«PS£®r PEACOCK. EflitQL ' VOLUME XX.—NO. 162 -•• ' DIED. ■■•'.-•■ SSlfciSSSSSKg^^ttef«i tost, Isaac Saturday attemcwiflt aveane, on (this) lUh 1 “ t -Oe<^=- eeih nUie uth I “ t " williamH. Elliott,to ot tl i 0 “» respect •Sence MaiMs fhneral, from hla late real n““Jt 3 OO4 Btreet ’ on Sanday ““g*- B^ma£fSa'? ll ir Il ?, ornlnBr ’ P ,ara ’ daughter or John srTrfSSS?^ - ■ ged lOQr months. * momln *' «**« u«>, .«*+i l^£S? a HF® B ' a ®d friend* of the family are’invited to Ms ltt,e residence, 257 South on Monday morning, at 11 o’clock. * ■ ‘*n*sSSvn& ? e t. Sth list " Wm ’ H- Smith, m the retaavee and Mend, of the family are respect- S£i?J I lSff£i?,. at f en d the fhocral, from hia late real dence. ea) South Sixteenth street, on Snnday, the 14th » «^e^^ Clook,P - M - To proceed to Monni Vermra - day morning, the 12th Instant ‘ J SS yyaon.tq the 64th year of ids age. . JglMlVj* andfriends of the.fhmhy are respect AM?y appropriate exercises, in connection with a Concert -of SacredMoKic,ln the Church, SIXTH street, above Green. The Misses Alexander and Do Negri, Mrs. Moore, Mroßtunp and other eminent musical talent haTC kindly tendered their services. Oscar Koen?g! -Organist of theOhnrch, Director. *’ TPrte^^^" Iyy,,UngCTCT - arB igg^,* o t . bB KT. MIOHASL’6 CHUBCH GERMAN *«Sf. TOWsT—Pnbllciervlces la connection with the Km tern Convocation of the Diocese JJjUije held (D. V;) ia this chnreh on MONDAY, October Bth, letti iOSHhJ&S- “3 Tlce *» held on Monday erenlng, at o’clock—aermon by the Bev. E. w. ofNorrfatowii, All the seats la thU Chnreh are/res, and the public generally are inrltod to attend vlltlQ BCTTKCL 11^ D^TGH'i’isß.— Bpeclal Discourse in inw *g»U>era» Clroreb, New «treel.be ,'sJElS??^ l n S w-* nß s£? ana Vine, by the Pastor, New. a W. Hatter, en To morrow (Hanasy) Eresliir. eeryice com mencaeat naif past las. J* E. PX7YDA2C,: PASTOR OF THE "■&; Tlat Befbrmed Dsteb Chnreh, earner of Sev ~«nihand Bpring Garden streets, win preach to-mor £* ** in the evening w* invited, particularlystrangera EEtIGiptJBKEBVICES EVERYSAB BATH ■r=r evening at 7 a o'clock to the GreenHUl Presby terian Choreh, Girard avenue, above Sixteenth street, for the maa-ea. All seats free and all welcome. Sob- JCo: sermon to-merrow evening, “Homes.” it* ITS* NORTKPREBBYTERIAN CHURCH.SIXTH: . Green. Hev. Robert W. Henry, D. ±>, Pastor.—Services to-morrow morning at 10* o'clock. Communion at 3 o’clock. Prayer meeting at vis P. M. ■ ■<■ ■ t" - it* CENTENNIAL JUBILEE OP AMERICAN -MEVUODIBM.—Rev. Dr- Franklin Moore will preach a Centenary Sermon In St John M. E. Church, on To-morrow (Sunday) Moraine, at 10)4 o’clock. Preaching at 7)4 o’clock by the Pastor, Bov. Jacob Dickerson. It* IJTS* \PEST ARCH STREET PRESBYTERIAN Ue' corner of Eighteenth and Arch streets. Preaching To-morrow, at 10)4 A.M.. by Rev 8. O HEPBURN. _Sermon at 7)4 P. JM.. by Rev. E, H. SEVEN. Subject—“ The Sabbath, its sanctity and claims. - lt * Jl'rS* REV. O, W. SHI) LDS D. D., OF PRINCE ’*K£r ton, will preach in the Second Presbyterian Church, coreer of TULPEHOCKEN and GREEN etreeta Germantown, to-morrow, at 10X A. M„ and 7)4 P- M. _ it* SECOND PREBBYTEBIAN CHURCH, street below Arch. The pastor Bev. E.R-Beadle, will preach tomorrow at 10)4 A. M. and 7)4 P. M- . it* STS* THIRD REFORMED CHURCH. TENTH “t/ and Filbert streets, Rev. J. W. schenck. Pastor, -services at 10)4 In the morning and 7)4 In the even ing. lt»- I‘rs* FRENCH EVANGELICAL CHURCH, N. E. •nSr corner Seventh and Spruce streets. Services every Sunday at 10)4 A. M. and 7)4 P. M., by the Bev. Dr. Cmnslrat, Pastor. Seatsftee. «S ' s ,HENB°N WILL PREACH IN Green Hill Hall, 8. ®. corner Seventeenth and Poplar streets, To morrow Afternoon, at 3)4 o’clock. • It'iS 5 ’ REV. W. W. NEWELL (UNITARIAN) will •h£r preach at Langstreth’s Hall, Germantown, to morrow at 10)4 o’clock, morning, and 7)4 evening, it* fTls* CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH, LOCUST above Thirteenth. Services to-morrow motn htjffld evening. Rev. L--L, Briggs, Paßtor, it* SPECIAI NOTICES. SCIESfIXFIC COCBSB. LAFAIETIE COLLEGE. to the general Coarse of Instruction In ✓ Shis Department, designed to lay a substantial basis of - knowledge and scholarly culture, students can pursue those branches which are essentially practical and technical, viz.: ENGINEERING, Civil. Topograuical and Mechanical: MINING and METALLURGY ■ ARCHITKCTUBE, and the application of Chemistry -to AGRIuULTuRE and the ARTS* There Is also at- CLOGY; and of the HISTORY and TNSTITUTIONS ■pro°* own country. For Circulars apply to President CATTELL, or to Prof. R. R YOUNG MAN. April 4,1886, Clerk of the Faculty. tay3-6m03 . . J PHILADELPHIA ■ “viY BREWEBS’ ASSOCIATION, Office. No 30 South SIXTH Street, P Ued V> the Philadelphia Brewers’ iß now 111 PPeraUon,and brewing, ALB, POBTEB AKD BROWIT STOITT Quality of which is not excelled by that of any 2^t £r r€U) ery in the Uruted States: the best material 42 < K a « tlon incorporated by Act of the Tip^r. u P° n the mutual benefit plan each “ Stockholder becomes part owner of theßrswerv pit tures,etc.,jmd-sosecured from any rfcfe of &!Fwhi£ ,'g® PJipebfshßres being almost uomliil ‘&“nse y addlUOnal M3eS3mc “. ffiitouSSdWvldta Theptc'ckholderereceive their Ale, etc. at cost so ’that they Bave nearly one-third of the price 2h ’’io2 tpald, and besides this saving, the profit upon sale? mude to others, who lire not stockholders and to ■' WiffilhrbHPrice fa charged, will be divided am?S?tto •Stockholders seml-annnaliy; this dividend akm? Ifatoicnt ’ Wlu make na - tesiraHUi and frofitmi to To secure these advantages the trade shonld snh. -• cCT be at once, as the amonnt of Stock is limited Sid -wlßbo sold to none but dealers, ana Biven and tamvUs shown at the . office of the Brewery, 80 South SIXTH Street t* THOMAS J. MARTIN, President :. F. Dealy, Secretary. ocs rotf 'tffl'S 1 ’ PROF. ALONZO TRIPP] 1 ■' OF BOSTON, • • v a c will deliver his -NTA-Drvr T'nxT GREAT LECTUBE ON NAPOLEON IH. AND THE COUNT VON BIS* .MABCS, " FUND HALL, THURSDAY NEXT .. .. October 18th, 1866. This beuig the first of a series of FREE LECTURES. CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Memberaand friends of the Association can obtain 011 * 17 at the No, 1210 CHES'L ZaPT street* ocl3-strps -.rame^CwiL^ should caU on SAMUEL W, hejS -U make th«?r purchases. ,AU_who PatroiS Mm DOT T°N, 814 ChUtam street. _r ' - oce-a.tu.th.tf toVlte th6lr JW 1 •"ST BEQEI VJiiD BY flu IP ATTTTB T^TJDrr-rn 0” Menas and public to see for theiSeiVea' we do goffer lor sale any goods aeia-w.s 2mrp} Ko. zSS* ; _JL_ oc6-a.tu.th.tf "plB-EBTAKDXSHED LOAN OFFICE Comer ol THIRD and GASKUdfatreaS _ _ „ ■ Below LombardT^ exrii^?*&f NDS ' WATCHES, JXWKLBT] DRABLY lOT^wdS „THK EMERSON COTTAGE SQUARE BPECIAX. NOTICES. : REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES!! . ! A MEETING OP THE REPUBLICAN INVINCI BEES will be held In their, Hall, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, at EIGHT o'clock TO-NIGHT f Important business will be transacted. ° ; WILLIAM McMICHAEL.' i Pkesidbnt. ' W. A FOX Secret abt. . it • STS I ’ AT THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Con- "YOUNG MAN’S INSTI- V* . the Ist Inst., the following gentlemen were electea to fill vacancies In tbe Board of Trustees: ramnelO: Mortom 1 John j. Thompson, James D.Whetham, (William P. Crsison. g€mT B.TaUiam, •Henry tt. Dechert. The. Board is now constituted aa follows:, President—WlLLlAM WKIBH. Vice President—ASA WHITNEY. Secretary—WlLLlAM L. BEHN, > Treasurer—SAMUEL FIELD* . ; TBUSTEXS, ’ Hon. WnU). Kelley, Jacob P. Jones. S. Morris Wain, Thomas S Stewart, Joshua W. Ash. M. D„ Israel Morris, Benjamin Marshall, v Berjamin Rowland, Jr., • Thomas T. Tasker, Br., Samuel O. Morton, Jthn Farunm. James D. Whetham. Sam’l. V. Merrick, Henry B. Taiham, - John M. Ogden. - John J. Thompson,' A. L. Elwyn, M. D., William P. Cresson, John Williams, Henry M, Dechert* By order of the Board, tTzs* AS THE SEASON HAS NOW ARRIVED Utty when prudent Housekeepers supply themselves with FUEL for the foil and winter, we deem it avproro* t. speak of the FAMILY COAL SmKYLB. HUTCHINS southeast comer of NINTH and GI- RaBS avenne. At tbis favorite stand all the most approved varieties of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal In cluding the Eagle Vein. Honeybrook.Broad Mountain, Ac., may be haCbytbe single ton or cargo, at the lowest market rates. Housekeepers, make a note of ■ eez? thA,tnl2trp THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF OTGOKHOLDBRS OF lESm WuNY MUTUAL COAL COMPANY will be held at the Continental Hotel, on WEDNESDAY. October 17th, at 12 o’clock, noon, for the elec tion of seven Directors for theebsnlng year, and for the transaction of such other business as may coma before tb«m. Polls will open at noon and remain opon two hours. By order of the Board . it* ioHHaw) a ITS» _ NORTH" PENNSYLVANIA ""’AAHiBOAD lh-y AND GRiEN LANE STAI lON. *»***»*“ The residents of Germantown can have superior oc2lmrp BaOßdaamiv : •''S* RRTBOU VET’S .• •Gy : . HAIETONIa : THE HOST EFFECTUAL, BEAUTIFUL, AND HIGHLY PERFUMED PREPARATION EX TAHT. Jyfs-s.tn.th-tf ml |T3»J3fNCER CUBE D WITHOUT THE XNIFB, ‘fer, with Uttleor no pain, lafiromseto 90 minutes! *0 North NINTH street, Philadelphia. oeft-ast* !TS* r M im piTAL, Nos. ism and IS2O av£r Lombard street, Dispensary Department. Medl and. medicines furnished gratuitously /YPERA GLASBKB, AjfFine Optra Glasses made by M. BABDOU, of Imported and for gale only by . C.W.A.TRUMPLBB. sel9-lmrp{ Seventh and Chestnut street. THKBEAUTIFUL CABVED SEVEN. pfs*g-«=j OCTAVE EMEBSON PIANO. W. H 111 an Dutton,9l4 Chestnut at. ocs-g.lu.th-tf YOU WANT LARGE PICTURES FOB YOUR parlors, therefore get life-size Photographs In oil, )eey urcel as pictures and likenesses If made by B. F. RBIMEBJSo. 621 Arch street. J a~DHESIVE TISSUE PAPER, for repairing torn 2A rank notes, book leaves, etc., fa always ready for use. and being partially transparent, but slightly de i%Fi e iS. e SLj^? r “S!f b ? TRUMAN Kiabrolto M. A.TOHBET. - ‘.3 ■' -"■•} -1800 Filbert »treeJ. t F9S,S£JI2L — '’k 0 Grocer*. Hotel-Keeper* A-*®?oft®** - A very, superior. lot of Ch&mpacne a J*"'byUtetoTKaojhoren. p. j. JOBBANT^ nofl-rptf go Pwur street, below Thlrd«ndW«innt- ; tJR> ESEEHSON PIANO-Ijow_priee. Charming fffffl J?n& Perfectly aorable. W. H. DUTTON, »ii *i ' 914Cheetnnt street. ' octfe.tn.th.tf ' TJ9PSJSFS? manupaotobyv-hoop skira and, rruum to order; war-- ranted of the heal materials. Also, Skirts repaired. ‘ sais-umrpj , Bj2 Vine atreekatKive Btehtli, BBOCKKDOH'S Pitts OF c'ou- PBBBSED- BICABBOKATB OP J'iJA ABD ' POT4SBA. ■ SBABD •' LATHI) VI OH T SALT BBABfi S.H.P N xr I, 9 NGB.Sti Remedies for Bys» Aa dBdhe ' Heartbam ‘ ActlUt P cf the 1 SHINNi S. W. BROAD and SPBUCEstreets.' . . . ~ - ; oc9-strp»“ JIABO TOBIBS and betairing HB. SABGBHT’S orders are received as ; ' usual (during thejast eight years) at Ma, BON AOO.’S, 907 OHKSTKDT Street. Pianos leathered without removing, to sound as good as new. Terms for Toning, tl 50 ISifrp ' , I V X ’? LATENT PARAGON FRAMES in Umbrellas, Bilk and Gingham. ' ■ ■ ITTC „ ' JOSEPH vDSSELt, i NOS. 2 and 4 North Fourth street! * OCI2-6trp ; ■ Philadelphia. ' CIINK FRENOH MANTEL CLOCKS.—A fresh ua. TOo>KEjffm l s“ aUftU rt7l “' W “™ ntea ““** BBOTHJBIRS, Importers, 04 Chestnut street, below Fourth. a,™?. EMERSON COTTAGE SQUARE ffrefi PIANO. Wi Hi DUTTON, 914 Oiiesloat in * street. - . ocfi-s.tu.th-tf WM. L. REHN, Secretary. gILVER PLATED WARE.— Practical partner of the late firm of Mead A Smyth, would inform, the trade he has removed to * . , No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET, where he will continue the manufeciarine of superior „ _ SILVER PLATED WAKE tom of 6 1111(1 triple P l ®* 6 * 011461 (he name of the Beag-gKsTPI SMYTH A ADAIR. CARVED SEVEN CGTAVE EMERSON PIANB. H, ■ »**' DUTTON. 914 Chestnutst. ocfrs,tu,th-tf Restore your gray hais and promotr A LUXURIANT GROWTH BY USING r—. London Hair- Color Restorer The most London Hair Color Restorer „,. _ , Ixmdon Hair Color Restorer ReUahle Hair London. Hair Color Restorer _ 4 AI _ London - Hair Color Restorer Restorative Ever London Bai? color Restorer - , , . London Hair Color Restorer Introduced to the London, Hair-Color. Restorer londom Hair Color Restorer American, London: Hair Color Restorer London Hair Color Restorer Peepie* London... Hair Color . Restorer _ London Hair Color Restorer For Restoring London Hair Color Restorer _ _ . . London Hair ~ Color Restorer Gray Hair and London Hair Color Restorer London Hair Color Restorer Preventing London Hair' Color Restorer _,. - • London Hair Color Restorer . Baldness, London Hair Color Rasterer __ London Hair Color Restorer The Great London Hair Color Restorer _ _ London Hair Odor Restorer Luxury of London Hair Color Restorer Ih* Lpndon_ Hair Odor Bettorer tha Tweealog- Bfrndon Hair Color Restorer T aJSS°®s* London. Bair Color Restorer I* 71 3 m JJSvJffJRT J l ** I,lol ** Qffgtoal color. ? *£! Bake the hair grow on halo heeds. J It will restore the oatoral secretions, itwill renwyoaUdandniffMid itchlngs. I 7. It will preventthe hair hrcm Ihlllnx off. f. It willcara.il iHipmci of th.*c*Jm bottle, six bottles Bold *t Dr. No ao NonhStarthStreS-Übova VlnL u»» tosilug Druggists and DeaieSln Toilet Articles - *e2f aja.wXtfrp ir-wtp-'i _ THE CHARMING TONED ’EMERSON nTCnSif^ 0, w> H - ddtton, siicSreimii in «■ 'street, oc*a.tu.th-tf .jw BE* UTrFUL BILK UMBRELLAS. .Ivory And Paxtxfrfee wood handles. STJj? _ JOSEPH FUS3ELL, ”SK? „ _ Hoa. 2 and i North Fourth at, 'TT**-. Philadelphia, =3 e 4 oUowLlle »PPeani In the London Doily Seat of OClpl* «Jo appointed to watch over the Interests of the holders of the above lo&nb&a Sl^LS I i awxi 10 be . following paragraph which ap* Jour leadlDg article of yesterday's imprest aJiSJv ome i !me P* Bl supporters of Mr. Johnson's policy have j)een assuring the public that a great sSf^^^^^ ep S wln ‘ popn “ r feeUn * MdopS ion in the liortherp States. Ontbissldeoi the water thesame tone has been taken, and It has been so confi- SfSH? sffS mw *^t at ? - c^ n &® had come over the minds of the of the ASorib that even the disap* ECIX££A? Wexs ? f worthless Confederate bonds have nattered ttemselves that some little value even yet bwoDeed to the rebel promises to pay.” On the part of the Committee I beg leave to sav that trt^5 a l£iss B s^t te9tcoafidenceln *ho rebel promises K£fXl£ r< 2? d S9 they were Permitted todo so. and they base their confidence, not only on the information they receive from the South, bnt likewise on the testimony given by Gen. Robert. E, Lee before the Reconstruction »&«^ y tlo C n°, General W “ xrftJ^W 18 the ? elln e Of tnat portion of the people of ied«ate deb T t? ard t 0 Uiepa y n ? f eilt of the so-called Con* A. I believe, so for as my opinion goes-Ihave no fa* 3 l" go upon, bnt merely base my opinion on the knowledge I have of the ueople-that they would be willing to pav the Confederate debt, Q. You think they wonld? T n \ oaUl lf they had the power and \ have neyer heard any one in the State, with whom I have conversed, speak oi xepudia* ting any debt, I trust, sir, your sense of Justice and fair play will in* duce you to publish this testimony, I may further add that no such political blander was ever committed by any statesmen who had the resto* ration of the Union at heart as compelling the south to repudiate their debt, and especially this paltry of £2,400,000 for which cotton was hynothe* SltSi c as been to retard the return of pros* P®**ty tothe South and to annihilate their credit m 55*?JE?m required and still require money for the cultivation of their estates, to enable them to grow cot* ton, tobacco, sugar, and repair their railways: they of* f?red any terms, hot that fatal word repndiation, al* 2!?S!«L? > iSSi 1 ? 11 lb em,has been the stumbling-block to their obtaining a shilling. , TheCommitteehelieve that this fatal word, so far as the cotton Joan is concerned, is destined shortly to be 2*?i¥? out } and then the money markets of Europe will be again open for the promotion of southern en« terprise, and a renewed era. or prosperity will dawn. On behalf of the Committee. , No. 82 Nicholas Lane, Sept. 27 Jathe^irtremarks; “Wedo not'gather the JffJSSS?,?* Morgan’s letter. We have never thought it worth while to inquire whether the Southern f£JSy ou i? interest on their ,war debt If a lowed. At the North it seems to be thought they they would, or so much care would not he taken to msrm?!i£fl£skrt Northern statesmen had per mitted defeated rebels to make their war debt a nubile the first in history to do so. But, in truth, no Intelligent person ever expected It when he lent money to the South. Theloan, like the war. was a speculation, and it failed The statement in our. article to which Mr, Morgan has called atten* tipn la strictly and literally true? A boud la good for nothing In the world, except to be framed as a memorial of the astonishing credulity which once gave it market value.” Quabteb Sessions— Judge Allison.—A cor* pub was heard In the case of Edward Crlssey, an In-' mate of the House of Eefoge. He was committed upon the complaint of thUTnother, whoalleged that he was beyona her control. She now states that she sv. ~n understand the effect of her comolalnt, and that she never Intended to have him sent‘to the Re fug?! .but wished to have him put la the navy. The Judge refused to discharge. ■«»,*»*** and'George Wood,' charged "with; senetlng and. with a conspiracy to cheat and defraud, were heard on .habeas .corpus.. The de-‘ fendants were engaged in the produce business, and it; is alleged that after purchasing, from;various parties SStlJu sa£5 a £* one ?X the partners alleging that his pocfcet had been picked of |2, 300, and that therefore hey were without funds. The prosecutors allege that tbe statements made afterwards Indicate that the de*,' fe 2S“ to w ? re J?, d^ a 7 orlD e tn cheat and defraud. The case is stm before the Court. • .have information that Count Hostlty. who has time in-our own-war. on the Union' bef ?J® yesterday returned to the United; from. Mexico by way of Havana, and had an . S' 1 ? Santa Anna yesterday. What trans-i ff??! interview, we of course do not know.; £,nV„.? inc s bave wo heard, that Count Nostlty repre-; 5i e ..,? b S ,,oea lt>r SPDta Annaas favorable, since ° f the lower class of the neople of Mexico are Juurez and the Empire, being fb-; SeSiS-S 1 ® 1 ®* 0 by f b Aemissaries of other chiefs. Bur we ars told, that an offer will be made to; D^™. AI J? a to-day—or at least at His office, No, 15^ »nitt-2a» j omt WHOLE COITNTRY. PHILADELPHIA, §ATU SAMUEL K. SMYTH. The Confederate Cotton Loan. TO MOBGAN. COURTS. Santa Anna. DAY, OCTOBEE 13.1869. PEBSBILVANJAELEGTION. Official aiidßeportec, M ajorities. We give below a statement of all the re torns, ofli eial and nncffieialf. /'? ! Adams, - Allegheny, Armstrong, - Beaver, - Bedford, • 'Berks,' - . Blair. - . Bradford, Bucks, - - Bntler, ■ - - Carbon, - Centre, - - Cambria, . Ckmeron, Chester, - • . Clarion, - Clearfield. Clinton, - Columbia; Crawford, Cumberland, - Dauphin, Delaware, Elk, - - Erie, - Fayette, - Franklin, Fulton,- - . - Forest, - Greene, - Huntingdon, - Indiana, - Jefferson, Juniata, - Lancaster, - Lawrence, Lebanon, Lehigh, - - Luzerne, Lycoming, McKean, Mercer, Mifflin, Monroe, Montgomery, Montour, - Northampton, Northumberland, Phllaclelphia, Pike, - - Potter,' - Schuylkill; - Snyder, - Somerset, - Sullivan, - Susquehanna, . Tioga, ‘ - - Union, - ' -i: Venango, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Westmoreland, - Wyoming,- York, - - - - 1131 - - -2700 - - -1991 - - - 919 - - - 1115 - - - 300 THE STOBH AT SEA, More Disasters and Loss of Life. LTrom the Hew York Herald.J The British bark Ambroslne, or Plymouth, England. Wiliam Owen, master, which sailed Irom Cardiff Bn eland, A pril 17, for Vera Cruz, fotmdered Inacale off the Florida Coast on the Jdof October. Thecaptam, second mate,, and three of the hands were saved after P“jh>e thirty six honrs on a raft. . _Jbo Ambroslne on leaving Vera Cruz proceeded to • r, ® rl f *• “»d took In a cargo or pitch pine. She lelt Pensacola on the 20th September, bound to «\«in“own lor orders. On the seth, when off the coast ofFlorlda. Jnplterlnlethearlug westsonthwfflt distant fifteen miles, she encountered a heavy gale ofwlnd from the southwest, which continued to Increase until the morning ol! the Ist, when, rolling very heavily she car ried away the forward main shroud. At noon on the rame day It was blowing a hurricane, and she was laid "natn topsailandstorm trysail. Also clock P. M., a heavy sea carried away par? or ths lee bnlwmks. During all the rest ol that dSy and that night sha experienced the same wo at tier, not however, making much water, the pumps beltur tried every two hours At eight o’clock on the mora lng ofTuesday. the 2d Instant, shipping mnch water to leeward, iheiee bulwarks and part or the deck load were washed away and the forward part of the cabin ? t ° 1 3 & All bands were employed In throwing over board the remainder of the deck load. At noon the wster cask, all the spare spars and part or the forward house were also carried overboard At four o clock P. ar. it was blowing still harder, the ship rolling and laboring very heavily. At half past seven o clock a heavy sea struck her, washing over board the carpenter, who was not seen again, and breaking In entltely the tore part of the cabin. The pumps were now tried again, and the starboard one was lonnd to be choked. The bands were kept on the port pomp, at eight o’clock P 1L thehnrricane sud denly Increased In violence, and the vessel fell over on her beamends. At about hair past eight a very heavy sea struck.her and carried away the mainmast about eight feet from the deck and the mizen topmast above the cap. Bhe then righted, bnt was now perfectly un manageable; and about nine o'clock another tremen dous seastrack her, causlns her to fall apart, and she began to go to pieces rapidly. The crew were now dispersed among the floating wreck and cargo clinging to various Dleces of timber. At the end of about half an hour the captain, second mate, stew ard and one seaman got together on a small frag ment of the dedt about six feet square. By this time the rest of the' crew had disappeared be- : neath the wares (many of them -haviDg doubtless been crushed among the floating Umber), except one man who waa picked off the wreck of the fore mast aboot eleven o'clock, and taken on -board~the raft. A very heavy sea continued to run ail night and all next day, and the raft affording no protection, the men were In momentary danger of being carried off it and drowned; andindeed, from time to time, one of them would be washed off, but was always fortunate enough to regain it,-. They had been totally unable to save from the wreck a particle of food, water or cloth* ing, beyond what they had on at the time of her gol*g to pieces, and suffered much from the exposure. They made at attempt to paddle' the raft, as nearly as they: cpuld judge, in the direction of the coast, bu< very little headway was made. The sea continued to run very high the whole time, though during Wednesday the wind moderated. • The ran w.fent down on Wednesday ©Toning and no' vessel bad yet appeared; baton Thursday morning at daylight a steamer was sighted and proved to be the United States steamer Newbern,Acting Master Bob -rt Y. Boliy, commanding. The Newbern bad been pass ing a larg e quantity of timber and wreck. and a bright look-out was consequently kept on board of her. re sulting. luckily,in the raft being discerned about seven o’clock. On coming up with it a boat was lowered.and at half-past seven the men were safe on board the ves sel At this time they were in longitude T 8.20 west and latitude 28 CO north. The Saved.— The following are the names of the res cued persons: William Owen, master; John Neal, se cond mate; Edward Hazard, seaman; Peter McDou gal, seaman; Jamea Welsh, steward. The remainder of the ship’s company, ten in number, are of coarse supposed to be lost. : .Their, names were; Edward Baldwin, rnate; Henry ; Wilde, Carpenter; Henry Knight, James Jacketts, Charlee Haven. Edward Walkeri-Thomas Hellerd, John Hawey, John Clark, John Muller,, seamen, all of. whom sailed In the vessel, from Cardiff, except John Clark, who shlnped in Vera Cruz. John Neal, second mate, who was saved, also joined the vessel at Vera Cruz. The Ambroslne was an old vessel, formerly the ship, Chattanooga, of New York, and was owned by. B. G. Dagger, Esq., of Plymouth, England, Both vessel and cargo were insured. ; - - Captain Owen, of the Ambroslne, states that on the', evening of the Ist of October, he was in company with: aschooner and a bark (names . unknown), the latter being apparently badly disabledrher bnlwarksand most other sails being gone Dnring thenight they ostted company, ana he saw no more of them, On . the 3d, while on the rail; he passed various pieces of : wreck which had not belonged to the Ambrosme, con-; sistlog of parts of a vessel’s deck, bulwarks and bouse, ; He, therefore, thinks It probable that .the bark he saw whs also lost It will perhaps be remembered, and seems to be a singular coincidence, that In October last year, after the heavy equinoctial gales which visited the coast,tbe Newberh rescued four men bn a raft, in nearly the same latitude and longitude, who were the survivors of the wreck of the British ship Mersey, otilyerpooi. Tied Tapping.—Two boys were arrested yesterday on the charge of having robbed the money j drawer of a place at Fifth street and Girard avenue.' ' T US Absad .m.—A colored man oac& , S • Pul 800 * i?-, morning he was committed to ftwaft the result of the Injuries of Mr. Johnian. < Playing Policeman.—Last erenin?, street, above Qeary. Glymer. - 2910 3126 *20571 12895 - 680 - 850 - 2591 -7121 - 3520 - 3900 Biot.— John Kane was before-Alderman m °rnag npon the chargeof riptona con elwrtlnVdav^-wi, a iV J£ oa,S „ a °s Chestßut itreets, on SSi»? e !• also alleged to have assaulted Ser atcouS* mUtOll, He wash «aa |BOO ball to answer The Schuylkill. —There are no signs of ofwSdiSSi^SSS? 7 ?!! 1, ““‘wltltstaiiangthe storm ralll .. w b>£b has been prevailing for three days past.. The water has raised Terr Uttlen& aSS^ifi B^ 0 ?®* 1 ‘height, but the current la very rapid Md the volnmepasslng over Farmonnt dam la quite 6221 1037 1100 610 1613 A Malicious Bbggab.—James Taylor raBteve t iPinr h en 9 ! B IZy rSJ*J!? pi oonfectloßery atabttihmfin* of.JL Q, yxlltlO>n - , • No Disappointment in Laying Carpet or ary other upholstery work.TheJobla sure to be done when ordered, if you will leave the order at W * Henby Patten’s, 1408 Chestnut street. Dace Curtains and Gilt Cornices, ele 'gant designs, high and low grades. Auction. Cheat* est goods In the market since the war began. Bargains at Patten’s, hos Chestnut street. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh,— J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear. treats aH diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from' the most re liable souroesin the city can be seen at hia offlee, No. 519 Pine street _ The medical faculty are invttedto ac company their patients, as he N as had no secrets in his we# Inset ed. No joharge made: Coal at Retail at Port Richmond Pri ces—at the Shipping Wharf, foot of Laurel street, Kensington, Gross ton (2240 lbs.) always delivered, unless otherwise ordered. - " K. ti Wi XOMLINS9H, - ©ITT BCHETIS. F. L. FETHERSTON. PabMer. boujb: COM3IEKCSi.IL. SALKS fOF STOCKS, s 'i: r BEFORE , JJ2 B 5 5® 1 * sownSSVI bsowgi ,100 Bh do 85 5844-100 ■" siasTi *4BOOO dtees new : 99% 1200 do Old C 98% 2iiiisPennfr& os 2500U&B-20I, *B2 COU - 113>i 5000 Vermont Cen 7a '42 4 1000 Camd A Amboy 482 ah Penna b <. - . SS ft st NKJliolas Coal 2% too ah : do , > 28 PBICES of STOCKS nmEffYOBK, American QoM 7 Beading Kallxoad .......I^-"”*'^ — ££?«. .a, ■ . TJnsedlea. riß * ne « and Braiaem—Oct. ' Money Market continues easy, and capital Is .easy oi access at 4 to 5 per cant. ,r on s to- 7 per cent on' short paper of lt fa useless to deny that thecanard poblfahed'cn We* neaday baa c> used, a foellng ordfatnfatfor the'fiitnta. and the aathor oflt fa severely denounced; thatoertaln - Gold brokers pocketed a .large margin'by the opera tion there can be no doubt. 'At the Stock Board this • momlngthere wiisbnt little disposition to operate, aia the Market, In sympathy with tbe weather, warheavr. Government Loans closed at \H2Ji.for the Coupon Hkea> ’*l; 113J£ far the old Flve r Twentteß; lloj£ for the new do.; lcs?£@io6 for theSeveD-Thlrties, and 9% for the Ten-Forties. State Fives sold at 9SU, and City L»na at 69 pi for the new, and 951 i for the old - fasuea. Beading Railroad was rather more active, and sold op to 58J-J. bnt afterwards fell off it. Catawissa BaHrbad Preferred sold at advance of U. Penn sylvania Bailroad sold, at 562; Mine Hill Bailroad at 57; Lehigh Valley Bailroad at 65, and Northern Central Bailroad at t6}Z. Canal atocka were dnU. 58J< was the .best bid for Lehigh Navigation; m for Morris Canal 56>i for ' Oefaware Division, and 36% for Schnylkoi Navigation Preferred. In Bank shares there waa nothing done. In Passenger Ballway secarittm the only movement was In HestenvUte, onlaide of the Board, aUs%@l«%. ' qtU>tei Goven ‘ men * At.. PMS-aoßongn nV- New tso Bonds, MM—-■.; iSsf M: \ 7 B-lOf Angast —— KJ6^ gold-eS l^ ifteKr* ——l “g ; ; Mem*. Pe.Havra A Brother, N0.'40 Boom TMrt ofthenS*® American