Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, October 31, 1866, Image 1
TON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XX. —NO. 177 EVENING BULLETIN. SHED EVERY EVENING, (Bnnflayg excepted,) k>' nos HEW BCLLETIK BUILDISS, 467 Obmtnat Street, Philadelphia BY THB ''lfwing Bulletin Association.” PBOPKOTOBS. ■ ’■ __ bum raaopog, ibhnest a. wallaob. W. L, THTHERSTON, THOS. J.WTLLIAMSOK OAVES 10TOER, Jr„ IFHANOIS WELLS 2kg Bnuns Is served to subscribers in tue city St ItMUMT week, payable to the carriers, or $8 00 per •arms SABBIED. SABEETT—HOBNEB —On Wednesday, October 24th. Inst., by Bev. Alfred Cookman, Mr. Hicks p. 'Garrett to bliss Sarah Louise, daughter of Boger Hor ner, Bsq.. of this city. . ■ • WIGEBT—ELKTOHEB —On the 00th of October, In Philadelphia, by Friends' ceremony. Arthur Wigert, of New Tork.andltary Fletcher, or Philadelphia. * DIED. CUBBT-—On the 30th Instant, alter a short bat severe ’lllness, Mr. John S Gnrby, son of Michael Curby, In ■the 4SU> year of his age. Due notice of the funeral will be given. ” • EMLJSY-—Suddenly, on the 31st Instant, William P. JEmley, aged 66 years. The relatives and mends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his fnneral, from his late real dence. No. IffU Morgan street, between Tenth and Eleventh and Race and Vine streets, onFrlday after noon, at 2 o’clock. Interment at Meant Moriah ■Cemetery. •• FLICK w ik.—On the 27th inst.-,-at his residence, In the city of Chester, Jeremiah W. Fllckwlr, In the 64th year of his age. win relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, on Thursday morning. Nov. Ist, at 101,* o’clock, precisely. Services at St. Panl’a Epis copal Church. Interment at Chester Boral Ceme tery.” The Wilmington and Baltimore cars leave the Depot, Broad and Prime streets, at 8 is and 8 o’clock, -KNIGHT.—At StPaul, Minnesota, on the 27th Inst., -Jonathan, son of Edward C. and Ann M. Knight,la the 2Sthyesrof hisage.’ •His relatives and friends and those of the family are .respectfully Invited, wthout fnriher notice, to attend the ftmezai, from the residence of his-parents. No .228 Pine street, ont ixth day morning, £ eventh month, 2d. at 10 o’clock. To proceed to Woodland?. ** 2LAXSfiKD L -rOn' Tuesday, the_Soth init., Mary K., Infantdaughter ‘ of James P. and j. W. M&laeed. * BEIFF.—On the 29th Inst., John B. Beiff, in the 64th year of hfa age Funeral from the residence of his son, Benj. -S4B North Seventh street, on Thursday. November Ist, at 2 o’clock. P.M. Interment at South Laarel Hill. ** STJSKLBL—On the 29th Inst., Bobert Steele, in the -iSSth year of hit age. Foneral, on Thnraday morning, at 10 o’clock, from ->fatar>AiiireßldePce. No. 300 Sooth tfleventh street. * EYBK * IdANDBBIi IW POSTED FOB FALL • BAT.ea r Si. Bernard Woolen Cloakings. ‘Dagmar Woolen Shawls, Mosaic Woolen Shawls. • Splendid Plain Silks. irafniflemt plaid Poplins. njESBON <6 SON HAVE RECEIVED: X> BLACK GROS GRAIN BILKS, (2 25. EBLACK BARATHEAS. 50 CENTS. “ ' ARL-WOuLKBPS and EMPRESS CLOTHS. “ FRENCH MEBtNOES, tl ane }1 23. “ JOUVIN ACO. KID GLOVES, ALL SIZES. “ and GREY STEPPED SKIRTINGS yds wide. MOURNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET. BPEOIAL JIOTICEB. ACADEMY OF MUSIC JOHN B. GOUGH, Monday Evening, Nov. sth, vTJnderth^aaspicas'oi’the ,Young Men’s Christian As. Boclation, HIS WORLD RENOWNED LECTURE, “London by night.” Mr. GOUGH has been persuaded to entirely revise this popular lecture, wbicb is so often called for In all parts of the country, and will deliver It for the FIBST TIME, In its new form, on MONDAY EVENING next. On TUESDAY EVENING, November 6th, he -will deliver one of his great Lectures on ••TEMPERANCE,” ' ffhe'sffle of Tickets will begin on FRIDAY MORN 'ING, Hoy. 2d at* ASHA£EAI> : B, (late Aaiunead & Evans) Bookstore, 724 chestnut b treat. Admissions 25 cents and 50 cents* Reserved seats In Parquet, Parquet Circle and Bal. -cony, 75 cents - Private Boxes iu Balcony, G 00. “OUR NEW HOUSE; OR, „■ Pleasures of House Hunting.” A humorous Lecture, on the above subject? itUl be by Rev. T. DE WRT TAT.MAGE at MU SICAIi FUND BAIL, THURSDAY EVENING, Hevember At,at 8 o'clock, under the auspices or the “Phllalethean Literary Association.’' Reserved seats. 50 cents; single tickets, 25 cents, for sale at TRUMf-LER’S MUSIC STORE, corner. Se venth and Chestnut Streets, oc3o-2t rp* ' |g»PARDEE SCIENTIFIC COURSE. liAFAYETXE COUhEGE. SB addition to the general Course of Instruction In %hlB Department, designed to lay a substantial basis of knowledge and scholarly culture, students can pursue those branches which are essentially practical and technical, vlu ENGINEERING; CmLropograpical and "Mechanical: MINING and METALLURGY: ATtriH ITSXrTUBE, and the application of Chemistry to aauT, all IjTiirß and the ARTS* There la also al fijrded an opportunityfbr special a tody of TB ADE and -COMMERCE, of MODERN LANGUAGES and PHIL OLOGY; and pfJSre.HISTOBY and XNSHTUTIONS <of dur own country. Bor Circulars appiy to President OATTELIe Or to r• - Prof. B. B. 10UNGMAN, JBaSTON, Pa. April 4,1866. .. Clerk of the-Faculty, xnysemoi TO THE PUBLIC.— fftg? lifould call the attention o f the public to the fol- M owing Recipe, I have tried in a nnmber of cases - of ECAnnKI FbVkb, Typhus Fevhb,' and In one case . »*«,.. rniwt maiignautSMAiJi Pox. I have not known . a death to occur where It was used according to direc tions. ThO following is the plan that l have always . adopted: Put one pock of charcoal in a furnace and hnm. Ihe„sas off in .the open air; then take It to the -slck-iobm, sad sprinkle over! It gradually fi re pounds of common 'brkwn sugar fthen sprinkle over it one gallon et cider-vinegar. It should be tried.every day for three dsiys to mate It effectual. Of course, medical Advice is required besides. SIMON OABTLAND, 35 South Thirteenth street. PgILAPBT.FOTA, loth Month 2Sth, 1856. ;«ivnw GABTLAHB; BapecUd IMend— lt Is alike a fieasubb and asnr to recommend thy receipt for coring cases of Typhoid and btmtt.au diseases, Having tried It with enxibe sucobos in the case of a bibtxb we thought past reco very, and having heard of others who administered It with like success, for the good of my fellow-man, I twonid say to every one, Qivb it a Teial. Yonr friend, ocSl-3trp| ASSOCTATKiN, : .; Oface,‘No.- aoSonth-BlXTHfStreet, Yonr attention ia called to the Philadelphia Brewers’ Association; which Is now in operation, and brewing, T. alnw AlyD bbqwH BTOUT. ’ Thk quality of which it riot excelled by that of any ■other Brewery in the Untied States; the best materials •only are used, and best attention given to meet the wants '-oftnecoriinmer.' i ;; .r *, . The A&soci&tioh lslncorporated by Acs of the Legis lature*. and belncupon the mutual benefit plan, each » becomes part owner of the Brewery FJx tores; etc., and eo secured from any risk of loss t while the price of shares being almost nominal, and not sub*, ject to any additional assessments ibe benefit derived is immense. The otockholdersrecelve' their-Ale, etc,,atcost,;no that they saveneariy one-third of the price now being paid, and besides this savin*, the profit upon sales . mede rto' others, who are not stockholders, and to -whom fbHprice Is charged, will be divided among tbe 'Stockholders seml-annuauy: this dividend alone.De yenddonbt, willmakeUadugfife and profitable la vestment. To secure these advantages the vSHtohßßld sub scribe atonce, as the amount of stock isurafedfand -will be sold to none but dealers. • lT" • particulars given and tamp let thaum at the Office of the Brewery, 30 Son th SIXTH Street. , ■ ■ ■ ■ THOMAS J. MARTIN, President Dennis P, Deady, Secretary, ocKf-w^-tGrpi IT5 6 MEBCANTILB ÜBBABT.-Eveiy reading ; {hay:-. possess'a share'of stock In this Company. The cost, at tie Library, is but $lO 00. with ij£l 3 . 1 0, Tllia stnaU sumsecuree tbs useof about 40,000 volumes, over 800 newspapers and world, numerous chess tables, &c. Subscribers are token at ts ooa vear i J?iS.MSK afl f u « importe mots tbe other ;llbrsriealu the city combined. Over 7,600,• volumes were ■ added last y* ai> » * oc!7»W|S,6trp HOSPITAL, N 05.1518 and 1520 street,Dispensary Department. Medl and medicine, furnished gratuitously Symphony Concbrts. Though our public baa, of late years, been fevored with various series of delightful chamber con certs in which the sonatas, trioß-aHdquar tettes of the older masters have been illus trated with a degree of virtuosity which would justify our congratulating ourselves upon the si ill of our leading artists, there has been no sustained attempt to produce the symphonies and other important orchestral works in their completeness. There have, it is true, been'occasional con certs in which a symphony has been per formed, but in the absence of regular or ganizations, having for their chief object the production of just suchworks, we have had hut few opportunities of hearing perfor mances with the like of which New York and Boston are frequently favored. The Chamber concerts, to which we have already referred, have done their share in educating our public in this regard. Com positions which, a few years ago, would have drawn but thin audiences, now attract attentive crowds. The artist is enoouraged by the fact that his constituency hss so in creased that its festhetic wants are reflected by a more*extended circle; and being thus encouraged, he feds Impelled to greater efforts than before. An instance in point has lately come under our notice, in the case of a musical undertaking which we are about to introduce to our readers. > Messrs, Jarvis'add ’Schmitz,: impressed with the belief that a series of symphony concerts would 'find favor with Philadel- Phians, boldly made their .preparations for a seasonof three performances, to be given during the winter) ‘ What at first, to their lees enthusiastic friends, seemed a mere venture, has.met with most gratifying sup port. Although they have not, as yet, ad vertised these concerts, their’ subscription lists arealready so well filled as to guaran tee the success of their laudable under taking. . oc3o-3t{ Italian Opera.— The opera of L'Etoile du Lord was repeated last evening'at the Academy, to a delighted audience. Mins Kellogg and Miss Hauck each sang delight fully, and each had a full share of Aural of ferings. Antonucci was fine as “Peters,” and Bellini droller than ever as “Gritzenko.’’ Baragli made the most of the role of “Dani lowitz,” and the exquisite but difficult ro mance in the last act, “Disperso il crin,” was sung with such tenderness of maimer, such purity of voice, and such consummate skill, that it-would have been encored, but for the -lateness of the hour. The whole performance was very delightful. This evening The Huguenots will be pro duced, with a very strong cast Mmes. Carmen Poch, Natale-Testa and Ronconi, and MM. Mazzoleni,-Bellini, Antonneei, and others,all appearing. To-morrow even ing OisjH’rtO’will be ’glyet, and' orTTrlday evening La Sonnambtlla; in’ which Miss Hauck. is .so charming. -The season will, close on Saturday with L'Etoile du Nord at amatinfie. ALFRED H. LOVE 620 North Sixth street. SPECIAL NOTICES. bahhoab , The residents of Germantown can have superior iiniT.ii.. xi- " H.IGH COAL QCBunrp BINES &BHEAFF. ■CSICAL. The performances will take place in the Musical Fund Hall. The orchestra will he efficient as ;to .ahility:aHd powerful as. to numbers, and the reputation of Messrs. Jarvis and Schmitz is, in itself, an earnest of their intention to devote all . means at their command to the careful execution of the various details of their plan. J.et our concert-goers see to it that the undertaking he a brilliant success, in order that the inauguration of Symphony Con certs in our city be, in its nature, creditable to thediscernment of our public as well as gratifying to their projectors. jiHiime iiiu'bw. Mb. Joseph Jefferson appears at the Chestnnt thi®, evening.' and will be wel comed by a host of his old admlreis and by many to whom his traditional reputation won nearly a score of years ago has become familiar. “Rip Van Winkle,” in which he has won so enviable a fame, will- be his opening pieoe, and it will be splendidly placed on the stage. The afterpiece will be the new three of “Caught by the Cnffi” ; Mrs. John Drew’ appears’iri “ Women Will Talk” at the Arch to-night.; The after piece willbe “Mazeppa.” : Mr. Edwin Booth will enact Riehard III; in the Shakspearean tragedy of that name, at the Walnut to-night. Miss Kate Fisher and El Nino Eddie appear at the American to-night. ‘ The City Museum gives a lively .bill this evening. - ■■; : Signor Blitz gives a seance this evening at Assembly Building; as wellas an after noon performance. The Minstrels are “all alive” at the Eleventh Street Opera House and give ex cellent programmes nightly. Johnbonian.'—A little book'entitled “Lit- S Pearls Strang at Random,” has been shed ln : London, the profits from its isle to be devoted to me Hawaiian mission. An English journal says: -‘‘The noteworthy point ia a preface by the Bishop of Oxford, Which might easily have come from the pen of Doctor Johnson. ‘Here wit sparkles for those who deUght in its coruscations; here history opens its stores; here :biography presents before you in court dress and dis habille, in serious and in sportive humor, companions whom you may be right glad to join, either to learn what is solid and useful,' or to smile at what is innocently gay.’ ” . l ". ■ PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31 1866. THE FENIAN TRIALS. :Tlie Case of Lynch HIS CONVICTION. Full Report of His .Speech and the Death Sentence. ■: We have published an. account ©f the con viction and death sentence of Lynch, the Fenian, hut add” the following account of fhe final.scene ofthe trial. - It is from the Toronto Globe, of the 26th: ' A.t, twenty-five minutes to six the jury returned into Court; and the roll'having been called by the Clerk, he inquired—Gen tlemen of the Jury,have you agreed on your verdict ? ■ The Foremen—The Jury have come to .the conclusion that the prisoner is Guilty. ! The clerk bayingrecorded the verdict; : The Solicitor General arose’ and said—l move, my lord,for the judgment of the Court on thepnsoner, His Lord ship—Robert B. lynch,have you anything to say why the sentence of the Court should not be pronounced on you for this felony ? . Prisoner's Address. The prisoner, with afirm voice, replied as follows: Well, my lord, you must be aware :—you must have noticed—the inconvenience and disadvantage my counsel labored under in not being able to bring forward' the evi denceof those who oould have proved clearly that I had no connection with the Fenian raids. I state now that I had neither hand, act nor partin the late invasion, and that I came to hot in .the capacity in which ithaßfaeen represented! came, but simply the correspondent of a public journal.- Andin so doing I was not aware that I violated either the laws of Canada cr those of my adopted country. I was not aware that there could i he any objection to a reporter following the ■ army and chronicling the incidents and progress ofthe invasion. Had I known this; . I would have been careful tohave remained on the other side. With regard to the man ner in which the Crown has conducted the . prosecution in my case, I think and most , confess that I have been very fairly dealt with. Both the Crown Solicitor and Mr. ! Cameron hate carried oh the prosecution in the most fair, and impartial maimer, and I feel that it is but right in me to make the statement. - - His Lord ah ip—The object in asking you to address the Court was to give you an op portunity of urging any legal objections, if ‘you had them. - It is too late how to discuss jthe facts of the case. i Prisoner—Well, my lord, you must be aware with regard to legal objections, that lam not cognizant enough of law to make ;any. I only know that I am innooent of ;the crime charged against me, and of which I have been found guilty. And I here pledge myself before that God in whose pre sence I must, appear some day, that lam wholly innocent of the crimes for which I was brought here; and that I never saw Stevens till I was arrested and brought Into his very house on the 2d of June. On that occasion I saw him, when placed in' his house, fora short time previous to being brought up to the Court House. The Crier then made the usual proclama ion, prior to passing sentence of death. Sentence of Death. ; His Lordship, addressing the prisoner, said—l am very sorry todind a man of yonr age and experience stand where you do to day. You are a man who most have seen a good deal of the world—a man not without education and intelligence. The evidence brought before me Court is perfectly clear and conclusive mat you were not in Canada as a reporter on the occasions charged in the indictment; hut that yon were armed and in some kind of command. What mat was does not distinctly appear. But even though you were only as a reporter, you onght to have known that no war had been proclaimed; mat those men with /whom you were seen were making an atrocious,' almost unparal leled, inroad on a peaceful country, and that under me circumstances you were there to report me ravages of these men to fathers interested, in order they they might gloat and glory over the slain. While a siDgle word would have influenced the case to your prejudice, I carefully abstained from saying anything against you. But now it does not lie on me to extenuate your fault, or affect not to see it in the darkest light. You professed,with others, toredress the grievances Of centuries—to right the Wrongs of an oppressed people—and to re move the iron heel which you say the Saxon put on me Celt .centuries ago,.and yet yon began by inflicting on us the very injuries of which you complained. Why should yonr iron tread be forced on us? Why shonld our homes be desolated and onr young men be slain by you? Will any man of sense answer mis plain question? Was it less man murder for yon to come here in. the dead of night to ravage onr coon toy and slay onr people? And all this was clone under oolor of relieving Ireland’/Could any right you may have authorize yon to faommitsnch a wrong as you then perpe trated? This is putting yonr case in a very plain and dear light. You stand here surrounded by me friends and relatives of me men you slew on- that occasion. If you were : there. : as a reporter faven you were not guiltless. Your object waß to encqurage , others to, come lf these inen had been successful; or to keep mem hway if the reverse had happened. Looking at your conduct in that light, yon cannot be surprised that me law should be enforced and mat you should suffer the. dread pe nalty of that law—as I very much fear you will—for how could we punish me young, reokless and unthinking young men to be brought here for trial—-who followed such as you, and placed confidence in you, if you were to be allowed to esoape? Could you see any, justice in -pun ishing mem in' such a case? You oom plain unjustly <- mat - those - who - were in command on that occasion were not al lowed to come her e to give testimony in your behalf. Bnt I cannot pervert me law and the Crown cannot override it. ,If me Crown had any such pledge of safe conduct as had been spoken it could not be earried out. You have had aR the justice you could ijos-. EveryonetSfaabstelnsd from Urging too hardly against yon mat whloh might have been urged.. ButL would fail in my duty now. if-I did not pnt your crime in its true light when about to sentenoeyou to appear before that Judge who sees things jnst as they are; It is a very painful thing, me most painful whlch a man can be oalled onto do, to doom a fellow-man to death. Bnt the requirements of society urge it on OTTO, TTQOUS COUNTRY, • For some time past the city has not been ex cited overs heavy robbery.and the detect! ves have been compelled to employ their time with small cases. Yesterday, however, the monotony was broken by the announce ment that C. O. Parks, broker at 34 New street, had been robbed of 840,000 in gold certificates. Yesterday afternoon, at a quarter before two o’clock, Mr. Parks sent George Calvert, the alleged absoonder, to Messrs. Charles Unger & Co., bankers, of 48 Exchange place, with an order for $40,000 in gold cer tificates. As the distance was not a very great one from Mr. Parks’s office, after wait ing for the space of about fifteen minutes, Calvert not returning, a young man was des patched to ascertain the cause or the delay. On .reaching Messrs. Unger <fc Co.’s place the messenger was informed that Calvert had been there and drawn the gold certifi cates, each of them bearing the denomina tion of $5,000. On returning with this answer to Mr. Parks, that gentleman, doubtless supposing that Calvert had gone off elsewhere, but would soon return, de layed making any further inquiry for about half an hour. At the expiration of that time he became alarmed and suspicious that Calvert had yielded to temptation. A clerk was therefore sent to the Sub- Treasury, where he was informed that two. of the certificates, amounting to $lO,OOO in gold,had been cashed a short time previous. Upon comparing the numbers furnished to Messrs. Charles Unger & Co., it was discovered that certificates Nos. 21,997 and 21,105, of letter A, were the ones that had been cashed; Furtherinformation was obtained that Calvert had been seen to enter the Sub-Treasury building by the Wall street entrance and to leave it through the door fronting on Pine street. Beyond this nothing could be learned of his where abouts, and although unwilling to believe that Calvert had acted dishonestly, Mr. Parks was compelled to act upon the over whelming evidence of guilt that had been placed before him. The following description of Calvert has been obtained at the office of Mr. Parks: He is between twenty-five and twenty-eight years of age, small piercing eyes, large front teeth and a Celtic looking face. His beard and hair are of a light brown color; the heard grows over a great portion of his face and throat; speaks with a Blight Irish accent. At one o'clock yesterday afternoon he wore a coat of Scottish cloth of light brown, and pants and vest.of a lighter color. He for merly resided at 86 Clinton Place, and has a brother residing at Springfield, Mass. His occupation, as stated by Mr. Parks,was thatof a “gold runner” for delivering gold gold-cheoKß. In this capacity he had been employed by Mr. Parks, at various times, since last year. Until yesterday he had always been regarded as honest and trust worthy. > The following are the numbers of the cer tificates drawn from Messrs. Unger & Co.; payment of them has been stopped at the Sub-Treasury, except those already cashed; Nos. 22.000, 21,459 C, 21,706 D, 20,654 B, 21,656 D, 21,424 D. 21.997;A, 21,105 A. - Information of the supposed robbery was promptly sent to Police Headquarters, and Inspector Carpenter immediately detailed several deteotlves to hunt up Calvert. Tele grams describing the alleged theif and stating the robbefy committed have also been sent to all parts of the country. It is, however, the opinion of many that Calvert Ijasnot left the'city but is secreted some where iu New York. .Handbills notifying the.public thatpayment of the - gold certifi cates had been stopped and giving their numberawere extensively circulated yes terday. me. The law requires I should not shrink fiom it, if I could I would. Aathe law now , stands,you might be sentenced to immediate execution. Thelaw puts that discretion in my hands. Bnt inasmuchas that Jaw isan ;ex post facto one, as to you, Fshall certainly ; not exercise any discretion I may have to ,shorten your existence one hour;' ‘More ■over, ypn hav® a right to bring into Court the .whole case—to appeal from the deci sion of a Court adverse to you—if there .was anything, wrong in the' evidence and the proceedings; and God forbid that should deprive you of that opportunity -to appeal. You shall be treated just as the slaw was when you oommifted the offence; •?° '“at. iif the evidence does- riot, . in the opinion Of my learned brethren, sus •tam the conviction, time and 'opportunity > will he given you to move against it, Tf I ■have received evidence such as I ought not, or put a wrong construction on any part of lit, it will be 'open for you to make a com plainttothateflfect; and the period of your .execution will be delayed to the end of next 1 term, just as if that law had not hew passed so as to afford yon an opportunity of appeal. It uow only remaißS for riie to pronounce the dread senfenceof the law. Yours is an .offence punishable with death. I can exer iose no discretion. The sentence of the. Court on yon, therefore, is thaty on be taken 1 : to the place snom whence you came, to be r there detained till Thursday, the 13th day of December next, and to be taken from thence on that day to the place of execution, and ■there hungfcy the neck until you are dead, and may God have mercy on your.souU ; During the latter part of his Jiordahip’s address, be was deeply affected, and could scarcely proceed with the sentence. The vast audience in the Court were; hushed as still sb death itself. But, to all outward ap pearance, {he prisoner remained unmoved. Not that his indifference appeared stoical; but- he looked as if he had nerved himself to encounter the trying scene. - : _ An Iskllßt of Lynch's Career. The prisoner, Robert B. Lvncb, was born in Galway, we understand, to 1818, He was at one time Chief derk in the department of the Board of Charitable Donations and Bequests, Dublin Castle, and retained that post from 1537 to 1842, when he is said to have emigrated to the United States, He then engaged ‘in business in ; St Louis for a time, but left there to 1849, and traveled to many of the leading cities in the South American Repub lics and West Indies. He subsequently joined the American army, and was Quar termaster, with the rank of Major, in the 24th Wisconsin volunteers. During the lat ter part of the.war he was chief Clerk, with the rank of Major, in'the Discharge Depart ment of LhtriawUe. Subsequently, he says, he came to Canada, under the direction of Adjutant General McDermott, of the F. 8., of Louisville, Ky., to report the Fenian campaign in Canada. This ietbe prisoner’s account of himself ; but wehave heard other ■versions Of his Career which assigned him a residence of sorile years in Western Canada. Heavy Robbery In New York. ftromfiHlXT'sN.Y. Herald 1 The Corn Crop.— The Cincinnati Price Ourreht statesthat, notwithstanding the contradictory reports about irost and floods the corn erop'will undoubtedly be a large one, although a small portion of it will be unsound. The general: estimate of the aggregate corn crop of the United States for 1866 is over 1,050,000,060 bushels, [Correspondence of the PliKa. Evonlnsßolletin.J October In the Conntry. Newmanstown, Lebanon County, Pa., ■ October 30.1866.—T0-day haw in it more of leaden November than golden October, but ; the contrast only makes the previous two or : three days brighter in recollection, and the long’ tramps through com -and stubble fields - alter partridges, the scrambling climbs up the mountains after pheasants and rabbits, and the tearing and wading through ewampe for, woodcock; put one in disposition to rest quietly under the inflic tion of a rainy day in a country tavern, and i write about what may interest some of your readers. The B?rks County Agricultural Fair Jield at Reading last week, was thegreat source of excitement along this valley for a few days and tempted many a one to &ce the crowd there and see the affair. The build ing appropriated to the exhibition of the horticultural, agricultural and mechanical and artistic productions. of Berks county was about half .large enough to acoom modatethe thousands who crowdeditaaislea. and many a Pennsylvania-Gerruan far mei’s daughter, managing tor may be the first time her hoop-akirt, must have - earn estly longed for a little more room ■- to cir culate in. The display of orchard frriit was exoßllent, and a Philadelphian could inarn there that not all the large apples iri the conn fry were grown in New York State,tf any thing like an average oould be struck of the general crop from the particular specimens exhibited. One plate of round, light-golden colored fruit labelled “Squinphes" (fact) promised a novelty which was only done away by seeing a neighboring specimen of the same kind 'marked ••Quinces.” The garden vegetables Buffered from their several days exposure, and on the last day showed the marks of the “withering hand of Tima” rather too plainly. The wonderful patch work bed quilts that appear at these conntry fairs were the attractive objects.for the elderly ladies and compared favorably with the kindred works of art of the photogra pher, the portraits of the Kings and Qneena ofrags arid patches. There were oows and other cattle, patent medicine venders with broad brimmed hats to attract by their novelty, or rather antiquity; to which hats the medicine venders added banjos and sang songs to draw attention to their patent blisters and potions. The “aide-ehowa” of infent Barnums, the coffee-mill opera of hand organs,and finally the horses and race track made a few of the objects of attraction of this county feir.: Now and then - some thing solid attracted one by its very rarity, and a collection of Wallace’s patented Key stone ploughs had always a large number of admiring farmers, around them. As yon looked at the ingenuity in the invention of their the capOal construction tor turning up the soil, it was not hard to un derstand why they attracted so much atten tion. The plough is the life of the fermer, and the golden harvests of our fertile valleys show how well they are driven throrigh the rich soil. It is from the. rugged mountains guarding these favored places chat the hearty oak and the solid iron are cut and moulded till the plough is ready to tgra up to life the sleeping sods of the valley. Is it any won der that the man who makes an improve ment in the plough deservedly wins the ad miration of every agriculturist and merits the hard-earned reward for his ingenuity? The Patent Office can answer. There is some complaint of the quality and yield of wheat, but the Indian corn crop is capital; potatoes were rarely better; ap ples by no means plenty, and traveling agents have snapped up every barrel of ci der they could buy, paying about five dol lars a barrel for it. How many barrels of city cider by the aid of water and sugar can be made from one barrel of real country ci der is a mystery—but a profitable one. The Tate Storm. A despatch from East Haverstraw, N. Y.. dated yesterday, Bays: A terrific storm of rain and wind com menced here about 10 o’clock, causing as severe a freshet in this vicinity as has been i xperienced in these parts for years. From this point to a distance of naif a mile north, the entire track of the Hudson River Rail railroad has been completely submerged, water covering both ud and down tracks to the depth of several inches. Of course there had to Le an outlet somewhere. About one mile north of here it washed away the ground work of the track and ran off down the embankment The above state of affairs came very near causing a terrible disaster; as it was, quite an accident occurred.’ The following are the particulars: As the Albany express train down, which left Peekskill at 9 o’clock and 9 minutes this morning, reached the spot where the water had broke through, the engineer, not observ ing anything nnusnal in the state of the track, did not slow his engine, hut let her travel along at her usual rate of speed (about thirty-five'miles the hour). As soon as the ears ran on to that part of the track which had been undermined by the water, the rails gave way, and the entire train, with the exception of the engine Minnesota, ran off. A large number of passengers were onboard, and a panic ensued immediately. Every car, however, remained upright, but tumbled about terribly. One of the brakes men and a. newsboy was slightly injured. Just before the train ran off; perhaps not'a moment previous to the accident; the New York Express up passed the spot on the np track where the accident occurred, in safe ty. In fact, the engineer of that train looked back and observed the Albany train run offi The engineer of the down train, Mr. Thomas Hodge, and the fireman, Mr. Calvin Briggs, both assert;that if they had not been running at foil speed, the en tire train would have tumbled down the embankment; and had it occurred one mo ment . sooner than it did, a terrible disaster would have occurred, for in that case both of the express trains, heavily laden with human freight, would have been Jumbled into one indistinguishable iriass. The New York passengers in the train that met with the accident were taken to New York in the Sing Bing train. The noon train up was delayed -at the break over one hour, bat now eveiything is running regular again. I hear that the storm was very severe ftirther rip the river, but have heard of no disasters. - Peekskix.li, N. Y., Oct, SO.—The storm here last,night and this morning was very severe. The lower part of the. town near the depot was inundated, families being driven out of the lower part of their houses. The Iron Works, were compelled to suspend business as the water, covered the doors of their workshops.' The wind blew a perfect' hurricane. At this time of writing, 4 P.M., it is clearing up and a strong northwest wind prevails. All the docks were inun dated and . considerable lumber and wood drifted away. : Portland, Me., Oct. 30.—A severe south west gale has prevailed here all day, -Sevsal F. L. FETHEKSTOK Wblista. DOUBLE SHEET, THBEE CENTS walls id the burned district,- which were be mg rebuilt, have Been blown The steamer Katahdurhasput in here foya har bor. The steamer City of Richmond re turned to Rockland; Both the New York boats are here; also; both the international steamers, No , disasters are yet reported.* The shipping in' the harbor are riding out the gale wefl. •• THf PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. OFFICIAL RETURNS COMPLETE; Geary’s Majority 17,196; ; Ccunliet. Adams, - - Allegheny, -• Armstrong, . - I Beaver, - Bedford, - Berks, - Blair, - - Bradford, Bucks, - - 'Butler, - .Cambria, Cameron, ’ 'Carbon, - Centre, - Chester, - Clarion, - Clearfield, Clinton, - - Columbia, Crawford, Cumberland, - Dauphin, Delaware, Elk, I - Erie, - - Fayette, - ’ - Forest; - . - Franklin, Fulton, • - Greene, - Huntingdon, - Indiana, - Jefferson, Juniata, - Lancaster, Lawrence, Lebanon, Lehigh, - Luzerne, Lycoming, - McKean, Mercer, Mifflin, - . Monroe, Montgomery, - Montour, Northampton, Northumberland, Philadelphia. Pike, - - Potter, - Schuylkill, - Snyder, Somerset, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, - Union, - Venango, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Westmoreland, Wyoming, York, Geary’s Maj ority, General Sneeman’s Military and Hpl» More Anon. General Sherman had another interview with the President to- day, after the session of the Cabinet, at which he accepted the military diplomatic mission to M&rico, which I stated yesterday had been tendered ' to him. He will, therefore, leave forOirio to morrow, and, after arranging some pri vate affairs, he will leave for Mexico proba bly within ten days, accompanied by Col. Campbell, Minister to that Republic. The Administration is gratified at the prompt action of General Sher man, and the hope is confidently enter— tained that the presence of an officer of such rank and distinction will be a. suffi cient indication of the earnestness of '- Government in the measures it is taking to aid the restoration of the republic and'Uiat it will render the actual: presence of United States troops on Mexican soil unnecessary. General Sherman’s precise mission is- both, military and diplomatic. He goes to- sus tain Minister Campbell in all the diplomatic relations which may be re-estab lished, and empowered also with foil discretion ■as to the use of military power in any emergency requiring it, - The very important nature of this work is thus apparent, and the President j&- anx ious that it not only shall be in safe and able hands, but that our representatives shall reach the scene of action as soon a 3 possible. The name of Gen. Grant was at first suggested as the proper person for this position of military envoy, but as ha-cannot well be spared from the pressing duties con sequent upon the reorganization of the army,Gen.Sherman was selected, he having declined the tender of the War Department, which was made by the-Presidents When the change does occur in the lattsr Depart ment, it is altogether probable that General Grantwill assume its duties.— miaftington Cor. XT. Y. Times. Over and Terminer—Judges Allison and Ludlow.—The case of James Mona ghan, charged with the murder of James Moore, on the 15th of 1865, was concluded yesterday afternooD,, about half past four o’clock. The Commonwealth tailed to identify the accusedas present at the fight where Moore received his wound, and the Case was abandoned. A verdict of not guilty was rendered. This morning Newton Champion was put : on trial charged with the murder of Mary 'Carney, on the lOth of August last. The prisoner was in the dook.and although, there have been intimations ol his insanity, he plea ded in regular form when arraigned, repeating correctly .after his counsel, tbs usual formula in regard to his trial. After seven jurors had been obtained the regalar panel was exhausted. A special venire issued to summop twenty-five jurors; The venire will be returned to-morrow memimr C. Burden and Jos. Brewster, lor the prisoner, , - The Pacific Mail, Steamship Company announces the first voyage of. Us through New York to Japan and. China, St P Fra »hiMO, thevesel to sail from New York, December 11. The fare t9fm eW to Kong will be $2OO Gsoiii, XT. Clymert D. '29m sm -20511'* 12793 - 3753 3073 - 3310 2385 - 2591 2835 - 7121 13280 - 3520 2768 -7134 3091 -6805 ' 7399 ! - 3544 V 3061 - 2643 3295 - 374 303 _■ - 1906, ' 2339 - 3094 3565 - 8500 6221 - 1776 2813 - 1650 2786 - 1754 2337 - 1965 3583 - 6714 '4969 - 4030 - 4567 - 5691 4301 - 3647 2262 x - 376 916 - 7237 3957 - 3569 4359 - 100 78 - 4299 410 S - u 5 1055 - 1699 3230 - 3248 2239 -4458 2109 -2015 1912 - 1516 1814 -14592 8592 - 3560 1410 - 4194 2696 - 4159 5731 .- 8733 12387 - 3871 4448 ' - 877 ’ 714 - 4416, 375 T - 1725' 1835 - 705 2693 -.7286 8342 - 1130 1523 - 3559 6870 -'336*1 3829 - 2581' 2495: *54205 ■ *48517 - 360 1084 - 1346; 620 - 8793 10514 - 1792 1326 - 3062 1759 - 436 761 - 4429 2931 - 4791 1628 - 1991 1287 - 4409 3492 - 2657 1572 - 4977 4712 - 2357 2883 - 5046 6113 - 1408 . 1499 - 5596 8780 307,274 290,096 290,096 - 17,178 naatic Mission to M^ico* COURTS.