From our, Third Edition of Yesterday. • From WaShingtoll. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, May 22.--Senator Wilson has reported his . bounty bill. It is very stringent in its provisions, prohibiting claim agents from prosecuting claims of living soldiers. The bounty is the, same as in the House bill. - - The enemies of the Bankrupt bill are try trig bard to kill it. The vote will be very close. but the chances are favorably to its passage. The House has just refused to lay the bill on the table. The Loan bill will be postponed, after dis cussion to-day. The chances are verb slim on its passage. Despatches received here to-day insure the election of General Ferry, the caucus nominee for Senator in Connecticut. Passage of the Bankrupt 8111.1 WASHINGTON, May 22.—The House has passed the Bankrupt Bill introduced by Mr. Jenckes, by a vote of 68 yeas to 59 nays. The Postal Service. WAS=GTOI4, May 22d.—The President has approved the bill making appropria tions for the service of the Postoffice De partment for the next fiscal year. The ag glegate amount for inland and foreign ser vice is $l/3,379,500. In addition to this $50,000 is appropriated for the United States and Brazil mail service; $250,000 for the mail service between San Francisco, Japan and China for six months; $900,000 for the over land mail transportation between Atchison and Folsom and for marine mail transpor tation between New York and California. The Postmaster-Goneral is authorized to employ sailing vessels for the transporta tion of the mails between the ports where the service may be facilitated thereby, al lowing and paying therefor a compensation not exceeding the sea postages, accrueing on the mails so conveyed. The bill also pro vides for the advertising of all the Executive departments in two daily papers, in the city of Washington, having the largest cir culation, and in no others. Heretofore the law was for publication in the two papers having the largest circulation and a third to be selected by the President. This latter therefore is now precluded. • Methodist C,elebraiton at Washington WASHINGTON, May 22d. Prominent at the Centennial Methodist Celebration last night were Secretary Harlan and Bishops Simpson and Ames. Rev. Dr. DeHaas an nounced that he had received $5,000 from a friend in Baltimore, given in the name Of General Grant toward the erection of the Metropolitan Church in Washington. Contributions were then made for this church to the amount of $24,300 for Dickin son College, .92,056 for the general fund, and $.1,200 for the purpose of aiding educational institutes and theological seminaries throughout the country. From Baltimore. BALTIMORE, May 22d.—William Prescott Smith, Esq., has resigned the position of Master of Transportation on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and was yesterday appointed by President Johnson Collector of Internal Revenue for the Third District, in place of John N. L. Findlay, whose appointment was recently rejected by the Senate. As an officer of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Mr. Smith has long been widely known and highly esteemed. The Fenian. EASTPORT, Me., May 22.—Two boats, loaded, it is supposed, with Fenians,effected landing on Indian Island last night, and several rounds of shot were exchanged. The British war steamer Niger steamed from Campo Bello for the scene of action, when the Fenians retreated. No further particulars have been received. Fire at Alexandria. ALEXANDRIA, Va. May 22.—About 7.000 cords of Government wood were burned last night. The fire was extinguished this morning. W IXth Congress—First Session. BENTS.—Mr. Wilson (Hass.) reported a bill for the equalization of bounties. It gives every soldier, vita but distinction on account of color, eight and ore-third dollars per month. deducting bounties already paid and exeluding altogether deserters and those who have sold or bartered away their claims. Mr. Williams (Oregon) introduced a bill to grant lands in aid of the construction of a railroad from Salt Lake City to the Columbia river, which was retested to the Committee on Public Lauds. Mr. Kirkwood (Iowa) called up a bill in relation to public land in the Southern States. It provides that the public lands in Alabama. Mississippi, Arkansas, louisiax a and Florid. shall be opened to settlement under the Homestead bill. Not more than eighty acres shall be settled by any one settler, and the prlce of the patent shall- be five dollars. The provisions of the bill were discussed by Messrs. Hendricks, Kirk wood and Pomeroy. HousE.—Mr. Schenck (Ohio) offered a resolution, which was adopted. calling on the Secretary of the Interior for information in reference to pensions stopped on account of participation in the rebellion, the amount of arrears paid or claimed, the amount es timated to be necessary to pay ar ears, &c. Mr. Cullum (III.) introduc& a bill to amend the civil appropriation bill for the year 1559. sa as to make the proviso to the 17th section read that when there is no collector at the place of location of any public work therein specified the Secretary of the Treasury have power to appoint a disbursing agent for the pa, ro ent of all moneys appropriated for the construc tion ot such public work with such compensation as he may deem equitable and Just The bill was read three times and passed. The House then proceeded to the consideration of the Senate bill to authorize the appointment of an As sistant Secretary of the Navy, on which the main question had 13 , en ordered yesterday. Mr. Boss moved to lay the bill on the table. Nega. tived Mr. Brandage“Conn.) wanted to know whether it would be in order to amend the bill so as to let the kecretary of the Navy go to Europe. A member added, And to stay there. . Mr. Brar,dagee repeated the words, "And to stay there" [Laughter.i The Speaker thought that such an amendment would hardly be in order. 'the bill was then passed by a vote of 69 yeas to 41 1189 'me House then proceeded, during the morning hour, to the consideration of the Bankrupt bill, to which some immaterial amendments were made, on motion of Mr. Jenckes tB. I.) Mr. Jenckes addressed the House in support of the general principles of a Bankrupt law, and moved the previous question. After he had concluded, --Mr. Paine (Wis.) asked him to permit an amend.. ment to be offered, striking out the involuntary bank ruptcy features of the bill as contained in sections as, 40.41, and 42. Mr. Jenckes declined to withdraw;the motion for the - - previous question. Mr. Stevens (Pa.) wished to move to postpone ac tion on the bill till December next, sliding that he hoped the gentleman from Rhode Island would allow that time to elapse before calling on them to commit hari•kart. [Laughterj Mr. Jenckes still declined to withdraw the previous Ape:lion and the House seconded it. Mr. Stevens moved to lay the bill on the table. The motion was negatived yeas 49 nays 78. The bill was then passed by a vote of 68 yeas to 59 nays. 'Markets. . . _ ' N-itrw YORK, May 22—Cotton firm, but quieter under the Cuba's news' Sales of 1,500 bales, middlings 68q1.140c, Bales tar the week 20,0013 bales; receipts for the week tr cm all ports, 21,000 bales; exports for the week,24,000 bales. u _ Flor has an advancing tendency but is quiet; sales of 6,600 barrels.prices unchanged:Southern unchanged, 350 bbls. sold; Canadian firmer, 250 bbis. sold, at #t 05(4 1280. Wheat quiet at advance of B(g)4cts. Corn ad. vanced 1%"@3c.; sales of 42,000 bushels, at 82§85c. Oats Ic. h'gher. Beef steady. Pork buoyant; mess, 4.30 27® Aso 50. Lard unsettled at 19@22c. Whisky dull and un changed. Stocks lower. Chicago and Rock Islaud,'92N; Cam berland preferred, 41%; Illinois Central scrip, 117%1 Michigan Southern, 78%: New York Central, 90, Mending, 108%; Hudson River. 111; Canton Company: 58; Missouri 6's,`7s;.Erie, 7134'; Western Union, 60%; Coupons, 1862,100%; 1865, 105%; 'feu-forties, 95%; Tres, sorien ° 102@1V2%; sidl3Por.S./ 868 12 0 3 i; Gold, 132%©132%. BALTIMORE, May 22 --Ololar quiet. Wheat firm. Corn advanced; white 870;88c., yellow 13:©84c. Oats trm at 68c PXovlsions dull and unchanged. Sugar firm. Whisky dull but quiet at $2 26%. Bales at. Philadelphia Stock hoard. SALES AFTER FIRST BOARD. 13100 City 6a new 9654140 ah Penns .R 543 4 , 300 sh Restonv'e R 203. sh N Lib Gas c 26y 2 100 sh do b 5 2.04 200 sh Read R s3O 51 5 sh Lehigh Val 61% 200 019 do 05wn 51 100 sh Soh Nay phi bo 33 7 8 " 500 sh do 54 100 sh 'do 630 349 200 sh do 05 59 100 eh do Zre/a sh do 2 ds-54 100 eh do b3O 34 ssh Acad .INittelc csh 51 100 sh do ' coin 26% SECOND .300017 9 7 8-108 June IW,,' 1500 U 55-209 '62 1015 , ,i 1500 City 61 new poi . 100 eh Catawa prof WASHINGTON. May 22,1866 BOARD _ '9OO sh Ocean Oil 6 200 sh do 634 10 sh Berth Central 94 119 Sh d 0 Coal Statenments. The foll Owing is a statement of. the amount of Coal transported over the :Lehigh Valley :Railroad, for the week ending rd ay. 19, 1866, and previously since December 1,1864, compared with same time last year: Week. otal. - Vons.Cwt. To T ns.Owt. 6,15500 92,6951/1 .. 6.208 13 72,201 02 .. 724 .09 10,615 03 ._3,315 09 54,807 11 323 08 21,327 06 16,683 18 16,993 06 40,435 II 23,478 11 18,173 17 47.263 17 18,155 00 46,055 08 11,66 z. 14 891 17 1.395 7,464 10 2,792 15 24,704 10 11,337 03 155 08 11,082 00 7,162 14 6,930"10 11,550 04 Hazleton. East Sugar Loaf. Mount Pleasant., Jeddo Harleigh Ebbervale Stout Council Ridge__ Buck Mountain New York and • Lehigh 103 11 Honey Brook 16 11 German Pennsylvania. Sring Mountain Coleraine Beaver Meadow John Connery Lehigh Zinc J. B. Reber & Co McNeal dr, Co. Enickerlbecker Coal Run Rathbun, Uddwell& C 0... 1,373 06 Glendon...-. ...... Mahanoy J. & 0. 0 Bowman. Delano Colliery H. Myers Stillman Baltimore Franklin Consolidated Audenried 482 02 Lehigh and Susquehanna- 465 02 Landmesser's- 191 15 Wilkesbarre. 2,801-00 Warrior. Run 198 05 Parrish & Th0ma5......._...159 07 Other shippers ' 25549 ....... 415 07 1,049 13 764 15 .. 960 13 ... 1,593 66 ..., 643 14 Total.—.- 90,588 05 Corresponding week last - 4,083 00 - 26,505 65 • 103.659 09 The following shows the aldpmenta of coal over the DelawareTnlawaulaand Western Railroad for the week ending May / 9 , comp ar edwith time last season: Shipped Shipped South-.- ..... Total_ ........ - -- ...-33,2'73 19 603,794 10 FOr _.. corresponding Lae last year: Week, 'Tear. Tons.Csart. Tons. Cwt. —... 5,790 18 74,35715 ..20,103 08 728,337 10 Shipped N0rth...... Shipped 50uth...... T0ta1....._ Thy::.... BOA RIS OF TRA.D.N. ANDREW WHERLFE, • EDW. Y. TowNsEND, MONTHLY ocuntrina. THORNTON PROWN. MPORTATIONS: or . P. : . KB. kin ANTWERP—Brig Louise (Han). Meyer-934 cases bottles Baetjer do De Vertu;:2o cs stones T Hessenbrucb & Co; 155 es glassware P J Lauber; 184 pm machinery Werner, ltschner& Co; 8 cs eau de cologne Turner & Wayne; 27 pkgs mdse order.. Taviva& Aral Ss,Haug of Ocean Steamera TO ARRIVE._ 7310 M ' POD. INLItTI ..Liverpool-Hoston&Phila May 9' ....LoLdon...New York • May 9 _ekinthampton...New York. May 9 Havre...New York 1 .4a9 9 mare Bellona.. Atlantic. Fulton St. David LiverpooL-Queb? c May lo City of Cork. .Liverpool.. New York May 12 Saxonia...--Southampton—New Y0rk....-...._May 12. Cuba. - ... Liverpool—N M ew York. ay 12 Scotland I.,tiverpooL.New York May 16 Cityofßoston LiverpooL..New York May 16 Damascus .Liverpool..,Quebec....— ...... --May 17 City of Manchester-Liverp'L..New York ............May 18 Cella - London New York — May 19 Teutonia ... . .. York Liverpool... New York. Bremen... New York City or London...Liverpool—New TO DEPART. Ericsson-- . - . --New 'York-Bremen...-. May 24 City of New York-N York-Idverpool..-...-.....M ay 26 Helvetia.-.---...New York... Liverpool May 26 Bremen - __New York-8remen.......- May 26 Bztvaria..- ' .New York-Hamburg_ May 2/11 Virginia.. ---New York-LiverpooL bray 26 Evening Star.--New York... New Orleans...---May 26 Moravian.- Quebec... Liverpool .. - _May 26 South America... New York... Rio J aneiro,dte.....May 29 Java .....New York-Liverr001............-May $0 Atiantic.-....-.-New York-.Etremen..-----.-tday Si Ariz0na.........._. _New York-Aspinwall ----June 1 Britannia ...New York...Lirnit Glasgow.-. June 2 r. Ell:11%1DIFAIU M o:ii):;9a.):A4:aiff.lo•Nftw:of,l=VlVTl a MUM 4 371 BUS 131314, 7 161 HIGH 1FA13113, 9 7 • ARRIVED YEIEITZSDAY. Steamer Nesbannock, Winchester, MI hours from New York. in ballast to It A Sender & Co. Stammer Geo H Stout, Borden, 36 hours from Wash ington, with mdse to W P Clyde& Co. Steamer A C Stimens, Knox, 36 hours froniWashing ton, with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. Steamer Norfolk, Vance, 48 hours from Richmond, via Norfolk, with mdse and passengers to W P Clyde & Co. Steamer Buffalo, Jones. 24 hours from" New York, with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. Brig Isaac Carver, Shute, 8 days from Portland, in ballast to J B Barley & 1 o. Behr A Tirreli, Higgins, from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Behr Mary J Russell, Smith, from Boston, with mdse to captain. Schr S C Tyler, Steelman, 5 days from Boston, in bal last to Tyler & Co. Sam B C Fithian, Tuft, 1 day from Port Deposit, Md. with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. Tug Admiral D D Porter, with 13 barges from Balti more, to Wm P Clyde & Co. CLEARED TIOMERDAY. _ _ Steamer Geo H Stout, Ford, Richmond, Wm P Clyde & Co. Steamer Beverly, Pierce. Richmond, W P Clyde & Co. Steamer J S Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore. A. Groves, Jr Brig 0 0 Clary. Bryant, Ma anzas. John Mason & Co. Brig W A Dresser, Hatch. Bath. Tyler & Co. Bchr De Soto, Crook, Key West, Tortugas and Pensa cola. Warren, Gregg & Morris. Bar E Harwood, Harwood, Salem. do Behr Sidney C 7 yler, Steelman. Portland, Tyler & Co. Bchr Annie Magee, Ketchum,Boston, Rathbun,Stearns & Co. Schr Mary Anna, Gibbs New Bedford, do Schr E J Pickup, Bowen, Washington, Van Dusen, Lochman'& Co. Behr C A Heckscher, Mayhew, Roxbury, do Solar B F Reeves. Slam rord, Roxbury. do Echr J H Bartlett, Rocl:htll, Portsmouth, do Bohr Wild Pigeon, Phillips, Boston, Mershon & Cloud. Bohr Pequon nook, Barnes, Boson; do Schr Sidney Price, Godfrey,Salem, Mani Vein Coal Co Schr J N Baker,, Charlestown, do Bohr Express. Brown, Boston, do Bchr Henrietta, Anderson, Norwich, do Behr Wm John, Street, Washington, Blakiston, Graaf & Co. Behr Nellie Et, Btudams, Danversport. do Bohr M M Weaver, Weaver, Boston, Caldwell, Gordon & Co. Bohr 0 F Hawley, Clark. Norwich, do Behr Li,r.le Monte, Buehler. Boston, Day & HuddelL Sabr Isabella Reeves, Tussey. Salem, do Sclir S V W Simmons, Williams, Salem, do Behr Potomac. Corson, Richmond, W H Johns & Co. Schr Mary Haley, Haley, Boston, do Behr B C Willett% Wheaton, Lynn, do Behr L A Danenhower, Sheppard, Boston, Costner, Stickney As Wellington. Schr W P Phillips, Somers, Boston, do Bohr P A Sanders, Carroll, Boston, , do Behr J F Doughty, Camp, Pawtucket, do Bet r D Wallace, Scull, Salem, do Behr J P Ames. TurnerMallowell, W Hunter. Jr.&Co. Bohr Isis, Harding, Fall River, do Bchr A M Edwards, Hinson, New Haven, do Bchr Sea Foam, Griffin, Boston, do Schr Trade Wit d, Corson, Boston, NY & Bch Coal Co. Bohr H B Simmons, Foster, Boston. do P chr R Vanneman, Vanneman, Salem, do Bohr Sallie B, Bateman. Boston, do Behr 5.7 Vaughn. Vaughn, Boston, L Andenried & CO. Behr Lewis Mulford. Crawfotd, Boston, captain. Behr Convoy. Merrill, Salem, Glover. Mactier.' , Pchr Spray, Cam, Bridgeton, do Bohr Wm Collser, Taylor, Warwick,,,Rl, Quintard, Sawyer & Ward. • Behr J Hay, Hathaway. Cohassett Narrows, do Bohr S J Bright. Shaw. Providence, Shanickson & Co. Bohr RL Tay, Baker, Marblehead, Wannemacher&Co Echr S B Wheeler, McGlaughlin, Salem, J . G& G S Repplier. Schr Waterloo, Pickering, Boston. captain. Bohr Lamertine, Butler, New Bedford, Pearson & Co. lii.TEMORILNDA Ship E 8 Thayer, ThompsOn,for this port,sailed from Liverpool 7th inst. Steamer Atalanta (Br), Pinkham, cleared at New York yesterday for London. Steamer Talisman (Br), Deal, cleared at New York yesterday for Eingston, Ja. Port au Prince and Turks Island. Bark Alex McNeill, Andrews, hence at Marseilles 4th inst. Bark Gen Geo G Meade, Avery, for New York,sailed from Marseilles sth inst. Bark Ann Elizabeth, Norgrave, from Aspinwall for this port at Cienfuegos llth lost; .Brig Humming Bird, Stevens,hence for St John,Nß. was spoken 19th inst. off Absecom. Bohr Neptune's Bride, Cr. well, cleared at New York yesterday for this port. Schrs Brandywine, Corson, hence for Fall River; Hannah. Martin, and Copia, West, hence for Boston, at New York yesterday. STOVES AND EiEttiTEßb. THOMPSON'''. LONDON KITCHENER OR EUROPEAN RANGE.", for families, hotels, rm orpublic institutions in TWENTY DIFFER -4,ltv. ENT SIZES. Also. Philadelphia Ranges, Hot air rurnaces, Portable Heaters, Low-down Eiratoq, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole plates. Broil ers, Cooking Stoves, etc., wholesale and retail by the manufacturers. CHASE, SHARP THOMPSON, msadn,w,f,Smo No. 209 North Second street. -- - 0 e 0 THOM AF3 S. DIXON & SONS, Late Andrews & Dixon, - No. ts 24. DEITISTNIPP•atrte_ t t Philadelphia _. Opposite 'United States Mint, r.nuftsctureze of , _ . . ' LOW-DO P WN, • - . .PABIA at •;- OPTIGE,-- '- ' ' • - And other OKATIES, ler Anthracite; Bituminone Ana Wood Firm WARN-ArE IFIIIS:NAOES, • Iror Warming Public and Private Bakun u ,s, • REGISTER?; VENTLLATOBS --- ILlthili , ...,sl-OAPS, OCON.DIG-RANSES_ L BATiI-BOTrarnß, 430., 0121 WROT:rn A T. 3.1 and RETAIL. EVSN,I.Nei:I3IS.I4LETIN : iIiIILiDELEAMTWEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1866,, ',44 , •! BEADING RAILROAD. • ••,' GREAT TRUNIIILINV FROM P his Ni0 : :15 TO THE INTERIOR OF MEW SYLVA.NIA.THE SCHITYLRELL_ SIIISQIIIIIHAN NA, OTIMBERIAND AND WYOMING VAkidER NORTH, NORTHWEST and the OANADAS SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF - PASSENGXE MAINS lealie4oiaa. pairs Depot, _TITER. TRENT'S and Street , PhDAdelphir st the following hours: - • • MORNING MAIL. At B. A. M., for Reading, Lebanon,Harrisburg, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Bunbuy,__ port, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Palls, B _naisio, Allen town; Wilkesbarre; Pinaton, York,'Clarliale,CliamberV enrg, Hagerstown, dm., drc. This train connects at READING with the East Pennsylvania Railroad trunks for = Allentown, ac.t and with the -Lebanon Valley train "for Harrisburg ,irc.; at PORT CLINTON with Catawba& Railroad trains for Wllliamsnort,_Lock Harren. Elmira, dim, at HARRISBURG, with Northern ()antral, Ctomberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna- trains for Northumberland;Willlnmaport, York, Chamberaburg, Pinegrove, dm. AFTERNOON EXPRESS. Leaves Philadelphia at 8.80 P. M. for Wattling. Potts villa, Harrisburg, dtc., connecting with laPraling and Columbia R.B. trains for Columbia ete.-• READING, ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Beading at 6.00 A. M., stopping at'all vraystiei Lions; arrives in Philadelphia at 8.55 A. M. Returning, leaves Phlladelphia at 5.00 P. H.; arrives ln Reading at 7.55 P. M , • • Trains for Plalladembla leave Harrisburg at 7.80 A U. and - Pottsville at &BO A. H.. arriving in Philadel , phia at 12.45 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.00 P.M., and Pottsville at 2.45 -P. N.; arriving at Philadelphia at 7.05 P. LL. , Harrisburg accommodation leaves Beading at 7.20 A. M. and Harrisburg at 9.20 P. M. - Market train, with a_Passenger car..attschedi leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon ib Reading and all waY idationseaves Reading 1,1.80 A. X., and. Downingtown 12.80 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run da...Sunclaia excepted. Sundo,y team Leave Po at 8.00 A. and Philadelphia at 8.16 P. ; leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8.90 A. M., returning from Reading at 4.25 P. M. GEEEBTER .VALLEY RAILROAD._ Passengers. for Dewntngtown and intermediatepolnlia take the 8.00 A. lit. - and 5.00 P.M. trains from Philadel phia, returning from DOWAIDgiOWP, at 6215 A. M. and 1 BO Noon- " NEW YOREMIDFREmit= , FOX PFITBRIIREGI AND TKO WEST. Leaves New York at 9.00 A. ILand 9.00 P. M..Paaidrig Reading at IA. M., and 1.48 P. - M.: and conne cti ng a Harrisb with Pennsylvania., suld Northern Canna/ Railroad Trains for Plurgh,, Chicago; WEI- . liamstiort, Baltimem - BeWrnlng, Depress Train , leaves Harrisburg ors arrival of Pennsylvania _ from Pittsb urgh at and 9. 0 5 A. M., praising P • At at 4.49 and 1022 51.., arriving at New York In A. M., and 2.45 P. H. Bleeping Oar accomnyc l thesetrains threughbetween Jersey Clity , rd b , without charitfarris w train for New York leaves burg at 2.00 P. M. Mall train ftepHarrisimrg leaves New York at 12 Noon. SORTIYLEILL VALLEY V. A rr natal Trains leave Pottsville at 7,11.90 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. remnsh. IX_ • Dom Tamaqua, at 7,85 A. -14(., and 1.40 and 4.15 P. M. _ EiCERIY.LBOLL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 7.60 A. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 1.50 P. M. for Plnegrove and Tre wont; returning from Harrisburg at 416 M. and from Tremont at 7.30 A. M. and 6.10 P. H. TICKETS. _ _ 7,939 01 8,315 08 4,232 11 24.460 02 2,187 13 9,939 01 1,393 13 1379,872 13 576,21.9 0 Tons.6rt. Tons.Owt. -9,941.11 139 311. 11 ...23,332 08 364452 19 -25,894 02 . 375.595 05 131,099 05 ..May 19 ...May 19 ....llay 23 ...May 23 TBAVELING Through :first-class tickets and emigrant tackete to all the principal points in the north and West and I.lml:emu Thefollowing tickets are obtained only at the Office of S. Bradford, Trensurer,lsTo. 227 South PAurtit street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicolls, General Superintend ent,Reading. 007413irilTATION TICKETS, . At tS per cent., discount between any points desired for nirniites and Erma., _ MTT.FR6E TICKETS. Good for 2,000 miles,beiir — eaTill polnta, st 1M 50 each for testifies and firms. SEASON TIM. For three, Biz, months, tot holders only, t all Points at raAtt F ,ed rates. CLRITYM:ati Beading on the line of the Bond will be tarnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to ticket/sag half-fare. EXCUBSION TICKETS. From Philadelphia to principal stations, good fir Saturday, Sunday and Honday. at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office at Thirteenth and Callow. Lill streets. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to ail the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. na jams TRAINS. Leavedaily at 5.60 a. M.. 12.85 noon and 61% lg., for , Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pon:Mlle. Port Clinton, and all points beyond. MA TTA Close at the Philadelphia Poet Office tel all plane! on the road and Its branches at 5 A. X., and for the prin. cipal Stations only at 2.15 P.M. PHILADELPHLS. WILMING TON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ABLE.-Oconmeneing MONDAY, April 16th . 1866. Trains; w il l leave Depot, corner e l Broad street and Washington avenue, as fellows: Irapreas Train, (Mondays excepted), fey Baltimore and Washington,atopping at Chester Wilmington, Newark, laton, Northeas.. Perryvi ll e, Havre-de-omm Aberdeen, Perryorn's, Magnolia, Chase's and Sternmer's Ran. Way -mall Train, at 3.15 A. M. (Santiays ex cepted), for 13altimore, stopping at all regular stations between Philadelphia and Baltimore. DelawarelL.B. Train,A.M.(Sunday exoepted), for Princess Anne. Milford aad intermediate stattions. Baltimore Sr and ott Express Train at 8.60 P. (Sandra excepted), air Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Cheater, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, EM - ton, North-East, Perryville, Havre-de-Grace, Aberdeen. Perryman's, Ed_gewood, Mai:Do ll s, Chase's and Sternmer's Sun. Night Express at ILOO P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington. Passengers by boat from Baltimore Aar Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, City Point and Richmend will take the 11.45 A. M. Train. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington' Leave Philadelphia at 960,11.15 A.M.,4.30, 600 and 1L30,, P. M. The 4.80 P. M. train connects with the Dela ware Railroad, for Harrington and intermediate eta Lions. Leave Wilmington 6.45, 8.00 and 9.30 A.M., 4.00 and 6.80 P. M. Traent fir Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 9.00 A. li, 4.80 and 6.00 P. IL THROUGH TRAINS F 13.051 BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at u.OO 4.36 and 10.00 P.M. CHESTER FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Chester at 7.46, 8.46, 10.14 and 11.40 A. M., ' 1 43. 6.10. 7.26 sad 10.36 P. IL - Prom Balifmore to Philadelphia-Leave Baltimore 7.25 A. M., Way Mail. 9.V3 A. Fa press. 1.10 P. M., Express. 6.35 P. EL, Express. 8.25 P.M., Express. Trains for Baltimore leave Chester at 449 and 842 A. hi.. and 8.38 P. M. Trains for Baltimore leave Wilmington at 5.52, and 9.83 A. M.. and 4.15 P. M. 'Fre t i to trains with passenger W n ter Perryville and intermediate stations car attached will leave at 6.05 . IL Leave Baltimore for Havre de-Grace and intermediate Stations at 4.45 st ati o n s Pe ville for Wilmington and intermediate at 5.00 A. Di., connecting at Wilmington with the 8.00 A. M. train for Philadelphia.. SIINIIy.AY TRAINS. Express Train at 4.15 A. M. ter Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Wilmington,Newark, Elkton, Northeast, Perryville, Havre-de-Gace, Aber dee,n, Perryman' s, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Run. Night Express 11.00 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington. Accommodation Train at 25.30 P.M., Air Wilmington and Intermediate Stations. BALTIMORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 8.25 P. M., stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville andWilril- Also stns a t Elk ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave paaaengera from Washington or Baltimore) and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington. Accomcdation train will leave Wilmington ihr Phi ladelphia and Intermediate Stations at aso P.M. H. F. KENNEY. Superintendent. A Z D ITTS ca p om IIEki s H A.n. ,_ 001tAil,ix)LITHBADITS THE PAN HAND LE ROUTE WESTWARD Owing to the great distance saved by THIS ROUTE the Government has assigned to it the carrying of the S. MAIL to the Principal Cities of the West and Southwest. THERE BEING BET ONE CHANGE OF CARS BETwvvar pvrtir. DELPHI& AND CINCINNATI, AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. - PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARRIVE • IN CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS. CAIRO AND ST,LOtIIs ONEE. TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER LIN Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 11.50 A. IL will arrive at Altoona in the evening for supper, where Woodruff% Celebrated Palace state-Room Sleeping Cars will be attached, and run through to Columbus without change, avoiding changing cars at Pittsburgh at rub/night, a comfort never before afforded tothe traveling community. • Be cure to purchase tickets "VIA STEUREN. " at PENNSYLVANIA Tea "rr,pOAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets. Philadelphia. S. F. SCULL, Gen'l Picket Ag't, Steubenville, O. • JOHN H. M..111...LEE. Gen'l Eastern Pass. Ag't. 526 Broadway, New York. JOHN MU - RAND, Gen'l sup% feu4-t1 Pennsylvania Railroad Office, 631 Chestnut street; Girard House, Continental Hotel, J. C. ALLEN. Ticket A ge,.t. And Thirtieth an / Market streets, T. H. PARKE, Ticket Agtnt. "; 4 ° WEST JERSEY :RAILROAD LTNES--Prom foot oGliarket Street 12alr errs'. *ally, oxcept Sundays. FALL AND . RBANGRtm - raq, Corcraeucing WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1865. FOX' Bridgeton, -Salem, and all Stations on West Jar. say and Salem Railroads at 9 A. AL and 8.30 P. M. For lailiville and allintermediate Stations, at 9A. /IL and 3P. M. • For Cape May and Intermediate Stationa, at 9 A. I,L, to connecting _wi gry th freight train (Passenger car attached)-for Cape J ,l due 3,40 P. and goo through passenger; due 8.00 P. M. For Glassboro' and intermediate` Stations; at 9 A. M. 8 and 3.30 P. M. For WoodbalT,HlottceSter, E. 9 A. M., 8, 8,80, and 5.30 P. M. Freight will be received at second covered wharf be low Walnutstreet from 7 A.M. until 5 P. 51. Freight received before 9 A. - M.; will go tbrward same day. Freight delivered at 228 South Delaware Avenue. - J. VAN IIIINSSEILAER,„: Sunerintemtertt. 'SHE WEST JERSEY ExPll, Eggs COMPANY Will attend to the usual branches' of Formtioss Bus- NEP% receive, deliver, anti forward, through other re sponsible Express . Companlea, to all - parts of the corm try, any article entrusted to them. A Special Diemen gm- accompanies each through train, Ofdee, No, 5 WalMit street. Wit%AkiqUALNOA, taVims. ,NORTH, ,PISIIINSYLVANE a. - Et • "'It.TILIO MIDDLE - rican merit direct Mato Bethiehem_,_ __Allentowril Honda Chunk, White Haven Wlllresbarre. tiabanoy, City, and all points in the. Lehigh' sari, Ws'ol ming Coal Reelons. • • • - Passenger epotr. in Philadelphia THIRD Mimi above pson, and corner of vrt . l3and ABILIOI/- ' • SCAUSINR, 'ARRANGEMENT. ' _NINE DAILY TRAINS. On end alterilionday,May. rlst,ls66,Pasaenger trains 'save the Depot. Thftd - street. above Thompson, dilly (Swld ßll3 excePl2, sa Mows:, AT 7.20 A. errant Expresi Mr Bethlehem and and. Principal Stations on North .Pennsylvania Rail road, cenneding at Bethlehem with Tahigh Valley Railroad for Allentown, Catssangna, Slatington,Manch hunk' Weatherly Jeanerville, Hazleton, White Ka , ven,. - WitirMtbarre, kincton, Pittston, and. all points in Pi`bigh and Wyoming allures:llEo,ln connection with Lehigh and-Malianoy-Railroad for MahanetDlV: L and with 4kttawissa Railroad, for Rupert, Dasivula Mil and Wirth. sped. Arrive at Mauch Chunk 1.1.45 A. M.; at Wilkesbarre at 2.45' P.M.; at Mahanoy Oity at P. M. Passengers by this train can take the TA•righ Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 12.00 M. •for Ea& ton and points on New Jersey Oentral Railroad to New York.. . . AT 8.55 A. l[. A ccommodation, for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' andllartaville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. - - AT 10 A. M.--Accommodation. lin Fort Washing- - ten, a_tep7 at, all intermediate Stallone. • At =l' Accommodation for Doylestown, Mop. ping at intermediate stations. Paasengers take step at Doylestown for New Hope. AT 3.30 P. AL—Evening Express for. Bethlehem and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Rai'- road, making close connection at, Bethlehem with Lei high Talley Train for Easton, raching there at 6.45 P. M. Paseo:Leers...Mr. Plainfie d Somerville and other points on New Jersey Central R.R. takeN. J. C. Train at Elston, which arrives in New Yerk at 10 P. M. Paa4 'enters for Sumneytown take state 'at North Wales. and. for Nazareth at Bethlehem and for Greenville a .Qtlakertown . . AT 4.15 P. M.- - Ancommodatkm, for Doylestawn; stopping at all 'intermediate Stations.. Passengers for Willow (trove, Hatboro' , andHartsville take stage at Abington : for Lorrthenrille Ittlloylestcrwn. AT 6.16 P. M.—Through Accommodation, for Bette, lettem and all Stationon - nu= line of North Pesinsyl. vania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem witb.J..u_leli Valley- Evening - Train for rictin*.. *ls Lehigh Valley Railroad and for Danviile..Wllliamsport and C:Stawisas AT 6.16 P. M.-.l.4Mnismodation, zee Lansdale, Mop; ping at all intermediate Stations. - At ,1i P.ISL Accommodation tor Port Wasliingkes. TRAINS FOR PRILADRLPHLi.. Leave Bethlehem nt 6.35 M.. and 12768& , and a. 15 P. ef. 12.25 train makes direct connection with Lehigh Val= ley trains from 'Easton. Wilkesbarre, Mahoney City, Hazleton, and arrives in Philadelphia at 2 80 P. M. Passengers leaving WiLkeebarre at LIS P. AL,oonnect at Bethlehem at . 6.15 P. M., and arrive in Pidiathdythla at 5.41 P. AL Leave Doylestown at 6.40 A. M. $.15 and LW P. lE.. Les-ve T.Ansel ale at it A.M. Leave Fort Waahingt. on at 10Z0 and . = P.M. ON SUNDAYS. - - - _ Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.80 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. hi, Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.30 P. K. Fifth and Sixth Streets 'Paasenger Cars cony psi. Fifth s to and from Berke Street Depot. White Care of Second and Third Streets Line convey passegners to Third Street kepot. _ Tickets must bepr.ocuredat the Ticket Offices,TßSELD street or Tonozak street, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. Y.T.T.114 CLARK, Agent. Hillman's Baggage Express wale:13110r and deliver Baggage at the Depot. (Mice. Be. 113 South TBIBD street. my2.l FOR NEW YORE.—The CAM DEN AND AMBOY and REELLA. A TRENTON- "RA rr•VIAD COM PANY'S LENES, from PhiLadelphia to New York, and way places, nom WALNUT STREET WHARF, will leave as follows, via: Flue At 5 A. Si., via Camden and Amboy, Accorn., 75 At S M., via Camden and Jersey Cllty Elxprglia, ato At 2 P. M.. via Camden and Amboy Express. 800 At 5.30 P. M., via Camden to S. Ambz y, Accom. At 8 A. AL, 2 ana 5.30 P.M. For Mount Holly, Swans ville, Pemberton and Vincentown, At SA. 31.. and 2 P. M. Or Freehold. At 5 and 10 A. M. 12 X. 4, 5.30, and 7P. M. for Fish House, ralmyra, Riverton Progre s s. . Delano°, Beverly, Edgewater, Burlington, Florence. Borden town, &c. The 10 A. M.and 4 P.R. lnes runs direct through to Trenton. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT will leave • as follows • At 11 A. M., 4.30, 6.45 P. M and 12 P.M. (night) via Kensington and Jersey City Express. $3 00 The 6.4.5 P. M . Line will run daily. All others Sun daYs excepted. At 7.35 and 11.,3, 130, 4.hls, 5 and 6,45 P. M,. and 12.1ildnight, for Bristol. Trenton. d c. • At 7 and 10.15, A. M., 12 M., 2,4, 5, and Corny? ells,Torrisdale,Holmesburg, Taoiny,Wissino ming Bridesburg and Frankford and at. 10.15 A. M. for VristoL Eichencks, Eadington and a P. M. for Holm ashlars and intermediate tions. BELVIDERE DELAWAJII: St RA a I Lark* 1), for the Delaware .River Valley, Northern Pennsylvania, and New York State, and the Great Lakes. Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington De. pot, as follows: At 7.30 A. M. and 5.80 P.M. fbr Niagara Falls, Baf- Palo Dunkirk, Canandaigua:Elmira, /theca, Owego, BkNemeater , mniebknllitrin, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montana*,_Wilkesbarra Scranton, trams:khan, Water Gap , - Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville. Flora. mrton, dm. The LIS P. M. Line connects direst with he Train leaving Boston for Manch Chunk. Allen town. Bethlehem. de. At SP. M. for Lambertville andlntermediateStatione JET For New York, and Way Linea leaving Ken sington Depot, take the care on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars ran Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train. run from the Depot. On Sundays, Qmnibasses will leave Wal nut street wharf at 6 P.M. to connect with 6.45 P. M Una Fifty Pounds of Baggage only,allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited nom taking anything as baggage but their wearing apreL All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for ex - • The Company limit their responsibility Mr baggage tO One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 2100, except by special contract. 2trlyle sold and baggage checked direct through to Boston. Graham's Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PB:ILADHTA: Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12 and 4 P. M. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and 10 A. IL, 6 I', M. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken sington. From Pier No. IN. River,at SA, M. and 2, 4 P. EL, via Amboy and Camden. WM. H. GATZILER. Agent. WEST CHESTER AND 2,lcrrr. 4. DELPHIA. R A TVR-f A 1 ), VIA SUMMER ABEANOKEMTTS. On and atter MONDAY, March 19th, 1865, the trains will leave as follows: WEST CELESTES TRAINS, Leave Philadelphia for West Chester, from Depot Thirty-first and Market street, 7.70 A. M.. 11.00 A. M., 2.15, 4.45 and 7.00 P. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on E. Market street. 6.2), Cheater4s A. M., 1.40, 4.50 P. M. Tralusleaving West at 7.30 A.M. and leaving Philadelphia at 4.45 P. M. will not atop at. Pennelton, and will stop below B. C. Junction at Media only, PENNELTON MAINS. Leave Philadelphia for Penneiton 4.15 and 10.30 P. Leave Penneltou for Philadelphia 8.16 A. M., 7.35 P. M. These Trains atop at all intermediate Stations. ON SIINDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8,30 A. N. and 2.00 P. M. Leave West Chester 7.55 A. IL and 5.00 P M. Ox StrunAvs—The West Philadelphia Passenger cars wil leave Eleventh and Market streets, hall an hour before the 'Patin leaves the depot, and will leave depot on the arrival of each train to conveypassengers Into the city. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. and 4.45 P M., and leaving West Chester at 7.30 A. M, P. M.. connect at B.C. Junction with Traina on the P. and B.C. B. R. for Oxford and intermediate pointa. mirPassengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any ease, be responsible for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars, unless a special contract is made for the same. MENB,Y WOOD. General Superintendent ism. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. 1886. great e verses the Northern and North• west comities of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. It has been leased and is operated by the Pennsyl. vania Railroad Company. TLILE OP PASSE/MEE TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA. AILILIVE HASP WARD. Erie Idea Tra1n................. 7 00,A. M ..1.00 .M. Erie Express Train.. • mr..Ni wis . a ann. Erie Mall Train...- 9 00P. M. Erie Express Train 12.00 M. Passenger Cars run through on the Erie Mail and Express Trains without change, both ways, between Philadelphia and Erie. - - NEW - YOBS. commcv - tozr: Leave New York at 9.00 AZI., arrive at Erie 9.16 A. M. Leave Erie at 1.65 P. M., arrive at New York 3.40 P. M. Elegant tiler Cars on all Night Trains. For info Lion respecting passenger businees spoiy i at corner • TLETIL and V A 'RR EIT streets. Phila delphia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia. J, W. Reynolds, Erie. . Win. Brown, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore. H. H./AC . IEI'BTUE, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. W. GWINNER, General Ticket A A. gent,Philadelphia, L. TYLER, • General SUP'‘.. William sport. PRMALELPHIA & BALT"' MORE CENTRAL B.A.T.LROA.D.— :1 '4 "OR mRNTS.—ON AND AFTER MONDAY, March 19,1860, the Trains will leave Phila delphia, from the Depot of, the West Chester &Phila delphia Railroad, corner of Thirty-first and Market Streets, (West Philada ), at 7.20 A M., and 4.45 P. M. Leave Ris 5 ing Sun, at .30, and Oxford at 6.05 A. M., and leave Oxford at 8.25 P. M. Tia June lst a Market Train with Passenger Car attached will run on Tuesdays and Fridays . leaving The. Rising Sun at 10.45 A. M., Oxford at 11.45 A. M„ and Kennett at 12.45 P. M., connecting at West Cheater Junction with a Train for Philadelphia. On and alter June Ist; this train will leave the Rising _Sun at 4P.M., Oxford at SP. M., and Kennett at e P.M.. Marketing Will not be taken on Passenger Trains. The. Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. con nects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages , for Peach Bottom,-in Lancaster county. Returning. leaves Peach Bottom to counted at Oxford With tho Afternoon Train for Philadelphia. ' ' • The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4,45 runs to Rising Bun, Md. Passengers are allowed to take Wearing Anparel only, - as Baggage, and the Company will not in any case be responsible for an amount. exceeding one bun. dred dollars, unless a special contrast be made for the same. mbl9 'it WOOD, Gen'l. dap' t„ TI%AVZIUAftit ,OV/Dke jer t f . 21 Pmei rots rLVA2rI.6. (ThIIATE.U. A..IIIIA.NOKM2iIT.- The trains of the , Pennsylvania Central B. R. leave the Depot at Thirty-first and Market streets, which Is reached by the cars of the Market Street Passenger ataltway running to and from the-Depot. The last car leaves Prom street about Mitt - 3 , minutes, prior to the departure of esch Train. • - - • , ON BlLNDAvs—Cars . leave 'Eleventh and , Market streets 95 minutes before departure of Evening trains. 26AI:zee BAGGAGE EXPRESS will call for and deli rer Baggage at the -Depot Orders left at the office; Pio. 631 Chestnut street. will receive - attention. • TRA_TNis LP.AVE AND__ ALEMD72I. LT' DEPOT TERM NAIL TRAIN - • • • at Loa DAY EXPRESS - - - " 10.00 • PAOLI ACCOht.. No. 1 • 1. " 11.00 " EAST LINE &ERIE EXPRESSI "12.00 M. HATARISBURG AVG 051.,• • " 2.80 P. N. LANCASTER AOCOM., • • " 4.00 " PAOLI ACCOM...NO. 2 • - • " 5.00 " PITTSBURGH & ERIE MAIL, si " 9.00 " PAOLI ACCOM., No. 8, - • •' lO.OO " PHILADELPHIAaILEPRESSt • " 11.10 " CINCINNATI REPRESS, • 1240 A. PHILADELPHIA t • " 7.10 " PAOLI ACCOM.. No. 1 - • " 8.20 U COLUMBIA: TRAIN, • " 9.40 __ LANCASTER TRAIN • • u X. 40 P. X PASTLINF. - . . . a LlO PAOLI ACOOII., No. 2. • • " 4.10 " BAY EXPRESS - • . 5.50 " PA OLI A CCOM., N 0.3, - " 7VI HARAISP.URG ACCOM., • " *Daily, except. Saturday. tDauy. Wally, except Monday. iltroming - throngh from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and Erie without change of cars. All other 'maims daily, except Sunday. TICKET oFnums. Are located al No. 621 Chestnut street; Conti nental Hotel, and Girard House where Tickets may be procured to allimportant points in Pennsylvania, as well as the West, Northwest and _Southwest; and fulituformation given as to time and connections, by JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent Also at Ihirty-liret and _Market streels,on a_pplioatiOn te TEO*. HI PA F. Ticket Agent, at the Depot. V.ria.u. runs daily, eusspt Sunday. ME tdittl=r se to tare and accommodations, apply tD IFBANCD3 PUNK. No. LS Deck street. , The Pennsylvania Banroad not amen say risk 112rBse, exoeptfor W=Ag o V 3l , and butt their responsibility to One H valite, AB Baggage scowling that amount in value, will be at the risk - of the owner, unless taken by sp e cial contract. l e . T oi. -.,,. - . - • • : getTN, •Aft• :Si : 4.4'111.. TOWN AND • ORRIBTONVII :aAI II :272 t2go :4 4 . 4 ; . : I . and atter YON DAY, may 26th fAstvePhiladelnliii-a.i,i, 9,10, 11, 12,A. MA 1,2, 810 minutes, BK, l e 5,7%. Q 7, t e 9, 10,11, 72, P. AL Leave Germantown - 6.7 7%, 8, 8.20, 9, 10,11, 12, A. AL; 1. 2. Be 4. 4%, e e ri e 7 8,9,19,11 The 8.20 dow n train, and the 8% and 4 s% up trains do net stop on Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.10 nalmstes e A. M.; 2.8, 5,8 and M.P.H. Leave Germantown--8 A. H.; 1.1 46% and 9%, P. H. onsTrrErr KELLItALLBOAD. Leave Philsidelplda-6, a, 19, 12, A. M. 2,8%, EX. 7. and 7.1, P. Leave Chestnut 8111-tlO minutes, 8 9.40, and 1140 A. .1L; 1.40, 8.4.0, 5.10, MO, N 8.01 and 10.4 e O SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-910 minutes, A. H.; 2.2, and 8 Pd 'LeaveChestnut 133:11-7.40 minutes, A. M.; 12.40, 6.10 and 9.2.5 minutes P. H. FOB CONSHOHOCKEN AND NOBBISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 845,11.05 minutes, A. M. 1.11, 8,4%. 5%. 6%, 8.05, and 11%, P. M. Leave Norretown-534,7, 7.59. 9, 11, AcTL; 134, 434, 6% and 8 P. hi. The 5% P. M. train will stop at School Lane, Whoa hieVon: Hanayruals, Spring Hills and Conshohocken on ly, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phliadelphia-9 A. H., 2%. 4, and 734 P. M. FOB HA NA LeSveliOrriStOW ll - 7 Aar-. Land 5% aa d 9, P. H. YUN Leave Philadelphia- 6,8.35,11.05 A. H.; 134, 8, 4%,134. 63;, 8.66, and 1.134 hi ElLeave Manaructsc-6%, 734, as% 934.1134. A. ; 2,5. 11 and 8%, P.M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Pidiadelphia-9 A. and and P 7% X. Leave hiseue'unk-7% A. M. 1% 6 4. , P. . H. W. T. WILSON, 0-mend Superintendenc e Depot, Ninth and Green streets. NEW ARRANOFST.—PHIL- Ria rR ADELPHIA TO WI LA TA.I%Es- g ° r 1: CHANGE OF CARS VIA CATA, WISSA. ROUTE. On and after Monday, April Id INS, through can for,Willtsmsport, will leave the Philadelphia and. Bead. tug Railroad Depot, Thirteenth and eallowhill streets, at BA. M. arriving at Williamsport at 6 P. M.. and making close connections for Elmira, Ott Regions, Buffalo, Erie, Niagara Falls, Suspension. Bridge and all places in the Western, North Western, South Western States and the (=Lades 111 BOUGH TICKETS to all p,ointa can be procured at the Company's office 425 Chestnut street, under Philadelphia Bank, opposite the Custom House, at the United States Telegraph OIRCe in the Contlaental Hotel, ano at the Depot of the Philadelphia and Head. lag Railroad Thineenth and Entllowhill street,. N. VANHOBN, Passenger Agent. IiNgWRARITAN AND DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD COMPANY. and arter 'MONDAY, the mitt of May, trains on this road will leave the Depot of the Cam den and Atlantic Railroad Company, at Cooper's Point, Camden. as follows: diat Exp e re tat ions ,e. for Long Branch, New Task , and interne- Freight, for New York and tso P.M. Mall and Express. for New York, at LSO A. M. gßeturning, trains leave Pier Szt, North River, foot of Duane street, at 11.00 A, M. and 4.15 P. M., Passenger, and 5.00 P. M. Fi eight. Pare, to and from New York. la CO. myl7 W. N. CLAYTON. Superintendent. HUN:NESS VA.BDEis LUTES Os BOBEALAN, CAMPENTERS .31CD BUILDERS. 133y24111 N 0.212 PEAR Street. Residence: 606 Dickerson street. 1005 Taylor street. Every description;ot Jobbing promptly attended to. T)& 'A.-4320RM PROCURED.— JOHN H. FRICK, NOTARY PUBLIC. sxybrisrMSlONEß FOR ALL STATES, PENnION AND PRIZE AGENT, No. DOCK Street. Acknowledgments, Depositions, Affidavits to Ao. counts taken. rohlt-11i'!_ C. KNIGHT NCO., WHO." ar. , . A LIZ GROCERS, .S. E. Cor. WATER and Cl:r.k.l3l` streets, Phil. adelphia. Agents for the sale of the Products of the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar Rowe. of Philadelphia. ILIUM •A. WEIEIHT. THORNTON PIECE. CE.31.11:131{1. 1111.1.80 D IC t..`33CEODOItS, WILIGHT. SBANIC L. P4TER WRIGHT & bONS, Importers ofEarthenware, and Shipping aad Commission Mershants Po. lls WALNUT Street, Phihulelpida IDENNSYLVANIA WORES.—ON THE DEIA -L WARE river. below PHLLADE.LPHIA, CHESTER. Delaware county, Pa. BEANEY, SON et. 00 Engineers and Iron Boat builders, Hanufactnzers of All kinds of CONDENSING AND NONCONDENSING GINES, Iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Vata, Tanks, Propellers. &c., &c. T. BEAN - EY, W. B.B.EANEY, S. AItCHEBOLD, Beaneate of y. Nears dt Co., Engineer in;late Chief, Penn Works, Phila. 11. S. Navy. T. VAUGHAN MERRICK, WM. H. MERRICK. JNO. E. COPE. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASH LNGTON STREETS. PB/LAVELPHIA. MERRICK. & SONS, ENGINEER.S AND lIACEUNHIMS. Manulboture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines for Land,River and Marine Service. Boilers Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, &c, Castings of ail kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Fralne Root for Gas Works, Workshops and Railroad Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; and Sugar. Saw and Grist Mills,_ Vacuum Pans, ()pen Steam Trains, Defacators, Filters, Pumping En gines, &c. Sole Agents for N. Billeux's Patent Sugar . Boling Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer and Aspinwall & Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. THE PHILADELPHIA BIDING WHOM.- FOURTH street,above Vine, will reopen Pall and Winter season on _MONDAY, Sept. ggib. Ladles and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thorough knowledge of this acconspfiqhm.u.t will find everg. funlity at this school. The horses are safe and well trained, so that the most timid need not fear. Saddle horses gained in the best manner. Saddle horses, horses and vehiclen to hire. Also carriages for faint rat, to cam, stmmboate, OM. THOS. (TAME a SON. AS FEKTUR/M—MISKEY, METIRILL a THACRABA, ' NO. 718 CH:LOGTNUP street, Manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, au,, Stc., would call the attention of the public to , their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, &c. They also introduce Gas pipes into Dwellings and Public Buildings;and attend to extend ing, _altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work war ranted. ASO I:A • • 31tift..-0•• g •mg• Di • , • only lace to get Privy Wells Cleansed and bltdn• tected, at very /ow prices. A. PEYSSON, brannLictarer of Pondrette, Goldsmith's Rail. Libram , street • 111ASoiNIC MARKS. . . MARTIN LEA.Nis, NO. 402 LIMESTNITT - " STREET. First Premium awarded by 'Franklin Insti tute to MARTEN LEANS. Manufacturer of • MASONIC MARRS, PINS. EMBLEMS. .k.c., ac. New and original designs of Masonic 31 - arks, .Tern plans, Medals Army Medals and Corps Badges of every description.,,f,s,3rn , . . . , 3%. ILE _A_ IR, ii" 1-- ' r - ›- - Successor to I3co. IV. dray, , ..) 1 $3 It E W ..V,•3LI . 24, so, 28 and 80 South Sixth St., philaini. , A .,,, r, Fine Old Stock ,k, lint-Brown Mes, ....... r '= -111S7 for Family and Idedietacd FOR HAVANA. 6 17; f i...• The Steamship - • STARS AND STRIPES, Holmes, master, Will sell for the above port on BA.TIJRDA.T 2,10)4,N. May 26, at 8 o'clock. Passage to Havana va , For freight or passage, apply to TELOAIAm WATTSON &BONS, mylo-7t* 4 ' 1 4 0 North Delaware avenue. FOB. NEW YORK, Via Delaware and Raritan. CEmzd. The Philadelphia and New York IhrprOsa Steamboat Company. , steam Propellers leave DAILY from 11,1 4 1 PIP.ST WHAItE below N.ABIKET street, making e run in 24 HOITES. This Line connects with all Northern and .Eastern Transportation Companies. Goods forwarded direct to all_points free of commissi on. >dreight received at lowest rates. Wat. P. CLYDE &CO., Agent ' N. South Wharves Philadelphia. 7AS. Agent,: 117 Wall street, New York. - . FOR BOSTON. STEAMSHIP LIMB DIBBCT. :ritgill; FROM .71.4C_Y .PORT 8V2181117X11428. FROM PUCE ST. Wlx ARF. PBTLADELPMJA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamshipNOßMAN, Captain Crowell, will sal from Philadelnhis on !Saturday, May 26, at 10 A. M. The steamship SAXON Captain Matthews, will sail from Boston on Thursday. May 24, at 12 M. ' The hne between Philadelphia suld Beam:03110W ON, Captain Matthews, 180 tonslitirtlima. NORMAN, Captain Crowell, 1200 tons burthen. ABMS, Captain Boggs, 900 tons burthen. • ' These substantial and well appointed ateamerapa will sail punctually as advertised; and: freight 'Ka be received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive amps. • Shippers are requested to send Bilk of Lailbtg with . 11'911re:101 or rasarite. apply to ARNBY woman a co., my 22 812 South De/aware avenue. - PEOZADRELPICIA. RICHMOND AND NORFOLK. STBAMEHEP COMPANY. • The fine steamships of thin Line insane at the lowest rates and Bail regolarly ikon the Rind Wharf above Nisketetreet, every WEDNESDAY and BA.TUSDAY. Connecting with Railroads from Richmond, Norfolk and City Point, farming the most direct route for the South and Southwest. For trotOt or Waage, with excellent accommoda tions, apply to .4=S.FOR SAVANNAH, GEORGIA.--Plo nee 4, Line.—A first-class steamship leaves Pier North River, New York, every THURSDAY, for the above port, landing cargo in Savannah the fol lowing Monday morning Freight and first-class passage always as low as by any other line. Goods from Philadelphia and other polite received by any trunsportation line, and promptly forwarded free of commissions. LhWIS L. JONES, 13 Broadway, New York, Apply to JOHN' H. ATWOOD 5 Walnut street. Philadelphia. Agents in Savannah, Messrs. HUNTER & GAM MI IS.. mylgam PKVf 4 S LINE TO ALEX- I.' ANDRIA. Georgetown and. Washington, via and Delaware Canal, with oormeadons at Alexandria, Va., form the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave First Wharf above Market, street every Wednesday and satordaY at 12 For freight apply to the agents W. CLYDE . CO., 14 North Wharves. J. B. Davidson. Agent at Georgetown; AL Eldridge& Oa., Agents at Alexandria. FOR GALVESTON. TEXAS. Twx - siii LINE STEAMERS.. • e Al Steamship .ARLA.DNE, G. B. Craig. Commander, Will receive freight at Fier SS East River (NOV. 'York). and sail with despatch. For freight or passage having superior secommodsti Lions, appy to BISHOP. SON & 00., N 0.105 Arch street. 6w. S.ft- —Freight for this Line sent to New mylYork by iSure Line. .1.41 d igEM, - FOR NEW YORlL—Pldladelphia Steam Propeller Company—Despatch and. Swift erirea, vla Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaving daily at 12 M. and 5.P. M., connecting with all the Northern and Seaters Lines. For freight, which will be taken on terns, apply to =hitt! iti ZMW TOW-RDAT.LINE. DXG.A WARR and CHBEI4RRAE/1 .BoAr 00.31P411157; - - --- - • BARGES towed to and ftnm PHILADELPHIIi HAVRE-DRj e ißA 7xu *. BALT/MORA WASHINat TON, and In ri l l'. CLYDE di CX)., N 0.14 South Wham PkOadelphba, Captain .TOHN LAIJGHLIN. teredent. _ . ak, FOB HARTFORD, 00105_, __. DrEtzur. _ VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN' A.l...—Tbe steamer SUSAN, Vandeveer. Master. now loading at Second wharf below Spruce street, will leave as above on THURSDAY next, the 24th Inn. Freight taken on reasonable terms. Apply to • WILLIAM M. 114 1 111) & CO:, • ie ray2l4t N 0.122 Sarah Wharves... - atatims, at ROBINSON'S CiALIFORNLA. CLIPPER LINE. BAILING. REGULARLY. AS ADVERTISED. • - .Freight for this Line sent to New York by Swift. Dare Line at reduced rates. The splendid Al extreme clipper ship KING FISHER. Harding, commander. Is now taking in the balance of her cargo at. • P in i: n r i l a l4. , s i t i lt pe lt i t s v m e% y eul t zl ly h o a n vim m la i rxe de ezg a m For freight, at reasonable rates, apply to BISHOP. SON th CO. ray:Stf 105 Arch sweet. Ott k'REIGHT OR CH ASTEB--Alßr. bark SATILLEFIC, Williams, master, Ise tons re. gister and 6.500 bbls. flour. Al Br. bark JANET. lianney, master, 280 tons regis ter and 3,000 bbls. Al Br. bark BALTHASAR/1, Wilson, master, 214 tons register and 35(0 bbls. flour. .02 Br. brig IDA, Tbesing, master, 210 tons register and 2,5C0 bbls. capacity Anoly to EthillbrD A. SODDER ds co., • ap2l S Dock street whazr. _ FOR BOSTON, Mass.—Express Line.—Tlea fine schooner JUSTICE M. LEWIS, Captain Shute, is now loading for the above port at Willow street wharf, and will sail with despatch. For freig myl4 ht, apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharvea. WANTED.—A Vessel of about SAO tons for Providence, R. L Apply to DAVID COOPER, IS N. Wharves. r0y2.3-3t WANTED —A Vessel of about 100 2dt - feet Lumber, to carry timber from Denton, Did., to ilmington, Del. Apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 N. Wharves. apt! nONSIGNRPS' NOTICE,--Consignees of meicbart• dice per ship MERRIMAC. Leckie, master, from Liverpool, will please send their permits oU b Jard, at Shippen street wharf, or to the office of the undersigned. The general order will be issued on Wednesday the Md inst., when ail goods not permittgli will be sent to public stores. PETER WRIGIET 4¢, SONS, Us 'Walnut street. 'urn 3- SHIP TAMERLANE, Jackson, master, from pool, is now discharging under general ordet.. Bhippen street wharf. Conslgnees will ialeuse to the reception of their goods. Consignees PETER WRIGHT e BONS, DS Walnut street. myl2-- . TraAMBEITE . NORMAN, PROM ..BosTott.—cowi: B ignees of merchandise, per above steamer; will ease send for their goods. now landing at Pine street Wharf. (my 2 2 -3) HENRY WINSOR & - TAB. B.BREDIDLIER, successor to JOHN BliaN OLP= V el BUNS, Bail Makers. No. 300 North DELA.WAILig. Avenue, Filthyfelphia. All work done in the best MBILIKTIIIIIO3. 021 the 10w4314 and most favorable terms, and warranted to Eau per feet satisfaction. attention riven to renairinz. NATIONALELi _ FYPRS _ AND TRANSPORTATION COM eANv. OFFICE-630 MARKET STREET, 2.I33LAIDELI'MA. TICE NATIONAL XX.PRFAS AND TRANSPOR TATION COMPANY,- having finely completed its Southern through connections irons NEW TORE. and PHILADELPHIA to BALTI MORXWARB LNG'S RIL BM, /ND, SAVANN CHARLESTON, and all intermediate and adjacent towns as far South as ATL ANTA Ga., and also having perfected its Western connections, via the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad over mail roads, to CINCINNATI AND Si. LOUIS, Is now prepared' to receive Freight, Merchandise, Valuable 'Packages. .111. t 'IC EY. AND BULLION. and to transfer the same to, or. from places designed and all intermediate points as EFFICIENTLY;PxPADITIOUSLY and CHEAPLY as can-be done by any other Express Company. Offices are aBo c pened in , MOBILE AND NEW ORT.FANS, And in a few days the company will run through, via MONTGOMERY, to these places. S. E. JOHNSTON; President, B. F. FICELIN, General Superintendent. BardVAL.AMS' EX_PRESS COMPAIsTY—On after TUESDAY, la ay the FREIGHT DE: pART7mr - isrp , of this company will be REMOVED V the Company a 1 1 / 4 'ew Building, S. E. corner of EL Beik VENTH - and MA_RKETstreets. Entranceon Eleventh street and on Marble street. • • ALL MONEY and COLTXOTION 33IISINWAA will be transacted as heretofore at a2l) Chestnut street. Small Parcels -and Packages will be received .Cat. eitheroftice Call:Rooks wilt be kept' at - each' Ofticel and mycelia entered therein previous to 5 P. 51..wint receive attention sume day. if within a reasonable die: Lance of our Carel. Inquiries: for .goods' and settle. moots to be made at atO Chestnut street._ JOHN - BIEGH.A.M,Sapt. ..4 •sie; April 24, 1868. : apSOlmi: BOND'S BOSTON litlS ULT.—Bond's Boston Buttell and Milk Biscuit, landing from steamer Norman, and for sale by JO'S. B. BUSSIXES di 00., Agents.; fox Bond, /08 t3Outh Delaware avenue. SHIPPING At Noon. WIC P. CLYDE & CO.. 14 North and South Wharves. WK. x. BALED & 00.. No. lta South Delaware avenue. p;iazig_lc:ev:Aitm mylQ~lBa ~~