BIISINJESS- NOTICES. FROM BEAD CENTRE STEPRENS-TO • FRIEND. - "Hy DRAB I have safely arrived in this land of freedom, and am zealously studying all its Inetitn - Ilona, as I intend to use them for patterns, by which to eat out those of the Irish Republic, when I can get the necessary Materials: I flatter myself that the title of Head Centre' is not lnspproprlate to me, since I have It in the centre of my head, and of my heart, too. to make Ireland the greatest, most free, and most easy country in the world. When I have once Put mitten in proper state, I hope to see volunteers flocking like osatomers to Tower Hall" WE Hevn -1111-wool Fancy Casalmere Pants, as low as 5 4 00 " " " 'Vests " 220 " Black Pants . ....... 600 . ". Cloth Vests. . ..... 400 " Fancy Candmere flutist° match 14 00 " Black Suits .20 00 - _ Advancing jrom these rates w shove goods of all grades, 1 4) ta the very finest fabrics, atirrisec reduced 01PrOjX11" • icon -Men's Youth's and BOYS% THOYSANDS ILAYM 7VUND WITHIN THE PAST raw wmais,THAT WE AMC ACTUALLY SELLLIZO GOOD, 57121VICTATILS GOODS AT 9187 PRIM )SAVED. civ~i~a ~i.~ w:~~(N V:~ ~1~ r..s•~ ~ ~6~ Henry A. Wise of the "Wise Brigade," A pacific speech has lately made, O'erflowing with milk; and as for gall, There's scarcely, any of that at _ Only when he concocts a muss About What he would do if they'd commend Inc To strip as naked of all attire, Would llien"be this mud chevalier's deers, A Southern falling 'midst war's hard blows, Bor when able they always stole Our clothes, Aid:Mosby and Quantrell very well know, They had always an eye to our boys' old clo'; Bet for Brigadier General Governor Who. . TO talk this way expands our eyes! If the butternut gentry should ever appear. And easel the scenes of Chfunbersburg hone, Wiust a jolly old time they would have at the swat, Before they departed for regions far! What taste and judgment they would display, In fitting on PEBSY dr. Co.'s array! lavishly dressing in choice Spring suite, - Before going elsewhere—to steal the boots* But as they didn't peas by this way, And are not very likely, for many a day,. The enormous stock bought since the decline Invites at No. Six HIINDIGID AND NIATE. We have all-wool Fancy Cassimere Vesta, fine quality, $2 and upwards; all-wool Fancy Cassimare Pants at $5 and upwards. Coats at all prices. making a splendid assortment of Fine Fashionable Clothing, gotten up in the best manner, and selling at extremely /ow prices. Our stock of goods for ordered work is being con stantly renewed, and all work warranted to give &Ma i/lotion. FERRY & 00., STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 6t9 CHESTNUT STREET, SIGN OF STAB. N.B.—Dealers in fine Clothing will find it to their -advantage to examine our stock, as , ae can fill their orders on very liberal terms, SCHOMACKER PLANO.FOR NUFACTIMING 0061PANY'E T I NEW STORE, No. 1103 OrrPSINUT SITRvkT.—We respectfully call the attention- of our Mends and the public generally to our removal to oar :new and handsome Warerooms, "G BARD ROW," 31i3 CHESTNUT street, where we have constantly on hand a large stock of our superior and highly finished Square and Grand Pianos. Our instruments have been awarded the highest premiums at all the principal exhibitions ever he.d in *Ms country, with numerous testimonials from the ftratelass artists in America and Europe. They are now the leading Pianos, and are sold to all parts of the world. Persons desiring to purchase a first-class Plano at greatly reduced rates should net fail to give us a call. Pianos to rent, Tuning and moving promptly at tended to. StJHOMACKKR & CO. leylo.lrn; No. 1105 Chestnut street. ALBRECHT, NM RIMERS t BCHIdIDT, liatkotacturera of ELBST-CLASS PIANO-FORTES, Ware Rooms. No. 46 North THIRD street, EtylB-tm, Philadelphia. EITELNWAY & WNW y oTh PI &NOB IIM Are no* acknowledged the best in struments In Zurtype as well as America. They are wed in public arid private, by the greatest artiste Eying In Europe. by VON' RITLOW, DRETSCHOCII. MIPZT..7I , ICra and othersan this country , by If rm.*, 31ABON, WOLFeOPEN, eta. For sale only by ' BLASIUS BROS., 1056 Chestnut street. EVENING BULLETIN. FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1888. • 4:0:4.110 0,14L-11:41.11aq:10 A ' The next steamer may bring news of a belligerent outbreak in Europe. The German complication, so far from being removed, seems to be in a more critical condition than ever, and although Count BismArck is temporarily under a cloud, his policy seems to be continued by Prussia, who is as obstinate as ever in resistance to Austrian demands. But the most imminent danger of a rupture is between Austria and Italy. When we hear that the freight traffic on the railway between Vienna and Trieste is stopped, so that it may be given up to r , the use of the government; that no rail way tickets are issued at Vienna for Italy; that the railway bridge be tween Peschiera and Desenzano has been destroyed by the military authorities; that Austrian troops are hurrying into Venetia and Italian troops to Lombardy; that the Italian fleet has sailed, destination unknown, but proba bly Venice or Trieste—when we read all these things in the European journals, it really seems as if hostilities had `already begun. ' The war now pending, if it should not be prevented by some unlooked for pro vidential interference, may involve most of the leading continental powers. Prus sia would find herself in alliance with Italy, without seeking it. Bavaria and Saxony, from their geographical posi- tions, would scarcely be able to keep out '-of the conflict. The disaffected Aus trian provinces, such as Hungary, 'Ve netia, Bohemia and some others, would probably avail themselves of the oppor tunity of a war for insurrection. The Poles might do the same, and Russia .would then have a finger in the pie. Al . though France professes a determination to keep out of the conflict, her promises of that nature have so often been broken, that nobody believes she will keep out of it, if Napoleon sees any chance of carrying out his idea of further acquisitions of territory along the Rhine. All the terrible results of a war such as is now apprehended may be traced to the wicked interference of Prussia and Austria with Denmark and the Duchies, two years ago. For the sake of dismem bering a - weak kingdom, those two powers will have caused a frightful loss of life, the accumulation of enormous debts, - and perhaps very important change; in the map of Europe. A good many of the petty States of Germany -would probably be absorbed by some of the more powerful, and this is the only good result that can be anticipated, so far, as Europe is concerned. So far as the United States are < concerned, a war such as we have fore- AlAdowe4 !would /wit one pod BENNETT do 00., TOWER HALL. MS MAREM STREET effect: it would probably oblige Aus. tria, France and Belgium to with theirtroops from Mexico, and down would go Maximilian's sham throne, and the Monroe doctrine could be re asserted with, some force. But even these would but poorly compensate for the horrors of a European war, and in the interest of humanity, it is to be hoped that it may be avoided. . WANTED-A.XILITIA SYSTEM. It is a fact, concerning which very many of our citizens are ignorant, that Pennsylvania is at this time without any militia force. The recent law pro viding for the re-organization of the mi litia systemof the State was so defective, that no attempt has been made to enroll citizens, or officer a militia force under it. The law provided for the abolition of the old militia, and while it has per formed thus much of the work it was designed to accomplish, it has furnished no substitute for the old system. This ii'particularly unfortunate at this time, inasmuch as the war had the effect of almost entirely breaking up the old vol unteer organizations, and those that sur vive are scarcely more than the skeletons of their former solves. The 'im portance of a _well organized militia can scarcely be over-estimated. It should be remembered that the first armed men who reached Washington after the fall of Sumter, and who guarded the capital at the moment of its greatest peril, were volunteer militia from Pottsville and Reading, in our own State, who were led by General Kelm. The passing through the city of the splendidly equipped 6th Massachusetts regiment, in April 1861, gave renewed confidence to every loyal Phila,delphian, and it would be impossible to exaggerate the importance of the service rendered the - Cause' of the Union by the volunteer militia of the loyal States in the early days of the war. On several occasions in the history of our own city terrible riots have been quelled and order restored, only by the exertion of military power, and laying aside all considerations of the importance of the State being in a condition to aid in repelling foreign invasion and put ting down domestic insnrrection,the ne cessity for the preservation of the public peace on the occasion of intestine broils, dictates the pressing want of an effective militia. There should be the greatest pos sible encouragement for the formation of volunteer organizations, where our spiritedyoung men would become expert in the use of arms, and which would prove nurseries for officers to command new organizations when an emergency should demand the calling out of the effective power of the State. Pennsyl vania is rich in all the material of men and munitions for a powerful militia force. Its organization should not be delayed one hour that can be avoided, and the necessity for such prompt sys temization cannot be strongly urged or too freely agitated. GLADSTONE ON 01TJEt DEBT. Mr. Gladstone, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, made a remarkable speech in the House of Commons, on the 3d instant, on the national debt of Great Britain. He urged that some means be adopted for its sapid reduction, mainly on the ground that the supply of British coal, on which the prosperity of the kingdom depends, will soon be ex hausted. Indeed, he estimated that in 104 years, the annual demand for coal, at its present rate of increase, will be nearly twice as much as is believed to exist within 4,000 feet of the earth's sur face in Great Britain. From the consideration of the British debt, Mr. -Gladstone proceeded to con sider the debts of other nations, and viewed all of them gloomily except that of the United States. Enormous as it is, he thinks, in view of the resources of the country, that it will not be attended with any embarrassment, and he added that he thought, "in a moderate time it will be brought within very small limits, and may, even within the life time of persons now living, be effaced altogether." This faith in our financial strength arises from the extraordinary vigor with which we carried on the war against the rebels, and then, when victorious, red bed our army and navy ana returned to peaceful industry. But in order that the hopes expressed may be fulfilled, legislation is needed, and one of the first things to be done should be the passage of Mr. Sherman's bill, or some thing like it, for funding our national debt, and providing for its steady re duction. Public Sales Valuable Real Estate. Messrs. Thomas & Sons' sale on Tuesday neat will include a number of valuable and desirable pro' perties. See auction column. SAL'E.22 , ra MAv.—For full particainrs of a number of valuable properties added to the sale of 29th Inst., see last page. Catalogues tomorrow. Messrs. Thomas & Sons sell regularly - every Tues day. at the Exchange. For Bales on the premises see their auction column. JOHN CRUMP, BUILDER, 1731 CHESTNUT STREET' and 218 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for housebnild ing and fitting promptly furnished. Ja3-Bm* WWIRAVEN & BACON PIANOS. co ija..k ai These beautiful Instruments have ranked among the BEST for nearly MIA 40 years. ams-w,fm,tf J. E. GOULD. Seventh and Chestnut. STATIONERY—LETTERS, CAP AND NOTE PAPERS. ENVELOPES, BLANK 13001Kei, and every requisite in the Stationery line, selling at the lowest - figures at J. It DOWNING' S Stationery Store, mal2-ttrpl Eighth street, two doors above Walnut. ink SPRING STYI,E HATS.—WARBURTON ce , 430 CEIRSTNTIT Street, next door to the Poet Offi. N. B.—Nowhere else can the purchaser obtain greater value for his money. THEO. H. TECIALLA, 442, HAT AT N D MR It CAI HIS oatESTABLIP O_D 804 OIim.STNITT STREET. New Styles for Spring. my9-1m,11:1 DEDUCED PRICINEL—A rare chance for those de- . -IA) siring Photographs, to obtain superior stylee, at moderate prices, every variety, suiting all tastes, at RELMER' IS Gallery, Eecond street, above Green. AT No. 1411 ARCH street. The undersigned will sell at private sale balance of Stock, consisting of Saddles, Bridles. dco. Persona wishing to purchase will get bargains. • &lama; Imiateki THE DAILYVENINGI3I3LLETIN : PHILADELPHIA. F.RI PAY, MAY 18,1866. MAGAZINES FOB JUNE NOW • READY 11! ATLANTIC—SS cents. HARPER—SS cents. - GODET-20 cents. YOUNG FOLKS-1S cents And all the other Magazines at net prices. NEW NOVELS. A large number of NEW NOVELS in paper cover suitable for Summer Beading. lust received. A cata logue of the celebrated TAUCRNIfZ EDITIONS, the cheapest and most portable books issued. Just printed for distribution to our customers. Ask for Bat our countess. A.shmead & Evans, It 724 CHESTNUT STREET. rrIELE COG-WHFr, r, CLOTHES man:GER will laat A longer (we have tested this fast) and wring equal to any other that we have seen. For tale. with those not thus geared, by TRUMAN & SHAW, RO. g 36 (Eight Market street, below Ninth. D I.DUCED PRlCE.?..—Splendld styles Portraits: B. life.size Photographs in 011 Colons. universally admired for rare accuracy of likeness and coloring t•ee specimens. en 4 Arch street. PRE PATENT P.S.PANSLVE IMNET CLEANER can be altered in sliaae to stilt the dd. (trent sts lee of Lamb Chimneys, and thus be made to rub every part of is clean. For sale by rRUILAN et SHAW, lh"o. WS (Hight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. VNLY el FOR LARGE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS. V celebrated for their beauty and accuracy of like ness. Row is the time to obtain fine Pictures at Second street. above Green. ►PHE INDESTRUCTII3LIe LIMON HOLDER has A flexible metallic ribs Pals riveted en Its under de, which prevent It from being burned by a very hot smoothing or tailors' iron. it is, therefore, very durable and is neatly made in other respects. Pot sale by TRUMAN & BELAS%-No. RS (Eight Thirty. lye) Market street, below Ninth. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN PeRIMSES.--(311:0. W. VOGEL, No. tole Chestnut street, opened this morning, a very attractive case of new goods, am prising Embroidered Muslin Dresses, Muslin Rbawls, Muslin Paletole. Kewanee, dsc.. current styles,from the Pails market. for theincoming lesson. The goods are Porn a bonze celebrated for exquisite taste in designs and superiority of goods in every respect. myte 110TATO.U 4 i POTATOII. POTATOES POTA7 OES, myl&2rp• S A T. ll l.—To Shippers, Grocers, Hotel-Keepers r and others—A. very superior lot of Champagne Cider, by the barrel or dozen. P. J. JO RDAN , nog-rptf =0 Pear street, below Third and Walnut. 'PO HOUSEKEEPERS, for cleaning silver and ellverMated ware, a.N.EW POLIhHING POWDER, the best ever made. PARR fi BROTHER, fell 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth. MARKING WITH INDELIBLE INK, Embroil:lair -111 ing, Braiding, Stamping, .I.e. M. A. TORREY. DM Filbert atreet. F3NE FRENCH MANTEL CLOCKS.—A. he im ipertation of beautiful styles, warranted correct Ti (le KEEPERS. FARR & BROTHERS, Importers, • 824 Chestnut street, below Fourth. 1866. 8A1R CUT I3 .P° g.. 1 7{17,1 1P r R°P k ria era dyed. No Shaving on Sunday. Oorner Itcchance Place and Dock area.'lit.J 0. C. KOPP. UT . ' dr. F. CARPENTER, TAILORS, GLR.aItD HOME, Tae pleasure in calling the attention of their friends and the public generally, to their stock of Imported fabrics for metes wear, which they are prepared to make up in their usual approved - style. at reduced prices. aoS-m,w.f-anerp MBE HARRISON BOILER. A SAFE STEAM BOILER.—The attention of Manufacturers and others using Steam is confidently called to this new Steam Generator, as combining essential advantages in absolute safety from explos ion. in cheapness of first cost and coat of repairs in economy of fuel, facility of cleaning and transportation, &c., not possessed by any other boiler now in use. This boiler Is formed of a combination of cast-Iron hollow spheres, each ephote inches external diameter, and of an inch thick. These are held together by wrought-iron bolts, with caps at the ends. Nearly one hundred of these Boilers are now In opperation, some of them in the best establishments In this city. For descriptive circulars or price, apply to JOSEPH HARRISONJr.. Harrison Boiler Works Gra 's Ferry Boad, 'adjoining the 11. B. Arsenal, 2mrpf el. phia. apS ifORDAN'S CELEBRATED TONIC ALE.—The truly healthful and nutritious beverage, now In Use by thousands—invalids and others—has .established a character for quality of material and purity of manu facture, which stands unrivaled. It is recommended by physicians of this and other places, as a superior tonic, and requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical of its great merit. To be had, wholesale and retail, of P. J. JORDAN. 220 Pear street. ICIRMAIVA.I..—Dr. S. S. Brooks has removed from .111, No. Thal Vine street, to NO. 140 North Twelfth street, below Race. my&-1214p. FITLER, WEAVER & CO., Mannfncturers of MANILA AND TARRED CORDAGE, Cords, Twines, &c., No. 23 North Water street, and No. 22 North Delaware avenue, Philadelphia, EDWIN H. Frxman. ..MactiAEL WseAvant. CONnAD F. CLovntrat, TIMI4L'Y WARNING. CHOLERA. CHOLERA. EVERY HAMMY SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE LN THE "Wayne's' Bowel COrdiat, ' Swayne's" Bowel 02rd/cif. "Wayne's" TREATMENT. Bowel Cordial. "Wayne's" Bowel Cordial. "Swayne's'. In all cases, at all sea- Bowel Cbrdicsi. "Wayne's" sons,and in all climates, Bowel Cbrdial. "Swayner , " where there is sickness Bower Cordial. "Wayne's" of Stomach, pains in the Bowel Cordica. "Swayne's" Bowels, Dysentery. Dl- Bowel Cbrdiat. ' Wayne's" arrhcea, Sudden attacks Bowel Cbrdial. "Wayne's" in the night, be prepared Bowel Cordial. • Swayne's" to lay your hands on a Bowel frn - dtal. "Swayne's" bottle. of this Great Re- Bowel Cordial. "Wayne's" medy, as nine times out Bowel. OardtaL "Wayne's" of ten immediate relief Bowel 02rd/ea,. "Wayne's" will be obtained. Bowel Cordial. "Swayne's" Bowel Cordial. "Wayne's" Bowel Cordia/. Dr. bwayne was connected with a Cholera Hospital, h - ben that disease raged with such violence in Phila delphia in 1832, and the experience there gained should be a guarantee for the great superiority of this medi cine over all others. And also the. very many cures performed since thattime of extreme cases, shows ex perience to be the great teacher. CHOLERA INSANTIIM, OR SIIMMI3I COMPLAINT.—i3O prevalent with young children during the warm.sea son 'Swayne's Bowel Cordial" never fails to care, and may be given to the most tender infant. Poll direc tions accomnany every bottle. PRICE ONLY 85 CENTS A EOTTLSI Prepared by Dr. SWAYNE dr, SON, 330 North Sixth street, above Vine, Philadelphia. ap27-tn,th HENRY Disputed and Confused Accotatte Adjusted—Sete of books opened—small sets kept by contract. State ments said Balance Sheets prepared for Bankrupt Estates. ifir Excese a little inconvenience arising from alterations and Improve meats going on in our Store. It is more than com pensated for by the EXTRA B A RGAINS we' give our customers. As we want to re duce our stock to avoid its removal out ef the wake d i u he workmen. The . Finest -blade Clothing In the City and the gest assortment to select from. Piece Goode to make up to order. WAN A OAK H H A LL ROWN, SOUTHEAST CORNER EDITH and HARRIOT BM, NO. 720 CHESTNUT ST. FAMILY SEWING-MACHINES. A. CURE! HOUSE. /N CASE OF SUDDEN ATTACK TN THE NIGHT BWAYIIEB BOWEL CORDIAL. ACCOIJNTAZIT. vim — Neal A D SPANISH TRAXMLATBD. *Vni 84: r(0, 115cl/taunt streets HOTELS AND BOARD- Lug Houses refitting for the summer season will find it to their advantage to exam ine the extensive stook of Dry Goods adapted to their wants, at the establishment of J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., N. W. corner Eighth and Market. COUNTERPANES. BED Spreads, Table Damasks, Napkins, r lowels s Linen and Cotton Sheet- Inas . and Pillow Fabrics, at the lowest wholesale rates. J. O. STRAWBRIDGE & N. W. corner Eighth and Market. Cep Au z 4 (1) rkoo:usaeg Cio4 MARKET igT.~ - Prime reduced to the lowest pant. A fine assortment of Beady-Made Clothing con stantly on hand. Custom lb cult made to order at very short notice, in style and durability nneurpaisied. apte-lm tof VALUABLE OHESTNUT STREET PROPERTY FOB SALE, EV SOUTHEAST COEN= OF OUBTH ANDCOMTE uT EITBSETS. Apply to H. C. LIU., myls.6t tp• No. PM Hansom stmt. YEARLY MEETING NOTICE. Those of our readers who have YEARLY MEETING FRIENDS should remember that a Cup of good TEA is particularly accept able after pitting the long sessions in a crowded assemblage. To get the best, call on WEST & BROWN, Importers and Dealers in Teas, S 0 0 Chestnut St. myl6,lt. Best In this market. For the epicure, For everybody, For sale at 1232 m.e..R.KEr atreet. CARPETS CLEANED, BEATEN and RENOVATED by MACHINERY In the cheapest and moat Batista*. tory manner, at the PRESTON STEAM LAUNDRY, I p2a 9 mNg uth Ninth Street. PATENT WIRE WORK liVit RA TviliGß, STORE FRONTS, GUARDS. PARTITIONS, dim ERONNOMEITRATIR AND WIRE WO= in variety, manufactured by M. WALKER di HON% nals-em N0.1. 1 NORTH SIXTH Byte& ICE 31.00 - VMEO From 1016 Chestnut St., MRS, S. J. PARKER, Dress and Cloak Maker, 1823 Chestnut 'Street, m N. B. comer of Juni . A PREVENTIVE TSAAC NATHANS Auctioneer and Money Broker, N. E. coiner of Third and Soruca streets, only oae Eaviltr e e below the , established i t c r ch arlst i tTy l[ y A S . ' Money Principal t . loan in large or small amounts, at the lowest rates on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, :Jewelry, Clothing, and goods of every description. Office hours from 8 A. 311. till 7 P. M. • de23-tfrp __•. e :11:4•11• :II: Call and see. ik Second and New streets. myl7-Iml J. PRIES. 'UMPON DI ONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED A.SIO NDS,_ 4 WA.TOHES, JEWELL BY, PLATE. CLOTHING, &c., at JONES & CO.'S OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, COrner or THIRD and GASICILL Streets, Below Lombard. N. B. - D/AMONDS, WATCHES , JEWELRY, GUN'S, &c.., FOR SALE AT REM • 1/ ' • Bir.,Y LOW PRICES. aP23.1 13 11 i.- FINE WATCHES. JEWELRY , etc-, a corn ,--). plete assortment atrecen&y=l 2 4 Importers ARE of Watches,. eto. ap://) ZS Clheatnut street, below Fourth OFIRMANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR BENT. —A large house, with -all the modern conveni ences, extensive grounds and plenty of shade; s for three horses; within ten minutea' walk of Iti= Station. Will be rented either with or without the mume, Adana' SPX IVS Madly F. 01! 84114744. JONES' Old Established One Price CLOTHING HOUSE, ABOVE SIXTH. MISHLER'S HERB BITTERS, Wholesale and Retail. GRIEL & BRO.. GENERAL AGENTS, 3x13 , 4•1m rrbi 2S SnuthSlXTEßNTH,9t.,Philada ATLANTIC MONTHLY, OUR YOUNG FOLKS, JUNE. 1866. The Atlantic Monthly Offers a fine variety of interesting articles. "In the Hemlocks" by the author of "The Snow Walkers" in the Atlantic for March. is a paper of curious knowt edge and freshness. The concleding account of the "Last Days of Walter Savage Lander," contains several letters by the old poet. some relating to our late war—and much interest. lag anecdote. "The Passages from Hawthorne's 'Note Books" con tinue the charming narrative of his We at Brook Farm. Mrs. Stowe relates the story of a nameless New England Saint. "A Pioneer Editor" is a valuable biographical sketch of Dr. Bailey of tb• National Era. •.Doctor J dun" is concluded, stud smother lasialL meat of '•Orienth Gaunt" is given. Other interesting prose articles; characteristic poems by J. G. Whittier, R. W. Longfellow, and L O. Sted. man; and ammo very full and interesting critical no tices of 'new booksmalre a number of great attract locum. OUR YOUNG FOLKS Contains an rumanal number and variety of articles suited to the season: "The Violeta' ileum'," by Swum E. Dickinson; "The Find May-Ykuvens," by Kate Put. 'nem; "Bering Song," by Bose Terry:"TheDew Feriae: , by Margaret T. Canby; and another Wilda of the capital aeries, "The Pour Seasons," by Lucretia P. Hale. "The Little Southerners: . by Mrs. Edward A. WILL ken "A Tennessee Faxsa-House," by J. T. Trowbridge. a charmiag article on "Sea Life," by the author of "The Seven Little Sisters:" "Mother Magpie's Kis. chief," ens of Mrs. Stowe's exquisite atones: and an other part of thewonderfal "Summer in Leslie Gold, th waiters Life," render this number of OUR YOUNG FOLKS full of remarkably interesting reading, while there Is the usual attraction of Rebuses, Charades, Funks, and Our Letter-Box. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY Is 35 sesta a =mbar; oo &year. OCR TOTING FOLKS is SO cents a number; 43 00 a year. ATLANTIC MONTBELY and 01311 'YOUNG FOLKS, (5 CO a sear. liberal discount to Gobi. Books Resently Published. THE SOUTH BIN(: THE WAS, By Sidney An• drewis. 1 val. Mao. $2 W. THE MAEQT.TERADE. and Ostler Poems, By Jobn Q. Saxe. 1 voL ltmo. ,1 75. LUCY .&11.1.3tN. 355 , J. T. Trowbridge. I vol. .Thrtio. 12W *.* Bent postpaid on receipt of price. Ticknor $D Fields, Publishers, Boston- T.*B. PUGEFE, SID3SONITTIOIQ AGENT YOB ATLANTIC AND YOUNG FOLKS, P. W. Cor. Sixth and Ohestnnt Sta. F. a—Back -numbers supplied, bound Talcums of Our Young Polka . for Ism Price < AMBER GOLD MINING COMPANY Pet i Sylvania. Capital, - - 8.300,000 PAR VA.LIIE, Sl PRIR &HARR. Office, No. 276 South Third Street. The Company has been chartered, and their object is to develop their propernr which has been proven to contain a large amount of mineral wealth. 'The evi dences now in possession of the directors, which can be examined as the office, display a greater 'tartness of "ore" than has been discovered in any gold min ing operations. The certificate of the U. B. Mint, herewith submitted, proves this to be an undeniable fact. MINT OF THE UNITED STA.TZEi. ASSAYBB:B OFF/OZ, PEISLADELPECIA, October 21, Report of the examination of a small specimen of ore brought uy Mr. F. W. Corinth, of Philadelphia, and stated to be from Greene county. Perumtrazga. 'I be ore Is a sulptmret of iron and lead In quartz with visible gold which appears, upon hasty Inspea ilea, so much like pyrites as to be easily mistaken or overlooked. It was essayed in three parcels of carious weight, fr in 14 grains to S pennyweights, and by different methods, either of which give accurate results; these results show much irregularity as to the amount of precious metal, but in any case, a very extraordinary richness ! and thelargest parcel produced the highest return. The results areas Ibilows: the amount are per (b) avoirdupois. audit should be stated that the silver re. turned is present as a natural alloy of the gold-making It somewhat paler. The fineness of the gold is from 796 to 816 thousandth (about 1914 carets). One part per pound, In s er gold, grtve----. " $8 4 s o 00 l Sight dollar 4 and fifty-three cents Another part gave per pound in g01d........_........,re 00 00 26 Sixteen dollars and tweni.Taix cents TLe third and largest part gave per p in go silver....l 00' Eighty-eight dollars and ninety cents. $99 90 [signed] J. R. ECKBELDT, Assayer. By an examination of the above, it can be readily computed theamotmt ofgold per ton which this quartz produces. In order to develop the property by sinking a shaft to the bed of "Gold Ore," the company will dispose of a limited number or shares of the capital stock, and persons calling at the orrice Can obtaln explanatory pamphlets, and receive any information they desire. To persons interested in Greene county. this enter pri'e Is. of much important as the further discovery of Gold in other places, adjacent to the lands of Lae amber Company, give assurance of the existence of rich mineral wealth, and fully warrant a liberal In vestment of capital in the development of this pro. perry and the mineral resources of our own State. OFFICERS : PRESIDENT, JAMES O. ADAMS. 4:~:N-~1~~:~:Ni~ GEORGE W. GROVE. DIRECTORS, JAvIS C. ADAMS. 'WILLIAM L. ELRTNB, PRP IrK W. CORINTH, 'JANES McGINLEY. WILLIAM 8. MAGEE, 'WILLIAM BALDWIN, GEORGE W. GROVE. myl2sthfat rp a zt 4.7 A HERENESS'S BAZAAR, NINTH .AND RANSOM STREETS. A L AND EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES, ON SATURDAY HORNING NEXT, At 10 o'clock, comprising about SEVENTY HORSES, Including some valuable trotting horses, an& superior saddle horses. • 6 A1.60, A large colltction - 61" desirable new and second Yuma caniales, including • _ FOUR SlJYRice OR COACHES, Two of which were made by Watson. Single and double harness. saddles, &c. air' Sale of horso, &c.. on Wednesday. ALFRED M. S. , Auctivnee.r, CCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, NOB. COMPLAINT. A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL: SCHENCK'S MAN DRAKE MLA. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCRIM - B' i MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKRPILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S 31 - ANDRAKE pILLS. SCHENCK'S MAN DRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S 31 NDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLs, SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S I.IA ND RAMC PILLS. SCHENCK'S MAN DRAKE PILLS. sCIIENCK's MANDRA/ca. PIL LS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENI K'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKEPIL',a. SCA KNOWS MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDR AMA PILLes, SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE FILLS, If your bowels are cosliva, TRY TIM& SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PHIAL SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS SCHENCK'S MAND PILLS. SCHENCK'S EANDRA RAKE KS PI7,LE. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S ILA .ND RAKE PM& SCHENCK'S MAO DR A ICE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS SCHENCK 'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. - SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS_ SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MA ND RAKE MIA-. SCHENCK'S MAN .'RAKE MLLES, SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILL& SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. . SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PLUS- SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. son - KNews MANDRAKE PILLS.. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILL& SCHENCK'S Ili AItDR.4 ME Pima. SCHEN CK'S MANDRAKE PILLS SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE FILM. If you have Woram TRY` ScßENors IdANDRAXE - 150IENCX . 8 mArrnmearz PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKR PILL& . SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE seAwNCKS MANDRAKE prr.TA SCR - KNEE'S MANDRAKE PILVE.. EiclIENCK's MANDRAKE MLR - Scisurtmice. MANDRAKE Prf.a.A. soKENrws MANDmANDR K PILRAKE E PILLS- smENcR , FI LS * ECM:NCR's MANDR A KE PILLS. SCHENCK'S M AN - DRAKE PILLS.. sEHENCE , s mANDEARE PILL% SCHENCK's MAN - DR:AKA PILLS- ScIIENCE. , s mANDRAKE SCRENCKs MAN - DRAKE PILLS. sciErFaccx , s MANDRAKE Max. scRENCE's. MA NDR A Tr sen:BNCE'S MANDRAKE PILLS SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE MLR. sLif..AfflCß'S MANDRAKE PIT 'TR SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE MLR. If your t reath la bad, MY THEM SCHEMCR'S MANDRAKE PIUS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHKNeK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, Sett AA.CR'S MANDRAKE PILLR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCE'R 3IANDRAKE PILLS, SCHENCK'S MA-NDRAKE mtg. SCHENCK'S MANN ERASEPILLS SCHEN. 'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. StAir-NCK'S MANDR AR - F. PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S lIANDRASE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. If you feel drowsy, MY THEM SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE P 77,7 v SCHENCK'S MAR DRAKE PILLS, FCH KNCS 13 NAND RAKE PILLS, SCELIINCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAREIP ILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PULL. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS.. Beni:NCR'S ANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS_ SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. ECIEENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, SCHENCK'S MANT , R AIM PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE RILLS. If yen arelaw-epirited, SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, SCHANCE 4 4 MANDRAKES PILLS, SMEIMCCII'S MANDRAKE SCHSENCE'S MANDRAKE PILLS, SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. scHENCR'S MANDRA_PCB SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PIE. LS,. SCHE2SCR'S MANDRAKE PILLS, scHRS'eK'S 'MA NDRAKEP/ LLS,' SHEIEN'CKS MANDRAKE PILLS,. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE SCHENCK'S NAEDRAKE PILLS, BCH NNs. KS MAADRAKE SCHEITCR'S MANDRAKE PILLS, BU/MN - C.F.'S M ANDRAFLE PILLS, If 'ea have a alck headache, • TRY MEWL SCHRNCICS MANDRAKE Pna.a. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHEN 'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHMCCE'S MAN DRA=S, PILLS. WHENCE'S KAN DRAKE puma. SCHEE CK's MANDRAKE PILLS. scH - H..ICE 'S MANDRAKE prr.T.R. scHENCE' Et MANDRAKE PILLS.. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHIMCCE'S MANDRAKE PILLS.. Ertl - Ir.:01"S MA.NDR AKE PILLS.. sc). ENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, SCIIENCE'S MANDRAKE PILLS... SPR ENCKS MANDRA FP puys, If you have been drinking freely', on reaching here take .four Mandrake Pills. Yon will find yon nave a good appetite for breakfast, and not feel any effects of. the liquor. SOEIENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PI . SCHEN CE'S MANDRAKE PILLS. ScHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SHHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCAW , NCJi'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHINCKS MANFRA_K_E PILLS. SCHENCK'S M MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. S( HENCE 'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S _MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHEN CK'S MANDRAKE SCHENC.E'S MANDE. A KE PIT.TS% If you have made a habit of drinking Bourbon whisky every day freely, so that In the morning you have no appetite for breakfast, bad taste in the mouth, and throat full of mucus causing you to cough and spit. and your nerves so unstrung as to require five or six glasses of whisky to steady them, that you may attend to business, it Is time 3 ou stopped the practice, and the only WAY to overcome it is to take a dose Of SCHIsaWK'S MAI;DRAKE PILLS, 'sufficient to , pbytic the bowels well, and unlock the secretions of" the Liver: after that, if you still crave far liquor, take a pill, and a person may take three or four in the e of the coy, and by fbllowing this up for a week or ten days all taste fbr stimulants will be gone and a. good appetite and a relish for food be obtained. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK S Et AND NA.KE PILLS. SCHENCK'S. MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHIMCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. FCHE NCK'S maraißeacz PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCKENCK'S MANDRAKE PT I.T.S„ SCHENCK'S .MANDR QIE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCE EN CK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. E.CELE.NCK'H MANDRAKE PILLS. Blue Mass and of her preparations of Mercury actu ally prod:. ce more suffering and death than the disease which hey profess to cure. And yet this corrosive mineral, se denounced by the allopathic doctors, is pre scribed by them almost universally in Liver Complaint Consumption of the Lungi. &c- THE MANDRAKE PILLS are. composed entirely of roots and herbs, obtained from the great storehouse of Nature, and their salutary effects will appear as soon as the medicine is brought. to the test or a fair expert rc ent. SCHaNCK'S MAN DRAKE PILLS do not produce any nausea or sickness of the stomach; but when given for dys, epee, it may be proper to use them in connection withSCHICNCK'S SEA WOOD TONIC. By this Judicious treatment the digestive faculties are seeedily restored to their fell vigor, and the worst cases of Indigestion may be cured. When we reflect that the Liver is the largest inter nal organ of the body-that to it is assigned the im portant duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile-that it is subject to many disorders, and that when it is diseased or inactive the whole body suffers sympathetically, it is not surprising that a medicine which can restore the healthy operations of the Liver should produce wonderful changes in the general health, and effect cures which mey appear to be al most miraculous. Headache of long continuance, se vere pains in the side, breast and shoulders, aching of the limbs, a feeling of general weakness and wretch edness, and other alarming and distressing symptoms. indicative of imperfect or disordered taction of the liver are speedily removed by the use ofSCHENCK'S MAI4DE A'KE PILLS. Costiveness, piles, bitVr Or sour eructations, and that Indescribable reeling of oppression, mental anxiety, languor, lethargy and deprestion of spirits, which 1:111. flt a man for f lits anageme rel i evedneas, and the en- Joyment of are all by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS... Dr, Schencktan be consulted personally at hitt prin cipal t Bice, No. 13 North SIXTH Street, corns kof Commerce, every S ATU a ß nd D e A v Y ery . V o e th in e e r Fr A„ i m aa o y : lo g s P. IL; No. 32 Bond street New York, every. Tuesday. from 9 lo s ; No. 38 Summer street, Boston. Mass.,every Baltimore Wednesdal street, Bal tim ore, 9 to s; Did. All advice free ,but for a thorough extrdnationoftheiungs with his ea- Pirne t ter.ihech , argetsthleedojisrs Prieeoft : ePuimilieBupandSe : Wet each s e se pr Man drake n ADO dealers, ll4 TPX TB ME_