r ro» Our Thlrd EdHion of Sal EUROPE AH; HEWS Arrival of the Peruvian. CANDIA TROUBLES CEASING, Carlotta Appeals to the Pope in Vain. From Europe by Steamer. Father Point, L. C., Oet. 20.—The steamship Peruvian, from Liverpool, Octo ber 11th, via Londonderry, October 12th, passed here to-day. The City of London arrived at Queens town October 4th. Beyond comment incidental to the im posing reform demonstration speech of Mr. Bright, there is nothing of political moment from England. The London Daily News says the Leeds demonstration, both in numbers and or ganization, is admitted to have been more imposing than any of the demonstrations which preceded it. ' The London Telegraph says it is rumored that Garibaldi, intends to visit England in November,but that the rumor is unfounded - The same journal asserts' that the state of affairs in Candia every day.becomes less serious. |[.The cattle plague had made its reappear ance in several places in the cantons of Grisons and Sohaffhausen, in Switzerland. The Empress of Mexico had arrived at Trieste, %om Borne. A letter dated at Borne, October 2d, pub lished in the Lyons papers, says: “The Empress of Mexico is the subject of much conversation. Yesterday at 9A. M., with out having requested an audience, she pre sented herself at the Vatican, to see the holy father. She was immediately received is said to have presented a petition praying the Pope to sanction everything her husband had done as Emperor of Mexico with respect to religious matters. The story goes that the Pope positively refused to do so, when the Empress declared . that she wonld not leave the Vatican if the request were not granted. The writer adds that he cannot guarantee the authenti city of all this, but he is certain that the Empress did not quit the Vatican until 6 P. M. She then returned to the private study of the Pope, and His Holiness continued his usual daily routine of audiences, leaving the Empress with her lady in waiting. Ship News. Fortress Monroe, October 20th. The ship Ne Plus Ultra, 130 days from Callao for New York, was spoken yesterday off the Capes. The Oeeanf Queen Signaled. New Yoke, October 20.— The steamship Ocean Queen is [signaled below, from Aspin wall. Marhets. Bew VOBKjOct. 20.—Cotton has adecUnlngtendency, sales at 89@42. Flour has an advancing tendency, and is. 10@20c better; 9,000 bbls. sold; State 8 40@U 25; Ohio, $lO 80@$13 75; Western $8 40@$11 60; Southern firmer 400 bbls. sold at $l2 20@516 50. Wheat has ad vanced 3@sc; New Amber States 3; No. 2 Itilwaukie $2 34. Corn is unsettled and excited, with 2®4c ad vance; tsates at $1 03@1 05 Oats Ic. higher. Beef steady. Pork firm; $33 37@34. lard quiet, at 15@17.V. Whisky dun. Stocks are steady. Chicago and Bock Island, 10751; Cumberland preferred. 5934; Michigan Southern, 9034; K.J. Central, 120«; Beading, 11534; Hudson Blver, 1263 C Missouri 6’s, 8134; Erie R. 8., 8334: Western JJnion Telegraph Company, 5334; Treasury 7 3-10 s, 10654; TJ. S. Ten-Forties. 100; do. Sixes, 11534; Gold, 146J4. The Cholera,— The number of cases o/ cholera reported to the Board of Health du ring the week, ending to-day, was 60. The records of the .Registrar’s office show that during the same period there hare been 67 deaths from cholera in the city. Of that number 38 were males and 29 females; 58 were adults and 9 minors. The number of deaths from each Ward was as follows : First, 1; Second, 3; Third, 1; Fourth, 2; Fifth, 6; Sixth, 2; Seventh, 9; Eighth, 2: Ninth, 1; Twelfth,2; Thirteenth,3, Fifteenth, 4; Sixteenth, 3; Eighteenth, 4; Nineteenth, 10; Twentieth, 6; Twenty-first, 1; Twenty fourth, 3; Twenty-fifth, 3; Twenty-sixth, 1. Total, 61. There were also 10 deaths from cholera in fantum,ll from cholera morbus,7 from dys eptery, and 15 from diarrhcea. Escape of Prisoners.— -The three house robbers who were committed by Alderman Beitler yesterday afternoon, escaped from the prison van last evening while on the way to Moyamensing. They cut a hole through the bottom of the vehicle and let themselves out one at a time. The escape was effected in the vicinity of Sixth street and Passyunk road. r' Interesting from Jamaica. By the arrival of the steamship Crusades at New York yesterday, we have files from Kingston, Jamaica, dated oifr the 6th of October. Thirteen officers of the English army hfid arrived for the purpose of trying Ensign Cullen and Staff Assist. Morris, for the alleged murder of three negroes, who were shot without trial during the ex istence of martial law in October last. The court waß formed and proceeded to Morant Bay to view the scene the next day, when they adjourned until the 16th of October. The Kingston (Jamaica) Jour nal of the 29th of September, commenting on the free trade policy of England, as applied to the island, says: Let England put down the slave trade and destroy the mono poly which she is virtually giving the slave producers, and her free' trade policy will be no detriment to us. This is the only pro tection we need—-the only protection we claim. It is rumored that an extensive immigration will form part of the gene ral system of the new. government or Jamaica. The Jamaica local from mittee is still receiving donations towards the fund for prosecuting ex-Governor Eyre Trade continued very depressed in conse quence of the recent commercial failures The stock of American goods at market was ■light and prices satisfactory, but there was a total absence of confidence in business circles. The pimento crop now being picked will not be large, as in consequence of price few planters have taken the tfouble to save it. The weather has heen very hot and sultry, favorable for the few States making sugar, but much against the growing crops. Should it continue so ’the sugar crop for next year will be short. POHTICAI. The Hoe. Montgomery Blaib has de clined the Johnson nomination for Congress in the Fifth Maryland district, in favor of the Democratic nominee. He writes: Montgomery County, Md., October 6th, 1866.— Messrs. E. Banimond,-Robert Fowler, J. J. Eabymple, Committee: Gentlemen: I have just returned from the canvass in Pennsylvania, and have received your note informing me of my nomination as a candi date, for Congress in this district by the TJnibn Convention. As the convention of . the Democratic party, which represents . much the larger proportion of the friends of the President in this district, has nominated for the same position another gentleman, who is every wav fitted to represent our party sentiments in the present aspect of public affairs, it is not necessary or desirable, in my judgment, for to have a candidate at this time. I therefore decline accepting the nomina tion, and urge my friends to support the candidate nominated byi the Democratic party. I am profoundly grateful for the prefer ence manifested for me bythe Union party, and to yourselves for. the kind manner in which you have communicated their wishes. I am, truly, your friend, - M. Blair. Sardines.— The French sardine fishery has been more successful this season than for the last ten years. At Douarnenez and Goncarneau, the principal centres of this species of industry, eight hundred and eighty-four boats caught upwards of one hundred aßd ten millions of sardines in the month of July alone, the sale -producing 707,648 francs. At the end of the monthone thousand sardines could be bought for two francs only. Thebe is a Report in England that ex- Goyernor Eyre is engaged in writing a history of the Jamaica insurrection. It is Pi?* whether he* will include among the illustrations a picture of the “wire-cat” which he permitted to be used upon the backs of women. Bales at Philadelphia stocK Beard. SALES AFTER FIBST BOARD. f ™ ntTO »g 15 ah Lehigh Val 85 66 100 do. gjj do 06 1000 Union Canal Dda 23J£ 10 ah Lekich Nav sskr 2000 AlleghCoCoa 58 a 28 sh Moirte c£ b 5 84 tto * 20 ®’ <5 cou 111 200 sh Fulton Coal s 2 -Jjj> 65 108& 100 sh Catawlss Df aSO 21% 200 Mountain soo sh Hestonyille B lsjl *60469-100 2008 h do bOO 16>£ 100 sh Hestonyille B 16 SECOND $1506 US7-108 June 106 { 100 sh Sch B7 h 500 sh Catawlsaa pf bao 31J£| jELjEIWUUfiL&«. USE STARIN’S CONDITION POWDERS HORSES AND CATTLE. It cores Worms Bots and Coltc.3 It cores Colds, Conghs and Hide Boil ml. It Is the best alterative for Horses and Csttle now tr nse, having a reputation years’ standing pest. lB a BQre P rev entlve for the moch dreaded Binder No Farmer or Dairyman should be wlthoot It. For sale In Phlladeiphla by DYOTT 2o9 Duane street, New YorK. .UafeL, / . AYER’S SARSAPA Sxg&j .. *uLLA Is a concentrated W\ul f// ///' extrac & of the choice root, raj /SIT? VtteWVW 80 combined with other • substances of still greater WH/nfrfn/rT' alterative cower as to af ford an effectual antidote bBSBL- 'WrJV f°r diseases Sarsaparilla is / reputed to cure. Suchare mtdy is surely wanted by ■*\, - '• M those whosufiferfrom Stru- — V —-VSV' —ifo inoua complaints, and that —ttSßk^6^i= l >BLSg« one which will accomplish their cure must prove, as this has.of Immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found n the following complaints: Scrotela, Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, Skiu Diseases, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Eruptions, St. Anthony’s- Plio, Bose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Bheom, Scald Head, Ringworm, to. Syphilis or VenericU Disease is expelled from the syß tern by the prolonged use of this sarsapabioi-a, and the patient is left In comparative health. Female Diseases are caused by Scrofula in the blood, and are often soon cured by this Extract 07 Sarsa parilla. Bo not discard this Invaluable medicine, because you have been imposed npon by something pretending to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. when you have used Avkr’s—then, and not till then, will you know the virtues of Sarsaparilla. For minute particulars of the disease it cures, we refer yen to Ayer’s American Almanac, which the agent below named will furnish gratis to all who call for it. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, for the cure of Costive ness. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, indigestion. Dysentery Foul Stomach, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Heart burn arising from Disordered Stomach, Pain, or Morbid inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Doss of Appetite, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Worms, Gout N t nralgia, and for a Din ner Pill. They are sugaCr coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the beat Aperient in the world lor all the purposes oi a family physic. Prepared by J. C AIER & CO , Lowell, Mass., and sold by J. M. M ARTS & CO., Philadelphia, and by all Druggists. 8e223.rn.w-2m OPAL DKNTALLTNA.—A superior article for cleaning the Teeth, ‘destroying animalculfe which infest them, giving tone to the sums, and leav ing a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness iu the mouth. Itruay be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and detereiveness will recommend It to every one. ißeing composed with-the assistance of the Dentist, Physicians and Mlcro&coplst, it is confidently offered as a RELIABLE substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the DENTALLLNA. advocate its use: it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary, „ , , _ Broad and Spruce streets. For sale by Druggists generally, arid Fred. Brown, D. L. Stackhouse, Hassard & Co., Robert C. Davis, C. R. KeeDy, Geo *O. Bower, Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, C. H. Needles, S. M. McCollin, T. J. Husband, S. C. Bunting, Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberie, Edward Parrish, James N, Marks, William B. Webb, E. Bringhurst&Co., James L.Bispham, Dyott&Co., Hughes & Coombe, H.C.Blair’s Sons, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth <&Bro. ENTIRELY BELIABLE-HODGSON’S Bronchial TABLETS, for the cure of coughs, colds, hoarse ness, bronchitis and catarrh of the head and breast Public speakers, Bingera and amateurs will be greatly benefited by using these Tablets. Prepared only by LANCASTER & WILLS, Pharmaceutists, N. E. Or. ARCH and TENTH streets, Philadelphia. For sale by Johnson, Holloway A Oowden, and Druggist* generally. __ se2stf BRUSH’S BRONCHIAL AND PULMONIC DEW DROPS, fbr Coughs, and all-Diseaaes of tm Throat and Bronchial Tuoes, This invaluableprep* ration for every household. Public Speakers, Singer* &c. , possesses a Wesi era celebrity, ana has been known to relieve the most* obstinate and almost hopeless cases It is agreeable, strengthening and soothing. Prepared by K. O. BRUSH, No. 258 South Nlntl street, rhllaaeiphla. ■ je7*tf • nORNS, BUNIONS, INVERTED NATLS.-DR. J VyDA VIDBON, Chiropodist, Operator on Corns, Bun lons. Inverted Nails, and all other diseases of the feet . Office, Northwest corner of) NINTH and CHEST NUT streets. ; DR. DAVIDSON will wait on patients at their res) dences. je22-tfl OQVOBS. O" Successor t 6 @eo. W- Gray, BREWER, 24,26, 28 and 30 South Sixth St., Philad'a. Fiae Old Stock k Sat-Brown Mes, B > for uamji. and HER MAJESTY! CHAMPAGNE, | J. S'. ETJ TO. iovra yaoaT sots aoest. it WESES.— The attention ° f the .trade is aolicited to Choice Wines, &c„ for sale by .JOSEPH F pUNTON, No. 151 South FRONT street above Walnut: ” ’ ' MADEIRAS—OId Island, 8 years old. i tiH^KßlES—tompbell & Co., single, doable and teaoLaininy -CrU39 Frerea and St - Estephe Cha- , VYRMOUTH—G. Jonrdsn, Brlve &Co MUSOAT-de Frontignan. ' CHAMPAGNES—Ernest Irrony. “Golden Star” de Venoge, Her Majesty and Royal Cabinet and other favorite brands. CfiP 50° Cases Pore Old Wheat, 1 Byi Bourbon and Monongahela Whiskies, for safe by E. P. MIDDLETON. North Front streak IAPIE&’ TBDIMMGa. OPENING.—MRS. M. A. BINDEB >1 .'- NO. 1031 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Importer of Ladles’ Dress and Cloak Trimmings Also, an elegant stock of Imported Paper Patterns. Jnr Ladles’ anf Children's Dress. Parisian DrSr and Cloak Making m all its varieties. Ladles ffirffishta? their rich and costly materials may rely on being tistically fitted, and their work finished In the most prompt and efficient manner, at the lowest possible E rices, In twenty-four hours’ notice. Catting and. bast ig. Patterns in sets, or by the single piece dor mer chants and dressmakers now ready. selB-iy THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHIL: BOARD. I 3* sit Green ACoatesß 31 1100 ah Reading R 57% PHILADELPHIA. GERMAN TOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAJJuRUAX).—TIME TABLE.—On and aOer MON DAY, May 16th, 1866. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia—6, 7. B,», 10, u, 12, A. M.; 1, 2, B.lc minutes,3*, 4,5,6*.6,7,8.9.10,11,12, P.M. Leave Germant0wn—6.7,7)4,8,1120,8,10, 11, IS, A, H k 2, S, 4,4 X, 6, 6)4,7, 8,9,10, UP. M. The 3.20 down train, and me z% and 534 up trains Ci not stop on Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PhUadelphia-9.loialuuteaA, SL; 2. s, 5,8 ane 10*,P.M., Leave Germantown—B A, M.rl, 4, 8*4 and SK> P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAiLROAB. Leave Philadelphia—6.B,lo,l2, A. M,; 9,8 H, 6M, 7, t and 11, P. M. . Leave Chestnut Hill—7.lo minutes. $. 9.40, and IL4O A 21.1 3.40, 8.40, 5.40,6.40, 8.40,and 10.40 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PliDadelphia— 9,lo minuteeu A. M,; 2. 5, and * P.M Leave Chestnut Hi 11—7.40 minutes, M.; 11,40, 6.10 and 9.25 minutes P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia—6,B.Ss,lLos minutes, A. M.: lit 3,4J4.5H.6K, 8.05, and l\X, P. M. Leave Norristown—6S4.7, 7^0,9,11, A. M.; 43f, and 8 P. M. \ The SJ4 P. M. train will stop at School Lane, Wlsaa hlekon, M&n&yunk, Spring Mills and Conahonocke: only, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9 A. H.-, 2tf. 4. and 7J4 P. M. Leave Norristown—7 A.M., l.aud 5)4 and 9, P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave PhlladelDhla—6,B.4s,lLos A. M.; IX, 8,434, IKi 8.05, and 11>4 £ M - Leave 7)4, 8.10, 6)4, H)4i A. SL; 9,5, $% and 8)4, P. U. _ _ ON SUNDAYB, Leave PhOadelphla-9 A. M.;2)4 4, and 7)4 P. K. Leave Manaynnk—7)4 A. M.; 1)4 6, and 9)4 P. M, - W.T. WILSON, General Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green stresta. WEST JEBBE Y RAILROAD tStH LINES, from foot of Market street upper Ufcuty, commencing MONDAY, September 24, 1866. / LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS: For BriOgeton, Salem, Millville, and all Intermediate stations, at BA. H. t Mail. 3.U0 P. M., Passenger. For Woodbury 8 A. M., 3 3o P. M., and 6 P. M. For Cape May at 380 P. M.‘ RETURNING TRAINS LEAVE Woodbury at 7.15 A. M., 8 40 A. M., and 4.54 P, M. Bridgeton at 7.05 A. M. and 3.20 P. M. Freight 6.30 P. M. Sabm at 650 A. M. and 305 P. M. Freight 5.45 P. M. Millville at 6.55 A. M. and . 3.08 P, M, Freight 6.10 P. M. . Cape May at 1145 A, M. Passenger and Freight. FREIGHT will .be received at Second Covered Wharf below Walnnt street, from 7 A. M. nntll 5 P. M. Freight received before 9A. M. will go forward tho same day. " FRIIGHT DELIVERY, No. 228 SOUTH-DELA WARE AVENUE. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Sup’t. . THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY will attend to all the usual branches of express business. A Special Messenger accomp»nies each through train, Officefootof Marketstreet, Philadelphia. 8e24-tfl s J. H. MARKLBY, General Agent. EslBi£g&£&R PHILADELPHIA & BALTI CENTRAL RAILROAD.— WiSTEin3®ANGEMENTa-ON AND AFTER MONDAY, Oct. 15,1866. the Trains will leave Phila delphia, from the Depot of the West Chester & Phila delphia Railroad, corner of Thirty-first and Market Streets, (WeatPhilada.), at 7.50 A; M., and 4.45 P. H. Leave Rising Snn, at 5.50, and Oxford at 6.35 A. M., and leave Oxford at 8.25 P. M. A Markdt Train with Passenger Gar attached, will run on Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving the Rising Sun at 11.15 A.M., Oxford at 12.00 M,, and Kennett at 1.00 F. M,, connecting at West Chester Junction with a Train for Philadelphia. On. Wednesday and Satur< days.-trains leave Philadelphia at 2.30 P. M., run through to Oxford. ; The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.50 A. M. con nects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Peach Bottom.inLancas ter county. Retumlngjeavea Peach Eottpm to conned at Oxford with the AJternoon Train fer Philadelphia. Sun,Md, Passengers are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as Baggage, and the Company will not many case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars, unless a special contract be made for the tame mhlS HENRY WOOD, Gen’L Sup’t. XUpURfI (HVDKK THAUMUUmU WORTH PENNSYLVANIA B R.—THE MmnT.n BOBTBb- JSSfcSoB&SS2 ■“ to tte KAWfISSwf PasaengerSeipots In Philadelphia, THIRD street, above Thompson, and corner of BERKS and AMERI CAN streets. BUMMER ABRANGEMENT. _ NINE DAIRY TRAINS un and alter Monday, May ,2ist.lB6«,PasBenEer trains leave the Depot, Third etreei, above Thompson, dally (Sundaya excepted), asfollows: F l . Jx ■\A B ®A- Morning Express fbr Bethleham and andPrlndpalStatlons on North Pennsylvania Ball -s’^S?l,o^ n i“ c r t S* *t Bethlehem wlthLehlgh Valley Railroad for Allentown, Catasauqna, Slatlngton, Manch Qbutfe.yeatherly, JeaneevHle. Hadetonrwiilte Ha rSl ftßfflton, 1 pStston. and all points In I*bigh andWyomEiVtdleW- also, li oonnSflon with iS?IJ?^.? 1 l?, Ma henoy Railroad fbr Hahanoy City, and S?dwi t pS!^„5 aU i < S?^ < ' or . Eupert, Dasvllle7Mkton ff" Jjßßagtsport. Arrive at Manch Chunk at 11.45 A, if-tf* at MahanoyCHtyatJ P. M. Passengers by this train coil take (He at 12.00 M-for Eos- New*Y 011 Jersey Central Railroad to „*££t 8;35 * A*i M.~Ac<»minod*tion, ter Doylestown- at ail intermediate Stations. Passengers ter jrafow Grove, Hatbortf and Harts ville, bythfi train, take stage at Old York Boad. • • AT 10 A. M.—Accommodation, lor Port Washing ton, stuping at all intermediate Stations, Accommodation for Doyles town, stop ping at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Deylestown for New Hopei • - . S.SO P^M.— Evening Express ter Bethlehem and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Bar* road, making close connection at Bethlehem with Le high Valley Train, fbr Easton, reaching there at 6.45 F, . .-Paceengers ter Plainfield, Somerville fend other Ppmtaon New Jersey Central -R.R. take N. J. c. Train at Easton, which arrives in New York at 10 P.M. Pan tengersfor Sumnoytown take stage at North Wales, ana tor Nazareth at Bethlehem and ter Srsenviile a Ouakertcwi* - • . - r , AT r Lis P.M^—Accommodation, mr Doylestown, itopping at all- intermediate Stations.,. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatbpro’ and Harinville take stage aft Abmgton: terLnmberville at Doyles town-" , AT 6.15 P. hL—Through Accommodation; ter Beth lehem ana all Stations on main line of North Pennsyl vania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with. Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Allentown, Manch Chuick, *c. - * • • ; AT 8.15 P. JL-toJwnmoiatton, ter Lansdaie, ator ping at all Intermediate-Stations. At 11 P. M. Accommodation ter Fort Washington. TRAINS FOR PHTLADET-yffTA. Leave Bethlehem at &26 A, M,. and iu,gs Maraud 6.15 P. Bf. . , • . 12J2£ tram xqakea direct connection with Lehigh Val ley trains from Easton, Wllkesbarre, Mahoney City, Hazleton, and arrives in Philadelphia at 2.30 P. m Passengers leaving WHkesbarre at 1.15 P. M-.connect at Bethlehem at 6.15 P.M., and arrive in Phil&delnhh St 8.40 P. M. t Leave Doylestown At MO A. M. 3.15 and p, k Leave Lansd&le at 6 AM. - Leave Tort Washington at 10.60 and 2.15 p, w ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. Philadelphia fbr Doylestown at P. V- Doyleetown ter Philadelphia at 7.23 A.M. Bethlehem icr Philadelphia at 4-30 P. m. Fifth and Sixth Streets Pasienger Chirsconv y pw augers to and from Berks Street Depot, white Cars of Second and Third streets Line convt • possegners to Third Street >epot. Tickets mns t be t rocured at the Ticket Offices, THLEL* »treet or BERKS street. In order to Eecure the lowar rates of Care. ELLIS CLARK, Agent, la.mmgr- ? o Br.a-sawe Express will cal! ter anduslivi- at the Depot. Office. No. DS South T? z ynm ctreei. my2i FOR NEW YORK.—The OaM* gjg JDEN AND AMBOY and PHILA Dt.Lna.lA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANY’S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, ant K-ay places, from WALNUT STREET WHARF will leave as follows, viz: Jbr« At SA. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom,, S 3 2& At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express, 2 & At 2 P. M.. via Camden and Aifiboy Express, 3 Walnut, half an hoar before departure. The cars nu into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, rnn froir the Depot. A n additional Ticket Office is located at No. 823 Chea nuutrett. Continental Hotel, where tickets ioNow Icrkandall important points North and East, may te procured. Fe*soi)s purchasing Tickets at this Office, can. by leaving orders, have their baggage checked lesidences, by Graham’s Baggage Express. Fifty Founds of Baggage only, allowed each Passes ger. Passengers are prohibitea'Crom taking anythin* as barrage but their wearing appareL All baggage over fitly pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar pe pound, and will not be Uablo for any amount beyond sioo. except by special contract. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12 JL aar 4 P. M.J. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and l< A. M., 6 P, M. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Kes tington. From Pier No, I N. River ,at SA, M. and 2,4 p, M. via Amboy and Camden. . WM. H. GATZMKR, Agent. DELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 22 1866 rnmna bpidk WIN i££gz£%ks‘& 1866, lgfcytog the DflpoL' SB&*Sasteg®“ i “ &s£® •■ MOENINS ACOOMODATIOSns. , ._ | H0rn. 7,80 f ° r Eca-3 £‘x,A2®s? ooll trains leaveHarrtabni* Phffip^lfsW 6 84145 '•“■s “rtvlnsaT. HafriaDurg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.80 A. M. and Harrtebnrg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation sdnth at 6.80 * P.M;, arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. 3v5S?? 6 wf ftill !L T7ia:l a Passenger car attached,leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Reading; awrt all wav * stationa: leaves .Beading u.so A, M„ andDowninztown M;ftr Philadelphia andaU wsta&bnaT Aai the above trains ran daily, Sundays excepted* :Bnnda7 flrain3 leave Pottavllle At 8,00 A. a£v and Philadelphia at .BJS p. 2£ ; leave Philadelphia, for Ke&alng at BJQO A, 2d., returning from at 4.25 * CHESTER VAT.T.ytv RATT/Roan Pawengera /or ana intenr.edlatepointa 7.30 and BJS A. Si. and 4.35 P. M. traina from ,Ps^ Mturnlll K from Downingtown at .7.00 A., «. and isso Noon - ■ - NRW YORK KKPRBSS. FOR PIITOBIIBaH AND IIITI W IIT LVifp _Lwea New York st 7, 8 A. M.anff s.OO P. M.,pmsldi; Rtadlnj at 1,05,11.5 S AM., and I.IS PH. and connect at SMrisbnre with Pennsylvania, and Northern Central' Railroad Express Trains for Pittaburvb, dicsio. -wii. 1 rmsDort, sSmlra. Baltimore, Ao. Botnmine, Express Train leaves HarTisbnrr on arrival of Pennsylvania Express &osa Pittabnrvh.at 3 and 9.C5A.M,,9.15 P.M. passing Beadlnx at 4.(9 and 10. cl A. M.and 11.30 P.M. arriving at New York 10 A.M., and 2.45 P. M. Sleepins: 2*rs accompanynix these trains throouh between Jersey Uliy and Plttsbnrxh. without chanze. , _. lall train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 2.10 p. it. Mall train for Esxxlabnrs lcave3 New York at 15 noon, ■ BCfflTYT.im.r. VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leavePottsviae at 7, 11..10 A. M. and 7.15 P. K. realming from Tamaqua at 7.35-A, M., and 1.40 anrf SCEDYLKEff, AND 6DBQUERANNA RAILROAD Trains leave Anbnrn at 7.50 A. M. for Plneerovo an.l Harrisbnrg, and at 1.50 P. M. for Pinemrovo and v-re mcni; returclns irom HarrisbnrK at S.2OP, M. and &orc Tremont at 7At A. hi. and 5.25 PrM. TICKETS. VnronEb firswdass tickets, and emigrant tickets : i ail the principal points la the North and West and Ssradas. ' The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 So nth Fourth street, Wiil: t'pighia, or of a. A, NlcoUs, Genoral Superintend ~ COMMUTATION TICKETS. At 25 iier cent., diseoant oetweon any oolnts des'r6d for auniUes and linns. MILEAGE TIOKETH. C-lood for 2,000 mile3,betwoen all points, at (3 so —a far fstnlllea and firms. SEASON TIOKETS. Pci three, six, nine or twelve months, tot holder: only, to all points at reduced rates. CIaEEGYMEN Residing on the line of the Road will be tnraisheu wile cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half-fire. KXCTJBSION TICKETS. Prom Philadelphia to principal stations, good fbr Saturday, Bnr.dsy and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office at Thirteenth and Callow hll! streets, FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all iha above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. . FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia daily at 5.50 A. M., 12.45 noon and S F. 2L, fbr Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottivllls, Fon Clinton, and all points beyond. (Joss st the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on the read and its branches at 6 A.M., and fbr the nrln glpal Stations only at 3.15 P.M. t>77 iUlHteiga .1 WEST OHESTKB AHD pittt.a . ''■SgPBLFHTA RAHiBOAD, VIA. WINTJER ARRANGEMENTS. On and alter MONDAY, Oct. istfc, 18M, tba traln» will leave aa followB: WEST CHESTER TRATIVR, Leave Philadelphia far West Chester, from Depot Thirty-first and Market afreet, 7.50 A. M., ILOO A, m 2.3M.45 and 6.15 P.M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on K. Market street. S.JO, 8.00. 10.0 A. M., us, MO P. M, Trains leaving West Chester at 9 00 a.m. and leaving Philadelphia at 4.45 p. M., will not stop at Pennelton, and trill stop below B. O. Junction at Media only. PENNELTON TRAINS, Leave Philadelphia for Penn el ton 4.15 and u.eo P. t.t, Leave Pennelton for Philadelphia 8.47 A, M,. 7.35 F. M. ; These Trains stop At all Intermediate Stations. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at A, K andiOOP.M. , . Leave West Chester 7.55 A. M and 4.00 P M. Ok SnmaYß—The West ~ Phliadelbhia Passenger cars wil leave Eleventh and Market streets, half-an hour before the Train leaves the depot, and will leave depot on the arrival of eaeh train to convey passengers Into the city. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.50 A. M. and 4.45 p M„ and leaving West Cheater at 8.(0 A. M, and 4.E0 *\ IC. connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. C. K. B. for Oxford and intermediate points, A3rPassengeraareallcwed to take wearing apparel only ei Baggage, and the Company will not, In any 2ase.be responsible for an amount exceeding onghn-t. died dollars, unices a special contract is made forth? tame, HEN BY WO Oip, General Superintendent EEEEfSSESS PITTSBURGH. COLUMBC: CINCINNATI SAILROAi THE PAN HANDLE ROUTE WESTWARD, Owing to the great distance saved by* THIS ROUTI the Government has assigned to it the carrying of thf U. 8. MAIL to the Principal Cities of the West an? Southwest. - THEBE BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OF CAB? BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND CINCINNATI AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARRIVE IN CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS. CAIRO ANT ST. LOUIS .ONE train in advance of ant OTHER LINE. Passengers leaving Philadelphia at ILSO A. M. wil arrive at Altoona In the evening for sapper, when iWoodruff’s Celebrated Palace fatate-Boom Sleepini Cars will be attached, and run through to Qolambus without change, avoiding changing cars at Plttsbargb at mldulght, a comfort never before afforded tour traveling community. • Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA STEUBEN YILLE,- 1 at PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OFFICE Comer Thirtieth and Market Streets, Philadelphia . a F. SCULL, GenT Ticket Ag’t, Steubenville, Q, JOHN H. MILLER. GenT Eastern Pass. Art. _ 526 Broadway, New York. ; JOHN DURAND, GenT Sap’t. fel4-tt . Pennsylvania Railroad Office, 631 Chestnut street; and Thirtieth ami Market streets. West Philadelphia, :«amgaißSssßD fob new york.—rarxtan AND DELAWARE BAY RAlL ROAD.—ifromFerTy. foot of VINE at., Philadelphia, i 9a. M—Express lor Long Branch, New York and Intermediaiepoints. 2.25 A. M—way Mall and Express from Cooper’s Point, Camden, arriving in New York at 9.30 A. M. : SP. M-Freight for New York aud Way ataUans. ■ Gotda delivered at Company’s Depot, 320 North Wharves, Philadelphia, by 4*P. M., forwarded by tßig line, anive In New York at 5 o’clock next morning. RETURNING. . » The Passenger Steamer Jesse Hoyt leaves Pier 32 North River, foot, of Duane street, N. Y.. at ll A. M , for Philadelphia Express, and for Way Mail and Ex press at 4 r. m„ touching at Pier 3 North River, for passengers only, at 4 P.M. Freight received at Pier 82 North River, N. Y.. by 4.30 P. M. will be ready for delivery In Philadelphia early the following morning. ' fare to new york, $2 00. Ticket Office Vine Street Ferry, For foriher information apply to Company’s agents. B. H. CHIPMAN, Freight Office aud Depot, 320 North WHARVES,Philadelphia. J. B. BURT, Pier 32 North River, foot of DUANE Street. New York. : Or at General Freight and Passenger Office, Phila delphia, No.-ill CHESTNUT Street. W. N. CLAYTON,. Superintendent, Bed Bank, N. J. s. a hasty. General Freight Agent, Red Bank, N, J, T. BRENT SWEARINGEN, sa22-tf General Agent, Philadelphia* TO PLEASURE TRAVELERS, THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO WABARA EARLS IS VIA THE CATAWrSSA RAILROAD, Connectionfl and sure, Scenery Unsurpassed, No road so free from drat, Trains leave Philadelphia from PHILADELPHIA ASB READING RAILROAD ■ DEPOT. THIRTEENTH AND CALLOWHIRL, at BJS A. M„ NIAGARA FALLS’ EXPRESS reaching Williamsport without change of cars at 6.50 P. H. (supper), arrlying at Niagara tails at 9.55 A M. , Bleeping Car through from Williamsport to Rochester without change. JS* Passengers remaining over night at Williams port can resume Journey next morning at 7.3s,reachlng Niagara Falls at 6,40 same evening. Ask for tickets via Catawissa Railroad, which can be procured at the Company’s ltteeti under Philadelphia Bank, and opposite the Custom House, and at Depot, THIRTEENTH and CALLOW HILL streets. N. WAN HORN, iyl»-tf General Passenger Agent. mTELEiB JBropa&r- oi' Wilmington, TeSvvme! Aberdeen, Perryman’?,. Magnolia! f " w “““ "• | at 805 A. JL (Sundays e*>i WUmlDgton. Sewark, EaSton, 1 North-East! : HavrwlfrCMce, Aberdeen, Perryman's,, •^S^PS! I ' Magnolia, chases and Stemmer’a Run. jg Express at 11A0 P. M. for Baltimore and. Wash- i TO* Btabmond wmtafce ', P^‘ V TO^?^!r^SS A * M - 12 - 30 ' w# i s - eo “ ll U^> 1 *fio 4*SO P. M. train connects with the iteia. gro BaHroad fbr Harrington and Intermediate sta-; JCjeare Wilmington «!s»; 7.15 and 9AO A. H.. 4.00 and C^ 1 |n J d , K. , lSddpttS.“ 06Bt0pat staUo =>between' hMSKT le * ye ; . TEBOUSH TEAINB FBOII BAMTMOKK tSia^a 7 ' 55 ' iwi “ a u -« *•**. . “Uamore to Philadelphia,—Leave Baltimore 7.S A. M., Way Mall. S.SO A. it, Express. 1.19 p. w„ Express. A3sP.M.,Express. B.EsP.M.,Express. Trains fbr Baltimoreleave Chester at 4,49 and 8.E3 A* M.t ana 08 F. £L ' -• “ # _l’rel2httralns with passenger cars attached will leave WUmfigton far Perrjryine «nd Intermediate stations at 6.85 P. M. leave Baltimore for Havre dei. meton, Btopping at Chester, .Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, Northeast, Perryville, Havre-de-Srace, Aber deen, Perryman’s, Magnolia,, Chase 3 a and Stemmer’a Night Express 11.00 P. M. for Baltimore ana Wash ington. Accommodation Train at 11,80 . fer Wllminiton and Intermediate Stations. „ BAiTIMOSE FOR PHUtADELPHIAa Leave Baltimore at 8,25 P. IL, stopping at Havre da Grace,,PerryviileandWflmlcgton. AlsoetopaatsHk ton andsTewar> (to take raassgers for Rmadeiphia leave passengers from w aaiilneton or Baltimore) 10 leave Passes sere from- Baltimore or VrCAtUDgIpE. • Accomodation train will leave Wilmington fbrFhJ Udelphl* and larermedlate Stations at !L3O P. M* H. F. REKHSy, Sonerlntendgmy, I&§P§^RaM® VANIA CENTRAL fail arrangement. The trair s of the PcunsylvarjA Ceatral Railroad leave the Repot, at Thirty first and Market stree s, wh.ch may be reathed by the cars of the Market Str< et Passenger .Railway, as well as by those of the C hestpet and Walnnt Street j ailway. ON SpNDATS.—The Market street Cara leave Eleventh and Market streets 45 minutes before the departure of each train. MANN’S BAGGAGE JXPRESS will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot, orders left at the cilice No. €Ol chestnut street will receive attention, _ . retains leave depot, viz.: DAY KH IRi.oS , at aoo A M E? M • -A’ ° 5 ' 1 * 2, IU.'X) A. M.&1L20 P* Ml FAST LINE& ERIE EXPRESS ....at 12.00 M. PaRKs-BLRG TR ‘IV at LOOP M. HARBISBCBG ACCOM... jit A3OP M LANCASTER ACCOM .... " at 4.00 P M PII-ISBDBGH& FRIE MAIL at 900 PM philadedbhia ExpßEss...::z::::::::.at n.oo £: m Htlsburgh GINES, Iren Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Vata, Tanki ■ Propellers, Ac., Ac. T. RRANSY, W. B. BKAKSY, S. ABOHXBOLP Late of 2ate Beaney. Neafe & Co., Engineer In Chief, Penn Works, Phila. U. s. Navy, T. VAUGHAN MERRICK. WM. H. MERRICK 1 JNO. E. COPE. QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. FIFTH AND WASB O INGTON STREETS. Philadelphia* MERRICK A SONS, __ ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Knginc* for Land, River and Marine Service. Boilers Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, do, : Casting* of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame RooS for Gas Works, Workshops ans Railroad Stations, Ac. Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and most Improved construction. > Every description of Plantation Machinery; and Sugar. Saw and Grist Mills. Vacuum Pans, Opes Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping frsi. glnes, Ac. • < Sole Agents for N. BlUeux’a Patent Sugar Boßna Apparatus, Neemyth’s Patent Sterna wRIVY WI&LLS.—OWNERS OF PROPERTY.—Thf MUrafsctnrer of Foudrena. : ■ BoldamltfiKHall. Library store. CANARY SERB.—Twenty-av. »««a ggm» cs nary Seed in store end ibr sals by WORKMAN a C0..N0, IB Walnut stress FQlt York, r " Via Delaware and Earitan Canal.' This line connects with all Northern »M n 0 Freight received at lowest rates. : WE.P. CLYDE*OO..Akmi» It Booth Wharves, PhfiacESSai mhll-tf . 117 Wkifiitobs'eyforV: - ■phbii The Philadelphia and Southern Kan tsttarnsnip Company's Scalar lines,. aeoond wharf' below Spruce street. , The ateamshIpTONAWAHDA, Captain J. Teal: for SAVANNAH. will commence receiving ftelehl on THTJBHDAY; October' 25 and'sail nn BATUB DAY, October 27th. atlO o'clock A. M„ and every alternate Saturday thereafter—viz.: November loti. 24. etc. • This steamer has fine State Booms and other ao< commodations for-passengers. - . Cabin passage, s2otDeck do.. $lO. , .Through tickets sold to the following points—Macom Oa., t3lj Columbus, Ga. $35; Angnsta.Sa„ $27; Atlanta, $34; Altony.Ga, $35; Montgomery, Ala., $4l; En ; £ relght taken at low rates. , l Through receipts given nt through-rates to Macon*' Augusta. Colnmbns, Atlanta, Ga.: Knoxville, GhaUa* Memphis. Tenm: Cantos, Ingday* fillS rece^ or bills of lading signed on: sail* Agents atEavinhah, Hnnter&GamiaelL for freight or passage, apply to: r WM. JU .James, General Agent, -: .314 South Wharves.- «r3i?3gr>., --FOB BEff OmEAHMPTHim-.. - TH ; E phxlajjklpeia AND &OUTH- REGULAR The well known flrstclasaßtearashlp - " ' ,»».■ STjS 3 OP THE UNION, -■ ■O7lll „ N. Cookßey. Master, Becond Sh«rf £o^ ece i Ttos £re ‘e ht tor the above port at 9?£ bel sprnceatreet, on TUESDAE, Oo oWockM. 11 BaU 0n Oct. 27th; at -12 DAY^gnblrMS; 6 ORLEANS on SATUR- E °oms “ d other Cabin passage. $6O; Deck do.. $3O. Freight taken at low rates. lading signed on sail. rvf e^,?^^^l5 rleailB z. : ? £fßsra * Crevy, Nickerson & Co., who will give careful attention to. shipmentSoi points £a t,alT€stol] * Mobile, Vicksburg, ana interUir Foriieiglit or passage, apply to "WIL L. JAMKS. Genial Agent, r 314 Bonin Wharves, f eob boston. ■ .J- rr 3*S}®K£i BTEAMSgn* IfUtM TvrpgrrH' SAIShfS FROM EACH FORT EVERY FIVEBAIS. SROM PXNE ST. WHAEP, PUTT. ATOtW»- J "* AND DONG WHAEP, BOSTON. -4IUES, Captain Boggs, will sail from Philadelphia on Tuesday, Oct 24, agio A M. The steamship BAXOH, Captain Matthews, will Ball from Boston on Saturday evening, Oct. 20.' - The tine between -Philadelphia and Boston la now composed of the v BOHAN (new), Captalnßaker, i,4SB tons burthen. BASON: Captain Matthewe. tons burthen. ■ boailAS, Captain Crowell, 1,203 tons burthen, i—ie substantial and well appointed steamships will cull punctually ss advertised, and freight will be received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippers axe requested to send Bills of Lading With their goods. Forfrelgbi or passage having superior aecommoda. Hons, apply to . • ~ “ HENRY WXNSOR & CO., £32 South Delaware avenue. BOB WILMINGTON, N. C. ‘ " THE PHILADELPHIA AND 80UTH khr. HAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S KEGTJLAB BINE, from second Wharf below SPBUOE street; The first-clase steamship PIOHEEB, Captain P. P Hbaie, ior WILMINGTON. will commence receiving freight on THTJBSBAY, October Ifcth, and sail on MONDAY, October 22d. at ft nr o’clock P. ST., and every alternate Saturday thereafter—viz.: November 3v tlli laG. - Passengers will find superior accommodations and best attendance. Cabin passage, |2oj Beck do., flO. Freight carried allow rates. No freight received or bills of lading signed on sail ing day. Agents at Wilmington, WORTH ELAWJ.&E and - CSMSAJrHAJSJI W-ZQAT COMJ?JUi~S, BARGES towed to and from wtitt. a tvrtypttt * r HAYRH-BEWSRACE, BALTIHOKE, WASHES?® TON. son? ! u tersnediate points. TO. P. CLYDE & CO., Agents, No. H Santh Wharves, PhiladelphHy Captain f otg. uATTGHLIN. Snnartntendenf. , ysv* FOR BOSTON, Mass.—Express Lin.e—The fiDe schooner THOMAS HOLCOMBE, Captain "3®Sb£ Godfrey, is now leading for the above port at third wharf above Market street, as d will have prompt despnteb. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 N. Wharves. pels £l-1 for ANTWERP.—The Al bark ESTHER 'fflfirSr' Captain Prince, is now loading for the above ■BMb: perk For freight or passage, apply to WOKK MAN «fe CO., 123 Walnnt street. se2l jas. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.—AIBr. bark KATHLEEN, Williams, master, 480 tons re. ■BBGB sister and SAOObbls. floor. ■ Al Br. bark JANET, Kinney, master, 288 tons regia, ter and 8,000 bbls. floor. ' Alßr. bark RAf,THAfIARA, Wilson,'master. 29t tons register and 3,500 bbls, flour. ■ ; A 2 Br. brig IDA, Theeing, master, 210 tans register and 2,500 bbls. capacity. Apply tc . EDMUND A. 80TJDER A 00„ ap2l - 8 Dock street wharf, STEAMSHIP ARIES,. FROM -BOSTON.—CoS sign sea of. meichandlse, per.'above steamer, will pie.se send for their goods, now landing atPUte street •wharf. (0c20.3t) HENRY WINBORACO iSS^S^sxsaEsm gartfcnlar »ttant!nn aivan to gfrrMUrlr-g, SALT.— 2,600eacka LIVERPOOL GROUND SALT A £gosooMetaXtne Salt, afloat, and for safe bp WORKMAN A 00., 123 Wilnnt,