Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, October 31, 1866, Image 5
SECOND EDITION BY TELEGRAPH. LATERFfiOM WASMHGTOS. Conference at the Wax Depsitment. THE \ FENIAN PRISONERB. The British Minister’s Opinion. JEWS FBOM CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMEBIOA. GREAT FIRE AT ASPINWALL. Explosion of the Steamer Inde- pendencia. THE SOUTH AH9AICA.H ALLIA.HCE AGAIHST BPAIN. Another Great Battle in Paraguay. From Washington. I Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] Washington, Oct 31.— Generals Grant and Sherman, and Secretary Stanton, are holding a long conference, at the War De partment, this morning. The wiseacres having failed to get Sherman into the War Department, they have now fallen hack on General Grant for that position. 'They will tail in that also. Sir Frederick Brace, the British Minister, expresses the belief that the Canadian au thorities will accede to the request of oar Government in the case of the Fenians now tinder sentence of death. The appointment of Surveyor of the Port of Philadelphia has again been postponed. From Central and Sooth America.. New Yoke, Oct. 31.— The steamship Ari zona, from Aspinwall October 23d, arrived here to-day. She has $1,250,000 in treasure. Since the change of rulers, affairs are pro gressing peaceably on,the Isthmus. Captain Tuthill, Harbor Master at Aspin wall, died on the lstjftnst, Hewasanative of Utica, N. Y. The French war steamer Talisman arrived at Panama, from Mexico, on the 14th inst,, with a large numDer of sick and wounded soldiers. Some of them were placed in the foreign hospital there, and the Talisman sailed again for Mexico. A serious conflagration o .curred at As pinwall October 19th, destroying the United States Hotel and adjoining buildings. The flames were arrested at the Howard House,, through the exertions of Commodore Nogga and the United States ship of war De Soto. Messrs. Field & Alcazar are the principal sufferers. The river steamer Independence, bound up the Magdalena river, had exploded, with a number of passengers on board. Ho par ticulars of the disaster had been received. The Central American Stales are all at peace. The Government of Honduras has decided to remain neutral in case the war between Spain and Fern and Chile is con ' tinned. This action is regarded as impor tant, as it favors the Allies by keeping open the ports of Omoa and Trujillo, on the At lantic, for privateering purposes—thus en abling them to prey on Spanish commerce. Peru is engrossed with the Presidential election, and it was thought the present Dictator, Prado, would be elected. Another conspiracy against the Government has been 1 discovered in Lima. Advices from Buenos Ayres, to Oct. B,and Rosario, Oct. 11, state that another desper ate battle had taken place between the Bra zilians and Paraguayans, and though the Allies claim a victory, no details are given. The Fenians. Washington, October 31st. The Ra tional Irißli Executive Committee of Irish citizens, at a meeting heldlast night, passed resolutions tendering thanks to the Presi dent of the United States and Secretary Seward for their prompt, enlightened and humane action in behalf of those American citizens who have been unjustly convicted, and cruelly' sentenced by the judicial au thorities at Toronto,for alleged complicity in the Fenian invasion of that province, and inviting a public meeting' on Baturdayj of both native and 'adopted citizens, to give expression to their sentiments on the ques tions involved. From Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Oct,3l.—'The suit in the 1 Superior Court of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Company to recover damages for a violation of contract, was yesterday dis missed, the parties having amicably adj usted all the matters in dispute. / for Virginia. Washington, Oct. 31.— Yesterday a drove of 1,000 sheep passed along Boundary street, north, to the Chain Bridge. and crossed into Virginia. They were driven from the West and will be sold in Virginia for the purpose of stooking the farms of those who were de prived of their stock during the war of the rebellion. - ; -v ■' Marine Intelligence. _. POBTiiAND, Oct. 31.—The fishing schooner Prioress of Cape,^Elizabeth'.is ashore in Fisherman’s Bay,-and-will projmbly ig a total loss, A- schooner Is. ashore oh Hog Island. Price or ctold ln Hew York. psy thft AmOTi«ti Teifurrsnii cm . / Nhw Yobk, October 31.— Gold has been quoted to-day as fellows: M.OO Ai M„ i46|tU.ls 146} £•“. 1461 11.80 146} »A 0 --146} 11.46 • 146} . 146} 12 M., 146 i 11*00 146} 12.15 P. M.. 146} ' .. The Fine .Arts. Jo-morrow evening, at half-past seven, ! "will commence the competition for those re markably fine paintings at Messrs. Thomas Birch & Son's Art GaUery, mo Chestnnt From the nUmber,of admirers this i collection has had we argue a full attend anee: the array of talent displayed should , insnrenothinglessr Xhefigurepiecsstoebjr Shayer, Midwood,'Marohn, Calermtfle, Gil bert, Caron, Perry aifd. Kennard; marines by Hammerton, Webb, Knell, Meadows and Barrel]; animals and landscapes by Calame, Herring, Meadows,- Harding, Mor ris, Notterman, Hognet, Jacobi, Wilson and party; street scenes by' Saurfelt, Frere and Feral; poultry by.the celebrated Couturier, and a variety, of other snbjeots bearing .the stamp of genuine talent of no mean order. These work? were selected with evident good taste in London and Paris by par ties. folly competent to judge, as an im partial -inspection of. them will folly harry out; the beauties of both English and French color and handling are displayed in it variety of ways, tenderly or vigorously, strictly in keeping with the author's style and meaning, each vieing with the other for excellence. In this collection will boseen a number of Water'Colors of surpassing ex oellenee and beanty of finish; they arrest (be attention of the educated eye at once,and are by artiste of high standing. cmr v bvllehis. (Bee Beconoand Lastpageslbr additional Locus.] i Sale of Stocks and Bisat. Estate.— Thomas A Sons sold the following proper ties at the Exchanse_yeaterday: • 2 shares 8 wlflsureTransportation C0.,550; 18 do. Reliance Insurance Co., $401; 1 do. Pennsylvania Academy,of Fine Arts, $l6; 100 dp. Philadelphia Oil Creek Co.,one cent; 50 do. Bohemian Mining Co., 5 cents; 1 da Point Breeze Park Association, $9O; 15 do. American Anti-Incrnstator Co., $5O; 1 do.-, Philadelphia Library Co., $3O; 5 do. Mer cantile Library Co., $8; 20 do. Farmers’, Drovers’ -and Butchers’ Drove Yard Co., $lO, three-story brick dwelling, 108 North Sixth street, and lot, 16 by 50 feet, $7,000; two-story .brick dwelling. Fifth st., north of Poplar, and lot, 17} by 75 feet, $4,400; lot. Orchard street, 17} by 58 feet, $1,350; ground rent ofs2o a'year, $315; three-story brick dwelling, No. 1038 Parker street, and lot, 16 by 48 feet, $2,200; five three-story brick dwellings, Shields’ court, and lot, .76 by 221 feet, $4,000; three briok and frame dwellings, Nos. 1513, 1515 and 1517 Race street, ana lot, 50 by 120 feet, subject to a ground rent of $4O a year, $7,775; ground rent of §2O a year, $185; two ground rents of $3O a year, $4OO each. Man Stabbed.— This morning, before Alderman Bntler, Thomas Nichols was charged with assault and battery on George Moore, with intent to kilL It is alleged that he stabbed Moore in the side and arm at a house. No. 335 South Front street, yes terday. He was held in $l,OOO bail for trial. Fibe.—The alarm of fire about seven o’clock this- morning was caused by the burning of a still at the Quaker City Coal Oil Works, on Gray’s Ferry road. The damage was not serious. The Virtues of Bower’s Infant Cob dxax. need no comment from our pen. Thousands of families daily attest Its efficacy. H. A. Bower, Sixth and Green, sole proprietor of the OordiaL Patty Brand’s Brown Salve.— Bower Sixth and Vine, sole proprietor. Druggists’ Sundries and Fancy Goods. SNOWDEN A BROTHER, Importers, 23 South ElEhth street. 5-20 Coupons Due November Ist, Wanted by * DREXEL & CO., 84 South Third street. Dr. Fitleb’s ” great “ Rheumatic Remedy.” For Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Goat. Asthma. “No Core,” 3.000 cures since Jane 1865. “No Fay.” "No Pay,“ 3,ooocures since June fSS6. “No Core.” “No Core,” No mercury, colchlcom or “No Pay.” “No Pay,” lodides. “No Care.” .limited quantity to each patient. Prepared by Dr. fitter, No 29 BoathFourth street. The Saddest weepers ate often the gayest smilers. Everybody smiles at the * sweetest thing” ever offered for the handkerchief We refer to "Sicttt Opoponax, ’ a delightful perfhme, and fresh aa a rose la Ita richest of promise. E. T. SMITH <fc CO. New York, Sole Proprietors. Ladies’ Special Notice.— Dr. Ban nine’s Braces, Light French Trusses. Imoroved Shoul der Braces, Supporters of best construction, Admlra ble Elastic Bandages. Elastic Stockings, <fce-, Cor rectly adjusted by a Lady, at “NeeclesY’ on Twelfth street, first door below Race. ’ Benbow’s Soaps.— Elder Flower, Turtle Oil, Glycerine, Lettuce. Sunflower, Musk, Bose, <&c. SNOWDEN * BBOTHER, Importers, 23 South Eighth street. Mujavibo. —This delicious new perfume fbr the handkerchief is without a rival for delicacy durability and richness, in fact of all perfumes the fragrant Afujaviro may be called the qaiotessenc. For sale by all the principal Druggists.— lbmey't Prut, COMMERCIAL. SALES OF STOCKS, fibst: $l7OOO tr S6S ’Bl P€g 113# 1000 C3ty 68 man 1013* 1500 do new 1013* 2300 do 1013* 000 do 101 x 50 n© Allegh Co Com 5s 76 3500 US 68 5-208 *65 Jy 1083* 2000 do 1083* 5000 Leh NT 68 ’64 93 5000 UB 5-208 ’65 COU 1113* 1000 do , cash 1113* 5(00 do m3*: 5000 Bus Canlßda 68 i 1000 PaKlßtmg6s 102)* 2500 N Pa R 68 93 1000 West Chest R7s M>*| 157 sh Penna B > 973* 100 sh do bswp. 573* PBICES OP STOCKS IN NEW YORK. (By, Telegraph,) . v 5B sales w . m„llB?£ bid ....... .. 114 bid ™ll 4X bid 85sale* 026 bid f • “V iFiria. American Gold. :. Beading Kailroad'.....'. New York Central, United States 6s ’Bl - United states 6s, 5-203. Erie ... . Hudson Biver. - Finance and Baslneso—Oct. 31, ISSfi. Zlhereis a marked Improvement m financial circle* this morning, with more disposition to invest. Cata wlssa Ball road Preferred has semewhat recovered, and is now very strong at 58%@29. The*Coupon Sires, ’Bl, were steady at 114%. lit was bid tor the old Five- Twenties, and saleaof the ’6sa were made at lil%. July Five-Twenties sold at 108%— an advapce. The Ten-, Forties were firm at par. 108% was bid for the Pebru ary Seven-Thirties, and 105% for the Jane and July Issues. State Loans continue without change. In Canal stocks there is-not much doing. Schuylkill Navigation Preferred declined, and Bold at. 36%. 15 was the best bid for Susquehanna Canal. In Kailroad shares the bulk of the. transactions were in Philadel phia and Erie Ballroad, which sold at S2%—a decline. Pennsylvanla Ballroad sold at 57%, and Northern Cen tral Ballroad at 58—an,advance. City Loans continue 1 without change. 1 Sales of the new Issues at 101%. Nothing done lh Bank shares,. : Messrs. lie Haven & Brother, No.F 40 South Third street, make the following quotations of the rates *ol exchange to-day, at IP. M.: . " American Q01d..„'_.„.„.„.;„....?{46 lnl ' ' '^lM%*' Silver- Qnarters and ha1ve5;;.,....140 Compound Interest Notes:' . ; " " June,1864... 16%. “ ' ” 1 Jnly, 1861... 16% “ Ang. 1861... 15% " ’ Oct, 1861... 14& : .... i t ■■ Hay, 1865... 11% l I: ’ A0g.,1665... 10%. : - • " ‘‘ 5ept.,1865... -9% “ i-w " . Oct. 1565._ .9% Old 5-20 Bonds.™..a—.. 1 . ...;....„.,n4 ll4lt . New 5-20 Bonds, 1861a........,„...„„ii0% • - nil? 6-20. July, 1865 ~...,....:i(*% is* 7 8-10, AugUSt..--.....-.........,. , ,....106% |«r* ... " Ju^,i™i-,_ ! -i_..™.....;.J.J05}4 106 / Gold—atl2 0’c10ck..... —.......1..146% 148% Smith, Banaolph & Co., Bankers, 1 id south Tnim street, quote at 11 o’clock, as follows: G01d.™...—a;.—™...,.™-,,™ m -U. S. 1881 BphdA.„U4 @114% U,S* WO, ISO.—.———•—«*—..ll4%(|)ll4% !! ; im.—-„_...„.J11 (§lll% tt 1 ™..jii%Sm% &?• *l>ffii l .. ! H Wt i«MawiiiMaii..aa.iMwwM.awwUOQ @loo£ C. B. 7-tO’a-hrt series-™.— a. 106%ai0e% ■ ... ddseries...™,.„„.„„...™_„.aos%MiosV • I » sd series. -.aosgSiosS 5-20, July, 1865.™....... 108%@108j2 Compounds. Dec.. 1864.. ...............„ji3%ffl Philadelphia Markets. , WEBN®e»Av;Oct 31.—There ,is asteady demand for Flour fbr home consumption and holders are very ♦ ' / THE Si; 1866^ BOABD. 100 sh Nor Central b 5 50 40 sh Lehigh Nav S&H 4 sh Homs Cnl pf 123 100 sh SchNavpf 539 36 300 Bh do S6V 20 sh Cam&Am ecp 47 lOOshPhll&Krle s3O 82tf 100 ah do b3O 3iS» 100 ah do 830wn 82 100 ah do s3Gwn 000 ah do sSOwn 32 1100 ah do b6O 32?4 700 sh do 500 Bh do 100 ah Catawiss prfbso 283£ 1100 ah St Nicholas C 2 ms 800 ah do 860 2 firm In their views hi consequence of the limited re ceipts and extremely small stocks, bnt there is no in quiry for exportation, as present extreme prices have no margin for shipment to any point. The sales reach 1,200 barrels, principally Northwest extra fiuntly at barrel—lncluding Penna. and Ohio do. do. at IH@l5, old stock and fresh ground extras - att9@l2, superfine at |B®to, andftncy at ,15 60@1B 59-aeeord ing to quality. ByeFlonrls scarce and ln gsod re quest at 17 ?s@B,V* barrel;. In Com Heal nothing of Importance doing. I The offerings of Wheat continue exceedingly small and the article is in good demand at full rates... Sales of 900 bushels choice Red at *3 25@3 36' . bushel, soo bushels Amber at f 3 25, and 3,500 bushels No. 2 Spring on terms Sept secret. -White ranges from It S 3 to |S «. Tne last sales of Rje were. at.,145 for Western aad (1 30-for Fenna. Corn Is held with much firmness and holdersbaveadvanced their views 5 cents « bushel. Pales of 2,000 hnshelß yeUow at |135, and 1.000 hushels Western- mixed at 41 30. , Oats are higher: sales of 2,800 bushels Southern at 66968 cents. ' - -No aalesef Barley or Halt have been reported. - Cloveraeed Is In moderate request and commands |8 ®t9 e»64fta. Timothy rangesftom (3 25@3 6214. and Fl»xsped from at |3 15@8 20. Whisky is quiet with small skies of Penna. bblsat 42 ,40@2 42 and ,Ot.lo at|2 43H@fct 44. . ; - ,Li VEBFOOL-Bblp Tamerlane, Curtis-30 tons pig iron 27 cks soda ash S & W Welsh; 129 cks soda ash 40 tes blebg powder Yarnall & Trimble; 200 baas mdse Powers* Welghlman: 75 cks clay French; Bichvrda &Oo: 200 cks sal soda Gready A Keefe: 37 casks blcfag powder 39 do soda ash BKanten; S7doSodaaahC w Gburchinan A Son; - 30 grindstones -J E Hltchell; 66 ate el axles 4 do tyres Naylor A Oo: lpkge mdseS Griffith; sopkgs ethw A F Eberman; 3do Snowden Bros; 20 do SB Pieros, Son Ado: 13»do WGPlerce; 14 do Asbnry A Young; 3148 sacks ; salt A Kerr A Bro; 3 pkgsmdse 881 cks soda : ash 200 kegs bicarb soda 19 drama causticsodas cks sal - ammonia 28: pkgs ethw order. ~ 1 - - ." CHARLESTON, SC.-Steamer Whirlwind, Fargo -317 bales cotton Claghorn.Herr lug A Co: 87 do H Sloan A Son; 39 do R Garsed A Bro; 23 do P - Wright A Sons 4do 8 bales rope O A Grownlngvß pkgs mdse Mrs R Thompson; lsettes Mrs C M Wattson; 1 bbl Dr Do fangs; 1 hdd Massey, Collins A Co; S 3 bbls mdse 160 empty bbls order. , bulletis. j PORT OF PHILADELPHIA— Octobkb 31. SO,- See Mafim Bulletin on Seventh Pose. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Fblp Tamerlane, Cnrtts, 48 days from, Liverpool.with mdse to John R Penrose : Steamer Whirlwind, Fargo, 70 horns from Charles ton, with cotton, Ac. to Latnbnry. Wlckeraham A Co. Steamer Mara. Grumley, 24 hours Horn New York, With mdse to W H Baird A Co. SchrWm Loner. Compton,-5 daysfrom Norfolk, with lumber to Bacon, Collins A Co. Schr Delaware. Cpnner, 2 days from Smyrna. Del. with oats to lass Barratt. ' Schr B J Mercer, Quill In. from Boston. Schr A 8 Cannon .Cobb, from Boston. iSchr J M Vance Burdge, from Boston. Schr W P Phillips, Somers, from Boston. Schr B BMiller, Anderson, from Boston. Schr A Bartlett, Bartlett, from Boston. Schr Polly Price, V ates, from Boston. Schr Trade Wind, Corson, (Tom Boston, Schr J H Allen, Seaman, from Boston. > Schr Minnesota, Fisher, from Boston, ' f Schr L A Danenhower,Shepard, from Boston. Schr A M~Aldridge, Robinson. Irom Boston. SchrCLßayles, Vrom an from Providence. Schr F Burnett. No>ton, from Providence, "Schr Wm Hand. Brooks, from Providence. SchrPonßoyal.Hooge.ftom New Haven. Schr B F Beeves, Armstrong, from New York. Schr H A Weexs, O odtrey. from Malden. Schr S A Hoffman, Hoffman, tram Salem. Schr Annie Magee, Ketchnm, lrom E Cambridge. Schr Evergreen, Belloste. from Stonlngton, fT.F.ABEn THIS DAY. Schr Chas S Carstalra, Price, Boston, Ahdenrled A 00. Schr Wm Loper, Compton, Maurice Blver, Bacon, Collins A Co. Schr Eliza Matthews, Brltingham, Maurice River, H Low. Schr J B Taolaine, Cams, Maurice River, captain.] memoranda; - Bark Sea Eagle, Julius, hence at Barbados 2d Inst. Bark Eta (Br), Gny. cleared at Boston 29th Inst, tor Caldera. Brig Thos Walter, Millard, hence at Barbados 28th nit. and sailed 4th Inst, for St Barts. Brig Emma, Fonlke, sailed from Barbaoos Sd inst. for OrchUla. . Brig Nathl Stevens, Sanders, from Wilmington, DeL lor Boston, at Holmes’ Hole 2sth Inst. Schr C Merrick, Montgomery, hence at Boston 29th Instant. Schrs Mary B Beeves. Gheen. hence fbr Boston, and Jane O Patterson. Orom Wilmington, NC. for do, at Holmes' Hole29thlnst. . - l 4chr Mall, Merrill, cleared at Bangor 27th Inst, for this port. Schr Mary Fltrcher. from Boston fbr this port, at New York yesterday. Schr J Truman, Slocum, hence at New Bedford 29th Instant. Schr John Dorrmnce, Bice, sailed from Provident* 29th Inst, fbr tbls port. Schr V hite Sea, Jenes, sailed from Portsmouth 25th Inst, fbr this port. Schrs J G Babcock. Grace, hence for Boston; Chas H Holt. Hart do fbr Salem; C W ElweU. Loßg.fo far do; W H Dennis, Fall bro then J W Eve-man, Eaton; G Green, Westcott, and Jos Waples, Boblnson, do fur Lynn, and Hattie Boss, Poland, do fbr Portland, at Holmes' Hole 28ih Inst. - MARY A-. KERR, J. W. Cor. Tenth and South Streets. The cheapest and most serviceable dress yon can obtain is iX yards of superior quality ENGLISH MERINO, At |l 25 per yard, ts 62 for the pattern. We guarantee these goods to be the widest and finee. tn the market. V OC3I 6t] NORTHERN CENTRAL BONDS. WE OFFER FOB SALE A LIMITED AMOUNT OF THE BONUS OF THE NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY, AT.’ 1 1 89. These Bonds bear SIX PEB CENT. INTEBEBT. payable semi annually In this CITY. FREE FROM ALL STATE TAR, And are Coupon Bonds in amounts of |5OO and |l,ooo each. The holder has the privilege of having them made and registered at the office of the Company In this city, this being a great protection in case of loss. We will be happy to ftimlah full Information, on ap plication In person, or by letter. DREXEL& CO., No. 34 South Third Street, cc3lttrp] ... . I FOR HAVANA, ■■ v The UNITED STATES MALL STEAMSHIP. Hen drick Hudson, Howes, master, will sail for HAVANA on SATURDAY MORNING, November 3rd, at 8 o’clock Fer Freight or Passage apply to ; 1 THOMAS WATSON & SONS, 142 North Delaware Avenue. Passage to Havana, |5O. eol7-15rp BAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. v_The largestnnd best assortmentol Wm Toupee*. Long Hair Braid* ui Curl*, Water-fall*, Victorine*, Frl - »etteß, ulufiive Beam* for ladle*. At prior. LOWER than elsewhere, /■'* [mhß-rp ! 909 CHESTNUT STREET. JilK _ MONEY TO ANY. AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEW- A A hLBY, PLATE, CLOTHING, Ac., at W w JOWHSAOO’S OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE;, I Corner of THIRD and QABKILLStreeta. _1 • -j. Below Lombard. . >■ . WATCHEE, JEWELRY, GUNB, - FOB BA LX XT *Y LOW PRICES. BELTINa STEAM PACKING* 1 HOSE, fin, .■ . - 1 • Bnglneers and dealeta wUI find a FULL ABBQBT. PATENT VULCANIZED BUBBEB BELTING, PACKING, HOSE, *C„ at thl Mannfltcturer’s Hmdquartera, GOODYEAB’S, 803 Chestnut street, Sooth ildc, N. B.—We have a NEW and nsnsaw ABTICLE at GAPJDEN and PAVEMENT HOSE, very cheap, to which the attention of the pabllo Is calle’l ' BEHSAItffiffTS, AN UNUSUALLY LARGE VARIETY OR WLVER MANUFACTURES, EroJafraclDg; the mojt ELEGANT end UNIQUE AB TICLSS for the Tahlp. dMigwa/i fOT i^DpiNG/OTTs,::;; and arranged ln single pieces and tastefoi comblna tions, AIEO EXQUISITE CUT GLASS AND BISQUE Ilf ARES. Jas.E. Caldwell&Co. 822 CHESTNUT STREET. ocis-m w fir tf rp FOR THE OPERA. JUST RECEIVED BY JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., 822 CHEBTNUT STREET, An aisortmentrof really FINE Opera. Glasses, Made expressly to their order, by BABDOU, OF PARIS. ; Also, a very large supply of PARIS FANSi New designs prepared especially fbr their Sales. oclsm w ftfrp TRIPLE PUTED WARE. mead & co., No. 910 CHESTNUT ST.; MANUFACTURE TRIPLE PUTED TABLE WARE That will give satisfaction, Money saved by purchasing direct from manufan tnrer. MEAD AGO., oclmwi 3m| rp ‘ 910 Chestnut street CABLE ZEPfIYR. The Cheapest and most Suitable Article ’ FOB AFGHANS, NOW IN USE. Tbls Zephyr Is much larger than ordinary Zephyr, fine In texture and beautifully colored. For sale only at JOHN M. FINNS, B. B cor, BBVBHTH and ARCH Bts. An Afghan beautifully wrought In Cable Zephyr la now on exhibition at the store. oc£scw2trp SPARKLING WINES. Heshell Co., (Halos.) . eCHARZBERGER, * (red), MoRKL HUBCATEL, JOB A KY9IBBBRG, BuCHBECLER, Chas. Aot Kopferberg, B* BARZBKBO, MUSCATEL, SPARKLING MOSELLE, PERLE DFS RHEINB. JOHANNISBERG, In Pinta and Qnarts, to which the attention of the trade and BunUlea la invite H. & A. C. YAN BEIL, WINE MERCHANTS, 1310 Chestnut Street* au29wsmSm4p CALIFORNIA PURE WINES AND BRANDIES, From the celebrated Vineyards of B, D. WHBON A SON, Ban Gabrial, Los Angeles. Callfbmla. ANGELICA, HOCK, PORT GRAPE BRANDY, SHERRY, The above are guaranteed to be perfectly PUBBgf made from the Grape, and suited fbi SACRAMEN TAL and MEDICINAL purposes. We claim they areeqn&l In richness, flavor and purity to the best im ported. at nearly half the cost, For sale In wood or by the case. Carmick & Co. Na E. comer Front and Chesfaiut Sts. an 27 rpl STOP! IMK AT THIS!! THE GREAT EASTERN Detective Horse and Live Stock Insur ance Company, Chartered by the State o? Pennsylvania, . CAPITAL-JlOO 000. Insures Bones Mol&i *»nd Neat Cattle against Losses Resulting from Theft, and Death by Eire, Acci* dental or Natural Causa. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, - , No. 108 Booth Fourth St„ Fhlla. President-Col. CHARFBALEY. . Vice Piesident—DANlEL L ESTEBLEY. ■ Secretary and Treasury—Dr. B. BECKER, Assist Secretary and Treasurer— F. 8. HAFFA. For City References; Bee Circular s. Agents wanted in the City and every county In the State. P. HAFFA, . 0c27-lmrp . ' ■ General Agent 1865 I . 6-20’S EXCHANGEJD FOR . 1862’5, and market difference in price allowed. 7,30,8 Note. Bought and Bold. ; - CO., 34 SOUTH’TEISD STSEET. 0022-lmJ TMPEBLAL FRENCH PBUNSa.-60 cases In Ok JL ■, oanlater, andfancy boxes, imported and for iaU byjoa B.BUBBIEB * OOA lffi aonth Dataware avmmal . TJONiyB BtSSTGN s Boston. BUIM. -D and Milk jmsenfe lanaini flrom steamer Norman and for sale by JOSTS. BUBSLEOEt * GO., Agent, fOI Bond, ICB South Delawareavenu*. MOUND VINEYARD, SPARKLING CHAM PAGNE, WINE BITTEBS. BOLE AGENTB, FOURTH EDITION. BY TKLEOBAPH. From Canada. Montbeal, Oct. 3b—At it public dinner (othffHon. 6. E. Cartier, last night, Gen. 6J| !! John Michel, m|.dd.s speeoh recommending the fortifica* and points west, and also that the volunteer movement be. extended over the entire British America. : The Canadian papers are discussing Mr* Seward’s letter and thetdneotthe American press on the Fenian trials.and generally say that the threats of many American papers who are morally Fenian accomplicae, will do the prisoners more harm than good, and quote the hanging of Captain Beale, Kennedy and others by the United States during the late war. I. E. WALRAYEN. MABOMIC MAM, 710 Chestnut Street) Elegant Mains for Parlors, LIBRARIES. DIKING AND SLEEPING BOOMS, In BrocatellC, Satin Damasks, Terry, Heps, Swiss Lace and ' Nottingham Lace. WINDOW SHADES Of the Newest Designs. Am now offering the moat complete assortment of the above goods ot my own Importation. October 3, 1866. J. C. BTRAWBRIDGE *CO. Bargains Onen This Day, 1 case BALMORAL BKIBTS, black and gray, J 2. i cases very snperlor SktBTS. at £ SO, 1 case Honeycomb BBTDAL QUILTS. 1 bale yard wide SHAKES FLANNELS, 62,'fc. Heavy red-twilled FLANNELS,4Oc. Good Scarlet FLANNKU3, SJJic. Silks! Silks!! Heavy Black GBOS GRAINS fbr|2. 10 pieces POULT DE SOIE. all the new shades, $2. MOIRE ANTIQUE RfTiins from auction, a great Cloaking ClotkSj Largest Stock in tbe City. Elegant French CLOAKINGS, from late auctions. Handsome CIOTHB, medium prices. Single and donble width CLOTH 3, from (2 to {3. BLANKETS. HAVE NOW OPEN SOME GREAT BARGAINS. Fine BLANKETS, cheaper than at any time during the sea?on. 1 Twenty-five cases all sizes and weights, from $» to $2O per pair. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE* GOl N, W. cor. Eighth and Market. lyistf WE OFFER FOR SALE $200,000 Chicago, Rook Island and Pacific Railroad Co.’s 7s, Due 1896. Secured by a first Mortgage on the road flroru Chi* caffo.lll,to Dei Moines, lowa, and branch road to Washington, lowa. In all €lO miles of road, or which 366 miles Is now in full operation, and the remaining 41 miles will soon be finished. Only 140 miles more of road are needed to connect with the Union Pacific Baliroad at Omaha. The Chicago and Koch Island Railroad Company has recently purchased the road and lands of the Mfaahsippl and Missouri Railroad Company, and Is now known as the Chicago, Rock Island ard Pacific Railroad Company, the stock of which is selling aiapxemiam andlsa favorite Invest ment, The Bonds are strictly first-class and we can recommend them, with confidence to any one desiring to invest money. Farther information will be given on application to E. W.CLARK & CO., No. 35 S THIRD. Street. 0C22-16t5p8 WANTED, NOVEMBER COUPONS, For Which the Highest Price Will be Paid by JATCOOEE&^a., 112 aid 114 SOUTH THIRD ST, . OCIIrIStJSP Office of the commissioners of the SINKING PUND.TBB ABURY DEPARTMENT, Harbibburo, October 24,1866. NOTICh 18 HEREBY GIVEN that'sealed propo sals for the sale ofOne Million Dollars of the Five Per Cent, and One Million Dollars of the BlxPer Cent loans of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will be received at the Treasury Department, la the city of Harrlabnrg, nntil 2 o’clock P. M..of THUR9DA V; the 15th day of November, A.D.1886. Bidders wilt state amount offered; price asked and whether Registered or Coupon Loans. To be addressed-“Oommiastoners of Sinking Fond, Harrisburg, Pa.”—endorsed "Propo sals to sell State Loans," ov '- The Commissioners reserve the right.to reject any bid* not, In their opinion, advantageous to the Com monwealth, •- ' . _ LU „_ JOHN F. HARTOANFT, Auditor General. ELIBLIFER. . Secretary of Stale. . , W.H. KEMBLE, State Treasurer. oc2stno!s{ Cwmm'«{pna*J of tte Sinking 3:45 : O’Olook. tbibj* wmm. BY TELEGRAPH. LATEB FBOM BALTIMOBE. THE POLICE COMMISSIONERS. The Bebels Getting Impatient. The Reported Indian The Trial of the Baltimore Police Com* mlssloners. _ Annapolis, Mb, 00l 31.—The examina tion of the charges against the Police Com missioners was continued until 6 o’clock, last night, and resumed again this morning at 10 o’clock. The defence; expteot 4o get through their evidence by noon, when there _ will-probably be some rebutting evidence ~ introduced by the prosecution. ■ V. 1 ;.- i Commissioner Hinds was called to tile * stand yesterday by the counsel for the de fence, in order that the Governor might : question him, but he declined doing so add - said if he desired to examine the, Commis- 1 sioners he would do so at their office in' Baltimore. The same conversationtook place tot night relative to the argument of the case. - Alexander, for the Commissioners announced his intention to argue.the case. • : Mr. Latrobe urged the importance of dis posing ofthe case without delay. He said they represented 14,000 disfranchised people of Baltimore. • Time pressed, and if the Commissioners were removed, as they hoped and believed they would be, there was much to be done; many changes to be made before next Tuesday, the day of elec tion. v The counsel for the defence said they did not wish to delay unnecessarily. : Mr. Alexander said they represented the Union men of Baltimore, and the Uaion sentiments of the country. The Governor said that in order to accom modate the counsel, he would sit up to 12 to-night, if necessary. The Indians ef the Plains. Washington, Oct. 31,—Commissioner Bogy, of the Indian Bureau, had & confe rence this morning with Gen. Sherman, at the headquarters of Gen. Grant, in relation to the temper and disposition ofthe Indians of the great plains of the West. „ The new Commissioner appears to he anx ious to investigate into the truth of the va rious rumors in relation to the TmHw. troubles. Gen. Sherman will make a written report en this head through hi 3 superior officer, Gen. Grant. Fenian Meeting in St. tools. St. Louis, Oct. 3L—A large meeting of Irishmen was held at the Court House tot evening, at which resolutions were adopted strongly condemning the late action of the Canadian Courts, in the cases of Col. Lynch and Father McMahon, and characterizing the infliction of the death penalty for politi cal offences as barbarous, cruel, and in op position to the spirit of the age and hHmane teachings of civilized nations, and express ing thanks and gratitude to President John son and Secretary Seward for their prompt action in behalf of Irish-American citizens. Saral tlTaim. Washington, Oct. 31.—Despatches have been received by the Navv Department from Bear Admiral Palmer, 'commanding the North Atlantic Squadron, dated at flprto Kico, Oct 22d, unnoupcinghis arrival and departure on that day for Havana, The Mackinaw and Florida were at Porto Rico, all well. On inquiry at the Navy De- E ailment, it is ascertained that no Monitors ave been sold to any foreign governments, nor have any foreign governments officially intimated a desire to make such investment. It is true, however, that private paties, all of them American citizens, have-made a proposition, without stating for whom they wished to purchase, bat the Government bss decided not to sell any of that class of ships, whether they were built in the Govern ment Navy Yards or outside by private parties. - Georgia. Augusta, Oct. 3L—The cholera has dis appeared from Savannah. About 200 freedmen from Bibb and Han cock counties are preparing to leave for Liberia on the ship Galconda. ■Hie Macon Telegraph says the city is fur nishing from six to ten coffins per day for colored paupers. Parties engaged in sinking a well in Mc- Lemors Cave, Walker county, Georgia, struck a veiu of flowing oil. The location is about fifteen miles from Chattanooga, liar Bets. Nxw York. Oct SL-Catton very doll and nn changed, Flora ie@2oc. higher: sales of 13 500 bbls. State, $9 75@513 6t; Ohio, slu 25@515; Western,"s9 75 @ $l3: Choice oitto. 113 25@$lt: Southern firmer, sales of 350 bbls. at $l2 So@sl7. Wheat advancing, prices are 3@sc. higher; sales of 60,000 bushels No. 2 Milwaukee at $3 41@$2 46; New Amber State. $3 25. Corn has do* clineus@3c. for mist d, sales of 81.0C0 bushels at $lS2@ $133. Oats declined lc Beef quiet ■ Pork buoyant at s3sibrmess. Lard quiet at I4@i6c. Whisky dulL Stocks'are better: Chicago and Rock Island, no 7:; Illinois Central, 12551; Michigan. Southern, 92>/; New York Central. 118, 7 ,; Beading 11556; Cumberland Pre ferred, fisli; Canton Co.. 63: Erie K. 8.,85?i; Western Union Telegraph CoA 53; U. S Coupons, JB6l, 11 1 1 ;- oitto, 1864, Ui; dtt», 1866. Ill Ul New Issue, 10S&- Ten Forties; 100};; Treasuries,'First Series, looK; Second Series. 10555; Gold. 14651. - Ban-miosE, Oct 31.—Flour is quiet- Western extra $1856 for Spring Wheat Flour. Grain—The receiots are light and the prices firm. Provisions are steady. Lard Inactive. Coffee active. Sugar firm; Refining Cuba n ji@uc. Seeds steady. Flaxseeds3 29. Whisky nominal. POST. OB PHILADELPHIA. Foreign and coastwise arrivals for the month of Oc tofcfer-3866, as compared with the same pertnd la 1805: • v 1866. • • 1885. • For Coast. Total. For Coast. Total* ~4 ... 4 2 ... 2 -5 1 6 2 ... 2 9 - 5 14 7 7 U 22 • 13 .33 16 42 §8 7 703 730 9 . 934 M 3 639 639 * ... 807 807 301 101 ... 228: i J2B 753 753 ... 862 382 1356 1356 . ... , 1581 1561 Steamships. 5hip5........ Barks... Brigs... - Schooners... 5100p5...:..., Steamers..:.. Barges... 80at5.......... 47 8771 8918 ’36 2941; 8977 Total Ua at gfilteaeipfaia stack Boartt. .4 SALES ABTKE PXBST fiOABD, 12000 Pa B2d mgt ss 9T 10 ahOatawlsa pf S6O. 2SJS'. ■eoooPtnna6s 97 tor. 28g 1500 B SlO sos con 100,16 100 ah ’do 255? 7000885-20’S ’62 _ IM,*4 IOSh-LehNv: . 58K 10 sh Cam & Amb B 129 , 2sh Lehigh Val 67 lOshOhes&'Wain ",'55- : SECOND BOABDJ moo B S 7 8.108 Aug 106 H 100 sh Catawapl sSwn 2aw - Goo City esnew loilt eoosh do 2gj2 IOOOCam * Amboy B 92 , 11 shFennaß ■ s;3 lOOshffestonv'afibSHM «ah dp- 575 J 1 A barrels Belle Blears, and other'choice A.J»rtetlM.Jnstaniyed and for,Bale hy J.B.BOB siEIt & CO.. 10s g oath Delaware av.nne. "DBEKEBy ED TAMABIN US—2ofeegs Kartioltjae X. 9amarlnds in sugar, landing and fu? sale by J. B. BBSSIKB & CO. IQS Boato/pSaivarearena!, f,.,. , 'tXTAXBrCTBAHD ALMON-DS.-New orpDSrenoWO wainnts and Paper BheU Almonds,Tbr sals Wt JS.BCB6XBB*OO..I« S,.BeI»WW*AT*IU«. 8:30 O’Olook. Troubles.