Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 11, 1866, Image 7
From our Third Edition of Saturday. Fenian Advance: BOSTON, June 9.—The following despatch is printed in , the Herald from Brig.-Gen. PIGEON HILL,' CANADA Vdte.T . , Jane 9. We are in the,enerny's country; The green gel; waves! defiantly. • We, have captured Pigeon Hill, St. Armand Centre, Slab City. and the British colors. We are ready to advance. Hurry up reinforeements. Victory or death! The growlers and cowards have gone to the rear. They will talk about our position —but don't mind them. The tried men of nerve are at the front. XXXIXth Ibngrms—First Session. _ WanT-TTNerok..June 9. Holism—The Speaker presented a letter from the Secretary of the '.lreasury transmitting a statement of the amount paid for salary and mileage to the mem bers of the -thirty-eighth Congress. Neferred to the Cczo mittee on Apnroprlationa. The mileage paid to Senators was $124,108, and-the salary 1899,728. 'rural, $423.8236. 'lllB mileage paid to members of the. Mouse was $315,e54,. and the salary $1,1 , 19,195. Total, $1.464,160. Senator Connma received jor mileage $11,124. aria Senator McDougal sloie64. senators Harding and Nesmith, of Oregon, received for mileage $11,916 each.. • . Senators Nye and Stewart received fir Mileage 15,622 each; but this was only for on e session, being at the rate of $11,244 ler the Congra , s. •1 he hi assathuaers Senators received for mileage $739 each. The smallest slim received for mileage, was by Senator Johnson, of Mar 3 land, IST 20. ' Of the California members, Mr. Cole received $10.548, and Shannon $10.692. The Oregon member. Mcßride received for miliage $12,531. -Mr. Cole, the •delerate from Washington Territory received $12.059, and - Wallace, the delegate from Idaho $12,834. The smallest surn•received for manage was $64. by Henry White Davis. The Speaker also presented a letter fronr the ecixt mandiust of the Washington Arsenal transmitting a statement of tb e distribution of money among the eat- Serers by therteent explosion at ate Arsenal. Laid on the table. - . ' The Constitutional amendment passed by the Senate yesterday was reported to the House with amend ments en which its concurrence etas requested. The Speaker announced that under the orderof the House no bwiness was in order except debate as if In Committee of the Wnele on the President's annual message. Mr. Burleigh (Dakota Territory) addressed the Henn in favor of the removal of the Indians from the mineral lands of the North. Western Territorlei, and their permanent location In certain districts In Dakota and Montana Territories. Arrival of a Spanish Frigate at New York llzw Youir, - Jtme 9.—The Steam - Frigate Isabella La Catolica lies arrived at this port with General Dike aboard. New York- Stock Markets. NSW YORK, June lith:—Stocks are mill and lower; Chicago and Rock Island, 92Y. 111, Central, Ell; Mich igan Southern 79; N. Y. Maud, .9734; Reading 1994 . ; Virginia 6's, 66k; Missouri 6'a. 62,q: Western - Union Telegraph Co., 6034; 11. S Coupons, 1881. 10931; do. InVi; do. DM, Ten-Fortins,96.lg; Treasury 8-19 s, 10E.4102,3i; Go ld, 13tk®139%. CITY BIILLETIN. -TNT. ADVENT PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHuscH.—A very pleasant and social gath ering of the members and 'friends of this eongregation convened on Thursday even ing last, on the occasion of the reopening of their organ. Several improvements ye been made in the instrument, comprising the addition of two new stops, viz.: an open diapason in the swell, and karaulaphon in the great organ, together with a general re voicing of the same. A concert of sacred music was also given on the occasion al luded to, and the choir of the church, under the charge of. Mr. Sparks, organist, ac quitted themselves most creditably. The church never before enjoyed so much pros perity: Since the present Rector. Rev. J. W. % Cittzton has occupied the position, the church has been freed from all incumbrance of debt, improved the lecture room. and basement;including the Sanday School rooms; raised money for sundry benevolent punk:see, and at this time every pew is oc cupied, with encouraging prospect of much spiritual benefit. Two confirmations have taken plea:, already this year; at the first eighteen, and at the latter twenty-one were confirmed. SEAL I TATfE:. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—Estate of CHAS. A. POULSON', deceased.--THOMAS & SONS, Auctiongera—REA.L ESTATE—Pnrstia an order of the Orphans' Court for the city and countyof Philp, delphlaowill be sold at thblic sale, OV TUESDAY, June lt, 1866 at 12 o'clock, noon. AT. THE PHILA. 11BLPHIA_-..EXCHANIGIE, the following described re °per* late of Charles A. Poulson, deceased, viz.: No. 1. All that three atary brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the weat aide of Front street, (No. 824)20feet north of Union street; coutatnitg In front on Front street 20 feet. and extending in , depth west ward 99 feet. Bounded westward by ground formerly ofleviorJones, southward bya messuage and lot of Charles le. Poulson. and northward bya lot formerly of Ebenezer Tomlinson, • N0.12.,A1l that Messuage and Lot of Ground them, :unto belonging, situate at the N. W. corner of FrOhti and Union streets (being No. 326 South Front street), containing Infront on Irrontstreet 20 feet. and in depth on Union street 99 feet, more or less. 'Bounded 1:10114- ward by, ground formerly, of James Stewart. late of Charles A. Poulson, westward by ground formerly of George P: umsted, and since of John Couiter. No. 8. All that messuage and lot of ground there onto belonging. situate at the S. W. . corner of Front and Union streets, being numbered No. 318 South Front street, and described according ton recent sur• vey as follows, to will containing in oreadth on Front street 19 feet 61 , 4 inches, and continuing that breadth in depth westward 65 feet: then widening on the south side tbereof 6 inches; then extending of the breadth of 20 feet ofaninch In farther depth. 11 feet 7 inches; then narrowing on the south side thereof 2 inches:- then extending of the breadth of 19 feet 1113 s inches fur ther, in depth 5 feet benches to a 4 'eet wide alley lead. log into Unick street. Bonded southward by other ground or Chas: A. Poulson, mid westward by the said 4 feet wide alley. No. 4.—A1l that messuage, and lot of ground thereun to belonging, situate onthe West side of Front street, No. 230, 19 feet 6X 'inches south of Union street, de berthed according to a r,ecentsurvey_thereoL as follows; . to wit: containing in breadth on Front street 16 feet; and continuing that breadth In depth westward 65 feet; Then narrowing' on the north side thereof 6 inches, then extending of the breadth- of• 15 feet 6 inches-far ther in ;depth 11 feet 7 inches; then widening on the north aide thereof 2 inches; tnen extending of the breadth of 15 feet 8 inches further in deptti feet 5 inches to a 4-feetwide alley •leading. into Union street. Bounded northward and southward by ground of Chas. .11-Fouleon, and westward by the said 4-feet wide alley. No. 5.—A1l that messuage and lot of ground there. mato belonging, situate on the west side of Front street, (Vo. 333,) 35 feet 65.; inches sonth of Union street; con faing in front on Front street 17 feet 93i inches, and In depth ffi feet. Bounded northward by ground uf diaries A. Poulsone , southward by ground now or late of Samuel Wretherill. and westward by a 4 fees wide alley leading luto Union street. , No 6=All that npsasnage and let of ground tlierennto, longing. situate, on the South side of Union street, (No. • 1130,86 feet we of Front street, described according to, tecentanrvey as' follows r containing in front on Union streetls feet 4 inches, and in depth 68 feet 4' Inches to a 2 feet 8 Inches wide alley. Bounded east ward by a 4 feet wide alley, southward by Shia 2 feetB Inches wide 'alien and westward by ground late of Francis Gurney:deceased. By the Court E. A. M Eltilleir. Clerk O. C. FOser..--Two•thirds Interest In. each_ of the above premises will be sold under the order of the Orphan's Court; the remaining third la the property.of Charles Gurney Poulson, who will upite in a deed to the pur chaser for the same. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, :my24,je2,11 ' 189 and las, Fount; street. ORPHANS'. COURT SAlM.—Estate of RLISHA P:00011E, dec'd."-TROBILAS&SONS,Auctioneers. uable Business Stands. Nos. 319 and 319 l; Market. street. Pursuant to an order Of the - Orphans' Court for the City and county - of Philadelphlao. will be sold at .Public.- on TUESDAY, June 12th, 1868, at 12 o'clock; noon,aithePHILADELPHIAEXCHANGE, the following described:property of Enos P.Cdoke,de ceased. All that full; - equal, undivided sixth part of, in and to all that certain brick me.sruage, buildings, store house. tavern and lot of ground, situate on the north side of High.or Market street,between the Del. aware Third ann Youth streets, Sixth, Ward. Nos. 319 and Al93i; containing in breadth,, east and West, 16%," feet, more or less, including the halfpart of a 4 feet wide alley, left open for the convenience of this and the ad jolaing premises to the westward, and In depth, north stud Butith. 210 ieet 6 Inches: Bounded westward partly, by thewesternmost half of Said alley, and portly by ground formerly ofJohn 'Mater, deceased, northward with•the court ' hereinafter mentioned; eastward with ground now or late of Thomas . Wistar. Together with the right and privilege of the said 4 feet wide alley, in. common withthe ownerS and occupiers of the , mes.. Isnege and lot next westward, and also of the tree and uninterrupted right; use and ..privilege of a court or iece oc open ground 163' feet in width, east and west; in the clear ,- lying north of the above" described prem ises. and of an alley 11 feet 4 Inches in width clmmu nicating with the said, court, and extending from Third strtet to and in aline with , the .northwest corner of, said court. .`. ' . .87 the Court; R. A: , MERRICK, Clerk 0. - C. J. •COOKIC:LONGSTRETH. Administrator • ' • - 'THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. 1028-je2,1l • 1.39 andl.4lBoutti 'Fourth street. TOR SALE.— A FARM containing 140 acres, situate on the southeast bank of :the -Schuylkill river. 1,45- miles we fromPottanocim, and mile from. Beading.K.R., the property la bounded on the berth' by the Schuylkill canal. Sal& farm containsaboat leo va rieties of pear trees in good bearing condition,and other frog in : proportion. Buildings largoand convenient. For particulars apply to 13.D.PRICE, 51 North Sixth street, Seeoml story. --jeS-tudalita _ BE.LET—sEcoxn, THIRD,..FOUBTIi AND afficee or istn F LOO RS, httln% W . E A l g .,, yl t e r H.; O 1 411 BON, Real Estate Brokers, 4E3 walnut:Burnet: • - - WOB. BENT—The second , third and fourth floors of F OR building situate No. las North Third street, above Merry. J, At. CIMMY &g , 0103, 6QB Walaut street. ."REAR. ,ESTATE: : FOE, ItEN T. :Th6. - Neti Raißing, No. 607 Chestnut Street. WLL BE COMPLETED IN A B911;47 - DAYS, The proprietors are prepared to receiveproiXrsais renting such rooms as they do not nee themselves. Tliese_wilthe THE SEININD STORY FRONT ROOM. 60 by 24 feet. x:a;~:r♦n.:i.yl TIRCE — EITELDING, ' Your Stories High. with Entrance by _a wide hall or Clbestnnt street; And a FrOnt of 25 feet on JaYne street: Suitable fer a Jobbing or Oonunission Reuse, a Bank or Insurance Office. For Further Particulars apply at the NEW BUI LETIN No. 607 Chestnut Street. FOR SALE—A VERY DESIRABLE COLIN TRY RESDJENCE. . all the modern improvements; situated near the • .ROLIdERIIRG DEPOP • , Of the Philadelphiannd Trenton - Railroad. Acceis to and from the city almost hourly. The house is built in the best and most substantial manner, withont regard to cost, having every conve nience t and w.ll suited for a,summer and wittier real deuce for any gentleman doing business in the city, or who is desirous of pos. essing a thstrclatlt residence. It is within five millet , s' walk of the depot and about on. -third of a mile from.. the village of Holmesburg, a village noted for Its healthful !situation and pleasing eociety:ard possesses . a - • Pak E VIEW of the DELAWARE RIVEa. There are three acres of land; also a fine stable con nected therewith, the ground elegantly laid out and tastefully embellished with fruit and ornamental trees. A fine garden in good' condition, and rata ing now every variety of vegetables. Schools and Churches convenient. .&pplyto je6,w.fm.6t* C. M. ta. LESLIEC, 727 Sansom St. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF ELIZABETH WILLIAMS. decea.ed.—vettr- A LIS :BUILDING-/AY 'AND' HOUSE IN BOX. BOROUGH, near Roxborough: Water-work& Will be sold at Public Sale, by alias Order of Conrt, on the premises, Riage road. Roxborough, betweeni and a mile stones, on WEDNEsDAy, June 27, MC 2 o'clock P. M. - , - A TWO-STORY STONE HOUSEand LOT of S acres and 121 perches of land, near the Roxborough Water Works. and adjoining landAof John_ Smirk, William Williams, George Williams. and the Ridge Road. Terms, 11200 on day of sale; balance On execution of the deed. By the Court. R MERRICK, Clerk O. C. 0. W ETA .r Axe, Adm'r. 1 M. PESTER, Auct'r. _ _ jes.s,w,m3t3 CAPE MAY tXrITABES AND STORES To have two CO PTAGES, in the immediate vit. nay of Congress Hall—one on 3 ACKSOS street, boar Lafayette street, 3 on LAFAYETT 6, and S on WASHINGTON street. two of them entirely new; and STORI , B opposite Congress Hall, one neatly fitted up, at 1150 for the season. several Boarders wanted for the Bathing season 'within half a mile of the bathing ground. Board ers will be taken to and back from bathigg free of charge. Address or call on A. E. HUGHES A . ge tate nt, les C Real ape Es Island, N. J. GERMANTOWN .—FOR SALE. EITHER furnished or tuafttrniahed, with immediate pots- Brbt3 on, a large and coma odious Mansion, situate In bne or the most desirable parts of the town, within five minutes' walk of Railroad Depot. It contains rourteon rooms with all modern conveniences, hot and cold bath. gas and waterin all the, chambers. firs class stable and carriage home, a good vegetable garden abundance of fruit and flowers. in fact It cum blues all the advantages of a_ City and Country Rest. 'tepee. Lot 90 by Stio Wet deep. Apply to C. H. MUM 33 ELD, 205 booth Sixth street. my29.15t1 frif A BARB t.HANCE.—A FINE FAILlii of one Ala hundred and forty acres. near 3llddletown, Dela ware (a healthy location). The yonog peach orchard air ne, which is about fifteen acres, will pay the interest On an that is asked for the whole term. well stocked, implements, crops in the ground. furniture in the house &c., &c. For particulars inquire of "S. T. 8.," ;1113 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. A planeness' Phila. delphia, or a good home in the city will be taken in exchange. Some of the money can remain on wort. gage. JeB 314 Gel I. H. JOSEPH, CENTRAL r, ESTATE , ga _Agency, No. 271 8. Third street, Philadelphia. • Pa. Real Estate bought and sold on commission. Loans negotiated. Money procured on Bonds, Hort . gages, and other securities. House and Ground Items 'collected. Commissioner ofneede for all the Stake. mySeml In GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Beautifully and conveniently 1 tenanted, within two minutes' walk or Church Lane ',Station. A commodious and &agent REM:DENO& ;with all the modern conveniences; stable, mach-house, &c. Lot 180x210. Apply between 10 andat SS North THIRD sMeet.- fnahl4trel W. P. WIIBTACH, We, GRIthIA_NTO oiN—FOR SALE.—a handsome , mug double pointed stone residence, built in the bast :manner and having every city 000venience, situate 013 Chew street between hoetnaker'e and Church lance. 'Lot 193 feet front by 240 feet deep, with stone stable - and carriage house. Immediate possession given. J. GUMMY &BON% SCB Walnut street. 1 40 SENT.—A COMTORTABLE DWELLING House eight rooms, situated on the ritt of turnpike road , Wakelin street, Twenty. i third Ward: Aptly to - W. W. SMEDLEY, ie9-its Opposite the premises. SPRUCE STREET—FOR SA.LF.—The hand !ll2r some three-story brick RESIDENCE, 22, feet front, with attics and double back-buildings. and lot !137 feet deep to an outlet. Situate . Ho. 1503 SPRUCE 'street. Has every convenience, and is in' excellent order. J. M. GUJAMEY ct SONS, SOS Walnut street. FOR SALE—The modern threestery brick f" RESLDENCE. wiak double back-bulidinga, ;lin bed throughout in the best manner. with every !convenience, and in perfect order. Situate No. 2tt 'PINE street. GUMLEY et SONS, SOS Walnut :street. FOR SALE—A handsome three story brick Ma Residence, with double three-story back build :lngo, and side yard, situate on the east side of Nine teenth street, above Arch. Lot t 4 feet 6 inches front by 100 feet deep, J. M. GIIIIMEY & SONS, 508 Wal nut street. An FOR BALE.—A large five-story brown stone • Ka . BUILDING, 82 1 eet front. with steam power, and i admirably adapted for Mecbanical purposes; c'ntrally located. Full parctetaars furnished by I. IL GUM ' MEY & EONS, ttB Walnut street. giR TO RENT.— A COUNTRY MANSION stabling gla for five horses; ice house filled, milk house and garden, 10 minutes' walk from Tioga b taloa on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Apply to CHAS. H, EVANS, No. 631 Arch street. ie3-61.) lik . FOR BALE.-THE THRICE-STORY BRIO'S. t l' o- D W RT.T , ING, with tw3ton' back building, ettn '. ace 0,2210 PINE street. In good order. With lame ! dints possession. - WAII. L. MACTIMR. I _lent* 132 Walnut street. 1115 CAPE TSLA WD.—A desirable Cottage wilt be i sold by Thomas &. Sons, June 12th, eleven rooms. Photograph of which can be seen at Hat Store or Auc tion Room. For further particulars _lnquire at Mo. CALLA'S New Hat Store. 613 CHESTNUT at .je6-tf/ EIFOR SALE.—The dwelling, No. 521 South Ninth street, with three-story double back buildings, , con afining all the modern conveniences. Built - ex pressly for the present. owner. Terms easy. Apply at NO. 518 South NINTH street. • ' myl2tf i FOR BALE—The threeato7 brick Dwelling, with:two-story back buildings, situate No. 609 ou Tenthatreet. Has been recently.. thoroughly re paired, J. M. OHMMEY & SONS. 508 Walnut street. n)1 1 ;5 b r e t 's I Mo l ganTata l tr . 81T._ tgliti o t n o e mi LOB, Central Honse„ or 240 Market St. je7,61.* rplloi4E LET.—Third and 'fourth floors with thece 1 en first floon also, part of a large cellar, No. 16 _ South Front street, *Apply to j.-H. &BON, Real Estate Brokers ,' -433'Walnut street. frO.llE LIM—FOURTH AND F F TH FLOORS 166 ‘ ..L. South SECOND street. Apply to .1. H. CURTIS & SON. Real Esfate Btokers. 433 WALNUTstreet. ='' WALNTS. Ur 5 BRCS,_H WRITING AND LIrEEtARY. AGE/SGT. — Copyingdone' ' rapidly, advertise , meats written, business lettersanswered promptly and coruldentially Writing of all kinds attended to tr Ymaa r li especial attention. No. lr l ve rtab Nlnt_s.reet,Pa. deipbia.. Refer to D. Appleton .& Co., 448 and .44.5 Breadwai , , New York. je7tf A BOOKKEEPER, BY DOUBLE' ENTRY, de , At. sir,ng employment for two. or three hours each day, will please address note, stating terms and refer ence. to Y•. A. H. office of this paper. • je93t* 1; 'll7 - ANTED—By a middle aged man, of large expert- VV epee, a situation as BOOK-BEEPER. Best city references. Address Box 2,691, P.O. , jes-6t* AGENTS WANTED FOR "CAMPAIGNS OF THE ABITY_OF THE POTOMAC." By William Swinton. The Standard History of the "Grand Army." The greatest w. rk on the War. Universally endorsed by army officers and the press. Send for circulars and tee obr terms. Address "National Publishing C 0.," 501 Minor street. Philadelphia. Pa, my3o im* illWs WANTED TO RENT BY AN ADULT , ffig ,Eartilly a three-story ROUSE with double threfs storybook buildings, between Arch and Pine and Eleventh and Eighteenth streets. Address • 35L NEWKIRK, ' let:f.m.w.6l* 320 Walnut etreet. tWANTED 'KO PIInOHASE—A House, in the western pert of the city, between Broad, and rinty unit streets, and Vine and Pine streets. lin. mediate possession. rice about $lO,OOO. Any lone having such a house will confer a favor upon the Wye/titer by addressing at.this Office. < " ..._gee-St) PE.BFI:IM.EItY, tOntONINN tai o tE 8 0 1 A molt of oyOry width kJ from one to els. feet wide, ear nun:them Tent and Awning Duck, Papermakers felting, Sail Twine. ,in. ,10.1121 W,:ER.2I/..N & CO., No, 102 Jones' Alley DAILY EVENING IJULLETINI. TiSAVf;MING ilgig)l6." • pv TaNCI I2aILB,OAD, GBEiT TIMMY LLNIti r *ol, Y• a II EITAPHIA SO THE anerharr.Oß JPIKINN. SYLVANIA, THE _BOHUYLICILL, SIISQIININAN NA, COMB BLAND AND WYOMING VAltigEß_ FrE NORTH, _NOILTHWMAT "and• the VAWADAI3. SUNAIEB 4 4.B.RANGEXENT , PASSILoiGIa MAINS, June 41866,. leaving pepof x, THIN tEhINTonIR and ..fer ho OALLO.H.a. Thlls. 1 1 .17 V , giv-hce,me: At - 7.30 A. M. for 'Reading and all intermediate Sta lions. Al 8.15 A. 71., for Reading, Leosoon, - Harrison" Pattavine Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Etantstu y r William* port, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Palls,_Brillislo;Allan. town, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, 'York, Carliale,Olusubere burg. Hagerstown, &a. Tab train connects at READING with the Eno Pennsylvania Railroad trains , tbr Allentown, ac.: and with Reaping and Columblaß.R.trains for Colson bla,de.; with 'the Lebanon Valley train dar - Harrisestri. dm.; at PORT CLINTON with Oatawissa Railroad trains km Williamsport, Lock Harem Elmira. det. at HARRISBURG with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, ..and Schuylkill and:. Suaqadlusrma , trains for. Northumberland:Williamsport York. eluembersburg, Pinegrove, AFTERNOON =PIMA% Loaves Philadelphia at 3.30 P. M. fbr yolga Ville, Harrisburg au , .- connecting with and Columbia R.R. trains for Columbia, &c. BEADING ACCOMMODATION. leaves Reading at 6.00 A. IL, stopping at all waists- Do • arrives in Philadelphia at 8.55 A. X. Re , t 7.5 leavs P. P M lilladelphis, at 5.00 P. ' IL: strains in Reading a ' Trains for Philadelphia leave•-liarrisbarg at 8.10 A. M. and Pottsville at 8.45 A. If.. arriving In Philadel• phla at Lie P. M. Afternoon - trains leave H.a.bura at 2.10 P. N., and Pottsville at 2.46 P. IL; arriVing at Philadelphia at 6 45 P. M. Harrisburgaccommodation leaves Beading as am A. H. and urg at, .1k P. M. Cos:pouting- at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at GAO P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. • Market train, with a Passenger car aaached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Raiding: and all way stationa•leavEell.palllng 11.80 and Downingtown 12.30 P. M. for PhilluielWa and -•wa,y• - All the above trains run daily. Sundays excepted. trains leave Pottsvills at R. A. N.. arid' Philadelphia - at 3.15 P.' Ml 'leave Philadelphia, fbr Reading at 8.00 A. M., returning from Reading at 4.25 CHESTER VALLEY 'Tr A 173 MA.D. Passengerslbr Downingtown and interrlediatepoinis takek the .3tl and 8.15 A. IL and 5.00 P. IL trains torn PhiladeloMa. returning from IpOwningtOwn at 8.85 A. N. and 12 80 Noor_: • NEWYORR ESP W arITTEESUROH. AND Leaves ltew York ate. 9 A. Mend 8.00 P. IL.paasing Reading at 115. 11.63 AliL; and 1:48 PM. and connect at Railroad Harrisb with, Pextra y Trains fbr bmkh,lvania, Northern ,Oentral Lisimsnort. g, ' Baltimoro. Asc. Returnin Eqireas Train tout Harrisburg or ICigOi: W 11•. arrival of Permsylvsuda Express Pittsburg bat 3 and 9.05A.M.,9 15 P.M. passing Reading at 4.49 and 10-52 .6 and 11.36 P, 11. arriving at New York. 10 A.2 4 L. and 2.45 P. M. Sleeping tars accampanynag these trains through between Jersey Oily sad Pittsburgh, " without change. Mall train ibr.New York leaver Harrishurgas 2.10-P. M ,Hail train thr Harrisburg leaves New York at 1.11 Foos • 721OHDYLE/LL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 7,11.36 A. M. and 7.15 P. hi.: returning from Tamaqua at •7.25 A. 2d., and 1.40 and 4.15 P. Trains leave Auburn at 7.50 A. H. for Musgrove and Harrisburg, and at 1.60 P. H. !Or Musgrove and Tre mont; return tng from Harrisburg 84 B'4 P. M. and from Tremont at 7.80 A. H. and 0 2.5 P. M. TICKETS. Through lintel= ticket and emigrant token, to all the principal points In the North and Wed and Csr.adae. The following tickets are obtainable only at the Mee of B. Bradford, Tres rarer Booth Fomth street, Plilladel his, or of G. A. Wool* General daparintend• ant, iocannrreerxoN TICKETS, At 15 p er cent., disconnt between any points destree On Mllet! Good for 2,000 aalles,between all palatal, at $52 50 each, for f amnia, and firma. - SEASON TICKETS. For three, elx, ni n e or twelve raorthe, for holden only, to all pcdata at redo-rad ratee. CLERGYMEN Redding on the line of the Road will be furnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets as half-Zre. EiXCIUSSION Tiairwrs. Yroxa Philadelphia toprinctpal etAtionst, good tor Saturday, Sunday and Blonday, at reduced are, to be had only at the Ti the at Thirteenth and Callow. ill 'treats. PR ' EIGHT. Goods of all descriptions ibrwarded to all the aboTa Points from the Company's blew Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. FIELEIGHT TRAINS. Leavehis daily at 5.80 A. ht., 12.45 noon and P. M., ibr , Lebanon, Harrisburg. POttrrlllei Pori CCUnten, and porMezond. Close at the Pb ladelphis Poet One for all pia= an elle road and its branchm at 5 A. IL, and Ibr the pen! ipat Stations only at 3.15 P.M. • PHIIA.EI2 TON AND D BAliriat.Oßß BAIL, ABLE—Commencing MONDAY, April 16th . 1566 . Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as ttglows: Express Train. at 4.15 A. (Mondays excepted), tbr Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Warning ton, Newark, it lkton, Northeast, Perryville, Etavre-de-Orace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Magno li a. ,Cbase a and &promotes Bun. Way-1 Train, rar A.. M. (Smclos .- ex. copied) Ibr Baltimore, stopping at all regular atationa between Philadelphia and - Bahimore. , • _,_ Delaware 8.11. Train , 9.00 A.M.(Bundsy excepted), lb/ 'Princess Anne, Milford and Intermediate station& Express train at 1L45.A.31. (bandaya excepted) for Baltimore and Exp TraiW eshin o . n Baltimore and. n Whn P gto_ h n , o s npdpan ex a PC b f e o r r , Claymont,"Wilmington, Newark, E.146. - ton, North-R.sst, Perryville, Havre-de Grace, Aberdeen. Perryman's, Ed ge w oo d, Magnolia, chwws and Stemmer's nun. Hight Express at MOD P. M. for Baltimore and Wash _ _ 11 =er 3. igers by boat Prom Baltimore for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, City Point and 'lichened will take the 11.45 A. M. Train. WT I • I4-I NOTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and WU. mington. Leave Philadelphia at 9.00,11.15 A.1L,4.80, 8.00 and 11.53 P. M. The cte P. M. train connects with the Dela ware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate sta. tions. Leave Wilmington R. 45. 8.00 and 440 A. N., 400 and 6.30 P: M.. - Trains far Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 9.00 A. M. 4.30 and 0.00 P. M. - THROUGH TltAltsl3 PEON HALT/MORE Leave W on at 11.00 435 and 1040 •.: p: . • Leave Chester at 7.46. 8.46, 10.14 and 11.40 A. M., Ms. 5.10, 7.26 and 10.85 P. M.. , , Prom Baltimore to hilelphia.—Leave Balilm 7.25 A. M., Way Nail. P 9.20 A ad . M., Faeroes. 1.10 P. M ore ~ 9-I=a. - e. 85 P. M., Express. 8.115 P. M., Plxpress. for Baltimore leave Chester at 4.49 and 8.25 A. M.. and 8.58 P. M. Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 5.23, and 9.83 A. M.. and 4.15 P. M. E u V l eAl ro it tralrus with passenge4car attached will leave W n for Perryville and intermediate stations at 6.05 . M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de-Grace and intermediate Stations at 4.45 P.M. Leave Perry yule for Wilmington and Lutermedlate stations at 5.00 A. M. connecting at Wilmington with the 8.00 train for Philadelaiiia. -- - Enema Train se 4,19 A. M. for Baltimore and Weak . Ington, stopping at Chester, Wilmiton, Newark, Elkton Northeast , Perryville, Jilavko - rtearvee, Aber dew, Ferryman% Magnolia, ,Iltuuse's and Stemmer's Night Express 11.00 P. M. ibr Baltimore and Wash- Ington. Aooommodation Train at 11.90 P.M., ter Wilmington : and Intermediate Stations. 131AIJFEbtOBB FOR PII3I.ATOKE.PH:Lk. Leave Baltimore at &25 P.M., stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville andWilminifton. Also etc at NM ton arid Newark (to take waengera for Ph ..lelohla and leave mamma from washinn or Baltimore) and Chester to leave Paceengera from - Baltilllord or W2ahington. Acconicdation train will leave Wllndnigton Anna. ladelphla and Intermediate Static= Ittiperint at 6.80 P. M. H. F. RENNlMenilsal. . , . ' WEST '..JEUDDLY BAILROAD LINES—From foet of Market street ppex erry. mmencing THURSDAY May 81, 1866 LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS: 8.00 A. M. Mail for Bridgeton{ litilaOl, and all Inter , mediate bralaolts. , _,.1 A. M. Mail for Cape MEW, stopping at Woddbary, Mambo, o', Vineland and Millville, and allstations be low litillvi Ile. Due L 2.18 M. 800 L. M. Aecomodation for Cape May, stopping at Woodbnry and eilassb•ro';„ and all ,stations below ' Glatsboro . Due 8.15 P. M. 3.30 P. M. Paksonger, tor Bridgeton, Balem and all Intermediate stations: , • . 6.00 P. M. Woodbury Accomodation. teAved4eirggiTll 3 ll2lE ". ' • liridgeton 7.00 AN. and 8.50 P. M. " Salem 6.45 A. M. and 3.35 P. 11, Freight will be received at second covered wharf be= low Walnut street from 7.A. M. until 5 P. M.' Freight received at or before 9 A. - 9f.., will go forward same day'. Freight delivered at 228 Booth Delaware Avenue,' • J. VAN D.R.MCBSELAZ.R, Superintendent. •, TEE WEST JERSEY EXPR - R COMPANY, Will attend to all the usual branches amt.:mums Bus razes, receive, deliver, and forward_ i through other re , sponsible Express Companies, to all parts of the noun. I try, any article entrusted to them: - A Special Walton' Ea' accompanies each tilFettil: , t rain. Office, No, 5 ' Walnut street, , . - • • • • . - - ---- PHMALELPRIA- • BALTI - MORE OENTBAL RAILROA.D.— GEMENTS.-ON AND .AFrza MONDAY, March 19,1866, the Trains will leave Phila. delphia, Sewn the Depot of the West (theater & Phila delphia Railroad. -corner of Thirty-first arid Market Streets, (Went Philads. ), at 7,20 A , and 4.45 P. Leave Rising San, - at5.30, and OxPard - at 6.05 A. M., and leave Oxford at &25 P. M. let a - Market - Train - with Passenger Oar attached will run on Tuesdays and Fridays. leaving The Rising Sun it 10.45 A:M., Oxford at 11.45 A. M„ and Rennett at :2.45 P.M., connecting at Weed Chester Junctionwith a Train forPhiladoipida: On and alter Junelar,thislrain willieavet he Rising Ran at 4 P. hf., Oxfornlit 5 P:M.; arol,Reanett at ,8 P. Marketing Wililnot be taketLen Pamenge,r Trains. ,Tharpain., 'saying :Pidlielelpilla at .7 .!20 bin ned-4 at ClifOrctsithlsivelitlinsief taigas for . Peach Gott mI, LiiiicsaWconn Dettirning,Teavee /leach Bottom to connect; NRlalle Afternoon Train fer Philadelphia. ' < The Trainleating Philadelphia at 4.45 =Si tO Rising Bun, Md. Passengers arS , Sgailrfa-40- tare Wearing Apparel only. as Baggage, mid - Ih° 'Coinpany will not in any Case be responsible for an amount, exceeding one hon• dred dollars, unless a special contrast be made for the Main% R111.18; 11 '!.MiRY WOOD. Oen% DV% 34ORNING AVAX/MODATIONS rtni sr:lll:rvp.:4:tio.L•ed.,:4A n:z 0.1 I TIOILETS, ph,-. SUNDAY MIRE IA IL, MON DAN, JUNE! IL 1566 " 'NORTH PhitINSYLVAN Lk a MIDDLE 'orten an maid direct line to BethlehernAllentowur Eau& Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven Mckesbarre; tldahg Coal D anoy CityeV, and ons. • ail pOlnts In the Lehigh: a nd Wll4 !sin Passenger Depots in .Philadeirmismtstreet 4boveTborapdan, and corner Of rif and , pIIMMIER ABRANGEMENT I • - RI NE DAILY TRAENB: On and after MondaY,May.ristiMaXamenger trains leave the Depot, Thi s treet, tM.ompson, dales (Bundaya excepted-as follows: • • AT 7.80 A. X b —Maning Express fbr Bethlehem and and Principal Mat:lona: On , Rertit , Pennsylvania Rail road. _connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad fbr Allentovm,Cataaammalllatington, Mauch llirmt Weatherly .1 - daneavfile; teton, White vat, wilkesbarre, kinvon, Pittston, abd all pointa Lehigh and Wyoming all • also, in connection Haw with, Lehigh and Mahanoy Ba forrMahanoy_Clty_. and anthCatawisaa Railroad. fbr, Rupert, Danville, Milton d Williamanart. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 'LISA. BLI _at Wlikesbarre M ::' at Mahanoy City 'at 3 P. id.- Passengers by thts train . can take the Lehigh Valley Train, pawing Bethiehtun at MOO M. for' Rad , ton and points on New Jamey" Central Railroad' to' New York. , , • • AT . 8.88 A. M.—Accommodatton, Ihr Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Statiozus. Patmen_ gears for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by thin train, take Stage at Old York Hoed. , _ rc AT- IOLAM Bert Washing. ton, atop,'" at, all intermediate Stations. . At 2.80 P Accommodationlor Do lestown, stop Ping at Intermediate stations. , take stage at. Doyletnowntor New. Elope. AT 8.80 P. M.—Evening 7111rpreea ibr Bethlehem and' prime/pal Stations on the North 'Pennsylvania Bar; raad 'Vi n te%tin alaße A l i c r °l = pn at' Rath 1 ' t ) li Am lift.4t; IL Passengers for Plabittel li hamervilla and other points on New Jeraey,central take N. J. O. Train at Mutton, winch arrives in New York at 15 P. M. Pt/a far Sumneytown take stage - st.4North Wales. ar "l iroi Nazareth e.O .13etlgeliein and ibr Greenville a gnakertdwn . ii AT cns. P. 3/L—Areommodatiort, Mr Doylestown. Mopping at all intermediate Station& passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage al Abington : Dar Lmnberville-at-floylestown. AT. 8.35 P. ll.Througls AccommOdaidon, nar - Neth. !ahem anti all Mations on main line et North PreillaY/- varda Ballmad, canna:tins at Bethlehem wwith Leldidi Valley _Evening Train for Allentown, Minch Chnack, AT LDP. IL—vickwe ." 0 ". .lAradale., pingstop at all intermedlateStationa. At I. P. N: Accommodation for Port "Witatilmitem. TRAINS FOB, PHILADELPMEA. LeaYeßetblehemat 620 A. M.. mut /215 M ;sad 6.11 _ /2.M tram makes direct connection with Leigh Val. /ey trains SUM }Aston,- Willreabarre, Mahoney City, Ilealeton.And arrives in Philadelphia at '2BO P. IL Passengers leaving Wilkeebarre at 1.15. P..M.,connect at 'Bethlehem at 415 P. IL, and arrive in Philadelphia at 1/40 P. IL. _ - Leave Doylestown 549.40 A. M. 11.15 an d 6.80 Pat. • ' Lesve Lansdale at it A.M. Leave Port Wasldngton atL %andil6PaL • ON SUNDAYS. • Philadelphia for 9 A. N. Philadelphia Po Do lestown at 2.Se P. IL Doylestown for P phis at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem Ihr Philadelphia ALCM P. M. Fifth and Sixth .Streete Paseenpir Oars petty 7 paa map= to aad from Berios Street Depot. white Ctrs of Second and Third Streets Line convey pastegners to Third Street hepot. Tickets exa m prooare.datthe Ticket Ofilisee.TßlED street or RFR-Tesi street, In order to secure the towel rates of fare., BL.LD3 OLABK, • TrilhAtlYB Bade EXpre66 Will can ter and ueuvur Baggage at the Depot. =ob. N 0.113 South TECUID street. my2l - FOR NEW YORIL—The CAM DEN AND AMBOY and PHILA. TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANY'S LINES, from Philadel Mato New York, and may Owes, from WALNUT STREW WHARF, will leave an ibilown. viz: Nara At 6 A. M.., via Camden and Amboy, Accorn., $2 26 At BA. 76i., via Camden and Jersey CI Ea - I:mesa, dco At 2 P. .11L it via Camaen and Ataboy 3 00 At 610 P. ~ via (nunden to b. Anibr y. ACM3I;3. 2 At 6.00 P.M. v.a (nunden and Amboy Aceom. 2d class— . , . - 189 At 8 M., Holly. EWILIIO. villa, _Pemberton and Vincentown. At SA. XL. and 2 P. EL En Freehold. At 5 and 10 A- M. 12 M. 4, 5,6, and 11_30 P. M. !br Fish House, Palmyra, Riverton, Progress, Delano, Beverly, Edgewater, Burlington, Florence. Borden tow threngh Tre n4dic. The 10 - A. lit.and P.N. lines runs direct to nton. ' L 1. 1 412.3 FROM EI3iNEMOTON DEPOT will leave as follows • M., 4.80, 8.45 P.M and 13 P.M. (night) viil Kensington and Jersey My Expreas---. at 00 The 6.45 P. M. Line will run daily. All others Sun. ,days excepted. At 7.30 and 11.0uA.,7•L ASO, 4.34,5 and 6 , 45 P. Si.. and 12mBinighr, for arlstol, Trenton. &C. At 7 and LOA% A. BL, IX M., 8. 4. 5, and 6 P. M. for Cornwells,Turrisdale,Holmesburg, Tacony.Wisrdne. • mite[ Bridal:rug and Franlriord and at. 10.15 A. Si. for BristoL fichencks, ..Eddingus and 8 P. Si. for Holm esburt and intermediate Btations. BELVEDERE DELAW& RA mtt()AD, fbr the Delaware River Valley, Northern Pennsylvania, and New York state: and the Great Lak.m. Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington De pot. as follovra: At 7..50 A. M. and &SOP. fbr Niagara Palls, Rut fele, Dunkirk, Canandaight...Eradra, Ithaca, Owego. Rochester, lusgb.tupt.on, Oswege. BYraraute, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkeebarre Sc ra nton, Stroudsburg. Water Gap, Belvidere, P.M. Lambertville, Mem ngton, eb:s. The Et on M. Line connects direct with he Train leaving ear Mauch Chunk. Allen town. Bethlehem. &a. At SP. M. for Lambertville !ma Intermediate Static ns Sir For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken dna ton Depot, take the ears on Fifth street, above Walnut, hall an hour before departaire. The cars run Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train. run front - the Depot. On SundaysQinnibusses will leave Wal. nut street wharf at SP. 2d. to connect with SAS P. At line: Fifty 'Pounds of Baggage only, alwed each Passau. ger. Painengera are probibit lo from taking anything as baggage" hut their wearing appareL AU baggage over tiny poundsto be paid for extra. The Company malt their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and wwll not be liable for any amount beyond 1.100, except by special contract. Igor 24.e.Wr mkt and Docent, ducked direct through to Boston, Worcester, SprOntfietd Har(fOrd, ,Tew Haven, Iccirport. Albany, Troy and Saratoga. . Graham's Stagg. age .express win mul fbr and deliver baggage at the Depota. Orders to be left at No. a Wal nut street, or at No. l(CnOnth Twelfth street. LINES MUM 142. W t Olt& eUtt.t' l4- it 4 OirdliPElA: Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at /2 2I and .4 P. M., via Jersey Cal' and Camden. At 7 anti 11 A. IL, P, If. and LI Night via Jersey City and Hen. stn_gton. From Pier No. IN. River t at SA, If. and 2, 4 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. WM. H. GATZIEKB, Agent. WEST CHESTER AND Pl 4 V/ATT A ; ELPHIA B A ILROILD, SUMNER AREANGEMMITS. • On and after 11.01iDAY, Jane 4th, 1.676, the trains will leave as follows: WEST CELESTES TRAINS, Leave Philadelphia ler West Chester, from Depot Thirty-drat and Market Street, LEO A. X., 11.00 OL. 2.4)44.45 and 7.00 P. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia. from Depot on E. Market street. LW, 7.110. le.* A. EL, Lea, 4.50 P. Di, Trainsheving West. Cheater at LSO A.OL and leaving, Philadelphia at 4.45 P.M., will not stop at Pennelton, and will atoPhel PE w Z B.C. LT J ON o R n A I S dia only. Leave Philadelphia the Permlton 6.57 and 10.30 P. M. P • Leave Penneitoa ibr Philadelphia &15 A. 7.115 ' These Trains stop at all Intermediate Stations. ' ON SUNDAYS—Iwo, odieerapbta, at 5.10 and 2.00 P. M. Leave West Chester V. 55 A. M and 5.00 P M. Till otherwise ordered a Maraet Passenger Train will leave West Chester lbr Philadelphia, on Tuesdaja and Fridays only. at 6.45 P. M. Os SM4Dalre—The West Philadelphia Passenger cars wil leave Eleventh and Market streets, half-an hour beibre the Train leaves the depot, and will leave depot on,the arrival of earth train to convey paasengers into the city. Trains leaving Philanelphis, at 7.20 A. M. and 4.45 P M., and leaving West Chester at 7.50 A. M, and 4.50 P. connect at Ja.4l Junetion with Trains on the P. and I 8.0. R. B. for CoMbrd, andintermediele points. EarPaaaengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only a s Ba _and. the Company will not, In any 1 rase, be fbr an amount exceeding one Mute dred dollate,anless a special contract Is made for the same. HENBY woop. General Superintendent -• . .TOWN AND PEULADIM,PIII.B. 2I , OBaumo r wiI . is is - 4.17, I. c TABLE—On and alter MON : DAY, May 16tb 1 1866 _ FOR ,GEIRMANTO97ISI. LeavePnUadebtdda.-6, 7,8, 2, 10, U, 12 ,' A. 21.4 1,2, 210 , minutes, IX. 4 . 6, OX, /0. 1/,_12, 21. Leave Germantown - 8.7, 744., a, 220, 2, 10, U., 12, A. M.; 3,2, 8,4, 4X, 6,6 X, 7,2, 2, 10, 11P. IL The 6.20 down and the 814 and 53,‘ up trains de net atop on Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS: • _ Leave -Pnuaaelphta-9.10 mirtuterhA. M.; 2.8, 5,8 and 10X. P• M. • , Leaves n--8 A. X.; 1., 4, 4,44 and 9%, P. M. OT BILL 11 rratOAD. • LeaVePhiladelphia , -5, 8, 19, 19, M.; 8,1410, 6M. 7. sold u, P. M. Leave Chestnut 1011.-7.10 minutesB,o.lo, and 11.40 A. M.;'2.40, 6.40, 5.4% 8.40 and MO 52, • ON B APB. Leave Philadelphia -9.10 valuate', 2 . 5, and 3 Leave Chestnut Hill-7,40 minutes, .A..iL; 12.40, 6.11! and 9.25 minutes P. POR'CONSHOHOCKPIDI AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia--0 8.85,11.0 5 minutes, A. M.; /Xs 4 %. 536 sib, 8.1145, and 11,k. P. M. I,eave r4orrinuons--534,7, 7.60, 9, U, A. N.; 4416% and BP. N. . 2 The 5% P. M. t rain will stun at Basal Lane, Wilma. hiekon, Managunk, Spring 1,1311 s and Onshanocken ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia,-9 A. M. 2%, 4, and 736 P. M. Leave Norrlider, n o g A.PL A Land 5% and 9, P. 31.. Leave Philadelphia-6, &115,1105. A. M.; 136 ,2, 234. I}6, 113 i, Aor, and 1134 P Leave Manavmic.-6X, 936 2.20, 9X,1136, A. M.: A 6M and 236. P.M. _ ON SuNDAYS. Leave irelladelphts-9 A. M.; 236 4, and 73; IeeSTO Mana_-_-17ii A. 21..;13i 6. WA 9% P. 21. .DepotNinth perinet, • - and Green irtreetlM RARITAN AND DKE.A.WARB _ 'T BAY RAILROAD 'COMPANY. 'U t nand alter MONDAY, the 14th of May, trains on this road will leave :the Depot ,of the Cam den and Atlantic Railroad Company, at Cooper's Point, Cm den, as follows: • Express. far Long Branch, New . York, and intermo diate stations, at 9.20 A. la.• Freight, for NewlfOrk and, intermediate stations, at • kiall and Express, for New or North 30 A,. _,Betwing„traina leave Pier 32, RlVer,' foot of Winne street: at 31.00".A.,15L-" and toe and! Plea No. 3, at 4.13 P. . No is gage taken at Pier No. 3, Fare, to and from New York. to 00. znyl7 W. N. CLAYTON, Superintendent IMAWII33U';NKii Ep mg 1a 417 . 191 AD.' • ! UR , 1,.b. fAmmANGEreceusr_. Thu tratas of the Penzarylvanta Central B.B.leave the 'De tat Thirty -tint and Market streets which is reaelie by the 'mire. of the Market Street, rammer Erase) 'making tO and from the Depot ;: The that -Car ?leaves - Front street*bent thirty, minute% prior. to ; • the departure of each;cTrain: • OM_ Strarmtasz-:Care leave Eleventh: and Market streets 95 minutes befcme departure of Evezdng trains. leteriMe Belee4GE EX.PBESs will call for and dell zex ;Baggage at the ' Depot. -Orders left at the office. No. • egi strait street. wial"recelVe attention. • • 1 - TEAI/iti.LEAVE. AND ...iIT4ETTE -AT DEPOT • THUS: MAIL TRAIN - • at 8.00 DAY EXPRESS " 10.09 • PAOLI ACCOEL. No. 7• " 11 ' 5 00 FAST LINE &MOE lEXPRES S _ " MOO M. R A : AIRBUS:a ialAlo3l., " S•B° P. M. LANCASTER ACCOR., • " 4.00 " PAOLI' AL - 4002E.N0. 2 • - •• ' 5 6.00 FPI TS BURGH & EERIE MAIL ' , a 4 " 9 . 00 " PAOLI ACCOM.,No. - • " 10.00 " PHELA_DELPECIA EX'PBXES '' " CINCINNATI EXP ln ni us " 12.40 PHILADELPHIA, t " 7.10 PAOLI ACCO2f.. No. . • " 8.80 51, COLD NBIA 'LRAIN, . "r.. 8.00 LANCASTER TRALN " 1 2- 44 1 P. X FAST LINE - • - . 5 1.10 PAOLI ACCOM., No. 2, • cio II DAY EXPRESS • . " 5.10 " PA OIX A CCOlif., No. 8, . 4. an 44 NARADEIBURG MON., • " 9.10 " ccceEt Saturday. tllaily. Maly, except Monday., daily, except Sunday. TRunning Okra ug,h frrm Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and Erie without change• of alni- All other trains • TICKET 'OFFICES. Are located at No. 681 Chestnut street, 'Mai. nental Hotel. and Girard House, where Tickets- may be procured to all import Ant points in Pennsylvania, se well As the West, Northwest and Sonthweek and lull information en as to time' and conneCtions, by 'JOHN G , Ticket , Agent: . Also at Thirty•brat and Basket atteetn,on spneation to THOS . ,B. PAIOFF.:Ticket Agent, at the Depot.... Jutaa tempera woke, kens daily, except Sunday. Bet Information sato sa ISO FRANCIS NUNN ;me . No: Nock es, street , apply The Pennsylvania Co will no.-imams any. leak terNampige, axceptiot=Azymd,... and lima their empomathillty to One In Taloa, Baggage exceedlapthat atment will be at !the Nah or the owner, anima taken by apattalbontrad. -PITTSBUBBH, COLUMBUS CINCUSBILIaL BALLBOED • •••• - ..• - niz PAN HANDLE ROME WAISTWARD: I:hving to the great &dance savedlry THIS ItOttnt the Government boa amigned to it the carrying of the 11. S. MAIL to the Princirel Cities ofxthe West and Southwest. . • - • - • . . - 'Di/UM EKING BUT 01413' CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN PH/LADELPHIAL AND CINCINNATI, AND-BUT TWO TO BT. LOUIS. PASSENGERS BY THIS ROLMS WILL ARRIVR lIQ CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS: CAIRO AND Sr. LOUIS ONB TRAIN /N ADVANCE OF' ANY OTHER. ikus. • • Passengere leaving Pltd i hhist as 11.50 A.' H. war arrive at Altoona in the g for supper, where Woodruff's .Celebrated Palace t,tate-Boom Sleeping Care will be attached, and run through to .Columbus without change, avoiding changing cars at Pitteburgh at midnight,a comfort never before &Bladed to the traveling community. Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA. MGM:N. VILLE."at. PENNSYLVANLA. RAILROAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. 13. F. SCULL, Oen'l ficket Ag't. Steubenville. O JOHN H. MILLER. Gera Pastern Pass. A:gl. 526 Breadway, New York. JOHN DURAND, Gen't Buret. • feis-tt Pennsylvania Bailroad Office, 631 Chestnut street; Girard House, Continental Hotel, J. C. ALLEN. Ticket Agent A nd Thirtieth and Market Meets, T. H. PARSE, Ticket Agent. teee. PHILADELPHIA. AND Vajr RAILROAD. MA, fßiff‘ l:7l 3fln traverses the Northern and North. iteat counties of Penzuoleania to the city *tittle on Lake Erie. - It hera been leased and to operated by the Penneyb yenta Railroad Company. k..-% A V , • - an asanns, ir.asrwas.n. Igrie Train-- .................. ;rf~.Y*i Erie Kali Erie Express Train, Passenger Cars ran through on the Erie Mall and = phia Trains Erie.an without change, both ways, between d Leave New York at Om A.M., arrive at Brie AMA. M Leave Erie at 4.4,5 P.M. arrive ar New York CIO P. M. Elegant bleeping Lem on all Night Trains. , Fornformad on respecting pastenor_butdnera .1 at corner TEEM riaikh and BARRET streets, .P!. delphis. And for Freight husineao of the COmpahra B. B. Bin n, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market . streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynaldo, krie. • Wm. Brown. Agent ,N. 4). B. B. Baltimore. • . • H. IteLiGTON, General Freight Agent. Philadelphia. General Ticket Agent. P Ghi A. L. 71 - EBB, General Eirmerintendent. Erie. ZTAW A REANGESJASN'T.-PECEL, giIiAMEADEELP HIA TO WILLLAAIB- Rot: rk. CHANGE OF CABS VLA. CATA- On and alter Monday. April 2d, 1866, through airs for Williamsport. will leave the Philadelphia and Read. Ing Raiircad Depot, Thirteenth and %Jailor:hill streets, al. BA. M. arriving at -Williamsport at 6 P. M. and mak Mg close connections for Elmira, Oil Region!, Buffalo, Erie,lilagara Palls, Etnapenslon Bridge and all places in the Western, North Western, South Western States and the (=ads& THROUGH TiCKETS to all pointo can be procured at the Conti:wars office 42.5 Chestnut street, under Philadelphia Hank, opposite the 'Custom Home, at the 'United States Telegraph Office in the Continental Hotel, ano at the Depot of the Philadelphia and Read lag Railroad Mar' eenth and Callowhill streets. vANTioRm. Passenger Azent. Bsl 111 t)AI11l . LUTES dr. HOFFMAN. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, r0y2411 No. 212 PEAR Street. Residence; SOB Dickerson street. 1005 Taylor street. Every description of Jobbing promptly attended to. PRO fil MO:MD.— I)ZLaIP° T 4 JOHN H. PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISEGONER FOR a.LL STATER, PENSION AhD .PRIZE AGENT, No. ? . .m DOCK Street, Acknowledgments, Depositions, Affidavits to An counts talten. soluagelq LI C. KNIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCER. .12.03. E. Car. WATER and CRESTNTLIT streets, Phil: adelphla. Agents for the sale of the Products of the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grooezrce Saw House, of Phil.delphla. jat.tyr /AXES A. WRIGHT. THORNTON PUCE. CILZICIIMT GRISCON. 2HRODORIC WRIGHT. FRANK L. NE4LL., • PAVER WRIGHT & sONS, Importers of Earthenware, Shipping sad Commission Merchants 0.115 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia; PNNBYLVANIA WORICS.—ON THE DELLA WARE river. below PHILADELPHIA, k I CHESTS:B.. Delaware connty, Pa. SON& 00 Engineers and Iron Boat builders, Manufaonixers of All kinds of CONDENSING ANDGENTS, NCONDENSENG EN: ON Ircn Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Vats, Tanks . Propellers.,st.c. &c. REAate EY,W. B. REANEY, S. ARCHTBOLD, L at' :late • Heaney. Nealls'es Co., Engineer in Chief, - Penn Works, Phila. - 11. S. Navy. T. VAUGHAN - ALERRICK, W/53. H. M::Ma(Hi. JN . O. E. COPE. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASH. INGTON STREET& PHILLDBLPECLA. MEIRSIOR & SONS • =MI:NIMES AND MACH INIST S. Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines for Eand,River and Marine Service. -Boilers Gatorrieters, Tanks. Iron Boats, &c, Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roods for.Gaa Works, Workshops and Railroad Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas ktacbinery, of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; and Sugar. Saw and Grist MIN, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trani, Defacators, Filters, Pumping En gines, &c. • • . Sole Agents for N. Billear's Patent Sugar )3oling Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patc-nt Steam Hammer and Aspinwall dr Woolsey's Patent' Centrifugal Saga? Draining Machine. . rt_Aß • FIXTUTLEa—MISICEY, MERBILL d THACKABA; /klO. 718 CEDIEDSTNITT street, Iliannincturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps: ac,, Would call the attention of the public, t o . their hake and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants Brackets, Am. They also introduce Gas pipes intc Dwellings and rablio Buildings, and attend to extend-, ing rankedaltering Mill rePairing Gas pipes. All work war . ' - • IMO 110PRILADKLYBIA RIDING t3OHOOL.- 1711TH street, above Vine, will re-open: tha Fall and Winter Eamon on MONDAY, tie*, liSth Ladles and gentlemen deshing to acquire a tltorme tnowledge of Ws accompiteliment will find every facility at this whoa The Urns are mar and wall trained, so that the west timid need not fear. Sada. Wailes ;trained ,In the beet manner. _Saddle harm, homes arid vehicles to hire. Also =Mtn tbr rout rabi, te cars, steamboats, get • • • TROS.ORA1011; 4130.1 L BIQY WELD.—OWNMRS OP PROPICIRTY.—Phe -I- only place to get Privy Wells Olemused and Maim footed, at vets low prices. • A. PS'YEISON Manufacturer of Pon •• • ' Goldsmith's Hall. Library street • t p r.— 1... ; *T- Suc ' eessor to Geo. W Gray -1.7 7 ' ': : S. It PA W P. 11., , ligq, 2,8_ and 130 &ath . Sixth St., Philtiol'a. • t • . iiptOkiltotk Vigt-BroT6 Aka, ' ' a. -rPY 'ee • for Piinimmilletiloinall'a A Imirni A tii . t , APEEL-100 kegs of these splendid .011., white In Sae order landing and for sale lar 308. B. B la Bola Delaware avenue LEGAL VOTUI S. iriv—Ttura- COURT OF COMMON -ELEA% Fon- OFF? AND COIINCY -OF PKILLIDEL. - PHre .—JOHN PUCKLEW..3 WIZ vre. MARY PDC KLEWARTZ —June , Term r lB6s, a. 17.—1 n Divorce. IlLtroarr:Alease notice that depositions of - w(tnesses the part of theLibellant "ire 'Above case will'iselaken before JORNA.. WOLBERT, Fag.; Examiner, on, the ) isth'day ofJune. A. D. 1866, at 10 o'clocic, - A.. titht% 000%121 SoutbSeventh street. in. the.city of, riailaneir3 phia, whereyou may attend 11 yon thinx proper, Bespectfday yours, • - • • Gh.OFGE H. EARLE,AWy for Libellant. jei:nsti • ' -4 To MAT PrycKLEtvrarrz, , Eerpondent. ' IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY .COUPTY . OF PRILADELPIE(IA.--)latate .of GEORGE F. CLAY, dedd,—The Auditor appointed by the Court. to audit, settle, and‘adjust the • that end) final account of Frederick 'Koons, Administrator of, said decedent and to report distribution of - the balance in the hands of thehccountant, WM- meet the partlee interested. for; the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY June l2th'lSS6, at 4 o'clock -P.. M.; at Ida: office. No, 841 North Sixth street, in the city of • Phila.. delphia. • CILtat.LES M. WAGNER. jefl-f,m,w-M• ' • • Auditor:: N R BM ORPHANS' COURTY .Altal FOR THE CIT COONTY 'OFF PHI.LA DF.I,P lA.—Estate of Mrs.. MABOARET M.:HUNTER, deceased. _ The Auditor.' appointed by the Court to audit. aettle,and .adj est, the first and final account of JOSH A. BROWN - . Executor of the last will of Mrs .BIABGARET B. HUNTER,,, deceased: and' to" rl_port; distribution of the halauce in the bands -of the accountant, will:meet the parties in-: , terer ted for the purposes 01 his appointmenton TOE& DAV. June 'nth: iSse, at Co'clock. , at the "office or WiLL-LaM F. JOlro:, e 'N.Bsq., No. 708- -Walnut; street in the city *of - Philadelphia. "Jet Ar tl,l7 - 0 - • TN TIM ORPHANS' COURT 'FOR THE domsrry I OF PHILADELPHIA; EstatebfJOHNCIICKLEJ deceased. "The . auditor appointed by the Court to, audit: settle and'adjust the account of - WILLIAM R., UNRUH. _Executor of the last' wall . of,John, Cockles; late of the l'sverity-thirdWard.Philadilphia.deoeaSed. and•to report dist - ratan= thebalahce in Ito handl, of the accountant, yclli meet the parties Interested for, the pulSeses of Mt appointreent,on-TUESD AV.Jutte -1.2t13,4266. at eleven o'clockA.M., at the,WETHERILL BOVSE. No. 6(:!5 13ansoin street, in the city of Philse' 11N1 THR ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITE' J. AND COUNTY .OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate o THO3I AS '1401131.1,1N, deceased.- The - - Auditor - lip.' pop ted by,the. Court to audit,- settle and- adjust sf acojunt ofitenjarnin Sharp. - Administriaorl de bards non o. t. a. ofllliomaaNcHußlri,deoessed, and to re port distributioni)f the balance in the, hands of ; the econntant,'wili•zneet . tbe•partieet interested --ibr the' purposes tot'lns apeolutment. on MONDAY „Tune 11thi -1868- at 11 "o'Clock: A. M.; at the- WETHERLDIy" HOUSE, No, WS RANSOM street, in the City oC2hlLay, TN THE OBRIELANEV COURT FOR TR& OIT — Y,AND, COUNTY OF PRCE.ADELPHIA. , ‘Retate of EL LICE' J.3II.C"RARDS, deord. The Auditorappolnted. by the Court to audit. settle and adjitst the account of . CHARLPH FUNK, Executor of- the-bat Will and Testament of aLLEM. J. - RICH-ARDS, deceased; and. to ; report diatribution of the balance in the, hands ofthe r accountant will • meet • the parties interested -for - the eteptesee of his appoint:tient, o'HUNDAY, .Tuneßitho. 1866; at 4 o'clock' P. M. as his Meek Ne.4II3,WAJA,II7r street, in the City of Philadelphia jetlw,fmtta - • „T. AiRsTIN SPENCER„A.nditor. . _ N'THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE `O ITT J. • AND COUNTY OF PHILADRLPEITA.—Instate ef JOHN McCANN—The Auditor appointed, by- the. Court to audit, Fettle and adjust the account of Gluts.- hicßopr e, - Executor of the Rstate: of John McCann, deceased, and. to report distribution of the Ralson* in_ the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties in-, wrested for the purposes of - his appointment. 012 . 'WEDNESDAY, June 20th.A,,D. 1866, at II o'clock A. M.. at Office of y. R. COLLAHAM, No. a 24 Walnut , street, in the city of Philadelphia. je&f,m,w Sta TN' THE ORPHANS' COURT - FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHLDADELPELLA.. - -Estateof JOIU`i - M. ZOLL, - deceased,-The Auditor 'ap= pointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the, account or George J. Link and Edward Toll, Admin istrators of the hstate of said decedent, and - to distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countant. will meet the parties interested for the pur poses of his appointment, on FRIDAY, the 22d dsy of June . o'clockA. A.M. at his office, No. 22.2' South Siattrstreet, in the city'rd Philadelphia- - - PIERCE jna-f.m.w,St* 1 Ni 111 E; ORPHANS' COURT FORTHE OJT x AND, rOUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate'of EDWARD EELLY.deontsed.—The Auditor appointed by the Court •to audit. settle arid adjust the. account (tiled by Emily A. hicCormicb,executrix. 01 Thomas B. McCormich. deceased). of Thomas R. lifcCormich, executor of the estate ofEdward Reny, deceased,and to report distribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the. parties interested for the purposes , of his appointment, on TUESDAY,- June, lBtli, - 1846. at 11 o'clock. A. M.at, office of J. B. OOLLADAN, 524 Walnut street. in the cityof Phila. delihia TRONAS COCHRAN, • Auditor. .7.00 A.M. .. P.M. ..CO P. M. • II M. Tti THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR - THE CITY.• -CAND COLUMN' Or PHILADELPHIA. --Estate of SARAH W. TWELLB, deceased. The Auditor ap. pointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust' the amain - of GUSTAv ()et ENGLISH and Wlti. BOTCH WISTER. EXecutotwof the last will Of -the said de cedent, and to report di. tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, - will- meet the Parties In terested. for' the purposes :or his appointment.. oa THURSDAY, Jur e2l ,1866, at .11 o'clock. A. IL, at his office No 213 South sixth street. in the City of Phil*. delph la LEWIS C. fl A RiATrkY Jes fm.w,Sta - "L Auditor. TN 7 RE ORPRANS' 001TET FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA:743:state ofJOHN ItcCANLES, deceased.--The auditor sppoin fed by , the Conn to an= settle and adjusttheaccount D. MCORE and OREM GE P. NcLEAN, Executors of the last will of the said decedent, and to report distri bution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parti.s interested for the purposeß oUhis appointment, on WEDNVROA.I , Stine 20.1866, at 11.- o'clock, A. M., at his office, No. =3 goulltSixth ritreat, in the city of Philadelphia. - je.S.farn.w.St!.. LEWIS C. CABSEDY, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS'. CO CIRT FOR 'ME crry AND , COUlg TY OF PRIG it DEI FRlELEstate of (CEO. F. WONRATH. deceased.—The Auditor appointed by, the Court to: audit, se , tle and adjust the account of HENRIETTA W. WOMRAT H.ANDREW 11.VOSI, It-kTR, FREDERICK. „K. 'CV OHRA. and WIL LIAM GAUL. Executors of GEORGE F. womp..A.Tu; deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties in. terested tbr the purposes of his appointment, on MON, D , Y, the 11th ofJune. 1866 at 11 o'clock A. 31.. at his Office: No. 131 South FIFTH street, in the city tif de phia. A. S. LETCHWORTH, , je9-s,m,w3t* Auditor. misTATF, OF 'cc TT.T,T 411 f T. HA.LLIWEL.L . ; dec'd.—Letters Testamentary on the Estate of said decedent having been granted to the anderslanedby the Register of Willator the city and co anty of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to said *state will pleasernate pay meat. and those baying claims will present the same, without delay. to SAMUEL S. SCATTERGOOD, Executor. 122 south Delaware Avenue, or 820 North Broad street, CHARLES M. WAGNER, 41 .North Sixth street. jes fma,w,St* Or his Attorney. Phila., Junes, 1666. LT .ETTERS OF ADNLINISTRATION having been grvnted tne subscriber upon the Estate - ofjORN IiyERS. Sr., deceased, all persons indebted, to the same will make payment. and those having claims present them to JOHN MYERS,Administratoritising Sun and old 'York road, or to H. T. GROUT, Esq., hie Attorney, 16 North Seventh street. my2l,m6t T ETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted 14 10 the subscriber upon the estate of MARCIAHET SHARP, deceased, all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and those having claims present them to sARAR mo...x.wELL, 701 FILBERT arrest, Isxecutrix. . my2l-m6t LIsTTERSITABLENTARY having been gmnted tO the subscriber upon the Estate of CLEMENS EIFtWIG, deceased, all persona indebted - to the same will make payment, and those baying claims present them to MARY Eingseasing, Island road; Twenty-fourth Ward, Executrix, my2l-m et, T EWERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted Lt to the subscriber upon the estate of Ma.RY EVER; detod. all persons indebted to the same will make payment, and those bavlr g claims present them to ADAM EVERLY and JOHN C. CRESSON, T BITERS OV ADMINISTRATION having been 1-1 grantee to the subscriber upon the Estate of WIT.; LLSM. RDSsELL, deceased. all persons Indebted to the same will make payment, and ‘hose havlagclalms present them to EDWARD C. RICHARDSON. N 0.331. Washington avenue. • • - m,2lmst I:7l;triuDis.lq tjtt_taciin;.4_l4 aTHOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER OR EUROPEAN RANGE-, for faretlies. hotels ' or public institutions in' TWENTY DIFFER ' ENT SIZES. Also. Philadelphia Itmges, Hot air .tcurnares, Portable Heaters, Low-down Grates, Pireboare Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhtle plates, Stoll en, Cooking Stoves; etc., wholesale and retail by the tnanufacturen.. - • _ _ . CHASE, SHARE dc TH.OMPSON, my2l.ram f,6mo No. 209 North Second street. di. TILOALAb b. DIXO dr. 130.24 b, . ' Late Ahdreics 44 Dixon No. UN CHESTNUT ahreet, Paulo°lph a OPPoatte United States Nina, as.addlpt durum of ' - ' • ..• • ' ' . • PARLOR LOW-INV/A • , CHAMBER, . . ' And other GRATES, . . SerAßthradtte, Riturrdnona and Wood Firm WARN-AIR PIJRNACIES, . /or Warren Public and Private Italldto rzt , REGVENTILATORS . . . • coolarro.RANNEsnoTPr..liactis ' 4113. - tust WHOTANA lc and Brreim. , . TBE. HANDSOUR RESIDENCE, S. in, corner of Spruce and Eighth streets, , has been opened for the zeciption of boarders, Rooms single and finites, and with or witboutprivate table. .jet Im' Qtilsl3l.llß BOARTIING.—Nrast-ebtas, eligible Rooms 1.7 at No. 391ta LOCUST atreet, "West Philadel• phis • - • • , 023 , 31.420 . T.NDLA BLIBRiai — MANEBELTING STEAM I'FUMING; kititE, Ac. Engineers and dealers will find a FULL ASSORT. -1.1. T OF GOODYEAR'S PATANT 17137-QA.NIZIM RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, ROSE, dca., at the RantdhpionesHeadquarters - - voonyzeirs, • SOB Chestnnketreet, • Sonth ai de, N.=B.Vire have a NEW-R and CHEAP ARTRILE at 'GARDEN and PAP: cm .7, IT ROSE. very ;cheap. to which tha atiantlon qt the nubile to calla . TaPIOCA AND i3al4o.—Cox's Scotch 1... X 'Gelatin, Rio Tapioca and East Indla Pearl Bago, landing and for sale by J. B, BUSSIER & CO., lea Si Delaware Avenue And Mar. ftuA ti isvull