Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 18, 1866, Image 3
XXXICKUR Congress--First Session. CLOWN, Or SeITITBDAY's PROCMIEDINGS.] Mr. Stevens gave notice of his intention to offer the following: Resolved, That the Committee en Foreign Affairs be instructed to inquire into the pro priety of loaning to the Ro public of Mexico, on proper security, $20,000, to enable said Republic to prevent the overthrow of its go vernment, and the establishment of a mon archical government on the continent of North America. He addressed the House in favor of the proposition, saying: The time has arrived when the States can calmly inquire whether thht declaration of American polidy, called the Monroe doctrine, which was and is deemed so important and manly, shall be a practical idea, or a mere bravado. While we were engaged in a civil war, it was cer tainly prudent not to provoke a war with any powerful nation ; though. I do not for get the bold policy of Rome, which made her declare war against a powerful nation, and march a legion against her, to avenge an in still, while Hannibal was at her gates. . Three years ago the measure now pro posed might have given to France just cause of war.. On the invasion of Mexico by that power, under a pretext very different from the ultimate one, she and Mexico were con tending belligerents, and to have aided either of-them with loans would have been a breach of neutrality ; so now a loan to the republic might be justly considered by Max imilian as just cause of war, for which we - would be responsible to him ; for though he be a usurper, he was an acknowedged bel ligerent, but new France could have no cause of complaint, according to the strict est rfiles of national law. '=By the treaty of April, 1864, between Na poleon and Maximilian, an empire was sought to be established independent of all other,nations. Eraace ceased to be a prin cipal in the contest, and entered into ar rangements with the so-called empire for the repayment of her expenses and for the use of her troops as a finute portion of the army of Maximilian. France occupies the same relation to the empire of Mexiocetbat the Hessian States did to England altile they sold their citizens to fight against _America in the, time of our revolution.— These troops are mercenaries, fighting for pay in a foreign army. The Prime Minis tar of France lately disclaimed any interest in the goVernment of Mexico, and said to our Minister: "You do us much ho nor in supposing that we have any part in the Mexican Empire." What might have given just cause of war to Maximil ian would concern no other nation. Other Powers might aid Maximilian without be ing responsible to any but the Republic of Mexico. We or others might aid the Re public, being responsible only to the usurp ing empire; without being aggressive, it is the duty of this nation to make its moral power felt among nations. Diplomatic es says, however smoothly written, which yield everything and command nothing, .acid little to the force of a nation, but rather invite insult and scorn. Why do we allow our avowed principle to be disregarded by any Power? It needs only the fiat of this great Republic to decide the fate of the in trusive Empire of Maximilian. What a blunder, what a crime, to be content with a promise to withdraw the invading forces in - eighteen months! Before that time, unaided, Mexioo will be ground to atoms, and re publicanism in that beautiful portion of the continent will be among the things that were. If it is not intended to maintain the Mon roe doctrine with the full energy of the na tion, it ought to be abandoned with dignity as an inconsiderate error. If it be deemed important to the safety and honor of the country, then therthould be no yielding, no,time-serving, nirtimid policy. In my „judgment, it is a principle vital to the safety of this republic, and our honor is concerned to see that it be not violated. Principles of _government, li ke diseases, are contagious. The monarchs of Europe combine to sup press democratic revelations at any point, lest they should spread and work the final overthrow of absolute governments. So ought we to take care that no despotic government should touch our borders, lest the leprosy might spread and pollute the ' c ontinent. Hence; there was wisdom in the declaration that no foreign nation should establish a throne on this continent .against the consent of the people. The so-called Empire of Mexico was a fraud, -fio far as the consent of the people was con cerned. The republic has been oppressed by foreign bayonets. The Mexicans who form• any portion of the Imperial Govern ment are traitors, who might well rank with Southern secessionists. Besides being a monarchy, the empire is barbarian govern ment. The decree by which all true men found fighting for their country are to be instantly executed, and which is being car ried into effect, stamps the government as savage, barbarian, and outside the pale of 'civiliation. It si worse than the ancient governments of Tripoli, Tanis and Algiers, - which the civilized world held to be nests of pirates'and enemies to the human race. As then, such loan could not be just cause of - warwith any foreign nation is it expedient to grant it? It is very c'ear that without such foreign aid repulicanism in Mexico must be crushed out and a monarchy esta blished. Juarez has persevered with'a courage and fortitude unparalleled in modern history. I know nothing to compare with it but the unyielding endurance and faith of William -of Orange. But, in the midst of- a horde of traitors, unstained by one of the most pow erful nations of Europe, thc, resources of that distracted country must become ex tatusted. I believe now, while her Presi dent could command men enough, his ma terial of is well-nigh expended, unless a foreign loan can be procured. I do not teeliow any respectable army can be kept on foot. Twenty millions of dollars could be easily advanced by us on the mortgage of Lower .California, Sonora,. Sinaloa, or Chihuahua, which would make it perfectly safe. If it should provoke a war with Mem milkau, I suppose no one would be _much alarmed. It would give the great republic 311 opportunity to vindicate her honor,whiGh sae bWomedim under the Micawber policy of our Foreign Secretary. I trust our able Committee of Foreign Affairs will soon take some decisive steps on this important tines :lien. atEi g eeehea were made by- Mr. Niblack on general politics, by Mr. Davis on the Tariff question,,and by Mr. Kerr against Con gressional interference with the railroad system of the country. Many other mem lbers who designed making speeches to-day, and who had no opportunity of doing so, were authorize& to have their speeches pub /idled in the Globe as part of the debate. Mr. Davis announced that, since the meet ing of the House, he had received- a tele graphic despatch announcing the , death, this morning, after a short illness, of Sams Humphrey; -- Representative of the Third - Congressional district of New York. He, therefore, moved that, as a mark of respect, the House adjourn, and he gave notice to the New York delegation of a meeting to arrange a' programme for paying due re spect to the memory of the deceased. The Rouse thereupon, at 3 45 adjourned. From I/Harrisburg. HARRISBURG, Pa., June 16,—The officers Cf the Petroleum Bank, at Titusville, Craw ford county, and the Venango Bank, of Cranklin, Tenango county, have- employed counsel in this city for the purpose of bring ing suit against Ex-Auditor-General Slenk er, and, through him .against the State of Pennsylvania, for the recovery of a million and aquait of United States seeurities.de welted with the Auditor. General as seetiri ty for the circulating medium of those banks. The facts, as they are stated in offi cial circles are these:—The firm of Culver, it Col were in the habit of taking the notes of the Tenting° and Petrolenm Banks for cancellation at the Auditor General's office, where they received a like amount of bonds for that which they presented in notes. It is now alleged that the parties thus redeeming • these bonds were neither agents nor officers of these banks, that the bonds, instead of being sent to the officers of said banks, were taken to New York, and, hypethecated by Culver, Penn 6s Co. Sen ator Hoge, from the Venango Dis trict, who institutes this suit, alleges that it was without au thority of the banks; that it was embezzle ment, for which the Auditor-General or the State is responsible. Warrants have been issued, and officers are now in Venango county to arrest the parties implicated in this transaction. The Auditor-General of Pennsylvania gives bonds in the sum of five thousand dollars. Anditor-General Ear tranft has appointed H. Clay Alleman, E C. Williams and T. J. Jordan, a Commis sion to proceed to Venango county and ex amine into the affairs of the Venangocounty, Bank, connected with which, as is alleged in the official paper creating this committee, evidence of fraud exists. It is supposed that the necessity creating, this , committee grew out of the: bond transaction referred to in this despatch. BOARD OF TRADE BDW'D LAFOIIROADE, J. PRICE WETRERILL, MONTHLY. CO D. C. Id.cCAMMON, 4araloirsit sista lbeasaima i reetuk ansetiotseris DAVI Kangaroo -Liverpool-New York.- ...---June 1 Menlo Liverpool-Roston &, Phils...-June 2 Palmyra Liverpool-NewlYork Jane -5 Mississippi .-Brero en... New York . • June 6 The Queen Liverpool- New 'York Jane 8 Arago --Havre-New York June 8 Wm Penn London... New York ...... --June 8 Hanes --......-Bouthampton-.New York June 6 Peruvian-- .--Liverpool-New York ..... ----June 7 City of Dublin JAve.rpool...New. York ... . ... --June 7 -China -Liverpool...Boston June 9 New York llouthampton-New York .June 12 Germania --.Bentbampton....New York ...... ......Ju oe 13 City of New York...Liverp'l.-New York...-. June 1.3 TO DEPART. Eagle ...New York-Havana --- June 20 Kangar00...„......-New York-Liverp001......-....June 20 Loulalana .New York... Liverpool . . ...... --Jane 20 New York...-...-New York-Aspinwall ..... --Jana 21 11.213116....- New York... Bremen ..- ...... ......June 23 Borussiss ...New York-. Hamburg June 23 City of Paris ..tiew York-Liverpool..... ....... Sune Africa.„„._..„.._ Hoston--Liverpcpol--- -June 20 Santiago det.intia..-N York... Ban Juan, Mo.-June 20 Cella.. ~.- .... - .. . .. -New York...Loudon__ .Tune 20 Peruvian Quibec-Liverpool .Jn oe 23 Manhattan.. -NewYork-Havana &Y C June 25 Scotia .New, York-Liverpool ....---.-June 27 Palmyra New York... Liverpool .. --June 27 West'n "Metropolis-N. York... Bremen .. .. -.---June 20 City of New York...N York-Liverpool..... -.--June so NAJUBIIN 7E; B ULLETIN. eV) Basics. 4 29 I blow BBTB 7 32 HIGH ..wArza. 7 2 lii2iJiMl=:a=el Steamer Susan. Vanderveer, 40 hours from Hartrord, with mdse to Wm M Bat rd & (Z. Steamer D Utley, Davis, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm hi Baird & Co. ARRIVED ONSATURDAY. Steamer Chester, Warren, 2.4 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. Steamer C Comstock, Drake, 24 hours from N York. with mdse to W Df Baird& Co. Steamer Novelty, Shaw, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W W Baird & Co. Steamer S F Phelps,Brown,24 hours from New York, with mdse to W DI Baird & Co. Steamer Hannah fi Sophia, Teaf, from Cold Spring, Y. in ballast, Schr Ocean Bird, 5 days from Boston, with mdse to Baraboo & Cloud. Schr J B Austin, Davis, 5 days from Boston. Schr Hannah Berrien .epedden, 5 days from George town. with coal to captain. Schr Anna Myrick. stevens, 5 days from Province town, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot Schr Reading RR No 48,15ickerssn. from Bridgeport. Schr J M Broomall, Douglass, from Salem. Behr It A Conk ling. Daniels. from Boston. Bohr L A ercutt. Butler. from Portland. - =oil, Grant, from New York. hin, Bateman from New York. le Sheppard. Bowditch. from Providenoe. Behr J C Runyon, Mathis, from Providence. Ear J 8 Williams, NV, °troll; from Bridgeton. Behr Mail, 'Wright, from Salem. Behr Eldorado. Insley. irom Choptank River, CLEARED ON SATURDAY. Steamer Philadelph*Foltz, Washington, Wm P Clyde & Co. Steamer Rotary, Williams, Hartford, Lathbary, itkersham & Co. Steamer Hannah & Sophia. Teaf. Mlllville, Street&Co. Steamer Alexandria, Allen, Richmond, W P Clyde & Co. Steamer Bristol. Charles, New York, W P Clyde , Co. Steamer F Franklin. Pierson. Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. Bark Frank, Lovett Cann, Havre, L Westergaarl. Schr L A Orcutt, Butler, Boston, N Y & Sch Coal Co. Bohr Dolphin. Bateman, Boston, Quintard, Sawyer k Ward. Behr B A Conkling, Daniels, Providence, L Andenried & Co. Scbr Alphonso, Benson, Salem, NJ. Sinnickson & On. Schr W biceobb. Chipman. Rockport. do Schr J Williams, Woodruff. Bridgeton, Street & Co. Scbr Alex Young, Bray, Boston, W H Johns & Co. Schr Carroll, Grant, Boston. do Schr A Sheppard, Bowd,tch, Providence, JG & G 8 Repplier. bchr J M Broomall,Douglass,Boston, Caldwell,Gordon & Co. Behr A Edwards, Somers, Boston, BLaki• ston, Graaf & Co. Schr Sarah, Benson. New Bedford. do Schr Golden Eagle. Kelly. N Bedford, Snifolk Coal Co. Schr Read RR 45, Nickerson, Norwich, Pre Coal Co. Schr J C Runyon. Mathis, Providende, Caatner, Stick ney & Wellington. Schr Mary E Coyne. Facemire. Lynn, do Schr Eldorado. Insley, Washington, Captain. Scbr Koranth. J.,tosson. Washington, DC. J T Justus. Solar J Bucoanan. Eallaban. do do Scbr Rancocsa. Seed, Norfolk, do Schr Mail, Wright. Salem, Captain. Schr Frank Herbert, Chase. Fall River, Captain. Schr Archer & Reeves, Ireland, Boston Van Dusan, Lockman & Co. Schr C McCarthy, Godfrey . Portsmouth, Captain, Schr W Perry,lisley , Danversport, Captain. 3iE[I4EOB A NDA Ship Coburg. Gibson. hence at Liverpool sth inst. Ship Elvin. Owen, gimme, hence, arrived at Ant werp previous to 6th inst. Ship Zonave, Blair, sailed - from Liverpool 2d inst. for this port.i Ship Fannie Larrabeeßandall, entered out at Liver pool 2d Inst. for this port. Steamer Saxon, Matthews, hence at Boston yester day. Steamer 'Norfolk, Vance, sailed from Richmond 15th inst. for this port. THE FINE ARTS A. S. ROBINSON, 910 CHESTNUT STREET. LOOKING GLASSES. PAINTINGS Engravings aid Photographs. Plain and ornamental' Gilt Frame& Carved Walnut and Ebony Frames. ON RAND OR MADE TO ORDER. LIQU®BO►. HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE, J'.. N Ei 151 1011,11 non ST., SOLX WINES.—The attention of the trade ia salloited v v the follovrtAeAreri choice Winenoito, Ihr sale tu JOSEPH P. B No. 1151 South =zit Street, above Walnut MADIIIRAS—OId Island. 8 years old. SIIMEGMES—GtmpbeII & single, double and triple Grape, E. Graeae & Bone, Rudolph, Topaz, Wog Veortai and F. Valletta. TlB,--Vallette, VinhO Velho Real, Dutton and gebello Valente & Vintages MSS to 1156. GLARETS—Chuserils Freres and illt.:EStelgte san Ltardny.__ VERMOUTH—G. Jottribin;RriVe & CO, MUSCIAT—de Prontignant. CHAMPAGNES 7Crnezt 'Strong', "Goldin' our? de Venoge, Her UsJesty and Royal Cabinet and .otibV favorite brands, - CILD WBISKIES.-600 Oases Pare Old Wheat, Bye, if Bourbon and Monongahela Whiskies, for sale by E. aILODLETON. a North Front street,. BOAR - DING. A PitiVATE FAMILY, IN THE VICINITY O 6 Jolt Twelfth and Chestnut, can accommodate two gen• tlernen with rooms. Address, L. V., at this office, with references. je1.643, EIENTLEMA.N and LADY can obtain first-class TtOARDI2.IG, with elegant rooms, beantibilly located, by applying at 1701 RAGE street. References required. je12,60 BANDSOILE RESIDENCE: S. fr. corner of Spruce and Eighth streets, has been opened itor the recpption Dr boiirdere. Enema single and suites. and with or. without private table. ' 'jed•lut• nOPPirat AND YELLOW worm. ErionswaNs xißrasdeen Conner . IQafle, Bolts andlnEo Oo connantly on hand and for ems by =NB Wa illakh floath WbArTem. THE DULY E VENING BULLETIN PRILADELPHIL—BIONDAY. JUNE-18-1866e REAL !ESTATE. FOR iti th T. The New Bulletin Building, xo. 607 Chestnut Street s WLL BE COMPLETED U A PEW DAYS The proprietors are prepared to recelvepropesabi fin renting such rooms as they do not use themselves. These will be THR SECOND STORY BRANT ROOM, 60 by 24 feet. THE WHOLE OF THE NORTHERN HALF WI - THE RITILDENG,- Your Stories High. with Entrance by, a wide tutil or Chestnut street, And a Front of rd feet on Jayne street; Suitable for a Jobbing or Commission House, a Bank or Insurance Office. For Further Particulars apply at the NEW BM: LETIN BUILDING. No. 007 Chestnut Street. P EiL OE SALE—AVERY DESCRABLE CORN TRY TRY It.ESIDENCE: all the modern improvements: situated near the ROLMESSURO DEPOT' _ Of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. Access to and trom the city almost hourly. The house is built in the best and most substantial =enter, without regard to cost, having every conve nience, and well suited, for -a summer and winter resi dence for any gentleman doing business in the city, or who is desirous of pow- essing a first class residence. It la within five minutes' walk of the depot and about one-third of a mile from the village of Holmesburg, a village noted for its healthful situation and pleasing society. ard , possesses a _ FINE VJEW of the DELAWARE RIVER. - - There are thive acres of land: also a fine stable con nected therewith, the ground elegantly laid out and tastefully emben abed with - fruit and ornamental tram. A fine garden in good condition, and - rais ing now every variety of vegetables. Schools and Churches convenient. Apply to JeS,w,fm,ets C. M. P. LESLIE, 727 Bansom At. R, ORPHANS' COURT BALE.—ESTATE OF ELIZABETH WILGIAMS. deceased—VA-LC ". BUILDING LOT -AND ROUSE IN BOX BOROUGH, near Roxborough Water-works. --Will be sold at Public Bale, by nitres Order of Court, on the premises, Binge -road. Rozborough, between ands mile stones, on WEDNEA_ , DAY, June Z 7 Me, '2 o'clock P. M. ATWO-STORY STONE ROUSE and LOT of 6 acres and 121 perches Oland, neat the Roxborough Water Works. and adjoining lands of John Amick, William Williams, George Williams. and the Ridge Road. Terms, MO on day of sale; balance on execution of the deed. Ey the' Court. E. A: HERRICK, Clerk 0. C. G. VaLLIAlre , , Adm'r. 111. PESTER, Auct'r. je9.e,w.matt 101? L H. JOSaPH, CENTRAL REAL ESTATE Agency, No. 271 S. Third street, Philadelphia Re Estate bought and sold on commission. Loans negotiated. Money procured on Bonds .Mort. gages, ano other securities. House and around Rents collected. Commissioner ofDeeds for all the States, mys3.3ml gm GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR SALT ma OR TO RENT—Reautifbily and conveniently situated, within two minutes' walk of Church Lane station. A commodious and e7egant RESIDENCE With all the modern conveniences; stable. coach•housa Bc. Lot 130'213. Apply between 10 and 2, at 33 North CRIRD street. (=hl+ till W. P. WILSTACK, GERM ANTO eIN—FOR SALE.—a. handsome . double pointed stone residence, MAL In the bast wanner and baciug every city eo,cenience, situate on Chew street between e• hoemahn's and Churca lanes. Lot 193 feet frobt by 240 feet deep. with atone stable and carriage house, Immediate possession given. J. M. GI/MALEY t SONS, St 8 Walnut street.. E.„ GERMANTOWN—FOR SALE.—A handsome Double Stone Residence, with stable ar d carriage house and large lot of ground, situate within four mtnut , s' walk from the railroad depot, Has every city convenience. and is In perfect order. J. G QM. HEY & eONS, 5(.8 Walnut strec-t. 1..1 FOR EtALR.—A handsome three-story modern MI brick Residence, with attics, three-story double back buildings and side yard. situate on Nineteenth .treet. above Arch. Is finished throughout in a rope !kir manner and is in perfect order. J. M. GUSIMEY & BONS, 508 Walnut street. EFOR SALE.—a. four-story brick Dwelling, with r , double threostwy back buildings, situate on the west side of Nineteenth street above arch; has every modern improvement,and is In tier feet order. Lot 25 reet front by 103 feetdeep. Immediate possession given. J. M. 61:1111111RY & SON 8. 508 Walnut street. wftrtaltiTreThloill" bTCNE imp rovem e nts, Dri o t n L Forty rcotd street, north or Rlngsenaing avenue. Immo diate pow:salon. Apply to C. H. CIIETNET, jer..ets No. OA Arch street. NFOR SA LE—A Country RESIDENCE, with 26 Acres of Ground attschod, on the Dorton Mill or ford road, T miles from Camden and about one mile from the Haddonfield Depot Delaware township. Camden county, N. J. Apply at N 0.5 SLERCH ANTS' EXCHANGE, or No. 1936 SPRUCE etreeL je15.31• FOR BALM—The dwelling. No. 52.1 South Nintb E:" - , street, with three story double back buildings. containing all the modern conveniences. Bruit ex. Ivressly for the resent owner. Terms easy. Apply to o. 5.9 South NINTH street. myt.,Af 111 W., CAPE ISLAND—DIMMABLE DOUBLE COT• 1,116. a. TAOE TO LET, wl , b 11 rooms. Plenty of shade excellent water, goad cellar, line view of the ocean Ph otogr.pb s of which can be seen at IicCALLA4I New Hat k tore, SE Chestnut street. jets-tf faCOUNTRY SEAT AND FARM FOR :en SALE.—Fatty or one hundred acres. Bristol= , above seven mile atone and near Tacony. APPIY to It WHITAKER. jel6-31.* N 0.610 Locust street. remrA COUNTRY HOUSE TO RENT—On the Havertord road, and one mile and a quarter Athenaville elation. containing nine rooms. In- Quire of FRANCIS MAIIERY, near the pre mises. jelt.tt* Ea FOR SALE OR RENT.—The three story brict dwelling, situate No. 609 South Tenth street; has rvery convenience and has recentiz been thoroughly repaired. J. M. GIIMMEY fi SONS, 508 Walnutstreei.' 910 RENT.—Three and fonratorles New Store No. 1 131 31ARHET atreet. l 9 and 122 CHURCH Street, ratendis g 180 fee!. Heat light In the city. Very de. Arable for manufacturing baslnees. Apply at once. jel3.l9t* OEORG E OGDEN 4.t. CO. EKTILDING LOT—FOR BALE—The lot of gjonrid LI bout den by Christian, Sliteenth and Montrose . reels: containiptc in fronton Christian street 2.61 feet by IXi:feet in depth on Sixteenth street. J. M. GUM. MEY & t-ONS, &OS Walnut street. igos, SALE OR TO -LET ON GROUND RENT—A .1" Lot of Ground 110 by 125 feet having three fronta. ea. W. corner Twentieth and Routh streets. Apply to A.LER D H. ALLEN. jets-2te "J 59 South Siith street, rroT—The 2d, 3d and 4th fdtories of the But,d 1n g No. 136 North TRIED street, J, Di. 017113LEY t SONS, ad Walnut street. TO BE LET—SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH FLOORS. 389 Walnut street, suitable the offices or any light busineds. Apply to J. H. CURTIS a SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. •-•.110 BE LET.—Third and fourth floors with the officer I en first floor: also, part of a large cellar, No. It -3outh Front street. Apply to 3. H. OUR/ TS & SON Seal Estate Brokers. 483 Walnut street. : • fi• • : D • - : • Ws :I: al South SECOND 'greet. ripply to CIINEEB a 'ON. Real Relate Brokers. 433 WA LNUTstreet. AN EXCIJESION Us the coast, or inland, Is not corn. plete without Lemuel Smith's LEMON SUG &E. Price 20 cents per can. To be bad or the Grocers. jes-ets LEMUEL SMITH. 115 North Front st. GEN MINE :ITALIAN PASTINES, HAMA:R.ONT and Vermicelli, 'in store and for sale at 001:18TY'ri East End Grocery, No. 118 Sontb Secondstred. CHOICE TABLE CLARET-150 cases St.Estephe Llaret, at a low price, In store and for sale at ( GUSTY 'S Heat End Grocery, No. US South Second street. . - . . OREPSE, NORTON'S PINE APPLE, r OICE V Rolland and Sap Sago Cheese, in store and ior sale at COUSTY'S Eastaa.. d Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. • QI UPPED MANGOES AND PEPPERS, ERENCH 10 Hot Pickles, Crosse & Blackwell's Assorted Picklee new style. All kinds of Sauces for Meats and Fish. Potted Yarmouth Bloaters, btrasbnrg Meats, Hams, Beef and Tongue; Anchovy Paste, ter sale at GUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. etHOICE WINES AND BRANDIES for htedl , al L use. Genuine Curacoa, Maraschino and Chartreuse, always for ate at COUSTY'S East .End Grocery, No' Ile South Second street. AllB / BASIS lI—J. stewart's Trenton, Davis's Jl.l Star Hams, Briggs & Swift's celebrated Chichi. nati Hams, and. J. Bower's City Coxed; warranted to give satisfaction. For Bede by M. F. sprm TN. N. W. corner Eighth and Arch. nLIVE 0n,.-1..0 baskets Latour and other - Ilivorlte brands of Salad Oil, tbr ease by M. P; 13PILLLN, N. W. corner Arch and Rights.. T AV.& COFFEE.—Pare Old Government Java Coffee, er for sale by apt Tair l 47 N. W. corner Of Axch antLElghth stretta.. PEAS I TEAS) I=loo packages of very chelce new crop Green and Black. of the late importation. As these Teas have been bought since the decline in:gold we are prepared to fbrulsb famties at greatly reduced prt_ces.' 'For sale by the box; or et retell: SPII, LIN. N. W. Corner Arch and Eighth street'. DOSE LEAVES WANTED-Highest cash riees At given for fresh Rose Leaves, by WIARLES FLUB EON de CO. Wheleaale Drueziete, center Seventh, and j Market etreete. je33t030 Air RE; BRUBH, WRITING' AND LITERARY/T.l AGENCY. - ---Copytog - done -- rapitityr - adverdse. ments written, business letters answered 'promptly; and confidentially. Writing of all , kinds attended to at thePhOlte4t nnfice. Literary" matters will receive' emeciet atter tion. No. 258 Booth Ninth street, Phils• delpbta.o Refer to D. Appleton dt 90, - 40 and 445 Broadway, New York. - - Jett - A GENTS WAN TISD FOR - "OnilipAIGNS or ; 7 11. THE ARtirl ,OFTHE POTOTilatr, B William Swinton. ,Tbs Standard History of the "Grand Arnay."l The greatestw••rk on the. Whir:: linlverSsaytindorsed by army tifficersand the press. Send tor circulars and eee our terms Address "National Pablisbing Oo.," Epp Maw Meet ( Philadelphia, Pa. MY3O ZIAS. ~~N~'B: IXMOIMraII6 Duo'REWARE- SEUTUA.I., SAINT: INSIEWSIII 11:PANY INOODPORATIID BY um LEGISIATIIEN NSF PENNSYLVANIA. teas. OPY/OBE. CORNER THIRD AND WALNIST STREETS PRILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE. ON VPPOIRLSI all - - CARGO TO au pans of t he waif& BREDA% . INSCES On Geode, by Elver, Canal,the Lakend Lang Onimilrti to all of Union. On Nerebandieegenerally, 11881 On Stores, Dwellin g Hone s, aV. /MATS OP THE COMPANY, November 1, 1884. 4100,000 United States 5 per cent. 10an, pe,ooo oo 120,000 United States 6 per cent, loan, !a...-. NAM oo 580,000 United States 7 9,10 per cent. loan 'Treasury 90, Notes...—. 154,875 00 Loan State of Pennzylvania — Pive Ter Cleat. . 565 54,080 State of Penithylviia"tiriVeF Cent. I3e Loan . - . 53,260 00 128,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent, Loan,. .... .......112,31s 60 20,000 Pennsy lva nia Railroad . ' Pint - Rorie gage,Six Per Cent. Bon_ .da:. , 20,000 00 84,000 P -n vlvania Railroad Second . hdorr, _ gage Sir Per Oust. 80nd5...-...... 83,750 00 86,000 Western Penna. Railroad. Mortgage Six Per Cent. 80n d5.. , ... _12,724 oe 11,000 800 Shares Stock Germantown Gaa Company, Principal and interest guaranteed by the City of Philadel- ' phis-. ... 18,637 50 7,140 14s Sinless Stock .Pebrus,.. Railroad ; 8,480 00 . 5,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company......— .. 8,230160 40,000 Deposit with the United . .States . Go- „ • vernment,_subject to 10 Jaya ca 11......... 40,000 00 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan.... . .18,909 CO 170.700 Loans On . Bonfra and'Mortgaee . gat liena on City Property...„-----.470,790 00 1,106.880 Par. Market value.-- 990560 00 Real Estate.. Bills receivable ~ 18L019 SO Balances due ategnacies.—Premiums on blir ripe Policies. Accrued Interest. and other , • debts due the Company--. 40,511 44 Scrip and Stock of sundry. Insuran ce and other Cbmpantes. 55,133 . Estimated value... 8,910 - 00 Cash in Ran Ica 89 Clash Ma 48 488,815 77 PhomM O. Hand, - John O. Davis. _ Edmund philus Bonder, Jo Penr r o s e, rbeo Spalding, , JamTraquatr. HenryT C. Lalied, Jr., James O. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, George G. Lelper, Hugh Craig, aobert Bruton, John D. Taylor, THO Samuel B. Stokes, F. Penlaton. Henry Sloan, William G. Boulton, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, • Edward .I.afetonads, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, • Spencer McDvaine, J. B. Semple, Pittsburgh. A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. D T.Morgan, Pittsburgh. C. HAN D, President. DAVIS, Vice President. delatnol JOlnkfili: HE3ray Llri.strazs, Been • - Sr 6 • I • I : :4: at RUSE AND INLAND TRAIISPOB TATION INSURANCE. WAIST= 'wee*, smith eat Mit a The Properties Of this Clompany ample indemnity are well invertec and furnish an avalLablefund for We 3f all Persons who desiro to be protected Insurance BMOCS taken on Vessels, nelitia and '32 INLAND TRANSPORTATION rtrair9 on MCL , chandlse per-Railroads, 411^-nals and Steambeats FIBS- RTRICS On Biercbandhse, Furrarare soul BMW eetA.PG I VIT I D li. - 71794—cAPITAL, $500,0c0, jorr PAM EN AND B=I:I7.RLY v TOTAL PW3PERTIES, 7C0,000. PERPETE'II, CHAIPMR. • DIELWrOB.S. Aral= G. ColTh, James N. Dictum, Samna' W. Jones, S. Morris Wain, John A.l3trown, John iSason Charles Taylor, George L. liarrboa, Ambrose White, Brands B. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Edward H. Trona?, William Welsh, E. B. Clarke, Wllliarn R. Bowen, William Oarcunlna T. Charlatan Benry. ABTNUR G. COMM, President, arzAszas Pr.arr. ElecceMry. FIRE ASSOCIATION, aoso Incorporated March 27, MI e A OE7IOE, NO. 34 N. FIFTH street. In .‘t_ . sure BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FUR. . NrrußE and wrEgrsa•ANDISE genet : ally, _hum Lees by .b ire, (in the City o Philadelphia only.) STA :.711:5EBINTI of the Assets of the Ansoclatiot IMt. Bonds and MolUam.. on January 1, property In the City of 17 Ground Beata.— • 60848 Si Real Estate ( Office No FfittiVielei) 14,556 11. S. Government 5-20 Bands.------- 45,00) 06 11. S. Treasury 5,640 60 City Warrants .. 6t6 Cash on hand...........-----.----. 0.422 45 Ta. GEORGE W. RPM, President. vat, H. ACIFT,ToN, JOSEPH B. LYNDALL, TORN SOURER. LEVI P. COATS, PETER A. KEYSER, SAMUEL SPARK/MK, JOHN PHILBLN. CHARLES P. BOWER, JOHN CARBOW, .TESSE LIGHTFOOT, UEORGE L YOUNG, ROBERT SHORN{ A frTr'n WM. T. BUTLIsR, Secretary. THE couxrr PCB INI3I 1371C16 NO. 118 Bourn POUBTR 81REM "The Tire Insurance Ocrmpany of the OonnlG , of eldladelphla." Incorpors.ted by the Leglaisttue eennsylvania IIGS4 for indemnity test loss of iamage by flal u f t xclusively. TRH PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capita; And centingent thnd merely invested continues to M. sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, tea, either per =latently or for a limited time, against loss or d.ILM/M4 ay fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absoli ufety of Its customers. Lows seated and paid with all pesetas dossesa z ll .lharles J. Sutter, Edwin L. Reablt. eury D M John Horn, Robert V. 1 . , Jr.., Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, George Mecke, tndrew H. Miller .Tames N. Stone. Maniac= P. Hosc:Eaarr e • Z I :VA: 0.• 0 , 1411 147 „Ada! NO. MS WALNUT Street, oi= i tt r l t chance rat In atidition to If.AMITE and a tt i llmany Insures from Im3 or damage by PIRIE terms, on buildings, merchandise, Mrniturs dta, Da limited periods, and permanently oa boildine 'rr deposit of premium. Vhe Oom boa been in active operation for more ;b a p during which a/1 Mom havr seen promptly adjustedwhich ORS. John L. Hedge. DLRELT David Lewis,. IL B. Mahon,' Benjamin Mating, John T. Lewis, Thomas IL Poweta, William R. Grant, A. B. MGR , Robert W. G rant, Edmond D. Clark Wharton. Samuel Lawrence Lewis. Jr Lords C. Norris. JOBLBI B. OBBABIL Presides*. aucuscr. WIIAoz. Eleareauy. rEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHLA.—OFFICE No. 24 NORTH FIFTH STREET. NEAR MARKET - STHF.ET. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, CwAirruct. PiaararruAL. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, 050;000. Make Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire or Public oryrivate Buildings, Furniture, Stocks. Goods and xeroundise OD favorable terms. D RS. George Eret•y, f Frederick Doll, August C. M iller, Jacob Schandier, John F. Belsterling, Samuel Miller, Henry Troomner, Edward P. Moyer, William McDaniel ' Adam 'Adam 7. Wass, Christopher H. miller, Israel Peterson. Frederick Staake, Frederick Ladner Jonas Bowman, ' • - GEORGE . President. JOHN P. BIELSTERLING, Vice President, PHILIP E. COLEMAN, Secretary. A3IXISICAN Piss LISTEMIRAME COMPANY. ESIOORPORATED IBIA—CILLIpEsa pimp& 'MAL. WAI.NITT •eetilxive THIRD Streak PIIIM=XILLA. Having a pald up AD ITAL STOOK and BUB. PLOI3 vested wand a CAP nd available Securnles, co3r.. tinge to Insure on Dominus, Btoret ta Wny Mer. ommuse, vegoseaa In Potalul their and SW Personal Properly% £ll rams linerany Masa/ &diluted. Thomas Mar% John Welsh_ , Samoa 11 Morten, Puts= /Wady, Israel r! RHONA AMEICBT O. Illtaiv7o3D, A MNRMAN MU AL 1518IIMA1WE COMPANY. —pima Partpahar Thillding, No. -14 WALNUT Street. MAILIND AND INLAND INSURANCEO.— Make taken on yemell,cargoes and frelahta to all pasta of thelvorld, Ana on Masai transpo rt ation en rivets, canaht, and other convivial= tbronikOns the United suites. ITGLIAM CRAIG Prolden _mu= cnnaaast irks ioRKKT J. puss, BenreVar7. DUUSCROBA -; Ha= O. Millen, Win. B. Lowber, J. Johnston Brom!) Sarimel A. Milan i Masan antebins, Hmw•L. 112dar, sin o n • till Wllflaan Calm adieu, Jona Dallitty, William H. meat% Benf. Blehardih EiMies Dsliett, Wald X. BONI . Miami rnirD PROVIDENT . MID AND TD.IDIT TON. PANT .. OD PELLADELYBIA.— Incorporated by the Mate of Pearoxylvioda, id mortal =MOD IIVII3, ALLOWS ninuner ON DL POOTTS AND GRANTS AtarranTnia CAPITAL • .. ""w DWieh r Ol3EL, Samuel Sill ley rechard Cadbury. Jeremiah Saortr enry.Hairm, Rahn& H. Nora, . T. wimer_ L Brown Richard Wood. Wm. O. LOodilleem. • Ctiaa. P,_ Coffin. • BosmARD SAMUEL B...EiNIPLNir. PNtildards P* sell47 gio t ultiovat 11=630 COMPA2T.- J. HUTTKR, Pruitt:taxa Seer and Tramp:tier. COMPANY OP PHILA. - : -.4: PIOAPETUAL John T. Low% Tames B. Campbell( Edmund G. Isstink amen! W. Pooling :4 orris. = B. MARIS, President Bearetiury. aela rssintimcE. C ASH CAPITAL, $200,000. The. United States Accident Insur ance Company, Of Syracure, New York, insures agakuit DEATH FROM EVERY CIALISE, Whether AOCTIDENT,OHOLER orDISEAJIrIg of any kind, with weekly compensat;on for DISABILITY from ACULDENT. COMBINED POLICIES YEARS ACCIDENT POLICIES FROM, ONE MONTS TO TEN YEARS: • NO BEIEDIOALEXAMINATION REQUIRED FOR PxoTsfsidar,iiikizilitMl4.lsl This is the only Company authorized to issue cam- BINE]) LIFE and AOCIDENTPOLICEES. In view of the probability of the visitation of the CHOLERA this Bummer, tnis opportunity of Inswing against it for a brief period, at economical races should command the attention of every one; while the comb'• nation of ACCIDENT risk offered withit enables tact.e, residing in the City, or transacting business here aad returning to the country daily, to guard against every form of • DISEASE OR CASUALTY. Permits issued for travel to Europe, 4te. _Active So licitors wanted. WM. A. STEPHENS,. General Agent, jell-lmi No. 501 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. 1829-°11•1'"I'El' PERPETpAi.. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PEn.tiADELPHaL; Assets on arannary - 1, 2866, erpU,50.05,85.1 'Accned6nrpine...«. « «.«.«..«. ..._ « 7'Teminmo. ~ ............««««.«..«««..«...«....«.«.-1.163.806 If ' MI 0/.23218, INOOSIB Pea 1866, 111,487 53. 1310.000. Losses Paid Since 1829 Over $59000,000. Perpetual and 7 emporary Policies on Liberal Terms , ChM. N. Banker, DIRFCTORS Edward C. Dale, Top Las Wagner, Seorge Pales, Samuel Grant, Alfred Fitter, Geo. W. Richards, Fns. W. Lewis, M. D. Isaac Lea, Peter McCall CHARLES N. ANCEEP. President. ED WARD C. DALE, Vice Preeident. JAS. W. McALLISTMEL Secretary pro tam. Osittdsil GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, 41 WA.T-NCT STREET, PHILA. DELPHIA CAPITAL PAID IN, IN CI 11200,000. This company continues to write on Are EAsk-s only Its capital, with a good surplus, is safely Invested. 701 Lamm by fire bavebeen promptly paid, and more thy,: 8500,000 Disbursed on this Account within tl.ze past few years. Forth° present the atlas of thl&campany will re main at 415 WALNUT STREET, But within a few months will remove to ita 0'695 BUILDING. N. E. WEL BB v.travrts. AND CICESTNIrr, Then, as now, we shall be happy to insure oar patron at such rates as are consistent with safety. TaysLAs CRAVEN - Aiiaxo anaarrr, FORMAN SEXPPAID, N. S. LAWRENQ4. THOS. MACWW.T.T.A ft, CHARLES L DUPONT, JNO. SDPPL7I? H_'N'R'Y F. KENNEY INO. W. csacnioart, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. L. SILAS YERK ES, ja., THOMAS. VEN, President. ALFRED B. °MEW, V. Preadent and Tr rarer JAMES R. ALVORD. Secretary. Udell I • : • :rt • al In • :4 :a PENNSYLVANIA PISS muzios 0026 PANY-Litoorporated Int-CoArter Perpetual—Nc CO WALNUT !Street, opposite Independence Secant Thin Company, favorably known to the tor ver forly seam. continues to Insure saelart o • or damage by Bre,on Public or Private Aboldligt abhor permanently or for a limited Unto. Also, co liturnlnne,Stoclor of Gooda and hierthandbie =malt on liberal tam Then Capital, together with a huge Smlna gremo Wrested In the mans carefel =mum which embus than to (elm to the Insured an undoubted ascn 7 the case alum D. Dental Surdth, Jr., IREOTO J BB ohn Elevorenn, Abnandex Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac Harlehnrat, Henry Lewis, Thomas Robins, .7. SWlnghans Fell. Daniel Haddock, Tr. DANLII7 , Jt.. President, WILLIAM 8. (CROWELL. Secretary aAIdE INSITRANUE COMPANY. NO. WS cuucerzarr STRICEM PICILADELPRIA. VIRZI AND INLAND /NBIIRANOB Irsuiete N. Buck: JIM W. Bre:mum Mules Itiellardsen. Bober B. Potter Bexuy Wri ght , ir.o. Newl, Jr. Sorneel W E. D. Woodruff, P. EL JasUae. auk . Stokes, Geo. A. Weir, J. D. BIM. VILARCUB_ _B .. DOE PreeldenS. CHAS. BILINABLIBM. Moe PrielLeiri w. L 1111.Jurnuratn. Etariviar. ~. r . Gr COOKS, No. 1314 Washington avenue, Invites the attention of the Public to his PRESTON COAL, which is an article that gives unbounded satis faction to all. My customers generally are laying It in' at the present prices, in preference to LEHIGH COAL. Egg and Stove sizes at IS 75 per toe. Also the genuine Eagle Vein Coal, same sizes, same price. A superior quality of LEHIGH COAL, Egg and Stove, at $7 50 per ton. Orders received at 114 South THIRD St. mr6-3m/ FOR GOOD LARGE NUT, $6 50 FOR STOVE or BEATER COA L. J. A. SMITH,V r till Thirteenth and Washington avenue. myl9.lm* 8. MASON NINE2I. JOHN J. amour) 'pax 1nTD.111381.421NFJ3 INVITE ATTENTION J. their stock of Bock Mountain Oompany'S Coal. Lehigh Navigation Company's Goal. and Locust Mountain, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest ?nuke rates, and to deliver in the beet condition. Orders left with B. MASON 331=3, Franklin In= tote Building, SEVENTH street, below Market, wit tre promptly attended to.. _ & OSIMAFF, ses,tf rch Street Wharf. SchnyllnilL (VAL.—SLOAN LOAF, BEAVER DdRADOW ANL ZJ - Bwlng Mountain, Lehigh Coal. and best Loma Mountain from OchtOralli, Wally use, De_t, N. W. eornenWtrimffnisativEand LOW street. =m, No. OS South BZOOND street. ioahrr wa_LTON 00. It&lairsts. JANIE A. FREILIMAN,AIIOTIONEKS. No. 4 WALNUT street. BANK FIEFTBOOF SAFE AT PRIVATE SA.LB. At Private Sale—A trape , lor Bank Safe, nearly , new. about seven *et high inside, with combination locks Ac.. In perfect order, made by Farrel & Haring, at s COat Of C. 400. TO BMW—A handsome double Mansion on Walnut street, either furnished or untarnished. Apply at the Auction Store. Peremptory Sateen the Premises. nolmesberg HANDSOME COVNTICY RESIDENCE AND TIRIVRTI ADDER DOM:LESS CMG. ON SATURDAY AP fERNooN. JUNE SO. At 6 o'clock. will be sold without any reserve, on the prernises,the beautiful Country Residence with three acres of lend, in the square bounded by Oakland avenue, BIM Decatur and Cambridge eta. Ali The mansion is of none, rough cast, 40 by S feet, with kitchen back; has every convenience. On theproperty are astable, coach house, laundry. ,to The grounds are handsomely laid out—altogether a most attractive property. Sir Immediate possession. Plan at the stare. air It will besold without the slightest limit. MBE PELNUIPAI, MONEY EbTABLISRMEIVI K. corner of SIXTH and BACK streets. Money advanced on Merchandise generally . Watches,Tewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Sliver Plate and agreeodn all articles 01 value, fbr any length of time on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PBSVATE BALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom' and Open Face American and Swiss Patent Leven Watchem Me Gold Hunting Owe and Open Face La pine Washes,* Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches Fine Silver Hunting Case and Open Face English. American and Swim Patent Lever and .Lepine Watches: Double Cam English Quartier and othes Watches Ladies' Fancy Watches:` Diamond Breast M in s' n Flnk=intl ErZ a ligig S i ttai rf s, ack s. p . ingti Pins;?ny Finger Hinge; Pencil Oda!, and 7ewolry gene , • • FOR SALE.—A large and splendid Fireproof Cliesti :suitable for ajeweler, price 1e.50. Also, several Lota in South Camden Fifth and Chestnut streets. B. 1143"1'. as.. Ati"",osta IMPORTANT SALE OF OIL PAINTINGS, PASTEL PICTURES AND CRYSTAL . MEDALLIONS atic. Comprising the entire Collection fram the' AMERICAN ART GALLERY, NEW YORE. B. SCOTT . Jr. will sell •by auction. on FRIDAY. SATURDAY and MODAYEVENINGS. alma 15, le and 18, at 8 o'clock, at ithe Art Gallery. 1020. Chestnut street, a very choice collection of Paintings Crystal Medallions, dm. It embraces specimens of some of the moat talented living American artists: - lel2oSt • CARD.--We are prepared fern now until July let to make epeciaLealea of ally description of zuerchandise, and will we our beat endeavors to sore eatiefiletlen. - g9c tonna, *c., epply at the Once. FROM ONE TO FIVE -ArGTION SALES. THOMAS& BONS, AIIOTIONE M. Non. igs and 50ath FOURTH 11rs* - STOCES AND REAL ESTALE—TUESDAY WEST. Pamphlet catalogues now ready, .containing fdada serlotlons of all the property to be sold on l UE-s.DAY NEXT, 19th inst., with a list of sales 26th Jane; and July 10. comprish3g a large amount and: great Va riety of vairtable property, by order of Ilia Orphans Court, Executors and,others. SALES OPSTOrrES AND .REAL PPITATB At the Exchange, every TUESDAY, nt l 2o'clookndinti •' Jar Handbills of each property leaned separately, and on the Saturdayprevious to each gale WOO tater. lognes inpaleaphlet form, giving full descrlntiorm : R.P.A T ESTATE AT PRIVATE ,SALE. _ Printed catalogues, comprising several - hundred! thousand dollars, including every description of cll7 and country property, from the smallest dwellings far the moat elegant mansions, elegant country iseadi. farms, business properties. &c. fri - EURNITURE SA an at the Auction. Store EVERY THURSDAY. it igr Particablr attention given to tulles as Prtrals eeldencee,Oke. STOCKS,' du.. • ' ON TUESDAY, lIINAT.I9, At 12 o'clock noon, at the Plilltuielpaia Facbanan. la shares-Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Railway. Company. zbares Union 'Mutual Insurance Co, . 35 shares Penn National Bank. TWENTY SEVENTH SPRING SALE. TUNE 19. TO elm.. an Estate—VEßT DESIRABLE TEM./al STCRY BRICE • RESIDENCE and LARGE LOT', ao. 1425 Poplar at, west of Broad, with a Brick Stable in. the rear on Cambridge at. Lot 60 feet 4 4 -, inches front. The above is situate lo a very desirable netghborhood. arc worthy the attend-at of builders and othora_ a . - VALUABLE. BS/SIMMS .LOCATION—T ECRE &SWIM BRICE RESIDENCE, with urree-story back handbag. No. 25 North Tenth at, above Market at. Immediate possession. - • VALUABLE BUSINESS STANDS—FOUR ' STORY BRICE HOTEL and DWELLING, N. , W.-corder of Second. and .Monroe Els—has the modern conveni ences. Immediate possession. FOUR-STORY BRICK STONE and DWELLING, Second at. adjoining the above: - . • -• • TEREESTORY BRICK HOTEL and DWELL. INO. N. W. corner of Eleventh and Myrtle streets, 14th Ward. TER PE-STORY BRICK DWELIXL9O. • P> , N. Eleventh street. adfolning the above. Wood Street, a =C B I DUL7 3 Z u r g o id tha rear. - . Busns -- s PROPZBTY-2 TfIREE STORY. BRICK STORE and DWELLINGS, Nos. 1642 and 15-14 North. Second Stteet,with 2 Tbree-etOry Brick Dwellings in the rear on Philip street. VALTI A RrE WAART2, River 13ranyikill, 24th Ward. MODERN FOTER-STORY BRICK BESIDBNOS. /CO. 1734 Pine at, east of Eighteenth at. Has the ma. dem conveniences. VERY DESIRABLE COTTAGE. N. W. corner of Pacific and Illinois avenue , Atlantle' Cit7' New 'Ter sey, near the Surf Rouse. REAL ESTATE, .TUNE 26. VERY VALUABLE .BUSINTSS .STANDF4Fwes stores, S. E corner of Fourth and Chestnut sts 44% feet on Chestnut at, BEi feet on Fourth st. The improve meets are a four-story brick store on the corner, and es three story brick store adjoining on ClLD9tntltst. . IR - It is one of theme& valuable business locations in ibe city: well adapted for a bank, banking houses, int unmce companies. or for any business purposes. Terms—% cash; 3 .000 to be paid at time of sale. - To close the .h.state of the Heirs ofE L. Carey,dec'd., and A. Hart.. VLBY VALUABLE BIIStRES§ STAND, R. E. .corner of Fourth and Chestnut sta—FIVE STORY BRICK BUILDiNG, the entire first Emery on oot.is streets built of white marble. far The present rental nays 6 per crest,. clear of city twee and water rent. on an investment of 00,000 aatt no lease }or more than year to year to any of tuts tenants Ire TbLs property Was formerly occupied by the erth American and United states Gazette with. steam engine arrangements ander the pavement, far It is a veryNainable business location. saitablai for a ban king house, brokers' offices, insuranee or es press companies, &c. SA.T.E OF ENGLISH and AMERICAN BOOED. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, June 19, valuable English and American Boob= tr..m a library. Also- four Oil Painticgs, violin, dz. PINE BRANDIES, WHISKIES, SHERRY, HOCK. AND CLARET WINES, he The Stock of Messrs. Ward & Brother, late of the Les, Pierre Route. ON WEDNESDA JUNE 20. At 12 O'CICRIC noon. at the auction rooms, will be sold, by catalogue. the stock of fine Brandies, Whis kies, Sherry. Hock and Claret Wines ,hz..„ of Messrs. Ward &Brother, late of the Da Pierre house. bemplus may be examined one hinMprevions to Baba. Sale No. 1513 Green street. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FINE FRENCH MANTEL CLOCK. MIRRORS, CAR PATS, KIMIEUT , T FURNITURE and UTRNSILS. LEMON AND ORANGE TREES. _ ON FRIDAY moßacrse. -TUNE 42, At 10 o'clock, at No. 15 , 53 Green street, the atnadad furniture t f a faintly going to- Europe. May be examined at S o clock an the morning of Ea& SALE OF CHOICE ENGLISH MCGRAVINGES. ON FRIDAY .AFTERNOON. JANE 22. A croice collection of celebrated English Rams!, logs, from the productions of Land.•eer, Taylor, Ans.- dell. Herring, Alutolon, Faed, Constable, Stone, Brooks, Ward, dtc., do dr.c. VALIJART.I7 PARISE—C , IPPER ORE Al' Par- FATE SALE—A vainzble Farm. 108 acres. Therein a vein of ,ray sniphnret of copper on - the place. - fitil particulars will be given on application at the auction rooms. Y JOBN B. IVIERS & 00., AUOTIGNENIELS, Ncs. 232 and =4 MARKET street. corner of Bank. LARGE PRIII.IIY SALE OF BoOTe, BROM BROGANS, TRAVELING RAGS, STRAW GOODS, &c. ON TOTEDAT MOBBING, =NE 19, Will be sold, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on inns months , credit, about 1,100 packages Boots, Shom, Bal morals, &c., of City and Eastern manullactm , e. for examination with catalogues early on the morVg, of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OF BOOTS, B.IIOER NOTlCE—lncluded In kc. oar lirge ask, of boots, shook_ ON TUESDAY 'MORNING, June 19. will be found In part the following testae ens deelrable assortment. civ. Men's, boys' and youths' calf, double sole, half welt and pump sole dress boota; men's, boys' and youths kip and bitff leather boots; men's flue grain, long leg thew boots; men's and boys' calf, buff leather Congress boots and bal morals; men's, boys' and Youths' super kip, buff and polished grain half welt and pump sole brogans; fine kid, goat, marocmr, and enameled patent sewed balmorals and Congress gal women's, raisses' and children's calf and buff leather balmorals and lace boots; children's fine kid, sewed , city made lace boots; fancy sewed balms rats and ankle tier ladies' fine black and colored lasting Congress and side lacegaitersiwomens', misses and dretrs goat and morocco copper-nailed lace boots; ladies' line kid slippers: traveling bags; metalle overshoes ctn. Also, an Invoice of white and colored Shaker heads.' LARGE POSITIVE SALE or "BRITISH, Fromm. GERMAN AND DOM:ESTI° DRY GOODS. We will bold a Large Sale of 'Foreign and Domestki Dry Goods, by catalogue, on four months' credit and pert for cosh._ On THURSDAY MORNING, . June 21, at ID o'clock, embracing: about 700 ages and 1010 of staple and fancy articles, in wooienn.- worsteds, linens, siluA and cottons. N. B.—Gooda arranged for examination and Mat !agues ready early on the morning of sale. - LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP CA.RPRTLISEIEI: CANTON MATTINGS. &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING, Jtme V., at U o'cleck, will be sold, by estalogns four months' credit, about 200 nieces of enmeriln* and fine Ingrain, royal damask, Venetian, list, Dutch_ hempcottage and rag carpeting% embracing a chair* assortment ofimperior goods, which may be =imbue i earls on the morning of sale. ' CJ. WOLBEIT.—AUCTION MARE No. I.s Soadi stxTM street, between Market and Chestnut, FINE OLD WINES. BRANDIES: CHAMPAGNES, HOCKS. CLARETS. SAIJTERNE. ON TUESDAY MORNING NEX r, The 19th instant. at 11 o'clock. at -No. 16 South Sad a street, a butte qusnaty of pure old Wines, Brandb: 46 , Champagnes, Hocks. Clarets, &.c , in cases, demijohns and bottles, including a private stock of very rareolt Wines and other Liquors, imported 1816. - - Catalogues now ready, jamas , THOMAS - BIRCH SON. AucTIONSEItia AnD COMMISSION MERCHANT% • No. IUO cimerrarr ezeet. (Bear entrance 1107 Ransom street:) HOIIS•HOLD FURNITURE OF EVERY rus• SCRIPTION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. SL EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attended to on their most Reasonable Terms. SALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS. do., AT MLR EXADZIANGE. THOMAS BIRCH fit SON respectfully inform their friends and the public that they are prepared to attend: wish.e sale of Real Estate by auction and at private a&VIS & HARVEY. AITOTIONEKBB. (Late with M. Thomas ct. Sons.) Store No. 33 I Chestnut street: FITRWITURE SA rNst at the score eVr-r7Tneelay. SALMIS AT ItEletWitNelia - ecetve Dania:dm 'Attention. Sale lathe Auction Store. 817PERIOR TURN tTORE, MIRROR. ROORCABB3. BRA SSbLS CARPETS. &c. ON TITESDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock. at the auction store. 823 Cheßtuut street. the superior ltirniture, French pla e mirrors book. cases. fine Brtissels carpets, housekeeping articles. &a. parur FORD & CO., AtOHONERDS, , No. FOS MARRPV street, - SALE OF 1100 CASES ROOTS AND SHOES ON THITReSDRY MORNING,TUNE 21. Oonarnencing at 10 o'clock, 'we will sell by catalogaa, r cash, 1100 cases prime Boots. Shoes, Brogans. B. toorals Congress Gaiters, Slippers. Oxford Tiet. Ast. annprialsg a flrst•class assortment Of good& to which, the attention of bus ers is called BY RA.R.B.ITP di 00., AUOTIONEEREL Cash Auction House,_ _ ' 230 Market street, corner of Rank street. Cash advanced on consionnents withoutextecebinel LARGE PEREMPTORY S ALE son LA - yrs. UN WEDNESDAY MoRNINCh _ June 20. at 30 o'clock. vis-31)0 lots asssrtea PIT OoOds, Cloths: Cas.dutvies. btraw Goods, 200 dozen. assorted Shirts. L. ABBSBXWE et 00., - - • .A.174717.0N1N54 , • No. 5p5 MABKET street. above; "ff i frotale to six feet wide, an. CriC tielr e gt *maw Duck, Pepermakere Ball Wine. JOKei ii.ir.,Eantar oo,i t - • • MOM I.9nes'eAlbil