BITSEVESS NOTICES. V-itsr v(044 : va]Vzq In partaking of the most delicious and most popular of berries, yon will have to be cautious regard to three things; In the first place, don't consume too =any, (a quart at a time is enough for any moderate paison t ) nor take a drink of ice•water, or cold milk, .2toreediately after them. Secondly, if you wear a moustache, and are partaking of your berries in corm uniny, don't allow a very large quantity of cream to accumulate on the hirsute ornament. Thirdly, be careful not to stain yonr new summer suit, though it seas bought so very cheaply, at Tower Hall Wm Revm .etti•woot /Fancy Cassisnere Pants, as low as; Y eats gf " ;Stacie " Pants " Goth Vests " .Ftency Cassimere Suits, to match, .Blaek Suits, Advancing from theserateswehave goods of aft grades, sap to the very finest fabrics, at prices reduced in propor• son—Men's Youths' and Boys'. TH-OUSANDS mom 3ronzin WiTnits TEE PAST YEW WEEKS, THAT WE ABE ACTUALLY SELLING GOOD, SEBVICEABLE GOODS AT TEE mums NAKED. THE SHIFTING SANDS AND CHANGING STYLES. A skillful pilot, ne'er misled, Notes changes in the river bed; The mighty ship in his control Avoids each quicksand, snag or shoal. Tbe fickle river's shifting Band' Hight cause the noble ship to strand, ; An &careful pilots, when aboard, Should be obeyed in every word. The changing styles will also, too, Cause clothiers frequently to rue 'l hat they do not, like PERRY, note Each change in pants, or vest, or coat. WE ADVERT/SE BEST . ON THE BACKS OF 088 CUS TOMERS. EVERY GARMENT WE SELL IS A FIEsT CLAES RECOMMENDATION. Therein Rea the secret of the long continued and still increasing rush to the "STAB," Chsr stock of READY M.ADE OLOTHIAIG IS IN• MENSE, and from it all can be accurately fitted. Piece goods of every variety ; Cutters of well-known ability, and all who leave their measure are sure to bepleased- PEICES THE LOWEST IN PHILADELPHIA. Call and be satisfied. STAR CLOTHING Em:Foßrum, LOW PRICES AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, 609 CHESTNUT sl'., SIGN OF STAR. PERRY & CO. AIBBECHT, - , VIM =EMS & SCHMIDT, Manuf actin' ers of FIRST-CLASS PIANO-FORTES, Ware Rooms, No. 46 North THIRD street, znyl6-Im,w.Smi Philadelphia. NT SCALEMEYER'S .NEWLY IMPROVED CAES GE ' OVERSTATING PIANOS, ACknOwledged to be the best. London Prize Medal =DNßgliadh Awards in America received. HELLO AND SECOND-AAND PIANOS. aphOWA,III-6111 w arerooms, 7t2 Arch st., below 6th. STEINWAY & SONS' PI aNOS IN I M Are now acknowledged the best in- KM *Warne= in Europe as well ss America. They are used in public and private, by the greatest artists Ming in Europe, by VON BULOW, DREYSCHOCM, LIBZT, JA ELL and others;tn this country by MILLS, MASON, WOLFSOBN, etc. For sale only by BLASWS SEWS., 1.1N6 Chestnut street. EVENING BULLETIN. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1866. Or Persons leaving the city for the sum mer, and wishing to have the EVENMNG Ihrramirf sent to them, will please send their address to the office. 17F,GETARIAN PATRIOTS. Theriis a select class of public men 'who have long claimed position as lead ers of public opinion at the North. Hor .,e/M VrrE'eley and Henry Ward Beecher 'Me perhaps the most prominent types of this class. They are philosophers and philanthropists, shrewd., accuinplished and ismatic. Occupying prominent po sitions of influence, they have come to be counted as the leaders of the people, the apostles of freedom, almost the founders of the new order of things. But their erratic and eccentric sayings and doings during the war have shaken the faith of many in these pet idols of the Pulpit and the Press. Men begin to question whether they really are leaders, or whether, from some superior buoy ancy which nature or circumstance has given them, they have not merely floated uppermost in the great on-going tide of an advancing civilization,pushed forward by the force of growing public sentiment, and not, in reality, form ing or controlling that sentiment. The old apostolic order of developing human thought and principle was to be gin with milk and to go on to strong meat, and this order of progression seems to be the only rational one. But these would-be leaders have reversed the bill of fare, and from the strong meat with which they formerly fed the people they have come down first to a mild vegetable diet, then to milk, and finally to milk and water. Very unlike each other in many respects, 'the one vastly more ro bust, modern and manly than the other, there is a strong tendency to moral vege tarianism in both. Like the kettle in the "Cricket on the. Hearth," "Greeley began it." Starting with that tremen dous "On to Richmond !" of his, which afterwards passed into such a by-word, he dwindled down to an "On to Niagara" policy. His nerves, weakened by his preference for a vegetable over an animal diet, could not stand the shock and din of.the battle. His gushing hu manity was too much for him. _ Step by step he edged out from the front rank of the advancing hosts of freedom. Step by step he lingered and halted and hesitated. And at last we find him, far at the rear, hugging to his bosom that estimable man, Jefferson Davis, and imploring the relentless President to let the poor unfortunate fellow go free. Mr. Greeley's gentle nature, kept tender by his vegetarian habits, melts before the errible sufferings of the dyspeptic prisoner at Fortress Monroe, and he rushes to his relief. Greeley, as well as some others that might be mentioned, has "changed his Israelites." So with Henry Ward Beecher. Hav ing taught his people all manner of warlike lessons; having proclaimed death and destruction to rebels and traitors; having dangled the hang man's noose from his pulpit as play fully as he might toy with the tassels of his pulpit-cuhion; having fed I.IIS flock upon the most substantial meats that the political pulpit can sup ply, down he goes! His brazen trumpet gives place to the dulcet shepherd's pipe. He berates , his people for holding fast to the .doctrines he has so dong taught than. His sturdy advocacy of the North giyes way to a simpering sentimentality 4 00 250 5 00 400 14 00 20 00 BENNETT & 00., TOWER HALL, 518 MARKET STREET. • . for the pouth. He wakes up to the con viction that vegetables and milk and water are better for the rising generation after all, and he wonders and argues and scolds because the strong men of the na tion, who have grown up to the stature of their new liberty and their enlarged civilization, will not go back with him and eat green - herbs in place of whole some meat. The masses of the people have set their faces the other way, and while a few of their teachers may pro claim their new convictions that they have been wrong or crazy all through the war, the effort to make the rank and file of the army of freedom believe it will prove a lamentable failure. PENNSYLVANIA SUMMER TRAVEL. Our advice to persons contemplating travel beyond the lines of Pennsylvania, this summer, is that of Punch to parties contemplating marriage: "Dont." There is so much that is novel and interesting in the State, that the whole summer might be passed in varied and healthful excursion s,without ever passing beyond its limits. Besides, it is a mortifying fact that there are more Philadelphians familiar with New England, New York and the Canadas than there are familiar with the interior of Pennsylvania. The great Central Railroad, traversing the entire State from East to West, will take the traveller to many points of interest. From the fine old city of Lan caster he can make pleasant excursions to Ephrata Mountain Springs, to the quaint old Moravian village of Litiz,and to other interesting localities. He is also within a half hour's ride of Colum bia, on the Susquehanna, which is always beautiful. Harrisburg has good hotels and most picturesque surround ings. From there the tourist may go up the beautiful. Cumberland Valley to Carlisle and Chambersburg, which are historic towns, and in themselves very interesting. Gettysburg is also within easy reach of Harrisburg, and the battle ground, and the national cemetery which Mr. Lincoln dedicated, will make it forever interesting and memorable. At Huntingdon the traveler may di verge to Broad Top, where there is an excellent hotel;"and he may go on to the famous Bedford Springs, which have medicinal qualities and beautiful sur roundings unsurpassed by any watering place in the country. At Altoona and Cresson there are fine hotels, and weeks may be enjoyed there:breathing the pure mountain air, making pleasant excur sions in all directions, fishing, shooting, &c. West of the Alleghenies are many other places worth visiting, especially the great metropolis of western Pennsyl vania, Pittsburgh. The vallies of the Delaware, the Le high and the Schuylkill abound in at tractive places. The Water Gap,Easton, Bethlehem, Mauch Chunk, Pottsville and other places, can all be visited with pleasure and advantage. A new rail road route, by the North Penniylvania road, takes the traveler to the fine and prosperous town of Wilkesbarre, where there is an elegant new hotel,and where _many days could be passed pleasantly, for the beauties of the Wyoming Valley cannot be over-rated. From there it is easy to go to Danville and the prosper ous town of Williamsport, which is in the midst of a lovely country, and has also the advantage of a first-class hotel. All along the West Branch of the Sus quehanna there are attractiveplaces,and the Philadelphia and Erie railroad will then carry the tourist to the great oil re gion, which, of course, every person of leisure will endeavor to visit. Meadville is an interesting and growing place, and so is Franklin, on the Allegheny, while Erie, our only port on the lakes, is well worth visiting on many accounts. In an article like this, it is impossible to indicate one hundredth part of the places in Pennsylvania that deserve to be visited by Philadelphians away from home in the summer. They should ab jure, for one season at least, Newport, Saratoga, Sharon, Niagara, the White Mountains and the St. Lawrence, and study the geography, the scenery, the wealth and the paces of historical in terest in the interior of their own State. John B. Myers & Co., Auctioneers, Nos. 232 and 234 Market street, will hold on tomorroW, (Thursday), June 14, by catalogue, on (oar months' credit and part for cash, a - large and important sale of For sign and Domestic Dry Goode, including large linrs of fine to best imported Black Cloths. an invol , e , f fine Blue Cloths scarce goods; fall lines Diagonals, Fancy Cassimeres and Coatings, Doeskins, Melton, batmets, Itatiar.s, &c. MEWtupOrteCt Lures c100(18. bilks. and Shawls. foil lines Housekeeping and Stiirt• ing Linens, !Bey, Spanish and Mantle Linens Ducks, Drills, Crash. etc. Also, 2 000 dozen L. C. ildkfs., 2,500 pieces Cam biles. Jaconets, Swisses. Nainsooks, &c,„• stio ozen Hoop Skirts, s,oCsi dozen men's. women's and children's Cot,on Hose, 3,000 heavy Shelter Tents. full lines Balmoral Skirts, Traveling and Under Shirts at d Drawers. Sewings, 'lles, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Parasols, Gloves, '1 diet Quilts, Nets, &Lc. Also, 150 pattwee Cotton sod Woolen Domestics, ON FRIDAY, June 15, at 11 o'clock. by catalogue. on four months' credit, about 200 pieces of Superfine and pine Ingrain, Royal Damask,- Venetia . .. List, Dutch Hemp, Cottage, and Rag Carpetings, White and Led Check Canton Liattings . Palm Mats, tkc. Valuable Real. Estate at Public Sale. Messrs. Thomas & Sons' sale on Tuesday next will incluoe value hie ,nsineas !titan°, 20 North Tenth street; hotel two nvelllngs. northwest 'corner Second and Monroe } treele; stores and dwellings Second and Philip art ets; valuable wharf Twenty-fourth Word: large lot Nineteenth Ward; valuable residence 1425 Pop,ar street, and a nnmner of valuable estates. including property southeasteurae , .'^urth and Chestnut streets. Auction Ziottee—Sale of Boots and shoes , and attention of the trade Boomsed to the large and attractive sale of 1,200 cases and Shoes, to be sold by catalogue, for cash, to morrow (ThursdaY) rnornin g, June 14, commencing at 10 o'cloCk. by Philip Ford & Co., Auctioneers, at their store, NO. 506 Market street. II ; I 411• , a • • • 1731 OHATNUT STREET] and 213 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for housebulld ing and fitting promptly furnished. ja3-6m* IMRAVEN de tteisiN PIANOS. These t. eauttfal instrt =Lents have IffTh ranked limo og the BEST for nearly 40 years./ apl&w,f,m,tf J. E. GOULD, Seventh tufd Chestnut. STATIONERY—LETTERS, CAP AND NOTE 1.7 PAPERS. ENVELOES, BLANK 810E.c, and every requisite in the Stationery line, selling at the lowest figures at EighthOWNTNG'S Stationery Store, man, tfrpi street, two doors above Walnut. . _ ilt NEW STYLES OF STRAW HATS 44 also the Mackinaw and Panama Hats. 'IHEO. H. MCUALLA, ' At his old established • HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM, 804 Chestnut street. 1e1.3-Iml . , FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, etc., a corn 24 4. - ',hate assortment at recently reduced prim!. 7 .),. . . .. PARS, dc BROTW.r .R, -.-f - • • , Importers of Watches, eta., • 324 Cbesukuvelleet, below Fourth. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, WFDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1866 swimaii. STYLE HATS. , -WARBURTON; 930 CHESTNUT Shreet, next door to ,the Pest • Office. N.M. Nowhere else can the purchaser obtain greater value for hie money. my2ltjr7d I. YtIT WANT trft.SURPAr• 6 If.D t• LIMB AP EIS resort to B. F. REIIILEIR'S, 624 Arch street. $t only for large Photographs. . "11 • QUOITS of several sizes, and. Iron Dumb hells, from two to twenty pounds each. For sale at the Hardware store of TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty five) Market street, below Ninth. nICLY D FOR 6 CARTES DE VISITE, of sup zrlor execution, finished In exquisite manner.- A variety of styles made at REIMER'S popular tiallery, .Ser;ond street, above Green. • I.oAlt BOX BNI VEa combine in one tool a blade C for prying off the lid, a claw for pulling out the tacks, and a hammer for driving them in. For sale at the Hardware Store of T.H:TMAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-flve) Market street, below Ninth. T ARGV-SIZE PHO'yO,B, APHS.- for framing, only lors, shPu er d b o n n o s t de a s il h t i o ng alol o a d L R s E e l n 3s2EsS rhnirdaatr.- , above Green.. FOR SEEDING CHERRIES,' the Cherry Stoner will be found to greatly lessen the time and labor required for removing the stone from the fruit. For sale. and also various kinds of Preserving Mettles, by TRUMAN SHAW No. BSS (Eight Thirty-idve) Market street, below Ninth. TIOOP SKIRT MAIN UFA C'PORY.—Eoeg /Skirts it and Corsets ready made and made to order war ranted of the best materials. A ISO. skirts repaired. anis. E. BAYLNY, jel3-3mrp 812 Vine :treet, above Eighth. andvr ew d deliveryw be paid $6O IT TiriAe TfT REWARD. —The of the fol lowing described deserters from the 'United State Army, or V° for each or ether of them: Private AUGIIST CROSSE, Company M. lst TT. S. Arti lery, who enlisted in New York city, September 6th, 1864 and deserted from Fort Hamilton, New York harbor, litay 29E1.0866. He is 35 years old, 5 feet 55 ainches h!gh, light complexion, hazel eyes, brown hair, and by occupation a potter. He was born in Berlin, Prussia. Lance Sergeant WLLLIAM N. DAVIS. Company D, 3d ,sat.t.l2th S. Infantry; enlisted in. Philadelphia, December 16th 1865: deserted from Washington, D . C , May 28th, 1866. Be is 24 years old, 5 teet 6 inches high, light complexion, black eyes, auburn hair and by oc cupation a pedlar. Isom in tilasgove, Scotland. J. 141 X, Capt. Id U.S. Cavalry, It 0, 10 216 Dock street, Philadelphht. 1866 uOT TO PLEASE. at KOPP'S ON. Hair and Whiskers dyed. No Shaving on Sunda Si t inday. rner Rschtuire Place and Dock street. [ll9 O. 0. KOPP. 6.15R1 B. MCOALLA. HATTER, INFORMS HIS it numerous friends and customers that have not yet been deceived by the new occupants of the store he established CHESTNUT Street, above EIGHTH. that he is In no way connected with It, notwithstanding their numerous misrepresentations to that effect, to sell to his customers, but that he can be found at 0 Mc- CA LLA'S New Hat Store, D o. 613 CHESTNUT Street, third door above New BIILLETLN Office. where he can offer them better bargains and larger stock to select from. . 31cCALLA'S NEW HAT STORE, No. 613 CHEST.N GT Street.—Every hat has the lowest 11-4 Zii price marked on it in plain figures. Call and examine the immense stock and get a bargain. 4 STRAW HA TS AND SUMMER El 000 ' of the newest style Haw, at prices 25 per cent. less than elsewhere, at McCALLA.'S New Hat Store, 613 CE)' STisiUT street, third door above new bULLETIN Of:het 4 STRAW BATS RETAILED AT WHOLE -Isae pres Biggest assortment in t”is town. at 110:ALLA% Rew .Elso.--.t.. re, 613 CH, sTs UT sir. et. Every article has price marxtd on in plain figures. SSTRAW AND SUMMER HAT.—Biggest N t/ stock, biggest 'variety. end lowest prices it, this -- y city. at le cf'A LL A'S New Rat -tore. 613 'IIICST NU T eft eet, third door above New BuLLETLN Office. You can save from to cents to t,l on a single article. 'TARRY B. 3IcCALLA RETeRNS HISSINCEEtE -1.1 'lb ANN'S to his numerous friends and cu.tomere tt ho ha e followed aim from Chestuu... above Elgoth, t , f cell, ti he hod soh- charge from 059) to the new store, 613 C EiEsTN UT street, and informs them that be can Low sell them Ha's and Cam 25 per unit. less than heretofore. Don't forget the number, 613. jell di 100 DlCiivZ.ENzenSlCoUftlieVeM7ia edoc) } ciarets. dczenthateauntuf. lee zen Sauterne fin. 1, While Wines: 100 dozen Univessup" , rlor. j For sale by h.F...ALILI lON S.: CO , je9+&telkt So. 219 North Fourth street. f 4 ahl,y i.LURS OF PURE WlNkti We ofil r .or sale the following einrets and Wines: (Lristoly edoc) Cotes de Vetdelals. isordtshi, Chatiauneuf. Old Iturgundi. Cotes de Rhone, tied Wins. Also the following White Wines: Gracie's superior Santerx.e tin, etc. - REMILLTO:B.7 fi CO., No. 219 Nor. 12 Fon rth street, Coroer of Branch. We do not offer for saleany Wine tout we do not lon Fort ourselves. jes e.w St; 1 /100 YARDS PLAID 3.t.IISLIN, CHEAP. -11-1 Mc. Pine White Pique. we 5-4 wide Victoria Lawns, 11. 00 .-hirred Musiins. for 'WaistS. 33e. Fine Cambric liuslins. J. C. ISPRAWBRIDGE.t CO., W. corner Eighth and tiLarket. 250 DOZ. LINEN NAPKINS, ATV. SO AND V. 65 16.4 Linen *heeling, *1 23. 100 dos. Bed-bordered Towels, tz pn' doz. 75c. Hand•loom Table Linen. 65c. Unbleached Table Linen. DA doz. Hdkfs.. from late sales. J. C. raTRAWBRIDOR CO., • N. W. corner Eighth and Market. .;• CENTS FINN: BLEACHED SII/5T.210 M ZiUS t/ LINS, yard wide. Wamstitta, Williamsville and New York Vili% 31e. Pillow 31nE1tna. lu 4, lt 4 and 12-4 Sheeting Muslims. 23c. Unbleached Muslim, yard wide. J. C. RaWRItIDOE N. 'W. corner Eight h and litarket. 371 CENTS ALL-WOOL FL/CNN - BLS. 2 Ballardvale Donut. Flannels. Angola and line Twilled Flannels. Flannels for Bails fng Snits. Gauze Flannels, Shirting Flannels. J. C. S4RAWBRIDOE &CO., - Je6•tf N. W. corner Elguth and Market. THARItIr ON BOILER, A SAFE STEAM THE .130.11.b.R.-7 he attention of Manufacturers and callers using Steam is confidently called to this new Steam Generator, as combining essential advantages in absolute safety from explosion, in cheapness of first met and coat ofrepaira in economy of /net, facility of cleaning and transportation. Sc, 1:10t possessed by any other nolicr now to use. Tula boiler is formed of a comblitati,n of cast iron hollow spherts, eacusphere Finches external diameter, and ?; an inch &sick. These are held together by wrought-iron bona, with caps at the ends. A bout two hundred of these boilers are now in o . peratitn some of them in the best establishments in this city. For descriptive cire , lars or price, apply to JOSEPH FiARMSON, Jx., Harrison Boiler Works. Gray's Ferry Road, adjoining the U. S. Arsenal, Philadel• phis. je7-2narpl HOUSEREEP.KRS, . for cleaning Silver and leilver•plated ware,aNEW POLD+HING POWDER, the best ever made. - PARR dt BROTHER, feta 844 Chestnut Street, below Fourth. TBA AC NATH.ANS Auctioneer and Mosey Broker, 1 N. B. corner of Third and truct streets, only one belowsqquare established the blished for the last lorry yeag a c y ip g loan in large or small amounts, at the lowest rates on Diamonds, Sliver Plate, Watches, ;Jewelry. Clothing, and goods of every description. Office hours from 8 A. M. till 7 P. M. de2B-tfrp FOR &ALF' , —To Shippers, Grocers, Hotel-Keepers and otbers—A very superior lot of Champagne Cider, by the barrel or dozen. P. J. JORDAN, noS-rptr 220 . Pear street, below Third and Walnut. JTORDAN'S Orrlytel:MATED • TONIC A lr•VI —The truly healthfhl and nutritluns beverage, now In use ho thousands—inVands and others—has established a character for onalitv of matprini and purity nr manu facture, which stands unrivaled. It is recommended by physicians of this and other places, as a superior tonic and requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical of Its great merit. To be had, wholesale and retail, of P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street. GRAY HAIR RESTORED WITHOUT DYEING. - MAKES TEL& HALR. SOFT. GLOSSY. LtXUI RIANT. GORES DANDRUFF, ITCHING, ALL SCALP DISEA MAKES THEHAIR GROW THICK AND STRONG. "London Hair Color Restorer." The most "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Reliable Hair "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Clor Restorer." REBTORATIVZ "London Hair Color Restorer." - London Hair Color Restorer Ever Introduced "London Hair Color Restorer " "London Hair Color Restorer." td the "London Hair Color Restorer:' "London Hair Color Restorer." American "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." People, "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." For Restoring "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Gray Hair and "London Hair Color Restorer " "London Hair Color Restorer." Preventing "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Baldness. "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." The great "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Luxury of "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." The Dressing- "London Hair Color Restorer." Room. "London Hair Color Restorer." No washing or preparation before or after its use: ap plied by the hand or soft brush. myl9 s,m,w,tf Only 75 news a outtte, six bottles as, Sold at Dr. WAYNE'S, No. 8.40 North Sixth street, above Vine and all the leading I..mngaist send Fancy Goods Dealers VrARICING WITH INDELIBLE INK. Embroider ing,4-11.Braiding, Stamping, &a. M. A. TORREY; D3OO Filbert street. FINE FRENCH MANTEL CLOCES.—A fresh itn• portatlen of beautiful styles, warranted correct TThfPrKEEPERS. FARR & BROTHERS, Importers, 824 Chestnut street, below Fourth. MuNE 1' TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWEL s RY, PLATE. CLOTHING, dtc, at s JON ES & CO.'S , iLD-EsTABLIsHED LOAN °mem •-corner of THIRD and GAS SILL Streets, Below Lombard, N. 8.-DIAMONDS,:wAntEues, JEWELRY, GUNS, &c., 7011 SALE AT Mi!ILMX,A.BLY IgW.PRIO sp232m &B - Ixrerreasexena & Bnow - m, WexAmorms, da Bsowx, • & BROWN, ArfirWAXAMA.K-Eit & HANDSOACICI HANDSOME CLOTHING:VS HANDSOME cLcrralset. HANDSOMECLOT.ILLZIG. - Va Sr LOWEST PHICIM oftrLowEsT PRICES IiarLOWSBT PRICES. .ILowz T BEST ASSORTMENT:9M • BEST SSOR.ISIENT. BEST ASSORTMENT. BEST ABSORTAIENT.9, ler TTNICXI.:.ra - riONILI3LB FITS. 'UNEXCEPTIONABLE FITS. _ Sa - BNEXCEPTIONARLE FITS. ArBNEXCEEPT/ONADLE FITS. - THE PEOPLE PLEASED. THE PEOPLE PLEASED.", TILE PEPPLE PLEASED. THE PEOPLE PLEASED:I, AW - OAK Heim. ,SOAK HALL. ear OAR HALL. sir oAs. HALL. S. E. CORNED FIRTH AND MARKET STS. S. E. CORITER. SIXTH AND MARKET STS. - ial S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STS.TIA S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKgT EITEVIRCI INA.O U-R,A.TICOI44T OF THE SOLDIERS' HOME. MUSIC BY GER3LAMTA BAND PRAYER BY REV. DR. E. R. BEADLE. OPENING ADDRESS BY ON. MORTON Mall MITSIC. REPORT-HON. CHARLES GIBBONS. Addresses by Gov. A. G. Curtin, Gen. John W. Geary, Gen. Geo. G. Meade, CoL Win. B. Mann and Hon. Cbas. The "HOME" will be open to visitors during the day, and the Inaugural Ceremonies will commence atB e'crock on THURSDAY EVENING, Itth inst. Tickets to be had at the Home, Sixteenth and Filbert streets. jel3-2trp/ J. T. GALLAGHER, Late of BAILEY &CO., FORMERLY BAILEY & KITCHEN. Invites attention to his NEW JEWELRY .ESTABLISHMENT, S. W, cor. Thirteenth and Chestnut Sts, HIS STOCK OF WATCHES, D IAMONDS, ANDER FINE JEWELRY Sterling Silverware and Silver Plated Ware, will be found very complete. Those wishing to pur• or examine will find it much to their auvantage to favor him with P. call. All goods WARRANTKD of FIRST QI7A_LITI and prices satisfactory. The Csmstamterso VACHERON and OONSTANTIJNIE WARCH, of all size, for Ladies and Gentlemen. Spectal attention given to DIAMONDS. Watches and Clocks carefully Repaired and War ranted. Jel2-Inthas3m ;pi ..IELIE La lA. ES 11LIP Amply Substantiated AS To THE FIRE-PROOF QUALITIES, AND ENTIRE DRYNESS OF MARVIN'S SAFES . ALUM AND DRY PLASTER. MAELVIN & NCO., 721 Chestnut Street, (Masonic Hall) 265 Broadway, New York. House Safes. Somad.hand Safes. Safes Exchange& Bend for illustrated catalogue. mr3s-ftet rp BUNTING, SILK AND MUSLIN FlLi-kers OP EVERY SIZE AND DESCRIPTION. Swords, Basins. Belts. Base Ball Caps, Base Ball Belts and Military Equip ments of all kinds. WILSON & lIIITOHINSON (Successors to Evans, Hassall & C 0.,) No. 418 AROH STREET, PHILADELTHLA. jet.lmrp THE SUBSCRIBER (Mr many years connected with "Mitchell's Saloons,. No. w.. 3 Chestnut Street,) would respectfully intone his friends and the public generally, that he has OPENED AN lee Cream and Refreshment saloon FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMIUN, No. 1121 CHESTNUT STREET, where he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit the patronage of all who may favor him with their custom. • m,yl4-1m rpi JACOB H. BUBDSALL. EDINBURG - ft STRONG ALE AND BROWN STOUT. A frerh Importation of William Younger's Strong Ale and Brown Stout Porter. Also. Alsop's English Ale In tine order. For eal.e by the cask or dozen. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, 8. W. COB. BROAD AND WA.I#NUT. TRAVELING DRICSqI MATERIALS REDIIOE,D. We are closing out this stock: at 31,37;4, 45 and 50 cents. (317RWICN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North_SECOND street, above Willow. DOUBLE.WIDTIEBLACK AND WHITE PLAID, 45 cents. Clos Lng out Dress Goods at REDUCED PRICES, CUBWEN STODDART &BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND street, above Willow, moll : gyp LAWNS AND ORGANDIE,S, 25 CIIRWEN STODDARD & BROTHER, - Nos. 450; 452 and 454 North SECOND street, above Willow. WRY NOR CHINTZES AND PERCALES, FROM Auction,. AT REDUCED PRICES. CHEW EN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND street, above Willow L INEN DRIT LB FANCY, BROWN AND'L'nui CIIRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND street, above Willow SPRING STYLES FANCY CASSIISIERES, FANCY COATINGS, &c., &C. Closing at Reduced Prices. CIIRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450,1t2 and 454 North bECO ND street, jel3-3t above Willow. FITLER, WEAVER & Co., Manufacturers of MANILA AND TARRED CORDAGE, Cords, Twines, &c., No. 23 North Water street, and No. 22 North Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. EDWIN H. FITLER. • 3flcatearr, Wzavirs.. Comsat, P. CLOTHIER. AVEN. TaPIOCA AND nAOO.—CoVe Scotch GEL . Gelatin, Lilo Tapioca and East India Pearl Sago, landing and for sale by J. & 00008 fEti, Delaware Avenue WOR K . Don't Forget to. Employ the Honorably Discharged Soldiers and Sailors The Bureau of Employment of the U. S. Fanitary Ckiromlsslon have got on their books upwards of 1,200 of good reliable men who are greatly In want of work in any branch of business or labor. All information furnished FREE OF CHARGE. Office 1307 OHEIST -1,117T btreet. JOHN W. WILSON, Jela 4t rpi Sec'y of Bureau of Employment PHILADELPHIA HOUSE CAPE ISLAND, N. J., Is now open for the reception of guests. Apartments tor transient and pernument boarders. ,Terms rea sonable. jel3-1211 E . GELFFITH. WANTED TO RENT, A modern Built Dwelling between Tenth and 'Twentieth and North of Pine Streer. RENT NOT TO EXCEED 0,000. BEST OF REFERENCE. Address, BROKER, Jel4-St rpi BULLETIN OFFICE. WANTED red PER MONTH paid to Agents, to introduce our new pl 6. VS and= Sewing Macoines,Ketchom'J Pat, eat. Adores% with stamp . af.CINALISOCK &SWIM HAULM& CO„ Winchendon, Maas, or Philadelphia, Pa. ie&.3m rpo' EARLE'S GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut street. Phila- delphia. James S. Earle & Sons, Importers, Manufac- turers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Looking Glasses, Oil Paintings, Fine Engravings, Photographs, • Picture Frames, Rogers' Groups. A large Free Gal lery of Oil Paintings, 816 Chestnut Street. ies.4p SUMMER TRAVEL NORTH PENNSYSVANIA RAIL- ROAD. agEM.I3OMN Shortest and Most Pleasant Route Willceebane, Mauch Chunk, Baaton, Allenlowo, Bethlehem White haven, Hazleton and all potnts In the LEHIGH iii D WYOMING VALLEYS. COMMODIOUS CABS, SMOOTH TRACE. FINE hiaIsZ.KRY, EXCELLENT HOT Fr r-s are tae specialties of this route. Through to iikesbarre and Mauch Chunk without Change or cars. he - new road between the summit of the mean tain and Wilkesbarre opens up new views of the Wv 0- ming Valley of unsurpassed beauty; and the new no t el provides the best and most ample accommodations for summer visitors Incursion Tickets from Philrdelphia to principal points, issued FROM THE OFFICE 0 , 4., I', at reduced rates, on Saturdays, good to return till Monday evening. kncursion Tickets to Wilkes.barre,good for ten days, issued any day. 1111 , ,11.1G8. TRAINS leave the depot, Third and Thompson streets, at 7.,50 A. M.. 3 Se P.M.. and 5.15 P.M. For particulars see Time Table In another column, JeS-2narpi ELLIS CL RR, Agent. FRENCH CALF SKINS. We are Importing by every Steamer the following Brands: T.PIIO.IITE, JULES JODOT, LEVEN, NAMEEVILLE, CARRIER DUPONT, CONELIAN GULLLOT, SOUCIN CORBIT, To which we invite the attention of the Trade. CHAMBERS & cATIELL, myLtikt.wmnl 52 N. THIRD Street. PA TENT WIRE WORK FOR RAILINGS, STORE FRONTS, GUARDS, PARTITIONS, Lo. IRON BEDSTEADS AND WIRE WORK in variety, manufactured by M. WALKER & SONS, rattan tpi 1 4 10.11 NORTH SIXTH Street, STIRS OF ROSEWOOD PARLOR FURNITURE. GI•eo. je gdrZenth and Chestnut Streets. G. RUSSELL & 00., 22 North Sixth Street, Invite attention to their hill stock of Fine Watches. Jewelry. and Fancy and Plain Silver- Ware of every description. • inyl9smwl2t XPi HATS, STRAW GOODS, El C., RETAIL AT WHOtv 42 ,A_LE PRICES. Barnes, Osterhout, Ilerron as Co., S. E. cor. Fourth and Chestnut St., are nowt losing oat at retail their extensive stock of Spring. and Summer Hats, consisting of Straw, Felt, etc., of the latest styles and improvements, At Wholesale Prices. Those in -want of goods of this description can SAVE at least ONE PROFIT by purchasing here. JO.= rp TO .F.A.IIELJES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are 'prepared, as heretofore, to supply Families at their Country Residenceswith EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ME GROCERIES, TEAS; &C., &C. ALBERTO. ROBERTS, Cot: Eleventh and Vine Street& GREAT RELUCTION IV. PRIOES'.. Closing Ont! - Closing Out! , Our ]Entire Reduced Prices. Before Making Alteration:to mar Stens. Silk Grenadines at 50. 6E4, 65, 75;51. Silk and Wool Silver Clothe at 573g0.., cost 75c. Figured Black Grenadine Bares's at 75c.„ worth $l. .• Figured Gray Grenadine BareSes at Plain Grenadines, all colors, at 373.4 e, worth 82.%c. 3,010 YDS. FIGURED .Mol{ r IRS AT 25. CIENIE, COST 5o CENTS. Extra Fine Figured Mobairs at 50, 75, Km Good quality Islack and W bite Plaid. FOIL D.E CREVR ES AT :E. CENTS. .. WORTH 37 GEN') S. $1 25 Black and White Plaid r Wane Cloths for SL 51 Double Width Poll de Chevres for ne. 13, ds. Wide Black Queen's Cloths at 87.34 R. 13,4 "Yds. Wide Black Queen's Cloth at $L $1 E. • 3.oea YDS. LIIPIN's DOUSLID ALL WOOL DFLAINES REDUCED TO 75 CEU - Wm- ALL NRW AND CHOICE SHADES SILES Al LOW PH. 75. 1.C.E3. Foulardt mall Silks at H., $1 12, 41 24. $1 Plain Silks at 51, $.l 12,41 25, 01 37, $1 55. Plain Silks, Choice Colors. Black Taffeta Silks. Black Gros Du libines. Black Gros Grain Silks. Black Armw e , llks. Suitable ror Dresses and Facques, at NOEATLY RED CEO PRIC&Nt. ARVANCA IN OUR PRWES. Good Bleached Mu , lins at 12. muslin Splendid quality 4-4 Bleached at En. 1 Case Forestdale Muslins at 311- c. Williamsville and Wamautta Aolians. New York Mills Muslin at 45c. Good Unbleached Muslim at 12, 14. 16e. 4.4 Good Unbleached Muslin* at 0.22;25, 5.4 and 6.4 Good Unbleached Moslins,-ctiesp, New Styles Calicoes, very cheap. EL. Steel &Son, N ig. ..713 and 715 North Tenth Street, A CARD. - Special notice to our old friends sad the public gen eranY: 'I he JONES' One-Price Clothing Howe, estabiished!' sixteen years ago, is still in successful operation at the old location, 61:11 MARKET Street, one door above•- Sixth.knd has not changed its place or manner of do ing business, which it/ exactly the same good old plan, in operation for many years. namely—" One Price and:= no aevis lion." The Clothing we make is of the must substantial character, both as to materials and work manship. so that our customers never can complain of either. 'Jur stock is large and plain or fashionable peo le can be well suited Our customers should be to get to the right place. as there is no other establish-- rap= in the city in oar line of business strictly '“ore price." . JONES' ONE-PRIC. - ,E CLOTHING, 604 IVIAT = PAKJEris SP- 9 =VA-1m 4p ONE DOOR ABOVE SIXTH. JUST RECEIVED, Velvet Carpets, NEW DE51431113, J. F. & E. B. 011,11 L 9046 Chestnut Street. 3-4, 7-8, 4-4. 5-4, 6-4 Veirur.e., RED ABD FABOY CANTON MATTINGSR J. F. &E. B ORNE, CHESTNUT STREET. ENGLISH BRUSSELS, ' FOR STAIRS AND Tr A 7 7.a WITH EXTRA BORIYV. R l / 4 ; J. F. & E. B. ORNE.. No. 904 OH ESTNUT STREET 500 PIECES NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSEL& J. F. & E. B. ORIsTE,, 904 Chestnut lets ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The largest and best assortment of Wigs, Toupees. Long itairßraids axe Curls, Water-falls, Victor ines, mattes, Illusive Beams for Ladies, At prices LOWER than elsewhere. Dalde•rp 909 CHESTNUT STREET. FIRE WORKS IN GREAT VARIETY. FOB SALE AT I,IANITFACTITEEBS' PRICES: A. B. FRANCISCUS & CO„ 513 MARKET . STREET; 510 COMMERCE STREET. GOODS ORDERED DIRECP FROM EACTORY,i.. No orders accepted after July Ist. myal Twwinaits:Wairti ua.i.L attention to our magnificent assortmentot superior PIANOS, which we always have on hand, and offer them at very reasonable prices to purchasers. rest or gi re v fe e r n en b c s7 and FULL GUARANTEE - invariably 1) lON PIANO MANUFACTURING CO.; and° 1017 Walnut Street. ? °- I D • s : j iM O. BNorttl NIX TEL Street. above Market. mrtl-/M.XP. • . PaIEtENOLOGIBT. : • Successor to FowlerWellad3Cb:, EAVES ▪ir written and verbal description/3 or character with charts, daily-at --• • , • • ,,wis J anupi No. t 5 RI, T.NAlcm. Otreet.