Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 29, 1866, Image 1
BOAT PEACOCK. Edite. VOLUME XX.---NO. 44. EVENING BULLETIN. FUNGIENED EVERY EVENING. , Wandaye excepted) at THE NEW BULLE Fl N BUILDING, 607 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. BY THB "Evening Bulletin Association." PILOPEIrrOza. GIBBON PEAITOCK, [ERNEST 0. WALLAOB. E. L. PETEPERSTON PROS. S. WILLIAMSON CASPER sounna, rruuwis WELLS. ThaßursainN la served to subscribers In the city at LI duds per peek, payable to the carriers, or is 00 per =num. sums Or 110SEWOOD G MB i LC 3 0 : 11 .E FCB E INaTIIItIS nt,725-Ins . Thirteenth and Chestnut DIED. .ALLMAN.—On the evening of the 28th instant, 'Winfield Scott, only eon of Thomas and Diary Ann X. Allman, aged 5 years and 5 days. The relativee and friends of the family are remect- Ailly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of big parents, No. 248 North Eleventh Street. on Thersdity , afternoon, the 3151 inst., at 4 o'clock. *4* BUTLER—AtNorthampton, Mass., Stephen B. -Butler, ...23years, son of J. H. nutter. sal Sunday morning, 27th ins ant, John 11..Cobtum, M . D ,in the 49th year of his age. The male relatives and friends of the family are repnested to attend the funeral from his late residence, :No, 733 Pine Street, on Wednesday morning, the 39th instant, at 10 o'clOck. Interment at Laurel Hill Cemetery. OBITTIAIIY DlED.—Trtigew York. on Thursday, the 24th inst., Mrs• _Kamm B. RftDE.l3, wife of the Rev. William Rudder, D. D., Rector of St. Stephen's Chureh,o f this city. t Although the deceased had come among us a perfec stranger, and had resided here but about two years' -she had, in that short period, by her christian life and virtues, endeared herself to the congregation of St, -,Stephen's so that her death is felt by its members generally as a private bereavement. Comely in person, and of the most refined and attractive manners, but of fragile frame, Mrs. RUDDER -.united to extreme delicacy of deportment an energy of will, in the discharge of every duty of her station, 'which, alas ! proved too much for her physical strength. Whether as one of the chief managers of the schools -connected with the parish, or as interested in the sac -cess of its various charities, or as the soother and com forter of those in affliction under the visitations of Providence, she was always at her post in the hour of need. So skilled in little acts of kindness and charity ; so unobtrusive in the tenderness of her ministrations, -and in the sincerity of her sympathies, who that has witnessed them in the Member of sickness and death, or in those agonizing hours which immediately suc ceed the visit of the destroyer, can ever forget her gentle, hopeftll smile, or consoling worth? At once an ornament and an example in her allotted sphere, while she was truly religious by instinct, as well as from early training and the habits of her daily life, she relied most of all and in undoubting faith on the efficacy of her Saviour's atoning blood. A lovingwife and willing helper to her husband in his arduous and =ceasing toils ; an affectionate and sincere friend; gtffleless of heart, and the beloved of all who knew .her, this pure being, in the midst of her mortal um ful ness, has been suddenly called by the inscrutable de ince of the ALL Wisz and ALL GOuD, to her reward. May Hz give comfort,, as He only can, to the stricken heart which mourns her most ! ' kris. May '', 1866 SUITS OR ROSEWOOD CHAMBEB FURNITURE GEO. J. HENEELS, • my2s-Im. ' Thirteenth and Chestnut. "MUM DELL are prepared to supply harm lieswit Dry Goods, at the lowest prices. LIN= MOS, • IIf.A.BSELLLES QUILTS, TABLE LINENS DAMASK' TOWELS. EmsEaoth• BEY GOODS. 'WALNUT CHAbil3lat In Oil or Polished. OEO. S. HENEELS. lny2s-Iza. Thirteenth and (2:testi:int. AV:Mc/DOWNS AND YACHT HATS FOE LADIES !la In great variety, AT Tani). H. 3feCA.LIA'S - Old 03 tahlished Hat and Cap Emporium, m3lO-lm} sO4 Chestnut street. V.T.JITS OF WALNUT PARLOR 'FURNITURE, In Oil or Polished. go GEO J. HENICE.L.9. my2.5-lm Thirteenth and Chestnut SPECIAL NOTICES. 41E,s. RETIM v EY'S TURKISH BANDOLE !mart. OUVEY'S TURKISH ' . We have at length increased our facilities to meet the •extraordinary demands for this del , ghtful preparation, sand can supply it in any quantity on the shortest notice. JAMES PALMER cC CO., 439 Market street. The most delicately perfumed preparation in the worlds Betrouvey's TurilishßandolenMn Hair Tonle. THE TOILET OP KINGS, QUEENS, E 511E _ROBS and EMPRESSES Is not considered complete - without a bottle of Retrouvey's Turkish Bandolenlan. SEA SHORE. Prepare for the Ocean, in doing - which, provide at least half a dozen bottles of Retrou• • vey's Bandit:denten. You cannot keep your Hair beau tiful without it; it neutralizes the saline particles, and - prevents the dry, harsh appearance usual to exposure so a salt air. 'MEE .1331,3 T DRESSING, the best . Tonic, tile most .certain rtmedy to restore the youth and natural color .and beauty of the Halr,ls ItETROUVSY'S ..BAITDOLIMAN. fr WATRIVA.LI2, CURLS, PUFFS, &c., cannot be Tut n to look beautiful and keep in place without I:TVEY'S BANDOLIiaiLA.N. LADIES! If you wish to look beautiful, you MUST •lISE ItETROuVI.Y'S BANDOLIPNIAN. For sale everywhere .10 2, PARDFLE SCIENTIFIC COURSE /LAFAYETTE COLLEGE. In addition to the general Course of Instruction In this Department, designed to lay a substantial basis of ,knowledge and scholarly culture. students can pursue •those branches whlchare essentially practical and tech nical, viz.: EittIOINEERING, Civil, Topographical and Atecbanical; XINING and Ii:ETALLURGY; ARCHI TECTURE, and the applicationof Onemistry to AG .ELICULTURE and the ARTS. There is also afforded sm o . . ortunity for special study of TRADE and CON ,of MODEM , LANGUAGES and Plata andof the HISTORY and INSTITUTIONS of .of our own coun.sy. , For Circulars apply to President CATTIELL, or to Prot B. B. 'YOUNGMAN, Futzvorir ol . Pe., April 4, 1866. Clerk of the Faculty. ni.78.011 trrONFICE OF SHAMOKIN AND BEAR VALLEY COAL COMPANY: No. 214 CHEST. T street PECCIADILLPICIA, May 28,1868. At a meeting of Stocsholders of. the SHAMOKIN ANDREAE VALLEY COAL COMPANY, held at the office of the Company on the 7th instant. the fol loaring.named gentlemen were duly elected Directors of said Company, viz,: . - D. C. WHARTON WM. L. SCHAFFER, . ALFRED D. JESSUr, THOMAS MILES , . ALBX. 3. DERBYSHIRE. And. at a meeting of the Board held on the 24th thSt., Mo. 0. Wharton was elected President, William P. At. Adnson Secretary and Treasurer, and Henry Van t 4 en, Superintendent. • WM. P. AT SO tar N, Secrey. 106 PIZEIMAIGILPHIA AND BEADING RAIL ROAD, COMPANY. Office 227 South FOURTH street, PiaLADISE4II3IA, April 28.1866, Notice la hereby given to the Stockholders of this +Company, that the option of receiving their /Dividend In Stock or Oath, under the resolution of the Board of 11th December, HS, will cease on and after the stet of "Af4BBB,and that such Stockholders as do not demand their Dividen d to be paid to them in Stock on or before that day, will be thereafter entitled to receive it in Cash ap2B offly tojelrp/ 10 . " PP-- B. BRADFORD, Treasurer .. 41 1LADELPHIA, Nay 28, 1888.—We, the un dersigned, 'Wholesale Carpet Dealers, hereby nerne to close our Stores during the warm weather at .5 o'clock P. AL, and on Saturdays eit 3 o'clock, com mencing on the tat day of Jane, and terminating on the 3lst day of *wit, Me. [Signed] - 3dcOA.LLIIti6, CREASE & SLOAN, ATwOoD, RALSTON & CO., A. H. FRANCISOIIS GEORGE ,HU, ivu tie W = L, Z, It . . NORTH PRESBYTERIAN C'HURCH LEO. TUBE BOOM, Marshall street above. Green.— The interesting meetings of the last five weeks will be continued. Preaching this (Tuesday) evening by Dr. J. M. Crowell; Wednesday, Rev. Alfred .Cook man; Thursday, Dr. W. P. Breed; Friday, conference and prayer. , its HOWARD HOSPITAL, Nos. 1518 and 1520 1.1. V" Lombard street, Dispensary Department. Me dical treatment and medicines furnished gratuitously to the p00r.5 - eeRB &FIRST REGIMENT INFANTRY - GRAY RE SERVES.—The members or the dtfferent coin. panics are Invited to attend the drills on every TUESDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, at the Broad Street Armory. Its W. D. H.ASTINOS, Secretary. ]For the Phlladelphie Evening Bulletin.] 'thyme of the Illnderpost. "The cattle , plague in the Senate, you say?" Cried a menaber:frorn P,eniisylva-ni-a, "'Tis a wonderful mystery how an Animal of the bovine kind His way into the Senate could find. Can the cattle plague be Cow-an?" Burning of Congress Hall, Saratoga. A telegraphic despatch elsewhere an nounces the total destruction by fire of that famous watering place hotel,Congreas Hall, Saratoga. The conflagration began about 1 o'clock this morning, and at 8 o'clock the entire edifice was in ruins. The loss is stated at $200,000, with a partial insurance, On the 18th of June of last year Saratoga was visited by a similar conflagration, the United States Hotel, nearly opposite Con gress Hall, being totally destroyed between the hours of 4l P. hi. and daybreak. The scene was one of indescribable excitement and confusion, and we can readily imagine the recurrence of equally exciting events this morning during the fire. Congress Hall had for many years been, as we may say, "hallowed" by many fashionable and social memories, and was one of the most agreeable hotels in America for summer visitors. Its vast parlors, its lengthened porticoes, and its airy rooms, made it as charming as any one could de sire, while its proximity to the famous Con gress Spring was an additional attraction. In the Spring of 1864 the hotel was in the possession of Messrs. H. H. Hathorn, C. S. Lester and G. E. AlcOmber, and they pro bably were the proprietors when the fire broke out. In 1864, two new wings were added to the house, on the south and east. The south wing was one hundred and twelve feet in length, by forty feet wide, and four stories high. The east wing, one hun dred and twenty feet long, by forty-four feet wide, also four stories high, with the basement. A prominent feature in the east wing was the new Ball Room, a magnificent ball twenty feet high between the joists,and the full size of the - wing. An elegant piazza, extending on the north side of the south wing, lead 111001y - to' the ball room, the whole being on. a level with the parlors of the main building., In the new wings were 100 fine private parlors and lodging rooms, which could not fail to be very de sirable to guests, while adding largely to the capacity of the house, and we may re mark that owing to the new improvements the dining facilities were so increased that seven hundred persons could be seated at the table'at one time. Congress Hall was directly opposite:Union Hall, which does not appear to have suffered from the conflagration. The " Saiatoga Water" bottling establishment of. Clarke & White adjoined the hotel, and beyond this, across the street, was the celebrated Con gress Spring itself, surrounded lay pleasant grounds. HAIR TONIC Scorn's ART SALE.—The final sale of pic tures for the season will begin to-morrow evening at the Art Gallery of Mr. B. Scott, Jr.; No. 1020 Chestnut street. The pictures are now hung and ready for exhibition and are attracting crowds of admiring visitors. We doubt whether so many good pictures were ever before offered at a single public sale in this city. There are scores of deli cious gems in landscape, street scenes, in= teriors, marines, winter views, &e., by many of the best living artists of Europe. The sale will be continued on Thursday and Friday evenings, and will doubtless attract many competitors, for this will be the last opportunity this season of buying choice pictures. TIM PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL for Jane is a remarkably interesting number. The leading article is on the late Senator Foot, with a portrait. There are also articles on other distinguished men, together with a great variety a literary matter not espe cially devoted to phrenology. Professor Caper', No. 25 South Tenth street, is the agent. im.26.s,tu&th-3tl Among the "honorary managers" of a ball to take place at Chapel Hill, N. C., on the evening , of June 7, are the .Hon. Jefferson Davis of Fortress Monroe, and General J. C. preckinridge, of Canada. Jeff. might furnish the bill of fare for the occasion. Quantrell is rusticating in the Cordova regions of Mexico, with plenty of funds. We should like to see him in Lawrence, Kansas, with a Cord-over his head. Douglas Jerrold calls woman's arms "the serpents that wind around men's necks, killing the best resolutions." A woman's arm should not be called a serpent unless it's-snaked. The Council Bluffs Nonpareil has the fol lowing: "Official—Married, at the residence of Mr. Ben Jarvis, in Marshalltown lowa, by the Rev. Mr. Willey, TOB Baugh Marshalltown, us) and Miss Mary O. Swanson (that's more Rations for European troops—Bellona satusages.—Boston .Post. Since Jeff. Davis has been so tortured by the step of his sentinel, an extra vegetable has been added to his bill of fare. It is called - a toe-martyr. Henry • I. Bowditclt, of. Boston, who, a year or more ago, marked in caustic the letter D upon James Muloahey, under the impression that he was a deserter, has been mulcted in the sum of one thousand dollars. The plaintiff denaanded ten: thousand dol lars. James was as coatis on the Doctor as the Doctw was on him. SPECIAL IIOTICES. Facts and Fancies. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1866.---TRIPLE SHEET. THE EUROPEAN WAR CLOUD. PRUSSIA AND THE MINOR. GER MAN STATES. An Important Letter from Count Bis marck--The Key to His Policy in Germany. !Troia to-day's N. Y. TimeB.l Thee following letter written by Count Bismarck to a friendlduting the ItaliamiVar, while he was Prussian Minister to 'Russia, and shortly after' he ceased to be the Prua l sian representative at the Federal Diet in Frankfort, was for the first time published in the Reform at. Hamburg, on the 12th inst. From that paper we translate it for the columns of the 2intes: PETERSBURGE4 May 12, 1859.—From the eight years of my official activity at Frank fort I have become convinced "as the result of my . experience, that for Prussia the pre sent institutions of the Confederation are, in peace an oppressive, and in critical pe riods, a dangerous yoke, without affording us those equivalents which Austria receives from them while retaining a much larger share of her own freedom. Both these great Powers are not treated with the same mea sure by the Princes and Governments of the smaller States; the construction of the objects and laws of the Confederation is modified according to the necessities of Austrian policy. With your perfect know ledge of the subject I need not enter into details of the history of Federal politics since 1850, and I confine myself to refer merely to the re-establishment of the Diet, the customs difficulties, the commercial, Press, and constitutional legislation, the Federal fortresses. Bosnia and Mayence, the Neufchatel and the Oriental ques tions. Always have we been opposed by the same compact majority, by the !Lime demand for concessions by Prussia. In the Oriental question the influence of Austria was so much superior to our own, that not even the harmony of the wishes and desires of the Federal Governments with the policy of Prussia could do more than oppose it by a yielding dam. Almost without exception, our confederates have intimated to us, and even said that it was impossible for them to keep up to the con federation with us, should Austria go her own way, although it was not doubted that the right as well as the true interests of Ger many were on the side of our peaceful pol icy; these at least were the views of nearly all the confederate Princes. Would they ever in a similar manner, sacrifice their own wishes and desires to the necessities or even the security of Prussia? Certainly not, for their adhesion to Austria rests upon false interests, which to both commandtheir union against Prussia, and their restriction of the development of the power and influ ence of Prussia as a permanent baalarif their joint policy. To develop confederation with Austria for its head thenatural object of the policy of the German Princes and their Ministers; this, in their view, can be achieved only at the cost of Prussia sad is necessarily aimed against Prussia, so long as Prussia will not confine herself to the useful teak of securing her confederates against too great an exten sion of Austria's influence, and to bear, with never-tiring pleasantness and submission to the majority, the disproportion of her duties to her rights in the confederation. This tendency of the policy of the Middle States will recur with the activity of the magnetic needle after every temporary dis tar bane, because it is not the wilful pro duct of single circumstances or persons, but the natural and necessary result of the Fed eral relations of the smaller States. We have no means within the given Federal compact to arrange ourselves with it per manently and satisfactorily. - Since the confederates, nine years ago, under the lead of Austria, began from the hitherto unrecorded arsenal of the Federal organic laws, to produce principles which could aid their system, and since regula tions whose proper construction in the sense of their founders was only available by the united 'action of Prussia and Austria, were attempted 'to be used one-sidedly for guar dianship over Prussian policy, we have had constantly to feel the weight of theedtuation in which we have been placed by the Con federation and its ultimate historic develop ment. We had to confess, however, that in quiet and normal times we could do much by proper conduct to weaken the evil, in its consequences, but nothing to care it; but in dangerous times, as the present, it is too natural that the otheri3ide, in possession of all the advantages of the Confederation, should willingly admit that things improper have occurred, but declare, in the interest of all, the time inexpedient to bring past events and home difficulties into discusston. For ns an opportunity; if the present Is let pass unused, will perhaps not so soon occur; and we will hereafter be again confined to the declarations that in normal' times no change can be made. His Royal Highness, the Prince Regent (the present King of Prussia), has taken a positron which meets with the undivided approval of all those who have any judg ment at all upon Prussian policy, and have not allowed it to be dimmed by partisanship. A portion of our confederates seek by thoughtless and fanatical efforts to disturb us in tilifi position. Ifthestatesmen of Bam berg are so quickly ready to follow the first cry for war of an unthinking and variable public opinion,they do It probably with the consoling reservation of how easy it is for a small State tb change colors in case of need. But if they would make use of the Federal organization to send a Power like Prussia into the firetif it be asked alas to risk blood and treasure for the political wisdom and the thirst for action of Governments whose very existence depends on our protection; if these States wish to lead us on, and if as a - means theypropose to start a theory of con federate liability, with the recognition of which all autonomy of Prussian policy would cease, then it is time, in my opinion, to remember that the leaders whaask-ns to follow them serve other than Prussian in terests, and that they understand the cause of Germany which they proolaim,ina man ner that it cannot at the same time be the cause of Prussia, unless we surrender our selves. ' I may, perhaps, go too far if I express the opinion that - we ought -to use every legiti mate opportunity, offered us by our con federates, to obtain such a revision of our mutual relations as Prussia needs, that she may permanently live in regular inter course with' the smaller German States. We should take up, the , glove at, once, and not view it a misfortune, loam the progress to the crisis of improvement, if a majority at 'Frankfort adopts a r4ivewhioh we con alder unauthorized, a wiitul change of the 01JR WEEOLE 001INTRY. object of confederation. and a breach of the compacts. The more marked this breach mould be, the better. In Austria, France, Russia, we may not again meet with condi tions so favorable to allow us an ameliora tion of our condition in Germany, and our Confederates are on ,the best way to give na• just cause for it, wi4hout our helping them an. Even the. Sreuz Zeitung (a 'Govern mentirapei at 'Berlin) is amazed -that a majority at , Frankfort could dispose of the Prussian army. Not only -as ~to this journal have I sorrowfully observed what power Austria wields in the German Press by its 'skillfully woven net, and how it knows to use this weapon. Without it; so-called public opinion would never have advanced so high.. I say so. caned, for the masses of population are never for war, un 'less irritated. by, the actual suffering of _heavy buldens. It haa come tothis, that, under the cloak of a general German feel a Prussian paper hardly dares to. pro fess Prussian patxlotism. 'Sentimental whin ding had .much to do with this, as much as „the money, which Airatria never wants for this purpose. Most eorrespondents write 'for a living; most papers have financial suc cess for their main object, and in some of our.own, and other papera the experienced 'reader may easily . discover whether they have again received pay from Austria, whether they expect it soon,or by threaten ing hints wish to obtain it. • I believe that we could produce a visible change in the public mind, if, against the encroachments of our German confederates, we touch the cherd of an independent Prus ,sian policy in the Press. Perhaps things happen at' Frankfort which will give the 'fullest cause for it: In these eventualities the wisdom of our military precautions may prove itself in other directions, and give force to our posi tion. Then Prussian self-reliance may sound as loud and effective as the Confederation. I would only then write the word " Ger man " for "Prussian" on our banner, when we shall have united closer and more effec tually with our other countrymen than hitherto. It loses its attraction if used up now in connection with the Nessus of Con federation. I fear for this epistolary raid into the field of my former labors you will remind me with ate sutor ultra erepidam; but I did not intend to make an official report—only to give in my testimony as an experts gainst the Confederation. I see in our Federal relations a sore for Prussia which sooner or later we will have to remedy Ferro et igine (with ere and sword), unless we proceed to an easy cure betimes and in favorable sea son. If to-day the Confederation were to be simply abolished, without putting any thing else in its place, I believe that on the basis of this negative achievement better and more natural relations of Prussia to her German neighbors would develop them selves. BLSMARCE. IVA 'rot Uzi, :11111 )41) tWaShington Correspondence N. Y.Heraid..] . W..ssHINGTON, May 28.—The Senatorial caucus met again this Morning at 10 o'clock, pursuant, to adjournment, and remained in session until noon. The Senate went into executive session at about half-past one o'clock, transacted a small amount of busi ness and adjourned. The caucus was im mediately resumed and the discussion con tinued until late in the afternoon without arriving at any definite conclusion. The whole matter under consideration was fi nally referred by the caucus to the Senato rial portion of the Reconstruction Commit tee,con sisting of Senators Fessenden,Grinies, Howard, Harris and Williams. Senator Johnson was also on the committee, but being a democrat he could not par- ticipate in the Republican Senatorial caucus. It is generally conceded that the results of the caucus will be substantially as stated in the Herald two days ago. Near ly all the republican Senators agree that the third section of the proposed constitutional amendment will be stricken out in caucus and the disfranchisement of a specific class of rebels substituted in its place. It is also found upon discnssion that a larger num ber of the members favor restricting this class as much as passible, than was gene rally supposed two weeks ago. The gene ral opinion is that the restriction will extend to those who have held certain civil and military offices under the federal govern ment,although it is by no means improbable that it may turn upon those who have taken and v iol ated certain oaths to the government. It is else thought probable that the caucus will am end the second section of the proposed constitutional amendment, basing the rep resentation of States upon voters instead of upon numbers, as proposed by the Roman structionVommittee. This is substantially the President's idea, and is fast gaining ground with. Republican - Senators. •It would be, a queer commentary upon the conduct ofthe radicals for the last six months if they should finally he Induced' to adopt the representations which the President made at the opening of Congress. It is also certain that the caucus will agree upon so framing the amendment as to admit of sepa rate State action, thus placing it in the power of any State to acquire representation instead of being dependent upon the actron of other States. The caucus meets again to-morrow at ten o'clock, and it is generally under stood that it will continue to meet daily until the whole matter has been thoroughly discussed and some proceeding agreed upon., It is believed that the caucus is the proper place to settle definitely the future action of the Senate. It may take a week to decide the question at issue; but when once settled in the caucus but little time will be con sumed is discussing it in the Senate. [Washington correspondence of the N. Y. Tribune.] The caucus of the Republican Senators convened again this morning, and after the day's session held another meeting this af ternoon; little is positively known of the de tails of their deliberations, but two impor tant facts have transpired, to the effect that whatever is determined upon will, receive the united' support of all the Republican members, and that the general outlines of what is believed will prove an acceptable substitute fir the submitted report of the Reconstruction Committee has been deters mined upon: [Washington Correspondence of the N. Y. Times.] The Republican Senators were in caucus again to-day.:;-The reconstruction plan was under consideration, the object being to harmonize if possible upon a Substitute. for the third or disfranchising section. Senator Shernian's proposed amendment intended as a substitute for'the second and third sec tions, and providing , that representatives shall be apportioned according to the number of qualified voters, and including citizens disqualified for partiaipating in re bellion and also that direct taxes be ap portioned according to the value of taxable property, was urgeti with pertinacity. Sev eral other propositions were also discussed intended to take theplace of the disfranohis . Jug section but 'without agreeing upon, a THE SENATE. snbstitate the caucus adjourned to meet to morrow. It is understood that when the matter is again brought before the Senate the Republicans will not discuss the mea sure, but put it to a vote at once, unless Senators who have not participated in the caucus desire to be heard. Among: the Union Senators who did not attend the caucus are Messrs. Doolittle,Cowan, Dixon, and Nesmith. [Waablogton Cortetpondenee of the World.] The sickly but precious bantling of the Reconstruction Committee was again trans ferred from the Senate.to-day to a Senatorial MUCUS, which held a morning and evening isession t and yet came to noreal understand ing as to what would be best to infuses lit tle life into it. There was almost as much disagreement in the caucus as there -was in the Senate.. The difficulty, seemed to be to agree upon a proposition as a substitute for the third section of , the Constitutional amendment, " the Radical Senators insisting that the leading rebels shall forever be •, disfranchised from holding any federal office. The probabilites are that they will compromise by putting in a certain el.ass of leading men who made themselves generally obnoxious. This is what the more conservative insist upon, and on this they think they can go to the country.. In the meantime, it is under stood that Thad. Stevens is becoming very much disgusted at the course of the Senate. If the third section, which the Senate pro pose to strike out, is not finally agreed to, he declares that the amendment will be 'worthless. He introduced in the House to day, a plan of his own which strikes down at one swoop all of the present Southern State governments, and proposes to erect new ones on the basis of negro suffrage. BOUNTY JUMPING. Curious Revelations as to How the System Has Been Conducted---Its Operations Disclosed in an Af fidavit Sworn to Before a United States Commissioner. ['From to-dare New York Herald.] UNITES) STATES COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE —Before Commissioner Betts.--James Reilly came before Commissioner Betts on the 20th inst. and deposed that on the 10th of March, 1865, he enlisted as a volunteer in the regular army of the United States and thereby became entitled to receive seven hundred and fifty dollars as State, local and United States bounty.' Reilly states,upon informa tion and belief, that thereafter, and before making his affidavit, in this city, he was illegally defrauded of his bounty by James Hughes, and that his source of belief was• an affidavit sworn to by Hughes,in which it is alleged be confessed to have defrauded • Reilly of the sum above mentioned. Yester day the case was called on for hearing before Cammissioner Betts. Mr. Courtney, 'United States District At torney, appeared for the Government. and the defence was conducted by ex Judge Stuart, ex-Recorder Smith and Mr. Shupe. The complainant having been examined at some length in support of the charge, Mr. Courtney read the following AF FIDAVIT OF JAMES HUGHES. State of Neic Jersey, Essex county. ss.— James Hughes of the city of New York, be ing duly sworn, says he is 27 years of age, that be resides in Bleecker street,New York the firm of Allen, - Riley itt; Hughes was com posed of Theodore Allen, Peter Riley, depo nent, and Marcus Circero Stanley; the busi ness of the firm was that of bounty brokers; on the 10th of March, 1565, we enlisted vol unteers at Hoboken, in, the State of New Jersey; we enlisted volunteers at Hoboken en the day last aforesaid—one honored and sixty-eight men; they were on Monday, after enlistment, sent to Fort Lafayette by the order of Colonel Lafayette C. Baker; that Colonel Baker, previous to en listing the one hundred and sixty-eight men at Hoboken, at the Astor Ilouse, in the city of New York, requested our firm to enlist at the office we had opened in Hobo ken about twenty men a day, and let them escape after they were enlisted and paid their bounty, which bounty we re cewed from the city of Orange, New Jersey, and the townships of Caldwell and Livingston; that the men so enlisted and , allowed tit escape were credited to the said city and - ' townships; that deponent's said, firm continued to enlist and allow to escape as aforesaid, under directions of said Col. Baker, twenty men a day for seven or eight, days; that said Baker told deponent's said firm that by allowing the men to escape as aforesaid, others would be • attracted to de ponent's firm's place in Hciboken; that de ponent did not know any of the one nun dred and sixty-eight men who enlisted on the 10th of March aforesaid; that deponent first saw Mayor Cleaveland, of Jersey City, in relation to the enlistments; that deponent did-not make any bargain with said Cleave land; that the bargain was made by Allen and London,the clerk of our firm, with said Cleaveland; the bargain was that $760 should be paid to each recruit by him to our firm; that deponent does not remember the day on which the bargain was made, but de ponent knows it was made before the men were sent to Foit Lafayette; that after the men had been sent to Fort Lafayette deponent was informed by said Stan ley that Colonel Baker was to recelVe $lO,OOO for the privileges he had granted the firm in the Hoboken operation; that sat. Stanley said it was to be called a testimonial to Baker, and that each member of the firm was to pay $2,500 to make up the amount; and deponent further says that on Monday, the 13th day of March, the day the recruits were sent to Fort Lafayette, Mayor Cleve land paid our firm $66,000; and on the next day he paid the balance of $60,000; that out of the $60,000 said Riley handed Colonel Ilgis $54,000, being 1300 for each recruit, because Colonel Ilgis said he would not give the certificates of credit unless he had that money in his hands. About ten or twelve days after this, as near as deponent can recollect, a telegraph despatch was re; ceived from Provost Marshal General Fry by Colonel Ilgis and also by General Baker, directing the money to be paid over; that said money had been deposited in the Broadway; ti; n k, in the city of New York, by Colonel Ilgis; that Colonel Ilgis gave a check to said Rley, payable to the order of Riley .i Co., for $54,000; and deponent and said Riley went to said bank and drew said money in company with Colonel Ilgis; that after said money was drawn from said bank deponent said Riley went to the office of said Stanley, in Nassau street, New. York, where in a short time said Allen and Stanley came; that said $54,000 was then und.tlago diyilled , iuto four equal parte F. L. FETEiERSTON. Publisher. THREE CENTS. tween deponent's said ftrm, each receiving $13,500 of said money; the sum of $66,000 first received from Mayor Cleveland was disposed of as follows : $15,000 was given to runners employed in our firm, and the bal ance equally divided between the members of said firm, except $2,000 which was paid to Dr. Stow, the examining surgeon, who" examined the men at Hoboken. And this deponent further says that James Carey and William Colligan had a recruiting ren dezvous in• Water street, New York, - that said Carey was arrested about the tenth of February, 1865. by Colonel Baker,anti 'while in the custody of said Baker assigned. over their rendezvous to said Stanley; said Stanley sent to said Carey and Oollitran a telegraphic despatch sayingnothing wonld be done U) release them unless tuey aesigued their place over to him; that withins day or two after such - assignment was made, =d in a few days thereafter said Colligma and Carey were released without trial; that said.. Stanley then sold the place of said Carey and Colligan for $6,000, to Glover, Kelly and 'Realigau and Larry Meaher,ancl the money was equally divided with deponent's said firm; that another place, belonging to said Carey and - Colligatt, No. 14 State street, was also assigned to said Stanley while they were still infccuitody; which Stanley sold to- James White, William Churchill and Hugh Kane for $4,000; which said money was di-' vided in four equal shares between depo nent's firm; that the amount of money re ceived by said Stanley as his profits of depo ment's said firm was about $50,000, that de ponent's said firm were in business from six weeks to two months; that during the period of the existence of deponent's said firm said Stanley was constantly at the office of said Baker, with whom heappeared to be on mutual terms and with whom he appeared to have confidential relations; that deponent does not know Stanley's present location, but he hasunderstood said Stanley has absconded from the city of New York within the past three weeks. And deponent further says that after said one hundred arul sixty-eight recruits were sent to Fort Lafa yette,said Stanley and said Baker both told. deponent that said recruits were to be cm dited to Jersey City; that deponent left New York for St. Louis in May, and then went to Canada; that in the latter part of April, 1866, depo nent went to the Astor House to see said. Baker, and there saw him for the last time; that said Baker did not tell me then that ha had an order for my arrest from Gen. Fry; I never knew why the order of arrest from General Fry did not contain the name of Stanley. And the deponent further says that the $9OO above referred to as having been paid Colonel Ilgis, with the $54,000, was for the men who had been previously enlisted by deponent's firm. JAMES HUGS. Sworn before me this 24th day of January, 1866, at Newark, N. J. A. S. JACKSON, 11. S. Commissioner. The complainant having been farther briefly examined, the case was adjourned till thismorning. The defendant, not being able to find $66,000 bail, as required by the Court, was committed to prison in the meantime. p~~l~~re~►~~F~u~ The C. O. I. R. in New Jersey---He Addresses the Fenians of Jersey . City and Newark--Roberts and Sweeney Prepared for _the Field. {From to-day's R. 1 Times I Mr. James Stephens, the C. 0. I. R., on Sunday afternoon attended a Convention of the -Fenian Brotherhood at Jersey City. There was a large number of delegates present, and pledged to Mr. Stephens the allegiance of their several circles. A con siderable amount of business was trans acted, and the meeting was addressed by Mr. Stephens. Yesterday a committee from Newark waited on Mr. Stephens for the purpose of escorting him to their city, where he was to address the Brotherhood. Previous to the mass meeting last evening there was a gathering of Centres at Newark,for the pur pose of discussing with their chief -the affairs of the Jersey Brotherhood. The meeting being a private one, ,we have no report to give of the proceedings. In the evening the Central Organizer spoke to a large gathering of Fenians in his usual felicitous manner, giving intense sat isfaction to his audience. The substance of his remarks was similar to the speeches 'he made in New York and Brooklyn, sketches or which have already appeared in the 27nes. The manner in which he dishe,s up his subject to his audience differs on each occasion, but the theme is ever the same+:— Ireland. Mr. Stephens is cultivating the masses of his countrymen now, quietly ignoring the oppmition leaders. He is making converts rapidly, and :a steady,-although limited flow of greenbacks is the result. On Thursday next he starts upon his tour through the country, and will speak at all the principal cities, North and South. In Roberts-Sweeny Circles :there is still much mystery, and vague whisperings that the valiant General is already on the war path. Gen. Sweeny is reported: to have recently said that there could be no radon with Mr. Stephens at present; it was too late, his forces werealready on the march and could not be stopped. Also, that he ki as opposed to the present movement, but P. at the Senate and their adherents were forcing bim to move against his judgment. He anticipates another Campo Bello affair, and expects to lose his Fenian head in con sequence. At least rumor says all this,and at present there is no possibility of, tracing those rumors to a head. When Canada Is annexed to Feniana we shall probably have definite information. Meantime, there re mains . " nothing for the general public to do regarding the matter but to watch the, movements of Mr. Stephens. THE HoosAc BORE.—The workmen at the Hoosao Tunnel lately struck for an advance from $225 to $2 75 per day, and about one third of them were discharged, and the rest are kept at work at the old price. - Some seventy men are now employed on the west side of the mountain, and the work is being carried forward successfully. Two engines are at work, one of forty and one of one hundred horse-power. They have already gone some eight hundred feet into the moun tain. They still use the drill in g.etthkg out the rock. They sometimes send up in the bucket pieces of stone that weigh five thou sand pounds. The engineer says that with the porogress now maki n g and likely to be made on both aides of the mountain, it will. take eight yawls to complete the tunnel.