Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 05, 1866, Image 4
SPERO/MEI MADE TO' ORDER. Great men ale not so " sloe" la to hammer out orations, Whether they have or no • The time, the cunning or patience. No. when they want their speeches made, They go to some "old hand," Who all the branches of that trade Does fully understand ; Just as each judge of well-made clothes To Tower Hall directly goeal Wn Have— -411,w00i Fbncy ausfmers Plants, as low as; 4 00 II • MI V a ts I. 250 " Bieck " Pants " 500 " " Moth Vests 400 " "hazy asuintere &its, to match, 14 00 • " Black Suits, 20 00 itchttlficing from iheserateswehave goods of arl grades, Up to the very finest fabrics, atpricee reduced improper. tien—lireNt Youths' and 210114 THOD 881 • 7183 RAVE 3POI7ND WITHIN THE PAST YEW WEEES,THAT WE ARE ACTUALLY SELLING GOOD, SERVICEABLE GOODS AT 2313 Igilegm NAMED. STRAWBERRIES, &c. An editor had heard them say, In Sicily they have a way Of "fixing" berries on some plan That ravishes the month of man; ,And therefore, to find out if so, • To Sicily he's bound to go. Just such a pilgrimage, it's very clear; Not a Sicilian one, but here, Thousands of , curious folks from tar Are daily making to the "STAB," Well pleased with CLOTHING at that shrine, 111 CHESTNUT STREET, SIT HUNDRED NINE. We keep up a choice assortment of colors and styles of ready-made Clothing, and sell at extremely low prices, which facts are appreciated by the large por teen of our citizens and many distant customers who favor us with their patronage. We aim at keeping the beat Clothing in the city, and shall be unremitting in our efforts to give entire sansfctetion to all our customers. Our department for ordered work is well appointed and liberally sustained. PERRY & CO., STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 609C:1 - kz'ITTETT ST., SIGN OF STAB. N. B.—Dealers in fine Clothing will 'find It to their advantage to examine our stock, as we can fill their Ciders on very liberal terms. Izolov:tridium:itvazot:itia:l Ladies afflicted with Discoloration On the Face called moth patches, or freckles, should use PERRY'S Celebrated 'MOTH and FRECKLE LOTION. It is in. .fallible. Prepared by Dr. B. C. Puny, Dermatologist fa Bond street, N. Y. Bold by all druggists in Philadelphia and elsewhere. Price v. myrm,h,s,ta-stal SCHOMACICER PIANO.FOR MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S NEW STORE, No. 1103 CHESTNUT STREET.—We respectfully call the attention of our friends and the public generally to our removal to oar 1113 A and handsome Warerooms, "GIRARD ROW," 1103 CHESTNUT street, where we have constantly on hand a large stock of our superior and highly finished Si* and Grand Pianos. Our instruments have been awarded the highest wmiunas at all the principal exhibitions ever held in this country, with numerous testimonials from the rtratelass artists in America and Europe. -They are now the leading Pianos, and are sold to all pana of Persons desiring to purchase a first-class Piano at greatly reduced rates should net fail to give us a call. Pianos to rent, Tuning and moving promptly at, fended to. ISOHOMACK F R & CO. mylo-Im/ No. 1103 Chestnut street. COU CKERING lIMGRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHTM PIANOS, are recognized M the moat perfect and permanent in- Stramenta in America and Europe. ElRPaix Medals. _ ,t 0 000 in use. Large agrortment of ORGANS and ME- I/ODEON% 914 01S-TNUT atreet. mha-thaa.to W. EL DUTTON. STEINWAY & SONS' PIANOS MNIM Are now acknowledged the best in struments in Europe ea well as America. They are cuatd in public and private, by the greatest artists ng In Europe, by VON BIILOW, DREYSCHOCR, LISZT. JAELL and others:in this country by MILLS, MASON, WOLFSOHN, etc. For sale only by BLASIUS BROS., 1006 Chestnut street. UAZIL:IMaMA TUESDAY, .TUNE 5, 1866, Afif- Persons leaving the city for the sum mer, and wishing to have the EVENING BULLETIN sent to them, will please send their address to the office. BROAD STREET LIEBROVEMENTS. From League Island to the northern limit of the city of Philadelphia, a dis tance of over twelve miles, runs Broad street, a noble avenue, 113 feet wide. There is no straight street laid out of the same length and width in the world. Recent legislation of the State and city has made it practicable to carry out the design of this magnificent street, and many readers of this paper will live to see it all that could be desired. A com mittee of public-spirited citizens is co operating with that of the City Coun cils, and there will be, under their aus pices, great improvements effected during this season. From Columbia avenue north to Ger mantown avenue, two and a quarter miles, Broad street will be curbed and paved, with a fine macadamized drive in the centre. From Germantown avenue north to Fisher's lane, a distance of one mile and three-eighths,grading is going on, preparatory to curbing and paving. This will make the upper part of the street all that will be desired for some time to come at least. The remo val of the freight railroad and its nume rous turn-outs, between Columbia ave nue and Washington avenue, will be ef fected as soon as possible, under the legislative sanction, and to this will sueceed the removal of the coal and lum ber yards that disfigure the street and prevent handsome improvements. From Washington street, southward, Broad street runs through a portion of the city that was utterly neglected until within a few years. But hun dreds of elegant residences have al ready been built there, and the im provement is likely to go on hence forth more rapidly than ever. The establishment of a Government naval station and workshops for iron-clad ves sels which is now rendered nearly cer tain, will make it necessary to build many residences at the southern end of the street. But ev'en without that, the enterprises already in operation, in pro gress and in prospect are of a magnitude that would astonish most of our readers, were they all to make explorations through the lower parts of the First and the Twenty-sixth wards. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has purchased, at and near the Point souse, 167 acres of land, with a river front of more than a mile, where they are about to make improvements suitable fbr the terminus of their road, and for the domestic and foieign trade connected with it. In the meantime, they are wing, rim lease, the wharves of the Greenwich Improvement Company. The Commercial Wharf Company is another organization which will make ra still further extension of wharveg in that BENNETT & 00., TOWER HASA, 518 MARKET STBEIT. PAID FIRE DEPARTMENTS. There are many good arguments for a paid Fire Department, and none against it. The sensible and responsible portion of the community is unanimous in the opinion that a radical change in the fire system is needed, and yetthe movement in this direction is very slow. Amongst the many evils of the present system, few are more annoying than the con stant forced levies that are made upon our citizens, under the form of subscrip tions to firemen's balls and excursions. It is not too strong language to designate these applications for money as forced levies. A committee of a fire company canvasses a district with a subscription book, under the plea of a necessity for new hose or other apparatus, and it is too common to press the application with a degree of urgency that amounts to a threat. A very recent instance will il lustrate the mode of procedure. A com mittee of a fire company located in the south-westeri section of the city called upon a gentleman for a subscription one day last week. The gentleman;„ some what wearied by the frequency of ,these demands, declined to give anything in this particular ease, and the men went off grumbling, with the threat that "the next time there was a fire in that neigh borhood, they would remember him." A system that tolerates such conduct is radically wrong. The citizens are heavily taxed to ; maintain the fire department, in the way of annual appro priations to the various companies, and when they are still more heavily taxed by these constant demands upon them, backed by incendiary threats such as we region, and as -the Pennsylvania Rail road, connecting with all the others,Funs entirely round what is fainiliariy . called "the neck," there is, a probability that the greater portion of our heaviest com merce, foreign and domestic, will ulti mately be transferred to the southern part of the city. The wharves and store-houses of the Atlantic Petroleum Company, at Point Breeze, occupy about eight hundred feet of the Schuyl kill river front, and above them are other extensive wharves in process of erection. So much for the river boundary. But all through the interior of our peninsula there are many important manufactur ing establishments, that must • gather around them a large population and help to increase the value of land. Among these may be mentioned the very extensive white-lead works near Gray's Ferry Bridge; ' Howell & Brothers' wall-paper works, covering whole squares of ground; Campbell & Pollock's and Nichols & Co's. large cot ton mills; Joseph Harrison, Jr's. boiler works; the Union ear Company's shops, an extensive rifle factory, and many other manufacturing establishments, employing vast numbers of people. The city is building a substantial bridge at the old rope ferry, and a company of public-spirited gentlemen are about to make a fine turnpike from a point near the old Girard School house to the Bell Tavern, which will be a delightful drive. A passenger railroad will be built down Broad street, which is so wide that it will not interfere with driving. This will give a fresh stimulus to improve ments in the lower wards, and will add millions of dollars to the value of taxable property there. If such a road had been built all the way to League Island years ago, it would have done much to promote the establishment of the great naval station there. The road would have been profitable, too, forpopu lation would have extended in that direc tion, partly as the result of the road being built, and partly under the influ ence of the navy yard. We shall see all this effected in a very short time now, and Broad street, from the north ern to the southern limit of the city, will begin to fulfil its destiny, and with pub lic buildings,handsome churches and ele gant dwellings lining both skies, will become the finest avenue in America. JEFFERSON DAVIS AND WILLIAM B HEED. The magnetic telegraph informs us that Mr. William B. Reed, of this city, has arrived in Richmond, Va., to take part as one of the counsel of Jefferson Davis in his talked of trial. We have heard some Philadelphians express their regret that a townsman of their own should figure in so bad a cause; but they should bear in mind that it is the duty of a lawyer to give his best advice to all criminals without regard to the atrocity of the offences with which they are charged. Sometimes this duty is im posed upon the conscientious and re luctant attorney, as in the recent trial of the butcher Probst, where Messrs. O'Neill and Wolbert, two worthy mem bers of the Philadelphia bar, were, con trary to their own wish, assigned as counsel for a brutal murderer. They performed their duty faithfully. Some times it is a labor of love, as in the case of William B. Reed, who doubtless ex perienced real joy at the opportunity af forded him of serving the "Stern States man," for whom he has so warm an admiration. Mr. Wolbert is the grand son of a worthy soldier of the Republic, and although his soul shrinks with horror from the crime of Anton Probst, his sense of professional duty prompted him to take part in the defence of the butcher to the extent of looking out for the legal rights of the latter. Mr. Wm. B. Reed is also the grandson of a grand father who has figured in American his tory, and he takes naturally and kindly to the defence of the traitor whose treason he has so long admired and vindicated. That is the only difference between the counsel for Jefferson Davis and the counsel for Anton Probst. It is a pretty wide difference, as those who are familiar with all the eircumstances will admit. THE .1), have quoted above, it is certainly time for a reform. Of course there is a large portion of the department which cannot be charged with any such 'conduct as that referred to, but the. whole system is necessarily compelled to share the re sponsibility. .The establishment of "'a paid fire department, sooner or later, is inevitable, and there is no reason why Philadelphia should lag behind in a reform which has been introduced suc cessfully and economically into every other large city in the Union. HONORS TO TRAITORS. The preamble and resolutions offered by Mr. Williams, of Pennsylvania, and adopted by the House of Representatives yesterday, may not elicit any satisfac tory information from the President,but will stand as an expression of the repro bation by Congress of the conduct to which they refer. Whatever may be the wishes of others, there is no inten tion on the part of Congress to connive at treason and disloyalty, nor to ignore the facts which stare us in the face from all parts of the South, despite the cora placent assurances of Mr. Seward to the contrary. It is openly asserted by a loyal newspaper published in Augusta, Georgia, that the public civil and mili tary offices in that State have been. for mally closed on the occasion of honors being paid by living to dead traitors,and that the privilege of doing like honors to the graves of Union soldiers who fell in the South has been obstructed or de nied by the Rebel authorities, with the concurrence or acquiescence of Federal officers. Congress asks the President for infor mation upon this subject and the reply will probably be a red-tape one. There is-perhaps no official report in the hands of the President of these infamous pro ceedings, and yet there is no reason to doubt the truth of the statement. It is perfectly in keeping, not only with the prevailing feeling of hostility towards the Union and devotion to the cause of Se cession, but also with the character of many of the federal appointmentsat the South. Congress is only discharging its duty in laying the true state of Southern affairs before the country and in thus opposing stubborn facts to the poetic fictions of Mr. Seward and the other ad vocates of the Presidential policy, Con, gress is constructing such a platform of solid truth as will withstand every as sault that hatred for the North and greed for public plunder can bring against it. Should the present applica tion for information be met with any thing short of an official denial of the facts as alleged, it is to be hoped that Congress will appoint a commission to investigate and report upon them. - ➢fats. GAZZANIGA'S CONCERTS, We are glad to learn, will be given in the Academy of Music, on Friday and Saturday even ings. These will probably be the closing musical festivals of the season, and the old admirers of Mme. Gazzaniga will turn out in force to welcome her on her re-appear ance in Philadelphia. The sale of tickets will begin to-morrow, at the Academy and at Trumpler's Music Store,Seventh and Chestnut streets. A LETTER FROM THE SOUTH, which has been crowded out for a day or two, will be found on our second page. It gives an ex ceedingly interesting account of the state of affairs among the freedmen on the Carolina and Georgia coast. Sale of Real Estate, Handsome Residence at Chestnut Hill, To-morrow, at the Exchange, byJames A. Freeman, Auc tioneer. James A. Freeman's sale. tomorrow, includes a handsome pointed stone mansion at Chestnut/IUL of which immediate possession will be given the pnr chtser. Airco. a number of properties to be sold with out reserve. by order of the Orphans' Court. •? &e catalogues. JOHN CRUMP. BUILDER. 1731 CHESTNUT STREET! and 213 LODGE STREET. lifeebanice of every branch required for honsebnild ing and tltting promptly tarnished. ja.lemen ST.I4 CH @ 00., PIANOS. WWI Nearly one thonsAnd of these pope. pi lar Instruments In uBe In Philadelphia. For Sale only by J. E. GOULD, ato7-tu th.saatP Seventh and Chestnut. MASON & HAMLIN'S N ISM CABINET ORGAS, Ini Unlike and superior to any and all reed instruments. Recommended by the leading or ganists and artistes in America and Europe. J. E. GOULD, apl94ll,BM,tf Seventh and Chestnut atreets. Q TATIORERY—LETTERS, CAP ANJT -10 PAPERS , ENVELOPES, BLANK B 11011.Ns, O andTE Avery requisite in the Stationery line, selling at the lewest figures at EighthWNlNG'S Stationery Store, insl2.tfrA reet, two doors above Walnut. 44 SUMMER STYLE HATS—WARRUSTON, 430 CHESTNUT Street, next door to the Post Office. N. B. Nowhere else can the pnrCharierObtain greater value his money. 4 THEO. H. leCa r.vot , •A L AT ma OLD HATABLISEED HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM-. 804 CHESTNUT STREET. New Styles for Spring. my9.lm,rp3 (AIL PAINTINGS.— Embrace the opoortunity to kJ embellish your parlors. An eminent artist about visiting Europe. has for sale, at B. F. REIMER'S Gal lery, 624 Arch street, superior lot. . COFFEE ROASTERS of several styles and sizes, and various kinds of Coffee Mills. tor sale by TRU MAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thlrty•five) Dlarket street, below Ninth. a FOR IL—Cartes de Visite, of all styles, executed and finished with wondrous accuracy and artistic ability, at REIMER'S Gallery,Second•street, above Green. Now is the time. MBE PATENT CLUTCH BRACE requires no fit ting or notcoiDg of the bits, but immediately ad justs Reel& and holdifthem firmly and tru ly caitred. Every mechanic elm see the great savin tie and labor thus eftected. Sold. with the urinal - kinds, and a variety of. Bits and ether Tools. by TRUMAN SHAW, No. 535 (Eight Thirty-tive) Market street, below Ninth. etARTES DE VISITE, of taStelni arrangment. V artistic execution and exquisite finish. Get satis factory Pictures by visiting B. F. RECKER'S Gallery, 624 Arch street. Six for one dollar. SEWING MACHINE TWEEZERS, Oilers and Screw Drivers, for sale at the Hardware Store of TRUMAN At. SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-eve) Market street, below Ninth. - rotr.—The Certificate No. 1,221 Filmed by the City of 11 Philadelphia B. to provide for the subscription to the Penna. E. A. Co. stock, dated Rept 1E63, for One thousand dollars, payable to John Garth Dodsson, of Preston. Lancashire. England, and Bruf. Sharp, of London. England, Trustees, bearing interest at six per cent : redeemable July 1,1883. jeS-tu,thos ISt* 1 a flrk *20( 0, 81,500, 81200. These sums ai.)1.11./0 .1 wanted on good mortgage sec tits LUKENS & AIONTGODLA, • ]es-6t* 1035 Beach street, above Laurel. 1866 nAnt cr G CT TO IDEAS . Rai y . , ar t i l ROP k Pli dyed and ildren's hair cat. Corner Birchen se Pi:: ad Dock street. 1119 G. C. EOPP. 111 - ABEIIgG WITH INDELIBLE ENE Embroider. lag, Braiding, Biamping, &c. lIRRY. • 1800 Fil T b O ert street. FINE FRENCH MANTEL CLOCH&—A fresh im °station of beautifta styles, warranted correct KEEPERS, FARE & BROTHERS, Importers, am Chestnut street, below Fourth. FOR SALE.—To Shippers, Grocers, Hotel-Beepers and others—A very superior lot of Champagne Cider, by the barrel or dozen. P. J. ADMAN noal - pyf 220 Pen fitzeet, be/pw . FIEULADELPAIA • TUESDAY JUNE 5 18,66: 41 - rW, eirAiussza iiewzr, Arg - rWAßemalual. dritsowirr, 110rWANAmAiritri dr, BEOWN; 44"WasAmeacza, - dr, Itscrwzr, -HANDSOME' ICILOTHING."SH • • HANDSOME CIDOTMENEWIEE . HANDSOME( CLOTNICOMWE sarL6ivzsi HANDSOME cmoriEENG. - ift 411 - Lowicer Psxoks: - SIPLOWHST PRICES. .'LOWEST PEICES.- . 4 ' BEST . ASSOBTILENT.IB4 BEST ASSOSTILENT.E • BEST. ASSORTMENT.` BERT ASSORTMENT. 4 1ak IttirllNExexpwoNAELE Pm. • sarI7NEXCEZPTIONABLE FITS. /ErtNEXCEPTIONABLE, PIES. OirtfIiIECEEPTIONA_BLE FITS. Tam PEOPLE PLEASED.IEI THE PEOPLE PLEASED. - ii3E THE. BEETLE PLEASED. BOAS HALL TE.E•PEopLE PLinuoto."VlL ifar OAK Tr Mir OAIC HALL. BOAS HALL. ECE:co - smut SIXTH AND MARKET EITIELITe B. B. CORN= SIXTH AND MARKET STR • II3I S. .1k: coRNED. SIXTH AND .MARKET siyylE4 S. E. CORNER BELTS" AND MUM= BELIiAI 1 : 155 / < 9 O AMILY SEWING-MACHINES, NO. ) 720 CHESTNUT ST. HATS, STRAW GOODS, ETO., RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Barnes, Osterhout, Herron & Co., S. E. cor. Fourth and Chestnut St., are now closing out at retail their extensive stock of Spring and Summer Hats, consisting of Straw, Felt, etc., of the latest styles and Improvements, At Wholesale Prices. SA Ttc2e at lii w i tte, , 6af p zar r pL y tb p is descript i on jes-tin rp Reading Railroad. On and after Monday, Stun 4th; 1866, A PASSENGER TRAIN FOR It .10 AIDI. TV GI AND INTERMRDIATR PTA, iiki ca TlO3lB will leave Depot, Thirteenth an low 11 streets at 7.80 A. Al- Arriving at Reading in time to connect with Express Trains, Nonh, East and West. Passengers going North pom p all Stations between Philadelphia and Iteaoing,excet Norrtstown,ptnenix r,Ue and Pottstown. will taste this train. Ihe idORNINO EXPRESS TRAIN will leave Phi ladelphia at 8.15 A. M.. Stopping only at Norristown, Phoznixville, Pottstown, Reading and points on the main line above we.siog and the LEBANON VALLEY BRANCH. The 245 P. M., from Pottsville, Will NOT STOP at Stations SOOTti of Reading. ex. ceps POTTSTOWN WN. , PRCE. — sTLXVILLE, and NORRIS TO A Train will leave Beading at atorming at all Stations, and arriving at Philadelphia at 9.10 P.N. Jet at rpl BUNTING, SILK AND MUSLIN FLAGS OF EVERY SIZE AND DESCRIPTION. Swords, Sashes, Belts, Base Ball Caps, Base Ball Belts and hlilitiry Equip ments of all kinds. WILSON & HUTCHINSON (Successors to Evans, Hamill & C 0.,) No. 418 AROH STREET. PHIL&DELPHIA, jet•St, rp REFRIGERATORS. scric•c•E.v.v , s New Patent Self-ventilating AMEBIOA& REFRIGERATOR, Patented January sth, Mt is the BEST AND ONLY PERFECT FelfiVentilating Preserver ger Fruits, Meats, keepa k ck n i u trzie r izr a Zezt . a. LONGER, DRIER AND COLDER, WITH LESS ICE. Than any other Refrigerator now In use, E. T. FARSON & CO., Manufacturers, No. 220 Dock Street myrocksrarti INOUNITED STATES ACCIDENT INSURANCE MPANY Of Syracuse, New York, Insures against DEATH FROM EVERY CAUSE, Whether ACCIDENT, CHOLERA. or DISEASE of any kind with WEEKLY COMPENSATION for DISABILITY from ACCIDENT. PO.LICILLtS FROM ONE TO FIVE YEARS. This is the only Company authorized by its Charter to Issue COMBINED LIFE AND ACCIDENT POLI CIES, unith4 the benefits of both Life and Accident Insurance under one policy and premium, at the low est rates consistent with the soundness of the Company and the security of the insured. NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED FOR ACCIDBNT INSURANCE. CASH CAPITAL, $2O ',OOO, Wrnrhar. A. i• TEPREIiS, General Agent, No. 001 Chestnut street,Philadelphia. Very liberal terms to Agents. ' NO DISAPPOINTMENT! NEVER Fans. "ITCH" "TEPPER" "ITCH" Dr. Bunityne's Ointment. "TEPPER" "ITCH" Dr, Swayne'a Ointment. "T ETTER" "ITCH" 'TEPPER" "ITLiEf" NEVER KNOWN "TETTER" ' "ITCH" - "TEPPER" ITCP" TO PAIL "PEPPER" "ITCH" ..T.TTMCV , • "ITCITCH" H " IN CURING THIS "TEPPER" "ITCH" T "IM "ITCH" TORMENTING "TETTER ES" " "TE" "ITCH" COMPLAINT. "TE TT TTER ER " "ITCH." "TEPPER" :tree Itching Piles, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ranh, ail Skin Diseases. , Swayne's" Cures "All-B ealing" Allays "Ointment". "Swayne's". "All-Healing" "Ointment." "Swayne's" Belt in "All-Healing" all "Ointment." "Swayne's" "All-Healing" • "Ointment" "Swayne's" from "A ItHealing"ltehings"Olutment." "Swayne'a" • "All-Healing" "Ointment" "Swayne's" 12 to 48 "Ail-Beeline at "Ointment ". "SwaYne's" "All-Healing" "Ointment.":. ~S wayne's" Hours. "All • Healing" once. "Ointment." A great variety of cases yield to the wonderful heal ing properties of this Ointment, even the most obstinate and protracted in character, eruptions covering the whole surface of the body, that put at defiance every other mode of treatment which the mind of man Could invent, have been permanently cured. Price 10 cents a x. By 60 mail cents. Over thirty tinier) have awayne's Medicines" been in constant use in all parts of the world, and their increasing popularity is certainly proof of their great power to heal. • Prepared only by Dr. SWAYER fit SON,.No. 330 N. SIXTH street, above Vine, Philadelphia. . Sold by tie /ost(ilogDruabsto, =7214%41AX EAatlA'B 'CiAa.LERIES, 816 Chesinut street, Phila delphia. James S. Earle & Sons, Impoiters, Mannfae. turers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Looking Glasses, Oil Paintings, Fine Engravings, Photographs, Picture Frames, Rogers' Groups. A large Free Gal lery of Oil Paintings, 816 Chestnut Street. Jes-4p FIRESIDE MUSINGS. The tastes of men are various as their faces; Seale toasttludr friends, and some their bread and cheese; I like to toast my toes, and sit at ease Beside my wife, in our accustomed places, Day and ha busier duties ended, we Pursue the promptings of our inclination: I, with a pen or book in hand, and she Intent on some maternal avocation; Which done, she quickly spreads the cloth for Tea— The avow-white cloth—then trims the evening fire, Puts on the kettle, busy as a bee, To have the best of Tea is her desire, And that we may procure the best in town, We purchase our supplies from West & Brown. DO YOU KNOW WEST ct BROWN? The dealers in Tea; They have gained high renown, Since all do agree That their Teas axe the best That e'er crossed the brine. Query? Where shall I find them? answer, Right Hundred and Nine. We warrant our TEAS, and have facilities for draw ing them for our customers; thus enabling them to test their Flavor and Strength before they purchase. This being our exclusive basinms, and one of the firm being an experienced Tea Taster, we claim supe rior advantages. 809 Chestnut st. WEST & BROWN. le2,St rp IN V.A./.4 - 11) S will find more nourishment in using TOIIBTELOT'S EXTRACT OF BEEF, Than in any other preparation. Ono table spoonful contains the virtues of nearly a pound of pure meat. "USE NONE BUT SQUARE TINS." F. C. WELLS & CO„ NS and U 7 FRANKLIN Street, New York, Sole Agents. jet-St rp* FOR BALE F,VERTWICARR. TOURTALOT'S EXTRACT OF BEEFS MR FAMILY USE. In Square Cans. For sale by SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, apl9 4t Cor. BROAD AND WALNUT. sird 'TO) FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS, We are prepared, as heretofore, to =PAY Paronies at their Country Residences with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &C., &C. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Cor. Eleventh and Vine Streets. WALNUT °EAMES. SUITS, IN OIL OR POLISHED. Greco. J. Elenkels, lei-lm rp Tiurteenth and Chestnut Streets. CO' A CARD. 110=11•••• e lt y ecial notice to our old friends and the public gen 'he JONES' One-Price Clothing Howe, established Bluest' years ago, is stlll In successful operation at the old location, 604 MARKET Street, one door above Sixth, and has not changed its place or manner of do ing business, which is exactly the same good old plan in operation for many years, nainely—"One Price and no deviation." The Clothing we make is of the moss substantial character, both as to materials and work manship, so that our customers never can complain of either. oar stock is large and plain or fashionable people can be wall suited Our customers should be careful to get to the right place, as there Is no other establish ment in the city in our line of business strictly 'ono. price." JONES' ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, 43 04- MARKET my2S-lm 9p ONE DOOR ABOVE SIXTH. Snits of Walnut Parlor Furniture, IN OIL OE POLISHED. Or-eo.. J. Henke's, rp hirteenth and Chestnut Streets, S33EW CLOSING OUT OUR LARGE STOCK OP CA:Rat/A:er-ES AT REDUCED PRICES. J. S. COLLINGS ct SONS, my3l-2m 7pa _ . ARCH Street. GEORGE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. 232 CARTER, STREET: chino Workand 3illlwriting promptly attended to .1717-rpf Wraith's Island. THIS POPULAR RESORT IS ROW open for the entertainment of the pub 1. under the control of F. LA.REKEYER, who has improved it by adding to It a large Hotel, • Rooms can be bad for the season. A FIRST-OLASS RESTAURANT ATTACHED. None but the rarest Liquors sold. my2l.ttrp :12-2AtV• .2" • •2:1•:: 112 :•e•. "4 : MMI —A large house, wits all the modern cone ences, extensive grounds and plenty ofehade• atablin fbr three horses; within ten minutes' walk of • Station. Will be rented either with or without th stable. Address Beal Philada. P. O. my2-rptf WM. REAM:EFL GENERAL FERN. ISHING lINIGERTAZER, No".lBNorth ii).Nat, paired, aboyo Market. mantlmirps LACE -POINTS. We would respecthilly invite attention -10 ear bugs- and beantifulaasortment of LACE POINTS andBOMMOIM. These goods are of our own direct troponattork any, embrace the choicest designs or theaeasaa at extrmae; 11 LOW PRICES. THE BILL msreE OF OUR STOCK OP SILK MANTILLAS, For Sale Very Cheap to Close the- Season. HOMER,COLLADAY& CO: 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. WEST SPRUCE STREET.. FOR. ISALLAE; IR The four story modern brick redd No. ira 1824 SP,aIICE Street, 22 feet front, with story double back buildings and lot 133 feet deep to Dobbin's street, has two bath rooms, water closeM,.. permanent basins and replete with every extra mod em convenience. r. 6,000. Clear of all incumb rance. Pone:Won in the fall. Can be seen only by applying to WiTx•TA3L 3f. PARE, jeStutlisSt rp* M 4 Chestnut stmt. itE 3 LAIAIII.II4I9L^IC Amply Substantiated AS TO 'air., FIRE-PROOF QUALITIES, AND ENTIRE DRYNESS oP , MARVIN'S SAFES. ALITIC AND DRY PLASTER. 31.A.R,VIEN Sr. CO., 721 Chestnut Street. (Masonic Na 265 Broadway, New York. House Safes. Second-hand Safes. Safes Exchwigea. Bend for illustrated catalogue. iskyz.2lArp SELLERS BROTH NES, Nc. 18 North Sixth Street, Having added to their flamer business that of MILL AND FACTORY FINDINGS, Intend keeping a full assortment of everything in tha line, which they will sell at the lowest rates, Including Pure Oak Tanned Leather Belau& Gum Belting and Steam Packing, Lace and Picker Leather, Band and Harness Leather, Boller Cloth and Skins, Card Clothing, Belt Hooks, Rivet% ais. Also continue to manufmture as heretofbre WIRE CLOTH, SIEVES, SCREENS,&e.;* Of which A PULL AssozrztENT is kept constantly on hand. allaattopil SUITS OF ROSEWOOD PARLOR FURNITURE, G-eo. J. 13enicels, i T il trteenth and Chestnut Streets. PATENT WIRE WORK FOR RAILINGS, STORE FRONTS, GUARDS, P.A_RMTIONS, IRON BEDSTEADS AND WIRE WORK In Variety, manufacture:l by M. WALKER & SON% mhll-6th 4W NO.II NORTH SEMI Streit& SUITS OF ROSEWOOD CHAMBER FURNITURE: GEO, J. HENKE_LS. rP Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. ICE ! ICE! ICE! ICE I Incorporated EOM. THOS. Secr CAeteu HILL. Presid IHRY en T t. HJOOH HN 113, GOODYIit . HF4 SRA COLD Nt.P9RJENGi• ICE AND COAL CO,. DEALEMS Ili AND EIIaPPERS OF 108 and MM. We are now prepared to tarnish BEST QuALzrr ME In /arge or small quantities to Hotela,Statinguaa› Ice Cream Saloons Families, Offices, &c, , &o n and a. the LOWEST IdARILET RATES. ICE served DAILY in all paved limits of the COD. aolidated City, West Philadelphia, Mantas., R1c11.• mond and Germantown. Yoar custom and influence. la respectfhlly solicited. You can rely on being far.- nished with a PURE article and PROMPTLY. Bend your order to OFFICE No. 485 WALNUT STREET; DEPOTS, B. W. corner Twelfth and Willow street'. North Penna. P..M. and Master street,. Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets. Pine Street Wharf. Schuylkill. aplearn 4PV TOTHOLIBEHRRPEItS, for cleaning silver an silver-plated ware, aIiEWPOLISHLNO POWDER,. the best ever made. F.A.RR & BROTHER, feta 524 Chestnut street, below Fourth. FITLER, WEAVER & CO., Manufactarers of 21LA_NIMA AND TARRED CORDAGE, Cords, Twines, dte., No. 23 North Water street, and No. 22 North Delaware , avenue, Philadelphia, - EDWIN Pings. ]iticarm. wr.svan..- OoNRAD F. CLormuta. geo l MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT DOANEID 'UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, 3111 WE LBY, PLATE, CLOTHING, &c., al JONES .t: CO.'S OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Darner of THIRD and GASKILL Streets, - Below Lombard. N. B.— DIAMONDS, WATOMES, JEVilluty GUNS, dr.c., •,. FOR BALE AT Y LOW PRICES. FINE wATcHEs, JEWELRY, etc., a cam Plate assortment at ARIEt &_R recently reduced lces. YR Importers of Watchm, 124 Chestnut street. below Nourni. imiWE HEREWITH GALL attainder/4o_ oar' magnificent assortment of superior pi AM M. which we always have on hand, and offer them at very reasonable prices to rchaaers. Bast ar references by and FULL GU TEA inirstriithkr vat c/IION PLLNO AI..aIkteIPACTURING CO.. ap2o ' 1017 Walnut etreet. . . .. aPSZ2nsiN