SECONDEDITION cjmr A GIBL IN MALE Attire—She is Charged -with Robbing a Priest.— Major McMiohael had before him this morningtwo individuals charged with high way robbery. One was a young man and the other a girl .dressed in male attire. It seems that about ten days ago Rev. A. M. Grander, a Catholic priest, was called.' to see a sick woman in the neighborhood of Second and Morris streets. The night was rather dark and he inquired the way of a couple of persons whom he met. These individuals followed him very stealthily and suddenly appearing before him, demanded his valuables. Mr. Grander mentioned his station in life and his object in being out at that time,but it had no effeot. Be was obliged to hand over his pocket book. He says that the robbers resembled the prisoners and they were committed. The young man states that he met the girl in Baltimore, and that he dressed her in male attire and brought her to the city. He took her to his mother’s house, and repre sented her as a-young friend, and her sex was not noticed. He gave her a billy to pro •tect herself during the day while he was away, and this weapon was found on her person when arrested. The girl says that she is sixteen years of age. She is large and well built,but by no means very .prepossessing in appearance. She belongs to this city bnt ran away fromhome about three years ago, and has sjnee been leading rather a checkered life. She wore a long rough looking fire-coat, and her get-up gave her a decidedly rowdy appearance. Her voice, however, was sufficient to expose her sex. Burglab Cajtubvd.—August Johns, alias Walker, was arrested, yesterday,' by Constable William Myers, of the Twelfth Ward, assisted by Officer Houck, of the Eleventh District, and was taken before Al derman Toland. He is charged with bur glary, in having entered the dwelling of Mr. Joseph Mills, No. 461 North Fifth street, aabont ten days ago, and stealing therefrom quantity of silver-ware. Johns called at the house and made some inquiries about silver-ware, and was shown va rious articles. At the time it was no ticed that he acted strangely, looking suspiciously about the room, and after he left a key which had been lying on a table was missed. With the key he is supposed to have entered the premises. Johns was committed in default of §2,500 bail for a farther bearing. The prisoner resides on Green street,below New Market, and after bis arrest his house was searched. Numerous articles which are supposed to have been stolen were found. Thete articles consist of clothing, fancy soaps, brashes, bottles, cologne, hair oil, coffin plates and handles, Ac. There were also found about. 100 skeleton keys of all sizes. These articles are all at the office of AldrToland. Safe Blowing—A House Demolished. —This morning about one o’clock, Heston’s coal office on the Pennsylvania Railroad near Hestonville, was destroyed by burg lars. The fire proof was turned over on the side and the key hole was filled with power. A slow match was fixed, and in due time there was an explosion. The thieves, however, had overdone the thing. There had been rased powder almost sufficient to blow up a seventy-four -gon ship. The report shook the whole neighborhood, and was distinctly heard on this side of the Schny lkill. The door of the safe was blown through the roof of the building and fell several yards off. The structure, which was a one-story frame, was almost entirely demolished. One side was knocked down and the roof was carried some distance. The rascals did not return to ascertain the damage done by their exploit. • Man Shot. —This morning about half S»aat nine o’clock, a man ntuned Richard White was shot at his residence,lfo. 916 Lo cust street. He had been out all night with Samuel Jeffries and William Nell, and all parties had got pretty well intoxicated. After -arriving at the house this morning Nell and Jeflries got into a dispute with White -about some money. Nell pulled out a pistol and hauded it to Jeffries, with the remark—“ Shoot the !” Jeffries is then alleged •to have fired. The bail from the pistol entered tbe side of the mouth of White, and came out behind the jaw.. The wound is painful, but is not considered dangerous. White had his injuries dressed at the Pennsylvania Hos pital, and was afterwards taken home. Nell was subsequently arrested and was looked up at the Central station. Jeffries is still at Luge. For Savannah.— The steamship Tona wanda, Capt. Teal, sailed for Savannah this morning with a foil cargo and the following passengers: Mrs. Farquahar Bethuue and daughter; A. Minis and wife, 5 children and 2 servants; Mr. McNamey and wife, W. J. deary, Mrs. Dr, L. A. Falligant, Thos. Holmes, M. Fisher, John Salt, John Gard ner, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lowber. Jr.,and servant, Elizabeth Bostock; Silas M. Han son, J. W.'’Howell, Mrs. Elizabeth. Kriger and infant, Miss Anna Lewis, Mrs C. D. YouDg and 3 children, Mrs. L. M. Preston and daughter, Susan Cengill, Mrs. Monday and 6 children, Mrs, Margaret James, Miss Anna M. James, Miss Cecelia James, Ellis Scarlet, Abram Stevens, Franklin Corson. J. F. Kelly. A Dangerous - Habit.— The juveniles rfbout the city have got to amusing them selves by throwing stones from a piece of leather attached to a piece of gum. The pebbles: are thrown with great force, and fly a considerable distance. In this way windows are broken and other damage done. The fun may be very fine for the boys, ’ but it is annoying to house-keepers, and dangerous to pedestrians, and the Mayor has given orders to the police to prevent it. Yester day, Washington Kelley and John Toomev, aged about fourteen years, were arrested at Fourth and Harmony streets with one of these “slings.” -They had already broken four large store windows. They were com mitted by Alderman Tittermary. Assault with a Black-Jack. —;Last night, about nine o’clock, Mr. John Mc- Avoy, while passing Tenth and Carpenter streets, was attacked by Miehael Kane, and struck over, the eye . with a black-jack. Kane ran ofli bnt: was pursued and cap tured by a policeman. He had a hearing: this morning before Alderman Lutz, when a-daugbterof MeAvoy, testified,that Kane lied been to the house a nigbt or two ago, and threatened to shoot one of the inmates, at the same time flourishing a pistol. The defendant, was committed in default-of $1,600. bail to answer the charge of assault and battery, and carrying concealed deadly weapons. ■-* 'Alleged Horse Thief.— Frank Hughes was arrested yesterday at his residence, No. 2910 Wistar street, on the charge of the lar ®o*jy of a horse, wagon and harness, valued at *3OO, from Lancaster. The team'waß sold to a party in Lancaster, and was recovered. Hughes was traced to this city and was cap tured, Alderman Boswell sent him to Lan caster for trial. Base Ball— Chestnut Street Theatre vs, ■Arch Street Theatre, —Yesterday afternoon a spirited game of base ball was played be tween the Chestnut and Arch Street Theatre «anbs, on the grounds of the Athletic, Fif teenth and Columbia avenue. The game wmr won by toe Chestnut Street Theatre C3ub, toe seore standing Chestnut, 29; Arch, THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN .-PHILADELPHIA, 'A TURD AY, OCTOBER 27, 1866-TRIPLE SHEET. ' 1 Riotous Conduct.— Ed ward; Walker and John Walker, were arrested, last night, for creating, a disturbance at a .ball, at Broad and Spring .Garden streets. They were taken before Alderman Boswell and were held for a further hearing. The Choleba. —Three cases of cholera were reported at the office of the Board of Health to-day. ' The Virtues of Boweb’s Infant Cob hr at. seed so comment from our pen, Thou ms da of SunHlea daily attest its *-fficaoy. H. A. Bower, Sixth apd Green, sole proprietor of the Cordial. Patty Brand’s Bbown Salve. —Bower Sixth and Vine, sole proprietor. Druggists’ Sundbies and Fancy Goods. SNOWDEN A BBOTHEB, Importers, - 23 South kt£bth street. 6-20 Coupons t Doe November Ist, Wanted by - DBEX EL & 00., 84 south Third street. *• Dh. Fitleb’s ” great “ Rheumatic Rfmedy.” For Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Gont. Asthma. ‘•No Core," 3 000 cores since June 1868. ‘ No Fay.” “No Pay,-’ 3,000 cores since June 1856. "No Core.” “No Core.” Nomercury, colchlcntnor “Vo Pay.” “No Pay,” lodides. . ~' "No Core.” Limited quantity to each pa’ient. Prepared by Dr. FI til r. No 29 South Fourth street Ladies’ Special NoTick.—Dr. Ban nine’s Braces, Light French Trusses Imoroved Shoul der Bracts, Supporters of best construction, Admlra bie Elastic Bandages. Elastic Stockings, etc., Cor rectly adjusted by a Lady, at “Needles’?’ on Twelfth street, first door below Baoe. Mujaviro is the name, (probably Rus slan.l of the most delicious Perfume that ever came In contact with onr olfactory nerves. We recommend every one to try It. For sate by all the principal Druggists,— Boston Dailv Traveller. Benbow’s Soaps.— Rider Flower, Turtle Oil, Glycerine,Lettuce, Sunflower, Musk, Boss, &c. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, Importers, 23 South Eighth street. ; Thboat Affctions.—A Physioian writ ing from Newfane. New York, speaklne of the beand clal effects resulting from the use of " Brown'* Bron chial Troches," says: "For alleviating that horrid irri tation only ielt by those who have suffered from any Bronchial affection, and for Hoarseness and Sore Throat, too, I am free to confess—though I am an M D.—thry answer all yon claim for them.” To avoid disappointment, be Bure to obtain the genuine “Brown's Bronchial Troches,” ,AFEwDßOPsor“SweetOppoDonax!” Oh, bow rich and aromatic In odor. It pnrifles the air of the apartment, and soothes the wearied frame of the Invalid, It is a captive fragrance, found on all t (lets and never stains the handkerchief Sold everywhere. E. T.BMTTH & CO., New York. Sole Proprietors, COURTS. O yeb aku Tekmikeh— Judge* Allison and Peirce. —The case «f Gilbert Weitman, charged with canting the death of Daniel Bingler, was condnded with a ver dict of Dot guilty. Qcabteb sessions— Judge Allison.—ln the case of Samnel Hancock at d David Felt, convicted of conspl racy, application was made by defendant’s counsel tt> produce witness to show the bad character or the pro secutor. A new trial was granted In the case of John P.Noble, cor virted of an aggravated assault and battery. A hearing was asked in the case of Capt. Nathaniel B. hi ill s, of the Sth precinct, N. V.. police force, com mitted to prison by Aid. hfcMullin, on a charge of nsing threats agalnstSaml. W. Wellington. The prose cutor was not m court, and the counsel for Capt. Mills, stated thatthe committal was a high-handea outrage inasmuch as Capt. Mills had committed no oflence ex cept that he h ad on one occai ion had Aid. UcMutlin as a prisoner in his stsU’n house In New York, and at that time McMullin vowed that he would have revenge. Capt. Mills was allowed to enter Into his own recogni zance for (260, to appearwhen wanted. SHOCKING TRAGEDY. A Boy In Nashville Shoots the Agent of the Associated Press ror the Seduction of Ills mother. [From the Nashville Dispatch, Oct. 2S.J Yesterday afternoon, shortly after one o’clock, Charles M. W. Bent, who is very generally known In Nashville,and for some eight or nine years past a resident of the city, was shot in Cherry street, near Union, by a young man named Hugn McGavock. The affair was the result of a bit of scandal which transpired in Louisville, and was published in the papers of that city about a week ago, implicating the mother of the latter in connection with Mr. Bent. The occurrence is one of those aad episodes in Bociety with which the journalist occasion ally has to deal. Without, however, repro ducing the story detailed by the Louisville papers, we shall give only the particulars of the melancholy result which transpired yesterday. About one o’clock, as above stated, Mr. Bent came out of Cone’s book store, on Cherry street, and in com pany with a young man named E. P. Thompson, connected, we believe, with the tax office, turned up towards Union street He bad gone but a few Bteps, however, be fore he was confronted by McGavock. That gentleman stepped out of the ice-house, just across the alley, pushed Mr. Bent from the pavement, probably to get him clear of Mr. Thompson, with whom he was walking, and theD, drawing his revolver, fired. Not a word was spoken by either party. Mr. Bent, after receiving the shot, walked leisnrelv across the street in an obliqne direction, never once looking back, and was continu ing his way up Cherry street when McGa vock fired again. Mr. Bent then ran to the corner, turned up Union street and con tinued his accelerated bace until he reached the alley just tetond Curry’s undertaking e tahlismeut,where be fell dead. McGavock after firing the second shot, ran up to Union street and was abont to shoot again, bnt was prevented by the cries of several persons, who called loudly for him to desist. He then turned down Cheny street, where he was met a momeßt or two afterwards by officers Conley and Mansfield, who took him into custody. The body of the unfortunate Bent was taken into Mr. Carry’s shop, where an ex amination showed that both shots had taken effect, the first entering the left arm, near the shoulder, and passing through the chest imo the lungs; the second in the left side, entering from the baok, and passing bat a few inches below the nipple, severing the left ventricle of the heart. Either would have proved fatal. Much excitement was produced by the occurrence, and a large crowd was colleoied about tbe establishment | of Mr. Curry, where the body was carried. The Coroner was notified and an inqneat was held, which resulted in a verdict in accordance with the above facts,- An examination of Mr. Bent’s person showed that he had two pistols in his pocket —one a small Sharp’s fonr-sfaooter, the other a Smith & Wesson—and why he acted thus passively, under the circumstances, is perfectly unaccountable. Mr. McGavock, after being arrested, was taken before Squire Wilkinson, and there appearing no prosecution, he was released on £5,000 bail, James Sloan and Jacob Mc- Gavock entering upon the bond, . Parricide in Illinois.— A' horrible murder was committed in Augusta, 111., last week. Jesse Rose was killed by hiß son James, aged nineteen, who afterwards cocfessed his guilt and declared that his mother had instigated the deed. It appears' that the father, Jesse Rose, had been in the habit of drawing the money his sons had earned by their labor in the neighborhood, and said be was going to draw some forty five dollars, due the eldest son—who is 1 nineteen years old—on Friday last. His 1 son told him if he did he would kill him. The father.went to a spelling school on that day, but did not get the money. The son, however, supposing he had got it, by his mother’s instigation, and accompanied by his younger brother,'hid behind a stump, near some bushes, by which his father would return, and struck him with an axe, knocking his brains out, and then cut his throat with a butcher knife. Burglary in Clarion County. On Monday night last soma burglars broke into the store of Samuel Wilson, at Helen Far hace, Clarion county, Pa., and stole some fourteen fine coats, one new overcoat be longing to Mr. Wilson, some carpet bags anil other goods, amounting in all to the •value of four or five hundred dollars. Par suit was made after the scoundrels, but as Set they have not been arrested. Some of le goods were found scattered along the road they had taken. Finance and Bnslneas—Oct 25V 1860. The Y.'li me of business at the Stock Board this lioTiii: ewaa. final], 'Government Loans were very quiet, closing at 113*4 for the Coupon Sixes, lUK for tbe old Five-Twenties; 111 for the ’6ss; 108 fog the “policy” bond.; ioo for the Ten-'orttes; 106J4 for the February Seven-Thirties, and 106J4 for the June dec State and Glty Loans were steady at ye>terday'a quo tations. Beading Ballroad sold at 58J4— an advance of J 4. Catawlssa Ballroad Preferred was a little more active,.ana rosetoio«, but afterwards fell 0ff129 was bid tor Camden and Amboy Ballroad; 57J4 for Pennsylvania Ballroad; 57H for Mine Hill Ballroad; 85 for Little Schuylkill Ballroad; 42 for Elmira Ball road Preferred: 29 for the Common stock; 68 for Lehigh Valley Ballroad, and 49 for Northern Central Ballroad. In Canal stocks the only sales were of Schuylkill Navigation Common at 28, and Delaware Division at 87J4. In Bank shares there were no transactions. Passenger Banway securities were inactive. 1554 was the best bid for Hestonville. Smith, Bahaolph & -Co.. Bankers, 15 South Third street, quote at 11 o’clock, as follows; BOTH- ■: - -14« W U.B. 1881 Bonds. ; U, 8.5-XB,lM2 V " rm— ...-linEiani. ■ “ „ 1885— IX tJ. B. 740’s—1st series—loeKwioeM " *d series —USX joinsJ4 ", *d series——wsxainßJS 540, July, 1865„„..„. MBxmxx Compounds. J>ec.. last™.-™.™-—UB3i@_^. Messrs. De Haven A Brother, No 40 Booth Third street, make the following quotations of the rates .01 exchange to-day, at I P. H.: ■ Buying. Selling, American Gold—l49>4 Silver- Quartern and.halves.._...JSB Compound Interest Notes: - • “ Jtme,lBB4_. 1654 “ ” July, 1864. U 16 '■ *’ Ang. 1884_. 1554 " “ Oct., 1864;.. 1«4 " " Dec., 1864.., 18*4 " " May.wesJ 11 « AUK.J866... 954 " “ Sept.JBBs... 9 “ ” OCt.. 1565 m. Jay Cooke & Go. quote Government securities, Ac., to-day, as follows: , Buying, waning, D.R6’5.1851..._.._.„ —.11314 11354 Old 6-20 Bonds.—. J 1454 11454 New &20 Bonds. 1864 111 5-2080nda,1885 ........ OlojJ IUDi 5-20. July, 1865 ~.l*B£ l'*st 10-40 BODda_..„_ ..99V IOOJtf 7 8-10, Augu5t.............. 106* 106* “ June.... ™.....105* 106 “ r—l -105* IBS Gold—at 12 o’clode.. 146*^ PtiUadelpbla Barßettu Saturday, Cct.27.—Cloverieed is scarce and wanted at $7.50 lor and new. Tlmothr raßges £rom f 3 so@s3 75. Flaxeeed ia rather better; aam all sale $3 20 bu>he'. Bark has declined |l9 ton. A sale of 20 hlids. No. 1 Quercitron at $34. There is less* activity in the Breadsmfb market, bnt not zmeh change from yesterday's figures. There is but little Floor coming forward and holders are firm in their views. There is no shipping demand and only a lew hundred barrels were disposed of, chiefly Northwest extra fiunily at |’3@H3 50 9 barrel, including mall lots of high grade at $15@16. extra at $9 2£@i° and superfine iromfS to $9. Rye Floor is held firmly with small sales at ft 50&7 75, In Com Meal nothing doing. There Is no change in Wheat and not much offering. Small tales of Bed ats3@3 bushel. Waite may bequoted at $3 25@3 85. Rye is at ft 43 bushel. Com is l*ts active. In tt e bb »*iic •> of qalea wequote yellow at $120.1000 bushels mixed Wratern sola atsi Ws. Oats are steady, with aal»s of bu he's at 63 cents for Soathera and 64 eta. fbr Penna. In Barley and Malt no further transaction*. W hisky continnes very quiet; small sales of Penna. att24o@2 4l,andOx>io at $248. The manufacture of the ‘’contraband” article comlnnes as large as ever. Bulletin. XJ.VERPGOI—Ship Toscarora. Danlevy—♦ boxes 12 tin plates American Meter Co; no ca steel Wm Tile ston; 880 bdle strip Iron Morris, Tasker A Co; 143 casks soda ash Yarns U & Trimble; 8 cast steel tyres Naplor <£ Co; 13 craus earthenware A Tomxinson; i bale coarse mdze Peter Weaver; 1 bale carpets McFarland Hollins; 1 do 16 do matting W J P Ingraham: 1.898 ban iron 136 bdls do Staurer & Whitaker; 177 do J Wood 4 bdls bar Iron 827 do rod do 643 d • stoop do J JAG Gil lingham; 721 do ioo do sheot do 425 boxes tin plates 83 bdls iron N dw 1 cask do Vance A Landis; 6 bales matting Brown,Ghlpley A Co; 61 crates earthenware 8 caaki do Asbury A Young; 2cs steel Pbilipß Justice; 3 casks :*ndze G H Roberts; <5 rums caustic soda Grady A Keefe; 555 boxes tin plates 65 bbis and drums caustic soda 99 casks soda ash sos bdls bar iron S£B do sheet do 210 pcags earthenware order. 8T JOHN, NB.—Brig Cere, Wllson-2C2.75l Ifeet lumber 145,000 laths order. BARIBE BDLLEMB. POST OF PHIIJUMSLPHIA- OCTQBRBg7. JOT Sse Marine Bulletin on Seventh THIS DAY. Ship Uncle Joe, Bewail, 60 days from Liverpool with mdpe to Peter Wright <& Sons* ,-a Ship Tascarors, J;unlevy, 40 days from Liverpool! with mdse and 183 passengers to Cope Bros. Bark LG Bigelow. O'Brien, 8 days from Portland In ballast to L Westergaird. Brig ceres (Br), Wilson. 10 days from St John, NB. wiLhlntuber to £ A Ponder A Co. Brig Leoni (Br), Bishop, 10 days from Dorchester NB. with stone to E A Sonder £ Co. BrtgZfphyr(Br), McCulloch, 6 days from Boston in ballast to E A Bonder A Co. Bchr Clara Bell, Amsbury, 6 days from Wilmington. ISC. with mdse to captain. Bcbr Edw Lee. Lee. 4 days from Newburyport. with mdse to Curtis * Kn’ght. Schr Mary Milnes. Miller. 12 days from Gardiner Me. with ice to Cold 6pring Ice and Coal Ca * Bcbr Montezuma Paine, 5 dayß from Ptovincetown With mdse to Geo B Kerfoot. ’ Scbr Saisdi Warren, Bloxsom, 1 day from Magnolia. Del. with grain to Jcs Barratt. f Schr Lucy, Spencer, 1 day from Brandywine. DeL with corn meal to Perot, Lea & Co. Schr Cora, Townsend, I day from Brandywine. DeL with corn meal to Perot, Lea A Co. %br Gen Wayne, Hannoid, from New York, to JT Justus. Y Schr Fred Hall, I Anderson, from Portland, to Wm Gray. CLEARED THIS DAY. Steamer Delaware (Br), Thompson. Liverpool, a R McHenry & Co. Steamer Providence, Lathburr. Wlckeraham d Brig C B alien. Baiter, hesce for Boston at Homes’ Hole, 2oth Inst. T s’ ler > was up at Wilmington, N. C. 23d Inst for this port. Brig Julia Bartlett, from Nevassa for this port, was totally lost about Ist Inst, near Nassan. during the hurricane. Two of her crew were drowned. Sue was anew vessel on her first voyage. The materials were saved and sold on the 6th Inst. Schr Henry Nntt, Baker, hence at .Galveston 17th instant. lSthinsP BTownsend ' Townsend, -henceat Key West LOST Oli mislaid.—A Perpetual "Policy of In- N 2r 469 by the Fire Association, Dec. 7, 1823, for on premises, s. w. corner Callow hill street and - York avenue, to Jesse L Stelwagon, and psalgred to Clayton French at at. Any In will he received by FRENCH, RICHARDS ifc Co. - . 0c37-s, u th,l2t} Emerson Cottage square RIANO. W. H. DUTTON, 914 Obestnnt 11111 ’street. o2os-tf THE CHARMING TONED EMERSON B*ff53,PlANO. W. H. DUTTON, 914 Chestnut ill r.i .street.. , oitte tf TOE BEAUTIFUL CARVED SEVEN- Ifefirj OCIA VE EMERSON PIANO. W. H. 111 V HUTTON, 914 Chestnut at. : 020-a-tf Itallow metal sheathing topuer. n*ss> Belt* and Inco Copnairt S?S^ES£S n .s , Sft* ,ul HENRY WESTBOB *Sd„msoaUiWl!am«: . - CANTON FLANNELS. Oreait Bargains. ONE CASE VBBY GOOD, AT 2E CENTS. VEBY HEAVY BWANSDOWN FLANNELS. HUGUENOT CANTON FLANNELS, HNE WIDE ENGLISH CANTON ELANNELB. J. 0, SIBAWBBIDGE & 00,, N. W cotnar Rigbtli and Market St*. FBENGH MERINOES. 1 CASE NEW SHADES, VEBY GOOD, ,112J4, 1 CABE LUPIN’S, ALL COLOBS, U 25. 1 CASE BUPEBEINEQUALITY.iI 50. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO,, N. W, coiner Righth and Market eta. TBB BBS* PLACE TO BXTT BLANKETS, COUNTERPANES, LINBN GOODS, And HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES GENERALLY is >t tie Cheap Dry Goods Store of J. C, STRAWBRIDGE & CO., N. W..corner Eighth and Market Bts. RICH PLAIDS. 1 CAPE HEAVY ALL-WOOL PLAID POPLINS. 81 3734. 1 CASE VEBY BICH PLAID POPLINS, H 50. 1 CASE FINE CORD POPLINS. $1 10. 1 CASE FINE COBD, VEBY RICH SHADES. 8135. J. 0. SIBAWBRIDGE & GO,, N. W. corner Bighth and Market eta. BLANKETS. 2,000 PAIRSi All wool Blankets, $5. 200 pairs largf heavy, $6. 200 extra weight and size, $B. large fine re>. Watem IS a*ait26o, ftontSera V beat .dvßßced xc.@si\; aalee of 23.000 bushes. Spring tatradisquotedat|2 45. 'Mllwaukoe Clap «2 88. Corn advanced ScJaJSc.: of 190.000 bushels at 91 18@H 20.' Oata advancedtg/guft*- sains oJ 60,cf0 bushels at *lc.@72c. for sta*e.Pork firmr sales of 1/00 bbls. at’@s34 7s. LarddalL Whisky steady. Stocks are better.Chieago andßocklaland, 109% Cuia- Btoferr«), 61%Mtchigan Bonthem. 92; Hfew Mylvanla Coat. 55; Beadl-r. 116; Mtasourl ffa, 32% Brie B. B-. MX: Western Union Telegraph Company. 5t% U. a Treasury 7S-108.1Q6S; U. 8. Ten-Forties. 1W; U 8. Fives. 114% hold, 145% * Baetimobe, Oct. 27.—The' Flour njarkPt la quiet; sa’e, of Boring Wheat Western Kxt-a at |l2 75@13 25. Winter Whwit 113 25@13 50. Wheat Is Small 25@ *3 Si Corn has an upward- tendency; yeUcw sells at ftl 12@1 14. Oats firm. Provisions Inactive: Mesa Port, 934 75. Lard nominal. Whisky doll. Groceries steady* eiTF BITLT.ETIN. Tee Cholera.—The total number of case of cholera reported at the office of the Board of Health for the week ending to-day was 50. The records of the Registrar’s office show that during the same period there hare been 43 deaths from cholera in the city; of that number -22 were males and 21 females; 42 were adults and 1 child. The number of deaths from cholera in each Ward was as follows: Wards. First, Second, - Third, Fourth, - Fifth, - Sixth, Seventh, Tenth, - Eleventh, Twelfth, _ Total, Wards. - 1 Thirteenth, - - 3 Fifteenth, - 1 Eighteenth, - - 1 Nineteenth, - - 4 Twentieth, - - 1 Twenty-first, - 2 Twenty-third, - 2 Twenty-fourth, - 1 Twenty-3ixth, There -were also 7 deaths from cholera in fantum; 4 from cholera morbus; 6 from diar rhoea, and 15 from dysentery. Total deaths from ■ cholera from July Ist to Oct. 27th, 834; from which deduct those brought :from county, 14. Net deaths, 820. Of the above there were: From Ito 2 yrs, 950 to 60, 2to 5, - - *, 21 00 “70, 5 “ 10, 10 “ 15, - 44 - 15 - 16 - 136 - 182 - 161 15 “ 20, 20 “ SO. 30 " 40, 40 “ 50, Wards. Ist, 2d, 3d, 4tb, sth, 6th, 7th, Sth, 9th, 10th, 51 - ■ - 22 - 10 - 37 35 - - 18 39 16 12th, - - 10 13tb, - - 17 14th, 10 15th, - - 29 Deduct deaths from cc Net deaths in city, - S2O Nativity. (From the Alms- United States, - -426 j house, ------ 46 Foreign, ----- 346 People of color, - - 44 Unknown, - - - - 62 From the conntry, 14. Males, 430;;Females, 404; Boys, 56; Girls, 49. An Alderman in Tbouble.— William McMnllin, Alderman of the Fourth Ward, was before Aid. Beitlertbis afternoon, upon the charge of abusing and threatening Capt.. Mills, of the Eighth Precinct police, of New York. It seems that some time since,when Aid. McMnllin and same companions were in New York,they were arrested for drunk enness, and were locked up by Capt. Mills. The latter came to this city on bnsiness,last evening, and was arrested for abuse, &c. He was taken before Aid. MoMullio, and was sent to prison. He was afterwards re leased on a writ of habeas corpus,and while passing Sixth and Chestnut streets, about noon, was abused in the most shameful manner, as is alleged, by McMnllin and others. McMnllin was held in $6OO bail to answer. 1865 5-20’S EXCHANGED FOK ,1862’5, and market difference in price allowed. 7.80*8,5.20*8,1881’5. 10-40*8 and compound Iniereat iso tea Bought and Sold. OIS.EXR3L & CO., ’ 84 SOUTH TSIRD STREET. ORNAMENTAL RAIS MANUFACTORY. The largest end best asaottmentol . Wig*. toupees hv&g Hair Braids €ra rls.JWater-falls, Victoines, Fri eetteg, nipaive Seams for Ladies, At prices LOWER than elsewhere. [mhß-m 909 CHESTNUT STREET. OFFICE OF THMJ COMMISSIONERS OF THE SINKING FUND,TRY ASURYDEPARTMENT HaEEH-BCBO, October-!, 1866 A ’ NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that sealed nrODo. sals for the sale of One Million Dollars of the'Five eer Cert, and One Million Dollars of the Sis Per Stan? Xoanß of the C-mmonweallh of Pennsylvania wlllbe leceived at the Treasury Department. In' the oitv of untlls o’clock P. M-of THURSDAY tl?« ISth day c? November. A. D. 1866 Bidders mil statS .".MM IS^’S” bar8 ’ The Commissioners reserve the rUht to reluct. mcnwesJth? ll{lro,>lnlon ’ **«■*•& toS?C