Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, November 27, 1866, Image 4
atilt uF IifORKONISAI. 7cset thirty years, • ds it rppears, Is all of El ormonikm's age; - Sots SOodness met - • What a funny Already does Ste care engage! Strange, on my word, How they afford - So many boya in (lollies to'keep, Where there's no Tosser, with - pricee cheap! iffsslisvg eood aerutcaablapvercoats as tow: . 2 , 61681 ' , tench 27eater qasreocia-,' up to And all the interthswing grades, ' ills HAVE G00f,.1 (kustmere tuffs as lowa as 16 00 Finest...Fi - ench Cassate.!•B dnd Alt intert—mnina mutes. 7 . 11f111 fl liOod Black Butts, as toui a 5.....—. FWitat French Black Stilt!. up La..... And atl intervening Trades. , E Ilev - E, in sAort, the largest., best 'auortl, and most complete 3 itock Meri'd, Youth's and ` Bour' aothiny, in to any in the city, in ity/e, make and ft, eons:n*olg all kinds, styles. tires and qualities, adapted to the wants of add, and told at lirwer x.riw,t tha n Me lowest 'elsewhere, or the money retouled. .7510/ Way between liyaanorr & Co., FLVTB AND .TOWED $A L, 8 , 1713 ISM JJ 518 MANN= STEEN% ifit-411 our prices ore lower than for several year& — Dg BAD WAY'S PILLS (CO &TED) ABE INF.AL ‘I.7 Ri I{, as a Ftnittive BIL and Pni Ifter of the Blood. E. Bile in the Stomach can be suddenly eliminated by one coee of the .Pilis-tray;from tear to six in number. When the Liver la in a torpid state, when species of acrid matter from the Mood or a serous fluid should be overcome, nothing can be better than Eadiouy's fßegu lamp in y give no ,unpleasant or unexpected shock toary portion of the system ; they purge ea.& y, are mild in operation, and when taken are perfectly tasteiess. being elegantly c 'Bud with gam. They con tain nothing but purely vegetahluproperttes, and are on altered by high authority,the beat.a./danest purga tive known. They are recommended for the.care of all (handers of the Eitonvich; Liver. Kidneys, itremous Diseases, indigestion, Dyspepsia. Biliousness,, -kw!, anin-fion , of the .Bowels, Pies, and symp tome resulting from Disorder+ of the digestive organs. Price.% eentener box. Bold by Druggists. riatMs.,u-lat 10 4ittu si bTEIN WAY &lONS direct - special atten• tendon to their_ newly invented "Upright' , lITTM Fianna, with their "-Patent Bascmator" and a. tare Iron Frame, patented June 5,186 a This 'Mired ticn conattta le providing the instYument (in addition to the it on frame in front of the aoundboard) with an iron brace Warne in the rear of it, both frames being east fn one pace, tht reby imparting a anlielty of con• struction and capacity of standing in tune never before attained in that clew of instrument. The soundboard ' , supported between the two frames by an apparatus regulating Its tension, eo that the greatest possible -degree of sound-productsg capacity is obtained and regulated to the nicest des! cable point. The great volume and exquisite quality of tone, as well as elasticity and promptness of action. of these new Upright Pianos have elicited the unqualified ad miration of the musical profesaicul and all who have beard them. BLASIUS BROS. confidently offer these beautiful in struments to the pub lc andinvite every lover of music to call and examine them. For sale only by BLASIUS BROS, n0.21.6t/ 1006 Chestnut street. ir.RIzR(IHT, BEEILEB & bUMODT, Manufsetrirers of first claw PIANti-FORTES. Ware Boom, No. 46 North THIRD street, PHILADELPHIA. (n22tho,tu-8m O.KI BKti.Nta Ibiii.N4Ys IN EU SOP iSL —I,LANS VON BULOW. the great German Pianist, by letters Mat received from Europe, proposek to play only the VHICKERING PIANOS during ads concert tour in the United States. se24-tf t it .PIANOS. 1 GEO. STEOK ec CO'S. cele- PIANOS. PIANOS. braced Pianos. for sale ONLY PIANOS. PIANGS. by J. E. GOULD, PIANO & Seventh and estnnt, simA (SB74TIONIING GRAND PIANOm 01 Ay_ed by &timbal, the great Plardsi zurope, at Florence, rtsly, was considered sapertor In all respects to the instnunents of &rosewood a &tint, hitherto regarded as the best the world; New Rooms 914 seL.otf (11110IIRRING GRAND PIANOS. N . —The New Bottle Ohickering Grand Pianos are acknowledged the best infEl i Ell Rngtand, Germany and Italy. Notice the great Watt. =oasis received from Europe in August last. Hag. nificent collection Of these instruments. HHICHBRING ROOMS, 914 431111.13TFUT STREET. oerrtfl W. H. DUTTON. CABINET ORGANS. "). These beautiful instruments CABINET ORGANS. are made 01(LY by MASON CABINET ORGANS. HAMLIN, and for sale in Philadelphia, only by 7. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut wpmTHR OBLIGE hRI.NG lIP.RIGHTm PIANOS quality of tone and amount ofpower nest to the Grand Piano, and ale particularly adap• ed to the Parlor, the Boudoir or the Study. These beautiful Imam ments, in great . Variety, at the Chickering Booms, 914 Chestnut street. °ate. tf oImORGANS MELODEONS, EVERY STYLE.—The oelenrated Gem Organ Immense assortmen4very_low prima erANO ROOMS. W. H. DUTTON, le26.tft N 0.914 Chestnut street. THE BEAuTieui. NEW sTy.LE Tem • R OB PLANOS, seven octaves; charudgli; tone; guaranteed durability; very /ow price, 914 OBUIETVIIT STREMT: W. /I. DUTTON. PIANOS. ) 603 HALNBS BRO'S. elegant instrumeuts PIANOS. d moderate in price, I have dealt in for PIANOS, fourteen years, and give a five years' guarantee with each. 3. E. GOULD. noS•tf Seventh and Chestnut. ENENING BULLETIN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1866, THE Tics r OATH OF HISEIOIIRL Many persons have objected to the Test Oath of Missouri oi the ground of its being of the nature of religious intoler ance and persecution. This charge is not justly applicable to the case. When a particular form of religion is adopted by the State, and disabilities and punish ments, are denounced against all who do not conform to it, dissenters naturally complain of it as a violation of the rights of conscience, and therefore as unjustand tyrannical. Such has been sometimes the case where the Church of Rome or the Church of England has been estab lished and all persons have been com pelled to contribute to the support of a particular religion, and punished if they attempted publicly to worship God in any other way. This is what has been gen erally understood as intolerance and pit isecu don . But this is not the case with the Con stitution of Missouri. The test oath is not of a denominational or sectarian char acter, but civil in itsnature only. It re quires that before men shall practice in their courts, or preach the Gospel— wh ether Presbyterianism, Methodism, or any thing else--or do several other things, they shall purge themselves, of treason and rebellion, and give a pledge to keep the peace and be loyal to the govern-. ment of the State and of the United States, in the future. Now it does not appear that the great doctrine of toleration and religious liber. ty is at all impaired by this provision,so long as it applies to all denominations alike. We are not required , to condemh the action of the people of Ml6BOl/ri in incorporating this provision in their fun damental law. Some have very justly said,"lf a min ister is guilty of any offence against the State,let him him be sulject to the same penalties thatare inflicted on other men." Well,he has been guilty of such offence, or the test oath would - not be in his way . He pleads guilty. by refusing to take it, and he is punished as other men are who are si m ilarly circumstanced. The lawyer, for imistau ce, is prat ibi te d from practising in their, courts, .unless he takes the same' oath, and, having this in his way, top, y of aim eomklain,9! it grievousl =; . _ 'v. H. DUTTON, No. 914 Chestnut street. W. H. DUTTON AN ACHIEVEMENT IN RAILROADING. The party of gentlemen who started from this city ‘ four weeks ago yesterday, on a visit of inspection to the Ra..stern Division of the Union Pacific Railroad, returned home last week. A peculiar feature of this trip was the fact that the entire journey was made in the same car from Philadelphia to Fort Riley, in Kansas, the present western terminus bf the road., ftpd a distance of nearly fifteen hundred miles. The car used by the ex cursionists was the Directors' car belong ing to the Pennsylvania Railroad dorn piny. The party took their own sup plies of provisions with them, and as the vehicle was fitted, up with facilities for sleeping, it was, in fact, a moving hotel, where the 'travelers were the guests. This journey gives a significant hint, not only of what may be accomplished in respect to traveling over vast dis tances without a change of cars, but of a deecription,of facilities for rapid and comfortable travel, the want of which will be more \`and more felt as the great lines of railroads become extended,until the shores of the Atlantic and the Pacific are linked to gether by iron bands. Passing through a new country, where distances are mea sured by hundreds of miles instead of by leagues, and where large settlements I are, few and farbetween, is very different from a journey through populous dis tricts, and long stretches of travel be come a neceSsity. Thet::ay may•not be very far distant when the traveler who is bound to San Francisco will take his seat in a ear at New York or Philadel phia, and, with his bed and board furnished him on the train, speed.west ward through cities and villages, over mountains, through valleys and across wide prairies and ;desert plains, until he reaches the shores of the Pacific. The ordinary sleeping car is a step toward that result. The recent trip to Fort Riley shows.whit can be done in a sin gle car,in the way of saving time and . preventing discomfort. Was the Di rectors' car of the. Pennsylvania Rail road company thepioneer of a movement by which the traveler who- is bound on a lon g journey will take to his car as he would to a ship, for the voyage? The Union Pacific Railroad Company showed their Philadelphia guests that the thing was capable of accomplish ment, and as General Palmer, the Trea surer of,the Company, remarked on the trip s there was, nothing in the way of going righttbrough to the Pacific ex cept the want of a railroad over aportion of the route. As the Company is now grading its road at the rate of a mile a day, and as the track-layers follow hard upon the heels of the graders, the con summation may not be, so far 01l as some persons imiagine. It must be borne in mind that while the officers, of the com pany are pushing the work for ward so rapidly upon the Eastern division of the great work, a like activity prevails upon the Western division,Which lies west of W. H. DUTTON and they have adopted all the expedients a lawyer could conceive.of to be relieved of it. It prohibits their vocation to thein, and they are.thus deprived of their usual means of stipporting themealves and families. Undoubtedly it is a great hard ' ship, both - to them and their clients, "whose interests may suffer, in Comte quence. But so are all deprivations and punishments, and they would fail of their object, if they were not. But .the public security requires it, and it is a maxim . that. the public safety is the supreme law, and the people of Missouri haVe thoughtthis provision necessary to secure that safety. • • • It has been said in reference to minia ters being restrained by the Test Oath of Missouri that the punishment is not merely an infliction of a civil disability, but also a prohibition of certain religious duties. We reply that it is no less a hard ship for the lawyer to have his profes sional duties prohibitedthan it is for tlie minister to have his religious duties" , terfered with. Of course, we speak of bis public religious duties, for his private devotions are not invaded, whether minister or lawyer. It is con ceded that if one were imprisoned i or ban itbed or hung, it would not bean infrac tion of religious liberty. Now either of these penalties would prevent him from preaching the Gospel, at least in that State. The greater includes the less, and if a man has rendered himself liable to the extreme penalty of death, he should not complain, nor his friends for him, if l i the law mercifully provides a way by which he may be permitted, not only to jive, but to remain at his home, and all his former rights and privileges are ac corded to him on the easy and reasonable condition that he shalt take an oath of loyalty to the State he endeavored to destroy, but which will still magna nimously permit him to remain within her bosom. Many of the former hearers of these non-juring ministers, no doubt, also feel aggrieved, and would be glad to have their ministrations renewed, and their interest in - Those ministrations would probably be enhanced Ihy an occasional sympathetic allusion tothe "lost cause." The people of Missouri, however, say to them: "we •cannot .- consent to have these feelings indulged and in flamed, arid our State again deluged with blood. We must not take that risk, and therefore we will not permit those who have brought on us the calamities of war, murder, arson, anarchy and devastation, to plead in our courts, teach in our pulpits, or serve in our legislatures, u - less their hearts are in a state to comply with the conditions contained in the Constitution."' We do most heartily ap prove and applaud those men for their devotion to their country, and for the means they have adopted to secure its future peace and prosperity. TITE DAILY EYENINt:i IttiLLETIN.-PHILA.DEI, I PHIL, TIrESDAY, IitIVEATRER 27, 1866. the Rocky Mountains..-The latter offer an important i obstiele" to. the --rapid eon struction ofa completed Pacificßailroad; but thegtline engineering; skill that con structed a railroad over the Allekhanies wili-surmount this 'difficulty. Liberal • • expenditure and enterprise will 49 the THE MERALD'S SIAR-SI.IIOWEIL. On the - 16t1f—of•Novembei . the New York • Herald. published despatch , dated Greenwich Observatory, England, 'Nov. 14th, 6.:A: M. - , giving an account of a splendid meteoric show : el . : that oc curred on the previous night". The des :patch purported to have come by the ;Atlantic cables, and if it did , it must 'have cost a good many hundred dollars. IL stated - that the meteors were observed as early as ninein theevening; that they ;increased in numbers and size; reaching `their maximum ibetween'one and two in the morning of the 14th. Nearly twelve thousand were counted with the naked. Yesterday London and Liverpool pa pers of the 14th of November were be fore us, and they contain not a line con cerning this reported phenomenon. They go to press at five in the morning, and it is n?t likely that they would have been silent con cerning a' display Which lasted the _whole of the previous night. The Scotia is at New York to-day, with news to November 18th; but no meteoric shower is mentioned in the summary of her news. 'lt looks as if the Herald had hoaxed its readers, or had been hoaxed by some telegraphic wag. He told his story circumstantially, and scientifically, describing the courses and colors of the meteors and their positions with re ferenee to the constellations and planets. They "radiated from the constellation Leo, near the star Gamma Leonis." This sounds like a 'little gammon of the British Lion. What has the Herald got to say about it now? Can it show its receipt for the cable telegraphic tolls? John B. Byers & ON, Auctioneer*, Nos. 232 and Zi Market street. will bold on tomorrow, (Wednesday) November 28, at 10 o'clock.a large and important sale of Foreign and Domestic D , y Aooda on four mann s' credit comprising &Dm, 420 pieces buck and blue Cloths Doesalos, Tricots Fancy Cassi• nieces and Coatings. Fequimans. Moscow and riastor Beavers. Astrakhans. Lhlnchtliss. &alines Piton., If-altars. Satin de thene, etc. Fall atlas Merinos, Plaids, Alpacas Delaims, Paris and British Fancy Dreeis Goode. Mika, Snawls. Linens Balmoral and HM•p rLE. nut, Traveling and Under Shirts and orawera, erwings, large invoice handsome Carriam• and isleirb hugs finest imported. Also, Mastery, Gloves, Ties, - clefs, Band k erchien, Also, 150 packages . Cotton and Woolen Domestics for cash. FRM&Y. Frovember - 313. at n o'clock, bycatalogne, (41 fort monthe'crodlt, about pieces *upwsrtlne and Floe Ingrain. Royhl Dap ask, Venetian. List, Hemp, Cottage, ace Rag Carpetings, &c. Real Estate hate ro•tnorrow. . Thq Sale tl•vwrrcl, by James A. Freeman, Auc tioneer. incluctu a number of desirable properties. See pamia'alet catalogues Public Sale. Valuable Real 'Estate. TuFseay hi at. SeeTnoznas et Son.' auction cbl.anin ior6 HAINES BEO4. PlANOS —Moderate in % price, and Bald with live years' gnaraatee, nol44pf SEVENTH and E HOS LD, C r. 4... ND lt 43 PAPERS. IliNlni.oPEB, BLANK BJORN an , Emery requisite in the Stationery line, telling as el* ;watt Stares ANS tore, asit-terpf ifthLtiDO trWNIN G eet. two fI IA oors aboStallone Ty ve Walnu S t. J OEL ORT.IMP,_BII • ER, t , CITEEMTNDT ETRE. ET, M LOET. Mechanics of every =U breachDGE STRE required for Ydnumbulld tag and fitting promptly thrnlst.d. JrZ•Orarn _ _ - SAMUEL W. LkINAI3..BO. 11l South SEVENTB street. Philadelphia, PLUMBER, GAS awl -TFAill FITTER. Work done promptly aad in the bes. manner. Pumps, GAR fixtures, And all =Sten a! used in the bnetneaa Varnished. ocl7-ranip,l AN BALL rerYlas. HAM. THEW. H. hicelli_LlA. Rat and lasp_amporittra. 101111.. . 664 ORIDISTZ.MT STREET. i h WARBURTON, PANHIoNABLR HATTER, 6 " 41 .0r0 Chestnut street,_ Next door to Pon office. X RWSPAPFIII ATIVEJITIBING.—JOY. CAS & 00 -• N. E. comes of luri.lt & CiaIISTRITr Streets Philadelphia, and TRIBUNE BUILDENGO, New York, are agents ror the So=mak and for the News , open of the Whole oonatry, .tyl74forPi 600 GBLFFTI' S IP,t. PAGE, 600 600 House Furnishing Goods, ARCH STREET. tkates, Skates, HOUSE FTIRNI4RING ST,,B.E, 99 NORTH NINTH STREET. IN. WOOD, WILLOW aNLIKON WARE. BABES, k•ETTLIS, TABLES and CLOTHAS WHLNGES.S, HOLIDAY GOODS. no9_ -3m nal THOS W. YOST, Agent.. exPERA Ope l ASSE Finera Olaasee, made by Pef.. R&RDOII. of Paris. Imported and ibr sale only by `O. . A. Tnumra4r.H. Bevendland Obeetntu, etreela. cwal4p,tf AD. P JossesWM. TEIf.PLIS. Josor Dresuriumst JONEECTIshiPLE, & CO, wBOLEsALE A ND RETAIL HAT ZeLiNISPACTURFRES, 29 South NINTH street, first store above Cbeetnut. ocs-tf NAT FOR A THANKSGIVING PRESENT PllO - 20-MINI Al ARE. or alz Card or "Ile large Photo graph tot 41, made at B. F. REIMER'S Clatiory. 624 Arch street. ... - 41LVER PLATED and Steel Blade Ivory Handle Table Cutlery (Carvers and !nee s), with a f le va riety of oilier etyles, for sale by TRUMAN & 3H.e.W. N 0.838 (Sight Thirty-five) hiarketstreet. below Ninth. 1 FERROTY PIS FOR fa ORNTiI; SIX CARD OR 1 cne lane PhoteEri . kph for $t nattir.t and cheat, lb) !SWUM presents. Prfen. 12N IDSEnvII.L. GIFTa FOR CH RIsTALIII. examine the stook of Mardw.re and Cutlery at TRU U.AN EMILIA 'S. rio. &I 5 (EWA Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. DI EP hilS' FOR NaTUR.A.L OR HAIR Flowers. on hand and made to orde., at RET /51ER'S Looking Glass and Picture Framer mporium. Arch street, east of Seventh. BOXES ANL CHE. , TS OF TOOLS rtittable for Wm to ladlt er gentlemen. for sale at the Hardsvare Store ofTRUALAN SHAW, No. 833 (Eight ThirtY eve) Market street, below Ninth. , CCM 013NTA IN" W ikT MEALof anno LV.I rfor q. silty, warranted. qua] to any in tue mar ket—in bags, one-fourth and heir bvrele. Also en ice t , t, tools, Ohio end Virginia ;amity :dour at the 'mew.. cash' prices. GEO. P ZICHI4DRII; ' n027-30tr fourth (Successor toEOriPanaliZVettuneder..) • Q.I.'A RE LI.Is 0 ANaltiVlCA.—Tbe aubscriber has Olately received an invoice of thls justly celebrat. d t alliornia Wine, to which he.: wishes the atten• Hon of conno esenrs, For pure crttalitv and e•quisle bouquet, it stands uneurpassed, t will compare f..- v >ably a lib the bigbe , t grades of b oronran wines, ,nd,an be fur. isLed at shout one half their coat e. J. JORDAN, =0 Fear atreet, below Third and Wol in at,. large spout of English and Scotch Ales, Por .4. and Erown t gether with Jordan's,elebra r.d Tonic Ale, Fine Cider, dm, always on. nand. ini m +i_hi I:1 •-• • C II •• I e u it 3 9 CIRESTNIUT ST • : • Mr coati 4p W. H..Dlr/TON, ROCKHILL& WILSON FINE C . ..OTH t4G,HOUSE, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street LATEST STYLE SACK & WALKING BOYS'` OLOTET 70Y. 00E & 00. akatee; Skates. COAT. CLOTHING fiIiEST ITIAIESA RAISINS TER CHOICEST BRAND IN THE WORLD. zrzw SEEDLESS Reams, anaßearrs, CITRON SWEET' cum{ AND PIIRE SPICES FOR MINCE MEAT. ROBERT BLACK, n027-21* Cor. EIGHTEENTH and CHESTNUT Ste. HEADQUARTERS, WELCOME TO CONGRESS. PENLebYLVAN.IabIe, TAKE NOTITE! All persona Intending to participate la the MAI% 'WELCOME 70 CONGERS", are hereby notified to Call before going at 14 SOUT.MIMXTH and get their Clothing Dyed Renovated or _Repaired. By order of one of the Committee. JAMSS W. BROWN. Dyer Renovator and Repairer of Gents' Garments. Eetablisht.d 18.55. Branch 139 Boum Mita street. Orders received also at Reildence. No. lm3 EhlPPen !Meet, and by all the express companies in the United Sturm its Rooms to Let FOR STORING FUR fiffUßE,ice. APPLY AT 1204 Chestnut Street. ia027641 Ploclantation of Gov. Andrew G. Carlo THANKtGIVI G DAY, Nov. 29. 1 hose who wish to present their friends on that day with a handsome WRAPPER Would do well to rail on B. C. WALBORN 8a CO., No. 5 and 7 North Sixth Street, As he has every lartestock of fine Wrappers c nhand. ncr27-22/ INDIA SHAWLS.. INDIA CAMEL'S HAIR SHAWLS, INDIA SCARFS, GEO. FR YE R, No. 916 CHESTNUT ST. Irvites tie attention of purchasers to Ids Omar t ato o , Real India Elia - Iv/a an4i &oafs at very moderate prima nots-124 rp it J. Ei ENRY EH RLIOFIER, Tailor, Hu removed from M 1 North 1 HIND Street, to NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, NO. 607 CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOD, FRONT. nor. 1m rpt MASON it ruari TN oa&striEr OR GA NB, Isom $75 upwards. Only at GOULD 8. MTITIES.E.NTH. and oHEnTrilUt 'noiO.tl4pp /owltHit beilubiA.Caisil PIANO t —the Scoornacker lliaoufactultig t..bmpany, hav ing larg.ely incrwased their facilities, and ...mg fitted up a beautiful Wareroom in tbe pre eulseallo. 1103 (1181 US i NUT atre,-t, are prepared co supply at once all demands for their Justly celebrated finale/Bente. . _ Mr. .11.- C. ECHOMACEER, son of the veteran founder of the houoe has returned from his two years' tour among the manufacturers of the Lenthsent, and has undid his experience to the resources of the ea tablishment. He bats cbarge of the Salesroom. No, net Cbestnnt street, aud,wl h able w tanto,d.votes his entire tune to the atteml 11 of busloesa 'visitors Plano" to rent, and repaired equal to new. Pianos eh° sold on installments. Tonlu eaUoattendedto. etuHOaLACK Ett 11LV43. CO., 1168 Chestnut street r.6tfl risEAT 17 - 911I.ErY 1300. ES Flat 'CRILDRSZT,IN W. 14..P.ERR + , Stationer, nola s tb,s,tu,etrp Aron street, Y`' Pocket WalletS S 'a _ Cnj , u rs B sl. ' St e e;e S o 104 efa l aVs 'ews, Backgammon Boards, tine Pocket. Cot.ery and N'ter t °lots, all fresh goods put. In sock express,y .r 11 ulloay meg, and selling at low cash prl.es. W ' P4l , B.Y no7B.th 5,10,6trp 728 arch SLreet. Bearditol Aesortment for - - LI oliday—Salez. W. G. PERRY, Stationer. 748 Arch atreat nnis,tli,s,tl3.6trp A tkra..lit nacuuneer ana mushy krone,N. E. corner td Third and Spruce streets, only on. Square below the Exchange. NATILINB'S Principal ;Rice, established for the lest forty years. Mon tt loan in large or small amounts, at the lomat rates ey or :namonds, Silver Plate, Watches, 'Jewelry, Caottar,g 4nd goods of every description, Oilice hours from t tn. g oo d till 7P. M. hours EAMBH/R ROMAN, MOH BOSTON.—OOn. kl.sloees of merchandise, per above tt' , a.u.t. olerse send for their goOds now landing at Plne wharf. 02027.30 ' HENRY WIN.SOR WILSON FINE CLOPING HOUSE, 603 and 605 . Chestnut Street. FA.LAILA & WINTER OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY. DART Qr. TOUR IN finance and Pitargnage 1 9011cRed., • • • Cut in the Beet Bi made with care and ele. pace. fbr the wardrobe of any Gentle. . . ViANAMAKER stre lu 'et— w in• ketto Minor trees. ORDER No. 1.4 A tine d obelus selection of IMPORTED I3RONZE F.TAI CARY, CA R 1 RECRi V E.tm, A.N 11.QU Cr Al-EH, I &Tar:D. 4 , TB EP SIOIdEr CRS. always on hand at very rrasonableprioes. NV,- would Invite those who Are oestrous of procuring any of the oho. , e enumerated artioles, call at Oar et .r t*Torernrcb•ol.g eisewbera. and exgraine ‘ our amnia ect, feeling coo ddent that they Mill be favdra• Diy impressed with the chararter of our goods. OR PRI . F.B ARE AouNA ;I E d O work in all U twee ( guaranteed to give satisfaction an to the pur. chaser. 1%. R —Particular attention paid to the renewing el old work. 401-rpi VANICII3,.K dr. CO. LADIES' CLOAKS , Now Open, A FINN ASBORTMENy IN ALL THE BEST ILA " TERIAIS AND NEWEST DE CONS, AT AGNEW daNGLISH'S, 25 Routh Ninth Street. natetuthlrn al& - • FCIII,IEIE AVANT A; Q U o:Steamship RFNDRICS. HUDSON, Howes, Man. 'fl will sail for Hamm on • • Saturday Morning, December let, At 8 o'clock. For fr4ittit st oll)mge noel 3 SON Y & th SONS, 142 North Delaware A.veu.ne. Pat sage to . Havana, 50. non= rpt 3E'RUNKS. 13 A'GS. &c., AT NO. 70S CHESTNUT STREET, Gelling out at cost to close the business. BROWN & M .aIGEF, noW•litrpf ' No. 708 OHM MUT Street. Mt EASON YLS.NOs. The new style Cottage .Square Piano, Tall nix - rt Seven Octaves; beautiful Carved Oases, the moat chanuing tone, Low Price, gaaranteed durability. itH OIIEBTuruT Street. W. R. DlllTrart. ROCKHILL & WILSON 603 and 605, Chestnut Street. Foreign and Domestic Fabrics Made to T. MORAN, 4TAS. HAMILTON, . , E. D. LEWIS, Are among the Artiste represented at tbe • - = • GREAT ,SALE • OF BlE 9 C.lees Ar, Calin's Free Cianery of the Flue Arts, 927 Chestnut Street. THIS EVENING AT TX aczacx. B. E COTT, .7r., Auctioneer. GRAPES ! GRAPES! ALMERIA B.RAED, IN LANGE clarsrizas, 75 cents per pound. DAVIS & RICHARDS, oc24ta ARCH AND Tzbizu, STREETS, - STOP ! LOOK AT Td.lB ll •• _:THE GREAT EASTERN Detective Horse and Live Stock Insur ance Company. Chartered by the State or Pennsylvania, ITAL—SIMMS. Insures B orses CAP Hines and Nost Cattle against Losses Resulting from Theft, and Death by Fire, And dental cr Ratural ("SIAM PRINCIPAL OFFICH, No 108 bomb Fourth St. Phila. Preeldent—Cal CHAS. FRALILY. Vice Pt esident—b ABFIBL L ESTERLEY. Secretary and Trelunry—Dr. S. BLCSIgR. Assist, Secretary and Treasurer -8. B. II APRA. For (Sty References, bee Lirctda a. m Au wanted in S h e Cfty and every county in the State. P. aFFA. oas-ink P General Agent, NEW • FREIGHT Et ()UTE To the South and Fonthwest, VIA THE Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti more end Delaware-Railroad, To Crisfield, Md., theme bylitesmors of the Great Southern Inland Navigation Company to Norfalk,V4. Tr P Philadelphia, W limit gton and Bat dm lre road Oempany tve t remixed to otter inducements to shippers of rot:ahem rid Southwestern freuthts wbleb r eve not b. - en afforded n eretotcuo by any other line. Through Bills of LadLnit given to all Prontlueut South ern points. or Bather Information apply to CHAR - LES K. WILLIEVAgent, Broad and Wathingt ni Avenue. OHABLEs E. DILE ES, agent, No. 411 Caen:tut street. CHARLES E. IDE, Master of Transportation, not: -11 rpft P.. W. and B. B. B. VA 19K1RK is CO.. No. 915. 3 '.. Arch Street. MANUFACTORY AT FEABEFORD PEaLlitiL We w'vTd respectfully call the attention of out friends at d the public irenerativ, to one czolee and elegsni ansonwent or OILT and BEIONZa ORAN DELLEtia +no tiAkt PLYTETEtliS,co , etan; p on hand, all of them of the very lit.st and BR'ST ue-514NS. Also Bne selectiob of PaRTA RLE. with FANCY (BINA, PONCi- LA3 N. aad other SHADES. to snit orchazera: THE LARGE B2OCK OE' ocs4f 4p Fine Clothing touse, Order, Reasonable, Serviceslig and Fashionabk,.. GENTS! FtfitNtSßlNai,aooil F. HOFFMAN, Jr.,. . %Wee-. A. Hoffman, 812ccesaor to W. W. HIV FINICHHTIEtTIa AND .WILAP'EttS. HOMIXECY ANDOLO Silk. Lambs' Wool and. Merino UNDER OLO rHING. •• 825 AROH na27 Oaths Scarp a THE GRACE'MODEL Paper C01.1.a..r-1; \ ARE THE BEST. ' TO IBM HAD 'EVERYWHETIN VAN DEUSEN, BOEHMAN & . 627 Cbesttint Streak - I Agents for Philadelphia. a027:14 MARKET 44 , NINTH. #44 & STORE GREATLY ENLARGED—THE iTORIE COELFLETED—REALY FOR BISSENEER— IN BOYS' CLOTHIGG ROOK, OVERCOATS, JACKETS AND PANTS, FINE CMSIMERE SUITS, $6, $8 AND $lO SUITS, not!-in ths,mpi suarr.E OF NllE ROOMS, Carpeted and Elegantly PlMlliKke COMPLETE AS PARLORS AID CHANIIIMEL GEO, J. HUHU, LADY & 00.2 1301 and 1303 Chestnut Street. nolo-lm rpf TO El E 7 41 1. Cecond, Third, Fourth and Fifth etarierA Of Warehouse s CHRSTiv u r STREET. ROOMS 17 leErirr DX P. Possession January Ist. Enquire on premtses. IMEIMM :4 - ;nr‘vmoirzytiq :ALT BHEIIM,SCALD HEAD, ALDEBIIPTIONA. -r - - BWAY.toI'S " ALDMEALING OIE4IVLU:4:3IT." SWAYNNB "ALL-E.SAISNG-0 SWAYNE'S "ALL•HEALING 0 Cures Itch in from 12 to 48-Hours. Wreaths Most Obstinate Cases of Teeter. HOME CERTIFICATE., HOME CEBTIFICA.TE. 3. Ji Ii taikeON HAY Mayor's Mix, 8. IV— corner Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, says= I was troubled very much with an eruption on my face;. tried a great many remedies without finding' relief; finally procured Swaynes AU-Heating Ofahront,. After using it a abort time a perfect cure was the result. T cheerfully remannend It as a cure f w Totter and all Skin Diseases. as mh e was an exceedingly obstinate , CABP." IlinitATNE'fa OINTMENT • - • ITCH" .PICK " NEVER. }KNOWN' ..rErrR,R”. "Well • "IV H," TO 'FAIL "TETTER'.' "TETTR" "ITCP " ‘TtinTEll'r " 19 Tc IN CURING THIS "TETTICR'' " CII" ...PE ("TER" . "Ir'' el-I" 'TORMENTING "TETTE:HP "ITCH" "T iriTTER" "Fruit" COMPLAINT , . "TETTER , "ITCH: ' ' "TETTEII" ' This valuable Ointment prepared only by ____ Dr. SWAYNK & SON, No 3 S O North sIx,TH street, above Vine Philada. Sold by druggists. . , se2s-tu.th.tfrp WITLER, WEAVER & _ htsurafacturers of MANUA AND TAIthED CORDAGE, Cords, Twines; &c., No. Y 3 North Water street. end No. •M North ualawar ' avenue, Philadelphia, EMU Thr /I.ltrrram. Idrouanco Watavoch. nowhan P. OTAIVITIIiaI. len OHICIBERIN(1 GRAND Px&Nos, _ 914 CHESTNUT STREET. ocs-1149 W. EE DUITON. ROCKHILUtk WILSON FINE OLOTHING HOUSE roachmen'S COIN, Coachmen's Cow., ItIMIMNG oovrs, . IiUNTING-COATIL