▼ miWETBS. A Bold Thikf.—An imiividual, named Oeorge Root.whilepassingalolig Market ■-street, west of Seventeenth, yesterday too IT -a fancy to a eoatwhichwas hanging in front of the clothing store of Julias Pagle, He took possession of the garment, and ■dicin’ t e ven stop to ask the price of it. Lmtet in the day Mr, Pagle'observed Boot passing the store. He had the coat on. He wasthen arrested. Alderman Jones held him in ?600 foailto answer. : SmugglingWhisky.—James ' Boyle, John Donohue and Edward Gorman were arrested at four o’clock this morning in De catur street, -below Market, uponthe charge of violating the revenue laws. It is aUeged that they had sponggled i* l * o in that neighborhood-four, barrels. af_ whisky Which had not undergone inspeoUon._They •were held for a hearing before the United States Conimissioner. A Stbay Boat.— A yawl boat 11 feet long, painted blue, was picked up adrift off Vine street wharf this morning by the Harbor Police, and awaits an owner at the Station House Front and Noble streets,- * A float was also found in the same locality.. A Dbowned Baby Found,—The body of a male infant was found in the Schuylkill, near the Columbia Bridge, yesterday; Seve ral dead babes have been found in the Schuylkill recently. % Oil Paintings.—The closing sale of fine Oil Paintings takes place this evibilng at o'clock, at Scott's Art «aHer», 1020 Chestnut street we would recommend dor readers, or those who admire the line arts, to attend the sale, as every number on the cata logue will be sold without reaerye. Ladies’ Special Notice.—Dr. Ban ning’s Braces, Light French Truss ns, Imoroved Shoul der JBraces, Supporters of best construction, Admira ble Elastic Bandages. Elastic Stockings, &c., Cor rectly adjusted by a Lady, at “Needles’,” on Twelfth street, first door below Baee. Hixirfvwm.ii <& Son, 534. Market street Hallowell &t'Oa, 534 Market street, HalloweU & Son, 534 Market street, Bo> s’ Clothing. Boys’ Clothing. Boys’ Clothing. Boys’ Clothing. Boys’Clothing. Boys’ Clothing. Fplendid assortment. Bedoced Prices. Splendidassortment. Beduced Prices. P Splendidassortment. BedacedPrices. Call beforepurchasingelsewhere. Worthy op Note.— A pair of Boots combining ease, elegance and durability is at all times a desideratum. Heiwig, the artistic Uordwainer on Arch street, next door below the corner of. Sixth, is prepared at all timts to furnish his natrons'with the article. Houses the best French Calf Shin In their and employs the beat workmen ip the city. Ifyou have doubts of his ability to plearoyou, remember all he asks is a triaL A full assortment of Boots and Shoes for boys constantly on hand. Stop in and see a Morning Glory stove In foil operation, at the More of Mr, Jones. 309 and 311 Second street, above Vine, or at Mr. Clarke's, loos Market, above Tenth street,—Press. r THE MAD EMPRESS! A TOUCHING CASE THE EMPRESS CHARLOTTE WENT MAD BE CAUSE MAX WAS BLIND TO THE MERITS AF *JHB . SLEGANT SUITS FOR GENTLEMEN, * DITTO DO. FOR BOYS. aSfc, DITTO DO. FOR YOUTHS, N DITTO DO. FOR MILITARY MEN, DITTO DO. FOR EVERYBODY. fi3»BROWN 81 ONE CLOTHING HALL,* 2 ®®. & WILSON,*^ JJ®-6U3 AND 605 UHRSTNUT BTBEET,-£(U Cocoanut Cake, Original with Morse & Co., 902 and $O4 Arch street. ATHLETICS VS. ATLANTlCS.—Notice—Ath letics are informed that no matter how Athletic they may be, they can find suits ot Clothing ready-made at Charlf&StoJtes&Co.’a One Price under the Continen tal, that will be sore to “fit them, and no muffin.” Atlantics ditto, and all at low figures. Fuss !—Fall and Winter Stock. Be early purchasers. You get the pick. Every lady should have a set. CaU at CHARLES OAXFORD Box 858 P. Q. 0c26-2t* BEGISTEB’S NOTICE. R E ****** No 9fi? l3 Il sf eb 7 given that the following named per sona did, on the dues affixed to their namMfli« accounts of their Administration to the estate of th(*M persons deceased, and Guardians’ and Trustees’ an? cotrnts wlmse names are undermentioned, in theoffiS of the BeUater for the Probate of Wills aud erantin? Utters of Administration, in and for the cstyanf Con .?S f . of .? b %li lphl ? : anil the same will tkSjSi sentwfi25 entwf i2i tl f 1 Orpl^?a , Coart 01 soW City and &ramw forconfirmation and allowance, on thsiiuraHaina v in November next,atloo’clock i Q themomioeat tho County Court House in said chy. mDg,ac 1210 ISO. eept. 2S, of CHAS. 28, J e^ a KSSiD ta ’ Jf eziabeth “ 281 S ESS3X.deV XCr ° f STEV “ 0f JOHN >* 29, The Pennsylvania Compabyfor Insurance of GEDI&^g “ “• of 3. Oct. 1. Enffiy Crowell, Adm’x of ANN BICKABBS, “ '• A 4m ’ X ot JA COB PETEB “ 2 ’ C D^^ l V ,^ Adm ’ r 01 A- H3EHKY " S ’ T NEVDH3 W deOu’ etal,Elec ’ IS of JAMES “ * *£*£“■ Aim,r 0f JOHN C. “ 5. Hcra«> Bffiney, Exc'r of ELIZABETH BIN “ 9 ' J D " Adm ' T oT JOKS F ‘ Ml of abexandeb “ 12, Frederick H and Catharine C, MorrelL. Exc’is of ELIZABETH MORBRLtudetfd! " 12 ’ dSd.' 011 ' AAhtt Of MICHAEL " IS. John Hanna Bxec’rof ASBBEWI. PAGE, “ ,Sl l olia& A4m,ri of chhis tiak " IS, WimunHj.Phelan and Isaac Heston, Exec is oJ RAMIIKT. MARTEN, dec’d. “ 15, CatharmMifagee, Adm’rxof JOHNMAGEE, “ I*. Adam. Painter, Adm’r of ELIZABETH PAItiTEH, doc’ll.. “ IS, WlUtmi M. ilanll, Adm’r c. taofMABT M A ulili. dec d. “ 16. Lew is Grata, Adm’r of FBEDEBICK ETBCH BR, deed. 17, Bliza Tearock, Executrix of AKB VEA COCK, dec’d. “ 17, Elliston P. Morris, Adia’r ol JOHN LARD NEB, dec’d. “ 17, Busan Sharp, Adm’rx of MICHAEL B. SHARP, dec’d. “ 18, George F. Lee, Exc'r and Trustee of THOS. DAVIS, dec’d. “ 19, Louisa M. Ciause, Adm’rx of MARIA MSB CLhR.dfCd. “ 20, Thomas Hut, Jr.. Adm’r d. b. n. c.t. a. of EUZABETA FEICBTENBEBGKB.dec’d. *• 20, William Simpson, Adm’r of ANN J. EL FRANKLIN, deed. ’• 22, Elizabe.h Toland, Exec’ll of EDMUND TOL AND. dec’d. “ 22, Hury G. Clay, Adm’r of JOHN G. HEILEG, dec’d •• 22, John Eddowts, Exec’r (by his attorney in fact) of RALPH JsDBOWES. dec’d • i ;» william Scott aud Clayton Miller, Kxec’rs of JOSHUA BBOWN, ced’d. 23, hlary A. Bran, Exoc’rx of MARIA T. HEN DERSON, dec’d. •* 23, Peter Brady, Adm’r of MICHAEL BBADY, dec’d. 23, Francis and Henry Wharton, Exec’rs and Tiustee i of THOMAS J. WHARTON,dec’d, “ 22, John G. Foster, Exec’r of SABAH MEDA BY, dec’d. ’’ 23, Edward Burton, Adm’r of ROBERT BUB TON. dec’d. “ 2S, Susan B. and Thomas Williams. Jr.. Exec's, of SAMUEL WILLI AMS. dec’d. *• . 24, Ephraim F. Lsahe, Exec’r of MARTHA W. DUNGAN, dec’d. * " 21. Edward H Kelly and Thomas H. Groan, Rxr*sof LAWREbCEW. KELLY, dec'd “ 24, Ann Beckley, Adm’x of WILLIAM BECK LEY, dec’d. 24, Theodore Chamberlain. Trnstee neder the will of WILLIAM GIBER SON. dec’d. “ 24, Ezra P. Creesen.Kxec’r ol JACOB CEE’- SON, dec’d. *• 25, Mary D. Brown, Dillwyn Parrish aud John p. Wetherlll, Executors of JOSEPH I). BROW,dec’d. • *25, Michael Kaix. Adm’r of WILLIAMKATZ, dic'd. M 25, Samuel Parry» Guardian of ANNA M. FRANK and CHARLES B. SHOE MAKER late minors ' “ 25, Benjamin and Richard H. Rush Exec’rs of RICHARD BUSH, dec’d. “ 25, Benjamin and Richard H. Bush, Admr’s d. h. n. c. t a or MAKIA RUSH, dec’d. •• 25, Benjamin and Richard H. Ruah,Kxec’rs of Madison RU«H,dec’d. 25, Benjamin Rush aud Peter McCall, Exec’xs of J. MURRAY RUSH, dec’d. “ 25, Blngleton A. Mercer and Joshua B.Lippin* cott, Pxec’rs of SETH GRA«G dec’d __ “ 25, W. Z. FJorance, Exec’r of FANNY HAYS COHEN, dec’d. George S» Truman,. Adm’r of LEWELLYN X TRUMAN, dec’d. _ James Oarstalrß and WllHatn H. Clement, Exeoutorsof ELIZ A A. HOOD, dec’d. Oc26Mfc FREDhRICK M- ADAMS, Register.^ aeis 3mrp| T.HHAI, NOTICES. LETTERS tIsTAMENTABY having wen granted tadtotld to toe TH i5 favobtte ste vmboat EjAfeJl torn A. \VA m NEB for Burlington. t ii™. Philadelphia, Chestnut street ““ £ ea £S a „i n g leaves’ Bristol at7.lOA. 2- ha f,£™ w tSchway at Riverton, Torresdale, An- 7 Fare, 25 cents. Excursion. 49 cehts. ’ . : ■ -2ITV-*- TNDIA BJgBBM BELTING STEAK E^n^Beraaniidealers 8114 » FULL ASSORT. mWtoFOOODYKAB'S PATENT VULCANIZED BELTING, PACKING, HOBB, Ac., at to* 808 Chestnut street, ' - ' Bontoilds, it vaw» nave a NEW and: CHEAP ABTIGL3 of *° JORDAN’S CELEBRATED TONIC ALE.—The truly healthful and nutritions beverage, no win use bv thousands—invalids and others—has established a -viracter tor quality of material and purity of nuum .acMre, which stands unrivaled. It la,recommended av physicians of this and other places, as a superior tomcjand requires but a trial to convince toe meet skeptical of Its great merit. To be had, wholesale ana Jetau.of P. J. JObdajn; 220 Pear street, • 12S south Fifth street, Mercantile Idhzary flaUding,.