WEST PETEADELPHIA.—This morning was unprecedentedly cold out, in our direc tion. -At 5 o'clock, A. M., a heavy white frost lay all along the fences, on the posts, and the gates, Schuylkill riverward. One could have cut it, like ice, with a knife ! Of course, sonsiderabie damage has been done to the fair florists of "our ilk," who insisted. on ":forcing the season," for the sake of an early display. They must re plant. Overcoats and shawls were extremely fashionable among :our " West Enders" . seeking their places of business in the city. A universal shiver prevailed. Weather, as we said before, seems to make no impression on the Chestnut street W. P. R. R. Company. All the excavated dirt from the route has been restored, and the road is in almost an actual running order to Thirty-eighth street; and, westward, still, they go. Another week of similar labor, and the road will have reached its contemplated terminus. The returns, yesterday morning—the arrests of the day before—at the Police Sta tion, Thirty-seventh and Market streets, possessed some little interest. Mr. Wm. McMenamin took the liberty , of assaulting Officer Fulton, a most amiable and inoffensive (out of his line of business) person you would meet with in a day's walk; and to add force to his argaments,at tempted to fire on him with a revolver. Mr. William, of course, succumbed, was held in $l,OOO, and, for want of bail, reposes in "Moya." Edward Detterer was similarly used up for carrying concealed deadly weapons, and Edward Sheehan went down for being too upr oarious on the "strate." This morning, Wm. Brown, charged with false pretences, held for further hearing. Teddy what a name fora Teutoni—Har tenstein, with another in consimile casu, were committed. "Johnny Roach," was fined $3 for drunk enness, and held to bail for assault and bat tery. Four additional cases of inebriation were committed. CHARGED Willi SHOOTING.—Before Al derman Beitler, yesterday afternoon, 0 wen McNaulty had a hearing upon the charge of having committed an assault and battery upon Francis Mackin, with intent to kill, on New Year's day, at his house on Tasker street near Eighth. Mr. Mackin testified that a party of young men, in fantastic cos tume, stopped in front of the house, and he and his wife and child were attracted to the door. While they were standing there, he being in the doorway, behind the other members of the family, defendant pointed a pistol at him and fired, the ball taking effect in the back of the neck, bat only slightly wounding him. He had no doubt but that McNaulty intended to shoot him, - yet he could not imagine any cause for it, except that years ago he had charged Mc- Naulty with taking away a chicken of his; and that recently the prisoner had asked him to loan him some money, which was refused. Mrs. Mackin, wife of Francis, tes tified to seeing McNa.ulty point the pistol at her husband. The accused was held in $3,000 bail for trial. FLEE AT HADDINGTON.—Yesteiday morn ing about half-past eight o'clock a fire broke out in a small frame stable located in Had dington, in the Twenty-fourth Ward; about four miles from Market street bridge. The flames burned rapidly and the building was destroyed. A row of six frame houses adjoined the stable. The fire communicated to these structures and they were also destroyed. They were occupied as dwellings, princi pally by poor families, and the tenants all lost the most of their furniture. The property belonged to the widow of Samuel Saunders. The loss upon the build ings is estimated at $1.500, and is partially covered by insurance. The firemen from West Philadelphia were upon the ground and rendered 'valuable service by preventing the further spread of the flames. The origin of the fire is not known. Fiantiourrr PARE,—This has become one of the most attractive and popular places of resort about the city. With so many pas 3csenger railway lines leading to the grounds, the Park is accessible from any part of the city, and the time consumed in reaching it Is not long. The number of visitors is daily on the increase, while the Commissioner of City Property is constantly making int -,provements which add to the attractiveness of the spot. The music stand is yet unoccu pied, but in a few days we expect to see the musicians there. These afternoon concerts, which were inaugurated by Birgfeld, and „last year were under the management of 'Messrs. Sentz and Hassler, are a source of enjoyment to a great many people. ALLEGED BETEGLARS.—Robert Brown ;and Henry Thomas Ashton, arrested by De tective Taggart upon the charge of commit ting a burglary at the store of Messrs. Zives & Jones, in Camden, had a hearing before , itilderman Beitler yesterday afternoon, and were committed to await a requisition from the authorities of Camden. Another man - named J.Charles Hinchman is also charged with the same offence in connection with the above named defendants. He was sent back to New Jersey yesterday. A BAD SHOT.—Joseph Grimsler was ar rested last eveiling at Twenty-second and Hamilton stres, upon the charge of as sault and battery with intent to kill. It is said that he had a quarrel with another man. He drew a large navy revolver and find at the other man, but, fortunately, his aim was bad, and the ball missed the mark. Grimsler was taken before Alderman Pan coast, and was committed to answer at Court. ALLEGED Swrynnn.---William Bruner Iras before Alderman Allen this morning 'upon the charge of obtaining money under false pretences. It is alleged that he cheated a man in a horse trade, by representing that the animal was sound, when it was found that the horse was not in good con dition. Bruner was held for a farther hearing. PROGRESSING RAPIDLY.—The new bank 'lig house for the First National Bank, now course of construction upon the site of 'the old St. Louis Hotel, on Chestnut street, is progressing rapidly. The foundations were laid in the most substantial manner, and a considerable portion of the walls of the first story is already up. RESIGNED.—Mr. Theodore Hart,telegraph operator at the Sixth Ward police station, has resigned his position for the purpose of going into the mercantile business. He was a faithful operator. He was a member of Duryea's Zouaves, and in one of the nu merous engagement in which the regiment participated, he lost an eye. BASE BALL.—The grounds of the Key stone Base Ball Club, at Eleventh and Wharton streets, have been put in thorough order. To-morrow afternoon a match game will be played between the Keystones and the. West Philadelphia - Club. Some inter esting playing may be expected. COMMITTED FOR NINETY DAYS.--jataes McCarty, who was arrested at Fairmount for pocket-picking, had a hearing before Alderman Beitler yesterday afternoon, and "was held to bail to answer at Court.' He was also sent to prison for ninety days as a professional thief, Chief Franklin having testified that he was known fts such by all the detectives. ' ENGRAVINGS.—Persons wishing to adorn their houses with fine proof engravings should attend the sale at Scott's Art Gallery this evening at 8 o'clock. They are all finely framed in gold, walnut and rosewood frames, and will be sold without reserve, CONSPIRACY CANE.—Jas. Elliott charged:_ with conspiracy with others, under the firm of Hart, Glady dc Co., to defraud citizens by means of bogw3giftjewelty business, had a further hearing before Alderman = Beitler yesterday afternoon and was bound over in $l,OOO to answer, GREAT SALE OF FRAMED ENGRAVINGS, from the British Fine Art Publishing Company, to be • sold at Scott's Art Gallery, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, May 23d and 24th. Now on exhi bition, with catalogue. Sale positive. A MTGE JOKE.—A huge praotioal joke, which will last a year, was lately played in Buffalo. The Republicari Mayor beibg absent, the Democratic Council elected a Mayor pro tern., which latter gentle man withdrew all the Mayor's appointments, and made new ones from the Democratic ranks. The Council confirmed the new appointments,' and the Mayor pro tern. confirmed the proceedings of the Council. An exchange truly says, "this is a terrific gouge." There is no "gouging" of the customers of W. W. Alter, the great coal dealer, at 957 North Ninth street... Mr. Alter also has an office at Sixth and Spring Garden streets. GROVER & BAERR'S Highest Premium Rinaldo Stitch and Lock Stitch Sewing Machines, 710 Chestnut street• A SPLENDID DISPLAY OF CONFECTIONERY. —To our readers who are fond of choice preparations for the palate, we can hardly impart a more pleasing item of information, than by telling them that the finest Confections to be had in this co Jenkinse m nufactured and sold by Mr: George W. No. 1037 Spring Garden street (Union Square). The almost infinite 'variety of articles, of the most tempting and luscious character, which we saw recently on a visit to this establishment, gave us a new idea of the im portance of this branch of our manufactures. In. deed we can imagine nothing more admirably adapted to ensure a hearty welcome home to father, husband or.brother, than a handsome box filled with these delicious and wholesome edibles. Act upon this hint! GOOD JUDGES OF TEA CALL ON MITCHELL do FLETCHER, 1204 Chestnut street, HEIIISTREET'S HAIR COLORING.—This inimitable article. for the hair restores gray hair to its original color, by, gradual absorption, in a most remarkable manner, while it promotes its health and vigor. It is for this reason rapidly taking the place of all deleterious dyes. It is sold In two sizes, 50 Gents and $l, by all dealers. BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL. GENTLEMEN'S SUITS, BOYS' CLOTHING. MILITARY UNIFORMS. CLOTHING OF ALL GRADES. ROCKHILL & WILSON. BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL,. 603 and 605 CHESTNUT STREET. NEW DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT.-- Ladies can have their dresses, suits, coats, and bag (pines handsomely made, at the short)at notice—in twelve hours if necessary—at the new Dressmaking Eatabliqhment of J. W. PROCTOR. CO., 920 Chestnut street. GET THE BEST IN THE CITY. The REAL Vanilla Cream Sponge Cake, At G. Byron Morse's, 904 Arch street. PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW SHADES. —The present month being generally chosen by house keepers for putting their domicils in good order. we would direct those in quest of Wall Papers and Win dow Shades to the large and well assorted stock of S. F. Balderston & Son, No. 902 Spring Garden street. This firm Dave the best display of fine plain papers we have yet seen. Their rates are very low. A HAT FOR EVERY TASTE, A Hat to lit well, H Hat to look well. A Hat to wear well. Either Silk or Felt, And the prices so reasonable at Black, Blue or Brown OARFORDS', Under the Continental. CORSETS! CORSETS!! CORSETS!!! M. A. Jones, No. 17 Ncrth Eighth street, (entrance through Partridge's Trimming Store,) is now pre pared to make to order from measure or pattern, Corsets of any style, size or quality. Seas. ,ction guaranteed in all cases. M. A. Jones' well known reputation as the manufacturer of the cele brated "Ne Plus Ultra" Skirt will be su gua rantee that the Corsets will be , all that canfficient be desired, as the same care will be given to the new branch, that has secured so enviable a reputation for the Skirts. Examine them befbre buying elsewhere. MARYLAND HAMS ! MARYLAND HAMS ! AiITCHELL & FLETCHER'S, 124 Chesmut street. H. L. HALLOWELL & SoN, No. 534 Mar ket street, first Store below Sixth, have the best as eortment of Boys' and Children's Clothing in the city. which they are prepared to sell at the lowest prices. Call and examine for yourselves, No clap-trap hum busing at this establialament. H. L. "wA r.t OWELL & SON, No. 534 Market street, "lubricative steam 'engine packing.—for terms see 723 chestnut et„ phila., and 26 day at., new York.' da PIIRE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. —Orders ily increasing. Prrpm lamiraTyWurre latim—Tryit,and yon will have none other. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.-- J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Bye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the moat re. liable sources in the city can be seen at his cane, No. 519 Pine street. The medical faculty are Invited to ac. company their patients, as he , aa had no secrete in his practice. ion Artiffelal eyes lees ed. No charge made f. INIMITABLY FINS CoxFzerioNs. Choice and rare varieties for select presents, mannfastured by STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, No. 1210 Market street. PIIRE LrezirrrWarim laraux—Preferred by Dealers, as it always gives satisfaction to their cuts tomes's. WINs of Tar Syrup for Coughs, Colds and Affections of the Lungs. This; mature is entirely vegetable, and affords speedy Belief in all Pulmonary Diseases, such as .Asthma. Spitting of Blood, Bron chitis, &c. Prepared only by HARRIS & OLI hat, Druggists, S. E. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut streets, Phlia. New Hatters. THE MARCH Jersey or IMPROVEMENT.-All along the line of the Camden and Atlantic and the West Jersey Railroads there are various improvements going rapidly for ward, which are of an important_ character. At the Jackson Junction, the Messrs. Richards are putting . up a first-class hotel, arranged in a convenient style, and built on a plan of imposing architecture. At this point a number of other improvements are going forward which have been stimulated by the fact that the work on the new rail road which is to connect the Raritan Dela ware Bay Railroad with the Delaware at Pennsgrove will soon be commenced. The life and active energy inspired in almost every section of South Jersey since its barren soil and wide area of wild woods have been pierced by railroads, are giving a new feature to all kinds of business usually prosecuted by the people. These railroad communications have always increased the industrial interests of New Jersey, and are now developing its varied resources to a favorable extent. ATLANTIC CITY.—New improvements of various descriptions are still going rapidly forward at Atlantic City, and it is said that thh principal carpenters and builders have enough contracts and work ahead to keep them busy for a year to come. A new and large public house is nearly completed near the Alhambra, and another near the railroad depot, of large size, belonging to Mr. Conover. At various other points new private residences are being erected, and other improvements are going forward rapidly. THE GLASSBLOWERS.—A National League of Glassblowers has been formed by the men engaged in that business in Camden, Atlantic, Gloucester, Salem, Cumberland and Cape May counties. They have adopted a constitution for the National League, and another for Subordinate Leagues. ENLARGEMENT.—D. B. Snow, Esq., the editor and proprietor of the South Jersey Republican, a strong and able Union paper, now printed and published at Hammon ton, has enlarged and otherwise improved it. It is the only paper in Atlantic county, and is doing great good for the cause of the great Union party. NEW PBOJECT.—Some wealthy and influ ential gentlemen of New York have under contemplation the erection of some fifteen or twenty handsome and convenient cottages at Brigantine Beach. This enterprise will, when commenced, give a new impetus to life and business along that beach. .coonaynkm to the umaha Republican, the people of Nebraska will decide in favor of State organization by a very large majority on the 2d ofJune. From present indications the constitution will receive a decided ma jority in nearly every county in the Terri tory. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1866 - - THEATRICA.L.—To-night at the Chestnut Mr. Edwin Adams appears as Romeo in "home() and Juliet." This is the last night but three of hisengagernent. At the Walnut Mr. Edwin Booth repeats "Hamlet," with the original east. At the Arch Miss Lucy Rushton will enact Juliana in "The Honey moon," supported W Messrs. Rankin and Marlowe and Mrs. Henri. "Di Pon Parle F.ran9ais" will be the afterpiece. CONCERT - HALL.—The Holman Opera Troupe give their entertainments nightly. THE CAROLINA TWINSive levees daily and nightly at Assembly B uilding. SIGNOR Bram.z continues to hold forth at Assembly Building. . RESUMED.—The Pittsburgh papers an nounce that Kramer t Rahn, bankers, have resumed business with a capital of $200,000 and that they are pi:epared to meet all their obligations. This is no more than was expected by those who have known the firm longest and best. Two COUNTIES in California are expected to produce five years hence a wine crop double the entire yield of the United States in 1860, which the last census put at 1,700,- 000 gallons. NEW PUBLICATIONS. pETEBSONS NEW BOOKS THE BEAUTIFUL NPN. By Ned Buntline, author of Mysteries and Miseries of New York,"-"Myste• ries of New Orleans," etc. One volume, octavo. Price 76 wide. THE QUEEN'S FAVORITE, On, THE PRICE OF A CROWN. An Historical Romance of the Fa . - teenth .Centu.ry. Price 111'50 in paper, or, 112 00 in cloth. JOSEPH GniVA f/L • By Charles Dickens. Price 75 cents. THE GOLD BRICK. By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. Price V 50 in 'paper. or V. in cloth. THE BORDER RIFLES. By Gustave Aimed. 75 cents. THE BLAN OF THE WORLD. By William North. One volume. Price el 50 in paper, or $2 in cloth. REST 000 E BOOKS PUBLISHED! PBTIIRSOIf'S IQBW COPYRIGHT EDITIONS Mrs. Goodfellow's Cookery as it Should be 42 00 Peterson's Hew Cook Book.-- 200 Miss Leslie's New Co•kery.lteok 2 00 Widdifleld's New Cook Book • 200 Ifre.Hale's 'Receipts for the Million. ... • 200 Miss Leslie's blew Reseipts for Cooking.-.-- 2 00 Bre. Bale's New Couk ttook - - 2 00 Francatelll's Celebrated Cook look. The Modern Cook, with 62 Illustrations** large octavo pages, 600 Bach Cook Book is strongly and neatly boundin cloth. Itvery housekeeper should have at lesit one of the above Coo Books, as they will save the price of It In a week by consulting its pages. Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue. Address all cash orders, retail or wnolestt!e, to T. B. PETERSON BROTHERS. No. 305 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Pa. Rooks seat Postage paid, on recei tof retail P ric e. All NEW BOOKS are at P onr. my 23.2, SELLERS BROTHERS, No. 18 North Sixth Street HaVinikidded to their former business that of MILL AND FACTORY FINDINGS, Intend keeping a full assortment of everything in that line, which they will sell at the lowest rates, /Deluding Pare Oak Tanned Leather Belting, Gum Belting and Steam Packing, Lace and Pieter Leather, Band and Harne.ss Leather, Boller Cloth and Skins, Card Clo Also continue to man tm kik ufsctur ß : e as h= Rivets &O. ofore WIRE CLOTH, SIEVES, SCREENS,&o. Of which A.FIILL ASSORTMENT is kept constantly on hand. ap&SmxPi HIESKELL'S MAGIO OIL CURES "TIETT.E.EL ERYSIPELAS, ITCH, SCALD HEAD. AND ALL SHIN DISEASES! Warranted to cure or money rei+-nded„ For sale by all Druniski. Principal Depot, N 0.53 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. • isrPrice 25 cents per bottle ap24-3m TABLE CLARET, 400 Dozen FINE TABLE- CLARET, Our own Importation and Bottling, For Sale at Low Prices. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, aple-tr S. W. Cor. BROAD AND WALNUT, 13.A.mr.mw ts ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The largest and best assortment ot Wigs. Toupees Long Hair Braids and Curls, Water-falls, Vietorines, settee, Illusive Beams for Ladies. At prices LOWER than elsewhere. [mh29•rp 909 CHESTNUT STREET. .01Toxtle: READY MADE/ 82.4 CHESTNUT ST. UNDER THECONTINENTALIIOI4 PHILADELPHIA •PA • tistrarrroxs FOR SELF.X.EASCRIKSENT. COAT. Send Size from 1 to ! 2; from 2 to Stand from 4 tor.; and around the most prominent' part of the chest, and around ' ; the traiSt. State whether crest • °r l ll2 ST. n gaza . e as for coat. • de seam; outside scam to hip; and aronakthe PANTS. watt. left SPRING. Mg WM. D. ROGERS,. Coach and Light Carriage Builder. 1009 and 1011 Chestnut Street, ta13244m-rpi PHILADELPHIA, , „T - j', , , TT A Arrures PASSAGE OFFICE. • -:.•'' v ,_' NATIO.NAL STEAM NAVIGATION' CO. ii • .Z , l WRIFICLV TO AND FROM QUEENS. TOWN, (CORK 'HARBOR.) AND LIVERPOOL. The elegant Al Iron screw steamship DMINARK. leaves on sexußDA.'staaaj , 26th Bates of passage, payable In currency; Ist' Cabin, Sills; Steerage, gm Passengers also forwarded to London, Paris, Havre, Hamburg, Bremen, &c., at moderate rates. Steerage passage from LIVERPOOL -or QUEENS. TOWN through to PEILA_DELPIELEA, 1140 in cur. rency. - . For further Information, apply at the Company's • Office, . W. A. HAMILL, Agent, 217 Walnut street. SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Having been appointe skit AtiENT of the above "Favorite Line' , in th y, would amnion the public against. Purchasing their' tickets elsewhere apti? J. L. CAPEN, PHRENOLOGIST. Successor to Fowler, _Wells ft Con gives r9'withrltten ar and verbal descriptions of ...uanancir Chts, daily at ram t 5 B. TENTH stmt. v .— FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, etc., a cent ( 4 vt, Mete assortment at recently reduced riot% vtfkFAME Importers of Watcheo, CA, ap2o 824 Chestnut street, helOW !QUM. CALRPETILIftWtt,OIL CLOTH'S • Carpeting); ! Carp elings ! AT RETAIL. McCallum, Crease & Sloan, No. 519 Chestnut Street. OFPOSITE INDZIPENDIGNOE Now offer their extensive Stock of Foreign and Domestic CARPET.INGS, AT REDUCED PRICES, • CA.ELPFACINGFS, OIL CLOTHS, ISICAMPINGES. REEVE L. NIGHT Ea SON 807 CHESTNUT ST. • Matting Warehouse ! McCALLUMS, CREASE & SLOAN . 509 Chestnut Street, (OPPoalle Indep;aideace Hall), HAVE JIM' RECIIITHD One Thousand Rolls, FRESH CANTON MATTING TWO RUNDRID ROLLS. CALCUTTA COCOA MATTING. All Widths and Styles, s m i lhe Lowest Prices. CARPETING. LEEDOM & SHAW Invite attention to their assortment, el Foreign and Domestic CA IR. ro .YE Fr I N . Ci- NOW OPMECCO AT No. 910 Arch Street, mtlls-Ern rW ABOVE NINTH. `GLEN ECHO MILLS," GERMANTOWN,PA. McCALLUMS,CREASEIk SLOAN HANOBACITIRERS, WPORTICESmAND WHOM!). CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS. dit WMIEIIOIISE, NO. 509 CHESTNUT STREET. Opposite the State gone. PHIMELDIELPREA. Retail Department. No. 1519 Chestnut St. WIS.= rp JOHN C. ARRISON, Nora and 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Would invite the attention of Gentlemen to hia IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT, madel,inebeat manner, and WARRANTED S .TISFAGTION, TO A COMPraTOOI OP. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Suitable forthe Seaaon • Ems-sm Ppi PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUPACTORY. Orders for these celebrated fiblrta supplied protrlPOY at brief notice. GENTLEMEN'S FUrnislifng Goods, Of late styles in fall variety. - WINCHESTER & 00. Jettedw,ftf7 06 CHESTNUT. J. W. SCOTT & CO.. SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DRALIEBB IN Men's Formshing Goods. No. 814 'Chestnut- Street. FOttr doors below the "Continental'''. 41-41410E1X1118.. CLOTS/NG. BARGAINS FIR CLOTHING ROCKHILL& WILSON "Brown Stone Clothing Hall," 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. NEW STOOK AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Raving sold out our stock of Clothing for Gentle. men and Boys, carried over from the integre, our en• tire stock of Fashionable Beady-]bade Clothing is the Newest, AS 01TR PRICES ABB THE LOWEST. Magnificent Spring Stock Now Ready, Te Suit Everybody. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Oni newly-Stted ap Custom Department now son tains the largest assortment of all the faahlonabl New Fabrics for oar patrons to select from. SUITS, CIVIL AND MILITARY, IfiLDR UP TO ORDFM 4 PROMPTLY, In the highest style, and at moderate ;aloes. oys - 9 Clothing. In. hls department onr stock Is also unrivaled. THE MET IN THE CITY, At The Lowest Prices Orders executed at abortion notice. The Choicest Stock READY MADE CLOTHING IN PHILADELPHIA.: ROCKHILL & WILSON Brown-Stone Clothing Hall, 603 & 605 Chestnut street. sp7.l4w2a, zip/ Br'RING GOODS SPRING STYLES EDWARD P. KELLY TAILOR. 612 Chestnut St. 1.111 H: 1 Y - amorio tamr_i al - am ot :LEWIS LADOI OND DEALER &.JEWE _............) WATCHES, IRVilairf & SILT= WASS, WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRS ), 6...._302 chestnut St., Phila. Owing to the decline of Gold, has made a great reduction in price of hie large and well assorted Stook of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Silverware, tte Te public are respectfully Invited to call and ex amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Alm HOWARD'S AND TIM 14 , RICAN WATCH 002ELPANT'S WA'PCH.ES HENRY VARPER'S 523. Arch street. - - at nayl2-lin R OGERS'S PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS.— HENRY HARPER, 520 Arch street. m512-1m SILVERWARE.— HENRY HARPER, myl2-Ira &V a rch street. Crute&PEST IN THE CITY. Call and see. 4 6. : Second and New streets, J. PRIES. HOTEL►. AMERICANS VISITING LONDON Wll.l, FEND THE • BEDFORD HOTEL , Southampton Row, Russell Square located in a most central, quiet, genteel and healthy part of the great metropolis (near the British Mu. seam) to offer every accommodation, on reasonable terms, to Gentlemen or Families. The further patronage of , imerican travelers in Europe, is respectfully solicited. T. H. WALDUCK, Proprietor, 93 SOUDIAMPTON ROW, rnylgsdcaitno Russell Square, London. SOO I/Zirvatz.z.)lti•iipoi B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET. MANUFACTURED. OB VENITIAN BLINDS AND - WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment In the city at th lowest prices. Store Shades made and lettered. ans-tt LEbtAJI, NOTICE M. ESTATE OF ROBERT ADAM ROBERTSON. DE CEASED.—Letters testamentary upon the Estate orBOBERT ADAM. ROBERTSO.N, deceased, having been grar ted to the subscriber. all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims, to present them to Da.VID FORREST ROBERTSON, 207 Bowery. New York, Executor; or his Attorney, THOMAS J. DIEHL, 030 Walnut street, Philadelphia. mY23-w6tt CAMPHORTROCHES, Positive Preventive of C • - 0 Diarrheas, Dysentery, and Oholeea lforbus, Z=. Sole Factor, O.H. Mediae, Drafted, o p. 12th & Rasa Bte., PhDs. c9V • • Per ° Mailed on re''' . • • ..- Or •• • •11 Penna. Academy of Fine Arts, The Porta-third Annual Exhibition of . PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE IS NOW OPEN, Chestnut Street, above Tenth, From 9A.N.to 7 P. and frem 8 till 18 In the Evening. ap24-tla FOR, BALE, Very Large and desirable WHARF PROPERTY Croesingbelaware avenue near Callowhill Street. C. H. 2 dingllELD, ap2B.3oe..wiin rp No. 205 South SIXTH Street tlirsf PUBLIC SALE.—Late residence of W. . taia KNIGHT, deceased, THONAB SONS. Ana tioneera—Very elegant pointed stone COUNTRY RESIDENCE, Clapier street, ' GRIM& NTOWN. Wayne Station, on TUESDAY, June sth, Ina at 12 . o'clock noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHIL ADELPBIA EXCHANGE, all that lot of ground. with the stone me=ssage thereon erected, situate on the southeastward side of Clapier street, described ac... cording to a recent survey thereof, by J. Lightfooktas follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly side of t larder street, 569 feet and half an inch Bonin westwardly from the southwest side of Servier street; thence extending ,outh 50 degrees 15 minutes, east 319 feet 8 inches to the northwest side of Norris street; thence along the same south 42 degrees 33 minutes. fwees tw I de fe t Be‘t i n ca h ll s d Sc s h hu yl a er t s w r ard e y ane ofh e a n ce along thwest : yl street north 34 degreeS 353£ minutes,n feet 62.t.i inches to the southeasterly sloe of Clapier street. and thence along the same north 39 degrees 45 minntes. east 96 feet 11 inches to the place of beginning. Together with the free use, right and privilege of the said Norris street, schuyler street and Carder street. in common with the &Tyner% tenants and occupiers of the otberground bounding thereon. N. B.—The residence is new, three stories high, bath in a very superior manner,of the best materials; porch front and hack; first floor: parlor with handsome bay svindovr, large dining room with bay window: permit. rent aide board, hot and cold water, sitting room, library and large ball, walls beautifully frescoed and painted, soperiur banisters; recond floor; two large and beautiful chambers and three smaller ones; third floor, three convenient chambers niimerous closets; marble mantles, gas throughout, bath, hot and cold water, water closet, large kitchens, dining room, cel lar laid with mortar, meat vault pump of spring water, furnace, cooking range, ft.; stone stable and man's r carriage hoom. ouse, with stabling .‘or three horses; coach farsh No e Pend, ay. xpense was spared by the owner to make this a very superior reamence for his own occupant 7. It commands a beautiful view. Terms—Half cash. Immediate Possession. 7.IIOIEAS •:t SONS, auctioneers, m522..25.29 Jet .11.3 and 141 Satan Fourth street. LIC puilomeLLE AS & SOTS, .4ilc tloneersr-Large and handsonie RESIDENCE, ver Bank, BURLINGTON. New Jersey-236 feet front on the River kelaware—the late residenc. of CHARLES CHAUNCEY, Esg-, deceased. On TUES DAY, June sth, 1866, at 12 o'clock, Noon, wilt be sold at Public sale, at the PHILADELPHIA Fa-CELAN 3E. All that large and handsome brick messuage and lot of ground. situate in Burlington, New Jersey. on the bank fronting the River Delaware, 206 feet front, and in death through to Pearl street (it extends to low-water mark in the River Delaware, with the reserva'ion of the public road). The improvements area large man sion. with two wings, built of the best materials; two large parlors, large dining-room, butlers' room, two kitcher.s, store-rooms, pantries, dec.; f Jur extra size chtunbeis on the second door; large bath-room and store-room; four chamber s on the third floor, with gar rets above The mansion has been kept In perfect re pair; it has a handsome ornamental iron front over the entrance at the side of the house, leading into a court, with a tessalated pavement. It fronts the river, and there are sever. I beautiful views; large icehouse, and other conveniences. A beautiful lawn on aeon side, extending to the back Street, and planted with rare or namental trees, shrubbery, bulbous roots and dowers large vegetable and fruit garden, choice pears peacues and plums in abundance; greenhouse, withneat lodge for gardener and family. STABLE AN D COACIEHOUSE.—AIso, nient Stable and Coach-house. a Conve ..fa— The above is a most beautiful and desirable re sidence, and very convenient of access to and from Philadelphia and New York /Er May be examined anyday previous to sala, 'l'mrsts—.o.ooo may remain on mortgage. Jar Immediateposseasion. 31. THOMAS & SONS, Anctioneers, r0r3.5.6,.1e2 129 and 141 South Fourth street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—Eatate of ELISHA P. MORE, deed.-THOM. A S &SONS,Anctioneers. 'aluable Baleen Stands. Nos. 319 and 3193' Market the City to an order of the Orpharis' ' Court Air the City and coa ti of Philadelphia, will be sold at Public Sale, on June 12th. 1856, at I'2 o'clock, noon, at the PHILADELPHIAEYCHA~\'(;E, the following described property of Blinn. P.Cooke,de ceased. All that Pall, equal, undivided sixth part of, in and to all that certain brick message, buildings. store borne. tavern and lot of ground, situate on the north aide of High or Market street, between the Del aware Third ana Fourth streets, Sixth Ward. Nos. 319 and feet, 3mor;e c o o r n l t e a sins,i nc l i u n d i b n r g e t a h C e t h ba e par tofu feet widealley, left open for the convenience of this and the ad joining premises to the westward, and In depth, north and South. 210 feet 6 inches. Bounded westward partly by the westernmost half of said alley, and partly by ground formerly ofJohn Water, deceased, northward with the court hereinafter mentioned, eastward with ground now or late of Thomas Wistar. Together with the right and privi,ege of the said 4 feet wide alley, in common with the owners and occupiers of the mes sage and lotnext westward, and also of the tree and uninterrupted right, use and privilege of a court or Once or open ground 1634 feet in width, east and west, in the clear, lying north of the above describcd prem ises, and of an alley 11 feet 4 inches In width c3mrott ideating with the plaid court, and extending from Third street to and In a line with the northwest corner of said court. By the Conit, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk O. C. J. COOKE LONGSTBETH. Administrator THolus & SONS, Auctioneers, inya. je2,11 119 and 141 South Fourth street. .Itc warOß FOR SE.LE.—A Marketd con venient ehouse. situate on street. ha ng three entrances, dry sub-ceilan and a turn out. Into Market street. Apply to EMEIZI TWO ROOMS, IN A CENIRAL LOCATION, arill be .LET, furnished or unfurnished. as Lodging Booms for Gentlemen. Address "ALPHA," Buie LIMES' Office. nayl36txpl_ Aki3CTION SA.XEEIIII. JAILESW ALNU T stAureet.crtorzExa. No. 4= FIFTEENTH SPRING SA 'LP OF REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS, MAY SO, 1566. This sale, at 12 o'cloot Door.. as Lee Exchange, will include as follows— Share in the Iderceural - efiliirary. BEDFORD COUNTY LAND—The half interest in a tract of= acres, Providence towrnihip, Bedford Co., Pa. Executors' Sale—Estate of John Palle dec'd. NO. 31.6 CHRISTIAN ST-331 story brick house, 16 by 20 feet. Clear. Orphans' Cburt Sale—Estate of Eichard Palmer, dec'd. LOT, 221) AND RACE—A building lot, east side of 22R be.ow Race, 20 by IES feet to Aspen st. handsome three sQIJAP.r.,—A handsome three story brick residence; at the I W. corner rifled!. and Race eta, opposite Logan Square having all the modern conveniences. Immediate possetaion. $262 50 ground rent per annum, Salo by order of Heirs—Ea , tate of Charles 2becnsend, dee d. NO. 1312 SPRUCE ST—Two houses and lot, sontlx s:de of Sprr ce, above lath, 19 by 120 feet A des:rable lineation for Improvement, NO. 1015 VINE ST—The genteel three story brick residence. with swo story back buildings. die— 2.0x133.4" feet to a street. Clear. Immediate possession. Flee cutrix's Sate—Estate of ry Ifcrifurtrie. dec'd. 13TH AND FITZWATER STS—A three etoxyhrick horse, S. W. corner, 20 feet on 13th et. and 43U feet on Fitzwater st. Clear. Peremptory Sale by order of Heirs--Estate or Taws Scott, deed. annum eaoffsch ground rents, 4of VO per annum each and one 6 per annum. well secured and punctually paid. Full particulars in eatalognea. Peremptory Sale—Same Estate. NO. 609 NOREH SIXTH ST—A very desira`nle Re sidence, Six h st..above Green. 20 by 83 f-iet; marble doorway; every convenience. Clear. Immediate p session .Peremptory Sale by reason of default of ajar. vier purchaser. "ST. JADIES" HOTEL—The very valuable property No. 421 Walnutst known as the 'ST. JAISLES." The lot is about 41 by 170 feet, with en el,ht feet way lead ing into Library at. The building is of the most sub manila] character—too well known to require aetailect description. It can be examined any time , far It could be altered Sato a bank or insurance offices or public building of any kind at small cost. tar Any farther information may be had at the auc tion store. Orphans' Churl Peremptory Sate—Elate of Laurence H. Kelly , deed. myl7-Im/ RANK FIREPROOF SAFE AT PRIVATE SALE. At Private Sale -A superior Rank safe. nearly. new. about seven feet high Inside, with combination locks„ &c.. in perfect order, made by Ft - rrel ,t Herring, at a. coatof $1,400. Apply at the Auction Store, IN* •ao. o sor vdtlik • :t. • 1 10 ' * RUltg - 11.0•OTINflo (4 1 0 1 : 1 1 1 a000 *VI • Solicitor. Jtesotrect, By the Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, That the City Solicitor be and he is hereby instnicied to enter satisfaction oa the record of a certain Judgment in the District Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, obtained fur arrears of rent due in 1862, in favor ofthe city of Phila. • delphia vs. Fort Ihrie, Joseph Cabot and Samuel I. Rerves, to March Term, 1865, No. 51, on payment be ing made to him, for the use of the city, of the sum of two thousand (112,1r0s) dollars clear of all costs and ex penses; Provided, however,that said payment be made within sixty days from the passage of this real:deafen and not otherwise. - - WILLIAM S. STORLEY, Arrnsr—ROßEßT BET PresidenHELt o -L f Common Council. Assistant olerk or Select Council. JAMES LIND. President of Select Council. Approved this twenty-second day of May. An ti° ix,. mini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six (A. D. 1866). MORTON IIcMICTIAEL_ It Mayor of Philadelphia. rtn ‘..l In l MP arge or ROR.— sma ßEF ll INE quantitiesD On , by XPROR FOR SALE. JOHN O. BAKER & 718 Market street.. L a i it" glakL ESTALI'.ft. LEWIS H. REDNER, No. 152 South Fourth street. STOCKS.