MINIM CONGRESS-FIRST SESSION [CLOSE OF ICESTERDA.VS PROCEEDINGS.] SENATE.—Mr. Conness (Cal.), from the Committee on Post-offices and Post-roads, reported a joint resolution releasing the Pa cific Mail Steamship Company, from that part of their contract compelling them to touch at Honolulu. Ordered to be printed, Mr. Edmunds (Vt.), from the Committee on. Commerce, called up an act further to provide for the safety of the lives of passen gers on board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam, to regulate the salaritlQi of steamboat inspectors, and for other pur poses. As amended by the Senate it provides: SECTION 1. That if any engineer or pilot, licensed in pursuance of law by any inspec tor or boazd of inspectors, shall, to the hin drance of commerce, wrongfully or unrea sonably refuse to serve as such on any steam vessel, as authorized by the terms of his license, or shall fail to deliver to the ap plicant for such services at the time of such refusal, if the same - shall be demanded, a statement in writing signed by such engi neer or pilot of the reasons therefor; or if any pilot shall refuse to admit into the pilot house with him any person or persons whom the captain or owners of any steam- boat may desire to place there for the pur pose of acquiring the knowledge of piloting, he shall forfeit and pay to the party_ aggrieved thereby the sum of three hundred dollars, to be recovered in an action of debt founded on. this statute, and thereupon on such recovery; as well as on such refusal to give such statement in writing, or to admit such persons into the pilot-house as afore said, his license shall be immediately re voked upon the same proceedings as are provided, by law in other cases of the revo cation of such license. Sm. 2. That when boilers are so arranged on a steamer that there is employed a water connecting pipe, through which water may pass from one boiler to another, there shall also be provided a similar steam connection having an area of opening into each boiler of at least one square inch to every two square feet of effective heating surface con tained in any one of the boilers so connected half the flue and all other surfaces being computed as • effective; and no boiler shall hereafter be allowed, under the rule now established by law, a greater working pres sure than pne hundred and twenty pounds to the square inch. SEC. 3. That one or more additional safety valves of such dimensions and arrange ment-as shall be prescribed by the board of supervisory inspectors, shall be placed on the boilers of every steamer, and shall be loaded to pressure, not exceeding two pounds above the working steam pressure allowed, and shall be secured by the in spector against the interference of all per sons, engaged in the management of the vessel or her machinery, and the alloyed metals, now required by law to be placed in or upon the flues of boilers, shall be fusible as now 'required by law, and at a tempera ture not exceeding four hundred and forty five degrees of the Fahrenheit thermometer, and a good and reliable water gauge and fullset of gauge-cocks shall be provided for each boiler, whether cemented or other wise. SEC. 4. That no steamboat-boiler here after built,to which the heat is applied to the outside of the shell, shall be constructed of plates of more than three-tenths of an inch in thickness, the ends or heads of the boiler only excepted. And every steam boat boiler hereafter built,. if em ployed on rivers flowing into the Gulf of Mexioo, or their tributaries, shall have not less than three inches of clear space for water between and around its internal fines. And steamers hereafter built, which shall employ four or more boilers, set in a battery, shall have the same divided in such a manner that on s-hal f. as nearly as may be. of the number of boilers employed, will act independently of the other half, so far as relates to the water connection, but the steam from all the boilers may be connected as provided by this act. SEC. 5. That cotton, hemp, hay, straw, or other easily ignitible commodity, shall not be carried on the decks or guards of any steamer carrying passengers, except on ferry-boats crossing rivers, and then only on the sterns of such boats, unless the same shall be protected by a complete and suit able covering of canvas or other proper ma terial, to prevent ignition from sparks, un der a penalty of one hundred dollars for each offence; nor shall coal oil or crude pe• troleum be hereafter carried on such steam ers, except on the decks or guards thereof, or in open holds where a free circulation of air is secured, and at such distance from the furnaces or tires as may be prescribed by any supervisor, inspector, or any local board of inspectors. SEC. 6. That barges carrying passengers while in tow of a steamer shall be subject to the provisions of the acts for the preserva tion of the lives of passengers, so far as re lates to fire-buckets, axes and life-preserv ers. For a violation of this section the penalty shall be one hundred dollars. SEC. 7. That steamers used as freight boats shall be subject to the sameinspection and requirements as provided for ferry, tug and canal boats, by an act relating to steam boats, approved the Bth day of June, 1861, and to the provisions of this act. Sac. 8. That if any person connected as a member or otherwise with the association of steamboat pilots, engineers, masters or owners, shall accept or attempt to exercise the functions of the office of steamboat in spector, it shall be a mir.demeanor for which he shall forfeit his office and shall be fur ther subjected to a penalty of live hundred dollars. SEC. 9. That all vessels navigating the bays, inlets, rivers, harbors and other wa ters of the United States, except vessels sub ject to the jurisdiction of a foreign power, . and engaged in foreign trade, and not owned in whole or in part by a citizen of the United States, shall be subject to the navi gation laws of the United States; and all Teasels propelled in whole or in part by steam, and navigating as aforesaid, shall also be.snbject to all rules and regulations consistent therewith, established for the government of steam vessels in passing, as provided in the twenty-ninth section of an act relating to steam vessels, approved the thirtieth day of August, 1865; and every sea by made goin steam vessel thus subect; or here a subject to the naviga j tion laws of the United States, and to the rules and reg ulations aforesaid, shall, when under way, except upon the high seas, be under the control and direction of pilots licensed by the Inspector of steam vessels; vessels of other countries and public vessels of the United States only excepted. BEO.IO. That all sea-going vessels carry ing passengers, and those naviatin any of the Northern and Northwestern lak g es, shall have the life-boats required by law provided with suitable boat-disengaging apparatus so arranged as to allow such boats to be safely launched with their complements of passengers while such vessels are under speed or otherwise, and so as to allow such asengaging apparatus to be operated by one person disengaging both ends of the boat simultaneously from the tackles by which it may be lowered to the water. Sac. 11. That the provisionfor a foremast head light for steamships, in an act entitled "An act fixing certain rules and regulations for preventing collisions on the water," ap proved the 29th day of April, 1864, shall not be construed to apply to other than ocean going steamers and steamers carrying sail. tk , All coasti g steamers, and those navigating , bays lak s or other inland waters, other than ferry oats, shall carry the red and green lights; as prescribed for ocean going steamers; and, in addition thereto, a central range of two white lights, the after light being carried at an elevation of at least fif teen feet above the light at the head of the vessel, the headlight to be so constructed as to show a good light through twenty points of the.oompass, namely, from right ahead u two points abaft the beam on either side of the vessel, and the after light to show all around the horizon. SEars. 12 and 13 define the salaries of local inspectors in the different districts, SE°. 14. Thit supervising and local and assiiitantinspectors of steamboats shall exe cute proper bonds, in such form and upon such conditions as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, and subject to his approval, conditioned for the faithful per formance of the duties of their respective offices, and the payinent, in the manner prescribed by law, of all moneys that may 1* received by them. The bill as amended was passed. It goes back to the House for concurrence in amendments. " At one o'clock the bill making appropria tions for the legislative, executive and judi cial expenses of the Government for the year ending June 30th, 1867, was taken up. It is a bill of fifty-one pages, and provides for the salaries of officers in the different departments. - - On the question of adopting and amend ment placing one hundred and sixty thou- sand dollars at the disposal of the Secretary of the Treasury to increase, at his discre tion,. tbe compensation of clerks of his de partment— Mr. Wilson (Mass:) said he was opposed to giving such discretion to any man, and especially-to the present Secretary of the Treasury. It would give that officer too much control over the men In his depart ment. ' • Mr. Fessenden (Me.) said that the politi cal course of the Secretary of the Treasury had not been -very agreeable, perhaps, to Mr. Wilson ' and perhaps not to, great many other Senators, but - 'he-knew the Se cretary to be 'a faithful and competent pub lic officer. The policy of the proposed amendment had been inaugurated under Mr. Chase, and continued ever since. Mr. Hendricks . (lnd.) said there was noth ing in the recordd of the Secretary of the -Treasury to warrant Mr. Wilson's expres sion of want of confidence in him. He be lieved him to be a faithful and capable offi cer. As a citizen of Indiana he was proud of him. Political differences ought not to be allowed to prejudice the minds of Sena tors in such a matter. After some debate, in which Messrs. Howe, Trumbull and Howard took part, Mr. Wilson said, in reply to the remarks of Mr. Hendricks, that he had no desire to cast imputations upon the Secretary of the Treasury, but it was well known that he (the Secretary) had done a great many things which the mass of thepeople through out the country do not approve. He had appointed men to office without requiring the oath prescribed by law. There were great complaints against him for his course in selling gold. He (Dir. Wilson) had re ' ceived a letter from an eminent_ merchant of New York on this subject. It was very well known that when others were in favor of coming down and recognizing the exist ence of Congress, he came out defiantly sod boldly in a speech which he (Mr. Wilson) would not undertake to characterize. He had gone beyond - the President himself in maintaining a lgoliey that ninety-nine of every hundred citizens were opposed to. Mr. Fessenden said it was in bad taste for men to turn questions of business into po litical attacks.,He [Mr. Fessenden] did not agree with the S s ecretaryin his speech, and thought the speech was in bad taste. He believed it showed nothing so much as that the Secretary was not in thehabit of making speeches, and hardly knew just where he was going when he commenced. Mr. Grimes (Iowa) said it was a prepared speech. He [Mr. Grimes] was there and heard it, and noticed that the Secretary re called several sentences and repeated them, just as men do when they are delivering prepared sip:Kw-hos. Mr. Fessenden said he sometimes recalled sentences, yet he never - made prepared speeches. It only showed the jaundiced eye with which Mr. Grimes viewed everything done by the Secretary of the Treasury. It was true the Secretary endorsed the Presi dent's policy, and he [Mr. Fessenden] did not. He was sure, however, of the honest intentions and capability of the Secretary. As to the pending amendment,if it was a bad principle be [Mr. Fessenden] was more re sponsible for it than any other man. Mr. Grimes said he did not see the pro priety of talking of the bad taste of assail ing absent men. Did not the Secretary of the Treasury assail Congress in its absence on the evening of his serenade speech? He bad good reason for refusing to give the discretionary power asked for by the Sec retary, and it was well known what they were. Mr. Grimes then reviewed certain acts of Mr. McCulloch—the appointment of men who could not take the oath, the sales of gold, dr.c. Mr. Conness (Cal.) in the course of a few remarks, characterized the persons who re cently serenaded the Cabinet as wandering minstrels, political scrubs, political fungi, miserable dependents, (kc. Mr. Sherman (Ohio) explained the causes which induced the Committee on Finance to report the pending amendment. The amendment was agreed to by the fol lowing vote: TSCAB.—Mesers. Anthony, Connesa Davis, Doolittle, Fessenden, Foster, Gutbrie, Harris, Hendricks, John eon, Id organ, Norton, Riddle. Sfalsbury, Sherman, Van W inkle, Williams, Yates-18. NAYS. - ISlesars. Chandler, Creels. Creswell, Ed munds, Grimes, Howard, Howe. Kirkwood, Lane (Ind.)..eiye, Poland, Ramsey,SPragae. Stewart. Tram. bull Wade, Wilson-17. The amendment agreed to is in the fol lowing language : - For compensation of temporary clerks in the Treasury Department, and for addi tional compensation to officers-and clerks in the same department, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars; Provided, That the temporary clerks herein provided for may be classified according to the character of their services, and that the Secretary of the Treasury may award such additional com pensation as may be in his judgment just, and may be required by the public service; and so much of the act making appropria tions for the legislative, executive, andjudi °lel expenses of the Government, approved March, 1865, as forbids the Secretary of the Treasury to award any such additional compensation after the first day of July, 1866, is hereby repealed; Provided further, That out of the appropriation of two hun dred and ftity thousand dollars made by the said act for the compensation to temporary clerks in the Treasury Department, and fir additional compensation to clerks in the same department,there shall be paid to each person therein appointed by the Sectarp 1 ,7 as a clerk or counter, who shall have a ed in such capacity for one year previo to the passage of this act, and whoa pay amounts to less than one thousand do lars per annum,the sum of one hundred dollars Mr. Johnson (Md.) submitted a petition from importing merchants of the city of Baltimore, praying for the exemption of in ternal taxation levied upon sales of whole sale brokers in case where a tax has already been paid by wholesale dealers as. such. The petition shows the custom in the prin cipal importing cities, especially among importers of coffee, sugar, dm., of employ ing commercial brokers, who pay a license fee. Thus two taxes are levied upon what is essentially one business operation. It is signed by F. W. Benne & Sons, Sterling & Shrews, H. H. Whitridge, Fisher, Brother & Co., Thomas Peine, Stewart it Reid, Jos. C. Yates & Co., and W. H. Perot. Referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Doolittle (Wis.) offered a resolution callir!g upon the President for any informa tion in his possession relative to the depart ure of Austrian troops for Mexico,and asked its immediate consideration, Mr. Feisenden (Me.) objected and the re solution goes over. The consideration of the appropriation bill was resumed. EVENING. IN-i-t.::::'-.F.H1 TELE DAIL _ The Committee of Finance recommended the striking out of the provision the follow ing clanse : . "For necessary expenses in carrying into effect the several acts of Congress authoriz ing loans and the issue of treasury notes, two millions ofdollars: Provided,Tbat no far ther expenditures shall be made for the ex perimental system of hydrostatic printing by the Treasury Department, until such ex periments shall have been definitely au thorized by law and a distinct appropria tion made therefor." The amendment was agreed to. The committee on the disagreeing votes on'thejoint resolution relative to appoint ments at West Point, made a report, which was agreed to. Pending the consideration of the appro priation bill, the senate adjourned. HOUSE.—Mr. Niblack (Ind.) presented the memorial and resolution of the General Assembly of Florida releative to a direct tax. Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. ' Mr. Longyear asked and obtained unani mous consent for the Committee on Public Lands to report a Senate bill to extend the time for the reversion to, the United StateQ of the Janda granted by Congress to aid in the construction of a railroad from Amboy, by Hillsdale and Lansing, to some point on or near Traverse Bay, in the State of Michigan. Mr. Driggs thereupon reported the same, with a substitute. which extends the 'time for seven years. Mr. Ferry opposed the substitute. . The substitute was adopted, and the bill, as amended, passed. _ 34r. McCullough, from • the Cominittee on the District of Columbia, reported a bill to authorize the extension, construction and use by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company of a railroadifrom between Knox ville and the Monocacy Junction into and within the District of Columbia. After some debate by Mr. McCullough, Francis Thomas, Schenck, Le Blond, Gar field and Randall (Pa.), the bill was read three times and passed. Mr. Schenck (Ohio), from the Conference Committee on the joint resolution relative to appointments to the Military Academy, made a report, which was agreed to, and then, at 4 o'clock, the House adjourned. 1 4 .0TICE. —A n Adjourned Meeting of the tFty Stockholdcrs of the SUGAR t DESK OIL CO if PANT, will be held on MONDAY, Jane 18th, 1&36, at Li o'clock A. M., at No. 217 booth THIRD street. Ilectiou for Seven Directors to Beige fur ensuing year. Polls open at 11A. M. and closest 2P. M. S. HENRY .NORRB, jell-ID,w.f3tj Secrrtary, CHESAPEAKE AND DELAWARE CANAL COMPANY. DIVIDaND NO 110 E. AL gaeral 'Leo ting of the Stock and Loanholders of toi., Company held on the 4th idtt., a Dividend of THE SS: PEE CENT. OS tin per share) on the Capital Stock of the Company was declared, clear of United states Tax, paya^le on demand. H. V. LESLEY. Je.B-6tl Secretary. PRELARELPHIA JUNE:I, 1866.—tJAUTION AU persons are forbid negotiating the following Stock: .Nos. L 199,1.1115 and 1, 0. of the CLINTON COAL AND Ittt N CJMPANY; No. 24-1, of the Vii MANGO O.L COMPANY: Nos. SS: and 743, of the t ONNECTICUT MINING CO.: Nos. So and 91, of the S fo H w ß oh DA n N r O dS C har es of T t E eCOTTER ,FARM re OIL CO. Stock, No. 595, in my name, as the same we:" stolen from me on the evening of May 31, IMft—re. LFue of the said Stock Laving been allotted rn r je2,l3L* WILLIAM REIMS. 10. NOTICE—The undersigned Corporator named In the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to incorporate the Pen usylvarda Canal Company," ap pros , e d the drat uay of May, A. D. 1804, will open book and receive subscriptions to the capital stock, of safe company at the places and times fbilowing: PHILADELPHIA, at Boom No. 23, Merchants' Exchange, at 10 o'clock A. AL, on the 26th day of June, MS._ EtAhIus.BURGI, at tke Lochlel House, at 10 o'cloct A. 35.. on the 10th day 0fJ01y,1968. /11.1.31TLNODON, at the 3iorrLson H0u.90, at h o'clock A. 31.. on the 19th day of July. 1808. L. T. Watson, Alex. at. Lloyd, John A. Lemon. David Blatt', Geo. R. Roberts, James Barra. F. F. Wireman, W. J. Howard, John Lingafelt John Scott, R. B. Wig ton. James earth:ter. John IL Swope, J. J. Patterson, . I Wm. Davis. Jr. mytjellei BETUPUBLAVATIONft. 413 CARLTON. PUBLISHIIR, Broadway, New York. THE MUTE SINGER. Abrfillant and fascinating new novel by Mrs. Anna Cora Riuhe (Mount°, author of "airy Fingers, etc ►►► One of the most popular novels of the season, as it is one of the most charming. Price $1 7s. PULPIT PUN GENCIES. Curious and witty remarks and spicy expressions. emanating from the pulpit. ►►► A book that will create more amusement and laughter than many of the so•cslled humorous works of the day. price el 7s, SATE 3f4RSTONE, Or Heppe Hearts make Happy Homes—a delightful new story, In the "Schonberg Ostia" style. Price ta, 30. Josh Billings, His Comic Book—lllustrated..-..„..4 50 Beyminstre—A splendid new English Game BLrds of theliortb. 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Put up In Polished Walnut Frames. Size, 10x14.:1,7 25. STARTLING MIRACLE— INVISIBLE PHOTO. GRAPHS, 4ln pack for 25 cents. Sent bv mail every where, on receipt of price. Liberal discount tO the trade. Send your orders to G. W. PITCHER, Ps Chestnut street. Philadelphia, jel2,ilt Dealer In Pictures, Frames, Photographs, .o, SPECIAL . NOTICES. NEW BOOKS THIS WEEK. OieJßtTiTtWii:tlier Of tEe Dorchester Nurseries PHEW PICTURES. LADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, J IirSIMMANCE. AP WARE MUTUAL SAMMY INSIHULNOR COMPANY INOORPORATE , M BY THE LEGISLATED= ME PENNSYLVANIA MR. onrunc:s. E. CORNER Talab AND welanirr STREETS PHILADELPHIA. on vEssELMA.RII4IO .DYSURANCIE, CARGO BLD, To all parts of the world. FREIGHT, imstactuircars On Duda, by River, Canal, Lake, arid Land Oarrlagoi to all parts of the Union. INSURA.NCTIIE, MI Merchandise generally, On Stone, Dwelling Homo. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY. November 1, 1885. 1100,000 United Rates 5 per cent. fil_b7,ooo DO no,coo United States per cent, loan, '81.... azaoo eo 200A0.11nneil States 8-10 per ' cent. loan Tr Notes 191,875 06 100,000 StatemoVennaylvanitilfivaPer-Clent. L0an90,56600 MAO State of Pennsylvania 0i Per Cent. 123,000 L0an. city of — PlicaTieilillirSir Per Loan,. ..««.«.«....« ...« . 11 2,33.2 50 20,000 Pennsy lvania Rai lroad ix Per Cent. Bonds 20,000 00 - 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Moil- L gage Six .Per Cent Bonds..---- 48,750 00 25,000 Western , Penna. Railroad Mo Six Per Cent. Bondet.- . 12,750 00 11,000 800 Shares Stock Germ antownirtgage Gas • Company, principal and interest guaranteed ti - j , the City of Pldladel- Phis. 7,150 143 Sha . .... res Stock Tina . AMY 50 Company.. - 1,58000 5,000 100 Shares Stock • -- Railroad Company . 40,000 Deposit with the United States G. vernmentmbject to 10 days call.- . 40,000 00 29,000 State of Tennessee Pive Per Cent. 900 00 170.700 Loana - ailliiisi;TuTiiiiiitaise . first 18, liens on City Moo 00 1.026,200 Par. Market Mine.... 996.550 00 Real Estate. .. e WOO CC - Bills receivable for insurance mad-- 121.013 20 Balances due atAgeacies.—Premiums on ma ripe Policies. Accrued Interest, and othe r' debts due the Company.— . 40,511 44 Scrip and Stock of sundry — ilimusWier and other Companies. 15,133. Estimated value... 2,910 00 Cash in 'Ran 89 Oss/a in Drawer.— 4B Thomas 0. Hand. D 2 : John C.Da . ria, Edmund A. Bonder, JohTheopßhllPenrosene Spalding, n , James Traqualr. Henry C. L &Rat 7r.i James C Band, William C. Ludwig, Joseph R. Beal, George G. Lelper, Hugh Craig. Robert Burton, John A Taylor, THOM 56- 1671):"DI3,416P7esniTe.ilt. Mrwry LYLsrmal, Eeiza74l7. dentnol htslatAlitat 00M.P.S.NY OP NORTH AISKRECIS 1- 1 :4 A VenTE,PIRE AND INLAND TNAIimPOP TATION ENBI7RANGE. T hi 021ce,No. eet. Sta WALNUT street, south WC% ant ct , rd m The Properties of thts Company are well Invested and tarnish an aver shle fund for the ample Ind qmnity of all nil who desire to beprotected by Lasurano s ARINE RIBES taken on Vessels, Rre cute an • CgAr ANDUs. TRANSPORTATION ET ND on Ma chandise_p•er Railroads, Cestsds and Steamboats. hap EIRE RISES on Merchandise m , Furniture and Build. In City and Coun 121103RPORATED IN Mt—CAPITAL, 0500.030 AND PAID LN AND SECURELY LerelgoEllit, TOLAL PROPEDITLIgit $1,700, N o. PERPMMAL CHARMS. Arthur G. Collin, Inanrron lames N. Dickens: Sausnel W. Zonal, S. Norris Wien, John A.B row n , John Mesok armacm Charles Taylor, George L. Ambrose lie, Francis R. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Edward EL Trotter, William Wash, E. S. Clarke, William I. Bowen, Williaza Ourtuabso T. Charlmon Henry. ARTHUR G. COFFM, President, MARL= PLtre. Secretary. PINE ASSOCIATION, Incorporated March :7,1850. t - A OFFICE, No. 34 N. FIFTH street. • In sure BIILLDINO_ HOUSEHOLD FUR NITITRE and SIESCILB.NDISE _genet. ally, from M Loss e by /Ire, Cu the UPy 0 Pelled only.) STATMSLIENT of elp the Ames of the Aawl.utos January 1, 1868. Sonde and MOrtglicet on property in the City of ildlacielpb fa . 17 Groandlteeta.—DlB4B SI Real Estate (Office No 84 North-Fi ft h street) 14,396 13 11. S. Government &20 Bends..--- —...--. 45,003 co 11. S. Treasury 6,840 04 City Warranta— --..------ 646 00 Cosh on hand-- ---------- V. 422 43 T0ta1...—..—...... —......M1,419 10 T —rmacs---, opmunr. W. TRYON 4 PratMeat. v i WM. H. HAMILTON, JOSEPH It. LYN. DA.LL, JOHN SOUDER. LEVI P. COATS, __ PETER A. KEYSER, SAMUEL SPARHAWK, JOHN PHLLBIN. CHARLES P. BOWER, JOHN CARBOW, JESsE LIGHTFOOT, GEORGE L YOUNG, ROBERT 8110FNI AMER, T. BUTLER, Secretary. _ ciotraTy wax MBnlltiTiill9 - 0 - ONPABIre• OFFICE NO. 110 801:1TII FOMrI7:I STSBECT MIELOW CompanyS. "The P!re Insurance of the Counts r.: philadelphla." Incorporated by the Lestisinture o; Pennsylvanht In Ittus, for indemnity avitaat iota a' damage by tiat An tzclusivelv TIER - PhaPlrrtf,ll. This old and reliable institution, with ample cap Iteu. and cantingent thud careftil' y Invested continnce to In. sure building', Garniture, merchandise, An., either pax manently or ibr a limited time against low or dam by tire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absoluts safety tut' Rs customers. Looses adjusted and paid with all possible Maps= DM Wcllki. d i mules J, Better, Edwin L. Reath, Henry Crilly, John Horn, Robert V. Haney, Jr., Joseph Moore, Henry Budd,_ George hfecke. Andrew H. killer James N. Stone. J. BUTTER, President. RICILTAJECII V. HOACKIJOY. Secl , and Treasurer. DIKENLIC INSITRANRIE COMPANY OP PHILA. L DELPHLei. INCORPORATED 1814-lABmat PERPHIIIea. NO. 2.4 WALLNIIT Street, opposite the Ec In addillon toM.ABINEandM.AND LGS I M&CRI i t : i . t n is ut wo any humane from loss or damage by PIER terms, on buildings, merchandise, itraltral, Atc..lbr limited periods, and permanently on Imildinin by deposit of premium by Com brie been in active opus Mon ftor more than SIX which all loam hay. been Promptly adjustedand Paid. lIIRJECTORS. Jahn L. Hodge, David Lewis, N. B, Mahony RerdaMin Ettlnt, John T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powell, William 8. Grant, A. R. McHenry, Robert W. Learning, Edmond Castilian, D. Clark Wharton, samara Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis, J r lords O. Norris. OHN B. OIERRIGt, President. SANT= WiLOOX. Secretary. TEFFERSON FIRE INSTTRANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA.—OFFICE, No. 24 NORTH FIFTH STREET, NEAR MAIIKET,STREET. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylrania, CHARTER Plum:roar,. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, 1160;000. Make Insurance agains t Loanor Damav by Fire or Public ort a Private Build!. Furniture, Stooks. Goods and Merchandise, on Invertible terms, DIRECTORS. George Frederick Doll, August C. Miller, Jacob Schandler, John F. Boisterling, Samuel Miller, Henry Troomner, Edward P. Moyer, William McDaniel, Adam J. Glen, Christopher R. Miller, Israel Peterson, Frederick Steaks, Frederick Ladner Jonaa Bowman, GEORGE JOHN F. BELEM] PHILIP B1:00? EMAN, vißs nimiTanNam 0031:PANY A I: I 9TED leloo-4111.4118TED • ___ ars ew WALPiin MealW AD. above =WI Mau% naLaD_WPIIIA. Having a paid up uaxITAL STOCK and EflUt• PLUS invesaW in mold and available Elecamitiee, oon• Uncle to insure on Dwelling Btor blirat ture, Mee onandlse, Valeala in port, and Dude and othea personal properg% AD iles internny prompt!, mowed aninoscom, 'Pon= &Wm% 1 John T. Lew% John Wea_ , Bainnelo. XOllO3. James R. Conaphorn MO* /Indy, . Etlintusd G. Ihnlith Marley W. Ponlint I Lords. B il. KAMM President. Eleoretoxy. run /UMW 0. L. OBIANITAtz, A AMMAN MUTUAL INSTIBANOS OOMPABT. mi. —Witte Jrartinhar Building. 2 , :k._.A.e_waxairin street. mAm. AND ARD Rieke taken on vessels, caroms and frelghte to all part( of theworld, and on de on , inland transportation os Mel% canals, and other oonveyanas Shmehout the Vatted metes. WILLIAM CRAI Preel, a..... dent PRITHIR cnLLEN ince BOBBERT X MBA Ileoretam G Fnliszo CMS, azilam igir' 7_ 0. ALUM, . Merl, Win. ts. Lowber, Joon Male% Jr., ' S. Johnston Brow!) Egant IL err l ck, M Samuel A. 'talon, . W. Richards, Mason HlM:dna, SI es Dollen - Rs L. Elder, Wm, 1L i B. B rinisOn Shun Mug" ' 111 rpm? PROVIDENT LINZ AND TRUST :cm 1 PANT ' , OP PHILADELPHIA.— Incorporated hi the State of Pennsylvania, al month, Sed late, ENIFITRES lay= Azadwa ms temrazer ON rut poerre Aetr• alu Amilfrrres. a5P1TAL...—....... .........ALSMOI gascrraits . "." Samuel R. Shipley, 'Richard Cadbury, Jeremiah Beater Henry Raines, Joshua H. Morns: T. Wistar Brown,_ Rtcherd Wood . Wm. A. Lonestreth, SAMUEL (Mae. I P Collin. t. SRXPLEY, President. RoWnaRD razor, Actuary. onyxes. ainflY VO.III Santa FOOMtlitilla $56,633 77 ti,253.ea0 MOBS. 'Samuel IL Stokes, I. F. Pentston. Henry Sloan William G. Fioulton, Edward Darlington, Jonee Brooke, Edward Lefonrcede, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Halvelne, X. B. tiemple, Pittsburgh. A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. D T.hiorgan.Pittaborgli. O. HAND, 'resident, ERETY. President. P: 4 =CO; Vice President. Secretary. . - • NE 13, 1866. INSTANCE. 1829 - •*LIRT - E l ' PERPETUAI-k EIR , A.NIK3UM FIRE INSLIRMCE COMPANY PHniAnws.T.'PEciA: Assets on. January 1,1866, 2,425043,85 - 1 .... 944,548 15 [6T. MS Losses Paid Since 1829 Over $5,000.,000., Perpetual and .1 emporary Policies on Liberal Term► DIRECTORS, , Chas. N. Rancher, Edward 0. Dale, Toplaa Wagner, beorge Fales, Samuel Grant, Alfred Filler, Geo. W. Ri chards, Fras. W. Lewis, H. D. 4191 ? Lea ' CRABLR. Pet-er CEEB i F'resident. EDWARD 0. DALE, Vice president. JAB, W. MCA r.r.TRTER. Secretary pro tem. fegtdall GIRARD FIRE AND IiAR . INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, 415 WALNUT snumr. PHILA mum:EA CAPITA', PAID IN, IN CASIL MOM. This company , continues to write en Firs Blahs only , Its capital, with a good sorpitus, is safely invested. '7Ol Losses by fire have been ~ mntoooly paid, and more that Disbursed on this account within the past few years. mai Fo n atr the present the office of this company will m ,15 WALNUT STREET But within 4 a feW months will remove to its OWD BIILLDING. N. R UM. 6/Svlcawrtt. AND CHESTNUT, Then, as now, we shall be happy to insure our patron at such rates as are consistent with safety. THOMAS CRAVEN ALFRED 8. OILLICTT, FURMAN SKF_PPARD, N. S. LAWRENCE, THOS. MAO:CELLAR, CHARL.ES I. DUPONT, JNO. PPLRE HERBY F. 13' onNET JNO. W. climaioßzr, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. SILAS YEEKFS S Tailmsla ß. Cl ALFRED S. GILLETT, V, JAMES B. ALVORD Sect CASH CAPITAL, 8200.000 The United States Accident Insur ance Company, • Of Syracuse, New York, Insures against DEATH FROM EVERY CAUSE, Whether ACCIDENT,CHOLERA orDISEASE of any kind, with weekly comoenvat'on for DISABILITY from Ati:IDENT. COMBINED POLICIES FROM ONE TO FIVE ACCIDENT POLICIES FRONI ONE MONTS TO EN YEA P-S. NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED FOR ACCIDENT INSURANCE. This is the only Company authorized to issue COM BINRI. LIFE and AcCl uEN T POL MIES. In view of the probability of the visitation of the CHOLERA this summer, tnts opportunity of tnsuring agains‘ it for a brief period, at economical rates should command the attention of every one; while the combi nation of A CCID t..tiT risk offered with it enable. those residing in the City, or transacting business here sad returning to the country daily, to guard against every form of DISEASE OR CASUALTY. 'Permits issued tbr travel ter Europe, &c. Active S. Bettors wanted. WM. A. bT.I3PHEND, General Agent, ]ell-1,331 /co. Eca CEEBrA u a Street, Philadelphia. 131813MANCIIC TRA F E RP ISINSYLVANIA. FIRE itiIMTMAMCCIS 00:4 1845—Chatter Perpetual—T.Q EID WALNUT 13Inet was nite Independence &me* This t>usipany, ell k nown to the comstuany au over fluty years, con ues to immure lots or &mattes IV Aire, on Public or Private . -1 Other permanently or ibr a limited time. Also, of truntitureAtocks liberal of Goods and Merchandise Eacerall7 on terms. Their CRW, hi - gather vrllltwars* Burble* Pena tt have:bed in the roost careful meaner, Welch enable them to oder to the !rimed an thuknahiall secetter t the cage oltoq. lIIMMEII. Daniel Smith, Jr ., , John Deserens, Alen:ander Benso n, Thomas Smith, Isaac Haslehurat, Henry Lewis Thomas Robins, J. 0 1 /if ,, Ch ,, Al Pel/. Daniel Haddock_ „Ts. De_lTllia. MUTH, 7r., President. Iltruasit El. Caowsix.s. Secretary F uns nisußA.isram coal:pram. Et o. tO6 CCELESTNUT FICHLA. rinal AND INLAND insuna.ari”. . . • 7tancll N. Back, Ina. W. Ifverfann. Charles,ltlebardsfut. Robert B. Patter. Benry Ina. Remiss, Jr. itsmnel, R. D. Woodruff. P. . Judas, (MA . !Rakes, WO. A. West, Jos. D. =ls. NRILN(DB N. 3131311 Preatdent. UIIAS. saamutnads. Vlas pradairer W. L Rissattmen. Rilitreiar• HAVANA CI.GrALIELS An invoice of genuine HAVANA. CIGARS, frotn medium to very high grades, for sale by the box at moderate prices, by JAMES R. WEBB. Midi WALNUT and ItIGHTIT Streets. A N EXCURSION to the coast, or inland, is not nom .tiplet# without Lemuel Smith's LEMON sua &R. Price 20 cents per can. To be bad of the Grocers. jesSt* LEMUEL SMITH. 115 North Front st. TOTTED YARALQUI TH. BLOATERS, Strasburg J. meats, ham, beef and tongue, essence of anchovies and Anchovy paste for sale at tX)I3STY'S East End grocery, No. 118 South SECOND street. NEW BURLINGTON T7 A MS. Just received and for sale at COOSTY'S East Bid grocery. No. ili South SECOND eireet. NITHEATEN AND HOMINY GRITS real currant V telly, In store and for sale at COISTY'S East End grocery, Na 118 South SECOND street. /11810 ICE TABLE CLARET,-100 cases just received V and for sale at COUSTY'S East Eno grocery, No 118 South SECOND street. SPANISH QUEEN OLIVES by the barrel or gallon, at COUSTI '8 East End grocery, No. 118 bomb SECOND street.. HMKS! H.A-11113 !—J. Stewart's Trenton, Davis's Star Hama. BMWs & Swift's celebrated Cinch,. natl Hams, and J. Bower's City Cured, warranted tc give satisfaction. For sale by M. F. SPLLLIN. N. •W corner Eighth and Arch. OLIVE OIL .— R 4 baskets Latour and other favorite brands of Salad 011,Ibr sale by M. F. WILLEM N. W. corner Arch and Eightn. JAVA COFFEE—Pure Old Government Jima OMNI. for sale by M. F. E3I'LL.LLN, N. W. corner of Arcb and :• th eUveta. fI'I.EABI TEAS 11-100 packages of very choice new 1 crop Green and Blacit t of the late importation. As thette Teas have been bought since the decline In gold we are prepared to flurnish families at greatly reduced prices. For sale by the box. or at retail M. F. SELL LIN. N. W. corner Arch and hth streets. wiwolEta. HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE, DUN -1 1 1 0N% 161 EOM 2 1 A(10 61 1 ~1101,11 AUNT. WrINEB.—The attentlon of the trade la solidi:ea to VT v the followinrel'y choice Wines,_&o., fOr JOSEPH P. DIIPT No. la/ SOUth Matt above Walnut IIf.A.DEMRAI3-01d I&knd a rears old. 13131ERRIIIH—campbell & Co., single, doable and triple Grape, E. Ctruaoe & Bona, Rudolph, /Was, BWS. Grown and B. Valletta. IV2IO/3 Ir —Vallette, Vlnho Vetho Real, Dutton and Rebello Valente &Co Vintages 1855 to Md. Sill OLMINTS-Cruse ,. Blbt Freres and lat.,ll:o3phe Ohs& -—G.• Jourdan, Rrlve it Co. IiIISCIAT—de Pronlagnan. CELMPAGNICS Ernest Irma), _"Golden SUM de Venoge, Her Dialesty and Royal Cabinet and :Wm 15worlte brands, OLD WHISK IES .--500 Cases Pure Old Wheat. Bye, Bourbon and Monongahela Whiskies, for sale by E. P. MIDDLETON, 5 North Front street. • eu,x.ftst uoo. W. Gray, It It 1:11 NV , 24, 22 4 :Hi awl 30 Stiuth Sixth St., Philad'a. Vl4oia Stotk & Nat. Brown Meg, w. `h.:l .4 br rmnilr and Idediointa: INCOMit 808 MIS .310,000. VEN, President, Preadent and Treasurer. ;tau. 1a167.1 FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER;—AI Br. bark EATTILFEN. Williams, master, 490 tons re. Al Br. bark gister JANET. bbis. our. Sam fl my, master, Mt= reels ter and 8,000 bbls. flour. Al Br. bark BALTHASARA., Wilson, master, 20g tons register and 8,500 bbls. flour. A 2 Br. brig IDA, Tbesing, master, 210 tons register and 2,580 bbls. capacity Apply to BDICIFIsM A. SOLIDER dti 00., s Dock street wharf = FOR BOSTON, Mass.—Express Line.—The schooner ELL& L. SAUTE. Captain ! I rrith.isl/ow loading for the above port at Willow street wharf, and will have prompt desp_atch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER, /8 North Wharves. jee WANTED—A Vessel of about 100 M feet Lumber, to oarry timber from Denton, 'Md., to ilmi fin, Dol. Apply to DAVID COOP=„ 18 N. W 'W harves. ap27 seiWANTED TO PURCHASE A good Vessel suitable for Lumber trade: /2.5.000 to 150.000 feet capacity: not over four years old. Apply to E. A. SOUDER CO.. Dock street wharf. jet-et CONSIGNEES' NOTICE.— The bark FREE, F` Gallas, master from Rotterdam, will commence discharging at Pine street wharf. under general order, on 'I hursday, 14th inst., when all goads not per mitted will be sent to the public stores. Consignees will please attend to the receotion of their goods. ALPE° e SE STEP & 137 and 139 South 9'ront street. NOTlM—All„persons are hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the Mecklenburg bark PRET, Y, Gallas, master, from Rotterdam, as debts of their contracting will not be paid by captain or con aignees. . ALPHONSE STEPHAN]. a CO., jell.6t; 137 and 139 South Front street. QTRAMSELLP SAXON, FROM BOSTON.—Oon- Da Witness of merchandise, per above steamer, will please send for their geode, now landing at Pine street WharL (jell•st) HENRY WlNtaas a W► CHIP MERRIMAC, Leckie, roaster. frOna 1.7 pool, Is now discharging under general order at Bbippen street wharf. Consigneee .i%Ei t ease attend to tne reception of their goods. T WRIGHT dc SONS, 115 Walnut street. zu,r2.l tt TAB. B.B.I3INDLIEB, maw= to JOAN 8.111 - NDLBN 'I et BONS, Sall Nslmre, No. POO North DELA.WABN Avenue, Philadelphia. All work done in the bast manner and on tne lowan and moat favorable term, and warranted to sive pm feat Matadi= Yartiralar latent= Elven to repairing'. A GENTLEMAN and LADY can obtain first-class AM. %CARDING, with elegant 2001318, beautlawy located, by applying at 1704 RACE street. Retereams required. • jel2et• 03)!MB BOARDING.— A Boom on the second _ - floor, to accommodate one or two persons, is now vacant at a commodious Farm House degghtftdly situated about one hour's ride Mom the city. Address Box 674 P. O. . jeL2.2l. rrBE HANDSOME RESIDENCE; S. Ir. - corner or A. Spruce and Eighth streets, haa been opened for the recrptionorboarders. Rooms single turd mites. -and With or without private table. - Jo/Arne QUICKER BOAROING.—Ihrst-eless,_elisible'ltooroS ID at O. 8915 LOCUST street.' West t CPANI9/i 7 COev • - —IOOR.SPI-Ttlett A 7 jest received sad for sale by J. B. straws& a OCIL 108 EL DelliWlire AVECCIUS, • A l i t r icEL9. Glit i nti.- 024. 100j= of t o b a r ib roar r l Bart= ilk as De ElOallUirtill SICUPPINtik FOR NEW "YORK. Via Delaware and' Raritan Canal. The Philadelphia and New Tork•Exp • Steamboat Company, Steam Propellens leave DAILY 1 1 4• 1 ?•! FIRST WHARF below MARKET • mak mB e run in 24 HOUR& This Line connects with all Northern and Pas • Transportation Companies. Goods forwarded direct all_posnts free of commission. Freight received at lowest rates. Witt. P, CLYDE . dr. CO,. Agents. 14 South Wharv, Philaaelphhi, JAS. HAND, Agent, 117 Wall street. New york. OM, FOR SAVANNA 11, GA. • ' THE PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTH- Its , MAIL S rE.A.MSEELP CO SIPA NY'ri REGULAR LINE SAILING EVER Y SATURDAY. 'The , new and splendid steamships PIONEER captain P. F. HOXIB TONAWANDA ~.. Captain JaLob Teat Cabin Passage Deck k• The steamship PIONEER. P. F Hoxte commander, will commence receiving freight fo Junebove por eta t, at RACE street- wharf onTitllßSDAYbith,tutd on SA'II3.I3.DAY. June liith, at lo A. M., Shippers are requested to sena Bills of Lading with their good,. The State Boom accommodations or this Steamer are or a superior and commodious character. 'Freight taken for CS A EtLITSTuN, S C., and ihr warded via SAVANNAII with quick despatch. o Bills of Lading signed after vessel leaves the , wharf. S. & J. M. FLANAGAN. 420 broth Delaware avenue. For freight or passage. apply to - Wbf. C. MARIUS. Freight and Passenger agent, - hit 'North Delaware avenue. BUR BOSTON, Site A so:ism. LINEDERECYL. :14049;? ' : FROM /LA CH POBT.EPPR Y PM? DA YB. PROM PINE ST. WHARF. PHrl caRLPECIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship SAXON Captain Zfattbews, sail from Philadelphia on F, idav, June 15, at 10 A. AL The steamship ARMS, CaPteln Boggs, will sail from Boston on Wednesday. June is, at 12 51. The line between Philadelphia and Boston is now oem_posed of the SAXON, Captain Matthews, 800 tons burthen, NORISLAN, Ohtptain Crowell, 1200 tons burthen. ARIES, Captain Boggs, 900 tons barthen. Thew substantial and well ap;ointed will sail punctually as adverllsed, and freight t Ed4ml.l: nj reeeived every day, a steamer being always on the berth to recetve cargo. th Shippers are requested -to send Bills of Lading witwitseir gooda. Pori:relight or passage, apply to HE ~BY WINSOR dr CO., jell 332 South Delaware avenue._ mFOR SAVANNAH, GEORGIA.-Pioneer Line.—A first-class steamship leaves Pler o. Borth liver, New X ore, every SATURDAY for he above port. Cabin passage, 815. Freight 10 cents per foot. 50 c'nts per barrel. boons from Phil adelpt la and other point; received by any tr ansllnnrtation line, and promptly forwarded free ofcommisEion. Apply to LEWIS L. JO. 13 Broadway. New York. JOHN H. ATWOOD, jet-tiyl 5 Walnut street, Pt iladelpbta. Agents in Savannah, Messrs. Bunter & UammelL • asw_vo :et . 02(1, •A 7 •-47+., •*0 • : •is• as .p. _ • The fine steamships of this Line Insure lowest rates and !all regularly from the First Wharf above Market street, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, At Noon. Oonnectirg with Railroads from Richmond, Norfolk and City Point , forming the most direct route fbr the South and Sauthweat. tons, app For holt= to or Passages With excellent accommoda 1 Via. P. CLYDE di 00., 14 North and South Wharves. FOR (. 4 A.LVESMON„ TEXAS. TVN'at3 LINE STEAMSHIPS, STOPPING AT KEY WEST. F L A.. The Al Steamship GENERAL SF.DOWICK, 3. N, sawyer, Commander, Will receive freight at Pier 23 East River (New Tork). and sail with despatch. For freight or passage having-superior amommaoda. bona, aIPIAFto BISHOP. SON & 00., jel-tf N 0.103 Arch street. &YANA STRA DLERS.—SEMI " 'JIONTHLY LINT.—The steamshlm bJw CS HU - De-'ON, Capt. Howes; STARS AND sti RIPES, Capt. Holmes. These steamers will leave thiscort for Havana every other SATURDAY. at H. The steamship STARS AND STRIPES tlaptain Holmes; still leave for Havana on SATURDAY D.F NINO, June 23 at 3 o'clock. Pottage to Havana a5O. 1:3 For height or postage, apply to THOILA.4 WATISON & SONS. Jell 1.0 North Delaware avenue. NEW Ea_pg i.sok LIME TO ALE.*: ANDDLX, _Georgetown and W eaapaske and Delaware Canal, with =nis at Alexandria, Va., firm the moat direct mate for Lynchburg, stol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave First Wharf above market, street, every W and Saturday at L. M. For freight ay to the agent% W. P. CLYDE di 00., J. 14 North Wharves. 13, Davidson, Agent at Georgetown: Eldridse • 00., Agents at Alexandria. FOR NEW YORK.—Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company Despatch and Swig. anre Mee , via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaving daily at 12 M. and 6 P. M., connecting with all Litsi Northern and Easternfflnes. For freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to WM. M. BAIRD & CO, mhl6tf No. 132 South Delaware avenue. h ‘ .. NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. DREA WARE and r,zrzg,4 pitAgi OW-BOAT COMPANY. BARGES towed to and from PECILADEMPHEA; HAVEE-DE-OBACE, BALTIMORE, WASHING-4 TON. and intermediate pointa. WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Agents N 0.14 South Wharves Philadelphia. Captain JOHN .LAllGHLlN.,Supartntendent. FOR SAN FRANC.O6OO. ROBINSON'S CALIFORNIA. MITER SAILING REGULARLY AS ADVERTWA, Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift- Sara Line et reduced ram The splendid Al extreme clipper ship RING FISHER --- Harding, Commander. Is now tatting in the balance of her cargo at Pier 11 East Haver. and having large engage. ments shippers may rely on prompt despatch. For freight, at reasonable rates. apply to _BISHOP. SON & CO, 105 Arch street. BOARDEIG.