Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, November 27, 1866, Image 3
Formal Opening. of _ the thesqnehanne ; •For fifteen years—indeed, even longerifor th e subject was broached at the time of the Degartization'of the PhiladelphiarWilming !:coi and Baltimore Railroad Company—the neject of bridging the Sumehanna river -t ')tween Perryville and -• Havre de Grace libeen constantly discussed, not only by me interested in the great route of trans rtation between the North and the South, which this achievement is so essential an onrovement, but also -by the public tttrnals and the scientific men of the whble t ) mtry. About four years ago the great rk was actively 'commenced, under the 3rsonal supervision `of-;Mr: Masker, the ninent engineer, whose designs for lie. structure had been, approVed ;the Company. Seconded and bated in his every effort by Mr. Samuel Felton, then President of the road, ted by no lack of material or means, and wed every latitude he desired. Mr. , ker, worked on. The liberal manage- Ord of Mr. Felton being not abated by his iccessor, Mr. Isaac Hinckley, there has LAn no drawback on the part of the Com ay to prevent the-perfect fulfillment of r. Parker's ideas. The bridge had al .4aly approached completion, When by the table tornado of the 25th of the July last, *structure was torn from its foundations an made a perfect wreck. Far from being -ditirited by the disaster; the builder was Mired to new energy, and in three months frkthe date of its partial destruction -it habeen recompleted and made ready for .pubs use. 'I commemorate this most important -eve in the history of the road, the officers, dirtors and -a number of invited • guests lefthe depot of the Philadelphia, Wilming tontnd Baltimore Railroad, yesterday •rnoring, at nine o'clock, in an excursion trait consisting of five cars, all new, drawn by co of the company's finest locomotives, - whit was gayly decorated with flags, bunt, ing ad hewers. • Th excursionists reached Perryville - abotinoon, and prior to crossing the bridge the ars were run upon the steamer Mary landsvhich has been so long and so faith 'fullyisett by the company as the steam bridg at that point. Steaming across the streaa in such a manner as to give the partyin excellent opportunity to examine the Norkmanship of the structure most - careftly, the boat returned to dock, having probaly carried the last train of cars that will eer be run 'upon her decks at that point. The Maryland has - an historic in terest. It was upon this boat, on the 20th • day olApril, 1861, that General Batieriwith the Btl Massachusetts infantry, were car ried fom Perryville to Annapolis; and thencemarched to Washington, when the -communication through Baltimore was in terruped. On he 19th of April Mr. Felton, Presi dent at' the road, a gentleman whose loyal devotiai to his country and whose exer tions•inher behalf are known to the whole country, and need no additional comment from In, ascertained from reliable sources of information that on the ensuing night kthe brilges upon his read between the Sari qttehama and Baltimore, would be burned by the rebels, as would many of those upon ;the Batimore and Ohio Railroad. At that .time dere were no troops at hand for the pre -ventior of `such a catastrophe, all the availa 'hie forees being _hurriedly on the way to the clefenceof the national capital. Placinghins :self in'tornmunication with General Butler, vetn, 'with such tehopS as he bad gathered togethe7, was then on his way to Washing ton, Mn Felton made known the impracti cability of through transportation by rail, and proposed to carry the troops by water to Annapolis. This was done, the Maryland being the steamer used for the purpose. The 'designs of the bridge-burners were frus trated, Washington was reached, and the feasibility of the route of - communiea tion was established. During the war many 'thousands of the loyal soldiery of the North were carried in this boat on their way4o laurels of victory . or honorable graves. A proposition is now suggested that the faithful old boat, should be taken to Balti :more, and act there in a similar capacity to that in which her labors have just ceased, by transporting the trains from Camden, the northern suburb of Baltimore, to Locust Point, there making the connection with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. This would :save the infinite annoyance of the transfer through the streets of Baltimore, and would be a emu* of economy to the road. •'Shouldhis plan not be adopted the Mery land wl be laid up for such future use as occasion may demand. After being again transferred to terra firma,the train was passed across the bridge slowly, in order that each one should have an opportunity to judge of the work for %himself. The entrances of the bridge at the abutments on both sides of the river were profusely decorated with flags and flowers, evergreens and inscriptions. At the north end of the bridge was written,"Four years' work of a thousand men. foowed by the '( Latin legend, "Labor omit a vincit." Similar apprppriate mottoes were upon the opposite end. Ample time was allowed on the Havre de Grace side of the river for all of the party who felt so disposed to examine • the details of the work We have already published a full account • of the bridge, and shall, therefore, merely make mention of the fact that from abut . ment to abutment the distance is very little less than half a mile. There are twelve -solid masonry piers in addition to the draw rest and breakwater, for protection from-ice ,_jams. Exclusive of the draw, there are thirteen spans of two, hundred and fifty feet eacb, and, throughout, the workmanship is .most finished, complete and reliable. Returning across the bridge, the guests were escorted to a tastefully decorated ban quet bell, where on excellent collation was served. Among those present we noticed Mr. Samuel M. Felton, late President of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad; Mr. Isaac Hinckley, the present,. -occupant of that office; Mr. Alfred Horner, Treasurer; Messrs. N. W. Thayer, J. I. Bowditch and Edwin Austinof Boston; J. -Bringhurat and J. M. Duncan, of Wilming ton. F. A. Curtis, of Newark, Delaware; William Prescott Smith, late of the Balti more and Ohio .Railroad; William Wood -aide, Thomas Geiser, .Thomas Whittridge and Enoch Pratt, of Baltimore; Col. M. N. Fall, President of the Bay State line of ,steamers; Mr. Small, of the Northern Cen tral; Mr. McComb, of the Pacific Railroad; Walter Freeman and Mr. Markley, of the -Camden and Amboy; Messrs. Charles K. Ade, Et. A. Dadman and Mr. Kinney, of the _Philadelphia, Wilmington and Biltimore Railroad; and. Messrs. Isaac Haziehurst, Prof. Henry Morton, Strickland Kneass, -John Rice, William Sellers, of Philadelphia, together with a number of other distin guished citizens of different sections of the -country... The Press was represented as follows : The North American, Mr. Clayton Moll!. .chael; Mr. William Harding and Mr. Wil liamson, of the Inquirer; Dr. Guyon, of the .Press; R. C. Smith, of the Sunday Times; C. C. Fulton, of the Baltimore American; T. T. Crow , of the Baltimore Sun; Mr. - Snow, of theNationallntelligencor; Ttiomas Fernon, of the Mining Journal; the edi tors of the Wilmington Daily Commercial, • etc., etc. After the conclusion of the dinner, Mr. Hinckley, President of the road, addressed the guests, bidding them welcome and • thanking them for their presence. He al luded to the importance of the event cele brated in the history of the road he repre- . sented, and stated that the present oompaoy —occupied probably Ihe last train of cars which would ever be carried across the Sas- luehanna by the steamer they had just lefr, and certainly they had occupied the first train that had ever crossed the new bridge; they were the first, indeed, who had ever crossed the Susquehanna in care by any Bridge.,_: other means than on the boat, except those who had crossed on nature's bridge. [l.lr. Hinckley alluded to the fact, which will be rememberekby Many Of our ibaders, that several years ago for several successive weeks the,traifte were ran regularly across the river upon tracks laid ,upon the ice.-- Rep.] Mr. Hinckley said it was not hie purpose to describe the bridge Or its Ifietbry, and be referred in a enl6gistic manner to Mr. Par , - ker, the engineer of the work. [Applause.] Alluding to the fact that but one hundred 'days had elapsed since-the tornado of Jaly, yet the bridge was,now open for travel, the President..compazed this one f hundrad days' work of Mr. Parker to the "hundred days" of,Napsileon. .Ml...Llfincklay concluded by a most just and complimentary. allusion, to. Mr. Felton, whose name was - received with great and continued enthusiasm. Mr. Felton expressed his regret that he had not the voice - to - make propel' ackiiow ldgment of the courtesy, and called upon Mr. Isaac Hazlehurst, the counsel of the company, to answer for him. Mr. Hazlehurst spoke briefly of the work accomplished, claiming that the completion of the bridge would act as an additional ce ment to the bonds of the - Union. The speaker spoke most warmly of all who had participated in the work. - Mr. Enoch Pratt, of Baltimore, Vice Presi dent of the road, answered to repeated calls upon him by expressing his gratification at the result accomplished. Mr. Thayer, of 'Boston "followed Mr. Pratt, and spoke for a few moments in a pleasant vein, when the calls for Mr. Parker were so continued that that gentleman was obliged to present himself Mr. Parker was received with repeated cheers, his acknowledgment of the call was couched in most appropriate language. He recited briefly the history of the bridge, referred to the great liberality of the Com pany, and alluded in most complimentary in term e work. Edward Larkin, his assistant th. Mr. Larkin not being present, his health was proposed by the President, The toast was received with: the enthusiasm due to his efforts, The President then proposed: "The city of Philadelphia and its worthy Mayor." The official, engagements of Mr. McMi chael having prevented his presence, the sentiment was briefly responded to for him by one of the gentlemen present. The" City of Baltimore" was next toasted, and in response thereto Messrs. Moore and Nicholls of that city made proper acknow ledgments. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was proposed, and the chairman read the fol lowing letter from the president of tile cor poi a tiont PRRS/DENT'S OFFICE, BALTDIORE AND OHIO EarL ROAD, BALTDIORE,NOV.26, 1866.—Isaac -ftnekley, Ego : DEAR Sur—l beg to thaak. you for your Invitation to participate in the excursion upoo the opening of the railroad bridge across the Susquehanna river. / much regret that important and imperative engagements deprive me of the pleasure of Joining you on tois interesting occasion. Allow me to tender you my cordial congratulations upon the completion and success of this grand enterprise, which not only serve to connect more closely the cities of- Wirth ingtod and Baltimore, and Palladelphia, and New York, but which. perlecting a most des trable link upon the great highway for thrLugh transportation between the eastand the west, the north and the south, is of the highest practical value and of marked national im portance. I trust this splendid work will not only re• pay the vast amount expended upon its construction, but prove an ' enduring monument to the skill of its engineer and of the foreeight. energy, public spirit and enterprise of the managers of the Philadelphia, Wit min_gton and Baltimore _Railroad Company. Very respectfully and truly yours _ JOHN W. GARRETT, President. Mr. Benjamin De Pord, of the Baltimore and Ohio, answered for that corporation. The "Press of the Country" elicited a re sponse from Mr. Snow, of. the Washington .National intelligencer. Brief speeches were also delivered in re sponse to calls thgefor, by Mr. Strickland. Kneass, of Philadelphia; Professor Porter, of Delaware; Mr. McComb, of the Pacific Railroad; by the President of the Bankers and Brokers' Telegraph Company; by Mr. Bingham of Adams Express Co., and by several oaier gentlemen. The occasion was one in every respect pleasant. The day was a magnificent one, 9nd no attention was spared to cause each one of the party to feel his enjoyment to be complete. An interesting fact in connection with the trip was that the officertf the road who had charge of the excursion train—Mr. Jerry Smith—has been a conductor upon the road for 21 years, running, we believe, one of the first, if not the first passenger train ever started by the Company. I An Interesting Case.- BOSTON, Nov. 26th.—At the late term of the United States Circuit Court a case came up for trial on the indictment charging the defendant with selling liquor without having paid the United States license fee. Mr. Sinnott, the counsel, objected to the indictment, taking the ground that the United States could not legally take money rom a person fer carrying on an unlawful hueiness, and made the query, can the United States as a Government lay a tax upon a criminal business, say for instatre, the bueiness of keeping a house of ill-fame, or makes person pay a license for carrying on the same? Upon this the Court ordered arguments in writing to be made and submitted, and that having been done, the Judges to-day informed the counsel thatthey were unable to agree upon any of the questions raised, and, therefore, the case must go to the Su preme Court of the - United States upon cer tificate of division of opinion. From South Carolina. CoLi:I3MA, S. C., Nov. 26, , The -Legisla ture met to-night. The Governor's message . will be read to-morrow. He strongly op- poses ,the Constitutional Amendment, and recommends the passage of/the Homestead law,the adoption of the the,tins to discourage the emigration of negroes and to provide for the subsistence of indigent blacks. He thinks the experiment of free htttor is not a failure, and says the grain , crop is unu sually short, and not enough cotton will be raised in many districts to buy bread. The debt of the State, excluding the war debt, is $5,250,000. From Baltimore. BALTIMORE, Nov. 26.---Ristori made her first appearance, this evening, at the Holliday Street Theatre, and was received with great applause by a fashionable audi ence. • • • William Wales, Esq., publisher of the Baltimore Commercial, has received the ap pointment of Surypyor of the. Port of Bal timore, vice Edington Fulton, one of the editors of the Baltimore American,removed. Mr. Wales files his bonds to-day. ,'From leashidlle. NAsn,.vinnn, November 26th.— Half a dozen franchise bills have passed a first reading in the House. -All of them embrace in their provisions colored suffrage, and two of them the universal amnesty feature. It is generally thought that a bill guarantee ing qualified negro suffrage will becomes law, but present indications suggest strong doubtsae to the success of the amnesty doc trine. The Georgla Legislature. MILLEDGVILLE; Ga.., November 26.—1 n the Senate a bill has been introduced re pealing the laws prohibiting aliens from owning real estate. The house bas paused a bill granting aid to the air line railroad, and a bill prohibiting railroad cars and steam boats from running on Sunday. From Canada. Tonowro, Nov. 26.—The Rev. J. A. Attan preachad, last evening, in the.Episoopal Cathedral at Kingston, to a large audience, in favor of annexation to . the United States. A. meeting has, been call, in Montreal, to discuss the benefits to be derived from an t. exation, - which the people of the lower Provinces greatly desire. TIIRTAILY EVENING BilLlirrlN. - 4 ) IIILADRIAPHIA_,,TUESDAY, NOVEMBER ia6l6, UNION;BENEVOLENT ABSOCt T. ON A meals for a Special tlase.--The HART . evYLL FAMILY, consisting of several females, the victims of the late fire &L 1334 Ole/Stunt street are still W, after three weeks of tintfering, and are entirely destitute The UNION • B NEVOLENT CIA') lON solicits special aid fey them. Money Bent to the Office of the Bmie , ywrill be immediately appro. priated to the sufferers, and a poetic acknowiedg. ment made. SPECIAL NOTICE.—The first annual exhibi tion of the • 4t MEN'S. NATIONAL ART ASSOCIATION • continue opep, by i equate' day and evening, until FRIDAY, Sinn NOVEMBER, At the saloon' of Wenderotn, TaTlor • ds Brown, first floor, back room, , • • . 4 , NO. 9.14 CHESTNUT STREET. Tbe'Exbibition consists of over 200 specimens of Fine Ar), executed by w, men. ADMISSION 25 CENTS, n 024-641 DS O U F T F HE E R N O MA EM /W H S IL b A H EL P P CO EEI d A A N Y 814 SOUTH DELA WARE AYESII7E. Notice is hereby given that by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the abovenatued CompanY, adopted August 29.h,1866, the FOUR.TH and last Ire stairment of the Capital Stock of said Compr i y, being THIRTY PER OEN TU2I or REVENTY.F E DOL- LARS per share, has been called In, and la due and payable at this office. OFFICE OF "THE RELIANCE INSUR -4.a7 ANCE COMPANY i OF PHIL aDELPHIA.'' No. 308 WALNUT street...-PnumnaLnnza, November The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of "THE RELIANCE. INSUltalgt:TFir tOMPANY - DP ,PEILLA DELPHIA "and the A 12111381 blectlon or thirteen (10 Directors. to serve for the ensuing year, will he held, at' their Office, on MONDAY. December 17th. 1886. at 12 o'clock. M. THOMAS 0. HILL. n 026 tdeln . • • • Secretary. to, oliquE OF THE rHiLADRLPR/A. AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIPOonipANY, 314 SOUTH DELAwska AVENUE Pirchansu, maze, November Bth, 1886. - . • : • STOCKHOLDERS' NOTME.—Subscribers' to Mail . Capital Stock of the Philadelphia and Southern St - -amsbip Company are hereby notified that certifi cates for the same are now ready, and will be issued from this office In exclange for the installment re ceipta. W DLIA.I.I- J. MALCOL6f, .1.09-Irui - becreuoy and Treasurer. fr OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL &ND 1.1-,y NAVIGATION COMPANY, PHILAD.Eir POLA,November_l3, 1868. - Toe Stockholders of this Cempany, whose names r ppeartd as such on their books on the Bth day of Sep t ember last, at 3P. M.. are hereby notified that the privilege to, subscribe to new stock at par, on the terms of the circular of August 29, 1866. will expire on the Ist day of December next, at 3 P. M. nol.6,tdel _ SOLOMON SHEPHERD, Treasurer. 17.• SPECIAL NOTICE —The annual mPetinct Or the atocklioldera of the NORTH PENNSYL Va NIA COaa OOMPANY will be held at the office of tbeCompany, No 217- WALNUT street, 2d floor In the city of Philadelphia, on NIONDA.Y. Decamper 3CI. 1866, at 3 o'clock P. Al,at which time and place an election for officers and (Eectors for the eusuing year R ill take place, Wki. H. GORD'SN, nolS•thAtn.Bto tEcretary. UTI CR TO TAX PAYERS. 4.,D 7 DEPaItT.ISfWNT OF RELI.E.EVER OF TAXE3 Pmmenuirnia. Nov. 1.66 .a pet, aliy of THEnE, FEB CENTUDI will Is cbarged on all City taxes remaining unpaid after th , . ist day of December, 1S 6. . (blow] CHARLES 0\ RILL, ne26 31, Receiver of Taxes. OFFICE OF THE TREMONT COAL CO.& PAIvY.NO.I6 PD ILADELPHIA. EXCHANGE, Pn ILADEI NOV. 24, 1866. The coupons of the Tremont Coal Company dne De cember Ist. 1868 will be mud, free of United States ant tate taxes, ou presentation at the office of the Cam puny, on and after that date. n026.62f OEO. H. OOLEET, Treiturer. 14, REMEMBER THE SOLDIER'S ORpH We are oesLred to say that in view of a Ph anks g Dinner, donations of Otter mone ui try. or vegetables will be the) knilly rezeived at the" Lincoln lost itutiOn," US South Eleventh street. and at the "Church Home," F. E. corner of Pine and Twenty• second street. 002.6-13 THE ANNUAL MEETING O 9 TELE STOCKHOLDERS of the RUSSELL FA. tibl oiL OIMFANY win be held bn MONDAY, Deoem b. r 3d, 1b66, si 10 o'clock Al. M., at 112, South FOURTH street, Second story, front room. t017.141* OFFICE GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURA divid en d MP NY, PRILADELPIIIA, Nov. 171 n, 1566—A of Frva. PEE CENT. has b.en declared. payable to Stockho.ders on and after M. IN DAY, December Bd. clear of taxes. at the oflice, 637. N. It. corner CHESTNUT and SEVENTH streets. nol7-e,tu,thAti A. H. GLIALtiVr. Treasurer. DIVIDEND NOTICE—OFFICE OF THE OCEAN' OIL COMPANY, No: 147 &nab ETD Streist. TWOS DN A s R h A a L v F tPhEisR d CaEy N d T aeda dividend o e f cents per share, on the caphalatoeir, payable on acd after December let next, clear of State tax. Traesfer boobs will close on the 21111 at 3P. hi„ and open De camber Sd. DAVID BOYD,Treasurer. Panaus.L.pola, Nov. 23, 'lsm. n0.Y.4-6Lf ex.NNBYLVANIA. RAILROAD COMPANY L q ' TIOLAbIIIIER'S DEPART-MK .. .IT. PFILLADELP334.s. November I, MS& The Board of Directors have this day declared a if•ml. annual dividend of FOUR PEN. Oi NT. on the vapttait Stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after Ncvember 30. MS Blank Powers of ettArney for collecting dividend:: are to be had at the office of the Company, No. 238 S L'EURD street. not 30t THOBW3 T. FIRTH. Treasurer. 1111.4ISAY & BLAEIsTOLV'S PHYSICIANS. VISITING • LIST. FOR 1857, sIX. 1 FRNTH YEAR OF ITS PUBLICATION. NOW READY Price prepared Ihr 25 patients weekly,.--Pialn. 75 Mr Tucks, $125 50 Plain, $l. 00 . ~ . 50 .. 0 Tucks, $1.50 46 46 Ittl " 0 .. e. 100 " " In 2 volt, 300 In addition to the above Styles, they have aim, A_N !NU ERLEAVED EDITION, for Counfr.V Fhlericiam and others who compound their own Prescriptions or furtosh licdicittes to their patients. The additional pares thus supplied can also be used for Sp , ,eial Affnuranda, for recording important Cases, etc., eke .F.A. 21) patients weekly, In cloth ... . ....- $1 00 " 25 " Tucks with: pocket, 1.50 e. 50 .“ " cloth,.--. 1.50 50 , 0 " Tucks with pocket, 2.50 Besioes the Diary and Book of Engagements. It contains an Almanac. .11141MHAZI, HALL'S Ready 'Method in Asphyxia, Poisons and their Antidotes. rank fer calculating the Period of UtereQe‘tation. and blank leaves fur the various memoranda, etc_ needed by a physician In pttice. LIN.DtAY SB RI 4 TOIv, Publishers, no2l No. 25 South eta Street MARION BANS. By theAul i ho l ;ofl r s ju ßllo e s.:7 l S UN d l d sl e l Path." &c. .12mo. • Bh HOVEL% 'S LETTERS. Translated by Lads Wallace .2 vols.. lemo;- - - Bls LOW PAP aal.m. Second Series I6mo. .MELODIES FOR CHILLELGTOD. With highly.co lorrd illustrations l2mo. THE STATE OP THE CHURCH AND , THIg WORLD AT THE FINAL OH TBREAK Ob' EVIL AND REV). LATION OF ANTICIIRIS r, his deetruo lon at the second cc mina of Christ. and the ushering it I the Millennium. By the Rey J. 0. Oregory, M. A.. with an Appendix by Mrs. A. F. Joliffe. For sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, Successor to W. S. & A. Martian. • 1214 Chestnut street. s • • : snort : :a: frs• a . , PHELJODOR, Musician and Ilkwo Player. by Eiti Allen, Greek Professor in the University of Pennar fonts, with a, Supplementary say on Philidor, • Mesa Author pine Chen Player, by Masille Von Ho' debrand and de Lam, Envoy Exuaordinary and viii. later Plenipotentiary of the King of Prune* at to Court of Bate-Weimer. 1 vol., octavo, 3i vellum, ad; top. ; Price $1 25. Lately published by E. H. NM.= it 00.. 157 South Fourth strata WANTED.—A PARTNER, Special or Active, with a cash capital of sloo,ooe, In one of the oldest manufacturing firma in the city, to take the place of a retiring one.[nono,tu.th,et Address "PARTNER," at the eines of "The Press." TA7,ANTED-10 BENT, LEASE OR PURCHASE, V T • a store, or bonding to be altered to a store, on Chestnut between Ninth awl Broad streets. Address, _ _ _ A LADY qualdied to teach ENGLISH and Al FRENCH, deairts a SITUATION as Visiting Teaches. Address L. A_, at this office: no2t Eta EMODERN DWart.f.TND WANTED to par chola, about Ve,000; Spruce to Arch, west of ad street. Also, one from f2O 000 to 1 30 000 . E. ft. JONE, n026,12t1 No. Waluat street. TIT ANTBD.—Wanted as OFFICE AND B'PQRAGE VIV avenue , b e tweenfirst or second floor, oil. Dela. ware dress Box No. 127, Philadelphia Post Oftioe. Qcl9:tf• lasTt WANTED TO WINTER—HREE or FOUR HORSES. Good accommodation and attend• at ce Apply to JOS. DAVISON, near Newton Statilm, West Chester and Philadeiphta Railroad. or. at NO. 2. S. 14errIck street, west Penn square. noiktf T HSSONS ON THE FLITTE.-1113„, ANTONIN° RALI,O, Flutist at the Arch Street Theatre, is prepared to give Lessons on his instrunnent, address him at theNtimsic Store of Mr. ANDBE, 1104 CHEST NIJT street,. • no2e•tu,th-eti _ - POFESSOR C. ZOGBII3M BEGS LEAVE TO inform hie Mends and the public, that he[has re turned to resume the Instruction of Piano and Vocal Music. For further Information. mmly to Messrs. G. AN' RE Chestnut street; or at his rest• dence, MIA street,Germantown. tOALLAB BISHOP, SS South SINE TENTH street. oe4-th.s,tu-26t• TENOR of ackno,- c of acknowledged ability, Lief - dreg an EN. Post in a Church Choir. Address Box 113 Post Office. n024.3t• A It TAYLOB,TgenEurit OF SINGING AND 1207 FILBERT street. Bluing clean* now terming..,. • agetfit SPECIAL NOTIMN. JOHN moss, Agent. 01Hoe 715 South Seventh street, ~, • Above hansom WILLIAM I. MALCOLM, T 1138.813107. SAM UEL- P. PRIME IC, Secretary and Treasurer. DIVIDEND NOTIC.Ets. ICEW VUBIJIMATIOININ II Augur's, Box 7T, Poet Office MINI CAL • - Old Governthent JAVA, Finn mocaA. RAMA' / 24 DIA and TAMALOA I . - JAMES R WEBB: • WALP . UT 104 =TYR, sins pusnr. /SEW JERSEY LEAF LARD just received and for sale by • - - nale.lm i 3. ' E corner W ater endCh OUT t & a tr C eet . a . FOE'S F ARM A A CEORERS. .Frefah Crackers' pf this unrivaledErand%alwaye on handand for sale In bide. and 34 bras., by ' - ALDEIC.H, IEIOIEB Or °ATM. .• /8, Wand tr Letitia street, Exclusive Agents. acE3ma 000 ..Cans , FB.ESH PEACHES, WINSLOW ,Corn„,Pres Tomatoes,Green Peas, Straw bEryleCbiusbrootzucato store and for sale, *hole. sale or retail. by .111:: N. W.. corner Arab and Pialitb.': • TARIFD lllT..: l 7ery handsome pared 'peaches a. parPn do. dried apples. in store, and for sale t , PILLIN,'NJ cortmeArch and Eighth.: ----------- B , UORWBEnT. BUCK WELE&T.— 5,000 lbs. of the celebrated Silver Flint Bnckwbeat, In store and .for sale by Id. SPILLI.N. Tea Dealer and Grocer. 14. W. corner ii,rch. and ICI ghtb. NEW EtaISINS AND FIGS--finperior new . Layer Retains and choice Elms Fi for Bale by M. SPILLIN. N. W, corner arch and gs. Eighth streets. . ntrEEN 0.1.117E5.--300 gallons choice, jarge Queen :o.ltvea, in 'store and for sale by gallon or barrel, at ef rc TY'S East End Grocery, No. US South SHOOND street. • 1. 0 : ' :8114_15,. : t " : • C ov , r Honey, in More and for sale at COUSTY'b kart End Grocery, No 118 South bECoND street WORTH t AROLINA fIOMINY OBITS. • NEW 111 cminy, payed and unpared Peaches. just re. celved and for sale at MUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South SECOND street. QTQFPED MANGOES AND PEPY.EItS, GENUINE k 7 Chutney Sauce.' Roblnaon's patent Barley and Groats, always on band at COUSTY'S East End. Gro cery. I o.lls South SECOND street; BUSINIESEt. IDALUDzs WILL.TA* T. HEWES & BROTHER PLUMBERS AND GAB FITTERS, NO. 413 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, (ABOVE 'WILLOW.) PHELADELPH_LI.. . [nov33mos/ Repairing ef Asir kind.s at short notice. Orders through Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aar COUNTRY WORK. ATTeitDED TO. -En IT LANOASTER; Ll. ORAllsl STORY-, SPRUCE STREET WHARF ESTABLISH - RD IN ISM, CORN, OATS and ,11.1.1,L-FEED scdd Wholesale ans Retail at lowest Market .Rates, and delivered to aL parts of the City. se/14y C. KNIGHT & CO., WHOTSN; a LT" GM:tarn: , E. Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, Pith #.,:elubla. Agents for the sale of the Products of Lb , thvrark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers! Bugs owe. of Philadelphia - Jal.lser DEIS.NSYLVAINLA. WOttif..--01" TILE Ded.rd W A lav river, below PHILADELPHIA, OICESTEILw Delaware county, Pa. Irg A NET, SON & OC ti 'meets and Iron Boat bonder'. Blanafactnrers of All kinds of GMES, ONTORNSENG AND NO. all Ex lron Vessels of an descriptions, Boners, Vala, Tank. r. Propellers, &c. HEANEY, W. B. REANYfT. ". ABOHIBOLI Late of ate UAney, Neale & Engineer In Chlei, Peon 'Works. Pbna. 11. S. Navy. VAUGHAN ALESHI. J _ N " 5 . 1. .. m a - H. H. NERRHIE , 1 017THIVAP.R FOUNDRY. VIETH AND WASS ' INGTON STREETS. PRELADIELYMA.. MERRICK a. ENI sozallims. GIN AND NAO anufactare High and Low Pressu rvice. re Steam Panama ar Land,lllver and &twine Se. 13011PS/1 Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, dm, Castings of all kinds, either iron or braes. Iron F r ame ROOD! for Gas Works, Workshops Railroad Stations, dm. /Warta and Gas Machinery, of thiesten and isms asproved contraction. lery description of Plantation liachinery; an, Sugar. Saw and Grist llifills„„Vacuum Pans, Ope. steam - Trains, Defacators, PTitent. PaxaPIPS• tines, &a. Sole Agents for N. =sues Patent Sugar stnitnt apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammes sac Aspinwall & Woolsey's. Patent Oextrifttgal Baca Draining Machine. dB PTICTITRID3.—tet/BILEY,_ MRIZIITT.I & 713.A.0F.A.8A, NO. 718 OBEBYLTNIXF !tree lannfactuects of Gas Fixtures. Latrine, &c, at irotad call the attention of the public to their lane elegiun aesortmeut of Gas Chandelles, Pendann Slat:kegs, gro, They also Introduce Gas pipes int owelungs and blio Buildings, and Adds to extent altung repairing Gan plim. ork way ranted. Asa AMES A. WHIFFET. TEDHETO.3I PiMIL EILIFEICHST QIIIBOOE. THEODOEB WHIFFET. mums L TZAI reTER WRIGHT at t301 , '8, Importers of IrArthenware, Shipping and Commission hferatism ta N 0.115 WA.L.ITITT Street. Philndelphin PROPERTY.—Tht one Pica to get Privy Wens Cleansed and Mils Nxtel, giving cw prices. A. PiIYiMN Gold smi Wa th's Llb rary oluitmer of Pontmtis Hall. Ansi • Matt/titls A LCOHL per cent. NO CHARGE FOR PAGE -21. AGMS. C. L. Oil. new made. Invoice lust re mired and fbr sale In quantities suitable to the trade. Ipecac. root and powder, in bulk and bottles of %lb each hloroform of the best quality In carboys and demi Johns. JOHN C BAKED. (t. CO.. non n 8 Market street. B " TIVS:SPECIA LTIES FOR THE SEASON, Glycerin Lotion, for hands and face. Pectoral Lozengesjor sore throat, hoarsen& s, Camphor he, fur chapped Hands. - - Wild Cherry Compound tor cold, cough, ,tc. Olein, for chapped - hands, &c. Troches chlorate Potash, for ulcerated throat. HENRY C. BLAIR'S SONS, Eighth and Walnut ids GUM ABABIki by WILLIAM IV - rya' Tst & CO., Druggists,O.—For sa No. 724 MARICE 7 street, OSE WATER.—Double Dlttilled Rose Water, con. it stantly on hand and for sale by WILLIAM ELLIS & CO., Di nirgista, No. 724 MARKET street. /ABRAM OF TARTAR.—Pare Cream of Tartar and Soda, for sale by wiLLTABI & CO , Drug gists. ki o. 724 MARKET street. . XTRAOT OF BEEF for beef tea, or /essence is U 4 Beef in rankness or for soaps for table use. Mani n Btgln, Illinois, by Gail Borden, from the juices c. "holce beef and Is In:metier in :delicious flavor any omality m , o tone any hitherto known. Packets with Ina d , rand dollar each. BarBBELL, Apotbecar , !410 Cheetnnt street. ratIIGGIBIro' SIIRDRLIEB..- Oraresesor Morn 2W Tiles,enwale, arrudost, Mirrors, Tweasera,Pm 'Sexes, Horn Siloam Burgool Rustrunente, Tram= RAM and Hatt Rubber Goods, Canon , Glue or. WoUra Hrenn, dsc., AR est "Mist Ronde" pprrilces. SNOWMEN & B , . npe-tie fri South lifebch Mow. D ORRRT Rao Trim CO.. N. E.' 00.9..NK; 1-1. POUR= AND RACE STRRRTB, -Whole r.l Drnalsta, Iffaruffactroms and- Dealers in: Windov Olaf*, White Lead, and Paints of every descriptior offer to the trade, or comnamers, *complete clock t • goods In their line at the lowest marketrate& AOBERT saw:maze:R. a _al, Northeast corner Boteth and Race meets AAY 10511L—,Inat received, an Invoice of ()anal°. • Imported Bayitiu tbr tale Cyanic ga ll on, a,. t:.OICKET 101.010‘A weede 00., Druggist, N. I. otn . ner Iromth and Pace streets PitikUOMp. `..10 Suecenca to Gao. W Grey. 84,86, SS and 30 Saab Sinn St., l'hilad'l. Finellidlitock&Nat-Bmadlin, 1111 Z-41381132 jazad7 and Idedtaltol..2,4 HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE, - Duwrolsr, IN OM WAOST ST WS AGENT- XTES.—The attention of the trade is solicited to the following _ very choice Wines, dko., for sale by JOSEPH F MINTON, N 0.151 Beath FRONT street, above Walnut: MA DELRAS—OId Island, 8 years old. PHERRIES—CampbeII & Co., single, double and triple Grape, E. Crnsoe dc Sons, Rudolph, Topaz, Rleg, k. pants h, Crown and F. Vallette , PORlS—ValleLte, VintVe Real, Danton and Pebello Valente & 00., ages 1886 to 1856. CLARETS—Cruse Ells Freres and St. Estephe Cha teau Luminy. VF.RSICUTIG. Jourdan, Brive & Co. aft:MCAT—de Frontignan. CHAMPAGNES—Ernest Irrony"Golden Star," de Venoge, Her Majesty and Royal 'Cabinet and other favorite brands. LD WHD3KLES.--roo Oases Pure Old Wheat, ,By 'Bourbon and Monongahela Whinnies, for elle by g. T. maDDiarrori, North Front ortreei PRESTON STEAM. LAUNDRY. WASHING, STARCHING, SCOURING - AND CLEANSING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES BEST WORE at lowest price;. Office, 1309 Chestnut St.l AUCTIONRIER_ ' No. 422 W.a.L.0.M7 odoet.' FIFTENTH FALL SALE OF. BEAL . ESTATE. AT THE EXCHANGE • . • Mils sle, 'on, WEDNESDAY.. at 11 o'clock noon: ai the Eat sage, will lastram the following ' BO shares North American Oil Co. . • ISO: do Mammoth do't. ' 200 do riorseneck and BurnlngSprittgOllCO.: "200 do Vienniken Oil Co. -• ' 350 do ,SpringDsle 011 Co. 100 do Summer Oil Co,' - ' -3000 do Florence 011 Co. _ 900 do A Dunkard Oil Co,, assessment paid. NO. 123' ceizowaiLL, ST÷A ' two-story bit= , house, - Above Front, 20 by 60 feet. Omitting' Court Sale -,Zytate of ;11. Brandstetter, deed . • NO 2036 LOCUtT bT,A. genteel threestory, brick dwelling, IS by! 80 ftetto Stewart st.. 1108 ground rent, Executers' Sate-Estate of Jamesl'. Mae deed. ADJOINING-Dwelli”g ,140. 20M, description. Scone Estate, . 7TH and GREEN - tzTEIA.' desirable business loco lion ane dwelling. N. W. corner 7th and Green stS; 16Y, • lest on Green at, 62 feet on 70. t et, and 213 k feettvlde on the rear Sonar Estate. • • DELANCO, N. .7.-A building Delano, N., J. Clear. - CHRISTIAN ST-A.. building lot, Christi= .rit; A hc , :re Gray's -Ferry - road, 16 by - 116 feet; .13'ground 52D and LOCUST-A blinding lot; 20 by' 77..% feet. 24th Ward. CENTRE AND MONROE COUNTY - LANDS-433 acres, Rush township, Centre county; Ea: Also. 58' acres. Tunkbannock township. Monroe county; on the latter is agooamill she, and coat Is supposed to be on the treat. • • LOT. 9TH ST—A. building- lot, 7th above Tasker First Ward.lS by Se feet. . LOT,' GERMANTOWN ROAD—A building let near Angle st,gisc.Ward, 2sM by 200 feet to &dense., , RESIDEi VO E, TENTH BELOW ,S.PRUOE—A. handsome three story brick residence: with-.back aildinge, &c, No. 81.10 South 'tenth at; double parlors, high cediess, private stairway, &c: Clear: Two thi , ds 'imay remain. 0 , en for examination any time; IM mediate - possession. Trus,feer Sale—Estate of ;Tames . . . • NINTH AND CHERRY ISTS--A: Very desirable and valuable business location, S. E. corner 9th and Cherry eta, 18 feet 10 Inches on 9th al, by 95 on . Cherry at $lO,OOO ITIRY. remain. Clear. POldedltiOn thee days. • • LBSEPERMABLE GROUND RENTB-7 desirable ' , redeemable ground rents. , $73 50. $75, $75 tat), 937 50 d 12 5o perannum, onto: ground with the "cabooses ana other. Improvements tnereon. Mantua and the Schuylkill river. Administrator's .Peremptory Sae—. Estate of Hon. Etch ird Peters: deed. CATALOGUEZ NOW READY. ,110 Y B. SCOTT, .Tzt„, •• • A.UCTIO N • 0.1020 CHESTNUT street McCLEES & cOA.NN'S First Grand Salejof , AMERICAN AND EtTROPEA..IS7OLL PAINTINGS, Fl‘i.E GERMAN - , FRENCH AND .ENGLISH CHROMOS, AND • M.AGNIFICE NT PROOF-00- LOREED AND PLAIN ENGRAVINGS. All splendidly mounted and elessotlY trained will take place on tbe eveninga of MONDAY, 'TUESDAY a•qi WELN.ESDAY, Nov. 26; 27 and 28, at 7% o'clock each evening, at the • • - FRI k.: GALLERY OF FINE ARTS. 927 Chestnut street: . below Tenth. The Pictures wilt be arranged for inspection for four ears anr eveulegS previous to sale, with descriptive catalogues. • .N.B —On account. of the small capacity of the Gai ters-, tickets of admission the sale will be issued, which can be orecured at the Galh.rv, or of the And. %touter. B. ecott, dr„ 10_0 Cheitnut street. EXTRA QUALITY SILVER PLATED WARE, CLOCKS, &o. • On WED NIENDA MOE NIIO, 2,th In ,at 11 o'elock; ai Scott's Art Gallery:No, WA) Chestnut street. wit be sold, a magnifittent assort ent ofeta quality cheer Plated Ware. compel, ing tea sets, bard metal trays. coffee urns, Ice pitcaers, Derry dish, s goolets,&c.. ofihe best .a..anufacture ever or ered at pubdcsa.e In this city. - FI , ESCII CLOCKS. Also, an Invoice of superb ormtdu gilt and marble Clocks. CUTLERY- Az_ - AlEco, an invoice of cutlery, spoons, forks, &c. Open for examination on Tnesnay afternoon, CARD—liire are now oreoared to make arrangemen , or special sales of 011 Paintings or any other works r Onr location being In the centre of the mast WI I cable thoroughfare of oar city makes it a dealrabl rebort for connoisseurs and lovers o: art in general. 8.-46 ales of merchandise in general solicited. Pummel attention given town-door sales. *PHOMAS BIRCH & SON AUCTIONEEnd COMMISSION NO. 1110 Cd3MEITNIFT tdreete (Ber entrance 1107 Sans= Meet.) RairtrßOLD FURNITURE OP - EVERY . e - SURIPTION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT . SALES EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. dales of Furniture et-Dwellings attended to on 14 A P.easonable Terms. SALE OP BEAL 'ESTATE, STOCKS, da, AT TB . THOMAS BIRCH EXCHANGE. & SON respectfally info= tit &lends and the public that they are to =tam to the sale of Real Estatehy auction daterivate mai Sale at No. 1110 Chagnon stmt. NEW AND SECONDHAND HOUSEHOLD BURN' • TUFF. FINE PIaNO FORTES, PARLOR ORGAN, CARPI tm M1R8011.6.' ON FRIDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock. at tbe auction store. No. UlO Chestnut street, will be sold— large ateortment of superior Household Furniture compr sing Parlor.Chamber.Dining room and Kitchen Furniture, from families e ectisicg bottwkeeping. PARLOR ORGAN. coat MC Alan. one superior Parlor Organ , Playing 18 operas. SUPERIOR PIANO FORTES. Also. 2 elegant first class Piano Fortes, made by SebomackerCo. WI NES AND LIQUORS. .10E0:13.1:1 assortment of superior Wines and Brandies, demijohns. CASE OF AMERICAN BIRDS. - ON FRIDAY MORNING. At the auction. store.. will be cnd. one large case of preserved Bt ds, containing choice sp..cimen.s of Ame riesn Game Bhds and others. A IiOLLAND. AUCTIONEER ILT street geg... Sales of Furniture at the Auction Store AVERT WEDN.LEDAY, at 9 o'cicult. ' Particular attention given to sale! at Private Red deuces IRE NEW CENTRAL AUOrION HOUSE. Opacity- Four floors. each 75 by 2 4 feet. " Locati; n-In the very (ratre of the City, and adjoin. ing the Farmers' Market. Advantages-Ras been a first-clatteSecondliond Fat Attire Steno for over thirty years. Storage-Superlor accommodation for Storage of Furniture. In ducementa-Very liberal terms offered to persona having Furniture and Merchandise for sale. Refererces- Over one hundred of the moat proroi• neat C.llis,amt of Philadelpt is - Sale at the Auction Rooms. LARGE ASSORTM NNT OF FURNITURE FROM FAMILIES Rif.MOVING. ON WET NESDAY, Nov. 28. at 10 o'clock. at M. 13 Market street, a general k.ssortment of. Furnltstre. Also. 25 School Desks 19 tine Steal•Rogravirgs,frarne4l* Sharp's Rifle. supa , riar Punket Pirtell, large double . Office Dt.ek, 31 Child's Wagons, fine Venetian Blinds, &a. • Sale at 1203 Market street. LARnE SALE OF OROvERTBS, PINE TF&q, stO ARS . COPPERS, PORE. OLD BRANDY, W WISES CLABE.'I' A..ND IJERMA.Nt. WINES, ILYGIENIQUr, WINES, DRAHE S BITTERS, eze... ON FBI uAY, • • • Nov: a), at II o'clock, at the auction rooms, will be po:lt vply 5 , 1 d, b 2 chests .tine Oolong and Imperial as, 10 Pockets Old Java coo* .e, Ye Coffee bola. W Soda, Olive soap, 20 boxes Starch. 1 cask very lice Frrnch Brandy 2 cernijo vine o,d Bye • irliOaky, warranted to yews old, 1,231/ /05. pure White Lead 'and zinc, ca ~ - ISM PM:NC/PAL .M.O.NXT e4T.A. rif AI& - B. E. corner of SIXTH and RAGS streets. Money advanced on Merchandise genersit: Watches,Jeurdr7, Diamonds, Gold and Sliver.Plet, t.nd on all articles of value, for any length Of tie tbr i TCSS AED =MILLET AT PRIVATB SAL.. Fine Gold Hunting Ome, Double Bottom - and Ope) zraco English, American and Swiss Patent Levs Wstchn c ii Gold Hunting Oase and Open Face L. pine W atches Fine Geld Duplex and other Watch": Fine Silver tinting Case and Open Face Ensile American: end. Swiss • Patent Lever and Lapin. -Watches; Double Case :Leglish Qnsztler and alas Watches; 'Ladies' Fancy Watcher: Diamond Breast: rititar_ ELME% Bar Blom Benda, V ry ie Gait medallic= Braceletic Scarf • Brew, Pins; Btu= Pencil Oise% and J' gene 211 1& BALE.—A large and splandb2 Fireproof Chub saltable fora Jeweler, price Sere. Also. several Beta in Eionfh Can dam; Binh an , Chestnut streets. T BARBITI' * 00., AVOTIONMAti,s, I) Ossh Auction Hotias,_ No. ktO Market street. corner or Bank *row Cash advanced on consignments without extra charge. LATigh , bAL.E ltOo LOTS, OOMPRIST. THE EN TIiiA bTOCIC OB - A. WHOLEBAL:E MOTORS HOUSE. On WEDNESDAY 'MORNING. Nov. 28. commencing at 10 o'clock, viz: 2L'OO dozen assorted Hosiery. 350 dozen fancy Skirts and °rawer's. Jackets, Germantown Goods, dm. Also. Gloves, Gaunt lets, Umbrellas. 'Pipes, Hoop Skirts, /Keret lets. Also, 500 lots al iscellaneous Goods. Also. Cloths. Caw. roues, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Linen Goods, dtc.. Also. invoices Hats, Boots, Eht es, dtc. SPECIAL SALE 10r0 LOTS STAPLE AND FANOY DRY GOODS. ' ON WEDNEaDAY MORNING. Nov. 28, at 10 0'c10c1..." • T L. auSIIBRIDGE 16 00., ABOTIONICER, " ; arn. sns MARKET street. above, lnfth POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, rov. 28, at 10 o'elock, we will sell by catalogue, about lett caste of Boots and. Shoes, embracing a prime as:torment. of city and Eastern manufactum to.which the attention of buyers Is called. Open on the morning of sale, with catalogues, for inspection. COUNTERS, SHELVING. SIGNS. &a • ON WEDNESDAY MOItNING. Nov. 28 at 9 o'clock prectsely.we willaell two elegant Counters, with drawers. Also. Shelving to match, suitable for any badness . Also, the Counters and Entiving of a Shoe Manufactory. pn74,te FOED co r „ AUCTIOEERS, No. Sob MAHIrE°F stree N t. SALE OF DOS CIADES.BOOTS AND SHOES. ON FRIDAY MORNING, BOY. 30. commencing at 10. o'clock,' we will - sell ay ostalog3e, for coSb, io l X),cases.Eoots, Shoes, Brosaws, dtr:, of city and Eastern manufactare. embracing a prime and de. 'Arable sasortincuit of goods.. POCKET BOOKS Alsth CABE CASES—Elegant It agile', French and Patellae Leather. • . MASON' & CO., 9907 OW:Mut tbeet. MMAS t SONS ALVTIONERES. _ Noa. ISO ar,rt &Path IFOITETI7 strti..o r BIOTIC - E.—Thursday: being Thanksgiving . Day;- Otm usual Sale of Furniture will take place on F.M.DAY. , ttth Inst. - _ taar.,ES OF STOCKS • AND REAL ESTATE At the itatumee, eveaIoPMIEU:tAY, nom. Ffir Handbills of, sulk-pm:way rastnil ae and On the Saturday prat ylottri,to,each sale al Printed aiti mita ;locod Iti t irelet thrm,lsivierfalldescirly4 ESTATE AT , MIVATIC IaAD.W. • ,Citialernsu• PeMPrlifingL several -,hendred thousand sonars, In ding • every description p 1.0117 'and want* property; from the smallest dwelihm , the :moat • elegant runnelonl,- eletant country . seats, ,farmit,tals_bsegm Ake. ' • i A air_sruff.vlTUßE at„ the Anodes Store vaIEY THURSDAY.. _ • r Particular attention oven to Satan 6t Pal ate • „ REAL ESTATE SAE, DEO. 4. Orphans' Court Sale—latate of Maryline alfirror, and johnE .- Neff. deed-I,ARGE' ND VA. LUABLE LOT. at the Ihtersecifon of Chestnut Hill and Springhunse turnpike and Chestnt Hlll.avenne. Bixo e tate-41311.1).7,NC! .LOy. *aster at.. east of rwenty.third; • _ Same Estate—BIDELDING - LOT, Md'-st.".•• north of eater r-Estae Estate—L WELLING. No 2=l. Shaniwood et. same Eette-2 =BEE-STORY FRA*S Dy7fEld, :, LNG Nos. ots and'HY: Sharswood et: • _finat • tut Ssle--Estate of James , E.' ,l Bmith. decd—Tmoßm„.sr =TORY BRICE DWRIGIA:NIS, No. IdO North Sixth et., between Arch and Race. _•- •• same Estate— MODERN THREE-STORY Hilt= FIDNOE. ,TWO-STORY Sixth st., nor B RICK Sa S me IC Eatate I DWELLING, lath at., north of Poplar, with two Frame Dwellings TownshipALDARLE FARM, es-acres, Tipper Merlon Montgomery county Pa„ of a mile front Use Port Kennedy Station on the ItAaaing RaProad-- , _ goad limestone - land - large , stone , tirant4lol2, barn and - necessary ont , bniluings. Terms—Half cash. Posses sion'ist A prilnext • - • - ' SIIFEIOIi, FIVE-STORY IRON FRONT STORE, No, 20 strawberry st.. between Chestnut and Market E , ednici and third opposite Trotter st. - • VERY L'SHIRABLE Wo•SPOR an dROK PA.BLE and COACH HOUSE, Nos. 605 So 7 Weaver It,, b , tween Green and tktatee and Fifth and Sixth fits -16 ieet front. Immediate possession. • 1/ Ese S E ATr. William Camac—VALULl3 LE f TRY nearly 7 ACRES, sexton street road, tiLNEY, 22t1 Ward, tbre , guarters of a mile of Fisheea Lane Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. _ Executors' Perem - -tory Sale—Estate of Poelell Stacichonse. deed— VAL C A.EiLE IRON FOUNDRY, Craven st.. between Front and Secoiad and Race and VIP m eta. THREE-STORY BRICK TAVERN and DWKL.D.- No. 1042 North Tenth et., south of uolumula avenue. - 'LARGE and. VALUABLE THRICE-STORY BRIM BUILDING. known as "Green Rill Rall." R. corner of Eeventeenth and Poplar sta.. and a Three story Plastered Front Dwellteg adjolningon Poplar st. tale by order of Beirs—To Close an Estate -5 FOUR- STORY BRICK DWALLINOS, - .14 . 4 173-1, 1736, 1738. 1740 and 1742 Emma/nat. e. and e " Estate-4 FOUR-STORY C•Xr,DWIELL TINGS, Nos. 1783,1715, 1737 and 1733 Moralist' et barna Estate-3 eOURSTOR -; BRICK DWELL ni; GIS Nes. 311.813 d 815 South Twentieth at. WELL SRCIIRED GROUND RENTS, each #36 a year: _ VALUABLE BUS.UESS STA N,D —TEE REE STORY BEIGE esTOBE aad WELLING, S. E corner of 37rb. and Baverford sts , 24th Ward THREE STORY B =ICH. STORE and DWELLING. Baverford et adjoining the above 3101)}14N TiIitEE•sT.J.RY BRICK DWELLING. Heve_ ford st.; adjoining the above—has all the modern mßve.uf encPs. • init.I..E,SIONY DWELLING, No. ZM ebfeter Peremptory SaIe—THREE•STORY - BRICK DV E No. 83$ Wharton at., west of Eighth. bale absolute. :ALE OF COINS AND EYED kLS AND WALLITLIT CA EUNICE ON Tti.E. - I±DAY AFTERNOON. Nov. 27. in the anwton store a vainahle Private lied eedon of Gold, Silver and Copper Coins and Meda:a. Also, an eltgant walnut Cola Cabinet. EAT E OF MISCELLANEOUS ROOKS. ON WEDNDAY AI , rk.RNOON„ Nov. 28 the suction store, veluabte miqnallaneoutt Books from s Library. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. VERY SUP - PRIOR F PIURE, MIRRORS, PI- A 0 FORTES, SUPERIOR FIRE? .00 S' SAFE, CHINA AND G.L ISS WARE, BEDS AND BELA- Dllk 0, HANDSOME VELVET, BRUsißrog AND 01 HER O.ARPETS, STOVES, &c _ On FRIDAY MORNING, - At 9 o'clock. at the auction rooms, by catalogue, art excellent assortment of very cope for furn ture.French plate mantle end pier mirrors; superior piano fortes, very F up-nor fireproof safe, made by Emus & Wet son; fine China and glassware. mattresses, beds au& beddug, handsome velvet, Brussels, imperial -ant other carpets; parlor and cooking stoves, &c. B, SCOTT. JS. • -_ Sale No. 1124 Girard street ELFGAN'I ROSEWOOD AND we_Lstur FURNI TURE, CHICEFRING PLANO, HANDSOSLE IMANTEL, PIER AND OVAL 11111tRifti, RIDIEE BROCATRI.T•NICURTAINS ELEGANT, FRENCII . NINA CUT GA s SsWARE, HANDSOME. VEL VAT A.A. 0 BRUSSELS OAEPETA, ELEGANT' CRAP DF MBEs. &c ON TUESDAY MORNING. DEO. 4, • At 10 o'clock. at N 0.1124 Girard et., by catalogue. the. entire Furniture, including suit elegant Carved ROSS wood Drawing Hoord Furniture, banasotne Walnut Chamber and Dining Boom Furniture, Ctilcsering , seven octave Piano Forte. Fine French Plate Mantel. • Pier and Oval Mirrors, In rich gilt frames: elegant erocatelle Window Curtains, Fine Mantel Clock and Ornaments. handsome Chandeliers. large and elegant French China Dinner Service. Richly Cut Glassware. Handsome Medallion' Velvet and English Brussels Carpets; H air •Alatremes, &n. The entire Furniture was made to order by Moore camplon. and is In exc-llent order. May be examined with Catalogues on Monday, be tween bland 2 o'clock. TO RENT—Several Offices Harmony Court. - .121 - JOHN B HYRRb 00- a vEitlf4lmno. I) Nos. Mit rani 234 HAREM street. =nor of Bar*: LARGE Posnzinc MLR 01? Rbuzinn., .LOIRNII COMWS AND DOXESTIO DRY GOODS. We will hold a Large Bale of Foreign and Dozneetto Dry Goods, by cstalorae. on four ' months' credit an& part. far cash. ON WEDNESDAY MOBNING. November S. at IC o'clock, embracing MOM 900' pt‘a Wee and lota 01 staple and fancy math:lbw 4, wrier& worsteds, linens, alike and cottons, to which we invite the attention of dealers, N. E—Catalognes ready and goods emceed for eyan - inatior, early nn the 91:1111112Z of sale PEREMPTORY SALE OP _EDROYEA.N. AND DOMESTIC)DR 1' (400.17i8. NOTlCE—lncluded in our sale of WEDITEZDAr s November 28, win be found the following— DOMESTICS. Bales bleached and , brown ahirtings and shestings. do bleached and colored drills. do white..blue and gray all wool blankets.'" do, white and scarlet all wool and Canton flannel& Cases miners' domet and fancy sh rting flannels. do . indigo blue ticks, snipes checks denims. co R anti:Lay jeans, prlints delain ea, Rob Hoyt.do corset ieabs, =ohms; sileclas. AIX/nets, Pad dings-. do Manchester and Scotch gingbams. d o k en eyg, o.....aimeres, satinets, unsays, tweed& MERCHANT•TAILORS' 403DS. Pieces Belgian, English and Saxony all wool and Union black and blue Cloths. - do Aix la Chapelle all wool 'rric its and roeskins. do Aix la Chapelle blk and cord - Esquimau* and Moscows. • do Chinchillas, French Fancy Cloaking& do • Elbcenf Fancy Cassini:Large. Castors Astrak hans. do , 'Whitne.ya. Velours, Petershams, PilOts. • do blk and cord Italians. acd satin de Chines. _ • - • - FRENCH RAPINES 1 lialeFrench Patine& beautifully assorted, is all the desirable light colors just landed from steamer. muss .f , <OODS. SIDES, dte. Pieces bik and col'd Mobairs. Alpacas. Cobargs. do • /impress ps. - I.:loth& kcal de Cbevres, Persians; R do .Paris e Plain and Printed Detainee and Merinos. do 6 4 high colored Saxony Plaids, Epinglines ‘ Twills. do black and f an cyy Dress Silks and VeLaets. ' LINENS, WRITE G-00bo. dtc. _ Full lines Irish Shirting Linens, BarnsleY Banundtd. Also, bleached and brown Canvas. Crash, Sheetings. Also, Drills, Diaper. Towelings, Hainan:4A Also,..laChnets, ....ambrias. Nulls, Lawns. Ruh lines Hosiery and Gloves traveling and tinder shirts and drawers. 'awing silks patent thread, silk ties and scarfs. =brew, silk and linen hdkfs. hoop skirts, &v. CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH RUGS. A full assortment of handsome Carriage and Sleigh Rugs, finest Imported. ,BA.L'AIORAL SKIRTS. A frill line London silk stripe wool top Balmoral. Skirls, for city sales. LARGE POSITIVE BALE OF OARFETINGS, ON FRIDAY MORNING, Nov: so, at )1 o'clock. will be sold. bY Catalogue. on fOnr months' credit, about 200 pieces of strperibm and flne ingrain, royal damask, Venetian. list, Ditch here 1 - • Cottage and rag oarlietings, embracing a cholas assortment of superior goals, which may be examined early on the morning of sale.. LARGE LAIDIE PEREMPTORYEIdiat OP FRENOR AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. da). ON MONDAY MORNING, DEO. O. At 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue. ON /Mira MONTHS CREDIT, about =lots ofFrench, India,Ger =wan d British Dry Goods, embracing afall assort. ment of foamy and staple articles in worsteds. woolens, inens and cottons. N. 8.-=Goods arranged for examination and Ma. logues ready earls on morning of sale. &JELARVICY, AUCTIONEERS. . (late with H. Thomas dk Sons.) Store No. 421 Walnut street. Sale No. 937 North sixth street. SUPERIOR VITEN t TITRE. FRENCH PL ATZ MIRROR TAPESTRY CARPETS, chc. ' - ON WEDNESDAY MORNINti: At 10 o'clock at No. 987 North . Sixth street, above Poplar. 'the superior Furniture, Ere French Meta Mirror, fine Tapestry and other Carpets, dte Also, the kitchen Furnitupo. May be examined early on the morning °reale. FURNITURE SALES:at the Stere evetyTatis, SALES AT .111WDENOE8 7ecetee rartlcalar attention:.. • • -. INSTRUCTION.—ITALIAN LANGUAGE Taught 1a7,1. an Italian ProAmor. Mew apply at No, rx Cab STNUT Street: nuatt4l,lm* 'D m , THE PHILADELPHING 43011001 ft FOURTH street, abeve VINE,IB now open fix 0""34.1411 and Winter Peabon. •Ladies and Gentlemen will find every provhdon for comfort • and isafetY. no that a thorough Imowiedge of thin beautiful sworn plisbment may be obtainfillby the meet timid. Saddle home trained in the beat manner. fo r rem horses and veldt:be to hire. Jib°. centavo fttne rale to - ckre. Asciott TELQUAJ3 clatalo24 tt f31:1154 - emaori sAuww, EDUCATION.