Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, November 02, 1866, Image 1

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    SON PLZOGIE. Editor.
'OLAILIC—EVAIVSMARRIED:—At HWmesburg, on Oct. net, by
the Bev. D. C. Mlllette; Richard Clark to Hannah 'H ,
daughter of Wm. E. Evans, Esq. • *
LANGLOll3,4suddenly, at New York, on the zsth
ult., Margaret, widow of the late Charles Langiols.
LtIXENS.—CM Fourth o t h afternoon, 51st tat.,
Ellwood Lukens, in the 4year of his age.
Funeral, on seventh day. Eleventh month, 3d, at 10
A. D
reetZ. from his residence, No. lt4o North Thirteenth
' st. 4e4 ,
MUICHELL.—Suddenly. on the evening of the 31st
.ef October, Elizabeth Tyndale, wife of Edward P.
Mitchell in the 54th year of her age. •
The friends of the famby are invited to attend the
-rapers/. from the residence of her husband, Not 1407
Filbert street, on Monday, the sth hut , at 10 A. M.
Interment at Laurel QUA.
SIIMMEES.—On the 31st alt., Agnes McArthur, in
fant daughter of. George and Elizabeth McA. Sum.
funeral, on Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. Inter
ment at Woodland tksmetery. - *
WICKERSHAM—On Eleventh month, 2d, Amos
Wickersham, in the fed year of Ms age.
Bin relatives and friends are Invited to attend his
tane:ral, without farther notice, from his late residence,
in Jenkintown, on Second' day, Eleventh month, sth,
at 11 A. M. Train leaves Berke Street Station, North
:Pennsylvania Railroad, atitto'clock, A. M. Carriages
will he in attendance, at Jenkintown Station, on the
arrival of the train. **l
JOHN 8 0137113 Y. one of nature's noblemen, died
on 'the SOth ult. Death and the grave have claimed
him for their own. Be has yielded to the decree to
which each of us, in turn, must bow, and has passed
.away to sleep by the side of his companions, friends
and relatives who have preceded aim. May he rest in
peace, Is the wish of one Who knew him only to love
and respect Lim for his plain and unpretending man
ner : his incorruptible honesty ; his frankness. and his
lintlinching support of whatever he believed to be
;right. W.
T. PIUM dt ,
ntalernard Woolen Makings.
Daidnss Woolee Shawls, Mosaic Woolen Shawls.
Splendid Plain Bilks.
t Plaid Polkas.
I:PJ Kt)
- ORGANIZED in isn. INCORPORATED June 7,1844,
Odice, No. 507 NORTH reet Open from Aor let
to October lat from 9 to 12 A, M. ,
Open from October
Ist to April let from 2 to 5 P, M.
GEORGE H. STUART, President.
ALFX. G. CATTELL, Vice President.
THOMAS T. MASON, Treaaurer,
No. 428 .t , &RZRT street.
Matthew Newkirk, Thomas Pedrick,
Wilson Minton, Henry M. Kimmey,
-James Appleton. Samuel Mullen,
Charles Santee, Francis Bacon,
James B. Rodgers, Hiram Hiller, •
Samuel Work; IR. P. Ring,
Isaac R. Smith, James W. Carson,
George Nugent. Rooert Grigg,
Thomas Potter, I John Waist
T. Isszaonde Harper, 1 Charles L. Drum.
Alexander T. Lane
General Agent, EMANUEL H. TOL AND.
The Institution is designed for the n oral Improve
ment and temporal relief us the poor of Philadelphia,
and in carrying out these objects it combines in its`
mode of operations all the essential features of Bible,
Tract. htlemonary, Temperance and - Industrial Asso
Its manage ment
_is placed is the hands of persons be
longing to different religions denominations, and It Is
conducted without sectarian bias.
Its rule is to visit and examine into every case re
ported sent, or coming for aid. And it furnishes to
its contributors cards, to be even to all applicants for
-alma so that they can be sent to the office of the So.
ciety . for investigation and the needed assistance.
During eighteen hundred and sixty five, which com
pleted i s thirtieth year
-2413 visits Were made. and
1249 familien were relieved.
91 applicants proved to be unworthy of assistance.
13 could not be found.
• 200 adtutswere furnished with employment, and for
12 m2Bdren good and comfbrtable homes were se
Beanies which many religious and temperance
meetings were held, and many Bibles and tracts were
this The managers earnestly appeal for aid to carry on
good wo.
EBU.L H. POLAND has been elected
General Agent in place of John P. Arrison, deceased,
and he and. the missionaries are now calling on I
-our citizens and the friends of the society for sub
scriptlons. non' m wetrp
In addltion to the general Conroe of Instruction in
Skis Department. designed to lay a substantial basis of
now and scholarly culture, students can pursue
athose bran Ches which are essentially practical. and
'technical. Inca KNGINILEKIMG, Ovil_
_To pica!
and Mechanical: MINING nnd MRT CAGY;
ATlcappEclpußE. , and the application of Chemistry
ad Aillltle and the ART. There Is also at
ledwopportunity fore pal study of 7/ULF and
°LOST; and of the HISTORY and INST/Tu riONS
of our own country. For Circulars app,y to President
C&TTELL, I or to Prot B. B. 1 OIINGPLAN,
BABSON, PA. Apri14,1866. Clerk of the Faculty.
I would call the attention of the public to the fol.
dowlng RECIPE, which I have tried Ma number of cases
-of the most malignant Sv T T Pox. I have not known
a death to occur where it was ttezd according to direc
lions. The following is the plan that I have always
adopted: Put one peck of charcoal in a furnace and
burn the gas off in the open air ; then take it to the
sick-room, and sprinkle over it gradually five pounds
of common brown sugar; then sprinkle over It one
.gallon of clder-vinegar. It should be tried every day
for ;three days to mace it effectual. Of course, medkal
advice is required besides.
35 South Thirteenth street
lUth Month 29th, 1866
Respected .Friend—lt is alike a PLEASURE and a DUTY
to recommend thy receipt for curing cases of TyPHom
and snrrLAR DISEASES. Having tiled It with ENTIRE
Bticcm:s in the case of a SISTER we thought past reco
very, and having heard of others who administered it
with lace success, for the good of my. fellow-man, X
would say to every one, GIVE IT A TRIAL.
Your friend,
be commence on Mal, the 6th instant.
- - an be continued on luesday evening of each week,
Ybr twentptwo weeks, at S o'clock, as lullows:
un Electricity and Light, four lectures, by Prof.
On Pneumatic Chemistry, Bevan lectures, by Dr. L.
Oa chemistry or Metalt, three lectures, by Pros A.
On Firer, Principles of mechanial, eight lectures, by
P.11.1Y.U.X.058 —Members and holders of second
.class stock, on the payment of their contributions, and
lbe-members and holders of ten soarer of ilrat-class
stock. can aUend the, meetings and use the library,
(and take out books) and are entitled to tickets to the
lectures for self and Lady. _
Minor children v wards and apprentices of members
and holders of second•class stock whose contributions
are paid, and life members and holders of ten shares of
first-class stock, are entitled o the use of the library
:and lectures on the payment of 12, or for the lectures
imly,' one 'dollar' for each minor. 'Minors holding
etoc.k, pay el 50, and have the use of the library and
PAYMENTS.—AnnuaI contribution%/15, or sjofor
life; and 01 for the certificate of mernbership L STOCK,
1110 pa share, with an annual costribution of a 3 wnen
registered for use. •
lakeia for pee sone, not members of the Institute for
• each course, on Electricity and Light, on Chemistry
and on Mechanics. ibr one person, . 21; far one gentle.
moan and two ladies, 12
Single admission to the first four lectures, 50 cents
• each; and each subsequent lectnr% 25 cants.
Persons wishing to become members, will please ap
ply at the hall of the Institute, No. 15 B. SKVEN/
.otreet. to
3/Wl-at W. ErlanwroN, Actual%
Paimenruynnt, November 1,1866
The Board of Directors have this day _declared a
• nomianntial dividend of FOUR PEtt CENT; on the
• Capital Stock of the Oompany, clear of National and
• Mate taxes, payable on aid after November 80, 1866.
Blank Powers of A ttnrney for collecting dividends
are to be had at the (Moe of the Company, No. 238 S.
TRIED street.
not THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer.
ptrs. HOWARD HOSPITAL, Noe. bus and. 1M
Lombard street, Dispensary Department. Medi
eatment and medicines furnlshed grattitonsty
to the poor. -
, .
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€2O Ruth Sixth street
The Patric gives us the names of six gq
vernment steam-transports, which are on
the point of sailing to convey home the
French expeditionary corps in Mexico. The
same journal informs us to-day that the
new French Minister of Foreign Affairs,
the Marquis de Moustier (pronounced as
though there was'no s in the name), has in
dited a circular to the governments of Ro
man Catholic States on the Papal question
and the convention of September. I men
tion the two announcements together be
cause they are both indications of the tone
and temper which. it is now evidently the
policy of Louis Napoleon's government to
exhibit. On all sides,tci use a familiar ex
pression, he may be said to be drawing inhis
horns. He is'determined not to quarrel with
Prussia, even = about the Rhine. -He is
handing over mighty fortresses and territo
ries to Italy, as though they were kitchen
gardens.- is is tending ships to bring away
his trooprrom America; and there can be
little doubt that the principal point which
his Minister communicates to the Catholic
Powers of Europe, in the diplomatic note
above referred to, is that he is equally
anxious and equally determined to . come
away, from Rome as well. This wise and
judicious condi:tot affords the best proof
that, although the Emperor Napoleon may
neither be so young nor so active as he once
was, he is still in possession of mens aana
in corpore Bano --ill plain English, that he
atilt has his wits abouthins,
reorrespondence of the Phila. Evening Bulletin.]
FARIS, Friday, October 19th, 1866.—There
has been a good deal of talk here, in such
official and diplomatic circles of society as
are yet open, on the change which has
taken place in the representation of the go
vernment of the United States in Paris, and
some of our leading journals have also oc
cupied themselves more or less with the
same subject. An idea, derived from the
language of certain public organs in Ame
rica; seems to have got abroad among im
perialists and state functionaries that the
appointment of the gallant general, who is
to succeed our late Minister, is,
somehow or other, of a lees friendly cha
racter towards the Emperor's Government
than, might be dastired. It is not unnatural,
perhaps, -that this feeling should exist, and
that it should create some uneasiness. Ev
ery French official man knows, of course
that the pinch between 'the 'Government o
this country and the United States, the
only real or dangerous subject of disagree
ment, indeed, which exists between them,is
the policy which has been pursued by the
Emperor Napoleon in Mexico. Whenever,
therefore, any change takes place, either at
home or abroad, among American statesmen
or official persons of a certain importance,
the first question a French functionary
always asks, both of himself and other
people, is : How about Mexico? And
how does this new appointment bear upon
that all-important matter? And so I have
been continually asked with great eagerness
here by official people: What does General.
Dix think about Mexico? The answer
. I have found it most prudent to give
(not having the honor to be in the General's
private or particular confidence) has been
what I considered the safest at once and the
most diplomatic, viz., that he thought (like
every American) that the sooner the French
army made itself scarce. in Mexico the
better ! But besides this general impression
of ,the new minister's views, which the
French people are quite prepared for, re
marks have reached them which re
present General Dix as personifying,
in a special and peculiar manner,
the Monroe doctrine, and, therefore, boa.
tidily to the Mexican Empire, and all who
befriend it. Jumping at once, with their
usual rapidity, from these ideas to a con
clusion, many official Frenchmen are dis
pcsed to see in the appointment of General
Dix, an act of pressure upon their own go
vernment, and some of them, even going
further, express suspicions that President
Johnson may be seeking to create difficul
ties abroad, as the best relief from trouble
at home. The recent expressions -put forth
by Maximilian of .a determination to stick
to his post, and the tendency displayed by
the French government to continue to
give him moral support and sympathy,
as well as to maintain its hold
upon the country by appropriating the
Mexican Customs for tile security of
French holders of Mexican bonds (as just
announced by the Oonstitutionnel)—all these
circumstances make the Imperial Govern
ment just now-feel both conscious and sus
ceptible, and exceedingly alive to any action
at Washington supposed to bear directly
upon these questions. Such is the state , of
feeling here amongst French political men
of consideration; and I have thought it de
sirable to state it, and make it known.
Amongst Americans in Paris the change of
our Minister is not regarded as a matter of
much political importance and I have, In
deed, already previously hinted that social
and personal incidents and considerations
are supposed not to have been altogether for
eign to its accomplishment.
The note in the Constitutionnel of yes
terday, above referred to, says that the
French Goverement has "received letters
from the Emperor Maximilian," in which
the latter expresses his "firm resolution to
shrink from no sacrifice in order to hold
faith with his French creditors"; and the
same semi-official journal informs us that
this "faith" is to be kept by "pledging" a
large portion of the Mexican revenues.
Now there can be little d übt that these
"letters" and promises of Maaimilianhave
been asked for, and, perha i ps, exacted, in
order to propitiate public opinion in France.
But it may be a just question whether
Maximilian's right to make such pledges
will be either recognized by those who may
're long succeed him, or allowed to be en
forced by. the Government of the United
The death of'M. Thouvenel is announced
this morning. The Moniteur notices, as the
great act of his BAN-that he was the Minister
who negotiated the cession of Nice and
Savoy to France. • •
The Bonds Dividends not Paid in London
The following letter to Moms. Baring on
'the subject of the Mexican diiridends was
posted in the Stook Exchange on Sunday,
Oct, 19:
13, 1866.—Gentienten—I have received your
communication, dated yesterday, relative to
an inquiry . , from various bondholders
whether it is in contemplation to distribute
the amounts lately sent by the Imperial
government as a payment on account of the
dividend which became due in July last;
and I have - also received the original docu
ment signed by the said bondholders,which
I have now the honor to return to you, as
you request me in your communication. In
reply , to the inquiry made by you,l have
the honor to say, in order tha t may
make it known to those who are interested,
that the imperial government having stated,.
on making the remittance of the $600,000,
that shortly, during the month of October,
other remittances would be made until the
total required to make the complete pay
ment ofthe dividend is completed, this (dia.
tribution) cannot have effect without the
aforesaid condition. We must, conse
quently, await new orders from the govern
ment, to whom I write again on the subject
under this date. I take this - opportunity to
renew the assurance of my distinguished
The Minister, J. M. Duiterr.
To Messrs. Baring Brothers (t., Co.
Pleasing Promises and Good Intentions.
[From the Pans Constitution". el. Oct. 15.]
The last steamer from Mexico brought
letters to the French Government from the
Emperor Maximilian, in which his Majesty
declares his firm intention not to recoil be
foie any sacrifice in order to fulfil his en
gagements to France and the holders of the
Mexican bonds. The Convention concluded
on July 30, by which the Emperor Maxi
consents to assign a part of the Custom
House revenues, is to be carried into execu
tion on November 1. Notwithstandin2 the
inconvenience this arrangement will cause
to the finances of-the new empire, it is per
mitted to hope that the stipulations will be
faithfully carried out. In rendering homage
to the intentions of the Emperor Maxi
milian, it is hoped that events may not be
stronger than Ids good intentions.
The Rothaehllde Salta for the Recovery
of Tobacco Valued at $200,0“.
RICHMOND, Thursday, Nov. L—ln the
Hustings Court to-morrow will be called for
trial one of the suits brought by the Rothe
childs to recover possession of a large
amount of tobacco seized by John B.
Loomis, Treasury Agent, as thnfederate
property, under the act of Congress relating
to captured and abandoned nroperty. The
present is an action brought against, the
warehouse keepers, but the United States
steps in and defends the snit in the name
of the Government.
The ether two snits are in Chancery and
have been brought in the Circuit Court. In
the trial tomorrow Hon. 8. H. Chandler
and Judge Ames appear for the United
States, and Messrs. Ould and Crump for the
other side. The RotimPhilds first applied to
the Secretary. of State for the release of this
tobacco, but he decided it was a matter not
under his control, and referred the appli
cation to the Secretary of the Treasury. Mr.
McCulloch held that having been seized, the
tobacco must be sold by the Government,
and stated that the claimants had their reme
dy in-an action in the Court of Claims. In
etead of hearkening to this - sensible advice,_
the Rothschilds immediately instituted thee,
various suits in the State thurts, their first
steps being to procure an injunction, by
which, some time ago, Col. Loomis was re
strained from selling the tobacco, since
which time it has been in possession of the
Sheriff of Henrico county. The Roths
childs may succeed in their suits in the
State Courts, but under the ruling of Mr.
McCulloch it is difficult to see what good
success will do them. The Government
can hardly violate the law and surrender
the property in obedience to the order of
any State Court. The value of the property
in controversy is stated at about two hun
dred thousanddollars.
The District Court of the United States
met at Norfolk to-day, but had no business
before it; Mr. Chandler, the District Attor
ney, having arrived here this evening.
At the Walnut this evening for Mr. Edwin
Booth's benefit he will appear in "Richard
III." A pleasant afterpiece will follow.
At the Arch Mrs. John Drew appears, for
her benefit, in the new play "The Winning
Suit" and in "Women Will Talk." At the
Chestnut Mr. Jefferson repeats "Rip Van
Winkle." At the American Miss Kate
Fisher appears in "The Cataract of the
Ganges" for "thee benefit of El Nino Eddie,'
ho gives one of his most wonderful per
formances. At_ the City Museum Miss
Annie Howe takes her farewell and - benetlt. -
At Assembly Building Signor Blitz ap
pears. At the . Eleventh Street Opera House
the Minstrels give a sparkling bill.
"I cAH coNsciEHrlousrer recommend the
Wilcox & Gibbelo•those requiring a PER
A. BACKUS, Mi . D.
Rochester, N.. Y., May 7,:1866. •
THE latter part of the fishing season hag
proved much more favorable than the first,
and prices of mackerel are firm at sl6@lB
per barrel. The Cape Ann fleet is- con
cluding its summer's work, and about 200
vessels will ' arrive home during the next
fortnight. There are about 6;000 barrels of
Bay Ohaleur mackerel now unsold in the
Gloucester (Mass.) market.
"I wouLD rtar,for my wife's aake, ex
change her Willcox & tilbbs Sewing Ma
chine for the best of ill:others•known to me
and five hundred dollars!"
Magnolia, MiSEH., April 12 1866.
' Tag Post Office Department has issued
an order for a semi-weekly mail service
after November 1, between Salt Lake City
Via St. George and Hardyville to Prescott,
the capital of Arizona. The time occupied
in transporting the mails between New
York and Arizona will be twenty-two days
"Tan Wri,Lcux dc Grans is the ONLY Sew
ing Machine whose working is so sure and
simple, that. I could venture to• introduce it
into ,Syyria." Itsv. A. T. PEAT;
Misaiorry American Boa
The first subject which appears to have
distracted the mind of the Empress was the
clause in her father's will by which he
merely gave a life use in the twenty-five
millions he bequeathed to her, although he
gave her power to dispose of the principal
by will. The Empress applied to her
brother, Leopold IL, and to the Count of
Flanders, to annul this clause, and allow
her to devote the twenty-five millions to the
consolidation of the Mexican empire. Her
brothers, however, imbued with the pru
dence which so preeminently characterized
King Leopold 1., turned a deaf ear to her
solicitations, and, reminding her of the pro
digal generosity with which her husband
had spent his own private fortune, as well
as a portion of hers, positively refused her
request. The Empress cannot forgive this
act, and as she is aware that the King and
his brother have been privately supported
in their decision by the Austrian Imperial
family, she will not consent either to visit
her family at Brussels or at Vienna.
Thence arose her despair on the Pope
having declined to sanction the concordat
proposed by Maximilian. Her appeals re
jected by Napoleon 111, by her own
brothers, and by the Popeit is not surpris
ing that her high-toned ' mind and ardent
feelings should have given way in presence
of so much bitter mortification,
Her Cosidtrion - ,at Mira mar.
havee New Free Press of Vienna. 0ci.19.1
W received from Miramar the fol
lowing information respecting the state of
the Empress Charlotte: It was an error to .
announce that her condition had become
worse, and that she could no longer recog
nize some members of her suite. She has
certainly improved a little.
The former maitre d'hotel of the Emperor,.
and Empress at Miramar, named Zelmka,
did not accompany them when they left for
Mexico. He established on the Trieste road
an eating house which is mach frequented.
The Empress called upon him and his wile,
who is a native of Vienna, and manages the
cooking department, and begged of them to
send her food prepared by themselves, be
cause she had no confidence in her Mexican
servants, who wished to poison her. The
Empress added, " I am, in fact, now
[Parts Correspondence of the Frankfort Europe.]
It may be remembered that by the will of
Leopold L the share of the inheritance
coming to his daughter amounted to the
sum of twenty-five millions of francs; but
what is not generally known is that the de
ceased monarch, so remarkable for the or
der which he brought into his domestic
affairs, and for his prudent economy, had
stipulated in his will that his daughter
should only have a right to the interest of
that sum, and that a family council formed
by the reigning King and the Count de
Flandre should administer the capital. The
late King bad learned, to his own cost and
that of his daughter, to what extent the ruin
ous liberality of his son-in-law Maximilian
• went; and as the dower of the young house
hold bad been devoured in a rew years, he
wished bybis last will to prevent the recur
rence of such dissipation, in order to assure
to the young couple a fortune equal to their
high position in the world until the end of
their days. krowever, the restriction did
not go so far as to place under post
humous sequestration that large sum; no,
the Princess Charlotte had the right to leave
the capital to whom she pleased, but during
her life she was forbidden to dispose of it
without the advice and consent of her tute
lary council. The Empress of Mexieo
wished to obtain the authorization of her
two brothers to alienate the capital to the
profit of Mexico, for the consolidation of
her throne; but, alas! the, two brothers
have inherited the prudence of their father,
and have remained deaf to the solicitation
of their sister. Inds ins. , Thence the
great anger of the Empress Charlotte
against her family at Brussels,secretly sup
ported by the Court of Vienna in its resis
tance; thence the irritation of the Princess
signinst the two courts and her refusal to
visit them; thence a profound resentment,
a great discouragement, a real despair,
which have only been aggravated by the
not less disagreeable resistance of the Roly
See to the pretensions of the young sover
eign of Mexico in the matter of the Con
cordat. Is, anything more'necessary to ex
plain the moral perturbation at present suf
fered by this lady, young, intelligent and
so superior to her sex in general, who sees
crumbling into ashes all the finest dreams
that a youthful imagination could cherish.
A letter from Vienna says: ,
"Dr. Riedl, Director of the Vienna Luna
tic Asylum, has been summoned to Mira
mar, to consult with Dr. Jilek upon the
case of the unfortunate Empress Charlotte.
I regret to say that little hope is entertained
of restoring her to a perfectly healthy state
of mind. The special monomania from
which she is at present suffering is an in
cessant and unvanquishable apprehension
that:those arOtuid.her are seeking to make
away, with her. She refuses to eat any food
prepared for her, and nourishes herself, so
it is said, upon raw chestnuts and cold
water nor'will she even take this poor sus
tenance in the presence of any of her at
"Tice only. person , who retains any infl
enee oyer her mind is Count Bombelles,
from lxtyhood upward the faithful follower
and friend of Ferdinand Max. Of him she ,
appears to entertain no Year. The deepest
sympathy is felt here for the Emperor of
Mexico 'whose affectionate slispostbon and
tenderness of heart have won him friends
throughout Europe, even among the sullen
Venetians, who would veil their bonnets
readily to the admiral of the fleet, while- his
'Prather, the Kaiser, might Wok. round In
First symptoms of Her Attack of Iliztess m
Her litany .Dlsappotatmeata.
Maxis (Oct. 18) correspondence of London Ster.l
The greatest sympathy is manifested for
the Empress Charlotte.
It would appear that her mental state
gave cause for alarm to her entourage even
before her arrival in France. During her
voyage from Vera Cruz to St. Nazaire she
appeared to be plunged in the deepest me
lancholy, and constantly spoke of the im
mense responsibility , she had assumed. On
arriving in Paris, although indirectly-pre
pared for the Emperor's refusal to alter the
period he had fixed upon for the evacuation
of Mexican territory by French troops, she
persisted in her desire to have a personal
interview with Napoleon 111. The result
we all know. Although the Emperor re
ceived the courageous and devoted wife of
Maximilian with all the courtesy and kind
ness for which he is so remarkable, he re
mained absolutely firm. The Empress nn
rortunately lost her head completely; she
so far forgot her self possession as to give
way to the most violent paroxysm of ex
citement, and made use of language which •
not only startled but puzzled the Emperor,
utterly unaccustomed as he has long been
to be addressed in, any tone but that of re
spect, and, at the least, courtesy. This pain
ful excitement is now easily to be accounted
vain for a testimony of res sect in in the de
scendanta of the Doges.,
A A Paris latter, to the N. Y. T.rner, dated
Oct. lAth, says:
As for the Princess Charlotte, there seems
not to be much improvement in her mental
condition and the fact causes, as it shoald,
universafregret. It appears that the Prin
cess, who had, thrown all the ardor of her
youthful imagination into the building up
and perpetuation of the new throne, desired
to throw her private fortune, left -her at his
death by her father into the Mexican
scheme; but the careful old King, knowing
Maximilian's inclination for throwing
money out of the window, gave the safe
keeping of the principal (five millions of
dollars) to her two brothers, the present
King of Belgium and the Co unt: of Flan
ders. These two gentlemen, acting on their
own inclination, but in accordance with the
advice of the Emperor of Austria, refused to
give her the money; and it was for this that
she refused in turn,. to visit her relatives
at Brussels and at Vienna, and that the
Count de Flandres has beenobliged to leave
Miramar. Thus, after being refused ma
terial aid by the man who put her husband
on the throne of Mexico; after being re
fused by her brothers the use of her own
money, whieh she wished to bring to the
support of the tottering throne, and after
being refused the Concordat by the Pope,
her reason gave way. The people who sent
her there,swho were the warmest in support
of the scheme, and were the last to wish her
good-by and God speed, are the first to re
fuse her demands and to turn their backs
on her. And when she asks the reason she
gets for reply : "Oh, the United States !
The United States!" She, too, by this time,
poor woman, must bate the United States.
But it is all only a retribution for that
meanest of all human actions—that of in
sulting a man when he is down.
Russia's Relations with the Western Pro
teeting Powers.
[Berlin (Oct.l7)Correspondence of the London Times.]
The language of the Russian Government
yeas in regard to the rising shadow of the
tern question is becoming so violent
that it behooves me to notice it. While the
official and semi-official papers of St. Peters
burg are encouraging the insurgents, speak
ing of the overthrow of Turkey as a neces
sary and, indeed, imminent event, their
Warsaw contemporaries have opened
a regular campaign against any
Powers suspected of being inimical
to Russian aggrandizement. Above all
others Austria and France come in for a
fair share of their wrath, On RUN3IB'I3
present relations with Austria, I intend
soon to enlarge more fully, but what the
Czar's Government thinks of French policy
at this moment, notwithstanding its appa
rent reserve, will be seen from the follow
ing. The Eu.sski Dactmik, a Warsaw Go
vernment paper„ in the Russian language,
intended to give the appropriate tone to the
Russian civil and military service in Po
land, among many articlea of a similar
- contain Paris : s the annexed correspondence
"Even before his departure from Con
stantinople the Marquis de Moustier began
hostile operations against Russia. He has
forbidden the Porte to cede some islands in
the Mediterranean to Russia and the United
States. At the same time a great intimacy
is represented to have sprung up between
France and Russia—a statement, it is
thought, designedly made to conceal the in
tention existing at Paris of concluding an
alliance with Prussia or England. Some
foreign papers, it is true, finding a manlike
M. de Lesseps in the field, recommending a
Franco-Russian league, remember that such
an alliance, might be in the interest of
France, if ie at all intends to solve the
Eastern question. However this may be,
certain it is that the recovery of the Avis
Sophia would redoubd to the glory of Chris
tendom, and that foreigners, unacquainted
with, the Greek religion, are incompetent
to form a judgment upon the East
ern question. If Russia becomes the mus
ter of the Bulgarians, Bosnians, and Alba
nians, she will derive no little advantage
om their allegiance as does Turkey. Sue
will guarantee them their religion and na-_
natality, but they are too poor to enrich
Russia, nor will they render her armies
more victorious than at present. It is .not'
Russia who has revived the Oriental diffi
culty, but that difficulty has revived itself.
The Paris Congress having been unable to
settle it, did no more than cause its adjust
ment to be deferred. There is no particular
acuteness required to prophesy that Turkey
perhaps will have ceased to exist six months
hence. Everybody now-a-days acknow
ledges that in the whole course of history a
more absurd Government than the Ottoman
never held sway. Bat the Eastern question
is not confined - to one locality- only; by the
piercing of the Isthmus of Suez it will be
removed from the Boa °horns to India."
"Mx WIPE would not accept a Sewing-
Manhine of any other patent as a gift, if she
must receive it on condition of giving up the
QPillcoa & Gibbs." •
Carbondale, Pa., Nov, 27th, 1865.
Tun Sureme Court of New York has de
cided against the power of the Common
Council of New York to make a contract for
gas, at the present high rates, for twenty
' l Monereould not take from 'us our Willa
cox et Gibbs Sewing Machine, only as money
could buy another.'
Rev. W. G. Hußattitp.
Wilsbn, N. Y., Feb. 13th, 1866.
THE Brady Hotel property,in Harrisburg.
with all its furniture and fixtures, was sold
yesterday to, David. H. Hutchinson, for
merly proprietor of the United Steles Hotel
in Harrisburg. The price paid - wal3 tolo,ooo.
The hotel Will ba remodeled and otherwise
improved, tuidwill be conducted by:the pro-
Prietor himself. - -
I 'l WOTILD NOT EXCHANGE Tira i Wiritcox
MEL Wm. R. REUEL . %
Middleburg, Vt., July 7th, 1866.
Commissioner of the General Laud Office
has received returns from the Local Land
Office, at Stockton, ealifnrnia,showing that
during September last 3,059 acres of the
public lands were disposed of in that State,
the greater portion being taken up under
the Homestead law for actual settlement.
"I . give any hearty preference to the Will
cox cf: AS'ilent Sewing Machine."
BEAR Huirrirre.—JohnTytion, of 3111111 n
town, Juniata county, Pa., caught a large
bear on Saturday week. This is the fourth
"haul" John has made this season:
"1 -
" OUR • JavvlC-STrICH r life.marm worked
very well, but it went AT , HALF Pawn, to
make room for the Ifrafccx ce• Gibbs.'" •
Di Wunzn,
• Fatrther News from nolithoore. -
[Special Deepetehle the Be.Lleth2.)
BAMTIIRORE, Nov. 2.—There was consid-:
erable excitement in the neighborhood of
the . SU77. of ee to-day. The " Bbys in Blue"
fare out in fall force. The special pollee are;
'summoned out. There is also a large crowd
of people in Baltimore Street, -and indica
tions of trouble are looked for this;event
• Nate Robbery.
OLEAN, N. Y., November 2d.-4 large
safe in the banking office of Stonewall,
Chamberlain & Company, of this village
was blown open last night and two thou—
sand dollars in currency, revenue stamps,
etc., were carried off. There were several.
special deposits of Government bonds also
taken. The amount taken is not known.
From Canadia
MONTREAL, Nov. 2.—The Hon. D'Arcsr
McGee made a speech last night before - tha r
Caledonian Society, and said if he had the
ears of the Irish people, he would say:- Con
sider the example of Scotland; cease to pur—
sue the impossible and impracticable;• try
by every novelty something that contains
the element of success. To the Imperial
statesmen he would recommend the familiar
American word, "Reconstruction," and a
generous policy towards Ireland:
Jay Cooke & Co. quote Government atmulttlea,ao,s.
to-day, as follow=
Burns. Gelling.
U. aril 1851 ........---- —.114.Y, - lltsii
rnd 510 ikilide7- - --_ ---• ---,-.---..110% - 110%
"Craw 6.99 Ennila. MI.-- -. 1 97% . laritc
5-20 Itonde,lBM._-. -_.;.......10731
157 X; _
..23. July. 1965 --... 1 93 4 10 -
7 510, Attgast:-....----------1177 /C/73i
10534 106 V
" July.- ------105X 106
Gold-at 12 o'clock.---.....„-146N ' 147'
tunith.litutoolph ek 00..'s.anseta. 15 South Third ,
atreet, quote at 11 o'clock. 118 follows;
U.S. lia"--11021 1 ...-............4 , ---........... 4 1. 14
U.B. 640, Pal ---------
.............11DS 11036
.........-107X 107 V
—.—.........WN 107%
7":"7-14 x
2 d5erie5.................. .105% 1063ir
:a series.—.....—.....=—lft
2•20, Judy, ISW
Clompaanda. Deo.. I Piss-------.....--114' IS
Reverted for me liaderphla Evening Bulletin.
P 0.13.70 Cla.BELLO—Bark :Roanoke. Duncan—MO
bags 40 bbls sugar 32f bags ODCOa 820 hides WO elm*,
base boxes specie quantipp of oltl metal JohnDalletn - -
a cm
REM33lo , 3—Brig C bhd3 IMCar
1 toe do 2 bbls do P. W Welsh.
Iterate Jillairra Bullet° On !KWh Aggil.
Steamer Sarah, Janes. 24 hours from New YOtit.wlllt
mdse to Wm M Baird dt Co.
Bark Roanoke (Br). Duncan, 16 days from Porto Ca
bello, with sugar, bides, 6to. to J Hallett, & Co. Books
tall alt. let 17 40. lon 64 65. brig Emma, Foulke, front
OrcbMa fbr Philade'phia—reported having thrown
overboard. on the 14th. 50 tons guano to prevent her
leaking; saw the Emma again off Hatteras.
Brig Clara Brown Brown, 13 days from Remedies,
with snow to S & W Welsh,
Schr Agin*, (Br), Pye, 6 days from- Halliax. wills
fish to captain
Schr Wm Townsend, litaxsen, 1 day from Frederica,.
Del, with grain to Jas L Bawler & Co.
Behr Nile, Fowler. 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with
grain to Jas L Bewley & Co.
Behr J T Long. Tunnell 3 days from Indian River,
with grain to Jos L Bewley & Co.
Schr D H Merriman, Johnson, 2 days from vo.itgis.
River, Del. with corn to Bacon. Collins & Co.
Scbr Chief, Idlet. 2 daYs from Indian River, Def.
with corn to Bacon. Collins & Co.
Schr Freemason:Furman. 2 days from Indian River.
Del. with corn to Bacon, Collins & Co.
eta Ann Rambo Rambo. 4 days from Choptank
Elver, with railroad ties to Bacon;Collins &Co.
Fehr E G Willard, Parsons, 7 days from. Remedios,,
with mdze to Crowell 4 Collins.
Schr Artist, Price, 3 days from New York,with mdze
to captain.
Scbr J Mewl.. Baker, 3 days from Boston.
Behr Martha, Baxter, from Mgloton.
Behr Sarah, Nics arson. from taw Bedford.
Sch.: S A Bolos. Bolen. from Boston.
N :ire. THIS DAY.
Steamer Hendrick Hudson. Howes, Havana, ThOmalt
Wattson & Sons.
Ship Thomas Harward, Strickland, New Orleans, DB
Stetson & Co.
Brig J H Crowley, Crowley, Boston, j . R Tomlinson.
Behr L & AI Reed, Steelman, Salem, Van Dusan.
Lochman 4 Co.
Schr J Kingsley, Lake, Boston, _ do
Schr Jas Martin, Baker, Boston, Tyler & Co.
Behr Elmo°. Baker. Boston, Street. et. CO.
Scar Martha. Baxter, Boston, N Y and soli Coal CO.
Behr Sarah, Nickerson,New Bedford,Blakiston, Graaf
& Co. -
Schr S A Bolce, Bolen, Boston, do
Behr Ocean Bird, Kelly, Boston, Quintard, Sawyer &
Co W S Doughten,Tatem,Providence, WHunterjr,
& .
Schr Edward Lee .Lee. Newburyport, Preston Coal Co.
Schr Fly, Pennimore, Lynn, Cestner & Co.
Behr John C Henry. Lore, New Bedford, Davis
& CO.
Behr E Magee, Barnes, Boston, Tyler & Co.
Behr James HE Vance, Mudge, Providence, Auden/aid
& Co.
Schr A 11( Chadwick, Coan, Genoa, J E Buie) , &Co.
Behr Restless, Baxter, Boston, Wannamacher & Max
Steamer MeMs, NEM Hard Oß ie. cleared at Liver Pool nth
ult. for Boston. Philadelphia and Norfolk.
Steamer Aries, Crowell, cleared at Boston list
fbr this port.
Steamer Tpbee, Oatulcins, from New York, ontsidet
the bar, Galveston. 2ad ult.
Steamer Port an Prince, Jar,kson. from. N YOE' 'els
Hey Weet, at Apalachirola 28d ult.
Steamer Montere Whitman, f ro m New York Mr.
New Orleans, was ,
ed 29th ult.io AM, hit W s lora
Ship Thos Lord. Prebble, from Cardiff for Bomban
Ras spOken 7th Sept. lat Is N. lon 25 W.
Ship itigt say, Swift, from Callao. at nrcanverattavan
itth ult.
Bark lreoaialt, Gilkey, hence for Antwerp, off the
Isle of Wight 18th alt
Bark Edwin„ Brace, hence at MarsiMea 17th nit.
Barn Mathues, Cretekton, hence,. sailed from ,
Jago I;th ult.
. Brig Mary E Thompson, Warren, hence for Beaton.
at New nn don Seth ult. • '
Brig Ida. fbr this port soon, was at Sagas 16th nit._
Brig Herald, Laughlin , hence at Guantanamo Lat in ;
ult. in II days passage.-
Briglifate Stewart, Paddock, Mom Mobile, arrived
at Boston this morning.
' Sebr Fannie. Kimmey. from Savannah for this part,
before reported on Joe Flogger, is going to Pieces; saw
Garnet arrived from the wreck this morning with
bales, 60 bbls spin turpentine and some sails and dz. ,
- nt
Ea r Cara. Barrett. from Charieeton for this part.
with cotton, lumber,' fton. &a put into Wilmington.,
NC/ 30th ult. leasing badly. ••
__Etchr„.T Kn ight ,-Plum, hence for Dighton. at New
London 3
and market difference in price allowed.
7.10'3, .15.4ris, Iwo's, 1040's and
Compound intecast rioted Bought and 6 3 1 4
I:43EL,EXELu Co.,
3:00 O'Olook.
r 7 T T ITT7 T rnrIT' -- 111
57208 -.-
34 80m nun immEr.