From our Third Edition of Yesterday. The Peaking in- Buffalo; BUFFALO, June 12.--A grand mass meet . ing of Fenians will- be- held in Si.- James Ball; this evening. The meeting is occa sioned priinarily by the introduction of the residution Congress yesterday, to in struct the Committee on Foreign Affairs to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill to repeal the:neutrality act of 1818. This action gives new life to the Fenian movement, and a very enthusiastic meeting is epected. The Fenian Senator Scanlan, of Chicago, arrived here yesterday. The revolutionary committee of the Irish Re public has published a stirring appeal to the Irish of Buffalo, and all lovers of repub lican liberty. The following is an extract: "Let the Irish citizens in particular send in commissary stores, such as bread, meat, coffee, sugar, etc., just what 'each man would like at home. We want all the money we can raise for other purposes& What these purposes are the people can i guess. Let no person imagine that the cause is defeated, or that men who have sworn to free their native land or die will abandon their course because a few over-zealous officials have placed some obstacles in our way. The voice of the great American people is at last heard in the balls of Con gresa—not from a single intividual, but from, representatives of thirty millions, and, true Ao their natural instincts, they have raised their voices for the oppressed. God bless them ! They will rouse many an -anxious spirit -throughout- the world, and mstkelyrants tremble on their thrones, as the cry goes forth: 'America . is the defender of Liberty !' Let the people take heart througlaout the laud, call meet ings, pass resolutions. and pledge their support to men who inscribe upon their bannere 'Universal liberty.' . Be patient, but work! work! Collect money; have your men ready, and when the cry of battle goes forth let them come as individuals, if they cannot come as companies or regiments." A large number of Fenians, from Malone, have arrived here, having been furnished with transportation from there to Buffalo, by (3eneral Meade. Oar citizens are begin ping to feel uneasy at the collection of such a large body of Fenians here, though they have behaved extremely well so far. Gen. Barry, late yesterday afternoon, re ceived authority to give transportation to the Fenians who desire to go farther West, and could not pay their passage, on their giting their parole not to attempt the in vasion of Canada. 'We undertand very few availed themselves of the offer. Fr Washington. !Special espatch to the Bulletin.] WASHINGT9N, June 12.—Gov. Parsons, of Alabama, writes that there is great destitu tion among the whites, in that State. The Freedmen's Bureau is issuing every week about twenty-five thousand rations. The President last evening informed Mr. O'Conor that he would bring the question of paroling Davis before the Cabinet to-day. The Finance Committee are about equally divided on the question of taxing cotton. They will probably compromise on three cents instead of five. .The Committee are also considering the question of postponing the two per cent. tax on State banks, which goes into operation on Ist July, to one year from that date. .11LIGICI3th Congress—Eirst Session. WASHINGTON, June 12. ScasiArE.—A resolution to print 9,000 copies, of the report of the Commissioner of Patents was referred to the Committee on Printing. A bill to provide for the settlement of ac counts of disbursing officers connected with the Freedmen's Bureau was passed. , A bill making appropriations for repair ing and improving the public works in dif ferent-parts of the country was passed. Mr. Anthony (R. I.) from the printing committee, reported a resolution for print ing 50.000 copies of the Reconstruction Re port. Passed. HOUSE.—Mr. Eliot (Mass.),from the com mittee on Commerce, asked leave to report back with amendments the Senate bill to regulate the transportation of "nitro-glyce rine or glonoine oil, but Mr. Jenckes ob jected. On motion of Mr. Raymond (N. Y.), the Committee on Appropriations was, dis charged from the consideration of the reso lutions of the New York legislature, rela tive to the payment of the Militia of 1812,and of the claim of George Cottingham,and they were referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Schenck (Ohio), from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported back, with amendments, the Senate joint resolution respecting bounties to colored soldiers, and bounties, pensions and allowances to, their heirs. The amendments were agree to and thejoint resolution,as amended,was passed. Mr. Mcßuer (Cal.) offered a resolution, which was referred to the Committee on In dian Affairs, authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to pay to John Renland $2,100, for flour furnished the Indians. Mr. Bidwell (Cal.) introduced a bill grant ing lands to the State of California to aid in the construction of a certain wagon road for military and postal purposes. Read twice and referred to the. Committee on Public Lands. Mr. Hart (N. Y.), from the Committee on the District of Columbia, reported a bill for legalizing marriages in the District. Read three times and passed. - It provides that all colored persons in the District, who; previous to their actual eman cipationlad undertaken and - agreed to oc cupy, the relation .to each other of husband and wife and who recognized that relation, as atilfexisting, whether the rites of mar , riagehave been celebrated between them. or not, shall be-deemed:husband and wife, and their children shall be held to be legitimate. Mr. Delano-'(Ohici) introduced a bill amendatory of therNaval'Appiopriation bill of trussession; He explained that a section of that bill repealing a,section of theact of , 1835 the effect of increasing the pay of I navy officers from 20 to 33 per cent., equal. to $1,300,000 annually, and said that neither House bad-any idea of.doing - anything-of the kind: Iftlie pay of navy officers ought to be increased it ought to_ be done openly and knowingly. Messrs. Le Blond and Pike objecting' to its consideration at present, the bill was re ferred:to-the Committee on Naval Affaira - Mr. Niblick (Ind,) presented the memo rial and resolution of the General Assembly of Florida relative to a direct tax. Referred to the Conimittee on Ways and Means. Arrival of The Steamer Etna. NEW Yomc,June 12.—The steamship Etna bas arrived. Her advises have been an ticipated. ' • New York Stock Market. Num 'YORK, June-'12 . -Stocks are steady. Chicago and Rock Island, 92%; Illinois Central, 1217 Michigan Southern. 19'3,;; New-YorkUentral, 973. i; Itesding,l49 . )i"; Hudson Elver, Ito; CantonCOimpanYr MK: . Virginia 67%; Missouri es, SO; Erie, 62; Western Union 'fele graph: 66; United Si flies Coupon 6s. 1881,;110%; Unit.d Atates Coupons, 1862. 1023¢; Ditto, li3f 5, 10te,c,.; .Ten-For ties, 96Mii. Treasury 7 3-Iss, /0234@1023,1; Ciold, , Baurianyan, June 12-Flour le quiet.. Wheat Jiro]. Corn n.m and scarce; white $1 04; yellow 4 ' 2 .• Oats dull atian .. 'Provisions quiet and inactive, but prices sugar Ann. tilthy dull at II 31@2 31)i. Sales at Philadelphia . Stooktdiaard.i .a.FTER BOARD, 10001[T.S10-it)B 90.14.500 sh Dalzell 94-109, 20• , 0 Pl,ll 91' 25 sh:Frestooilll D. 19 10v0 Lehigh V Eds 11134 an) all 131,h 4: 16th St R 50uu U. b wrens 7 3-100 1.101 22 Notes Avg c 102% 10 sh Phila & Erie blo 2009 Betiding as '7O •90 104) 86 do ' 2 i. 13 ttiP, 9sh b 5 123. 7 50 eh Del Div 53:1 20u sh CalthWlS la - .11;36. 2bY, 200 Nictiotati C 100 sh do 2da 20• it 50 sh Ilealetoa. J2ds 58 9 sh Tilechßk• • 81 SECOND 500 sh Ocean Oil . • 634 400 t.h Co sje 1140 oh Bead h. s 5 51; 200 ah, do b80`543i Flat AKlN'''. The New Builetin No. 607 , Chestnut Street . Cho proprietors are prepared to reeetveproposalis rot renting rooms as they do not we themselves. These will be THE SECOND STORY FRONT ROOM, So by 24 feet. 1 . .a.b. WHOLE OF THE NORTITRRN HALF GI Mailkets. BOAED. 100 sti Pail &Ede c 30% 76 .ull'ort.a6 4:'i 1 200 8I Catawissa pf b5'26:4 EISa'AT WLL BB COMPLETED IN A FEW DAYS, TIIE )31JILDENG, Four Stories High. with Entrance by a wide hall on Obentnut street, And a Front of 25 feet on Jayne street: Suitable for a Jobbing or Commission Howse, a - Hank or Insurance Office. libr Further radical= apply e the NEW BUD: LETIN BUILDING, No. 607 Chestnut Street. in NOR SALE—A VERY OKSIRABLE COON TRY RI SILENCE. \vitt all the modern improvements' situated near the • ROLME3RII.RO DEPor Of the Philadelphia. and Trenton Railroad. Access to and tram the city almost hourly. rthe house is built-in the best and most substantial manner, 'without regerd to cost, having-every conve nience, and well suited' for a summer and winter rest oence for any gentleman doing business in the city, or who is desirous of post e.ssing a thst Otos residence. It is walan five minute s' walk of the depot and about one-third of a mile from the village of Holmesburg, a village noted tor its healthful situation and pleasing society. as d - possesses a FIDE VIEW of the DELAWARE RIVEFL 'Tlere are three acres of land: also a floe stable can meted' therewith, the ground elegantly laid out and t este) ully embellished with fruit and oruamenta.t trees. A fine garden in good • condition, - and rais ing now every variety of vegetables. Schools and Churches convenient. Apply-to jes.w.f,m.fito C. M. I,ESLIE, 727 Bansom gt. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.-ESTATE OF IX! ELIZABETH WILLIAMS. deceased.—vaLu- Al 3 BUILDING LOP AND HOUSE IN BOX BOROUGH, near Ruxborough Water-works. Will be sold at Public Sale, by alias Order of Court, on the premises, Rioge road. Eoxborough, between ands mile stones, on %VEDNE'DAY, Juae2.7. 1863, 2 o'clock P. M. A TWO-STORY STONE HOUSE and LOT of 5 acres and 121 perchfs of land. near the Ruaboraugh Water Works. and adjoining lands of Johu Smick, William Williams, George Williams. and the Ridge Rfad. Terms, t2CO on day of sale; balance on execution of the deed. the Court. E. A: MERRICK, Clerk q. C. U. Adm'r. • jee.e,w m3V M. PESTER, Auct'r GIrits".6NTOWN.—FOR 8 SLR. FSTU .R furnished or uefurnished, with immediate pos. 5t....:13101,, a :urge and come odious Manama, actuate in one of the most desirable parts of the town, within five minutes' walk of Railroad Depot. It contains iourteee rooreK.with all modern conveniences, hot and cold bath. gas and water in all the chambers. firstsclass stable and carriage house, a good vegetable garden abundance of frith and dowers. in fact it corn biases 911 the advantages of a City and Country Resi dence. Lot 90 by 200 teet cl , tp. Apply to C. 11. 'AU IR- E RID, 205 E oath Sigh h street. mya-istl e A COUNTRY PL ACV. TO RENT. WITHIN RIM' three mit utea' walk of the Jenkintown Stailon, theon North Penn.ylvania Railroad. The buildings consist of a large old fashioned ttowe Hon3e. with Hitch en Range, Bath Room, Hot and Cold Water: quantities of _bruit, stable room for two Horses and a Cow, lane G arden, ready planted; Gardener's House, Ice Nouse, ( t illed) &c. Apply by note to W., box / zPS. Post Office. - r. j I. H. JOSILPH, CENTRAL REAL ESTATE Agency.lio. 271 S. Third street, Philadelphia, a. Real Estate bought and sold on commission. Loans negotiated. Money procured on Bonds, Mort. gages, and other securities. /louse and Ground Rents collected. Commissioner ofDeeds for all the States. myBSinl PGESILANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR fielai OR TO RENT—Beautifully and conveniently osted, within two minutes' walk of Church Lant Station. A commodious and e egant RESIDENCE. with all the modern conveniences; stable, coach-house, &c. Lot 180x213. Apply between 10 and 2, at 88 Nortb PBEERD street - fralri4 dill W. P. WILSTACE. ~..t•r•••,.H GERMANY° 4N--FOR. SALE.—A. handsome El double pointed stone residence. built in tale best manner and baring every city co-venience, situate ea Chew street. between shoemaker's and Chitral lanes. Lot 193 fret front by 240 feet deep, with stone stable and carriage house, Immediate. possession given. J. M. GODIDLEY SON, Ste Walnntstreet. 6-5 - S GERMANTOW.N—FOR SALE.—.O. handsome M Double Stone Residence. with stable ar d carriage house and large lot of ground, situate within four minutes' walk from the railroad depot. Has every city concrnience. snit is In perfect order. J. 5L GUM MET dr EONS. StS Wal out street. FOR SALb...—.A. baLdsome three-story modern EN brick Reeidence, with attics, three-story double back buildings and side yard, situate on Nineteenth street, above Arch. Is finished throughout in a supe rior manner and is in perfect order. J. M. GII.IitiLEY dE SOlch,aB Wainut street. itIT3 - FOR SALE.—A. four-story brick Dwelling, with M double threestory back buildings, situate on the west side of Ik:aneteenth street above Arch; has every modern Improvement, and Is in per fect order. lot .:;5 feet front by 103 feetdeep. Immediate possessit n given. J. M. taDDIMEY d SONS, 508 Walnut street. E::L. TOR SALE.—A _BROWN TONE DWELLING, -' with all the modern improvements, on Forty. record atreet, north of Ringsesaing averse. /mate diate pornei_sion. Apply to C. H..CHEYNEY, No. 608 Arch street. p> . FOR SaLE—wbe modern three-st , ry brick 1' RESIDENCE. wi.b double back buildings, ntbed '. broughout In the best manner, with every convenience, and In perfect order. Situate No. 2202 PlNEetrtet. J. M. GIIII.II.EY & SONS, 50S Walnut street. E::t FOR his LE.—A large four-story brown stone •1 BUILDING, 82 fee , front, with steam power, and admirably adapted for Med:tonics' purposes; c=ntrally located. Full perticulars furnished by J. M. Gll.ll - &SONS, tt 8 Walnut street. „ TO RENT.— A COUNTRY MANSION, stabling tig, for eve horses; ice house filled, milk house and garden, 10 minutes' walk from "'logs talon on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply to CRAB. 51, EVANS, No. 631 Arch street. JeB-6t3 1.! - Vzi FOR SALE.—The dwelling. No. 521 South Ninth gra street, with three story double back buildings, containing all the modern conveniences. Built er pressly for tb e present owner. Terms easy. Apply a No. 5,9 Smith NINTH street. myl2-tf FOR SALE R EXCHANGE FOR CITY PRO :: PERTY—OS acres of Valuable rimber and Farm and in Luzerne county, Pa. Also, 200 acres of land near Luck Raven, Clinton county, Pa. 7. M. GUM MEP & SON S , 508 Walnut street. CFR FORISALLE OitllENT.—The three story brick in dwelling, situate Nu. 609 South Tenth street; has every convenience and has recently been thoroughly repaired. J. M. OWifMEY &SONS. 508 Walnutstreet • 12 FOR SALE.—COUNTRY SEAT,32 acres con venient Passenger railway. • liamelliata pos session- Easy terms, W. A. LEECH, jel2-2te 128 South Sixth street. Ira FOR BALD.—FIRST CLASS COTTAGE, one of the best locations at :Atlantic City. Apply to M. " LOR, Central House, or 2,10 Market St. je7,6t* T _ RENT.-Part of second,third and fourth stories TO No. 126 CHESTNUT street. Apply seetnd story TLWO BE bET-:-SECOND, ,TE.SRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH FLOORS, 339 Walnut street, ~,, suitable for Offices or any light business. Apply to J. H. CURTIS ds SON, Real Estate Brokers, 483 Walnut street. T.BL LET.-Third: and fourth flootS With theofEce en • first floor. also, part'of a large cellar, No: 18 South Front street. Applyto J. LURCLS & SON, Real Estate Brokers. 423 Walnut street. WO BE LET.—FOURTH-AND FIFTH FLOORS, 1115 U. South SECOND atrEet. a pply to I H. CURTIS al SON. Real Estate Brokers. 4HWAISTUT Street. INANTIS. IDRICK CLAY LOT WANTED —A large lot of good D Clay on lease in pr conVenient, to the city. No one need apply who has not a large body of good clay. Address, CLAY, Bulletin Office. Jell•st• WIRS BRUSH, WRITING AND LITERARY 11l A GENCY.--Copyhig done rapidly, advertise• merits written, business letters answered promptly end confidential', Writing of all kinds attended to at the shortest notice. Litorary matters will receive especial atteition. No. 258 south Ninth strdet,Phlla• deithis. Refer to D. Appleton & 00., 843 and '443 Brt adway. New York. Je7tf AGENTS WANTED FOP. "CAMPAIGNS OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC." By William Swinton. The Standard Histort , of the "Grand Army." The greatest w. rk on the War. Universally endorsed by army officers and , the press. Send tor circulars and ree'orir terms .Address "National Publishing C 0.," 507 Minorstreet Philadelphia. Pa mv3o lcci* WANTED TO RENT BY AS ADULT rEgi Family a threeetory ROUSEwIth double three story bark buildings, - between Arcb and Pine and Eleventh and.Eishteenth streets. Address M. NEWKIRK, 524 Walnut street. lel :f.m.w.6l* PEI FIMERY. ul ~,,..:7 , ~ -- A-M. ,- ...„....1 10 . a I .R.Ev: „... .., 0.04. Tty E vyn t ß : ire THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13,1866: ;177 READING RAILROAD. r - ' _••• GREATTRITNIL LINN -radar f. • I .1 BOCA •IO THE ANTIC/MGR OP NUM 'SYLVANIA, THE somnixonALKEntspitriaiAN NA,III:IILRERLAND AND WYGIILHIG2VAIr THE NORTH NORTHWEST and the CA.NADAS Srm2roza 6..frauoreEKENT op PAS/MAGER • tquatu, June 4,1866; ; towing, the' 00=1111010 0 5 .oe9Otr, fESINTH anfiALLOW'HILL Streets. -Pbliw' dotr).4 at 6ottov*lrtv hours: MORNING ACCoMODA.TIONS. At 7.30 A. M. for Readingaterall intermediate Sta; Lions. MORNING EXPRESS At 8.15 A. M.. for Reading, Lebanon, liarrisnnra Pottsville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Williams. port, Ehnira, Rochester, Niagara Palls, Buffalo, Allen. town, Wllkeeharre, Pittston, York, Chritsle,Ohambera. burg Hagerstown, arc., OM. This train connect; at READING with the Baal .Penttrylvanta Railroad trains for Allentown. 3x.:.arid with Reaang and Oolum - biaß.R.tralas for ijolum c.; with the Lebanon Valley trans tbt Efarrisocuv. at PORT CLINTON . with Catawissa r Railroad trains for Wllliatosport,,Lock_Hal ran:Elmira. at HARRISBURG with Northern Oantral, Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for Nortlanmberland.Willlarnspors York. Oluimbereburg, PLuegrove, &a. • - • - AFTERNOON:=PEONS. 'Leaves Philadelphia at 8.30 P. M. Mr Reading, Potts. vine, - Harrisburg, &c.. connecting with Reading and Columbia R.R.lsains for Columbia, &c. READINC., ALAMM.M.t)DATION. Leaves Reading at 6.00 A. H., stoppLiz at all waysta tions; arrives in Philadelphia at 8.5.5 A. X. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 5,00 P. lEJ arrives In Reeding at 7.155 P. Pt Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 5.10 A. M. and Potts. Ills at 8.45 A. N.. arriving -in Philudel. ph~a' at 1.00 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.10 P. 11., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at PhiloAlelphia at 6 45 P. M. Harrisburg accommodation learse Beading at 'lse A. M. and Harrisburg at 4.10 - P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.80 P. M., arriving In Philadelphia at 8.10 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger Lair ewacned, leaves Philadelphia at 12-45 noon for 'Reading and' all way atatons; leaves Reading:ll.w A, M., and Downingtown 11.30 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way atalions. .411 the above trains run daily, Sundays except ed. Sunday trains leave . Pottsville at •Min A and Philadelphia 'at 3.15 P. ; leave PhiladelPhin, for Beading at B.eo A. M., returning/tom Reading at 4M. P, M. _ CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. 'Passengers for Downingtown and interrnediatepobits , tthe the 7.30 and 8.15 A. M. and 6.00 P. It. trains from Philadelphia. returning from Ihrinainztowr at 6.35 A. 11. anti 12 80 Noor_. NRW YORE hni:PRIS • § I FOR PITTSBURGH AND Leaves Hew York it 7. 9 . ..6....3f.Tind 8.99 P. lif...passing Readinig at 1.t5,1L03 Ali.. and 1.48 P3f. and conneut at Harrisbuth Pennsylvania . and Northern Central RaHroad Express Trains for Pittatramt, Chicago, Elmira. Baltimore. &c. Returning, :Exprers Train ':leaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburghat 3 and 9.06A.H. - ,9 13 r. 3- Passmg Hewn= at 4.49 and Ifugg A. AL and 11.30 P. la. arriving at 2.1. - -w York le A. 3L, and 2.43 P. 31. Sleepily Cars ausompanyupg these trains through between - Jersey • City Ala _ PittOurght, without change. iwail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 2.10 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New York. at 12 Noon. SCHHPILKILL VALLEY P A rr.IIOAD. Trabs leave Pottsville at 7, 11.30 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. re , :truing from Tamaqua at 7.35 A..hf., and 1.40 and 4,15 P. Li. 3CEMYT,Trrr.r ANDSI7SQUA RAILROAD. Trains leave A.llinlll2 at 7.50 A. M. for Pinegrove and Harris - Lyme', and at 1.50 P. Si. for Pinagrove and Tre mont; rauxising from Harrisburg at 330 P. and from Tremont at 7.35 A. If. and 5 35 P. M. TICKETS. Through first•class tickets and emigrant tickets t)? ail the principal points in the North and West and .. The following tickets are obtainable only at the Otlice of G. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 2.:7 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, oref G. A. Nlcolls, General titiperintend eat, Rennin . '. COMMUTATION At 25 per cent.. discor.nt bevween any points desired for famdlee and grms. 1K17 , 2r kGE TICKMB, Good for 2,000 re gmbetween all palate, at 459 50 each, ter families and firms. SEASON TroxEls. For three, six, nine or 'waive months, for holders only, to all points at rednved rates. CLERGY/eel' CI Residing on the line of the Road will be tarnished With cards, enttling themselves and wives to tickets at half-fare. MA VELlfi."4ol.ok. m Iwl'. EXCUPSIO.Iq TICI!EXIS. From Phtladelhia to princip st•tions good Ibr Satords3r, Sonday p and Monday. al st redoced , fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office at Thirteenth and Callow. tell !trees& FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot. Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leavo Philp daft/daft/ at 5.20 A. AL, 1g.45 noon and 6 P. IL, ibr , Lebanon. Harrisburg', Pottsville, POrt Clinton, and points Iron& gr Clow at the Philadelphia Poet °Moe for &Upload; ott ate road and its branches at 6 A. M., and Sat the pin! * And Stations only at 3.15 P. M. • - PHILADELPHIA, I .•‘"A N AND BALTIMORE RAIL. .- s eau ABLE.—Commencing MONDAY, April 16th. 1665. -Trains will leave Depot, corner at Broad street and Washington avenue, as Ibllows: Express Traln, at 4.15 A. EL (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at. Chester, Wilmington, Newark, a lawn, Northesat. Perryville, Havre-de-Grace. Aberdeen. Perryanur's, Magnolia. Chase's and Stemmer's Run. Way-mall Train, at 8.15 A. M. (Sundays cepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular atatlons between Philadelphia and Baltunore. Delawareßll. Train. 9.90 A.ll.(SundaY excepted), ibr Priht*Ps Anne. Milli rd and intermediate stations. Express train at 11.45 A. M. (*undayl excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, Express Train at 8.00 P. AL. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, sto pping at Chester, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, Eaton, North-East, Perryville, Havre-de Grace, Aberdeen. Peri - TIMM:ea, Ed gewood, Magnolia; Chase's and Stemmer's Su Night Expreea at 11.00 P. M. for Baltimore and eat:t it • Passengers by boat fr ost Baltimore for ortrera Monroe, 'Norfolk, City Point and Richmond will take the 11.45 A.ll. Train. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphia at P e 0,11.15 A.M.,4.30. 6 00 and 11.60 P. E. The LSO P. 11. train connects with the Dela ware Railroad for Herrington and intermediate sta tions. LeaveWilmingtort 6.45, 6.00 and 9.30 A. M., 4.00 and P. M. Trains for Newcastle leave PhiladelPhia at 9.00 A. 4.50 and 6.00 P. THROUGHTRAINS FROM BALTIMORE _ _ _ Lesiii-Wllmineon at 11.00 still., 438 and 10.00 P.M. , CHEL-TE.B. FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Chester at 7.46. 8.46, 10.14 and 11.40 A. M., LS& 5.10, 7.26 and 10.36 P.M. From Baltimore to Plnladelpllla.—Leave Baltimore 7.25 A. M., Way Mail. 820 A. hi., Express. 1.10 P. IL, Express. 6.85 P. M., Express. 8.25 P. 111., Express. Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 4.49 and 8.52 A. M.. and&BBP.M. Trains for Baltimore leave liGlimington at 5.24. and 9.83 A. M.. and 1.15 P. M. Freight trains with Peasenger car attached will leave wpm (n ter Perryville and intermediate stations at 6.05 P. noo M. Leave Baltimore bar Havre de-Orace and intermediate Stations at. 445 P. IL Leave Perry ville for Wilmington and intermediate stations at 5.00 A. M. connecting at Wilmington with the 8.00 A. train for Philadelphia. SUNDAY TRAINS. Exprosa Train at 415 - A. M. for Baltimore and Wash lngton, stopping at Chester, WI ogton, 'Newark, Elkton Northeast , Perryville. Ravre-de.Grace, Aber deen, Perryman's, Magnolia, Ctusae'a and Stammer's Bun. Night Express U.OO P. M. for Baltimore and Waah . Log ic= Accommodation Train at 11.90 P.M, far Wi lmingtun and Intermediate Stations. BALTIMORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. • Leave Baltimore at 1125 P. M. stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. Also stops at Elic , ton and Newark (to take passengers fOr Philadelphia and leave passengers from Waehinn or Baltimore) and Cheater to leave passengers from. Baltimore or 1 017aBbloatoo. Accorncdation train will leave Wilmington ihr Phi ladelphia and Intermediate Stations at 6.80 P. M. B. F. RENNET. Buperintendent. - WEST JERSEY RAILROAD - "' LINES—From foot of Market street _upper • . • mmencing THURSDAY May St, 1565 LEAVE FHTL - ADELPHCA • AS FOLLOWS : B,OOA. M. Mall for Bridgeton, t&sueni, and all inter mediate buttiont. • • _ t 930 A. M. Mall for Cape Msiv,atoppini at Woocoury, Glessbco o', ineland and Millvlile, and all stations be low Millvllle. Due l2sll M._ S Y. 31. A ccomodallon for Cape May. stopping at Wt.odbury and sflaseboro', and, all stations , belotv Glassboro . Imo 5.15 P. M._ P. 11. Pahaenger . 4oc Bridgeton, Ba ler and all interroedite stations. - • Oodbury Accomodation. iii ÜBNiNGI:ReIIYS Leave Cape May 6,30 and 11-A. 31. Bridgeton 7.00 A M. and 3.50 P. IL -Salem 6.* A. M. and S S 5 P. M. • Freight , will be received aeanid covered wharf be low Walnut atreet from 7 A. M. until 5 P. M. - Freight received at or before 9 A. 31., will go forward 8111110 day. Freight deitvered at?South - Delaware' Avenne: J VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. 'PRE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS CIDIXPANY Will attend to all the usual branches of lepumuse Bun- NEES, receive, deliver, and forward, through other re sponsible Expreas Clompsoiles, to all parts - of the coun try, any article entrusted to them.. A Special Agee:Ben • gL3r accompanies each through train. - - Office. No. 5 W 'PHIDALELPHLA: dc BRUT MORE CENTRAL RAILROAD.- -I 5 MI, • :VA -7 4 GEMENTS.--ON AND ARSE MONDA7r,Warch 19,186 e, the Trains will leave delphis; from theßepot of the West Chester dt Phila delphia, Railroad. corner of '1 bitty-first and Market, Streets, (West Philitda-), at 7.20 A,M., and 4.45 P.M. • Leave Rising Sun, at 5.30, and Oxford at B.oe A. M., and leave Oxford at 125 • 'nil June Ist a Market Train with Passenger Car attached will run' on ,Tnesdaya and Fridays: leaving The Rising Sun at 10.45 A. M., Oxford at 11.45 A. M,, and Kennett at '2.45 P. M., connecting at West Chester Junction with a Train for Philadelphia— On and atter June let. this train will leave the Rising Sun at 4 P.M.,' Oxford' at SP. M., and Kennett, at 8 P.M.' Marketing will not:be taken on Passenger Trait's. " The Train leaving, Philadelphia at 7.20 A. IL, con nects at Oxford.with a dally line of Stages/or Peach Bottom, Lanerster county. Returning, leaves,Peach, Bottomteconntti at Oxford with the Afternoon Train for-Pbiladelphis. The Train leaving,Philadelphlaat 4.45 rune to - Rising Sun, lild. , . passengers . are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as Baggage, sad the Company will " not in any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars, unless a special contrast be made for the name. nshl9 /LENNY WOOD, Oen% Sup't, TBANMMEWER 3 UPE• w IA ' NORTHt VENNEIYVVANTA R B.—THE ACIDDLE ROUT/Ir, - ortest an . ineitAiret r t lhittoßetfilebenoTATierdownl Maueb Chunk; Hazleton, Whltellaven ,lcetsbarre. lifahanoy City, and all ;minim in the Lehigh and WY% mind Coal Passenger, epota Philadelphist,___THlßD street above Thonapsqn, andcomer of •,71MQ/Ll3 atid AtIMEJ CAIA streets SiElinfilat ARRANCOESDINTE 4 NINE DAILY TRAINS: On and alter i!tionday,hisy. eist,lSS6,Pasemiger Veins leave the Depot, _Third etreet. above ThoMision. daily Minden excepted), as follows: AT 7.30 A. X.—Morning Express for BethiMem and and Principal, Stations on - Nerth PeionsylvW.ta Balk road, Connecting at Bethlehem with r.phigh Valley Railroad for Weatherly Allentow nanesvill, Catasausdßledi.i*ten, Man ehtudr_, , Jee, na- Hazleton, Waite ven, Wllkesbarre, Eingsion, Pittston, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming V ,alleys• also, in connection with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad for tdahanoy OitY,~ and with Catawba?. llai) road, lbr Rupert, DanvUle,lll.2ton and Wilimmsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 1.1145 M.Lat Wilkesbarre At MS P. at liabanoy City MS Paceengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, pawing Bethlehem at 12.00 M. ibr. Ea& ton and points on New . Jersey Central Railroad to New York. AT 82.5 A. 21.—Accommodation, tor Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stationa. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartavi ll e, by this train, lake Stage at Old York Road. ___ AT 10 A. M.—Accommodation. fore Pert Washing. ton, stoppk at all intermediate Stations. At WO P all Accommodation for Doylestown, stop. ping atintermediate stations. Pamengers take Mage at Doylestown for New Hope. AT &SO P. E...—Everdng Express for Bethlehem and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Bar. r0ad,2(190 connection at Bethlehem with Le. /13r1__XCL alleY Train for Easton, reaching there at 6.45 P. Passengers km Plainfield, Somerville and Other po won , ew Jersey Central it.R. take N. J. C. Train at whlen arrives in New York at 10 P. M. Pas. ;augers for . Suraneytown take stage at North Wales. and ror Nazareth at Bethlehem and for E. reenVille a Quakertown AT 4.15 P. M.—Accommodanon, for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations: Passengers for ViSlow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage at Abington : for Lumberville • at Doylestown. aT 5.15 P.-M.—Through Accommodation, for, Beth. lehem and all Stations on main line of North Pennsyl vastly. Railroad, connecting at. Bethlehem with Lehigh ' Valley Evening Train for Allentown, Manch Chuck, AT 6.15 P. BL—Accommodal&m, Ter Lamplale, MOP ping at all intermediate Stations. At 1 P.M. Port Wastangton. •iBAINe FORIBILADELPHIA. PLeave Bethlehem at 41.25 A. M„ and ,1225 M 6 , 34 . K. 12.25 tram makes direct connection with Lehigh Val ley trains from kaston. Wilkesbarre, Mahoney City, Harlem', and arrives in Philadelphia at 5.50 P. M. Pakeeligere leaving Wilkesbarre at 1.15 M.,cormeel at lUtMAhela at 5.15 P. M., and arrive lat rt 5.40 P. IL Leave Doylesinwii at 5.40 A. X. Lis and 5.80 P. M. Leave Lansdale at 6 Leave Fort, Washington at 10.50 and LDS P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at s A. M. -tphis for Doylestown at LSO P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M 'Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 445 P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cars cony I' Par eligers to and from Berke Street - Depot. White Cars of Second and Third Streets Line Convey yessegners to Third Street leepot. Ticket:must beprocuredettheTicketOilices , THIRD street or DIMES street, In order to secure flie lowest rates of fare. .rFt Of ARK., Agent. Flll ) - -.."'a Baggage =wen will rail fbr end deliver B n ggege at the Depot._ _• Ohre. No. DB South D street. LrW ORH W .LF ,Argh 3 DEN R Aii 4 . I3 AZIBOY an —The HA.. • TRENTON RA rr.II.OAD COM PINY'S .L.ENES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way places, from W ALNIIT EITTLVIT WHARF. will leave as folbm, 3, viz: Furs. At 5 A. M., via Camden and AmboY, Accom., 21 At 6A. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express, 800 At 2 P. AL. via Crimnen and Aniboy Express, 8 ot, At SAO ~ via (Sunden to S. Amb o y, ACCOML. 225 At 6.00 P. 01. via Camden and Antboy Accom. 1 SO 2rl class-- AL z turn -.o.;n7ti—lrolliY,-.Ervans ville. Pemberton and Vincentown. At SA. M.. and 2 P. IL Dr Freehold. At 5 and ir) A. 51. 12 M. 4.5,6, and 1130 P. H. fbr Fish House, raimyra, Riverton, Progress, Delano°, Beverly, Edgewater, Burlington, Florence. Borden town,-.Ac. 'The 10 A. /Land 4 P.M. lines runs direct through to Trenton. JANIS FROM. KENSINGTON DEPOT will leave as follows • At 11 A. AL, 4.50, 6.45 P. hi and 12 P.M. (night) via ensington anti Jersey City Express- .. 53 00 The 6.45 P. AL lane will run daily. All others Sun. days excepted. At 7.30 and 11.ou A. M.,8, 8.80, 4.38, 5 and 6,45 P. M.. and 12 Midnight, fbr Bristol, Trenton. etc. At 7 and 10.1 b, A. M., 12 M., a, 4,5, P. Itt. for Cornwells.Torrisdale.Rolmestriorg, ny,Wisalnie ming Bride, tang and Frankford an at 10.15 A. At. for thistol. Schencks, Eddlngton and 8 P. M.. for ' Holm esbors and intermediate citation& BELVIDERE DELAWA.K.h. SaLLBOAD, Sir the Delaware River Valley, Northern Pennsylvania, and New York State, and the Great Lakes. Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington De. pot, as followed At 7.80 A. M. and 8.30 P.M. for Nary Fails, Bab fain, Dunkirk, Carusndaigna.Elmlra, ads, Owego, Rochester, Binghampton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkesbarre Scranton, Stroudsburg. Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flem ngton, dx. The S.BO P. M. Line oonnecta direct with be Train leaving Easton for Mat= Chunk. Allen town. Bethlehem. elm. At SP. 21. for Lambertville and intermediate Eltations /OF For New York, sad Way Lines leaving Ken glutton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Wrdnut, half an hour belore departure. The cars run Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train. run from the Depot. On Sundays, Qmulbasses will leave Wal nutstreet wharf at 6P. 2L to connect with 6.45 P. M Firm; Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passen ger. Pnwengers are prohibited horn taking anything as baggage bat their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $llO. except by special contract .400 - 2'icksts sold attd baogagn checked direct through CO Bottom, War ceder, Springfield Hartford, dcw Sa tin, Aeleport Albany, 2Yoy and Saratoga. _ tirelaum a Baggage iszpress wut adl for and deliver baggage at the Denote. Orders to be left at No. Wal nut street, or at No. ltr2 South Twelfth street. LINPS PI:051 NEW YOPK Furls P.I2.II.+OELPHIA. Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12 M. and 4 P. AL via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and 16 A. M., 6'P, H. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken sington. From Pier No.l N. Eiver,at SA, IL and 2, 4 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. WM. H. GATZMER, Agent. ri • ' -• 'WEPT CHESTER AND PHIL& DELPHIA 11 A TT•RnALD, VIA riso SUMAC= ABRANGE3iILNTS. On and after MONDAY, June 4lli. 1648, the trains will leave as follows: WEST CHESTER TRAINS, Leave Philadelphia far West Chester, from Depot Thirty-first and Market street, 7.80 A. M., iLuto A. at., 2 3u,4.45 and 7.00 P. IL Leave West Cheater for Philadelphia. from Depot on E. Market street. 6.51,5 L, 1.r5, 4.50 P. M, Trohisleaving West Cheater at 7.80 A.fd. and leavnit Philadelphia at 4.48 P. M. will not stop at Pe-unelion. and will atop below B. C. Junction at Media only, PENITELTON TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia for Ph iladelphia 7 and 1040 P. M. Leave .Pennelion for 5.16 A. M., P. M. These Trains atop at all intermediate Stations. ON SIINDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 5,80 A. M. and 2.00 P. M. Leave West A. M and 5.00 P M. Till otherwise ordered a Mark et Passenger Train will leave West Cheater for Philadelphia, on Tuesdays and Fridays only. at 6.45 P. M. Oa Strarnaver--The West Plallaaelbhia Passenger Cars wll leave Eleventh and Maritet streets, half-an. hour before the Train leaves the depot, and will leave depot on the arrival of each train to convey passengers into the city. Trains leaving Philadelphia 917.20 A. EL and 4.45 P M., and leaving West Cheater at 7.80 A. hi, and 4.50 P. connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. C. R. B. for Oxford and intermediate points. girpassenger are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will not, In any rase, be responsible for an amount ex one hun dred dollars din Leas a special. oontract is made for the same. lONV 2 X WOOD. General Superintendent PHICADELPHLi. TOWN AND NoB.B.TaTo - wp is *yr e TABLB.-4.1n and after MON pAy,l,47l6ch, ism examikwro ____ - &Int, WN. Leave Philadelphian-6.7, 8,0, 10, 11,12, A. M.: 12, 310 • minutes. 83f., 8,5, 5% . , 8,7 L 8 , 9, JO, 11, 12, M. Leave Germantown - - 8 . 7, 7%, 820 , 0, 10, 11, 12, A. M.; 1,2, 3,4, 8,8%, 78, 9, 10, 11 8. P. M. The 3.20 down train, and the 8X and 531 up trains de net stop on Germantown Branch. • ON SUNDAYS, Leave Plilladelphia- - 9. 10 rolnutea,A. M.; 2 3, 5,8 and 10X, P. N. • Leave Germantown-a A. IL; 1, 4,1% Ana 931 f, P. M. CHIBTNIIT HILL 11 r.KOAD, Leave Phlladelphla-8, 8,19,12, A: AL; 2, BX, 15)i, 7, ptidsl3..;P: - • • • • • Lepre Chestnut BM-7.10 minutes 8, 9.40, and ILO/ A. L . 1.40, 8.40, 5.40; LPN 8.40; and 10.40 F. 81. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.10 minutes. A. M.; 2.5, and Leave Chestnut Hlll-7.40. minutes, A. 15E.; NA% die and 0,25 minutes P. • L • FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRIBTOWI2. Leave Philadelphia-8, 8.35,11.05 minutes, A. M. iMs 8, 434.5%, 5%, 8.05, and 11%. P. M. Leave Nortistown-4X7, 7.50, 9, D. A. M.; 1%, '5%. 5% toad s P. M. , The 5% P. EL; train 'WM atop f i t n , School Lane, Whin. taken, Manaytmk, Spring r and Conshohocken ' ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. H., 2%, 4, and 7% P. M. Leave Norristown -7 I,and Wad 91. P. M. Leave Philtuielublatiill.B. s , /1.05 A 214 ; /3 i; 16 " 1 144 ' 635, t 3.05, andLU% P , - Leave lAtusatruillc-6%, 7%, 8.20, 9%,11%, A, M. 9,5, isx and 8%, P. K. • ON STINDANa. I r• Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.;234 4, and 7% P. M. ileAve Nana... 7% A. M. ; 1% 6, and 9% P. M. ;•'-.WA SON.Geueral Superintendent,. Depot, Ninth and Ereenstreetet 5,..N AND DELAWARE 13A.A `RATLRCAD - COMPANY. T n and after MONDAY, the 14tti dermas on this road will leave the Depot of the Cam nd Atlantic Railroad Company, at Cooper's Point, Camden. as follows Expret 9, for Long Branch, NOW York, and interme diate station% at 940 14. M. Freight, for New York and intermediate stations, at 2.30 P.M. Mail and Express. for New York, at 8.30 A. M. . - Returning, trains leave Pier 32 , North River, foot of Duane street, at 11.00 A., M. and 400 P. M., and Pie No. 3; at 4.15 P. hg . No baggage taken at Pier No. 3. .1' are, to and from New York. $2 SO. 3y17 W. N. CLA.'irTON,llittperintendent. : ~- :PENNISYL7ANLII. OXIMGA .BAILBOAD: - 15 I giiirmig=3.s3.7oGE3EENT. The, trains go the Pennsylvania Central R. B. leave the 'Depot at Thirty first mid Market streets; which is reached. Wile cars of the Marketßtreet PaseeMiget Ban* s) ranninglo and from the Depot The last car leads Pion , street about - thirty ullnutes, prier to the departure of each Train. , tsustnAl 8- T ears leave Eleventh and Market streets 45 minutes bef re departure of Evening trains. l ANN'S BAGGAGE EXPRESS will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot Orders left at the office. Na 681 Chestnut street, will receive attention. TRAINts 'LEAVE AND ARRIVE AT DEPOT MAIL TRAIN - . at &00 A. M. DAY EXPRESS - - " 10.00 " PAOLI ACCOM.. NO, 1 • 11.0 u FAST LINE & ERIE EXPRESS " 12.00 M. HARRISBURG AtaXtm.., " 4.80 P. Dt. LANCASTER ACCOM., • . 1 4.00 PAOLI At COM—No. 2. • • " 5.00 " Pl'l TS Sill t4H & ERIE MAIL ,st " 9.00 " PAOLI ACCOM., No. 8, - - • " 10.09 " PHILADELPHIA wir ?RISS t " 1.1.119 CINCINNATI IMPRESS. • " 12.40 A. Id, PHILADELPHIA ••• , "1 B. • , !7.10 " PAOLI AMOK., No. 1" 8.20 " COLOMBIA TRAIN. -a " 8.55 " LANCASTER TRAIN • • " raw P. M FAST LINE . . • • " 1.10 " PA.OLI A.CCOM., No. 2, • • " 4.10 11 BAY EX_PF...WLS - • • " 5.10 0 PAOLI ACC OM., 'No. 8, - • " 780- HARRISBURG - • " 9.10 *Daily, except Saturday. Wally. Wally, except Monday. "Running through from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and Erie without change of cars. All other trains daily, except Sunder. TICKET OFFICES. Are • located at. No. 681 Chestnut street, Conti; riental Hotel. and Girard Hons. where Tickets may be procured to all important points in. Pennsylvania, as well as the West, Northwest and Sotithwest; and full information - iven as to time' and connections,' by JOHN C ALL , Ticket Agent Also at '1 hirty-lirst and Market streets,on application to IEO6. B. PARKE. Ticket Agent, at the Depot. saina.nwl raw. runs dally, except Sunday. Bor fat information as to fare and accommodations, apply so FRANCIS FUNK. No. le7 Dock street The Pennsylvania Bauroad Co: will /20i . Ma= We risk for Baggage eximptforWeathwAl -,eperel, and limit their responsibility to One, Htualred Holum in value. All Baggage exceMingthat amount In Iralue,wM be at the risk of the owner. unless taken by special contract .f.- ::t:/c: Kelhlas:at y:6sllW.l.4:ftli;po9l:4:+slijoi: , r;7: , :44vtli: 4 4l Owing to the great distance saved by THIS ROUTE the Government has asaigued to it the carrying of the IL S. MAIL to the Principal Cities of the West and Southwest. • THIB.F. BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OF CABS BETWEEN FRIT. A WELPHIA. AND CINCINNATI, AND BUT TWO 'ID ST. LOUIS.' • PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARRIVE IN CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS. CAIRO AND ST. LOUIE ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY R &NB. OTHE PASSenger6 leaving Philadelphia at ILSO A. N. will arrive at Altoona in the evening for supper where Woodruff's Celetrated Palace ttate-Room Bleeping Cars will be attached, and run through to Columbus without change, avolding changing cars at Pittsburgh at midnight, a comfort never before afforded to the traveling community. Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA. STET:MAUD/. T,LB at PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market treets', Philadelph S ia. • S. F. SCULL, Gen'l Picket Agt. Steubenville, 0. JOHN H. MILLER. Gen'i Eastern Pass. 4:et, 526 Broadway, New York. SOHN DIIRAND, Gen' 1 Sup't. fet4-tf Pennsylvania Railroad Office, 631 Chestnut street; and Thirtieth and Market streets, West Philadel phia. - 1868. PHILADELPHIA. AND ERIE RAILROAD. 1866. great line traverses the Northern and North west counties of Penn)* Wards to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. It has been leased and is operated by the Pennsyl vania is aqroad Company. TIPS Or PASSM:GER TRAINS AT PErtansx.,rscra. ARRIVE. EASTWARD. Erie Mail --.---..7.00 A. M, Erie - Express Train- . —.LOO P. M. Erie MailTrate-- P. M. Erie Express Train—...l2.oo Passenger Cars run through on the Erie Mail and nr w t i lla w V) rains without change, both ways , between phis and Erie. EEW YORK COSTATECEION. Leave New York at .3.00 arrive at Erie 11.30 A. X Leave Erie at 4.45 P. M., arrive at New York 4.10 P. Ai Elegant bleeping Cars on all Night Trains. For information respecting passenger bush:len spray at corner THIP.TMTH and MA-ESXT streets. Phila. delphis. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents B. B. Eings , r, Jr., earner Thirteenth and Market streets, Phil elphls. J_, W. Reynolds, Erie. Wm. Brown, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore. R. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. W. OWENS tW, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia, A p t.TYLER, General Superintendent, Erie. NEW ARRANOP ADELPHIA TO WIT.T.TAMS ,^ 'll • • OTT CHANGE OF CALEB VIA CATA - W ISSAS. ROUTE. On and after Monday, April 2d 1866, through cars for Williamsport will leave the Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad Depot. Thirteenth and tiallowhill streets, at sA. M. arriving at Williamsport at 6 P. EL. and rocking close connections for Elmira, Oil Regions. Buffalo, Erie, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge and all places in the Western, North Western, South ye estern States and the Canadaa. EIROUGH TICKETS to all points can be procured at the Company's office 425 Chestnut street, under Philadelphia Bank, opposite the Custom House, at the United States Telegraph Office in the Continental Hotel, ant at the Depot of the Philadelphia and Read Mg Railroad Thir een ana (.Idlowhill streets. N Vth A NRORN. Passencer Agent. CIABBbhi CEA W & JUSTICES' PATMNIT DEAD-STROKE POWER HAliliEß.—The undersigned having be come sole assignees and manufacturers to tae State of P,nnsylvanis or the above hammer. are pr.-pared to furnish them at short notice and on reasonable terms. All ammunicalions from parties requiring hammers for use in Pennsylvania oust bn address'd to MERRICK & SONS, 4.71 Washington avenue Philadelphia. Circulars containing full information will be for warded on application. ie9-im LUTES & HOFF3LAN. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, my2-ti3l No. 212 PEAR Street. Residence; 606 Dickerson street. 1005 Taylor street. Every description of Jobbing promptly attended to, C. KNIGHT & Co., GROCERS, Ls' Cor. WATER and CHTSTNOT streets, Phil adelphis. Agents for the sale of the Products of the Southwark. Sugsr Refinery and the Grocers' ISttgla House, of Philadelphia. lANZEB A. WRIGHT. THORNTON PIES.. CELEICHNT A GILIECON. THT.ODOGH WRIGHT. lITA-NN. k NYALL. pirrrsit WRIGHT & SONS, Imputes of Earthenware, and Shipping sad Commission Merchants, Ils WALNUT Street, PhiladelPhlai "DENNENLVANLi WORKS.—ON THE DELA .L WARE river. below PHILADELPHIA, CHESTER. Delaware county. Pa. EI:CANEY, SON & CO Engineers and Iron Boat builders, Bianufactrutis of A kinds of ODNDENSING AND NONCONDENSING GI, Inn Vessels of all descripti N o M ns Boilers . Vats, Tanks, Propellers. &e.,&C. . BEANET, W. B. REANE, a ARCM:BOLD, Late of •jate • Heaney. Neafe & Co., Engineer in Chief, Penn Works. Phila.. U. S. Navy. T. VAUGHAN MERRICK, WIC H.1513.8.R1C0L .3170. E. COPE. O.OIJTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AMO WASH INGTON STREETS. PnurnentyarA. MERRICK & SONE!. . ENGINEERS. AND MACHINISTS. bianuillcture High and Low Pressure Steam . Engines for Land, River and Marine Service. ; Boilers Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, &c, Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. - Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Worlishops and Railroad Stations, &c. ‘ Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest' and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation. machinery; and Sugar. Saw and , Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defanators, Filters, Pumping En gines, &c. Sole Agents for N. Billeux's Patent Sugar Boling Apparatus, Nesrayth's Patent Steam Kammer and Aspinwall & Woolsefs Patent Cestrifugal Sugar praining eiAB FIXTETRE3.—M3BBEY, MEREUL a. THAOKARL NO. 718 CHESTNUT street, Manufacturers of Gm Fixtures, Lamps, , dtc„ would, call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendant& Brackets anted They •saso introduce Gas pipes into Dwelling; and Public Buildings, and attend to extend. bag altering and repairing Gas Wpm. - All work'ranted. aSO PHILADELPHIA. /LIMING SCHOOL,- L'I3.TH street, above Vine, will reopen for the Fail and Winter Beason on MONDAY, Sept. Stalk Ladies and gentlemen desiring to acquire a therm:4o knowledge of this moomplishment, will find Evan facility at this school. The horses are safe and well 4_l:lined, to that the moat timid need not fear. Saddle horses trained in the heat manner. Saddle lemma, homes and vehicles to hire. Abso carriages fOr font{ nil, to ears, steamboats, lieu = TKOS. MAIM: & 130 Ne • RIVY WELLEL—GWEEIMI OF PROPERTY. • I.only place to get Privy Wells ' , Cleansed and Diidit• tented, at very low Picts. A .PEYE L S° /q _ • bianntaaturer of Pondrette, Goldsmith's Hall. Library , street • STONY() mAituKs. MARTIN -LEANS, NO. 4U2 CILESTN.IIT • r f\' - . sTR,KET. - , „A, , First premium awarded tty Franklin Intl 'N , •:,,ii r toter° DIA.RTIN - LEANS, litanaracturer 0 4r- MASOZ IC MARKS, • 11 - BS. EMBLEMS, &a., &O. . ~ New' and original desig. na..or Masonlo Marks, Tem plays'' Medals, Aziny Medals' and Corps tth :Badges o every deseription:z , ' - ' ' - ',f,s,Smi 61111 DZ. IHI TILE OuURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR .1 We:. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL. , PUCKLEWA RTZ' vs. MARY PUG; ELEWARTZ —June Term, 1860; o. 1.7.—1 n Divorce. MADAM: Please notice that depositions of witnesses on the pait of the Libellat,t_itt_ above case will be taken befOre JOHN A. WOLI3 FRI', Esq., Examiner, on the 19th day 01 June, All). 1866, at 10 o'cloce. A. M., atads 05ice,12.1 SouthSoventh street in the city of Poilodel!, phia, where son may attend 11 you - think proper." lieSpeettUny Yours, • . . ,• _ • at-StItGE IL EARLE,AC.'y for Libellant.. • je1.15t 2 . To Manx PUOKLEWARTZ, Respondent IN THE .ORPHANS' (SPIRT FOR THE Orr X AND COUNTY' OF PHILALELPHIA.- - Fittate of RICHARD - WETHERILL, In, The Auditor ap-' pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the ao count of Clinton Anderson and ittraily Wetberill, Ex ecutors of Richard Wetherill,7Sr.; deceas , d; and to report distribution of the Balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the Purposes of .bis appointm enAßM. TUESDAY, June l9th. ises. $t elevtn-o'cleck at No. 217 South THIRD street, in the city of Philadelphia. - tr..HENRY zzonitts. Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOP. THE CITY AND J. COUr% TY OF PHILADELPHIA —Estate of EL -I.EN J. RICH:ARDS, dec'd. The Auditorappeinted by the Cnurt to audit, settle en? adjust the account of. CD AELVS W. WINE. Executer of the last Will and. Testament of ELLEN S. iiII'HARDS, deceased and to report distribution of thehalance Intl:ahem% of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the pm poses of his appointment, en MONDAY ,_June 18th. 3866 at 4 O'clock P. M., at hts Office, No. 428 wmagirr street, in the City of Philadelphia ___ jee-w,fntsti .1. ATNTIN SPENCERiAnniter• • IN THE ORPHANS' COVET FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.--Estate of TUBE MCCANN-The Auditor appohsted by the Court to audit, settle and ' , Nast the account - of Ches. 'McKeon e, Executor of the Eatate of John McCann. deceased. and to report distribution of the Balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties in terested for the purposes of his appointment. on 'WEDNESDAY, Ruse 2nth. A. D. 1866 .. at It o'clock A. N.., at Office era'. 11-COLLAHAN, No. 524 Walnut street, in the city of. Philadelphia.:. • "jes4m,w 5t4 TN HE ORPHANEP COURT 'FOR THE CITY IN' Als D COUNTY OR THILADELPHIA.„- , Estate of JOHN M. „ZOLL, deceased.—The Auditor ap poit3ted by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account, of George J. Link and. Edward_ Zoll, istrators of the Estate of s aid decedent, and, to report distribution of the balance in" the hands of the ac• countant. will 'meet the - parties interested for the pur poses of his appointor' nt, on FRIDAY, the 29. d day ofJun P. P 66, at 11 o'clock A. M.,at his office, No. 213 South Sixth street, in the city_ of Philadelphia. - , PIERCE ARCHEIt, JR.; Auditor." ANDN THE OB.PB AXE' COURT PHILADELPHIA:— CITY MITI/7TV OF PHILADELPHI.-- Fstate of EDWARD KELLY.deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit.- settle and adjust the account (tiled by Emily A. McCormickezecutrix of Thomas B. McCormick.. deceased). of Thomas B. McCormick; executor .of the estate ofEdward Kelly, deceased, and ' to -report aistribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for tbe purposes of his appointment. on TUESDAY. . June, 18th,1866. at 11 o'clock. A. M . at office of I. B. coLLAHic, 524 Walnut street. in the city of PhDs- deli - Ma. THOMAS COCHRAN; je134,m,w,5q Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TEEcrrir AND COUNTY OF PHILADRLPHIA.. Ristate of SABAH. W. TWKLLS, decesled. The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the arcs un' of GIIETAVLT 3 ENGLISH and Wlti. - EATCH WISTER, Executors of tbs last will of the said ' de. ceOcrt, and to report dt tribut ion of the balahee in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties in tetestrd for the purposes of his appointment, on . Jure2l OVA, at 11 o'clock A. M., at his office No 213 South Sixth street. in the City of Hails delphiaLEWlS C. CASSIty, jes fm.w,st* -Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND IN CODIVILT OF PHILADELPHIA —Estate oLTOHN cCANLES, deceeried.—The auditor appointed br the Court to audit. settle and adjusttheaccount of HiTZTRY D. 3ICORE and GEO'Fr GE P. McLEA.ri, Executors of the last will of the said decedent, and , to report distri bution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the rarties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on .WEDNESDA . June 20. 1866; at 11 o'clock, A. IL. at his office, No. 213 South Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. jes.r.m w.5t4 LEWIS C. C.ASSMY, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TH_ROLTY AND IN COUNTY OF FETID ADEL PHDL—Estate of GEO. F. WO?. BATH, deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. setle and adjust the account of B ENREF.TTA W, WOURATH. ANDREW R. WOll - FREDERICK' X. W 011 RA. PH. , and . WAN GAUL. Executurs ofGEoRGE F. WOHRATH, deceased. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties in terested ftwr the purposes ofbis appointmento_n MON- D .Y. tbe I Stb of June. 1866 at 11 o'clock 2.. M.. at his Office. No. 131 South FIFTH street . inthe CRY of Phila. de' pbia. A. S. LETCHWORTH, je9 s.m.wst* Auditor. • :ESTATE. OF NV ILLI.A.M. T. ILA.LLOWELL, dtc'd.—Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Said dived ent having been granted To the nndersignedby the Register of Willsfor the city and county of Philadelphia, mentpersanns o those to said estatewill please resen make pay , de having claims will pt thesame, without delay, to _ bI,MIIEL S. SCATIMMOD, Executor, In booth Delaware avenue, =North Broad street, Or his Attorney. CILA.B.LES M. WAGNER, 341 North Sixth street. jes f rn.w.St* Phila., 7unes, MG rtOENTY PHIL.SDELv ELS., ss. I-, I certify, that an Orphans' Court, for the -County aforesaid, 11-1 d at Philadelphiaon the first da.vef.ltine, A. D one thousand eight bundren and sixty-six, before the Honorable Josenb Allison, President, and his As sociate Justices of said Court. • In the waiter of the Estate of BERNARD TROD. DE It, d encased. stir proceedings in partition. The St eriff and Jury of Inque.t baying made return that the premises in said procec-dings described could not he parted without prejudice •,t,o or spoiling the whole, and therefore valued the same at tue sum of Twenty-two Hundred Dollars. On motion of J. P.. O'Neill, Esq., the Court approved the fiaid return, and grantea a rule on the heirs .nd parties interested in the said Estate to appear at our Orphans' Court, to be held on the 'twenty-ninth day of June, A. D. 1866, to accept or rensethe s.ald premises at the said 1: =stiffs, Or show cause why the same 511 .uld not be soldotc. - _ Witsefs June,d and seal of the sai Court, this Fifth sy - ot A. D. one thousand eight hundred sad sixty jeer w,Sto TAMEHON 'VS. JAEI-ON—C. Se, t. Term, 1865, N 0-37, June ~ Has ule on Defendant to show cause wby a Divorce, A. V M., should not be decreed. Rule returnable. Saturday, June 23, MSG.—Sim :—Please take not , ce of the above rale. Very Respectftuly Yours, T. CARROLL 13 REWSTER, pro 1,113.1.1 ant. To Jas. S. 3 amesou. Esq., Respondent. jell-m,w,4t* ESTATE OP ROBERT ADAM ROBERTSON, DE: CRASED.—Letters testamentary upon the Estate of ROBERT ADAM ROBERTSON, deceased, having been grar ttd to the subscriber. all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims, to present them to DAVID PORREHT ROBERTSON. Bowery. New York, •Recutor: or his Attorney, THOMAS J. DIES b, Mu Walnut street, Philadelphia. my23-tv6tl MI-TATE OF PHFUE FRIO deceased.—LET TEßs OF ADMINICTRATION to the said Estate having been granted to theamdersigned, all persons Indebted are requested to mese Immediate payment, and those having claims to present them to CHAS. D. ITCHITT, 6dEnimstrator.lsl4 Stiles street Phila delphia. my9-w-rat PROPOSALS. TI.I.PARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, Office B. W. ill corner WALNIJT and FIFTH Streets, PiEtheirmin- Para, June 11th. 1866. NOTICE TO COI TRACTORS. SEALED PROPOS.% T S will be received at the Offirie of the Chief Commissioner of Highways tinting o'clock: M.. on MONDAY, lath tint, for the construction of the following Fe.W. rs, to be built of brick. circular to . form, and with a clear inside diameterof two feet six _ inches viz: Jefferson . On street, between Thirteenth street and west curb line of Ontario street. • On Rhoads street. between 'Nineteenth street and west curb line of Eighteenth street. On Alder street, between Poplar street and - south curb line of Girard avenue. On Market street, between Forty-first and 'Wyoming streets. With such inlets and man holes as may be directed 153 the Chiet Engineer and Surveyor. Thennderstand leg to be that the contractor shad l ‘ take bills prepared against the property fronting on. said sewer reach amoun. of one dollarrind twentydive - cents fo lineal foot oftrent on each sideof the street as so much ( ash pr id, the balance to be paid by the city All bid ders are incited to be present at the time and place of opening the said propose's. Each proposal will be ac companied by a certificate that a bond has been filed in the Law Department. as directed by Ordinance of May :5; MA. if the lowestbidder than not - execute a contract within five days efts( the work is awanied,he will be deemed w deedning and wilt be held liab.e on his bond for the dill. rence between his bid and the next higher bid. Specifications may be had, at the De partment oftittrveys, which will be strictly' adhered to. W. 'W. SUET) (XV; Chief Commissioner of Highways. ,WTOTIC.E.— . .EALED PROPOSALS, endorsed " Pro posals fur furnishing the Public Schools-with Schuh lkill Ccaljt- will be received by the undersikned, from mine's and shippers only, pnrsnankto ordinance of Ceunclls, at the roArollers' Office. S. B. corner of SIXTH and ADELPHI• streets, until - -MONDAY, June 10th, Is6tl, at 11 o'clock. The proposals must -include the storage of the Coal - _ d. i_Nloth District—Comprising the : Twenty-fourth an Twenty-seventh Wards. • - - - There will be, two sizes required -Egg and Stove, and 'the ton to be 2240 pounds.„ - ' Bach and e ton of said coatshall be weighed at the place of delivery, in the_ pretence of-a nroper-per s. n. to be del used by each sectional Board as weigher, ,(subject to the appr,,val of the Presideut of this Board) ,Who shall keep en accurate account of each loAd of coal delivered. Its billght as ascertaine col , * rect. ecales. And no shalt be approve-I {orsuch cc al nnlPtli an affidavit of the weigher shall accom pany such bill,se bug forth by what contractor the coal was Otityrred. the date of delivery of each load, the number of tons,'And the quantity of coal delivered;and whether weighed at the place of delivery. By Geer of the Committee on Supplies. • -jel2-2ti - EL W. TIALLINVEL,L, Secretary. ' EDVOATION. %VIA rAls. mew...m.o3N „WES. ABBOTT'S 1. 4.IIIIIIIWARY POS. TOTING LADLES. will com mence on _Wednesday, September IS - tb, , has. residence, corner of P.opinr . and Sixtetmtir streets, Itszwarsrmert :_—Rec. G. Malan - Bars, D. Bev. Therese Brainerd, D, L. W. R 4 Allen. req .up-....i.ignt or (41vinil nniirsra -1.31 0 • . sox :IMM ~f,ltilrlesa Bazar Cane Byrixp r , bandrara. article, for sale by JOB, B. BUBBLER .iko9,,„ tea Bouth Delaware avenue ALFRED J. FORTIN. Pro Clerk - ofOrpbans' Court