THE BOMBARDMENT OF CALLAO. 11111eial Report of Commodore Rodgers The following despatch from Cqmmodore Rodgenkwas to-day received at the Navy Department: -.- _ _ U. S. STEAMER VANDERBILT, at Sea, May 10, 1866.—51 R :—I have the honor to report that on the 27th of April, the Spanish Ad miral, Mendez Nunez addressed a letter to the Diplomatio Corps in LithEt, declaring that the'port of Callao was blockaded from that date; also another, justifying the course of Spain, and announcing that he should give neutral, inhabitants four days to re move their loersons and property, previous to the bombardment of ,the city. On the 30th April Admiral Pearson an choied our men-of-war out of gun-shot of the, fortification of Callao. Merchant •ves sels had some days before taken up posi tions out Of the way of hostile operations. It was thought that the attack would com mence on the Ist of May, when the time ex pired given to neutrals for removal;, but on the 2d of May, about ten o'clock, A. M., the Spanish fleet got under way. Some lines, time, was spent in dressing their nes, and about eleven o'clock the squadron moved in two divisions to attack the defences of Callao. The, first division, under Admiral Nunez, consisting of the iron--clad-Numancia, of seven - thousand tone burden, with , the frigates Blanca and Resolucion, moved .alongithe low Ca7-"ZO 'lsland to attack the batteries off . the south side of Callao, while the frigates Villa de Madrid, Berengaele. and, ALmanza, passing in front of the National and merchant vessels anc‘iored in the bay, steamed at first towards the Peru vian batteries on the north side of the - city. As these vessels approached they accelerated their speed and ran swiftly into position. At fifteen • minutes after twelve the first gun was fired; ;I thought, from the Nu mancia, quickly followed by two from a battery on the south side. The Spanish fleet carried about two hundred and forty guns, mostly 32-pounders. The ,Nuraancia was armed with 68-pounders, as was also the three-gun corvette Vincedora, which was held in reserve, to tow, if necessary, and also, I presume, to cover the transports. The Peruvian batteries numbered in the aggregate forty-five guns, five of them 450- pounders, Blakeleys, and four Armstrong guns, 200-pounders mounted on top of iron turrets; the rest were 32-pounders. Sand bags were extensively used in making the batteries, to which were added brick masonry and some of adobe. The firing soon became warm. About ten o'clock the Villa de Madrid set her jib and trysails and ran out of the fight. She made signals, and was taken in tow by the,Via-, cedora, with steam escaping abundantly from below. She was soon followed by the Berenguela, listed over to one side and with smoke pouring from her ports. Just before she retired a puff of black dust had shot out at her water line on the side away from the batteries. A ball had gone through the coal bunkers, I thought, and through both sides. We saw men over the side attempting to patch with canvas the ragged hole, which seemed some two feet square. The Almanza moved to join the first division, engaged with the Southern batte 4 ries. The Resolucion and Blanca, about 2.30, steamed away from the Southern divi sion, leaving the Almanza and the Numan cia still engaged. These vessels drew off at fifteen minutes before five o'clock; the Peru vians firing after them as long as their guns could reach. The actions fought under way by the SPaniards, was urged on both sides with courage and persistency. The Peru vians' guns, which were all on barbette, never ' ceased firing, and the Spaniards, I believe, only left off when their ammunition was exhausted. The killed and wounded in the batteries were said to number eighty. In one of the iron-clad batteriee a shell exploded, igniting other powder and disabling the guns. By this explosion Senor Galvez, the Peruvian Minister of War and Marine, was blown to atoms. Next to the Dictator in power, of liberal views and marked ability, his loss will prove a serious one to the country. His Excellency, the Dictator, is said to have been everywhere in the thickest of the fight, animating, encouraging and directing the Peruvian batteries. Ido not know the damage to the Spanish fleet, but the loss was no doubt heavy. It was obvious that several of the vessels had been badly pun ished. The Spaniards, we thought, did not go very near the batteries, many of their shot falling into the water. Tne presence of torpedoes may have inspired caution. In coming away from a farewell visit to Admiral Pearson, I picked up one floating adrift near our vessels. It was a red keg, containing about fifty pounds of wet prow der, with some yards of insulated wire at tached, , and inside the arrangement for ex plosion by a galvanic battery. The senior surgeon, Dr. Peck, was sent to the Villa de Madrid and Berenguela as soon as they an chored, with offers of assistance. His - ser vices were accepted by the surgeon of the Villa de Madrid, but on board the Beren guela the officers gathered around him at the gangway, and said they were deeply grateful, but needed no help. When the Numancia anchored, Dr. John son was sent on board, while Dr. Peck, who had returned to the Vanderbilt, went on shore to tender his services to the Peru vians. I was sorry to learn, through Dr. Johnson, that Admiral Nunez had been badly wounded by splinters, no fewer than eight injuries havir g been received in the head, arms, legs and side. The Doctor was not permitted to see the Admiral, asd I apprehend he has been seriously hurt. The Peruvian batteries were but little injured. The authorities on shore were confident that on the morning following the bombardment they would be better prepared than at the -first to resist an attack. There were two iron-clad vessels on the side of the Peruvians, one a monitor, the Loa, with a single gun (sixty-eight pounder) in a turret, and one the Vittoria, built in the shape of the Confederate iron- Clads, covered with railroad - iron, and hav ing a sixty-eight pounder at each end. The monitor was struck ten times but received no damage. Ido not know how the other fared. There were several small men-of war, but their artillery was too light to be used, and they were secured inside the mole. _ - I have the honor to be Your obedient servant, JOHN 'ROGERS, Commander. To Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy. Appended to the above report is a finely executed map of the bombardrdent of Callao, showing the movements of the Spanish squadron and the position of the Peruvian batteries. The design being the work of Lieutenant Gown K. Haskell, United States Navy. From ISIL Louis. ST. Loins, May 22.—1 n the Old School Assembly to-day, the action of the Assem-, bly in regard to the exclusion of the Louis.: Tide committee was ordered to be recorded,' and 'a committee, with Dr. West as chair man, was appointed to answer it. The re port of the Committee on Foreign Missions shows that the Board has forty-six inissions in different countries. The receipts for the ,year were $207,000, and the expenditures 1210,000. Nearly half the churches Of the denomination -failed to contribute to the support of the Board. Both money and men are needed. - The_Hon. Sand. Galloway, of Ohio, con-' immed most , of to-day in replying to Dr. 13oardman's speech of yesterday, taking strong grounds against the conduct of the Louisville Presbytery,- and dealing tren chant - blows against ' disloyalty in and out of the church. Nothing of special importance occurred, in the New School Assembly. (b-:l4.sCr :4 DizizM !;-1:1, :4:Sz) JA [CLOSE OF YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS.] SENATE. - Mr.: Kitickvood's public land bill being under discussion, Mr. Hendricks moved to amend the bill so as to allow the secure one hun dred and ; sixty' : instead of eighty acres. Agreed to. - - Mr. Kirkwood, in response to a question, . said there were forty-six millions of acres of =public land in the States named. The bill was passed. At one.o'clock Mr. Sherman (Ohio) called up the bill., to consolidate the debt, and re duce the rate of interest on the same to five ;per cent. The amendment of the Finance Commit ,tee, striking out the provision making the .cost of , preparing, issuing, printing and dis posing of-the loan. not to exceed two per cent., and inserting in lieu thereof a provi sion that the cost of disposing of it shall not exceed one per cent., was agreed to. Mr. Sherman spoke at length in advocacy of the bill. At the conclusion of his speech, Mr. Clark (N. H.) rose and said, he desired to speak in opposition to the bill, but was not prepared to do so now. He moved that the further consideration be postponed till to-morrow. Mr. Fessenden (Are.) said - the special or der for to-morrow was the Reconstruction resolution. Mr. Clark's motion-was agreed to. Mr. Chandler (Mich.) introduced a bill supplementary to the several acts relating to the establishment of the Treasury De- - pertinent; which visa referred to the Com mittee of Commerce. It provides for the appointment, by the President, of a Com missioner of•Custerma, Who shall direct the execution of laws regulating the foreign and coasting trade, and fisheries, and import and tonnage duties; for the appointment of a Solicitor, and a Deputy Commissioner of Customs, with two Assistant Deputies e and for the organization of . a Bureau of Ac counts. It also provides that the present Commissioner of Customs shall be called Third Comptroller of the Treasury, having tbe examination and adjustment of such in ternal revenue accounts as may be trans ferred to his office. Mr. Chandler (Mich.) from the Committee on Commerce, reported a bill to prevent the wearing of sheath knifes by American sea men. It provides that the same prohibition against wearing knifes on shipboard shall be extended and made applicable to all sea men in the merchant-service. Every mas ter of a ship registered under the laws of the United States is required to inform every person engaged as seamen of this provision, and to require his compliance, under a penalty of fifty dollars, the fine to go—one half to the informer, and one-half to the fund for the relief of sick and disabled sea men. The House bill to amend the postal laws was taken up. One section provides that prepaid letters shall be returned, free of postage to the writers, when not called for; another, that money orders should be good for but one year; another prescribes punishment for elamaging or.disfiguring letter-boxes in the public streets, at a fine of five hundred dol lars or three years' imprisonment. Mr. Ramsey (Minn.) offered an amend ment that, whenever the Postmaster Gene ral shall employ special agents to collect money,he shall require a bond and security of such agents. Agreed to. The bill as amended was then passed. At four o'clock, the Senate went into Ex ecutive session, on motion of Mr. Doolittle, and soon after adjourned. HOUSE:—Mx.EIiot (Mass.) from thelselect committee on-Freedmen, reported back the bill to continue in force for three year; and to amend.the act establishing the Freed men's Bureau. While the bill,was being read, the morn ing hour expired; and the bill went over till to-morrow. Mr. Briggs introduced a bill to punish at torneys and others for withholding moneys collected for officers, soldiers and sailors. Read twice and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. The House went Into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, Mr. Dawes in the chair, and resumed the consideration of the Tax bill, commencing at the para graph imposing a ta.x 'of two cents a pound on cotton upon which no tax has been levied. After adopting various amendments, the HOUEN at half-past four, took a recess until half-past seven. • Evening Session.—The House met at half past 7 o'clock, and went immediately into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union (Mr. Dawes in the chair) on the Tax bill. The Comm)ttee, after disposing of ten pages of the bill, down to the paragraph on bankers, rose, and the House, at 10 o'clock, adjourned. 1 11 _ i 1 1. ' I BOSTON, Mav 22.—The Senate elected to day General B. F. Butler, of Lowell, to be Major-General of the. Massachusetts State Militia, under militia' organization. The American Baptist Missionary Union commenced ics anniversary meetings to day. The Hon. Ira Harris, of New York, Pre sident of the Society, made an interesting speech, in which he indicated his purpose of retiring from the office of President, which was conferred upon him — four years ago, at the death of Gov. Brigg 3. It was the highest honor he had.ever received from his brethren, but he knew there were men as able and who could give more time to the duties of the position. _ Reports of the committees were read and accepted. The Treasurer's report shows the receipts of the year to be $170,000, ex penditures $173,000. The missionary labors of the Society in foreign countries appear to progrPss favorably. COAL. CirlEo . . CPCDIKIE, No. 1314 Washington avenue, Invites the attention of the Public to his PEESTON COAL, which is an article that givesunbounded satis faction to all. My customers generally are laying it in at the present prices, in preference to "I'MfriGH COAL. Egg and Stove sizes at $6 75 per ton. Also the genuine Eagle Vein Coal, same sizes, same price. A superior quality of T,TCRTGE. COAL, Egg and Stove, at $7 50 per ton. Orders received at 114 South THIRD St. toy6-am 1 FOR GOOD 'L AIME RUT, 56 50 FOR 5 50 STOVE or HEATED. COAL. 3. A. SMITH, rteenth and Waahtngton avenue. nuin-Dcret B. MASON HUMS. TIVIMIDEBI3IGNEB - viTE ATTENTION '3 ILelr Mock of Buck Mountain. Oom_pany's Coal. Lehigh Navltion tOompany's Coal, and Locust Mountain which they are prepared to sell at the lowest market Mee, and to deliver in the best condition. Orders left with S. MASON BLIVES, Franklin Inett tnteßnilding, SEVENTH - street, below Merkel,. wit be promptly attended to. MINIM & BREAM?, se g tif , Arch Street Wharf, Schuylkill. (VAL.—SWAB LOAF. BIC.A.I7ER ltdEd-DW Vi Spring Mountain, -Lehlgla Coal, and beet Locust Mountain from BehaYnrall, Prepared expressly eca Sanity use,: De t, N. W. corner EIGHTH and WI, LOWaid streets. CO, No. U 2 South W SPXO ONDN street. r, J. ALT COPARTNERSHIPS. CARTNERSHIP—The Undersigned, successors to FREDERIC'S. fiIOODWaT, deceased, have this day associatc-d 'themselves together under the name and style of 'HART & BUCK, for the purpose of selling Wrought lon Tubes, Fittings, &c., manufactured at Cumberland Tube and -Iron Works, and for transact- ing a general Iron Commission business. THOMAS HART, WILLIAM R. 8008, - Office, 112 South Fourth street. FirrnsromPirms, May 10.1866. ' ' my/042r1 CARRIA.GES NER 'Ts-4.-i:- 314' A TCI 33 "FtEi, 21.4 181 0uth Fifth street, &low " alum, Paladelphin. . • WO" An assortment of NEW and SEix.r.ccu-EtAND CARRIAGM always on hand, at_ .REASONABLE_ PRICES. - aPanani THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23,1866. A MEETING OF TELE bTOCK tIOLOSES of the "EAGLE ROCK OIL COMPANY'' will be fl ed on the 30th day of May, at 12• o'clock, at the ;office of ,the Company, 41a Walnut street. Ilusineetof importance.HENßY S. PAUL • • myl4-m.w,fBtll , Secretat7. OFFICE OF THE METALLINE LAND lk,D 7 COMPANY, No. 824.WAINCT street. Emma- DELPHIA, May 2,186& ' 'The Stated Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of :the METALLINE LAND CVMPANY will be Weld at the Office ol the company, on MONDAY, June 4th pron.. at 12 o'clock, M. F. E. WOMRATH, re3l-tie4it _ - Clerk. GERMANTOWN.—NOTICE THE 'GER MANTOWN WATER COMPANY having de livered possession of their Works, dm., to the City of *Philadelphia, no further rents will be collected or per mits issued by the Company. Stockholders will re ceive their certificates of City Debt upon delivery of, their Stock certificates to ISAAC°. PRICE, President Germantown Water Co. aeylB-ct• OFFICE OF THE AMYODALOID MINING COMPANY, PIZULADBLPIIIA4 May zl, 1866. The .Annual meeting of Stockholders of the -Amyg daloid Mtang Company" will be held of their Mil !e, No. 82.4 Walnut street, on WEDNESDAY, Jane dm. proximo, at la o clock M., for the election of Directors and the transactit,n of other business. F. E. WOMS.A.TH, Secretary. 'my2ltje6/ U'FAIR TO SECURE A . HOME FOR THE Aged and Infirm Members of (the H. E. Church. The ladies of Ebenezer -H.R. Church would respect •fully solicit donations in money, flowers, useful and ;fancy articles for the above object,' Donations may be sent to airs. T.W. Simpers, 458 Catharine street, Mrs. D. H. Bowen, 815 South Second street, and Mrs. Chas. 'Thompson, 1216 South Second street. Fair will be held at Concert Hall, commencing rune :11th, 1865. • ro7lB-f,m,w ilea* CAMBRIA IRON COMPANY. A special • 10 . meeting of the Stockholders of the Demi:lris Iron Company, will be held on THIMSDA.T, • May 1866, at the Mace of the Company, N 0.400 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, at 4 o'clocir, P. M., to consider and detonates the ellepoaltioa of the residue of sue capital stock aad sack ether leasineu as may thea be submitted._ By order of the Boanl. .ap3o-tiny3l s .. JOEDL'S lITLL.II, Secretary. OFFICE OW THE. CLARION AND ALLE GHENY RIVER OIL COMPANY, No. HS 1H FOURTH STERBT, PHILADBLPIEIA. May khe Directors have this day declared a Dividend, out of the net earnings of the Company, of FIVE CENTS per share, payable to Stockholders and their legal representatives on presentation of their certift ones, on and after June Ist. Transfer _Books will be closed from May 21st to Jima lit, inclusive. By order of the Boa , d. JACOB RIDGWAY, Secretary. myZid to Je2i 10. NOTICE.—IIIE UNDERSIGNED, COMMIS- MiSSIOLI ER named in the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of :PennsylVanin. entitled An Act to Incorporate the MANUFACTURERS' and CONSUMERS' ANTHRACITE RAILROAD COM PANY," approved 22ddayoffdarch,A.D. 1866,wi1l open books and receive subscriptions to HOUSE, Stock of isaid Company at the GIRARD Cheoinut street, in the City of Philadelphia. on MONDAY, the fourth day of Stine, A. D. 1866, at 10 o'clock A. M. J. N. WALLIII M.,, JAMES V/ZZARD, R. A. WILDER B. SWAIN. JOHN ULRICK. JAS. P. NICKELS, JOHN P. GREEN, mylOtljeSl a ,r, MC FOLLOWING GENTLEMEN SAVE been duly elected Office:s of the Phitadelphle Chamber of Commerce, to serve for the ensuing year: Soteerlptione will be received at the Booms of the Corn Exchange Association for the balance of the Qmital stock, daily, from 11 A. M. to 12 hi. (Signed) SAMUEL L. WARD, Treasurer. PHILADILL.P.MA, May 11.1:63. mill Inx PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY U MEASURER'S DEPARTMENT. PM • Init. PHU., May 2d 1f616. NOTICIt TO STOORROLDER9.--The Board of Di rectors have this day declared& bet:al-Annual Dividend of E 1 17.11 PER CENT. on the Capital Mock of the Company. clear of National and State Taxes, payable on and after May 30, ISM Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting Dividends can be had at the Wilco of theNompany. r o. E3B aoutn THIRD street, THOS. T. FIRTH. nayeaet • - Treasurer. NEIN PUBLICATION?". BOOKE-NEXT WEEK. • A volume containing all the laughable sayLngs, pro verbs. and good thilc ga generay„ by Josh •,4 One of the rich at books ever published in Ame rica. Full ol comic ilinstrattons. Price $t SO. - - - --- A splendid new English novel, by the author of "The Silent Woman." ' O . O This capital fiction is being road by thousands and thousands of the best novel reefers abroad, and Iscreating a great sensation. Prise IL :S. An entertaining new book, by R. B. ROOSEVELT, Prealdent of the New York tiportmen's Club, and au thor of "Game Fish of the North," •"Superior Pisa ing," dc. Price Vt. In Press—The Apostler (Les Apotres,) translates from the early sheets of R - .;..tx's new work, Jost ptll3 , I.lshed in Parts. *.* Ttesebooks are all beantliblly bound in cloth— are sold everywb ere—and will be sent by mall, postage free, on receipt of price, by myl6 wttstf ATEW ENGLInti MEDICAL AND. SCIENTIFIC LI BOOKS. Just receivtd. LONDON HOSPITAL REPORTS. Vol. 2. OWENS'S COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE VERTEBRATES. 2 vols. OBSTETRICAL- TRANSACTIONs. Vol. 7. THE BOOK OF P.sRaUMEki. By Eugene Rlmmel GOUT AND RHEUMATI GOUT. By Dr. Garrod, EPITOME OF DOM ItSTIC 3r Fracni.E. By Dr, J. Laurie. Twenty-fifth Edition. DR. HOR ACE DOBELL ON WINTER COUGH. DUNCAN AND MILLARD ON THE IMBECILE BAILER BROWNWN ON . ;TH r, E CURABILITY OF CERTAIN FORMS OF EP r PSY, INSANITY. &c. GUY'S )104. , PITAL REPORTS. sd Serleg. Vol. 2. BRITISH AND FOREIGN MKOICO CEIRURGIC REVIEW for APRIL. DR. T. W. COOKE ON CANCER. New English Medical and Scientific Books imported to order by every steamer, by raNDSA.I " & BLAXISTON, - Publishers, Booksellers and Importers, No. 25 South Sixth street. above Chestnut. CIAPITAL NEW BOOKS.—THE GIANT CI PIES OF BASILAN, and Syria's Holy Places. By Rev. F. L. Porter, A. M. Illustrated with colored plates. 1 vol., ittno. LIFE OF BENJAMINgiLIMAN, M. D., L.L. D. By George-P. Fisher, Professor in Yale College. S vols crown svo, with fine portrait and other illustrations. PATRIOTIC ELOQIIIF NCR: being Selections from One Hundred Years of National Literature. Compiled for the use of Schools in Reading and Speaking. 1 vol., TEMPERANCE: RECOLLECTIONS, LABORS, DEFEATt+, TRIIIAIPILS. An ant.Olography. By Bev. John Marsh, D. D. FAITH WHITE'S LETTER BOOK, leE4-162.1—P1y month. New England. 1 vol. 12mo. For sale by . JAVES S. a - lax-Tom Successor to W. S. dt A. Hargett, 606 Chestnut street. ALLEN'S LIFE OF PE ILIDOR.—THE LIFE OF PHILIDOR, Musician and Chess Player. by Geo, Allen, Greek Professor in the University of Pennsyi• vents, with a Supplementary Essay on Phllidor, as Chess Author !and Chess Player, by "Muffle Von Rol• debrand and de Lana, Envoy Ext.mordinary and Mtn• later Plenipotentiary-of.the King of Pruasia,at the Court of Saxe-Weimer. 1 voL , octavo, X vellum, gilt top. Price fl 24. Lately published by E. H. BUTLER & CO., 137 South Fourth street. MEM HalLEL'b Blank Books and dtallonery, U.'. • : I. • s COIPTBOLLER' NOTIOE. I.REASURY DEPART_XENT, OFFICE OF COMP. TROLLER- OF CURRENCY,. Wean:mirror!. March 80th, 1868. Whereas, Ey SatisfaCtory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that " THE NATIONAI, BANK OF THE REPUBLIC' OF PHLLDELPHIA„" in the State Philade.phia, in the county of Philadelphia, and of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the re. quirements or the act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the Circula-• lion and Redemption thereof, approved June ltd. ISsi, and has complied with all the provision of said act re 'mired to be complied with before commencing thy business of Be . elring under said act. 2fow, titers/ore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency do herebv certify that "THE NATION AL-RANK civ THE 'REPUBLIC or PECELADZI, PALA," in the city of Philadelphia, in the. county of Philadelphia, and State of Plvania, is authorized to commence the business: of raring under the act afbreraid. In testimony whereof witness my hand and {mum seal of office, this ttrtlepitdn7of marih, 1886. • _: CILARICE, inllattotYnOn Comptroller. ROSE LEAVES WANT - ED.—Highest cash price: given for fresh rose leaves, by.CHABLEs girls 40N dc CO., Wholesale Drngglst, corner Seventh and, Market streets. - mr2l-m,w,r2w/ Tx - TANTED—By a young man, who hats had sone! VT liminess experience; a situation in a manufac taring or wholesale 'Mercantile- House: or he would' desire the position of Se^retary or Assistant Secretary, of a Joint Stock COmpany. Address "W.," box 21114' Unquestionable refereeCes given as to integrity and resixictabilitY. /32.118402,W5te SPECIAL 'NOTICTES. PRESIDNINT. JOSEPH 6. PEROT. AT.. G. CATTELL, CHAbLES H. CIIMMENGS, JA MES A. WRIGHT, HOWARD HINCHMAN, CHaRL.N.S KNECHT, SL.N ECA E. MALONE, ICATHAN BROOKE, JOHN H. MICHENER. TREASITB£B, SA3tIJEL L. WARD VI lit 010111a') tatYli (Carleton, Publisher, New Tort.) JOSH BILLINGS-HTS BOOK ?3E'S'ILTNSTRE. GAME BIRDS OF TEE NORTH. C6.I3CLETON. - Fablisker. New York Wk W'S. •ci=mialim IyWABE MIITI7.AL BANITY lINEIMUMIII lIWOBPORATIib .BY TIES LBODEELAiIIBB PEBMII3YLYNM , IB36. °MOE M. E. OORNER w 13TRIEW'WEILA.11111LITIA. /MORAN= 0 - ON VEEHEISI AND .411410 , To all park, of the world. FBEIGHT, • INSDRANCIES . On (Rode, by River, Csoud, Lake, and Land Ogrrialpi, all arts the Unio i n,, On Merchandise g enerally, On Stores, Dwelling Howes, • ASSETS OF THE 00XPANY, November 1; 7885. 1100,000 United States 5 per cent. loan, 71. 905,CC0 00 120,000 United States 6 ear cent, loan 'Bl. 728,100 00 200,000 United States t 8.10 per cent loan Notes.-- "-. 124875 00 100,000 STa r t e eWennaylvaniallive . Per bent. • Loan . • - . 20,66600 score State oiFiairiffil'a Sty[ Per Cent Loan . 59450 00 10,080 City Of rerEenr.. Loan,- . 112,812 60 20,000 PennsylZisialrailradm—iiitriali gage,six Per ()eat Bonds 80,000 00 95,000 Pennsylvania Itaaoad • _ gage Six Per Oent. 80nd528,750 00 25,000 Western Paula. Railroad Mortg age Six. Per:Dent. Bondi. 28,750 GO 11,000 800. Sauces Stock Germantown Gas company, principal and interest guaranteed by the OW Of. Phuadel- • • phis— . nor ao 9,150 HS star' ei Stock 'lssurtral oempany.-- 0,000 104 Shares Stock North, PeT3asyliZa 11,58° Railroad Company...... 8,250 to 40,000 Deposit-with the United States . Qo- 80,000 rarait subject Teu 10 ' 0 00 00 Loan 18,900 co 170.700 LOMB on BOlTlGlariEriiii;i67 11;17i urine of City 1711,703 00 IMAM Par. ' Market Min to 30,00 e 00 MIL ,recetvaele Ibr Isurnrance nude.— MAI 80 B BlBB ent due atAdanettle.—Prentlatne on Ma- _ rine Poncho. accrued latereat. and other' debts die the Company.-- —. 40,511 44 Berl} and Stock of anadrylarnramee and otter Pc2paates. VIAL methasted value— 240.0 00 Cask B te am& in CS eroz Thomas C. Raw max . ' Samuel 21. Stoke% Jelin 0. Davis, J. F. Peniston, Edmund A. 13onder, Henry Sloan, Thesphilas Studding, Witham G. Boniton, .Tohnß. Penroee, Edward Darlington, Jamas Traquatr. H. Jones Brooke, Henry O. Lallett, Jr., Edward Lafourcads, James 'O. Hand, Jacob P. .Tones, William C. Ludwig, .Tames B. McFarland, Joseph H. Seal, Joshua P. Eyre George G. Lelper, Spencer Mcllv alne, Hugh Craig, J. B. Semple, Pittsburgh. Hobert Barton, A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh. John B. Taylor, D T.Morgan, Pittsburgh. THOMAS C. HAND, Prfflident. __, JOHN (j: MoraY lazatrisair, Becre FLAB ASSOCIATION, Incornorated March 27,1860. -*ly OFFICE, No. si N. FIFTH street. In . t .F sure BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FIT& E . NITURE and M ERCHANDISE genet . . • ally, from Loss by sire, (In the City 0 Philadelphia only.) STATEMENT Of the Assets of the Association January 1, 1886. Bonds and Mortgagee on property In the city of 17 Groundßents -- - ....» 20 848 81 Real Estate (01511ce 7 1 4 .'e ... 84 North Frith s treet) 14,396 13 U. S. Government 5- 8end5..„..._.. -.-.--- 0,000 00 Cash on 27,4Z1 +ll GEORGE W. TRY°. President. w j WM. H. HAMILTON, JOSEPH R. LT - 14DALL, JOHN SOUDER. LEVI P. GOATS, PETER A. REYSEE, SAMUEL SPARHAME, JOHN PHILEIN, CHARLES P. BOWER, JOHN CARBOW, JESSE LIGHTFOOT, OEOEOEI YOUNG, ROBERT SHOFAr A KIER, T.BUTLEM, Secretary. C 3 CO MP ANY OP NORTM AMHDICA ETAI II3AN DNE __PLEL3 AND =LAND TBANSPCGi TATION INSuBANCEL Office WALNUT 'beet, south aide, mai at Third. slave. The PromSes of this Company are well Inyeztel and =MM. an available ftmd for the smlld as ernatty of all rums who desire to be protons` d Insurance RUM .taken oa Vessels, and 4311 1..fal TRANSEVRTATION masts cm Max ebandlse Itallzoads, Canals and Steamboats. FIRE on lifembandlse, To/altars and Band. tags In City and Oaantsp. MCORPORLTED IN 724--CATTINAM AND PALO Etit AND SECURELY TOTAL PROPRIECTES, PREPETErIat"CHARTEL Arthur G. Coax, James N. Mohan, Samnel W. Jones, B. Morris Wain, J Char ohn les M n r, Alw, Jobn Geom Mi t it ßsartariN AmbroseTrands B. De, tiehD. Wood. Sdward Train, rnisl Welsh. IL S. Clarke, William IL Bowan, WElllara Canuoiccs T. Mule= Henri% extiauß oognair. Prawsla. Mamas PLATT. Secretary. _ TB ODDITY BIBS EWBURANCJI OOMPANT.- - . OWCZ NO. HD SOUTH FOURTH ESTRXR: 33.13L0W 13u. lIT. 'Mies /Ire insurance Company of the County in Philadelphia." incorporated by the Lesdillature (1.1 damage by Pennsylvania in ilea, Ihrelv. indassidlef Maud Ina Or flre exclasiv COAARTKII - P.. This old and relieble institutiolCß PETIIAIn, withlairdila ennui and c•nlingent fond csrefUly invested COIIGLUESS to In• sere brilldhiess, hinsiture, marchandise l as3., either per manently or for a limited time, scans lose ortlemars by fire, at the lowest rata =Maut with the isbacci safety of its customers. _ Lowe' valuated and paid With all possible deupsach DM.OR-R. ccas Charles 1. Butter. Retwin L. Beakls, Henry Crilly, John. Horn, a Robert V. Hama, Jr .. Joseph Joseph Hoare, Henry Rudd, George Meeks , Andrew H. Mho. James N. Slane. J. BUTTER, President itizerzaraw P. iloscumer. Beer and Treasurer. 1D HCENI X INKTRANCLIE .0081PANY PEIXIAL. DELPBI/... INCORPORATKOIBO4—iiiiIiaffIER PpiVNTILS.L. NO. 224 WALNUT Street, appeelte_the ExCNlUage• In addition toiiLA3MML and I.,ANDENSITItANfIe ;Ma company insures from lass ordamage b - 7 _MARL on liberal terms, on building% inerchardisis, mirnitara, de., for limited periods, and permanently ost balUdna, op deposit of premium. The Oom lass been In active operation for store tw in SlXTYduring which all losses bass been promptly adi end Wild. TOBB. John L. Hodge, DEBEO David Lewis, M. B. mammy Benjamin =dim John T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powers, William S. Grant, A. R. Mtn_ airy, Robert W. Learning. Edmond Oasnlion, D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox, Lawrence LeWit, Jr Lords O. Norris. JOHN 8.. WIIHMERICE, Rresidani, Samoa WILIXIX, Secretary. 1 - ;g_'_•_D:4 116 _, N ,4!.'';:.,: 4 ".. - 7 L f;.'ilt:::?. ; ::r, t :_,.' 4 .,r9r. • „: PANT—lncorporated 3855—Cluirter Perpetual—No 510 WALNUT Street, op to Independence Square This ComPenir yea , faVoreu known to the communi* for over forty rs, con nes to Insure su i or damage by bre, - on Public or PPrivate= lost either permanently or for a limited time. Also, es Furniture= of Seeds and Merchandise generally, on li Th beral eir Capital, together with a large Morphia Fund b invested in the moat cereal manner, which tumbler them to offer to the insured an undoubted Carib is the mute of lose. DIRECTORS. Daniel Smith, Jr., John Devereax, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, /saw Haalehtust, Henry Lewis. Thomas Roblin, J. Gillingbart Fes, Daniel Haddock, Jr. DANIEL WITH, Jr., Preiddeni, Wrtraist 11. Caownts. Secretary A 3ERuwa 8188 INOMIANOB COMPANY. .0. EIWORPORILT/OD 1810.--ICCIARTHR PREIPB MIL. ED WALNUT Btree*ove THIRD Street, PEIXIAD A. HIM= a e paid up ITAI. STOCK and sun, PLUS luvuM In pound and available Securities, oon , Untie to Insure on Dwellings, Btores dart .. e. 311er. Mandl/se, Vonseli In port, an their and anal Pereonsl Property. AU J.. Wei li berally an promptl, adjusted. . npusims& _ _ Thomas R. Marie, I John T. L ew is, John Welsh_ , . Janus R . Campbeili Samuel C. MONOn. Edmund G. Dutllh, Patrick Brady. Charles W. Poultneri Israel Morris. frECOMAB N. MARIE. President. • Maim , 0. L. Caaerronn. BeeretorP. mss A MERRpaI AMTIP,m MilTpUele LNE IerdidIngWEANGE COMPANY. XL —WEI_ _Ltehoz , No. is WALD= Edna. MAN, AND =LAND LEIETRANCE3.— Ehike taken on veered', cargoes Sind to to all parts of therworld, and On good' on inland Uon ON river',' canah ra i lroads and other conveyances thronshOnS thektnited Mates. WELLIAM. CRAIG Preedden PINESCULLEN EMMY J. MBE, SeeretarY. .14°11 • • • - -. William„erldt, , Zeprz O. Dalian rglif , nmen , ' win. n. Lowber . / Dane% „I:r., -. j j o h ns t o B n l , Wllllll2llB. Arstricat, s i on n las uel A. Bulon, EllanWthijiliriL . Mason Hutu-bine, WM. , 317 ... . Pews= Senita, aßelliallirnzitlinder. -' ` lit MEIN PROVIDENT MPH • AND TRUST :0021. A. PANT, _OP PHILADELPHIA;_ inuorporstee by the State of Peruntilystnie, Sd month, /MORES lavins_ i __42,2,D s )%a urnrampr OR POUTS AND QRLN'rS .A.Nxurrncs. C1AT1TA1........... uromes. — Samuel B. Sh i ple y . zaiik Itiohard Cadbury, Neremialt Heater, Henry Heinen, imbue H. Morris, T. Winter Brown Richard Wood. ,Wmoffin . O. Longstr,etn, ano. c sexton ISHIPLEY. Pretdde ROWLAND Penne., Aotnery D m SOHO HO. LH eduin2 gburtit SUM DAV/B, vice President. Lary. - deL3tnol MHMMIIIDED 1829 _43EWITER PERPETUAL. lELA.PiLITLIAIINT FIRE INSURANCE - COMPANY • OF PHILADELPHIA; Assets :on. jannar3r 1, 1866, 02 9 500 9 545 . 1 Otf• ClapitaL. . ... ... ...........$400, , 000 00 *Acorn e d Surplus ... . . ei4543 16 Premiums 7.7.1,162378 111 UNSETTLED CLAMS, INCOME POE 1866, $11,467 br. • $610,000. Losses Paid Since 1829 Over 05 9 000.000. Perpetual And 1 emperarY Pellolee eti Liberal Term Dtapyross, Chas. N. Bancker. Edward O. Dale, Topias Wagner, George Pales, Samuel Grant, Alfred Filler, • Geo. W. Pilchards, Fras. W. Lewis, M. D. Isaac Lea, Peter McCalL CHARLES N. PUNCHER President. • EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. JAS. W. McA r.T. 7 BTEEt. SecretAry pro tem. Saida; GIRLRD FIRE Alto MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. ornez,4is WALNUT STREET PIIIILALIMPIECA. CAPITAL PAID IN, IN 43ASH. 009,000. This company continues to write en /ire Bests Cur. Its capital, with a goodunarm, is safely invested. 701 Loewe by fire havebeen promptly paid, and more thin 8500,000 Disbursed on this account witldn the past brw years. !intim present the *face of this company will re. in " " 415 WALNUT STBEET, Bat within a. few.months will remove to its OWB MULLING. N. B. COB. 111117221 TH AND Cumer.rzi LT, Then, as now, we shall be happy to insure eur patron at such ratee scare consistent with safety. THOMAS CRAVEN. ALFRED S. erczarm Ft RMAN SHEPPARD. N. S. LAWKEN9R, THOS. MACKELLAR, CHARLES L DUPONT, JNO. SUPPLER. HENRY F. ICKNNEY JNO. W. MAO - HORN, JOSEPH KLAPP. X. it. SILAS YEIRKES Ja.. THOMAS (mug - RN, President. ALFRED S. GILLETT, V. Pre. ident and Treasurer JAMES B. ALVORD. Secaetary. laiStt I - EPPERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF 1./ PHLLADELPHIA.—OFFICE, No. 24 NORTH FIFTH STREET, Nazi?. MARKET STREET. Incorporated by the LegisLature of Pennsylvania, CHARTSIt Pkaerrnsm. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, $150:1100. Make Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire or Public orPrivate Buildings, Furniture, Stocks. Goods and Merchandise, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Frederick Doll. Jacob Scbandier, Samuel Miller, Edward P. Moyer. Adam J. Was; Israel Peterson, Frederick Ladner George Erety, ' august C. Miller, „ John F. Reinerlnag, Henry Troomner, Wild= McDaniel. Christopher H. Mi ller, Frederick Staake, Jonas Bowman, GEORGE JOHN F. BELSTI PFTTLTP z. Cal..linf 11 TL i'VA_L FIRE n , , - S .111 PHILADELPHIA— Street—lnsure Buildings, casndise generally. ASSETS-43103.795 AS. DIRECTORS FOB ISSe. CALEB CLOTHIER, WM. P. REEDER. BENJ. MALONE. JOSEPH CHAPMAN THOMAS W' MATHER, EDW. M. ZURROL..3... T. ELLD CHAPMAN, WILSON M. JENK SIMEON MATLACK LUKENS WEBSTER AARON W. G.ARTZTT,T., cHAALm E v A js. s. CLOTHIER, President. T. Itra.weanCnarices. Secretary. 2eYS,3 n 1 I T r at... B Nal z . OOMPANY. //HE AND INLAND lISSUBANCIS bands A. Bari, Charies ir ßialtsrissers. Robert B. Potter, Bony Ino. Reader, Jr.' earatielt. E. D. Woodruff, P. S. Jostioe, Mx . Stokes, Ww. A. Wes% Jos. D. MILL 31BANCTS N.; BOX President. mu& IatiEfABDWAR. Via Paola. w W. L wrAwmAawk. EiellieleLle lolairs344)ll(vA SFOR SALE.—A THEE C-STOitY DWELLING Rouse and lot of ground at the northeast earner PRUCE and FORTIETH streets, West Philadel phia, containing In front on Spruce street WO feet, and in depth along Fortieth street, 171 feet to a thirty feet street allied Irving street. The house Is built in the best manner with all the mk_.irn imps ovementa. On the first door is a parlor, dining room, library, and two kitchens., There are six large chambers, two batb,rooms, water closet, lour stationery wash stands, stationary wash-enbet, two ranges, ciroslating boiler, etc. The garden is laid out tastefully and base large num ber or choice fruit trees. The location Is one of the healthiest and handsomest In the Taentyfonrth Ward, and surrounded by beauti ful Improvement& Terms will be made to suit a purchaser. Apply on the premises, or at my is sts . 11 South Seventh street. VTO - RIINT—CIA.PIi ISLAND OOTTAGHS AND STORES. otwithstancting 11 has been currently rumored, muith w the damage of "Cape May." that all desirab e Tarnished Cottages have been taken, yet I, the sub scriber, have twelve TO RENT for the bathingseasoll, three of which are near the Columbia Horse. one on Queen street three on Waahington street. three on Lafayette street. and two near the site of the late Nonni. Vernon Hotel. Also, three Store Houses, de sirably located for business. All of which will be let on reasonable terms. "APPLY to JESSE ISL SUTTH. At the RIDGWAY ROUSE, Philatielplaia. From 12 to 3 F. M. on TUESDAY and WED NiikiDA.Y, May 22 and 23, 1566, or at Cape Island any time there. aII er. my3l-301 BARE CHANCE FOR IN vEsrm.Kc surf House, at Cape Island, New Jersey, fur sale. ms house is located in the very beat (wagon on the sland. fronting Congress Hall on the west, and Centre House on the south, and within one square of the new railroad depot. The building is new and well ape pointed for a restaurant, and as a fashionable drink ing house has no equal on the Island, and has facilities for aceommteciailcg thirty to forty guests, It will be sold a bargain, and Immediate posse salon given. Call or address A. E. HUGHES, Real Estate Agent, tri32.l. 3t? Capelslaud, N. J. a COTTAGES TO LET _ CAPE ISLAND, NEW JERSEY, I have several fine Cottages yet to let, furnished with all the necessary furniture, &c., except linens, crock ery, knives. forks and spoons._ - Address immediately, my2-Im/ TO RENT—FURNISHED, for the Summer season, in Germantown, very near to Chnrch e Station and to the tewn, a large double HOUSE, with all modern conyaniencea, gas, bath-room, water, hot and cold, through the house and in both isnot:mu ranges; large parlors, long well-shaded porchea and fine lawns, with large trees; a good stable for four horses, and a good ki.chen,garden, Apply on the P remises or to ISAAC PUG.EI,' nlyls-el 5 40r Walnut street, third-story. FOR SATE—AN ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT containing 5 acres of land, with doable modern stone residence, stable and out buildings, within a few minutes' walk of the city of Wllmington. Delawar, The mansion has the city conveniences, and is heated with hot water; handsome lawn, excellent garden and choice shrubbery. J.2I.GUSENEY a SONS SOS Wal nut 'stress FOB BENT.—In Burlington, New SerseY. "Meadow Lawn"—Fine Mansion, surrounded w th choice shrubbery, coach house, ice house (filled), ten-pin alley &c., all In good order, and with or without so acres of land, In fruits of every variety. Furniture for sale if desired. Photographs of the place may be seen at the office of J.ll. GUMMEY & BONS, &o Walnut street. RGERMANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Beautifa ll y and conveniently ed, within two minutes' walk of Church Lana Station. A commodious and elegant RESIDENCE with all the modern conveniences; stable, coach-hones. Ac. Lot 150x218. Apply between 10 and 2, at 88 North rateD street. Inahlt till W. P. WDESTACH. pa.l. H. JOSEPH, CENTRAL REAM ESTATE :r Agency, No. 271 S. Third street, Philadelphia, Real Estate bought and sold on commission. Loans negotiated. Money procured on Bonds, Mort gages, and other securities, Mona and Ground Rents collected. Commissioner ofDeeds for all the States, mYS-Smi FOh SALE ;;;%vnexofdd elti o r r altle r country an s r ea f krg e d . Shoe ma ertown, within live minutes walk ofstation on N. P. Railroad: O. H. ItIIIRECEID. 205 South SIXTH street. 1_ eS Chestnut street. r i d FOB lAA...LE Pr •• :Is North Tenth street. 2.30 North Tenth street. =South Th f rteenth st. C. H. ArIHRHEID, No. 205 South Sixth street. snyl9-10ta n TO RENT —A COUNTRY MANSION, sta. b•lng for minuteses: Ice house filled. milk house, an garden, 10 walk from Tioga station on the North Pennsylvania railroad. Apply to CHAS. M. RV.aNS, No, 631 Arch street. myle4St* tEIFOR SALE.—The dwelling, No. 521 South Ninth street, with three story double back buildings, containing all the modern conveniences. Built ex pressly fbr the present owner. Terms easy. Apply at o. 5.9 South NINTH street. m.112,tt FOR SAL NOS; 157 and 159, North immediate possessi.,n. In quire on the prerois , el lth . niyll-lino* TO RENTThe four-Story STuRE, ?A by 40 feet, ra No, 23 South Seventh street, above Chestuot. In quire No, 25, next door. tnyl&-Sts EaIETY. President. R.LENG. Vice President. Secretary. ANON OOMP.A_NY - OP Mee No. 5 South FIFTH ousehola Gooda and Icier A. E. HUGHES. Real Estate Ageat. felzif itv A FOR RENT. The New Bulletin Building, No. 607 Chestnut Street, WLL RE COMPLETED IN A FEW DAYS, The proprietors are prepared to receive proposals Lei renting such rooms as they de not use themselves. These will be SECOND STORY FRONT ROOM. 60 by ?A feet. kninkyintonal[o:,ak:sa.gmonips:JKO:i.teraii : THE BITILDLIVH, Boor Stories High. with Entrance by a wide halt on Chestnut street, And a Front of 25 feet on Jayne street: Suitable for a Jobbing or Corn mivnion HOW" a Mutt or Insurance Office. For Further Particulars apply at the NEW Wire DBMS BUILDING. No. 607 Chestnut Street. VOJEC., With nee of Steam Power, part of the BASEMENT! of NO. 1.11 South FOURTH. Street, Apply to _ _ _ RINGWALT & BROWN. • On the protases KPEREMPTORY SALE—TO CLOSE A.I3ON CERN.—THOMAS es SONS. Auctioneers,— T MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 1915 COA.TES street. (..n TUESDAY. May 29th, 1666 at 12 o'clock.. noon, will be sold at Public Sale. without reserve, at the' PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE—No. I. All that four-story brick messtiage, with three-story back build ings and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Coates street 142 feet west of N ineteenth street. NO. 1915; containing in front on Coates streetlB feet. and extending in depth 90 feet to a.l feet wide alley, which-- leads ioto West street, with the free and common use of said alley: The house has the modern convenieroust, gas; bath, hot and cold water, cooking range, dce. Subject to a yearly ground rent of siBo. Sale absolute. No.2—Two '1 hree-story Brick STORES and DWPELL INOBJ, on. 1532 and 1534 Callowhill street. with 23-story brick Dwellings In rear on Carlton street, NO. 1531. All that lot of ground, with the messatures 'thereon erected, situated on the south side of Callowhill street, 115 feet east of Sixteenth street. No. 15V...; containing in front on Callowhill street 16 feet, and extending In depth 100 feet to Carlton street. The improvements consist of a three-story brick store and dwelling tront ing in Callowhill street, No. 1532, and. 2 three-story brick dwellings in the rear of Carlton street, No. 1531. Subject to a yearly ground rent of 264. NoII tha thereon of ouni, with the 3 three-storY brickhn esrected. 1534 Callowhill street and No. 1533 Carlton street; same size and description as No.l above described, Subject to a yearly ground rent of 264. No. 4.—TElkw•P STuRY;BRICK.I3UILDING, Q. E. corner of loth and North streets, PilleenthlWard All' that three-story bri k me. , suage and lot of ground situate at the S. E. corner of Nineteenth and North streets; containing in front on Nineteenth street 18 feet, and extending in deph along North street 90 feet. The building Is occupied as a storeschool-house, Subject to a yearly ground rent of 21.23. SALE ABSOLUTE. A t7tbe same time and place, will be sold, a neat modern residence, moo. 1915 Coates street. See other handbill. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, n 3912,11 and 141 South Fourtn street. ETRUSTEES' SALE.—THOMAS nONS, Auctioneers—On TUESDAY, May stb, 1866. at o clock, noon, will be sold at Public :isle. at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following de scribed property. viz: No I—TLIRW6I-STORY BRICK STORE and D n Prt LNG, S. W. corner of TWELFTH land FILBERT streets. All that three story brick. mesknage and lot of ground, situate et the S. W. corner of Twelfth and Filbert streets; containing in front on Filbert street 26 feet, and on Twelfth street 39 feet.. It has basement kitchea. Ncs. 2 to 6-5 THREE STORY BRICK DWELT, INGS, Nos. 30, 28, 26, 24 and ILI TWELFTH street, ad joinirg the above. No. 2—All that ihree.story brick messnage and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Twe Rh street, 29 feet South of Filbert street, No. Mk, thence we,tward 26 feet; Menne south 4 feet; thence west 6 feet 4 inches; thence south 9 feet; thence east ward 32 feet S Inches to the west side of Twelfth street; thence northward 13 feet to the place of beginning. Z. All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, adjoining the above on the south, No. 28; contPt rig in front 13 lea, and in depth 32 feet 8 inches. No 4—All that three-story brick messnage and lot of ground. adjoining the above on the south. No. 28; containing in front 13 feet, and in depth 46 feet 2 inches. ZCo 5—. A 11 that three-story brick messaage and lot of ground adjoining the above on the south, No. 24, containing In front .13 feet, ana in depth 46 feet 2 inches. Na 6—All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, adjoining the above on the scut!), No. 22• containing in front 15 feet, and in depth 46 feet 2 inches. 31, THOMAS & SONS, it actloneers, 159 & 141 touth Fourth street. REAL ESTATE.—THOMASrt SONS 7 S.A.LE: —EIUSFNESS LOCATION'. THREE-STORY OK DWELLING, No. TN North FRONT ,treet, above Race street, on TUESDAY. May 25th, 1563, at 12 o'clock Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PIiLLADELPIIIA EXCHANGE. all that threa-story brick dwe'ling, bake house and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Front street, between Race and Vine streets, No. 2tq containing •In front on Front street 17 feet 3 inches,. more or less, and extending in depth 151 feet, more or less. Bounded northward part ly by the centre of a three fret wide alley, with the pri vilege thereof and of building over half thesame, and alto all that lot of ground situate in t e square be tween Pace and Vine and Front and Second, t2O feet more or less, west of Front street; containing in front, east and west, 12 feet 2 inches, more or less, and in depth north and south 17 feet 3 1 4 inches, more or less. Subject, es respects the that above described lot, to a yearly ground rent 'of ,e 3 50 M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, 115 and 141 South Fourth street. HEAL ESTATE—THOMAS ‘t SON , ' BALK. 12!: - .1101 ERN THREE STORY BRICK DW'Fir.r,.. Lixt,, No. In 2 North Ninth street, between Vine and Callowhill streets.—On TUE9DAY, May :Nth. 1966. at 12 o'clock. noon. will be sold at public sate, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, all that modern three story brick messua s ge. with two story back band ing and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Ninth :street. between Vine and Callowhill streets. No. att. containing in front on Ninth 'street 17 feet 9 inches, and extending in dep h 112 feet 101 S inches to a 3 feet e Doan es wide alley. It has 2 parlors, dining room and kitchen on the first door, gas, bath,hot and ooldwater, water closet, furnace, cooking range, &c. r-B- Clear of all incumbrance. ERMS—One-third cash. .C 3" May be examined daily from 9 to 2 o'clock. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. '3 , REALESTATE.-7110BIAS et SONS' SALE. all - 'THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING 4ND STABLE. N. E. corner of TWENTIETH and VINE streets —On TUEsDAY, May 29th, 1856 at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at Public sale, at the PHILADEL PHIA EXCHANGE all that lot of ground and the improvements thereon erected, situate on the N. E. corner of Twentieth and Vine streets: containing in front on Vine street 18 feet, and extending in depth 117 feet to South alley. The improvements are a three story brick dwelling. with two-story double back buildings, also a two-story brick stable. Terms-O,OSO may remain on muxtgage. M. THOMAS & SONS Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. af? TO - RIINT.—A Country Residence on the MI OXFORD TIII4XPI2aR, 3 roues Frank fora, nearly opposite tne Sixth Mile Stone. on the Etcond Street Turnpike. The Stage to FrankfOrtl. passes 4 ties daily, As ply to ttl myr.2-ats J. H. MORRIS, No. 233 North Tenth street. pus. COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM. FOR al% ty , SALE.—Fitty or one htuadred am es, Bristol e, above seven mile atone, and near Tacony. Apply to It. WHITAKER, 11-20t* No. 610 Locust street. 2014 RACE STREET—TO LET.—Three-story " double back buildings, replete with modern con v.n ences, now vacant. Open from 10 A. M. to 4 P ffi- Inquire 6i3 Chestnut street, btcCALLA'S new Hat Store. , 111911 tri on FOR SALE—A. SUPERIOR BUILDING Brno containing 18 acres of land, very desirably located on t e Limekiln turnpike, convenient to the German town Railroad. J. ht. GUMMEY tt. SONS, 568 Wal nut street. InFOR SALE.—The S story brick Residence: with double 3-story back buildings and lot of ground to feet front, situate on the southeast corner of Green and Thirteenth streets. J. M. OIIIIMEY a 4 SONS, SOS Walnut street. FOR SALE.—A four-story brick Residence,with large 3-story back building., situate on the north awe of Arch street east of Broad. Let 24 feet front by 128 ft et deep to a 20 feet wide street. J. M. GUMMY do SONS, SCB Walnut street. FUR SALIL—The 3-story beet. Residence, with 3r:der clt w hv i r e r i n at c e es, ,, s o l s tu ses ati s l No. Sev ensil3le*l3l?util.. GIDILMEY & SONS, Plit Walnut street. EI'ENISBEED HOUSEFOR RENT.—From Juno to November. A furnished residence, situate ors ice street, west of Eighteenth. J. D.C. GUMMY , * hONS, SOS 'Walnut street. tn. FOR SALLE.—A iburstoky brick Residence, with every convenience, and lot 115 feet deep to a street; situate No. 921 Clinton street. GUM HEY & SONS, 808 Walnut street. TOWN—FOR RENT.—TWO nlshed located. J. M. Gummy 4 ,w- EURNI6I3:ED HOUSE TO LET AT CHRET ,i NUT HILL, for 8, 4 or 5 months. 'Address :SE, Chestnut Hill P. 0. . my-M41t,,.! 's r.. : • f 'I " • IME and Tulip street, Nineteenth Ward, 340 by 162R;et. Apply at xnyal-lato No. a South Fifth street, second floor. Yro BE LET.—Thlrd and fourth floors with theoffice en Frontsr: also, part of a large cellar. N o . is South street. Apply to J. R. UMI.C.LS dt BON. Beal Estate Brokers, 453 Walnut street. nro - 33E — CET=SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH AND 1 FIFTH FLOORS. 839 Walnut Btreet, suitable tbr offices or any light business. Apply to J. H. CURTIS B BON, Real Rotate Brokers, 933 Walnut street. • ri • • e E M FLOORS, 1.11:3 South SECOND street. -- .9p , gly to .1 H. co- En o & SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 ALNUT street. • - • 129 OARACCaS INDIGO now Lantl. afrom Ba l i% WHITE WING lbs. sale by JOHN DALLETT, lOU, LW Walnut streel,