Controllers of the Public Schools. A stated meeting of the Board of Control lers was held yesterday afternoon. Communications were received of the fol lowing effect : From the Second Section, asking that additional ground be purchased on the west of the city lot, Carpenter street, for school purposes ; from the Fourth Sec tion, asking that a lot of ground on the west ' side' f Twelfth street, above Fitzwater, be purchased for the erection of a school-house upon it; one of a similar purport from the Ninth Section, in reference to the purchase of lots of ground in Nineteenth street, above Chestnut street. one 53 feet 3 inches by 66, to ground already purchased by the city for a new school-house, at a ground rent of $5OO ; and ,also the property adjoining the same on the north, 55 feet, and of the same depth as the above at a yearly rent of $720; from the Tenth Section, asking that the lot of ground on Cherry street, east of Twentieth, 40 by 129 feet, also the lot ad joining, 15 feet front on Cherry street, be purchased; from Fifteenth Section, asking that $25,000 of the authorized loan be set apart for the erection of a school house on lot Twenty second and Brown streets, the new school to contain eighteen divisions; from Sixteenth Sectional Board, notifying that they had selected as ,a site for a school-house, a lot on Fourth street, above George, 120 by 100 feet, , at $5 50 per foot; from Nineteenth Section, asking that a lot be purchased, at Fourth street and Montgomery avenue, on which to erect a school-house—the lot 140 by 61 feet; from the Twenty first Section,asking an ;appropriation of $15,000 from Councils, for the erection of a school-house of eight divisions, on the city property at the Falls of Schuylkill;from the Twenty-third Section, *Wring that a lot of groundbe taken at White Hall, on which to erect a scboul-house—the , lot 110 by 160 feet—at a yearly ground rent of $65: from the Twenty-fifth Section,asking that $3,500 be appropriated out of the loan, with which to erect an addition to the Irving Grammar School; also, that the Board peti tion Councils to purchase, at a ground rent of $259, the lot on Frankford road and Wil liam street, 74 by 150 feet; from the Twenty sixth Section, asking that a lot of ground be secured at southeast corner of Seventeenth and Christian streets, lot 129 feet square, for 45 per foot. The communications were all refened to the Committee on Property, ex cept that from the Sixteenth Section, which was laid on the table. It was stated aat the subject of the purchase of said lot had been before the Committee on Property, and had been disapproved by them. The Committee on the Qnalifications of Teachers reported that at the semi-annual examination of candidates for certificates of qualification, 15 males and 241 females attended. Two sets of questions were pre pared, under the first of which only two persons were found qualified for principals of unclassified schools, none for principals of grammar schools; under the second set, certificates of the second class were granted to 4 applicants, third class to 23, fourth class to 85. The Committee on Property reported a resolution to the effect that the Board enter into an agreement with Joseph D. Thorn ton for the erection of a school house of ten divisions, on the west side of Warnock street, above Oxford, on a lease of 15 years, at a rental of $l,BOO, with the privilege of purchasing the same at, any time after its completion for the sum of $18,500. Adopted. The Committee on. Supplies reported that they had. made the contracts for supplying coal to the schools for the ensuing winter, as follows: Frst District—Davis & Brown, Schuylkill coal, 2,240 lbs. per ton, at $6 95. Second District—G. P. Dunwoody & Co., Schuylkill coal, 2,240 lbs. per ton, $6 16. Third. District—C.H.Shinn & Son, S3huyl -kill coal, 2,240 lbs. per ton, $5 45. Fourth District—The same as above. Fifth District—Girard Mutual, Schuylkill coal, 2,240 lbs. per ton, $7. "Sixth District—John Adams, Schuylkill coal, 2,240 lbs. per ton, $7. Seventh District—Clark & Garrignes, flebnylkill coal, 2,240 lbs. per ton, $9. Eighth District—Mammoth Vein, Schuyl kill coal, 2,240 lbs. per ton, at $8 56. Ninth District—No contract. Tenth District—James Neill, agt., Schuyl kill coal, 2,240 lbs. per ton, $7 82, A resolution was adopted, making but one session in the public schools after the .14th until the vacation, the session from 8 'to 12 o'clock. Mr. Duffy offered a resolution to dispense with the services of Edward W. Vogdes, M. D. Professor of Moral, Mental and Political Science in the Central High School. Mr. Freeborn moved to amend by adding the Professor of Anatomy, Physiology and Natural History. Mr. Elkin said that as the report of the Committee on the Central High School would be considered on Tuesday next, he thought action at the present time prema ture. He moved to lay the resolution on the table. Agreed to. Adjourned. A FErnAn - WAR-Hoasr.--A. corresnon- Aent of the Boston Advertiser writes from St. Albans that Colonel Contri's scouting party, having advanced about two miles and a half into Canada, picked up in a pas ture a horse for their colonel, who at once mounted upon it. A skirmish happening to take place shortly after,the gallant officer galloped off with his newly acquired steed, and reported the result to General Mahon. The letter writer adds that the horse cap tured by Colonel Contri was a venerable animal of - twenty-three years, worth not more than one dollar. He belonged to an American 'living just across the line. Lovz Lzrrrus. —:The Indianapolis :Herald reports that a number of young, men of that city have given the principal of the Baptist Seminary a deal of trouble by persistently making love, orally and by let ter, to the young ladies under his charge. The, other day the principal learned that some .of his'pupils had packages of letters from young gentlemen' in the city—tender opistlea. Exasperated beyond endurance he caused the • young ladies to stand up be fore the entire school and read the letters in frill, with-the names of the writers. There , - vas a fluttering in the schooL Forunterrox OF ELIZABETH Ctrs', N. -J.—Elizabeth City, with a population of about twelve thousand, employs in Matti"- factures a capital of $818,925, and the value of which is $1,784,621, which gives her rank In the eider of her prOduce of manufactures as the seventy-second' city in the Union. For these productions 1,016 males and 38 females are employed. A.Dtrzr..---A. fatal duel was recently fought in the environs of Paris between two officers ofthe garrison. One of them was killed on the spot; the other had his breast pierced, it is believed, mortally. The doctor's horse, as he was leaving the field, took fright, threw him against a tree, and killed him -on the spot. A 801(31171AR BEQUEST.—Prof. W. Byrd Towell, Who died in Covington, Kentucky, a few days ago. bequeathed his head to Mrs. P. H. Kinzie, of Cincinnati, to be used for scientific purposes; in accordance with this, a surgeon cut off the profesgor's head, and - it is now in the possession of the lady. A TnEwroN RACE Conasu.—The Trenton (N. J . .) State Gazette reports that about $30,- 4100 have been subscribed for the establish ment of a racing ground in the neighbor hood of Trenton, to be laid out on the same ,plan as that at Paterson, and oillndacted in the same manner. "Cozet. as Dism,"—The Jacinto Patriot says that one hundred acres of good land, lying within three miles of Corinth, Nils aissippt, were sold a few days since at auc tion, being a trustee's sale, for thirty-five ointatter acre. Wm. H. Hoirr, of Haverhill, Mass., in at tempting to pull off his boots, a few nights time, broke his right leg above the knee. Coal Statement*. The following is a statement of the amount of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad, for the week ending Jane 9, 1866, and ; previously' since December 41864, compared with same time blot year . Week. Total. Tons.CvrL ; Tons. Cwt. 2 • St 05 • 97.727 10 —... 3,926 02 ' 84.522. 09 15 11,067 00 ... 3,813 /0 , 61,3.510 969 16 =,503 15 ... 310 t 6 520 08 ...82916 . ,17,61 2 17 ... 839 01 18,157-17 1,802 91 43,410 99 .. 910 1•3 • • 21,982 17 ... 1,656 12 , 20.454 03 ... 2,811 09' 51.612 15 .. 1 286 15 20,142 13 .... 4,205'00 52,013 05 11.813 19 1,084 16 1,746 07 7,464 10 3,2g7 24,936 19 13,391 11 155 08 14,572 17 . 8 210.13 7,710 10 13,106 00 5;391 18 5,191 18 19,988 07 17.668 0t 9,958 05 - 9,525 18 9,433 16 4,841 06 33.490 66 2,618 14 11,071 07 4.491 04 Hazleton East Sugar Loaf. Mount Pleasant. Jeddo Harleigh ox, Brother & ,Co. Ebbervale Stout Council Ridge Buck Mountain New York and Lekigh.....• Honey 'Brook ' German Pennsylvania. Spring Mountain:. .... Coleraine Beaver Meadow John Connery Lehigh . Zinc - .1. B. Reber & Co McNeal & Co Knickerbocker Coal Run Rathbun, Caldwell& C 0... 1,242 04 .Glendon- —.....-- 867 02 311 - • army 214 10 J. & 0. 0 Bowman 616 15 Delano Colliery 276 05 R. MI ere 267 05 Silliman 79114 Baltimore 729 05 Franklin 513 04 Audenried 327 09 -Lehigh and Susquehanna- 258 11 Landmesser's 2,5 05 Wilkesbarre...-.... .. . . 3,205 12 W%rrior 'Bun 155 18 Parrish & Thomasl9B Os Other shippers.' 682 19 ... _lB6lO Total' 88,220 19 Corresponding week last year 12,760 119 Increase- 25361 10 164.923 11 ' The following stet, ment shows the business or the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company for the week ann season ending June 9,1 Week -- * . Total Toias.Cwt. Tons. Cwt.; Lehigh Coal and Nay. C0...14,246 13 97,491 13 Packer, Spear er.4.30 2534 14 26,3e1 01 W. T. Carter &Co ' 149 10 1,765 14 Spring Mountain' mines-1. 222 , 11 • , 419 09 Thomas Hull & Co 1,169 01 . 3.022 12 New York and Lehigh...—. 1,693 05 Honey Brook Coal Co 1,000 06 5,093 15 German Penna. Coal C 0...... 1,838 01 5,138 13 McNeal 928 02 6,017 18 Knickerbocker ........ . ... -....- 213 11 2,013 13 North Mahanoy 96 10 . 2,072 05 Dilano 411 11 2,727 13' Walters. Brother & Co 633 08 6359 05 A. Pardee & C 0...-.: .. . --- 656 11 25,159 14 G. B Markle &Co -- 1,130 19 14,448 14 W. S. Halsey & Co 2,13 16 sharpe, Weiss & Co 911 11 9.293 15 Ebervale Coil Co 668 16 1,761 09 Harleigh mines - 98 07 1,497 14 Stout Coal C0mpany.......... 230 16 1,820 00 Bucklifountain mines 1,247 03 2,734 09 Baltimore 193 00 3,935 11 Wilkesbarre 1 035 04 11,008 05 Franklin3l3o 14 ~ 533 13 , Andenried. 2,859 00 Germania 318 16 2.412 04 Lehigh and susquehanna- 668 18 3 RIO 01 Mount -Etna- =5 l6 3,6.8 04 New JertoY _ 250 00 1,563 14 Warrior Run 376 03 1 515 11 Trenton Coal Co 96 16 9 . 4 16 Other shippers 499 14 2,778 10 Total to date 33321 14 same time last 17 Increase EDW'D LAFOURCARE, BOARD F TRADIS- O J. PRICE WETHERLL ?Mozrrma.Y CosturrrEs D. C. McCAIESION, MPO 1 - t r r ANIONS, Reported for the Philadelpnia Evening Bulletin. LONDON—Bark Crimea. Sews-20 kegs qr black 10 cks carb ammonia 25 do Paris white Pettit & Seeger; 120 cks ale S Morris Waln & Co; 55 cka mdse C Lena Ig & Co; 646 do Powers & Weightman; 400 do 240 pkgs do 250 tons coalk 1625 plates speller order. wan tiotETO tu0 .A.11.13r or Oman Steozoort IVE. lowa PROM POI DAY/1 Asia - . ---LtverpooL-805t0n....- —May 21 City of himerick-LiverpooL-New York May 26 Louisiana.....---Llverpool-New York.- ._......May 30 Hibernian...-. ..... -LiverpooL-Quebec--.—.--hiav 31 Kangaroo ..... --...J.AverpooL-New Y0rk.....--June 1 Bonasala.—.- Hamburg-New Y0rk....„- ...June 2 Palmyra LiverpoeL-Nevr York June 5 City of Paris. ..... -LiverpooL_New York June 6 The Queen..-..--.LiverpooL-New York ----June 6 Hansa .-........80uthampt0n.-New York. -June 6 Peruvian .. - ....Liverpool-New York June 7 City of Dublin .LlverpooL..New York . june 7 Phila.-June 1 TO DEPART. Baltic New York-.Bremen-.--.--Tune 14 Hermann NewYork-Bremen-....--- Jane 16 Etna.-... ...... ....-.New York-LiverPool..-.--.-Jane 16 Hibernia.....,: New York-Glasgosv..- .... --June 16 Hibernian Quebec - LiverpooL-----Jutte 16 Cor ..... .New York.-Nessau& Hav'a--Jane 16 VilladeParis.--New York-Havre June 16 ...Rambrng is Eagle.- .. -......-New York.-Havana June 9a New York..._-_N eve Yuric....AspluwmlL tine IA Hansa York--Bremen Tune 23 Borussia . ...New York....Hambarg June 23 city of Paris.-...htew York-Liverpool.--.-.June 2.1 Africa.- .- . --.3305t0n-.LiverpooL. „. . --June 20 4antiagp - de Caba..-N York... San Juan, Nic.--June 20 Cella -New York-London Jane 20 F .- MT'V'Ml i rir7UMy,-,,:7 PORT OH PRILADELPRIA-Strsx:l3 •Ansr limn. 4 29 • Sam SNTB. 7 SO I MEM WATER, 2 ARRIVED YESTERDAY Steamer Anthracite, Gn. 24 hours from N York, with mdse to W P Clyde &Co. Steamer Mars. Grumley. 21 hours from New York. with mdse to Wm 11 Baird & Co. Steamer Alida, Lenny, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde &. Co. Bark Crimea. Bewa, 64 Clays from London,with mdse to E A Bonder & Co. Schr (intern, Huntley, 5 days from Boston, in ballast to J E Basle. & Co. Scbr Gov Burton, Peacock, 6 days from Salem, with ice to L Sawyer. Pchr Westover, Cousins, from Boston, with mdse to I Bazley & Co. Schr C J Smithers, Artie, 1 day from Frederica, Del. with grain to Jas Barrett. • Tug Hudson. Carr, from Baltimore, with 18 barges to W P Clyde & AT WILMINGTON, DEL. Brig Katandin, ~aini.Lierb, 7 utya Bangor, with lumber to E A Solider & Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ann Eliza.F.lchards, N York, W P Clyde et Co. Steamer Chester. Warren. New York. W P Clyde & Co. Steamer F Franklin. Pierson. Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. Bari Hoppet ( Swed), Brandt, Dunkirk, L Wester gaard. Bark Winslow, Brooks, Portland. Warren, Gregg & Morr,s. Schr D Phan. Collins. Wareham, Preston Coal Co. Schr M S Hathaway. Cole, Boston, Penn Gas Coal Co. San' Chars, Eaton, Boston. do Schr A Falk.enberg, Linnell, Boston-A H Lennox&Co. Schr Ontara, Huntley, Boston. J E Batley & Co. Scbr S E Widens, Wheaton. Lynn, Dovey & Son. Scbr Lucy Church, Adams, Nantucket, do Bohr J B Knowles; Knowles, Boston, do Schr L Mauls. Buehler. Boston, Day, Huddell & Co. Schr Isabella Reeves, Tussey, Salem, Street & Co. 'chr 3 H Allen. Seaman. Boston, do schr S J Vaughn. Vaughn, Boston, L Audenried & Co. Schr E & C Brooks. Pawtucket, do Schr Industrious, Wright, Quinton, Bancroft, Lewis Schr S H Sharp. Mayhew. Boston, do bchr American Eagle, Shaw, Providence, Blakiston, Graelr & Co.. Rehr Hunter. Endicott, Pawtucket, do Bohr Alabama, Vangilder, Boston. do Behr A Gardiner. Knowles. Boston, do Bohr Eva Belle, Lee. Marblehead, do Bahr B F Reeves Stanford, Roxbury, Scbr E Wooten, Young, Pawtucket, do Schr A Pharo, Shourds, Providence, do Bohr Nellie D, Modems, Danversport. do • achr Sallte B, Bateman Boston, M & Bob Coal c o . Soh: W W Marcy. Barrett. Boston, do Schr S B Wheeler.McGlaughlin, Salem, do • Schr B B Dean, Cook, Taunton. do Schr s V Bergin. Thompson, Folly Landing. do soh" W H. Rowe, NI hitmore, Boston, Pearson & Co. Schr LA. Burlingame. Burlingame, Boston, do • Behr Paran, Clark, Boston. Quintard. Sawyer & Ward. Schr S A Read. Read, Hartford, Rathbun.Stearra&Ce. Bohr L A Danenhower. Sheppard, Boston, Costner, Stickney & Wellington. - Schr H A. Weeks, Godfrey. Newport, do Behr C Merrick,Montgomery, ID Bainbridge, do Bohr J C Henry, Lore Nantucket, do Bohr Aid, Ireland, Boston. do Behr Adamantine, Netherwood Norfolk, Tyler & Co. ear W Smith. Hagerty, Bridgeton. NJ. do Schrl R Ford, Fenton. is Haven. NV Einnter.Jr. & Co. Behr A M Edwards, Hinson, Bridgeport, do Bohr Oceanus, Hawkins, Weymouth, do Bohr H Blackman, Grace. Providence. J R White. Scar Lizzie Taylor. Taylor. Lynn, Sinnickson & Co. , achr Mary Elizabeth, Bock-hill, Lynn, do Schr Emma Carlisle, Sheldon, Providence, do - Behr Flight. Crowell, Providence, .IG&GS Remitter. Behr J H Bartlett, Rock.hill, Salem, Van Dusen, Lock man & Co. Schr Boston, Smith, Salem, Caldwell, Gordon dk CO. Behr SR Th - mas, Arnold, Boston. do s-chr E J Pickup, 13owen. New London, do Sur Nightingale. Beebe, do do Schr R G Porter, Crowell, Providence, R H PowelL Seta. D S Melabon, Corson. Boston, • do Schr Lewis - Mulford. Crocker. Boston. captain, Sam Mary Haley, Haley, Boston. captain. Bar Sisk, Johnson. Bost , . o, Manchester Coal Co. Behr Fly. Fennimore. Lynn, R Rothermel. Schr Lizzie D Small. Tice. Danversport, captain, Behr Lamartine. Butler. New Bedford. captain. Bohr Maria Fleming, Williams Norwich, captain. Tog Clyde. Cropper, with 10 barges for. Baltimore W.P Clyde & Co. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES. June 11-6 The steamers Propontis, for Liverpool. and Neshon peek, for San Francisco,went to sea yesterday. Barks D Ryerson. S B Kale. Orlando, and brigs Potosi and Middleton, went to sea to-day- Nearly all tne v.ssels noticed in my last have left for their respective desti nations. Wind SW. Yours, &c. Correspondence of the Phila. Evening Bulletin. . tl arnistet. Jane 11. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal. to-day, bound to Fhiladel• phlaladen and consigned as follows: Philip, with lumber to Dorian & Co; Ellen & Rug gles, do to Watson. Malone & Cu; Artie, and Mc Ara rat, do to J H Deysher: Ida BelL do to Norcross & Sheetz; Diary Emma". do to J Keeley: M J Link, do to A Bruner & Co: Avalanche, do to Mettle & Co; Star of Centre, do to Trump, Son & Co; G H Willetts. do to Dlr Tatual, Wilmington; Hall & Prank. do to Win S Taylor; Aaron & iatharine, iron ore to norm Cook TRit IuILY EVENING BULLETIN PIII.LADELPHIA, WEDNbSDAY; JUNE 13. 18t36: & Co; Electric, pig iron to captain,• Laura. Downing & Price, Wilmington; .Elizabeth, light to captain. roF.3.IOHAVDA - Ship Zouave. Blair, cleared at Liverpool 31st ult. for this port. Ship Lancaster, Decan, saf ed from Flushing 2Sttt tilt for New York. Steamer Norman. Crowell, hence at Boston yestc. Steamer Tonawanda Teal, hence at Savannah_ yes terday morning in 63 hours' passage. - Bark Woodland, Higgins, hence at Marseilles 29th ul ß t. rig Anna Helene (Prus), Mohrdeck, hence at Fal mouth Ist inst. Brig Errichetta, Filliberti, hence at Halvoet 26th Mt. JAY - COOKE& CO., NEW OFFICE. 114 south Third Street, BANKERS AND Dealers in Government Securities, U. S. B'4 of 1881, 5-20's, Old and New, 10-40's; Certificates of Indebtedness 7-30 NOTES, Ist, 24, and 3d Serieg. Compound Interests Notes Wanted. -LorrEEEST ALLOWED ON DEPOSI7I3. Collections made. Stocks Bought and Bold ou Com- MiESIOD. ,- I, Sztabusiness accommodations RESnatVniu FOB PICILADELPHIA. June 1866. ' 3e7 Ins 763,165 15 598,192 01 O° Cl3 -41 4 - it;) SPECIALTY. '4l SOH, -RABOL'PH k CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS, 15 South Third at., I 3 Nassau streeS; Philadelphia. I 254.1139 11. 75n A•l4 14 11,4,L0., .0 COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES, 7 340 5-20, Nv . .A:Nrrior). DE HAVEN & BRO. 40 South Third Street. T. T;nX•YARD BURTON M:N.ANGIAIk STOOKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON 001EILIBEION ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. NATIONAL BANKOF THE REPUBLIC zios. 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Bt. Organized under "The National Currency Act." March WM — lse& A regular BANKING BUSINESS transacted, Dr, attentiont. ved upon the rnost liberal terms. Rep& cial given to COLLEOTIOMS. nIY23-Inzl rIVINVESTCINFER I - YU - LASS • OELTELs.G.h., oc 1 Sums, VA* each. Also, g 1,500 and $3.300. A. 11 ALLEN. 2 !south Sixth street. A2OOOO WANTED—For three ,years, on firs . class Secnrity—interest, S per cent. Ail r•.ress MORTGAGE, BULLETS, Office,. Jell THE FINE ARTS A. S. ROBINSON, 910 CHESTNUT STREET. LOOKING GLASSES. PAINTINGS Engravings and Photographs. Plata and Ornamental Gilt Frames. Carved Walnut and Ebony Flamm, ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER. A CARD.—TO THE ADMIRERS OP THE FINE ARTS, and the Public Generally. J. - RICHARDSON, CLRA IYER AND RESTORER OF OIL PAINTINGS, Takes this opportunity of thanking his former patrons for their liberal patronage, and respectfully requests a continuance of the same, at his new Rooms, 1029 Cheat:mit street, adjoining the Academy of Pine Arts. He refers to the President and members of the Penn sylvania Academy of Fine. Arts, and all- the con note eels of the city and neighborhood. A choice collection of Paintings alwap on hand. - mYIS-w,fSmf REMOVAL. WILLIAM G. PERRY, Stationer and Bookseller, HAS REMOVED fonn B. W. con Fourth and Baca, to No. 72S Arch Street. my2B-tf z}1.4;i1101:1F.10.13_: i D1..10 M 51-:.4.:11 omPSON , LORD . ON KiTcHßlglat OR EUROPEAN RANGE., for families, hotels. --ro or public Institutions in TWENTY DIFFER • PNT SIZES. Also. Philadelphia Ranges, Hot air Prirnares, Portable Heaters, Low-down Grates, Fireboara Stoves, Bath Boilers, Steilvhole plates, Broil ers, Ckoking Stoves, eta, _wholesale and re bythe rr-anufactuters. CHASE, SHARP & THO my2l-in,W.f,Smo 1 , 10. 209 North Second street, T,ILONAB e. DIXON• & SONS, Late Andrean & Dixon. No. , DNS tiffiNSINUT street_ t. , PhiladeiPhia , Opposite United States suns. ndictorera of. LOW-DOWN • • ORAN33iER, 4 , . An d PPl other GRATM. Her Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood afro ALSO. j r WABM-Al3l. FURNACES, par Warming Public and Private Difidiapg. REGISTERS, velorruaTOßß INB 03INNETACIAPB _ODONSNG-XeNG.IIB,BATH.BommEs , eto.. ‘71:31 WHOT.IiCSIATan and RETAIL, MILLINERY GOODS. Mrs. It. Dillon, et 32 3 and 331 South Street; • has a handsome assortment of SPRING Mar LINRRY; Misses' and Infanta' Hata and Caps, Wks. VolVeta, Crapes, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers. iTtamee. VOX PeDIPIETI_,I.. WRIGHT'S TAR SYRUP. PRINOTPAL DEPOT, 7 SOITTH THIRD BT. PETOE, Sr PER BOTTLE; 45 PER HALF DEGM. The undersigned citizens take pleasure in cheerfully recommending the use of Wnght's Tar Syrup, for coughs, colds, consumption, whooping Cough, spotted fever, liverbomplaint, pains in the breast, bronchitis, inflammation, and constriction of air vessels In the lungs. The remedy should be in every faMilY: Charles C. Wilson, Forney's Press office. Charles H. Graffen, Sunday Mercury office. - James Nolen, Inquirer office. Wm. F. Corbit, Associated Press. Wm. B. Carpenter, Fire Alarm and Police Tele. graph, Fifth and Chestnut streets. • A. Randolph, Front and Lombard streets. James W. Perrine,ll29 Charles street. H. A. Davis, 923 Orskill street. John W.odaide,l2.3l.Cranklln street. - Robert Thompson, 1609 Walter street. R. G. March. 626 Franklin street. J. Gebloff, 731 South Second street. John Seymour, 613 South Front street. E.W. Howard, 1 Dock street. H. C. Bartlett, =7 South Second Street. L. Bates, 605 Arch street. • _ Albert Martin. 417 South Second street. Mary Caldwell, 1032 Sansom street. W. Thomas, 20 North Fourth street. T. M. Canby, 109 Elfretb's alley. George Wilson, 2;36 Race street. W. F. 8r00k5,69 North Secondstreet. M. 3. Hassett,ll9 Canal street. S. Seymour Rose, Bw.tleton. Charles Rogers, 921 South street. R. T. Wellington. Second and Quarry streets. E. E. Thomas, 136 South Sixth street. William Barns, 515 South Front street. S. S. Sanford, Opera Manager. John liaginnis, rear of 134 North Second street. Mrs. S. R. Choate, Newark,Del. George W. White &Co. : No. 66 South Third street, Mr. RlViam B. Wright: Sin: We tare pleasure in recommending your TAR SYRUP of which we have already sold con• siderable quantities) as a most excellentand efficacious remedy for the comnlaints set for,h in your printed bill already submitte 7 4 to the public- As a tilying act to suffering humanity we will y recom• mend your preparation to, all aillictedwith diseases which it is designed to Cure. Yours, &c., DILXS & SON, Druggists, N. E. corner Pine and Sixth streets. Also to be had at JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, DYOTT & CO., and all principal drugaists and dealers. The =beim iber would beg leave thither to say that he is prepared to fill orders and forward the 'Syrup to any part of the country. Persons desiring other information by mail will enclose apostage stamp, and answers will be reburied as soon as the exigenotes of business will admit. Address W 1.1,1,1911 B, WRIGHT, 771 South Third street, Phi adelphis, Pa. AY .KECB CATHARTIC \ \ \N . . 1 /// / PILLS are the most perfect i kf`e-- - ..-W i f ~,,, purgative which we ' -o 'itt,t4 , / Ware able to produce or which t Y - 0 4 .. 1p .we think has ever yet been • li.. *; . ~.,/ , made by anybody. Their 'Z -, / / , %. 4'- / ",- effects have abundantly - ---z- - ' .....• ' / shown to the community •--•,----..-..... - -iilik_ . . • - i k " how much they. excel the i i•7 7- ' - •i- "., _-- ordinary medicines in use, ... - They are safe and pleasant - ----=--- .', . to take,but powerful to cure. --- -----.. =---- Their penetrating proper s:; . tyr- ties trimu'ate the vital an- • ...,- •- -' - ttvt,ies of the body, remove the obstrutions of its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. breed and grow - distemper, stimulate sluggish 0 ,, disor• derrd orga^s into their natural action. and impart a :leaky tone with etrenght to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every. body, hot, also formidatle and dangerous diseases. While they produce powerful effects they are at the same time, in diminished drses, the safest and beet physic that can be employed for children. Being sugar. coated, they are pleasant to take - and, being purely vegetable, are free frets any ri 4: of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not sub stantiated by men of such exalted Pr anion and charac ter, as to forbid the suspicion of untruth- Many emi t en t clergymen and physiciths have lent their names to certify to the public the reliability of our remedies, while others have sent us the assurance of their con 1, iction that cur Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of our afflicted. suffering fellow-men The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis our American Almanac, contaluing directions for the use and certificates of their cares, of the following complaints: Costiveness. Bilious Complaints. Ithermiatism,Drop. sy. Heartburn ,Beadactie arising from foul stomacn. Nausea. indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain arising therefrom, VI atul eocy , Loss of Ap petite all Diseases which require an evacuant mea. eine. They also, by purifying the blood and stimu lating the system,- cure many complaints which it would not be supposed they could reach, such as Deat ness, Partial Blincinets, Neuralgia and IS ervnus Irri tability, Derangements of the Liver and SI meys, hoot, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body, or obstruction of its functions, Do not be put off oy unprincipled dealers with other prepsrations which they make more profit on. De matd AYER'S and take no others. The sick want the best aid there Is tor them, and theyabonid have it. Prepared by Ds. J. C. A YEE & Co.. Lowell. Mass., and sold by I M, Tr A RTS & CO., Philadelphia, and by all Druggists. my 19-sma,sv-Zu New Tork. (PALIDENTALLINA.—As uperior article for olefin './ lug the Teeth, destroying animalcnhe which*. feat them, giving tone to the gams, and leaving a feel. lug of fragrance and perfect ele