Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, October 19, 1866, Image 2
CITY B Thb Congregational Church. A council of the Congregational Churches was held yesterday afternoon and last evening in the First Congregational Church. The other churches invited to sit in council are: Central Church, Second, tPhiladelphia; 'Welsh, Philadelphia; Plymouth, -Philadel phia; Plymouth, Canterbury; First Church, Vineland,N.J.; First Church,Franklinville, Jo As Corresponding Members of Council— Kev. Mr. Goodell, D. D., Rev. H. B. Swift, Bev. John G.Wilson, Kev. William T.Eva, Bev. John CharltoD, Kev. G. W. Cox, Kev. Mr. Moore, Pittsburgh, and James Smith, 2£sq. The following delegates responded to the call: First Church, Philadelphia—Charles Mc- Clintock, C.F. Miller ana John Haverstick. Second Church, Philadelphia Rev. Cteorge Smiley, D. D., pastor, and S. H. Davis. Central Church, Philadelphia—Rev. Ed ward Hawes, pastor, Burdett Hart and J. Edmunds. Plymouth Church, Philadelphia—G. L. Hart and F. B. C. Burpee. Plymouth Church, Canterbury, D ala-5 ware—Rev. Mr. Harvey, pastor, and J. Savage. First Church, Landis, N. J.—Rev. C. B, Dye, pastor. ■ After the credential were presented, Rev. G. W. Smiley, D. D„,was chosen Moderator and Rev. C. B. Dye, Scribe. Prayer was offered up by Rev. Burdett Bart. The call for the Council was then read, and on motion, the Counoil proceeded to the examination of the pastor elect. Rev. Dr. Fairley then gave a succinct statement of his life’s history. He had been "brought up in a pious family, arid when about sixteen years of age be connected himself with the Independent Church in Armagh, Ireland, where he first com jaenced studying for the ministry; he had SJndied in the Congregational College iu Dublin, but it was closed at the end of the first session after he had entered it. His first-pastorage was at Hexham, in the north oi England, where he labored with great success, upon being asked why he came to this country, he said he had three reasons: First, political; second, religious; and third, a family reason. - ’ After a very thorough and searching ex amination as to-the doctrines and principles cf Congregationalism, the audience were re quested to retire, and the Council sat with closed doors to deliberate upon the accept ance or rejection of the pastor elect. At the evening session the clerk read the minutes of the Council expressing their unanimous satisfaction of the examination which the pastor elect had undergone. The exercises were then continued as follows • ' services by the reading of the 4th chapter of Hebrews by Rev. C7B Bye. Prayer by the Rev. George W. Cox! Sermon by the Rev. C. A. Harvey. The installing prayer by Rev. Dr. GoodelL late of Constantinople, Turkey. The right hand of fellowship given by Rev. Edward Hawes. The charge to the pastor by the Rev. Dr. Smiley. The address to the people by the Rev. John G. Wilson, of the Ebenezer First Independent Christian Church. The closing grayer by the Rev. Mr. Richards, of the Welsh Congregational Church, of this city. The benediction was pronounced by the Fairley, the newly-installed pastor of the church, after whicn,the vast assemblage slowly dispersed. Match Between the Germantown and St. George CRicket Clubs.— The lone expected opening match between the St. George, of New York, and Germantown Glubs, was finished yesterday, resulting in a _ victory for the Germantown, by Tour wickets. The game was a very exciting one, good play being shown on both sides, and great interest waa manifested throughout bv a most brilliant and appreciative audience. General Meade presented a flag and guidons in the name of the ladies of Germantown expressing his pleasure in seeing so many of his old companions in arms, and speak- m B “ e highest terms of the muoh la mented Captain Walter NewhaU, whom he had known as an officer, and who was the most distinguished of the old Germantown Uiub. -The pennons were received by Mr Alex. W. Wister, who thsnked the ladies and General Meade in a few appropriate re marks. The flag was then raised by the elevens, the band playing the “Star Span gled Banner” and “God Save the Queen,” the whole scene being a most picturesque The following was the score of the came GERMANTOWN. B _ , FIBST IXNINGS. SKCOXD IVKpffR b. Wright... 4 b. Wright . .. b. Congreve, c. •*•••". - 9 hot out Morgan, b. Hi 11.,. 25 ran out... Mears.c, Carter, b.Wrlgfct.2 J, Wister, c. Toirence, b. IJarioei"^"'Wright, "b'. ° b ' HIU- j d«STffsi't,i: 61,b ' w- WriEht Meade.'c;'m'dbVauiZ.'" 0 not oat!!! BajiJtb, Wright 1 P. Wister, b. HflJ i M. Plaher, not out !. ol.b. w. Wright., 4f^ yea **••*■ 2 Leg byes vvioes Wides,, ST. GEOEQE. 51 Gorion^.BaiSaT SS ' 6 c.oKS“f : ™»«• Hillc.Meare.bßarrj'.'.'.' o Sano? 1 "' b - Lar S e - 2 ' E"ciay.'.7 * b. Ban?a’yi'. I ‘ arBe ''' -Kilby, e., Cadwalaoer, b. - y * TorrenceTnot'oui;:.':::.'.'.'::: i aßsh^ 1 b r "£iii‘r SS&KVw to , Baicla y i Notoat.!:.:.. 1 :^ 6 - Scott, b. Heade— 0 B F. Wlster. 2 Eves ™ dea 4 Wldes . 41 60 internal Revenue Returns.— Places 5L«f^ JSE ? lENT --; The Allowing are the revenue returns of the different places of amusement iu Philadelphia for the auwter endmg September 30, 18667 garter Mreet Thcatre-J uly, $5,571; Au- 486 ?9 ’ 193 ’ September > $10,722, Total, Camcross & DUcey's- July, closed- An gust, $4,345; September. §7,684; total for two months, $12,029, ’ rotal for ThbNew American Theatre being closed t n ” E r a T atet P” fc of the summer Sin Pr^ff$ 1 n S B ree fo olltlla foot «pemyf6|o6o. Th© following are the total of each establishment since Jana 1 SOT Ost: Walnut, $123,680; Arch, $79,181 • America n, $20,992; Oam ero® & bixey, $36,673. The Walnut was d ? u rm 8 the year, which partly for the excess of its receipts over amusement. The Aroh rhf o( n\^* d goring the month of July, the Chestnut in May and June, and the Ameri *®ixev^dm>’if U “ eand Jnly * Camcross ttsSmerfiiWl? 111 ® 8 city during b^4lng beto S rn with ROBBEBV.-Geore-e T?!li yesterday“ r po|“ a ed Central Station,; Been engaged l ifa tho having Patrick’!. a f t Mr ‘ Kil time since. A-witness ®£ eet > 80ntt ® bestofhls knowledge Eihl^w 1 tha t, to the he.saw^mingfrom BtheE 8 th e E^ a 1 o deuTe S was bound over for a.further hearing f 0 ™ 8 f f «j rard College wfll ‘attend the Mating exhibition of the Lincoln Me morial Tableaux, on Saturday afternoon «» the invitation of the proprietor. ’ at Alleged House Thief.— Charles Davis had a heating before Alderman Beitler, ves terday afternoon, upon the charge of the lareeiiy of a wagon and a set »f harness, said to belong to Mr. George Souder, of Chester county. It seems 1 that the wagon and harness were offered for sale at a very low figure, which excited Bnspicion, and led to the arrest of the prisoner. Davis was hound over for a further hearing. A Just Tribute.— Col. John E. Mnrpby, of the 29th Regiment of Pennsylvania vol unteers, yesterday received from the War Department at Washington, a commission as Brevet-Brigadier-General, taking date March 13th, 1865, “for gallant and merito rious services during the war.” CoL Mor phy was a brave soldier and is one of the most estimable citizens. Another Rioter.— James Cardell was arrested yesterday and taken before Alder man Beitler upon the charge of having been concerned in the election row at Twentieth and Catharine streets, and the assault upon Sergeant Walsh and Officer Orr. He was held for a further hearing. Tlie Quebec Fire. Quebec, _ Ootqber 18th.—Another person died last night in the hospital, from inju ries received in the late terrible fire. Bread and provisions are being regularly distri buted among the sufferers by the Catholio priests and Sisters of Charity, who are workingnightandday. A theatrical per formance was given last night in aid of those who have lost everything they possessed by the fire. Uniform for the Navy. The Navy Department will soon issue an order with regard to the navy uniform, which is to he restored as it was before the late rebellion, with improvements, includ ing a more artistic arrangement of the em blems of the shoulder straps. Daring the war officers of the navy wore what Is called a service uniform, but the full dress is to be resumed. The steam drum of the staamer Major Re j bold exploded yesterday while she was lying at the wharf at New.Castle,Delaware. No lives Were lost, hut a few persons were slightly injured. The boat was towed to Wilmington for repairs. Commodore Vanderbilt has purchased St. John’s Park, New York, for $1,000,000 whereon he will erect a depot for the Hud son River Railroad. BENTS* FUBWaHITO eooos J. w. SCOTT & CO M SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN Men’B Furnishing Goods. No. 814= Chestnut Street. Four doors below the “Continental,” PHILADELPHIA, PATEBT SHOULDER BXAM SHIS? MAHHFACTORY. Orders fbr these celebrated Shirts supplied prompt at brief notice, GENTLF.MEN’B Furnishing Goods, Of late styles In foil variety. WINCHESTER & CO. lesm.wf.a s ' o6 CHESTNUT. HOTELS. EDWARD DUFFY, 0r t * ,e chief manager al Guy’s, in Seventh street, near Chestnut, Has Opened the Tontine, (Ope dooraboye Guy’s”), on his owd account, in esn- TfSS“ 1816 ofthesciimmoa H <x^im llielr 8110068318 ohd deservedly so. LADIES’ TRIMMINGS. GRAM) OPENING.—itHS. M.A. BINDER. . K 0.1031 CawtentT^?e7i■k^l£lilnhn^ , importer or Ladles’ Dress and Cloak P Trtmmln*» n »U B d^s o^ r m es P s°^a P ffi P »l fh£SH.£o? kII !£ m ltß yarieties. Ladies furnishing £b®{* costly materials may rely on belne a?£ «^ y .S^ a K tl)elrwork flDMied m foe IoS niSSP I ? ann ® r » at the lowest possible RJl ces, TS*f^ ei i t^‘ fonr J lours aotlce. Cuttingandbaav H??* * n s ®t3. op by the single piece dor mer* chants and dregamakera now ready, P selB^ PAPEBHM6IS6SASW*I>pa S. UmWsS* 3t2 Spring Garden street. rhiladelpb^ BHA °eZMin^ F L O UR. „ f, h ®. ?ttgn«°n or Shippers to South American Porta “ d foe Trade generany, is called to the fbllowine S lebrated Brands of FLO UK made from NEW WHEAT and at which they are the sole receivers In this city, IVORY ST. LOUIS, LANGLEY’S CHOICE. NED’S MILLS, RURAL. PASCAGOULA. ANTI-PANIO. GRANITE. This Floor Is pnt up in the very best round boon packages and wifi be sold In lots to snlt noop R. J. RIDDELL & GO-, S ie2l- corner Broad and Vino ctreeti. NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUfi, FIRST OF THE SEASON. Albert C. Roberts, Sealer in Fine Groceries, ELEVENTH and VINE STREETS. 6E089E PLOWMAN, - CARPENTER AND BUILDER. »33 CARTER STREET Ana in aoog bthtewt. Machine Work ana Mlllwrltlng promptly attend.. lyw-rni Eagle Silver Mining Company OTidaho. Office of the Company, 1448. BOUggB r MINCBD MBAT.— I The undersigned MnS n l^^PrS■V )lle, aboveceleSSted Barieii ma Sims Si£? SfH 08 of 38 and <lB BW-. also In to tbdtiade at thl S.?” 1 are prepared to fhrnlsh It Tric^&S^^ 11 ® *>™» STEAM aSSoF GTODY ABSORT. . K. have a NEW and CHEAP ATthhm S?V,, GABDEN and PAVEMENT K which theattention onberrahllotiicallo 8,7 cke » p > u niayro j-ABOiisa OAi-icaa, *c.-ouv«i Olives), Nonpareil andSoperflue Canem? - m *2*} Boo?B.lan<Uni6* 1 Hayre, and lor sale by JOB.B. BTTflSTwri * QO.. log Sooth Dfllawaro avonna. iiuaitLffiß | • -TAJIOOA Alro SAQO.-Ooi'oscotoli T*P !Gca «a 1 Eaatlndl* Pearl Smo bSEtSaySm 6 by '• B|BT,Bana!a *co «a;-i THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELP H JA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19.1866. MIRRORS MD FIUWUb A. S. BOBINSQN 910 CHESTNUT STREET; LOOKING GLASSES, PAINTINGS Engravings and Photographs, Plain and Ornamental Gilt Frames. Carved Walnut and Ebony Frames, ON HAND OB MADE TO ORDER. GEORGE C. BEUKAUFF, „ Manufacturer of LOOKING GLASSES, PORTRAIT. PHOTO GRAPH. PICTURE FRAMES, GILT MOULDINGS and CORNICES, , No. 929 arch street, Philadelphia. Chromo-Diihograpbs, Paintings, and a great va riety of JSngravings on hand. Frame-makers supplied WHOLESALE AND DETAIL. LOOKING GLASSES. NUtSEaMeTI&S*S” b l f lelltea^ «“« “>«WAI, J. COWPLAND; 538onth Fourth. Street, near Chestnut FUKJMITuRE AITP BEDDING gtJY FURNITURE OF GOULD & 00., TOION DEPOT, N. E.Oorner NINTH and MARKET Strew*, and Nob, 17 and N North SECOND Streak The largest, cheapest and beat stock of Furniture ol very description s the world. Furniture far Parlor, Drawing Boom, Chamber or Bed Room. Dining Room! Llbrara, Kitchen, servants' Rooms, Offices, Schools! aaßS :^“’^S?; Fell 9? , t. M S 8 9 nlo « other SoMetlas Ships, Inßtltatlons, Cluba, Colleges, Public Buildings, Hotels, Boardlig Booses, Hospitals, Fairs, or a Single Piece of Furniture. y Orders sent by post will be executed with despatch and with liberality anc Justness of dealing. Paraesat a distant* may remit through our Banker, the Far inert and mechanics Nat. Bank, Chestnut street, or the Union National Bank,Third street, or by Express Check or Post Office order; immediate Mention will be given and satisfaction insured. GOBLD i 00.. N E. corner Ninth and Market and STand 39 N. Second street, PhUa. mh9.ly SPRING MATRESS, BEST QUALITY AND STYLE, AND BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. J. G. FCIXEB, seiotn s South SEVENTH Street t: WATCHES AND JEffßT.ai LpOMUS & DIAMOND DEALERS & JEWELERS, WATCHES, JIWELEY J, SILTEB WARE. WATCHES and JEWELKY REPATRTm. an<s constantly receiving a large ““Htoeot- of GOLD AHD &LVffi Yi?®’ I *?® ali wy lea, varieties, makes and urices. Waichta wan anted to keep good tlm& DTAMOSDB IN GREAT VARIETY at lam than usual prices. A largeatook to seiectfromT SILVERWARE and JEWELRY of all kinds. In BEJDAL GOTB. V “WARE SUT^BLE^ BEPAIRED In the best manner and an^'ravS^ 8 Bo “* ht for C * sh - Al ">. Old^ld Arch Street Carpet Warehouse FALL IMPOSTATIONS of 9 CARPETINGS, NOW OPENING, LATEST STYLES AT LOWET PRICES. JOS. BLACKWOOD, 833 ARCH STREET, aelTm.w.fim, • Two doors below Ninth street. OPERA GLOVBS. HEALY Ac CO., I? 928 CHESTNUT ST.. Havejnst received a Urge assortment of ladies- and;gentlej£en-s opera glcvhj, SINGLE AND DOUBLE BUTTONS, consisting of white, lavender, violet, and other fash ionable colors. ocsfmwim BLINDS AND SHAPES. B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET HANUVAOrDSBB Of VENETIAN BLIND* WINDOW SHADES. lowest ra3ce£ “* fine * t “ Soltment olty at U Btoreßhades made and lettered, ' CHILDREN’S CLOTimro CHILDREN^jCLOTmNG. GRAND OPENING OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, AT MRS. E. KEYSER’S. 87 Btreet Wantedtoßeat, -A-Dwelling between Walnut and Pine street,, Jfea east OI Nineteenth, west of Sixth, Address ■ etB> j oonatj BOBT. A. MAXWELL. lm S.„, A YOUNG LADY WISHES A SITUATmw Teacher for small children In a private reference given. Addresa Mlsa, M. SMTFH xktih Office, Skit* (Movement I)VVE Lr.ING. cAn . to *1.500. FtSuyamS?' aedniliy and leletenoe. ; Aadrcss m/u,“bo??Bm’ : •■ ■■ ‘ ■' • oci3-imi ' TI/TATKON WANTED.—A member of the J.IL Cbnridi tswanted formatron of a home intSii clt; fcw^P,y lc ?, tlolls may be made at 1303 BnrnceatrM? on TPBBDaY. betweeß-H and 12 o’clock. B?^ I KaTr°ee < E? mmaQlC&tIl,S Boo >S‘»*t, Binsie e d\£fi 30 2 Chestnut St, Phila. l CARPETINGS. GIOTES. VVJkJWSa soAßirae. CONTINENTAL NEWS SQCOKANBB Ta ail places of amusement may baa ■■ to M O’clock any evening, ■ mhs-tf CITY MUSEUM THEATRE, C&llowhillStreet, below Fifth. Inauguration ! GRAND OPENING NIGHT, Saturday, Oct. 20. Saturday, Oct 20. '•Engagement for Six Nights -only 0/ the Tonne, Graceful and Fascinating French Actress, MARIETTA RAVEL, MARIETTA RAVE L, MARIETTA RAVEL, First appearance in manv years in Philadelphia. Flibr SEASON OF THE NEW THEATRE. GRAND INITIAL PH RFOR MANCE, SATURDAY EVENING. October 20th, When will be presented tbe great Military Spectacular Drama, with ah the Original Combats,Grand. Tableaux and Startling Effects, of the FEED OH SPY, FEENOH SPY, fbenohspy, ! In which-this talented and daring Actress will sns Uln ihiee famous characters, fight a terrific Broad sword Combat, dance a wild Arab Dance, eto„ etc.: .being auppoited by a fall company from New York leading Theatres. Ihe BROADSWORD COMBAT of * MARIETTA RAVEL is prenouneed to be one of "the most terrific combats ever witnessed on the stage. ii^W( gjrticolars l with cast of characters, will appear Box Bock now open. heats secured without extra charge, DO NOT FORGET. CITY MUSEUM THEATRE SATURDAY EVENING, Oct, 20th. . seß2<m» M U 8 I 0 A !■ _£_ri N D H A L L. „ .. ' MR. H. L. BATEMAN ■Butte honor to announce a short season of FIVE GRAND CONCERTS, Commencing on MONDAY" EVENING, October 22d, By his celebrated Concert Troupe, newly organised in Europe. BDd universally pronounced oy the entire press of the Old World and New the Grandest Oimbi nation of Musical Thtent ever presented to the pablic. The following unrivaled Vocalists and Instrumental ists will appear: MADAME PaREPA, Prima Eonna AssoJuta, SIGNOR Pe "‘“‘“ 10 Ci£y ' ) hIGNOB FERRANTI, • hIuNOR tfOBTUNA, MR. S B. MILL 5 ", MB. CARL ROSA, MR. J. L. HATTON. RESERVED BEATS. .p 50 EACH. Can be had on Wednesday .October 17th, at the Mnslc Store of C. W. A. Trumpler. ■ cciur RATIONAL HALL, LINCOLN MEMORIAL TABLE AUX. ARE'NOW BEING EXHIBITED. These Magnificent Paintings are from the pencil of GEORGE WUNDERLICH, ESQ. SAMUEL' K. MURDOCH, ESQ.. gT BKI.IVKBS AN ENTERTAINING DESCRIPTIVE LECTURE. M’LLE ELVIRA DE SILVA appnaxs is CHOICE MUSICAL SELECTIONS. Admission 23 c!A Reserved Seau. St cti odc-fii GRAND MATINEE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON ACADEMY OF MUSIC TO-NIGHT, POSITIVELY LAST TIME OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL OF *r.r. MODERN COMIC OPERAS. CRISPIN O E LA COMARE. OPINIONS OP THE PBESS. [Prom the North American j lEd«d,we can truly cay mat a more charmlngcsmtc opeia has not been produced on our stage in a lone time. It certainly ought to be reprated. " . . [From lie Press.] The bouse last night was full; the applause In one or two-msiancea culminated almost to ecstasy. [from the Inquirer.] ■ The sensation its performance created last evening lathe best evidence we can addnee as to its merits. [From the Age] The music of this opera la well calculated to Diease the public ard make the wort popular with the masses. It has been so in other cities, aid from t! eshouSm laughter and rounds of anplauae which followed the hoints of the production last night, wo have no doubt it will be so here. [Prom the Bulletin.] Crist ino e la Comarc was received wilh such delight and such shouts of laughter Id the more comic scenes' It ttbouDdi^a“aVkVngmu“fcafg > fSs£il character istic expressions. It is just such a comic oneraaswU prove pleasing to a vast number of people-to the a are. a as well as to those who may be denomlnated connotitruri detnutfqtic. THIS (FBIDAY) EVENING, Oct 19. at S Second and positively last time of , 3 ' tdUSPINo E BA CO SI ABE, (With its Inimitable cast.) Second and last appearance of GIORGIO RON'CONI. In the immeMely aucctMful new comic Opera, tR'fcPINO E La OOMaBE. MIS J C L. K ELLOGG STOCKTON. TESTA. BELLINI * ANTONCCCr QIOBGIO BONOONI. TONDOCI, CONPUCTOB ~ Sig. TOBBIANA. TOMORROW AFTERNOON-, Oct. * Positively last tlnn. or v. rdi a ~ IL TBOVATORE. With Its unapproachably great cash Second appearanceof the Mealy successfni LYBIO TBAG^oirn BEMtORA CAftMO POOTT AdmUstoatotbeMatlnee^ jarts ofIKS NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR RESERVED SEATS Doors open at iy. To commences ap'ciScih 4^' MONBAY EVENING. October xvt at a First night In Philadelphia nr MeyeThSp, 1 8 ’ GRAND SPECTACULARoSt THE STAB OF TRBHOBTfI ' (L’Etoile da Nord ) ' Which a 111 be produced with ■ UNPRECEDENTED SPLENDOR. Per fall detal's, see to-morrow’s The sale orTtckets for any of thaSb". tS... formances ftmrnnpwftm uuvu psr , . _ THIS MOBNING. N r EW UH MfITNU 1 | rgman -pu. " ' CBffiSTNUT street, ab^tT^LPTO Hoots open at 7. , Curtain xtaMfitffr THIS ““ t 7,45 ' BENEFIT AND I. AST At’i'KiVlicviN'CE BfTT hmtt or the disUDgutaheo c&S^uS, 01 ® MB JOHN E OWENS. MB. JOHN K. OWENS. TUBES QLOBIOtJS PIFCES OWENS IN FIVE CBJEiOTMR To commencewith , THE TWO THOMPSONS. TBE TWO THOMPSONS To be followed by - Mr * *• OWENS FORTY WINKS. „ 0 forty winks.. Horatio eprlgglns. .......u.Mr. J e owewh To conclude with j. a. uwans THE LIVE INDIAN ; THE LIVE rNDIAN OWENS IN THREE PARTS _ * ■ lil NEW Aiyrn MTRTCpyr And last Bight bnt one of MB. DANIELE HATJOKamw TO NIGHT (Friday), Oct. Mtb"lB6B Only night of Schuler’s •. s • * - * . BOBBERS. Charles de M00r............ Aided by the fall company. To conclude with the glodons Farce. COOC A 8 A CUCUMBER. , SATURDAY-LAST NIGHT OF BAJNDMAim L AST NIGHT OF NARCISSE. MONDAY NEXT—THE FAST FAMILY will all appear.' • ■ W ALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. E noT™, NINTH MdWAMDT. * “• °° rne FIFTH NIGHT AND BENEFIT OP ME. EDWIN BOOTH. DOUBLESHAKBPERRANBILL. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Oct. 19.1866, Shskspeare’s graca Tragedy of . - . ROMEO AND JOLIET, , . Mr. EDWIN BOOTH ...... ’ VOMEn M ercutio Mr. BARTON mu To conclude with Shakepeare’s Comedv of THE TAMING OP THE &HKBW PETRUCHIO - Mr. EDWIN BOOTH Katherine -Miss SUSAN DENTN SATURDAY—EDWIN BOOTfa AS BRUTUS. M A H G i2KTfa^S AT •AMCSEKEWTS. CHOICE SEATS MARKET Street, atxtve TWELFTH. THE GREAT ITALIAN OPERA. •Mr. BiNDMANH AMIJSXaEEISTS. Y BUI BEING SIGNOR BUTE will commence big POPULAR ENTERTAINMENTS ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, contlnaiDK every evening and WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. NEW IILUPIONS! MIRTH! MYSTERY! VENTRILOQUISM! UANARY BIRB3! Admission. 25 cents. Children, 15 cents. Seserved Beats. 50 cents. Evenings begin at 75i o'clock. Afternoons at 3 o’clock. Gband family matinee on Saturday AFTERNOON at NATIONAL HALL. H| TVTEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE : ELEVENTH Btreet, above CHESTNUT. “THE FAMILY BESOBT” . OPEN FOB THE SEASON. _ CABNCBOSS & DIXEY’S MINSTBEIE, The Great Star Tronpe or the World In their GRAND ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, 60NGS. DANCES, NEW BURLBSQUESiPLANTATION SCENES. Doors open at 7 o’clock, Commeuciairatao’elocfc. ; an2B 3mi J. L. CARKCBOga, Manager. NEW AM3CBICAN THEATRE. ■ ~ ___MISB EATB EIBHEK ™Td¥S^|f| a » aDAY j Or y The “Wild Horse of : Tartary. Goes® the magnificent panoramic PICTURES atNATIONAL HALL. ocl9-2t| "PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FUSS ARTS, <^ NOT '* bOVeTBHra ‘ j£S#Bg^?£&SSL lU * m * , - m * a Z& RETAIL. DRY GOOD. ■ G. D. WIBHAM, No. 7 North Eighth Street. I have now In store and for sale a most complete and elegant stock of POPLINS! POPLINS! PLAIN POPI.INB. PLAID POPLINS. EMPRFBS COED POPLUSH, raisH popupta „ CORDED SILK POPUNS. Onecase of SILK BTBIPE PQPUNS, only To cents worth 11. MEBIJTOES! MEBINOES! I have Just opened a fall line of FRENCH *nrm r NOES, of all desirable shades and qualities. _New additions In DRESS GOODS made daily from the Philadelphia and New York Auctions. MUSLINS! MUSLIMS! The Cheapest Mnsiin store in the dtp. JUST OPENED, n /wS r(lB extra heavy Brown Sheeting, wide, far One case of Piljow.case Xuslins, best, far S 3 cents. GIVE US A GALL. My Stock of FLANNELS is large and cheap. 8e24-m,w^*3inJ 1024 CHfeSTNUTSTBhEr i •T' i o; E.M. EEEDLES. 1 a trangtraand others will find at let s CHEST NUT Street, a large and complete assortment of LACES AND LACE GOODS, EMBROIDEBIES, ■WHITE GOODS, HANDKERCHIEFS. VEILS. LINEN COLLARS and CUFFS. SLEEVES. <tc..*c..*c.! in great variety and at LOW PRICES. z z V s E. M. NEEDLES. a rew«j.B imsnsaHo gILK CHAIN WINSETB, GNLY <0 CENTS PER YARD, Dealrahle for Promenade and Traveling Bu'ta. CDBWEN STQDDABT A BROTHER, 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND street, Above Willow. JTBESCH MKRINOES. REDUCED PRICES. Jnst opened several cases choice and desirable colors, at |l lp, |1 a and |1 S7>»'. CURWEN STODDABT * BROTHER, Has. 450, 453 and 45t north SECOND street, ■ ■ Above Willow. QAY PLAID POPLINS' : FROM AUCTION'-AT LOW PRICES. CURWEN STODDABT <fc BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND street. Above Willow. J>ICH BLACK SILKS, AT LOW PRICES, FROM LATE AUCTION SALES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450,452 and 454 North SECOND street, ~ Above Willow. gILK CHAIN POPLINS, OP,CHOICE COLORINGS, FROM AUCTION, AT REDUCED PRICES, CURWEN STODDABT A BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND street, ec]B ' si t Above Willow. pLOTHS, CASSTMERES AND VESTINGS. V, J AMES* LEE Invite the attention of their Mends and other* to their large and well assorted stock ol Goods, adapted to men’s and. boys’ wear, comprlslne inpart * Blade French Goths, Bine French Goths, Colored French Goths* OVERCOAT CLOTHS, * Black French Beavers, Colored French Beavers. Black Esqnlmtnx Beavers, Colored Esquimaux Beavers, Bine and Black Pilots, „ _ PANTALOofIia 1^ Black French Casalmeres, v . Black French itoeskins, i Fancy Cassimeres, . Mixed ana Striped Casslmeres. Plaid and bilk Hired Casslmeres Satin eta, all qaalitta. Cords. Beaverteens, Ac., Atwboleeale andretaU, by it North Second st.. Sign of the Golden « JF. IREDKLB, . No. 147 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, East side, above Cherry street, G00“s at?edo«d a ps^ D 6 0f and WINTER Badies'ii MerlnoVests and Drawers. Genu’ White, Clouded. Gray and Red Merino Shirts ana Drawers. Boys’ Merino Shirts and Drawers. HosleryiGloves. Snspenders, Ties, Scarfs, die. White Shirts on hand and made to order. A nerfect fit guaranteed. ■ ocSSaT B •BANKETS! BLANKETS! > Blankets for Boarding Schools, Blankets for Boarding Houses. Blankets for Families. Blankets in all grades and sizes. Blankets at all p rices. Blankets for Hotels. >'•, -.1 Btenketelte the best trade. It STOKES «fc WODDs, 702 Arch street. QOOD8 ’ ®«™. *»? Heavy. Colored SUlra. “Mm’s” Beal Irish Poplins. JEremch and German Poplins. Black Goods In great variety. BrocheLong and Sqnare Shawls. MASOSIC mar: . A LEAIf8 > NO ' 102 CHESTNUT vJJS* by Prankllnlnstl : MK • ' PrNS,KMBLEMB,<6a,*O, J 5- m<&£s**?SL?® i 3555 ° f Masonic Marks. Tern- Medals and corps Badges 0! every description.. ■■: ■.. . anis-w.thJABm> Pocket Beoks, Portcmonnaies, 1 Cigar Cases, " Portfolios, ; Dressing liases, Bankers’Coses.' 'fa "sH ffii ajg Y&. *-»' ft IS writing DIdKS, toilet cases, needle v Books. Indies and Gents’ Satohela and Travelling Bags* in all Btylee. STOCK BROKER, GEO. HENDERSON, .18.; NO. 223 DOCK STREET. Haying resumed business, X am nrenared ftn wova “ er Time purchases and sales extrScharge? 6 * 1 at 6 per <***■ tat «est, without any Orders executed In New York, Boston and Baltt - Se27*3EU, ocls-lm* . 4?* : '">■ ' ”■» ■■ SPECIALTY, V SMHM, RANM/PI fe C 9« BANKERS and brokibi, !• South Th]yd at., j 8 Eaaaa styes*: Philadelphia, i Sew Yorfc, STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND BOLD 0N OOMCiSiajgj IHTEBEST ALLOWED ON DBPOana. ap BANKING HOUSE x . .. OF - JvyCooke&Cp. 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PTTtt.&tva Dealers in all Government Securities^. OLD 5 §o’g WANTED 1H EXCHANGE FOR KEW, A LIBERAL DIFFERENCE ALLOWED- Compound Interest Botes Waited, INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT. Collections made: Stocks Bought and Sold on Com. ' miaaion. accommodations reserved ft* S-SO’s, 7 3-10’s 3 1881*s, 10-40’s, COMPOUND INTEREST BOUGHT AND SOLD. DE HAVEN & BRO, 40 SOUTH THIRD STREEP. NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK WILL BEHOVE TO ITS NEW BANKING HOUSE- THE 15th 00T0BEB NEXT, A. BO Yu, President. Canton Ging-ei*. ? Canton Preserved GINGER, dry arid In sprnp, of the finest quality PorSale Dy JAMES R- WEBB; WALNTJT and EIGHTH Stree JyJKTATI TTALIFAX HERRING.—I 633 Barrels Spilt and A-A Globed Halites Herring, in prime order, now ly.Qfog jTom Brig “Alma Jane” For sale by R. a. SOURER <fc CO.,Dock Street Wharf. ocl7>4t GRftWK GINGER—Josi received audior sale Ajf atOOUSTY’S East End Grocery, No. US South Second street. APPLE, DUTCH AND SAP A- SAGO CHEESE, In store and for sale at OOUSTY’S 'East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. "MACARONI, VEBHICEtdJ, PAl£ iusS? 8, ** tor ® and for sale at COUSTTTS East End Grocery, No. lit South Second street. T t 3 ??*?? PEER, GRANGE PEER, CITRON ATTTY jAßalalM, always to be had atROUSTY’S Eastßod Grocery,No. 118 Sonth Second street. STUFFED MANGOES,. PEPPERS, OLIVES, O Genuine Scotch Ale and- London i*nrtpr ka« 1 Mess Mscfcerel, Genuine ShKi-ff®' 8 E “ t g^.noe HAiIS!_HAhIS!I— J. Stewart's Trenton, Davis's i-n™ * Bwift’u celebrated Olncin- Bower's'City- Cared.w&rranted to eWe satisfaction. For sale by ir. F. HPrr.T.rv. jr yyj oomer Eighth and ArchT ' " v * rvtiv Jfi on.— lw) b&aketa Latoorand other &vorit* t/JrrandßorSaladon.fcr sale by M. F. BPrLUN, N. W. corner Arch and Wytith. TAVA COFFKK.—Pure CHd Government Java Ooftbai w ftirsaleby M. F. spiT7r.Tr>. N. W. comer of Arete ' and Eighth streets. . - rpSASI TEAS!!—IOO packages of very choice new X Crop Green and Black, of the late Importation. An those Teas have been booght since the decline In soldi we are prepared to furnish families at groatlyrodaoed, prices. For,sale by the box, or at retail. M. F. BP£B> Bir.-N. 'W. co'rnm Arch and Eighth streets. ■ ■■ ■’ EXPKJ*S COMPANIES, ADAMS' EXPBESS COMPANY.-On and after 1 TUESDAY,: May 1.-the FREIGHT DKPARTV MENT of thta Company, will to REMOVE® to Urn- Company’s New Budding, Southeast corner Of EE®. VEKTHand MARKET streets. Entrance onEleveMh street and on Market street* - * M - ALL MOKEY Mid COLLECTION BUHTWHian ■ wuTbe transacted as heretofore at. 320 CHESTNUT ; Btreet.'- : - • Bmall Parcels and Packages will be received at eith® office.. Call Books wIU bekeptat each office, and any calls entered therein nretdons- to S P. Ml will receive , attention same day. If within;a reasonable dlstancen?- nnrnfflce_._lnenlrimforKooils.and setUemehmtoha made at 820 OiUtttjxiK ■:' 1 *’“• BBTQHAM. Sim’t. . 5: o g 4 * s ? 8 'fflSI&M U JAvTfeTwjh/ I S 5 1 iTHE MOST DELICIOUS ffi filJf/ Maw-ALL,eERFUMEs; I f ill CysoiD -ev-eryWhere:<|Mbw Needlework^ h made Into g Satchels, Nos. 633 and 635 Chestnut Street* ON QB ABOUT SBOO£BI£%. Ax Sea Serpent ibr sale by E.C KNiaHT <fc Co., S,E, cor. Water* Chestnutsts.