SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. RAILROAD ACCIDENT AT AUBURN. THE SUSPENDED OIL BANKS. CHOLERA IN BALTIMORE. MAIL ROBBER ARRESTED. The European Squadron. From Washington. Especial Despatch to the Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, June 18.—Senator Fessen den is in his seat, and will report the Tax bill to-day. They have added between five and six hundred amendments to it, many of them very important. Voluminous despatches were read at the State Department to-day from our Minis libra to England and France. War is m a arded as inevitable and cannot long be ostponed. The Ways and Means Committee have nearly completed the tariff bill. The Senate Military Committee have postponed until next December the House bill fixing the pay officers of the army. Railroad Accident. WORCESTER, Mass., June 18th.—The ex press freight train from Norwich this morn ing ran into a,freight car at Auburn, which had been blown by the wind from a turnout into the main track. The engine and nine cars were thrown off the track, and the en gineer had his leg broken. The Petroleum and Venango County Baulks HARRISBURG, June 18.—It is: necessary to state for the protection , of stockholders of the Petroleum and Venango county Banks, that sufficient securities remain in the hands of the Auditor General to redeem every dollar of the circulating medium of those banks. The suits pending in reference to the re, moval of bonds from the Auditor General's office, will only effect depositors in those in stitutions. Several of the parties implicated in the alleged frauds in this connection, were arrested in Venango county, but ad mitted to bail by an Alderman in that re gion in a very small amount. Cholera in Baltimore BALTIMORE, June 18.—A fatal case of cholera occurred here yesterday afternoon, The victim was a gentleman who arrived by Saturday night's train. He died about four o'clock in the afternoon at one of our infirmaries. The disease was no doubt contracted in New York. Mail Robberry. NEwArts, N. J., June 18th.—Foster Dunn, a clerk in the Post Office in this city, was arrested on Saturday on a charge of robbing the mails, and has confessed his guilt. Money and letters were found on his person. The European Squadron. HALIFAX, June 18.—The U. S. gunboats Augusta and Asshuelot, and monitor Mian tonomiah sailed from St. Johns, N. 8., on the 15th inst. for Queenstown. The Asshue lot, when off the narrows ran into and sank the brig Selina. The China below Halifax. HALIFAX, June IS.—The steamship China a below this port, detained by the fog. Her advices are to the 9th and 10th insts., and will be telegraphed as soon as she arrives up. From New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, June 17th.—The steamers Huntsville,. Stevedore and Mariposa have sailed for New York. Barrett (Fic Loon's extensive liquor ware house, No. 8 Gravier street, was burnt this morning. The Toes is heavy but has not been ascertained. Storm at Cleveland. CLEVELAND, Ohio, June 18th.—The barge Arabian, of Port Burwell, Canada, was wrecked on the piles here last night. Cap ain Haskin, mate MoDermot and wife, and wo sailors were lost. The schooner Alice Grover, of Toronto, was totally wrecked here last night. LATER NEWS FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Peruvian. War Virtually Etegun THE PRUSSIANS ENTER HOLSTEIN, THE AUSTRIANS AT ALTONA A COLLISION IMMINENT. THE REFORM BILL. THE MINISTRY SUSTAINED. Commercial Intelligence. FATHER POINT, June 18.—The steamship Peruvian, from Liverpool on the 7th, and Londonderry on the Bth inst., has passed' Shia point. The steamships_ Virginia, Bavaria and Java had arrived out. The War News. The Prussian troops entered Holstein, on The 7th. The Austrians were concentrating at Al ma, where a collision is expected: These movements are regarded as a vir nal commencement of the,war. In the British House of Commons the op ybosition bad attempted a surprise on the 4frovernnient by moving a postponement of the Franchise clause in the Reform bill, bat were defeated by a majority of 27 for the government. Walpole's amendment was also rejected, the Government majority _ being 14. - COTTON.—The sales of the week amounted to 71,000 bales. • The market opened buoy ant with an advance which was lost and closed at a decline of ..}®id on the week. Sales to speculators 6,500 bales and to ex porters 9,500 bales. Orleans middlings was quoted at 13d. The sales on Friday amounted to 15,000 bales, the market closing buoyant, with an advance of caused by advices per the steamer Java. Breadstuffs are firm. Provisions quiet, but steady. Lorrnow, July Bth.—Consols closed at 86a 861 for money. 11. S. Five-Twenties 64a64§. Illinois Cen tral 75a751. Erie R.R., 40a41. The bullion in the Bank has increased £1,400,000 during the week. Marine Intelligence. NEW YORK ) June 18.—Steamer Ladona Galveston. CITY BULLETIN. PHILADELPHIA. CATTLE MARmirr, June 18tb.—Beef cattle are in better demand this week,and prices are looking np; about 1,600 head arrived and sold at from 17-.}@lB cents for extra,l4s-I@l6i cents for fair to good,and 141@15 cents 131 lb for common,as to quality. The following are the particulars of the sales: Head. Name. Amount. 33 Owen Smith, Western, . . 161@18 82 A. & J. Christie, Western, 17 ®lB 20 Jones McClese, Chester co. . 14 @l6 69 P. McFillen, Western, . .15 @ln -100 P. Hathaway, Western, . 161(4)171- 92 J. S. Birk, Western, . . 16 @17160 Montnne& McFillen,West,gra 7, 1 00 81 98 James McFillen, Western, . 16 @17160 E. S. McFillen, Western, . 17 ®l7l 50 Ullman & Bachman,Ches. co., 17 gni 97 Martin Fuller & Co., West, 17 @l7l 188 Mooney & Smith, Western, 16 @lB 64 Mooney & Bro., Westerd, . 15 @lli 30 J. &J. A. Chain, West & Pa,. 15 @l7 32 H. Chain s do. . 16 @l7l 40 L. Frank, - Western, . 15.1@17 80 Schamberg & Frank, Western 16 @l7l 73 Hope & Co., Western, . . 16 @l7 38 L. Dryfoos, Western, . . 15 ®l6} 62 B. Hood, Chester county, . 15 @in 32 Chandler & Co., Chester co., 16 @l7i Sheep—Are rather lower; 14.000 head ar rived and sold at 6@61 cents 10 lb., gross, as to condition. Cowe—Are in good demand; 200 head sold at $50@75 for Springers, and soo@sloo per head for mulch cows as to quality. Bogs—Are dull at former rakes; 2,500 bead sold at the different yards at from $l3 50@14 50 the 100 lbs net, as to quality, SHOCKING ACCIDENT.-A lad named Francis Burchell, aged 13 years, was killed on South street, near Ninth, about ten o'clock this morning. He was playing on a brick pile, and as a passenger car passed along he attempted to jump to the top of it. He fell between the car and the brick pile and was crushed to death. The parents of the lad reside at Eighth and Shippen streets BOWER'S INFANT CORDIAL is a certain, safe and speedy cure for colic. pains and spasms, Yielding great relief to children teething. Store Sixth and Green. MAGIC PHOTOS.—A cld Et few drops of water, and beautiful pictures will appear. Package by mall, 10 cents. Bow ers' Laboratory. Sixth and Vine. PURE FRtrrrßtrrs—For En3da water; also bottled for domestic nem ELA.NCE, GRIFFITH & CO., No. 509 North street. To SAVE MONEY AND TIME.—Buy your Coal now. and at Alter's Depot, Ninth etreet, below Girard Avenue. Branch Office, Sixth and Spring Garden. FEMALE Trusses, Braces, Supporters, Elastic Belts, Stock It gs, a c., of light P. nd elegant m‘ke. adjusted by a Lady, at Needles', Twelfth street, first door below Race. 7-30 s, 5.205, lESIs, 10 4ft Compound Interest Notes and Gold and Silver bought and sold by I) R.EXE L & CO.. HONEY BROOK and Harleigh Coals, all sizes, at low prices, at Alter's Depot. Ninth street, be low Girard avenue. Branch office, Sixth and Spring- Garden. EAGLE VEIN, Suffolk and other good Schuylkill Coals can be had, all sizes, at Alter's Coal Depot, Ninth street below Girard avenue. Branch Office Sixth and Spring Garden streets. BRONZE Ink Stands, Fans, Card Reoeiv ro, Jewel Caskets, Cigar Cases, Cutlery etc. • SI%.7OWDEII & BROTHER, Importers, Z 3 South Eighth street, DRUGOISTS' SUNDRIES IN EVERY VA -33:373,. SNOWBEN & BROTHER, Impeders, 23 Sonth 13dghth street. OUR READERS would do Well to see Alter before purchasing their Coal, as he Is selling at old prices set. Derr* Ninth street below Girard avenue. Branch Office, Sixth and Spring Garden streets. No BETTER BLOOD PURIFIER can be oh tairrd than DR. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. It contains no concealed poisons, no mercurial or other mettlite preparations, but is a combination of those articies which long experience has proven to possess the most efficient alterative and deobstruent proper , les. It acts directly on the blood, stimulates the digestive and se. cretive organs, and enah'es the Liver, Kidneys. dtc , to perform their prrper functions. Its efficacy is estab• fished by its long-sustained popularity, and by the many cures it has effected, a number of which are published each year in Jayne's Almanac. Read them and be convinced. Prepared only at '242 Chestnut street. COMMERCIAL. SALES OF STOOKS. 'MST BOARD #sfo City Gs new C&P 9734 MO sh Ere 31 1000 do C&P 97 20 eh Cataw & isa i 25.5 e 300 War'n & Fran k'n 100 do cash 2.558 gusr'd 7pr et Ede 88 300 6h 'Fulton Coal 634 10000 Q S 5-20 rs '62 102.4 200 eh New Creek WO do '64 10204 19 eh Penns R 5431 300 sh Read R sswn 544 4sh2drk3d St R .86 12 sh Lehigh Val 6216 /WOES OF HT00.11.8 IN NEW YORE. MegrdPk) Amerleen Gold . t - 164,11 sales Beading Rattrued 54 sales New York Ce0traL......... -sales 11. 13. es 'SI.- . ........... bid U. 9.65, 102%,5al es Erie 6034 sales Hudson Blver-.--..- ... ... 110. bid Firm. Finance and Business—Jane 18,1866. A. further advance of ten per cent. In the premium on Gold, and the violent and hourly fluctuations have even astonished the brokers, as well as the mercantile °tram:tufty, causing a general unsettling of prices, and restricting operators within a very small circle. Go vernment Loans were feverish closing 1113 M bid for the Coupon Sixes. '81; /02.% for the Five Twenties; 102% for the Seven• Thirties, and 98% for the Ten• Forties. For State Loans the quotations were nominal. City Leans, of the new issues, sold at 97%—an advance of M. Rea ding Railroad +a as feeble,. and declined M, and Lehigh Valley Railroad receded %. Philadelphia and Erie Railroad was steady at 81. Catawisaa Railroad Pre ferred sold at 26% 7 an advance of %. 129% was bid for Camden and Amboy Railroad: 54% for Peruasylvania Railroad; 56% for Mine Hill Railroad, and 38 for North Pennsylvania Railroad. Cabal stocks were compare tively steady. Schuylkill Navigation Preferred closed at 34; Lehigh Navigation at 57; Morris Canal Common at 82; the Preferred stock at 120; Delaware Division at 5 6%, and Susquehanna Canal at 15. The transactions In Coal and 011 . stocks were unimportant. Passenger Railway shares. with two or three excdptions, were held firmly. Second and Third Streets sold at 86—an advance of 1. 60 was bid for Tenth 'and Eleventh Streets; 72% for Thirteenth and Fifteenth Streets, and 18% far Hestonville. Meters. DaHaven Brother. Ma. 40 South Third Street. make the folluw tug quotations of the ra tee rit exchange today, at 1 P. M.: Buying.. American 165 166 Silver-Quarters and h a1ve5 . .....159 159 lOmppund Interest Notes: JunelB6l-. 12% 12 35 0 0 01 1rdy..1864.. OM 12 And.lBBoL.: 1134 ' le Oct. 1864...103a " 1835 Dec. MM.., 934 91-1 May,1865... 734 7% ! .. 1 0.8ept.1865... , " " Oct. 1865... 4; THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 18. 1866. 34 South Third street. SECOND CALL. salsa. Sable sales salee Jay Cooke et Co. quote Government neettrltielli an% to-day. as follows: . Swint U. B. 6's, 3881. DO% Old 520 Bonds — 102% 103% New ". 102% 103 5-20 Bonds, 1865. .102% 103 10-40 Bends 98% 97 7810 102% 2% Certificates of Indebtedness...—. 100 1 1 0 0 0% Gold—at 12 o'clock. .._l64' 165 ;smith, Basaolph et Co.. Bankers. 15 &milt Third street, quote at 11 o'clock, as %howl: G01d.... ... . . ....... 165 U.S. lgai Bonds. nog tr,s. 5.20, 1862-- ...........102% 103 B. 1801..—.... ...... ..........................102%102% ' .. .117234 102% U.B. 1040 .. ...... .... 96% 96 U. 7-801—Ist .....102% 1023] 241 series.— ...... 10236 102% 8d series-- —J02%0102.43' U. S. Certificates of Indebtedness.-- .... Compounds. Dec., 1864. 109%(4 Philadelphia Markets. Molina', June 18.—A further advance of 10 per cent• -in the premium on gold, bas caused a feverish and excited market for merchandise generally, and as buyers and sellers are widely apart in their views, trade bad been brought to a stand. What Is to be the result of this sudden rise in the precious metal It will be bard to divine. but certain it is, that in the present state of inflated values, consumers will only purchase to supply their most necesitoos wants. Breadstuffs have an upward tendency, and for Flour prices which would have been gladly accepted at the close of last week are now refused. There is no shipping demand and only a few small lots were taken by the trade, at $8.59(=9 0 barrel for superfine, $9 45®110 25 for extras and Northwestern extra fathily at sll@fill 80, including 200 barrels St. Louis at the latter rate. Penna. and Ohio do. do. at $12®14, and fancy lots at higher price In Rye Flour and Corn Meal nothing doing. There Is very little good Wheat and not a single transaction has been reported to flx prices. The last sale of Rye was at 11 30. Corn is in good request, and we notice further sales of 4,000 bushels at 81411 05 for yellow. and 97 for Western mixed to arrive. Oats are •in steady /demand, with s.lea of 1,000 bushels Penna. at 74 cents; 1,800 bushels Western at 60052,1,, and 3,500 bushels No. 2 do.libi.6o cents. Whisky Is quiet. Small sales of Perms. at $2 24®2 and Ohio a. $22 28(482 VALUABLE BUSINESS CORNER , Fourth and Chestnut Streets, AT Public Fate, Tuesday, June 26th el - W The property at the Southeast Cor. of CHEST NUT ano FOURTH Streets. 41.1; feet on Cnestnut dr by SUN. at 12 tett Ri n d be Foutold rth, th e heat busineaa corner in Phila. ia. w N. THOMAS & M., at the EXCHANGE, on 2ttla inst. 1e1&1, , p WINDOW SHADES LACE CURTAINS Drawing 'Looms, LIBRARIES AND SLEEPING ROOMS. Cornices, Tassels and Fringes IN. GREAT VARIETY. E WALRAVEN, MASONIC HALL; 719 Chestnut Streete Ea3ELST • NATIONAL BANK. INTEREST DEPOSITS. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS payable on 5 days notice, after 15 days, and bearing interest at FOUR PER CENT per annum, will be issued in sums to suit depositors. mylo-15p MORTON Mc=ORA WU s sr.. Cahier. FPM. PAINTER aa CO., 110 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BUY COMPOUND INTEREST. NOTES OF ALL DATES And pay the Accrued interest. apaarmapl DREXEL & CO., BANKERS! 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET! I$S/L's, Certificates of Indebtedness, Compound Interest Notes and GOLD SAD SILVER, Bought and Sold. DRAFTS DRAWN ON ENGLAND, IRE LAND. FRANCE AND GERMANY.' A ;Id THEA 0 I 'l' INEWERAN= 0011:PANIfm. ON_ADTER PERPETUAL* Office, No. all WALNUT 'street, above Th ird, PhDs., Will Insure against Lose or Damage by Fire, on Build. ings, either perpetually or fora limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generallY. Also—Markle Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freight. inland Insurance to all parts of the 014 /DICOTOBS. Wm Esher, David Pnn D. Luther, Peter Blegef, Lewis Audenried, J. E. Baum, • J. R. Blaktoton, Win. P. Dean, • Jos. Manfleid, • John Ketcham. WM. President. WM. P. D . Vice-President, WM. ECIVITH. Secretary lass eip l MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED. UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWEL , IW, PLATE : CLOTHING, &c., at JON tc.l3 & CO.'S • OLD.ESTABLIsHED LOAN OFPISR, Corner At THIRD and GASKILL Streets, Below Lombard. N. B.—D IAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, HUNS, &e., LOW BALM AT REMARKABLY LAW PRICER skie.BB.IIVA ORABGEs.—LOOO boxes Sweet Mewls' prime order, landlngiand ibr sale br J.B. BUBBLER ds CO. 108 B. Delaware Avenue. - Bands, News by the Chinn. LIVERPOOL, Saturday Evening, June 9th. —Sales of cotton to-day, 1,000 bales, the market closing firm with yesterday's ad vance fully maintained. Breadstuffs firm. Provisions steady. LoNnotc, June 9th.—Consols close at S 6„ @n Btigc.; for money, U. S. 20's 651@66. Illinois Central, 75@76c. Erie 41@42c. The conti nental news contintms_warlike. lczw Yong, Jane 18.—Cotton is dull at 40giM. Flour—State hes advanced 10;_415c. Sales of 10.uod he-rels.l t 38 9 @llO for State: 3e iiog.#l4 for Ohlo: Letra @l9 55 for Western; 1110 50 (,317 for Southern, and tt Pi for Cam da. Wheat advanced 3(1d).5 sales unim portant. Corn advanced:243c: 50,000 bushels sold at o.l@tdc Bee! steady. Pork firm. Sales of 1.5)0 barrels at t.33@133 31 fur meta. Lard quiet at 193;@;22,1i cents. hisky 2 , 1:m 7 N - oak, June M.—Stocks are steady. Chicago and Rock Island, 94; Cumberland Preferred. 443 2 '; Da nois ( , entral, 123; Michigan aou; hero. 781 i; New York Central, 9831; Reading. 19931; Canton, 69,14; 11listour' 6 5,7934: rie. 3934 carotinas. 9.5%; Teunemee 6 ' B , 9532": TrewurY 73-its, MN: a en-Forties. 16X. Five. liventles, 192 ha Gold, .1f:14. WEST PrirLADELTEtia.—Perhaps no more disagreeable day oould be possibly conceived than was that which has just passed away, and last night it finished itself off in as vio lent a wind storm as we are seldom blessed with. We were not among the church goers, and so can only report at second hand, that all the reverend clergy officiated at their usual posts. The fair at the Walnut Street Presbyterian Church, which closed on Fri day evening, re-opens. again to-day. The ladies realized over $1,300 for their han diwork., The new organ and the necessary repairs of the church will cost $3,000. We are requested especially to report the caving of a sewer and culvert on Thirty sixth street, immediately above Walnut, on the west side. It caved on Saturday, pre cipitating a loaded ice cart and horses into the abyss. It extends over half the width of the street. Half the pavement likewise is gone. It is very dangerous. We noticed, some time since, the danger ous condition of the sidewalk in Market street, at the Tunnel of the Air Line from New York to Washington, which was par tially obviated. The Company have now erected two high fences flush up to the para pet, and no accident can possibly occur. At the northeast corner of Thirty-sixth and Market streets, Mr. Clegg has just laid the foundation of two substantial stores and dwellings. Mr. Efutchinson's fine new house, on Thirty-sixth street, is nearly fin ished, while the tallow factory of Mr. Owen Hughes, on Market street, opposite the Pennsylvania Central depot, is in, a similar condition. Not so,however,with the Chest nut street bridge, where they did compara tively little work last week. About three fourths of the eastern span was paved, and they still promise to have it open on the coming Fourth of July. At the Police Station but five cases were beard yesterday morning, three of drunken ness and two of suspicion of larceny. The parties were severally named Jno. Sullivan, Thomas Johnson and William Giyen. They occupied an out-of-the-way shanty in an old •field near Gray's Ferry; whence they nightly ,issued to commence depredations, more especially upon the spring -houses of farmers living in - the vicinity of Darby, stealing everything they could lay their hands on, butter, poulty, meat, pies, cream, milk, and whatever dry goods were left out to bleach. Officer Roan, dm, made a descent on Saturday' morning, capturing the two first fellows. Given was subse quently arrested, with some thirty pound • THIRD EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. The Death of Hon. Lewis Case. WASHINGTON June 18, 1866.—The follow ing was issued this morning: DEPARTMENT OF STATE, WASHINGTON, Juue 18, 1866.—The President directs the undersigned to perform the painful duty of announcing to the people of the United States, that Lewis Cass, distinguished not more by faithful service in varied public trusts than by exalted patriotism at a recent period of political discord, departed this life at 4 o'clock yesterday morning. The several Executive departments of the Government will cause appropriate honors to be rendered to the memory of the de ceased, at home and abroad, wherever the National name and authority are acknow ledged. [Signed]: WM. H. SEWARD. From Fortress Monroe. FortmEss MoNRoE, June 17.—The steam er North Point, from Savannah, bOand to Baltimore with cotton, was disabled yes terday, at 4 A. M., 12 miles north of Hat teras. She was spoke shortly after by the steamer Fannie, from Baltimore for Savan na, and taken in tow. She arrived here to-day and will be towed to Baltimore by the steamer State of Maryland. The revenue cutter Northerner, with Se nator Grimes, Commissioner Rollins, Sec retary Chandler and a party of Congress men, arrived this morning,and after visiting the Portsmouth Navy Yard, returned this afternoon. The revenue cutter Wyandotte has arrived from Baltimore and will soon sail for San Francisco. Sailed—Naval steamer Standish for Philadelphia, towing the U. S. ship Constellation. The weather is squally with rain. A Case of Cholera in Baltimore. BeurnronE, June 18.—The fatal case Of cholera in this city yesterday was that of W. Howard Mann, aged 40 years. His father resides in the western part of the city. The disease was contracted at New York,where a room-mate was sick of it when be left,and subsequently died. On arriving here on Sunday morning, he was taken to the In firmary, and received the best medical treatment, but he was too far gone to arrest the disease. X XXIXTH CON O iltr.st4—FlßST SESsio N. WASHINGTON, June IS, 1866. SENATE.—Mr. Wilson (Mass.) reported from the Military CoMmittee a resolution to appoint a commission to settle the war claims of the State of lowa. Mr. Wade (Ohio) offered a joint resolution for the printing of the reports of the Gene rals commanding the armies in the West, made since the conclusion of the report of the Committee on the Conduct of the War. Passed. The tax bill was reported from the Fi nance Committee and ordered to be printed, with the amendments. orsx.—Under the call of States for bills and joint resolutions, Mr. Davis (N. Y.) introduced an act to establish in Germany a repertory for fur nishing information as to the resources of the United States. Read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture. Mr. Trowbridge, Mich., introduced a bill to establish a commission of claims against the Government of the United States held by loyal citizens of Fast Tennessee. Read twice and referred to the Committee of Mil itary Affairs.• Mr. .Ashley (Nevada) introduced a bill granting the right of way and other privi tegps, to aid in the construction of a drain ing and exploring tunnel, to the Comstock lode. Markets. CITY BITILLETIN. 3:00 O'Clook. THEIR DEPREDATIONS.—The three young men who were arrested in the Twenty fourth Ward on suspicion of burglary, it has been ascertained have been engaged in committing depredations upon the farm houses near Gray's Ferry, and disposing of butter, eggs, ctc., to the soldiers encamped ice housethe Arsenal. A room in an old house near Gray's Ferry was used as a re ceptacle for the stolen articles. Several fine jimmies, of the kind used by burglars, were found. The accused have been held for a further hearing. FLEE rN FRA - SZEFORD—On Saturday even ing, about eight o'clock, a tire occurred in a barn and stable on the Whitelack Estate, between Main and Paul streets, above Green; in Frankford. The barn was occu pied by T. S. Hornby, matress manufac turer, and the stable by Samuel Cooper. The stable was destroyed. and two horses perished in the flames. The total loss was about $1,700; no insurance. FrisE ARTS.—The closing sale of oil paint ings and crystal medallions, from the Ameri can Art Gallery, New York, takes place at Scott's Gallery, this evening at 8 o'clock. Connoisseurs and lovers of art should attend this sale as this will be the last opportunity this season, as the Gallery will positively be closed until the beginning of September. BRAKESMAN INJURED. Oliver Dickey, aged :".2 years, employed as a brakesman on the Pennsylvania Railroad, fell from the platform of a car on Saturday afternoon. ! The wheels passed over his le , causing a compound. fracture. Dickey w is taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. FATAL RALLROAD ACCIDENIL—A man named Martin Fleming, about-10 years of age, was run over yesterday morning by a ecal train on the Reading railroad, between Richmond and Salmon streets, and was in stantly killed. ROBBERY.—The house of Wm. Smedley, in the Nineteenth Ward, was entered this morning about three o'clock by forcing open a back 'window. About 100 cigars were stolen. ON DUTY AotaN.—Lieutenant Frank C Hampton, of the Second District Police, WM on duty again this morning, QUARTER SEssiorts.—Judge Peirce,—Mi chael Doyle was convicted of a charge of as sault and battery upon his wife. . William Warmsley, colored, .was con victed of a charge of committing an outrage upon the person of a female. Robert Pering was convicted of a charge of stealing 25 yards of carpet. Thomas Clark was convicted of- a charge of stealing a set of harness. John Hollowood Was charged with steal ing a half pound of tobacco, and a set of shoe laces, the whole valued at thirty cents. The prosecutor failed to appear, and the bill was subinitted and a verdict of not guilty rendereci. Sarah Quinn was convicted of a charge of malicious miSchief. Mary Duff was charged with stealing $2O. The prosecutrix alleged that she was count ing money while sitting on a steamboat at Arch street wharf, when the defendant came on board with fruit to sell. She stooped at the feet of the prosecutrix and picked up something. Shortly afterwards $2O was missing, and the defendant was arrested on the charge Of stealing the amount. Jury out. Real Estate at Public Sale.—Mes.irs. Thomas dt Bons' sale tomorrow at the Stachange, will include a number of valuable properties. BALE. 26th 70NE-I:XTRA VALUABLE PROPERTY his sale will tr. clue e the two very valuable pi opez t es E. F. corner latrio2rtor and Fousmiit Streets. 46 !pet on r hestnut and the Y. P rot , er of Fourth street. B sir ess Station N. It earner Fourth and Callowlylll and N. V. corner Fourth and vallowhill streets together with a large amount of other property by Order the Orphans' Court. 10th JULY-0 etPRANS' COURT S. LEB.—This sale will include valuable Doub'e itei'den a S. W. corner. of WELPTH and WALNUT fitreets, (Mate of ueo. t al stun; Estate of Barbara Evans dec'd. 9 acres rdatu street. GcbstawrowN. Also, Estates of John Crea u. J. G. Rassell and Lee, minors. vor full particular.' see pamphlet catalogues and fifth page to-days' Rut, I AIME SALE .7 INE WINES AND lanuoss.—The stock of Messrs. Ward & Brother,late of the La Pierre /louse, on Wednesday. reth Inst. Sales at Philadelphia Stock Beard. SA.LES APTER, FIRST BOARD. 12000 Bch Nay 65'73 b 5 89 160 sh N Y and Middle 350 D S Trews 7 8-10 s Coal Fields 5 Notes June 102% 100 eh Read R bIA 51 34 NCO. do cash 1u2 % 200 sit do cash 54% It Pittsburgh 4870 2.1 sh do 54.4' 200 City 6s new C&P 97 13 sh do trt 547 16000 u s6B 5-20 s '65 rg 102% 295 sh Penns R 55 109 eh 18th &, 15th St R 22% 3.00 sh Dairen 94-100 50 sh Spruce & Pine 865 k seh Academy Music 50 10 sh Norristown P. 55 • SECOND 01000 II B 5 20s '65 0021, 4uo eh Catawls pre I 25 W.P..NIVEX) e2OO PER MONTH paid to Agents, to introduce out luta, pa. $lB d 120 Sewing • Macnineo, Ketchum's - pat. ent. Address, with !gawp, otUNADNOOK SEWING koRINE co., Wind:tendon, Maae., orPtthadelohta, of butter, a considerable quantity of cream, and plll3B and kettles, and all sorts of odds and ends without number. The police at first imagined that they were breaking up a gang of burglars. They were committed. The only case this morning was of a man named John Granfield, hailing trona Ohio; who was arrested yesterday, •in a farm house out on' the Lancaster pike. The farmer gave him his dinner, and treated him very kindly, when he suddenly claimed possession of the house as his own, and en deavored to turn his host out of doors. He was evidently insane. Alderman Allen committed him to answer the charge of as sault and battery. At the Almshouse we found the recapitu lation of last week's business as follows: Admissions, 100; discharges, 81; deaths, 14; elopements ' 26; births, 4. Census, to-day, 2,874; same time last year, 2,435, Relative increase, 389, CHARGED WITH ROBBERT.-A. colored man, named Clarence Miller, was brought to the city from New York, last night, and was locked up in the Fifth Dis trict Police Station upon the charge of lar ceny. It seems that about ten days ago two colored men from the country stopped at the boarding-house of Mrs. Johnson, also color ed, at Dujonceau and Locust streets, and the next morning missed their carper-bags. A negro,thief, named George Betz, was ar rested, and declared to Lieut. Connelly that Miller had stolen the articles and pawned the goods. Upon this statement, and other evidence, Miller was arrested in New York MUCH ADO Anotrr NOTHING —Last night about twelve o'clock an individual residing on Tenth street, below Shippen, raised the front window and commenced springing a rattle very furiously. The whole neighbor hood kecame excited in a few minutes. Windows were raised and night-caps were continually popping out. A policeman was soon on the steps of the house, and after some delay was admitted by the occupant, who declared that there were robbers about. The officer made a thorough search of the premises and in the bath-room discovered a cat making a noise in the endeavor to get out. ATTEMPTED BIIEGLABY.—Wm. Debois John Miller and Charles Norwood were be fore Alderman Fitch, last evening, on the charge of attempted burglary. Early yes terday morning they were watched by Officer Shields, of the Twentieth Ward, and finally one of them was discovered in at tempting to effect an entrance into a house on Sixth street, above Parrish, by using "nippers." Shields sprang his rattle and Officer Matthews came up. The two police men succeeded in capturing the party. The accused were committed for a further hearing. COURTS. Joseph Byers was convicted of a charge of arceny. BOARD. 10 sn Cam & Ami 1 WANTED TO BENT A. modern Built Dwelling _ between Tenth and Twentieth anu, North of Fine Street. RENT NOT TO EXCEED $l.OOO. ' MIST OF REFERENCE. BROKER, BULLETIN OFFIC Address, jel4-8t iv? E... ORPHANS' COITIIT SALE. —E-tate - or B AR BABA EVANS, deceased.—THOMAS & SONS. Auetio , ,eers.-41. BY ye - I,IJ ABLE LOT, NINE ACRES, MAIN SI REET. GERMA'eTOWN, AdjAn ing the Elegant Country Seat of Jas Gowen, Esq.— Pursuant to an Order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia will be sold at Public. Sale, on TUESDAY, July Inth, 1866. at 12 o dock noon, at the PP ILADELaTIA. EXCHANGE the following described property, late of Barbara Evans, deceased . , viz: All that two-story brick mes flags anti lot orient]. therennto belonging, E ituate in Cresham. in the town ship of Germantown, on the northeast side of the Ger mantown and Perkiomen Turnp'ke Road. Begin* nlng at a corner stone on the side of said road; thence N. E. by the late William Allen's land 1815-'O patches to another corner stone; thence by land formerly of Philip Himkle and John Himkle, S. E. 8 perches to another earner stone; thence by land formerly of George Smith, now Adam Bash's land, S.. W. 189 perches to another stone set by the side of said turnpike road; thence up the said road N. 2i (called 21) degrees W. 8 perches 7 feet four inches to the place to beginning; containing 9 acres and 24 perches et land. It being the same two-story messuage, tene ment and treater 9 acres and 24 perches of land and premises which Christian Lehman and wife, by their indenture dated April 29th, 1773. granted and conveyed unto the saidlsalah Evans, dec'd. and Barbara, his wife, as joint tenants is and by said indenture, recorded in Deed Book No. T 5. page 192 &c. By the Court, E. A MERRICK-, Clerk 0. C. N. B.—The above Is a very beautiful and valuable situation. adjoining the elegant mansion of James Gowan. Esq.. and lands of Michael V. Baker and George W. Carpenter. Eags. The Chestnut Hill Rail way - I siesta through the premh es. and there is a eta. lion within a few hundred yards of it. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers,; Jim - tic/2.40s 129 and 141 South Fourth street. t HANS' COURT SALE.—Estate of' GEO. B.ALSTON.deceased—THOMAS & SONS. Auto tioneers.—Valuable doubIeRESIDENCE, SI., - W. car. ner of WALNUT and TWELFTH streets: 46 feet front. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the City and county of' Philadelphia, will be sold at Public bale. on ITTESDA.Y, July loth, 1866, at 12 o'clock following d th es e c r ;P ib H ed l p AD pe P r L ty P l H at A of E X Ge C Or H ge N R GE s , t t on der•eased. viz: All that three-story brick massaage and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Walnut street, and west side of Twelfth street: containing in front on Walnut street 46 feet, and in depth on Twelfth street 110 feet. Bounded E. by Twelfth street, S. by A 20 - feet wide alley, calle Lyndall's alley. W. by ground ofJohn Cox. and N. by Walnut street afore. said. (Being the same premises which John H. Gor don and wife. by identure bearing date 'he Lath day of September, A. D leaf, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 8. page 849. &c.. granted and conveyed unto the raid George Ralston in fee.) By the Court, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk 0. C. LE VISA. RALSTON, Executrix, N. R —Half the purchase money may remain on mt. rtgage. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioners, Je,16,26ju9 139 and 141 South Fourth street. rEORPIIHANS' COURT SALE — Estate of LEE, a ailitiaftes.—THo3l & SONS, Auctioneers. AL ESTATE.—Parsuant to an order ot the Or phans' Court for the city and county or Philadelphia, will be sold at Public Sale. on TUESDAY; July 10th, lEr6. at 12 o'clock. noon - . at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, the following described property of Lee, Alinors, deceased, viz No. L All that lot of ground, with the two-story brick messuago thereon erected, situate on the soutnerly side of Richmond (la'e Queen) street, between Frankford road and Snackamaxon street. In as. late District of Kensington, now in the Eighteenth Ward; contaming in front on Richmond street 20 feet, and in depth 100 feet. Bounded s, by ground now or late of John Bus is, W. by ground now or late of— Rt - onheed. E. by ground now or late of John W. FastArick, and northward by Richmond str, et aforesaid; beine the same premii es which Jacob Strem beck , Esq., High Sberiff, by a certain deed poll, bearing date the 9.h day of October. A. D. 1829. and acknowledged in open District Court for the tits' and County of Philadelphia, the 15th day of Oc tober of the same ear, entered among the records thereof in Deed Bock E. page 316 granted and con veyed unto Zephaniah Ad. Arri in fee. "No. 2—All that lot of ground, s'uate on the northerly aide of Beach street. formerly called Hall street in tne late District of Kensington, now the Eighteenth Ward —on witch the said Zephaniah Adams has since erect. ed a 2,,54 story brick messnage or tenement containing in front on Be• ch street 18 re t, and extending In depth 90 feet to a 15 feet wide alley laid oat by John H. Erin ten, said alley extend! , g westwardly to a 10 feet wide alley leading s-uthwardly into Reach street. Bounded E. by ground now or late of John H. Brinton. N. by tbe said 15 feet wide alley, W. by other ground con veyed by John H. Brint-n and wife to Zephaniah Ad ams, and southward by Beach street aforesaid; being the same premises which John btreeton and Sophia, his wife, by indenture bearir g date the 26th day of °e tcher, A. D., 1510, and recorded in office for recording deeds. ..te . for the city and county of Philadelphia aforesaid. in deed book J. W., No. 9, page 52, Ake., granted and conveyed unto Zephaulah Adams in fee. No. 3. All that lot of ground sientte on the north erly side of Peach street, (on which the said Zspha, n fah Adams hes since erected a 4i story' brick mes suage;) containing in front on Beach street 18 feet, and eaten d g depth 90feet to al5 feet wide alley laid out by H: Britten, said alley extending west wardly into a 10 feet wide alley leading southsvardly into Beach street Bounded E. by tile above de scribed premises N. by said 15 feet wide alley. W. by ground conveyed bv John H. Brinton and wife to Jo seph Preley and southward by Beach street afore said. being tbe same premises that John H. Brinton and wife, by sin Indenture bearing date the 19th day of May, A. D. 1312, and recorded in the ofSce for re. eord'ng deeds, &-c., aferesaid, in Deed Book J. W., No a, t age ‘..te.. granted and conveyed unto Zepha apish Adams in fee. No. 4.—A II that lot orgTonnd, situate on the south easterly side Of APert sir. the late District of Ken singlet., Do. the Elaliteenth Ward, Ito 7 feet northeast ward from al5 feet wide alley ranting from Allen street to Beach street; containing in front on Alien street SI fet. and eicter ding In depth 76 feet to a 15 feet wide alley. laid out by John H. Benton, parallel with 11Pri street. Bonoded S W by ground now or late of 'WI - liam •1 ilchinan. S E. be the said last mentioned 75 feet wide alley, N. E. by other ground now or late of r OSPS Levy, and northwestward by Allen street afores belrg the same premises that Moses Levy and wife by indenture bearing date the 2ithday of May, A. D. 1826 and recorded in the f•r recording deeds, Ate.. in Deed Bonk G. W. 8.., No 2', pageS7l:cto., granted and cony-yed ueto Zephaniah Adams in fee. Zephaniah Aden a afterwards parted and d viaed the last above described lot info three lots (acoording to which the same will be sold), one of 18 feet front on Allen street, and in depth 83 feet,and erected a 2'6"-story brick dwelling thereon; and another of 18 feet front on Allen street, and in depth 53 feet, and erected a frame dwelling. thereon; and the other of them on the back alley called Farsou's place 38 feet front, and t 3 feet deep on which he erected a two etory . frame By the Court, E A. 51. , CRRICK. Clerk O. C. JAMES F. LEE, Guardian. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers. je18,25 jy9 • 139 and 141 South Fourth street. rrCROR P A ANI A dNSe' COURT SALE—Ws aNteS o f J c s t E* eers.—VALUABLE e BU T I H E MA S& OCATION—Pu n anent to an order of the Orphans' Court for the City and Conn ty of Philade'phia v ill be sold at public Sale, on TI.I , SDAV. July lath. 1866. at 12 o'clock. noln, at the PETLADILPHIA I•XCHANGE, the follow irg dercribsd property, late of John Crean, deceased, I.—Two Three story Brick DWELLINGS, southeast corner of sLVENTE and SA.NSOIL !greets. One undivided third part of, in and to all those two' three story brick mcssuages and lets of groans. situ ate at the southeast corner of Seventh and Sansom streets; containinr in 'rcpt on Seventh street 37 feet, and extending in depth eastwardly 60 feet to a 3 feet widealley. To.'? TERRE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, K. E. corner of SEVENTEENTH and CUTEBSRT Sta. One undivided third part, or. in and to all that three. story brick messnage and lot of ground, situate at the northeast counter of Seventeenth (formerly Schuylkill. Sixth) street and Cuthbert (formerly called Arm) street; containing in front on. Seventeenth street feet and extending in depth eastwardly along said Cuthbert street 83 feet toe 3 feet wide alley. By the Court. E. A. AtERRICK, Cl-rk 0. C. MATILDA CA Ii.PNN PER Rxecutrix. M. 'IHOMAS do SONs, Asctioneer 139 end 141 S. Fourth street. j18,2Ny9 frORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Estateet JOHN 0. RUSS7LL, deceased,—THOHA.S do SONS, Auctioneers—Two-story brick DWELLING, No. 2,54 MADDOIN street, south of Vine street, Pur suant to at, order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County cf Philadelphia, will be sold at Public Sale, on TUESDAY, July 1 tb, 1866, at 12 0' noon, as the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. the following described property late of John G. Russell, deceased, viz: All that two.story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Madison street, 167 feet 8 inches south of Vine street, No. 2-54; commit ing io front on lit adisnn street 15 feet 4 Inches, and extending In depth 70 feet to a 20feet wide court or alley leading into atd from, e.heaft's alley. By the Ceurt. F.. A. MERRICK Clerk. O. 0. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, jelS 25 jy9 109 and 141 S. Fourth street, IND DISAPPOL.NTAIENT NEVER FAILS. "ITCH" "TETTER" "ITtH" Dr. Swayne's Ointment. "TETTFR" "ITC f - i" .Dr, Swayne' s 0? ntmtni. "TETTER:' "ITCH" ' TETT FR" - "ITJH" NEVER KNOWN- "TEPPER" "I 'I ea" "TEI' PER" '!ITCH" TO FAIL "TEPPER" "ITCH" "T h_TTER" T IN CURING THIS "TETTER" . I TCH" T ETPRR" "ITCH" TORMENTING "TE'T'T ER" "ITCH" "TEPPER" "ITCH" COMPLAINT. ' "TETTER" "ITCH" , TET PER" Cures Itching Piles, Salt Ebel:m.6mM Head, Rash, al.I Skin Diseases. "Swayne's" Cures "All-Bealirg" Allays "Ointment." "Swayne's" " 11.11, Wing" "Oint me n t." "Swaynes" itch in "All-He,ling" ail "Ointment." "Swayr e's""All-Heal I , g" "Ointment" "Swayne's" A Flealin g".itchings"Ointerte at." "Swayne's"- 'All-Healing " " Ointment" 4., Swayne's" 12 to 48 "A eating" at "Ointment" "Sway ne's" "All-Healing" "Ointment." "Sway. nett" Hours. "A 11,Healtug' once. "Ointment." A great variety yield to the wonderful heal ing propertiesof this Ointment, even the most obstinate and protracted in character. erupthois covering the whole surfsce of the body, that ont at defiance every , other mode of treatment wh'eh the mind of man could In‘ - ent, have been permit,. eutly cured. . Pi ice 10 cents a box. By mail 60 cents. Over thirty 'years have ' Dr. Stratene's Medicines" been in constant use In ail parts of the world, and their increasing popularity is certainly PrOof of their great poe er to heal. - • ' • -Preared only by Dr. SPAY IQI6 'Oz SON, No, 330 N. SIXTH street, above Vine, Philadelphia. Sold by the leading Druggist& . in3r2l-ta,th,f,it
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