BITEIMUIS NOTICE& THE GETTYSBURG moletrltENT. • Of Gettysburg a shrine we'll make. Where strangers still shall pause, And of that strife remembrance wake— The strife that saved our cause! May the memorial of their fate Who for oar firesides bled Be worthy of our noble Btate And worthy of the dead;- If by this monument we try Their merits to recall, It should be built as grand and high As far• famed Tower Hall! He.vm -44840001 .FINICY CattiMeTe.Fsln4l, as /ow as 4 00 n .6 , v a ts 46 2 50 " Mack " lards " 500 " " Cloth Vesta 4OO _Fancy Cassisnere Suits, to match, 14 00 " Black Suits, 20 00 4tdVaneing from.these rates wehave goods of an grades, sip to the very finest fabrici, at prices reduced in propos , thers—Yen's youths , and Boys'. THOUSANDS HATT WOUND WITHIN THE 'PAST MEW WRITS, THATIVE ABM ACTUALLY SELLING GOOD, SIBLVICTABLIC GOODS AT Nes =CMS NAKED. TO OLOTBING DEALERS' p, Cur purchases for this season haring been delayed, smiting the expected, decline in gormit, we have now on hand the largest and best assorted stock of Clothing in .ffriladelphia, purchased for cum EXCLUSIVTLY, AT TOT VEST LOWEST BATES OF TIM SEASON. which &l abia Si to reaiize a fair profit and deli atprices less than the cost of same goods in most other establish ments. We can supply Clothiers doing a fins oily trade tenth goeds adapted to their salsa, at prices so much lower than the cost of their present stocks, that, by mak /swan average of the whole, they win be enabled to dis pose of their goods at prices covering the average cost, and even payinP is profit. BENNETT 00., TOWER HALL. R 8 MARKET STREW. SURPRISE. A lady lately, -zith bright eyes, Gave to her husband S. eat Bn Saying, "Eight dollars in Mj." aa ",, Gain you two thousand to comnisaW,' He paid eight dollars, with a smile, And said Y. e'd do that all the while; But his delight was somewhat less When shown a paCkage Per Farina For in this package there was found A check, declared at once unsound, For which expense bad been defray'd, And thus eight dollars had been paid. Now bad this lady not been quite So badly cheated by mean wight, But with eight dollars, and some more, Fmrchas'd a suit at PERB.T'S Store-.. Bought a neat outfit, extra fine, At Number Six. Hurt morn AND NINE , Doubtless it had been better far For husband, lady, and the "Sr. , We have all-wool Fancy " "...ssimere Vests, fine quality, IL2 and l 3 /3 ;:; r •ds; all-wool Fancy Cssstmere Pants a t ' V g `.7...,a upwards. Coats at all prices, making endid assortment of Fine Fashionable Clothing, gotten up in the beet manner, and selling at extremely Inv prices. Our stock of good/ for ordered work is being con• gently renewed, and all work warranted to give a/Wa ft:Min. FERRY & CO., STAB CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 6t9 CHESTNUT STREET, SIGN OF STAR. N.B.—Dealers in fine Clothing will And it to their advantage to examine our stock, sure can fill their ,orders on very liberal terms, SCHOINIACKER PLANn-FORTw 4-- IMMANZ FACTORING COMPANY'S NEW STORE, No. 1103 CHESTNUT STREET.—We respectfully call the attention of our intends and the public generally to our removal to oar new and handsome Warerooms, "GIRARD ROW," Bee CHESTNUT street, where we have constantly on band a large stock of our superior and highly finished Svirtre and Grand Pianos. instruments have been awarded the highest themiums at all the principal exhibitions ever held in is country, with numerous testimonials from the tirstkelass artists in America and Europe. They are now the leading Pianos, and are sold to all parts of the world. Persons desiring to purchase a first-class Piano at greatly reduced rates should net fail to give us a call. Pianos to rent, Tuning and moving promptly at tended to. biJHOMACIDIR & CO. mylo.lml No. 1103 Chestnut street. 011%.A1.13P.P.CHT, ; ATRIUM & BoHMIDT, lianv&auras of FIRST-CLAPS PIANO-PORTHEI, Ware 'Rooms, No. 46 North THIRD street, - mylatm,w.3mi Philadelphia. is eXESIS iNNWLY IMPROVED C 2. SCALE ovmEsistacst PIANOS, Aelmowledged to be the beat. London Prise Medal- And Highest Awaits in America received. MELO NEONS AND SEOONDHAND PIANOS. as32Bw, Warerooms.722 Arch at. below Bth. STEINWAY- dr. 80 ' v a l PIANOS INM Are now acknowledged the best 'a ntrum ents in Europe as well se America. They are mad in public and private, by the greatest artiste living in Europe, by VON BULOW, DREYSCHOCK, LISZT. JAELL and othersdn this country by !IMF 5, MASON, WOLFBOHN, etc. For sale only by BLAS WS BROS., 1086 Chestnut street. EVENING BULLETIN. WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1866. MB. SEWARD AT ATBIIRN. The optimism of Mr. Seward is some thing wonderful to behold. He takes the jolliest view of every situation that the mind of man can conceive of. He clung to the theory that the rebellion would be put down in sixty days through lour long years of frightful war. Such constancy to an idea, which fate and time were continually controverting, is worthy of admiration, even if it should destroy all confidence in Mr. Seward's judgment and his inspirations as a pro phet. The faith that he expressed,how -ever, and probably felt, was invaluable to him, and to the country as its minis ter for foreign affairs, for it enabled him to demand and often obtain repeated .and indefinite extensions of his sixty days promissory notes, and he thus averted the much dreaded recognition of the Southern confederacy by foreign powers. Mr. Seward has long been meditating a formal and new definition of his views on the question' of reconstruction, so as to explain to the country why he has abandoned the party with-which he has always been identified and become the ardent advocate of the instant uncondi tional admission to Congress of repre sentatives chosen by the Southern rebels. He accordingly went to Auburn and, after due announcement, made a speech to his townsmen, in which he said he yielded to their "kind importu mity," though there is no evidence that he was invited by them to speak, while there is evidence that he invited them to listen. In this speech he looks through rose-colored glasses at every part of the country, and sees the most cheering and beautiful pictp.res of loyalty and love for - the Union in all the Southern States. He has not a word to say about the innumerable outrages committed against Union men, white and black, in every one of the lately rebellious States. But he dwells upon the idea that there has been no real disruption of the Union, and that therefore there is no need of re construction. He chides, in a clever, plausible way, the repugnance of Con ,vest to openits arms to the chosen xepresentatives of these people, who are still cursing the Union and maltreating Union men, evidently thinking that these Southern representatives are wronged and thatf the Northern one are Unreasonable in exacting from them aty 'terms whatever. Such faith in the tfrdelity of traitors is as phenomenal and as characteristic as was the faith, that existed through four years, that the rebellion would be ended in sixty aar. Reconciliation, says Mr. P.,eward, is needed, not reconstruction.. His idea of this reconciliation is that the loyal peo ple, who made such sacrifices for the war, should forget and forgive all the horrid sins of the Southern politicians, and win their reconciliation by offering them and their copperhead allies the control of the country that they strove to destroy. He says they must not be asked to repent until they are promised forgiveness; for, says he, "even the di vine government does not ask sinners to repent without promising thein forgive ness and restoration." This is a new version of the received theological doc trine, which is that until sinners repent they cannotbe forgiven. Forgiveness is not offered a a rewtud or a bribe. It is given when the repntaLc9iFiTluntarYi contrite and sincere. There is no evideilee, aS yet, of any such repentance at the South. On the contrary, there is a bitter hatred of the Union, which is growing under the fos tering and tender treatment of the Pre sident and his friends. There is a ma lignant spirit, which is undisguised, towards the Congress chosen by the peo ple who preserved the Union, and Mr. Seward, with his honeyed words of spe cioP4? ?'emonst;ance to the NQrthem peo- Ple, is sending joy to the hearts of the ci-devant traitors, and bidding them hope afresh that they have not vainly fought and lost all, but that the real victory—the ultimate control of the. nation—will yet be theirs; that the "chivalry" of the South will yet be su preme; that the abolition of slavery will only be nominal, and that, under the tine of apeinggrftCY, 4 1 :14VIstOora.ey that shall lord it over the working men of the land, white as well as black, shall yet be maintained. In his very cheerful contemplation of the difficulties of the country, Mr. Sew ard refuses to think of any such results as these as even possible. He evidently does not think treason - odious, and has no anxiety to have it made so. When he lay, helpless and bleeding -under the blows of an assassin, who was a simple agent of the treason that he is so anxious to forget and forgive; would he, could he have spoken, have expressed such very tender sentiments ? The multitu dinous series of crimes to which that at tempt belonged have not been punished, and if they are not to be punished, but are all to bel'orgiven, as the Secretary of State proposes, there will be the best en couragement for a renewal of them as soon as the South recovers strength and courage. If Congress is to yield all to the President's and Mr. Seward's views, that time cannot be very.far distant. SOLDIERS' MESSENGER CORPS. The Soldiers' Messenger Corps ap pears-to be an assured success. Oar citizens generally appreciate the great convenience of the organization,and the men have had every reason to be satis fied with the patronage they have re ceived. The fed-caps are seen busily flitting in all parts of the city, engaged in all manner of light work, and the average receipts of the messengers have been such as to guarantee the perma nence of this excellent institution. The men, with very few exceptions, have proved themselves reliable, prompt, honest, intelligentand obliging, and are rapidly making hosts of friends. The exceptions to this rule have been promptly removed from the corps, and their places supplied with proper substi tutes. Several of the men have secured permanent situations in stores and offices. The requirements for appoint ment on the force are necessarily very strict, and the agent, Mr. Whiteman, deserves commendation for his determi nation to weed out all improper mem bers of the corps, and to retain none who are dishonest, intemperate, or other wise incompetent. To render this excellent organization permanently successful,the co-operation of those who employ it is absolutely ne cessary. There are two particulars in which this co-operation should be given. In the first place the men should be as sisted in being honest. They should never be paid for an errand without taking a ticket corresponding with the amount. The system of tickets is a very simple one, and not only constitutes a check upon the daily returns of the mes sengers, but identifies , them in case of any failure in the proper performance of their duty. And every such failure should be promptly reported. Neglect to do so will soon beget carelessness and irregularity; public confidence will be destroyed and the whole enterprise be brought into disrepute. The soldiers who form the messenger corps are picked men, chosen for sobriety, honesty and re spectability; but they are as liable to temptation as other men, and will yield to it if they are encouraged to do so, by the indifference and indolence of their employers. At present they look upon their red caps as a badge of honorable distinction, and it is to be hoped that it will not degenerate into a symbol of laziness, intemperance or dishonesty. Large Sale Real Estate. Messrs. Thomas dc Sons' sle valuable Tuesday next will include a large number of properties, to be sold by order of Orphans' Court, &c. See auction ELEGANT COITNTRY SEATS, OTH JUNE.-;.They have added to their sale sth Jane two elegant Country Sesta, one of them on the banks of the DELAWARE; at Burlinglon. N. J., the late residence of Charles Chauncey, Esq., deceased : the other one an elegant modern Residence. Muter street, GERMANTOWN, the late residence of Wm. W. Knight, deceased. Fall par. iculars on last page. John B. Myers do Co. Auctioneers , Nos. 232 and 234 Market street, Will hold on to•morrow, (Thursday), May 24, by catalogue, on four months' credit. a large and attractive sale of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, including 800 pieces Cloth.% Cas aimeres, Satinets, Menem. Diagonals, Tricots, Doe skins, Italians, 'go., embracing tne largest and most Valuable aasortwent of Woolens Offered this Bero9n, THE DAILY EVENING BP; LETIN : PHILADELPHIA L WEDNESDAY, MAY 23,1866. for finest city' Silks, Shaw' wade. Also, large lines Dress Goods. Hosi.ry. r 4,lidantles, White Goods, Linens, lirdk and Un? Aoven, 13almoral and Hoop Skirts, Traveling Umbr 4er Shirts and Drawers, Sewing% Suspenders, ant% • relies, Parasols. &c. Also, 150 packages Cotton Worden Domestics. eeS Fniney, May 25, at 11- o'clock, by catalogue. on /tar months' credit, about 250 pieces Superfine and Pine ingrain, Royal Damask, Venetian, List, Hemp. Cottage. woo Rag Carpetirtgs. white red check and Three-colored Canton and Coir Mattings, Of the best trands. To Railroad Companies. The property known as the ' St. James." on Walnut street, to. be Bold on Wednesday next by James. A. Freeman. auctioneer, is especially worthy of tne at tention of those railroad con. panies who contemplate the erection city office building. Situatedie the very heart of the , close to ttle post office and custom house, rear all the courts, and within a squareorthe Res ding. Railroad, the Pennsylvania Railroad building On the same block with the North Pennsylvania Rail load and Pcbuylkill Navigation buildings, it is particu larly attractive for such a purpose. An examination of the premises will show that the removal of tt e bars and the introduction of office furniture is all the alter ation that is necessary, while in the rear it an elegant private office, all heated by steam. It is rare such an opportunity, is presented, and any company comtem- Plating the erection of an office Will do well to exatr_- e it. Sale will be peremptory. Auction Nonce—SO.le of Boots and Shoes. Tbe early attention of tbe trade is called to the large and attractive sale of 1,40 cases Boots and Shoes, to be sold by catalogue, !Or cash, to-morrow (Thursday) lomat g, May 24, commencing at 10 o'clock.. by Philip Ford & Co., AnatinneerS, at their Store, No. 506 Minket street. t iORW CRUMP. BUILDER, 1731 CHESTNUT STREET and 21.3 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for house. alld- Mgand fitting promptly furnished. lIMRAVEN dr BACON PIANOS. iii .p..„ 6.2 ,....... These beautiful Instruments have =gel amens theRBST for nearly ITTTTIC i 6 YUJI. aple.w,f,m,tf J. E. GOIILD, Seventh and Chestnut. STATIONERY—LETTERS, CAP AND NOTE PAPERS. ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKI, and every requisite in the Stationery line, selling at the lowest figures at J. R. DOWNING'S Stationery Store. niaiZttrp, Eighth street, two doors above Walnut, I • iv : : • 430 cHESTNIIT Street, next door to the Post Office. N. B. Nowhere else can the purchaser obtain greater value fbr his money. my2tjy7l THEO. H. 2ECALLA I HAT B AND O CAP T EMPD X R t lUM. Sat CHESTNUT STREET. - New SWIM for Spring. myiKm,rpl PAINTINGS FOR SALE.—One of our mot NJ eminent artiste about going to Europe. will dispose of his Paintings 6 1 4 lOW prices, at Rent itlt'S Gallery, 624 Arch street. GAB PLYERS for housekeepers' use, by which the nipples or the gas burners may be unscrewed and cleaned out, for tale at the Hardware 13tore of TRU MAN & SHAW, No. 833 (Eight ThlstY•litre) Market street, below Ninth. rIARTES DE VISITE, 6 FOR ft —None surprin In 4.../ elegance of rtyle or skillbreatention those made at B. F. IIEIMERS Gallery, 624 Arch street. "1 ..,... 11 _2• PATENT EXPANSION ROLLoW AUGER .LOR TENNON CUTTER will mat any size from to 3 inches; thus removing any necessity for having several eizes of the usual kind. Sold by TRUMAN & SUAW, No. 535 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. ONLY flier beautiful styles of finely executid Pho lJ tographs, large size. suitable for iramina for al:- ting room or parlor. Obtain them now, at REIIIER'S S. MARES THE HAIR GROW THICK AND STRONG. "London Hair Color Restorer." The most "London. Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Reliable Hair "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Itssiorwrrvin "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer " Ever Introduced "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." to the "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." American "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." People, "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." For Restoring "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Gray Hair and "London Hair Color Restorer " "London Hair Color Restorer." Preventing "London Bair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Baldness. "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." ' The great "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Luxury Of "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." The Dressing- "London Hair Color Restorer." Room. "London Hair Color Restorer." No washing or preparation before or after Its use; ap plied by the hand or soft brush. myl9 s.m,w,tf Only 75 cents a bottle. six bottles 4. Sold at Dr. SWAYER'S, NO. 830 North Sixth street, above Vine and all the leading Druggists and. Fancy Goo dsDealerS tra.. WE HEREWITH CALL attention to our magnificent assortment of superior PLANO% which we always have p urchase Best e them at very reasonable prices to . of references and FULL GU A R ANTES invariably rig by UNION PIANO MANUFACTURING CO„ ap2Q . 1017 Walnut street. MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIA.MONDS, WATCHES, JEWEL. I t RY PLATE, CLOTHING, dto., JONES & CO.'S II LE-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Corner ot THIRD and GASEILL Streets, Below Lombard. N. B.—D IAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUNS, &0., n - kran AT Turnm•AiravriLY LOW PRICES. • ap23-210 tiGERMANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR RENT. eatarge house, with all the modern conveni ences, ensive grounds and plenty ofshade; stabling for three horses; within ten minutes , walk of BallrOad Station. Will be rented either with or without the Whig. Address Box 3 BtB Phlleda. P. 0, 323.72-rPti MOITSTAD; 110II8F, agrlE'exemexcien & BROWN, ifigeWANAILAMER & BROWN. acirWAbAMAXER & 'BROWN, Xir I iVANAMAILER & BROWN, HANDSOME OLOTHIN9:SA HANDSOME OLOTHING., HANDSOME Cx4YEEENE.'II4I, HANDSOME OLOTI3NO.IOI, .LOWEST PRICES. adr LOWIL4T PRICES. SarLOWEST PRICES. • Li - LOWEST PRICES. BE ASSORTMENT. • BEST ASSORTMENT. BEST ASSORTMENT. BEST ASSORTMENT., garIINEXCEPTIONABLE FITS. YerIINEXCEPTIONADLE FITS. /O"I:I.NEXCEPTIONABLE FITS. air trbinacErnoNAßLlc FITS. THE PEOPLE PLEASED. - Va. THE PEOPLE PLEASED.'tiII THE RerepLE PLEAsE.D. - Ecl THEPEOPLEPLEAERE.IiXt i/Orq/Az HALL. OAK HALL. somOAK. HALL. ta'OA.s. HALL. • S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND HAILICET S. E. comma SIXTH AND MARKET STS. B. /6'. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STS.`lia B. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STS.IV:I ‘4 14 4 4 P c t /\ o'e u NO. 00 * 7R. 0 • 4 ' 4 , , 4\ GHESTNUT ST, 4, _._ FAMILY SEWING-MACHINES. KREMNITZ WHITE LEAD, ZINC AND COLOR WORKS. On Hand and , for Bale, 25 Tons Pure Kremnitz Lead in Oil. 20 Tons Anchor Lead in. Oil. 20 Tons Arrow Lead in Oil. 20 ons Star Lead in OiL 10 Tons Pure Imperial Fr. Zinc in Oil. 5 Tons Pearl White Fr. Zinc . in. Oil. 20 Tons •P•ure Krenanitz Amer. Zino in Oil. 10 Tons Anchor Amer. Zino in Oil. 10 Tons Arrow Amer. Zinc in Oil, at Lowest cash prices. • MeIiEN.IGrEUr Sr, CO., Twenty-Second and Race Streets. ms23wllstrip. ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! Incorpongedgase4. mucts.z. c • UTT..T n MERRYM ORIT KAS,rtnOrrirliAlk -COLD SEIIZINGI ICE AND COAL CO. DRAIZEB IN .LND -SHIPPERS OF ICE and 0041. We are now prepared to flarnish BERT QUALITY ICE in large or small quantities to Rote*Steamboats Ice Cream Faloens, Pamllles , Offices, and a tbeIOWEBT MARKET BATES. ICE served DAILY In all paved limits of the eon. eolldated City, West Philadelphia, Mantua, Rich. mond and Germantown. Your custom and influence is reepectftilly solicited. Yon can rely on being fur. nished with a PITRE article and PROMPTLY. fiend your order to OFFICE No. 435 WALIII7T STREET. DEPOTS, S. W. corner Twelfth and Willow Streeter, North Penna. B. R. end Master street. Lombard and Twenty-filth tamers. Pine Street Wharf. Sotarynal. nra - 8m 4.P1 Ketp Cool! Keep Cool !! BY ORDERING YOUR ICE OF CHARLES S. CARPENTER & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ICE DEALERS, 717 WILLOW, ABV.. FRANKLIN BT. Families supplied satisfactorily and at reduced Mai. D ms. ealers and large consumers forntslied on reasonable ter CRAP. S. CARPENTER, JOHN GLENDENING. ap2S .TO9. M. TRUMAN, Ir., lm rpf Proprietors. PATENT WIREWORK FOR RALLINOS, STORE FRONTS, GUARDS, PARTITIONS, &IN IRON:BEI)STEADS AND WIRE WO= Sa variety, mannthetared by M. WALKER & BONS, roman Opp NO.II NORTH SITS Street, THE -SUBSCRIBER (for many years connected with 'Mitchell's Saloons." No. t 23 Chestnut Street,) would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has OPENED AN Ice Cream and Refreshment lagoon FOR LADLES AND GENTLEMEN. No. 1121 CHESTNUT STREET, where be hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit the patronage of all who may favor him with their custom. myl2-1m rpi JACOB H. BURDSALL. JESITIC Y®l3]l, COMING . WINTER SUPPLY AT ONCE. Believing the price of Coal to be as low as it will be this season, with prospects of an early advance in Coal and Tolls, I would respectfully advise my customers and housekeepers generally to lay in their next winter supply without delay. WM. W. ALTER.. Office and Delivery Depot, Ninth street (957) below Girard avenue; Branch Office, corner Sixth and Spring Garden.. mylk-12t ISAAO NATHANS Auctioneer and Money Broker. N. B. corner of Third and Some streets, only one 00 :!kgIgTaff i ttnistig7r 1 71=31 loan in large or small amounts, at the lowest rates on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, ;Jewelry, Clothing, and goods of everyolescription, Mee hours from 8 A. M. till 7 P. M. de23-tfrp "VITLIM, WEAVER & CO., Manufacturers of MANILA AND TARRED CORDAGE, Cords, Twines, dec., No. 23 North Water street. and No. 22 North Delaware avenue, Philadelphia, FIDWJN E. F/TLER. DfroirAXl. WRATIIII. COLTUD F. OLORMX.4I NATIONAL BANK 0 F THE REPUBLIC PHILADELPHIA. Organized under "The National Currency Act," March Roth, 1866. This Institution has completed the alterations of its building, Nos. 809 and 811 CHESTNUT ST., And is Now Open FOR THE TRANSACTION OF A Regular Banking Business EN ALL ITS BRANCHES. JAMBS B. PERKED. ED. F. MOODY, Cashier. royss-imi HO';ELS AND BOARDING Houses refitting for the Summer Sea son, will find it to their advantage to examine the extensive Stook of Dry Goods adapted to their wants, at the establishmentofj. C. Strawbridge & Co. couITTE_BPANES, BED Spreads, Table .baniaskS, Napkins, Towels, Linen and Cotton SliCeiings and Pillow Fabrics; at the lowest wholesale rates. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., N. W. earner Eighth and Market,, myrzwrin tfrp er, MARKET 44 7 ®f NINTH. A -4‘'Crr cr4. & Are selling at t - ery lowest market prices, with other desirable goods, large quantities of FACE WHITE AND LOW GRADES PIQUE, WHITE GOODS of almost every dweription. mr. -- Ear GOODS at reduced prices. BLEACHED mrslnts by she yard or piece. SHILITINGS and SKIRTINGS of every grade. MABEEOLLEB and HONEY 00103QMI118. BLACK DREES 0001:9 greatly under price. RAl,llLnco DEFER STUFFS from 31 az. up DESDBABLE PLAIDS In thick and thin Murk. Y, cent DRHSEI STUFFS. s good abow. HANDSOME BELIE ILANTLID3 AIM EIPRING MAMMOTH IL KZ of CLOTHO and C.ASS .8 apfun f AT RETAIL. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 Chestnut-St., Have made exte_nelce addltione to their popular Stack or SILKS AND DRESS 0.0003D5, WHICH THEY CONTIMIJE TO MILL At Moderate Prices. Wholesale Rooms Up Stairs. 'my!-Lua rp 1866. SPRING. 1866. EDMIT.ND YARD k CO., 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Streets, IXDOETEBS AND JOBBERS OP Silks and Fancy Drees Good' Linens and White Goods, Shawls and Bataora DEALXES IN • AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. Germantown Fancy Wool Goode, A Pull Line of Prints, AT 7N M, LOWEST MART RATES, ap2tl.lm rp a. RUSSELL & CO., 22 North Sixth Street, Invite attention to their fall etook. of Fine Watches. Jewelry. and 'Fancy and Plain Silver- Ware of every description. mylesswirt rp/ MISHLEE'S HEBB BITTERB, Wholesale and Retail. .7i, ORIEL & BRO., GENERAL AGENTS, myt-lxa rp/ 28 South BEVrEENTH, St., PMhula. Smith's Island. THIS POPULAR RESORT 18 NOW open for the entertainment of the pab a. It is under the control of F. LAREBLEKER, Who has Improved it by adding to It a large Hotel. Rooms can be bad for the season. A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT ATTACHED. None but the Pureet Liquors sold, rny2.141 rp LARGE . SALE h IGh CLA OIL PAINTINGS,, 114 Vi.)'=Yll):4iVY Received Directly From &to A.Mtrr, G-A-I:+l.lEtirg CHESTNUT STREET, ON THURSDAY ABB FRIDAY_ MAY 31, & JUNE 1 186% At Quarter Before Eight O'Cleek. myl2-2t rp CARPETS CLEANED, BEATEN aneP RENOVATED by MAIMINERY In the cheapest and moat mtiese• tory manner, at the PRESTON STEAM LAUNDRY, 1520 South Ninth Street aprzw.f.zallt ro Reduction in Prices of Spring Cloaks in Cloth and Silk of our own Manufac ture. Paris Made Gar ments, a new opening, at: one half cost of import tion. Fine Llama Lace- Shawls and Circulars, all, at reduced prices. J. W. PROCTOR & 00. 0 _ 920 CheStalit Street ap2m.w.f-tm3Vt AWNINGS, VERANDAHS AND FLAGS.. WM. F. SCHIEBLE, 49 SMITH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURER OF AWNINGS AND VEIELA.NIDAII/5. Awnings Proofed and Warranted not/ to Mildew ; . FLAGS OR ALL SIZES ON HAND AND MADE TO ORME& - Stencil Cating and Canvas Printing. Bags TentiS Wagon Covers, madeto order. apswarreSt BZP' A CARD. Special notice to our old friends and the public gen unity: • The JONES' One-Price Clothing House, established sixteen years ago, is still in snccessfui operation at the old lotation, 80.1 arket street, one door above Sixth. and has not changed its place or manner of doing business, which is exactly the same good old. plan in operation for many years, namely— 'One- Price and no deviation." The Clothing we make is or the most substantial character, both as to materials and workmanship, so that our , customers never can complain or either. Our stock is large and plain or fashionable people, can be well suited. Our customers should be caretul to get to the right place, as there is no other establish ment in the city in our line of btutineas strictly Hone. price." JONES 2-. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, 004 34.410ELIKET ST., ap26-Im 4p itrARKING WITH INDELIBLE INK, Embroider. HA Mg, Braiding, Stamping, &c. H. A. TORREY. 1800 Filbert. street,- IM CI 3FL'igE3D- TO BE SOLD AT SCOTT'S 1020 EVENINGS, B. St3OTT, Jr., ONE Dom AnovE strut.