Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, October 19, 1866, Image 8
CITY bulietes, An Alderman in Limbo. Patrick Lynch, one of the Aldermen of the Seven teenth Ward, was before Alderman Jones tii ih morning, upon the charge of assault and battery with intent to kill. This morn ing, about two o’clock, Lynch went to a tavern on Filbert street above Eleventh and inquired for Mr. Welsh, one of the proprie tors. He was informed that Mr. Welsh was not there and got into an argument with the bartender. Words ran high when Mr. Miller, the other proprietor of the house, came down stairs and undertook to put Lynch oat. As the latter got to the door he turned upon Mr. Miller, drew a revolver and fired one shot at him. Fortunately the aim was not good. His Aldermanic majesty vpas then taken into custody. After the hear inn this morning he was required to enter him in the sum of $l,OOO, and, in default, was sent to prison. Celebrating the Victory.—The Re publicans of the Fifth Congressional Dis trict last evening, celebrated their victory fcv tie election of Mr. Caleb N. Taylor to Congress. Delegations from Bridesburg, Frankford and Germantown proceeded to the house of Mr. Taylor, Hear Bristol, in Bucks county, and were there joined by a party from Bristol. Mr. Taylor received his constituents in a very cordial manner, and tendered them the hospitalities of his house. The Chairman of each delegation mnde a brief address, congratulating Mr. Taylor on his election, and on the success of the party in the district.. Mr. Taylor re sponded to each speech in a happy manner. The whole affair passed off very pleasantly. “dSateSJof a Policeman.— Mr. Daniel Culp, a policeman of the Fourteenth Dis trict died yesterday at his' residence in Germantown. He had been ill about six days, and his death was cansed by conges tion of the lungs. The deceased was the first High Constable elected, in the old borough of Germantown, and after consolir dation he was appointed a police officer by Mayor Conrad. He has also served through the administration of Mayors Henry and McMiohaeL He was about 53|years of age, and leaves snd wife and one child. Base Ball.— There will be a very inte resting game of base ball between the well known Gymnast Clnb of this city, and)the Bristol Clnb of Bristol, Pa., at Twenty fourth street and Ridge avenue, to-mor row' (Saturday) afternoon, at half-past one o'clock. Ample accommodations for ladles will be provided. Larceny.—Mary A. Royle was before Aid. Holme upon the charge of larceny. She went to the Mechanics’. Hotel, in Frank ford, indulged in several glasses of beer, and walked off with a shawl which did not belong to her. The shawl was brought to the city and pawned. Mary was held in $5OO bail to answer at court. Serious Fall.—A lady trod on an apple akin on the Custom House pavement, this morning, and fell. She was so much in jured that she was taken home in a car riage. .People should be careful and not throw such things upon the side waik. Discharged.—Fred. Schock, the driver of -the lager beer wagon, by which a boy named Kosch was killed, yesterday, at Third and Girard avenue, was discharged by Coroner Taylor, the evidence showing that the occurrence was entirely accidental, Embezzlement.—J. W. Briggs Was arrested, yesterday, at Second and Market streets, upon the charge of embezzlement. He was taken before Alderman Williams, and was held in $5OO bail for trial. Fell ebom a Scaffold.—A mih, named John Mulioconp, fell from a scaffold on a new building, at Germantown, this mor ning, and was Beriously injured. He was taken to his home. : 'TJ' g Run Oyer.—A boy namecpSames Si mons, was ran over by a milk wagon, this morning, while crossing at Franklin and "Vine streets. One of his (egs was fractured. He was taken to bis home. Slight Fire.— Tfiis morning about ten o’clock Jackson’s clothing store, at Twenty 3&rst and Callowhill streets, was slightly damaged by fire. ■ V ' Worthy of Note.— A pair of Boots combining ease, elegance and durability is at all times a desideratum./Sel wig, the artistic Cordwalner on Arch street, next door below the corner of Sixth, is prepared at a|l times to famish his patrons with the article. He uses the best French Calfskin in their and employs the best workmen lu the city. If you have doubts of his ability to please you, remember all he asks 1b a trial. A full assortment or Boots and Shoes for boys constantly on hand. Superior French Confections made of pure loaf sugar, French Naugat, Jordan Boasted Al monds^Vanilla Chocolate Caramels. Cream <Jhoco~ aatqs, Bon Rons, manufactured by A. L. Vansant. Hinth and Chestnut. Also, Hot-house Grapes, Dach ees Pears and other choice fruits. How Open.— RICH BLACK SILKS. . DRAPE DE FRANCE. GEOS GRAINS, LYONS TAFFETAS. And every otter desirable styles for Dresses and Mantles. This Is a new department, and is worthy the atten tion of buyers. ■ J. W. PROCTOR & CO. 920 Chestnnt street. Cloaking Cloths by the yard in great ■variety. FANCY CLOAKINGS. . WHITE CLOAKINGS. FROSTED BEAVERS. - VELVET BEAVERS. 1 A3TRAOAM CLOAKINGS. BROWN FUR CLOAKINGS. POLAR CLOAKINGS. • &C., dtC., &C., &C„ *C. This la a'new {department, and is worthy the notice ■of buyers. J. W. PROCTOR & CO Mf '920 Chestnut street, Furs of all Nations.— RUSSIAN SABLE FURS. HUDSON BAY SABLES. FINE DARK MINK SABLES. ROYAL ERMINE—CHINCHILLA. DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRREL. ■PERSIAN LAMB-ASTRACAN, &C„ &c. FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN, J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 920 Chestnnt street, Rich Paris Cloaks, now open, in great Variety. BICH VELVET CLOAKS. CHINCHILLA CLOAKS. VELVET BEAVER CLOAKS. ASTRAKHAN CLOAKS AND JACKETS HANDSOME FLUSH JACKETS.- OPERA CLOAKS AND JAOKEIS.I , ; ' J. W. PROCTOR & CO,, 920 Chestnnt street. Upholstery Store, where every work required by the-meet perfect housekeepers is done. Repairing, polishing, taking down and pnttlnguDof fbrnltnre. ;Men and women, qualified by long eiim. l rience at each branch of the business. No work per formed bat in the most thorough manner, at Patten’s No. IMS Chestnut street. Furs !—Fall and Winter Stock. Be early purchasers. You get the pick. „ Every ladyshould have a set. Call at CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, Under the Continenta 1 Hotel. Window Shades one dollar—Gilt Shades only si, at Patten’s, 1408 Chestnut street. . Try our Yankee Bunns. " Moese 4 Co., 903 and 904 Arch street, si,I??,.¥^ E^J’ANAEDS ’ — President de ’the various letters in the papers ‘iWMlip o^ Policy, 6 1116 price marked on the goods. is the t Bldtonebs and Catarrh.— •ildifleaseflapn^^S^^fr^+v? l0 ?^ 0 Ear, treats theutmMts^^^tJSS^P'fojei members with liable sourceatnthe city moat re- El 9 Fine street. TheSS&S^lU l^ No. 1 company their patients J? 10 Invited to ac» ° 4 Kss? tel !! J ' for examination* ea * «o made Cubtains.—See Patten’s Cnrtain Goods and Auction Curtains, bought low and will be sold low, at "W. Henry Patten’s 1403, Chestnut street I f f* Bockhill & Wilson. GENTLEMEN'S SUITa, BOYS’SUITS; MILITARY- BUlTfi£ SUITS TO- - spit all; ready-made SUITS. SUITS MADE TO ORDER, ELEGANT: SPITS. DURABLE SUETS, * STYLISH suras. SHOWN STONE CLOTHING HAUL, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH. fc. i l.'.fc I .& We have seen at the Clothing House of C. Somers «fc Son, Fancy Casslmere for suits; Satin- Eaced and Chinchilla Beaver Over Coats, which are made up In the most substantial way. . Also magnifi cent stock of choice uncut goods torselect from-for measure. Every garment made by this House war rented to fit. Reed’s Patent Button used, which prevents the disa greeable necetßity of sewing on buttons. O ! How Beautiful ™... , . „ , AreOAKFORDS’ Hata for Children, is a dally exclamation, stores under the Continental Hotel. ; ■■ “lubricatlvo steam engiee packing.—for terms, see 635 arch sfc, phlla,, and 26 dey It., pew york. Coal at Retail at Port Richmond Pei cxs—at the Shipping Wharf, foot of Laurel street, Kensington. Gross ton (2,240 lbs.) always delivered, aaleaa otherwise ordered, ' J. K. & W. TOMLINSON, The Homers of the Prussian Campaign. A German journal says that a Bava rian soldier, on being asked why the army wore cocks’ feathers in their caps, replied that, as the Prussians have eaten up all the cockß and hens in the country the Bavarian troops wear the feathers to show that nothing else was left. A Vienna correspondent tells an amusing story of a Prussian professor and a Prussian doctor who had to serve as privates in a regiment, and who, not being very bellicose, sought the humble position of cattle-driversto the regiment. When the cattle took refuge in a park the drivers sent in their cards at thecas tie and were received with proper con sideration. Whereupon the PaM Mall Ga zette says; “Was it not in a play ®f Am brose Phillip’s that Pyrrhus drove cattle, and said he was goaded on by love ? Mil ton, toodn'Lycidas,’ makes ms friend and himself feed their flocks and drive a-fleld in the early morning. The pro fessor will be able to lecture on these political metaphors from his own prac tical experience, and may, write a commentary on the ‘Georgies,’ which will excel all previous efforts of German scholarship, as he need no longer construct oxen from his inner consciousness.” The head of the Guelphs, says a Lon don journal, emerges from the Bis marckian deluge the owner 6f some three millions sterling in securities, not to mention other valuables, comprising £50,000 in English banknotes. And the inventory of the ex-Elector of Hesse- Cassel’a saved property has just b.een given to the public—considerably ex ceeding, in proportion to the wealth of the two sovereignties, the modest purse of his Hanoverian brother. Dog Hospital.— A correspondent of the London Field gives an account of M. San tourch’s canine hospital in the Rne de Clicby, in Paris. Large airy kennels are constructed round its yards for the larger dogs, and the toy-dog department is a per fect marvel of ventilation and cleanliness. Its pavement is of white and black marble; its walls are painted white and varnished; and around it twenty-two little kennels, made of oak, with bright copper fastenings, are snugly disposed for the reception of sick pets. Atone end of it are artistic decora tions, in which woods, rivers and moun tains are depicted, recalling to the four footed invalids who . roam about the place the scenery of their earlier and healthier days. The quadrupeds bear such names as Adelina Patti,' Auber, the Prince de Wagram, and Alexander Dumas. HABWE BUHETra. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—Octobeb 19. Sfrßu Marins Buiietin on Third Fa gs. ARRIVED THIS DAT. Steamer Ocean Bird. Massey, from Newark. Bark Chas Gumm (Br), GalUson, 5 days from New Haven, in ballast to E A Bonder & Go. * „ Brig Gen Banka, Ketchum, from New London. Schr A L Massey, Donnelly, from Georgetown. I Schr Revenue, Gan dr, from Providence. Bchr Ida V McCabe, Pickup, from Port Chester. Schr Armenia. Cole, from Gay Head. Schr America, Hoffman, from Bridgeport. Bchr E W Perry, Leeds, from Newport. Schr Mary P Hudson, Buell, from Boston. OLKA BED THIS DAY. Schr Ida L, Forbes, Richmond B D Jones. Bcbr Queen of the state, Sheppard, Cedarville. Harris tfcLow, Schr Annie C Moore. Ogden, Maurice River, B Hany. Schr Carmita, Guise, Fishing Banks. Hopkins. Schr G Disosaway, Dourane Maurice River, P Ford. MEMORANDA. Steamer Delaware, Thompson, from Liverpool for this port, sailed from Boston at 6>i o'clock this morn log* steamer Hendrick Hudson, Howes, hence at Ha vanai2th Inst. Steam er Onward (Br), Luckle, from London 2d Inst, at New York yesterday. Steamer Columbia. Slocum, from Havana 18th inaL at New York yesterday. 34th Inst. Jupiter lighthouse KW so miles, saw steamer Ladona, bound N. Steamer North America, Timmerman, from Ha vana 13th Inst, at New York yesterday. -Oct H. 10 20 AM. so miles Nof Cape Florida Lighthouse, passed steamer Morro Castle, from N York for Havana. Steamer Trade Wind, Champion, at Havana 12th lost, from New Orleans. Steamer Corsica. LeMesahrler, at Havana 12th Inst, fri m New York via Nassau. Skip Syren, Morse, cleared at Boston yesterday for Honolulu. Ships Merlmac, Deckle, tor this port 7th: John Har vey. Lovell, for do Bth. anffU G Richardßon, Kendall for do. were ud at Liverpool 6th Inst. 1 Bark Antioch, Linnell, cleared at Boston yesterday for thla port. Bark Aquidneck. Ghesebrongb, clearest Baltimore yesterday for Bio Jai elro. Bark Talisman, Anderson, cleared at Baltimore yes terday for Pernambuco. 1 Brigldelia (Er),JacksoD, hence at Matanzss 9thin,t. Brig Samuel G Adams, Keith, at Matanzas 9th Inst Irom Fernandina. Stevens, (Tailed from Matanzas sth lnat. for this port. Brig Frinceton, Wells, hence for Boston, at Holmes’ Hole 16th Inst, and sailed again 17th. Schr A Tlrrell, Higgins. cleared at Boston 17th Inst, for Hampden, Me. to load for Camden, NJ. Schr Alexandria, Boyle, sailed irom Blchmond 17th Inst, forlthls port, via Lyon’s Creek. Schra Pearl. Brown, and J M BramhaU, hence for Boston, and Wm Ooilyer, Iftrelor.do for Providence at New London 16th Inst. • ur "oviaence, Schr C Heft, Shoe, hence at Blchmond 17th Inst. NOTICE TO MARINERS. j Notice Is hereby given that the Eastern Hue and. Cry Bnoy, entrance to Portland Harbor, broke adrift from Ita moorings and went to sea during the late st vere gale Steps have been taken to replace it on the 18th lust. -. : By order of the Lighthouse Board, „ „ . JOHN POPE, LH Inspector, Ist Dlst. Portland, October 16, 1866. • - EDWARD P. KELLY. TAILOR, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now the FALL AND WINTER STYLES and a complete assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. CTXWHESecmaI or superior to those of any other Wret-dass Tailoring Establishment, -at moderate K>!it? , M. e * tlsfacH 2 n guaranteed. Pattern Clothes to S°tSstom^ W aS pffiS? 1611 * SWes for tto ALBRIGHT & HUTTENBRAUCK, TAILORS, No. 915 Chestnut Street* Respectfully Invite the public to a handsome assort- ment of Fail and Winter Goods. ae24-m wf2m2 THE DULY EVENING BULLETIN .—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19,1866. Sse Second I’aqa for additional AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ITALIAN OPERA. Saturday Afternoons Oct! 20th* :■ . - \ .- ' M GRAND ITALIAN OPERA Positively last time of Verdi’s With its unapproachable cast. The highly successful SENNORA CABMEN POCH. MME. NATALI-TESTA, * v Admission to 'all parts of the House) No Extra Charge for Reserved Seats. Soon open at 11-4.' To, commence at 3. .Monday, October 22d, Flnt time In Philadelphia of the Grand Spectacular Opera, THE' STAR OF THE NORTH, which wuibeprodueea with EXTRAORDINARY SPLENDOR. ram?* 11 pwticnlw:s W-MORRWS (Saturday’s) AMUSEMENTS; GRAND MATINEE. MATINEE. IL TROVATORE. ILTROVATORE, LYBIC TRAGEDIENNE, SIGNOR MAZZOLENI, SIGNOR BELLINI, SIGNOR FOSSATI. ONE DOLLAR ONLY. (L’ETOILE DU NORD,} FIRE PROOF SAFES. THREE TEBiS ! ! ! vX BUCCE6BFULTEITS !!! ~ CONVINCING TESTS!!! GREAT FIRE NEWBERN.N.C. TRIUMPH OF NI AITVTIN’S ,S AFJE. . L Neweebk, N. C., Sept. 24,1866. William; H. Olives, Esq., agent for Marvin & Co.: i Beat-Sir:—At the late terrible fire on Middle street, which destroyed onr Banking House, we had two of your safes, Oneof them was removed, and we were removing the other, when we were directed to leave the ofiice, as an adjoining building was abont being blown up. The entire row ofbulldings wascoesamed, bat on opening the Safe we had the satisfaction of finding everything Inside perfect. ' We can cheerfbuy recommend them as being per fectly fireproof, as we have examined two others of yonr make which were In the same fire, both of which preserved the books and papers that were in them. ' . Yours respectfully, DISOSWAY, GUION&Oo., ]. Bankers. Newbeen, N. C., Sept. 24,1866, Wm. H. Oltveb, Esq.. Agent for Marvin & 00. . Beab Bib I had at my store one of yonr safes. My bnUdlng, situated on Middle street, was con sumed In the late terrible conflagration. ; lam pleased to say, on opening the safe, every book and paper was found to be In perfect order. A more Intense fire conld scarcely be conceived of. Yours truly, JOHN DLL WORTH & CO. Nrwßßkir. N. 0.. Seotember 24,1866. Wm, H. Oltvxb, Esq., Agent for Marvin & Go. Deab Sib:—One or yonr safes stood a most severe trial in my store at the late fire on Middle street. My store was situated in arow of large wooden build ings. the burning of which made a most Intense heat. The trial was severe, but the safe came out victorious. On opening it, every book and paper was found in a perfeotstate of preservation. Very respectfully, L.BAEB. M ARVIN & CO., No. 731 Oh e stunt Street, (MASONIC HALL), AND 265 BROADWAY, N. Y. Marvin’s Pateat Alum and Dry Plaster Fire and Burglar-Proof SAFES Have never failed to preserve their contents InVcaaes of fire. •3-Send for Illustrated Catalogue.-3A oclS-121 rp BBAJi IBTAm FOR RENT. THREE BOOMS IN The New Bulletin Bnildiig, No. 607 Chestnut Street. - The proprietor, are prepared to receive propoeals f*. •anting three rooms. They are THE SECOND STORY FRONT BOOM, 60 by 91 feet. Third and Fourth notice of thebackoi Northern Bohd; lag, with Entranoe by a spacious hau cn Chestnut street, And a Front of »teat on Jayne street; Suitable to a Jobbing er Commlmlon House, a ißank or msniance Office. ~ For Further Fmrtlcnlais apply at th.CTW BUD UCTIN building. No. 607 OhMtemt Starnnt.l WAISTS. LABOR WANTED. 500 Honorably Discharged Soldiers and Sailors Are In want of WORK as Laborers, Porters, Watch men, Drivers, Clerks, Mechanics, Ac-.&c. Apply at the Bnrean of Employment of the U. S- Sanltary Commission, 1307 CHESTNUT STREET, All Information free of charge- JOHN W. WILSON, oclT-tt rp) Sec'/ Bare an of Employment. OITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG MARRIED 0 man In tome business where he can make hlmseir usefnl—understands driving wagon fbr a store: can speak both English and German, Best of city refer ence given. Call or address- G. A. CLaIR street.belowßlxihaadCarpenter streets. oelS-St* TKIANTED—A PL aCE, to take the entire charge of IT a Baby. Beat of city References given, Apply at 1516 FILBERT street. ft« TTf ANTED.—Wanted an OFFICE AND STORAGE 11 BOOM on slthsr first or second floor, on Dela ware avenne,between Arch and Vine streets, ad dress Box No. 127, Philadelphia Post Office. ocl9't£ MEW FUBUmTIOSb. PUBLISHED THIS DAY.' * A NOVEL FULLY EQUAL TO “IVANHOE." OR -WAVKRLT," BY SIR WALTER SCOTT. WHITEFBIABS: . WHITEFRIARS; WHITEFKIAB& WHITEFRIARS: On THX TIMES AND DAYS OF CHARLES THE SECOND. DAYS OF CHARLES THE SECOND! By the author of “Whitehall: or the Days and Times of Oliver Cromwell" ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY Thl* work, which has achieved a great popularity In England, has been compared by EugUshcritlca with the work* of Walter Scott, and even proTouncedb? some to bs the beat historical romance ilnce theaDoear anee of "Waverty.” The period in which the same Is laid Is replete with some of the most remarkable Mr. . 'bnages and incidents on the pages or English history - ~'ordlng the richest of material for romancer The author o“ skiUlhlly lntxodqced Into his work* all t'oese personages and Incidents, thereby succeeding In giving. 88 amaglcmlrror,'' the very hue andform 5f the tlx-ooiwhims, the passions, the crimes, the subtleties, -“Jf-XfSLPSi?????® 9 - The plot and Incl- ■ dent are of '- ll ®is B ®s, ab3 ®fJ )ln S *nd Interesting kind. The interest ?*i? a 9 on u Pon situation, ad venture upon aa P?, 9 after another, en chaining the afSsa l ' on and delighting the imagination. The reader finds >v\.?T“y P®6« Jhe stamp of the author’s power, alif v e bannot rise from the perusal of the book without adds!*.®*}* 11 to be one of the greatest aodmostpowerfhlof itf®>J*rn romances. ONE VOLUME OCTAVc 1 - PRICE ONE DOLLAR. tS~ Booksellers are rohdiu.'d to order at once what they may want qf the"aboVd so that their or ders can be filled In advance of KVO day ofpnbllcatlon. Bend for Petersons’ Descriptive CdiMogue. All Books sent postage paid on recast .of retail price. Address all cash orders, retail or wholesale, to T. B. PETERSON <fc BROTHERS, ocl9-2t . SO6 Chestnut street. Phil* . fa. PROPOSALS. DELPHI*, October isth, 1868. "Vuwa,u,,rmt«- ‘ . t TO CONTRACTORS. SNAffETI PROPOSALS will be received'at the Office Sr* nnSwl?am? 1 -5 l . i Si O ? e L of 5 lgli y a y sraitul3o ’®loC™ 11,. onMONDAY. ffid Inst., for the construction of a hewer on the line of Outletstreet, from Twenty-first to Twenty-second, street, to be built of brick, circular in form, and with a clear .Inside dtamoter of two feet six 1 neb os, w Ith such in lets and man-holes as may be dl rected by the Ohlel Engineer and SurveyorT The nn derslasalng to be that the Contractor shall take bill* prepared against the property lrontlng on said sewer to the amount of One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents-for 0f ?ii v»S? sl . de of 018 street as so mndi caahpatd- AU Bidders are Invited to be present at the time and. place of opening the said proposals. Each proposal wlllbeaccompanied by a certificate that aßonShas been filed in theLawDepartment as di rected by ordinance of May2s, tsar. If the lowkt bid der ahau not exeqnte a contract wlthto five days after the work Is awarded he will bedeemed as declining and will be held liable on hls band for the difference be tween his bid and the next higher , bidder. Specifics tions may be had at the Department of Surveys, which will be strictly adhered to. , W. W. BaSEDlifcr. o«9 3t} Chief Commissioner oSHlghways. • TOgDAJf’aCTa.EBB ATED TONIC ALE.—Tha v truly healthful and nutritions beverage, now In use by thousands—lnvalids and others-haseetabllshed a character for qnjdlty of material andpurity of mano fectnre, which Stands unrivaled. It & recommended by physicians of this and other places, os a superior lonic: and requires but a trial to convince the meat skeptical of Its great merit To be had, wholesale and retail, of P. 3T. JORDAN. 220 Pear street? - TO STAMP COLLECTORS.— “ LOUIS BAUBB has always on hand a large as sortment of BOREIGN POSTAGES STAMPS fbr Col lections. both usedand unused. Send for Price List to LOUIS BAUER, SG Liberty street, New York City. o«i3^txpi SHK&PBY COOPS JOBBERS 1866. FALL. 1866. BANCROFT, BAOEE * CO., 330 MARKET STREET. Our Fall Stock is Now Complete, COMPRISES FULL LINES OF NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS, CONSISTING OF f i HOSIERY AHD GLOVES. SHIRTS AHD DRAWERS. HOODS, HDBIAS. SCARFS, HAHDRERCHIEFS. SHIRT FROHTS. EMBROIDERIES. LACES, RIBBONS "White Goods. Furnishing Goods, Tailors’ Trimmings, Combs, Brushes, Threads, Binding*, Braids, Buttons. NOTIONS AND VARIETY GOODS* We call particular attention to onr NEW METHOD ot doing business. We sell onr goods at COST, and for a prostate add 5 per cent, only to the amount of bOL ' Our only Terms are Cash in Far Funds at Time of Purchase, Wewlih it to be understood that the term COST with m means the ACTUAL BONA BIDE FIRST COST of an article, with all extra trade discounts de ducted, excep.ing only the small percentage allowed ns fbr cashing onrbllla. The COST FRICK Is marked on every article throughout the establishment In plain figures, so that buyers, by examining our stock, caw easily satisfy themselves as to the advantages and merit, of our sys tem. Cor plan Is entirely new, and mas; commend itself to all who wish to buy goods CHEAP FOR CASH. ocll-lm rp „ FINANCIAL. NATIONAL - BANK OF THE REPUBLIC, 809 and 811 CHESTNUT ST., PttTT. ATYIET.PTTTa. The late management having relinquished their entire control and Interest in this Bank, the business Is now being oandocted under the allowing entirely HEW MAHAOEMEST. DIRECTORS. JOSEPH T. BAILEY. Of Bailey * Co., Jewelers. EDWaRD R. ORNB. ' Of J. F. and K. B. Orne, Dealers In Carpetings, NATHAN HTT.LEB. President of the Second National Bank. WILLIAM EBVXEN, Of Myers A Ervlen, Fleur Factors, OSGOOD WELSH, Of 8. and W. Welsh, Commflon Merchant*. fiUhJAh ut .ROWLAND. Jr*. Of B. Bewland, Jr., <6 Bro., Coal Merchants, SAMUEL A. BISPHAM, Of Samuel Blspham A Sons, Wholesale Grocers, WILLIAM H. KHAWN, Late Cashier of the Central National Bank, FHISIBSHf. WILLIAM H. KHAWN. CABHHB. JOSEPH P. MUMFORD, ses-tfrp Late of the Phlla, National Bank, IEGAI NOTICES. IN TOE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE CITY AND FTfVM?a\Tttto *PHILADELPHI A.— Estate of Kv,?r^SJ? U^,’,? eceß 5 e<L Tne auditor appointed *djust the account of AGNES G. MILLS. Executrix of the last Will and Testament of THOMAS MILLS, deceased, and to re port distribution of the Balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDAY. October !9th 1856. at 8 o’clock P. M. ( at his office, Southwest corner of SIXTH and COATES streets In the City of Philadelnhla. _ JOHN C. NIPPES. ocl9r,ifr,w,st» Auditor TN THEORPHAN6’ COURT FOB THE CITY AND A COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate ol WILLIAM E. HANNYMjleceased.—Notice is hereby given that MARY H ANNUM. widow of the decedent, has filed an inventory and appraisement of the per sonal property of the decedent, which she elects to retain under the act of April 14, 1851, and its supple ments, and that Urn same will be approved by the court on SATURDAY, the sd day of November, 1886, A. M., unless excsptiopa thereto arepre^ THOMAS BRADFORD' DWIGHT, ccl9 f,a,4t* ■ - Attorney fof Petitioner. rS THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA -Eatate of HENRY C. BLAIR, deceased. The Auditor ap pointed by the. Court to audlt. settle and adjust toe first and final account ofW W. BLAIR and ANDREW BLAXS,'Executors of HESfBY C. BLAIR, deceased, and to report distribution of ttite balance In the hands ofthe ascoontanls, will mee-t the parties Interested for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDAY, October 29,1386; at eleven o’cloc.’r. A. M.. at his 0:11-0, No. 152 Sontß? FOURTH sttssiT in the City o* Phlla dtlpbia. CLEMBaftC B. PENROSE, oel9-f.m,w,st« " ■ ■ Auditor. P STATE of npctr.ra p wix. deceased.—Let u ten Testamentary upon th's A'aiate ofsalddece dent having been granted to this st'oscribßr, all per sons Indebted to the Estate are' reO aesce <l to make payment, and thouse having claims w.UI present them- SOB® fox, 14, D:rF£lStojr; .ai9 walnut street. • ••• . \ od9*£6t* TBAAO kathakb. Auctioneer ana aek' B * Broker, ssS£M s >PKSg pfecet entfthltflhed ibr the laat forty ye&ra;- 2k tootsy to to lirge or mm>ll moo tints, attha' lowestf > ’’•te? on £2!?2S2rf ß,, # Uverplate » WotchXsfaweSyTck- ' l iss& “i£'tni7F.st r 7 (fittoa ltome^^* s Tn> SSmtP llr ' JQHKS A OO.’B Cliß-ESTABIJBHKD LOAU OFFIOB, , Comer ol TBXEUS and QABKlLliStreett, 1 WATOHEB, MWKtBTI | M»SaU ■ CABPETIM. CARPETINGS* J AMES H. ORNE & 00., 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Between 6th and 7th streets, JUST RECEIVED PER STESIMER A LARGE mi VOICE OF French Chenille and Axminster Carpets, NEW DESIGNS, JAMES H. ORNE &C 0;, 626 CHESTHUT STREET, Between Sixth and Seventh streets, MESSRS. JOHN CROSSLEY & SON’S New Styles 64 Velvet & Tapestry Carpets, JAMES H. ORNE* CO, 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Sixth and Seventh sta., English Royal, Wilton. Knglisk Brussels. English Tapestries. JAMES H. ORNE & GO., 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Sixth and Seventh sts., NEW CARPETINGS Fall Importations, _ NOW OPENING. ocstnoio rpj McCALLUMS, CBEASE * SWAN, No, 519 CHESTNUT STREET, (Oppositelndependence Hall,) Have Inst received an Invoice of ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS OOOOA MATTINGS. LEEDOM & SHAW, Wholeiale and Betail CARPET WABEfiOUSE, 910 ABC H, Between Ninth and Tenth streets. We we cow opening oni new Importations of Tor* elgn CARPETINGS, embracing all the new and lead* lag patterns. Also a complete assortment of the beet of amuTtcaa Manufactures. We are prepared and will sell at the lowest prlcest sel&sm rpi THE FOE ARTS EARLES' GALLERIES, 810 Chestnut St* Looking Glasses. Oil Paintings. Engravings. ; Picture Frames Rogers’ Groupes i A Large Free Gallery of Oil Paintings^ BOARDOe. TOEEem-Twp toeJLpDGINQ ROOMS* ' Inquire atj<o 1- i26_Bouth_&LATH Street* oolfratrp* B*ocee, Rnzbsxa MnatAid,Ollvea. Ac., IanSESMbSt * *®a*.