Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 29, 1866, Image 4
BIJMNESS _ NOTICES: !LIT IMPOSTOR. This is to caution alLthe fair . of a spruce fellow to beware, ;; ; • Who' somas a youthful beau; • His curly wig the eye beguiles; His Attie teeth glitter when he smiles; The'cheeks dieplay a glow, Laid on by some cosmetic rire: His form does,all its graceftd air: . : To Bennett's Clothing owe! Wa Hews- 411.114c00l /linty Cktssimers Pants, as low as. " Block Pants - " ClotTs Vests " Castimere Stilts, to mach, " I Black Butts, Akkelm# 4 _, frons.theso rates sashays yoods of ail /*Tim, ItP to t he fabrics, at prices reduced in propor• tion7Men'sYraithe and Boys'. Tiecraaexas zu k va MEESE WITHIN THE PAST FEW WILICKS, THAT WE ARE .ACTITALLY SELLING GOOD, azaviciaasiz GHJODS AT lelin 7TBSCItB WAXED. WHERE'S ALL THE WATCHES? captain Semmes, we all well know, Chronometers hook'd many, But even' if It's so . There should still be watches many; But eines the war. began, , And gold watches ;toed per'cost, Tot; tan scarcely find a man That now owns one—they are lostg If Clothing at the "STAB," When tax'd.ahould vanish, too, Wiust would the folks from far, • Or within eur precincts, do? Bathe &ct is very plain, Tasty atiaorsiu choice and fine Ton will never ask In vain • At number straumnixo AND arum ,We keep up a choice assortment of colors and styles of refidrinade Cliothing, and sell at extremely low prices, which facts' are apprecdated by the large por ts:ln of our citizens and many distant customers who favor us with their patronage. ~ We aim at keeping the best Clothing In the city, and shall be unremitting 3a our. efforts to give entire satisfaction to all oar customers. Our department for ordered work is weal appointed and sustained. PERRY STAB CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 609 CHESTNUT ST., SIGN OF STAB. .11. B.—Dealers in fine Clothing will find it to their advantage to examine our stock, as we call fin their orders on very liberal terms. MOTE .AliD ladies afflicted with Dlsccdorations on the Face, galled moth patches, orlreckles; should use PERRY'S Celebrated 110/II and FRECKLE LOTION. It is in. Prepared by Dr. 8.0. PX/LRY, Dermatologist, 49 Bond street; N. Y. Sold by all druggists in Philadelphia and elsewhere 'Pike 42. myn-th,s,tn-amf BOHM:LACHER PIANO-FORT Em MANUFACTURING COBIPANY'S IMPNEW STORE, No. 1103 CHESTNUT IIifEBEET.—We respectfully call the attention of our friends and the public generally to our removal to our 3113 W and handsome Warerootwg "GERARD BOW," 1162 CHESTNUT street, where we have constantly on band a large stock of our superior and highly finished B e and Grand Pianos. c a r instruments have been awarded the highest premiums at all the principal exhibitions ever keld in country with numerous testimonials ironsthe `that-class artists in America and Europe. They are now the leading Pianos, and are sold to all .parts of the world. Persons desiring to purchase a first-class Piano at Weeny reduced rates should net fail to give us a call. pianos to rent, Tuning and moving prompt ly tended to. SCEIGMACHAR dCO. 113y10-)113/ No. 1103 Chestnut street. OBICH:EIBING rim iffetatAND, SQUABS AND lIPTLIGEET • PIANOS. :are recognized ea the most perfect and permanent In. Strumenus in America and Europe. FiftYaix .Medals. 20,000 in me. Larg e assortment on ORGANS and M.& 'ODEON% 914 lIG MITT street. _. . inha-th,sa.tu w i l m STEINWAY & SONS' PIANOS .Are now acknowledged the beet in- frITTI ittrtunents In Europa tut well ss America. They are steed in public and private, by the greatest artists jiving in Europe, by VON BULOW, DREYSCHOOIC, "An - -2T. JARLL and othersdn this country by MULLS, NABON, WOLFSOHN, etc. For sale only by BLASIUS BROS., 10$ Chestnut street. EVENING `BULLETIN. TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1866. pEr Persons leaving the city for the sum mer, and wishing to have : the EVENING ihri.urriN sent to them,will please send heir address to the office. POOR JEFFERSON DAVIS I The schedule of meals furnished to the President of the late Confederacy, at the public expense, at his lodging, in the United States hotel at Fortress Monroe, was published in the BULLETIN yester day. It seems that for breakfast the "Stern Statesman" is and has been com pelled to put up with veal cutlets, poach ed or boiled eggs, beef-steak, mutton chops, ham, oysters, fish, salt or fresh; wheat and corn bread, butter, milk, su gar, coffee, tea, &c. For dinner he had to submit to broiled chicken stewed oysters, panned ditto, beef-stelk, veal cutlets, fish, pork-steak, eggs, &c., with - vegetables, bread, butter, coffee, &c. For supper the bill of fare is not given; but we suppose he is constrained to starve upon pate de foie gras, terrapin, soft shell crabs and green-seal champagne. At all events we learn from good au thority that he has all he desires in the way of "fodder," liquors, tobacco, &C. Surgeon Cooper, U. S. A., who was sent to look especially' after the comfort of this poor, unfortunate martyr to the principles and practice of Secession, : re ports officially to the President and to the Adjutant General of the United States army, that he has visited the said J. D., and finds that in consequence of his being dyspeptic, his diet does not agree with him; that veal-cutlets, and "vacheoyr 4 -- "'Iv; ar9 10/10 wed by poueu eg l y. "vertigo, severe facial and crasini. iieu raigia;" "beef steak,stewed oysters, fish, mutton chops," &c., are attended by an ''erysipelatons inflammation of the pos terior scalp and right side of nose,which quickly affects the right eye, the only sound one he now " has, and extends " through the nasal duct into the interior nose." Also, that "his nervous system is greatly deranged, being much pros trated and excessively irritable. Slight noises, which are scarcely perceptible to a man in robust health,cause him much pain, the descripti6n of the sensation being as of one flayed, and having every sentient nerve expOsed to the waves of sound." How much Mister Davis," as your Southern Secessionist and your North ern papperhead are prone to style him, is to be pitied ! If this Foktress Monroe diet hiperaisted-in we shall' have Uome thingmore than "vertigo," "severe fa cial and cranial neuralgia," "erysiriela tons 'inflammation • of the posterior scalp," al * a peculiar _sensitiveness to the creaking of bobte that demands the laying down of matting the feet of watchf4"sentries. We shall have Mr. D. suffering with Wont next, and then what *figntliiiiliriye*ot cut ' in the 'pres of l ..the world? "-: , '' - What afigure, true enoughl 'Xi/king 400 250 X5OO 400 14 00 20 00 lIHNNETT & CO., TOWER. HALL, 518 31ARRET STREET. W. EL DUTTON. 11.1 P, tHrDAILY E VENING:BULLETIDreII PRILAPELPHIA , T UESDA."I7, MAY ; 29,- 1 . 866. -TRIPLE SHEET Jefferson Daiiiri-as are:Presentative man: hie,history.improving cadet at West Point, his education was Paid for bythe - general public; which favored him .arid gaie him an „ honora.;, ifielitle and support after he had gral• duated from the. National School. As a member of Congress -he - enjoyed xta tional honor and national emolunient; as Secretary of War of the United States he enjoyed the confidence of the people of the Union; as si Senator from lifissis sippi he insulted the loyal sentiment of the country, brought upon •himself the earnest dentmciation of the patriotic Henry Clay, and finally drew pay and mileage when he left the councils of the nation to array himself against it as one of its most vindictive foes, and as the head of a rebel host to levy savage war against the country that had nur tured and honored him. Jefferson Davis is truly a representative man, and now that treason has done its worst, (unless the loyal people of the country are idiots,) it is proper that he should be al lowed to change his , diet and his guar- Surgeon Cooper thinks that stewed oysters, mutton chops and ,beef steaks are calculated to excite "an erysipelatous inflammation of the posterior scalp."We would suggest a.. course of the scanty rations of ,Maggoty-meat, and wormy meal that were served out under his own eye to Union prisoners in Libby prison, and on Belle Isle ; and if he is still dyspeptic after that, we would give him a course of the absolute starve , tioncf Andersonvilie and Salisbury. ' • While Jefferson Davis is a prisoner in the hands of the Government of the United States he should be treated with decency and have sufficient wholesome food. The loyal people of the country would care very little what dainties were furnished to the arch traitor,so that he was taken good care of and brought to justice finally. But when the Nortk ern sympathisers with treason raise a howl over the sufferings of the caged head of the late rebellion, it is well to give to the world the real state of affairs. There are very few who will pity the inability of a prisoner to enjoy his stewed oysters and his soft crabs, in the face of the fact that this same man deliberately butchered and starved tens of thousands of royal men whose only sin was fidelity to their country and to the Government which they-lived under. Such maw kish tenderness for a great criminal is disgusting, and those who feel it only show their consistency, for they had no word of censure when this same man was starving thousands of their coun trymen in the prison pens of Belle Isle, Salisbury and Andersonville. Jefferson Davis now has the freedom of Fortress Monroe, with liberty to roam through it at pleasure from morning until night. Dick Tumeris kept closely confined in astrong cell in Libby Prison, where he was once the jailor. If Turn er, the subordinate, deserves this pun ishment, why should Davis, the prin cipal in his crime, be allowed compara tive freedom? Wirz, the jailor at. An deisonville, was hanged for his, cruelty; Davis, the principal in his crimes also, is fed upon luxuries, and will at the worst only have to submit to the &woof a trial in Richmond. This is making treason odious with a vengeance! HOW NOT TO DO IT. We have frequent opportunities to admire the proficiency of public offi cials in. the great art of "Not doing it." Boards, Trusts, Departments, Commis sioners and Companies vie with each other in "not doing it," with an en ergetic unanimity which, while we suffer from it, we cannot fail to admire. Yesterday the Guardians of the Poor took their innings, and ,in spite of the high abilities and skill of some of their civic rivals , they certainly made a very respectable show. The medical staff of Blockley Hospital made a very sensible suggestion to the Board, in reference to the possible approach of the cholera. With three thousand inmates at the Alms-house, • there , would seem to 'be every propriety in making the most ample sanitary provision for the estab lishment, and the physicians therefore recommended the _purchase of five hun dred tents, 'in which cholera 'patients, should there be any, may be treated in the open air and away from the crowded wards of the building. Here was`a fine opening for the exhibition of civic art, and the astute guardians were not'slow to avail themselves of It,'' :'Mr. Lowry denounced the Medical men aa a pq,oic of alarmists, and hoped that this stupid proposition "to do something" would be treated with the contempt which it deA served. These doctors must be taught that no public institution can thrive upon any such radical measures as they suggested. Buy tents indeed! Why there. would be a panic".in town the moment the idea was circulated. Mr. Server 'caught the ball from Mr. Lowry, and kept up the game with a neat dis play of the happiest, sarcasm. The Boaxd should have been urged to dig two orthree thousand graves. [Marked sensation and applause.] Here Mr. Whiten cut in, with a most indiscreet attempt at explanation. He stated that a number:of tents were offered for sale very cheap (as if money were any ob ject), and this would be a - good time to procure tents. Mr. Whitall is a most estimable and well-known member of the SoCieti 'of Friends, • and evidently clings to the'traditions of his fathers, in his principles of economy and pru dence, and is very much out of place- among the more artistic mern hers of.the Board; and so Mr: Brown, in effect, • told him ' "What! buy tents Merely because they are `cheap! Ree diculous!" It was counting chickens before they Were hatched. Wait until ` the tholera `tom es....l2etit - :_get fairly hatched and fledged. Give it a chance Upon the crowds in the almshouse. Then advertise for proposals for the best Russia tent-duck. Then is the time to count your chickens. 3Teantime, rise superior to n :the prejudices of the vulgar and,igno rant public and show the tax-payers of Philadelphia that the Guardians of the Po6rinow "How notto do it." The anxiety of the Boaxd not to alarm the public is laughable enough. By their discussion- of the practical and most sensible suggestion of, thdir medi cal staff, they have given the *hole matter a notoriety in the public mind which the purchase of ten thousand tents would not have excited, and haVe raised in thousands of minds grave doubts whether they are exactly the men to act for this great community in any trying emer genck. We dn not say that they are not, but the tone of their action yester day was certainly not of the most in spiring character. JEFFLIISOIN DAV= AND THE PRESI- DINT. The: New Orleans- Picayune has a Washington eorrespondentwho is a very warm supporter of-President Johnson, and who writes as if he were in his eon dence. In , a late letter he says that there is no prospect ofJe g erson Da,vis's being tried for treason, though President Johnson is anxious for it. He goes on as folloWs : . "And I beg that none of your readers will misapprehend the President's motives in this. He is not anxious for the conviction of Mr. Davis; gin less does he wish Mr. Davis to, be executed, If he should be tried and convicted (an exceedingly improbable event) the Executive clemency would be at onceinterposeds. What President Johnson desires is to have the highest judicial tribu nal in the land decide, after hearing all the facts and examining the law of the case, whether the acts which are charged against lir, Davis amount to treason or not. That those acts do amount to treason, no legal mind can for a moment suppose." If these are really President Johnson's views and a part of his "policy," will he or his friends and organs explain what is treason? He used to have very decided opinions on the subject, and professed . a desire to have an opportunity of making treason odious and having traitors pun ;Zed. He once said: "Show me a man who has given instructions to take our forts and custom houses and arsenals and dockyards, and I will show you a traitor." General Miles can show him exactly such a man at Fortress Monroe, and yet the man at the fortress is not likely to be tried, and if tried and con victed of treason, is sure of executive clemency. That is the way to make treason odious under the President's new policy. TORN CRUMP. BUILDER, e/ 173111132173T1TCT STRAW - and 213 LORCA; &MEET. Mechanics of every branch .required ihr Itonsebrifid ing and fitting promptly faimishect. 3tainxilk, mir ma i ,.. = STECK . lUD., PIANOS. Nearly one thousand of these popu- MMTlar instruments in usetn Philadel phis. For Bale only by J. It GOULD, api7-tu.cluss.tErp t3eventh and Cheatnut. proMASON & HABILLN'S CABINET ORGANS, c ow l Unlike and superior to any and all reed instruments. Recommended by the leading or gardsta anti artistes In America and Europe J . F.. GOULD, aple•th,s,tn,tf Seventh and Chestnut streets. STATIONERY—LETTEES, CAP AND NOTE t.. 7 PAPERS. _ENVELOPES, BLANK 11)01Ce, and every requisite in the Stationery line, selling at the lowest figures at T. It. DO %V ri LAG'S Stationery Store, =MUM .Eighth street, two doors above Walnut. 4 SIMMER STYLE HATS.-.OWARSURTON. 430 oILESTNIIT !Street, next door to the Yost Office. N. B. Nowhere else can Ike pnrchaserobtaln greater value Ibr his money. ntrzlOYE THEO. H. WOALLA, AL AT HIS OLD IISTADLIDELSID e 4 14 HAT AN o owe Nsie.)RIVEC, SOS CHESTNUT STREET, New Styles for hprtr.g. • . - my9-Im,rpf a FOR sl.—Cartes de Visite, of a variety of pleasing styles, executed and finished to most artistic and teatefel manner, as BREUER'S Gallery, Second at., above Green. IF .NOT CONVENIFICT to a tinsmitn, carpenter or _Lother mechanic who re.• airs leaking roofs, you may readily do it yourself,with Stead's Elastic Water Proof Ctrnent, or by using it as a paint for rooting, railing or other metallic articles exposed to the weather, will add years of durability to them by protection than corrosion. For sale, wholesale or retail, by the agtnt..., TRUMAN & NO. 535 (Eight Thirty. B.e) Market street. belo* Ninth. - 1).5.111ez.1.) Palek.S.— Cartes de Visite, 6 ibr $1; 1.1 splendid style life-site Photographs in oil mons, executed in the best wanner, at IS. F. Itill..NLEß'd Gallery, CM Arch street. CIOATEo'S PATENT FLAT-IRON HOLDERS are Vprotected from burning by flexible metallic scrips. I hese makes very desirable article for use by house keepers, tailors, batters, at For sale by TRUMAN A. SHAW, No. Fa (Eight Thlrty-flve) Market street, below Nintb. L Tr, L &wive. LTD rrY: buy a Plante of 1:4 rare excellence at moderate cost, superior lot Oil Paintings by an artist about going to Burope. B. F. Bltlld ' B, VA Arch Street. PLUMBERS D' GAB FITTERS caa get a gape rior article of Pipe Hoots' by the 100 or I.ok to, and Melting Ladles and eh:nbent' Pota, at Tit LIMAN ct , tv 'B. No. egg (Eight Thirty-nye) Market atreet below Ninth. CLOsING SALIR OF BACQUES, • .CIRCULARS and BASQUES, AT REDUCED PRICES. OVRWEN STODDARD & BROrITER, Nos. 450;02 and 48 North SECOND , streets rey2eBt above Willow NEW DRESS DIATERL4LS4 6 ' l From tbb lat4s Auttion Saltg. • Trines - Reduced. CIIRWEE BTODBART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, *2 and 454 North SECOND street, my293t above Willow. TRAVELING DREGS GOODS,' Or all Desirable Styles, At Reduced Price. OIIBVIKH STODDART & BROTHER., Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SRUOND street, my2o.3t • above Willow. VOIIL4RD MOHAIR% _ j: of all Designs, at Reduced Prices, From Auction. CURWEN SiODDAED &BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND street, says° st above Willow. RICH PARIS BLACK SILKS, AA, - Of all Desirable Widths, for • Cloaks, Saegnes and Circulars, - Yroin lateAuction' Sales. cro - 2,wgzi STODDART &BROTHER, NOB. 450,452 and 454.. .Lsi orta SEL'OND street, nun-St above Willow. BLAcEc' AND WHITE CHECK. SILKS, , •From Auctlen, at, Rtduced Prlces. • ' • OURWEN STODHART &BROTHER. Nos. 460; 462 and 46e4 No#l.k SECOND 'street. myY9-3t . .. ,aboV,eWittoQr 1866 HAIM OM TO Nana HOPPTI .`_SHAVDOIG BAMOO. Hair Whiskers' dyed and Ohildree'shair auk Oorner.Exchazure Place and Dock street._ . , O. HOPP. rin. C as ASES TOINEATOES-2 V1 34" pound Owls. For leby , .1110. E S• Arivim ntry2s-41zP°. 45 North W aterl 'F °R sup.erior, kt.TotzeiamßturTaline SALE.—To Shippers, Grocers, Rotel-lreepers Ci n d o e s t :rpßf l . 12o lmirt4 :ar street, below, Third ant Waiont. - O.- KNIGHT & CO., WHO.LHEALE 01100EIRB, AUX. E Cor. WATIEffand.OHESTAW [Amen, Phil. adelDhla Agents for the sale of the Products of the Southwark huger BeattorY ahtt the Etiveete! anger House, of Philadelphia, ' sfal-/Yr EirWANAMAILER t% BROWN. ' Mgr WANANARKB. & BROWN. ' Aar WebAirnsu dr. BROWN. Aar NV:LW/MARE:a & ReowN, " -- HANDBOHE CLOTHING. HANDSOME CLOTHING. - 188 Jar Lowirsr PRICES. Mirlkyvirmsx PRICES rLoWIST PRICES. ErLOWEGT PRIMES. .. - BEST ABBORTHENT. BEST ASSORTKENT. BEST ABBon.THENT. - liB BEST ASSORTMENT. Illuacc:EPnomaixac PITS. lIN - EseF.PTxoNABLE FITS. `far UNEXCEPTIONABLE RITS. AMCUPLEXCEPTIONAELE FITS. THE PEOPLE PLBAErmro.n THE PEOEZE PLEASED.SaM THE PEOPLE PLEARIAILIMI OAK HALL THE PEOPLE PLEASED...Iig, sir . SOAKHALL. - HALL. B. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STELnEtt S. E. CORNER. SIXTH AND MARKET BTB. - 1M 8. B. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET BTS. 114 Ze >47 44 t '4 3 4P, 14, NO. e o 7ao •0 0 CHESTNUT ST. 4„ FAMILY SEWING-MACHINES. IVIMWIN'S SAFES sir MARVIN'S SAFES. . - W MARVIN'S SAFES, sar MARVIN'S FiAPPiS. • ANOTHER SUCCESS.—QI ANOTHER SUCCESS "ISIS ANOTHER BUCCESS. - 6341 ANOTHER SUCCESS GREAT FIRE 317 CHARLESTON. MARVIN'S PATENT TRIUMPHANT. Messrs. W. M..Blyd d Gb., Charleston. May %I898: GIaiTLX.IIMY • I feel it a duty I OWE yen to express my entire satisfaction in regard to Marvin's Sates, which you ate agents. They have proven all you have recommended. - In the great fire on King street. April 5, which destroyed .Robb a" block, and in, entire stock ofgroceries and Imams, my books and payers 'were preserved in good condition, and it affords me great pleasure to testily to the excellent quality of these safes, as they are justly entitled to the highest confidence Or therullY public. Reepect your% W. L The REEVE Safes for sale by MARVIN & 122 CHESTNUT Street. (Masonic Hall), Philadelphia, my2s-12t and =BROADWAY, New York. PATENT WIREWORK stia BAnixas, MPH FROMM GUARDS, PILRTITIoNS, ERONNUIDEFIrEADS AHD WIRE WORK varieo', zwinnfactured by M. WALKER t mtaben 4p/ NO.IIFORTH EUXTH Steel, D. M. LANE, S I M, CA rentarkyt MARMR, 34tAi ZdARKET Street, West PhiladelOhla, 3 Wares west of Market street brldge. An assortment or Car riages constantly on hand nly2s-lass T OURTA.LO T'S EXTRACT OF BEEF . FOR FAMILY USE, In Square Cams. For sale by SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, 8. P ir. COL BROAD AND WALNUT. NO DISAI'POINT3LENTi "ITCH" NEVER FALLS. "TEPTER” "ITcli" Dr. Suoyne's °trusts:at. "'LETTER" "ITCH" Dr, mime 's Ointment. "TATTER" "ITCH" "ETT KR" "ITCH' NEVER 'KNOWN " TATTER" "Pi CH" "TEPI`Eit" "ITCH" - TO FAIL "TEPPER" "ITCH." "TAPPER" " IN CURING THIS "TATTER" `.ITCH" HR" "MAI" TORMENTING " T TET T ER "ITCH" "TEPPER" "ITCH" COMPLAINT. "TATTER " "ITCH" Head . Bash, Itching Piles, Salt R he u m. Sca/fl Head. Bash, all Skin Diseases. "Swayne's" Curca "All-B ealln g" Allays "Ointment." "SwaYtea" "All-H. aline "Ointment." "Swaynee" Bch in "ALlHealing" alt "Ointment." "Swayne's" "AR-Heallvg" "Ointment" "swayne's" from "All - Healing"ltchi:tgs"Otntment." "Swayne'a" • "All-Healing " "Ointment" .'Swayne's" 12 to 48 "Ail-Healing" at "Ointment " "Swayne's" • "All-Healing" "Ointment" "Sway ne's" Hours. "All,Healing" once. "Ointment." A neat variety °teases yield to the wonderful heal ing ptopertit aof this Ointment. even the most obstinate and protracted in character, eruptions covering the whole surface of the body, th at put at defiance every other mode of treatment which the mind of man could Invent, have been permanently cured. Pi ice 10 cents a box. By mail 60 cents. Over thirty :years have "Dr. Simmer Afedierses" been in constant use in sll parts of the world, and their increasing is certainty proof of their great power to eaL Prepared only by Dr. WAYNE dt SON, No. sag N. /METH street, above Vine, .Pniladelphia. Sold by the leading Druggists. mytl-tu,th,f,tf . _ - THE , HARRISON BOILER. A. SAFE &1' AR A BOTI MR —The attention of Hanufactisrers and others using Steam is confidently called to this new Steam Generator. as combining essential advantages in absolute seam from explosion. in cheapness of mist cost and coat of repairs in economy of feel, facility of c l ean i ng aid transportation, dm, nct possessed by anY other boiler now in use. This boiler is formed of a combination ofcsat4ron hollow spheres, each sphere a inches external diameter, and of an inch thick. These are,held together by wrought - hew bolts, with caps at the ends. .. Nearly one hundred of these Boilers are now in opperation, some of them In the best establishmenta - in this city. • For descriptive circuLars or price, apply to JOSEPH .lELoRRISON Jr..; Harrison Boiler Vtror._ G's Ferry Road, ' adjoining the U. S. Arsenal; i.tad ray ei. phia. . aps-2norpi ?iv HOUSEKEEPERS, fbr cleaning silver and silver- plated ware, &NEW POLte , HING POWDER, the beat ever made. - FARR & BROTHER, Ibls Sat Chestnut street. below Fourth FINE FRENCH MANTEL cLocsa —A fresh li n. .por tattoo of beautiful styles, warranted oorreti Ttmir.litEEPEßS. - FARR & BROTIMS, Importers. • 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth. ivr MIRING WITH INDELIBLE INK, 331mbroider- JUL ing, Braiding, - Stamping, &c. • M. - A. TORRE Y . 1800 Filbert street. TSAAONATHAIVS, Auctioneer and Money Broker, BT. below er the Third and Spruce streets, °MY one squar the Rtchange. NATHANBIS Principal Office, established for the last torty years. Money to loan In large or small amounts, at the lowest rates on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, 'Jewelry, Clothing, and'gooda of every description. .o.lllm hours from A. 7P. • - de2S-tfrp TU'ONDERITTL MAGIC PHOTOGRAPHS.— V 'Any one may make beautiful PHOTOGR aPHS with a few drops of water. 50 cents per. package. Mailed free._WILSON HOOD, Manufacturers, -* 6N Arch street. Frames and Photograph Goods. • ' 50924-65.1T1 TORDAN'S 0111LEBRATED TONIC! ALE.—The elf truly healthfhl and nutritious beverage, now in use by•thousands—invallda and others—has established a character for quality of material and purity.of manu facture. which stands unrivaled. ' It is recommended by physicians of this and other places as a superior tontr v and requires but a trial . to convince the most skeptical of its great merit.. To be had, wholesale and •retail,of T. J0RDAN...220 Pear street. .att GIiatIKAPITOWN 1111ELDENOE FOR BENT. jEL —A large house, with all the modern conveni ences. extensive grotmds and plenty of shadet= for three horses; within ten minutes' walk of Station: WM be rented either. with .or without the stable. Addreßsltox 1808 PhUada. P. O. nryi-rptt ell- ' MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED 'UPON DILMONDS_,___WATCHES, JEWEL. EY, PLATE. CLOT..nruliG, am. at ' ' • _ __- JONES & CO.'S __ LLB-ESTABLISHED LOAN onTIC, .. ' Corner of .THIRD and CIASKIIS, Streets, Below Lombard." N N i 3. -- Dinzomps, wArcaus, JEWELRY, außsosic., • • -- • -iron 61,0 AT' ' zixtvA lair A srra ppw En108:6. - A' (3ARD: Srsl notice to our old friends and the public gen'. The . JONES' One-Price Clothing House, established sixteen years ago, Is still in successful operation at the old location, 604 MARKET Street, one door above Sixth, and has not changed its place or manner of do ing business, which is exactly the same good old plan in operation for many years, namely—" One Price and no deviation." The Clothing we make Is of the most substantial character, both as to materials and work manaldp, so that our customers never can complain of either. tier stock is large and plain or fashionlikle people can be well salted Onr customers should Se carefal to get to the right place, as there is no other establish ment in the city in our line of business strictly "one price." `r , -J-0 N RS ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, 604 IVIA.MLIKE'3O ST., my2.B-lm 4p 0.1.7 E DOOR ABOVE SIXTH. TO LET FOR THE SEASON, LTHE FINE, LARGE A ND CONVENEENT DOUBLE MANSION ON HILTON PAWL Late,lteeldence of WM. WILBERFORCE WISTAB, commandin g a splendid view and toirrotmded bJ beautiful ObtADKorßitliti. LAWN and WOODS and with excellent STABLE and GARDEN AOLOACILO. DAT l ON R. FOR TEEMS, APPLY TO J. H. MORRIS, 233 N. 10th st. Or, Dr. THOMAS WISTAR, my2e-tt 4p 83 NOETIETWEMPI H ST. A HAPPY HOME. How blest is one who has a home, With loving wife and children dear That greet his coming with a smile. And run to mtet him when &near. And when his threshold he has crossed, To seat him in his old arm chair, His busy wife unfolds the cloth. To quick the evening meal prepare, No dainties grace his frugal Nerd; No tick conservts, or sauces rare; No luxuries can they afford, Bat still content with humble fare. Then do not deem their fortune hard, W Idle plenty reigned their bliss to crown, Their bread and meat wea of the best, Their Tea, they bought of Weed & Brown. "Poor and content, is rich enough," Eo says the adage; you'll agree, That if they wanted viands rare, They supped upon the best of TEA. DO YOU KNOW WEST & BROWN? It you do not,call and make their acquaintance at No. 809 Meet. net street. They keep the beet Teas in the market and sell them at the lowest prices. WEST & BROWN, 809 Chestnut St. 1.326-urp PHOTOGRAPHIC VtEWB OF PEWIT BENT PLACES IN Charleston and Savannah, Taken by a resident Artist. Also, a Pbotograph of the Original Ordinance °Mows:don, passed in Conven tion at Charleston, 1861, with fan simile Signatures of all the Signers. Orders received and fore ale by W. G. PERRY, Stationer rostt-tf AISCH. sTiuskr. WILLIAM G. PERRY, Stationer and 13ookseller, HAS REMOVED from S. W. cor. Fourth and Bare, to No. 728 Arch street. mssatt 1A1A.13 ILIT "Y Amply Substantiated . AS TO THE PIIMPBOOP QUALITIES, - AND ENTIRE DRYNESS OF MARVIN'S . SAFES. ALUM AND DRY PLASTER. MA.TIATIN Sr, CO., 721 Chestnut Street. (Masonic Hall), 265 Broadway, New York. - House Safes. Second-hand Safes. Safes Exchanged. Bend for Illustrated catalogue. my 26 2m rp 131LTY YOUR COMING WINTER, SUPPLY AT ONCE. Believing the price of Coal to be as low as It will be this Belot:it, with prospects of an early advance in Coal and Tolls, /would resit advise my customers and honstkeePers generally to in their next winter supply without delay. WE. W. ALTKR. Office and Delivery Depot, Ninth street (957) below Girard avenue; Branch Mee. corner Sixth and Spring Garden. mylit.l.4t spit _ TO FAMILIES . RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are unwired, as beretofbre, to supply Families at their Country Residences with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEEM &C., ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Cot Eleventh and Vine Eltregts. Smith's 'lsland. TffiS POPULAR RESORT IS NOW open ibr the entertainment of the pub .', is tinder tlie control of ' - F. LAKEMEYER, who bag finproved it by adding to it a large Rotel. Rooms can be bad lbr the season. A FIRST-(LASS ItII73TAURANT ATTAOHICD. None but the Purest Liquors sold my 2141 rp J. T. GALLAGHER, Late of RAILNY & CO., I„,itwattentr,nsom,h, TBALLlDYitlarcumi. NEW .73:WELK,' ESTATILTsmirseNT. S. W, cor. Thirteenth and Chestnut Sts, RIB STOOK OP WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND OTEEP .. JEWELRY Stewing Silverware and. Silver Plated Ware. - . will be found very complete. Those whthe to%- abase or examine will find it much to their advan to favor him with a call. All goods WARR/LIT' . of maw QII&LITY, and prices sabstacto i s iT al Osamesamate VAOHNRON and OONIST Wd.TOH, of all alzes, for Ladles and gentlemen; • ' • attention given to DIAMONDS. Watches and Clocks carefu ll y R epaired and War muted., mhl- the* tu • -FINE WATCH:HA JEWELRY , etc.. a CO . = 7 .? plate anqtraent at receally - ewed Tr c - i - Important otWatahee, glf memo areet WOW liraixtlll4 ap23.2n31 B. SCOTT, .111,, AUCTIONEER. bPEOIAL SALE ersA.ss IMI"ORTE PAINTINGS, B. SCOTT, JR., IS INSVEUOTEDBY MR. A. D. HUYVETTER To announce a closing sale of his importation of valm. able foreign Paintings, previous to his deparktre tor /Europe in the steamer of the lid of June. The cats logne, will embrace 194 subjects, the bestprodnotlana of the Poll owing eminent artists of the French, Irieutlat. English, Belgian and Dusseldorf Schools: T. Carabain, Bnmels. F. Krusemann, Brussels. Ch. Lelekert, Amsterdam. IL Von Eden, Brussels. A. Eversen, Amsterdam.- Engn. Verboakhoven, Amsterdam. F. Carolus, buss*, L. Robbe, Brussels. J. Reekers, Amsterdam. M. A. Keekkoek, Amsterdam. J. W. Bilders, Amsterdam. F. Mush', Brussels. M. Sam, Utrecht. J. Stroebel, Amsterdam. J. Ruyten, , Amsterdam. F. Lebret, Leyden. A F. Verhoeven-Ball, Antwerp. M. Diddaert, Antwerp. Camille Van leemputttn, Brussel& THE SALE WILL TAKE PLACE AT ECOTT'S ART Ei. 1020 CHESTNUT STREET, ON 7116 EVENINGS OF Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,, May 30th and 31st, and lane Ist, AT 8 O'CLOOK. The Paintings - are open for lzhibition; and -willremain open DAY and ING until time 'of sale. The gallery will remain closed till time of