SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. ANOTHER SHIP-WRECK. “ANDREW JOHNSON” ASHORE. A Good Omen for the Day. Aiolber Wreck—The Steamer Andrew Johnson Astaorc. FortMonbok, October 9 th.—The steamer Andrew Johnson, from New York for Charleston, South Carolina, is ashore on Currituck Beach, North Carolina. The passengers lost some of their bag-, gage, but they were safely landed, 1 and have arrived at Norfolk. The steamer was formerly in the Govern ment service, and was known as the, Geor gia. It is thought that she will be got off Wagerslon the Pennsylvania Election. October 9th.—The elections which takes place to-day in several of the States have not been without their excite ment here, and a large amount of money will change hands after the result is ascer tained. The betting is principally upon the result in Pennsylvania; and yesterday a wager of $5,000 was made upon Geary’s ma jority for Governor. This was one of the highest bets made, but sums ranging from .$5O. to $5OO have been freely put up, Santa Anna and the Fenians. On Monday the Roberts wing of the New York Fenians had a pic-nic on Staten Island. - Among the distinguished guests was the Mexican General. Santa Anna. After a florid introduction he made a speech, in which he said: When Mexico was invaded by that noble enemy on whose hospitable soil I am now living—when I had arrayed against me the powerful armies of the United States, under that undaunted hero, General Scott, the _ flower of my army then were two compa nies, composedof men from the Green Isle, and who bore on their flag the image of their patron saint. [Tremendous applause.] _ Why, then, be astonished that they now come forward to my aid; now, when like the first time, ’ when Mexico was freed from the dominion of Spain, and when life only commenced with me, I had the glory of being one of the soldiers who fought for Mexico’s independence? Why not aid me'fiow, when I, the last sur viving soldier of my. country’s independ ence, wish to seal the history of my life by the same act by which I commenced it, namely, secure again for my country its in dependence? 7es, gentlemen, this is my ambition, this what i strive to accomplisn in the few and last days that arg yet Bpared to me, for if death has spared me on the many battle fields, where from amidst 1 the shower of balls and fire I have come out unharmed, this, I say, was not without cause, and I feel assured that I will, that I must, that I, secure once more to my native land its independence. [Loudoheers.] It is not a false or vain ambition that makes me speak thus. In the few days that are allotted to me, I have all that a man can need to render his days tranquil and peace ful, neither do I desire or strive once more to become the ruler of Mexico. There are no honors that a nation can bestow upon its most favored one that have not been show ered upon me by Mexico. Why, then, suppose for a moment that all my desire is to rule again over the destinies of my coun try? For twelve years I have lived retired from public life—on foreign soil, deploring the disturbances in my country, yet not mingling in its domestic "quarrels—yet I could not remain silent now, at the last fatal blow for my country’s independence, and that old sword, the old companion that helped me to fight the Spaniard, was un sheathed again, and offered to the supreme chief of my country. [Mnch enthusiasm.] But they thought it rusted. They thought the old soldier worn out. They tried to brand him with infamy—calling me a French spy, <&c., &c. And would I even like that rest that becomes my years and advanced age, these imputations and slanders gave new vigor to the old soldier. My deeds will defend me, and my voice is yet of some prestige among my countrymen, and my arm strong enough to lead an army. “To gain or to perish” is my motto. With help or without it, I shall soon again stand on Anabuo’s soil, bearing aloft that banner that I planted on the walls of Vera Cruz,when I drove the French from my land in ’39, and my voice shall now, as then, be strong enough to raise even the dead,my former companions, from their graves; they will help me to free Mexico again, or will drag me down to de plore with me the rain of my country. dm BULLETIN. Coroner's Inquest.— Coroner Taylor 'Will hold an inquest to-morrow afternoon, upon the body of John Williams, which was found in the Delaware at League Island, on Sunday. Williams was drowned at Diokcr- Bon street wharf, and it was supposed that he had been killed and thrown overboard from a small boat. Dr. Shapleigh made a post-mortem examination of the deceased yesterday afternoon. There were no bruises found upon the body. There was a slight wound on the scalp. This might have been caused by a boat oar or by striking against the wharf logs. There were ho indications of foul play. The Night Before Erection.—Last night meetings of both parties Were held in ironous places about the city. Although there , was considerable excitement, there n Ur^J ? n s es any consequence. Chief Buggies had a large force of police men on duty during the night, but very few. arrests were made, and the prisoners were nearly all charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Larceny of Hope. —This morning at 7 o’clock, John Sullivan was arrested at Swanson and Catharine streets upon suspi cion of the-larceny of a lot of rope which lie he'had in a wagon. The rope is supposed to have been stolen from a steamboat and awaits an owner at the Second District Police Station. Sullivan was committed bv Aid. Tittermarv. - Larceny of a Watch.— Charles Steward alias Snyder, was before Alderman Patohel, this morning, upon the charge of the lar ceny of a watch. Last Week he went into a shoe store, on South Street, and while look ing™ some shoes he managed to pocket a watch, whioh was hanging up in the store. He was seen in the street yesterday, and was arrested. He Was committed to answer. Straws.—A vote taken at the Board of Broker’s to-dav, resulted in sixty for Gen. Geary and twelve for Heister Clymer. A moreloyalor honorable association than the . Philadelphia Board of Brokers does not exist. No Beports.— The Lieutenants of Police did not make their usual morning reports to the Mayor this morning. Each lieute nant remains in his district on election days in order to direct matters in case any distur bances arise. 5 Accibknt.—A young, man named Don nell, fell from the third-story window of a house on 'Ninth street, below Locust. His back was broken, and: he was otherwise injured. t -.” [ Slight Fire.— This morning, about 7 o’clock, a bed and bedding in the house of Mrs.* piark, in Getchel’s court, Twentieth Ward, was - burned. -No further damage was done. ’ Bun Oveb.— John Ryan, aged 3 years, was knocked down and run over by ahorse at Eleventh and Ogden .streets this morn ing. His legs were badly Hurt. He Was taken to his home in Inquirer street. ■ Important to Election. Officers,— By reference to an advertisement in another column, some important instructions from the City Commissioners, to the officers of will be found. All Quiet.— The election to-day has passed off remarkably quiet, and a large vote bad been polled up to noon. As far as conldbe ascertained there were no rows of any consequence in any part of the city, I The Cholera.— The reports of the cholera at the office of the l Board of Health to-day : showed, thirty-nine new cases. S : Patty Brand’s Brown Salve.— Bower Sixth and Vine, eole proprietor,— - - i The Great' Remedy op the Age for teething, pains, cramps, flatulency, sleeplessness, Ac-, In children, is Bower's Inltat Cordial, Bower’s Labo ratory, Sixth and Green. 25 eta. per bottle. KlThboat Diseases.— “We would call at tention tc ‘Brown’s Bronchial Troches.’ We have found them efficacious in allayirg Irritation in the Throat and Bronchia, and wonld commend them to the attention of Public Speakers and others troubled with affections of the Throat, They are also an excel lent remedy for Hoarseness restating from a cold,”— Congregationalist, Boston. . • - . Female Trusses, Braces, Supporters, mastic Belts Stockings, Ac., at “Needles,” Twelfth street, first door below iiace. Lady attendants* : Druggists’ Sundries in Every Va- BntTY. SNOWDEN A BBOTHEB-Importers, 23 South Eighth street. 5-20 Coupons Due November Ist, Wanted by DREXEIi & CO., S 4 South Third street. Mujaviro is the name, (probably Bus fiian,) of the most delicious Perfume'that ever came in contact with: our olfactory nerves. We recommend every one to try It. Por sale by all the principal Druggists,— Boston Daily Traveller, Bronze Ink Stands, Fans,Card Receivers, Jewel Caaketa, Cigar Cases, Cutlery, etc. SNOWDEN | :: S&SfcSg. S'SfcfflfcS Smith. Banflolph A Co., BanKera, 15 * South tmpa Btowt. quotejrtU o’clock, as foUowB: ' OULtt Tnua 2* r*kS? ™«U22@lia^ .. lag*"™* .....lK&fbld tr.B. iMo..„.rr:rrr“rrr." , ““—^ — —MW- The weekly averagM ofthe Associated National and local Banks of toe city of New’ York now™ toe Glearlng-Houae, for the week ending Saturdav la?t Oct. 6, compare, as follows with the previous weeklv statement, and also with the corresponding weekiast ' year, and toe Sub-Treasury balances at each date: Decrease of Specie™ 144025? Increase of net Deposits., 5147536 THE PAILY EVENiIW;b®LOT TGESDATv'oi Decrease In f Legal-Tender..... 2, 488,342 Increase in Circulation - 88,408 ! ■ 0c1.7,’05. Oct, 6,’66. Sept 29.’66 Capital _488,1862M $83,070,200 $63,070,200 Loans™— „..228,525,727 274,210,361 269,807.383 Specie -. 13,470,134 A,203 693 7,643,960 Net. Deposits.,.., 188,504,468 - 228,484,570 . 223,336,785 Legal Tenders.,..,..;. 58,511,752 - 85.339.679 87,827,021 In Sub-Treasury. €9.838.421 90.288,801 87.842,831 : The following Is,the statement of , the . Little schpyl kill coal trade for 1866, to Saturday, Oct, 6: : Co’e Mines. Railroad. • ■. • i TonaCwt, Tons Cwt. From. Dee. 1,1865.... 108 577 17' ■•( 213,186 06 Same time last year., 74,277 10 . 171,022 0a | 1ncrea5e....^..,..., East Mahan0y8a11r0ad................. ...„&0,469 19 Same time last-year.,..,,,;..;...,..;,..—,.—..™ ,803,353 U 1 In®*"® ....... 11.116 08 Total Increasesn rai1r0ad5............ 53,2*0 09 PblladelpmaMarnetß. i Tuesday, Oct. 9, 1866.— The election was the only subject discussed at the Com Exchange to-day, and business was partially suspended. | There is go demand for Floor except foam the home consumers, who purchased very sparingly. Sales of 1,5*0 barrels—lncluding 700 barrels Northwest extra fomily at $l2 50@513.50, Penna. and Ohio do do.Jat $l3 66@]4 50, extras at s9@l2, superfine at $7 75@8 75, and fancy brands at slt@l6 50 $ barrel—according to qnsUty, ioo barrels Bye Floor was disposed of at $6 76. In Corn Meal no improvement to notice. .There la no new feature to present in the Wheat market, and prices remain -without essential change. Sales of Penna. and Souther* Red at $2 *o@s3 10. ■White ranges ftoip $3 lo@ss 25 V bushel.. Corn comm in slowly and is dull and lower,' with sales of 1000 bushels yellow atsl.o4@l 06, a small lot at $llO, and 2.500 bnanels mixed Western at $lO6. Oats are quiet; sales 5f2,000 bushels new Sonthern at 57 cents; {Nothingdoing in Barley or Halt.; - ~ . {Provisions are qnlet bnt firm. Sales of new Mess Pork at $34 25@34 50. and prime at .$31@31 50. Mess Beef ranges from $16@23 for Western and City packed. " I Whisky is sellipß in a small way at $2 38@2 4s, for, Penna., and $2 43(82 44for Ohio. ■ 0 Reported $ Bulletin., (BOSTON—Snamer Saxon, Captain - 42 pkgr dry gootoG Brewer & Co: 35 do TWdtM Brown; 14 do Bang* N FROM THE BEST MANUFACTURERS, AND CUT .IN ANY LENGTH. J. W. TROCTGR & C 0„ ocmßP Chestnut Street. Buying, Selling. ...U2}£ Jl2V® Sag CALIFORNIA PUBE WINES AND BRANDIES, From the celebrated Vineyards of B. D. WHHON A SON, San Gabrtal, Los Angeles, California. ANGELICA,. I MOUND VINEYARD,' HOCK, I SPARKLING niTAM. PORT. | PAGNE, GRAPE BRANDY, I WINE BTITERS. SHERRY, I ; . The above are gaaranteed to be perfectly PURE as make from the Grape, and salted fbr SACRAMEN TAL and MEDICINAL purposes. We claim they Sut^hliiS 1 Padty 10 toe bartlnK For sale In wood or by the case. , I Carmick & Co, ! SOLE AGENTS, ! Ni E. comer Front and Chestnut Sts. ahZ7rp} ■ • .. , > toras, Durham Mustard. pOYRIAL FRENCfH PRUNES.—(SO oases In ttt f- fftypters anfuanay bones, imported and fbr sau JjjOSj B.BUBS!KB A OO- ldl South Dsiawnrs Ci* : kii I P*’JS A £J O ! aA - and RAGO.-rOort Scotch uiLS® 1 * 41 ?'.?? 0 T*P leo * and Eaet India Pearl Saco, SSSawarnAvenns 16 by *' B ‘ BTOa ™ B * 00 ' TO 8 ‘ .. 34,280 07,'; 42,164 66 MABUSE BUIIETIS, PORT i iiADSLFHIA- October 9. GRAY’S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS. We have this day transferred the Philadelphia Agency for thO sale of the above named Collars from VAN DEUSEN, BOEHMER & CO. JOEL J. DAILY j& GO., No. S® Jjf, Third St., where dealers -will find a foil line of sizes. ! HATCH, JOHNBON AOa ,•11x77 Yobk, Sept; 22,186J1. se2s-tn the lot. GRAY’S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS. ■ -at 627, Chestnut Ste AS HERETOFORE. VAN DEUSEN, BOEHMER fc CO. se274hs*ta9t| ~ NOW OPENING AT CLARK & BIDDLE’S - •■'St 712 CHESTNUT STREET. i - i • An Elegant Assortment ! , OF SILVER FOR BRIDAL and GENERAL PRESENTATIONS. oetthsatntdSirpi gk HENRY HARPER, 520 ARCH ST. i . Watches r Fine Jewelry, Silverware, AND Silver Plated. "Ware. ■eis-lm rp MAGASIN DES MODES PARIBIENNES. OPENING DAY, Saturday, Oct. IS, OF THE Most Beautiful Establishment ON THIS CONTINENT, NO. 904 WALNUT STREET. MADEMOISELLE KEOGH, Milliner do Paris* M’lie Keogh basiebnlltand furnished, In the most elegant manner, her OLD-ESTABLISHED And will-known Sahionable plies of business, when sh e purposes offering and keeping constantly THE VERY LATEST. CHOICEST AND BECHERCHB PARIS FABBIOHS IN MTLT.TNEBY, Becelved regular iyby STEAVERS FROST EUROPE, Thaa enabling herb/lo supply her patrons with the newest styles or // • BONNETS, HBAJVdBBBBES, PAPS, FEATHERS, RLBBONB, FRAMES, ETC. Vile K.’s success la sufficient evidence of her taste, skill and proficiency aa a ■ - ; ; FASHIONABLE MODISTE. THE BALE ROOMS Will contain the most fashionable ready made arti cles, with goods to selecttrcm, imported and selected, of the very beat material in o COLOB AND STYLE. Her attendants are selected fbr.tbeir experience and taste, thus ensuring satis faction to those who may favor her with their orders. FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH ! SPOKEN. THE MOURNING DEPARTMENT Will contain all the latest Btyles, where any number required for funerals can be supplied at a few hoar*' notice. Pashisnlne. as she does, with FRENCH ARTISTS, FRENCH GOODST ; sun ■ ; FRENCH MODELS, All her productions are characterised by elegance, neatness and taste!' • ■ Ladles desiring to be pleased. caD, by visiting her elegant BUREAU DE PARIS, No. 904 Walnut Street, Fbttadelpliia, Select fiom the latest "French Modes,” thus giving them a satisfactory choice of becoming shapes, colors and styles, ocettl UHTXiEB, WEAVER *<».,• E : Manufacturers of ' • j -MANILA AND TARRED CORDAGE, Cords, Twines, die., ■ Ho. ts North Water streetfand No. 22 North Delawar avenue. Philadelphia, - Edwib H. Fuleb. ■ Michaal Wiavmt. ■ ■ j ■ . ■ Cosbah P. OLOTHran. jAk MONKYTO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JfiWEL" 6 , OIiB-ZSTABUBHED LOAN OEBTOH, • ' Oomeiot THXRB ana BABffTTiLStraeti, Bdow LouloikL DIAMONDS, WATOHJB3, JBWBLHV BUNB.AC., JOB BUB A* BIT ABLY LOW TBIGBS rrOBIE 9, isis^ I. E. WALRAVEHi j „ loaone uav 919 Chestnut; Btre«t s ; Elegant Curtains for Parlors PINING AND SLEEPING BOOMS, In BrocatellOi Satin Damasks, _ Terry, . ; Steps, _ Swiss Lace and . Nottingham Lace, WINDOW SHADES j Of the Newest Designs. Am now offering the most complete assortment of the above goods oimy own Importation, October 3,1866. • _ WOOLEN GOODS. SIX THOUSAND YARDS Frosted Bearer*, - Esglisli Whitneys, velvet Beavers, Attraekhsns, Chinchillas, White Cloths, Searlet Cloths, Middlesex Cloths, Waterproof Cloths. MEN’S WEAR. Bilk Mixture* for Bolts. Fine Black (Cloths, Fine Black Caaslmerea. Caator Beavers; Extra Heavy Overcoatings, Fancy Casslmeres, $l5O. Hauls Casslmeres Blolloy Casslmeres. BOYS’ WEAR. All-Wool Casslmeres, $1 00, Haadaomo Neat Styles; 31 25. Very Heavy Dark Styles, $1 25. Fine Light Weight and Colors, $L 50. Cadst Cray, All Shades. Boys’ Overcoatings. J. C. STRAWBRTDGB & CO , N. W. c«r. Eighth and Market. A DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. WE OFFER FOE HAM* Three Hundred Thousand Dollars o?;the . FIBST MORTGAGE BONDS ©F THS CONNECTING RAILROAD. '■ AT THE liOW RATEtiF Ninety-Three# Beating Intereat at Six Per Cent, FREE OF STATE TAX. PAYABLE SEMI-ANNUALLY, BY TEE Peusylvania Railroad Company. not previously disposed of on tha 15th ot October best we will advuice the price. For fell particulars In retard to the shore Security, apply to DREXEL & CO., Vo, 34 South Third Streat, ,e29-tg ; : • BAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The Urges; end ben assortment of Wiga, Tonpeea, Long Hair Braids aid Curb, Water-fall*, vietorinoa, Pri aettes, Illusive Seam* for Ladies, At price. LOWER than eliewhera. tsahSMp ! 909 OHESHTOT STREET. 1865 5-20’S EXCHANGED FOB ■,:j 1862’5, and market difference inprice&llowed. r lBBl’B.lo4o’s and ■ Compound Interest Notes Bought and Sold, DREXEL & ; CQ., [ 34 SOUTH THIBD STBEEr. T 6 HOUSEKEEPERS, fbr cleaning silver and anver-pteted ware,ANEW FOB2SHINO POWDER.’ the beet ever made. FARR A BROTHER,... fels Chestnut street, below Fourth, —ana-, THE CHARMING 'fONED EMERSON Sill|3 PIANO. W. H. DUTTON, 914 Chestnut fill! I.street. oc6s,tu,th-tf . the CHARMING TONED EMERSON fiSlp§3plANo. W. H. DUTTON, 914 Chestnut tf fto2!-2m| LIBRARIES, LADIES’WEAR. THIRD EDITION. £ 3:30 O’Olook. BIOTING IN BALTIMOBE. THE REPUBUCANS ATTACKED. RETALIATION ON THE EEBELB The Disturbance Quieted; From Baltimore; : Baltimore, . Got, 9.—Some excitement occurred to-day at the corner of Baltimoie ind North streets, occasioned by an attack pn ; Qie Demoatattc Headquarters, made, ag. is alleged, by members of the Republican P a yty, The flag suspended in front ,of the building was/cut down, and for a time there were apprehensions of a serious difficulty. The police interfered and compelled the re turn of the flag to its position.’ Last night the Conservatives made an attack tipqh the. Republicans in the- eastern section of the city, which resulted in a fierce fight, during - which John Gately.of the attacking party ' received three bullets in his body. Other parties were slightly injured. ' , ;l . Baltimore Polities. * BAMCTMoni, Oct. 9.—Reports are in circu lation of an intention or the part of Gover nor. Swann to remove" the Police Commis sioners on the ground of alleged official misconduct in making arrangements for the election. . ; The report occasions 'much "discussion, the Republicans maintaining that the Com missioners have’ not violated the law* and that the Governor cannot exercise such authority until the Commissioners shall have been first indicted, tried and con victed of unlawful conduct, as they are placed in office by the Legislature and not appointed by the Governor. The conservatives maintain that he can remove them, the same as any other State officer. Tile Etonian Catholic Connell. Baltimore, Oct. 9.—The Roman Catholic Council proceedings are now strictly private and conducted in Latin, i There will be another public service on Thursday mid a final demonstration on Son day week. Hew York Polities. Buffalo, October Oth.— John Hoyt, the Fenian Colonel, who was nominated by the Republicans for . the Assembly, has de clined the nomination. : The weather is very warm, From Boston. : Boston, Oct 9.— The kerosene, oil store of A. G. Foss,- No. 75 Union street, was burned last night The loss amounted to |lO,OOO, on which there is a partial insurance. The occupants lost from $2,000 to 33,000. FricetffiAMteiiewTtrk. , [By £■• Anetlcu TetegzapHOeJ N*w Tom, October 9.—Gold bu been ■noted to-d»T u follows: ft. ooi a. it, 1481 10.15 1485 11.45 10.30 149 12 M., 1J.45 14815t.15P.1t., 11.00 1485 112.30 LLIS 1485 BbrlioCs. - If*w Tok. Oct. 9—Cotton, dull. st*J©»c. Flour declined io@2fc.; sale, of 7,040 barrel, at *84412 for Steto. Otoo » 91@|13 75,Western K@|U at, Southern flDtOaiS to, wheat declined l@2o.iCr white; sales nn toiportent. Cam dull; tales of 3s,«t bnsbela at Ke. Beef quiet. Park heavy at *33 tor lf«B. Lard un changed. Whisky steady. Stocks are steady; Chicago and Bock Island, l(Cf: Cnmteiland Frcfened, HUnols-Centr&l scrip, do. bonds, 10$ Michigan Southern, HewTork Central, 115; Reading, H6ii: Virginia 6’s, 46; Missouri 6’a to, I .'; Erie Railroad, 83.\,'; Western Union Tele graph Company, 55: Treasury, 7 S-lCs, 106 K; Ten gortje*- 99, l i; Ten-Twenties, naif; Coupon 6’s, 11XV: UOla, • THE ELECTION IN THE CITY. ALL QUIET. “The Work Goes Bravely On.’ 1 As we go to press with the presentedition of the Bulletin the election is progressing quietly, but with spirit A very heavy vote is being polled,' and the indications are that the Union Republican candidates will have increased majorities over last year. There are over two hundred election divi sions in the city, extending over a hundred and thirty square miles of territory. As the party organizations look to the getting to gether of the grand result, after the dosing of the polls this evening, there is no wav of getting at anything satisfactory, more than generalities at this time. The reporters of the Bulletin have gath ered together such facts as could bergot, np to the time we go to press, but they are ne wssarily incomplete and unsatisfectory.* They will be found below. i iif'i'iL WABBg Geaiy 69; Clymer 29; KeUey 69; Welsh 30. SEVENTH AND EIGHTH WARDS. The Seventh and Eighth Wards give 55# majority for Geary, np to noon. Mr. O’Neill Has a majority of 540 over Mr. Hulme, up to the same hour. i TENTH WARD. At 12 o’clock the vote in the Tenth Ward stood as follows: Geary, R., - dymer, D., - Geary’s majority, O’Neill, R., - - Hulme, D., - - . ONeill’s majority, - - - S2S Kerns, R., - - - - - . i,3gl Pomeroy, I„ . - - - - 1,051 * Kerns’ majority, - - - - 3st This is a Republican gain on the election last year., ; TWENTY-SECOND WARD TO IP, H. • Divisions. . Geary, dymeri 3 - - 294 120 4 - - 273 72 5 - - 298 135 6. - - 215 74- 7 - ' - - 72 . - 80 9 157 . 86 — ____ K -4 ’ • . 1,309 . . . *687 In the Tweaty'second Ward Ross run#" greatly behind-Clyiner. , ‘ _ i ' > 1 TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD. , “ At one o’clock P. M. the vote' in the Twenty-seventh Ward .stood: Geary 'B6: Clymer 37; Kelley 84; Welsh 38. i. t Sales at PblladelpWa Stack Boars. SALES AFTER FIRST BOARD. BOOO'LehNvW ’M ; ,92 |»loooPaß2amKt(s : 96 soo 0-s TreisT s-loa j ! 9000Connectlnj;RBdB9i , j Notes June 105J4 toosh sSOSS 'iW do July 105«|,iq sU Penna-B ■ loootJfrJO-Ms eon'. 2sah Cam & Amb R l:;o 1000; ao_- : tee . ,s 5 99*1 9aliChE3*Walnut ss ■_ SECOND BOARD. 86 thCam&Aroticrp is 1200 ah Reading R ;; 6S.'« DIED. ' SMITH —On the 9th Inst.. Tn. H. Smith. In the 37th je*r of hia-ege. Due notice of the funeral win be given. ' { • ' ■ -* • 1484 149 149 1494 149 J - - 1,667 - - 832 - 836 - 1,668 - 830