Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, November 27, 1866, Image 6
Address of the Pima/taw:its realists. The following is o:Readdress of the Fenian Brotherhood of Philadelphia to Irishmen and friends of Ireland in Pennsylvania: ' Fellow-Countrfirne* and Brothers:' At a - Convention of Delegates orthe - respective Circles of Phi indelphiarit _wa, TlielTed:to,address you on the stirring events thitibwhich scaltave pegged, that by-re -WOW-ins These events you, may-be inspired . with - renewed - hope amt.'6010.4003 - in th's future Operation' of a our Moven:mints —b e 'Wiring 'as 'we do that, ftpui yeur energy, 'numbers and wealth, lion should occupy the foreground in a cause that has. for, its . Alingliterestaration of thelOnpleat rights ot tyrisor , believefl Country. ' Early in Februarylafif,• our Congreasmot in Pittsburgh in extra session, to devhse means, to carry on our inovement—bxving to replenish an ernelyexcsheqner—the result of .the,Aloffit-Manston swindle. , -From that period:to the last of May—in all, not quite four months—means were collected and men enrolled to invade British territory—an exhibition of, energy without a parallel. in the history of revolutions. Estimating at the lowest, there were-not-less, than thirty thousand mentreirethe head waters 'of the lakes to St. Albans, and twenty thousand more on the move from their.respectivelo calities—all hastening to the front, not for bounty and• pay, but to offer their lives on the altar of their country. • - The first campaign of the Fenian Brother hood closed in the early part Of June ; the advance guard of the Irish army fought its first fight and won its first 'victory on the enemy's territory. They fell back,not Woe the prowess of the foeman, bat in.obediec to the laws of the•United4 ri tates And in fall ing hackthey,were neither defeated'nor dis heartened, but only proved. their fitness for self-government,by relinquishing the golden prize that had' been the hope and aspiratioa of years, at the voice of their adopted cone-, try, satisfied that they, _would yet 'have the long.looked-for opportunity.- They left a bright record on the field, and oneequally bright in the camp; each man feeling that he had Ireland's honor in his own keeping; and sacredly it was kept; for, though suffering hunger and thirst, not one case of pillage occurred,--nor was a blade of grass destroyed. Oar 'most grateful thanks are due to - our American fellow-citizsns on this border, -for their hospitality to oar men, giving them both food and shelter, sympa thy and God-speed. At the'conimencement of the organization in this, country two difficulties presented themselves to earnest thinking men: first, - Could an exied people, hard-working an,l poorly paid, contribute from their scanty means a sufficient amount to effect anything adequate to so stupenpous an undertaking? And secondly, !Could a people so scattered over this continent be so organized as to units the numbers, energy aad bravery of the race—and when so united to give this union the proper direction for the liberation of Ireland? All this has our organization accomplished —our people have been united, and like the "Dry Bongs on the plain," "have been in fdsed with new life and have gathered in their might to take vengeance on their op pressor. For the first, time in the history of oar race, the people have taken their affairs in their own hands. The sequel has proved that not only is the national sentiment fresh and true, but, from being despised and re puted the "hewers of wood and drawers of water," they have, at a single bound, as sumed the proportions of a nation, baffling the crafty diplomacy - of England, and' ar raigning her before the tribunal of mankind for her crimes committed against Ireland. They have unmasked her deformity to the world; they have exposed the 'hollow ness of her pretensions; they have shut her out of the councils of Ecirope as a first-class power, and have placed her atthe mercy of the United States, changed from a roaring lion to A cringing spaniel, begging per mission to pay the damages committed by her pirates on American commerce, or, as the London Times puts it, "it is our policy to pay the debt!" They have humbled the enemy of our race—the enemy of -Ame rican instPutions, American commerce and manufactures—and are now forcing her to seek an alliance with America that her valuable, possessions in Canada may be saved from the MI7CII-DREADED FEMURS! Countrymen, if our organization has ac complished so much under difficulties al most insurmountable, what may we not ac complish, now that we know our own strength and resources and England's weak ness? The destiny of a nation is in thehands of its own people—if true to themselves; no matter how rich and powerful the spoiler, they cannot be held in slavery—bat nation alities, like individuals. must pass through a fiery ordeal; as gold they must be par - fled to - wipe away the stains of their politi cal degradation, and to fit them to take their place in the great family of nations. The work of reconstructing ancient na tionalities is going on around you, and, while the legions of humanity are marching on to the music of liberty, will you alone be satisfied to lie on the highway among the English robbers, waiting for some good Sa maritan to pour the balm Of freedom on the bleeding wounds of your country? No, countrymen, the hour of Ireland's redemp tion is now at hand. Listen no longer, then, fo the cant of false friends, who tell you that they would be with you if they saw an opportunity. for Ireland; tell them that yon have made the opportunity, and are going to•reap the benefit of it for your coati try; tell' them, too, that when the Irish gained the victory at Fontenoy it was for a French King, in :a 'French cause, but the victory at. Li me seone Ridge was. for -Ireland; - it was Irishmen fighting in their own cause —nerved--by the wrongs of. seven centuries; andif the flag of St. George is te-day float ing *here our green flag was unfurled, England may thank the United States. Re taining, as you do, the vitality that proves the lit destructibility of your na tional character; with five millions of your race on this continent that were born in Ire land, independent of more than a third of the American people who have Irish blood in their veins; with five trillions in Ireland and five millions more scattered through England, Scotland and Australia, what is there to prevent you perfecting the glorious work so gloriously begun? Yes, country mesewhen the news of Nell's vlctory flashed over the wires, not the Fenian brotherhood only, but the whole Irish race,from Caned to the Gulf, and from the Atlantic to the golden shores of the Pacific, felt the shock. and with one impulse, joined the grand army of liberation, that will never falter till the independence of Ireland is aohieved. In the face of these accomplished facts,we would say to our countrymen in Ireland, have nothing'to do with the English Parlia ment; turn your face from that pest house of iniquity, whose breath is worse than poi son, whose smile is the sting of the serpent. Trust not your enemy in a new dress. She may- come to you with the old palaver of Parliamentary Reform; but the woe, the ruin, the desolation of your country is an evidence that the voice of the stranger pre vailed in your councils and reformed us out of Ireland. Trust not the Irish patriot that solicits a seat in the midst of a conclave of your ene mies; his first act in that conclave is treason tolreland, by swearing to support a go-. verment. whose throne is cemented with the blood of our people. You are now able to do your own reforming; and England can promise you nothing that you are not able to take. Remember that God's truth and provi dence are always , in harmony, and the right has never been delegated by Divine autho rity to the English Government to eater inmate a whole people. Not it is 'God's providence that the Irish race shall live; the "bud-writing is on the wall;" nor will the eloquent inconsistency pat forth by the crafty tools of that Government save, her olthe blood-stained robe from the ven- geance of a long suffering, a beave anti he roic people. Countrymen and brothers, we would urge on your the neceseity of more determined and energetic !organization); the awful mew:t -or:lEs ea the past ecenetip like frightful spec: tree iniploring'ne - to' embrace the present glorious opportunity; our fathers, whether they perished on the_nattle-field, in the dun geon,orongascaffold,treque tthed to us their sorrows, their sufferinge i and their wrongs to avenge, with the old land for our inheritance. We,are face- to face with they issue, and from it - there is rib `escape. save` in the dis graceful abandonment of the lofty position we now occupy, leaving the future historian to inscribe on thelpegetitot infamy . , the deep degradation iillegenelated ice. Countrymen and brothers, we know thil will not be. We appeal to you in sincerity. We feel lhateweehave a olatin77onlour con fidence. , Oar-past nifOrtti'and their results prove theiliength of our position and point the true road to litarty. We cannot tot, strongly impress on you, the. duties of the hour and necessity of `'meeting these duties prOmptly. Remember that a cruel alai relentless war is going -on in . Ireland, all:en the aide of thettoppreseor. Ifis true you do not hear the thunder of artillery nor the clash of arms; nevertheless, the agents of extern:illation, degradation, and debasement, those terrible instruments of9ppressiort, are-doing their fearful work: Your bravest and best are consigned to penal servitude. • In Canada the gallows is yearning for; new, victims. .Eemember the O'Neill, in the year 1410; in rdentinncing the crimes of England in his day, speaks thus: "They, the -robbers, lave -driven-us from our cities towns and villages - to the moun tains and caverns like wild beasts, leaving us not a foot of ground nor a blade of grass to call our own; but we will fight them, and our children's -children will tight them, to the latest generation, until ive'• drive them from our country or we are exterminated." You are living witnesses of this resolve of our race—to you is given the fulfilment of this prophecy; to you is given the glorious work of regeneration, of restoring the an cient grandeur, of your ruined isle. Countrymen and brothers, gather in your cities, towns and hamlets—be up and doing —take council for the safety of your coun try—wipe away the death-sweat from her brow—present her to the nations of the earth clothed in the robes of liberty, woven by your bravery; and when she sits down to the feast of ft eedoeshe will remember with undying love the devotion and self-sacrifice of her exiled children far away._ JAMES 11.10 AN, HUGH DAVIS, ALEX. NEWET, THOS. MEEHAN, JOHN MCATEER, JAMES GIBBONS, Committee on Address and Resolutions. FROM EUROPE BY ATLANTIC CABLE Lorinow, Nov. 26.—Further arrests of sus pected Fenians have been made in Ireland. rile national troops are ready to move at a moment's notice. • A prospectus has been published giving the plans for the proposed Nicaraguan route. The Times thinks it would be well if the en tire scheme were divided between the .4o vemments of England, France and the United States. LONDON, Nov. 26, Evening.—There are rumors that a republican organization has been discovered in Paris. It is said that the Empress Eugenie and the Prince Imperial will spend tne coining Christmas in Rome. BERLIN, Nov. 26.—The Prussian Govern ment intends to have a Consul• General lo cated in the city of New York. Fighting has been renewed in Candia. The Turks have been badly beaten, and saf 'ered greatly, no less than three thousand having been killed, and two thousand taken prisoners. Flnanclal'and Commercial. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 26, noon.—Cotton opens quiet and steady. Middling Uplands are quoted at 14 d. The sales to-day will pro tably reach 20,000 bales. The money market is quiet. Consols, 90 for money. Tie following are the closing prices of American securities: U. S. Five-twenties, . . ' . 702 Erie Railroad shares, . . . . 481 Illinois Central shares, .. . 77 LorinoN, Nov. 26, Evening.—The money market is easier. Consols closed at sn for money. The following are the closing prices for American securities: U. S. Five-twenties, - - - - 70 Erie Railroad shares, - - -47 k Illinois Central shares, - - - 77.} LIVERPOOL, Nov, 26, Evening.—The cot ton market is unchanged. Breadstuffs un changed. Lard dull. Washington News. It has been ascertained that Maximilian's tenacity in holding on to Mexico has been due to the expectations, encouraged by the reports of his late agent in the United States, M anano Degollado, just returned to Mexico, that a new civil war is on the eve of break ing out in the United States, and that this ou'd certainly be the case if the radicals carried the fall elections. It is expected that all such visionaries are now disappointed. The fact is known here that Degollado could not obtain audiences either from President Johnson or Secretary Seward while in the United States, all his efforts in thatdirection bac jug failed, his statement to the contrary notwithstanding. Returns received at the General Land Offioe show that during Ocibber 40,538 acres of the public lands were disposed of at lonia, Michigan, and 13,632 at Brownsville, Ne braska. Total, 54,470 acres. The greats portion of the lands was located 'with th. Agricultural Collegelserip, and taken up tot actual settlement under\ the Homestead act The Commissioner has under preparation a list, which will soon be presented to tie Secretary of the Interior for approval, of th. selections for the Central Pacific Railroad °I California, embracing 42,000 acres. There was another race over the Nationa Race Course to-day, two local horses “Lady Clements" and "Unknown," being the contestants. Thetime made was nothing extraordinary, but there was a great excite ment among those in attendance on account of the closeness with which the horses kep; up. The rat3e was a match for $.OO, mile heats, ..the best two out of three. "Lady Clements" won the first heat in 2 46; "Un known" the second in 2 52, and also the third in 2 54. It. has been stated in the various newspa pers that the President has given to Mn-. thompson permission for her husband, Ja cob Thompson, to return home.. Th*is untrue. He positively refused to give ( n:. inch permission, but said Thompson m et take the same consequences of returning as other prominent rebels still abroad. During the last three days abqp.t seventy Postmasters have been dispracod from nearly all of the smaller class of offices. Brevet. Major General George W. Oullum, of the Corps of Engineers, and late Super intendent of the United States Military Academy, has been detailed as a member of the Board to consider the subject of the modifications of the existing seacoast forti fications. Gen. Cullum will be stationed in this city. Our Consul at Trieste, under date of No vember sth,•writes that official notice has been given of the cessation of the cholera at Trieste, clean bills of health having beau granted on and a#19E1,4113 23d ultimo. riFrozoillffonsas. ST. Lotus, Nov. 26 —A. tire in Leaven - 'worth, on Saturday night, destroyed five buildings in Tbird street, occupied by Spo ilable &Co dry, goods; L M. Rothschild, clothier; Caspar Buehler, boots and shoes; S. P. Rothschild, Walter Morgan, S, B. Hamilton and Wetherill. Nearly all the i losses are covered by inAniances n Eastern offices. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.---PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. NOVI:1113ER 27,1866 FOA-PAI E OR LE A.S WHARRAND 1:10010 Lombard Street and Delaware Aveune. _ 7 bia.properkstbegl-amithin-104ee4otthe-north-line or Lombard atrePt and extends southward las feet onv itch; baa a.pier,4s feet hr width by,-0 31 reet4in iength and wide dock on ell hertide. - "Parma-4Ha !on mort gage for live year.; remit 'rider cash, with a deduction of about 111,0c0, laoly-tectuved-for ground - taken for Art la% axe avenue. as now open and paved, &PPY to A. (qualm ar, p022.1it,7 2.8 tElirothftnagtH•Streetadriaoa ISbins TH VERT= P,SQE TB,TY, NEAR BADE, 40 feel from. 198 aet In depth, with a side lot of fis et in length to sergeant stn. et. The Dwellings on Nin tbfstre et are large,' withlsll inedern cenvenlendell, and with stable on the 'rear. 'There are two Dwellings on Sergeant street. For sale by Po2l 6t* .11. mo ani, No. 233 north Tet th street. fir,4 A VERY DESIRABLE: CQIIN TEiY fizsr atM - D.E.NCE to LkT. wltrin ata miles of ttie city. near a station on the Pennsylvania Railroad, having a supei abundance of choicerfrnir - or every description, and one of the most productive gardens in the neign botbood. Adtheba _Box Philadelphia Post Mps FOR SALE—A Handsome. Four-story Brick Realdence,a ith.double three.story back buildings and baying every modern convenience. Situate on the north side of PINK street, west of Nighteenth. t ‘ t 22teet trout t,y 105 lest deep, to ostreet. •Imme diets, possession given. r. M. GIIBEHEY dt SONS, 508 Walnut street, silk, FORbeLlr•.-A Modern fottratory BRICK RE BB BLDENOR, withahree-story back buildings, situ ate on the south side of PINE street; west of neven eentb. Bus every convenience end improvement and is in good order.' Lot 20 feet front by 90 feet deep' to a street.. Immediate possession given. J. at.; GUM MAX& rEONS, 508 Walnut street, . 011tidANTOWN—FOR SALE.—A handsome, double pointed STONE .SEStabiNurc, arith pointed stone stable and carriage houce,and 134scre of ground, shwa., in one-of-thtt roost desirable parts or Germaotown.,and - wlthln ten-rnlnutes". k from the ll' Station, J.M. GUMMY it SONS, 50,5 Wal- - it. _suit Ass Le..— l:L taegant DWErTNO .on LO. ..d OUS. r street. near St Mark's °notch. , Also, first-class brown stone HOUSE on SPRUCE street, west of Seventeenth,._ E It. JONSS, me 0420 , - 622 Walnut Street. oft saDa.—ine desirable TbreerStory Brick Dwelling, with dcnble back buildings• every con. rtnlence. and.large lot of - ground. Situate No. as N. 9 R ELITE street. J. N. CiUIitLEY it, SONS, 548 Virs , iint street. —J Hr lialla801:11e three-story brick residence, with double back buildings; evory con- Veil en ce; uneerground drainage and aide-yard; situate No See North Eighth street. J. M. OL•T.SIMhY& 1.-_0151e,..5043 Walnut et reek • lik.Rsl RENT—a two and a as half story atone cottage. with large lot of graund. hnuate on Harvey street, within six minutes' wala from the rallroact‘depot. .1. M. GUI.* m & ISON6, SoS Walnut street • fn. • TO ENT, AT pu PER MONTH—A large don• three story Lew brick ROUSE, with closoh , Mat e stcr3 bark bui,dings, on TENTS street. below Montgomery ave nue. nosivt• VOR BALE.--l 0 to 40 MO acres of West Virgtcla LANDS in tracts to stilt buyers, good title, tbv hezt bluegrass laLda cheap. Apply to COPPGUE. JORDAN. 403 Walnid'street. 'VON. SALE CHEAP.—THRKE valuable LOTS, ea 1t x 140 feet ceeo, north side WALNUT. between tneieeath and Twentieth streets. Part cash.- Amu) to WPPLCh & JORDAN. 4a wiLzarr street. .110,1kOLUTION TO RELEASE A CERTAIN PRO ty of S. J. Kenney from the Lien of a certain •Judgmen , .a.csott t. Tly the Select and Common Councils of the City or Philadelphia, That the City Solicitor oe ano to beraby aothortz, cl to release and exonerate the 101 losing described prcperty of E. J. Kenney from ch . - ben 431 ajt dgcnant entered on th official bond of 3 • sepb Li - mita City Controller (D. (I,D. B. 11,Decein• her Tema. lees. No. 110. that Ls to say, Ail Ilia, certat. twee-13101y brick mamba ge or tenement, and lot o piece of 'gonna. sitmaa on the east side,. of Delawar. Front at set, at the distance of one hundred and one si et r orthaard from the north side of Reed street. b• the Pint Wazd Pi' the city of Philadelphia; containing In front or breadth on thesald Front street six...een lee and extendlrg In length or cep' ems:ward ninety feet to a certain twenty-feet wide alley leading mutates d tr m the said Reed street; Provided, his casecurltles cot 8, nt thereto. .And prort led/art/ter. That vie sans J. Rennes shall pay to the City Solicitor. for the nv (it the nit). the scm o: ten dollars, to defray the ex lenses incurred in the publication of this Resolution. WAL S. drOKLEz, President of AR mon Council. ATTEST—A.BP.A RA Ai t•TF.WAR dad stoma Clerk Of JAIDISLYND. President or Select oounciL Approved, this twenty-sixth day of za ovember, Anno Domini, one thousand eight nonerect sum alAty-edx, (A. D. Le 66.) taws. l'uN el, sit Heb.l. . It II .‘o. of PhnittiolptO a. .6.1; Alv of Forty host street, in the Taenty-seventh Ward. _ Beicutvd, Br the Select and C ommon Oottnella of the Cityl ut el pl 3lt , That the Chlel Commissioner o= EighwaYs be and he la hereby authorized and directs( to enter Into a cos tract with a competent paver or pavers, who shall be selected by a majority of the (Muer!, of property fronting on Forty.tirat street from Woodland Street to Chestnut atreet, in the Toren. ty-seventh Ward .or the paving thereof. The remel t:lm a or said contact shall be that the Contractor shall collect the cost of the paving trod, the owners of pro perty, and be shall also ewer Into an obligation to the city to keep the street in good order tor three years, atter the paving is compleo=d Whf. & STOELEY, President of Common Connell A.Tymr—AERIUIAM. STEWART, esaLtt.wv k tit O. W.clauaol:l JAME:3 LYND, - , President of =Select Connell. Approved this twenty-aizth day of November, Anna I. °mini one thousand eight hundred and sixty Mx (A D. 1868). MORTON IicMICEfARI... It Mayor-of Philadelphia, A 14 08D0.N...M...F. oitazip YELIMISiION TO 11. 8. A. Winer, to erect Wooden Boldingo at his new r tinting Vark. . _ t-ECTION 1. The Select and CommOn Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That parmie.sion is hereby grantee to a, A. Miller, to erect wooden build- I. CA, act more than one s, cry high. at his new skating tart , at the corner of Berke and 'Howard streets, in the Nineteenth Ward. Provided: 'that. he remove the same whenever re gutred. to do so by Councils, and pro vided also, that he pay to the Cicv Treasurer for the u.e of the city, the sum of Twenty-five doliars to pa ter the publication of this ordinance. Ali ordinance t 3 of ordinances to the contrary hereof notwith standing. WILLIAM S. STOKLEY, President of Common Connell. Avrasr--.1011:N ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common gnun , 4l. ./AIkEKS LYND, Preiddent of Select Connell. Approved this twenty-atath day of Novembe', Anne Domnd one thousand eight hundred and sLatyalx. (A D. Ms). MR I ON Iid.c.MICELAEL, it Mayor of ratiadeiptda. IJr kr.ISQ.suT, or. - Lc tx.mttOdaZg. Tests tiRADINt: 1, of blab-entb street,tom Master street to Colima ma ever ue in the Twentieth V. ard. Rcoitect. ny the eeh , ct at.d Comae!' Councils of thi it) of . Pollasielphia,Tnat the Chief Curtunistioner o it igha aye be sod he Is hereby anttorls.d and directs. o grade to, the es ablished grade of the city, dieteent , from Master street to Columbia avenue, in th. mtieth Ward, at a cost not exceeding the sum. c 1, iie hundred and eighty. Care° defiers. .vera. s sTomtar...... preedpor. of Common Cottrom. Arrns2—ABRAHAM STEWART. Assistant Clerk of Common Cotincil. JAMIE LYND, • President of Select Council. Approved this twenty.s,xth day uf November, on Domix,l one thoutand eight hundred and sixty-Mx, (A,D MORTO&McMICHAEL. It, May or of Philadelphia, . AN 'RI INANCE 10 MAHE AN APPROPItIA 'MN to the City Treasurer to pay for tamperers clerk hire. daccTiON 1. The Selec ord a in,mmon Councils of the city of Phliadelphis do That the anm of two tbomand dollars be, and the same is hereby appro criated to the City Treasurer to pay for temporary 4..l*rk hire: And the warrants ahall be dawn by the City 'treasurer. WILLIAM 13. EITOK.LEY. Prey is ent of Common Council. Avricsr 7 JOHN ECK , Th IN, Clerk of Common Connell. J A SLER LYND, President of Novembernell. pproved Ude twenty-sixth day of Anno Don int one thousand eight handrkd and sixty six (A.,D. INS). It MORTON McSIICHAEL Ma) or of Phliadefphia. CLOTHS, CASSIHERE9, oko. LoTBS, CASS( KERBS AND at tent ion V. gat& FS & LER Invite the attention of their friendt and others to their large and well assorted stock of Goods, adapted to men's and hors' wear, comprising inpar Blac t k French Cloths, Blue French Cloths, OVERCOAT CLOTHS, Colored Preach Cloths Black French Beavers, Colored French Beavers. Black Esqulm•ux Beavers, • • Colored Esqnfmatia Heaven'. Blue and Black Pilots, Blue and Black Paletillil. " PANTALOON STITES, BblekFrench Casalmeres. Black French Doeskins. FancypassLmeres. Nixed anti Striped Casslateres. Plaid and Silk Mixed CassfmaNa. Satlnetn, all qualities, Cords Beaverteens, dta. ,allgr all At wholesale and retaf, by JAMES dt Life , N o.ll N ort h snood at.. Sign of the Golden Lamb. • SIM.ON GARTLAND-- No. 35 SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET: nol7.3ami 117 BITING CASES AND DE 4KB, Da LA DUE S VV and other fine Eogllsh . maker MASON do 00., 907 Chestnut street. it EA'. ENTAmh.. CITY ORDINANCES. TINDB.RT:LSICE, riSAXCIALL • • 20 I. e. .3-10's.' • - _ ; - .1 4 1 . 40 ,5 54 0014 FOUN D _-INTERESTN OTES, ...• . . ':•BOLIGHTANCISOux-'• -;:4O.BO.IITHITIIIRD'STREET.': EXCHANOE - BANK . CAP TAL ;, 4 - • $300,000, PULL PAID, Ras Removed To Its New 13e,n1r.ing Ilouse., Nos. 633 and 635 Chestnut Street A. BOYD, President. ism. W. GILBOUGH, Caahte nont STOCK BROKER, GEO. HENDERSON, JR., NO. 223 DOCK 3TILE.F.T. Having resumed buslness,l am prepared to make Cash or Time purchases and .eases of Stocks, Bonds' de. Stooks carried at 6 per cent. Interest, wtthcmt and extra ckarge. Orders executed in New York, Boston sad Bald more.se274tm. tr. 71 14. SPECIALTY. SMITE, RMIDOLPH k CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS, Di South Third at., t a Haman UMW Phfladelphls. I NOW TOOL STOOKS AND GOLD BOUGHT 41-IND SOLD ON • el- BANKING HOUSE OF JAY COOKE & CO., 112 and 114 S Third St., Philada. Dealers in all Government Securities. OLD 5 t O's WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOIL NEW, A LIBERAL DIFFERENCE ALLOWS:: Compound Interest Notes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT, Collections made : stocks Bought and Sold on Own al u tTe e isl banzuns accommodations resemd itEr t?.7 30 000 TO Wm>) TO LOAN 6iiiistra , on approved etty mortgage. Also sums r is.oou to MAO. noW 12 E. IL.TOMDS, 5:2 Walnut street. MUNICIPAL CLAIMS. nurrimpACCLinas,- IF ' pa or picE. Pristantra,pnrg, Nov. ntb,lB6B.} NOTICE IS RERRRY GIVEN, in aconrdance with h e Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth or Penn • Ivarda passed 11th day of 111 arch, A. D. 18. M entitled n act relative to Registered Taxes and Municipal claims In the County of Philad.-Iphia," that the rol.ow. iug writs or scire tackle snr claim have been paced to my hands for service, to wit: HENRY O. HO WELL, Sheriff. City of Philadelphia vs. Osborn Conrad, owner. &c., P. I,lecen,ber . lerm, 1866 No. V; for the sum 01 seventy-nine dollars tar work and labor done and per t .rmed, and materials furnished,- In paving the cart. way on Seybert street, in front of the lot of ground Waste on the north aide of Seybert street, at the dis• mace of two hunt' red and twenty feet westward from the west side of Nine, eenth street, In the Twentieth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing In front or breadth on the said Seybert street forty feet, and extending in length or depth northward of that width linet angles to the said Seybert street threee eastern hereOf seventy one fret three ano quarten Inches and on the western line thereof thirty-seven eet eight and three.eightha inches. The - ownersty IN Philadelphia vs. Warthman and Barren, ; C. P.. , Dec. Term, 1866, No Z, fbr the sun. of two hurdled and eighty th, ee dol'ars and twenty. one cents, forwork and abor done and perfo: med, and materials It:trashed against all taut cer tan lot or p'eCe of ground. sites' e on the northwesterly side of Memphis street, and extending from York street to Gordon strew. In the Li.insteenth Ward of th., said city: caeltaining in front or breadh on the said Memphis street one hundred at d twenty-nine feet six and one eighth Inches. and extending In length or depth north. wee, erly of that width between the lines of York Basset and Elora on street lifty-tour feet, more or less [n t 9 2aw4 The city of Philadelphia vs. Jeremiah Rhoads owne or reputed ewner and contractor; CL P., December Tenn.:lBBs; No. 68: for the sum of one hundred and forty-right dollars for work and' labor done and per. formed, and materials furnished to and lbreight certain. buildings, and the said clalmanta have apportioned their saidclaim, claim, and oeaignated the amount due them' - on each of the said buildings, towit: thesum ofelghteen dollars and tiny cents, age Est No. 1; Alt that certain two story brick house and lot or piece of ground On which the same is erected and curtilage appurte 'apt thereto, situate on the west aide ofOrlana street, In the city of Philadelphia commencing at the distance of one hundred and tbiri y leet and six inches (13 • feet 6 inches) north oh Bergs street from the curb.containing in ftont on Odium street twelve feet.and extending in length or depth forty feetand tbree inchea, nolo 2aw4t EXPIIMS COMPANIES. A DAMS' 111112810N3 COMPANy,:-.01 1 a d d a ft e •rATEBDA-Y L NM 1, -the EBBIGHT DEPAMI MEET of this Oo_mpany be REMOVED to tit (Nbondatt-New fitting; Southeast corner' ot 818 Tm andMARTIETsWeets. Entrance= Eleventi street and on Market street. _ wfirALL MONET and 00.41,ximOlt EIISINESt be, umlauted 118 , hereSakm3 ati 820 DMIESTNIN Scrtall Earttehl And Paeltartei will be received at Wilma office. Call Books will be kept at each office, mid are. calls entered therein .provions ,to a P. hi. Wll4 readva attention same day, if within a reasonable distance of our office. Inqpin es for goods and settlements to made at SiX) ua TA txt„' street. JOHN BINGHAM. Soul, YIIINNA AND SWISS CARVINGS, in Penholders, Book marks Paper Knives, Match, & and Card Bozos and Baskete, and a variety or other useful articles. MAWS et CO.. nOl7 90734e5/taut etre% EV ISIITASAIIVUE i l t29-o , JAirtim p:)iawwuAL. IFIR.:ILIVIECILdf FIRE INSURANCE COMPfI4Y LADllll.llPktima &Meta OA January L 1866, F 0%6,4500 851 OM, itecra Pn edsttzpini#:=7:::777.l.7 - ..::" --- Ebtoo m . inn( 18 1 / 4 11310.000. Iir6IB.IMMED CLAIM. IMAM U. Losses Paid. Since' 1829 Over 05,000 0 000 s • Perpetual Mal lacMcoary Pollclea on LlbaralTtenu BS, • Musa IL EamOtey, prit Ed .IMPOw anlal We, Topics Wagner,: Seance /Wee, Samuel Grant, Alfred Filler, Dee. W.Rlcluirdi, Fries. W. Lewis, ht. D. Isaac Lea, Peter McCall. CarARL RD EB CL N. D Q%ls President. EDWAALE, Vice Yreeldent. JAIL Vic MaALLISTICH. Secretary pro tern. felltdal; GIRARI) FLRE AND MINI f• - INSURANCE COMPANY. oynncE,4.ThwALNET 13711111 T PHEDA.IIIS.PHLt caPrrata, RAID IN, IN tinfiff,l2oilooo. This company continues to write en ..rirs Hisiq cub Ita capital, with a good trurplaz, is safely ItivetteL 701 Losses by fire havebeen promptly bald, and more that ,000 • - Disbursed op this exeunt within the past few years.. •For tile present the office of this company will es Maul - 415 WALK STREET, But within a few months will remove to BULLPEN°. N. R. COB. howl= AND ltrusscst Then, sit now, we shall be yto Winne oar pal= at each rates as are conaietent with safety. DIEIGOTO =ARAB ORAITMN, &L PRZD S. GILLIM : PURBLNN SHEPPARD. N. a LAWERNMI. L. 'EROS. HACKELLAIL CHARLES L DU PONT .. ENO. SUPPIME. HENRY P. ILEINTLEKE ENO. W. ciaortoirs, JOSEPH KLAPP, hi. 11, SILAS YEDIK/D3, Xs. •• aL E a : w _ g n.01:41 TiaROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY of pvrit.a DELPHIA, NO. M broth FOURTH. Street. O INCORPORATED 3d MONTH, :"_d, 1563. CAPITAL, $ isa.ooo. PAID DT. Insurance on Lives, by Yearly Premiums; or by 540 or .3a year premiums Non•forfeitue. • Ent o wments, payableat a future age. or on prior de cease, by Yearly Premiums, or 10-year Premiums— both cases Non forfeiture. Annull les granted on favorable terms. Tern. Policies. Children's Endowments. This Company, while giving the insured the await: or a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire Profits of the Lite business among its Policy bottlers. Moneys receiver at interest, and paid on demand. Authorized by charter to execute Trusts, and to act as Executor or Administrator Assignee or Guardian and in other fiduciary capacities under appointment of any Court of this Cnnamonwealth or of any person or persons, or bodies points or corporate. Samuel R. Shipker. Hl DLEtECTORS. Jeremiah Hacey, Richard Cadbury, ry Haines, Joshua H. Morris. T. Wlstar Brown. Richard Wood, Wm. C. Longstreth, Charles . Coffin SAMUEL 8.. SHIPLEY, ROWLAND PARRY, Prezident. Actuary THOMAS WIRTAR. D., S. B. TOWNRENT), oot.tfj Medical Examiner. Legal Adviser FISMIL'ILLNUE tXDAPANT OP HOETit AAUMILL. .—MAI:UNE PLEB AND INLAND TlLANkpcs TATION NrCE. Onice.fflo.l2l WALNUT Meet, walk aids, etud Third stmt. The ProMdat or this 03332 P4M We Ma li iniressev and ftrnlah an available !tout kir the AV :out of iz aM uc rsons who desire to be Protected Luxus= DIMS taken on Vesse ls, • ant 'LARD TRANIEVETATICIIP RISKS on Mtn Chandble_per Ltallroads, Canals and BtaLndstais, FIRE lITI4Km on Merchandise, Poroltaxe and Bc Ibl l c I y bsoli_ciarr r PAIDWAND DEMITRI32,Y MAIM TOTAL PROPAALLA" PlSElMErtiremr4 Samuel W . J ' ' iOhn WriaArm 1 John A. Brown, allll4 George L. glum . Brands B. Cape? ireAmb Zdtward H. TroWim ' WWI= Weleh, E. S. els/like, - . Bichsel D. Wooly . William 02MMIlizi EL Mauls Wain . T. Chariton . T. Chazieeent Alfred D. Jessup, MIX= rumAIM:IIDB 431 , . MI ' . seaman , PrennasnE • . _. - FINE ASSOCIATION. Incorporated March Sri, 1650. n ; oyyma, No. st 5. FIFTH street /a sure BITIILDIN lISEHOLDFUB • NITURE and „oaA.e =ea ally, from Loss b Blre, the (A Medal phia y only.) m.ISEY c ST A :•TZHENT of the Assets el the Assuduku -Tarmso7 Mt. Bonds and Mortgagee on property In the My of Inilladelphia...---- Palms 12 Ground 13enta-- ESS Real Dilate (Office No 84 North Filth M 88[868) BAN U U. S. Government 5-20 80nd5.........._. —.. 45,000 S. Treasury Notea. -------- 6,640 0 City 60 0 Oath on 17,4.53 I( COMMIE W. TRY° ' President. WM. H. R ainTT TON JOSAPH R. LyarDAtar, JOHN SOURER. LEVI P. COATS PETER A. KEYSER, samara, sPAita&wit JOHN PHILREN, • CHARLES P. BOWER, JOHN CARBOW, JESSE LIGHTFOOT, GEORGE L YOUNG, ROBERT SHORMATEMI FM. T. BUTLER. BecretsrY. AC ELPH/A.MES ECIERTEANCLE °COMPANY Oft PEALA D INCORPORATED not—oLumca PEREI9I lIA.I NO: MI WALNUT StreetcAm s v iz En addition tohLILBENE an ` this Commtny tromrea from lon or ez =bi ar = mAI, rama, on bullillano, to hr.,. t.. for Ilmtted periods, and permanently on tallains ‘um. 13"M . maz ,... ,.....r t 0 °:13reini been In active ma.Lon' for awn whim all Imam ba. - = p rom sad d. , Et 1 ohn L. Hain. D avid Death IL. B. Hanon7 Benjamin =DM John T. Lewis,-`:..lteonnia EL roams WIDIma Q. Grant, A. B. hfcHen,w, Robert W. Leamina, Edmond OaaMloa, D. Clark Wharton, t3sunnel 'Mc= Lawrenoe /Awls. Jr Lome 0. Norris: anail D. •• I • : +I. 4 , ProaldeM, Mum= Wilma. Seoretau. MTISBURANON TOCOLITSIVAIA uses IMAM& WPM rarSURARCOS 00. M PARY—lnoorteraledi 1825—Cluirter Perpetual-1R fio wiLmerT- Berea, opr Indepsmdenoe Wart Thls Oempany, tilMllb kn own tile COMMIIII*I tar over !bra years, oon nee to basun sealnya ar damage by Bre, on Public or Private Tbaildlngy either permanently or Au a limited-dyne. Also, oy trug ena toreatts of Goods and Merchandise generall.l Their Cabltely todenur with a large Pend Invested In the malt csrefel manner, widen heenable than to o o fihr to the insured an undoubted warm" e case nes. banal Smith. Jr... Alexander led Benson, map linadwia Thomaa Bo b _ • : ellialaare 6. Osownia, A KOHJOA.N HO'I'llA.L LEIBOHANUE COIOPA.IIIII .Cl. —olltee_ _ . ..p.nhaz Be sr M iD NO. la ~., A. 1,113). Street. na.n.a.vas AND f..‘,lliMaltalquita. Risks taken on vessels, cargoes and Wto all paro of the world. and =on basndlzalitatlen o) Mee mina United States aro, ova anrewanta thlonaboat Ilta . ! . WILLIAM mem, Prasl acwzaw. rag lir ec o re OU rp LLZH . . Vim g i allot 11X1Dananns. w TM= OWL He O. DallstS, Peter °Mx% Wm. O. Lowber, a Rem Densido lliat, J. Johnston Brown. - William H. Etamnel 4.. Bab a.Bea W. Itiabarda Maso a Hutchlna, Milts Dallet_ t, Heagl lt Elder. wto. ilf. MUM S Mme, Mama aarylli. all SIXItICAN IMO iIIiBISBARIIIS 0111d:PhiSlr. Ca- INVORPORATED uno.-4xEuarris Mugs qD WAI4II7T Burr above TZUBD strew PEILSISM.LPHIA. Having a paid up auvrex nom and SOW 14+1)13 Invm,ft n =aid and available Ileomsdlas, on , Sinn to insure on Dwain:tor, &ores Pandtars, ibasullse, venal' ln an d their Out m, and othss Personal Property. Luria. -norattsaa and sainstad. Saza rt":"°l l2l W o l %. inszbL oloa. - - Mika Bratl3 1 John T. UAW% /ma B. Osawb•III 'Edmund G. DMA. Charles W. Poaltirei rracucts R. hwas..rreatium , • O. L. es.awircuen. Bactvitinr. 1113 ussiras.NPAPrit, No. tee a.lwiTenrr MUM • PIED AND IRELAND. INS'S:ERA/10R ?names N. Back I • .Tno. W. arerntim Chubs Biideas, Robert B. Potter RebrY Lowit_ • goo. Ressbxr • barnote verb= 1 ~ Z D:Woodratt r.;EL, 7131321139, . Melon, gap. A. Weal J os. D. Null. FRAM= N. Emir president Sri L +maim az CR j B. 111 13 =Dsok ; 4 77D8 aw : . VEIN, Preeddertk Prentdect and Tresanzer etary. taint John veremor, Thomas S De znnh. Henry Lew* J. SR-lbw llllli ock Jr. axerliar., premium shed edges to tkii Glass wheela, each as weoften find in these of inn, and the latter, though smoothly fin. halted, will soma rust, from the dampness of the atmes. p b eret trpothlng. else, producing roughness on thesur. &es; or edge, wfille ii e former will always maintain the smoothne,a of glatis,Jost as they are finished. By sleeping upon glass wheels retiring all the elan. Aridly - yen had in your body on, and YOU get up in the morning feeling as fresh and active as young - mart. Glass. being a - non-conductor, the eleo. Welty gained while in bed cannot yeaB (aster Ask your 'doctor what be thinks of the Glass Wheels; Ask him if all dismiss, with the exception of chronin diseases. are not caused from the want of electricity. We have a man !now place whoth the , doctors pro. nounced .past curing, with the inflammatory rhea. matfem.Vhe wheels cured :him in less than tier weeks. Be is to-day a stout healthy man. These are facts which can be proviso on application' at our onset. No. 20S Race street, Philadelphia, or at our Pactory,at weatville.. Nero Jersey where we have some Sixty bands employed in the manufacture of the Glass tOrWheels._ . $lOO will be paid to any one who will say they have not received anybenefit or relief after using flapewell , co.'s Patent Glass motors. A. sample set (4). of the Wheels sent to any part of the United States, on re• celt of .1 50. ' E.. CAPEWELL &00 p p ot Mil 'No. 205 Race atreit. itaNAßlrSECM — aNynntr-dvo barrel Prima -04 L nary eft, In Mare and Ibr main by WO/OMM a. QOnNt WARM OWN UfflHiU,.24dlA . . .Insure 'Your Life in the - AMERICAN -- LIFE INSURANCE CO. - _OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnut Sta, Which bias been In operation since 1850, and now be an tocuraulat ion of over $1, 4 5001000, , WTI:DENTS 152, CLAWED ANNUALLY, AND ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. ' - Risks Taken on a Single Life to 820,000. OFi IMES. • . iLEXATIDtiIt WHILLDIN, President. Firm of A. WbnidinctSons, Meicbants, No Wand 22 S. Front street. GEORGE NUGENT, Vice President JOHN O. STMS, Actuary. _ JOHN P. WILSON, Secretory and Treasurer. - CHAS. G. ROBESON, Asaffitam Secretary. no2l-7til uvEtteooL AND LgliDON AND 415}1.00131r. INSURANCE COMPANY. CaPitatand Assets, $16,000,000. invested in United States, $1,500,000, Total - Premium". received by the Com pany in 1865, $4 947 115. Total Losses Paid in 1865, $4,018,250. Premiums received in the U. B. from January 1 to Lome in United ates B B 6 from ,6 January'a 1 to July I. 1393,188 81. All leases promptly adjusted Without reference to England. ATWOOD SMITH, OFFICE bleneral Agent for PenneylVanish . No- 6 'Merchants' Exchange. re - att,th.fui PHILADELPHIA. ~t;T.paR I.I.IbIJRANU.4 I.XMLL'alqr ON Incorporated in 1841. Charter PexpetUal OFFICE, No. alB W STREET. CAPITAL, 1..vc,000, Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, a Houses, Stores and other Buildings limited or per.. petaal, and on Furniture, Goods 'Wal l as and merchart. dUez • in town or country. LOS.I PROMPTLY ADICSTED AND PAID. ASSETS ...1448,001 11 Invested in the follow i ng Securitlea, Eirst Mortgages on City Property, well se- ' cared- 1124,108 01 Cnited States Government 135,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans....--- 55,000 00 "Pennsylvania 13,000,000 6 per Cent. Loan..- 81,1800 01 Pennsylvania Railroad. „Bonds, first and air 115,000 00 ia - Scii - e.ia — anl ag littio - y 13 fahn — : 7 ...ia Company's 6 per cent. Loan. - Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com _pts447'Bll per mut. Loan 5,000 01 HuntibgdZin and Broad Top 7 percent. mon. County Fire ISITur - iile itsGiany's Stock-- 1,050 00 Mechanics' Bank - 4,0E0 00 Commercial Bank of Per.nailvam*Siock... 10,(Xie 00 Union-Mutual Insurance Company's Stock.: 880 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel... phia's Stock.. LIVO 011 Cash In bank ................. 5.414 11 lifXt,oo4 DIRECTORS. 71 MEDI. Tingley, Beni. W. Tinsley. Wm. Dir.= nr, Marahall MU, Samuel Blapham, - Marla; Leland, H. L. Carson, - Thomas H. Moon" Bober Steen, - Samuel enamor, Wm-Stevenson, Alfred Ragll44 James T. Young. ' 't 2ELISGLEY, President. !Lady i. ism. THOMAS C. BILL:= 7 : Plini4nstarlaA. Decem TIIAL FIRE UtiSIIRANCE COMPANY OP PHILAD L,PHLA. OFFICE, NO. 5 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, _~~; -, CHARTER PERPETUAL. MUTUAL SYSTEM EXCLUSIVELY. DEFLECTORS FOR 1866. Caleb Clothier, Benjamin 'Malone, Thomas Mather, T. Ellwood Chapman, Simeon lilatißek. Aa:an W. Soak'.ll, FiWn 11. RNJAJMIS THOMAS MATEDER, T. ELLWOOD CHAP TEN 00172SITY PIKE .LNBUILAINC.S caul-ABTA, OFPIM NO. 110 SOUTH FOrliTE" STIMM. =tow atteurnrov. 'Me Pure Insurance Oom 01 the o=3o el Philadelphia." Incorporated b e y the LogiMalatre ni Pennsylvania In it 22, ibr Indemnity *Tabun ipso or dialls" androril Ida ol reliable Institution, trlth ample captlal and contingent fluid carehrly !nested conttonies to la. care Widths* furniture, merchandise, &c., either per. insnently or for a limited tme, against lo= or by fire, at the lowtat rates consistent with the safety of Its customers. Losses adjusted and'id wise all possible demstinlit Edwin L. Beath, I Georg e m rse Horn, mseam Joseph Moors, James N. Stone. T. 73 J. SUITES. Prasidstatt Seev and Treasurer. exarleo J. Butter, Henry (Sli ly, Robert, V. Massey, Jr, Henry Budd, Andrew H. Killer_ 3163FIAMIN F. HOSCSLEY A ACITE aiSELD.,&I94IB 00111EPABEIret CRA_RTER PERPETUAL. Office. No. SD WALNUT street, &Dove Third, Phad.l Will lxusnre against Lose or Damage by Fins, on BMW tags, either perpetually or tbr a limited time, FlormahOld Furniture and Meatchandise generally, Also—Nazism Insurance on Vessels, i naiad, Inland Inanzance to all parts of the IRECTOR& Wm. Esher, David 1 4 3322103114 D. Luther Peter Ba Sieger, Lewis An d enrled , E. um, T. R. Blakist,M, - Wm. F. Dean, rat Nanileld, John Ketcham. WM, President. ' Wilt. D ,VicePronsist qlt: l 4 abliTlEt. Secretary 1 Es - VERSON FIRE-INSURANCE COMPANY OF YHILADELPHIA.—OFFICE, No. 29 NORTH IFTH STREET, NEAR MARKET STREET. Incorporated by the Legisla tore of Pennsylvania., kb:Lai:MICR Pmaeirrusr.. PITAL AND SEEMS, tI50;000, Make-Itunirance against Loss or Damage by Fire or Public oryrivate Buildings, Furniture, Stocks. Abode and Merchandise on favorable terms. Dtthi:CTORS. 3eorge Erety, Frederick Doll, August C. Miller, Jacob Schandler, John F. Beleterling, Samuel Miller, Henry•Trocraneri Edward P. Moyer, Wlliiam McDa4 Adam J. Glass, Christopher H. Miller, Israel Peterson, Frederick Steaks, Frederick Ladner Jonas Bowman, GEORGE JOHN' F. - BELST PHILIP R. COLEMAN, ELRETY. President. ma: '43, Vice President. Secretara CAJSIt OK : ELLS. VOR BEA.LTH AND STRENGTH Daft CAPE .WELL & PATENT GLASS* CASTOR WHEELS. • These wheels are designed ibrtito. Pianos, Bedsteads, We; laim that they give to Pianos a greatly Increased force ofsonnd. without detracting from the harmony ancl melody of the Instrument, rendering every note more distinct to the ear. This in so apparent that the/ are now being applied by many to -thartealuable mu sical instruments. Dr. Valentine Ho pr evious to his ceath, pronounced the Glass Castor Wheels an In valuable invention for bedfast Invalids, who are gun ded against the damp floors after undergoing the precis:lBot cleaning, or where dampness is produced frtm any other came. Aside from this Homo:keepers are relieved from the dread °flawing their carpets cat or torn, as frequently happens from those now in use, often canned by a rust, which adheres with glue-like tenacity. No such annoyance can possibly proceed from the Glass Castor Wheels, as we all knew that lass is noncorrosive. There are no rough or nnfin . deW —.s.iocAs - 5126,522 21 I William P. Reeder, 1 Joseph Chapman, ICharles Evans, -Edward M. Ne edles, Wit on M. Jenkins, Lukens Webster. (ER. President. 11.,1E, Vice President. Secretary. seez2-.lml