREAT SAGETFICE. OSTIIVELV Tr CLOSE BUsiNE , S. This will 'innd a rare appallingly [Or procuring file gooD&E AT i LY BELOW THE USUAL PRICES. WOODWABD, LOVETT & Co., 712 Chestnut Street*, SECOND STO•oir, BAOOND STORY, not-Em rp ICIrre.I3.IETOT 8c C Have (Toned their New Store, S. E. corner Tenth and Chestnut Ste,, wrr.Er A FULL STOCK. OF Watches, Jewelry, silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, &o. Their etock being entirely new end relented set h the nt meet eel*, they Ie 1 eonadent of being able to suit the taste of those who wish artic es to their line. They solicit an Linea ton of their tioocle. fl R. Kr MIEN. N. RULON , Salesmar SA_WL K. MITTS. EDWARD P. ADAIR SILVER-PLATLD WARE. Smyth & Adair, pßecTiest, Id ANUFACTEIBRELS OP FINE SILVER-PLATED WARE, HARD AND lESOFT BiETAL, 1834 Chestnut greet, Opposite U. S. Mint, 2 non.. Factory 35 Dotal' Third Street, nol•th s to 'atm/ Up stairs, FOIL RENT, Ihe Third and Fourth Stories Back, 01 TIM NEW BULLETIN EMILDINO, with entrance by a epaulette Han on etiersnutatreet ano also an euirance on .Tavne sheet. Far further particulars apply at the "New Bulletin Building, 607 Chestnut Street oath, TO RENT. 'he Seoord Story Book Room of No 607 Ohtotnut Street APPLY TO MANDKRI3OI7 & WORRELL, ❑Ol9 tt ON MB PR:FM.II4IM. CI RENT, rbe Second and Third Stories, front and back build• ugs of No 724 CHESTNUT St•eet. Also. a part of the first floor. apply - to LUFFLEL Li AS ECHE AD, not th a to tf rpp Oa the prentlefo. g". FOR BALE—lmmediate possesslott.—Thwit •' Wry NOOkRN DWELLING, repapered and ted, No 1024 Clinton street; to,s gas. bath, hot and cold water, water closet &c.; tourt«-n roams. Lot 20 7y 128, to Plr.e street. FOX dt SayEZICY. 11l South w,.FTE street. 00224t* 41 2- .11 FOR RFNT—FURNISHED ROUSE NEAR Tercbtleth and Wallace streets, until spring, to :andly without children. Apply to JAPEKS 8. SMITH, 31, , A1 Rotate Agent, - n027-2t* 123 houttt Seventh street. HAINES' BROS.' PIA NOS.—Im have dealt in them for 14 years. and rtrillguarantee each Ifor 5 years. Prices tenni 11 , 300 tos&O., J. K tiOULD, n01041,8p Seventh and tlhestnnt. LIOOP SKIRT 51ANIIIreCTOBV.—Floop Skirts t.l and Corsets; ready made and made to order; war ranted or the beat materials. a leo Shine reosared. - - Mll4 E. Ea.,LEE, selB-BmrPll 812 Vine street. above 'Eighth. isAILIKINo WITH .12iipEaaBLE INR, Embroider! Inc. Bre/din& Rlamp r ing, Lo. • m o o. TORREY. Filbert street. Of all the late Style% WATOHES Of the mast Celebrated Makers. PEARLS. DIAMONDS. and other Precious Stones. --PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27.1866 infiguratiot of Low-Prices AT .IaIErrA.ILA. JAS. R. CAMPBELL di CO.. rEfrONIXES, 70BEIKEd3 and airS.ILIKEVI- No. 727' Cheoitnut Have made a great BEDuarroN IN HEIM& Their stock unrivaled tbr extent. variety and genera) adaptation to the wants of buyers. SILKS, • , MOIRE ANTIQUEt3, SHAWLS, 0 7 0 L A VE KIN TS Gs . SILK POPLINS, WOOL POPLINS, CORDED POPLINS, RICH PLAID POPLINS, RICH PLAID MERINOES, COLORED MERINOES, PRINTED MERINOES, EMPRESS CLOTHS, VELOUR RUSSE, BIARRITZ, EPINGLINES, BOMBAZINES, TAMISE, M. DE JAINEs, BLACK ALPACAS ) WHITE ALPACAS, COLORED ALPACAS, WHITE REPS, BLACK REPS, - COLORED REPS, FRENCH CHINTZES, DAM ASKS AND DIAPERS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS, DOYLIES AND TABLE COVERS, COUNTERPANES, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, BL AN KETS, BLANKETS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, MOURNING GOODS. JAS. IL CAMPBELL & CO., non LAI No 727 Ohestnut, Street. REDUOTION. MISSES. TICORNHILL & BURNS, 1208 CHESTNUT STREET, Pave this day marked down the prizes of their entire Wbite Goods, Embroideries, Etalmorals, &c. hey offer great Inducements to loarchaaersofgOodsfor 1 HE HOLIDAYS. Pine Comets at $2 00 a Pair. 13024-e,tiotot JA,b. it CAMPBELL & CO., No. 72 Chestnut Street, In addition to their great reduction in DRY GOODS, Have organized a CHEAP DEPARTMENT for the eshilution and eale of EXTRAORDINARY BAR. CI SINS EN DRESS GOODS. This feature of their establishment will commend Merl f to the favorable consideration of the public, no2e et r. J. H. OLIVER. n 026 t j il rpi no3•lmzD NEW 'MILLINERY STORE.--M. E. MASON &00.. IaIeOHESIMIT Street. will keep con ' stardly on band a large assortment of the latest stles Winter Millinery. They also sell Bonnet mate, tals ofall kinds. consisting of Velvets, itblons, Flowers Feathers,tiats arid Frame+ which will be sold at low pal •eis Please rail and examine before purchasing 1316 CRESTNIIT street. non me' LEEDOM & SHAW, Wholesale sad Retail CARPET WAREHOUSE, Sao A.. it cn. swo t Just received by Steamer,an invoice anew and hand• some designs of OEOBSLEY'g ENGLISH TAPES. Tftlitli, entirely new, for this market. Also, %hill as. sortment of DRUG3ETEI in all widths, ben Bmrpi isaata l - STEONdc 00:'S - PIATIVOS. och BAINRS BROS.' PIANOS. Irrlnsutho.N & mums CABINET 080 I May at J. B. GOULDlS,Beventb, do Cheatant. nict,tiBp *OETta.II. DUX 604111114 GOOl)S._ 1,; e i/1/1 Ikl DI :ill WOOD & OARY, 725 Chestnut St, eet. BONNRTs AND HAMS, Latest Styles. Every variety of BONNE, mATESSALS AND TRTMM MG& thilirkalltbitl. CLOTHING'. . • Old t a b lijsh e oNil CE PRI . • . Pracia Ileady.3tade Clotliing Rouge, 604 MARKEI.STREET above Sixth Stockond one or the largest and beat ' unsorted cee o n f ha Beady made Clothing in the Country—at g i n vds very reasonable.- Also a kuindsoniellne o f for Onto= Work.. " EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR. 612 OBEESTNUT STREET, Has now the BALL AND WINTYR Wraffs and s complete assortment of FALL 'ABB , WINTER 090 BL CLOTHES equal or su peri or to those of any other Firstollias Tailoring fttablishment, atMil prices. batiafadlon guarantee& Pattern Clo to show the new and prevalent styles for the 11 of custom:a% and public, Waal DNA LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, with greatly increased faculties, and a large corps of flrst•cutes workmen, are news/manta/sing a LARGE STOOK OF LOOKING GLASSES, guaranteed the BEgT FRENCH PLATES ONLT OR bit/ baLE. and would call attention to their daily aug menting AlioullTill.b..NT as IIai.EQUALED ano at: WRY MOD/IRATE PRICES. EARLE'' GALLERIES, no:; 816 CHESTNUT STREET. ILN IS BLit% 01U.t.•. INCORPORATED 1855—OFFICE OP TEM DELA WALE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCLE COM PAZ,Y.—Parkansmnue. N ovember 1.1 1856. The ollowing statement of the affairs Odle Com pany Is published in conformity with a provision of Ma barter: PREMIUMS RECEIVED from November I, ISES, to °ember 31,1866 : On Maria e and Inland .131.417.3) 64 0n.........................._........133,691.79 Frei:alumna on Paellas not marked off November 1,18E15...... PRFAITURS MARKED OFF as earned from No vember 1.1665. to October 31.1656; On Marine and Inland Rtaka...—..11554.159 On Fire Risks 122+,93.1 12 SALM. 99 interePt daring the same period— a LOESES, FvPICSBES, ac., during the year Mor n as alvce Marine and Inland :Navigation 64 Fire Losses .... .--...--.. 82,897 Si Iteturn 40,5:N 79 . . Z 4.614 81 agency thatgeti, PriLting. Sa . 33357 99 •Tan en-- U. 15, TSX on — cren.icuma, Policy btanaps, 16,570 10 Expenses.—.--..—.------- 14,079 12. $.578,170 28 11.92,669 44 •This Is exclusive of the amount reserved for Taxes on .I.ividenas and Profit& AE.Sr.'IS OF THE COMPANY November 1, lse.6. 1100,000 United States Five per cent. Loan. 1871 1114,000 00 IVI,OOO tinned States Six per cent. Loan, 1881 ' 136,500 00 530,0:10 Vatted States 7 - slu" per Cent. Loan Treaury Notes_ _ 211500 00 125,00 City of Pbtladertmla Six per cent. Loan (expmptad...._ „„„.„. 00 610(0 State of .PennaYlVartia — sax Per cent. Loan.. .. 54,703 CO 46,000 State of Penns ylvania Five per cent. Loan.— . . 44,620 00 50.000 State of New Jersey Six per Loan . 50,750 00 5%000 PennsylValiiiiiiiErl3a7 Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds -- 83,500 00 ZOO Pennsyl‘arths Kadin:ond Second Mortgage 6 per cent. Bond_ 24250 00 M,COO Western Pennsylvania Railroad six per cet.t. Bonds (Penns. R. R. guarantee`- 20,750 00 .V,OOO State of •Pe_nuesseenve cent. Loan... 16,000 00 7,C00 State of Te n ness ee Sck-per cent. 15,1300 300 shares Gas Company, principal and in terest guarantk ed by the city of Philadelphia— . 15,000 00 7,150 143 shares stock Pennsylvania Railroad C0mpany......_..... ..._:. 8,2.% 25 5,010 100 'hares stock 'roan Pennsylva nia. Railroad *MAO 60 shares stock Philadelphia - and • Soutaern Mail Steamship 00m. patt 195,900 loans y on Bonds and Mortgage, first liens on city property...—. 195,000 00 11.045 Carl • ar. Marketcalae.„_ .,,,,.,,,,„, p,p;p,m 75 Cost, 1.1,0a),552 05 Real Estate.—. Itin4 Receivable for Insurances —...-... Balance due at Agencies—Premiums on Atbrlne kvllcies—accrued Intere , t and other debts due the Company_________ Ans ss Perin and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 15,173. Estimated value '2,930 00 - .7a.h in Bank...-.- --et-11,M 26 " InDrawer • • 447 34 •Thb being a new the market valve : enterprise, tho Par I° sl'4'Y7meti.l 56 aten Pranansmprtra:Nov.l-1,1866: The Poard of Directors have this day _declartd a Casa DiVIDEM of RIGEL V PER CENT. on the CAPITA L STOCK, and SIX PER. CENT. Interest on the SCRIP of the Osmpany, payable on and after tha let December proximo, free Of National and State Taxex. Thei have also declared a BOMP DIVIDEND of NvEriTY ERB DEBT. on the E&RNSD PRE6.II - Id for they ear ending October 31, 1866, (..V.rtLficatee wh , th will be hailed to the •parties enticed to the same on and after the let December proximo, free of Notional and !State Taxes. They have ordered, also, that the SCRIP CERTTRI. CATES OF PEOFD of the Company, for the year 1852, be rt deemed in CASH, at the office of the Com. - piny, on and after the let 'December proximo, all in terest thereon to cease on that day. do certificate of projte usual under 111. At as Act Incomotition, "no certificate shalt issue unless ciaimed Within two years after the declaration qf the dividend wherec, it is evidence." 'f homes C. Hand, I !Samuel E. Stokes, John C. Davie.!Henry Sloan, Edmund A. Sender. William G. Boulton, Theophilus Panlding, Edward Darlington, John B. Penrose, H. /epee' Brooke, James Tragnalr, Edward Lafourc.ade, Henry C. Dallett, Jacob I'. Jones, " James C. Hand. James B. EPParland, Wm. C Ludwig, Joshua P. Eyre. tow h /I. Seal, spencer M.' ilvalue. George O. Leiner, John B. Semple, Pittab'gh, ugh Craig, B Berger, Pittsburgh, John D. Taylor, 0, T. Morgan, Pittsburgh, THOMAS 0. HA.ND, President, JOHN C. DAVI* Vice President. HENRY Lvt,Buntr, Secretary Bahl 12t,rp, rtOMPO' iIETID CHARCOAL PISCUIT, FOB DISPBPSIA. - These are composed of Fine Willow Charcoal, ate., Jr, the-form of Bran Waters by which medicines hitherto disagreeable are rendered p easant and pal al able. Thext wilt prove to be a valuable remedy for Heartburn, Wkterbrash. Acidity Nausea , Bructations, Constipation and other forms of Indigestion. Persons sufferh g from fetid breath will lind them an admirable corrective. Prt pared only by JAMES T 1 saneq, ApothecarY, S. W. corner BROAD and SPRUCE, streets, Thlbtaft, Sold also by F. Brown, Fifth and Chestnut. C. R. Keeney, Sixteenth and A.tch. Ambrose Smith, Broad and Chestnut. George C. Bower, Sixth and Vine. D. L. Stackhunge. tighth and Green. - C. t timers, ififeenth and Spruce. Murphy dr. Bro., Locust street. B. C. Blair's sons 800 Walnut. B. Thomas. 19A1Pine. Ellis, Son Co, Seventh and Market. Johnston, Holloway do Cowden, - And dragrets generally. IMEW TURREY RIM vES—Landln_o and for 'sole .1 by JOs. B. BUBILER & CO., /08 isontblitelptwaye avenue. CHRONIC DISEASES TREATED WDiccrEt HILi a W. BECKWITH'S ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE, , No. 1220 WALNUT STIMET. For the benefit of those Proposing to undertake Nita Weal treatment for disease, we give in the fellowlag lat a few of toe more prominent and most common, complaints met with in our practice, in all of which we are moat succeeslui. - .IN NEARLY ALL OASES Olp CHRONIC DISEASE XLECTBICITY IS A SUER REMEDY AND IN ALL CASES .BELSEPIC/AL, PEOPEBLY PLIED. Those - therefore, afflicted wits complaint* not here enumerated need have no hesitation in tip. plyit g, and whother only BELIEF on A PERMANENT CUBE can be effected, they .witl receive replies accord. Inlay. All conanitatlons free. swepay, Chorea, or St. Vitus' Dance. Parch idly emPlegla), Neuralgia. Hyste la. Nervousness, Pal pitation of we Heart, Lock-Jaw; etc. 2. Sore Throat, Dysy&pla, Diarrbcea, DysenteM Ob stinate constipation, morrholds or Piles, Bilious, Flatulent and Painter's Colic, and all affections of the Liver and Spleen. 8. Catarrh, coUgh, Influenza. Asthma .(wliett not caused by organic diseases of the heart). Bronchitis, pleurisy; pleagodynia, or Bheamati.Lt of the Malt, Consumption in the early stages. Gravel.:Diabetes, and KidaeY mPlatrits. Imp°. tence and Sere inal Weaknesa. The latter complaints never fan to yield rapidly to this treatment. 5. Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, stiff Neck, Spinal unoratnre.Thp Diseases. Cancers, Tumors (those hat named always cured without pain, or cutting, 01 piss. tern, in anyfor 132.) 6. Verona Complaints. Involving a mal-position, ss Prolapans, Antraverelon, B.etroveraion,Lnflammatlon. Ulceration. and various other affections of the Womb and Ovaries. Mrs. BECEWITH has the Ladies' Department tra der her own cane and supervision. REFERYNCE9.—GenI A. S. Fleasonton, 916 Spruce at.; W. B. Smith, lOU Hanover st. ; George Douglass, Fifth st., above Chestnut; J. W. Bradley, 68 North Fourth - St.; Robert Work, et North Third st ; Col. T.W. Sweeney, Walnut, beloW Eighth; Geo Evans, Arch et., be/ONYLAtr..Reica/ZS Third and Chestnut; Ed. 3lticL: he, or this city. A. r teasonten, Louts, Mo.: Ja - ccb.Vandegrift, Odestsa, Del R. A. Semple, Mount Holly, N X., with very many others. Physicians or students desiring to rave Instruction in the correct application of Electricity for the care of diseases can apply at the office. Ccnsalta ion free. illescriptive circulars of cans effec• ed, with numerous references, can be had toy ap plication at the Office. or by letter. WE HAVE NO FOl. NECTION WHATEVER WITH ANY OTHER. CI RICA L OFFICE IN THIS OE AN Y OPECEE CITY. All letters addressed to D$ 8. W. BECHWITII, Igo. WALNUP Street. oe22,s,tn,th.3mxPl ELI crrn.ierrlr WM CURE the most obstinate, long stan(ling diseases when atlministe;ed by CBS. GALLOWAY, W till E &BOLLES TEE OLD AND ONLY RELIABLE -1 =DUAL XLECTMLIANS, S. E. cnr. Walnut and Thirteenth SO. Twenty Thousat d persons have been successfaillf treated by us. Read certificates of important cures in "Press" and "Telegraph." Mrs. Prof Boli«a gives her spec.al attention to the Female Department of tne la atitutlon. Curesguaranteed Consultation free. N. R—Playsiclaus and Students can enter at any time for a lull course of instruction in this Great Dis covery in the healing art. Our former Students, who now practice our old system, are espec,ally invited to call and become instructed in our late and important discoveries, so that they may learn how to cure more diseases, and in a much less time than by the old sys tem. Persons who have tried Electricity and failed in getting cured are especially invited to call. as we have cured many obstinate diseases alter - being treated electrically by others in this city, without any benefit, An interesting pamphlet mailed free of charge. NO SEOCES Gi EN. V 42 4C2 43 x6,96} 47 1,019.4 ti 90 BOORS AND THE MOST IMPROVED INSTRU MENTS PIOINisELED. nag th s tu am Spl e:,717 m LADIES' FANCYFURS. .11 - 4DEEN FA.R.FMR,A. No, 718 Arch et, above 7th., At his old established Store, TM:PORTER, ISARI7PA.CTURRII and DEALRR FANCY _FURS FOR Ladies and Children: • My assortment of Fancy Furs ibr Ladles and MS• dren is now complete. embracing every variety that will be worn during the coming Beast= Remember the name and number. JOHN FARKIRA, No. 71g ARCH Street, above Seventh. I bare no partner or connection with any other atom in tae city. OC2O a &nth= LADIES' FANCY FURS A. K. & F. K. WOMBAT% - 417 Arch St., HAVE NOW OPEN A Full Assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS Aiso a great variety or FANOY Cariage and Sleigh Robes. -0,0:11. 00 36.000 00 217,337 23 NEW LACE CURTAINS. The subscribers have noir in stock, and are really ng from the late Auction Sales in ffew York, NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS. from ordinory to rich style. FRENCH LACE CURTAINS, From the lowest bo the hlshest onelity; some of thiat THE RICHEST MADE. VESTIBULE LACE, MARRO/ 1 D MUSLIN CURTAINS, JACQUARD And Crutain Muslin* in great variety. Sheppard, Van Hailingen & Arrison, 1008 Chestnut street. ce.s-th eta tutf rpf A FEW SELECT PUPILS CAN SECURE TUITION 11. upon the Pl'AlslO, by a ESAY. whose PrOnoienioy aa a perfotzeter, and whose abilitg to Impart Inatrantion Its testified to by some oaths highest Ilvlogatitherity.- por In interview. address Minna at this ()Mee. non., ip l • - MONEY-TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED 4 le - porr DIAMONDS, WA. - roggs, zimr„, ILLRY, PLATE, CLOTHING, Itai at • _, _ „ma Rs sat. CO '8 - - OLP ESTABLISHED „, LOAN Of OE. corner of THERM , and GAsHILL 'Strom* - - - , • Detour Lombard .% - ' - IC - B.—, DIAMONDS, .74.ZUCEIS,.MINVELRY. GUNS.. .' o., , -now isAtz 44- - EHHAEYABLY • LOW MUMS. „ , , _ . MEDICAL. i WM tiig CURTAINS. US cAL. `ao2~lm,~„ ` , .