Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, November 27, 1866, Image 2
CITY RULLE°IIN. THE FIREMEN AED THE PROPOSED FIRE Coimaiesioivaus.--Last evening a °maven tion (.1 Fir e men, consisting of two delegates from, each company,' held an adjourned meeting at the Phoenix Hose house, Zane street, above Seventh. The object of the same was to take action upon'the ordinance of City Councils creating a Board of Com missioners for the management of the Fire Department. William D. Kendrick, of the Columbia Engine, presided, and .li.eoh e 1..: Stab], of the Humane Hose, acnsif as secre tary. The Committe of Seven on Resolutions, oPPoin to d at the last meeting, reported, as. follows: To • the Honorable the liember's elect of Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia:—We, the Undersigned, on be half of a Convention of Firemen from the several fire districts of Philadelphia, re spectfully represent, that the firemen of Phi ladelphia cannot fail to see in -the proposed action of your honorable bodies the design ultimately to subvert the volunteer system; which has made and still maintains the character and efficiency of the Philadelphia Fire Department as equal, if not superior, to that of any other city in the world. Therefore, and in defence of that charac ter, and in support of this system which has proved so useful in the past, we protest against any action ofthe municipal govern ment,tending to change or destroy its place, poinically speakingiand approximate to a paid fire department for Philadelphia. We do, in the name, and in behalf of the fire men of Philadelphia, enter our solemn pro test against any action by your honorable bodies,'which shall tend to supersede or de stroy the volunteer system. We would fur ther respectfully suggest that in adopting measures for the government of the men, and the Fire Department,the firemen ought themselves to be consulted. The same man liness that prompts us to sacrifice our lives as firemen, "springs tip the bells" of a just and natural pride to govern within our ourselves our own L epartment. On behalf of the Department we tender the co-opera tion of all its members in any honest efforts, to properly regulate and control its action, if such can be shown as now necessary. We would more especially deprecate any hasty action of the kind now proposed as uncalled for by present emer gencies, and we believe that all the objec tions which are said to exist, arising out of local causes, can be removed by a strict and impartial enforcement of the rules now es tablished. We would ask leave to suggest that hasty or ill-judged action by Select and Common Councils, would, 'Mall probability, create more cause for public discontent than now is said to prompt the proposed action of City Councils. J. GORDON SHOWAICER, Chairman. THOMAS McCut.Lonotc, WM. S. MANN, MATTHEW CLIFTON, JAMES H. CORNLEY, Jos. YOUNG, CHAS. K. Misksv. The report was accepted, and the com mittee instructed to stlbmit the same to Councils on Wednesday. Mr. Cook said it would be well for the presidents of the different fire companies to call the attention of the firemen to the necessity of consulting with 'thet„Cotumil men on the day of their meeting. A gentleman present suggested that the xeporters present, if they desired, be allowed the privilege of making a copy of the re port of the _committee. The President, Mr. Kendrick, objected on the ground, as he stated, that if the report was published the Councilmen would have time to consider the same, and be prepared on Wednesday to speak on the subject. A motion was made and agreed to, that the committee return the report, and not allow it to be -published until presented to Councils. The 'sport referred to is that given above.' .Adjoined. GUARDIANS OF THE POOR.-A. stated meeting was held yesterday. The House Agent reported the census of the Houseifor Saturday, Nov. 24th, at 3,050; same time last year, 2,964; increase, 86. A • mitted'within the last two weeks, 227; births, 9; deaths, 25; discharged, 104; eloped, 38; in dentured,. 5. The number granted lodgings since the last report was 68; meals, 204. The total males in the Almshouse, including as sistants, is 1,341; of females, 1,709. The Steward reported the House receipts at $2B 90. A communication was received from the Law Committee of Councils, asking why Mr. Frederick Server was acting as a mem ber of the Board of Guardians, he not being a resident of the city? - The Committee on Heating and Ventila tion made a report, setting forth the im• movements in ventilating and heating ap paratus which had beed , made in the Insane and all other departmente of . the Alms house, and the consequent benefit to the health of the inmates. The report was re ceived and ordered to be placed on the nan nies. Mr. Brown offered a resolution, which was adopted, empowering the Guardians of the various Poor districts, if necessary, to appoint assistant visitors for a term notex ceeding three months from December Ist, at a salary not exceeding $3O a mouth. Mr. Server offered a resolution reviving the office of Visitor of children bound out, and fixing the salary at $250 per • annum, after January next. The resolution was agreed to, and Mr. E. H. Toland was elected Visitor. The usual requisitions were granted. Ad journed. . YOUNG MEN's CHRIsTIAN aBSSMATION. —A large number of the friends of the 'Young Men's Christian Association assem bled last evening in the National Hall, Mar ket street, below Thirteenth. The chair was occupied by the President of the AsSociation, P. B. Stmons, Esq. • After the reading of a 'portion of Scrip ture the journal was also read by the Secre tary of the Association. The choir sang an appropriate anthem, when Rev. Heber Newton was introduced to the audience. He made a forcible address, in which he alluded to the temptations which beset young men on arriving in this and other large cities, and advocated the introduction of the gymnasium, and games at chess, as innocent amusements in which all could engage with propriety. At the con clusion of this address, Rev. Dr. Beadle was introduced to the audience, and msde a telling address. He was followed„ by Rev. J. Walker Jackson and others, It is the intention of the members of the Association to have erected, as soon as pos sible, a commodious hall, suited to the increasing wants of the members. The names of about, six hundred new members were proposed at the meeting last evening. THE FrivAxciEs OR THE OITY.—The Com rnittee of Finance of Councils mat last even ing for the purpose of considering the an nual estimates for .1867. Among the items considered was the appropriation to schools The salary of the Principal of the High School was raised to $2,500, and the salars of all the professor•s was fixed at $l,BOO per annum. After dispoSing of the items amo tion was made to fix the tax rate for 1867, Several Motione were made, one to continnn the rate at $4, another to make it $3, and third to fix it at $4 65. Mr. Freeman, who moved the last - mentioned rate, urged that if the city desired to maintain her credit, she must pay her indebtedness as it is tn curred, instead c f resorting to funding as in the pant. , `'Tfiti"..APPrOPriation for 1867, to gether vvillolier' loans already authorized, will re quire a rate of, $4 65, Before deter. mining tlifi",question the committee ad jourind, .. ' Nkw JEWELRY 1 - .ESTARLISRIVIENT.—We are continually reminded' of the westward, progresa of business, by the opening of ne w and elegant establishments in till depait ments of trade and traffic. sOur.attention was Called yesterday to a really: splendid new store, at the solitheast corner of theet-' nut and Tenth streets. It is the - property of the enterprising firm of Kitchen & Co., jew elers, and has been fitted up by them with the utmost taste and elegance, and attracts the warm admiration of the host of people who pass along , the south side of Chestnut street. Their establishment is also rich in possessing the valuable services of Mr. N. Rulon,one of the best known and most skilful jewelers in the country.- He isin attendance at all times and fully prepared to execute all classes of the delicate work of his pro fesSion. Messrs. Kitchen & Co. have on hand a remarkably fine and extensive stbek of watches, jewelry, silver and plated ware, &c., and their terms are such as will commend their• store to a 'very large class. of customers. 1 g • THE LAST GAME OF THE SEASON,-11O morrow, representatives of tue Athletic, Keystone, Camden, Bachelor, Atlantic, of Brooklyn, and Eureka, -of Newark N. J, will meet upon , the Atbietic's grund for th last time this season, in a friendly game ofilotisti ball. The occasion will be one of great interest,as the two beit pitchers in the coOntry, Pratt and Mcßride, will each pitch one inning and show, their ability as third base, players. Woods and Wilkins, acknowledged to be the best sh , trt field p . layerSin the country, will play that. DOsi ,ion in therespective nines. Meier, Klein felder, Elias Cope, Macomb, Mike Smith, Sensenderfer, Cuthbert, Reach, Dick and others,' will be present and take part.- The game will be played by khe several clubs as a tribute to the memory of the late'Frank Frazier, over whom it is proposed to erect a monument, and for which purplse the receipts taken at the gate will be need. CHARGE AGAINST REVENGE OFFICERS.— Alex. Van Beek and David W. Gamble Deputy Collectors of Internal Revenue, were before IT. S. Commissioner A. If o Smith vesterday,on the charge of extorting money from W. R. Wright, who is a distiller, car rying on business at No. 1225 Jones street. Mr. Wright testified that he had a United States license, and that the two defendants came to his place two or three times, at ono time one of the men asked him for $100; he gave him $75, and $25 on the following Sat urday. The witness did not seem to know what he gave the money for. On cross-examination Wright testified that two or three nays before he gave the money, the accused asked him to lend him one hundred dollars, but be could not ac cfnamodate him at that time. The defend ants were held in $2,500 bail to answer. MB GERMAN HOSPITAL of this City, located at Twentieth and Norris streets, i 9 the Twerity-first Ward, will -be formally opened on Thanksgiving Day, fortlie recep tion of patients, and to the inspection of the public. At thelast meeting of the managers the following were elected the Medical Board (Attie Institution : Drs. Henry Tiede mann, Albert - Fricke, Julius Scbrotz, Emil Fiedler, Charles Beeken, Theodore Demme, Joseph Roerper and Julius Patzki. Patients will be admitted irrespective of nationality, creed or color. A ccmENT.—During the alarm of fire yes terday afternoon, Mr. Edward Elliott, driver of the Washington Steam Engine, was seri ously injured by.being thrown from his seat on the engine into the street. He was badly cut about the face. The accident was caused by the breaking of the swingle trees, and occurred at Second and Wharton streets. THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH.— The following statistics of the Protestant Episcopal Church ln the United States for the past year have been prepared for inser tion in the Church Almanac for 1867. The compiler was unable to see a copy of the convention journals of California, Florida, Kansas, Mississippi and Illinois. The figures would all have been increased, had these journals been available, with the ex ception of the number of clergy and par ishes. The statistical year of the church is, we believe, generally reczoned from Easter to Easter: General Statistical Summary. Dioceses, - - - Bishops, - - - - Priests and Deacons, - - Whole number of Clergy, - Parishes, - - - - Ordinations, Deacons, - Priests, - - Candidate for Holy Orders, -. Churches consecrated, - - Baptisms, infants, - 23,974 adults, - 6,527 1 ' not stated, 808— , 31,309 Confirmations, - • - - 19,296 Communicants, added, - - 14,138 present slumber 161,224 - 9,900 - 16 . 825 17,570 157,813 - $3,051,669 64 Marriages, &trials, - - • Sunday School Teachers, 4 6 • Scholars, Contributions, - - - SUICIDE AT ROCHESTER —A young man, named Thomas Bell, of Youngstown, Ohio, who was stopping at the Johnson House, Rochester, Pa., committed suicide on Mon. day evening by taking morphine. Bell was about twenty-one years of age, and bad been but recently married. He and his wife had been stopping at the Johnson House far some days, he intending to procure a situa tion at painting, but not meeting with suc meg, he became despondent. On Monday evening he procured some wine, which be took to his rOom, and incompany With his wife they drank it. He died in a few hoitrs, but his wife recovered. -- He left a note in which she stated that he had put morphine in the Wine, and that he was tired of life. His remains were taken to Youngstown, by hiiparents, on Wednesday morning. . ANOTHER. FLOWING OIL WELL. - The Erie Dispatch says: A three hundred barrel well has been struck on Tarr Farm. It was tested about two weeks since,and had liben pumping about twenty-five. barrels per day until last. Saturday, when it commenced flowing, and flowed six hundred barrels of oil, l actual measurement, in , forty-eight homs. The well is 591 feet - deep, and is on a•line with the Balery Well, that was pro ducing ninety-barrels until the new one (which has been named the Keystone No. 2) commenced fiowing,when the Bakery Well ceased producing. The new well is now the largest producer in Pennsylvania. It-is owned by Messrs. Clark & Sumner. The famous Phlllips Wellovlaich was the largest • flowing well on record, ison Tarr Farm, as is also the Woodford. - BANIaNG EXPLAINED —Old Mr. Lefevre's illustration of the theory 'of banking to a oust ero er, whose account was almost always overdrawn, certainly rivals the best treatise on that subject. Watchingthe customer, he caught him one day at the counter, and said to him: "Mr. Y., You and I must 'under stand each other something better than we now seem to. lam 'afraid you - don't know what banking really is; give me leave to tell yon. It's my business to take care ,of ycur money, but I.find, you are always taking. care of Mine.' Nov. , ,that IS not Wink ing, Mr, Y.; it must be the other way—l'm the banker, not you. You understand me now, Mr. Y., I'm sure you do." THE SHOE TRADE.—The shoe buSiness of Lynn is unusually dull, even for nisseason of the year, and it is said`that several thou sand workmen l3ave already laft the city for their homes, and others, it is believed, will soon follow them. Many of the workmen reside in different parts of the S - ate, some in New ,Hampshire - and Maine, and others iu t 81.11(0£1. Probably bail of thecitizens of L 3 tan 'engaged in the 'business ate mit of work 'at ine present lime. Better times, however, are looked for at thff s i lose of the mouth, • THE ?AIL f VENINGBULLETIN.—PRIUDELF'HIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1866. EMNlMmomalmamsmw. A. leaden equestrian, statue of King George 11, in Leicester B fr .ficare, London, welately, made the suoject: &heir - amtesetnetit. Some person or pensoea hay kno reverence for, koYalty, =took ; " occasion d uring the night to de co ratßand adorn his Majesty in' , ,Most, fantastic' style. They entered the enclosure armed with a pot and brush, with which the horse was. covered with black spots—the entire head and tail being coated with the same color. On the head of "His. Majesty" was placed a huge hat—extin guishez pattern-7am' ..the• ears of the animal were enveloped in a kind of horn, the points, being , particularly pointed. At the side of the statue where the arm isAnissing,aflong spear Or lance pole had been-, fixed to the leg of the royal.equestrian, and in the place of the blade there was the head of •a birch brooni. The arms of Ells Majesty which . surrounded the pedestal beneath had been painted red, while the initials "A. G.'' ()neither Bide had , been broughtout in bold relief. Altogether the figure occasioned much delight. , Every now and then, a number of boys would climb the railings and run across the square. and dance and sing in front of the statue with apparent delight. In the course of the morning .an' attempt was made to thrust a pipe into His Majesty's mouth, but without effect. CURIOUS RELIC OF TUE WAR:--11 is re lated by a gentled:tan from - Fredericksburg that a curious relic of the war was recentls picked up on the battle-field of Chancellors ville, and carried to a junk-dealer in that city. The relic consists of a star formed by two musket balls which' cellided as they were passing through the air with great velocity from opposite directions. There seems to be no doubt of the star, being formed in this way, as the undefaced ap pearance of the basis of the two bullets clearly indicates that they came together in this way. GENTS' FIURSI GEAT'S FURNISHINEF GOODS. SHIRTS made of NEW YORK MILLS MAIM, only $1 CO usual price fr, to. SEMIS made of WAILSUTTA Muslin, only $3 Ts, usual price $5. BOY S SIFTS on band and made to order. A liberal reduction ruade to wholesa.e bayers. A full stoi.k of Welsh, Shaker and Canton Flannel Undershirts end Drawers. also, Small, Reck tal Gloves, Suspenders, etc., In great variety. VII • nag JA.COBS, nos-ant No. 122$ CHESTNUT Street, rated& FINE ALMERIA GRAPSS • 75 cents per pound. Havana Oranges, FRESH CAN TELOUPES. PEACHES, TOMATOES, CORN, PEAS, MUSH ROOMS. ABPARAGIM DATES, WHITS CLOVER HONEY, NEW RAISINS, MULLETS, =ROE, PIGS IN SMALL BOXES, ROBERT DONNELL & SON, SOO Walnut Street. no2-Itt F L 0 IT R. The attention of Shlppers to South American Pmts. and the Trade generally, Is called to the folio Cle lebrated Brands of PLO madefrom NEW WHEAT and of which they are the sole receivers In this city. IVORY SHEAF. • BT. LOUIS, LANGLEY'S CHOP= • REVS .11111.14, RURAL rakaaenoura. ANTI-PANIC, GRAMM 44 2,48t3 2,530 2,305 ThlztaTitta ,Is o lirg e tl e gn in tlg ta vali a rit rOand hoop R. J. RIDDELL& 00., B. W. corner Broad and Vine streets . 8er.41 E.L W E L L'S Ladies' and Gentlemen's REFECW®II,Y, 727 and 729 ARCH STREET These spacious Saloons have been elegantly fitted up and re opened by EVAN F.LWELL. a Caterer f Thirty Years' Experience. BREAKFASTS. DINNERS and SUPPERS furnished WEDDING, DINNER and SUPPER pearrun sup. plied at the shortest notice. French Confections of every variety. Four spacloaa Supper Rooms 'added for the soma inodaiion of Societies. 110144n:a W.ll. GRANGE & SOS. Have opened their new and commodious building, No. 711 North Second Street, - And stocked the same with a choice selection of goods, comp 'sing Plain Gold Band and Decorated French, China TEA. DIA NB R, TOILET and TETE-A-TErE SETS.. CHINA. and GLASS COLOGNE BOTTLES, OB INA; PARTAN and LAVA VASES, tHIN.A. and CRYt.TAL CARD RECEIVERS. BOHEMIAN TOILET SETs,STATILEATES;etc. amatintly on band. a fnll assortment of themes: makes of WRITE IRON STONE WARE. noratc. SEPTWELL SWEET CIDER. • Oar anal supply of thti celebrated CIDER, made frorL Harrison Apples, just received. .Albert C. Itoberts, . . , Dealer in Fine Groceries,. ELEVENTH 41111 yin STREETS . • :REORGE PLOWMAN_ • ARPENTER : AND BDILDEiL 232 CARTER STREET, Ara isi DACE STAMM. ammo Work and hilllwriting ProniPUY Mend° . lylV-rzo MY POLICY ,Is to exeonte all orders for DYEING and SCOURING with ProrPP . nese and despatch, in the very best, man ner, at le:W. BM ITEM, 28 North Fifth street, betiveet Market and Arch. se4-tn,th 3,8 m; .- • • DOCE ET KNIVES AND SON . ORS.—Rogers',Wos 1 teabolmes% Mappires, and Wade 413uteher's beat MASonl co., eo7 Chestnut street • _ _ rjDAIND'CRGN, AZUREE AND COQui..L.LEa— Uf The new styles Carte de Visite. 2.1.A50N 4 CO., Of 7, Chestnut street. nol7-Int iktYVir 'raliKEY PRIINBS, tBI3.RANT4. . New Turkey Prune& qua , ity very fine; Vdw Crop urrante, Orange and. Lemon Peel, New Me.f.ga mons, landing and for sale by JCS, B, CO„ / 08 taoutkt IDglavvere.ayeatte, . . _ tullerons Statue tiO4)11)i GOODS FOE .LADIEv. 'FLOWERS GAA.ND OPENING FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. J. S. 13ORGENSKI, NO. 21 N. NINTH (EAST BIDE)., Importer and Dealer in FBENOH ARTIFIOIAT, FLO WEBS BRIDAL WREATHS, Feathers, Ribbons, Velvets, etc. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . . This 'old Established and well•known FRENCH AR TIPIOTALL. FLOWAR. 'STORM has . bEen altered throughout and refitted in true French style, and will open on Wednesday, October 24, With a magnificent assort ent of Fine French Flowers, Wreaths, Leaves. Grasses, Feathers, Velvets, Islbbons, Bonnet Frames, and lltUilinery Goods ol every description and variety. J. EC. BORGENSKI, No. 21 North NINTH &req. 0c23 to th Ptf LUMBER B A. & J. J. WILLIAMS N. W. cor. Broad and Green bts., OFPPIR 50,000 Fe6t 4-4 and 5-4 Ash Flooring supF,-,..T0n QUALITY, WELL BEABONZD. Walnut, Butternut and Chestnut, ABB, OAK and POPLAR, nO3-lm CII.A.I;t3LFES LUMBER.; Seventeenth and Callowhill Streets PHILADELPHIA. mat= 1.866. - SEL'r AND PLANE, 4-4, 54,6 4,2,14, 3 and 4-inch, CHOICE PANEL AND :PIRST COMBION.I6 feel lone. WHITE PINE; 4, PANEL 64 3 P an ATTERd 4.lne N n. PLANK. LARGE AND- SUPERIOR STOCK ON HAND. 1866 -!. BUILDENG! RUZLD/N L 11Eff 00, G UMRERI LUMBER! LUMBER! 4 4 CAROLINA. FLOORING. • 5-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 44 DELAWARE IfLOORING, DELAWARE FLOORING. WHITE PPE FLOORING. ASH FLOGRIvG. WALNUT FLOORING. SFRACEFLOORING. STEP 80.51` k. E. rtATT pLiSR . P'LASTERLI . F.i LATH. 16 66 —CEDAR - ENT' CYPRESS SHINGLES. LoNG CEDAR SHINGLES. •SHORT CEDAK KIM:ILES; COOPER SHINGLES, PEER ASbORTHEST, FOR SALE LOW. No.AND POiTS, . 1 CEDER LOOS OG AND POSTS. 1866 —LUMBER FOR UN'bERTAKERS! LUNREtt FOR UNDERTAKERS! - RE .° CEDAR, 'WALNUT AND PINE. RED CEDAR, walaitur AND PINE. 1866. - , OE 4411:117,11 3 m8 E Fi t LR. I NM. Sks: SONED W.,ALNur, EFASUNED WALNUT`. DRY POPLAR. 4 'FLEURY AND ASH. OAR 'LANK .A,ND BOARDS. NA_BOGANY. ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENKRBEL ri A ARRETEttr B ,O3: brA.NIOR CIGAR BOX-BOAILDS. lE 66. - 'C a PO TS I ST-SPRUCE JOIST- PRUC JOI E ST • FROM! 14 TO •.n FEET LONG. FROM 14 TO ..n FEET LONG. .• SUPERIOR NORWAY SCAN rrANG. MAULS, BROTEIRR k 00.. No. Zoo SAIIITH Street. Y ow Eib.D..—Tne anderatined are prepared ;o recer‘ LA orders for En. Mary's, Oeorgia, Lumber, of any de acrlption, Which be Promptly ekeeoted. htIIND A. SOLIDER & CO. Dock Bt. Wtuirf. fanntf I:11W :11 Clan 1 , :f: IA ii PAPER HAN' GlN€* AND WIND OW - SH 141E/ES AT WHOLESAIX. 40 IN. PLAINS. 'FINN DECORATIONS. BORDERS MOULDINGS, IsTAUP GILTS.. ENGLISH SATINS, BLANKS, &c. IN GREAT VARIETY, . . • - R. T. • HAZZ A.RD, No. 819 Arch Street. 5e294,tn.(1.1,2m 1033. _ WALL PAPERS as low as 10, and Y. cents.: . Gold and Satin Papers cheap. Fine WThIDOW SHADRS manufactured, all sizes a! SOH ASTON'S' DEPOT, Igo.IGSS bprtng Garden street, Below Eleventh BLIND AND SHADE% B. J. WILLIAM S S No. 16 NORTH SIXTH ST)Stllitl i meNtroScrrtriata or . v ENETIAN'BLINDS WINDOW SHADES. t - The lament and fiaMt arusortanent in the city as g oweet prices. Store Shades made and lettered. audwit 04ktitlIAG. • •• .; • SAT:4IE, - 7 - AN .ELEGANT WATSON COUPE, in perfect order, with pole and shafts. Price, st,toB. n 026 4t*: . Address Box 882, Post FOR BALL,—A liaise assortment or nen iln i kEt and 'second.hand Carriages. top'and no col Yn.ggies. Rocknivays and Osrmantowne r and Express. Wagons IGEO, DO DD & SONS; No. 480 RACE street :Von. 231 and 233 oROWN street. • , . . , . 1. TALIAN VERMICELLI.-lilOf 'be:tea - fine quality. white. imported and for • Dale by 3qs. a c0.,/ot Beath Delaware avenue, Above Market, east aide. Have on band and are constantly receiving a and splendid assortment of GOLD AND ISELV-SE 8 of all siyies, varieties, makes and prices Ail Watchrs warranted to keep good time. DIAMONDS IN GREAT VARIETY at less than moral prices. A large stock to select from. SILVERWARE and JEWELRY e.t . a!! kinds. In cluditg FANCY • SILVERWARE SUITABLE FOB MODAL GIFTS. WATCHItS FLEPAIFIXD In the best manner and warranted. DIAMONDS Bought for iamb. Also, Old Gold and Wives. OCIS FURNITURE AND BEDDIN PITY FURNITURE OF .GOULD.& 0. UNION DEPOT, N. !Worrier NINTH and YeARHES Street*, and Sas. Vend titNarth SECOND Street. The largest, cheapest and beet stock of Furniture ot very description in the world. Furniture f.r Parlor Prawing Room, Chamber or Bed Room. Dining Room /Atm), Kitchen, Servants' Rooms, Offices, Schools Marches. Dad-Fellows, Masonic or other Societies SWF*. Inetittul3ns Ga s s, Colleges. Public Buildings Hotels, Boardli gßouses. Hospitals. Fairs, or a Singh Piece of. Furniture. Orders sent by poet will be executed with despatci and with itherallty sue justness of dealing Parties mu a distance may remit through our Banker , the Far mer's and Mechanics' Nat. Bank, Chestnut street, co the Union National Bank,Third street, ot. by Express Check or Poet Office order; inarr a t e attention wil be given and satisfaction insured. BOWL]) & CO. N E. corner Ninth and Market ant rand 23N. Second street, Phila., mhtly GEORGE C. BEURAIIFF, Manniacturer of LOOKING-GLASEIa B__PORI Barr, PIHYrf.N. GRAPH. PICTUEE FBA. 111 ER GILT. AIM:MD NGS and CORN idES, - No. 3 2 9 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. Chroino-Lithograpbs, Paintings, and , a great va . rlety of Engravings on band.. Pram:Jo-makers surpliNi WHOr.gs T,E AND RETAIL. se22-em* WW(. KING GLASSES, , mmtus .t.m . e ivi ,,, i 3 z a t a y inented GILT and WAI. J. 00 ATPLAND; 53 South Fourth Eitteet, near. Cheat= se7•tmZ HUM' ENGLISH ROOFING CLOTH, ANL coated with LIQUID GIJ'PTA PERCEIA PAINT makirg them nerfectiy water oroof ' • LEARY GRAVEL ROOFS repaired with Grata P rcna Paint, and warranted for five years. L Y SLA CE ROOFS coated with' liquid whieb neromes as bard•aq - • - TIN, COPPER, ZINC, or IRON coated with Liquid ;rata Percba at small expense. Cost. ranging from one to Me cents per square foot Old Board or Shingle oota ten cents per square foot, all con. pieta -r, Material constantly on • hand and for sale by- Vie ?Ei ILADELPHIA..AND PTENNSYLVANIA•RQOP. ;NG COMPANY... . GEO. ICOSA_RT E , oc2o.em, • 2SO North FOURTH' Street. wAtairtrre AND ALBIONDB.—Iievi erav efrenerdi Tif Walnut:land Paper Shell Almonds; rar rale 1)1' X. BD INS= IN 01, 108 f 33 :Delaware Minot, IEI A L DRY GOOD. 1624 CH It STNUT EITRktET. E. M. NEEDLES Offen Novelties - NEEDLE WODIC, CLUNY LAOnS. • LINFN COLL 4118 AvD OV e.F.-A 1.A.1:1S D SETS, ‘ B l tifle,r.ZDß-E - R O 4IE-F B ErCK TX ,a. : C OE' In Orentlitssortanent. • kit:Ma NEEDLES. - • • ra,:t J,RMLfIo:I>ZOI 446 WIIITE HALL '446 DRY GOODS STORE.' NO 446 NORTH SECOND` 'STREET SHARER FLANNELS. BLANKETS. NTEEPANES.CITETALN 114.1J8LIN&LACES. CLOTHS, CA S-.IMEBAS, SLEW& tHA WLS and DEb SS GOODS. - Just Opened. a splendid Una of ALL-WOOL PLAID POPLINS for $1 GO. J. MILTON HAGY do BRO., no6-I.m Successors to JosephHAßY• T CHAMBRRS. 810 A_ltC S. STREET. eft • ; HOLIDAY GOODS—BARGAINS. - Pointe Lace Handkerchiefs. _ Valenciennes • do. Pointe Lace Beta. from $5. Pointe Lace Collars. from $2 Vales clennea Collars and Seta. French Embroidered Handkerchiefs from 75 cents Gents' French Hem Handkerchiefs. very cheap, Tread Veils at $2 50, worth'sB. A choice stock of Trimming Laces, in old Pointe Pointe Applique, • Valenciennes; Guipure. and /Dark Thread Laces, in all widths, under regaleprices. xte2B-1m: JJ. I RKOELL, . No. 147 NORTH EIGHTH. STREET, East side. above Cherry street, has now on band a fill • line of FALL and IVINTEZB 00008, at reduced pricea. Ladies's Merino Vests and Drawers.' Gems' White, Clouded. Grey and Bed Merino Shirts and Drawers. Boys' Merino Shirts and Drawers.: Hosiery. Gloves. Suspenders, Ties, Scarfs, White nhlrts on hand and made to order. A perfect St guaranteed. . 0015-3 m QT0R.1.13 & WOOD, 702 ARCH STREET, ARE NOW 1.3 offerlog a fall assortment of Lupin's French Merinots reduced to I , L Dark Olive Merinoes. for Friends' wear. Fineell-wcol PoOlin all colors, reduced to (My Plaid Poplins. Black Alpacas. Pare 2dohalrs, French Plaid Cloths, for Chitoren's Coats. Blankets, al/ gradss Shaker, Pallardvale and Welsh. All.wool and Domet, Flannels, all reduced to the lowest market rates. DWiri HALL & 00., g 9 SOUTH SMioND tree are now v openl i o , g their Pall and Winter I nporta Lions of Si T. D elPll3 00003, CLOTHS, Heavy Black Silks. Heavy Colored Sinus "rim's" Beal Irish Poplins. }Trench and German Poplins. Black Goode in great variety. Brooke Long and Square Shawls. Wei MISEe 0,511 ILO Ira WI; S WATCIIES, JEWELRY, OLIVER AND PLATED WARE. • I. J. TAYLOR, DEALER IN Diamonds : Fine Wats:2-44e Two Wry !Silver and Plated Wa r Music Box es- No, 1028 Chestnut St. _or hatctiar u attention given to Repairing of watches and Mu ni Boxes. W s s sin Ty.% IS LADOMUS DLiMOND DEALERS JEWELERS.) WATCUES, JEWELRY SILVER WARE. IVATCH:ES aid JEWELRY REPLEE 802 Chestnut St. Phila. SPRING MAPRESS, BEST QUALITY AND STYLE. AND BEDDING OF EVERY DESORipTION, J. G. FIIILLER, BOOM 9 South SBA v AurtE Street. fli t-w-mw covvarT) WITH IA M7S.F.I.M.TZM&. RES:LICY CONTINNNTAL LOME FM111.2.041.1iT EIEEORTZ EXALTS Te of scommont rear WlClip to 686 o'clock am evening. nokituri A'DELA. N ILE THE REOWNIC TRAGEDLigrom- ACADRMY OF MUSIC. DiReCTOR .. .. GRAM Mr. GirAII has the Ivnier to announce ills:, MLLE ADEL,AID In conjunction With Dramatic Company of stele brated Artistes, expressly engaged in Bur ,pa for her transatlantic tour, will give in Philadelphia, tinting a-- perioe of two weeks, a, sa-tson of eight , nights of dra mat' c represestations, commencing UN liIO.NDA DECEILBERIO.. • •SubFcriplona far the 'eason of eight nights will ba • received on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - Ae-- camber 3,i4 5tlL- , NEW CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE, ~A.l CHESTNUT street. above TWELFTH. Doors open at 7. f'ttrtain rises at MI. TUESDAY EV.Eb - ING, Nmr.27, Second appearance.ot • MR. JOHN E. McDONCIIGH, andproduction of • • .DION BLIICICALTLT'R GREAT Dlt i THE LUNG b'inflrA,„ produced with • ENTIRELY NEW AND MAGNLFICRBIT • . , StiF.NE E Y. 9.13 d s'e ated mery ra 1 liowerful Tableaux, =arks which maybe* enn TILE.DEAII I .I7O OF THE. the: CI Yor ma.cicEEBTER,- ' GREAT TELEG RA 'H SCENE. Tile Management have made arr.mgements with the , Westetn Union Telegraph Company to introdnee a. wire Into the 'theatre or till great scene, and liave• also arranged to receive the latest Telegrainiiie news.; tip to 920 r. M., which vs 1.1 be read to the audience, tbnaconnecting theCheetnut street Thoatre with all parts of the 'United States and wick Europe by Submarine OMAR. the, The piece will bf; preseroed with a MO-T POWERFUL CAST. To conclude with _ _ FOUND IN .A FOUR WHEELER. THURSDAY A Frt ERN uON, Novemoer 2.9112 THANSEGIVI % Ca MATINEE. . RED. ELM TJ , , TEE FOR EN. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. December Jst i FIRST N cDONOUGH MATINEE , ARRAN -N. A-POOllll. Pettll BA L131:118.1. AA RSJOIIN DRE w w alwaa a.takaadt• AIL THEATRE. Encins at HS .vnlock. ENTIRE CHANGE OF PERFoRMANCE. First week of the dlattngutsh.d PROTEAN AND Lt RIO ARTISTS. E. AND MILS. Ro walla PAUL, ho will aPPear MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY' VGS In their celebrated tinl. E and quP and elegant PARLOP. TERTALaMENTS. PrectAcd each ever.ing; by a FAVORITE COKE DLETTA By the Dramatic Com .any. phi DA'S Of , M Rs. H. PAUL. Seats secaredetx days hi advance. ALNUT STREET TRY:, TEE. N. E. corner raft TR and WALNUT Sta. Comments. at N. TIYEZDAY EVENING November 2lth, MISS EFFIE GERNION, Having recovered from her seritms illness, will. appear in Baudouin's 11 'tan' Tlrama of J.Est=lF. BROWN; OR, TBE RP Lrfi s' t).E . LUCENOW. And John Brougham's Glorlo.'s EvcraVaganza of P ra.S. H. R. H. Miss EIBe Germnr. THURcDAY. THAN Et-OIVINO. at 2 o'clock, A GRAND D.. I' le (.I'l 4 T FESTIVAL. Doors open at I. Commence at 2 o'clock. AMERICAN TILE& THE AND AT VENT. TONIGHT AND EVERY ND4.HT, also THANIGIVING DA .at 2 o'clock. And SaTi. RD A.Y M aTINEE, at 2. o'clock, THE BLACK. COOK. .noW, NEW ELEVEN - 1B STREET OPERA HOTISB" ELEVMVTIII street,Oove CIECESINIIT. " THE PAM :LI RESORT" OPEN . FOR T 3PASON. CARNCROSS DIXEY'S MINS The Great Star Twat* the World In thdrMtiorbt ETaropuus; SOIREES, ON, DA_NUES, NEW RUP.LESQUES, PLANTATION SCENES. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commendag at 8 cerlocir SEM BIIIi I. L. CARNCRO6B. Manager. "DOTER OF MIA DY.MY.—FRIDAY A FTERICOODI,.. November 30. at past o'clock, CARL, WOLFEOHIPS FIBSIscS.? of a hair-tseri- a 4 of SIX PIANo FORTE MAT INEIS. when he will have the valuable aid of Mr. 3. POLLAK , Baritone, trrin the Royal Opera, Dresden. subecrint•on List•, Tickets and Pro- - grammes at the Mu icotores. bingle admission, IV,. as above, and at the door Dvors open at 4 o'clock. n.N EDRITION at the P%"'N'STLVANIATACAT- N.J OF FINE RTE. a superb collection of FAINILNGS, of the French German and Belean Schools of Ars. AdmLnion, 2.s cents. Will shortly close. no 6t* . . r*t Pahl ANIA OR(AESTR.A.—pnaIIc Rehearsals l7every Saturday afternoon, at the hfUSICA.L sFUNE HALL ComMereing at half-past three o'clock. Engagements made by addressing OEORGE LtAt.T FAT agent, 1131 MON EREY street, between Race and Tine. nos tt i.aaTtruTlON FOR 'ITUR BLEND. Exhibltior, every Wednesday at a% P. R. Admisrdon Ten Cents. store. NO. 11 South .tenth street MBE ACADEMY OF .MUSIC can b. , rented for Opera, Drama. Concerts Lectures, Balm. &c., (at. the usual pricea), on application at the °Mee, in the. nol3.tu.ss PBPIFBYLDdNIA ileißwartnigm .•Open tram 9 A. M. to 6 P. strain West's t Picture of CEECRIBT RE: ;kw. b +o. .LJECIAL TN AND ORPHAN:F. COURT FOR THE C.l7k I AND COUNTY OF PHIL DE P ti.tA —Estate of IE.AAC 21 1 ERS, de,essed.— the petition of SARAH 31 YE RS, widow of said d , crdent,wit b appral3ement of pereouni property. E •FC ed to be rc Lai ced by her under act atm, April.. 1851, and auppdemeots has been filed,. and will be anpro , ed by the •:oa+t on SATURDAY,. December Bth, nes, unless exceptions be ni-e thereto. .1. ft ED ma ans. • attorney for Widow. ncZ-tu fit• Tic THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND CVUNTY OF PRILADELPHLA.. Estate of AMEIRA D CAIRNS deceased The Auditor ap- Pointed by the Cour audit settle and adjust the ac count cfISALA R. DAVIS Administrator of the estate of said decos-ed and to rep-rt dist rib Lion of the Bal ance 111 t he hands of the acct natant, will meet the , Carnes Interested for the part, FE. of • is I ppoirameat, On TUB SD A'V Dec. tuber 4th. 1866, at 4 crelock, at his °Moe. o. VIN.E..t reel, in the City of Piths; 041phia. EDWA_LD S. cABLPREI L, no=th,s,tu St* Auditor. TN THE oRPRANS , COURT FOR THE: oITY L AND -COUNTY Or Pa LADt.LPHlA.—Ratate of DALLAt- A KNEASs„ Je.. de Audi tor appointed by the V ceased The ourt to audit set le and adjust— the account of BEENE) S. H &GERTY administrator of the estate of DAL I AS A. ENEASS, Jr., deceased, and to report dit , tribution ne balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties interemod for the purpose of his appnistment. on WisD.NESDAY, the nith CaV Of December 1.56 at 4 o'clock. P. at the Ellice of HENRYS HAGEtt,T, Esq., at the S. E. corner of SIXTH and WALNUT Streets. in the City of Phi•adelph la. no th.s,tu st* TILE oRPHANS' COURT FORTIIE - Lrpr AND COUNTY OF PHIL ..r‘KLYEILA.—Estate or FIDEL KOMAR. deceased —The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the account or IGaNeZ EOHLERand IId'A.RTLN BOHLE%Admin. istrators of the state of t.aid FIDEL KOHLER de-- ceased and to report distriontion of the balance in: thehandsi of the accountant, eLI meet the parties in terested ibr the pnrp, se of las appointment on a ON DAY. December 3, 1366. at 3 o'clock P. at Ids office,. N 0.411 Chestnut street, in the city of Philadelphia. not the tu-5Q JA3IIiLS LYN D, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR Tlil CITY J AND CoU 'IY t+F P` ILA EL HTlA.—hstate• ofISIARTHEWTPS N, deceased. The auditor appointed by the Cour to annit. settle and adjust the account of TURN BELL, actrulnlArator of MAT "' HEW 7SGMP• ON. deceased, +nd to report button of the balance In the hay-de of the accountant,. tcit meet the partlet Inter-sted for the mimosa of his r ppoln troent, on MINI/AY. Deceru er. 1566 u 4- oclock , P M.. at his otlice, No. 217. South PHIRD , sweet, In the city of Philade phi. S. HERVEY NORRTS, Auditor. no.h.s.tvstli N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -CITYI'AND MUNI Y OF r.Ell Le.DELPH..T.A. —Estate of JAMItSO of L.IIIORE. deceased. Tbe - Auditor ap— point, d by the Q ur , ;t ., tidit,'settle ant ad j ust . toe' a. coed account of ED s , UICD NARD, 1- senator of the. last Will and Testkrce-n or JA HES, C at'LAWF.E.. eectased, and forepart v.istr,bution of the bats:ice in. tt e 2,t rds' of the accont tam. will meet the parties interested , for the porpt‘,e of hi's appointment, rm in ON DAY, the third day ,-f December, teat, at elazieri, o'clock, A. 2,1".. st his e, No. 310 North SIXTH street, in the City of Phi,artlphia . n0204a th,s,ste t;tOAIRIOANOI4, FIRE T-FL aSS B - 0 - ARDI N'S.--SOViral very (les Ire, -, tile ROOMS nhwr 'race t et the elegant nr,larri stone residence, N 0.1607 OHS STNIIT • nO2 .3t* rtERMANTO'WN B'iARDING class fine cm, vctr,tettt to noise and ateana Address ' Ofrznantosvn P U. n 914-20! THE Hs .N DSOME BE-1D eNcE S. B. CORNER.. of EPP CC 5, and PI , . HTH streets, has been owned, to reeeil e BO sRPEBS. tingle rooms end suites.. Private tsbit, if nesixed nol2.lm* DENTS TRY. SEMIIIt -, _} D. ROLF' LFK has administered Nitrous, Oxide, or Laughtro oiss, to thousand with per-- het success for Dental. Surgical and bledical pox.- oses and for amusement. , ' , n1 , 7 ;thy cents (SOM)per tooth, f , r extractmg No charge for i'xtractiog when artificial'. teeth are ordered Office No, 256 West Washington. &mate below. Locust strert. Seventh street oats pass'. the door. _Don't be foollsh P:yugh t-) go elsewhere add Pay Pond Cs for the gas: N continue to give in-- at:ructions to the D4ntal profession. ~b n030.1n4 C I itP CT ItAr GS. . t.TEWAR7 DEPIVV. at No. 253 eouth tiECON3S etreetraboveSPsUCK, Etopa constantly on baLd • A4-4- 11 9E ASSORTMENT - OP ICA.RPENS. OIL CLOT . ' - ,MATTINGS DR1:160.E 7 111, Wt N DOW B.H.ADES, _ to whichwe would Invite the attention of all who whit, to pnrohaeth 00.tu,th,a-2ml J'SO H. CAMPBELL, ._ Audltur.