Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, October 11, 1866, Image 4
TSiJSTVESS HCMCICES. THE PMZE GKAPE. VINE. Its grapes Id glossy hlackneas shine, Just lite this broadcloth cloak of mine, Booghtirom—youknowgliere; Their flavor is as,rare and SBtet As ’tis with prices low to m*t. Like those they ask you iAere. v Ita-duetere thick you cannot count; They,seem to rival in amount The cnsto ineis that flock, this fall, To try the style! ol Tower HalL yFe ore prepared with an unusually full and eont « prehetisive stock of Men's, Youth's and Eoy? YOU and Winter Clothing, which we are setting at litres XGWSB PBICBfI THAN HATS BBSS KNOWN JOS ihutoat. yba ns. Congratulating our patrons and the nuMfe aaurallyupon the decline in the prices of ma- uhich renders this possible, we invite onex semination. TO WEB HAM, 638 MARKET STREET. BENNETT* CO. CRICKJi2*ING PIANOS IK K^BOPK. —HANS BUIiOW, the great German Pianist, by letters tost received fwm Europe, piopoaee to play only the OHICKEBING PIANOS durlr g hlfl toor in the United States. W. H. DUTTON, ■eM-tJ? No, 914 Chestnut street. STEUWA-r * b°NS> -aga Have been awarded thirly-two 'll *ll nremlnins at the principal pairs In this country In tin fast seven yesrs, and the first Pike Medals at the Brand ■ International Exhibition, London, in 1862, in competition with 269 Pianos Scorn all parts of the world. Every instrument Is constructed with their patent Agraffe arrangement. jy22 Ho. 1006 Chestnut street, —APR ICKRKTNQtiRANIJ ■■Eft played by Scambati, the great Pianlat|D3S9 VTTv* o/ at. Florence, -Italy, was*!! 1 considered superior In all respects to tnelnstruments of Broad ■wood * Erard, hitherto regarded aa the best In the world, ■ • ■■ New Booms 914 CHESTNUT street. ..CMiOKjBitiLNG GRAND PIANOS. - 9HBKS —The New Scale Ciiiakfcring Grand HHEI ffi tT 1 Pianos are acknowledges the best In ▼vmTl iDgmnd.Geun&ny and Italy. No’ice the great testi monials received ftom Euiopein August last. Mag nificent collectio a of these insccoments. CBICKIRING BOOMS, 914 CHKSTNUT STREET., ocs*tf{ W. H. BUTTON; — iiiii nmti w. xn?.T.nr>-R!oisrs hitorv STYLE.- The oeiebrated Gem Organ. jUßcbl WTiVfcimense ass or tmen t; verylo w prices. 'I *n PIANO BOOMS. W. H. DUTTON, ae2frtfs; ••, : No. 914 Chestnut street. ■ THE BEAUTIFUL NEW STYLE BMEB ■■BKSBON PIANOS, seven octaves; charming tone; fvl*"’.guaranteed durability; very low price. 914 CHESTNUT STREET, EVENING BULLETIN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1866. HB. JOUXSOFS NEXTSTEP. ■ Borne astonishing revelations are made in a Washington despatch to the Ledger, of this city, which we copy to-day. The President, in concert with his Attorney- General, is taking steps towards declar ing thie present Congress of the United Statesuncopstitutional and calling anew one together, which shall include repre sentatives from the rebel States, untram meled by any guarantees such as hone3t and loyaLmeh expect from them. This is the opening of the programme of a hew civil war, so long promised by the President and his supporters. Its publication now, when the people of so many great States have just shown by their votes their approval of all the acts of the. present Congress, is calculated to disgust and exasperate the country more than ever with their treacherous President. There were many charitable people who thought that the lesson of these elections would not be lost on him; hut, it appears, they are mistaken. He intends to refuse to re cognize Congress when it re-assembles in December, and to assume the dicta torship so long threatened. It is well for the people and the Executives of the loyal States that this plan is developed so early. There must be preparation for this fearful emergency that a wiekedEx ecutife proposes to bring on the coun try. He refuses to regard the popular will, as expressed at the ballot-box. The people and their representatives must stand together more firmly than ever to resist the aggressions and usurp ations of this bold, badman. THE EIGUT-HOUB^STSTEH. The advocates of the eight-hour sys tem of labor have propounded and are propounding to the candidates for Con gress throughout almostthe entire West, the question as to whether, in the'event of their election, they would favor their pet system. Most of the queried candf dates have answered “yes;” and with: all the fullness of the conviction staring us in the face that the Bulletin has al ways deemed the movement absurd, we, too, would answer yes, and yes again and again, if the hours of drudgery could be further reduced to seven, six, five, four, three, two,'or even to one hour per day. But the query follows: What good will come of such a reply to such a ques tion ? There is scarcely a grown man who now claims that he should not be required to labor more than eight hours but who could, if he thought proper to do so, limit his daily working hours without asking any legislative or other governmental interference. The trade’s societies that now decree strikes, and that compel the master workmen to accede to their demands, if the journey man can hold out longer than the em ployer, could 'just as readily dispose of this question of time as of the question of compensation. Let the journeymen carpenters, for instance, say that they will work but eight hours per day, and the employers who would prefer to have eight houra service per man, rather than mo seryice'af aU, would probably assent to the arrangeineht, and if work was plenty they would perhaps engage a het of hands to perform fifty per cent, more labor and thus secure a speedier fulfilment of their contracts, justas some large manufacturing establishments em ploy double sets of hands. But the hitch comes in when the question of compensation arises. We presume that there is no one insane enough to ask for legislation to prevent a grown man from working as many hours aa he pleases. The thrifty work man who is desirous of properly main tommg his family. and of handed m the world, chooses to go to work ah seven o dock in the mo£n| and, bating the dinner hour, work untU Bix-in jhe evening. Upon the other hand the [workman who is authorized by law to work but eight hours, foils from nine to five, and no longer. When Baturday night comes around the ten hour man ’Will have 'twenty per cent.' more wages due him than his eight hour brother, and that is precisely all the advantage the latter will derive from the restriction of the hours of la bor. When the Congress of the United States, or the Legislature of any State in the Union, attempts to decree that a man shall receive no more pay for ten hours’ work than another shall have for eight hours’ toil, they may then to declare that eight yards of palieo! shall be called ten yards, or that the citizen who pays the millerfor one hun dred pounds' of flour shall be content < to put up with eighty pounds. The jour neyman mechanic who .is disposed to work but eight houra per day .already enjoys that right without legislative in terference; while the man who wishes to work ten, twelve or sixteen hours a day can dp so despite legislation. But to say that both shall receive the samei com pensation'is as absurd as to pass an enact ment deranging all values and reversing the common rules of trade; which, in turn, would be asabsurdas to declare, by act of Congress, the abolition of the laws of gravitation, and to decree that the Niagara river should flow from On tario into Erie, or that the Mississippi should seek its source instead of its mouth. We have said we are in favor of men toiling as few hours as possible, and we mean it: but men can no more be legis lated into good fortune, as a general rule, than they can have skill, enterprise and energy bestowed upon .them by virtue of an ordinance. The workman of supe rior inventive power, the mechanic of unusual /skill, and the artisan of the most determined energy, are the men who, sooner-or later, need to toil but a few hours per day, if they choose to toil at all. Legislation can no more bestow these qualities than it can depress the possessors of them to the level of those who ask to be supplied by law with what nature %nd earnest personal ap plication have failed to bestow upon or secure for them. W. H. DUTTON W. H. BUTTON. History is full of noble examples of working men who have won name and fame for themselves. Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, John Bunyan, Roger Sherman, George Stephenson, “Pallissey, the potter,” Hugh Miller, Elihu Burritt; Arkwright, the inventor of the spinning-jenny; Whitney, who. made Cotton sometime King, with his gin; Robert Fulton and John Fitch, with their steamboats; MeCormick,with his reaper; Obed Hussey, with his mow ing machine; Watt, with his steam engine; Elias Howe, Jr., With his sew ing machine; and a host of other names illustrious in science and mechanism, come crowding into our mind as men who have stuck types, wielded the ham mer, br guided the plough, and who have finally become as illustrious in history as they have been pre-eminently useful to their fellow men. We venture to say that, although all of them doubtless lived to be able to toil as many or as few hours as they chose, not one of them, were he living now, would ask a Legislature, whether Na tional or State, to pass laws curtailing his own and insulting to his man hood. Let the earnest workingman pon der well upon these facts. WILL ANDREW JWHXSOX RESIGN? The result of the elections held in four important States the present week re vives with great force the question, Will Andrew Johnson resign ? Two “Radi cal” members of Congress gained in Pennsylvania, anda “Radical” majority of from fifteen to twenty thousand on i he popular voteof the State; a ‘ ‘Radical” majority of fifty thousand in Ohio; lowa .swept by a “Radical” whirl-wind, and “Radicalism” holding its own in In diana, form rather ah awkward record of one day’s work for the perusal of the faithless President. The latter cannot dodge the issue so clearly made, for in all his speeches on his recent Western tour, he scoffed at Congress and its au thority, and appealed directly to the people as the source of all power, and as the judge between himself and the co ordinate branch of Jhe Government, wit'll which he [had, picked an angry quarrel. The verdict of the people is unmistakable, and if the Presideht was in sober earnest when he submitted his case to the arbitrament of the great popular tribunal, he should at once acknowledge his fault and either give up his pet “policy,” and cease his senseless conflict with Congress, or re sign: But this'rebuke is even more emphatic aud decided than would appear upon its face; The men who have said to him through the ballot-box, 111 done, thou bad and faithless servant, were the men who two years ago elected him to the second office in the Nation; while with the exception of the hungry mercenaries who -formthe Bread and Butter Brigade; those who now support him are the men who, when he was a candidate for the Vice-Presidency, most bitterly re viled; and assailed him. They are now his friends and supporters, hot because they [have repented: the 1 error of. their wayu, but because he has deserted the great; party that elected him, ignored its principles in tbto, and thrown himself into the arms of his and their old enemy; There has never been a more abomina ble piece of treachery enacted, nor was treac|iery ever more sternly rebuked. Will Andrew Johnson resign? •’ V ! CUJLVJBBraSfBE»*b. If Philadelphia is to continue to in crease at the present rapid rate of ex pansion, she must make provision in time for the extension of the . long lines of dwellings which .her; peculiar boast; as Indiesting a degree of comfort 1 for her population unmatched elsewhere. Yet on many points of her wide cireum ffl* flAttf • PBILAP'ftTTOIA; THURSDAY, GCTOBIIE 11, 1806. ferendeheUgrowthTis being' checked Tor ‘ want of the must be provided.by'fhe public before private ifr and convert bare hills and waste valleys into well built streets, thronged,, with .an industrious community. ; To the north-east and frerlh, the Cohocksink creek has : long be.en a hug-bear, and years since a cul vert waa commenced upon its course, whicii should have been completed no w- To the west, the Mill-creek valley has interposed a serious bar to improvement, and though a few enterprising capitalists have ventured across it with improve ments, the rapidly increasing foulness of; the creek must effectually check the pro gress of i ts neighborhood unless it is speed ily covered. To the south iFederalstreet imperatively demands relief, and a very heavy capital awaits the proper drain age of that section, ready at once to step in and increase the basis of taxation to an extent that would speedily reimburse the entire cost of the culvert proposed. All these improvements, with various smaller ones which have long been wanted in the built-up portion of the city, arc provided for in an ordinance which has slumbered in Common Coun cil since last June. : The season is. advancing rapidly, and now that the election is past and we have time once more to attend to our own affairs, it is to be hoped that it will Bpeedily be taken up and passed upon its merits. The interests of almost every portion of the city are involved in it, and as the whole expense, as estimated by the Survey Department, does not exceed some hun dred thousand dollars, it can be provided for without having recourse to a new loan. , Special Sale for of Hessrs. S. Bonsman d Co , ot fiiew Yorb, John B. Myers & Co.. Auctioneers Nos. £33 and 234 Market street, will held on to-morrow, (Friday) uciooerls. at 10 o’clock, a continuation or Uitir large tale of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Dy catalog oe, on lour mouths’ credit. including 25 tCto dozen Men’s, Women’s, Boys’. Misses’and rbifi ren’a Hosiery and Gloves embracing everv desirable style of theimpor tatlonof Messes, tt.Hourilan&Co. Also Pails Riik Ties and Scarfs. 50 cases Giogbam.Umbrellas. Also. Kid Gloves. fcewiDg 81lk. Hoop skirts. Traveling aud Under Shirts and DrawPTs etching, Suspenders, Ac. CARPETS. Also, by catalogue, ou lour months’ credit, com mencing at 11 o’aock,2So pieces of new fall styles of of the best mantuaciuns, arranged on ibe first floor. Sale of a Desirable Keaftleuce Mo, 525 Tine street, by order of tbe Orphans* Court, James Fall Salk.’ - Oclobrr 31, ts advertised in this afternoon's paper, jl hanisonu Htsitiinee. So- 525 vine street, \ci-lbe told at that time. b(lot-inno to th* lul tte of JamesSfarltn, deceased. Th* tvl'-wd Of \rithuut auy i f-'trx’e. Fob advertisements or next Wkd.vlv Days BAIKSBK INSIDE I'AGES, CaTaWXJL’ES Ti»- M.OHBOW. large Sale or Extra Valuable Real Estate. Messrs. Tbtmas . tens’ sale, on Tuesday next will include a number of valuable business stands, modern residences, neat dwellings, ground Tents; also, the isrge lot northeast corner Sixteenth and Floe streets oneof the beat lots in the city; country seat-, 4c ~fc.\ See auction column, - - - • MAsOS i HAMLIN'S CABINET ORB A NS. tit" Unlike and soperlor to any and alt 111 111 reed Instruments. Recommended by the leading; or ’ganiMs and artists In America and Euronei J.E. GOULD, aplMhs.tq.tf . Seventh and Chestnut arreea: ——- _ STROK A OO.’tt PIANOS: fcJßa HAINEB BROTHERS’ PIANOS!! HI XII Thousands of these popular lastra-'TTVTJ mentalnuse In Philadelphia and vicinity. For -sale only by , : J.E. GOULD. anls-thA.tn.tl ; Seventh and Chestnut. STATIONERY— LETTERS, CAP AND -NOTE PAPERS. ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, and every requisite In the Stationery line, selling at the lowest figures at • ■ J. R. DOWNING'S Stationery Btore, malS-tfrpt Eighth street, two doors above Walnut. TOHN CRUMP, BUILDER. U ■ an CHESTNUT STREET, 1 and 213 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required lor hotuebnlld lug end fitting promptly famished. Jy23-6mrp SAMUEL W. LEINAU.- ill south Seventh street,Philadelphia.—Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, done promptly, In the best manner, Pumps, Gas Fixtures and all material used In the business furnished. eei7.6m.ip; #»} FALL STYLE HATS. LSI THEO. H. McCALLA, Jgi Hat and Cap Emporium, sel-Sml 801 CHESTNUT STREET tgt WABBUBTON. Ja FASHIONABLE HATTER, ~ 430 Chestnnt street, ■'«p. sel3-ly,4pj Next door toPostofHcejg *» JONES, TEMPLE & CO.. Ja! FASHIONABLE hatters. *7** . w 23 south NIOiTH street, -• First etrre above Cligstrm, > oco-u EWSPAPEB ADVERTISING.—JOV, COKdkCO ** N. E. corner of FIFTH & CHESTNUT Streets Philadelphia, and TBIBUNE BUILDINGS, New York, are agents for the BOtLETor and for the News papers of the whole country. jyl7-6mrpS JOY. DOE a OO THE CHARMING TONED EMERSON mVfi?I 4I; 0' w. IL DUTTON, 914 Cheatnu, * ■ > - ■ street. ocs-s.tu.th tr gDWARD ROGERS FANCY JOB PRINTER ENGRAVER ON WOOD, sel3-lm; No. 337 CHESTNUT STREET. EMERSON PrANOS.—Most beantltnl Cot- lnstrument manufactured. W. H. out n > V 'TON, 914 Chestnut street. oc6-n,t,th tf r\PERA GLASSES, ; l— “” ! “ 7-7 Fine Optra. Glasses made by It. P.ARDOU, of Paris; . Imported and Ibr saloonly-by - , C, w. A. TBTJMPLER, seis-uarpt Beyenth.and Chestnut street. PlANOS.~Mostbeftatif\il Oot- Instrument manufactured. W. H. DUT* 111 'Ton, 914 Chestnut street. .ocBs t t,th if *1 O FBRBOTYPKS FORM CENTS, FINISHED IN ir« {“tootea; 6 Card Photographs iorfl.ma’e SLXhiHJ} 11 «*P«rteac6d persons, at REIMER'?, Second street, above Green. - T'MIL DURABILITY of a Galvanized Coal Sc Uile X vs jar greater thati. Ua comparative-difference tu cost over a plain Iron article... Therefore, though U cokts more, it Is decidedly cheaper. Thirteen auaa md ® ale TRUMAN <fi SHAW. No. 6‘S (Sight Thirty-five) Market afreet, below Ninth. cSh, EMERSON PIANOS.—Moat beautiful Cot lnstrument manufactured. W. • mi *1 ‘TON, 914Che*tntttstreet. ! ocs*s,tthif OLD FRAMES BF-GILT. STEEL ENGRAVING, ■» Mantel'LookUiiGlasses ofiWalnut Gilt, east of Seventh OSBWOO< ** Arch street, PB SCAN DAN AVI A N PADLOCK combine* x greatatrength with security against being picked n bee-make It one of the beet lock. IT store doors J'} z £s, ,or B ® Je by truman-* shaw, no. 83S (El*ht Thirty-five) Marketstreet, below Ninth. . EMERSON PIANO—Low price. Charming tone. Perfectly durable. W. H. DUTTON, m *ll9l4Chestnut street. ocs-s,tu,thn V CL' ABE ATTRACTED TO B. F. REIMER’S ' L I*°. Arch street, because'you want eu graphs92perdoren.lnoaerate cWsea '. tBl4 p “»- EMItBHON PtAWns-MM. KTSTi J£ge Instrumentmanufactured. W.H.DUr i.M at ’TON.9l4Cheatnutatreet.' ocss.t.-h tf ROCEHILL&WILSON FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, 7 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. FALL & WINTER ; OVERCOATS | IN GREAT VARIETY. DOBBINS’ El fep T RIC^ soap ; SAVES TIME, i SAVES LABOR. SAVES CLOTHES. SAVES WOMEN. And all leading grocers sell it. - It is used by dissolving in hot water and soaking the; Clothes five - to ton minutes, then a little hand robbing will make them as jdean as hoars of hard machine robbing would do with ordinary soap, and ho injury to the most delicate fabric. It is used with entire Batisfection in the'families of ' Rev. ALFRED COOKMAN, WM. C. STEVENSON, 1525 Green street, THOMAS C. LOVE, 1019 Chestnut-street, A.L. HART, 327 Lombard street, ISAAC MOSS, 2202 Green street, C. HARTMAN, 1229 Marshall street, and thousands of others in all parts ef flifa and other cities. . Ask yotir grocer for DOBBINS’ELECTRIC SOAP, SAXCFAmBEDBT Dobbins Love, Wholesale Office, 107. South. Fifth Street. seH-lmlpt; j CRESSON’S GAS REGULATOR. IMPORTANT LETTER FROM a A.WALBORN, Esq .POSTMASTER, PHILADELPHIA. Post Oifice, Phiuadeuphia, Fa, May 7, 1855. Messrs. FAIRBANKS A EWING,. No. 716 Chestnut Street. Gkxtlkmin—ln compliance with yo nr request I herewith hand you a statement showing the amount of Gas consumed at this office during the three months from January si 1855, to April 13,1555, Inclusive, and from January 23, ISS6. to April 25,1555, Inclusive. In order to show the saving effected by the CRESSON GAS REGULATOR attached to our meter on Febru- IM6: 1335. Jan. 23 to Feb 23 2C.500 cubic feet, Feb. 21 to Mar-23 •* Mar.2s to April 25 l^l.sto 1853. Jau 23 to Feb. 19 281 ous cubic feet. Feb 19 lo Mar. IS2 650 • Mar 23 to April 25 J 33.300 “ ' . . ," " " ' 455,900 cubic feet. Thus showing a saving in 1555 over IST.IOO cubic feet of Gaa, which, at $3 39 per! thousand (Including U.S. Tax, co cents per M), Is asavingin money 0f|51743. During the three months of 1566 theEegnlator was at lacked to the meter but 71 days* haviug been placed there on the 1-th of February, and the account taheu to the 25th of April. The above statement is taken from the bills as paid to the Gas Company. l am vdry respectfuUy yonr obedient servant, orS-lfrp C. A. WAEBOBN Postmaster. CLOTHS FOR CLOAKS, SACKS, COATS, &c. CHINCHILLAS, (all kinds ) ABTRAHAN. WHITNEY. BEAVER, (Frosted n-d Pi,in.) CABSIMEBES, DOESKINS, *c. PEREINB, 9 SOUTH NINTH ST. ocil-th Bft m 3t rp „ THE EMERSON COTTAGE SQUARE PIANO. w. H, DUTTON, 9U Cnestnut il« wi «street. ocs-s.tu.th-tf. 600 ARCH STREET. gQO Bny the best articles Honse-Furnlshlng Goods Woodenware and Tin ware. Flreproor Britannia ware ■ hew Hav-n Koidingchairs. ■ Gentlemen's BlacklneTables. •* ,■ - OBIFFITH & PAGE, auld-tf Sixth and Arch streets. THE EMERSON COTTAGE SQUARE KSgrpi PIAISO. W. H. DUITON, SI4 Chestnut 111 v 'street, , ocss,tu,th-tf —■w.'A-' „THE EMERSON COTTAGE SQUARE PIANO. W'. H. DUTTON, 914 Chestnut ■*4 —7 1 street. ' . • ocs s.tn.th-tf TTILL’S HAIR DYE—Only SO cte., or Brown LI msumteneons, natnrjJ, beet, cheapest. Depot otre St..?j iw York. Sold byT.R.CAL LENDBR. oorner Third and Walnnt streets, and all Praggs* 8 - |yn-3mjp TO HOUhEK wr'.PimS. 1 for * df.ni.y- 'tn™. and sllvar-plated ware.aBTEWPOLIBmoSG powder. the best ever made. _ FARR A BROTHER, Ibis SS4 Chestnut street, below Fourth. r-sgy-, _THE EMSRS;IN OOTTAGE SQUARE PIANO. w. H. DUTTON, 814 C estnut HI ’street. . oc6a.tu,tll-tf TOR, SALK.—To Shippers,’ Grocers, Hotel-Keeper* - noa-rptf, yao Pear street, below Third and Walnnt. THE BEAUTIFUL CaRVKD WCTRU. OGTAVE EMERSON PI AN©. -«T. H. 11l a1 1 DUTTON: 914 Chestnut sc ocS-a.tn.th-tf' : HOOP SKIRT .MANUFACTORY.—Hoop Skirts and Corsets ready made and made to order; war ranted of the best materials. ASo, Skirts repaired. ■ • MRS. B. selg-imrol > ■.812 Vine street, above Eighth. ROGRHILL& WILSON Fine Clothing Hoase, I ; i : ?7 ;^V ' 603 and 605 Chestßut Street. Fereign and Domestic Fabries Made to \ • •Z' ■ r.-r'..;-'-;' 7 Order, Reasonable, Serviceable - and Fashionable. , The best kind of R e a d y- M a d e Clothing. Fall Stock Ready. Reasonable Prices. ? Ijight Salesrooms. WANAMAKEB AND -.13' BROWN, ’ QAK : , haul. Popular Clothing House, S. B. comer Sixth and. Market ' Custom De part me n. t splendidly organized;’ t? 74 000 cable feet. EDWIN HALL ft CO., i 28 S* Second St., Will Open This Morning, j . : A CASK OF SIIK WABP WINCEY CLOTHS, I :■■■■ "FOB ' Ladies’Walking Suits, AT4 SB B AT RXDUCXION IK PRICES CC.IJt ip| - THE DIAMOND TENNYSON. MESSRS. TICKNOR 4l FIELDS PUBLISH THIS DAY THE’ DIAMOND EDITION OF TENNYSON’S , I OEMS. Complete. It Is an entirely new style, forming a volnma so small as to fit tbe traveler’s pocket, so elegant'as to suit the most fastidious taste. Its beauty of typoira pby and of binding, together v Ith Us inexpenaivonesa will insure for it a universal welcome among all adl' mixers of Tennyson. >' . PHICE, »1 25. ■ . f*» For sale by all booksellers.' Sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. • THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, i For Oct, 1866, is Now Ready. ’ | CONTENTS. ’ Abt. I-MODEEN ITALIAN POETS. ( h-the philosophy of the fine Arts . III—AMERICAN PBIBONB. IY—THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK; V— THE PBEBENT ASPECT OF INTERNA TIONAL LAW. Vl HA BVABD MEMORIAL BIOGRAPHIES VII— STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. VIII— THE BEWARD-iOHBSON REACTION. IX-THE CBITTOAIi NOTICES OF LEGGED Cblnese ClasslcsFellxHolt, Dean Alford’s Plea for the Qoeen's* English, Carey’s Principles of Social; Science, Brownson’s American Republic,- Langel's : United State* Daring the War.Howe.rs Venetian' Life, and other Intereating Works. Single Number, M SO.; Yearly subscription. $5 00 |5 Mto snbsalbersfor any other periodical issued by Ticknor & Fields, PUBLISHKBS, BOSTON. Hi i FOII SALE, ; ® One of the best hunt and handsomest brown stone MANSIONS On WALNTJT Slreet, west ol Twentieth, Just finished. Parlor Frescoed, J. WABNBB EBWIN, No.lSfcoutiJplflh'&treet,below, lahzazy FAIRBANKS’ : STANDARD SCALES. FAIRBANKS’ Canal or Welgh-Lock Scales. FAIRBANKS’RaiIroad Track Scales. FAIRBANKS' Ballxoad Depot Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Hay and Cattle Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Coal Dealers’ Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Dormant Warehouse Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Portable Warehouse Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Grain or Hopper Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Hour Packing Seales. FAIRBANKS' Wheelbarrow Beales. FAIRBANKS’ Rolling Mill or Iron Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Platform and Counter Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Grocers’ Scales. FAIRBANKS' Druggists' Scales. FAIRBANKS’ Post office Scales. F4IRBAMS & EWINff, Masonic Hall, No. 715 Oliestimt Street. ocsi f rp « kmkkson pianos. HR3 The sew style Cottage Square Piano, fUll "t< 'Seven Octaves, beautiful Carved Cases, the moat charming tone. Low Price, guaranteed durability.' 914 CHESTNUT Street OCS-tf4p r-**-**-*. A PIANO IN JSVJSK7 HOUSEHOLD,— HSs|£3 Yielding to the argent requests made alike in iH 41 ipewon »nd brletter. THE PHILADELPHIA SfUSIGAL SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCLE TV. Incorporated by the legislature April Sd. 1835. are Pleased to announce that they have opened a prr**, Series for the distribution or the well known * SCHOMACKER pianos, la handsome rosewood cases, to Subscribe** of the as •oclation. To possess on® f>l them, subscribers par monthly four dollats', a Sum that, thus paid very few persons will ever miss. The gross amount thus re ceited from the subscribers 1» appropriated monthly by the Soeiety fbr the purchase of a certain number of instruments Some persons do not want their Pianos at once, while others desire to have one 9S£ood&3 possible* lUtse whose children are too young to Uarn music are content to wait. Tbote, therefore. who propose at once to secure an instrument, pay a monthly premium iu addition to the four dollars paid by all, and immediate pjsse«sion a given to those paying the highest premium: the ao vantage of t!;e*e Increased premiums resulting to •lrojewhoareihe last to take out ihel» Pianos, To rent* good Plano costs one hundred dollars yearly TfcSS; Society was organized In order tnat instead of renting Planes. persons could pay towards owner ship that which otherwise would be wasted as mere rental. The subscriber to, the previous series Were so wall slid so universally satisfied, that it is with increased con fidenca that the Society now opens taeFifth Series. Boohs are opered at the OFFICE, uos CHEST f*T., where all farther information desiredwlll be im parted, and.a specimen cftheSociety’s Pianos can at ail times be'seeni '* H. C.3CHO&LASEK, oce-s.tu th-strp? . ; Secretary. CHICK SRINO SQUARE PIANOS, BM 914 CHESTNUT STREET, T ocs-tf4p W. g. DUTTON, HERKNESS’ BAZ4.AR, AS NINTH AND SANSOM STREETS. . AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, dtc. On SATURDAY morning next, at 10 o’clock, com prialngabout ’ SIXTY ROBSES salted !to harness and the saddle-including several.palm ol valuable carriage horses, and a number of superior slngl*;harnesand saddle horses. Full descriptions atr • ; ALSO, ■ : • ■ A large collection of desirable New and Second-hand Carriages, Dearborns, <fec„ wlih which the sale will commence. . - 1 Single ard double Harness, Saddles, Bridles,<fce. USTiSale of Horaes,.-&c. on Wednesday nest. • ‘ - - ALFRED M. HERKNE3S, ocll-atrp..... —Auctioneer. —-THE EMERSON COTTAGE SQUARE -fWSrI PIANO.. W. HI DUTTON, 914 Onestnut rii v ■ ' street. . oc6-s,to,th-tf ' M.A.TOBREY. ; - ' ■ wrvFQbgrt street. fiO<3KHILL& WILSON FINF OLOTHING HOUSE, "i i T ; \ Coachmen’s Celts. - i . Coachmen’s v Coats, HUNTING COMS. HUNTING COATS. 1866, BANCROFT, BACHE k CO., Our Fail Stock is Now Complete^. NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, RIBBONS, Furnishing Goods, Tailors’ Trimmings, NOTIONB AND VARIETY GOODS. We call particular attention to oar NEW METHOD of dolsgbusiness. : WeselVoaxgoods at COST. and tor a profit we add 5 per cent, only to the amount of bill. Our only Terms are Cash in Par We with It to be understood that the term 'COST with tia means the ACTUAL,BONA FIDE FIRST COST of an article, with all extra trade discounts de. ducted, excepting only the small percentage allowed us for cashing our bills. . The COST PRICE is marked on every article throughout the establishment in plain figures, so that buyers, by examining our stock,’ can'easily satisfy themselves as bat Ibeadvantsgea mndmerSt. of oursys tern.-;..--; h:.;h Onr plan Isentliely new,, and- must commend Itself; to all who wish to buy goods ocil-lm rp FINE OPERA GLASSES. Imported and for sale by James W. Queen & Co.. oclbtf 924 Chestnut Street. MW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, FIRST OF THE SEASON. Albert C. Roberts, Dealer Pine Groceries, ELEVENTH and VINE STREETS. A MANUAL OF MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MATERIALS. A painphiet of il2 pages,furnished gratis by •JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., ocld-rptf 914 CHESTNUT STREET, W,H. DUTTONJ —ago-. EMERSON PIANO—Low price. Charming; H=fr=«j=3 tone. Perfectly durable, w. H. DUTTON,. HI V. I i <ji; ebestent street. ocs-s to.th.tf JORDAN’S CBLKBBATED TONIC ALE.—The truly healthfOl and nutritious beverage, now In osa • by thousands—lnvalids and others—baa established &- character fbr quality of material and purity of manu facture, which stands unrivaled, ft Is recommended’ by physicians of this and other places, as a superior lonic, and requires but a trial ta convince the most skeptical oflta great merit. To be had, wholesale and' retab.of P. J. JORDAN. 2M Pear street. - IMS . CHICEERLVB GRAND PIANOS, MB9 914 CHESTNUT STREET. ; MlltTToc3-tf4p W. H. DUTTON.' ISAAC NATHANS, Aocconeer and Moaey Broker, N.X. corner ol Third and Spruce streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS’S Principal Office, established fbr the leak forty years, Money to loan Is large or small amounts, at the lowest rates on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, IJewelry, Clothing, and goods of every decorletton. Office hours from 3 A, M,tUl7.P.Jfc*;n .. r : . -< deBB-tfrp -)■ . CHECKERING UPRIGHT PIANOS. MB , , 914 CHESTNUT STREET. HI a,l locs-tl4pIoc5-tl4p W.H.DUTTON; BKO.CKItDON’S pills of com pressed bicarbonate OF' SODA AND POTASSA. GRANU LATED VI OH \i SALT HEART BURN LOZENGJS. Remedies for Dys pepsia, Headathe, Heartburn. 1 Acidity of the btcmach,Ac. Forsale by JAMES T. SHINN. S.W. BROAD andl SPRyCEptreety. oc9-6trpl —jwp- EMERSON PIANO-Low price. Charming. tone. Perfectly durable, w. H. DUTTON, 11* a.* 1 914 Chestnut street. ■ ocs-s,ta,th,tf IMTLKB, WEAVER dt CO., IfATBTT.* and'^aSked o cordage, i - Cords. Twines. Ac., . No. sa North Water street, and No. 24 North Delawar avenoe, Philadelphia, . . Knwrs H. FrriJcn. - - Mioaaas Westm,. OosaadF. CnpraiKß. t ABt PINK WATCHES, JEWELRY, etc., a com ghk wets essoranent •SUI ImportersofWatohe^elA, 'u>o>! ; nsChastnntstreeLbelnwPCnrtS. BOCKHILL& WILSOM 7 ! FINE CLOTHING HOUSE,. €O3 l aid 605 Chestent Stmft LATEST STYLE SACK & WALKING 1 J ' COAT. BOYS’ CLOTHING- FALL. 330 MARKET STREET. COMPRISES FULL LINES OF CONSISTING OF HOBIEBY AHD GLOVES. BBtBTS AHD. DBAWEBS. HOODS, H TTBIAS. SCABFS, HAHDKERCHIEFS. BHIBTFBOHTS. "White Goods. Combs, Brushes, Threads, Bindings, Braids Buttons,, Funds at Time of Purchase. CHEAP FOR CASH. 1866