'ah Important tetter to MnximUlan. Washington, Oct. 14.— The following te a translation of a letter addressed, to Maxi milian, the original of which is in possess ion of the State Department. The writer of tins letter, M. E. Eloin, is a Belgian, who possesses the confidence of Maximilian and his wife, and is one of the most infln»nH fl i and trusted of his advisers. He holds the office of Counsellor oi' State to Maximilian and Is now on a mission to Europe: ’ . Bbussbls, Sept. 19, 1866.-SiBB:-An ar ticle of the French Moniteur, denvine that two French Generals, Osmond and Viande have permission to assume the departments of war and finance, proves that from this tome the mask is shamelessly thrown aside, The mission of Gen. Castelnau, aid-de eampandconfidential servant of, the Em peror, although secret, can have no other aim.inmy judgment, than to provoke a revolution as soon as possible. With a view to explain its conduct, of which history SSllo . Fren °h government wishes that an abdication should precede' the Teturn of the army, and that thus it may 1 be able to proceed alone to reorganize a new state of affairs capable of securing ite own' interests and those of its subjects. ... “I have a firm conviction that your Ma jesty will not give this satisfaction to a policy which must sooner or later answer for the odious character of its aots, and for toe fatal consequences which must follow mem. The speech of Seward, the toast to Romero by General Grant, the attitude of the President, results of the cowardice of • the French Cabinet, are grave jfacts, destined to increase the difficulties and to discourage the bravest. Nevertheless, I - have a firm belief that the abandonment of the cause before the return of the French army would be interpreted as an act of weakness, 'and as the Emperor holds his, authority by a popular vote, it is to the Mexican people, freed from the pressure of ; a foreign ihteryention, that he should make a new apDeal. It is from it that he must demand the material and financial support moispensible to the existence and increased greatness of the Empire. If this appeal Bhould not be heard, then your Maiestv having accomplished your noble miyinn to.theyery end, will return to Europe with all the prestige which accompanied you in departure 9 ana in the midst of circumstances ■which cannot fail to ariße, you will be able to play the role which, by ail considerations, belongs to you. . “Setting out for Miraman on the 4th of this month,with the intention of embarking, at St. Nazaire, after having received the orders of her Majesty the Empress, I was : compelled to deter my departure again. It needed this high influence to change a de termination which my devotion urged upon ■ me as the accomplishment of a duty. I was' greatly disappointed upon learning that my numerous despatches of the months of June: and July did, not reach your Majesty at the proper time, sent under cover to Bembelles, and accompanied by long letters written to that devoted friend, to be communicated to your Majesty. I was far from forseeing this departure from Mexico. They have lost to-day all the interests which they bor rowed from the unexpected events which! followed-bo rapidly. I especially regreti this unlucky incident, if it has for. one. in- \ Btant awakened in the mind of your Majesty ■ a doubt of iny incessant desire to faithfully perform my duty. jin crossing Austria, I was able to observe I the general discontent which reigns here. is yet done. The Emperor is dis couraged. The people are impatient, and ! publicly demand his abdication. The sym-' pathiesof your Majesty ostensiblyjextend i all over the empire. In Venetia a whole i party is anxious to proclaim its former, governor; but when a government arranges the elections under the rule of universal suf frage, it is easy to foresee the result. . The cholera rages all over Europe with extreme violence, and everywhere finds numerous victims. In accordance with the last orders of your Majesty, I send by this mall a telegram in cipher to Rosas in order ! to warn your Majesty of the arrival of Gen. ! Castienaujand of the disavowal given to 1 Osmond and Viande. I have learned by G that the doubtful attitude taken at Paris by 2,l46—Almonte, Maximilian’s minister at Paris—since displaced because each day more public. For some time past he has loaded with favors and money young Salvador, who himselfs understands nothing of this change. I think it is necessary to take the young man back near, me until the end of his va cation. The state of the health of the Em peror’N„ seriously disturbs all Europe. His departure for Biarritz seems indefinitely postponed. It is said that a severe diabetes now'complicates the- inflammation of the bladder, from which he.is suffering. A? for heir majesty the' Empress Oharlotte, in the midst of the flowers which make Miramar an enchanting garden, she shines in all the lustre of perfect health. I have the honor to be, sire, your majesty’s most humble, most devoted, and most faithful servant and subject, F, Eloin. Larcenies at the Washington Navy Tara Ashbury N. Thompson,' had a hearing in "Washington on Saturday, on the charge of haviDg stolen, at various times, articles of clothing and Bmall stores, from the insneo tion building.atthe Navy Yard in that city. Some of the goods ‘ have already been re covered—a portion of them at the residence of the prisoner. The entire amount of the larceny is between §12,000 and' §15,000, in cluding §lO,OOO worth of silk handkerchiefs. The accused-was held for his appearance at Court in default of §lO,OOO bail. Burning or the BouisvilleTbeiUrc. Louisville, Oct. destruction of the theatre last night involved an estimated loss of §70,000,- on which there was an insu rance of §lO,OOO. / } Theloßs to the Jewish synagogue was ,small, and fully covered by insurance.' Peace Negotiations between Prussia anil ttaiony. London, Oct. 10.—It is rumored that the Plenipotentiaries of Prussia and Saxony have amicably adjusted all their, difficul ties, and that peace negotiations have been' constituted. r From "Virginia. . _ Eichjiond, Oct, 13.—Private despatches from Lynchburg say that the railroad con solidation scheme, instead of being ao proved. as announced this morning, was re jected by 116 majority. s A Smuggles Arrested by Mistake A man named McGuire, who was seen about a week ago removing several boxes from the railroad track near Whitby, C. W during the night, was arrested on suspicion of being,a Fenian, and lodged in jaiL It turned out that the boxes were filled with boots, which he was trying to smuggle. . PASSENGERS ARRIVED. . , ' steamer ©tars and titrfpe*, from Havana—Airs ela3£luez ' Captain 1 J .Evans, ior theVhSLlelpiila SvenJng Bnlietla. „ ,“ir v ANA—Steamer Starsand Stripes, Holmes— JSls? x^? ugi,jr 170 d( >zen pine apples 19 bbls oranges Ttomsis Watison & Soi-3; 12,(J00 cigar 3 8 cases Guava Jtfaßon«fcCo paate S PugUBC 5000. cigars John Venus, Parker-110 tons chalk BB botlled beer J Wagner; 52 casks colors Bfielger; I4s pkgs mdse Grant A»g 10wa;...................... Glasgow...TJew Y0rK....„..„..=0pt. 2t The Queen............L1verp001....\> w y ora -2S wm J'enn.w.,..—.~..liOndon..*N ew Y0rk:..;... -jeDt.29 Bavaria„......,.eontliainptoo...Net7York Oct % America...-:..Southampton...New York ? Cityofßoaton.......Wverpool...Netv,Yort TrrfSr t 8e1gian...... .....Lfverpoolu.Quebsci...' "n .r X -Helna... ..Liverpool...New York.”’" oct! 8 TO DSPASTi Persia^..,.’;;;.,; M ,’jsr€w YorK...Liven>dbl :....L,Oct. 17 Aleppo... -.Liverpool ..Oct, 17 Eagle..,. York.,.Havana.. Oct, 17 Kangar00....;.f,....New YQTk...Uverp001........... 1 ..0c6.17 City.of C0rk.,„.....New Y0rk...Liverp001....... ..Oct, 17 TheQueen;f..;....-New York.;iLiverpool 0cc."20 Hibernia .......New York—Glasgow- .oct. 20 Stars and Stripes...Pbllad’a..:Havana\....„.f..j;..^Oc4. 2o Pioneer.....^ZPhlladelDhla..rWllraington ) NC.,; Oct. 2o Europe .....New York.;.Havre-.... ...Oct. 20 America New York... Bremen oc«, 20 Bornssia ..iV..i-New Ybik.;*Hftinbarg Get. 20 H Chauncey -New York.-ABplnwaU..—... 2O North America-New York...Rio~Jauelro,&d...;.Oct. 2 1 Asia .Boston. .'.Liverpool. oct. 24 Columbia. .....New York... Havana .Oct. 24 City ofWashingt’n-N York.„Li - 27 Denmark--New Y0rk...Liverp0QL.........-u..Ocfc 27 Wm Penn......,..,.New York... London .Oct. 27 Arago— .New York...Havre....- - Oct. 27 Star of the Union...Philad*a...New Orleans.... Oct. 27 Crescent Philadelphia.,.N Orleans... About Oct. 23 «OA*WI> OF TKADb WASHING’N BUTCHER,) ----77. JOHN, SPARHAWK. • VMoothlv OQinnwniw, Frederick eralev, j - gjAMIE BtJZAJES'aiS. PORT OF l5, fljg Kisses, 6181 Sitk birrs, 520 rHian. e 59' ARRIVED T3B3TEBDAV Steamer Nevada. GTumiey, 40 hoars from Hartford, with mdae to Wm M Baird s Co. . Bark Venna, Parker, from London Aug 21st, with mdzeto H Karsten. Had heavy westerly winds and' !«.!•» 49 N, lone 28; W, fell In with the Liverpool ahlp Shooting Star, from, Liverpool bound toJ&astport, US. with a cargo of salt, ■ and in a sinking condition; t iok from her the crew, 24- in number, and some small store*; the sea being so* XS?? r ?^?xl n iP ve!,te 45 ls S et ' lD ff more from her. Sept; bark ' oelta,of Gran ville, NS, from St John. NB, for Warren Point (Ire.) who relieved us of ten of (he crew of the abandoned ship. 6ept22d, lat 47 N. long 42 80 W, spoke ship Fly ing E&gle, of and for Boston, from Liverpool days out; we earnestly requested tne captain to relieve ui ofßomeofthecrew we had taken from the Shooting Star, or supply us with some provisio as. but* he would do neither; said he was short himself but filled two casks with water for ua. Oct stb ,lat 40 20 N, long 69 4 i W, spoke Bhip Ann Gray, of and for St John. NB; we transferred to her the remaining portion of the crew of theShootingStar. , Schr J W Everman, Oaten, from Newbera.NC with lumber an* naval stores to Lathbury, Wicker sham* Co. . . _ • ARRIVED ON'SATURDAY, steamer Stars and Stripes, Holmes, 6 days from Havana, with sugar, *O. to Thomas Wattson * Sons, lith Inst, ten miles S of Fenwick’s, saw a herm brig ashore, apparently just gone on. Steamer Annie. Tutt, 40 hours from Hartford, with mdse to W M Baird 2 § m W M 0> (“H t 1 = - . s I' s $ ?- £ a -p v a KJ: H s'r w E ft» ° K "I' • g V 3\" ® seiF-lm \ *V. •’ * t ' ■ ■■■■ . 18S3. • Caleb Clothier, Berjamin ilalone. Thomas Mather; T. Ellwcod Chapman, SimeonM attack, Aaron W-Gaskill, WlLllamp. Boeder, 1 Joseph Chapman, ; .• Charles Evans, • Ed ward M. 'feedleg: , Wibon M. Jenkins, Lnkeoa Webster. ; CALEB CLOTH tER. President BENJAMIN- MALONE, Vice President, THOMAft MATHER, Treasurer. T. ELLWOOD CHAPMAN. Secretary, lIAILY y ENgR<& bulletin ; T Philadelphia; Monday October 15.1866 fKS* GUSTAVUS BERGNEB. Brewer of the City of Philadelphia, Penha., has in compliance with the Act of Assembly, April 4th : ,‘ 1865, providing against detention and appropriation or barrels ana other.vessels belonging to mm, filedin the Office of the Court of Common Fleas, a description of marks by which his barrels and other vessels are known. ' , • Re claims as hia property all vessels marked 1 1 branded.‘ G. Bergner,” on the head and bottom, or on both of each vessels. 2 branded •G. Bergner, Phila,” , I 3, with the private mark in the shape of a stave about ? s ofan inchm diameter. ’ ~ 4, with a private mark of a concave branded within oneanda half Inch from the tape hoie, about Xof an inch in diameter, . L OCB»m,w,l2tg ~ GUSTAVUi BERGNER. IKS* -;NATIONAL OIL REFINING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 132 fcouth tiKCONDt birtet, OctdeS; 4th r 1866TT. • Notice is hereby given that all stockof this Company,? upon which assessments have been called, ana the B 2 m £2 tt n s p^d A wUI be BOli at Public Adgtlon, at the Office of the Company (as above)* on TUiadDAT? October 80lb, 3866, at lo o’clock A. M., or so much there-* of Bs may benecesaary to pay eaid assassments witn! the incidental expenses tbereon, unless the amounts’ due upon said stock are paid to the Treasurer on or before th at time fKS* OFFICE OF THE AMYGDALOID M Jkg' COMPANY OF LAKE SUPERIOR, No. 324 WaLNUT street. • ; NOTICE is herebv given that an instalment of E.OL R m COLLARS ($4) on each and every share 0 f the Capital Slock'of the Amygdaloid Mining Company, win be Qua and payable at the office of the Company, No. 324 WALNUT street, on or before BATURDAY, . October 20th inst., with interest added after that date. By order.of the Board. _ : F, K. WOMRATH, • oc9»toc2o ; ; Treasurer. ' OFFICE OF THE: PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MATT. S'IEAMSHIP COM PANY. NO. 314 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE, Ph&jlbelphza, Sept. 8, IS 66.— Notice is hereby given that by a resolution of the Board of Directors '' of the above-named company, adopted August 2s, 1866, the FOURTH and last installment of the capital ’ stock of said company, being THIRTY PER CENTUM or SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS per share, has been ' called in to be due and payable at this office on MON ! DAY, the 17th tost. " WM. DENNIS, ses-tfg Secretary and Treasurer. , NOTICE.-The stockholders of the PETSO USDM STEAM BAHREL COMPANY, are re quested to meetatthdofiiceof the Company, 308 Wal nut street on WEDNESDAY, October 17th. 1866, at n oclock A.M., to hear a report from the Committee of Investigation, GEORGE NICHOLS, Chairman of Committee. Philadelphia , Oct. 12, 1866. ocl2-lt* I)"S» OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIBS INSO - COMPANY, Philadelphia. October 3th 1866. i The Directors have this day declared a dividend of SEVENDOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS per Share, fortbe last six months, which will be j aid to the stock holders or their legal representatives, on and after the isih inst. clear of all taxes. A. C. L.CBAWF JRD, ocs-etj Secretary; n-S* NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC, 80s and Bfl CHESTNUT street, Octobeb 9,1866 The Stockholders of this Bank are hereby notified that the Capital Stock will be Increased to fmooo by snbscriptlona, payable on or before the 25th Inst. A number ot unallotted shares still remain to bedli gostd of. application for which will oe received from tockholders and others. oclt-I2>j W H ■ RHAWN, President. OFFICE HONEY BROOK COAL < OMPANY 209 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, Oct. 10. The Beard of Directors this day declared a DIVI DEND of THREE PER CENT., clear of State Tax, payable on and alter 23d inst. Transfer Books will be closed nhtil that date. S/McH-NRY, odist* Secretly- J'xS* NOTICE. —CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC BAILBOAD.—The annual election for Tntr teen Directors of tha Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company, to serve Ibr the ensolng year, will be held »t the office of the Company, Coopers Point, Camden N. J., on THURSDAY, the 25th inst., between the hours of 11 A. M. and 1 P. M. 0C11125} H. WHITEMAN, Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the UNION BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, will be held on TUESDAY. October 16th, 1666 at 4 P.M.. at the rooms of the Association. N. W coiner SEVENTH and SANSOUf. QCI2 3IS JOHN H. ATWOOD.Secretary. ORPHANS’ COURT PEREMP rORY SALK - ■Eg Estate of GEORGE C. READ, dereas-d - THOMAS & SONS,Auctioneers.-MODERN THREE- S'IOKY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 1014 CLIN PON street, east of Eleventh street, between Spruce a-i! Pine- streets Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court lor the City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold at public sale without reserve on TUS3DAY October 16th, 16RS at 12o'clock. Noon, at the PHILA DELPHIA EXCHANGE the following described i roperty, late of George C. Read, deceased, viz: No 1-—all that measuase and lot of ground, on the south side of Clinton street, City of Philadelphia, 96 teet east of Eleventh street; contalclng In front on Clinton street 20 feet, and extending In depth southward 12- feet to Pine street. Being tee same premises which PI Up P. Green and others, executors by Indenture dated the 29ih of June, A. D, imi, and recorded at Philadelphia, i-i Deed Book R. L. L-, No 20, page 523 irantdand conveyed unto the Bald George C. Read in fee. N B —The Improvements area modern brick residence, with three-story back buildings. ha* gas bath, hot and cold water, water closet, dumb waiter, furnace, cooking range, • inches, acd on the West line 134 feet 6 inches. (Beln therame premises which Mortan McMicuael, High Jrher fftf the city end county of Philadelphia, b> Deed Poll, dated the CLh day of December. A. !> 1844 end recorded in the- Dis:rict Court of the nty and county of Phllacelphia.ln She: lira Deed Book R. page granted and conveyed to the aaid tieohreC. Head in fee.) By the Court. E. A. C. M.THOMAS A Auctioneers, 1 8e24,cc&fcl5 189 and l*is. Fourtn street. jp! FXBCCTORS' SALE ISI'ATE OF WSI Hili \V ILBKR FORCE WISTA B—THOMAS & SONS AOCTION'EEKS. Tbe ELEGANT cOU-n rni Lrown as "Hilton,” lAtei c-ideai: of WM. MII.RKUFOIICE WlSTAB—upwards of H | 'i ocies. on the Veree iohil, ten miles from the city, near ibeiox Chase, and two miles from Su-aleton. Oo TUESDAY, October Z3d, lues, at 12 o'clock noon will be aold at Public Sale, AT THE PHILADKL PHIa EXCHANGE all that superior Farm and Country Seat, containing ICO acres of superior farming land in high state of cultivation, including valuable mearow and woodland. The large a d convenient DOUBLE STONE MANSION, suraonnded by nohl shade trees,elegant lawn and woods, commands views nnsnr) aesed In variety, extent and beauty. The situa tion ior line air and salubrity-is unrivaled eejoyinc a cool breeze in the warmest summer weather Tb foiled Is elevated t comprisingeligible building' sites. SlOr-E TEN HOUSE, two Commodious Bains, ample out buildiugs, spring vn, and westward byground granted io-. 1 rrison, together with the common use a’Jd privilege of said 9 feet wide alley, with, without horses cattle, carts and carriages at all times forever. r and v.t a therein. Together with all and singular the buildings and improvements, ways. ?AF €e i s ’ a^e y® , P £ ‘ SSil Be 3, water, water courses, rlgnta. liberties; privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances whatBoev*?r tberennto belonging or in anywise apper taining and the reversions and remainders, rents, IsEutsardiroiitsthereof:. ... .V. ; J&AjMa&aCK, Clerk O. C, TERMS-oDe third of the purchase money may re main on mortgage^ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. M. THOMAS* SONS, Auctioneers. se2-1,0cQ,15 139 and 141 South Fourth street. gfKj] FIKST-CLASS HOTEL- 1 - PROPERTY AT ■ &3L PCBI.IO SALE. The 80l kJj known as “LITTZ SPRINGS HOTEL,’’ situa ed in the Moravian village or LIiTZ. Lancaster ; county, Pa.. on the liiie of the Reading and Columbia Ralltosa, within three hours’ride from Philadelphia and Baltimore,and sixtourß’fromlsew York/wiU be sold ai PCBLICShLEonUiePRE&IIB£S,Oct.'I7, 1«66. Thtp Hotel, kdpt by tliei present proprietor for over 12 years, in first-class order, is worthy the attention of. capitalists*, as a p&fe aud paying investment. vVater is inircdi ceo throughout the house. Over 6.000 square feetol Veranda encircle the,main building. Capacity of house from 260 to suo persoos. - Satlsfhctiijq In regard to the business and arrangements of the honse will be cheerfully given, by calling at the Hotel oa or before day cl sale. , . a. LLCHTENsHAKLER. LlTlk, Oct, 9/1866. - . O CIO gEjj FOttbALE.—The lot or piece of ground situate Ehiil v?n the southeast corner Uocnaei end-Laurel streets, on. which is built brick baild.ugor su re and several tenements, now Jet .to monthly te> nan tp; aho a Bmoke House and Ice House, suitable for ;cnriDgand smokiug moat?*. Poriurther particulars apply to t. id codtub.eon - & oox&ins, ' ‘'24o North Front street. 1 0013-161* ifSjj? . FOB S AT,E-No. 2320 (JRKEN Street: A well* :. eliit oqiH yard: all improve* iioentFi ii? Fo r ; I&tLtd ate possession given. ■ oc!3 3t* three story DWELlilNrt aad wi -h t"O Htory back baiUlogs. Stable on the rear. u« eassrunk Koan,* t'.ot 16 by H ) feet. ■Apply toCOPPCCK & JOBOAS, -Bj Walnut sticet. se22-3m{ SPECIAL NOTICES. JAMES H. STEVENSON, ... Treasurer. KEJA3L, ESTATES BEAT, ESTATE. OFFICES AND LARGE ROOMS ;FOR RENT IN THE National Bank of the Republic Building 809 land 811, CHESTNUT Street. 1 business of a similar character/ vouega oi Apply »t the Bank. . , sel-H I ' FOB HBJiT, A VALUABLE STORE, 809 CHESTNUT SfREET, In tfee Batioaal Bank of the Bepublio Building. M • apply on the Premlsee seetf • • TO CAPITALISTS AND BUILDERS. of-unimproved-ground p I-IT. -p. ra College, and In the heart of German sea^SnoJ 10 NE.Cor.FlFTH^dW^ur^r4eta. «FOB SALE IN V»EBT PHXLADE L PHIA.— A very desirable and convenient DWELLING o improvement. PINE street, * three “xSaMuSiSSSSS^ 1 uponeaßyterm3 - Apply to ocio-6t* Corner Twenty-fifth and' Spruce streets. M GERMANTOWN.—FOR SALE-An elegant Risidence, with stable aud carriage home and ™ r f of land attached, very desirably lo rated, within five minutes’walk from the Railroad 2 ® u S n \ if®® every city convenience, and is sur rounded with large shade aßd evergreen trees and I i. C rSF! l ! , ?S;' l!r ? velal . c * rrla E e drives, walks, &c. J. M.GUMMEY & SONS, 506 Walnnt street. foT: handsome three-story brlok ■®c£ DWELLING, with three-story doable back build mgs, well built, with every convenience and neatly re novated tbroughOut.sltuate No. 154 North Twentieth £“excellent location. J. M. GUMMEY4 SONS, Its Walnnt street. JgSt FOB 8 ALE—The handsome;! story brick dwell- with double 8-otory back buildings, situate Xsu. an 2.i a lu perfect . order. J. M. GUMMEY & fcONB, 508 V a, nut streeL EABCH SiREET—FOBBALE.—The tkree-storv BRICK RESIDENCE, with 7tti£s and dSubll bull dm gs. Every modern convenience; and Lot 20 feet front oy 103 feet deep. Sitnate on tbe N. W. “foerof Aich andfi Ineteenth streets. J. M. GUM MET & SONS, 508 Walnut street. pFt WALNUT SjETET PROPERTY FOR SALE ■six THREE DWELLINGS in New Row, west Of i wenty-fiist street, at {lB,too. 122,000 and tis.ouo. Also, a sajerior medium sire House, 2116 Arch str ’t”- S e2s ltn* S FOR SALE—IMMEBIaTE POSSESSION NEWAND ELEGANT BROWN STONE AND CK DWELLINGS, NO. 2620 BPBUCE STREET ~ , MAULE. BROTHER, * CO.. oc2-llro! 2500 SOUTH STREET. gS FOBSALE-.VALHABLE PROPERTY—N.W. JettUV,'; 1 — 6 * Thirty-sixth and Bridge street, W. P. DuUBLE STOREHOUSE. Lot Ho by 160 feet. Gar cen well stocked with fruit. .Vine atreat c&rs pass ihe door. Inquire on the premises, ocS4t* TOR RENT.r-Large and commodious HOUSE BBi on Arch street, near Twelfth, to rent famished. iur * neor more years. C. H. MUIRHKID, . . as somh atxtn street. E :0 MA.KUFACTT7REKS.—Large lot on three streets at Seventh and Tasker streets, for sal?, A bargain, by J. h. M J&RI3. 233 North Tenth street. FOR RENT—The second, third and fouru BHjs FLOORS of BUILDING No. 138 North THIRD sirv»i. Immediate possession given. J. M. GUM* MIT i SONS, SCS Walnut street. TO LET—WELL LIGHTED ROOMS, IN SECOND A tireet, below cbesu.nl sixeet, for monufitcturlLu curl csss. Apply to COPPUCK * JORDAN, 433 Wo' nuiiirecL FOB SALE.—PEW -I in Cburch of the Holy Trinity, Address “E.B. O Box 2041, Pnilodeipbiu ikjst oa.ee.' ocl3-2t- AJtik-r. u i-xJLriLWiti* dijSJAAJHiii S 7 'WEST GHESTEB AND PHIL-i i«®ESSE3- DELPHIA RAILROAD, Yjj. WINTK3 ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY, Oct. IS'-b, 1866, tit; uaiES will leave as follows; WEST CHESTER TRAINS, Ler.ye Philadelphia for. Wes. Chester,from Depot rhiriy-lirsland Market street, 7.59 A. M„ U.CO A. n i 50.4.45 and 6.15 P. SL " hw West Chftier ftrrPhiledeiphla.from Ix-pot r t Market street. 6.30. a.td. Ki.it A. iM P. 71 Trat cstearing West Chester at 8 05 ArM. and ieavms J hi:ado:pbla at 4.45 P.M., will not stop at Pennelto-r and v-U! stop belowß. C. Junction at Media oalv PENNELTON TRAINS. Leave Phlladelpiiia ibr Pennelton 413 and u6O P. IX. Ponaclton for Pklladelphla 8.47 A, M-. ?.' ,; Tlk : o Trains stop St all Intermodlate Stations. Suit DATS—Leave Philadelphia a; s,so a, 2d Lrav3\Ve3t Choier7.BsA.il andl-OBP M Ok C-r.vDj.Ys—The West Phtladelbbla Passenger ■:*ra nil >eave Eleventh ana Market streets, lialf-an soar '.H fere the Train leaves the depot, and will leave depot on the arrival of eaehtrain locouveypaasenker* Into tiooity. Trxhi3leavlngPhUadelphlaat7.soA.il. and 4.45 r j£.,ar.ct leaving West Chester at 8., o A. ST.andi.seP H,. connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. end 3. C. R, B. fbr Oxford and Intermediate points. hgr Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparo only ssEaggage-and the Company will not, In any •ass, be responsible fbr an amonnt exceeding one hnn ired dollars, tmleas a special contract Is made for tht same. at.NTIY WOOD. General Superintendent 2&G3''SSS£ : I' PHILADELPHIA A BALT: MORE CENTRAL BAILBOAD.- w idTekTCRRAnGEMENTS.—ON AND APTE; HOND AY, Oct. 15.1566, the Trains will leave Phlla delphla, from the Depot of the West Chester * Phlla lelphis Railroad, corner of Thlxty-arst and Market Streets, (West Phllada), at 7.50 AM., and i.is pTm Leave Blalag Snn, at 6.50, and Oxford at 6.35 A. II -nd 1* uve Oxford at 5.25 P. M. A M urfcet Train wltn Passenger Car attached, will run on Tuesdays and Frldayß. leavlngthe Bislng dan at 11.15 A. M„ Oxford at 12.00 M„ and Kennett at 1.00 P.K., connecting at West Chester Junction with a Crain or Philadelphia. On Wednesday and Sator days, trains leave Philadelphia at 2.30 P. M„ ran through to Oxford. , The I r.-.ln leaving Philadelphia at 7.soA.iLcou sects a; Oxford with a dally line or Stagm for Peach 3ottom, in Lancaster county. Returnlnglleaves Peach Bottom loconnact at Oxford with tho Afternoon Train vr Philadelphia. . . - The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4,45 r'ans to Rlslnt tiuh, Md Paasenvers are allowed. to take Wearing Apparo' only, as 'Baggage, and the will notin ant ! case he responsible for an amonnt exceeding one hnn Ired dollars, unless a special contract be made for the .tame mh!9 HENRY WOOD.Gen’l.Snp’t. I w -Jril. » PLEASANT DAILY EECUifeIONS np the river to Beverly, Burlington and i Bristol, touching at Biverton, Torresdale-and And* luala. t y the splendid Steamer JOHN A. WARNER, leaving Chestnut street wharf at 2P, M.' Returning, leaves Bristol at 4 o’clock, arriving at Philadelphia : about 6 o’, lock. , , • Fore for the excursion, 40 cents. i atiSO-tf ■ caeair— —■ m jrrgiiifiißna—aa rnammm ——Matorts—s..- rjaj.jteiii is.ES>a>i®raar NINTH and MARKET Sue**:? f ard tfoa,e7 and 89 North- BEOOND Street. The lbrgt.st, cheapest and belt stock of Farniture of . vtrj dtfcctipuon lu iho world. Furnituref-rParlor, I:rawing Room. Chamber or Bed Room. Dining Room, ' Library, Kitchen, B'jrvsnta’ Rooms, Offices. tJchoola, 'Chuichea. <>rd- Masonic or other Societies, Sbljpp, InitHturiona, Clubs, Colleges, tPublic Buildings, Hotels, I‘oardn g Bouses. Hospitals, Fairs, art & Single I Piece ol Furniture. ; Orders sent by post will be executed with despatch ;ano-wltb liceraUty anc justne&s of'deallcg -Parties al a distance may remit through our Banker, the Far* mer aand Mechanical-Nat. Rank, Chestnut street, or uuj Union National Bank,Third street, or by fixpress, Chect or Post Office &rder; imr. edlato ‘attention will •be given and satikfactim insured. GOULD & CO. N corner Ninth and Market and 37 and 39 N Becond Btreet, Phlla. mbkly : SPRUNG: MAfESSS,’ BK-T QUALITY AND STYLE,' ' ' ! AND BEDDING OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. . ' V J. 6. FUttLBR, aciotf? '■ 9 South SEVENTH Street P J' 4 , -oss Btua,na stria Malaga Lemons, landtag Soil SBI6 by JO&-B. BUSPTKB.-V '•= l .IhlKhTltt) *VBUr>*. “ Y SALT.-E.kki sacks LIVERPOOL GROUND Whit also 290 sacks Pine Salt, afloat, and for sale by MODEM AN A CO., 123 Walnut, SHIPPESe FOR NEW YORK, Delaware and Baritan Canal, , The Pblladelpbla and Hew Turk Express Steamboat Company. Bteam Propellers leave DAILY bom ■WwMR first wmakf below UABEBT street, making me run In 2i HOURS. This Line connects with all Northern and Eastern Sr£M U of^S^n.^ fOrW,^MotUBomer y'Ala.,(U; Ea freight taken at low rates. Through receipts given at through rates to Maoon Augosta. Columbus, Atlanta, Ga.; Knoxville, Chatta nooga. Nashville, Memphis. Tenn.: Canton, Miss. -No freight received or bills of lading signed on sail fng day. a gents at gavsnnah, Hnnter & Gammell. For freight or passage, apply to ' WM. L. IaMIM General Agent. t eela , . ; : SllSouth Wharves. ' FOB NEW ORLEANS, DIRECT. ShTHE PHILADELPHIA AND «QUTH- ErtTMAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LiNE. v.j The well known ' first- olnsa Steamship 1 STAE OF THE UNION, —... -1-202 tons register, T.N. Cooksey, Master, will commence receiving freight for the above port at second wharf below bpruceslreet, on TUESDAY, Oc tober 23d, and sail on SATURDAY, Oct. »th,' at 12 O’clock M. Returning, will leave NEW ORLE ANS on SATUR DAY. November 10th. This Steamer has .superior State Rooms and other accommodations for passengers. Cabin passage (60; Deck do., (30. Freight taken at low rates. No freight received or bills of lading signed on sail ing day. Agents at New Orleans, Mfsars. Crevy, Nickerson & Co., who will give careful attention to shlpmentfol goods to Galveston, Mobile, Vicksburg, ana Interior points. - ■ For Height or passage, apply to WM. L. JaMES. General Agent, _ Ee3 'H 614 South Wharves, FOB BOSTON. - - CH JPOB T BVXBFjflVll&tlSs FROM FINE ST. WHARF, RTTTT.athet.pwt. AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship ROMAN, Captain Baker, will sail bom Philadelphia on Thursday, Oct. 13, at 10 A. M. The Bteamßhip ARIES, Caotaln Crowell, will sail bom Boston on Tuesday, October 16, at 3 P. M, The line between Philadelphia and Boston is now composed of the ROMAN (new), Captain Baker, 1,488 tons burthen. SAXON, Captain Matthews, ljso tans burthen. NORMAN, Captain Crowell. 1,203 tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamships will sail punctually as advertises, and befcht will be received every day, a steamer being tlwayi on the berth to receive cargo. ' Shippers are requested to send Ellis of lading with their goods. For freight or passage having superior aecommod* Hons, apply to HENRY WLNSOR & 03., 532 South Delaware avenue. FOR WILMINGTON. N. C. SttifiSfi THE PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTH ARC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S REGULAR LINE, from Second Wharf below SPRUCE street. The first-class steamship PIONEER, Captain P. F. Hoxte, lor WILMINGTON, will commence receiving freight on THURSDAY- October lsth, and sail on SATURDAY, October 26th, at 10 o'clock A. M., and every alternate Saturday thereafter—viz.; November 3d ltth.&c. Passengers will find snperior accommodations and best r uendance. Cabin passage, (20; Deck do., (10. Freigatcarrledatlow rates. No lrelght received or bills of lading signed on sail ing day. Agents at Wilmington, WORTH & DANIEL, who will give especial attention to forwarding goods ad dressed to their care to and bom the intenor. For treight or passage, apply to WM. L, JAMES. General Agent, sell 314 south Wharves jgSP’fcY. THROUGH AIR-LINE ro THE SOUTH aSar -it- . and west. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP COMPANY, THROUGH RECEIPTS TONEWSERN. Also, to all points' In NORTH and SOUTH CARO LINA. via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and to LYNCHBURG. VA-, TENNESSEE and the WEsT, via NORFOLK, PETERSBURG AND SOUTHS IDE RAILROAD. The regularity, safety and.shortness of this route, to getlier with the moderate rates charged, commend k to the i-üblic as the most durable medium for carry- Ids: ev< ry description of freight. N' charge for commission, drayage, or any expense of tra- sfer. Steamships Insnre at lowest rates, and leave resra larly fiaru ibe first wharf above Market street Freight received dally, WH. P. CLYDE STEAMSHIP CRESCENT FOR NEW ORLEANS. LOUISIANA LINE. To sail about SATURDAY, October 29th, having betn unavoidably detained. The Al iron side*wheel steamship CRESCENT, ——, commander will sail as above. For freight or passage, having splendid State-Room acccm mcdaUona, apply to BISHOP, SON & CO., No. 1 ( j 5 Arch street. I. C. HARRIS, Agent at New Orleans, will forward all goodh »o his care to the interior or Texas. B.ank Bills lading can be obtained at our office, ocll SEMI-MONTHLY LINE, i m> steamships HENDRICK HUDSON CapLHowe STARS AND STRIPES.... ..Capt. Holme* These steamers will leave this port for Havana every other .SATURDAY, at S A. M The steamship STARS AND STRIPES, Holmes, xnasttv. wtu sail for Havana on SATURDAY Mom ING. Oc*:ber 20th, at 8 o’clock. Passage to Havana $5O. No freight received after Thursday. For fv*.Tght or passage, apply to - - THOMAS WATTSON &SONS, au2o . 140 North Delaware avenue NEW EKPRESa LINE TO ALn ANDRIA, Georgetown and Washington via and Delaware CansL with connection: at Alexandria; Va., form the most direct route fo: Zcmchbr-rg, Bristol* Knoxville, Nachvfile, Dalton anc thetoathweat. «s . .. Steam vra leave Sim Wharf above Market strec evsis Wednesday and Saturday at 22 M. For vrni.rht apply to the agents, i W. P. CLYDE A 03., i li Ncjrth Wharves* : a. B. Davidson. Agent at Georgetown; I£* Eldridgs d 00., Agents at Aißrundrla. ! FOB NEW YORK.—Philadelphia stean iSfea&sv Propeller Company—Despatch and Swift ;sure Lines, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leavlni ;daily at :s M. and 5 P. M., connecting with all tit ; Northern and Eastern Lines. . For freight, which will be taken on accommodatim terms, apply to WH. M. BAIRD & 00., No. 1851 South Delaware avenue, I m wjdiZZl** STEAMER FOR .SALE.—The s fast sailing coppered and copper festened atean er nfiLT.N GETTY (side wheel), 408 tons O. M. Uso leet long, ?4>a feet beam; depth of hold 8 feet 6 .laches; draws 5 feet 4 Inches water. bnllt of live oak tond red cedar. Apply to R, A. SOUDER & CO., j ae!2.*tf . Dock Street Whart V NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. y^EJSLAWASK «nd GTraißjtVßJt ~ :\T&EOA.T COMPA3T. [BARGES..towed to and from PHILADELPHIA HAVRE-3?E«GBACE, BALTTMOSBi WASHES* ,I'ON. Intermediate points. I WM. F. CLYDE dt OO m Agents, ■ : No. 14 South Whrrves. Plnladalphta ji Captalu JOHN liAUGHLXN, Superintendent. j jgfet FOR GALVESTON.- TEXAS.—Texas Line.— •:4Brea The brig HAIL COLUMBIA.' Brereton master, Js row loading between Pier 23 and 2f {East River, and will sail with despatch. For freight or passage, apply to BISHOP, SON ia&&,taooes£or to joiln SHiNOitSJt' f? A SONS, 1>»11 Makers. No. WO North DKLAWARS , Avenue, PnUßdelphhtf ... , „ •• ! All work-ttonn in too best manner anddnfcinlowe® 80 most lavoabla twin, andwamntsa la sire jssr tsaflalacHDA: ■, ■> , « ■ ■ ‘attMolar attention rl-ran torsnalring. - 1 Ol) SEKOONS OaitAOCAB/ JENDIOO now landing from Bark WHITS WINS for sale by JOHH DAUiKPr.dtGO.US Walnnt of October, A.D. 1866. at Twelve o’clock iooiv All and Angular the fntire Railroad constructed ami to re constructed, extending from the po'nt of tanrtinn of The Chartiera Valley Railroa with the PitSmrSh and Steubenville Railroad, in thaconntyef AJleehanv and fetate of Pennsylvania, to the borough of Wash ington in thecountycfW&sblng.on and. state afore* raid with all its privileges, appendages acdappnrten ances, and all the * state,real and personal rights, liber* ties, and franchises, whatsoever and wheresoever situated and belonging to the said The Chartiera Valley railroad Company, or which may hereafter be acquired by them. And also all the rights, liberties, piivilrges, bfmfita and. emoluments secured to the said Chartiera Valley Railroad. Company by certain articles of agreementmadeand entered into in writing by the said Pittsburgh andStenbenvUleßailroad Com* pany and The Chartiera Valrey Railroad Company, dated ihelwenty-seventh day, of April and the twenty. Blxthday of May. A. D. 1853, and recorded In, the office lor record ing ceeda, <&a, in and for the county of Alleghany In the State of Pennsylvania in Deed Book, Vol. U 9 page 239. Sftidsaletohe made upon the following terms and conditions: . , Ist The sum of s2l,sbo to be paid in cash a*: the time cl sale. * 20. In the event of any of the holders of the bonds, interest war* ants or coupons secured by the mortgage bearing date the first day of January. A. D. 1856. exe cuted and delivered by the raid Chartiera Valley Rail road company to. John Graham and J. Edgar Thum aon.irtiaUeß to secure thepavenentof four hundred inoufand dollars recorded august 155h,J856. In Alls h^/SSP' 111 Mortgage B*»ok, volame 31, page 6, the said premises at the said sale, themselves or with others, they will be authorized and allowed to make “ of the bal ™aSJKfilSl&C*T l of f h « price ot\m?S££ moneybid at said sale either in whole or jq part by d . ellve ringup to the trustees aforesaid inteie3t warrants or coupons held by V? 36 °*^ e » t.O'the value of the sum. or said bonds, interest warrants or ™? po ?.i?£ ft be £2 t ma l e (^^ ea ah'* Black, eftha late Importation. As these Teas have been bought since the 1 decline in gold, ' we are prepared to furnish families at greatly roduoed Pflras. For sale by the box, or at retail M. F. SPIL> LIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets.