Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 29, 1866, Image 6
WMTS: CIiNOWEEIS—WIBSr SVNIoN. [GLOBE OF YESTERDAY'S PEWEEDINGIB.] , SBNATR.-4-ISfx. Howard called uplhe joint; resolution , to facilitate commercial; postal , and "military conammilcation between the several ,States.. TIUk question was upon Mr. Cresswell's amendinent that Congress may: at any time alter,•umend or repeal this act, This was, disagreed to—yeas 12, nays 13. At 1.30 P;M.",un motion of ,Mr. Grimes the Senate went into Executive session, and - soon after adjourned. Housx.—Mr. Schenck (Ohio) offered a re. , solution, :winch` was adopted, instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to_ inquirw into the expediency of repealing all laws authorizing brevet rank in the army of the, United States, and <providing that all such distinctions being abolished, some other mark, badge, recognition or reward for gal- , lant action or meritorious conduct shall be established. • - Mr. Grider offered resolutions directing that, as loyal men have been elected by the' people of Tennessee as Senators and Rapre-, sentatives in Congress, they shall be admit-' ted' seats in the - present Congreas taking the - oath: of - office, and that each of the States not now represented in; Congress shall be allowed representation on, the same terns. '" • - - The resolutions were referred to the Corn-, mittee on Reconstruction. Mr. Julian (Ind) offered a resolutioni which was adopted,; instructing the Com mittee on Military Affairs to inquire into; the expediency of providing a National military'force m lieu of a - regular, or stand-' ing army,po consist of volunteer regimenti mustered into the United States service foi three years, and raised and organized by the different States in proportion to their population. Mr. • -proornit t ll (Pa.) offered a resolution, which Was adopted, calling upon the Presi, dent of the United States for information in reference to cotton in the hands of the mili tary authorities at' the time of the cessation of hostilities, and that came into their pos session during the war. Mr, Whaley offered a resolution, which was . rejected, directing - the Committee on Printing to report a bill limiting the hours of labor for the employes of the Govern ment printing office to eight hours a day. The morning hour having expired, the House went into Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, Mr. Dawes in the chair, and resumed the consideration of the Tax bill. Mr. Morrill (Vt.) consented to an amettd ment offered by Mr.. - Morris, and amended by Mr. Washburne (Mass.) placing corn shellers and wooden wares on the free list in the paragraph with reaping machine; (Ste., so •as to let the House vote upon the whole paragraph. On motion of Mr. Morrill, a:. proviso was added to the paragraphs relating to tobaeco, that persons who shall expose for 'sale ci gars, cheroots or cigarets,whether of foreign or domestic manufacture, shall be deemed,a manufacturer thereof, and shall be - subjeet to all the duties, liabilities and penalties nil:- posed by law. On motion of Mr. Morrill, a proviso was added to section 36, in reference to whisky, making the tax on brandy distilled from grapes, apples or peaches $1 50 per gallon. The Committee rose and reported the bill and amendments to the House. _ Under an agreement made on Saturday', Mr. Farnsworth was permitted to offer as an amendment an additional section as fol lows: That all assessors,Collectors and reve nue agents provided for by this act, or the several acts to which it is amendatory,shall be appointed by the President of the United States, with the advice and consent of the Senate; and the advice and consent of the Senate ethall be given befbre any such officer shall be removed from office, unless such removal shall be for malfeasance in office during the recess of Congress. M. Morrill, by oonieht, amended the ori ginal text of the paragraphelating to smok ing tobacco, so that, if Mr. Schenck's sub stitute for the paragraph should not be adopted by the House,the original paragraph should stand amended. Mr. Willie me, under a similar arrange ment to that made with Mr. Farnsworth; submitted an amendment to the 65 section, giving the appointment of the Special Com missioner of the Revenue to the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, instead of the Secretary of the Treasury.. The House seconded the previous ques tion on the bill and amendments. The first vote was on the amendment striking out the following proviso Provided, That no appeal shall be allowed to any party after he shall have been duly assessed, and the annual list containing the assessment has been transmitted to the col lector of the district.' This was rejected, and the proviso re mains in the bill. The amendment striking out the para graph imposing a tax of ten per cent. on miners was rejected, and the paragraph re =this in the bill. The amendment inserting in the para graph requiring monthly reports frord cigar makers a proviso tho at nrneymen cigar makers; and apprentices who work for others are not included in the provision, was agreed to—yeas, 63; nays, 90. The amendment striking out the sentence -authorizing gas companies to add the tax to the price ofgas sold, was agreed to. The: amendment striking out mowers, eapers, threshing machines, brooms and wooden ware from the. paragraph taxing them three per - cent., was agreed to—yeas 48; nays, 65. These articles were therefore added to tube free list.-- On motion. of- Mr.illorrill,lbunting and flags of the United`---States, and banners made of bunting of domestic manufacture, were added to the free list. • • The amendment to -reduce •the tax on smoking tobacco_pf_ all kinds, not sweet ened nor stemmed, nor butted, from twenty cents to ten cents per pound was , rejected— yeas 54, nays 67; so the tax remains at twenty cents. Mr. Schenck's amendment,in reference to cigarettes or small cigars made of tobacco, graduating the tax according to the market value, as follOws : No. 1, over eight dol lars per thousand, a tax of two dollars per thousand; over eight - and not over twelve, a tax of four dollars; on all other cigarettes and cigars a tax of four dollars and forty percent. ad valorem to be assessed on the excess beyond twelve dollars per thousand • —was agreed to—yeas 54, nays 40. The amendment placing - on the free list cordage and rigging for vessels was re jected. The amendment taking from the Secre-.: tary of the Treasury the appointment of the Special Commissioner of Revenue, and giving it to the President„by and with the;: advice and consent of the Senate, was is; jetted—yeas .16, nays 73. . ; The amendment ,offered by Mr: Cobb,'ito strike out the section'; Providing for the ao pointrnent of a Special Commissioner of the Revenue, was rejected—yeas 51, nays 75. • The amendment, addinga provisa that assessors' 'lista of income shall be epen,to the ',public !for inspection, but shall not he furnished for publicatien, nor'allowed to be copied - for. -publication, was-rejected—yeas. 55, nays 66; so the provisb was struck out of the bill. The amendment'' offered to-day by Mr. Farnsworth was rejected—yeas 57, nays 66. All the Other amendments were agreed to in gross, and the 'bill was passed—yeas 111, nays U. The, nays were Messrs. Bergen, Chanler, Eldridge, Grider, ;Harding, (Ky.), Ildarsball •Niblack -Ritter, Ross, Trimble • arid Wright_ - The title of the bill was, on motion of Mr. Garfield, amended by making it read, "A. bill to mince the internal revenue," Ace. I Mr. Wilson (Iowa) introduced a bill con- ~~~ - F ,<:..,~ .._< ~.__ _ mi =x_. ~3 7 ,...f..' . ..,:; : :1:. ';';.:',"4,:r,_: : :', f'... ,L. "; l-1; . ,:. (.:::.; I.: . .1: - !.., - ....,:, -,1• . 1 , ._",',.Tc1,,.. ' ; .r. ".'" 1:1,': - :::„. 1 - ; ~.•-j j 'j• ..,, ,:).„ i i:..i i . THET-b,itt.;Y:j.gtrlXj:iktq.:;B.tt,LlATXN;C:yjfx4;pgxrqnA;:-.7vV,sp43;'o-,A:Y-29;-1 cerning the powers and duties of disbursing and - Seciriantitig - bfficAars "of the United - States, which *as read -Wee and referred to the? Committee - on the.Tudielary. - " ' Mr. Wilson.(lowa,) introduceda resolution.', calling on theiSecietary of the Treasury for; information aritaliow_ much gold belonging ; to the Gluvernment has been sold since, January 15t,.1.868; the compensation allowed' and the prenaium received, Whether any+ gold has been bought for the Treasury since, that date, '&e. "also; whether any United! States bonds have been bought for the Tres sury'since•that date. ' : • ' Mr. Charilei objecting to its consideration.; the resolution was laid over for one day. At five o'clock the House adjourned. , NATIONAL FINANCES. Receipts and Expenditures of the Gov- WAsarsevrow, May 28.—The following is the statement of the receipts and expendi tures of the United States for the quarter' ending Maieh .31, 18d6,> exclusive of trust funds : -Beeelptsi Customs, - - - - $46,645,597 . 83 Sales ot' public lands - 180,175 21 Direct tax, - - - 1,086,163 44 Internal revenue — • -- 66,153,091 92 Miscellaneous - - - 10 874,021 30, Total. remipts exclttsiye of - - - - 8124,939,00 70 Fractional cnrrency•:per act . •- • Mar0h3,,186.3, - 5,608,980 50 per cent. tiVelltY years bOnds, per act July`l7,lB6l, 36,100 00 Temporary loans, per act Feb. ' 25 and March 17, .1862, • - 39,807,131 65 Certificates of indebtedness • = per acts Marchl and 17,1862, 5,795,060 00 Five TWenty_years bonds, per act March 3, 1864, - - '3,700,500 00 Five Twenty years bonds, per act March 3,1865, - 2,731,303 00 Certificates of gold coin de- posits, per act March 3,1863, 54,946,580 00 Total receipts,- 8237,544,644 85 • zpetulitrires. - ' Civil Foreign intercourse and , miscellaneous, - - $.9,248,933 j 7 Interior,. Pensions - and: In diens - • • - - 5,813 577 58 I War, - - - - - 38,213 900 16 Navy, - - - - - 7,438,932 28 Interest on the public debt, 30,024,447 51 Total expenditures exclusive of principal of public debt $90,748,890 70 Principal of the Public Debt. Redemption of Stock loan of 1842, - - - - - $104,039 77 Redemption of tax on In demnity act of 1850, - - 105,000 00 Treasury notes,actJulyl7,'6l 66,825 00 Seven-thirty three-year cou pon bonds, act July 17,1861 82,900.00 Reimbursements oftempora ry loans, per 'acts of Fe bra ary 25 and March 17, 1862 25,589,555 84 Redemption of certificates of indebtedness, per acts of March 1 and 17, 1862, - 1,190,000 00 Redemption of Treasury notes,ner act Yeb. 25,1862 3,431,312 00 Redemption of postage anal other stamps, per act July 17,1867, - - - - 506,004 00 Redemption fractional cur . rency,per act March 3,1863 2,787,445 85 Redemption three years 6 per cent. compound interest notes, per act March 3,1863.9,629,790 00 ' Re demption gold certificates, per act March 3.1863, - 36,258,300 00 Redemption Ten-forty bonds, per act March 3,1864, - 1,551,000 00 Total, - - - - $172,049,363 16 The above report shows that the total ex penditures on account of the public debt were $81,300,472'46. The Presbyterian 0. S. Assembly. ST. Lams, May 28.—The appeal and coni plaints of Robert 3. B reek' nrid ge and others against the Syn6d of Kentucky, have been before the Old School Assembly to-day. But little progyess was'intide, the time tong mainly occupied in deciding who are the real parties in the case, an effort having been made to couple the complaint of Mr. 'cMillen against the same Synod with that of Mr. Breckinridge. It was finally deiermined that Mr. Breck inridge and his associates were the proper complainants, and the Synod of Kentucky the defendants. Mr. Breckinridge made a strong speech against this decision, he wishing to reach the Presbytery and signers of the declara tion by testimony, and not cut them off by resolution. He objeoted to taking back all these rebels. The following are the names of those ap pointed by - the Assemblies on the Reunion Committee.: .` Old SchooL—Doctors Krebs, of Netefork; Beatty, of Steubenville, Ohio; Backus, of Baltimore; Gurley of Washington; Dlonfort, of Cincinnati ; Howard, of Pittsburgh; Schenck, of Philadelphia; Reed, of New jer sey; Brown, of Chicago; Elders Ray, of In dianapolis; McKnight, of Pittsburgh; 'Gal loway, of Ohio: Clarke, of Detroit; Strong, of St. Louis; and Beatty, of Kentucky. New SchooL—Doctors Brainerd of l'hili delphia; Adams and Hatfiald, of New York; Stearns, of Newaxk, NewJeriey - ; - Fowler, of Utica, New York; Shatv, of. Rochesteil Hitchcock, of. Hudson, Ohio; Patterson, of Chicago; 7 Nelson, of St.:Louis; Elders Lam bert, of New York; Williams, of:Pitts burgh ; Allison, of Philadelphia; 'Handy, of Cleveland; Steele, of Dayton; Brown, of Chicago.. • • The Freedmen's Brurean. A mass of documents were sent to the House yesterday in relation to the Freed men's affairs, including a letter from As sistant Commissioner Scott, dated Charles ton, S. - C., May 21, in which he states to Major General Howard that he had just re turned from accompanying. Gens. Stead man and Fullerton on their inspection of the .Sea Islands. Although a careful in vestigation was made, no flaw, he remarks, could be found in his management of the Sea. Island question, or any other affairs of the Bureau in South Carolina. It gives him much pleasure to state that the plant ers came forward and upheld hls policy throughout, and "were panic-stricken at the very idea of the removal of the. Bureau." The Assistant Commissioner for North Carolinal says the number ofdastitute freed men dependent on the Government has been gradually reduced, and it is hoped that by the end of another quarter the ne cessity, for , the gratuitous issue of rations 'end clothing will have ceased entirely. The demand - for labor continues unabated, and • islar greater than the supply. Many plant ers in the Southern , States have applied to -him for help, and some have engaged parties in North Carolina to return with them: , The inquiry in no longer heard, "What can ba s tions with the negroes?" bat I 'the, question. ; is often asked, "Where can la borers be found?" . _ . , Jew, Davis in Consinitathjon with his Counsel. . FouTnEss MONROE, May 28.— M essrs, O'Connor and Shetileft this evening for New York,, having been in close consultation with'Jefferbon Davis most of yesterday and to-day. They' found' him in better, health, than anticipated. Though somewhat worn from his long:confaiethent t , he was stilt in possession of his keenest facultiea, and alive to tlie importance and engrossing nature of the issues involved in . his elpeotect trial They gave no information respecting the trial, but remarked that they had just ob tained permission to visit their client afte: many futile attempts during the past year. ISPECIAL 310TIVE& PENNSYLVANIA. - %ACADEMY:. OF THE! tkv-"Yi.• :PINE ARTS.I-TtwAnnualitle4tion fora Pre. ; indent and twelve Directore, take -place at. the Academy:on Monday June 4th., betweenthe houraof 12 aeon sad 2 o'clock . P. M. ' - • .1011T7 T. LEWIS., Secretary. - inyaaotL PHI .7 Nay 28,1865 OE7lOlr OF THE BINTAILTASTB LAND 14 , 7 • COMPANY,No: 924 WALNUT street. P 4445• • The Staled Annual Neetini of the Stochholderi of the METALLINE LAND COMPANY will be held at, the. ogres of the company.,on MONDA.Y, June Att, pros: AtNtecleek, N. _ ~ . _F. N. WOMBATS, ra f t-tiell• ' . OFFICE OF THE AIIYGDALOID DEMING XWCOMPANT, PEUXADELPECGC,3IO,72I, 188.5„ e Annual meeting of StoOkholders of the "Atnyg-; dtdold Wising Oompahy" willbe held bt their ofttse, No, 824,Walnnt street, on WEDNESDAY, June sith,l proximo,* 12 o'clock 31.,1br the election of Directors, and the transacticri of other business: ' ' • . - F. K. virpmeaTn, nlY2lTJe6li ' - " Seergtary. Tlr OFFICE OP THE SCHITYLR tr. - r, RIVER PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, T .111NTY-SECOND STREET - , BELOW .13Pill:FOE; rEtILADELPHIA, Hay 24. 1866. • • • The subscribers to the Capital Stockof this ComPanY Will meet for the purpose of organization, at this Office On FRIDAY. Tune Bth, 1866, at P. 311: • By order of the Board of Commissioners. THOALAB R. CAW,L, becretary. my24ih,s,ta,tjeBl _CAMBRIA , IRON • COMPANY: A special meeting. of the Stockholders of the . Cfunbria Iron Company, will be•hrld 'on' THURSDAY, Kay 810„1806, at, the office of the Company, N 0,400 Cbestnnt street, Philadelphia, at 4 o'clodc, X, to consider and determine the, disposition of the residue of the capital stock and 13110 . 1 ,other, : business as may then be By Order of the Beard.' • ' • • ' - ap.3o-troyfil* - JOHN T. SIZE, Secretary. , a;rToh. - ANNUAL ItiBETENG of Alio Stock holders of the SUGAR CREEK OIL 0021 PA, ;for the election of seven .Directors, to' serve for the ensuing year will be held at tlie Company's °nice: No. 217 South Third street, on MONDAY, the 4th day ofJune, 1868, at 10 o'clock, A. M. _ . I WWI open at 11 o'clock; A- 21., and close at 2 o'clock; The Transfer Books arill be closed from the sud of Mai to the fah da3 ofJuneAnclualve. . B. HENRY my 22 tn.th Litt Secretary. HEALTH OFF. CE,PHILADELPHIS. S. W. 'CORNER SIXTH:AND BA_NcOlf tSTREETS, May %th,1866. - . NOTICE Is hereby given that all Bag and Bone Establishments in this city are declared to - be nuisances, prejudicial to public • health, and must be closed from June Ist until October let, unless permitted to be kept open by aro' plication to and permission by the Board of Health, By order of the Board of Health. HGRATIO G. BICKEL, 3t4 , Health Officer. [O. DELAWARE )LINING COMPANY OF. MI. OBlGAN.—Notice Is hereby given that aU Stock in this Company on which the eleventh installment of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per stiare,called February 7th, 1866, and due February lsth, 1868. Is not paid, is forfeited for said default, and that, according to the Charter and By• Laws of the Company. it will be sold at Public Auction on MONDAY,the second day ofJuly 1866, at 1.2 M., at the office of the Secretary of. the Cora. pang. No. WO Walnut street, Philadelphia, unless paid aL or before that tune. By order of the Board of Directors. WYATT WLSTAII, Secretary. Dated Philadelphia May Ist, 1866. NOTICE.—TRE ITNDERSIGNED, COMILIB iI I yISLISSION LH named In the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of ,Perunylvanis.. entitled An AM' to Incorporate the MANUFACTURERS' and CuNSU3LERS' ANTHRACITR RAILROAD COM PANY," approved 23d day orMarch.A.D. 1866,willopen books and reteivesubscriptions to the espital Stock of said Company at the GIRARD HOUSR. Chestnut street, in the City of Philadelphia. on MONDAY, the fourth day of June,A; D. 1868, at 10 o'clock A. M. WALE E, JAMES VIZZARD, IL A. WILDER B. SWAIN, JOHN ULRICi. US. P. NICKELS. JOHN P. GREEN, mylOtljeS/ TREASITRY DEPARTMENT, May 1606. • OTSCE Is hereby given to holders of Certificates of Indebtedness Issued under acts of Congress, approved March Ist and 17th, ISM, that the Secretary of the. Treasury - in accordance With acid acts, and the tenor of said Certificates. Is prepared to re• deem, befbre maturity, all Certificates of Indebted ness falling due in June, July or August, 1866. with fie creed interest tbereen, if presented for redemption on or before May 31st, and that hereafter such Certificates will cease to bear Interest, and will be paid on pre sentation at this Department, with Interest only to the said 31st inst. staycOULL OCR, f theTreainuz. (Si;medj my"..3.bt; WIINIV3ERSI.TY OF PELTINISYLVARLS., .PARTMEST OF ARTS. e final ICzaminatlon of the Benton Class will on held In the following order, beginning each day at i o'clock. Et 11/EDNA:WAY, By tba Provost (Oare.ra Social 6:tenee and aillsatuZion of the ths(led dilates). THURSDAY, 24th. By Prot Frazer (Phyrierd Gap- Lu b u lt h ittAY, Wth. By Prot Allen aerezphon`a Kano rabilics). TB DAY, Nth. By Prot 'Kendall (Irstegral Chica lua), EDDIESDAY, 31st. By Prof. Jackson (thoraces ipialles and etrt ty .Prxtry.) - • • GEORGE my23t 31 aa'NOTH.M.—The undersigned Corp Orators named la the Act of Assembly, eatlthd•'An Act to incorporate the PennsylvaniaCenal Ckimpany." al:*• proved the first day of May, A.D. 1666, will open books and receive subscriptions to the capital Mock Of said company at the places and times following PHILADELPHIA, at .Boom No. 26, Merchants' - Exchange, at 10 o'clock A. IL, on the 26th day of June,lBte. HARRISBURG, at the Lochiel House, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 10th day of in1y.1866. • HUNTLOGDON, at the Morrison House, at 10* o'clock A. H.. on the 101.13 day ofJuly, 1866. 1 L. T. Wattsen, !Alex. M. Lloyd, John A. Lemon, David Blair, Geo. B. Roberta James Burns. F. F. Wlreman, W. J. Howard, John Literafelt, John Scott. B. B. Wie ton, James Gardner, John N. Swope, J. J. Patterson, 1 Wm. Davis, Jr. my2.5.1je26f TIM FOLLOWING GENTLE ZEN HAVE, been drily elected Officers of the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, to serve for the ensulreyear: ••- • - PRESIDM4T JOSRPH S. PLOT. MANAGE/LS, AT:FX. G. CASTELL, CHAALES. H. CII&LALMOS, JAMBS A. WEUGHT, HOWARD HINCHM&N, CHARIAS KNECHT. sElcrEce. M.A_U)NE; NATHAN BROOKE, JOHN HIM.I.CHENER. TRICASIMEE. S&MUEL L. WARD Subscriptions will be received at the Itoomb at the Corn Eachange Association for the balance of the Capital Stock. Gaily, from n A. M. to 12 M. (Signed) . SAMIJEL L. WARD, Treasurer. PIELLADELPHIA. May 11..1.65. rayll lm P 0 kV 1I) Na tivity (1) 10.PEDINSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. M.EASiaItER'S DEPARThIENT. Pluttanxt, :PHU, May 241 1866. _ ' Is ORICX TO SIOQumOf,DERS.--The Board of Dl rectors have this day declared a beard-AnnualDividend of I'IVA Plat ChasU on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of National and State Taxes, payable on and after May SO, 1866. Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting Dividends 'can be had at the effice of the Com ny.lVo. 218 south THIRD street. THOS. T. PERTH Treasurer . m,yB•Stt . OFFICE OF Tite CLARION AND - ALLE GHENY RIVER OIL COMPANY;-No. 146 BvFiTH FOHRTS STREET, Pica.anstanna;-MaY k'he Direntors have this day declared a Hivldenql out of the net earnings of the ComPattri of FI CENTS per share, payable to Stockholders. and. 'their legal representatives on presentation of their certifi cates, Wand atter June let. • Trankfer Books will be closed from Kay Eat to done U3l, LecAtalve. By order of the Board. • ' • • JACOB RIDGWAY, my22d to je2l - SocretarY• DELtit - DTMeirtiifouS. Mrs. It. Dillon, aS23 and 331 South Street, has a handsome assortment of BYROM • am. LThritirif; Mime' and Infanta' Hats and Cape, BFra m ilks, Velvets, Cram, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowrs. es. dm. whir-Atm/ . GREAT REDUCTIONS IN TEM PRICES OF BONNETS, at Miss AsHMANS. my2e3t* - - No. 15 South Ninth street. • I. • • In the lIIWIEFICN It Is the Tight thing IA therlith! place. No Household would be without it after , ,0 gle trial It is the only Sifter now in use that sires_ dstielYo on. Every Sifter is warranted to give per mitts- tiPIIacTOKEL laotory.lito, 680 IdA.llloE'l' street, Philasta. State and ConstSs 'tights for Bale onaasy terms. Wholessale:Tradstsupplied on reasonable terms. Samples sent to any.Addrelll on receipt of s 1 00. ffet •QALT.-2,50S sacks LIVERPOOL GROUND SALT 0 alio =sacks 'Fine* Salti al:testi:and for sale by VORElsiAN'at 00.:128 Wslant.. QP.A.TIMH xegs fresh Spanish Olives, PO lest received sad for sale by, i. 8. /1178SLES & 108 B. Delwin Avenue. Ty IRLAt WARM BEEITUAL fJAFBTY .' Im[3IISARO~ '; anCpApljr,w • INOORPORAGGID .31Y-TIEN lomentaxtriOpikr .r • r.uVARGA..IBBS. oNxiouGX R.' CORN= waraw , AND w.i.laserr - STRXRIR* PHIMARELPHIA. e l k ..VPWCPB. CARGO . -h; SO GI putt of the worl& Oa IRGURIRORIEJ "cwis, pi, River;Osumi, fr om Land Curium , to sll • rssuzancaGE‘ - ~.,Cdrerchant arift,rttwa rdi ngg ezro usesy % act, Asesrs or' mo 3 oOmrArix, • _ • zirovember 1 1865. siboroo ttnotot States 6perteni. loan. $96,000 00 120,000 United States 6 per cent, loan, 116,100 00 NO,OOO United , 5%540, per cent. loan • ' 100,006 State of Vanla Hive Per Cent. Loan ; 06 56,060 State of .i . q,iiimir . lTs - sr . d'a 161 1. ear. • _ 2 • Loan • .61,55046, 125,000 aIY of Pb - alislTax ... l:i . a .. .Fir . • - • . 112,EL2 50 sto,cco . rennafiqatiiitrulicla- •Mort-' • • • • __minx= Per Cent. Bon .41123- • • 10,000 00 • 25.000 . Pennv.ivania Railroad secogi Mori. . ,_take_Slx Ye a r Cent. Bonds.- is,Tho oo V 5,000 western, Penna. Railroad' Mortgage • • Sin Per Cent, Ronda:- . :55,750.00 u,cleo.Boo..Bharee Stock GermsintoTvinia . • " • Company, principal - and interest • f guaranteed by the • City Of /VILNA'' , • 15,5517,66 5,150.145 Shares Stock ;Penns; Railroad _ . ComPany— 4,590 N • • moo ion BbarN stork 240rOrlinairanisc , • Railroad 41,2:10/50 40,000 .Deposit with the - United • istater cr). -•- s i .o •• 0 6,7 3 ar ti aTitmect,to iodessee lis , 49,000 06 Per Cent: =ON LoanisiittßlisTsTistr - • "liens on City, Proper, MIX' 00 1;0664n6 Par. , Market ysshils....:. 996.560 00 ReN,Rstate.,-. ' 36,006 - 00 Bills ricelancle- for 117 m -ra n —co made.. - • 80 Balances doe atAkeicies.-,-Prerolomis on Nap ' • - rive Polkien. Accrued Intereet.suld onsez debts. duo - the 40,511 la 'Scrip mid Stock of sundry, Insurance Nul • , --other Companiel:ss,/68, 5,111.0 CO dash in Thu Om-8 9 ' 4381211IIDISW08:.::-. ' 678 4 $ • ' $66,686 77 Tome o.lltired. "an O. Davis, Edmund A. Bonder, Theophllne Spalding, Johnß. Penrose, James Traquidr, - Henry 0 C. : H ball and et, Jr., James , William O.Beal, Ludwig, Joseph M. GeorgeG. elper, Hugh Crer, Robert Burton, /ohm. D. Taylor, TB O •- JOHN a: EMMY-Lnsysv, z - •:: i :4.1' is: is .:11 Ni • • s • s :t AND INLAND TRANSPOB TAM= INBUBANCEIL- Third sh 0Mm,N0.523 WALNUT street, south olds, ant Of wi The 'Pm of this Company are well Invested and ftmlsh an available food for the amp u l l a o r all who illadre to be protected Ideorsnos BIERS taken on Vessels, and TILLNEMRTATION RISES on kW cliandlaa per Railroads, Clouds and Steambosts. FIRE RISKS on lisoludullse, Furniture and Ball& tn taa u nl v f2rl7. MOO Der 1791--CLAPITAIOa ARZ FA= IN AND SECURELY TOTAL PROPERTIES, PERPEALITHARTEIL A FIRE ASSOCIATION. Incorporated March V,1331. .IF OFFICE, No. 34 N. FIFTH street. In sure BIIILDDIG_ L _Si HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE and -113..4..Lt: • NDISR ally, from phla Loss by .blre, (In the al - PW.ladal nly.) STATER:MT of the o Assets of the Assostattosi Ja d Nor4Afiesanuary I, 1366. on property in the Cltyßond X 8 86,466 IT Ground Rests— Real Dime (Moe No 34 North FM Weal) 14,308 1 13 3 U. &Government 6831Benda--- 43.000 /V U. S. Tresstuy IS Otee.— .....—. --- 0,64006 elly ---....—.... 648 00 Guth on kan&.............------ mum if Tel SEUETIODiI s . GEORGEW. TRYON President ' WM. H. zialnuroN, .10311. PH, E. LYNDA.LL, JOHN 80 GDR& LEVI P. COATS, PETER A. KEYNES.' ELAXIIEL BPARHAViIt, JOHN lIIILBLY. Cgs P. BOWER, JOHN C&RHOW .TESSE LIGHTFOOT GEORGE I. Youhre, • Row= teammutxa, T./HM=ll, Secretam. r ~r, r iL :'r 1 ''r ~ :~.r “The Firs Insurance 0:41:23P of the County at Ehiladelphla.” incorporated by the Legbdsgrra Or Penneylvards In has, dor indsaadiq against loss Or ~aOaasebY ena xt,u%c'Etliatpxrue.L. This old and reliable Institution, 'with ample esp Eal and contingent hind carettely invested to in. sure buildings, furr t iroserchandits, either p. nmd t ar or for a 'tea lim cona t itl atir /OM or= by Ire, the lowest rates with the • safety of pis customers. • Lassos allusted and C a al t la m l all possible dasgatch Charles 7. Sutter, Edwin L. Beata Henry John Horn. Robert V. MalW , Auseral Mow% ileum Budd. George flecks, Andrew H. fil/ler dm i am arles N. Mol ted Ecorwas Jr.Hosasount. Sec'v and Treasurer. miscsarra mstraaunos .004CPANYOP P.ILLLA. L DELPHI& INCORPOBATZDIIIO4—ONART= PePETUAL. • NO. i^ 4 WALNUT Street,oe InadeUtiontoMAßlNE e,wßFL.Az , m3:4Mall UtbSkimpany Insane teem lector damage by on Inwal terms, onbnibUnige mtercbantbse, Ae.,tbr perlodsi, and immanently on =CUD bv deposit of wanitaa., Com has been bi Wave epaosUon bir neat th an gm dm _iinAlmlch all loose have been prompb/sAt seld - - - John L. Hedge, David Lewis, IL B. Mahon? Do:derail =Le& John T. Lewis, Then= H. Power& William S. Grant, A. R. Robert W. Lesdoiri& - Rdnio lle =nd . 034 1 3. D. Mirk Wharton, Banned Wilcox. Lawman /iswis e .".rr ' - .Lectis o..Norxis. ' JOHN R. OILEIRRIL SawrizaWst oox.Seereterf. ^ Preill .InRl2 .INSURANUII MELUIL,UHMALP. .... TEA .ELUSSYLVANIA 'Flitli , /NIittRANOR 00X. PANY—Inom3l5-obarter Perpetual—No. MO W %mocks Independence Square, Thal company, hurozably known to ' the community fur over linty yeam, on to insure anima kW or damage by Sr% on Public or Private _sanding% either permanently or fir a limited time. Also, ue Furniture= crewels and Idenihrindiee cenerallyi Tbeir Maar together with a WO MiTine Fend is Invested In the moat amend manner, which 4mablas them to otter to the Insured an undoubted security le I" alls. efl _ 4llll. DIRIKMDHS. - Daniel Smith, Jr., John Devereaz Alexander Hermon. , Thomas Smith, Isaac Railehuzst, Henry Lewis, Thomas Nobble, J. EiMingham you. Daniel Haddock Jr. SMITH, jr., Prodder& WirWar O. UlawirtZ. Secretors Toney on. a Small ClapitiL IPENOEIRS PA2ENT, IN SIFTER imp STRAINER. avaluable for use In all es where a Strainer, or ve Is required; It wilt ma, IMAM, EictuAAn. `LE, 4 13170KWILEAT, and wta Strain' imaaarrsa,Eteireres, dsch ROMFORT.- V,ciffitaWrltAW4 - SF. Samuel E. Mau, J. B. Penistori, Henry Sloan; - • William Darll ward G. Boalten,gion,m, Edw H. Jones Brooke Edward .Laibimmde. Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarlarbd. Sooting P i n*. Spencer vaLms, J. B. Semple, Pittidargli. A. B. Berger, Pittsinirgb. aD T4doman, Plttsbnrgb. = HAND, Prmident. DAVIB, Vice President. Witten'. „. . Arthur G. Clotan, JAMBI N. Dickens, Samuel W. Jones, B. Morris Wain. John, John Mason, GliarbiN d or George L. Rarriama, Ambros De . Wood. Edward te, Frarldll.ll H. . C= ar Richard William Welsh, E. B. Clarks, II Bowen; H Williams Gurarabigs, Maim T. Ctuudeton omy. .1.52TE1D1 G. oo h . President. Prase. Bearesari. Mmucuus snug /2fa4itAPICM OOMPANY_. • A. I:RCCBPODATBD ISM—assnlß• ' , PAWS uo litreetil muL v3ve TEC= liMest, nostrig A paid up CAPITA", STOCK and PLVD inure •W Boum and available Securities, CO& gime to insure on Dwellings, Ste Furniture, Yen ohandise, Vessels port , and their and otbur Pens" Property. All Lames liberally and promptly adjusted.. Tlionafue 71. Marl& :. ' . JCitiii T. Lewis, Zolut Wels James R. Oampbeill Homnelo. Morton. Edmund G. Data's. , P I..tp:a Brigs. , m oharlm W. Poultur, Daael : - I :.., - ' i , , - ITHOIdAS IL 21.48/8, Treads: IL Mali! 0. C l ,l2www.up. Searetarr. , - au= A 2dMEtIOAN MUTUAL IDESISBAMCBQOZCPASIT. —oXpe WALNUT Street. MA.B. AND MLAXII I 1 OSANQSA.— Bl*t taken on vrioselts, maws and he lean psr or the'vrceiCand onloone on Wand .rmr•ation'ou Avers, canal inuresos ea) - other oonVeYarear through Out the . United Staters. :WILLIAM MI6 Prentg s h iatt : Parniza.fouLLEN,tnos BORER? 7: MEM Secretary. • • . . .. . .. .. i • WMlsm (halm . . .... ,Honsy o.llaliell4 . poa Callen Wm. I& LoNither. John DoLoU,,Tr., - . .7, Johnston Browni -, Wiliam H. Nast*, . Samuel A. 3331014 • . . 33 ff. W. Blithazdni , , Mason Riltehbill, W - 0 alßemy L. lilldes, m. X. man, , S. min Marta& TEPPROVIDENT LUTE AND . TRUST :01)Y. ANT, OPEBILADELPHL&.— Dusorponalallpythe Mate or Pezumplyinds. ID month, INEWRPR LIVER e.tail i wa remaularr ON DE. posm Arip . exturra ANNurras. warrer, Samuel Jeremiah motor, Jo Wood.etuird shua rrie, Hi Blehozd Cadbury • e astr ßignea ' T. Brown Chi& P I Wu " a Lontottein, • BOMAN]) Ealarliallt." Rum. Li • SHEPLEY, Breatlenlh' an2Pe. SHEET. =MEI CORPAISTe• ICOL Wail Mat OWNIII AM=UfIDE._ 1 . 829-431EWITER PERPETUAL, FrELAMECW EINE INSURANCE COMPANY AsaCktter on January -1 1866, 110 - 2;50055i 96 . 44 1.0011011M00.. 4400_,0N 00_ Accrue ara vir B /sas lIIMETTLED CLIMB, I 1L.467 513. _ =Losses-Paid Since 1829 Over ss;oo4:i s cioo. , , _ . Perpetual and 1 empornry. Petioles on LbiralTerrno DERFOTOPJ3, Chao. N: Banker , : Edward O. Dale, Toping Wagner, George Pales.. Banmel (Rant, - • . Alfred Fitter. ' Geo. W. Richards, - • Pros. W. •Lewle, M. D, 141altfc. Lea, Peter McCall. CHARLES N. ollCKEßPresident. *. ...-• •. - EDWARD O. D_ ,Al.lO Vice Preetatunk _. _,___ ,TAE,'w. bre.A LIATEB, :: , • i01121#41r7 pro UM. .feSOlni FIRE-- INSURANCE. LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. 4uthorizedVapital, $lO Millions, Invested Funds, over 16 Millions. Yearly Revenue, over 5 Ilifiions. Invested in the United States over $1,500,000 All Englan lcseee promptly adjusted without reference to d. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania. OFFICE, No. 6 Merchants' Exchange. rformtb t rem PHILADELPHIA. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCECOMPANY. OFFICE, 4115 WALNUT STREET PHILA ORE,PI37A. CAPITAL PAID IN, IN dABH. 0000 This company continues to wets en Iles Auks only, Its atpital, - with a good s 7ol urplus, la safely invested. Lasses by lire havettemon ir ay paid, and more than Disbursed on this account viltbin the past few yenis. Forte previ t the office of this company will re. main at 415. WALNUT STREET, But within a few months will remove to Its 01733 BUILDING. N. Z. COB. BRVIENTH AND CEOMTNUT, Then, as now, we shall be nappy to insure our patron at =eh rues as are consistent with safety. - - - THOMAS CRAVEN, A TMSTrn /L GILLETT, FURMAN EZEIETPARD, R. S. LAWRENSIR, THOS. MACEIELLAR CHARLES L DUPONT, JNO. SUPPLIER. HENRY F. EMMET' JNO. W. CLAGKORN, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. BILLS YERKBB,7s., THOMAS CRAVEN, President. ALFRED 8. GILLETT, V. President and Treasurer. JAMES B. ALFORD. Secretary. ialStr TarRELIANCE INBUBANCE COMPANY 03:1 KELADE.LPHIA. - in IBM Charter Perpetual M., No. 308 WADNUT BERERT. CAPITAL, 131: 1 9,0X 1 , Insures against lam or damage by FIRE, on BOUM% Stores and other Buildings, limited or pea panel, and on Furniture, Goods Wares and znerchan• dims in town or conntry. LOSSES PROMPTLY Invested in the following Secraities, In.. First Mortgages on City Property, well se -11124,160 00 Ilatted States Government T".”. MAO 00 Philadelphia city 6 per cent. Loam MAO 00 Pennsylvania 19,000,0:0 i per cent Loan-- 21,0(9) 00 Pennsylvania Rallraad Sat and se cond M • Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 35,M0 00 6 per cent. Loan— -- 6,003 IX) Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com- , pants 6 per cent. Loan—. 5,000 00 Randn,gdon andßroad Top 7 percent, mort gage b0nd5...... : :,,. 4,563 60 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.-- 1,050 CO Mechanics' Bank - 4,000 a) Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock— 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock.. ale 00 Reliance Insurance Company of pitta's Stork I,IMO 00 Cash In bank and on hand------------ 5,914 71 DIRECTORS. $408,004 79 Con. Tingley, Benj. W. Tatley, ti m. Musser, Marshall Samuel Blspham, Charles Leb . 3. . H.. L. Carson. Thomas H. Moore, Bober& Steen,, Samuel Cashier, Wm. Stevenson, Alfred lirrttlfah. James T. Young. (11%RM• TINGLEY. President, THOMAS C. HILL, Secretary. Pnzmaramemu. December 1.1865. de2o-th.5.1:1131 TEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF O PHILADELPHIA.—OFFICE, No. 24 NORIH FIFTH STREET : NEAR MARKET STREET. ' Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, CELLI/TEM PEssirruar.. CAPITAL .AND ASSETS, tereceo. Make Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire or Public or:Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks. Goods and MexenDIFICTO RS.dise on favorable terms. ;.. • - • ueorge Erety, I Frederick Doll, August C. -Miller, f Jacob Schandler, John F. Belsterling, Samuel Miller, Henry Troomner, Edward P. Moyer. William McDaniel, Adam J. Glass, Christopher H. hillier, Israel Peterson, Frederick Staake, Frederick Ladner Jonas Bowman, _ GEORGE JOHN F. BELST] ' PHILIP E. COLEMAN, ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY ~. A& CHART PERPETUAL Wilco, No. 811 WALNUT above Third, PhDs. Will insure against Loss or by Fire, on Build. hags, either perpetually or fbr &limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Aso.-]dart tie Insurance on Vessels, ,- illarVes end Freight. inland iruninutce to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. Wm. Ether, , David Pearson, D. Luther. _ ' Peter Sieger, Lewis Andenrled, . : J. E. Baum, J. R. Blakiston, . Was. F. Dean, • , Jerd:Mandeld, . Sohn Ketcham. . WM. ..- - MEMINS,Ka: President. __ _, Nirtd: F. DEAN, Vioa-PredildenS, WM. EL SMITH. Secretary - . , , tats MUTUAL FIRE INS ' .I.u. PHILADELPHIA Street—issare IttaldthEß, chsuidise genera S llyi rrs _ fi AS _ _[03.795 MI. DIREOTOBS TO ism CALEB MOTHER% WM. P. FEEDER, BENZ. MALONE. • .TOSEPTt CHAPMAN THOMAS MATHER, EDW. M.NREDLES, 1 T. ELLW'D OKAPIS:IAN, WILSON H. ZEN. SIMEON - MATLACK, . LUKENS WEBSTER AARON W. StAaarrrx, CHARLES EVANS, CALEB CLOTHIER, President. T. Er.mwoors CHAPMAN, Secretary. 1628.8ral WASH INSURANCE COMPANY. A• No. ES STNCHEUT STRUM' - 1/R3 AND INLAND INSURANON l iu Nrareds N. Back ; - .. jam W. Zverrns. • Charles Itichards(m.' ' Robert B. Potter, ReorY. _Uslirbk. - Ina Kessler, Jr., Samuel wrigat, - E. D. WoogiraZ JUstice, • , • Clok .. Stakes, Geo. A. W est, , J'os. D. lialls. . ,_' N. OK larestdent. Blaw..&R.Dsmgr. 'Mos Prash2s 111 EDIDCA.TION. - --BALL;: SESSION. OR. MISS.ARROW% 1 SSEPKINARY FOR YOUNG ..I.ADIE will com mance on . . Wedneedw SepteMbernth,_ at her retideitme _corner of Ftipbtr • and Sixteenth streets. Rammummaset—Rev. 0. Ftel_ Bin, D. D,olSey:. Themaa Bra: IT Mai-D. D.; W. H.'Ruen, late aent of Girard Callers. . , - tio.f.bra WAR'II9. "WARD WANTED, for, a gentleman and his wife, in -Jul a respectable" private family, in or near German ,t Own. Deference!' exchanged.. State location and telme." Addrers.R. DL. S.. BoxxxxrN 0111ce. Insrb3-2t* .700,URDINCI: VIIIIST•OLASS AT A FARM -HOUE3I; .1.71 N D.A..11.1tY. Inquire - at - Buttonwood - : - Hotel, . - n2928 2t* 1 - 1133.1.A. - RI:O3I3MEt MailEfIRE ..11111LTELIG • tivaiLnit P.A.ORING. HOSE, , eins ari! dealern will find a FULL ASSORT. MENT.OF GOODYEAR'S PATRNT VIT/MANIZEO RUBBER EMILTING,.Pette r AGILING, HOSE, deviat the Murers Readtti. GOODYEARIS, • sost7hestnnt BMW.; th aide, N. 8.-We have a NEW and eifliiP A.Nriaca ot . GARDEN and PAVEMENT HOSE, very PheeP• to which the attention of the noblio is cans • INCOICrE FOR nedg Fao.ooo. AND ' . et ,t 79 KRETY. Preetdent. • I G, vice President. • 0: a _lO • il• 'Mee No. 5 South FIFTH , • „ MENICIPAL IVLUNT.CIPAL CLAIMS,— SHEREPIPS OFPICE,- PICELADELPFCIA, MAY 21st, IBM/ NOTICE'S .ThEllEtl: EY GlV.ifN, in accordance %gait the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn s,y Ivan's. passedillth day_of March, A. D. NM, entitled "An Act relative to Resistered Taxes and bianicipat Claims in the County of Philadelphia," that the follow ing writs of b cite facies sin claim have been placed in my hanOs for service. to Wit: _ REIST.Y C. HOW - ELL, Sheri OF _ . EN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. City of Philadelphia vs. John P. Lord, owner or re puted owner or whoever may be owner, O. P., JU1343 Term, 1866, No. 15; for - the sutmof one hundred and twenty-one dollars and thirty-six cents, for work and labor dore and performed„andmaterials tarnished against all that tot or piece of ground situate on the northeasterly side of tsomersetstreet and southeasterly side of Cedar street, In the Twentptifth Ward; con sitting In - front or breadth onsaid Somerset street 80 feet. and extending In length or depth northeasterly of that width between- lines parallel to sad alongisald Cedar street BO feet, more or less. Same vs., Macbette & Ralguel, _owner, &c., C.. P. June Term,lB66, No. 16; for the sum of three hundred and forty dollars and seventy-nine cents for work and labor done and - performear mid-material furnished, against all that certain lot •-or piece of ground com mencing at the northwesterly side of Cedar street 120 feet•ll. -and % inches- southwesterly from. from_B merset street and extending ,thence northeasterly along the line of said Cedar street 120 feet, 11 and% inches to the corner of said Cedar ano Somextetstreettherice north westerly along the line of said Somerset street 9s feet 4'S inches to the Aramingo Canal, and thence south erly along the several courses of Said draining° Canal 155 feet 4V, inches to 'theplace of beginning. ' • - Same , 78. Charles E. Johnson; owner, dn., C.F.. June Term, 1866, No. 17, for the sum of twenty dollars and fifty nine cents for work and labor done and per formed and materials furnished against all that certain 'lot or piece of ground Infinite at the southeast cornerof Brown street and _Pennsylvania avenue." in the Fifteenth' Ward, containing in front, on said Brown street 17 feet 2.%• inches, and in front on the northeast side of , said -Pennsylvania avenue, 14 feet 9% inithea. and on the east line thereof 8 feet 73(; inches- Sarney& easter ICeller, mane P;, June Tenn. 1866, No. 18, for the sum of one hundred and fortytwo dollars and nine cents for work and labor done and performed, and materials, furnished against all that. certain lot or piece of • graund situate on -the] south westerly side or Somerset street, and southeasterly side of Gaul street in the Twenty-fifth Ward; containing in front or breadth on said Somerset street, 4a feet, and extending in length or depth southwesterly' of that width between lines parallel to -and along said Gaul street, 80 feet moreer less., - - - ' . - Same va.diebecce Pritchett owner &c., C. P.. June Term, 1866, No. 42, fer the snot of seventy-six dollars and twenty-one-cents, for work and labor done end performed, and materials 'furnished against all that certain lot or piece of ground situate-on the southeast corner of Fortieth and Baring streets, in the Tvienty fourth Ward of theUty of Philadelphia, beginoingat the southeast corner of Till or Fortieth and Brown streets, thence east along the south side of Baring street 190 feet 03' ' inches to the west aide of Sloan street —thence south t) • the same 28 feet 351 inches to the south line of Old Persimmon street, thence west bythe same 190 feet to Till or Fortieth wreet, aforesaid and thence north along the east line therereof 26 feet inches to the place of beginning. , Same vs. Mrs Frances Turner. owner &c.,C. P., June Term, 1866, No. 43. for the sum of seventy dollars and fifty-four cents, 'for work and labor ' done and per formed , and materials tarnished against all r tain lot orpiece of ground situate on 'he' westside of Tlll or Fortieth street, in .the Twenty-fourth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of =9 feet 2f inches south at Powelton avenue, containing in front or breadth 33 feet 4 inches on Bald' Till or Fortieth street, thenceextending westward in length - or depth of that width, and parallel to Old Pratt ribreet 179 feet 11;r inches to Bell street. • Witr ess the Honorable Joseph Allison, President of our said court at Philadelphia, the 'Eleventh day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and sixty•six. T. 0. WEBB, Pro Prothonotary. 0 4410V:ImitiNztyatwakelnOoki City of Philadelphia vs. Jelin Reilly, owner, &c., D. C., June Term, 1866, N 0.40; for the sum of twe hundred and twenty-five dollars and fifty-nine cents, for work and labor done and performed, and materials fur nished; forpaving, in front of all that certain lot or. piece or ground, with the brick building thereon erected, situate on the southwesterly side of Cumber land street, at the distance of three hundred and thirty one (231) feet ten and one-quarter inches southeasterly from Richmond street. in the Eighteenth Wand; containing in front tr breadth on said Cumberland street forty (40) feet, and extending in length or depth southwesterly of that width parallel to said Richmond. street (50) feet. more or less. Same vs. 1 ewls Geagan, owner, &c.; D. C , June Term. 1566, N 0.41; for the sum of two hundrecland forty-five dollars, for work and labor done and per formed, and materials furnishecl,to wit: for oaving,dic., in front of all that censiu lot or piece of ground with, the three-story brick dwelling and frame building ad joining. thereon erected situate on tie southwesterly side of Cumberland street, andthe southeasterly side of Richmond street, in th-;Eighteenth Ward, containing in font or breadth on the said Cumberland street fifty .westfeet, and extending in leia ghth or depth south rly of that breadth along the southeasterly aide of said ,llichmond street twenty (20) feet. more or leas. Same vs. Patrick Turner. owner, D. U., June Term, No. 129; for the sum of one hundred and five dollars and eighty-one cents, for work and labor done and perfo med. and materials furnished. to wit: for 'curbing, &c.. in front of all twat certain lot or niece of ground situate on the west aide of Till or Fortieth street. in the Twenty fourth Ward, of the city ofP.hil adelphia, at the distanc, of two hundred and twenty nine (229) feet 2 inches south of Paws ton avenue, containing in ftoni or breadth on said Till or Fortieth street fifty feet. and extending in length or depth west ward of that width, and parallel to Old Pratt sxreet.ona hundred and seventy-nine feet eleven and seven:- eighths inches; to Bell street, Witness the Honorable George Shorewood. Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court, at Philadelphia,the tenth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. B. W. FLETCHER. Pro Prothonotary my2AMwAt la AYER 61 ti (ILb cool WT T rE COLLINS' NEW BOOS! And other New Books Published this day by T. B. PETERSON. k BROTHICES, N0..V6 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. 31'.ND MONSTON, and• other stories. Br Wilkie Collins. This volume contains five of the best stories ever written to Wilkie Collins. and neither of them. have ever bet u published in this country before. One Volume. Octavo. Price 50 Cents. THE REAM IFUL NUN. By NPd. Buntline, math= of -Mysteries and Miseries of New York." "Myateriee c f New Orleans." can. Priv. 75 cents. THE QUEEN'S FAVORITE .or the price of a Crown. An Historical Romance of the Fifteenth Century. Complete in onn large duedecimo volume. Price V. 50 in paper. or ta in cloth. DICEFNE,` LIFEOF GRIMALDI. JOSEPHG.R.IIE ALDT, THE CLOWN. His Life and Adventures. Br Charles Dickens. One volume. octavo. Pric- 75 cents.. TH.F. GOLD BRICK. Ry Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. _Author of "Fashion and Famine:" Complete in one large duodecimo volume. Price 51 50 in paper, or V. in Goth. THE PORTON. E SEF.SE R. By Mrs. Emma D E. N. 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New English Medical and Scientific Books impOrted to order by every steamer, by LINDSAY BLAXISTON, Publishers, Booksellers and Importers, No. 25 South Sixth street. above Chestnut. ('CAPITAL NEW BOOKS.—THE GIANT CITIES OF BABILA_N„ and Syria'S Holy Places. By Bev. F. L. Porter,A. M. Illustrated with colored plates. 1 voL, Inno. LIFE OF BENJAMIN SILLIMAN. M. 13., L.L. D. By George P. Fisher, Professor in Yale College. 2 vols., crown Svo, with line_portrait and other illustrations. PATRIOTICOFNCR being Selections from One Hundred Years of National Literature. Complied for the use of Schools in Reading and Speaking. Ivo], Ignfo. TEMPERANCE: _RRCOLLECTIONS. LABORS, DEFEATS. TRIUMPHS. An autobiography. By Rev. John Marsh, D. D. FAITH WHITE'S LETTIER BOOK, 1620.1621—Ply .month, New England. 1 vol.. I2mo. For sale by, JAMES S. CLAXTON. SUCCPASOr to W. S.& A. Martien, 606 Chestnut street. 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