Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, October 31, 1866, Image 8
CITY BWIdLETIW. The Coroner's Office. —Mr. Samuel Daniels, tbe Coroner elect, will enter upon the discharge of his duties to*morro'w. Io the retirement of the present worthy Coro ner, Dr. Wm. Taylor, the city will losea valuable officer.' During his term.the af fairs .of the office were conducted as they never had been before. An office was es-. tablished in a central locality, and full and complete records of all* cases were kept. These were hot only a great accommoda tion to the publio in desiring information about deceased parties, but in murder cases were of immense value to the counsel on both sides; In thekeepingof these records the Coroner has been very ably assisteaby Mr. JamesM. Fletcher, his clerk. . . • Dr Taylo' was also noted for his genue- ; mahiy. deportment to ai persons having tonsiness with him, for his strict attention to the duties of his office, and hla dispeasa tions of charity to the many poor people hewas brought in contact with in the line ofhisdnty. „ „ Mr Daniels has had considerable expe rienoc in public office, and he will no doubt discharge the duties of Coroner in a satis factory manner. Attempted Robbery. This morning about two o’clock an attempt was made to rob the house of Mr. Derbyshire, on Beach street, below Shackamazon. The thief got into the yard of tbe mill adjoining, by breaking through the fence, and then got into the bath-room of the house of Mr. Derbyshire by means of a step-ladder. While operating on a door to get into the other part of the house, he was heard by Mr. Derby shire who gave the aferm. Officer Cray was quickly on the ground,, but before he got into the house the burglar, had fled by the same means he had gained an entrance. He dropped a . jimmy in the yard as he, passed out. Serious Affair.—Last evening about half-past eight o’clock a man named Flem ing went into the tavern of John Donohue, at 2410 Callowhfll street, and got into a diffi culty with the proprietor. It is said: that Fleming knocked Donohue down. Donohue then drew a knife and stabbed Fleming In the arm and in the groin. The wounded man was conveyed to the St. Joseph’s Hos pital. He had always been on friendly termß with Donohue heretofore. Donohne gave himself up to Officer Hamilton and was arraigned before Alderman Hntchlnson this morning. He declares that the stabbing was done in self-defence. He was held in §1,500 ball for a further hearing, Assaulting a Policeman.—John Moore •was before Alderman Bonsall, last evening, upon the charge of assaulting Officer Reeder. It seems that as Reeder was passing Ninth and Ellsworth streets, he observed two men straggling with a drunken man. A woman appealed to him and said that those men were trying to rob her husband, who had upwards of §lOO in his pocket. He attempted to take charge of the man, when he was at tacked by .Moore, who struck him several blows and ran off He was pnrsnedfor several squares, and captured. He was committed in default of §1,500 bail, to an swer at Court. Stabbing by a Woman.—Mary Dough erty got into a quarrel with another woman yesterday in Northampton Court, Dillwyn street above Callowhilf. and, it 1b alleged, cat her in the arm with a knife. Thewound is not dangerous. Mary was arrested and taken before Alderman Toland, by whom ahe'was committed in de&ult of §l,OOO bail.' Larceny.—Viotoria Burehell, a young colored girl, from Camden,. N. J., was ar * rested yesterday and taken before Alderman Titfermaiy upon the charge of entering a house in Bedford street and stealing there from three coats. She was committed for trial. Beat His Mothkr-in- Law.—Evan Thomas was before Aldermsin Clouds this morning upon the charge of assaulting his mother-in-law, at her residence on Howard street below Norris. It is also alleged that he made a . general smash of things in the house. He was held in $BOO bail for trial. Suspicious Characters.— George Buoh and James Depn, who have been prowling about the Sixteenth Ward in a suspicious manner, were arrested* early this morning at Second and Canal streets. They were committed by Aid. Shoemaker. AbOtobb Wanted.— A set of harness, which was left at Fifth and Coates streets yesterday by a boy, is awaiting an owner at the Eleventh Ward Police Station, Rescued prom Drowning.— A man fell into the Delaware at Pine Street wharf last evening. He was rescued from drowning by Officer Ellis, of the Harbor Police. ' The Cholera.— The report of the cholera at the office of the Board of Health, to-day, showed only two new cases. Hpw to Make a Home a Paradise.— This desirable result may be attained by purchasing one of Hr. J. S. Clark’s Gold Medal Ranges, which are so convenient, economical and efficient, that hundreds of families in Philadelphia and other cities, are using them with the greatest satisfaction. The community have long wanted a superior range, suitable for summer and winter. The Gold Medal Barge is strictly socha one. During summer, a small cylinder is'placed In it, which greatly economizes the use of fuel, and will not heat the kitchen. Daring win ter, a larger sized cylinder is used in it, which will heat, three roomß comfortably. It will bake, boll roast and heat bath water, all at the same time.’ Itis a perfectly air-tiiht Bos Consumer, ani requires only hate the qaanlity of coaj-consumed by any other range in use. It retains the fire longer thirrany other range which adds to its convenience and eesnomy. It em braces all therequisites essential toa.per/ect range , We respectfully recommend the public to call at the ex tenslvesales-room of the patentee, Mr. John S. Clark No. IMS, Market Btreet, Philadelphia, and examine tha Gold Medal Range, as they will be convinced of its pre-eminent superiority. Sib Isaac Newton is said to have worn In his finger-ring a loadstone weighing three grains, and capableof sustaining over two hundred and fifty times its own weight. Talking of stone reminds ns of coal, andthat reminds us shat the greatest coal dealer In Philadelphia is W. W. Alter, No. 957 North Ninth Btreet. Mr. Alter hsa also a Branch Office at Sixth and Bprlsg Garden streets. allttebativel GENTLEMEN’S GESTF.HT. GARMENTS. _ AGE ACCORDINGLY ATTIBED - boys beautified bountifully ' BK OWN OTOira'^OTmNQ^iL, 60S AND 606 CHESTNUT STBEfSt. Fifty Varieties of Oakes.—Fresh daily, at MORSE 4 CO’S, 902 49M Arch street ■ “ Window Shades only One Dollar. Window Shades only One Dollar, Window Shades only One Dollar. I Great Bargains at W. HENRY PATTEN’S 1 1408 CHESTNUT Street. A Worthy Cobdwainer.— There is a vast difference In tfie style, fit and workmanship of Boots made by different hands. Some boot-makers expect the foot to do the service of a last, the conse quence of which is you are crippled nutU the boot is nearly worm. out. slr. Chables Eichei,, No. sot North Eighth street, does not belong in this category He Is notonly an artistic boot maker, bat he Is alsoa philosopher. Those who are suffering with eorns and bunions. caused by ill-fitting boots, should give Mr. Eicbel a trial. He !a sure to please, not only. Ini fit, but in quality astdprice. , ■ ■ Nottingham Lace Curtains,—A large 5514S 514 Jin® of these goods; at all prices, and, of sl?eStt I w“JS&e^. affered by <fe - Wilson- Sewing «ce of mankind, has-: had few bless- Wheeler or .. mo J e real value than the ero“uuralrMd 11 wm?.?J3S* I ? achlnß - Its labor-saving baii-7 of construction.are untver w - pssssra* Children’s Hats " Of AU Styles. pAKFOßD’S,Continental Hotel. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA, WED NESDAY, OCTOBER 31 1866, W. Henry Patten offers a very large and magnificent assortment of CUBTATNS.recelved this week, and delected with greatcare, from unmet-. ot» auction 6ales.,|Selilnglrom it W toB2o. Coal at Retail at Port Richmond Pri ces-attheShlpplngWharf, fbot. of; Laurel • street, Kensington.. Gross' ton (2£40 lbs.)*lwaya delivered. onleßsatoerwlse ordered. ; Window Shades; at reduced prices, to make rCDm foralteraiions to store.; at K 1408 CHESTNUT Street.; ;G. BtfRON MoRSE ifc Co., .9Q2 and , 904 Arch street, take pleasureito. announcing - to. .toe public tUattoeYare now prepared to Yurnlau toPar ties a IpUfarletyof Fine ana Fancy Cakee.Table Or naments, Charlotte De Russe, Marauques, Ice Dreams, ices, , Jfflile*. Ac., Uhloken and lobster Salads. Cro qnetta, Fried Oysters, ac. China, Glass and HUver and a toll corps ofFlrst Class Walters on sbor.t notice. i Carpets laid, curtains pnt up, andl furniture and bedding upholstered Without delay. .No disappointment at, ' . - PATTEN'S; , , - - t Hallowell & Son, 534 Market street, Hallowell A fcon, 534 Market street, Hallowell & Son, 534 Market street, 30) s' Clothing. - Boys’ Clothing: : Boyß’ Clothing. ; Boys’Clothing. Boys’ Clothing. Boys’ Clothing. Splendid assortment. Reduced Prices. Splendid assortment. Beduced Prices. Splendid assortment. Reduced Prices. Call beforepurcbaslngelsewhere. ' ; Lace Curtains from Auction at * ' W.HKNBY PATTEN’S, 1408 CHESTNUT Street. i Remarkable Speech o/ IP. Hepworth Dixon, Etq.,cf Ijtmdon. at the Tettiiiwnial Dinner given at the ■ Continental Hotei, October 23.—Mr. Dixon, on rising, seemed slightly-embarrassed, He replied to: Mayor McMlchaelln toe following remarkable words: ••In toe judgment of many of us, toe historian Macau lay had spoken of William Penn, the rounder of your Commonwealth, to terms which seemed to call tor a Justification or that Disciple of Peace. I took up my pen in his delence, and since I have visited your beau tiful country, traveling as far as the wild prairies. I have come to rest my poor feet to those very streets trod by that man who gave name to your beautltol city; and I will here say.' what I have never said beiore to any living soul—(Hear 11—that, as much as I respect William Penn and his followers—their creed, their speech, their drees—l should have found lan guage too inadequate to express my admiration of his principles at that time if I had supposed I sbonld have found to this city of hla founding, and at this very spot—[Hear! Hear!] —such beautiful ready-made first-class clothing a s I have seen this day on the counters of Cbarlts Stokes A Ca’s Clothing House, under this hotel—[tremendous applause]—with toe pr.ee marked on every article” Lace Curtains, Lace Curtains, Lace CUBTAXNB. auction gc od3 were bought low and will be sold ac cordingly ; someof them the meat elegant ev-r Intro duced/rine Tatnboure Applique and Nottingham. Great bargains at , W. HENRY PATTEN’S. 1408 CHESTNUT St, W. HENRY PATTEN’S, 1108 CHESTNUT St. W, HENRY PATTEN’S, 1408 CHESTNUT St. Misses’ Hats! New Styles opening dally. OAKFOrB'S, Continental Hotel. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh.— I. Isaaes.M. D„ Professor oftheKye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials Horn toe moat re liable sources In the city can be seen at bis office, No. 510 Pine street. The medical faculty are invited mac company their patients, aahe '■•a bad no secrets In hU pramloe. Artificial eyes tose* ed. No icharge mads or examination. Furs! Furs! Furs! Winter Stock now open. OAEFORD’S, Continental Hotel, “lubrlcatlve steam engine packing.—tor terms, see 635 arch sk. phila.. and 26 dey st, new york. LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.— IN THE MATTER OF THE ASSIGNED ESTATE OF THE UNITED MATES ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY.—The Auditor appointed by toe said Court to audit, settle and adjust the first account of JOSHUA bpf.rtng. sequestrator and assignee of the • ÜBlted States Annuity and Trust Company of Phila delphia,” and to report distribution of toe Balance to the bands of toe-accountant, will meet toe parties ln> created for the purpose of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, the fourteen to day of November A. 1). 1868, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office, No. 423 WAL NUT street, to toeClty ol Philadelphia. BENJAMIN H. HAINES. oc3tw,fjn,st{ . Auditor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PIYKAB wm Ttns CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.— NATHANS vs. SKINNER, Ft Fa., June, 1866, Nos. 76, 77, 78, 78 and 101. The auditor appointed to dis tribute the proceeds paid Into conrt of sale of personal property under the above writs of execution, will meet the parties interested at his office. No. is South SIXTH street, Philadelphia, en TUESDAY, Novem ber 13th, 1866, at three o’clock P. M. JAMES W. LAT TA, , Auditor. rS THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of JOHN J.IBOBIB, deceased.—The Auditor appointed by tho Court to audit, settle ana adjust the seventh and final account of JOPHIA BOBIR. JOSEPH K. IN GE RSOLL and ADOLPH E BOBIR, Executors of toe last will of JOHN J. BORIK deceased, and to Report distribution of toe Balanee to (be bands of toe ac countants, wiU meet the parties interested for toe pur- Sose of his appointment, on MONDAY toe twelfth ay of November. 1866; at 4 o’clock, at bis office. No. 220 South FOURTH street, to the City of Philadelphia. oca.-wXm.st* JAMES W. PAUL. Auditor. SILVER SILVER SILVER FLINT FLINT FLINT BUCKWHEAT,, THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. DAVIS A- RICHARDS, 0C24t1? ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. LADIES’ FANCY FURS! A. K. & F, K. WOMRATH, 417 Arch St> } HAVE NOW OPEN A Full Assortment of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S FURS I Also a great variety of FANCY aad Sleigh Bobes. Congress* Empire - AND COLUMBIA SPRING WATERS. Messrs. Bullock 4 Crensbaw, N.’ E cor. of Arch and Sixth Btreata. Philadelphia, will hereafter keep , a supply of these vaJnable waters for sale, fresh from the Springs, and aeuvged to enr enstomers at their store, at our lowest New York city prices. . d HOTCHKISS’ SONS, Proprietors, r Swtoga Springs, 92 Beekman 4 68 Cliff York ocuamrpg • v . nmns FRENCH MANTEL CLOCKS.—A fresh Im. style* warranted correct rABB_a BBOTHJjBB, Importers, 824 Chestnnt street, below Fonrtb. . M.A.TORBEY, - 1800 Filbert street, ■CUTLER, WEAVER A CO., - i! -efaiirm.nln.i<,knr : I MASH*. AND TARRED CORDAGE, l' = , OOBM. Twtneß.sfay. No^BN^WateetoMj^d^Kostt Enwns H. ' (HChes^nt^eehbt^r^ouiih, Tk AISIMS AND LSMONB—Ranch,Layer and Bees At leas Raisins and Malaga Lemons, landing from barkl* Platajmd fbr sale by JOS, B, BUSPIEBd DO,, 188 souSTDelawar* avenns, J FIRE PROOF SAFES. AS GOOD AS NEW. ’After 20 or's)i: years .uae. Fire-Proof Quality Is the sSme to - „ _ •* . MARVIN’S SAFES.. ! ALDM ASD DEY PLABTEB,. , RELIABLE AT AiL TIMIR. ' ' ' 1 - - AMPLE TESTIMONIALS, MARVIN & 00., 721 CHESTNUT St, Masonio Halt r 265 BROADWAY, N.Y. Seiffifor Htostrated Catalogue. se2Asmw3mrp MEW PPBLICATIOSB. A MANUAL OF MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MATERIALS. Apampbletof 112 pages,furnished gratis by JAMES W. QUEEN & <30.. OCIO-rptf 924 CHESTNUT STREET. BOOKS! NEW ROOKS! PUBUSHXD TRIO DAY, AOT> YOB S ALB SY T. B. PETERSON ABRGTHKHB, NO. 306 CHB3TSUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. THE CORSICAN BROTHERS By Alexander Du mas; author of “The Count of Monte Cristo,” •' Three Guardimar,” 'tETwenty Years After,” “Bragelonne,” etc.* Being Dnmas'sfireatDrafeatlc Romance. Com plete la one large octavo volume. Price Fifty cents. WHITEFBIASS: or THE TIMES AND DAYS OF CHARLES THE' SECOND. By M»« Anthor of "Whitehall, or toe Days and Times of Oliver Crom well.” Ifmatrated with Original Designs by Chapin. Being a novel tolly equal to -‘lvanhoe” or “Waver ly,” by Sir Walter Scott. Complete to one large oc tavo volume, Pfioe One Dollar. THE LOST BEAUTY; OB THE FATAL ERROR. A Spanish Novel. By a Noted Lady of toe Spanish Conrt. Complete to one large duodecimo volume. Price 81 Min paper; or 800 to doth. affiffii THE STORY OF ELIZABETH. By Mias Thacke ray, daughter of William' M. Thackeray, Esq., the aatoor ef “Vanity Fair,” ‘“Pendennia,” Ac., Ao. In ona large duodecimo volume. Price |1 00 In paper, or fl 801 n cloth. FAN CHON, THE CRICKET. By George Sand, anthor of “Ocasnelo,” “Oonatess of Bndolstadt.” “Indiana,” “The Corsair," “Jealousy,” “First and True Love.” etc. Complete In one large duodecimo volume. Price 81 la paper; or. fl 60 to cloth. - MARRIED AT LAST. A Powerful Love Story. By Annie Thomas, author of toe "House in Piccadilly,” -Lady Lorme,” etc. Complete to one large duode cimo volume. Price 81»la paper; or 82 to cloth. OUT OF THE DEPTHS. THE STORY OF A WO MAN'S LIFE. “A Woman's Story and a Woman’s Book.” A Powerful Novel. Complete to one large deodeclmo volume. Price 81'50 to paper, or 82 m oleto. Copies of any or all of the above popular books, will be sent to any one, free of postage, on receipt of price. Address all orders for aay books at all to the Pub- HrtPrw. T. B. PETERSON A BROTHERS. 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., And they will receive prompt attention. Bend fdr one of onrnewandtoll Catalogues [oc3l-2t PUCHRE AND ITS LAWS.— Ei THE LAWS AND PRACTICE OF the nsw OF EUCHBR BY A PROFESSOR. A member of toe celebrated Euchre Club of Wash ington city, and published and adopted by them as ihelr text book. This Is the only authorized work en the Game of Euchre published. One volume, cloth. Price ore dollar. Published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON A BROTHERS, OC3I-21 806 CHS ST NUT Street, Philadelphia, Copies will be sent. Port paid, on receipt of price. «*»•-» »■ FbBAAkA'EX forrent; The Third and Fourth Stories Back, OF THB v . % NEW BUELB2IH BUIX.DIHS, With entiance by a spacious Hall on Chestnut street, and also an entrance on Jayne street. Fer further particulars apply at the “Few Bulletin Building, 607 Chestnnt Street. ocffitf SI PUBLIC SALE. f r Pursuant to an order of the Orphans’Coart of ntgomery county, the following VALUABLE FARM, late the property of George Belff, deceased, will be sold at public sale, on Tuesday, the 6th day of November, I see, on the premises. The farm contains about lot scree or land, situate in Norrlton township, adjoin ing the line of the Borongh of Norristown, Is bounded on three sidts by public roads, fronting on the De- Kalb street or New State road on the east, and on the Old State read on the west, and Is wlthla ten minntes’lwalk of the Norristown and Reading Railroad Depot. The improvements consist of a STONE DWELLING HOUSE, fronting on Swede Btreet, large barn and other outbuildings, well with pnmp at the barn, and one of the very best springs of water at the house. The land Is naturally of excellent quality, and Is In a high state of cultivation, conve niently divided into fields and enclosed principally with new fencing. There is also a tenant noose and Sara, the latter sufficient to stable fbnr or five horses on tne premises. This is obb of the most desirable farms is Montgomery county. Its nearness to mar kets and tie lines of public travel renders it valuable for farmingpaJPoes, and as It joins tha borongh lines and fronts large >7 on three streets. U (specially adapted for town loti, country seats 4c. The location is unsurpassed, and taken altogether the property is one which should Command the alten tlon of all those wishing to purchase. Persons \riah lug toview before the day ofsale, will call on Jonas A. Reiff, corner ot Swede and Airy streets, Norristown, ts.ooo of the purchase money may remain secured open the premises. SMe to commence at i o’clock P. V, Conditions made known by . CATHARINE REIFF, H. U. UMfcTAD, ocsi 5tJ JONAS A. REIFF, ’ Jacob Fishib, Auctioneer. Administrators. flat TRv STEBB’ PEREMPTORY SALE, BY OR BS DKR OF THE COURT OF COMMONPLBAS THOMAS 4 SONS. Auctioneers —Two-story brick DWELLING, No. 1412 BEACH street.—On TUESDAY November 20tn, 1860, at 12 o’clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Bale,withont reserve at the PHILADEL PHIA EXCHANGE. All that two story brlckmes snßge, with two-story double back buildings, and lot of ground, situate .on the northwesterly, side of Beach Btreet. 116 feet 9 inches northwestward of Palmer street. No. 1412; containing in front on Beach street 20 feet 51? Inches, and extending in depth .on tne southwest line H 7 feet 6 Inches, and on the northeast line 145 feet 4K inches. fiST Clear of all Incumbrance, immediate Possession. Sale Absolute. M. THOMAS 4 SONS, Auctioneers, 0c31n07,19 189 and 141 South Fourth street. «g GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE, TO BENT, Beautifully located on high ground, with six acres attached, stable, carriage house, etc., and within five mlantea* easy walk of Day’s fetation. Inquire at OC3I-8lrp» npo LET.—Two or-three large handsome ROOMS J. above a business place, suitable for a small family 2f a {BW single persons. Inquire at 1000 CHESTNUT |t£6Bt ! __ocBl3trp} ' AUCTION BALES. |~AMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, 1 TENTH FALL SALE OF°^LOMSTB b ANIj BIOCKS. NOVEMBER 7, IMA „TMs Sale, on_WEDNESDAY, at is o’olock noon, at the Exchange, will Include the uun ’ Gntfimsd •. . . Particulars to-morrow. HESTON VILLE—A Frame House and Lot, Pas ohau sh. near Pear,-HestonvlUe, 20 by Isifeet/ cinar Orphans' CourtSaU—Estate otti ssA;“X No. 920 S. TWELFTH BT-A neat Dwelfinlr teSw Christian. 16by 60 feet Clear.. ImmedieUe voifessotZ NDSTd AND BEEO BTO-A hSMRt ner Ninth and Reed First Ward. Clear. Akecumr? Ssle—Estate of Robert AUm dec'd. Jsxecutorr i DWELLING, N. TWENTY-SEOOND ST—A Throe. Sale-Estateol EmilyA. Eruce i <lec , d. u 1! w wa P‘ RIGHT* ENTHyAND NAUDAIN STB—A Throe, •story Brick Tavern Stand and Dwelling, 8. E. corner .16 iby «-feet. Orphans/.Court fiWsi! Estate oris& tlumiel Gordon, (feeA *“ ** MS' CATALOGUES ON FRIDAY. XUKENS 4 MONTGOMERY. Conveyanoera Oc3l-w.B3t* 1035 Beach Btreet ab^er^t.. NEWTECANS-— 10 bbls. new crop Texas Pecans landing, ex-steamsblp Star of the Union and S?I svasxsß * «>.M» ISiWFawSS ' CARPETINGS. JAMESH.ORNE&CO, ; 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Between 6thand 7th streets. JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER A LARGE IN. VOICE OF French Chenille and Axminster Carpets, ' / HEW DPSIGNS. I * - JAMES H.ORNE&GO;, 626 CEESTBDT STREET, Between Sixth and Seventh streets. MESSRS. JOHN CROSSLEY & SON’S , New Style! 64 Velvet fe Tapestry Carpets, 304 North BROAD Btrtet, OABPETIIieS. JAMISH.ORNE&CO, 626 CHEBTNUT STREET, Between Sixth and Seventh sts., English Royal Wilton. English Brussels, English Tapestries. JAMES H.ORNE& CO. 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Sixth and Seventh its., NEW CARPETINGS Fall Importations* NOW OPENING. ocstnolOrpi McCALLUHS, rmttAßP! & SWAB, Ho. 519 CHESTNUT STBEHT, (Opposite Independence Hall.) Have Joat received an Invoice of ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS AND COCOA MATTINGS. LEEDOM & SHAW, Wholeiale and Retail CARPET WAREHOUSE, * 910 ARCH ST., Just received per Earner Manhattan,new andhand some Patterns ef CBOSSLEY’B TAPESTBUB, en tirely new, Ibr this market. Also, a fall Msorfinent of DBUGQETS In ell widths. • seU3mrp| •lIIL FINE ABlf EARLES’GALLERIES, ! 816 Chestnut St. . > Looking Glasses. Oil Paintings. Engravings. Picture Frames Rogers’ Groupes ■ - i A LargeTrw Gallery of Oil Palhlfngsi FINE OPERA GLASSES. Imported and for sale by James W. Queen & Ooi -Odo.tr 934 Chestnut Street! RETAIL BBT QOODS , LINENS. ' HOMER.COLLADAY&GO. Have Now Open, A FULL ASSORTMENT PENS HOUSEKEEPING .GOODS. Shirting and Pillow linens. Ijnen Sheetings, best makes. Table Cloths and Napkins. Table Damask, Towelings. Quilts* in all qualities. /.•-, •: - - Flannels and Blankets, American and English Makes, With a general assortment of all goods in this line used In Housekeeping^ Prices Very Reasonable. 818 and 820 Chestnut Street, OCIS-12t| MILL IKE N S LINEN STORE, 838 ARCH ST. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, Ladies’ and Gents’ Sizes. The Largest Stock in the City, RETAILING AT IMPORTERS’ FRIGES. GEORGE MiLLKEN, .Mimwftdesup B3B A)Kdl Street. DEPOT FOR, FURNISHING DRY GOODS, A CARD. Sheppaid,VanHarliDgen&Amson No. 1008 CHESTNUT STREET, Whose establishment for the tale of ' HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS Is uneqnaled In the extent and variety of its assort ment, beg to announce to HOUSEKEEPERS BE NKwINQ THKIB SUPPLY. or persons about to fun. nlsh, that they are now receiving their FALL ASBOBTIDBST OF Fresh Linen, Cotton and Woolen Goods - for Household Use, SUCH AS Linen Sheetings, Cotton Sheetings, Pillow Linens, Pillow Muslins, Damask Table Cloths, . Table Linens, Damask Napkins. Bordeied Towels, Towelings, Quilts, Blankets, Table and Embroidered Piano and Table Covers. And every ether article suitable for a well-ordered Household,. oc2l-wtta-tt rpf , EYRE & LANDELL, IHfOUBTH & ABCHSTBEETS, HAVE PIBST QUALITY Lyons yelvets. EXPENSIVE SHAWLS 808. - CHRISTMAB PRESENTS. ' i . i Full Line of Silks. Full Line of Dress Goods, CLQTHIEQ. EDWARD P. KELLY. ' TAILiOK, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now the FALL AND WINTER STYLES and V complete assortment of FALL ASD WINTER GOODS. CLOTHES equal or superior to th ose of any other Bhrst-Glasa Tailoring Bbtabllshmeut, at Touodmeje prlcee. Satisfaction guaranteed. Patton Qlothes.to show the new and prevalent stylet for toe Inspection of customers and pubilo. SILK as PRY GOOPS JOBBERS 1866. FALL. BANCROFT, BACHE It CO., LINEN IMPORTER, 330 MARKET STREET. Our Fall Stock is Now Complete, COMPRISES FULL LINES OF NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS, CONSISTING OF HOSIERY AHD GLOVES. SHIRTS AHD DRAWBRB. HOODS, IHBIAS. SCARFS, HAHDKEECHIEFB. SHIRT FBOHTS. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, RIBBONS 1 White Goods. Furnishing Goods, Tailors’ Trimmings, Combs, Brushes, Threads, Bindings, Braids, Buttons. NOTIONS AND VARIETY GOODS. We call particular attention to onr bus vV METHOD ot doing business. We sell onr goods at COST, and toe .profit we add 5 per cent, only to the amonnt of bUL Oar only Terms are Cash, in Par Ponds at Time of Purchase, We with It to .be understood that the term 09911 with ns means the ACTUAL BONA FIDE FIRST COST of an article, with an extra trade discounts de. ducted, excep.lngonly the small percentage anpwefi uafbr cashing onr bills. The COST PRICE is marked on every article : throughout the establishment in plain figures, eo Utah buyers, by examining onr stock, can easily satisfy themselves as to the advantages and merits of onr sys tem. Onr plan is entirely new,-and -must commend Itself do ati who wish to boy goods CHEAP FOR CASH. ocll-lmrp FTRSICES AXI> MASTELS. Philadelphia warming and VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, ■ 1010 CHESTStT STKEET.; CHLLSON’B PATENT NEW GAB-CONSUMXNG OONE FURNACE will warm your house wiih ONE-THIRD LESS COAL than any other Furnace in use. They are made entirely of OAST IRON, with gas tight joints, and win not crack or fanrn out. Persons wishing a superior Heating Apparatus should not tail to use the . CONE FURNACE. Dow-down Grates, of various styles of finish; Raised, Fire and Basket Grates constantly on hand. Also, a large assortment of REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS, Also, the celebrated SEX'! 01-’S BALTIMORE STOVE. AU orders will receive prompt attention. W. A, ARNOLD. The enameled slate mantel MANUFACTORY, 1010 CHESTNUT street. as an experiment, and on a small scaie, has become oneofthe PERMANENT INSTITUTIONS OP THE AOE. 'With all the principal Architects, Builders and lovea of the Fine Arts, these Mantels hare become a meat favorite, and are .being universally adopted ior first class residences. They are MTTITff •RWrng'R. TIT ATT MATtTtT.TC in every respect, and are sold at about one-half tha price. They will not stain or discolor by ells, acids, gas or smoke, and have all the richness and beauty of the choicest foreign variegated marbles. All lovers of a rich beantiful article should examine them* W. A. ARNOLD. 1010 Chestnut street. ael7-m,w,a,2m,rp3 OHILSON’S PATENT ELEVATED DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGE. These superior ranges have been sold in this city for the last Bii years, and give universal satisfaction. THItV EiVK KO EQUAL. No good Housekeeper should be without a vWWOh Bange. Call and see them at 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. i ■ : . - W. A. ARNOLD. THRU AITS OTLEBBATKD TONIC AliE.—iar» J'teSybealthiui and notritltras bevera*e?ssStatS hy thousands— lnvalids and others—has established a Afcavnf'tan 1 <hf oPJkllty Of PflwHftlma; mritv tit mum. .acwrelwhlch standsi nnrlvged. .It & reoommended nv physicians of this and other places, as a superior foni&andrwutresbtrt a trialto convince the mast wholeulema TBAAC NATHANS. Auctioneer ana Honey Broker. AN. E. corner ot Third and Spruce streets, only ana squarebelow' ttAKrchange.•NATHANS’SEWnaipa* Office, established fbr the last forty years, Money fas loan In Udgeormull amounts, at the lowest rates on Diamonds, Bllver Hate, 1 Watches,Jjewelry. caothin*, EiSuuVp h, de6cil i !>tlon - trace hotrrahmas the beat ever made. fabbabbothbil* aia ' Bt Cheatnutstreet, haisw Fourth, . 1866.