Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 11, 1866, Image 4
. KILL TIM BABIES! Yes, we say so, and in no passion ;• Xlll all those creatures young. Who from the trees, in Indian fashion, Now dangling are seen hung. As soon as you behold him squirm, Slaughter the tiny, green-lined Worm! Mot, like each little human dear, For tenderness they call; They even find no pity here, At genial Totyza Hares Wes . Halm— 4114000litxusr coil as low as I. In v ei l s It . 0 Mack .Pants " " aoth Vesta " "anew Cassiinere Suits, to match, " /Sack Suits, Atationetng from theseratet wehave ttrx)ds of aU grades, tip to the veryfine.a fabrics, at prices reduced inpropor liaa—ifen's Youths' and Bow'. THouawans MIAMI Immo wrrizavrica PAST JIM WESEMS. TELT WE osz ACITTATILT . mamma 00014 SZIELT/CEA-BLE aoora AT MUM P72Cice arAucao. FAME. The Prince of Walea, his fame to aid, Blade an extensive wholesale said On birds well fed, and, though half tame, Yet still denominated game, His Highness butcher'd left and right, Thousands of birds killed off outright, And after he was well tir'd out, Hie - prowess was soon noia'd about, And he was card, in worurring tales, That Princeof Sportsmen, Prince of Wales. Is is astonishing to see, How IWO, and men of high degree, Will labor in pursuit of flame; To get some emptyeatuiding name:— Here people work for no such end, But to their calling close attend; Still. sometimes, if eclat they'd Beeler' They make a short tour for a week. And knowing well what they're shout, They first obtain a good FM oter. Before they seek some novel shore, They hasten straightto PERRY'S store, Attire in season there obtain, Fitting in fashion, gay or plain; . From the vast stock of goods display'd, It takes not long to get arrard, "r And before they know where they are, They're dressed in splendor at the "Sxan 'l'hen; it's no matter what their name, Smith, Brown, or Jones,— they're in for Patna. All who have read the papers will bear witness of the bet that the "Star" had advertised liberally, but bp best advertisements are to be found ON yam BADICS Serrre el:Taxes:ens Every garment Bold at the "Smut" tis in itself a flrat-class recommendation. Oar stock of „StAnT 'MADE CLOTBI Gls I:LIKENED/ AND 3110)L IT •-• AIM CAN BE ACCURATELY ETTTED. &OCR Or piece goods large and varied, and all who have their goods made to order are sale to be please,d, Prices the low. „Sid. in the city. Call and see if such is not the case. STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM, it t ` I,OW PRICES AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, 609 CHESTNUT ST., SIGN OF STAR. PERRY & CO. ALBRECHT, OMREMUS & SCHMIDT, iNg illinufacturers of FIRST-CLAES PIANO FORMS, Ware Rooms, No. 46 North TEL MP/ street, aoylB-f,m,w-Smi- Philadelphia. siEYRIIS NEW L Y impsovz,a ORES aElvm SO• T. OWESTRUM PIANOS, Acknowledged to be the best, London Prise Medal. goad Highest Awards in Amerkm received. MELO. PIONS AND SEOONDHAND PIANOS. aystlw,s,mion Warerooms, 722 Arch et., below Bth. STEINWAY SONS' PIANOS Are now acknowledked the best in struments In ..E'urops as well lut America. They are 1. used In public and private,_ by the greatest artists Rvir_ig_in Europe, by VON BW.OW, DREYSCHOOII, JAELL and othemin this country by WILLS. MASON, WOLFSOBST, etc. For sale only by BLASIUS BROS., 1056 Chestnut street. EVENING BULLETIN. MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1866, JEW- Persons leaving the city for the sum mer, and wishing to have the EVENING BuLarruc sent to them, will please send their address to the office. LEAGUE ISLAND. , If it were possible, it would give us , great pleasure to print in full the speeches of Philadelphia's faithful rep resentatives in the House in favor of the . League Island bill. Butit would be un fair to print one without printing all, and we must be content with assuring nut. readers that Messrs. Kelley, O'Neill, Myers, Thayer and Randall all distin guished themselves by their zeal in be half of the measure and by the ability of their arguments. The consequence was that, in spite of the most strenuous opposition,the bill was carried by a large majority. If Pennsylvania were as well and as faithfully represented in the Se nate as she is in the House , there would be more confidence in the ultimate pas sage of the bill. But unfortunately neither Mr. Cowan nor Mr. Buckalew takes the slightest interest in the pros perity-of the State or of its metropolis. And if they did take any, they are ut terly without influence. Both are so absorbed in the work of getting traitors back into Congress and turning true men out of office, that they AV . can give no time or labor to a great and indispensable national enterprise, which 2 'would especially benefit the State of 0 11 ' Pennsylvania. Still we trust that the till may be carried through, the Senate on its own merits; for the arguments in favor of it are unanswerable, the neces sity of a great naval station for iron clad vessels is admitted by every one, and League Island has been recommended as the only suitable location by the Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and by a great number of distin guished and judicious naval officers. THE FENIAN COLLAPSE. The second attempt of the Fenians to Invade the British provinces has come to an inglorious end. It is hard to con ceive of worse management than that of the Fenians in both the Campo-bello and the Canadian undertaking. The latter was altogether the most formid able; but it consisted only of a general assemblage of undisciplined men, mostly 'without arms, at different points along an extended frontier, and every move ment was so public that the Canadian and the United States authorities were, equally well informed of all that was going:on, and of course they both acted promptly, and the result is the disband ing of all the parties that meditated in vasion. They are now hurrying back to their homes, furnished with transpor tation by the United States. r:A few lives have been lost, a great deal of the money of hard-working Irish- men and Irish women has been wasted, agoad deal of alarm has been created, and the governments of Canada and the United States have been put to consider able expense, by the foolish conduct of 400 960 500, 400 BENNE'TT & 00., TOWER HALL. ea HAM= &N OM. Death of Benjamin 3litUin , Esq. We regret to announce the death of Ben jamin Mifflin, Esq., which took place at his residence, in South Twenty-first street, last evening. The deceased, who was in the 67th year, of his age, had been in ill health for a considerable period, and his death was not unexpected. For many years Mr. Mifflin was connected with journalism in this State. More than forty years ago ,he was associated with the Hon. Simon Came.. ron in the publication of the Doylestown Demoergt. He subsequently became one of the owners and publishers of the Pennsyl vanian of this laity, and as the senior mem the Fenian leaders; and yet the libera tion of Ireland seems further off than ever before. Indeed in Ireland there is profound tranquility, which does not seem likely to be seriously disturbed again during this generation at least. In Canada, where it has been reported that many thousands of Fenians were ready to rise, it does not appear that a single man joined the invading parties, either at Fort Erie or at Pigeon Hill. On the contrary, there were many deser tions before the final order for retreating was given. However little the British and Cana dians are entitled - to the, sympathy of the government and people of the United States, there can be no doubt that it was right to enforce the neutrality laws. These Feni ans are mostly naturalized American citizens, who ceased alike to bo Irish citizens and subjects of Queen Victoria, when they took the naturalization oath.. It is wholly unlawful for them to organ ize expeditions on American soil against a power that is at peace with the United States. It would doubtless gratify most of the people of the United States to see Ireland free and in4pendent. But if• this is ever to be done it must, be through operations ori Irish soil, and fthe United States are not to be involved in a war on account of it. We have had enough of war to last us for a life time, and we trust that we may never have another, unless the Union or the national honor is endangered. SIIPERIOR STATI23IK&NSIIIP. The Petersburg Daily Express is a small but very rabid secession sheet, of the same school as the Richmond Exa miner and the Memphis Avalanche. On Saturday last this interesting journal made its appearance in full mourning, in honor of the rebel dead, and favored its readers with an article upon the sub ject which is worthy of note. It is argued that, upon the wholb, the South has gained immensely by the war. The material loss is admitted to have been heavy, but the amount of glory that has been won is more than an ample com pensation. The South does not regret the sacrifices of the war nor "look back to the flesh-pots of Egypt with longing and tearful eyes." Not by any means. Glory is what the South lives on and glory is a perfect drug just now in the Southern market. It is admitted that "our rights have been wrested from us for the time, but they were not basely surrendered," and therefore the Express hails the rebel celebration of Saturday last with unfeigned delight. But the bag which contained the cat was insecurely fastened, and with the memory of Pollard and the fear o fa mili tary visitation before its" eyes, the Ex press slips in a saving clause at the end, intended to make everything safe in that direction, and in so doing the cat escapes.. It says: "In saying this, we disclaim any want of fealty to the Federal Government.. When those who are now making merchandise of, our rights shall be thrust out of the temple of Liberty, the title of the South to superior statesmanship will be again vindicated." Here is the beginning and end of Southern loyalty. The South is bent upon again vindicating its "superior statesmanship." The world knows what this superior statesmanship has done for the country in the past. By a long process in which cunning and bullying were blended, with consummate skill, the North was shorn of its power and reduced to a political vassalage to the South. By the artful sophistries of this same superior statesmanship the whole body politic of the South was inocu lated with the pestilent heresies that have since borne such deadly fruit. The ruling spirit of the rebellion, the arch-traitor who made himself the head and front of the great crime against the life of the nation, was Mr. Reed's "stern statesman," who seems to be about to "vindicate his superior statesmanship" by slipping his head out of the hang man's noose that he so eminently de serves. The North hashed an overdose of this "superior statesmanship." It costs too much. The statesmanship that has car ried the country through the war and crushed the rebellion is good enough, with all its short-comings, to control our national affairs, now that we have reached a condition of peace. If it is de ficient in some of those superior quali ties which the wire-workers of the South developed in such a high degree, it has certain elements of devotion to country, obedience to law, love of liberty, and practical, honest common sense, which make very good substitutes for South ern brilliancy. The Amendment to the Constitution will deprive the country of the valuable ser vices of the superior statesmen who have adorned the rebel army and the rebel Congress; but the country has great vi tality and will be able to worry along without them. Who knows but that the north,which has developed so much ingenuity and such fertility of all man ner of resource during the war, may, after awhile, itself rise to that lofty level of "superior statesmanship" which the South has so long monopolized,and which it is now so anxious to exhibit once more on the floo`rs of Congress. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA,"MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1866 ber of the firm of Miff Paxry, he was long identified with the paper referred to. Mr. Mifflin's connection with the Pennsyl vanian was during its best days,and among the well known gentlemen who occupied 'editorial positions upon it during his pro prietorship, we might mention the lamented Joseph C. Neal, with John W. Forney, and L.A. Wilmer. After the retirement of Mr. Mifflin from the Pennaglvanian he entirely relinquished his connection with journalism, and between that period and the time of his death he held several impoitant public offices which he filled acceptably. - In this Mivate life the deceased was re markable for his kindly and gentle dispoos.. tion,and his personal amiability and sterling qualities disarmed the prejudices of those who differed from him in partisan feeling and opinion at a time when politics ran high, and when be was the principal pro prietor of a paper which was the recognized local organ of oneof the great political , Parties of the day. The deceased had no enemies and many warm friends and his death will be regretted by all who knew him. APPLETO,N'S HAND BOOK OF TRAVELt- We learn that that valuable work, Apple. ton's Hand Book of Trate; will appear in a new edition this year, and with a vast, amount of fresh matter. It will be in three parts, published separately at first, and then, bound in one volume, viz: "The Southern . Tour," "The Western Tour" (comprising; the Pennsylvania routes of travel and ob-. jects of interest), and "The Northern and New England Tour." "The Southern Tour'' will be published in a few days. Mr. Ed ward Et, Hall, the editor, is now in this cit3r and would be glad to receive any informa tion of interest to the citizens of Philadel phia and Pennsylvania, or to visitors to our State. To CAPITALisTs.—We call the special at tention of moneyed men to the advertise ment in to-day's issue, headed "$50,000." The advertiser is a gentleman of position in our community, and we feel confident that all transactions with him, will prove In the highest degree satisfactory. Sale of Real lEstate by order of the Or phans' Court. James A. Freeman's sate next Wednesday frseludee a number et/pro/writes to be sold without reserve, by order of the Orphans' Cowl. ir See adab:diee. Large Sale Valaable.Property. Messrs. Thomas & Bon& sale to-morrow morning will Include a large amount or destraole property. bte auction column and pamphlet catalovie. laud seventh page to•day's Butaarrix. • :a , 48;M:Iva • :8: 1,3 - and 213 LODGE ST ' Mechanics of every branch required for housebnild ing and fitting promptly furnished. ja3-3m• tomRAVEN & Bai...'u.N PI &NOS. ImIII These beautiful instruments have ranked among the BEST for nearly Oyes= aplB-w,f,m,tl J.E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut. STATIONERY—LEPTESS, CAP AND NOTE PAPERS, ENVELOP.ES, BLANK ft JOE*, and lowest Sigma at every requisite in the stationary line, selling at the J. IL DOWNING'S Stationery Store, ma 124frpt hignth area, two doors above Walnut. 4 GUNNER. STYLE HATS.—WaRBURTON, 430 CEIRSTNUT Street, next door to the Post Office. N. B. Nowhere else can the purchaserolatain greater "lee for his money. / 33 Y 21 47.41i ONLY FOR A SUPEnIoR PIC TU RE.— BEI 2kLER'd popular styles large•size Photographs, so able far frazumg. la the time. Gallery. Second street, above Green. Gee specimens. PAThecir ICE PLANE for Druggists, tenders. &es enables them to quickly cool their drinks. by atiaving the tumbler full of ice of a snowy ti r , en ess. For sale. with a tell variety of Ice Picks. by TIVETALLN & SHAW No. 815 (Eight Thirty-Ave) idarket street, below Ninth. 6' , OR 41L — admired styles Cartes de Visite, none surpass them in beauty, accuracy and taste, Ob tain them at B. F. REIMER'S Gallery. 4124 Arch 13.. I.3.IIItCDSSION CAPS of the G. 31:411517Water J. Proof, and Anti-corrosive kinds, for sale at TRU- M N &SHAW'S. No. 835 (Hikht Thirty-five) market street, below Ninth. 1F YOU Dhs.litlt SIX SUPERIOR Ramo PHOTO. GRAPES for resort to 24 .2.„ Trscrat RR'S Gallery, C 4 Arch street. ' THE PATENT HOLDER for Smoothing Irons Is protected from burning or wear by flexible metal ribs riveted to Its under side. This is intended to make them a durable For sale TRUAN' SHAW,' No. US (kAglatarticle. Thlrty•five) by M.arket M street, below Ninth. TIED ATION CLUB EY LACE— JUST OPENED I a lot 23 choice patterns, representing 3 9 pieces, at greatly reduced pr; cert. by the piece, dozen or yard. NOTTINGHAM CURTAIN LACE. Just Opened s cases, 99 pieces, 1,5553 ards, among which are duplicates of former very rich designs, at former low prices, FREN CLINH. For Dresses. Ju t rece H iv l ed DS several lots, among which are S 8 pieces more of that superior 6.5 cent Blue. un. tA) cents by the dress pattern er piece. PLAID N A LNSOOK. PLAID CALILLBEICH. Large and small paid, Nalnei°aka, Bishop Lawn& SOFT CaISiBItICS, SOFT JACO .v ET& Plaid Swiss, Plain Swiss, and a very full line of the cheapest 'White Goods now in the marker. WIDE WHITE NET, Three yards wide, at e2.!.i' cents a y ard, under regular Srice just received at WURNE"S Lace and Embroidery tore, No. SS r.orth Eighth Street, its HAIR tiFer T R E I O Z I R S.1:11 dyed and Chlldren's hair cat. Corner & KO change Flag and Dock street. [ll9 G. C. KOPP. Hakin ei McCaLLA. RATTER, ItsFORK ass numerous friends sad customers that have not yet been deceived by the new occupants of the store he established CamTNIIT Street, above EIGHTH, that be is in no way connected with it, notwithstanding their numerous misrepresentations to that effect, to sell to Ms customers, but %bat he ca 6 13 0 found at 0 Mc- CA.LL.a'S New Hat Store, No. HESTNUT Street, third door above New Buiturrix Offitas„ where he can offer them better bargains and larger stock to select from. 4 McCALLA'S NEW HAT STORE, No. RS CHESTNUT Street.—Every hat has the loweet price marked on it In plain figures. (j and examine the immense stock and get a bargain. • STRAW lIAIS AND SUMMER A.Td-6 000 Aof the newest style Rata, at prices 2 per cent. less than elsewhere, at McCALLA'S New Rat Store, 613 CHB STRUT street, third door above new BULLET/DT Office. It6TBAW BATS RETAILED AT WROL EC sale prices. Biggest assortment in tuts town. at moue LLAII New Bat cure, 613 CandTritiT street. .very article bas price marked on in plain figures. STRAW AND SUM rt. HATS.—Biggest stock, biggest variety, and lowest prices M. this street lacrA T. ab oveW Hat Store, 613 OHEST. NUT , third doer New BIMLIETIN Office. You can save from so cents to 11 on a single article. HARRY B. McCALLA RETURNS HIS BINDERS . 1.11A.N RS to his numerous friends abovestomers 'who have followed him from Chestntw, Eighth, (r. f which he bad sole charge from 1669) to the new store, 613 CHESTNUT Street, and informs them that he can now sell them Hats and Caps 24 per cent, less than heretofore. Don't forget the number, 813. Jell tfi 80 CTS. ALL-WOOL CASSIXERES, FOB. BOYS. $1 00 Cassimeres. for Men's wear. ig 60 Fine 01“simeres, for snits. -hoc Fine Linen Drills. Linen Duck, for Boys' wear and Ladies' SacqueS, Fine Mixed Goods for suits. 3. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., • N. W. corner Eighth and Market. 456.50 F Rlan E k2ifoillnaleleda. • Blankets fer Berths. Blankets for Hotels. Blankets for Ice. .T. C. STRAWBRIDGE dr 00., N. W. corner Eighth and Market. - - - - - (XTHITE HIRNANI SHAWLS. V V White Crepe Manta Shawls. White Llama Wool Shawls. Fine Printed Cashmere Shawls. Black Thibet Shawls. bhetland Shawls, Seaside Shawls. • J. cornerWRIDGE & CO., N, W. Eighth and Market. 'A CENTS FINE BLACK ALPACAS. Soc.-Fine pearl•colored Alpacas. 25e. Grenadine Bareges. r 2 wide Gros•Gratn bilk, ibr Sacquee. Traveling Dress Goods. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., je64l, N.W. corner Eighth and Market. °NOON - LLYEIf. R A TRINIS.—WhoIe and aim boxes beet quality, London Layer 'Raisins, flu gale by 1. . B:BITBgntR & 00.. ieS S. Delaware Avenue EjAINAJAY SKED.—Tweary-nve barrels Prime ua CO nary Seed inWalnnt store and for sale by WORKMAN Nn 121. otraot MITALPTIMI AND ALSIONDS.—Icew mop Grenoble ' V Wall:rats and Paper Shell Almonds, for mde by J sues= & CO.. ma De/aware Amman% O.A.LT.-2.500 Backe LIVERPOOL GROUND SALT L 7 aim 200 sacks Fine Salt, afloat, and kir Inge by WORKMAN & Mho /28 Walnut, jggr WA.NA.M.Atrarie & lixowzr, Welrhauorma & BRQWN, ais-WelsemAxßa & Bsows, Air WA.NAMAKZE & BBOWN, HANRSOUR CrAynnacre.la, HANDSOME CLOTITING.`ii• HANDSOME OLOTHINCL "DP _ HANDSOME ILTEMTMING.,aI SLOWEST PRICER. riarLo WEST PRICES LOWIST PRICES. aarLOWEST PRICES. BEST ASSORTMENT.IOI BEST ABBOBTMENT.IHR BEST ASSORTMENT. BEST SEBORTIOLNT.S34 larrxrfiracrzerrosremirsa FITS. WONExcxprioxesLx FITS.. xirl[TxxxcEpTzoNAßLE gieIINEXCEPT/ONABLE PITS. THE PEOPLE PLEASED. TEE PEOPLE PLEASED:IHE THE PEPPLE PLESEED.,HI HALL. THE' PEOPLE PLEA/OLD:VI NarOA.IT wir OAK HALL. tar OAK HALL. ,SOAK HALL. B. B. coax= REcra AND MARKET STS. S. X. CORNER SIXTH AND HAMLET BTS.,EIII. _S. M. 00ENED. Snrru AND Amnon. STs. b. E. coax= SLXTH AND MARKET ST&IIES il?r1:0: 4 41 ... .........--.... . . T TT. T EE • E AAA TT EE A AA. wr EE A AA Tr lE EE AA AAA Tr lEEE AAAA.AA Tr' EE A A AL Tr . II AL TTTT Tr RE EEENEEREZ AA A A . AA . . ~ ..... The lovers of good Test are respect illy invited to call at the Great Tea Hong No. NO Cheidnut street, where they have an opportunity for With:4 every brand before making a purchase. Our TEAS are the best that are Imports& and spur prices are lower than the same grade of Tea can be bought elsewhere. Call and teat our Teas. WEST BROWN, 809 Chestnut St. les-sct rp EARLE'S GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut street, Phila delphia. James S. Earle & Sons, Importers, Manufao turers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Loolzi*lg Glasses, Oil Paintings, Fine Engravings, Photographs, Picture Frames, Rogers' Groups. A large Free Gal lery of Oil Paintings, 816 Chest Chestnut Street. nut ,000 Va..B.DS PLAID MUSLIN, CHF-LP. 65c. Fine White Pique. 50e. 5-4 wide Victoria Lawns, el CO 6birred biasline. tar Waists, 4c. Fine Cambric Mils Una. 3. C. N.Wco B r T n La F W i B h RL s a nd M O ke t. 250 DOZ. LINEN NA.PKINS., ATV 50 AND in 65. 10-4 Linen theetlng,l Z. 100 doz. Bed-bordere d Towels, > 73 p..r doz. • _ 75c. liand•loom Table Linen. 65c. Unbleached Table Linen. ZO doz. Hd.kts.. from late sales. J. C. fiTRAMBRIDGE CO.. N. W. corner Eighth and Market, 2rZ CENTS FINK BLEACHED SHIRTING MU a LING, yard wide. Warnsutia, Williamsville and New York Mills. ale. Pillow Mtn. 11.4 and 124 Sheeting Musllns9 2Sc. Unbleached llinslins, yard wide. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE &CO., N. W. corner Eighth and Market. 3 P . 71 CENTS ALL-WOOL FL&NNEILS. I 2 Ballardvale Donut Flannels. Angola and fine Twilled Flannels. Flannels for Bathing Snits. Gauze Flannels, Shirting Flannels. J J. 8 fRaWBRIDGE N. W. corner Eighth and Market. MAggnsto WITH uth .r.rol L E INK, Embroider. inf. Braiding, Sismrdng, dm. TORREY. 1600 Filbert street. 111,1ROPOSALS FOR COAL.— Sealed proposals for Coal will he received by the undersigned and oper ed in the presence of bidders by the Committee on City Property, at their meeting on TUESDAY, June 12,1866, at 331 o'clock P. M. 200 tom of Furnace.). o f 2,240 pounds. 100 tons of Stove, Proposals will be received from Miner' and Shippers only. The Coal to be dellvered atthe 13ublic buildings within the naVed limits of the city, and to be weighel on delivery. CHARES DrXEY je 6- w , f,n 2- 34 CommLssioner ofCity Proper . RAIL' HAIR_ RESTORED WITHOUT DYSLING,- RI MARES THE HAIR, SOFT, GLOSSY, LVXUJ WANT. • CUR/1S DANDRUFF. ITCH:ENO. ALL SCA.Lp DISEASE. - AKEB THE HAIR GROW THICK AND STEMNO. "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." RellableSAir "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair C .lor Restorer." ItgAronaTrVis • "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer " Ever Introduced "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer.'? "London Hair Color Restorer." American "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." For Restoring "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Co or hestorer." Gray Hair and "London Hair Color Restorer " "London Hair Color Restorer." Preventing "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." The Drawing. "London Hair Color Restorer." Room. "London Hair Color Restorer." No washing or preparation before or after its use: ap plied by the hand or soft brush._ myl9 s m,w,tt Only 76 cents a bottle. six bottles ft. Sold at Dr SWA E'S, No. 930 North Sixth street, above Vine and &lithe leading Druggists and PattcyDoods Dealers The moat Baldness. The great Luxury of lIIN MONEY . TO ANY AmoIINT LOANED' IT PON DIAMONDS 'WATCHES, JEWELL. Ny, PLATE, CLOThIN G, &c., at, JONES & CO.'S., Lo-ESTABLIsRED LOAN OFFICE, Corner ot THIRD and GASKILI.. Streets, Below Lombard. N. B.— DIAMONDS, WATOEUD3, =MUM GUNS, &n., POE SALE AT LOW PRICES. TSAAONATHANS Auctioneer and Money Broker, I N. E. corner or Third and pr fnce streets, only one sonarsthe Office, for the last e years , Money to loan in l arge or small amounts, at the lowest retie on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, :Jeweli7, Clothing, and goods of every description. Office hours Irmo, A. M. till 7 P.— ILdeffi-tfrp .FITLER, WEAVER & CO., MANUA hincAIItRED?fOORDACIA Cords, Twines, dic.. No. Sta North Water sly* , p i jaw , and No. 22 1 a North Delaware Row= H. Illexaut. CONRAD P. CLOTHIER. .4.: FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, oto. a cola plate saaortment at recently reduced ' deed. . FARR B Iroportera of Watches,. etOtt a sat Chestnut street. below voursn. • • . : :41 o'lo - • : , G : A • • . ISHING IMIDEERTAHRB., No.lB.North tree% abOve Xarket. Aufal-Unirpo TEA TEA. TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA aP2s.2Miln Closing Ont. Closing Ont. OUR. ENTIRE STOCK AT Greatly Reduced Prices, Preparatory to commencing the alteratione to oar Stores. OUR STOCK MUST BE BOLD. A GREAT CHANCE for BARGAINS. Dress Goods at reduced prices. Bilks at reduced prices. Shawls ac redact d price% Cloths and Cassimeres st reduced prices. Bleached and Unbleached muilins. Calicoes. Gingbams and Domestic' of all kinds, of the best neakes and qualities. AT VklitY LOW PRICES. H. STEEL Sr. SON, Nos. 713 and 715 North Tenth St, WANTED TO RENT, A Diadem Built Dwelling between Tenth and Twentieth ana North of. Pine Street. RENT NOT TO EXCEED 31,060, Addresa, BEST OF BEFERENCE. BROKER, Jel4-6t _ BULLETIN OFFICE. SUMMER TRAVEL VIA NORTH PENNSYSVANIA RAIL ROAD. : Shortest and Most Pleasant Route TO liVilkeabarre, Manch Chunk, Hasten, Allentown, Bethlehem White . - haven, Hazleton and all points in the LEHIGH AND WYOHING VALLEYS. COMMODIOtS CARS, SMOOTH TRAM. 113 B ECE.NhitY, EXCHLLENT HOTELS are the specialties of this route. Through to Wilk es barre aaa Mauch Chunk without change or cars. 'lhe new road between the =mann of the mountain and Wilkesbarre opens up new views of the Wyo- Mtag Vane)" of unsurpassed beauty; and the new Ho el provides the best and most ample accommodations for summer visitant Pxcurston Tickets from Philrdelphla to principal rolnts, Issued PROM THE TICKE c OF LY, at reductd rates. on Saturdays, good to return tits Monday evening. xcursion Tlcketa to Wilkesbarresood for ten days, issued any daY. THEBOUGH TRAINS leave the depot, Third and Thompson streets, at 7.30 A. lif., 330 P.M. and 5.15 P.M. For particulars see Time Table in another column. je9-2napi ELLIS CLARK, Agent. SELLERS BROTHERS, No. 18 North Sixth Street, Having added to their former bnalnera that of MILL AND FACTORY FINDINGS, Intend keeping a kill assortment of everything in that line, which they will sell at the lowastrates, including Pure Oak Tanned Leather Belting, Gum Belting and Steam packing, lace and picker Leather, Band and Harness Leather Roller Cloth and Skins, Card ßelt t isoks Rivets, &e. Also continue to manttiketure as hereto fore WIRE CLOTH, SIEVES, SCREENSoSto. Of which ABELL ASSORTMENT is kept constantly on hand. apS-amrpi CLOSING \OUT Gun LARGE STOCK OP CAAMELLA.GrES AT REDUCED PRICES. - J. S. COLLINGS & SONS, myfl-2m rpl 623 ARCH Street. PATENT WIRE WORK 'FOR RAHJENGS, STORE FRONTS, GUARDS, PARTITIONS, att REDSTRADS AND WIRE WORE variety. manufactured by M. WALKER & PONS, rolitken 4p NO.II NORTH SIXTH Street. Suits of Walnut Parlor Furniture, IN OIL 031 - ItOILISIEED. Geo. J. 7kenl~el; joAx Thirte am enth and Chestnut Btreets6/ Smith's Island. THIS POPULAR RESORT IS NOW oßen for the entertainment of the Pah a 1 nn er me control of . F. LAMMIMM who has improved It by adding to its large Hotel. R ooms can be had ibr the season. A FIRST-CLASS RESTAHRANT ATTACTEIND None but the Purest Liquors sold • mysl-:f rp 4 joFtDA'e' s thittl and nutTrifils bjerrFtge. ALE —she by thousands—invalids and others—has establishod a character for quality of material and parity of mann- Illeture, which stands unrivaled. It is recommended by physicians of this and other places as a superior tonic, and requires but a trial to convince. the most skeptical of its great merit. To be had. wholesale and retail,of P. J. JORDAN. 220 Pear street,. (gIEXECUTORS' BALE.—The elegant ooirsrrny BEAT AND FARM of HILTON. the late rest ee of Wib. WILBERFORCE) WISTAR, situated 10 miles from the city, near Fox Chase, on the Second street Turnpike, contains upwards of ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF SUPERIOR FA'RM ING LAND IN HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION, TM:LIMING VALUABLE MEADOW AND WOOD. LAND. Tb e large and convenient DOUB r E STONE EfAN- SloN,surrounded by noble shade trees; elegant lawn and woo Is, commands •views unsurpassed in variety, extent and beauty. 'I be situation for fine air and salubrity is unrivaled, enjoying a cool breeze in the warmest summer weather. • The ground is elevated, comprising many eligible building sites. Si one tenant house, and two commodious stone barns, with ample out-buildings, spring house, do. Urge orcbard of fine fruit. A woodland of valuable timber, interjected by pie turesque walks. Frequent access to the City, via N. P. R. or other routes, TLe place mostly bounded by public roads. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION can be gl , en. It the Farm is not sold, the Mansion, with excellent stable and garden accommodation, will be rented for the season. . The Farm has been in possession of the family of the late owner for about three-quarters of a century. This sale affotds a rare opportamity for perchasing one of the most splend , d country Beata and desirable farms offered for many yea. s. For terms, apply to S. H. MORRIS, Conveyancer, =3 North Tenth street, or, Dr T WISTAR, 33 N• Twelfth street, Phila.' 11 GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR RENT. —A large house, with all the modern convent. ences, extensive grounds and plenty of shade; ~etaAllngr Mr three horses; within ten minutes' walk of Railroad Station. Will be rented either with or without the stable.• Address Box Ima Philada. P. O. mys.rott WE HEREWITH CALL attention to our. magnificent assortment of superior PIANOS, WM which we always have on hand, and offer them at very reasonable prices to pnrcbssets. 'Best of referenc G es and PULL U Mr, invariably 502 by UNION PLLNO MANUFACTURING CO., p2O 1017 Walnut Streets sdia . 00 Or • IMPORTANT TO , CAPITALIST& UNPARALLELED OPPORTUNITY Wig ` VINTMENT. Tbe advertiser desires a few gentlemen tolain hires in an enterprise wbere from -540 71,1 per cent. PER. MONTH (in gold) may be realized. THE MOST SATISFACTORY.VIDENCES CIF SECURITY CAN BE FURNISHED. Parties baying a desire to invest will please siddreear, with real name, OARITAL, )el-itt , Philadelphia East (Mos. A CARD: .Cll Special notice to our old friends aad - the public. gen erally: Ihe TONES' One-Price Clothing Howe, ,established sixteen years ago, Is still in successful operation at the old location, see MARKET Street, one door above Sixth. and has not changed its place or manner of do ing business, which la exactly ths same good old plan an operation for many years, namely—" One Price andi no devistion."- The Clothing we. make la of the most. aubstantial character, both as to materials. and work manstdp, so that our customers never am complain of either. c.r stock is large and plain or fashionable people can be will suited Our customers should be careful to get to the right place, as there is no other establish ment in the city in our dine of business aialcitly price." - • J O. NE S' .„ • ONE-PRICE CLOTEINGI, • 604 IVIA.II,IKET ST: my2ii-lm 4p ONE DOOR ABOVE EIXTES 11, ELIA..ESELMEnr Amply Sutistantiated AS TO THE FIR&PROOF QUALIngs, AND ENTIRE DRYNESS , OF MARVIN'S SAFES. ALUM AND DRY PLANy .sr, 721 Chestnut Street, (Masonic 265 Broadway', New York.' • ' Rouse Safes. Second-band Safes, Sales Send for illustrated catalogae. mygit2ax rp SUITS OF ROSEWOOD PARLOR. F I ANITURE. 40-eo. J. Efenkels, rpf Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. ORNAMENTAL ILAIR. MANUFACTORY. The largest and best assortment cd Wigs, Toupees. Long Hair Braids ane, Curls, Water-falls, Victorines, Frio , settee, Illusive Seams for Ladies, At prim LOWER than elsewhere. rsahleMp 909 CHESTNUT STREET. JUST RECEIVED, . TAZDAND•A-HAIX-W/DB Velvet _Carpets, NNW pEiEIGITS J. F. & E. B. OR,NEs, 004 Chestnut Street. 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 WILLTE, RED AND FAISrCri CANTON MAT TINGER J. F. &E. B ORNE, CHESTNUT STREET. ENGLISH BRUSSETA FOR ST.AIREI AND HAILE, WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE.. No. 904 . CHESTNUT STREET 500 PIECES NSW PATTERNS ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS; J. F. & K B. OMX, 904 Chestnut Sts intai4nn ip EDINBURGH STRONG ALE AND BROWN STOUT. A fresh importation of Will • , net YOnntter's Strong Ale and Prown Stoat Porter. Aill°sgrtfaVil: in 1.1.7., order. _ SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S. W. COB. BROAD AND WALNUT. THE HARRISON BOILER, A -SAFE STEAM BOrr.un —The attention of Manufacturers and others using Steam is confld r tly called to this new Steam Generator, aa combining essential advantages in absolute safety from e.xplosion, In cheapness of &et cost and coat ofrepairs In economy of I net, facility of cleaning and transportation, de., not possessed by any other boiler now in use. This boiler Is formed of a. combination of cast iron hollow spheres, each sphere 8 inches external diameter, and an an. inch tblok. These are held together by wrought iron boils, with. caps at the ends About two hundred of these boilers are now in operation. some of them in the best establishments in this city. _ For descriptive chonlara or price, apply to JOSEPH HARRISON, JR.. Harrison Boiler Works. Gray's. Ferry Road, adjoining the U. S. Arsenal. Philadel phia. - - - iB7-2mrpi Fr 4 tOR SALE.—To Shippers, Grocers, Hotel-Keepers and others—A very superior lot or Chrunpagne. Cider, by the barrel or dozen. . P. 3. JORDAN; nos-rptf 220 Fear street, below Third and walnut. frOBOUSEKEEPERB, for cleaning silver' and -Lallver-Plated ware, o.NEW POLIeHING POWDER„ the best ever made. PARR dc BROTHER, felt 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth. VINE FRENCH MANTEL CLOCEH—A freed' Int rtatSllenPEßS. of beautiful stylee., warranted i oarrect FARR & BROTRIMS, ImptErbin. ir24 Cheitnuten•eet, belowrourtn. J. L. CAPEN, PEIERROLOGDIiT. - -- Successor to Fowler, Wells & CO., ewe written and verbal descriptions of °twat:art - ' with Cbarta, daily at LoP 9 / 1 1 ,WAgmorP1 No. 1615. =Mr Ettreet.