Tbe Palace or Versailles. The Palace of Versailles sjtanda on the entskirts ofthe town of this - name, anil is one of the most extensive .and mag nificent establishments ofthe character m Europe. It was built by Louis XIV, m the seventeenth century, at a cost of' over two hundred millions of dollars, and, up to the period of the revolution, was the chief residence ofthe Kings of Prance. Louis XIV and his immediate *®ccessors held court here on a scale of unapproachable magnificence, and it is * well established historical fact, that the onerous , taxation incident to the enormous expenses thus incurred, was the. primary cause of the revolution which sent Louis XVI and his un fortunate Queen, Maria Antoinette,, to the scaffold,*, and drenched France in the blood of some of her. best and noblest citizens. It was here that ; o'clock, ROUSES FULL EVERY NIGHT. THE FAST FAMILY STILL T RIUMPHANT. DOUBLE BILL FOR SATURDAY NIGHT. TWELFTH NIGHT OF THE FAST FAMILY. MBs. JOHN DREW ABTHK RICH WIDOW. TONIGHT (Saturday). Oct. 27th, ISSS, the fast family. With Us Grand Scenery and Great Cast. To cone,ude with the new Drama, ALICE MAY: Ob, The Last Appeal. By the fhU Dramatic Company. In rehearsal—“WOMEN WILL TALK.” WlwSth n ' * “““ T H!S 18M. OF MR EDWIN BOOTH, Who will appear personation of In Kotzebue’s patbetlo play of THE STRANGER; OR MISANTB ROPY AND REPENTANCE. MissbCSAN BENIN as film nailer To conclude with tit- Drama, in three acts, of DON CESAR DEBAZAN. Don Cseearde Batan..„— Mr. EDWTN BOOTH VkTEW AMERICAN THEATRE. jLv KATE FISHER and EL NINO EDDIE. THIS SATURDAY, Oct 27th, LAST MAZKPPA MATINEE IMMENSE SATURDAY NIGHT BILL. ,THE FRENCH SPY and MAZEPPA. It) BUILDINGS. . SIGNOR BLITZ will commence his •=,.■■■ t POPULAR ENTERTAINMENTS ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, continuing every evening and WEDNESDAY.AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. NEW ILLUSIONS! MIRTH!. MYSTERY! VENTRILOQUISM! CANARY BIBBS' Admission. 25 cents. Children, 15 cants. Reserved Seats. 50 cents. . ~ , . Evenings begin at 7k o'clock. \ Afternoons at ,3 o'clock. ocl>lm* New eleventh street opera house ELEVENTH street, above CHESTNUT. “THE.FAMILY RESORT” OPEN FOR THE SEASON, CARNCROSS & DIXEY'B MINSTRELS, The Great Star TraupO of the World In thelr ORAND ETHIOPIAN SOIREES. fcONGS. DANCES, NEW BURLESQUES, PLANTATION SCENES; Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commencing: at 8 o'clock. ao2B 3mt J. -li. CABNCBOaS, Manage, | "PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, ! i b P en frsm »A. TENTH. CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, AC. —l,OOO cases fresh Canned Peaches; 500 cases fresh Canned Pine ! Apples; 200 cases fresb Pine Apples In glass; 1,000 cases , Green Cern and Green Peas; 500 cases fresh Plums. In ; cam; 200 cases fresh green Gages; 500 cases Cherries In : syrup; 600 cases Blackberries In syrup; 510 cases Straw berries in syrup; 500 cases fresh Pears lnsyrnp; 2.000 esses canned TomatoesisOOcases Oysters, Lobsters and : Clams; 500 cases; Roast Beef,'Mutton, Veal. Soups, Ac. ; For sate by JOSEPH .B. BUSSIER & G 0... 108 South DELAWARE avenue, ■ ; ; oc2o , , /"IONSIGNEES’ NOTlCE.—Consignees of merchan, dlse_ per ship UNCLE JOE, §Beall, master,, t from Liverpool, will please-send their permits on , hoard,at Shlppen street wharf,or to the counting house' • of the undersigned. The general order wIU be Issued' f On Tuesday, the 80th Inst., when all goods not pt , mltted wlll beßent topubllo stores. PETER WRIGHT A BONB, 115 Walnut.street, , ~, 0028-3 t . ‘ (nqrTON AND XiINEN BAIL DUCK of evwy width, sj fromunetosix feet, wide, all numbers.. Tent and Awning Duck, Paparmakers felting. Ball Twine, £O, JOHN W. EVERMAN * CO.. ' No. 103 Jones’s Alley) IALHEWB JEXCHaHU HHAIICm J.J BANKING HOUSE 03? J\yQ)oke&(jp. 103 arfd'll4 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD’A. Dealers in all Seesrities. OIDJiSO’s WANTED INEXCHANGE FOR NEW. A LIBERAL DIFFERENCE ALLOWED Gomponsd Interest Notes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED 05 DEPOSIT Collections made; Stocks Bonght and Bold on Com mission. , £Bged»U business accommodations reserved. to 0-SO’s, V 3-lO»s, 1881’s, 10-40’s, COMPOUND INTEREST NOTEB BOUGHT AND SOLD. DE HAVEN & BRO„ 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET. NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK WILL REMOVE TO ITS NEW BANKING HOUSE Nos. 633 and 635 Chestnut Street, - ON QB ABOUT THE 15th 00T0BEE NEXT. A. BOYD, President. STOCK BROKER, GEO. HENDERSON, JR. NO. 223 DOCK STREET. Having resumed business, I am prepared ta make Cashar Time purchases and sales of Blocks, Bonds' Stockscsrried at 6 per cent. Interest, without any extracharge. Orders executed in New York, Boston aad Balti more. tec-sm. f - % £ SPECIALTY. H SHITE, RANDOLPH k GO, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 1« SontbTMrdsb, | S Saana Fblladelpbla> I Hew Toft. STOCKS AND OOLD BOUGHT AND BOLD ON OOIOOBBiaXj QTTKBXBT ALLOWED OH DXTOBm. II BillL £BXAm Large lot of ground on the reading RAILROAD FOR BALE. Sontimst corner of Twenty-second And Hamilton streets. Laving three ftonts and weU suited for IRON FOUNDRY, FAC TORY, COAL OR LUMBER YARDS, Ac. Apply to ■ - A. Br CARVER A CO*, QCS6t« B. SV. comer H Inth and Filbert bls. FOR BALE—The handsome 34stoiy brick Re sldence,2» feet front, with 3-atory doable back lings; built and finished throughout In the best manner with extra conveniences ana In perfect order; sltuate-No. SSNorth NINETSENTH street. The fur gUurewm be sold if desired. J. H. QUHYBY ~ MAuJ.K-SROTiiuR. & CO. I oca-lmo} . ' 25c0 booth street. , I Elf PERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of J PHILADELPHIA OFFICE. ■ No. 24 NORTE: EIPT'H BTREETr NEAR bABukV STREET. Incoroorated by tbe Legislature of Pennsylvania,. AND ASSETS,. SIEO-000. Trumranoe aealiiat Loss or Damage tty fire or Public orTrlvate Buildings. garniture, stoclro* Goods said terms, -- ££«& J•> Brederlok Ladner Jonaa Bowpan, errty, President. JOHN P. BELSTERLING, Vice President.*; yxm.TP g. COLEMAN. Secretary. I""vc,«.LlArl pIOKL4B4, OATErOPS SAUCES, AC,-' ■iOroese A Blackweil'a EntlTifti ,Plcbles, CatsnsiS; nances, Borfcam Mustard,. Olives, Ac., landlngTna UibYOrktcwß and tor sale by JOS, B, BtJSaiBR » O ~nw Booth Delaware avanna. - ~ , o ALT.-!,600 sacks LIVERPOOL GROUND SALT Ck also no sacks Pine Salt, afloat, and lor daub? WORKMAN A 00„ IS3 Walant.