Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 14, 1866, Image 6
WiNnIVONGRESS,-MMT SESSION. [CLOSE OF.ViEITA/Wiirtil PBOOEEDENeS.] SENATE.—The Legislative Appropriation bill, t which was pending • yeaterday, was ••The following amendmenta of the Firumes Committee was agreed_to: ' .For the construction of a police telegraph in, Washington, $13,000: , - Sucmorr —. That from and after • the 30 th day of lune 1866 the annual: salary' of the Treasurer o fthe United, States, _shall be $q,500.; ,the. additional salary, herein `pro vided Air, for the year ehding Jane 30,,1867, to be paid out ofany money-in the TreaSury not otherwise appropriated... SEC. -That from and after June 30,1866, the salarY of the Commissioner of Public Buildings shall be $2,500, per annum; , and tlyt: increase of salary herein authorized may be paid out of any money in the Trea sury-not otherwise appropriated.; , The. President :hereby autho rized to appoint a private secretary, at an annual salary of 8 9 ,500;- an assistant secre tary;:atil2,soo; a shorthand writer,' at •an annualealary-of $2,500; a clerks of pardons, at an annual salary of $2,000, and three clerks of the fourth class; and- the amount necessary, to pay,the salaries -orthe officers and clerks herein provided for,-,for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1867, and also each sum as may be necessary to pay the salaries of said officers and clerks from the date of their appointment to the end of the fiscal year are hereby appropriated out of any.moneyin.. the, .Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sac. —. That from and after June 36,1866 there shall be an officerin the Treasury De partmentto be known as the Assistant Soli citor of the Treasury, who shall be appointed by the fiTedretary 'o;if•, the ;Treasury and who shall receive an anntial salary of $3,000, and the Attorney General of the United States is hereby authorized to employ in his office, in addition to the present force, a clerk to be known as the Law Clerk, at an annual salary of $2,500, and. the amount required to paylliffaalarkiii of 'the officer - and, clerk herein provided for, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1867, is hereby appro priated. That the sum of $39,276 50 be and the sera() is :hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise ap • 'propriated, to purchase Indian annuity ,goods for the Indians, parties •to the treaty of Fort Laramie, and fir the Blackfoot nation, to re lace those destroyed by fire on the steainey Frank Bates, at St. Lords April 7th, 1866.'" Mr. Trumbull (111.) offered an amendment fixing the salary of the reporter of the Su preme Court at $2,500, and providing that he shall furnish three hundred copes of the annual report to the Secretary of the Inte rior; which was adopted. Other amendments of an unimportant character were adopted, and the bill was then taken out of the Committee of the Whole into the Senate. The question was upon concurring in amendments adopted in the Committee of the Whole. Mr. Trumbull asked for a separate vote on the amendment adopted in the committee yesterday putting $160,000 at the disposal of the Secretary of the Treasury for an increase of compensation.to certain clerks in his De partment, The yeas and nays -were demanded, and the amendment was agreed to—yeas 23, nays 14. " Mr. Davis offered an amendment appro• priating $20,000,000, to be paid to the loyal owners of slaves mustered into the military service. At the suggestion of Mr. Cresswell, Mr. Davis modified his amendment so as to direct to be taken for the purposes named a special fund in the hands of the Secretary of War, derived from the payment of three hundred dollar commutations. At therequest of Mr. Fessenden,tbeabove was withdrawn, with the understanding that it shall be attached to the Army Appro priation bill. The bill was then passed. Mr. Sherman moved that the Senate take up the Five Per Cent. Funding bill, for the purpose of allowing Mr. Vaa Winkle to sub mit some remarks upon it. The bill was taken up, and Mr. Van Winkle addressed the Senate in favor of it,urging the necessity. of some such measure as a necessary financial rule for the country. Further consideration of the bill was post poned. At the conclusion of Mr. Van Winkle's speech, Mr. Harris (N. Y.) called up the House joint resolution for defraying the expenses attending the exhibition of Ame rican products of industry at the Paris Ex hibition. Mr. Grimes offered an amendment pro viding that no officer shall be appointed,and no money shall bepaid under the provisions of this resolution, until the Imperial govern ment of France hasi given reliable assurance to this government that the French troops shall be withdrawn from the territorial ju risdiction of Mexico. Further consideration of the above was postponed till to-morrow. Mr. Trumbnll.from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported, with amendments, the bill to fix. the number of Judges of the Su preme Court of the United States, and to change certain judicial distkicts. The first section which- makes the num ber one Justice and eight Associates, is left intact. The second section, which fixes the cir cuits, is stricken out, and the following- is substituted : That the first and second cir cuits shall remain as now constituted; that the Districts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware shall constitute the third cir cuit; that the Districts of Maryland, West Virginia Norlth Carolina and South Caroli na shall constitute the fourth circuit; that the Districts of rieorgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas shall con stitute tha fifth circuit; that the Districts of of Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennes see shall constitute the sixth circuit; that the Districts of Indiana, Illinois and Wis consin shall _constitute the seventh circuit; that the Districts of Minnesota, lowa, Mis souri and Kansas shall constitute the eighth circuit; and the Districts of California, Ore gon and Nevada shall constitute the ninth circuit. The Chair laid before the Senate a com munication from the President of the United States inclosing a resolution of the Legisla ture of Georgia, asking a suspension of the collection of the direct tax in that State. Re ferred to the Committee on Finance. Also, a communication from the President, trans mitting the acceptance by the State of Georgia of a donation of public lands for the establishment of agricultural colleges. The Senate went into Executive session, and soon after adjourned.. • Housx.—Mr. Stevens (Pa.) introduced a substitute for the bill introduced by him on the 28th of May, to enable the States lately in rebellion to regain their privileges:in the - Union, which was ordered to be printed. The substitute offered by Mr. Stevens, for his reconstruction bill, contains the fol lowing new section in reference to Ten nessee. SEc. 9. Whereas, The State of Tennessee has returned to her allegiance to the United States, and by a regular convention of her citizens, has framed a Constitution, which, on being submitted to the people, has been duly ratified, and-which,= though not fully republican, nor suited to the altered condi tion of her institutions, yet, as it contains many elements of just government, there fore Belt enacted, That the State of Tennessee may:be admitted to representation in Con. gress, and her present Senators and Repre sentatives,_ if found to be duly appointed, elected and qualified, may be admitted to ;seats on taking the required oath. Proviiied het;tmless the said State"of Tennessee shall - before the Est daY'4;if January next, either bylegislation - or ounelitutlorad -- provisiorr, -- enfranchise all..olasses of her citizens and (extend the 'right of suffrage impartially to ;every class, and shall_give to every person 'within her jurisdiction an equal standing !in her- Courts. Of law and equity, both as: !suitors and.: witnesses, and shall ratify the amendment to the Constitution, Article 14, ,!proposed by this !Congress, then the provi mons ot..thie act, so far as they relate to the !State of Tennessee exclusively, shall cease' :and hemline null and void, and the said State `shall no longer be represented in Congress. The third section is altered so as to read: SEC. 3. And be 'it further :enacted "That^ • ;whenever the President of the United States !shall deem it proper, he shall issue his pro clamatien directing conventions to be called ; to form legitimateconstitutions for these re- , spective States; he shall direct an election Ito beheld on a day, certain, to choose dele gates to a convention which shall meet at the time fixed by him, at the capital of the I State, and form a State!. Censtitution, which ;shall be submitted to a vote of the psople, !and if ratified by a majority of the legal ;voters, shall be, declared to be the Constitu tion of the State. The sixthaection,declar ing.thattliose wlinhave torfeit4 their citi zenship shall not be entitled" to' exercise the 'elective franchiseuntil-five years after they' shall have filed - their - intention to be rein-:: vested with - the right of is . !amended so as to reduce the term to three {years._, Mr.'Jenckest (R. L), froni the Select Coin !mine° on the Civil Service, reported back bill to regulate! theUivil service of the !United .States. Recommitted and ordered no be printed. Also, a resolution, which was adopted, !requiring the headi of departments to`far finish !the committee with information con cerning the mode of appointmentto the in ferior grades of office in their respective de partments. - Mr. Rigby (Cal.), filim the Committee on Mines and Mining, - liipcirted back, with amendments, granting-the.right of way to ditch and canal owners over the public lands in the States of California, Oregon and Nevada. The amendments were agreed to and the bill paSsedi it grants to every company or individual who has in accordance with the laws of We States of California, Oregon, Ne vada, or of the. United States ,constructed, or who may hereafter construct canals, ditches, flumes, &c., for the conveyance of 'water for mining, mechanical or agricul , tural purposes, the right of way over the nublin lands so long as such canal shall be used for such purpose. Mr. Myers (fa.), from the Committee on Patents, reported a bill for the extension of a patent of Jonathan Ball, for coating the interior of metallic water-pipes with hy draulic cement. Mr. Dawes (Mass.) spoke in opposition, and the bill was postponed until to-morro w. Mr. 'Johnson, from the Committee on Mines and Mining, reported a till to incor porate the Washington Laboratory and Mining Association, which, after some de bate, was rejected. Mr. Allison, from the same committee, reported a bill to establish assay offices, for the assay ofld and silver, at Portland, Oregon, and Boise City, Idaho. The billre peals the act establishing a branch mint at Dallas City, Oregon, and provides for the removal of the machinery, &c., of the branch mint in Charlotte, N. C., and Dah lonega, Ga. - Mr. Henderson was addressing the House in support of the bill, when the morning hour expired, and the bill went over till to morrow. The Senate amendments to the joint reso lution proposing an amendment to the Coh stitution of the United States, were taken from the Speaker's table for action by the House. • Mr. Stevens stated that the House portion of the Committee on Reconstruction, bad examined the Senate amendments, and were unanimously of opinion that they should be concurred in. The amendments were so slight that unless gentlemen the other side desired to discuss, the members on his side were willing to take the vote at once. If, however, discussion were desired, he sug gested that speeches should be limited to fifteen minutes, as he proposed to call the previous question at half-past 3 o'clock. Mr. Harding (Ky.) proposed that the De• mocratic aide should have one hour allowed them for debate, to be divided among them as they choose. Mr. Stevens agreed to that, and it was un derstood that the Democratic hour was to be parceled out between Messrs. Rogers, Har ding (Ky.), and Finek. Mr. Rogers opened the debate. He was followed on his own side of the question by Messrs. Finch and Harding (Ky.),and on the Republican side by Messrs. Henderson and Spaulding. The House then seconded the previous question and Mr. Stevens closed the debate. He congratulated the House and the country that the scheme was soon to be submitted to the people for the admission of an out lawed community to the privileges and ad vantages of civilized'and free Governments. A scheme containing, he said, much posi tive good as well as the omission of many better things. In my youth, he continued, in . my man hood, and in my old age, I have fondly deemed that when any fortunate chance khould have broken up ior a time the foun dations of our institutions, and released us from obligations the most tyrannical that were ever imposed in the name of freedom, the intelligent, free and just men of this Re public, true to their professions and their conscieneets, would have so remodeled all our institutions as to have freed them from every vestige of human'oppression, of ine quality of nghts, of the recognized degrada tion of the poor and the superior caste of the the rich—in short, thatto distinction would be tolerated in this purified Republic but that which arose from merit and conduct. This bright deem has vanished "like the baseless fabric of a vision." I find that we shall be obliged to be content with patching up the worst portions of the ancient edifice, and leaving it in many of its parts to be swept through by the tempests, the frosts, and the storms of despotism. Do you in quire why, holding these views, and pos sessing some will of my own, I accept so imperfect a proposition? I answer because I live among men, and not among angels; among men as intelligent, as determined, and as independent , as myself, who, not agreeing with me, do not choose to yield their opinions to mine. Mutual concession therefore, is our only resort, or mutual hostility. We might well have been jus tified in making renewed and more strenu ous efforts fora better plan could we have had the cooperation of the Executive. With his cordial assistance the rebel States might have been made model republics, and this nation an empire of universal freedom. But be preferred restoration torecom3truc tion. He chose that the slave States should remain as nearly as possible in tkeir ancient condition with such small modifications as be and his Prime Minister should suggest, without any impertinent interference from Congress. He anticipated the legitimate action of the National Legislature, and by rank usurpation erected governments in the Conquered provinces, imposed upon them institutions in ! the most arbitrary and un constitutional manner, and now maintains them as legitimate , governments, and inso lently den3ands that they shall be represented in Congress on equal terms with loyal regu lar States. To repress this tyranny,' and at the same time to do mime justice to conquered rebels, requires caution. The grave danger is that the seceders may soon overwhelm the loyal men in Congress. The haste urged upon us THE DAILY,EVENIDIG B.ULLLTIN : PHILADELPHIA, TIITTBSDAY, JUNE I by some' loyal but impetuous : men, , their untiety_ to embrace the representatives of the rebels," their ambition to display their dexterity in the . use of the, broad mantle-of ',charity, :and especially" the danger!arising om • the ,unscrupukms mu), of patronage', And from the oily orations of false prophets !famous for eixty-day obligations, and for 'protested political promises, , admonish us !to-make-no further delay. " • • • ! Referring to the third section,ll2r. Stevens paid that he could not look upon the Senate amendment` - as an improvement. In his :the it endangered the Government of :the country both State and National, and Might give the next Congress and the Pres ident to the reconstructed - rebels. With their "enlarged basis of represerttathin,and the ex !elusion of loyal men of color from the bal lot box, he saw no hope of safety unless in !the Prescription of proper enabling acts, !which should dojustice to the freedmen 'and enjoin enfranchisement as a`Condition pre cedent. While he saw much good in the propbsi tion'; he did not pretend to be satisfied with it. But still he was anxious for its speedy 'adoption, for he dreaded delay. Let us, he 'said-in: conclusion, no - longer delay, let us take what we can getnow,andhopefor bet ter things in future-legislation, in enabling acts 'and other provisions. The House then proceded to vote by yeas and-nays on , concurring in the amendment 'of the Senate. _ Severelannouncements having been made :of members absent or paired, and as b how , they would have voted,. Mr. Eldridge, in ridicule, announced that .1511. Brooks, of brew York, and ; Mr. Voor hees,' of Indiana, had not been turned out 'of their seats, they would:have voted "No," to which Stevens added, that if Jefferson :Davis Were here he would probably have voted the same way. [Laughter and ap . plause.] • • Mr. Wentworth added, "So would Jake Thompson."_ * The Speaker directed his own name to be 'called, and voted aye. - The vote was a strictly party vote, and re sulted—yeas, 120; nays, 3.i—as follows: YEAS—Messrs. Alley,-Allison, Ames, D. It. Ashley , J.Ashley;Baker,Baldwin, Ban its, Barker, Baxter, Beaman, Bidwell, Bing ham, Blaine, Boutwell, Bromwell, Back land, Brands, R. W.Clarke, S. Clarke,Cobb, Conkling, Cook, 'Cullom, Dixon, Darling, Davis, Dawes, Defrees, Delano. Dodge, Don nelly. Driggs, Dumont, Eckley, Eggleston, Eliot, Farnsworth, Farquhar Ferry, Gar field, Grinnell, " Griswold,dale, Abner Harding, Hart, Hays, Henderson, Higby, Holmes, Hooper, Hotchkiss, A. W. Hub bard, C. D. Hubbard, F. H. Hub bard, F. R. Hubbell, Jenekes Jul ian, Kelley, Kelso, Ketcham, Kuy kendall, Latin, Latham, G. Lawrence, Loan, Longyear, Lynch, Marvin, McClurg, McKee, Mcßuer, •Mclndoe, Mercer, Miller, Moorhead, Morris, Moulton,Myers,Newell, O'Neill, Orth, Paine, Perham, Phelps Pike, Plants, Pomeroy, Price, W. H. Randall, Raymond, A. H. Rice, J. H. Rice, Sawyer, Schenck, Schofield, Shellabarger, Sloan Smith, Spalding, Stevens, Stillwell,Thaver, F. Thomas, J. L. Thomas, Trowbridge, Up son, Van Aernam,..a. T. Vanhorn, Ward, Warner, H. D. Washburn, W. B. Wash burn, Welker, Wentworth, Whaley, Wil liams, J. F. Wilson, S.F. Wilson,Wandom, Woodbridge, Colfax. Nays—Messrs. Ancona, Bergen, Boyer, Chandler, Coffroth,Dawaon, Dennison, Eld ridge, Fincke, Glossbrenner, Grider, Aaron Harding; Hogan, E. .N. Hubbell, J. M. Humphrey, Kerr, Le Blond, Marshall, Niblack, Nicholson, S. J. Randall, Ritter. Rogers, Ross, Sitgreaves, Strouse, Tabor, Taylor, Thornton, Winfield, Wright. Washburne and Broomall were paired with Shanklin—yeas 120, nays 32. The Speaker announced that over two thirds of both Houses having agreed to the joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the joint resolution was passed. , - - The House proceeded to the business on the Speaker's table, and disposed thereof as follows: • Senate amendment to the act making ap propriations for the repair. preservation and completion of certain public works. Non concurred in, and a Committee on Confer ence asked. The Senate amendment to,the bill further to provide for the safety of the lives of pas sengers,and The bill making provisions against the transportation of glycerine ' &c., were re ferred to the Committee on Commerce. The Senate bill to authorize the Commis sioner of Patents to pay those employed as examiners and assistant examiners a salary fixed by law for the duties performed by them, being taken up, Mr. Harding (Ill.) moved to lay the bill on the table, without taking action on it. The Speaker presented a message from the President, inviting the attention of Con gress to a copy of a joint resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia. requesting a suspension of the collection of the A internal revenue tax due from that State :ander the act of sth Au gust, 1861. Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Also, a message froth — the President, in forming Congress that a copy of the act of the Georgia Legislature of 10th March last had been officially communicated to him, by which that State accepted the donation of lands made to it under the Agricultural College bill. Laid on the table. Also, a letter froin'the Secretary of War, in answer to a House resolution, of June 11th, in reference to the draft in the Eighth Congressional District ofPennsylvania. Re ferred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, a letter from _the Secretary of the Treasury in answer to a House resolution, of March 28th, calling for information in reference to commercial relations with British America. Referred to the Commit tee on Commerce. Mr. Davis objected to printing, and pend ing the decision of the matter the House, at four o'clock, adjourned. . HAVANA. CIGi-ARS An invoice of genuine HAVANA CIGARS, from medium to very high gra--- for sale by the box at moderate prices, by JAMES R. WEBB. • mita WALNUT and NEGHTH Streets, A - 11 — EX. 'UtittiON to the coast, or inland, is not com plete without Lemuel Smith's LEMON 511G.1.11 Mice TO cents per can. To be had of the Grocers. je9-Sts T.RMUEL SMITH. 115 North Front st. PaED YABINIGTB BLOATERS, Strasburg ts, ham, beef illhd tongue, essence of anchovies and Anchovy paste for sale at °MISTY'S East End grocery, No. 118 South SECOND Street. NNEWBuguNGTox RAMS, just received and for sale at MISTY'S East End grocery, No. us "South SECOND street. WHEATEN AND HOMINY GEITS,real currant Jelly, in store 'and for sale at COOSTY'R East End grocery, No. US South SEOOND street. rIBOICE TABLE CLARET.-100 cases just received 1-1 and for sale at COtSTY'S Beat Enn grocery, Ifio, 118 South SECOND street. SPANISH QIITERN OLIVE:S.Iv the barrel or gallon, at CODSTII3 East End grocnry, No. 118 math SECOND street. MEANS! HAMS t—.Y. Stewart's Trenton, Davis's Al Star HAMS, Briggs & Swift's celebrated. Chicle. nati Blues, and T. Bower's City Cared, warranted to give satisfaction.. For sale by IL F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Eighth and-Arch. OLIVE OIL.-1t) baskets Latour and other favorite brands of Salad 011 for sale by M. F. apuraw, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth. - TTAVA OOFFEE.—Pare Old Government Zeus Coffee; V - for sale by M. F. &MIMI, N. W. corner of Arch and Eighth etreeta. :krA: p : 0 Very oea new crop Green and Bla,c, of e late ImportatiOn. Ail Ese Teas have been bought alnce the dec.lineln we are prepared to furnish families at tly reduced rice& For Bale by the box, or at re IL P. SPIT: •,7 •• ••• • a • I :h • . n (Y:GEs AND LELKONB.—Dietly rellool3/3. in prime order, ibr sale by Oa. Bußtanrat a 00./0830Mb Delaware avenue. ISNIBIBANCE. D ig eo WABE 3 " 3 " 7 44 1 ,a a1111. 7 33181711411 " ;11 INOORPORANIi6 wrin-aaximaiimun xor PitPiriBYLVANLI. I». PM, OR :a. E. COltNirEt. TEcath ADD Wa.T.DIVT 13191EEDit THTLADXLPHIA.. CARGO To all parts of the World. irzwirr, /NES2tOIO3 ,On Goods. by Itiver, Canal, Lake Ulte ,and land Carriaiti • toA E llikarta of the union. ' OR Iferchandlse generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houma, = • Amorra or THE COMPANY. 1 1665. 100,000 United Staten cent ovsember Per 60 120,000 United States 6 per cent, loan, 'Bl. S1 1 00 ' ; 1 1 4 00 800,000:United States 7,8-10 per cent. loan • Notes...oo '• 304000 03=u177en .1 194.815 Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. - Loan ~... „ 00ree 08 54,080 State of Penrsyn • vrit)l • ; •• llllx Per-C , eak • . • Loan - 54250 00 1.25,000 City - of tbiladeiphla Six Per Cent. • - Loan,- MANS ISO 20,000 Pennsyl;Viia . "" Railroad First 7- 010"7„ ' • _ gage,Sla Per Cent. Bonds.. 50,000 CO 25,0tt0 Pennsgl i vanLaßallroad , Second Mort- .) gate Per Cant. Bonds- .g 4750 00 45,000 Western Penna. Relined Mortgage • Sir Per Cent. Bonds... _- „. 88.560 0e 11,000 801/ Shares Stook , Illamsaittowri - Eraii . Company,. principal. and interest guaranteed by the City of Phliadel- , _ , 13,537 50 two 145. .. . . . cue Cue ' 4000 100 Shares BtOckEorth Pennsylvania Railroad Osraptuiy.-.. . 11460.',60 • 40,000 Deposit wit h the United States ca . - vermnent, subjecttolGdays call.. 40,000 00 •. 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan....- • 18,800 00 170.700 Loans tm • Rentia • and Mortgage, first • .Hens on City Property.-. 170,706 00 1,030.850 Par. Mirk* Vallte.—.. 990.560 00 :ReelDante.— • •••••••• ••••--- 30•000 00 rrecelvable _ 00 indaxxxs due atAgeaclee.--PreranOne on air Amine Policles. Accrued anterea. and When. debtr Clue the - 40,611-44 Snip and. Stock of. sundry insuranceand otaaer42tnipanlcis.os,Dl& 110Moutted value-. 2,910 00 Alain In Coati In Drawer., en 48 ;Thomas C. Hand. .Tobik'CL Davis, ;Edmund A. *louder, Theophilna Spalding, Johnß. Penrose, Janus Trannair. Henry O Hand,enry O: Lanett, William O. Ludwig. '.Toeeph H. Beal, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig; Robert Burton, John D. Taylor; THO wirei HENRY Lyx.strax. z - • z :7_4' tr. s'e - • : •I -" : —NADINE FIRE AND LIFLAND TRANtI2O.I3 ka I eia: I OP: Offim, =ma SIM WALBITT street, with side, east of rbird - The PropetMes of this Company are well inreetat and famish an evellsble fond fin the ample indemnlG of all ppeersone who desire to be protected by Insurance RD3HI3 taken on Vessels. Fragbts ant 3 LARD TRANSPORTATION RISID3 on Mer chandise Railroads, Oftnals and Steamboafa. Flagtyawl on Merchandise, Fmniesre and Raid :Ape In Ci ESIODRPORAIOranty. issi—OAPlT L A i htm Amy, PAID IN AND SDOURSLY TOTAL PROPEIMES, PERIBTAL OHARTKR. • s. Arthur G. Ooinn, DZISSOMs James N. Inektms, Samuel W. Jones, S. Mortis Wain, John A—Brown, John ilasok arthei, Chariot Tck a t ih , George B. Ambrose Frauds B. Cope, D. Wood, Edward H. Trotter. rnV2 i i Welsh, R. S. Clarke, William R. Bowen, Willi . am Oncoming,, T. Charlet= Henry _ AIITHUR G. 00/TIM, Preside:M. ilizattaas Pam. Secretary. FIRE A.BBOOIATION, Incorporated March V, 166 n. OFFICE, No. 34 N. RUTH area. In y,, BIT' trING/6,!_MIIISEHOLD FUR -4 - MITRE and SEM4,I: CRANDISR _genet. , from Lose by /Ire, (In the 01Iy o Mladelphle only.) STAT NT of the Jamie of the Assoclathas January 1,1 S N. Bonds and Mortgagee on Property In the tits , of PhiladelPf. 486 17 Ground Beata.— 20 848 81 Real Estate ( onice — 'nifir.sairm — wirielf) 11,346 13 11. B. Government 5-20 Bends-- ts,ooo oo u. Tresuseu7 Bore-- --- 6,640 01 CityWarrants.----.—.---...--.. 616 00 emelth oh hen++ 110=1 11 GEOBEIE W. TRY_ ,0 President. Nym. it, naIaTLTON, JOSEPH R. LYNDALL, JOHN WEIDER. LEVI P. (MATS PETER A. HEYHEER, SAMUEL apthruars, JOHN' PHILBIN, CHARLES P. BOWER. JOHN. CalißOW. JESSE LIGHTFOOT GEORGE L YOUNG. RonER-r 8110EMaJtHII. WK. T.BIITLEH, Secretary. THE COMITY FHB INEUSILECOI 0021TABEYr OFFICE NO. 110 !SOUTH TOMITEt STREW ;.... _. . "The Mrs Insurance Company of the County al Philadelphia." I ncorporated by the Isettithdarre of Pennsylvania l a n VIZ, fbr Indemnity agatnat Imo 0, damp) by tit 3:cdts; mo lely. PWE TCA.L, This old and reliable frattitu ßE tlon with ample Capita; and Cestingent Land carefteb' in4eeted oontMiles to Ils acre buildings, [manure, merchandise, et ~ either par manently or .tbr a limited Ume, against loos or damsel by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absoleie safety of its ctudomars. Losses toljoatel mad mad with all passible datpatelk DmEmoßs. IchiLu i Charles J. Butter, Edwin L. Beak% Henry Crilly, • John Nom, Robert V. travary, Zr.. Joseph Moare , Henry Rudd, George Macke, smarms- H. Wile? James N. Stone, J. SUTTER, Pretideri Emaussass F. Hoscsumoz. Secry and Treasurer. DHCENr/L /1113IIBA14121:111 DELPHLt. • LSCORPOBATIED 1804—OHARTNE PLESPICTIUAL NO. Mt WALNUT. Street, opposite the Rs In addititobWEUNE ar.d=a_NDINS c MCES this Compan on y hums from loss or damate by _PIRA. liberal terms, on bnildinini, merchandise, Manure, fir limited periods, and permanently on buildings by_deposlt oilmen:dom. The Big been tn active operable* ibr more than durinx which all tomes bays been promptly and Ma• MWMWM JohnUIVAIM, DalncllAM mil,maway DamptuftlUtdm ibbilM/Arals, . Th aumM,Pcomem WM=BAiriatt, A.MMWeno , RobertWa.man. Mmondem ant , mosikwuzi salmel'Mlcom LawrewliaqvArr 8 LomisQM=l:l6 MM27 MM=ll,llWftd. liumennWnomElearetiunr. TRFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF tY PHILADELPHIA.—OFF ,ICE No. 24 NORTH FIFTH STREET, NEAR MAMKET.STREET. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, CHARTED. PETWETIIAL. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, Goode Make In ha surance_against Loss or Damage by Pnbllc or'Yrivate Buildings; Furniture, Stocks, and Mercdise, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. George Erety, . Frederick Doll, August C. M il ler, Jacob &handler, Jobn F. Beisterling, Samuel Miller, Henry Troomner, Edward P. Moyer. William McDaniel__,_ Adam Gams, Christopher H. Miller, ' Israel Peterson, Frederick Staake, Frederick Ladner Jostles Bowman, • • GEORGE BRETT, President. JOHN F. BELSTERLING, Vice President. PHILIP E. COT•lam A 7 1, Secretary. AMERICAN PERI IBIBUILABOB COWART. ica. raromonwrico 1110.--ellidanilik " PAM% MD WATAMIT . above THDLD Streit, • PIELLALD MOOR Having a ie paldiip ITILT. MOOR and Mi. PLUS Inv in BOOM and available Elecratinekoon• Untie to Wore an Roznltare, -mar. cbandlae, Wombs in pl i V ir t L ai l t tho le atul Mai PalPtopattr. MI /one' /Thendly and prolate adlented. iTuxmis naiads, Jain Welsh_, Samuel 0. .atorton, ratztak Bnid7g Israel r/91011.,1 /Mom O. L. IlsAwavnin, A MEMICAN MUTUAL INEOTRANON COMPANY. —Oface mju Muhar Bu_n_ld4w,No. WALNUT Steed. AND Locus D INPUBANCIENO - taken on vessels, cargoes and dfo r te to all pare r onterworld. and =on Wand -alp OOZl oeteddoei ON me, And ahem MIUMI iblonithoui lm t li Ninited Stater. WiLLLtat CERAM Predent. plass xxaaaw, irlos RODENT J. MEE. illeareterr - • Dinmmona • r Cull Caraft Rena O. Da wm. 8. Danner. J Jr.,Dil.lW,, J. Johnston Return; minim H. Mmlor Samuel A. Ralona Beul. W. Hlabaras, Mason Huntlna wim OS/leskinal_ B A • Pearson Serail; "111 w. . rigNypatriariam)LllMl AND . TRUST MON. ineerporsael by the State e . ... f Penneylvelde. td mon th . mumee isvim, ALLO ' 22d ‘WITINTREOEsT ON DN mans AND GRANTS ANNDITEES. 0AP1TA1....... .......... . '. . , . -...........4......4150.001 Same B._ Ow ley imuglf6 Bid -Ba. ' zarenlith, Haftek ' ' . • Remy. Mimi. &mhos Hi Morrie; ', T. Wietar lialll .,_ MUM W9od. . Wm. O. Do 4 Bro wn ~ . . Cum B. Opton. xtge RommAirro , i alu lVEL tn D..a . LEY, !Verdant. MR, luau Wait Moth Molt ssa,ass 71 11.223480,2/1 i•Bo. L Samuel E SSae% - F.Perdston. Henry Sloan. William G. Balaton. Edward Darlint/ton, It. Jones 13rooke, Edward _term:made, Jacob P. Jones, . James B. McFarland. Joel= T. Eyre, Spencer merivaine, J. B. Semple, Pittsburgh. A. B. Berger, .Pittabargh. D T.Moman Pittsburgh. O. HAND 'President DAVIS, ViCe President. • • dei3tnol COMPANY OS P.MELLA. I l ara°blle li 0 e114164311 dra . .inukun, Charles W. Poultne2 I = R. MARDI Preeddeat: Secretary. nuen INSURANCE: ASH CAPITAL, $200;000. C 1 1 lie. United-States Accident Insur 7 - ' 81100 ,Company, Dr Syracuse, New York, Inane n against MATH Plpla EVERYVitItE, Whether,WhetherACCIDENT,CROLEEA orDISEASE of any kind, with weepy emnpeneavon for DI3AJ4LITY from ACCIDE.NT. COMBINED POLICIES 'FROM , ONE TO .PIVE ACCIDENT POLICIES : FRI:4 ONE MONTH TO TEN YEARS NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIEM ACCIDENT INSURA ICC W. Thia ie the only Com pany. authorized :to issue Callf ..l3lhtEll LIFE. and AC:CI - DEN T POLIC CES. In'triew Of , the- probability of the. visitation - Of the 'CIEI.OI...EBA this summer, this opportunity of insuring against it for a brief period r at economical rates about ,command the attention of every one; while the combP nation of ACCIDENT risk offered withit enables-tuoge 'residing in the City, or transacting, business here, and {returning to the country daily, to guard against every DISEASE OR CASUALTY. • Permits iesued for travel to Europe; &e. Active So-: A. STEPHENS, General Agent, No. 001 CHESTNIPP Street, Philadelphia FIRE INSIJRANCE. LIVERPOOL and LONDON, and GLOBE INsußAlncis CO]iIPANY. Authorized Capital, Invested Flulds, over. Yearly Yearly Revenue, over Invested in the United States, over An tomes promptly adjusted without reference to ATWOOD SMITH* General Agent farPamsylvaas. OFFICE, No. 6 Merchants' Exchange -feZrtn,tb,fem 1829--CIZARTER PF:RPETuAL. 31ETELA.MMMW FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA: Assets on January 1,1866, 02,500,851 00. AccrnedSurpli 1400,0(81 00 914,543 /A /8 MAIN% 111,457 53. Losses Paid Since 1829 Over 05,000,000. Perpetual and% emperary Pulliam on Liberal Ten= Chaa. N. EBanker,Ed ELBECTO w ßS, ard Cl. Dale, Toptas Wagner, George Pales. Samuel Grant, Alfred Eider, Geo. W.33lettards„ Fru W. - Lewis, IL D. Dam Lea, Peter McCall. CHARLES N. °ERR President. ED WARD C. DALE, Vice 'Prerldeut. .TAB. W. Mc.A.LLEBTEIL Secretru7 pro tem. MEE GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. 411 WALNUT &TENET PHILADIMPHIL. CAPITAL PAN, IN CIASIMU O ,OO O, This compare continues to write on Jdxsts only, Da capital, with a good surpina, la safely invested. Loma by Sze bu 701 ebeen pt pal& =dram thu Disbursed on thin account 'Within the put few years For the present the once of th is company z* an 415 WALNUT STREET, But within a few months will remove to Its OWN BUILDING. N. N. COB . . V.1:0417:1 AND (....=;isr24 txx, Then, an 121)WWIeihmal be happy to insure ear pawn at such nice as axe consistent with safety. THOMAS CRAVEN, - ALPRED et. GILLETT. PITRBLII,N SHEPPARD. N. S. LAWREN_QE,_ Taos.IdACEELLAR CHARLES L DUPONT, JNO. SUPPLER. HENRY F. RENNEY JNO. W. cr.aeltoas, JOSEPH KLAPP. IL h. SILAS YRBERS,Ja., THOMAS C2AVEZN, President. ALFRED B. OLLLETT, V. President and Treasurer. JAITER B. ALVORD. Secretary. %MI TSERELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY 0) RILADELPHLL Incorporated in UAL Charter Perpetrutl OFFICE, Igo. 308 wALITUT STREET. 4300.000, Insures against loss or damage by FERE, Or Houses, Stores and other Buildings limited or per. pettal, and on Furniture, Goods Wales and merehan. dire in town or country LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ASSETS.-- owing . 8,804 79 Invested in the Securiti es,follvim First Mortgages 'on City Property, well se cured--- 1124,100 United States Government 185,000 Ot Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans.— 55,000 Or Pennsylvania 84,000.000 a_per eent.2l,ooo (X Pennsylvania Rnrids, first and ie. 85,000 00 cond hio Camden =l ' Amboy Railroad Company's 6per— -- cent. Loan.-. 6,000 00 Phdelphia and Reading Railroad Corn.pany'a 6 per cent. Lam.— 5,000 0] HarangOonsuldßroad Top 7 percent. more gage bonds. 4,593 90 County Fire Loso 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock--.... 4,000 00 Commercial Rank of Pennalvaniastoct... woo co Union - Mutual Insurance Company's Stock.. 880 00 Reliance Insurance Company &Phi/Adel phia's Stock. 1,000 00 Cash In bank and on —.. 5,914 79 .408,004 It __ .....__ i Clem. Tinsley, Bea W. Ylntle7 , Wm. Musser, Marshall HI , Samuel .131sphtun, Charles Leland, E. L. Carson. Thomas H. Moore, Hubert Steen, Samuel Castnerr, Wm. Stevenson, Alfred Kagliab, James . Young. M. TINGLEY, President. THOMAS C. HILL, Secretary. PELMADEL7BIA. December 1, 1865. DIRECTOR& IMMAPIUS ILSOLUSIVELY. TEI lITSZ 0011 PANY—lnoorponded 7866—Charter Parpetral.—No ISO ALLOWSWtreet,, i wri i i tte Independence *mare Tide Company; /mown be the ccunintudo Air over forty yeam, con nee to humre within Wm Or damage by tire, an Public or Private .thuldinvi either permanently or ibr a limited time. Also, at liberalVernal:no= of Goods and blarchandlag Ineegenerally On Their Capital, together with A' thr&W Surplu s Pend it invested in the moat canna manner, mama them to oder to the inured an undoubted etharity is - Me C a n ef DLEUCOTOBIL Daniel Smith, Jr., John Devereng, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, lease Ilaslehtunt, • Hanky -Lents, • - Thom Behind, J. Ingham Feu, Daniel Redd ecir Jr. DANIEL Jr., Wadden% Wixaratt G. CIIOI7IIML. Bearetarr . a ac T Hit A. CITE 'INSPE TUAL ITHANON ,DOMPANY... ClIABT: PFIR. Of No. 811 WALNUT street, above Third, Mts., WM Insure against Loss or D=ap by Fireom Build• i Furniture and either , . .parpolly or a generally. Merchandiseir *limited time, Household Also—Marine Insurance on Vessels, and Freight. Inland Lusu HTOBES rance to all parts of the DIIIII j am 4.7 ' WM:Maher, ' - David M Fearsni, D. Luther, - Peter ager, Lewis Audenried, Z. M Baum, I. R. Makiston. . Wm. F. Dean, ' Jos. Mantield, Tohn Ketcham, WM. President. wst. M. SMITH. I6 ia t / a l r '. 7 D , . incealeidderl. PIPHASUEANCE CIONPANY. NO. 406 CHESTNUT STEREO, PEUIADELPICLA, 'num' Ant! INLAND INSURANCE L Francis N. Rork, - • Mitt, W. Everinan, Marks Richardson, - - . Robert B. Potter, Henry Lewis, ~ • /no. Ressler, Jr., Raiistud Wrighti R. D. Woodrall. P. a-Justice, , . Mar . istokes, Ws. A. W134.1A-,L Jos . IX Ellis. - . . ..a.Nolll__ ,_251. OR President. ORA& RIDRARDome. WA proglartr lir. ii ltraimistiorm saaretar. -- f . '., ~ . I.IJ LOST AND FOUND., T OST.—The Csrtificate No. MI - Issued by the City or 14 Philadelphia (old) to provide fon thu subscription tethe Penna. B. it. Co. stock: dated Sept:22, ISMAIL' one thousand dollars, payable to John Garth Dodged of Preston, Lancashire. England and Brut. Sharp, of London, England, Trustees, bearing interest =six per' cent : redeemole,Tuly 1,1883. ie6-Mttogst,4! THIS,DAY, PUBLISHED: THE - EMERALD- - A Collection of Graphic and Entertain ': ac, • . _________ • EDITED BY E PF.S SARGENT. voL =MO. Price In einili,sl 25. , In- Paper coven; 75. Cents. Copies sent postpaid7on - receipt of price. The KKARALD contains three new original trans-- lations of remarkable Tale's from the French of About. 'Scribe, and De Bernard; the FLEtaT CO afFLETE 0 'IL DECT.IO.I% of Freed's- --Brilliarit --Lyrical Charades: :Tales by Miss Moloch, John Neal, Fred. Hardman, "and others. . Though a - coinnl.te, distinct Work, The ElifelEt.ADD wll, be frillowee by similar volumes (viz: The Sap phire, The Topaz. &il) *lllth:under the general nam !of T/TE GEM SEELES, will form the richest re ,Dository, extant of elegant and amusing literature :hitherto uncollected. . JUST THE WORK FOR SIIHKELB. READMG. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO ., Jet-es to th 8t rusiasimas, PX.dlad;alp4la* NEW AND VALUABLE ENGLISH, SCIEN/InG WATI It DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTRY 3 vole: FIRES, FIRE ENGINES AND FLEE BAIGADFI3. With numerous illustration -• . RANKINE'S CIVIL ENGINEERING. Fourth Re vis.ed Edition. . . BELL'S ANATOMY, OF EXPRESSION. With Mon- $lO Millions. 16 Millions, 5 Millions. trations.. FROST - AND FIRE,. NATURAL ENGINES, Foot Marks. e. 2 . OWENS' COMPARA'II ve. ANATOMY toidPhyrdut-' ORlre of Vertebrates. 2 vols. OW ENS' LECTURES' ON "COMPARATIVE ANA,' TOBIN , Invertebrate, Anhnals.'. . THE GRAMMAR OF HOUSE PLANNING. - K I IIIMELL'S BOOK OF PE - ^+FUtIES. Illustrated. LITERATURE AND CURIOSITIES 'OF DREAMS; 2 vols. ' • ' ' • • • GAMOEE on the CATTLE PLAGUE. BOUBGIGON on the do. do. SQUIRE'S PHOTOGRAPH of the CATTLE PLAGUE - DireaFe. , Colored _ THOMAS' MODERN PRACTICE OF PHOTO. GRAPEY. - BLACK'S PRACTICAL TRFA.TISE on BREWING. TATE'S BEM ISH MOLLUSKS. Illustrated. • COKE'S BRITISH REPTILES. do. GANGES'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS in Health and Disease. 4 VOlB. BROWN'S TAXIDERMIST'S MANUAT,. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, No: 25 South sixth street,. 81,500,000 PHILADELETIA. SIMMER READING! SUMMER READING!! POPULAR STANDARD AUTHORS OP TRH DAY. Of every grade of literature. Suitable for whiling away the tedious hours of Axe to be found at the book establishment of T. B. PETERSON d BROTHERS, MS Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Send in your orders for any book yon may desire. Catalcgnes mailed free to any address. jel3-2S INCOME WE LNI. $310,00). WHY NOT. A Book for Every Woman. By. Dr. Storer. 18ro0. Cloth 8' cents. PRACTICAL AND sCIENTIF.O FRUIT CULTURE. By Charles R. Biker Of the Dorchester Nurseries. Crown Svo. Cloth $3 50. SUMMER RFST. By Gail Hamilton. $1 75. MISS MULOCIPS POEMS. Blue and gold edge.. $l. All the new books for sale at lesslhan!publishers' prices.PITCHER, 803 Chestnut street Philadelphia Bookseller, Importer and Picture Dealer.. CAPITAL NEW BOOBS.-GAIL E 3 -MILTON'S NEW BOOR. SU/SUCRE BEST. Author "Country Living and Thieldrig," eke. 1 voL. L2mo. MISS . 11[ULOCE'rs FON'Azg New edition, 1401, Bine and gold. BEYAIINSTRE. By the author of "Silent Worsen," —an English novel. 1 vol.„12mo. THE t'LLISIZE BIRDS OF THE NORTH. By Robert B. Roosevelt. 1 vol., 12mo. For sale by JANES S. CLA_XTON. Snecemor to W. S. A. Meatiest, je9 606 Chestnut street. ALL WS LIFE OF PHILMOIL—THE LIFE, Or PHEW:DOR, Musician and Chess Player. by Geo. Allen, Greek Professor in the University of Pennsyl vania, with a Supplementary .13say on Phihdor, as Chen Author land Chess Player, by iThasthe Von HO debrand nnd de Lamy Envoy Extraordinary and Min ister Plenipotentiary of the Ring of .Prussia, at the Court of &Ire-Weimer. 1 vol., octavo, 31 vellum, lao top. Price $1 .5. Lately published by E. H. BUTLER et 00., 137 South Fourth street. . „.._. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR 'IHE CITY AND COON tY OF PHILADEL. ?M.A.—JOHN PCCELEWARTZ vs. MARY PUO SLEWARTZ —June Term, 1865, No. 17.—1 n Divorce. Menem: Please notice that depositions of witnesses on the par t of the Libellant in above case will be taken before JOHN A. WOLBERT, Esq., Examiner, on the 19th day of June, A. D. 1166, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Waite office,l2l South Seventh street in the city of Philadel phia, whereyou may attend II you think proper. Bmpectfti•ly yours. - 0r...080E H. EARLE,Atey for Libellant, jel,lst/ To MARY PIICKLENVAILTZ, Respondent. IN TUB ORPHANS' CYJURT FOR THEO 4.11.TT AND COUNTY OV' PETT.A DELPHIA.—Rstate of RICHARD WETHERILL, Js, The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the ac count of Clinton Anderson and ttmily Wetherill, Ex ecutors of Richard Wetherill, :Jr., deceased, and to report distribution of the Balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the rtaposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, Jane 19th.11356. at eleven o'clock. A." 31. at No. 317- South THIRD street, in the city of Phifadelphla. • - - S. HENRY NORRD3. jell-12,13.14.15) Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND 1 COUNTY OF PHILAD.ELPHIA.—Estate of WU. RUED, M. D., deceaseo.—Persons interested in the above estate. will take notice that my report as Audi tor will he fled on FRIDAY, the MTh day of June. A. D., 18P6. In the meantime access can be had to It at my office, where those desiring to object to any part of it mt st present their exceptions The report wilt be confirmed absolutely on FRIDAY, July 8, 1868. jel3.-"tl LEWIS C. CARS"' DY, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE 01Y 3 1; 1 AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPRIA.,-Estate Of PHOEBE BABES deceased. The auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of HENRY 0. D. BANES and FRANCIS H. DUPER. Adminialzaters of the estate of Phcebe Banks, deed. and to make distribution of the Balance In the hands of the accountantP,will meet.the varties intereated for the purposes of his appoMtmenton TUIO3DAY, buss 19th. IVA, at 4 o'clock - P. X., at his office, No. 128 South SIXTH street, in the City, of PhdadelphLs. H. E. WALLACE. Auditor. • de2o-thji,b4tl Je9.e,tu,tb,st* iN THE ORPHAt% 8' COURT FOR THE CITY AND 1 COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate ,of LEWIS G. OSBOITRN, deceastd, The Auditor ail pointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the second and final account of JOSEPH_ A. CLAY and DANIEL S. JONES, executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, and to report distribu tion at the balance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his ap pointment, on WEDNESDAT, June 18, 1866, at 4 o'clock, P. M., at his office, southeast corner of WALNUT and SIXTH streets. in the Oity of Mlle delphia. GEORGE .TEINEM je.2-B,tri,tb,so Auditor, WMIOE:ALL PERE-ONS INDEBTED TO MEI: .11F-state of ROBERT S. JOESSON, !Ate of this city. deceased, will please make payment; and thosa having claims present them for settlement to the sub scribers, to whom Letters Testamentary , have been slanted. GEORGE W. STEEV.aB, No. 52 North Front street; WILLIAM id. WB 'PARER. , No. North Front street; WILLIAM. KENDERDIKE, No. 71.1 Buttonwood street—Executors. _rum that USTATE OF NHS. FANNY M. SMITH, deceased. —Whereas,Xettem of Administration to tne Estate of Fanny N. Smith; late of the city of Philadelphia, widow. dec'd. having been granted to the undersigned,, all persona indebted to her estate are requested to make payment. 'and those having claims to present them to WILL UM L. MACTIF.B., Administrator, Walnut, street... frHE PICIC-RIO PARTY, 1 A Group of Little Chickens. After an . Oil Panting by • A. F:TAIT. This Chrome Is the most popular picture of theaey -. son. and is so perfect a fac•simille of the excellent:ort gical. that it requires a practised eye to detect a differ ~~~ Put up in Polished Walnut Frarnes. Size, EMIL - - , . . STARTLING` MIRACLE-INVISIBLE PHOTO• GRAPHS. 4 in a pack for 25 cents. eent I=ol evel7 where, on receipt of price. LiOeral discorultto the trade. Bend your orders to G.,,W. PiTcHER, - 808 Chestnut street, Pkiladelphia, je12,3 t Dealer in PlotareS,,Frames,Photographs, PAUL , -KEISM.O.ISI_IO.,!UM-____ARTIMMII T. V311 .3331.1.1Ct181FT0R TOuNG VAnnEn" will ocunr , 1118200-, cm; Wed# 2 o4 ll ji. -_-__ aels iarlin kigbar, - Miti M. bet rile! corner OE rMil z 4twantili istreew Bass:--Ilar.4l.ltellen Itar.. ' _, __ _Bev. Thelosalta o th:WAillr.li..Alleas.lat- We IteMialitif Wind .' trilwit _ _ ZWE'W PUBLICA.TIONS: ALL THE NEW BOOKS Comprlslog the best writings of the most LIFE ON THE RAIL! LITE AT .1.111., SEA SHORE!! LIFE IN THE MOUNTAINS !!! LIFE IN THE COI7STRY. !!!! LEGAL NOTICIES. NEW PiCTUBEts. IRUATION;