o.'"' BUSMMiS NOTICES. ARRESTED ON SUSPICION, _"Arrested what's Shea for?" cries Siouchi Saysthe M. P. without demur, "Why, all your looks and ways svoncla You're a suspicions character!" "But dawn look' is Nature's work, And want of cash has made me shabbygr, **Pah I" answers M. P., with a jerk, "That last excuse is mighty flabby; If decent looks yon wished to keep, Yon know the 'rawer sells wondrous cheap?! ' H.ays— ;llS/nosod Fancy ausimere Punts, as low as a . f ats /Suck " .Pants " " Cloth Pests .buoy (=rimer& Suits, to match, " .11/ack Suits, Agoancing from these rates we have goods of ail grads+, isp to the very finest fabrics, at prices reduced inpropor tion—Men' s Youths' and Boys'. TDOUBAITDEI HAVE POlThrxrwprß:rs THE PAST YEW WZDEDEI,THAT WE ADE 402DALIN BBlLlalia GOOD, SEEVICEABLE ElOODdi AT Will =LOEB NAKEIGh THE FEINIAN'S ESCAPE. As the Fenian sat in prison, Thinking of his wretched fate, 101.1:11/3 an order bold and cheering, "Bring the prisoner to the gate.' s Verging from that loathsome dungeon Into life and open air, He was M et by some old Briton, • Whose hoary head seemed bowed With care. "Tell me," said he, "you bad Fenian— Bor I cannot understand— Plow it is my charming daughter Would bestow on you her hand ? • "I will give you Wealth, and freedom If you will but break the spell Yen have cast nion my daughter, illy own darling Isabel." Quickly then replied the Fenian. In STOIC() with spirit bold: "Eir, I will accept my freedom, But I scorn your English geld, "For the still unconquered Fenian From the Briton wants no boom; In return for what you grant me, Tak e my coat and pantaloons. "Take them, sir; then find the poorest, Roughest Briton that you can ; Put them on him, they will change hint To a polished gentleman." It was done, the daughter saw him, He found favor in her eyes; The Fenian left, and Isabella Always thought she drew a prize. But, my friends, before he left them, Be remarked his clothing fine Was procured in Philadelphia, At the "STAB," SIX HUNDRED NrnE, WE ADVERTISE. BEST ON THE BACKS OF ODE COS 301111ERS. EVERY GARMENT WE SELL IS A FIRST CLASS RECOMMENDATION. Therein lies the secret of the long continued and still increasing rush to the •'STAR." Our stock of READY MADE CLOTHING IS IM YENSE and from it all can be accurately fitted. Piece goods of every variety ; Cutters of well-known ability, and all who leave their measure are sure to be pleased. Patcks THE LOWEST IN PHILADELPILII. Call and be Satiated. STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 'LOW PRICES AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, 609 CHESTNUT ST.. SIGN OF STAR. PERRY ch. CO. mvpi At • :N• :1 s • ' AV :i • ZNI .42kr. CENT SCALE OVEIRSTRUNG PIANOS, Acknowledged to be the best. London Prize Medal ind Highest Awards in America received. MELO DEONS AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS. 2p2.Bws,m-sin Warerooms. M. Arch at., below Bth. ALBRECHT, REEEMS & SCHMIDT, MVPI Manufacturers of FIRST-CLASS PIANO-FORTES, Ware Rotolo, No. 46 North THIRD street, mylB-f,m,a - -3ml Philadelphia. own STEINWAY & SONS' PIANOS Are now acknowledged the best in- MTh Struments in Europe as well as America. They are used in public and private, by the greatest artiste Riving in Europe, by VON SIILOW, DEEYSCHOCE, LISZT. JAELL and others;in this country by MILLS, MASON, WOLFSOEN, etc. For sale only by BLASIUS BROS., lONS Chestnut street, BV ENING BULLETIN. MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1866. Olt- Persons leaving the city for the sum mer, and wishing to have the Evmana BULLETIN sent to them, will please send their address to the office. THE SENATORSHIP. At the next session of the Legislature, a Senator of the United States will be chosen for the term of six years, from the 4th of March next. As the National Union Party will, beyond doubt, have a majority on joint ballot, the names of several prominent citizens of the State are already presented in connection with this influential position; but no concerted movement has yet been made to secure the nomination of a Philadelphian. It Is difficult to understand why our peo ple take so little interest in this subject, when our claims are so much superior to those of any other locality. This city is the commercial and financial centre of the Commonwealth, and it contains one-, fifth of its population, as well as one third of its wealth. While our interests are mainly common to the whole people, our position as a commercial and manu facturing centre gives us special inte rests, unknown to the rural districts, which -would be greatly promoted by sending to the U. S. Senate one of our own distinguished citizens. It is only when some local question, like that of establishing a great navy yard at League Island is agitated, that wiifeel our weak ness in the Senate, and similar instances will constantly recur in our future his tory. If this great measure should be lost to the city, it will be in consequence of our weakness in the Senate. That a city with the populatlon,wealth and position of. Philadelphia should be deprived of a representative in the U. S. senate for thirty-five years, and fail to give the State an Executive for more than sixty years, is one of the most re markable facts in the history of politics in the United States. Intelligent men throughout the State are amazed that we should so tamely submitto it, and consequently make comparisons unfa . vorable to the skill of city politicians. The city of New York, which is over whelmingly Democratic, and . directly antagonistic, politically, to the State, is conceded, by the Union majority in the Legislaturo, a U. S. Senator, and fre quently,by the people,a Governor. Ours la - the only great city on the Atlantic costa that is without a U. S. Senator at ; the present time; Fessenden, Sumner, Morgan and Johnston being citizens re apeetively. of Portland, Boston, New York and Baltimore; while if we look at the locatfon of Senators from the States of the Interior- and, the West, 'we find that In nearly every instance; one of them is taken from the great business *entre of the State. Philadelphia, with 'lker abble - Union majority of ten thou . 400 950 500 400 34 00 20 00 BENNETT & 00. 1 TOWEEt 618 MARKET STREET. .~. :~~,. aa:;=. sand, with the sacrifice of thousands of men, and her voluntary contributions of millions of money for patriotic purposes during the late struggle, and with har monious action generally . with the loyal voters of the State,- fails, because not true to herself, to secure either a United States Senator or a Governor of the Commonwealth. The fault is, perhaps, as much with ourselves in not pressing our claims systematically and energeti cally, as it is from 'any disposition on the part of the people of the interior to do us injustice. Among our own citi zensaxe many who would reflect credit on the position, who would be faithful to the principles on which they might be elected, and who are at least equal, morally and intellectually, to any one of the candidates outside of the city. If we would lay hold of the subject in earnest, it is believed that the just claims of Philadelphia cduld be pressed to a successful issue, but if we lie supinely upon our backs, and fail to assert our rights, we may be sure that others will not do it for us, and another third of a century will pass before we furnish either aU. S. Senator or Governor. At a recent Union Convention in Allegheny county, a strong resolution was adopted in support of the claims of that sounty, to the Senator; while the adjoining county of Westmoreland has furnished a Senator for the last six years. Thus while we are dozing,other sections of the State, which have no claims- in comparison with our own, are wide-awake, and are pressing their candidates with an ad dress and energy that we would do well to imitate. Candidates for the legislature are now actively engaged in canvassing their dis tricts for the nomination. On the suc cessful aspirants will depend the decision of this question, so far as the interests of Philadelphia are concerned. Let our citizens agitatethis subject in every legi timate way, so that public sentiment may be so decidedly developed in favor of a Philadelphia candidate, that no per son can be nominated for the Legislature who is not heartily in favor of maintain ing our rights on the Senatorial question. We must show the people of the State, 'that we are alive to our interests, and that we will no longer yield to other lo calities what rightly belongs to us. If we will not put forth the requisite effort to insure success,we deserve to stay "out in the cold," and to be stigmatized as inefficient and imbecile politicians. The immediate and pressing duty is to see that the candidates placed in nomi nation for the Legislature can be relied upon to support the city's interests on the senatorial question. After their election let them meet in caucus, and, after a full discussion of the qualifications of the several candidates, unanimously present one who is not likely to be obnoxious to any of the factions in the State, and re solve to press his election unitedly and determinedly. Doubtless, differences of opinion will arise among the members of the city delegation to the legislature, in selecting a candidate from the many distinguished names which' will be pre sented; but there is no reason why the conflicting opinions could not be recon ciled and the candidate indicated by the majority receive the hearty support of the whole delegation. This would re quire no greater sacrifice of feeling than is constantly witnessed in all our nomi nating conventions. Individual prefer ences would have to be adandoned in some instances; but a candidate would be presented acceptable, doubtless, to the party in Philadelphia, and who, let us confidently hope,would be nominated and elected. VIRGINIA. The northern traveler who loiters through the capitol grounds at Rich mond, is struck with two peculiarities of the locality. One is the old State House and the other the new monument. The first needs paint badly, its walls are dilapidated, its interior is worn and cob-webby, its furniture ricketty and broken, and the entire concern is elo quent of frowsy, seedy poverty, with a pride that is always absurd with such surroundings. One type of Virginia character is illustrated by this forlorn old building. A pride that lives upon the traditions of the Past, and makes no practical effort to keep pace with the march of the Present. The Washington monument, which stands within the shadow of the crazy walls of the old building, illustrates an other pb ase of Virginia character. What would be a very beautiful work of art is unfinished, and unfinishable by the present generation of the chivalry. The pedestals, which still, lack the statues that should adorn them, read us a lesson on large pretence and small perform ance, and, the statues of Washington, Jefferson and Henry that are in their places on the granite pile seem to an nounce that all Virginia has to be proud of now are the Virginians of the remote past. - Slavery is, of course, responsible for this effete fossilized condition of, the State, for slavery fostered a pride that scorned honest toil, it encouraged the spurious chivalry of the time, and while of gle ti , g the vast re=ourcei of the soil, it presented the pitiable aspect of a great State drifting hopelessly backward while its sister commonwealths were growing in wealth and population, and in all other things that make a State powerful and prosperous. The dusty past will never retrieve the fortunes of, Virginia. One locomotive'is more practically useful than a dozen un finished monuments; a cotton mill_ is worth a dozen Berkley Springs tourna' naents; one school house, engineered by Yankee girls who are competent for the task, is worth fifty of the institutions where conceited young men have their THE DAILY EVE N ING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1866. heads crammed with Qhixotic idea's of chivalry and suPeriority; and . ' n honest effort to develop the resources of .the State; in the s way. of . mining, agri culture, . manufactures and Commerce, is worth ten boasts over the glories. of_ . : ,the, ; past; .and countless regrets for the, ineVitable pre sent. When Virginians once make' up their minds to go to work in good ear nest they can recover their lost prestige, and while building up their own State, they will make themselves better citi zens of a common country. The Bour bonish propensity to forget nothing that is old and to learn nothing that is new, may answer in some of the non-progres sive communities of the old world. Vir ginia is proving very satisfactorily that it cannot be done on the American con tinent without the Statewhich practices it becoming a laggard in the march of progress. AN ADVERTISEMENT will be found in another column, of a large property at the southeast corner of Chestnut and Fourth 'streets, to be sold at public sale, on Tues day, June 26th, by M. Tmas tic Sons. Extensive Sales of Real Estate at the Ea change and on the Premises. The attention of our readers is directed to Mr. James A. Freeman's auction advertisements at the extens.ve sales of real estate, for the 27th and 70th of June. The 'list includes on unusually Large number of vatuablepr perttes in various parts of the city, nearly all to Os sold without reserve. try direction of She Orphans (bun. ,By order of the (mutt of Lkuirmon pleas, a valuable tract ot 42 acres, Raddingion, will be sold,which, from Its high location, affords beautilul sites for building -purposes - Sams OF Hor.tur.ssunci Itzsinm , :cit.—On the follow mg Saturday Err. Freeman will also sell a most at tractive property at Belmesburg. flits sale will post tiruy be without limit, and any 0. our readers deelrous of purchasing a handsome country residence should under no circumstances neglect this opportunity. S:110 : I,t •• : I lIC 1781 CHEATITUT ST and 213 LODGE Mechanics of every branch required for tionsebuild ing and fitting promptly furnished. jai -6m* BAVEN @ BAVUN Pt&NUS. K Th These beautiful instruments have ranted among the BEST for nearly 40 years. apl9-w,f,m,tf J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut. QTAT.P3B EBY—LETTERS, BAP AND NOI"E PAPF.B.s. ENVE.LOPEN. BLANK B JOK.t, and every requisite in the Stationery line, selling at the lowest figures at J. R. DOWNlNG'iStationery Store. insl2-tfrpf I ighth street. two doors above Walnut 4 'sum ESTY.LEz.k. OF S PitAW LIATS also the Al ackinaw and Panama Hata . _ RILE.U. H. Iletle LLA, At his old established HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM, SO Chestnut street,. Jel:3-Im2 ettatlAk'..tt STYLeI ii.A.TB.—wAßßutcroy cll.kisTNIIT Street, next door to the Yost Office. N. B. Nowhere else can the purchaser obtain greater value for his money. my2itJy7 HARRY B. .15fcCALLA. HATTER. INFOR.II-4 HIS numerous friends and customers that have not yet bee,, e& elved by the new °onto:tuts of the store he established CHZ:STN CT Street, above EIGHTH. that he is In no way connected with it, notwitts:andlni; their numerous misrepresentations to that effect, to sell to his customers. but that he can be found at C CaLLASNewHatHat Store. o. 6t3 CILETNU I' Street, third door above New Boma:1 , 1s Oftive, where he can “tfer them better bargains and larger stock to select from. AIcCA_LLA'S .NEW Ha.T STORE, No. 613 ESTo, UT Strt-et.—.E.very hat has the lo ,ve,t price marked on it in plain ngures. 4%11 and STRAW HAIS AND SC.I.IIIER H 000 ; of the newest style Rata, at prices 25 per cent less than elsewhere, at bIeCALLA.'S New Rat store, 613 CIII.StIiDT street, third door above new BULLETIN Office .T.RAW BATS RETAILED AT WHOLE aisle prices. Biggest assortment tu tnia town, at LLA'S iNew Ent, re, 613 cans-nmur s , r,ei. Ever) article bus price Marked on In plain figures. 4STRAW AND SUMMER R.A.fie..—Biggest stock. biggest variety. and lowest prices iu this city. at 311cCALLA'S New Eat store. 613 , .11. K* -4 aUT Etteet, third door above New* But.r.nrmc Office. You can save from 50 cents to fl on a single article. ARBY B. IIicCALLA. RETURNS Fria SINCERE H uhaisi as to nts numerous friends and cw.tomers t. Lo bavefollowed aim from Chestnut..., above Elgnth, ( f catch lie had BMe charge from 1F59) to the new store, 613 CHESTNUT street, and informs them that he can now sell them Hats and Cans 25 per cent. less than. heretofore. Don't forget the number, 613. Jell DEDUCED PRICES —.Persons desiring any a' yle SL Photegranla, can have them executed In Rupert 1r reacher at b. F. BEIIIER'S popular Gallery, 624 Arch street. Pictures superior; prlc. 3 moderate. FUR RELY .b.RS elegant styles Cartes! de If Visite. Now is the time fur persons desiring any, to bare them made. Don't foaget; Gallery, elt arch street. DEAIITIFUL STS Ll:ZS—Life size Photographs. In arrangement, execution and iinisu unsurpassed. Now is the time: only trl, at RELUER'S popular (Jai lery. Second street, above Green. YDE'S PATENT AROlit, Baring and Condensing I.lFatully Coffee Browner, and other styles of Cof f ee tern, for rale by TB.IOI.MAN c-Ha. W, No. 8.;i5 (klgb Irty-five) Market Street, below Ninth. GALVA.NIZFD HARDWARE will not rust. We have Bolts. Turnbuckles, Clothee Ltuea. Awning aid Bitching Hooks, Screws, Chains, etz. thus pro tected. T SHAW , No g 35 (eight a luny-five) Market stieet, below Ninth. SUNS SAW FILES —Some mechanics assert that these Flits will do three times more sharpening than any other For sale by TRUM&N Ski aW (Eight Thlrty-five) Market street, below Ninth. 1866 S H H A A R N T S T N R Ha R ir R d Wh O is PP r ß sdyed. Shave and Bath 3J cts. Corner Exchange, Place atilt Dock. ;Area. LW.) O. C. KOPP. j_lOOP SKIRT MAIQUFAVTORY.—Hoop Skirts 1.1 a d Onsets ready made and made to order; war• rumen of the test materials. Also, skirts repaired. - MRS. E. SA YLNY. Jel3-anarP BL2l7lne Ltreet, above Eighth. Q 7. aItGEON OIL.-50 barrela clear bright 011, anita ule fur !tanners' use, for sale by _ 1TA13.1% , TAR, PITCH AND RatlN— so this. Bright Varnish, 50 " Wilmington Tar 300 "Anabo, ' Ship Pitch, 500 ^ Boapmakers' and dblpping Rosin, For sale by EDW. H. ROWLEY. Jels:2t* 15 South Wharves. I.,SLN OIL.— 5,000 gallons Itoslu 011 various aural tles, In assorted packages. Foi sale by EDW. H. I, OWLEY, jel6.2t* 16 Bomb Wharves. MEE HARRISON BOILER, A SAFE STEAM BOILER.—The attention of Manufacturers and others using Steam is confidrntlY called to this new Steam Generator, as combining essential advantages in ab.olute safeti. from explosion, in cheapness of first cost and coat ofrepairs in economy- of mei, facility of cleaning and transportation, &c., not possessed by any other Duller now 'in •use. This boiler is formed of a combination of cast iron hollow, spheres, each sphere inches externe 1 diameter, and 3; an inch thick. These are held tc gether by wrought iron bolts, with caps at the ends About two busdred Of these boilers are now in operation. some of them in the best establishments in this city. For descriptive circnlars or Price, apply to JOSEPH ARItIbON, Ja. Harrison Boller Werke. Grays y Road, adoining the 11. S. Arsenal Philadel phia. . ' ie7-2mrpi FPO HOIISEREEPERS, for cleaning silver and .I.allver-plated ware, &NEW POLieRING PO WREfrt, the best ever made. . FARR & BRO MR 8., fels 824 Cheetnnt street, below Foartb. an Ci n d o er, rl3 by o u , 220 pear „ net. F'S3AF.To Shippers, Grocers, Hotel-Keepers t th e e rtizie el v o e r r t i oz szterior I.wot J. l j Nbaimagne below Third and Walnut. ARHING WITH ILIPDELLIBLE INH, 2:mbraidCr- AU- Ing, Braiding, S.amping, &a. M. ToßitzY. • 1800 Filbert street. • FINE FTIyNTCH MANTEL OLOCES.—A fresh Jin rtatlen of beautiful styles, Warranted correct TiBiiFKEEPE FARR & BROTIDERE. Importers, -.824. Chestnut atreet r below Fourth. juiraUEß, WEAVER & CO., _ • Manufacturers of • MANILA AND TARRED CORDAGE, Cords, Twines, &u., No. 23 North Water street, __and No. 22 North Delaware avenue, Paßadelphla, EDWIN H. Erritta. reticir.sam N'i'msvms. Conflux. F. Or.o.rarza. • INATHAN S Auctioneer and Mosey Broker, A. N. B. corner oi Third' and Sarum , streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHAN'S'S Principal Office, established for the last forty years, Money to loan in large Or small amounts, at the lowest rates'on Diamonds, Shyer Plate, Watches" _*Jewelry, Clothing, and goods of every description. Office hours from 8 A. hi. till 7 P. de2B-tfrp TORDAN'S OBILRBRAVED TONIC 'AILE.—The 0 truly healthful and nutritious beverage, now in ,nse by thousands—invalids - rind others--has established a character for tituilick of material and purity of manu facture, which stands unrivaled. It is -recommended by physicians of this and, other places, as a superior tonic, add requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical of its great merit. Tribe had. wholesale and retail, of P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear ahmet.: CAN J uly szED.—Tweety•ttve barrels Prime Ca eery Seed In store and for sale by WOBRILIM CO6 aro. is Walnut tweet - EDW H. ROWLEY, 16 ciouth Wharves ag-NllTArremAlcsai & BROWN, irirWANARAREE. & BROWN, ifirWAI.AXAKER & BROWN. isirWeriAmearxe. & BROWN. HANDSOME Ozoirancre.le. HANDSOME OLOTEELNG.W4 • HANDSOME Ourrinme.9iiAt HANDBOI/311 OLortaxte. - VO, ,'LOWEST PRICES, */'LOWEST PSIOEBJ SLOWEST PRICES. ifirLowasT PRIDES. BEST ABBORTMENT.'I3II BEST ASSORTMENTYVIL BEST. ASSORTMENT. nn BEET .ASSOBTMENT.IM /EPPNICEONTTIONA.BLEI FITS. Sir UNEXCEPTIONABLE FITS. Iia'UNEXCEPTIONABLE offrUNICLONITIONABLZ FITS. Tom PEOPLE PLEASED."EiI Talc PEOPLE PLEASED. THE PEPPLE PLEASED. OA3r. Tizz PEOPLE PLEAszo.llida HALL. - 49i-Oex HALL. air OAR Tr airo mir . Ti • Ty. S. H. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STS. S. B. CORNER SIXTH AND 11./aurErr STS.'IIOI B. A. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET eTs.-Ect S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKER. EARLE'S GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut street, Phila- delphia. James S. Earle & Sons, Importers, Meztufac- turers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Looking Glasses, Oil Paintings. Fine Engravings, Photographs, Picture Frames, Rogers' Groups. A large Free Gal lery of Oil Paintings, 816 Chestnut Street. Je.5.4p DEPOT • FOR ' WINDOW SHADES. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison, WINLOW CURTAIN AND SHADE STORE. No. 1008 Chestnut Street. Are now prepared to put up In town or country. at the %hottest notice, all the usual widths and styles of Plain, Oiled, Gilt Border or Fancy Window Shades, And to furnigh and pot on to order. In the b man ner, :NEW DESIGNS or EXTRA SIZES for Dwellings. store?. Churches, or other rIIBLIC BUILDINGS. Jeitrinw tarp SUITS OF ROSEWOOD PARLOR FURNITURE, s - G;-eck. Ilenkels, i Ttir nri genth and Chestnut Streets. JUST RECEIVED, YILIIINAND-A-HALF-WIDE Velvet Carpets g NEW DESIGN% J. F. & E. B. ORNE, ti 904 Chestnut Street. 3-4, 7-8. 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 WHITE, MD AND PANCIr CANTON MATTINOS• J. F, &E. El ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET. ENGLISH BRUSSELS. FOR MUM AND HALER, WITH EXTRA BORDERS: J. F. & E. B. ORNE.I No. 904 CHESTNUT STREET 500 PIECES NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 00:1- Chestnut Sts BEAUTIFULLY BEADED PARABOLS, GREAT V kRIETY. - JOB. FUSSELL, " and 42Torth Fourth street Philadelphia. 401MEITR.A. AND COILMON QUALITY oftAlk Bun UmbraWm, Nice4j:tatted. )L JOSEPH FIIdSELL... jel&Strp 2 and 4N. Fourth street Phila. 111°r' . . .130TrQUETS. of cracdam and 111.6..GRaNT ot FLOWERS !refill daily, at H. A. DREP.,It'S . heed and Horticultural Warehouse, No. 714 utuitirNllT steet. Jet&strp* FINE WATMCEIB, JEWELRY, etc., a coin a be• pie liatiOnliuMt at FARR & R recently B reduced rlcea, \4 1 .-- Importers of Watches, etc., ,1124 Chestnut fitreet,below Fourth. n v :IE s. ••_ . : •.• 0. : N or th k. tr. TM Street. above Market. • ' • azda4m.rp• wi ge+ th WE HEIM wrrtt CALL attention to our , tent assortment or superior PIANOS. Tmee nTlTl ron pin , win" p w w e ai:e xuerur ys have A o inE n hand , and' oSer them at very restorable prices to rchasers. Best of ree-rencee and FULL GU Tita Invariatny. ap2o , —+ FIN walnut, ego* •i4DWIN'.. - 13ALL...•: - ,&:::"Ca. 28 S. Second tat., Will Open This Morning: A LARGE INVOICE OP GOFFEYLE.II2I MUSLIN SKIRTS, AT A GREAT REDUCTION FROM PORKER PRICES. jelg.tt JAPANESE POWCHONG TEA, The finest4Ver imported. OOLONG TEA, DRAGON CHOP, the highest grade known, and every other de scription of line Teas, Coffees and Grocer es, at JAM.t./IS B. WEBB'S Central Tea and Coffee Warehouse, DMA HIORTR. ana WALNUT Ste, PhUada. A CARD. Special notice to our old friends and the public gen erally: 'I be JONES' One-Thee Clothing House, established sixteen years ago, is still in successful operation at the old location, 604 MARKET Street, one door above Sixth, and has not changed Its place or manner of do ing business, which is exactly the same good .old plan In operation for many years, namely—•'One Price and no devils tion." The Clothing we make is of the most substantial character, both as to materials and work manship, so that our customers never can complain of either. 4.,0r stock is large and plain or fashionable people can be well suited. Our customers should be careful to get to the right place, as there is no other establish. ment in the city in our line of business strictly "one• price." JONES' ONE-PHICH CLOTHING, 604 MARKET ST., my -lm 4p ONE DOOR ABOVE SIXTH. WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS, IN OIL OR POLISHED, Geo. J. 13erike1s, jel-lin ry Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. FLAGS ! FLAGS ! Plage of all Descriptions AT iIO3ELSTII I I2LIVN'S MILITARY DEPOT, TIME AND CHERRY STREETS. jel6-ISti REFRIGERATORS. SMITH & RICHARDSON, Agents for the rale of the lastly Celebrated CHAR COAL LLNED REFRIGERAT,..RS, Wholesale and Retail. From Six to Twenty fire Dollare. Gil MARKET STREET. jel6-1m rpj CHEST NUT STREET PROPERTY, Valuable Corner. Messrs. M. THOMAS ct SON will sell at Public M Sale on 'll7-IDAY,2bili June the valnalle pro perty at S. F. corner of FOURTH and CHE-3 r, 41; 2 by SO on Fourth street. jell PATENT WIRE WORE FOR .RAELINGS, STORE PROM's, GIIA.RDS, PA.RririONB, age IEtakEED6TRILDS A.tiD WIRE WORE In variety, manufactured by M. WALKER 33 NON% mh24ui 4p4 NO.II NORTH strut Street RE lAA. Et EMT" V Amply Substantiated AS TO TILE FIAE•PROOF QUALITIES, AND ENTIRE DRYNESS OF MARVIN'S SAFES. ALUM AND DRY PLASTER. MA.R,VIN Sr, 721 Chestnut Street. (Masonic Hall), 265 Broadway, New York. House Safes. Second-hand Safes. Safes Exchanged. Bend for Illustrated catalogue. my2& - 2at rp GRAY HAIR RESTORED Wry/1011T DYRING.- MAXES THE HAIR, SOFT. GLOSSY, L11X.17.1- DIAN T. CURES DANDRUFF. ITCHING. ALL SCALP DISEASE>. MA/LEST/1E HArEGROWTHICK AND STRONG. "London Hair Color Restorer." The most "London Hair Color Restorer." ""London Hair Co Reliable Hair n Color lor Resi)er. Restorer."": "London Hair C for Restorer." BISTORATP73I "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer " Ever Introduced "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." to the "London Hair Color Restorer:' -. "London Hair Color Restorer." American. "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." People, "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer:" For Restoring "London Hair tOlor Restorer." "London Hair Cci'or .hestorer." Gray Hair and "London Hair Oplor Restorer" "London Hair Color Restorer." Preventing "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Baldness. 'London Hair Color Restorer." Hair Color Restorer." The great "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Luxury of "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." The Dressing. "London Hair Color Restorer." Room. "London Hair Color Restorer." No washirg or preparation before or alter its use; ap plied by the hand or soft brush. myl9 a m,tv,tf Only 75 cents a bottle, six bottles as. Rold at Dr. WAYNE'S, No. 330 North Sixth Street, above Vine and all the leading Dmggista and Fancy Goods Dealers STACK/BEL 350 barrels No.l Shore Mackerel; 100 01. barrels No. l Bay Mackerel in Stor. and for sale B. A. SOUDEY & 00. ; jeDl.6t Dock Street Wharf. MOURTH OF JITLY 1866.—FIREWORKS.-The A! subscribers beg leave to announce to their friends and the public generally, that they have fitted up their STORE,IVo. 107 South WATER street, below. Chestnut street, for a general FIREWORK DEPOT where they design keeping their usual extensive variety of Fire• works, small works, as 'visual, for dealers, and every description of colored fancy works, for private and public exhibitions, and are now prepared to receive orders for tne same, and farnish.Works of firsequality fbr exhibitions. . Also—Firecrackers. Torpedoes. Cannon Crackers, Jostick, Pulling Crackers, Chinese Penny Rockets, Bengo%lights to be fired with a pistol, and new style Rockets, to - be fired without a stick, and which are very convenient for use on board vessels at sea. -• • 3013 BUSSIR th CO., myl9 lea S B. outh:Del E aware ave nue; Q,ALT.-2.500 sacks LIVERPOOL GROUND S < 1.7 alto MO Eu:icks Fine Salt, afloat, and for sale by WORKMAN az. C0..12.8 'Walnut, A .12,1:13M1A GRAPEB.-100 tees Of Ulm oPleodlO white crepes In fine order landing_and for side by B, =BUM a 01:1,, UK WWI Reawme wane Closing . f)iit Closing Otit!' - , • OUR ENTIRE STOOK- Preparalory to Altering - Oar 'Stores.. 3,000 yardsFreumh Cambric Lawns,yedoced to IR: 5.5 , 0 yards French Latebric Lawns raducad toangd. 3,500 yarns French lacnnet Lawns, reduced to 40c. HO yards CM cis Colored Lawns, redaced to 573(. 2,4•.0 yards Brown (around Lawns, reduced to 373045 u.. BLELLA BUFF, 81,111,1 AND PINE I AWRs, sae.. PLAIN' FRENCH (.13.1, , '/Z KS. BLUES, BUFFS aND .PINES tticDC CPI, fill ;WO. 1 CaP e French Shirting Chintzes ieducesi to 373ic..' - Choice styles French Percales, st rAlneed prices. 2,5te yards 4-4 doub.e Purple Ch nt:zes t Waved to 25e. DRESS GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY- GREATLY RELICCED IN PRICE TO CLOSE.' OUT. A Great Ci Bargains. Hd St Nos. 713 and 715 North Tenth Street, jells-3t 33.A3C - 10-A.IISTft !!! WE WILL COMMENCE 10-DAT CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE BALANCE OF OUR SPRING AND SUMMER DREG S GOODS, . At a Great Reduction in Prices.. HOMER,COLLADAY4 CO. 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. _tea na LINES. "Now stir the fire, and close the shutters fast, Let fall the curtains, wheel the sofa round, ..and while the bubbling and mud Wising urn Throws up a steams column and the cams That cheer but not inebriate, wait on pr", So let us welcome peaceful evening The above lines from Cowper lead us to believe be , was a `lea 1 rink er. Were he now living among us.hics , wculdk.ave an opportunity of lurchasii-g his Teas of WEST & BROWN, SO9 Chestnut Jele-st rp • C. C. T. ANNOUNCEMENT ta - "Needles' Compound Camphor Troches." itairEeedies' Compound Camphor Troches." like - " Needles Compound Camphor Troches." As - 'Needles' Compound Camphor Troches." Age"Nec-d'es' Compound Camphor Troches." Aga — Needles' Compound Camphor Troches." xgre . llreedles' Com poand camphor Troches."' A popular Remedy, adapted to Bowel Complaints,- Check Painless Diarrhcea, Subdue tramps, Cholera. Itorbus Ac. A good thing. • Should be in every pocket, now. Exclusive maker, C. H. NEEDI ES, Twelfth anti Race streets, Philadelphia. Sec. per Box. For sale by Druggists and others. jel6•ttrp FOR CAPE MAY AND ammonium. SAMUEL M. pErroi, Capt. L. Davis. will commence running to Cape May on or &tontine tth of June, leaving CHESTNUT STREET WHARF at l'iME E f .la M. Jele:att SUMMER. TRAVEL VI& NORTH PENNSYSVANIA RAIL ROAD., iigtIaFiKASEME Shortest and Most Pleasant Route TO Wilkeebarre, Mauch Chunk, Easton-, Allentown, Petkehem White haven, Hazleton and all points in the LERIOH AND WYOMING TALLEY& commoraors r.ARS, SMOOTH - TRACK; Filch SCENERY. EXCELLENT HOTELS. are the st.ecialt les of this route. Through to Wilkesbarre nub Mauch Chunk without; charge 02 cars. . he new road between the summit of the moantaln.. and Wilk esbarre ot ens up new views of the Wyo ming Valley of unsurpassed beauty; and the new 31t . lel provides the best and most ample accommodatlonm for summer clatters Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to princlpai - points, honied FB OM THE TICE_Er OFFICE o". 2 Llr>. at reduced rates, on Saturdays, good to return till Monday evening. Excursion Tickets to Wllkesbarre,good for ten day% issued any day. • 'nth titiae, TRAINS leave the depot, Third and Thompson streets, at 7.30 A. M.. 3 SO P.M. and 335 Pair.. For particulars see Time Table in another column. jeo.2mrp§ ELLIS CLARK, Agent. SWEET OPOPONAX PERFUME FROM MEXICO,: SWEET 0 POPONAX—TRY 1T ONCE. SWEET OPOPONAX—WILL NEVER trsE Atify OTHER.. - -!: SWEET OPOPO.NAX—THERIOLIEST AND CHOICEST PERFUME.- SWEET OPOPONAX--Th.a, LADLES' DELIGHT.: SWEET OPOPONA.X, A' rare and excirisite Terfume, far surpassing in its. rich and delicious odor anything that has as yet beeM offered to it e public either imporEd or otherwise. It: is rendered by, ifs splendid qualities a delightdal ex traCt for the handkerchief. It Is the moat delightful, lasting, and fashionable eerfume ever used, TRY, IT! E. T. 14 3 / I IIPI-1, Sr. CO. s . FLORAL PERFUMERY, , jel4.Gt rpf NEW YORK.- 13A.JEZIFOR,' /14 • ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The Ugliest and beat assortment of Wigs. Toupees Long Hair Ensile and MIAs, Water-falls; Viotorines, Fri- sates, Illusive seams for'Ladies, At prices Lowaat than ebewheia. Daddlant 909 CHESTNUT STREET, - J. L. cApElq, paRENoLOCiftiT. written PiirriTar rv i erkwell s a cr°""" !wichchieug, dai ly at` P cthml "ar [apiqn.wikala7l ZZO. fa &TEEM/ Skid. Son,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers