Jenks & Middleton drugll Jarnison,Hellogg & -Pease notions . 3 Jones A drags , l2 iscobsS W carriages 11 Jackson C clothing 14 johns &-Lippincottvar 3 Jones J H castings 14 Jones w Bleed'. 12 Jones &Hippie prov 5 Jahn I verlety . 14 nines B L flour 9 Johnson & Wicker liq l2 Jenks A Ekd gds, • -4 .S. ,, T` gt Andrewsgroe 5 Johns Berry &Co silks B Jones JW &Co drugs 4 Jones & Di shoes 3 J preauce 12 Johnson &Swain d gds 10 James & Lee d ads 10 Jordan & 11085 straw gd 10 Jones John B shoes 32 Justice A3l& Co hdwe 6 -Towle*. P S hardware 2 Jesup & Moore paper A Johnson Holloway & aeu arvgs 4 Johnsen &Lund dental 12 Keen & Co carpets 14 Kirkpatrick &XineeY 'leather 2 Ktuay...irick L&Co flour a K e nn G flour d lig .8 Kennedy, St airs&Co ash 4 Koons &Grob° prov 9 Rerfors Geo mdse 6 Holler & Bitting prov .8 Mein & ursirus dy 12 Kennedy h & tons wat 11 Keeley M shoes = 14 K.amper & Schneider clol4 Kelly 51 J liq 12 Kahn N . Aiy ads .14 Keenan 31. -keg ' 12 Kelm GD B ware'9 Xohler,Tztilioots' 8 Kirk h 1 &Co gro and Ilqlo Krneghan A watches 14 Kis , shoee • 1 Xarl s Z var • 14 4 - Nleirge lishOel3 14 jicau 1, yarn 14 Ximpersclunidt Jos COnnt4 Kell &Ce,tk-badco •• .14 JEnappc perlumery 12 Xing Wm oils 7 & Lawrence artilicial limbs 14 KlogeWm gro aa e and liq 12 Kowa sbes - 14 Kennedy J. , 11E- saddlery ; • 6 3iirk-stDesvald-grocers , 6 Kurelrem J grocers • 14 Kolittlared,Atobacco 14 Kobtkogy & Zippeavarll4 Knole-Scs , tobacco 14 Kidney W iron 14 Kuic,uner inu A shoes 14 Kellogg H. & Sons prod 6 liq and tea 10 Xarsten H. drugs 12 Krische&Obleman cithsl2 Kay &Bra books 8 RelvEer & Bro dy gds. 33 Hallman Wm variety 12 - Kahn et. Co dy gds . 8 irehuauni Al 3 clo 14 Kirkpatrick .& eons leath 3 K.err& Elverson hats 14 Keller J B variety, 14. KemperJ A d gds . 3 Kahn and Wolte clo 10 Keller A I tobac .14 J V variety 14 Manta & Bro shoes 14 Kelly & Doherty clo'g 14 Koshland &Well tobac 14 Knott OF shoes 3 Kerr 3' S. chinaware 6 Kromer J J variety 13 galley D C d gds 10 Kuhl Spocketbooks 14 Hind D B&coshoes 1 Keboe J 13 cloaks 14 Kendall C H sewers 14 King & Clement d gds .14 Kendall & co tobac 14 'Enema &co saddlery 10 .3atuuuru a, bates larni Kerr 1' lti gro 7 .Hirberg 8& 16 cloths 3 Hauriman_h tattu 5 Kohler W F hats 10 Kennedy G shoes 14 Xlenath W furs 12 Kzusen,W millinery 10 Krusen h millinery 14 Heliy J trunks 14 Knapp & Hegel shoes 14 SnightN l 7 A h ware 10 Knight 031 paper 10 Xennedy It If fish 10 Kinsler.& Miller fruit 32 Knowles W G cotton • 32 Eirberg H&D dy gds 5 Keyser X dy gds 12 Kelly & Brown dy gds 10 Hahn & Marks shirts 19 Kerr MK & Cobra 12 JA•ellogg li Jautiona 10 Matter C tobacco is Kern B G cutlery 13 Klenn W G not'ns 13 KlineA not ns 10 Kauffman & Hirsch shirts , 10 Xerling L baskets 14 Lantz J W cases 14 L ens ty uk L varie 1 Harris &Co 14 ulaiDez 9 Lie.te or. Adamson silks 4 17.anaingJas.not'ral 8 .I..evlek It It &Co shoes 5 :Lee J B & ter not'ns 7 1 '^' , •incott, Bond & Co bats • 8 & Co . Mowber W drugs 2 lodge F Jr & Co filling 10 Tr?. Jos - &, ton fill h.'s. 3.2 LittefWood & Hito•flifr -Wool • 5 lowieri3ane 1 , B tobac 14 Xdppincutt 11 B & 1 rot ter grocers 1 Leek S & Co grocers 10 Limit &Bosworth mil. .11nery • 10 Mauer L boxes 12 Lechlerlf. variety 14 Lewis W G &bonhdw 10 MaWrericelki 0 paper 12 Lighten m, W Lew tob is & aco Co c 12 hardware 8 long Jos dy gds 1 Moydß.P dy gds 10 Lovering J c & Co so- gars Lehman S 6 & Co Imt tars'_ goods 12 Lees B trim lugs 12 _Lester B carpets 5 Lovell G ts chinas lu Ludwig,Kne.edier & Co dy gas A Laing & Maginnis notes s longstseth J H paper 10 Lodge J & hro weaning le lauciauer A clothing 10 Longatreth C paper 12 Lighten S st.wing mach 14 Larkin & Lodge drugs 12 -Lafferty J liquors 12 Levinli flth 6 Landell GA &E oils 76 Inve - Bikuit 10. Lawson & Bro mdse 10 Lathbury & Wicker. sham mdse 11 /albums & McDowell castings clothing 11 'Leopold 2 Lowenstein .7 shoes. 14 Meupold Jno clothing 13 _Letterman S D variety 12 Lazarus S clothing 14 Lentz J B liquors 10 Leib & Bro abirts 11 Lewald &Frank notions 10 :Linderman & Sprangk leather 13 Lovero C shoes 14 Lippincott J 5 drugs 14 -Lavery J tobacco 14 "Isurlzmart .1' variety 14 Laurent & Mason. confeCil Lanning B...lLtouuk: 14 lone Jos pianos 14 Levis & James hats 14. Littlej B ,t Co muunt's 14 Loncaater T Etroed 13 Lyons J groceries 14 LipLongp :Wm &Ba m a n 114 9 incott prod 14- 'Leopold T clothing 14 _Lambert T prov 14 Larson F Et tobac /4 Lucaa &Co paints 7 LIPP I cr ffee 14 Mosey D it stoves 14 Lippincott Son & co dgdal2 Layton F d gds 14 Lindsay J & Co dry gd s Logan W teas 13 Lincoln, Milt &Bacon Jewelry 12 Linn 0 B drugs 14 Long.tret.h &Co teas .10 I,oveJ B & Co groe 3 & Parry cloths 1 lowengrund & Hildeber er dy gda 12 la g domusJ watches . Is Let )114 dy gda 4 Lawrence .E• W tobac 10 Levy Jhoopekirts 14 I.,e , 7l,Chalebeeli & Long - helm, clothing 3 Lukens M lit saddlery 12 Longcope& Pierce dry goods "Lukens & Haynes d gds 14 Lafferty,] hats Idpmatt H L stat'y Levy A tobac 14 Laughlin & Hunt shoes 9 Lomond J teas 14 Lees J d gas _ 14 Louty Jn &Co d gds 7 Little AB & Cod gds 1 ..MOVe J Hfurn'g . 12 Lee Bros &,Vo (1 gas -/0 I,ukens &Lynn hats 13 Lutz J variety 14 Mang 0& Co hats . -12 Levis & Taylor paper 10 Lukens lifurn-g 12 Indanrcade Bros &Ir. win cloths . ' 3 i3chtifield d nn SlCpacter 14 Zar gti AV tobacco _ langretb& bon see ds 5 : books • - ' Moomis Geo stoves • 14 %esTTd gda l4. livezey John Cd gds:: l3 • 110180128,17 m Hagan & Co oils 8 314) ere & Nathan lig ,12 Morgan RH mdse • 5 Meg: ee nos paper 14 McCalla & Son cloths 12 Morris, Clothier & Lewis Marta 0 gds 12 Blurts John d gds 13 littrthaW d gds 13 McCoy J watches 14 McCormick dgds 12 MurP.ll3" ll W F &Sone Mitchell atatlo G P cow 14 McCalla 0 hats 14 McCabum & CO crpts 3 McCallum &Co crpts 12 MeOlane D pens 14 Murphy & Hale d gds 12 Middleton .$ Claghorn mdse 14 Manske C van 13 McHenry SW paper 10 manning B 1 B tobac 14 McOlathery J shoes 14 Miley II nrov 14 Miller C B cotton 12 Meggs 7.0 boots 14 Martin & Randall bks 14 McFarlan & RTO rags 14 51^nnev & Echmeyer albums 14 M agargee C& co paper 33 Mead A. H paper 12 Blagarge T& co paper 3 Mackay & Beattie prod 2 Mercer. Antelo and co MurpheyWD prod 14 hiariaton T ciothing 14 Morrison J J & co shoes 12 Miller &Son fruit 12 Mattson a trunks 14 Moss ',& co books 3 'Mason & co dy gets 7 Morris .11 &co hats 7 McKnight W shoos 12 McCrea G gds , Millward Winebrenner . _ machinery 12 Maytag - A.&_ dygds 14 Mastbaum& dy 12 cMallert W lundery 14 McGuigan FSnotions 14 Martin& Wolfe dy gds 3 Mann. Wstationery 10 Miles T & Son shoes - 5 Milligan Geo Ady gds 10 McMullen l4 Morton & Hoover shoesl4 Meister A shoes 14 Moore Twine 1. Middleton B& Co mds 10 Martin T.l liq • 9 Moore & Bros mdse 1 McGtrutey & Son groc 8 Myers .M&Co groc 1 lifofiley&Bodine•cloths 3. Moore Liggett & Co no tions ' 3 Magee Hicks & Co cloths 4 Mingle P lit4&Co seed 10 Morgan 0 II& Co d gds 1 Monme&Smalta shoes 5 Middleton G Wits 12 Metz Burnheim &Co =- Merritt A C links 18 Miller Eichloss &Stein Motions 7 Morris RG wadding 12 Meyer C Mtobac 5 Middleton E P llq A. Mitchell J M & Co find ings . a Middleton Harried iron? Mason G Produce 14 Moor B. H flour • 10 Middleton RC & Co produce 13 Vann Jjr,& Oo cnvs 12 Mullbas ie hardware 11 Miller C A hardware 9 Moss Gamble &Co hdw a hruzzey.&Modroe glais 8 Mullneaw Duffield Sr.Co shoes 6 Myers & Ervein forks 12 Mnlliken & Feather plumbers' gds 12 Mathews H C shoes 12 Morgan Rokes and Nixon paver 3 1 Miller-and Kauffman beds r 11 Maroney J d gds , 10 Michael and Zermer d Milne Bros d gds 1 Myers J & Cod eds 10 Morgan T bonnets 10 Maier J & co c:o 4 Meadows & co all ware 14 Moore C &co lamps 13 Mansfield S A jewelry 13 , Miller, Baines & Moller notions' 5 Marple M K nations 3 Medara P II& co not's 8 Mlndii &Bro jewelry 10 Mitchell, Levis & on tob 10 Mockriage E & co hats 12 Muslin & Son notions s Musselman & Kirk varl. 3 111 arkley & Shaffner no tions 1 Mooney &Obdyke shoes 12 Miller A C glue 7 Marker J D rags 7 Macgueen & Montague Mooney .1 pictures 14 Mason W E wire 14 Mason E drugsl4 M 111,13 B & Co uinbrers 13 Karat S silver 14 McDowell G & Co bks 10 McDowell & Duncan to ' bacco 2 McCalla Jos E paper 14 McClain D twine 12 Mcßee J & Co wool 10 Mclntyre D agt drugs 12 McCauley, Howlett & Co -boxes - • 12 Mc Allister C shades 13 K & Sons notions • x 5 McNeely & Co leath 9 Mitchell W bObts -. 14 Musser W & Co hides 3 Marple 0 11 llq 12 Miller & Eider booka 9 Miller & Bro llq and oils 7 Mintzer W G fringes 10 McDardels & Fort hdw 9 sioClees C D boots and shoes 6 Marriner J tobac 12 Mayer./ & Co lig 12 Mass & Mayer cloth; 14 Miller F A drugs 13 Megary J llq 12 Meeker J shoes 14 Miller &Derr d gds 5 Miller Jno clothing 14 Mund 2. do 14 McWilllam W prod 12 MinerD W dgds 14 Millet E G spice; 9 Makmdless T G prod 13 Moore L & J tobacco 6 Murphey & Koons fish 3 Morris 0-B prod - 14 Mickle &Haines prov 7 Morris & Haines stoves 14 Ifcautt A melodeons 14 Milligan S crockery 14 Mtl'er & Bro fornit 13 Kuhr H watches 14 Morrison E. W & Sons shoes 13 Morrison E W & Sow n shoes Moore E baskets . 14 Myers & Brothing 14 McKstight Johnclothig 14 MichnerJ H. &Co prov 5 Mason J S & Co black'g 10 McCutcheon & Collins. provislone 3 arot&Steeloils 12 McCallaH A & Sons rgs 13 Miller W A provis 5 McCarty F rags 14 McGrath D (597) groc 14 McCoy & Snell hardw 14 MCCHMbridge &Pry varlo lic.Minamon P liquors 12 Murphey -Trio liquors 12 Marks W T soar, 14 hicGeeJ F & Cci drugs 3 Moore W H furnishing 14 Munroe Geo boots 14 Midnight J T d gds 14 Maberry W H sewing m 14 Murphy dr. Sonhardw 14 Maynard H J fancy 14 Magee Geo Son metal 14 Newhall T A&Sons angers Nitzche Jos canes . 14 Neff deo A haraw 14 Nanny T leather • 14 Nuneman W boots 14 Nicholls 11 E & Co straw all goods 7 14 ey J P stoves 14 Nichells G Wvarietyr 14 Negri. Keys & Co =Me 10 Norton & Stearlymdse 10 Nunes E clothing 14 Newlin, Fernley & Co w N h eb o ard n L hardw 12 Nickerson & Moseley shoes 4 Nolen, Morris & Co no tions 4 Netdles Jos A - wire 10 Newlin. W P cotton 12 ewall Bro lig 12 Nathana M. &Sons lig 12 Newland E & Son glassi2 eher Ciewelry 14 Neal & McCurdy dental 121 Neiter &Bro notions . 10 Nixon ISt paper 10 Neville G V var - 12 [ Nice .1" M. produce. 14 Nickerson J a hats 14 Noll H - clothing - - 14 Newberger &Hochstad tee clothing. . 3 Nelson &Faer dy pas 14 Nicholson S H dy gds 14 Owen T M cloths -12 Overman H W leather 8 Osthelmer & Woodward Orth H boxes . 14 Olpheim W tablets . 14 Ogden J& Co grocer 3 Oppenheimer_ A heti ' .5 Omensetter A & gds • Or dy , am Armatrung. & 10 Jute dental 10 Oberceuffer H dry Oveg.thdd.W•Jralate . 13 O Brien' J shoes 12 Oppenbelma A dir • ...Dishing •i; • .4 Orth - W.O paper: . Oliver H shoes 12 °roma F & Bon shoes 14 O'llarra J J Clothing A THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN; PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, - MAY 29, 1866.---TRIPLE SHEET. Olry MV & Co Variety 18 OpenheimerL boots 14 Openbeimer S furnish'g 14 Orwig E B variety 10 Oat J & Son copper 13 Ogden E H hware 7 O'Neal7n° rags 14 O'Brian P groceries 14 Parker A J liq - 12 Potts H T Iron 9 Plyzupton 0 caps . 14 Porter & Booth hware 8 Pollock L clothing 18 Peters C produce 14 Potter Thos oil cloths , 1 Phillips C shoes 4 18 'Payne EW& Co var =7 Pendleton F & Co - rovisns 8 - Patton 7 io W&Son leath'r 9 Perot F and W hops etc 8 Pinto T 7 tobacco 14 Pratt L M druggs 14 Phipps A Poll 13 refills White Lead Co white lead 7' Plumley Geo W boxes 10 Parker T C d gds 14 Parker T perzunsery 14 Pavonarius S& O var 14 Peterson P books 14 Parker W C shoes 14, Peters GS &W stoves 13 , Paul 11 0 trunks 14 Prentice & Fitler mdse Prelier Jos iron 13 Pratt & Dennison leath 2 Park File &Co notions 14 , Pthiger Chas grocer 14 Pratt F soapstone 14 Power Jno produce 7 Painter Read and El dridge clothing 14 Penistan R liq 12 Perry & Co clothing 3 Perry & Co clothing 10 Picard A jewelryl4 Peckhante Cowell furB :Pratt E OBres & Co hdw .3 Podeina G W &Cod gds 14 Yhllbin Jno varie . 14 -Pilling Geo F jewelry 14 Palouse Le,Son a metals 18 Pfells taboo - 14 Phillips d gds . 4 J hePS d gds. 3 Parker Jnoß grog 12 Peaceeßuck cutton 14 Paxon Shubert & Co d gds 10 • Pequognot 0 A matches 14 Perry & Wendell d gds 9 Pohl R. F mdse 14 Peertoy yneßawkinsjEW- 14 • . PriestlyA .4. co pope 3 Perot '/.` &Co drugs 7 Paul W W & Coshees PrinceD shoes 13 Patton I - 0 shoes 12 Pollock It dr. Co d gds Potadarner Bro. & ..A2- • noid ears 11 Perkins ad gds 10 Palmer) & tio drugs 10 Pearce Warden & Co not ions . 4 Passsn Shubert & Co d • gds 7 Pollock, Casselbury & C) d gds 3 Price & Richardson d ,gds 3 Pni Ips & More acids 2 Pettit& c.eeger dye stirs 10 Ps entiss Als Wool , 5 Pease W%& Co cotton 7 Perot SS& Soil 10 Paul and Thompson groo 10 Palmer J E produce 12 Poigat:C A& Co luolgo lo Peterson i. if flour 4 Pollock M books 14 Posey J dry goods 9 Pettit C C & t'o dry gds 5 Parker & Widmer dry gd. 10 Patterson Coane & CO: liquors . 3 Praisheimer S clothing 13 Paul W hats 13 Parh.m . Work hats 3 Peltier it Markley ahues lu Ferkir pine & Higgins books 12 PiggottJ F ,h CJ em broidst 8 Piaer ery c furnishing IA Porrins T cosigns . 14 Qmnn Jnoa clothing 14 Quakenhoss HN d gas 12 Rowley .h. H oil 4 Richardson J J fruit lu Ross, Schott &co d gds 1 Busse Landis drugs 10 Ridele,Gill&Codgda 3 Ilicharoson W H umbs 8 Rowe, Huston dr. CO ariety Ro v oston & CO teas 12 Rump J brooms 14 Ruzensteln & Bro Clog 10 Read W F dvis 10 Rockhill & Wilson clo'g 2 ReeseGß&Sondg 8 1 Randolph W B cotton 14 Rhodes & Freeman dgds a Runge G& co buttons 10 Moot' & Roble dy gds B Richardson & William - dy gds 10 Rosenthal M shi ' rts 14 Ilaylield Wm Pay gds 14 Rosenbaam 31 dy gds 14 Rimby &co paper -10 Rice BR: er dy Doke 14 Ro Dgers ids Rettew T M &Bra tobac 10 8 Richmond dr, Forepaugh furniture 12 Rudolph P paper 14 Rosakam & Elerstley • EOMMM jewelry 9 Ryas J shoes 14 Ritter J clothing 14 Ritter P conf 14 Ruckaber J furs Fl Bebholz & Derringer clothing 14 Buschman F tobacco 14 Buschman F &Bio tob 14 Riddle B mineral waterl4 Rowell H shoes 14 Band. A W stovesl3 ltohrman J 13. variety 12 Reed Thus trunks 14 Ritter S M shoes 14 Reinstrom J & Son ilq 12 Raphun C C hats 14 Rosenthal J clothing H Rogers T shoes 14 Roneno A liq 12 Rehasteln A. shoes 14 Reed S G watches 14 Bethel J H tobacco 14 Ridgway C W tobacco 14 owbotham F dy gds 14 Rubicam & Co fruit, 13 Rowe Boston dt co vary 12 Itelakiy J funs 12 Ray D P leather 12 Rank H W tobacco 8 Reinhold Jno tobacco 9 Rogers & McKeever • groceries 1 Rosenwlg Z caps 14 RankW D Shoes 14 Rothschild n shoes 13 Beicbman C variety 14 Ryan -W leather 14 Rummp C F variety 14 Ritberg C rancy 14 Rouse J t 1 & co variety 7 Raman hf flowers 14 Reed RS & co grocers 5 Reisky Blurs 13 Rosenbaum 4 co vary 14 oggenberger &co vary 12 Rittenhouse 30 varnish 12 Raskell }bra 14 Robertson & Richards Russet gra 14 Roberta A G iron 10 Reynolds &Fisher trim 10 Balguel ER dgde 2 Ritter J S shoes. 12 Reeder & Thatcher hdW 10 Russell &Irwin hware 1 Rowley el B Lamps 10 Buropp C variety 14 RueseL &Co jewel 13 Roberta SA (agent) van 14 Rhodes & Harris not 10 Reeve ES shoes 5 _Rogers 0 B seed 10 Roberts T gro - 4 Reel G W Co clo 1 Rennels S a coulee .L 2 Roberta F. & Co dy ads 5 Roberts. Warfleld & Goldsmith notions 2 Bamberger, Cunning . barn 4, co dy gds 1 Belley P & Son grocers 6 Reever & Parvlu grocers 2 Ritter) 1) dregs 8 Beebe. Seal & Co wool 3 Rulon S W & Sons dye stuffs ' 3 Rameden J &Co wool 3 Beeves G F grocer 9 Ritter Jacob B clothe 10 Rosenberger .3 D & CO produce 30 RoWIP nd T & Sons 12 shovels Coßowland B &C harder 10 Rosenbaum .1 furs 12 BRIM*? 13 F pictures ' 12 Reim & Sons pictures 13 Richards Sam glass 5 Robe er, is & sad 13 - dl - Reichert (3'A Jr d gds hitter Abraham d gds 5 Ritter J Rush notlis 12 Bohn 4 Cramer queenware' .s -18 Richards G Z. drugs " 14 Beige' & Fister d gds: F Russell & Woodruff. - tobac 11 Rosenback 311 &Co shirts 9 Siter, Price &Co d gds' B Stout & A tklnson a gds Stewart W n & Co d gda 4 Snyder, Harris & Bar rett cloth'g ' 3 Shapleigh, Rae & CO Sharp X& Pon grac 10 Scull D Jr &.Bro wool 3 Shumway A A & Co shoes - • 2 Smedley Bros hate 5 Sibley, Molten& Wood ruff silks . 3 Stem c glass ' 13 Belle) a T, tobacco 14 Smith J & Bro liq 12 Smith S C lig 12 Smith &Co ilxidingB /0 Iszardlobao 14 Smith. & Richardson' hardware 10 Smith P W d gds 12' Scott Et S d_ gds 1 Snyder & Morey notions 4 Samuel C 4 &Co notions 5 Stern & Bro clothing . "4 Sender JW shoes • 10 Strech, Bennett & CO gs • 4 Ston dru es E G Co bdw 4 Steel E T & Co eloths 3 Stronse B &Co trim'gft 5 . Smythe a Williams no. tlon4" 4' Sharpless H dye shllll3 2 Shiveley W H drugs 18 Singer T cotton • •12 Stever Whittaker iron 4 Schofield S Oilinglo , Ude HII wool ' 2. ofield a Lees shoddy 12 Smith a Penrese wool 8 Stuart °wool 12 Scheck C drugs 12 ' Stroup J a, Co fish Selser a Bro fruit 10 ' Schriver J N tisk 10 Solders S H salt 12 Spear TD a Son paints 12 Seddinger Burwell ' sadlery . 12 Stewart C E notions .12 Schwarzeleer C couf 14 bons H fors 12 Sander W tobacco 14 Smedley I Jr (agent) books 14 Stanton 31 d gds 14 Schwarz A furs 12 Scull W 8 coffee 12 Schlemerhorn.BancrOlt & co books - 7 Barfety P E flint' . 14 Sheeler U dental 12 Shallcross 88 paper .12 Smyth a. Nelson d 018 Bethel HJ bore% ' .12 Server F A & Son Irsperb Stelwagon .1 aio 10 Servers W H hardware 8 Sanderson Bro & co • hardware:,3 Satter & Miller ~Saes • 4 Smulibig W. shoes _:_l2 Shipley A. B a Son hdw 3 Stinson &Carpenter dgds 6 Spranl.T Ta co yarn 1 Shull, Bead a. co d gds 5 Shirley, Dechamp co shoes . 8 Sank j R a co taws 4 Smith Win produoe Stevrart C B clothing 114 Schandlen J cloth 8 Sexy= J variety 1 Seeds T M. bats Scott A. a. co ca•peta 7 Bonder B B variety 10 Stotesbnry R(1 sadlery 9 Stienmentz G brushes( 12 Sower,Baraese Potts bk 5,3 Baarback Schwarta variety 10 Sebloss & Bro clothing 7 Shafts Fahnestock & Else shoes 5 Schmidt RT music 12 Stilts & Melick cloth 5 Elerterin.G W tobacco 13 Smith TP &SS shoes 10 Shewell W shoes -10 Saunders J CO shoes Smith a Herron silks 12 Silberman S a Co no tions 4 Sniveley N shoes 12 Staul S C variety 10 Smyser, Roach a Bias. sing straw 10 Simon a Bro cloaks is Swan a Parmenter sir gds 10 Stake a. Hammer paper 7 I Steinmetz D hardware G Scheble & Fisher forks 10 r Shoemaker C clothing; 14 Smith Nnglish a CO hooka 8 Sellers Bros wire 10 Sallada a Pearson whipsls Solomen E clothing 14 Singer a Mayer amities 14 Steinberg J clothing 14 Summers .1 Id c , ortilng 14 Salt a Mear crockery 7 titinderman H confec 14 Soyres J W liquors 12 Stein 4 clothing 18 Stauffer JR watcheS 12 Shaw .1 Et tobacco 13 Snyder John hats 14 Stewart I S glasses 12 Sazen a Pate; leather 8 Stevenson A C mintier 12 Smith & Shoemaker 3d P M drugs 7 Steadman Cartwright & Co paver 11 Steiner C& Oo tobac 9 Ettraas & Leob tobac 11 Spears S & Co tobac 14 Smith C 11.machmery 10 Shields & Bro h ware 6 Sprang FS guns 13 Bchotue F Ws 10 Smith Bro tobac 9 Stark EL gro 10 Schwerin at clothing 14 ElnyderWm & J h war 9 Steinberg J a Co cloth's 10 Sternherger L Shirts 14 EimithaLonderbach his 13 SterlinsaFrank shoes 8 SefferlinaFritz bags 12 13ausser Wagnersnoes 10 Schaffer a klcCamin shoes 14 Stewart a Sterna iron 14 Sllberberry G clothing 12 Swearengen Wernatera co fig 12 Scherzer A pianos 13 Seifert C furs 14 Shaw M A crocke'y 14 Smith C T shirts Is Saddler MC safes 10 Stevenson Da co llq 12 &ha/lenses fancy 14 Stewart a Marks groc 8 Simon John H rags 14 schuttz W clothing 14 Scheurer J S lig 12 Schenck C & dings 3 Shoemaker It & Co 4th P ugs Shoem dr aker B H glass 2 Smith J N rags 13 Schwegler Inn F shoes 14 Bchnatzman I variety 1/ Singer S& Co spices . 18 minivan & Bro notions 12 Schurch S stationery 1 Shea D llq 1 Schencke A clothing 14 Simpson 0 baskets 14 Schwarz G &Os produce a Smith W B & Co fig and flour 12 Schell, Berger & Co prove Stet,bn & Co mdse 10 Scots Sohn lig 12 Smith i 8 S o produce 13 Siefeldt W instrnments 14 StoeppleworthHconfec 14 Snell P furniture 14 Steel W W stoves 14 Schureman & Bro Jew 14 Smith Ci clothing 14 Sopp E C shoes Sleeper Daimon & Ben nett produce 13 Smith Ja- Co flour_ V Sellers & Bodder prod 9 Scott W 11 saddlery 14 Snowden a .nralture 14 file maim H gro 14 Sutter (I B produce 10 sweeney E produce /8 Simons a Bro oils 9 ahead H a Son cotton 7 Stern & Troutman Me 4 Skinner & lest dy gds 9 Scott a Tho aa gro 12 eldenbaCh a Co dy gds 10 Simmons a Mcßride to- bacco lO Stelwaggon & Bro watches 13 Socy & Hall prow - •14 Seideobach 31 furnish 10 Seldenbach dr, Schwab • clothing . a Stoy M. provisions 14 Snowden E crockery 13 Selberman & Kitzinger variety , , 19 Schloss .1 & Bro cloth'g 10 Southwick J H paper 6 Server 0C & Son paper 8 Steeper B 11& Co glass 8 Shirley O W & Co shoes 14 Stanton & Moran dy gds 8 Strobel & Bro tobacco 14 Sao titld I` books 14 sullender & Pascal hats 12 Sucher & Co oils 5 Smith FG& Co mdse 13 Smith D S glass - 12 Smiley J F, fruit 14 Southwick Shuble &Co wool 1 Sharp &Westcott mdse -Li scravendyke J 0 rad,e 11 Sharp Haines & Cod ga 3 Snodgrass Wm T d gas 3 strong 0 d gds , a Eibeenan T& J d gds 11 Smith S B clocks 10 Stillman Jno shoes 14 Stanger & Aschraft mil - linery • -, 14 a Smethurst W A gds 13 Simpson. H. dvds - 12 Spanner 0 d gas .13 Stryker BaCo d Os s Shullenberger dr, Shantz • variety l4 ' Stukey .1 M shirts 14 Smith Thomas clothingl4 Sheeble W F variety 14 Smith J B & vo bks 7 Smith 9th PAI drugs 14 Sommer J /Id gdf: - 10 Stott Wm shades.. 14 smith Ostationery 18 Solomon &Sons trims 8 Snowden dr. Ewing pert 14 Schiller & Fenton hats 12 Somers, Son &Co elol 5 Shal:crrisa B A clotbg is Sterns. Whitney, and Bridges variety , 2 i Bultender& Paktalhatsl4 Stuart & Bro dgds 11 Simon? K t&S __ _ • 18 . . Throottra.)rton WR 1:2 • Tourney Lased 18 Tryos K guns 11 Trembley'K. D farn 1. Toboldt G H drags 14 Tempest JR tobse 19 Vgo.lj, Co Sari ToMSOD.P 0 spices 8 Tyler & B3ntth :letither 12 Anathata & CO een 0 D brushes -12 Troweri& Franae book 11 Thomas & eiushey grocs 5 "Tripple .Ino shoes 14 rust W F tobac 14 Thatcher C caps 'l4 •TaylorN.G & co hdw Thorn kiwi A 8 china w 9 Thonass &Bro fruit 12 syl or G W dy_gds 13 omlinsorr & Bill grain 3 'd'ell & co furniture 14 Thleri7 A glasses 14 Therm= F. furs 14 Thompson A At variety 12 .Theenick IL O & co dry gdB TaggertE R notions 2 Tryon E B notions 2 • Tryon IC & Bro guns 10 Taber & lierbrrth silks 8 Troth, Howorth at Cam . • pions notions 5 Thaw & Walker wool 3 Trotter N-& Co tin 2 Thomas E A corn 14 Thornton & Brown liq 12 Thorne W shoes 14 Thompson W H & Co notions 10 Toyama IV' tobacco • lo Thornton needles 10 Thayer & Cowperthwidt shoes 6 Tilden A & Co shoes 10 Thomas L & Co produce 4 Troth, Ashel &Co pro 4 Townsend R Y shoes 7 •Troutman & May cloth 8 Thomas B twine 14 Thudinm 0 A variety 10 Thenhanser 8 &Co rlb 'l'rolh & Neel cloths - 7 Thacher &Co shoes 5 Taylor. Itichards & CO trimming 8 Trucks dt Parker gro and Tilge F A &Bro not 10 Turner & Harbert mowers 13 d'aylor W & Co pro 4 Ten Brock &.Bro pro 3 -Trainer eltockley& 00 Dl'ol7 13 Townsend &Co carp 10 TyndaleM glass 13 Thompson J Rahoe3 14 Thompson IA 13 pro 10 Tustin .1 D pro ' 10 Thompso nßeynolds & Co gro • 1 Turner R *Son d gds Turner W J d gds T Temple& Co d gds 2 Tiller W vari 10 Turner & Wayne varlet 11 Target John shoes 14 Thorn's/ Jno mod rub 10 Taylor G W shoes 8 Truitt &Co hardware 10 Taylor &Hemphill Whale Tatum Jno dy gds a Thomas C gro & lior .12 Thorne Terry Brothe rsgrocer dy gda 11 F M ll TowaseidB 42. W shots 5 Thomas J midlnery 14 Wells & Co mdse .9 Taylor Jam G mdse 3 Ulricb L & (i tobacco 12 Inman & Louchelm clothing - 12 Undenn adt L grocer 14 UphoffW concloner3' 14 Uhler 4: Hopklne cicala 10 Ullman Jnob clothing 12 Vance .4. Landis huraw 3 Vendig S skirts 10 DiiniamWCaConotes 8 Venetia H C fi Co no'nslo Vanbo rn Eckstein brushes 10 Van Brunt &Co prov 5 Voisin G W s Lions lass Va g ndyke Ef. liq 13 12 Vane) ke Wm variety 14 Vetterieln Sz. Co ton= 3 Vogel El hats 14 Vomit L C watches 13 Vezm C th Co d gds 3 Vogbt Jet Co variety 30 Valker C clothing 14 Van dusen 13oemer & Co collars 14 Varischalck .11 A lobac 3 VettSNehonvariety 14 Vollruar tt Footed pis 13 Vc gel at CX) soap 11 Vaiate 41: Menambr ma- cbinery 13 Von Classy tobac 14 Wilke 8 8 dental 3 Warren C V &Son papr 12 Wetberlll & Jiro druga 1 Walton T k trameS 13 W 'sitar& LQ C drugs 12 Wolf e &Jiro clothing 9 'Wolfe Mayer& CO elth'g 1 -West Southworth & Co hoes Wilstack W P & Co sadle "Well St r s y cuss & Hoch- 1 straater notions 6 Wilhams & Coons tot= 8 Warron Jas T shoes 13 WebsterLdy gds 10 Walker 2d Sons wire 13 Williams B 3 blinds 13 liValborn C & tu-r- rilsbing 13 W,yruer & Bro stoves .14 Wagner t Stewart Va. riety 13 Wood,Marsh a Hayward drygds • B s.Arnest a CO d gas A Wilson, Anderson a Cernes d gds A 'Vane Sparhawk d gds 1 Wardle, Reed Co gro 3 Watson a Janney. silks 3 Watson Jas rewelr y 12 Wonoerly 8 a Bons combs 12 R'rlbht&Siddelldrugs 9 White a Pechin variety 5 Wallerstien a Wird shirts 6 White T Co yarn 5 Watson a Nandaess , no• ons W t orthington. Carvell alO co brutnes 10 V, est J V lish 12 Williams a Dodd fruit 10 'Vella= I D rope lu WetherillG I) a co drugs 2 Woodwards Jae S a Sou cotton 3 Watson, Harpers/Kelso° wire 5 Williamson Jos liq lu Walter Rergbauser a co dry:oods d Wiene g r gds 12 ileOn Haw ksworth, Editon a co (IL D Primus"- hdw Wright J K queer:use: o e 12 right It li queensw'e 12 Whir ple Bile Man CO files Vr maei Jprod 14 Williams g asses 14 William Jesse glasses 14 Woodruff & Eau prod lu Wells & Todd clothing 14 & Hood frames 14 Watenul W paints Wood T 51. variety. 14 own F D wood 13 Williamson S produce 14 Watson ./ hos&.Son mdse le Werrde & Yost produce 12 Wilson W & Son silverw ii Wilson 0 T produce 10 Watson E & Co flour 14 Welsenfeld & to soap 14 W flu J cloaks 14 Walter RA &Co variety 13 Whitehead ET oils 1.1 WOOd A & Co Iron 5 WomrathA. Rack' K Thrai2 Weaver a Sprankle gro Wainwright a, Co gru 3 Walter T bottler 14 Woodalde Eartaeger aCoIO Watsen C a Co blacking 13_ Wood A gro 14 Wolgamutls F tobac 14 Wiltue.ger A 3d P . drugs WOOO J Bros iron 12 3 Waite a Rentz llq ' 3 Warftlein A guns • 14 Ward H straw gds 7 Williams 3 W var 14 Waterman Son a Cope gre 1 V era, an H A vas 14 Weil T vox 3 Weighinan J var 12 Wilton SchwerinaKohn clothg 12 Woltgen in Bro tobac 10 WeinzB A liq 10 WoodJ C leather . • 13 Wanner v. Klein crocky 5 Water JR crLckery 11 Winter W boots 14 Widmer C A S Son leath 9 Weston C variety 12 Weinstein Bru d gds 14 Wagnera Diane, ano,s 14 Wainer W A a co drugs 8 Walker J Bro clothing 14 Verniger A hquors 12 Wilily a Tyson cotton 13 WoodbridgeJ hatless 14 worrell aspires 5 Wilon T variety 14 sl s er H chairs 12 Weaver Wm NV stoves 14 Weaver MM. tobacco 14 WM , eall Tatum aco Ms 1 Williams G J turners 11 White T &Bro flowers 14 111Iams E L tobacco 12 WidmeYer Job n leather 14 White Bros & co groc 2 14 enrich & - Eyes prod ' 12 Warner, libodert a CO'', variety , ' 10 Wain & eaming dgds 3 Whilden A & bonamdse B Verne &Co...jewelers 10 White T W 4th 'Willis S(1 5h0e5. ,,.. "14 Wood J P &CO beaters 7 :Wilcox:J.ld 'a Co paper 3 Wilier Ida Son cloaks 10 Weidner A Tlamps, 13 Wilerrbllock a Co dgda White Jno it-carpets • -13 White & Jagode wool 14 WatsonH drugs 7 Woodward a Co tobacco a • Walton 0 Weeps 13 - Wilson W M 341. P.M 1 drawl - —. • . 12 ills on & Bros umbrel 3 Woodward W H. & co grocers 7 Wanamaker &Brown ' clothing , 6 Wiley GT dt cciwhips 14 fu Watson rn rht TS ishing 14 W J Et boots 14 Woigaranth a Raleigh Williams B hosiery 13 Watkins W B d gds 12 Watkins BPa co d gds 9 Wilcox Bros 'a co do 1 Wheeler W .F do 13 Weatherly Thos do 10 Welkin W H. a co but tons . 12 Wells R mds e 14 Wilthanson MA twine 14 trails & co paper 10 Williams R d gds 10 WA & gds , 3 anker J d l e ig 9 Wrist &Fobes d gds . 7 Wilmer & Cannel d gds 5 Werner &Itschner d gds I Wilbur 'Byers & Co d gas 4 Wilson P guns 13 Welskel k Lobar 13' Wilson & Bradbury dy gds 10 Walker & Co tobac 12 Weiner & Cornel peril/ 14 Wittig R &Co instru mento Wincn A station'v 14 6 West Thos teas 14 Witham & Suntan Jew -13 Yard &Co d gds • C young i t A Remus d gds 1 Yormer W Id& Co citlig 12 Young a Van Horn pro duce • 11 Young Moore a (*no tions :, A YeungW Ja Son instni- L merits - 14 Yeager SOa Co hats 7 Young a sewing mac 14 Younaker a Bre con! 14 Y warden 8 yarn 2 Younger a Murray urn- . brelbs ,;,-,, , 14 Zimmerman C sr instru ments ' -14 Zals F matches 7 Zann Jacob oboes 12 Zeigler a Stilith drugs 1 Zebley J Jr notions 4 -Ziegler a Sutton shoes I Zell 3 W hate 14 Zell T B bookB, 12 Seventh Weird. Ancona 11 G clothing 14 AnCOna M D clothing 'l4 Adams J dry gds 14 Anderson 8 dry gds 14 Adger R furniture 17. Anderson S shoes 14 Andersonß F dries 14 Anderson & Dunlap . Arrocers 14 mstrong W dry gds 14 Applegate 1) C confeo 14 Aden JO shoes - 14 Andrews J grocer 14 Atkinson T dry gds 14 Andrews W Mead • 14 foal Jas clothing 14 Boyd H. ciothing 14 Bunting J clothing 14 Bass T si tobacco 14 Brown L stOes 14 Bundy W A. shoes 14 Brines J el shoes 14 Burrichts r 0 stoveS 14 Bunting A S coulee 14 Bunting W liquors 12 Barnes .E dry gds. 14 Branson T&, son coal 12 Bran. on T & Son coal 12 Bradley M tobacco 14 Rudely a Hall stoves 14 Baker J g confectioner 14 Buno 31 Bradti variety 14y H dry gds Ratk W Cdry 14 Barne o tt Jos dry gds 14 Brown D provisions 14 Birkmire J grocer 14 Brophy G grocer 14 Brown Jas grocer 14 Qimpbell it tobacco 14 Cruise ii shoes 14 Olney 31 millinery 14 Crooks 8 .1' millinery. 14 Catilil T shoes .14 Carroll M millinery 14 C ement 8 tobacco 14 Cook E R a Son ET= 14 Craig Jae grocer 11 Cook 1' dry gds 14 Conner Buboes 14 Cloud Jesse groc 14 Can. J 13 dry gds 14 Cooper J W tobecOo 14 adull T E ice 14 Courtney D Course- 14 Conway .I''. ' o=l4 Cattell S W dry gd.s 14 Carlin Phil flour 14 (*rey If. grocer /4 Corny E grocer 14 Doherty Jos 0 . 3141 I:: Donnelly) gro and //0. 12 Douglass A shoes 14 Durham J floor 14 Dougherty U millinery 14 Durham T confec 14 Dietterick 8 V variety 14 Devine Ai hats 14 Denny J as dry gd3 19 Dalton ad grocer 14 Dailey John paper 14 Donaghy a Wan coal 14 Dougnerty W pro? 14 Dopler &Price girt and lio, LI Devine W a Son drY gds Zi Devine W &Son do 12 Davis D A tobacco 14 Dougnery. W cry gds 14 Drinkbouse E M prov 14 Dougherty Jos grocer 14 Elliott it shoes, 14 Eddy H. U drugs 14 Farrell Jan timings 14 Fulton James grocer 14 Forehand A C dry gds 14 Fagan Stephen grocer 14 Farelra J 0 nets 14 Flood bil2loll grocer 14 Foster J furniture 14 FLscher T cicada 14 Fisher D contections 14 kossard F It dry gds 14 Ferguson J grocer 14 Fish It C dry gas 14 Fox PP drugs 14 Oration N M tobacco 14 Goodale WEI gueensw 14 Gebrge W dry gods 14 Getty .61. adll.nery 14 Gal brach W dry gds 14 Gavin Geo coal 12. Grand Peter gro and llq 12 Garvin G confections 14 Godfrey Id grocer 14 Garden J do 14 George J H variety 14 Gray John Di do 14 Goods car .1 drugs 14 Greer a Mots' Went dry gas Gray 8 Wgro and llg 12 12 Guy Bob aCa drY gda 12 (livens John tobao 14 Gillespie Jae grocer 14 (Plinure Jut W do 14 Graham W B shoes 14 Guy Day grocer 14 Goodwin ti do 14 Hazel John Mons 14 Hazel Joseph findings 14 Hopson W hats 14 Haller 31 furniture 14 Hann F above 14 Hopton John dry gds 14 Hughes John dry gds 14 Hay A. millinery 14 Bergen W grocer . 14 Haillwell I. T grocer 14 Hawthorn JB. proyis 14 Hennessy P. clothing 14 Henry A anoes 14 Howley A a Co perfiny 14 Hart Sand aCo cards 12 Hallowell a a confec 14 Hook M. trimmings 14 Hill Alex liquor 12 Hamilton John grocer 14 Haley Jas grocer . 14 Indig P stoves 14 Jackson Robt grocer 14 Jack Robt hardware 14 -Jautzen T 0 furniture 14 Jahn A Confections 14 Johnson W grocer 14 Jester E dry goods 14 Johnson 0 E ink 14 "1 moron John shoes 14 Keenan John snoes 14 Kelly Jos clothing 14 a err M. A dry gds 14 Kirkpatrick J cry gds 14 holder Henry queensw 14 Kane J tobacco 14 if.el y John grocer 14 lier.rney a Isro drugs 14 Kline J.,./` grocer 14 Bane Jas grocer 14 -,Kilmartin M. grocer 14 _Keys R drugs 14 Kelley Pprov e eter grocer 14 Kem . 3 - 14 Kena p ell WS iprove ~14 is irkpatrick T [tobacco 14 Louden - A. cower—loos 14 Latimer .111 grocer 14 Liebaux. J .B shoes 14 Lee a Shaw wood 14 Lockhart J tObacco 14 Lewry J S coal 14 Doling J WaF Ciewl 14 Lutz Philip tobacco 14 Laugran T grocer 14 Mclitisker it stoves •44 McGuire .1 shoes -H. McCormick It grocer 14 MeNuttil coal , . 12 Moeherson W shoeti 14 111Mc43 ;e:t tl i g g:R la d al : e 6 .3 018 ' fifoCauley 21 shoes •14 14 McGettigan Retry ens 14 14 MeGettlgan JoStliguor .12 Morels R furniture 14 McCormick J dry -gds ' /4 .llcFlllan 31 millinery 14 'McKibben 3 - Cshoes 14 McKinney W,tobacco 14 3leßention R, millinery 14 McDevitt Sas shoes 14 Mcdillan .Tchithing 34 Idea voy NC dry gds 14 McHenry - 111 grocer - :.' 14 McGaiggan H,ll me - -14 -Mbleranue jfindings 14 McHugh. Julia shoes 14 Mc Fetters A provis 14 M.cOnilleSs F grocer 19 McMullin .7 & J groc and liq . , 12 McNabb I COlfidiOng 14 McWilliams A grocer 14 McCanless W - 11 groc 14 McDonald P P provis 14 lidelKinney John, groc 14 McCoy Sohn do 14 McCormick J shoes 14 McFadden 0 grocer 14 ,Mercer B dry gas 14 MaoattleYW tobacco 14 Marrow Jae shoes • 14 Eilrygds 14 Minche KalolaY gds 14 Malseed 8 j variety 14 MilletJ shoes 14 Mass 0 do 14 Nevi 0 T do 14 . Marber F do -14 Martin A dry gds 14 Mona Oeo grocer 14 Master kf J tobacco 14 Mooney I liquor 14 Morris Jan grocer 14 Moore B drugs 14 Mason F & E trimmingsl4 1 Muller John clothing 14 Moore Tobri grocer • 14 Morrell WH 6 shoes 14 Murray C dry gds 14 Matthews B. po.Per 1 4 Morse F coulee 14 Matthews P grocer 14 Morrison ,TN variety 14 Morgan I D coal 12 Murphy A grocer 14 Mullbolland T prow 14 Mooney -Jas liq 12 ld akin son B F & Co ice 11 Mellon T queens , are 14 Montgomery E prov• le Monti eth B dry gda 14 Moore W grocer 14 Neely Thus grocer 14 Newmyer 6 shoes • 14 Newman dry gds 14 Nagle John grocer 14 O'Brian.T g stoves 14 O'Hara B rocer 14 O'Haraß dry gds 14 Ogden B stoves 14 O'lfars,W grrocer 14 ' O'Donnell C grocer 14 Panlin'O W queensware 14 Palmer J confect 14 Patterson .W grocer' 14 Poll B confec 14 Pennington B feed 14 Pbilllps.l, dry gas 14 P0110c...E dry gds 14 Pollock dr,Bro grocer 14 Prettyman a Bro pros 14 p Pr e o n c rose tor : R d d rua rtur 1 1 4 4 Phararyn B. pictures 14 - Path; D grocer 14 Pennlngton W tobacco 14 Parker W grocer 14 Pollock' grocer 14 Rice Jas liquors • 12 Bauck N drugs 14 Iteed S shoes 14 Rowe 144. millinery 14 Rogers 0 millinery 14 Rladell B. shoes 14 Rockefeller a skirts 14 Russell M s groc and liquors Rich W provisions 14 Reney P grocer 14 Bose B F pros 14 Bose W 'W pros 14 Roach P gt ocer 14 Ryan RI LI skirts 14 IteedD shoes 14 EiWit eny shoes 14 Emirl John shoes 14 Sendmeyer H groc and llquoln Scravendyke John gro ll and liquors 12 Stevenson J shoes 14 Seward H dry gds 14 Scutt M dry gets 14 Stepleford W dry gds 14 Slater W glasses 14 Schaffer h. .1 millinery 14 Simon V cons 14 Stewart & Faulkner clothing 14 Stinenick W A tobacco 14 Stewart W grocer 14 Smith C J paper 14 Stevenson .1 wooer 14 Shaw T & Sion coal 14 Strati! J grocer 14 Sn:all John grocer 14 Stewart W C grocer 14 blelt art 211. A dry goods 14 hlmpsuns Sons Tory gash) Sntt.o S V provisions 14 Schledels J onntections 14 Simpson W dry gas 12 Sctuochartr V furniture 14 • Simons s W confec 14 shim J T drugs 14 EbewlerJ F confec 14 Schultze E & Co groc - and liquors 12 Stewart. H grocer 14 Smith A provisions 14 Slevin T grocer 14 Shannessy M tobacco 14 Smith C grocer 11 Sherry John coal 12 1 hump on A dry gds 14 Thacker .1 P drugs 14 'i homes J M drugs 14 Thomas St drugs 14 Tsgg & Ur* dry gds 10 Thompson W grocer 14 Tolman J P confections 14 Taigue P grocer 14 Toy P grocer 14 - Vol n ice Co, .6. McOar vey ice 14 usher J shoes 14 Vanhold Henry confec 14 Veltman 11 kt mtlltu y 14 Vaughan A milDnery. 14 White 0 C dry gds 14 White S variety 14 White O W dry gds 14 Walls) shoes 14 Wisguer RS &Co mill 14 Walton M qtreensware 14 'Washer Canoes 14 Ward A variety 14 Wiley Henry tobacco 14 I Warner bH. drugs 14 Weber) drugs . 14 Wright E dry. gds 14 West S C shoes 14 WeltlsJ S shoes 14 Varner O 8 provisions 14 1 Wunsch .lohnshoes 14 Wood 43 ShOM 14 i .\i neon J mg:am-ex 14 oung /Al firy gdsf 14 ZlPPorer .licontec 14 Eighth Ward. Amerieanfinn School Briton (Knowles) bks 2 Allen 0 millinery 5 Arnold W A furnaces 12 Andre G&W music .11 tiam3fiJollett verie 13 Ashmead&Evans bks 10 Alexander /jewelry 12 Am Tract Soc bks 10 Allen James M. confec 14 Arthur .114kBro coal 12 Allegr etti F J conlbc 14 vaale 14 Agnew Gl W ski* l4 Brown W bjewerry 14 Bates T Hoboes 14 Buddy J conPc 14 33eason&Son d gda 3 Blaalua Bros pianos 10 Benkert C<unehoes 9 nrown&Masee trunks 12 Baton It I` eerie 12 Bomeirler T jewelry 10 Batley T W do 13 Bennett Jacob do 12 Bonn* r W H Mk) musiclo Blair li C drugs 12 Bible Society W Clag horn) books 14 Bickley J ti agt sand 14 Baker Xi coal 12 Bunting 8 S drugtt 14 Bond Jets do It Brennan l'N urn 14 Buxton Jut do 14 Baird John stone 14 Blair W B_groc 14 Brown W T tobacl4 Burlock Blalr D g S a D m books 1 2 2 Barron J P notions 14 Blalock Jas W hats 14 Branson S A furn's 14 Blanks L confec 14 Burdsall J provis 14 Beale WA clotting 14 Beaton ki millinery 14 Bascom KB clothing Burnham U cans 12 _Beecher P dgds 14 Burns & Atkinson d gds 10 Burns A confec 14 Cornelius & Baker gas 1 Caldwell J B & Co ew 1 Clark a elry ndßlddle jew'y 8 Christiana& Co perfum. 10 Chrlsunan:ll variety 11 Clinton - 81 brushes 10 Cochran W J _pianos 14 Camptell W P mantil 12 Carter W J drugs 14 Challen H books 13 Carmony °cravats 12 cooperl- F pictures 14 Calhoun D silver 14 Colton t Clark groc 10 Chatham J grocer 14 Cox W A variety 14 Carroll M grocer 14 l rawfordA E d gds 14 Corry John grocery 14 Chase T Q books 14 Conrad P sh ea 13 ' Cotter WM. confec 14 Chapin . do 14 •Crombarger P notions: 14 GblllnsM upholstery 14 Cloud G Apro 14 Carr & Clark d gds 14 Deginther furnit. 10 Dreer H A seeds - 10 Buboaq FIP & Son 12 Dare 0 P Ultima! an " 14 I , llcon Pjliz & Sons rarnit 13 13onnelFR & Son gro 10 Delta W pipe Dunseith R & J 010°11.1:T14 Dinan T- grocerlt Dunn Dennis du 14 Diver P dO ' 14 Deepe H confec 14 Delbert Simon soap 10 Donaghy .it Watt coal 12 DowningJ Rbooka . 14 Donahue M perfumery 14 Dlttick C C clothing 19 Dixon jjewelry, 19 Driezler C shoes 44 Darragh & Donnellymll 14 Dennirot V confec 19 Dexter J W dO 19 Ihniphy ld gro 14 Depotere confer 14 Evanm gebankelical Book Sod ty Earle JS &Son pictures 4 Elton bead W Bjeweiry 14 k merick D B variety 14 Elsenlohr W taboos 14 Ellis 'E B notions 14 En rd A confer, 14 Erskine J shoes 14 EliiottEnotions 14 Fryer Geo d gds 7 FetsJ notions I 0 Fadning Winces 11 Gongeroy R T &co bah 10 Fish C drugs 14 y ch as prov 14 Fordemr A shoes 14 . Freedley & McDonald ' stones 14 Fulton Jos dy gds 14 Fischer J shoes ' 14 Flanges .8 Harper silver 14 Fiot 3' pianos 14 Feron &jewelry 14 Foster Kobt umbrellas li Franklin g variety 14 Grover & Baker s mach 10 Glenn &co perfumery 10 Greble E stone 12 Gallagher J Tjewelry 12 Gropengelser J D do 14 Grant I C stone 14 GoehrnanChanfarnitorelo Griffin Jae groc_ 14 Gregory & cowrit= 12 Garber A & Son coal 12 GrUllig J . EL instrn 12 GuestE silver 14 Gilbert &Leather Chest 14 Gilbert let clothing 14 GutektusatG shoes 14 tiallasther W sadlery 14 Gow G bonnets 14 Garrison 00 drogs 14 Gaskill & co millin 14 Goll L do 14 Clocker W confer 14 Harding John shoes 14 lingheaß confer 14 Hudson S fs vari 14 Hensey & Mason var •14 Humbert M. dr sdsl4 Hollingshead OW natal 14 Hann F shoes - 14 Hutchison I' dr gds 14 Hendricks H G sadlery 14 Badielgh JOl dr gds A Homer,.Colladay .Co d gds A Howell & Bros paper• A Hirsh ds Loeb.varlety 10 Healey &433 leather 10 Hamilton A 3 & Co sew 1118011114:03 12 Hoyt F A &Bro clothlr 10 Hemberger & Spier jaw 12 Harrison Et A tiles 12 Hubbell 0 El drugs 12 Hand J & 8 jewelry 12 Harris &Oliver drugs 13 Hon. A W confec 14 Holmes Thoe grocer 14 Hunter." C Oo pipe 13 Harbert, Davis dt Co lumber 10 Hunt Jetationety 14 Headman W du 14 Harman J grocer 14 Hamilton J wood 14 Holt B grocer 14 Horn MB tobacco 14 Hopkins A. M floor 14 /Lippman A ahem 14 Hassler M & co pianos 14 Hoover J look glasses 14 }imam H variety - 14 Heiwbold H B drags 14 Belmbold L V cutlery 14 bunter B ranges 14 HichtllT S B Millinery. 14 Herfl ne co 14 Hamilton T books 14 Hall A etatione y 1.1 /yens H CO mantillaS 14 limns H. dr Oo do 14 leder W variety 14 Jacobs T furnishing 14 Johnson Baca J cloth 14 Jones drugs 14 Jolllvet I variety 14 Jones J n aschery 14 Jones CH dry goods It Jones 3.1 , corded 14 Kolb G FJewelry 12 Kingsley I E Cont 12 KM; Si A mlidnery 12 Kelly Jos Mott:dna 13 Kiehl J Variety 14 Kelly b B ClOtbing 14 Kline,A.o books 14 Kautz colom 14 Kennedy E grocer 12 KnoppelFcoulee 14 liumnerle7 F lustre= 12 RE !Orme 1 . 11011:J113 14 Kennedy .Jll spectacles 14 Keenan Jaa 1100444 14 Henworthy G -& Co con tee 14 Kelly &Crawford mll 14 KellyuE do dgds 1 14 4 K-IdoKS Krlder .1 E notions 14 Keller G L rroes 14 Kane Dgrr•car 14 Le 800 fuller Bros d gds Leyambre A ft:wafture 10 Lee & Walker pianos 7 Ladomos L jewelry 12 Long 11 E ahoes 12 Limerick EJ ate 14 Lawrie x D silver 14 Lefbvre L want 12 Lacey, Meatier &co sad 10 Lelorautlt Y cuutec 14 Lenher &Spencer dgs 13 Lucy Jaa gro 14 Lea G.O bka 8 I-elande J d gds 14 Lents V G gro 13 LelbUck U locks 12 Laur Ii shoes 14 LearEmlilt 14 Laumon G M Bon 10 Logan Bi d pis 14 Luailer 11 n gd3 14 Lyons C do 11 Lloyds a.milln . 14 Lutz .1 furniture 10 alcaluster W Y spec s locCalla T 11 bats 13 M. Mullen J dy gds 4 Illct3ese J E plc-ores 14 Idelkoney & Itemont CO 13 McNutt W grocer 14 hicelatri It prods 14 Mcatun B grocer 14 - McKenna J ohn do 14 McKenna M do - 12 ractlaryP do 14 Mclntosh W oboes 14 111cQuinu M A minium - 14 McCarthy Jas grocer ls McCarthy K & a A. not 14 McClellan B cLatzlng 14 ldcMabon & Mclntyre Ory grin 14 McClure 13 prow 14 11,t41utey .r.. 410 14 _Muslin John notions 11 Maxwell J tf &Son trim mings 1 Mattson S H clothing 12 Milligan A; Carrogazt do 12 Myers a & H d gds Marten A C & Co not'ns 10 bilakey,Merrill & Thank era gaS tintures 3 Michaelis Ntobacco 14 mead& aruy Cu 8 Iser .10 Mitchell & Pletcher gro lu Moore &0O (drubbing 13 Martin & Qnsyle var • 13 Manlier & Steele COal 12 Mack C prov 14 lliagliOcce A Cl variety 14 Ato.p.,) t Hru urude 14 Monestier A shoes 14 Monestler A shoes 14 Miller L. millinery. 14 Moore PL stationery 14 Montgomery Jdy gds 14 Mot‘ei I c.ututlig 14 Mvdalra P Instruments 14 Mann ['shoes 14 Murdock/a &M C var 14 Martin A var 14 luunuay a. shoes 14 Moore JW. clothing 14 Minster P. mlllinety 14 Meagher prova 14 Neeules E laces lu NeitlW & J clothing 14 Nell L pros's 14 Nash & Bro prove 14 Newton it drugs 14 Nugent Jos gro 14 Nichols 0 dy gds 12 Nax & Kuhn plpes It Nelson WprovLs 14 Nichols gp Shoesl4 oaktord C &1401:113 hats 10 Orne JF& carpets I Oliver P G drugs'_l9 Orr Jos notionsl4 Off i O'Rot grocer urk millinery /4 - 14 OirG H & Bro provis 4 Proctor JW & moat 1 4 Pfau, South & Jew 9 Pres BOOK :Store books /0 Prince J stone v. Patton W H turn 14 PltcherGW hooks p a Peck & Co drugs LI Peterson & Little sew leg machines 5 Patton W H & RH pap 14 Penes C confer 14 Patton T tt_grocer 13 rhelan W H lum 10 .Peters A feed 14 Palmer W H gro 14 Paw lug J H tobacN] 14 Pessmio A DConf - 14 Plcaming J'& Son Meadl4 Pope & \Figures var 34 Queen J W & CO spec 7 QulggJ millinery 14 Quints .a. con(' • 14 Ininnson A S pictures 10 Reichenhacti A. Bplano 12 Reed S Jewel y 12 Rutter W& Co brooks 12 Rolon Njewelry . 12 "Igloo Jas show cards 14 Male Cl It nuntsbing 10 Randall &Co perfum 'l3 Reynolds o'llW hoal - 1512, Roller P shoes 14 Benp co lier. O'Llordiell;& . Co al 12 Reign 0 sheeS - 14 Ritter dc Penheld trusses 14 HoUu tree .7 proV. ~ -1 4 Romain C clothing 14 Hornell] M millinery 34 Robinson S P Jewelry 14 Robe Sort N millluery H Rogers R&A. H trim 14 Reboot N shoes • 14 Rich C C grocer 14 Sheppard, you /Carlin, gen & rrison dy gds a Econ. W& Co furnish 10, Ba. mien to t McGrath ci °thing _ _ 12 Si. wart R K. notions 10 ok es Chas clothing 10 Schwarz G A toys 10 Singer 1 hi & Comae, 13 Settle Geo plot*, 14 Stout CM &Co curtains 10 Sharp]) C spoors 14 Simons M Ppictares 14 rs. moon & Bro pipe 14 Seb t F confec .14 Sbee Se r John coulee "14 Smith W El grocer 14 Stow t Jos A bks 14 coms B coal 12 Schwab Gl{ confec 14 Stratton B sha 13 Pouter C F not'ns 14 Soul er ti frames 14 Sholtz & Jr.nensky pict 12 t•teel T R millinery .14 Sheridan Jas cltb'g 14 Steel:house L not'ns 14 ouder J & C shoes 14 Stirling .7 d gds 12 Steal 15.0 furnishing 14 Steel it s queensware 19 . Smith G P upholstery 'l4 Smith S J millinery 14 Seoll in SA ions 14 Townsend Isaac variety 10 Thornhill & Burns d sa 13 Tatem A drugs 14 Thompson &Bro grocer 14 Talleir provis 14 Thompson .7 grocer 14 Teufel J J cutlery 14 • Tyson rR G a d ety l4 Union Piano H Snide bel.planos 12 Vantant A L confec Vogel G W laces ' 12 Volmar G furniture le Winchester &co for 10 Warburton J embroid 10 WmdjDwood 12 Ward John intper 12 Woods WB.& co beds 14 Willard 0 H pictures 12 Wk odwa: d, Lovett Co& 'Weyl g BOsenheint. straw gds 8 Wenderoth. Taylor & Brown pictures 'lO Wilcox cfr. math'2 Wiley & Bro tobac IS Webb J B. grocer 10 Wilkinson W 'lt cloth 14 Wright Wig iii pi,e 14 Walker W J variety 14 Williams J W pictures 14 Watt PH bags 14 Winter .7 W upholstery 14 Walton If C trimmings 14 West J shoes 14 Weller .7 fan 10 Wyeth or. Rru dings 12 Yatnall W ftunisrdrig 10 Ninth Ward. Atch:son &Chandler lig 10 Akers W 7crockery 12 Archambault Ldy Oa 14 Archambault. V E do 11 Atkirson J groc 14 Andress &io dy gds 12 Arnold A B dy gas 14 lber on B dy gds AIDA rictut Gum Paint o 14 Albec p k aints produce 14 hton O H drugs 10 Allisrn Jas clothing 10 A ter Jac confec 14 Allirght J W clothing 14 Allen W J & J furniturelo Austin & Onyke tins 14 Agnew &1 nyder prfmy 14 Agnew &Co mantillas 12 Agnew & English Innis 12 .alexander i tZ rontbas Li Blackwood Toe ampere 10 BurnsCC&C.Jpic.nfe 14 Eire Js & Fricke perinea 12 Bechtel & Imo watches 10 Bradfield M variety 14 Bard & Co prints and engravings 14 Brill J sloes 14 Beidleman D groc Brown W & L groc 3 Butby & Cu dour 4 Briniengliofler C bulls 14 Illsbing L shots 14 Barr J bo ks ' 14 Barton Wgroc 12 Buck .7 V variety 14 Bishop 17 Clortutnre 14 Bair John mod 73 BirgesM Jno Csadlery 11 Bennie Sys shoes 14 Eickham&Hufilnan gro 12 Borden Chas L fin= 14 Brook & Pugh pro&liq 10 Bogle 1 groc 14 llartletl&heynolds cast 14 Bacon S groc 14 Bradley J C tiquots 12 Boyle & Blundell liqrs 12 Bola groc gds 1 • 14 Furs C d 3 Bar telt% & Blyan hale 14 Bancroft. 1T E d gds 14 Bonnet A hi variety 14 Brandies L variety 14 Brand A v variety 14 Pettey E walches_ 14 Ballard J B shoes 13 Bar, to W boxes 14 Burke E featherS 14 Boyenaki C flowers 14 Bradley Jakatio43l 14 Burgess TtOOaCCO 14 Loyetiski J l flowers 14 Bruce Eli pianos 14 Bennett & Colville d gds 12 Bieck .ttou gtu stud iiq Black T &Son gr and lq ) Batley & Cojewelr7 1 BerryW 13 tobacco 13 Blanchard IEB & Co up holstery 14 Barker Wright & CO stn 12 Buddy L coulee 14 Baker 11 L perftunery 14 index Ai A variety 14 Brennan I jewelry 14 1 urnws W clo 14 Brown A provisions 14 Brown W & co eto 10 13 „rowia B clothing 10 Brown).DrownT shoes 13 51,0e3 11 , J K shoes 13 Brown W S fruit 14 Birk &Burns tobac 10 Baist R Jr seed a Burk W E flora' 3 31,eulry 11 Ice 1 Blau & Di , ka toys 14 It shine L shOes 11 Baer D Lobar 14 Black Et lig 10 Blake J A & co produce 10 F variety 14 Beetwald D clothing 14 Bucklus Bros saddlery Li Bullock &Idartlll hang 10 Booth j dry gda 10 Burr T teLaC 14 .Balaßr C& co 01l 9 Boyd & co grocs 12 Boyd G & co grecs 10 Burns F dy gdsl 12 Bartholomew B Jr coal 12 Behr J tObaC 14 Beerier & Adamson glue 3 Blister & Bros frames 14 Lao= euthal clothing 14 'flattop W furniture 12 PPII S gr ocer it Blazer Warm & co lmbr 10 ckenkeunp t,l. trial 12 Bault John Lebec' 14 Carpenter Henzey & co Crogs u 7 ll AG dry geode 14 Cook J candles 12 Crosson tit leather 14 4 - weer J Pit y ads 13 Coetes I& 0 bardw 12 Cook Wm boxes 14 Collins C Pita 12 Cane It rags Carrick T & Co crackers 12 Callahan D Ho 12 Curtis P dour 14 Cale]) J N earthenw 14 Ca ! h k ll Do dnprod 14 Crawford J cloaks 14 CooperJ &JX. d gds Il Caldwell li d gra 14 Chambers J d gds 13 Chapman Wm gro 12 Conway Pd gds - 14 Coleman E& P metals 10 CaldwellFNdgds - 10 Carlisle 11 variety 14 'Cohen B dgds 14 Carpenter AY, bonnets 12 Cook &Bro hosiery 12 Cadbury J Vr drugs is Clark C E upholstery 14 kr shoes 14 Creswell 1 J variety 14 Conover W P furniture 14 Cookman Cleo k Co flour 6 Cotton Jonn is springs 14 .Cadmus J &E shoes 10 CA ()Per gt COI:Mid a gds 3 Clark J S stoves 10 Clark W P sho.s 18 Clarke J W umbrellas 14 Combs' JP & Son leath 10 Chance J 0 dry goods 8 Cline L P tobacco 14 Cairns W hats 14 Callahan P con fee 14 Crawford & Co glue 10 Clifford 10 1) clothing 10 Cope W Cproduce 14 Cosack C contra 14 Clark son 1 W coal 18 Church Jos shoes 14 Cook .A.confe 14 Caffee S'ti drugs is Campbell h &co d gds 1 Carpenter.w c.ltlenglo Coulter &co stone . . 14 Cannon E A uphill 14 CHlnailskyE Elks 13 Crones W . erlu . • 14 Can:pbell & Davidheiser ' silverware ' 14 Courtney & WMets fiir 10 Cuthbert-A. teas, ' 12 Urerner & Wet 13 Canter JH variety 14 Clark A& Co min wiz. 14 Cabelle L perfu 14 Capen L bks 14 Drew W 11 teeth -14 Dutton A L &A H Shoe 14 Donlon J drugs - 9 14 Dobbins Slue anti Ho 12 Derinney j • do _ 14 Donaldson WIS COW' 12 T H aPap 12 aley IEI 1.1 liq 12 Denald D varlets Davies John H - • Duffy.&Son candles:le o Davis E coal - •i • eitzler W V clothing 14 Douglas J tobac 14 Dreifuss& Reisinger vari / 2 Urnell IL A tobac 14 De Yonne S 14 Davie<icharear 7.40&1iq 12, Donoghue g d Dtlks M variety 14 Dickson M E watches 14 Deal C paper 12 Dowlirg B paints 12 Devine Jno gro and liq 3 Devine Ed trimmings 14 Dorman 'A 31 saddle, y 12 Deemer 11. sa•tdi , ry 14 punts' , ody E& CU prod 8 Davis P & J produce 14 Donahue S shoes 11 Dunn & Co ice 14 •Deyoung variety 13 Dealiver C books 10 Dreka S books 13 Dick J seed 14 Dressler F J jewelry 14 Dixon ti variety 13 Dilks Jewelry 14 Doyle P books 14 DorseyA clothing 14 Emerick W W hardw 12 Elliott G tin 14 Enpeniatte L tobacco 14 J carpets 12 Eckhari J groceries 14 Espen & Bro d gds . 13 .Eva ns nger B 0 d gds variety 4 1 1 0 Etti Edwards D clothing 14 E vey d tobacco 14 Ellis 817 Co drugs 4 Ezekiel A A clothing 13 Ezekiel A A clothing /4 ElBlllllll HageraVatietY 14 Eastlack Tic ag't °rugs 13 Ettinger &Tack. cloth's 10 Earp B lumber 12 Esier Jr tobacco 13 Eshelman A&Emavata 13 Ensign H Jewelry 14 Evans G ctottung 12 Eberbart F variety 14 Fite CI tobacco 12 Preach Richard drugs 3 Frazer FG&V J rand 13 Frenzel A hware 12 Flint W WWl= . 14 Fry W J lig Frees & Douglas hware 13 Erlich & Co frames 14 Farlera J fats • 12 Felten & Zinuneriing Sugar 14 Francis & Co cloaks 14 Flanivan P groceries 14 Fisher John confer. 14 Furguson B F piCtures 14 Franklin IC shoes 72 Wiley - 11 silverware 12 Furey T shoes 12 FuLtawayJ V paper 12 Frake & Co produce 14 Forepaugh G E trunks 14 ForcrAHrown tobacco 13 Flaherty J T tobacco 14 Fontenean &Salle pfmyl4 Frenth:H H plaster 14 Fry Id A variety 14 Fatrhank & Ewing ads 12 Fraser War variety 14 Fryer W Sfringes 14 Ford F confectionery 72 Farr G W clothing 14 Gleam, A *raves 13 Graham W groceries 12 Gould & Co (urn 10 Graff & Co produce 12 Greenley & North turn is Graham 1t &CJ groe 12 Graham H prov 11, GI Ist J & R shoe gds 13 Gill E P millinery 12 Gutektinst F. pictures 14 German Wl. pictures 73 6iuse piclur. a 14 Garland .1 confec 14 Garland W W books 13 Gamble G W & Son - -- triuunings 14 Gotletb & oosenstein Grigg & Va. gunten clothing 10 Grfgg. Vangunten & CO clothing 10 ntioranj & Co clothglo Guthman J clothing 12 Guthmanc•L clothing 10 Gilmore & Skeeay prod 10 Gibbons F. M shoes 14 Gordon J .l coal /2 Geiger IF silverware 14 Groverg H mantles 10 Gti©ihTlurntnhing 12 Gumbert G t Bro those 10 GabrylewiM F pictures 12 Grmjean d gas iv Grubb 4.1 F conf..c 14 Garrey T J books 14 Gahm 0 clothing 14 Harvey J 0 grog 14 Herm.n, c.hant &, co varieties 12 Hoffman J W dry gds 10 Halt P do 12 Hooper C M. do 14 }fatback & Bros conies 14 Horning L pictures 14 Hance It A drugs 14 liertzler & fiction 11t1 Li Henry G W hardware 14 Hollins J crockery lr H.luesG B dr gd.s 11 Hansel .1 S produce 14 14 enser T candles 14 Hunt C J shoes 14 Harris( Tullis° . 14 Horan T flour 14 HUM J C drugs 10 Hill Jos groC l 13 H Mand 13 irlr J ma os Geo furniture 14 H ass Huey .1 coal 14 Holland Afar 14 Henley &Co pictures 14 Ripple E pictures 14 Hagaman M L pictures 14 Heath T plaster 14 Room P laths 14 Harris W metals 13 Heacock W Limit 14 Henry E dy gds 14 Harris BS&EAstovesl4 Hilo orn A feathers 14 Haxnmill. 11. books 14 'Horny Simon clothing 13 Han° Simon do 13 Hano & Allen do 13 Henry & Pagel do 14 Henry /Toes!. clothing 14 Harvey B clothing Li Hirsh fa clothing 12 Hansel! A drugs Li Heineman A & Co far. niabing 13 Holden efliiewelry 12 IlageyJorin conlec 12 Howe confec 14 Hollins J B queensw 12 Hill Sarni stoves 10 Billy H shoes • 13 Harley It Ile Harmer S P saddleryl 3 Ilagner Bros d gds 8 liaucker A or W H Halley toys 13 Mimes Jas combs 13 Hickman Howard flour and Ilq 4 Aleks ifit cinthing In Haan A clothing IS Hall T M. tobacco 12 Hays/ S E dry goods 14 Hoep per do Belts uphlsty 10 Hun J 1,4 1 pictures is Hhes & Muller cIM2 B ug ossard &co drugs 10 Henkels G J furniture le Harrison A W ink 14 Harrison./ mantillas 14 Hutentno J C Jewelry 14 Hansel hi C variety 14 Hunt & co jewelrY 14 Isaacs E clothing 13 Isaacs E clothing 13 Isaacs A clothing 12 lrrgaug B vari, ty 14 Ivens II mantillas 3. Johnson P Roby goods 12 Johann A lids , 13 James L tin 14 Jones W A seeds 13 Jacoby and Prince mar . e 12 Ju b mille F tobacco 14 Jenkins & Co teas 6 Jones A skirts 14 Jenks rif. A. furnishing 14 JardenH. watches 14 Johnson E variety 14 Joel J d gds drugs 14 Jacoby 1 0 Jr 13 Jackson .1 H eMorold- 4E r ti: r am anctßros instru• 14 mEnts 10 Keeler Sgrocerfes 12 Knight W H hdw 13 Mahan <4. Bro prod 14 Kleterbock eons tov es 14 K a ern B F hdisr 14 Kirby W R furnit • H Kelly a Niel variety 12 Kline ‘t: Bro shoes 14 Kerney Jos liq 12 Kauffman C cloaks 14 Kingston Iron Works on 14 K ir untzle A & C' pictures 14 Kraft &Morwltzer varl /4 Knowles Levi .t Co flour s IleheD gro and 11q 12 Klerro an Jas notions 13 Kane Jnolueensware 14 Kershaw Jstoves • 12 Hessler OF Trimmings 14 Kelley E hats 13 KntippelD confec 13 Kruse Resag glasses 14 K line D Bro clothing 12 Klein & BOcuning glass 14 Kretiner E Jewelry 12 Kelly. Carrington & Co Risbrht Is & Bonlorpts 7 Kennedy T&Bro naln'y 10 Keyser E clothing 14 Koroney T G & Co tobao 13 Kelley 1' bags 14 Hahnweller S varlet 7 12 Kelley J OjewelrY 14 Koehler &Seelhorat trlinl4 Kolb D W surgical , 14 King J bedding - 14 Kocksperger B e clothg 14 Launian E J aCo lqrs 10 Llnuard J 1' hardware 'l3 Leggett It a CO iron /0 Lewls_T produce , F 14 Lutz HE liquors • 30 Lippincott JD. 4 Co boksA •Laughlin J ft pictuns • 14 Laird W W paper 14 Levering B Sour 14 Lask JahDR. variety 14 Lippincott A groceries 14 Lucas & Bra groceries • ! 14 'eidy A S drugs • 14 .Lane j dry gds • 5 LeeER dgds 10 Lothrop D plot 14 Lottis P S wato 14 Lyon J arl - 14 Linville A C watc 14 Lippincott t so weir 14 etiom .& Shaw carp • 12 • s & Cheetham toba 10 .Ia ca e Z Co aloha 9 Logue I' hats 13 Logue F hats 13 •Loder JA bats . 14 :Lewis H R furni 12 - Lewis It (urn 12 Lorrisx 7 cloth 11 Lit D J cloth 14 Lit D J cloth . 14 1 emau .T W cloth 10 Leeds E d gds 12 Lindauer G & Son cloth 10 Lyons .1 cloth 12 Irve T C cloth Lacey M. ice • 14 Lederman A Co furni 12 Ladd E C variety 12 Let ty J & Co dy gds 11 I anderdaie E sham 14 Davis J./ or. paper 14 licCowen G T dy gds .14 McFillen M dy gds 13 Mctirath II book s 12 McGovern E crockery 14 hicEul C S7ll hardw 14 McLaughlin J liquors 12 McCune C & R J grocer 13 cGtinn e Son Ilriciors 13 •McConabe 11 L leather 12 McCallin & Rhoads vari 14 McEwen John clothing 12 McMullin .4. Melv.n grocl3 'McDevitt crockery 14 dy gds • 14 McEtweeJ. groceries 14 hicCuskie A groceries 14 McGrath E J conf 11 McKenna P gram 14 Marris J M colln]gs , s lldello.v & Smith variety - 14 Alders G W A Son- do ' 14 '34.ushon 11 & Son metals 14 Morgan.) . groc andliqs 'l2 31 ill er J groceries 14 .Marten A ft variety 14 Marshal A drugs , 14 Mickley 33 pianos 'M .Mitchel .4 McDonald groin Moore J W & Bra watch 14 'Moore & Forster provls 13 .Maples .1 marble - 14 Miller Id .4 dy gda 14 mason E faro 10 'Myercke s CW &Br pianos ° d 1 3 hi 12 Millikenen Ft linen j 2(12 Mitchell D Pp/7 gda 10 Moore W variety Mitchelt J B variety 14 Marraidalefai E ....Wine 14 Mitchell 7 & Bro • Misery . 13 liam.sel 0 clothing 14 Matthias A umbrellas 14 Murphy& Allison tubes lu 31135130 TI.TOVISIODS 14 It urray & Whitemarsh hats 14 MoratA Spictures 14 Mclntyre P clothing 12 McManus B clothing 14 I McPhitomy D ety gds 14 , McMullin gob dour 10 l McLaughlin M shoes 14 McGrath M E shoes 14 McFarland Tahoe& 14 et. is Jos shoes 14 I McCaikell W coal hiclinignt'S. shoes 13 11.Guin T farnit 10 Mclntyre & Bro fur - nishing r ._. 13 McCauley &Remont blosl4 I McGrathli books 14 McElroy J d gda 9 I McLeoe J saddlery - 14 hiclnlyreJ W tobac 14 11t cCab- queensware 14 McGoldrlch grocer 14 McCallaF grocer 14 Moyer a Bros saddlery 10 Mills A P fru nit 12 I Morris, 'Wheeler & Co iron 1 I Morris Wjewelry 14 Mulford J B coal 12 Mahoney) furnishing 13 Nahaffry C clothing 14 Mattlack Is & Son ctothglo Morris Pascual agricult 4 Morris M H pianos 12 Idaneigle Ehi stoves lo ' Minster M S not'ns 14 Mucha P clothing 14 Mytanger b G & to dour 8 I 'Mahood J tins 12 MeloneY CP coal 12 'Maher B Mathis g 14 Maloney Id shoes 14 Mullineanx eh Ogden carpet 12 I Marville & Co sales 14 I. Miles 0 W variety 12 Marsh-"music ' 13 Rvariety 14 l• Meyer L music 13 I armen &Witte china lo Biases & Co stationery 12 Idacfarron S variety 12 Melick P B ware 14 j Migeod trunks 14 l Miner 8 B. white gds 14 Mon ay j A paints 14; Myers C shoes • 14 ' Mallock It bonnets 14 Nisby J D clothin^ 14 h. icholasaShaw d gds 10 Redman M d gds 14 Newland .F.e.Son paper 14 • liormanALittle seeds Newell B pictures 14 Nichol] B trimmings 14 Newhouse Hun clothing, 10 Newhouse Hardwick clothing 10 Owens .1 lig 12 , Owens T liq 12 . Osboarne D M iraplels 12 Owen B. P coal 14 Oakford a on hats 12 Oglesby & Hodge pipe 34 Oasterly H A. 4 CO trim 12 Pennell R.11.4.WH dgds 10" Parker 7.11 aroc snot oqs 12 Penros, W & Co liquors 12 Potts W F iron a I Paley T coal 14 I Pa yter D & Co coal 14 Patterson P. provisions 14 Partr,dge A ay g*ds 12 Parrish E drugs 14 Partridte E confection 14 ' Packer & Dunn hats 14 ' Plinder J seeds 14 Price S confectionery 14 Pfelf & Brr s hats 13 Pretzel C four 3 Park A ..11 shoes Perry J :hoes 12 Poe H. A dy gds 10 Patterson' leather 14 Pool Jo , n ribbons 14 PittOn Jas llq 13 ..Perzy W G hooka 10 Pitts T shoes 14 Peoples bjewelrY 14 Peterson) trunks 14 Presbyterian Board of Pub Jos B Engles b'ks 10 Parham t; sewing mach 10 Pleartants t; P music 13 Penny & Adams furni 32 Phllligs 8R saddlery 10 Peartsea McCartney hatrl3 Pearce W H saddlery 14 Parrott 1` Wjewell7 14 Perkins .401 dy gds 4 Pesos D dy gee 13 Q uinn P l ualm A lamp shade lo 2 Q Bay D .4 Son clothing 10 Rains Louis clothing 13 Rains Louis clothing 13 Rice T Shoes 13 Itingoid W S d gdel 10 MAMMA CO pianos . 12 Richardet J millinery 14 Randall B bedding 12 Rafferty." books 14 Mammon J W Ivor 110 Rottentl all H clothing 14 Ronndt ee Jas variety 14 Rodg. ei a W D csrriagea 10 Pobbins H silverware 10 Rocks ills & Grieb confec 13 BlchelderferJS clothingl2 Rog. rs - S O Tarnishing 14 Riechard A embroidery 14 Boller F shoes 14 Robb 7 clothing 14 Bolin W A carpets 12 Bose W 11 boxes 14 Sobiagon I watches - 13 Riley W 11 produce 13 , Reed & Smith groc 13 Richmond Wl' tobacco 14 1 • Rogers IF P hardw 14 Robins Jno watches 14 mmio ge on J C vat , 14 Rohe H. shoes , 14 Bohennet D coal i Rosenbaum M. 4 . drr gds 14 'Ritter M M thy gds • 13 Rosenbaum I dry gds 10 Ryan 7 lionors 12 Rappold P groc 14 I Rubinson W Ji confec 14 Bm€4lSH•dry gds 10 011 J B bdw 12 Stenbritice haw , 12' Sloan." bottler 141 Smith les gro 12 S Idomridge J prod 141 straworidgeS ary gds lf 13acelsJe&WR glass 14 Scott 4: C.rier prov 14 I Bonder Xdry.ipts 14 StanH fruit 14 I St. Fasts. Wood d gds - 10 hkelley. A El & R. va fitty . • _ Stamrach J Tars 12 14. Schruber, S Sim plc tures 14 Fonthwick & - Lippincott g 1414 -d erm ds anlf A h skis 14 steel BA feathers . 14 Scott T J trimmings, 14 Bchrack TL books • 14 Selo iner Fecal " 14 • Schaeffer He gds 14 Slacemaker M clothing 14 1 stmt son Wm d gds ' l4; Borfert Econteo • • . 14 14;thlichter B thus. 14 SChn pf I prov • ' 14 sinister C confee . , Stewart, 110t10110, 'l4 seyford McMancS di Co Smith &,Illleyd ads - Stubenrock. FJewelry 14 Stokley 1P b cook° 14 Snowden &Bro cutlery 12 k•leeper S stoves 10 1.-p ear Sea , 10' Sloan 1' P clothing Stagers r H clothing 10 spats B clothing 13 Stewart W confec 12 Solm esS confec - . 14 simes J Wjr drugs • 9 S!mes P W & Son drugs 12 S'rodiev J drags 12 Shaw 11 shoes 1.3 Smith r, It jeweler 14 s huhu B Jevvelry 14 Shug, ue..l hats 14 hoax S st.tionery , I 4 Sproul A & Oo numbing 14 Smith 1.•-co...1 12 Sick Cameron & co fur lO Scorn N clothing la Saunders W shoes IS Stockwell Broom %Masa 14 Stewart John liquor 10 Slavin Jas lin . Snevon G ling - 12 sbarpless C d gds Shomaclier c 0 pianos ID Su me John 4 So..s d gds 4 nt , ad T W tobacco 13 SOUCIPXII furnishing 14 Sooner & Bro coulee 14 Smith H B minrl water 14 Sabater Hance & co tob 10 Sco cos4-imou sew mac 12 SI eel E G a gas 14 SeeieyJ B variety 14 Thomas NB hardwl4 t'argasyJ dry goods - 13 Truman & Shaw hardy 11 aunton L W Pbrushes 14 Trotter -NU bardw 13 Taylor Jno tobac Taylor W H boots 14 Troth Bros provis 12 Tomokin son AS ceockyl4 Thonie T clothing 14 Tafel A J drugs 14 Tr ~%•••ert J W sew mach 14 Threw A groc Taylor &lsaroption Mo." Lures - Tracy Mich clothing 12 Troemlier 1E scales -14 Taylor It queensw 14 I waddle & Bro shoes 14. Twaddle Jos flour 14 Toner Tehoeit_ ' ,14 Tyson &Roberts d gds _ 14 Tyndale tr. Mitchell queensware 10 Taylor A B drams ' . 13 Taylor .13 tobac 14 Thomas,/ P &co drugs /4 Teas & Elander saddie'yl4 Upham SC va-1° 12 /anion Co-operativeAis• - sociatioo gran - 14 Vogel CTo gds . , 14 Vankirk a co gaa fix It Van Osten M J flowers 23 Valle a co pictures 14 Vansc.:o ck B lee 14 Vanamricge B floor 10 Vanderloot S 3 perfmy 12 Vandervord RC var.% H. Walton 07 hats 13 Walton It 13 hats 13 Williams TS hdw '9 Williams Chaa stoves 3 Williams Chas bruabes 16 Williams A clothing 13 WI ihams MA d gds - 13 William 13 hats - It Walker Abd gds 13 Whitman C T conies 12 Warren E W picture; n Walsh T N furnit 13 watson Amos flour 12 Willis M T Clothing 10 Whalley S & Co lig 10 Wilson A Halloos 13 Walker J confec 14 Wood .1 coal 12 [ 'Wright J d gds 14 Watson G W (estate) can iages 7 Wright W H tipholsty 14 Wood & Cary straw gds 1 Walraven I E furnishg 6 & Brown teas 10 Weaver G IL confec 14 Will ama G plants 14 Waite G L & Co watchesl4 Webb T & Co prod 10 Wallace Wm lig 12 Walter W P hardw 14.. Wi akworth TA leather 14 Wilson CT furniture 13 Williams N Ed gds 11 Wallace E liquors 12 Win & Yost alboms 14 1 Wilson & Jones drugs 14 'w arnere &Co floor 14 Weston a Bro clothing 14 Williams J dy gda 12 1 Worne a IC dy gds 10 Wiabn.o Geo Ddy gds 33 Wilson E T provia 14 Wesley alio Door - 14 Wallace T groc • 14 Wallace & Shirk prod 14 Wright E T variety . 14 'Verger 3 E paper 14 Voting S W lumber la Yost T W 'variety 13 Varnall A H drugs 10 1 Young a L hats 14 Yeatman W shoes 14 Zetuader John coafee 13 Zehender Jacob confec 14 Zimmerman F tobac 14 Zeigler G W dy gds 10 Tenth Ward, Ashford W shoes 14 Alexander S clothing 14 Alexander 11clothing . II Arcy Jno ~ is . Atmer J G books 14 ' Andrews John boiler 14 .siman S.- Winrer flour 3 Appledorn (t. .Newrath clothing 14 i Arnold 8 Mbar= ' 14 1 American Metre co mtrs 5 i Barnberger &Bros dgds I£l Bailep SA patterns 11 Beprens &co variety . 14. : Burns 31 IT shoes 14 Barns It W shoes I 14 i Pompton E cloaks 14 W . 9 dY taws 14 3E .Bil ln and F framed 14 Bag & Bemkel clothing II Boy us T J liquors. 12 Burke Jas E marble 14 Eines At Sheaf coal .: L.' I Baran X perfumery 10 Bnattong & HEMS uq and flour $ Bryan .A co flour 6 Baker A. Hopkins flour S. Brooke F M 6.11 lig and flour 9 Bard & Gelsemanliq and flour It 'fielder Jos coal 13 Baker AC E. tobacco 14 Buckner C arocer 14 Brill F stases 14 Bauer John grocer 14 Burke John F do 1,4 Bailey E vat iety II Bentley J variety 14 Barrington 7 E an oes it Br .rnmel Sas prov 14 1 Brady E watches 14 Bray D grocer - 14 Cowperti walla T It gds 14 . Coavery A eat Craig H. lig and floor a Cuttbton j gtocer 14 Conlon Aa.Co lig and fir 9 Champton &Austin. coal 1Z- Creacvell 8 J iron - 13. C , ein Jgro and lis -12. Clerk. W gro lig 17.- Casey grocer and Culber J t J gro ' 14 14 Croons D variety 14 Chapman M L varletY 14 Crozel CE paper 14 Cook J drugs 14 Carty s M prov 14 Crowell 11 M. variety IS Carlton L varh-ry 14 Cameron Wm variety 14 Campbell C stationery 14 Clayton J A B shoes 14 Campb eh T grocer 14 Cevenaugh .H gro 14 Cook W x paper 14. Bluff W T proV 14 Davis X W coffee 14 Del laven A It shoes 13 Davis H Fa clothing 14 .. am on &Widditieid vyl4 Desmond & CO pat med 14 Dud:ow Lwatalies 14 , Debi H mod to Davis F., i II luns Br Detweilleneglish flour 1 lig 10 9 L a avte nd &Allen malt Deßass lig lit Bunton C Jgroc 14 I), ummond E toves 14 1 Davis R C drugs 14 Leshei mhinger & Co album.) rlot Dickson Wm shoes 114 Dunlap Cgroc 14 Donal Ggroc 14. Dane A A vane 14 Diego E Ef vane . 14 Daniels.T&A vane' 14 Erskine It M shoes 13 A nglehart Jno G d gds . 14 Everling D drugs 14 Ealick & Man watches 14 Eaton :.T H pat med',4 English 0 w pat med • 4 I .pler I) A Son prod . 12. Ecalea J grocer - 11 Erben I S drugs 14 Ether A-Fox groc 44 Barl , y WII d ads ' 14 Evans G W.d gds :,, :lb i (Kn.& Wm H. camtec - 14 Fe 4, itjewelrY . - .. 14 Fox G W variety ' 14 Fischer Jno cOnfec - . l4 Fischer 4 Miller prod' : ' 14 FodelliS Aco variety 13 Fabian .e Pfeffer variety 13 Friedberger a' Strouse m illinery. ... - 10 Firtig Geo prov - - 11 Fella A. tobac - 4 Flaherty Sas Variety 14 Francis Wm watches - 14 vloyd a prJr - '/4 Foley 3 prov '' 11 Faries 4. Werner d gds 14 Finnan L B grocer . 13 GriMme A tobac - 14 Green 4.1 L variety., n 14 GatianilJas variety ' ' cianupc A feed , Griffin hi prov ...' ' 14 Cilentworth H. drags ' 14 °reeves Ag race;::„ ~ . 14 001dy Ass shoes . . 14 Guyer Gtobam-- - ' - -- .11 Gavit N metals 14 Gilletipledk McKnight iloOr and lic , -7