VITT BULLETIN. WEST PEOIuS.DELPHIA.—One of these fine days this section will be West End of the city. Everywhere improvements are going on, and that, too, of the most substantial character. This morning, walking north ward along Thirty-fifth street, we were par ticularly struck with the fixedness of this future fact. Crossing to the Lancaster pike over a causeway in part made ground, with a slough fall of geese some fifteen feet below the grade, and taking a northeasterly direc tion, one strikes Thirty-fifth street, lined on either sidewalk with newly . planted trees, and overshadowed by the giant oaks and elms of the Powelton estate. The mansions all the way up are almost palatial. We were arrested at Thirty-fifth street and Powelton avenue, near which another kind of arrest had been made a few mitiutes before, that of an insane man, conveyed to the station—arrested, we said, by the sight of pot:only one but two churches going up within half pocket pistol shot of one another. That at the corner of the streets we have named will be the church and chapel, of the German Reformed Church. The chapel is being built in the rear of the ground laid out for the principal edifice. Its dimensions are 66 by 33 feet. The whole will be built of granite. So far only, the first story is up, while the joists are already in place for the flooringT he contractor is Mr. Henry W. Baltz. In the rear of this, on the adjoining street, another fine church is nearly completed, but whether it was Episcopalian, or whether it was Presbyterian, not a hand could say. At Thirty-fifth and Bridge streets, the Ladies Mite Society of the First Presbyte rian Church (Mantua) commenced a floral and strawberry fair last evening. It closes to-night. Another, for the benefit of the German Reformed, commences this eve ning at the Commissioners' Hall, while the fair at the Walnut street Presbyterian will continue all this week. Truly, our women folk have "fairs on the brain.' We stopped in at Mr. Dreer's to take an other look at his Pansies. The Pwonies are &at going out of bloom, but the roses are in magnificent condition. One plant we examined, at the special instance of the gen:ll'er, will, when introduced, become one of the greatest ornaments of our lawns and 'gardens. It is a species of maize (tea), stri ated in color, in leaf like the ribbon grass, and growing some four to five feet in length. The plants we saw were in the open ground and doing well. • As a general rule all Ja panese fruits and seeds succeed in oar cli mate. At the police station, Alderman Allen again disposed of ten oases, some, however, of interest—four of intoxication and one of vagrancy. Three lads were arrested for breaking into the gardens to obtain flowers, while Frank Lunsenhauser, a drover, was fined for fast driving. THE DELAWARE REGATTA.— The first grand Regatta of the Delaware Yacht Club will come off on Tuesday, June 19th, and the yachts will start from abreast Federal street ferry, Camden, at 9.15 exactly. The fifth class boats consisting of gunning skiffs will make the first start, and the other yachts will take their proper position ac cording to the arrangement of the Regatta Committee. Every arrangement and pre paration has been made to insure success, and make it one of the most beautiful sights ever seen on our river. Never have oar yachtsmen evinced so . great an interest in any regatta as the coming one of Tuesday. The boats will be divided into five dif ferent classes, which will give a fair chance to prove the ability and qualities of both sailing master and boat. The rules and regulations of the Regatta Committe will be plain and simple. This will prevent any confusion on the day .of the race. The winning boat of each class will receive a prize. The committee invite all to participate in the contest. Owners and captains are requested to send name and size of boat to the Secretary, John C. Risley, Continental Hotel, so that no time may be lost in htiving them properly classified. The first-class yachts will be those that mea sure from 24 to 30, with allowance of time, one and a-half minute to the foot. The sailing courses and direction will be duly published in the daily papers. AMERICAN PROTESTANT Assocuerfox.— The Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the United States, of this organization, will con tinue its sessions at the Hall on Lohust street, above Broad, until to-morrow. The at tendance is unusually large from all sections of the country. Yesterday the following named brethren 'were duly elected and installed as the officers for the ensuing year: R. W. G. M., John H. Bunte, of Ohio. R. W. V. G. M., James McConnell, of Mass. R. W. G. Sec., John Craig, of Pa. R. W. G. A. Sec., Amor S. Redstreake, of Pa. R. W. T., James Smvthe, of Pa. R. W. G. Chap,, Th'omas Blackburn, of N.Y. R. W. G. Con., Robert Timson, of R. I. R. W. G. A. Con., James Huchinson, of Pa. R. W. G. Tyler, Thomas Roberts. of R. I A .WHALESIEIP INCIDENT.-A. Honolulu paper'of a recent date reports that a seaman belonging to the whaleship Milo, a Bra zilian by birth, who had been arrested as a runaway, on being taken on board the ship, seized a hatchet, laid his left hand on the deck, and coolly chopped it off at the wrist joint. When taken to the consul's office he said he was determined not to go to sea, and cut his hand off to prevent going. He de clared, moreover, that if he had a knife he would have killed himself. "Bat you are crazy, are you not ?" "No, ro more than you are," he replied. The consul ordered him to the hospital, where his arm was amputated. ALLEGED' MuTruv.—Before United States Commissioner Sergeant, yesterday, Edward Blackburn and William Ash were charged with mutiny upon the brig Daniel Boone, in Delaware Bay, coming up to port. The complainant, John C. Barker, testified that the vessel was leaking; that the accused re fused to perform their duty, and that the ship was in a dangerous condition. The captain said that the prisoners were far less culpable than two others who had managed to escape. They offered to return to duty, but the witness declined to place any further Confidence in them. They were held to an swer. BABE BALL.—The return match game of base ball between the Athletic, Jr., and the Hamilton, Jr., for the junior championship, played yesterday afternoon on the grounds of the West Philadelphia, at Forty-first and Lancaster avenue, resulted in a victory for the Athletic, Jr., by' a score of 45 to 21. The Athletic club left for Wilkesbarre this morning. They play different clubs on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and will return home on Saturday evening. The match game yesterday afteihoon be tween the Philadelphia and North End clubs resulted in favor of the latter by three runs. ANOTHER. Wroows' Asrrlium.—A fair is in progress at Concert Hall, this week, for the purpose of raising funds to establish an other Widows' Asylum in our city. There are but three of those noble chari ties here. Of all our benevolentinstitntions none are more deserving than these care fully managed Widows' Biome's. It is to be hoped that no one will fail to appreciate the efforts made by the kind-hearted ladies,and that the benevolent will bear in mind these struggling almoners of good to the aged and afflicted. STORE RossEnr.—The dry goods store of. W. T. Reed, on North Eighth street, was feloniously entered a few nights ago, and robbed of Bilks to the value of about $1,500. Imrtrnx Siciar and all its ill effects, is the result of uncleanly persons, and it is - thqs physiologically proved: lathe first instance the scarf-skin has an exterior coating, which requires every day cleansing, as new coat logs are constantly forming in lieu of the wasted and useless ones. The sweat, with other similar secretions of the skin, settles thereon and there dries up, with that oily matter which emanates from the se baceous glands; these substances, with others of the same kind, adhere to the skin compactly. Business men frequently suf fer these accumulations to remain unre moved; and, what are the consequences? The ducts of sweat and sebaceous ,glands become obstructed, and the skin tan no longer perform its functions.; The evapora tion of those watery humors, not any more needed to the system, ceases to exude, while the secretion of perspiration is impeded in its functions, whose operations are to soften and make pliable the akin. These obstruc tions act injuriously on the system, and originate many complaints—fevers, etc. To forestall this state of things, is to use the Bath in all its various modes, viz: cold, tepid, shower and the douche, and fre quently the vapor! Grass MANUFACTUSERS.—The fifth an nual meeting of the Flint Glass Manufac turers of the United States commenced this morning at the Continental Hotel. There was a fair attendance of delegates. The following are the officers of the Asso ciation : President—D. Jarves, of Boston. Vice Presidents—John L. Hobbs, of Wheeling, W. Va., and J. Saville,of Brook lyn, L. I. . - Secretary—James B. Lynn,of Pittsburgh. The meeting is held in private, and we are therefore unable to give a report of the proceedings. CHARGED WITH BIIPHLARY.—Iehn Prizer alias Kit Prizer was before Alderman Belt ler yesterday . afternoon upon the charge of having been implicated' with Eugene Mc- Carty and David Greer, in an attempt to burglariously enter the:premises of Lewis .Krekler. southwest corner Ridge avenue and Coates street, several weeks ago. Offi cers Matthews and Moore testified that they saw Prizer with McCarty and Greer, on the morning of the attempted robbery. He was held to answer at court. CORONER'S INQUEST,—Coroner Taylor held an inquest yesterday upon the body of John Mealey,who died at the Pennsylvania Hospital, from the effects of a gun-shot wound, as already stated in the BIILLETIIV. The verdict of the jury was, "That the said John Mealey came to his death from a gun shot wound at the hands of Thomas Roach, June 2d. 1866, from the effects of which he died June 11th, 1866. From the evidence the jury are of opinion that the shooting was accidental." FINE AETS.—The collection of oil paint ings now on exhibition at Scott's Art Gal lery, 1020 Chestnut street. and to be sold on Friday, Saturday and Monday evenings, June 15th, 16th and 18th, by B. Scott, Jr., are worthy the attention of all lovers of art. The collection comprises specimens of some of the most talented living American artists. The paintings are to be sold for the benefit of the artists. ICE CREAM SODA.—The best Ice Cream Soda in this city is that offered by Harris & Oliver, Tenth and Chestnut streets. The syrups are made from the best Materials, and no expense or trouble has been spared to furnish the best quality of this delightful summer beverage. Kirsingen, Vichy and Saratoga waters are also sold in bottles. F.44;Twicx PABE.—To-morrow this de lightful place will be, opened for the sum mer • season. Lovers of boating, fishing, etc., - will find it as enjoyable a place of re sort as it was during the last skating season. It is easy of access both by the steam cars and the city cars, and during the summer will be thronged with visitors. STILL Missme.—Harvey J. Bachelor, whose mysterious disappearance from the Eagle Hotel has already been noticed, is still missing, and his friends in Boston offer a reward of $l,OOO for such information as will lead to a knowledge of his whereabouts, or for the recovery of his body, if, as they fear, he is dead. Fltom SAVANNAH. -- The fine steamer Pioneer, Capt. Ramie, arrived at this port this morning, in 72 hours from Savannah. She brought 28 passengersand a large cargo, lists of which will be found in our marine column. A steamer of this line will sail every Saturday from Savannah and Phila delphia. BoT DHoWNED.—A lad named Conrad Kauffman, aged eight years, while fishing at 'Walnut street wharf yesterday afternoon, accidentally fell overboard and was drowned. The body was recovered and taken to the residence of his parents, No. 29 Franklin place, where an inquest was held by Coroner Taylor. JUMPED FROM A HOUSE.-A Mrs. Hogg, residing at No. 885 Perth street, in the Fourteenth Ward, jumped from the top of the house to the sidewalk this morning about seven o'clock, and was so badly in jured that she is not expected to recover. She has been deranged for some time. A DOUBLE CHARGE.—Catharine Morris sey was arrested last evening, at Twenty fifth and Pine streets, upon the charges of rescuing a prisoner and melting to riot. She was taken before Alderman Patchel, and was held in $2,000 bail to answer at Court. FACTORY ACCIDENT.-A lad named Robt. Lynch, aged fifteen years,was caught in the carding machine at Delter's woolen mill at Manaytuak, this morning, and had an arm badly lacerated. He was taken to his home in Colton street. A Fol:rNimrriG.—Last evening, about nine o'clock, a male infant was found on the side walk, on Pine street, near Fourth, This morning the little fellow was sent to the Almshouse. • A DAINTY ComPLExios. AND A. FAIR Sxarr.—"Beanty's but skin deep," so impart to your brow a brilliant whiteness, to your cheeks a delicate carnation: bid pimples, freckles, morphew, tan, dsc., avannti and become beautiful and lovely, by the use of L'itmail de Paris. Don't forget to takePt with you to the country or sea shore. Every lady now uses it for preventing and removing the discoloratiorui caused by the sun or salt air. It is perfectly harmlem pro• duces the daintiest compleidoct and the fairest kind of a skin. Of course, there are many cheap, vulgar and injurious pastes land washes, but the public must beware of them. Use only L'Rmail de Paris; it can bt obtained from E. JOUIN, 11l South TENTH. street, and at the leading Druggists and Perfumers. ONE-ARMED 13 BINTER.—The Huntsville (no) Citizen has in its office a printer with only one arm. He sets,jnstifies and empties his stick, and turns out a most correct "proof." As he can do noth ing but set type, be manages, by constant "pegging away." to get up about 5,000 ems a day. We, should like to see how fast he could set up this important sen tence : "Buy you coal of W. W. Alter, at his cheap yard at 957 North Ninth street, or at his branch office at Sixth and Spring Garden streets." BLACK AND GREEN TEA, MITCHELL & PLETCHER, 1204 Chestnut street. HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM.— The pre sence of this article in every lady's toilet is invaluable. Its Continued use removes tan, freckles, pimples and roughness from the face and hands, and leaves the absolutelyp smooth, transparent and beautiml, It is free from injurious ingredients. Price 50 cents per bottle. Por sale everywhere. CONFECTIONERY AND FIREWORKs.—In view of the approaching anniversary of American In dependence. Mr. George W. Jenkins, renowned con fectioner at 1037 Spring Garden street, has just opened a large and varied assortment of Fireworks, compris ing Rockets, Roman Candles, Bengola Lights, Star Wheels, Mines, Demon Torches, Pin Wheels, Chasers. Squibs, etc., etc.. which are of the bestquality. and will be sold at much lower rates than they have been for several years. His stock of Foreign Fruits, Candled Fruits. Jellies, Preserves, etc., is very fine, as is also his inimitable confectionery, which he manufactures of pore sugar without the admixture of any hurtfhl compounds. For any of the anove articles this is the place to visit. GROPER & BAKE:Ws Highest Premium Elastic Stitch and Lock Stitch Sewing Machines, 780 Oheetnntetreet. THE DAILY EV.ENIN'G BULLETIN; PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY . JUNE 13,1866. Ft BOOTS AND GAnaints.—Hebvi'g the incomparable cordwalner on Arch - street, nextdoor to the corner of Sixth, has a really elegant stock of Fine Calf and Patent. Leather .Boots add Gaiters .of exquisite make and flnhattich he is selling at prices to suit the times. Gentlemen who are fastidious in this particular should'call on Mr. Helwig, as - he uses only the beat material, and employs the finest workmen in the city. We have worn boots made by Hetwig. and therefore speak by the card. Arch below Sixth, north side, is the iocation. R. W_R & W. R. &W. R. &W. MOTS' CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S SUITS 311 LITARY UNIFORMS. _§ . IIMMER &RMIRN TS READY IiZADEORDiA.DE To ORDER. CHEAP. ELFGANT DURABLE. ROCEBELL "OrLsorr, BROWN STONE CLOTHING ALL, 603 and 605 CHESTNUT STREET. R. &W. B. &W. R. &W. B. &W. R. W STRAW. HATS .• For Ladles, Gents and Children, For Ladles, Gents and Children, For Ladles. Gents and Children, For Ladles, Gents and Children, , For Ladles, Gents and Children, All styles, all prices. . All styles, all prices. All styles, all prices. All styles, all prices. At CHAS. OAKFOBD da SONS', Under the Continental Hotel. Coasrrs! CortsETs!! CoasETs!!! M. A. Jones, No. 17 Ncrth Eighth street, (entrance through Partridge's Trimming Store,) is now pre pared to make to order from measure or pattern, Corsets of any style, size or quality. Sads %Mien guaranteed in all cases. lid. A. Jones' well known reputation as the 'manufacturer of the cele brated "Ne Plus Vitra" Skirt, will be sufficient gua rantee that the Corsets will be all that can be desired, as the same care will be given to the new branch, that has secured so enviable a reputation for the Skirts. Examine them before buying elsewhere. THE beet flavored de Creams and Ices are found at Norse's New Oo tionery, 904 Arch area,. Supmuolt FRENCH NPECTIONG, made Of Pure Loaf Sugar, Caramets, Cream Chocolate. French Naugat, Roasted Jordan Almonds. Manufactured by A. L. VANSA,NP. Ninth and Chestout. Also Hot House Grapes, Peaches, Puas Li:Eacm WHITS lataux--Orders dallyincreamaxor. DEA..F.NTISS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.— L Isaacs, M. D., Professor Of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost succesa, Testimonials from the moat re liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 519 Pine street. The medical faculty are invited to at> company their patients, sahe aa had no secrets In hie practice. Artificial eyes times ed. No .charge made for examination. WErs of . Tar Syrup for Coughs, Colds and Affections of the Lungs. This' mixture is entirely vegetable, and affords speedy Relief in all Pulmonary Diseases, such as Asthma. Spitting of Blood, Bron chitis, ac. Prepared only by ' All TR dr. OLIVER, Druggists, S. E. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut =seta. Phila. Puss LIBERTY WRITE .lisaLE.—Yreferred by Dealers, as it always Was satisfaction to their ctts• tamers. HOOP SEInTs, of Hopkins' "own make," have no equal; wholesale and retail No. 628 Arch street. lubricative steam engine packing.—for terms see 723 chestnut st., plula., and •26 dey et., new York.' Ptraz LIBERTY WarrE LEAD.- - Tryit,and yon.will have none other. THE WAENL'T.—Mr. Booth appears in the tragedy of "Brutus; or, the Fall of Tar quin," this being the last night but six of his marvellously successful engagement. THE ARCH.—Miss Ettie Henderson gives A light, pleasing bill this evening at Mrs. Drew's theatre. THE AMERICAN.—The Hanions, the Elle <*rists Zanfretta and the dramatic company all combine to give very lively entertain ments nightly at the American. SIGNOB BLITZ gives his performances at Assembly Building, as usual, each evening and on Wednesday and Saturday after noons. POISONED BY WEARLNG PAPER COLLARS. —A Boston paper has a. report that a clerk in one of the wholesale stores of that city has lately been afflicted with a painful breaking out en the neck, which he at first attributed to boils, but the matter getting serious, he applied to a physician, who in formed his patient that he was suffering from the poisonous properties of articles used in the preparation of his enameled pa into hisper collars which had been absorbed nto his system; and upon inquiry it was found that some half dozen other clerks, all of whom wore these collars, were affected in a similar manner. 11:1 1 t1:11011341ZIDDIKOIVIRV ROCKHILL & WILSON "Brown Stone Clothing ITa I," 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. NEW STOOK AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Having sold out our stock of Clothing for Gentle men and Boys, carried over from the late fire, our ea. tire stock of Fashionable Ready-Made Clothing is the Newest. AB OUR PRICES ABE TEE LOWEST. Magnificent Spring Stock Now Ready, To. Suit Everybody. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT■ Our newly.fitted up Custom Department now con tains the largest assortment of all the inahionable New Fabrics for our patrons to aeleot from. SUITS, CIVIL AND MILITARY, In the highest style, and at moderate priem. Boys' Clothing. la this department our stook is also unrivaled. THE BIDET HT THE cm', At The Lowest Prices. Orders executed at shortest notice. - ROCIMILL &WILSON 603 & 605 Chestnut street, apuktvan rpi GOODS SPRING STYLES EDWARD P. KELLY, 012 Chestnut St. AMUSES=.. YB. CLOTHING. MADE UP TO ORDER PROMPTLY. The °Most Stook READY MADE CLOTHING IN PHILADELPHIA. Brown-Stone Clothing Hall, TAILOR, RETAIL DRY GOODS SEA. SIDE SHAWLS. MST OPENED, A LARGE LOT OE' Sea Sides, Entirely New Designs and Colors, FROM $3 TO $l2. - JOHN W. THOMAS • 405 and 407 North Second Street, je7•6t rya EDWIN HALL & CO., 2S S. Second st., ARE NOW OFFERING THEIR STOCK OF SILK BASQUES AND MANTILLAS, 2t/ AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS. SUMMER DRESS GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. GRENADINES, GRENADINE BAREGES, HERNANIS, ORGANDIES, LAWNS, ERMICH DIUSLMS, JOHN W. THOMAS. 405 and 407 North Second Street. je7.6t rp MARKET NINTH. 44411 A‘IP Pine Stock of Seasonable Goods at reasonable prices. White Linen Ducks and Drills, Colored Linen Ducks and Drills. Fancy Linen Ducks and Drills. Summer Pant Stuff and Coatings. Linens for Tollrlits' Drama. 37 cent Thin Dress Goods. 25 cent Light Wrapper Prints. 37 cent Black and White Lenos. Grenadine Shawls, $3 00 and $4 00. Plaid Llama Shawls, $3 50. Handsome Black Silk Mantles. • areinial Boys' Summer Clothing. 811 CI'S% ALL-WOOL ce.s.s• V - D3OTS. 00 Cassimeres. for Men's wear. el 50 Fine Cavan:term, for suite. 50c Fine Linen Drills. Linen Duck, for Boys wear and Ladles' Rectums. „Fine Zdixed Goods for snits. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE& CO., R. W. corner Eighth and Market. $6.50 V'MBeßil'eu'VeKßEe Blankets for Berths. Blankets for Hotels. Blankets for Ice. 7. C. STR &WI:MIDGE & CO., N. W. corner Eighth and Market. WRITE HEIMAN/ SHAWLS. White Crepe Maretz Shawls. White Llama Wool Shawls. Fine Printed Cashmere Shawls. Black Thlbet Shawls. bhetland Shawls, Sea-side Shawls. • J. C. STRAW BRIDGE & CO., N, W. corner Eighth and Market. 50 CENTS FINE BLACK ALPACAS. 50C. Fine pearl-colored Alpaca& 23c. Grenadine Bareges. f . . 2 wide Gros-Grain bilk, fbr Sacones. • Traveling Dress Goods. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., N. W. corner Eighth and Market. Emporter and Manufacturer of Gentlemen's Fine Furni ishing Goods. JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. I and 3 North Sixth Street , Invites attention to his . "IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT, " Which has given such general satisfaction for neatness of fit on the breast, comtbrs In the neck, and ease on the shoulder. It is made In the beat manner, BY HAND, and is confidently recommended as THE BEST IN THE CITY. Also, a well selected stock of Goods. consisting of GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. (which he makes a specialty.) COLLARS OF ALL KINDS AND LATEST STYLES SILK SHIRES AND DRAWERS. MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS.- FLANNEL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. BUCKSKIN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. TRAVELING SHIRTS. Stocks, Tie% Gloves. Handkerchief% Suspenders, Ha siery, and other goods appertaining to a Gentleman's Wardrobe. PRICES MODERATE, te44na rp HIEBIELL'S MAtIIO OIL CURES MUTTER I! ireariaremea, =Et, SCALD READ, AND ALL SKIN DIBBABE23! Warranted to care or money relvmded. For sale by all Druggists. Principal Depot, N 0.03 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. AdrPrice 25 cents per bottle ap24-Sm rp SUITS OF ROSEWOOD CHAMBER . FURNITURE. m r os J. HENKEL'S, Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. IN THE YOUNG AND RISING Generation, the vegetative powers of life are strong: but, in a few years. bow often the pallid hue, the lack, lustre eye, and emaciated form, and the impossibility of application to mental effort, show its baneful influ ence! It soon becomes evident to the observer that some depressing influence is checking the develop ment of the body. Consumption is talked of, andper baps, the youth is removed from school and sent into the country. This is one of the Forst movements. Removed from ordinary divexsions of the ever-chang ing scenes of the city, the powers of the body too much enfeebled to give zest to healthful and rural exercise, though's are turned inwards upon themselves; the pa rent's heart bleeds In anxiety, and fancies the grave but welting for its victim. Alas! increase of appetite has grown by what it fed on—the energies cf the system are prostrated, and the whole economy is deranged. Helmb old's Fluid Extract Buchn FOR WEAKNESS AMBING FROM EXCESSES on INDISCRETION, Attended with the following !symptoms: Indisposi , tion to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memery,Dilli culty of Breathing, General Weakneds, Horror of Ms ease,Wesk Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Deatb,Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous App.tite with Dyspeptic ymptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of the .13 , dy.Dryness of the Skin. Pallid Countenance and Eruptions on the Faca,Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Frequently Black Spots flying before the Ryes, with Temporary Suffn mon and Loss of Sight. Want of Attention, Great Ma Witty, Itestlessrms with Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such Patients than solitude, and no thing they more dread for Fear of Themselves,no Re pose of Manner, no Earnestness. no Speculation, but a hu,ried Transition from one question to another. These symptoms, if allowedto go on—which this me dicineinvarlable removes—soon follow Lost of Power, Fatuity and. Epileptic Pas, in one of which the patient may expire. During the Superintendence of Dr. Wilson, at the Bloomingdale Asylum, this sad result occurred in two patients; reason had for a time left them, andbothdled of epilepsy. Who can say that these excesses are not frequently followed by those direful diseases, .ENSANITY and CONSUMPTION? The records of the Insane 481/- luina, and the melancholy deaths by fbruumption, bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. la LlA naticits3 hams the moat melancholy exhibitions appear. The countenance is actually sodden and quite dead tute.—neither mirth nor grief ever visits it. Should a sound ofthe voice occur, it Is rarely articulate. "With woful measures, wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Whilst we regret the existence of tbe above diseases and symptoms we are prepared to offer an invaluable gilt of chemistry for the removal of the consequenc-s, RIM BOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU. no EEI sSuNOeo TO NdC p a L t K e E ran d t s l s a n is anchor s ti A mony of all who have used or prescribed it. HFLMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCKU for Non-Retention or L:icontinence:of Urine. Irritation, Inflammation or Ulceration of the Bladder or Kid neys. Diseases of the Prostate Oland,Stone in the Blad der, Calculus, Gravel or Brick Dust Deposit, and all Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Dropsical Swell ings. . I,IELIEBOLD'S FLUID IiSTRACT BiJCHIJ, In affections pc-collar to females, is unequaled by any other preparation, as In Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu larities, painfulness or suppression of customary evacuations, L'lceratiOn or Sclrrhous state of the Uterus, Lencorrhcea and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, impro dercies, or in the Decline or Change of Life. 2117 T unOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCEU AND 'IMPROVED ROSE WASH Will radically exterminate from the system Diseases of the Urinary Organs arising from cubits of dissipa tion, at little expense, Hive or no change in diet and nn exposure, completely superseding tnose maplea sent and dangerous remedies, Copaiba and Mercury, Sincuring those - unpleasant and DANGEROUS DIS EASFS. trEE TTFT lEBOLD'S PLUM EXTRACT BIJCILIT in all cases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing In male or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. It is pleasant in taste and color, immediate in its action, and more Ironstrengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Those suffering from broken-down or delicate Con adtutions procure the remedy at once. The reader must be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above disease, it is sure to affect the bodily health, mental powers, happiness. and that of posterity. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. PHYSICIANS. Pt &SE NOTICE! We make no secret of the ingredients. HM..lf- BOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT RUC RIO is composed of Buchn, Cnbebs and Juniper Berries, stiected with great care, and prepared in cacao by H. T'. EfELlf• BOLD, Druggist and Chemist of sixteen years' expe rience in the City of Philadelphia .and which is now prescribed by the Most eminent physicians, has been admitted to use in the 'United States Army, and Ls also in very general use in State Hospitals and public Sani tary Institutions throughout the land. [Dr. Mitvska is a physician of over twenty years' experience, and a graduate of the Jefferson Medical ollege,and of the University of3fedicine and Surgery of Philadelphia.] Ma. H. T. Etutsraorx..—Lear Sir :—ln regard to the question asked me as to my opinion about Buchu, I would say that I have used and sold the article in various forms for the past thirty years. 1 do not think there is any form or preparation of it I have not used or known to be used ha the various diseases where such medicate agent would be indicated. You are aware, as well as myself, that it has been extensively employed in the various diseases of the bladder and kidneys. and the reputation it has acquired in my Judgment is warranted by the facts. I have seen and nsed, as before stated. every form of Buchu—the powdered leaves, the simple decocilon, tincture, fluid extracts—and I am net cognizant ofany preparation of that plant at all equal to yours. Twelve years' experience ought, I think, to give me the right to Judge of ha merits, and without prejudice or par tiality-I give yoors precedence over ail others. Ido not %aloe a thing according to its bulk; if I did other Bathes would out-do yours; but I hold to the doctrine that bulk and quantity did not make no value—if they d.d, a copper cent would be worth more than a gold I value your Rocha for its effect on patients. Ihave cured with it and seen cared with it, more diseases of the bladder and kloneys than I have ever seen cured with any other Ruche, or any other proprietary com pound of whatever name. Respectftilly yours, etc., GEORGE H. Rr Yd.El3, BE, D., No. /40 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. August 11,1865. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, HIGHLY CCoNIMENTEATED, One bottle equivalent in strength to one gab byrtip or Decoction. It reaches the seat of the disease immediate pelling all HUMORS OF THE BLOOD, and Ira DlZeitv ve41.10 Clely : :VOA These articles, being of cmch Strength, the dose is ex ceecdngly small. From this fact it ts used in the 'United St ates Army Hospitals and public Sanitary institutions throughout the land. PRINCIPAL DEPOT% Helmbold's Drug and Chemical Ware house, NO. 594 Broadway, NEW YORK, Helmbold's Medical Depot, NO. 104 SOUTH TENTESTREET. BELOW CHESTNUT. PHILADELPHIA. Sold by Druggists Eyerywhelh Beware of Colmterfeita jWc for Itektibold'o sn.ystw+tt REAL ESTATE. rPP:AL ESTATE.--THOM abi ,t SONS' S &LIE. - Modern four-story brick RESIDENCE, No. 1734 o l e street. east of 1- iglotrenth street. On TUN Sti June 19th, 1866, at 12 o'clock. noon. will be sold at nubile sale, at the PR.ILADEI PRIA PIS.CHANOE, all that nu dery four-stop - brick messuage, with three story back buildings snd lot of ground, situate on the south. side of Pine street, 40 feet east of .1.• ighteenth street. No. 1734: containing In front on Pine street 20 feet, and ex tending in depth NO feet to Wayerley street. It has ad the modern convenieuces. !Subject to a yearly ground rent of 4210. Illgr Immediate possession.. Bey at the grocery store, comer Eighteenth and Pine streets. . - M. THOMAS & sub S. Auctioneers, jel3 139 and 141 South Fourth street: IrFOR SALE.—The Dwelling House, recently oc. copied by Judge Oswald Thompson, situated at corner of Market Square and Church Lane, GER MANT‘ -W N; is Zi.3 feet Acorn. has 13 roping. hot sod. cold water in three places, furnace. range and other modern conv , niei ces. Over $6OOO hag been *ecentlY spent in improvements and repairs to the hullding. it. within five minutes' walk of the depot and .ohurcts Lane Station of the P. B. & N. It. R. Possession will be given on execution of the deed. Apply to THOMAS U. BARRETT, Corner Green and Coulter streets, Germantoent. Or JOHN B. GARRETT. jeerp6f a No. 900 Chestnut street, Philadotphia. ..Wl. FOR SA L.E.—A number of very valuatdo farms rn the Easton Shore of Mary'and. and other localities; also a number or valuaole small farms and. country seats near the city. Z EV ANS, Its 274 South Mira at., Room 14. Orrs FOR SALE—Avery pleasant cottage contain* g nine rooms lot 60 by =S. variety of frul , , fine vegetable garden, shade. cfro., all in good order: sitlata near Washington Lane Station, Germantown. Po session will be given. D. Z. EVANS. it; 274 South. Third st., Room 14. IM TO I , ENT.—For he ground, a furnishandsju one and a ba'Escre-s o stable car house, garden planted, chc., one mile north. of Chestnut FULL D Z EVANS, its 274 South 'third st, Room 14. 61,7.1 CAPE ISLA N itgIRA33 LE Doranie pig TA GE TO Lh.T, with 11 rooms. Plenty of shade. excellent water, gosd cellar, fine view of the ocean. For farther part callus inqcore at hicCAI,LA'R. New Hat store, SIB Chestnut street. ' jets-t[ ETO LF,T—THEEE sTuR Y Flu Ut3 a:, doable back l buildings. All modern conveni ences . For lota non, dtc.. inquire of W. FISHE R, 41 North Tenth street. jet 3 tf FURNDSHED HOUSE FOR RENT--Di SPRUCE, above BROAD street, by myzaautrp/ - C. H. 31.DIIIMEID. MO BENT.—Three and fern-stories New Sto•e No_ 131 3LA.REET street, 12 , and I.M CHITE,CH street, extenaltg 160 feet. EFst light In the city. Very de sirable formanufacturing business. Apply at once. Jell 19te - UISORGEuGDEN & LEGAL NOTICES. TN .9 HE Olt FRANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND I MONTY OF PRILAIYELP Katate of ADELE Id. STINE, a minor.—The Auditor appointed by the Coon to audit, settle and adjust the account of Austus L. Ra, Guaian of °ELS S PINE. a min nor, and one of the rd three Children of DA.NIEL STINE, deceased and to reportdistribatiou of the ba lance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the pallier interested for the purposes of his appointment, on I,IOICLAY, the 25th oay of June,AD MSS, at eleven o'clocke. M., at his office, No. 211Sonth Fifth street, in the city of Philadelphia. jel4-w tro-st* JOSEPH A. CLAY, Auditor. TNORPHAICS' COTJRT FOR TETE Cary ANTI A. COUNTY OF PHILADELPIETIA.—Estate of WK. ROSH. i. D., de( easeo.—Peisons interested in the above estate, will take notice that my report as Audi tor will be filed on FRIDAY, the 15. h day of Jane. A. D., TVS. - In the meantime aces can be had to It at my office, where those desiring to object to any part of it mist present their exceptions. The report will be confirmed absolutely on FRIDAY, July 6,1866. jel3 314 LEWES C. CASSIDY, Auditor. PUBLICATION N, SIIMILER READING: SIIIIILER, READING!! ALL gIEIM NEW BOOKS Comprising the hest writings of the most POYELA It STAND A RT) AUTHORS OF TEM DAY,. Of every grade of literature. , Suitable for whiling away the tedious boars or LIFE ON THE R&M! LIFE AT THE SEA SHORE!! LIFE IN THE MOUNTAINS!!! LIFE. IT THE courrnty!!!! Are to b 3 found at the book establishment of T. B. PETERSON d BROTHERS, ..356 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Pa. Send in your orders for any book you may desire.. Catalogues mailed tree to any address.JeL 2t. WANTS. ROSE LEANT ns WANTED —lllshest cash prices given icor fresh Bose Leaves, by URA RT.R-IE,L.LIS SON it a). Wholesale Druggists, corner Seventh and Market streets. jelztoSS WALNUT CHAMBER MUM /17 OIL OR POLIBRRIL Geo. J . Henkele, rp Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. Smith's Island. il k THIS POPI7LAR. BE SORT IS NOW open for the entertainment of them:at c. it is ender the control of - F. LAREN:EYRE., who has improved It by adding to it a large Hotel Rooms can be bad for the season. A FIRST-CLASS TURSTATTRANT ATTACHED. None bat the Purest Liquors sold mYal•tfrp ..... ,--15,50 1 e& Ea o._-- : - EADY MADE ' \ ' 7 -01-01riiiiNt ii.___,. ,ILL.sx__. NE , 824- CHESTNUT ST. ' MLR THE CONTINENTAL MEL PHILADELPHIA - P.A. INSTREMONS MR SELF,ILESSUREZEST. i / . COAT. Send Size from Ito I f , 2; from 2to 3: and from 4 to 5; i and around the most prominent I part of the chest, nod around , .....i..._,_ the waist. State whether erect , _/, x. A. - - - - - . -, or storpino. VEST. Same no for coat ~ PAICPS. Inside team; outside seam to IttpsAnd coot 'waist. Suits of Walnut Parlor Fardtare, IN OIL OA POLISHED, Geo. J. IlenkeLs, jel-ImrP Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets, BOND CAMPHOR .TROCHES. Positive Preventive of Dionhcea, Dyientery, and Cholerslfortion; db.., Bole Factor, O. H. Needier, Draggbx. , o er AB 14th & Boos 80., Phila. yr ..'°"; ratified On le' CLOSING Our OUR LARGE STOCK OF CA.II.II,IAGES AT REDUCED PRICES. .1. S. COLLINGS it, SONS, myBl-2m ri4 . 625 ARCH Stacie. SPRING. MR WM. D. ROGERS. Coach and Light Carriage Builder. 1009 and 1011 Chestnut Streak athstan-rpi PHILADELPHIA. ME'Reim'LT.'S PASSAGE OFFICE. • NATIONAL STEAM NA.VIGATIONCO. WEEKLY TO AND FROM QDEms. TOWN. Thega(COßE HAR BO R.) AND p L IVERPOOL. • DENMARK tA ave ron n ewa S m TURDAy. Juaele. Rates at passage, payable In ccarreuoy: Mt Cabin. SIM: steerage.s 3o . „,....._._ : passengers also forwarded to London, .rarre, HMS. Hamburg, Bremen, dec., at moderate rates. • st eerage passage from LIVERPOOL or CIIHCENS. TOWN through to PHILA.p.ELPHIA, 140 In me renci. For thrther Infanmition, apply at the Clompaurn , • W.' A. HAllarLL, Agent, ilr Walnut street. SPECIAL Nor 1073.-Rail been appointed en AGENT of the above Favorite ' - " Linerln this- • would. caution Me rathj_soialas% purchasing th ' tickets elsewhem:' , ... %IMO ...... _