SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGRATION. Fiie and Loss of Life at Quebec. 1,500 Houses Destroyed and Several Men Killed. Fire and Heavy Loss „at Ashland,Pa. Terrible Fire intluebee—l,soo Houses De stroyed—Four Meu lillleil. Montreal, Oct. 15.— A'iterrible fire oc-. curreji in, Quebec last night,' in the St. Koche’s]and (St. Sauveur suburbs. Fifteen hundred houses were destroyed. Four men were' kiHed. ! One soldier was blown up; and one soldier wounded; Quebec,' Oct. 15. The whole district west of Crown street to the St. Lawrence' toll gate, nearly, a mile, is . devastated; Seventeen‘Churches and convents are de stroyed., Two thousand houses are in ashes, ' and twenty- thousand ‘ people are rendered homeless.-'';-; ~ • A public been called for the 1 relief of the sufferers. .. Destructive Fire at Ashland, Pa. Ashland, Schuylkill 'County,; Pa,]' Cct. 15. —A very large fire- occurred here last night, commencing at the; corner of Sixth and Walnut streets. A whole square was destroyed. The loss is very heavy. ■ Marine Disaster. Portland, Me.,. Oet. 15.— The schooner Catharine Beal, of Ellsworth,'was totally wrecked on Trnndy’s Beef in the storm of yesterday. Her crew was landed at Cape Cottage. The vessel went to pieces. • Price of Gold In Sew York. [By the AmertcanTelegraph. Co,} New Yobk, October 15. —Gold has been quoted to-day as follows: 10.00 A. M., 1533 11.15 10.15 153 1.1,30 10.30 • 152 J 11.45 10.45 ' 1523 12 M., 11.C0 152 J 12.15 P. Mi, JISI MUIAETES. Philadelphia Cattle Market, Oct. 15.—Beef Cattle are In better demand .this week but prices remain about the same, as; iast quoted. 1,900 head arrived and sold l6@l7cts.for extra;H@lss6 cts.for fair to good, and 11@13 lb for common, as to quality. The following are the particulars of the sties: Head. ‘ Name. Amount. 79 P. McFlllen, Westerargros3. 7 @-o 103 P. Hathoway, " 15 @l6>2 116 James e». Kirk, Chester county ia (o>ie« 25 E. S McFilleu, • • - $ <§ a 50 Jas.‘ McFillen, Western 15 @l6s£ 154 Cllman &Bocnman, Western....... 85 Martin,Fuller*Co., Western .. .....15 @l63< 15" Mooney 16 ISO Frank & Scbamberg, Western... .......>l2 @l6 75 Hone * Co.. Western is @is 339 S Dryfoos, & Co.. Western M J3 @l6 42 J. c&ssldy. Western, grs 6>a@ « 4o j. Clemson. vvestem,gross _ 7- @ S4O Ben. Hood, Chester county 14 @IT 100 Chandler & Alexander. Chester county...- i* <<9l7 28 a. Kemble, Chester county 14 @l6 ISO Wayne* McArdle, Western 7>i@l7 26 O. Dengler, Chester county, 13 @iss£ 39 Steenbery, Western, gross 6 @ 7 y 9 €9 D. W. Gemmel, Delaware State, grs 5 @ 75- 28 D. Smith, Western :...l ! @I6C 50. Bailer & Young, Chester co., 12 @l6 * SO H. Keller, Western Pa.,tgr3 6 @7 26 J: Bbodea. Western, grs 5 @6 Sheep— Are less active and rather lower; adorn 12,000 head arrived and sold at the Avenue Drove Yard, at from 6@6s£ cents $ lbgross—as to quality. Hogs—Are in fair demand;-2,000 head sold at the different yards at from $13@14 25 the 100 lb 3 net—as to quality Cows—Prices are without change; 200 head sold at from sso@so for Springers, and s7o@loo $ head for cow and calf. Riotous Conduct. Robert. Hamilton, Washington Hamilton, James Lennig, l James A. Cun nlngbam, were arrested yesterdayu orniug, aticmt six o’clock, at Twelfth street and Girard avenue, for as sault and battery on William Toang, a colored man. YouDg is in the habit of taking a walk ear>y every mornlna. Yesterday, while passing along quietly, he was attacked by the defendants. He shewed fight; however, and knocked dawn the man vrno iirsfc as saulted him. AEecond then advac-eed; and w*s simi larly treated, sortie citizens who witnessed the affair, called the police, and the ruffians were arrested. Tney vtfere taken bsiore Alderman Hutch nson, and held nr $l,OOO bail, f-ome of the same party on the previous night got into a row at Fonrtli and Carpenter streets at d badly heat a young man named Thomas Close Washington Hamilton and .Robert Hamilton are both under bail for having been engaged in a recast rht In the Second. WaTd, and the 'ormer is charged with shooting Lieu'. Fuller daring that disturbance Attempted House . Robbery.—Yester day mornlrg a rough-looking German made tit, an pearance at the house of Mr. McLanghlln, at Fdtleth ana Walnut streets, while the family wer. at church and demanded admittance. A doe prevented his entrance, and was beaten almost to death with a club which the man had with him. Mrs. McLaughlin then went to the door and. the fellow attempteu to strike her with theclub. Bhe threw up her hand and the erd of one of her fingers was broken offbythebiow'. Mr McLanghlln came home shortly afterwards and went in pursuit of the nssallant. He overtook him on the ■West Chester road and had a fight with him. The contest re Bolts d in the scamp being laid out In the roid byablowfroth a club.- Toe police were summoned and took the fellow to the station bouse! • The prisoner gave hit name as Edwaid Kelloph, and was committed toy Aid, Allen. • • • . - . A Political Squabble and its Results. •ton Saturday evening several men met on one of the streets In Nicetown and began talklag politico Words ran high, and finally blows came. Then there Was a sort Ola free 6ght. A man' named GeorgeW. Neater had his note bitten off during the wrangling\ John Haguel, who 1b alleged to have'done arr ested. He was taken before Alderman mid was committed In default 0f92,500 b llto iSS the charge of mayhem. Godfreykaebel Bodgers, who are alleged to have been partlffioaml fu Sdbl?rery. er6 alßOarreated w,reSK«, Aotembted Highway Robbery.- were P before™We™°an ® ourt charge of assaulting i imothy b£ s “ w ! t 11 ? 8 rob him, near the Market Street SrMee nn l, L ten i to morning at 12 Vi o clock: Reeger was with a billy, and, when arrested ThomrSVad 2 on his person. The accused were blLly Charged with Robbery.—John Crown ing was before Alderman Jones this morning the charge of larceny. It is alleged that h?V/), g e?P on Dr. Paul M.: Brennan, a revolver valued «{°& 1 - roi 3 Dorn MisaHlll, residing In Race 4 fn mo’nel* 1 He was committed In default.of ?soo ball, fbrt-lal. oa6y ' Attempted Robbery.—John Cardiff and James Carroll were arrested on Saturday officer Davis ,un the charge of attemptlng store ofCheesfborongh * Pearson, on- Water *str«r XoulhSr Theywere corehtHted by Alderman Assaulting a Conductor.— Hash Cole ■has been held by Alderman Jones to answer for an assault upon a conductor i,n the Eleventh street Ran way. Cole was drunk and insisted o?t he' front platform, contrary to regulations WneStho conductor attempted topnt him offhe was assaulted Slight Fire.—This morning about two gfclock a fire was discovered In Osenhtirg’s Provision at Twenty-filth street aDd Pennsylvania avenue Tbe Humes were extinguished by the IndeSendenee doS“ Pany be ‘° re “y cons'lderable damageb^ Stealing a Dog,— James Murphy was before Alderman Tittermary this mtmiliw ss™ charge of the Jarceny of a teller teo h | dog collar and a handkerchief. It is said twiir,,,.?— drugged the man who had the dog Sctore m'iS? committed by A lderman Tittermkry 3 Shot Himself.-A lad named Ha&yette Wheeler, aged 12' years, while handling a pistol at' D tbSS. m ° ,lllng BCCideatal,y Information WANf-ED.—Officer Coop^r , at the Mayor’s office, desire. Information rwmoMin. Alton Ph.'lfldeiphteibut^SS posed to be in California,: ' , now sap. The Cholera.—Tiierepo.Tfs or the cholera at the office of the’ Board of Health; to-day, show «i-r mew, cases sJcce noon oo Saiurday, * ow 8 . • The Virtues op Bower’s Infant Cor-: dial need no comment from" our' pen. Thousands br families daily attest its »fficacys .H. A. Bower, Sixth and, Green, sole proprietor of the Cordial. Patty Brand’s Brown Salve.—Bower Sixth and Ylne, sble proprietor, ' ■' Female Trusses, Braces, Supporters, Elastic Bdts, Stockings, etc.; at “Needles,” Twelfth street,-Hist door.below Race.. Lady attendants. Drucgists’ Sundries in Every Va biety. SNOWDEN * BROTHER. Impnrters, * , - • .23 South Eighth street. 6-20 Coupons ■DOe November, Isty Wanted by ; ,; -'- , DKEXEIi. &CO*, j 84 South Third street. Bronze Ink Stanels.Faiis.Gardßeceivers. Jewel Caakete, Cigar Cases, cutlery, etc. . i SNOWDEN & BROTHER, ! Importer,23SonthElghthßtreet. Motaviro !—The most : elegant add ■ deli* cions perfume for. aLady’s. toilet extant. It will not stain thebandkerohlef, and is very*, durable—Cincln noH Gaartfc, * We have tested this delightful new netfome, and have found it to excel all others In durability, richness and i delicacy.—-PAtfodeZiJftia Trade Journal ' COMMERCIAL. SALKSiQF STOCIKS. ::' I BXBST L-.f3OOQTIS.Teas 78-10 <■ . i Notes cjnly-- 106 . I' 2500 City (is . sum ■ 995 i i 7000 do new 2 ds n 2i«xjliebighjSs- . !)2.‘j - 20«_.d0., bswa92}< >5OO Union Onl Bde , ziy. 100 Bh Beadß !! ■ b6O ssi 100 Rh do • • EBB9dM 200 Bh do b 5 5869-100 -100 ah - -do -• ' SSK 2j»sh/ao . -cash SSJi 100 OS.; , .... , . S 5 6S& 2“6h ■- do- : . i -boo S 8& 100 an i , do . _ .:.slo ssewou, .100 sh do* .660 5844-105 100Bh , .do--: ’ . ;bs'sBjfj 100 Bh Catawiss prf 31 Jj PRICES OF STOCKS IN. STEW YORK. 1 iSy telegraph.) - ' American 501 d...;;.....: Reading Bailroad ;.:.... New. York Centra] United-states 6s '81..... United Btates sa, 5-20 s. Erie. •Hudson E1ver....,...,'.... Finance and Unslness->-Oct IS, 1866, There was a firmer feeling at the Stock Board this morning, and more disposition to operate. Govern ment loans were better, the Coupon. Sixes, 'si, closing at 113 bid—an advance of the old Five-Twenties at 1131-';' the new do. at lioJi; the Seyen-Thlrtie3 at 100, and the Ten-Forties at 99>J. State Fives were held-very firmly. City Loans,*of the new issues, sold to a limited extent at 9SJf@o%l—the latter an advance of The low-priced Bonds axe attracting more attention. The Second Mortgage of the Camden and Atlantic Rall rosd sold up .to, 65, and £1 was bid for Susquehanna Canal Bonds. Beading Railroad advanced >f—closing at 5 1 ?*'. Pennsylvania Railroad sold at' 56 s f@s6;i ; Camden and Amboy Bailroad -tat 130, and Catawissh Bailroad Preferred at 57 was bid for Mine Hill Bailroad; 65 for Lehigh Valley Bsilroad: 39>J for North Pennsylvania Railroad; 112 for Elmira Bailroad Preferred; 30 for the Common stock;' sGK for Philadel phia and Wilmington -Railroad; for Northern. Central Bailroad, and 32,v for Philadelphia and Erie' Railroad. Canal stocks were quiet, with sales of Schuylkill Navigation Preferred at 375.0., and Dela ware Division at-57. Coal stocks were;more sought after.- Bank shares wereunchanged. Passenger Rail way securities were rather irregular- Hestouvilie sold at 161* a; decline of is, and Spruce and Pine Streets at 37. 881. was bid for Second and Third Streets; 71 for West Philadelphia and 30 for Green and Coates, Streets. . 152* 152* 152 151* 151 George J. Hamilton, Esq., has resigned the Cashier ship of the National Exchange Bank, which he has filled faithfully since its organization. John-W. Gil hoDgh, paying teller of the First National Bank, has been elected cashier in his'place. The National Ex change Bank .will, in a very Bhort time, removeto their new and handsome banking house at the North east corner ofßeventh and Chestnut streets. Jay Cooke ‘ P our%wS , ■ „ , HOTCHKISS’ EONS, Proprietors. . 92 ptskmim * P 8 pilffsts .New fork THE DAILIf EVENING TOIETIN rPHILADELm BOARD 100 ah. BanK & Brokers’ V. Tel - 300 8h SchNav pf. 539 87 SOsh' ■ ;dO • 1 53,87' : 60 six-.' 1 ’ lOQah i • ,*• • ■: lojg . 0 sh Cam £ 200 sbißutler. Coal l/>£ sOo.shNew Creek •>& 3sh Sprnce&Pine 37 bid 5881-100 sales ;.....119>£ bid ......113 safes 84?» sales 127 bid Finn. Buying, Selling, —lsl?i !51, 7 J ....142 NOVEMBER COUPONS, Tor Which the Hieheit Price Witt bt Paid by JAY COOKE & CO;, 114 TtlRD BT. :Five Proof ; Safes. | Twenty-five Yf ara Experience. jMARVIN’s - PATENT ' ALUM ABD DBY PIASTER ' FIRE AND BURGLAR U S AI'ES : NEVER LOSE THEIRFIREPROOF Dir AT.rpTaa. NEVER COBRODH THE IRON. NEVER MOULD THEIR. CONTENTS, MARVIN & GO., 721 CHEBTNUTSt, Masoriie Halt' x 285 BROADWAY,N.Y, Scud for Illustrated Catalogue. se2lsmw3mrp i ; : A MANUAL ‘ J ; : '• ' i | ■■■' i l * of MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MATERIALS: A pamphlet of- 112 pages, furnished gratis by . . ; JAMES W. QUEEN <£-0,0., . ocIO-rptf '■ SEHOHESTNUTSTREET. G A;S;--RHGH L. AT OE. IMPORTANT LETTER PROM O' A. WALBORN, • Esq .POSTMASTER, PHILADELPHIA, : Post Office; Philadelphia, .Pa-,May 7, 1866, Messrs. FAIRBANKS & EWING,; No. 716 Chestnut Street. Gextlemkx— lncompliance with your request Therewith hand you a statement Bhowicg the amount of Gas esnsumed at this office during the three months from January 23. 1865, to April 25, 1865, inclusive, and front January 23, 1866, to April 25, ls 6«, inclusive. In order to shew the saving" effected by theCRESSON GAS REGULATOR attached to oar meter on Febru ary 12, I 860: - 1865. Jan. 23 to Feb 23 .212,8»o cuhlc feet, Feb. 2e to Mar.25.........238,400 *' ” Mar.23toAprll2s 182,600 “ ——— 674.000 cubic feet. 1866. Jan 33 to Feb. 19 jssi.ouo cubic feet,- Feb 19 to Har. U3....7....132{r0 * Max£J to April 25... 138,300 “ >. m. nr , . . . ' , 488,900 cubic feet. Thus-snowing a saving in 1865 over 1565, Of. .. 157.100 cubic feet of Gas. wbich, at $3 CO perthousand (including T 7.8. Tax,; 30 cents per M),is a saving in money of |617 43. Duiibgthetbreemontbsof 1866 the Regulator was at tached to the meter but 71 days’ having been placed there on the 12th of February, and the account taken to the 25th of April. The above statement is taken from the bills aspaid to the Gas Company. > I am very respectfully your obedient servant, ocs-tfrp C. A. WALBORN Postmaster. TRIFLE PLATED WARE. MEAD & CO,, Nd. 910. CHESTNUT ST.; • MANUFACTURE TRIPLE PLATED TABLE WARE’ That will give aatistectlon. -x Money saved by purchasing direct from m atm tec taref* MEAD <£ CO.. ocl m w s 3m{ rp 910 Chestnut street jg| HENRY HARPER, 620 AKCH ST. "Watches, . Fine Jewelry, Silverware, AND Silver Flated. Ware. seis-lm rp FINE OPERA GLASSES. Imported and for tala by James W. Queen & Go.', ocio tf 934 Chestnut Street; A DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. fff.r fob ha r.F Three Hundred Thousand Dollars j ....... 1 or tsx ''"'. FIBST MORTGAGE BONDS ( ■ ex THE CONNECTING RAILROAD. AT THE LOW BATEOT Ninety-Throei Bearing Interest at Bix Per Cent, FREE OF STATE TAX. PAYABLE SEMI-AUTTTT A T.T.V, BY THE Pennsylvania Railroad Company* If not previously disposed ef on the 15th ot October next we will advance the price. For full particulars in regard to the above Security, apply to DREXEL & GO., . No, 34 South Third Street. ge29 tij . . FURNITURE. QEO.jJ. HENIELS, LAOT & CO., -and Chestnut Streets, ; PHILADELPHIA. SUOTS OF WALNUT FUBNITUBE, In Oil, Do : do do Polish**! SUITS OF WALNUT PABLOB FUBNITUBfS,tn Oil, DO . u© dO do PnlfehArt SUITS OP BOSEWOOD CHAMBEB FUBNIrUBB, Do . do 1 PABLOB do SUITS POMPEII CHAMBEB FURNITURE. Do ' do PABLOB do SUITS OF WALNUT DINI NO BOOM FUBNITUBE. Do i do :■ LIBRABY do, . Do I do HALT; - - - So! _ A large assortment finished, .on hand. GEO. J. HENKELS, LACEY & CO., 8620 lmrpl ; 1301 and 1303 Chestnut Street, WANTED, If ;you wifeh real fine and strictly pure •[7: :;TEAs,;;; : : CQFFKKS Atlowe* prices thanmnchinferior goods are usually sold for, go to the hew Tea Warehouses of the AMERICAN TEA C(L , T 21 SOUTH SECOND STREET, i Between Marketand Chestnut sts„ j . ■ . . AND / 952 ABCH STBEET, HEAE TENTH. EVery- person 111 want oi Fine and Strictly; Pare Teas, Coffees and Spices,” will and It to thelradvantage, to toy onre. 1 -,' IVe gnaiantee to give satisfaction. • ocl3-a,m,w-6*rp , V : ! FAIRBANKS’ STANDARD SGALES. FAIRBANKS’ Canal or Welgh-Lock Scales, FAIRBANKS’ Railroad Track Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Ball road Depot' Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Hay and Cattle Scales, FAIRBANKS’ Coal Dealers’ Scales, PAIRBANKS’ Dormant Warehouse Scale. FAIRBANKS’ Portable Warehouse Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Grain or Hopper Scales. FAIBBANKS’ Plour Packing Scales, FAIRBANKS’ Wheelbarrow Scales, FAIRBANKS’ Bolling Hill or Iron Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Platform and Counter Scales, FAIRBANKS’ Grocers’Scales. FAIBBANKS’ Druggists’ Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Post Office Scales. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, No f - rr '/T5 Chestnut Street. 1865 . 5-20’S Exchanged for ; !'; 1862’5, and market difference in price allowed. 7.30'5, 5.20’5, ISSl's. 10-40’s and Compound Interest Notes Bought and Sold. DBBXEL & CO., 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. WOOLEN GOODS, SIX THOUSAND YARDS LADIES’ WEAR. Frosted Beavers, English Whitneys, Velvet Beavers, Astrakhans. Chinchillas, White Cloths, Searlet Cloths. Middlesex Cloths, Waterproof Cloths. MEN’S WEAR. Bilk Mixture! for Suite. F; do Black Cloths, Fine Black Casalmerea. : Castor Beavers, Extra Heavy Overcoatings, ' Fancy Caaslmeree. 51 SO. Harris Caaairaerea, Blolley Casaimeres. BOYS’ WEAR. All-Wool Casslmeree, 51 00, Handsome Heat Styles, 51 25. Very Heavy Dark Styles, $1 25, Fine Light Weight and Colore, $l 50. Cadet Grey, Ail Shades. Boys' Overcoatings, J. C. STF AWBRID6E& COi 'JJ* W. cor. Eighth and Market. MITCHELL AND FLETCHER. No. 1204 CHESTNUT ST. Having disposed of their goods damaged by the late fire, INVITE THE ESPECIAL ATTENTION of city and country buyers to their fresh stock consisting In part of 2,000 cans at d jar. Fresh Peaches. 3 000 “ “ Tomatoes. 3,000 “ Green Corn. 1.000 “ *'■ Fresh Pears. 1,000 •* “ Strawberries. 1.008 *' *■ Pine Apples. 1.000 ' “ Morelia Cherries. 1,000 French Peas. And all other Fruits by the can or dozen* Also, a geßeral New Stock ofFINE GROCERIES, ae23-ea tu th 26t rp BLANKETS. BEDDING AND FEATHFat WAREHOUSE, • TENTH STREEr, „ below; aeoh. -feather Beds, Bolsters. Pillows, Matresses of all i kinds; Blankets, Conrort* ables, Counterpanes, Spring Beds, Spring Cots, Ir*n Bedsteads, Cushions, and all other articles in that line of usiness. „ . AMOS HrLLBORN, No .44 North TENTH fltreet, B*low Arch. BLANKETS, J. ft walkaven. . HiBORIe BA&&, *M9 Chestmu : Stire«t> ' | Elegant for Parlors, LIBRARIES, i . .. _ '.7 ■ • ’ ' t j •' - 7, f 7 • ‘ ' V DINING AND SLEEPING BOOMS, In Brocatelle, : Satin Damasks, •. 1 * Terry, Reps, Swiss Lace and Nottingham Lace. window 7 7:: : v7 77 :s : hai):b:s Of the Newest Designs. •Am dow offering themost complete assortment .or the rw r. above goods ot my own importation. October 3,1266. RETAIL. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 Chestnut Street. babgains in BILKS, SHAWLS, • •• YELVETS, CLOAKINGS. MERINOES. - - . i POPLINS, - I 7 HEPS. , PLAIDS,. MOHAIRS, AHD DRESS GOODS 6F EVERY DESCRIPTION. HOUSEKEBPINO GOODS; Of reliable qsalltiea, cheap. Including a full line of BLANKETS, QUILTS. ■ 1 ' - SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, " TABLE XINENR . Vi PtTTVQ • ; ; '“'"“'STi... GRAYS , PATENT MOLDED COLLABS. We have this day transferred the Philadelphia Agency for thesale of the above named Collars from VAN DEUSEN, BOEHMER & CO. TO JOEL J. BAILY& CO., IVo. S 8 IV. Third. St., ... : . 7§;. . where dealers will hereafter find a fell line of HATCH, JOHKBQS &00. Haw Tokk, Sept. 22,1«65. seS-tathslotJ GHATS PATENT MOLDED COLLARS. AT 657 Chestnut St. AS HERETOFORE. VAN DEUSEN, BOEHMEK fclCO. se27-thsatn9t} ' " J. M. HAI’LEIGH, RETAIL DRY GOODS. 9Q£ CHESTNUT ST., Will Open on Monday, Oct. Bth, 4 eases Winseys for Ladies’ Walking Suits. Silk Plußh, (New) for Ladieß’ Cloaks. White Woolen Petticoats. New Style Cloakings. Silk and Woolen Dress Goods. To all of which he Invites special attention. ocsfa to th eaiot 1 ■VTOTICB.-YtEMILLON & CO.. HAVE REMOVED Xv to 204 North FOURTH street, third door above Race, where they Invite theli friends and dealers to give them a call. . . . sel2-w,B-2mrpB JUST BECSIVEO- BY SHIP ATTIE DUBKIE, 3,000 gallons White Wine, 1865. first" choice: per Olive Frances 3000.gallonsBed Wine.lies,superior: 50 boxes of Champagne, nrat quality, a new brand,and. prime Olive Oil, which we will sell low. We Invite onr frlendß and pnhllc to see for themselves. We do not offer lor sale any goods that wedo not Import our se’ves. RBMUiLON @«n To: Ohio,HO @513 fOJ Western. IT 85@}11: Southern, 511 90@i16 50, Wheat. Ic@2ct3. hleber; sales unimportant. Corn, 2 cts. higher; sales of IMi OC-O bus., at 98 cts. Pork firm. Wbishy steady. Stock* aie better. Chicago and Rock Island, no, Cumberland Preferred, 68)#; Illinois Central, J 27&: Michigan romhero, 91&: New York Central, 119)4* Reading, UV&; Hudson River, 1273*; Canton Company, 56H; KrTe t Western. Union Telegraph Company, 56? i; Treasury 7 3-103. 106?,'; Ten-Forties S9J,'; U. 8. Five Twenties, US?:: U. S. Coupon 6’a, 1133*; Gold, loi.® Baltimoue, Oct. 15—Fiour la very firm; Western extracts 75{S:$i3 50, Wheatsteady. C)rn firm;receip-s light. Oats firm, at 57@58c, Bye firm; sales at 15@17c. New Clovppfs 12®«3 25 Provisions inactive. steady at 18@193*c. In gold. Sugars very firm. Whisky steady. COURTS. QrAßTsn Sessions—j uu*u AOiison —Michael Wood was charged with the larceny of $265 He got into a South street car and picked the pocket of Mrs. Tag gart < As soon as the lady missed her money she gave y.he alarm and Wocd ran away. He was-pursued,and when caught at d identified he threw away the money, which wes recovered and returned to Mrs. Taggart. Verdict guilt*. Sentenced to three years imprison ment in the Festern Penitentiary. Ryan >ry was charged with the larceny of a watch and rings It was alleged that on the 14th of May last the defendant was introduced to Mr. Brunswick a Jeweller, as one who bad. facilities for selling eools. Ihe watch and rings were then sold to him. On the sameday ihe watch was pawned by tbedef-ndant. The de'ei ce contended that no larceny had been shown; that- it was a business transaction, bnt as the dejendrtnt got on a sure* the same day, be disposed « f the coeds. 'Jbegncdcharecterof the defendant was established. Verdict euihy. 1 s>rat ton Vmrentf?mlth. Wi»li«a (VBrien and Wilufim Remmiek were convicted on a obarg«of steahDgjvJarge quantity of railroad irou-the property of the Camden aedAmboyT’.uilrcadComnfthy \ Btlla Cartss pleaded guilty to a charge of forgery. She personated Mary Jackncu a depositor with a Saving Fund succeeded in drawing $5O, signing Mia. Jeckson's name to the receipt. The de fendant had x* ilen tbe bank book of Mrs Jackson, in order to enable her to personate tbe depositor. Georges Roberts and John Mason wereconvlctei of a cbargeofstf , allogs2 324 worth of tine laces, the pro perty of H.;M. Day. 525 Cr.estnm street. Dnriug the atuomerMr. Day a atoie.was entered ard robbed. Mr. Day testifceo that, herreognized Roberts as a man who had. several weeks before tbe robbery, visited bts store ir company with a female under pretence of looking tor Brussels? lace, ana iuthia way obtained a view of the store and where the goods were kept, A Portion of- the goods were found several months efte *rds in New York at the house of John Haslam and Hasiam testified this. morning, that he was with-the defendants and sw them enter Mr, Day’s store, where they remained an hour and a haLl, and came out with bags ot the good* which were taken to NewYcik, Midtbere stored at his house waerea pi rtlon wa* ionnd. WheN the defendants were ar rested a powerful machine for cutiius safes was found at their ltdgiigs Verdict cnl!*y. Sales at Phlladeij : 8 A LPS AFTER 14000 Phil & Erie 6s 9034 200 US7 3-10 s July, 1053* scocity6aold i, 863* 29T0 •do new 2ds 99Jg 6710 Susq Can!scrip : 60 5 sh Academy Music iBTBSTBOAED, - Hash HestonvlUaß ■ 15?' : "00 sh. Caldwell O '' l 300 sb Untou Canal 2' 100 sb Bead R b6O 58Ji leash do ■ ■ . ssjf •j-Job do b, 58 69.100 200 eb do 88X ;«o*h - do : ■ b3O 58K icoab do ‘ : bs sax » . ’ cash 70 lsoshLeblghYal 65JJ ssb Cam l BOARD. 100 eb Beadlne K 56.44 100sb. do bBO 5S^ 23 sb'HineblUß 571 i 1( osh do 57>J 200 sb McKean <6 Elfc 5 O’Oloclr. BOSTON. tufa steett Board.