From our Third - Edition of Yesterday - . From Washinkton. EBPeciiii Despatch to the Bulle.tin,l WAsHINpToN, May IL —The Pennsylva nia nominations for Internal Revenue Col lectors :in ;the several districts, still hang fire in the-Senate. Ineffectual efforts have frequently been made to get action, but the Senate do not seem disposed to be in any hurry. The - dame state of things'exists in regard to the New Jersey appointments.: It It is said that some important facts have just been developed before the House Judi- CiFITY Committee in regard to Jeff.. Davis and the assassination plot. The bill establishing the grade of General in the army is still before the Senate Mill tary Committee. They will4lispose of it in a few days. 1 A True BM Against Jeff. Davis. NORFOLK, Va., May 11U:4—Late jester day afternoon, the Grand Jury of the 11. S. Circuit,Court, in session here, brought in a true bill against Jeff. Davis for treason, and adjourned until.the first Tuesday in Jane, to meet in Richmond. - • Fire at Beaton. Bogrox, May 11..—A fire,this morning, on the Wharves, in the rear of No. 104 Federal street, destroyed property to the amount of $50,000:.. The principal losers are Franklin Snow & Co., - fish dealers; Jesse Tirrell & Co., and . W.. H..& S. L. Emery, dealers in coal and , ivocsi, and Freeman & Co. They are mostly inisured. MlXth Congressi—leirrt Session. WASECINGTONEMay BENATE.—The joint resolution of the House to provide for carrying into imme diate effect: the bill for the better organisa tion of the Pay Department, was passed. Mr. Chandler (Mich.) called up the joint resolution to prevent the introduCtion of cholera into the 'United States ' which was discussed. by Messrs. Sumner, Morrill and Johnson Until the expiration of the morning hour, after which the Post Office Appropria tion bill was taken up. Mr. Howard (Mich.) took the floor. Housx.: 2 --The House is not in session to day, Diarkets. NEW YORE. May Cotton is quiet at It@ 25c. for middlings. Flour has .thclined 20;g4Dc.; Bales of - 8,500 barrels at $7 8009 85 for State. $l5O Cia 75 for Ohio, $7 80010 for Western, $lO 7 0 @1' 16 75 'for Southern, and $9 00@13 85 for Caaada. Wheat declined 1g0;c; sales of 4 COO bush at $2 for 'White Michigan. Corn firm; sales. of 3 , ,000 bush at 80 CB3c. Beef ateady. Pork firm, sales of 1,400 bbls at $Bl 25051 173,:. for mess. Lard dull at 1854©221,in. Whisky dull. Stocks are steady. Chicago and Rock Island, 9414; Cumberland preferred, 45%; Illinois Central, 1224; Michigan Southern, §New York Central, 92.3 a, Iteadirg, 107%; Hudson River, 10914; Canton Com pany,.sB,%; Virginia 6's, 68; Missouri 6's, 7414; 1h•1e,73g; Carolinas, 84; Tennessee 6's, 90.14; One Year Certifica tes, 10014. 'Treasury 7 MO's, 102?;,': Ten-Forties, 957 i; Five-Twenties. 1024; Registered 6'5,10934; Gold, 12141 a. BALTIMORE, May 11.—Flour Is excited and buoyant, Wheat firm; Bed. $7 85. Corn has an upward ten dency; white $.7@88c.; yellow, 82. Oats firm. Provi sions very firm. Sugars dull. Coffee dull. Whisky .tlrm; Western, $2 26X. Coal Staitements. The following is the amount of coal transported over the Philadelphla and Reading Railroad, during the week ending Thursday, May 10, 1866; From St Clair- ..... Port Carbion.-- ....... " Pottsville " Schuylkill Haven " Auburn " Port Clinton " Harrisburg and Dauphin___, Total Anthracite Coal for week ..:-. 79,214 00 Bituminous coal from Harrisburg and Dau phin --.. Total ofall Previously this year.-- Total 1,301,570 16 Same time last year 1,151,190 08 The following is the amount of coal transported over the Schuyl.l Canal, during the week ending Thursday, Iday. 10, 1866: _ - Tons. Cwt. Isl4o 10 ..... 2,198 15 19,175 00 1,965 00 .IProm Port ttsville 0arb0n.......... " Po " " Schuylkill Haven Port Clinton. Total for week Previously this year Total TO same time last year Males at Phi Mad! BALM A._FTER 16000 Bead R 6e 90 10000 U 8 6s'Bl s3O 108% 5500 Lehigh 63 'B4 87.% 10000 Union Canal Int Ede b 5 =,% 2000 Philo, &Erie 68 2 d 91 200 eh Phil & Erie 32% 100 sh do b3O 32% 200 sh do 930 32% SECOND 19000 City 68 new 01 2000 Sch Nay 69 :82 85;,..: 1300 do 7pc bt loan 85 2000 do 85 85 2000 do 6 pcbtlnes 80 100 eh 'Maple Shade c kp 3 15 eh Cana az Am R 128 i M 0 RTATIO ITS. - Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. BOSTON—Steamer Saxon, Captain Matthews -27 boxes mdse J B Busier & Co; 16 cs oil cloth A M Bailey; 27 do 29 do curtain fixtures G W Blabon & Co; 33 pckgs dry goods Yardner, Brewer & Co; 10 bales skins Campbell & Co; 19 bdls paper A. M Colins; 150 bags potatoes 42 bbls do 13 Core & Co; 100 do Champion, Sander & Co; 26 do fish Cottrell & Ayer; 16 cs shoes Clafitn &. Partridge; Bdo Cunningham & Etnire: 10 bales skins Henry Davis; 144 bags potatoes Reeves d 5 yer; 10 cs cnairstuffJ Egbert & Co; 6do Shoes Early Harris; 6do dry goods Frothingham & Wells: 10 bbls oil Jos 13 owell & Co; 33 cs shoes E A Hendry; 11 do J B Harmer: 6 do Hibler, Keith dr. Co; 20 bbisfishlones & BIPPle;t4 5 boxes Johnston, Holloway & Co; 27 cs shoes F dr, JM. Jones; 13 boxes mdse H C E ellogg; 54 ' do ferniture stock Kilburn & Gates; 44 bbls syrup T Morris Knight; 20 do oil J T Kirkpatrick & Co; 10 do Belly Kerper & Co; 5 bales cow hides Kirkpatrick, Hinsley & Lo; 21 bales waste Jona Loage; 75 es scales - Fairbanks & Ewing; 10 bales Farnbam, Kirkham & Co; 10 cs shoes P Ford & Co; 7 do C M Fay; 8 bales felt 100 boxes cocoa 100 - do chocolate so do broma W - Grant; 82 danewing machines Grover &-Baker Sewing - Machine Company; 53 pkgs chair stuff.? P Gustine; 41 do F Gottleib & Bros: 31 cs horse radish Githens & Rex artier; 38 do tacks C M Ghriskey; 15 bales tags Thomas Green; 41 boxes paint Harrison Bro & Co;17 boxes tacks Handy. Brenner & Co; 153 rolls paper Howell & Bro; 30 bags yarn Hoyt,l3prague &. Co; 7 bales Leedom & kthav,;lo bbls oil Z Locke & Co' 60 bdls iron R Liggett & Co 10 cs boots and shoes R Rievick & Co; 18 bags list C Martin; 402 bolls nail rods Morris, Wheeler & Co; 22 cs shoes J B Myers & Co; 50 pckgs glassware kluarey & Munroe; 39 bars iron W F Potts: 63 cs shoes Peiper &, Markley; 32 bags coffee Thomas Roberts; 64 do T Rey nolds & Co; 20 bdla rode Sheble dr. Fisher; 12 bales duck I do bunting S B hhindler; 10 bales skins D C Spooner: 20 do irides .I3HSoule: 14 pckgs T P Sherburne; 16 bdls paper Storey_ & McCalla; 50 bbls fish John Stroup &Co; cs shoes J Souder; 21 do A Tilden & Co; 233 bags - potatoes J Warrington & Co; 12 pckgs pickles Wise & Co; 21 cs peabhes J Watson; Bcs axles A Whitney & Son; 8 ca shoes S & G W Townsend; 21 do It Y Town. send; 13 bales cane E Young; 30 pckgs mdse order. COXPTROLI.JEWO NOTICE. TETASURY DEPAP.TMENT_,OFFICE OF CONE.. .ItOLLER OF COVELRF..NCY, WASallin TON March 30th, 1866. Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that " TILE NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF PHILADELPHIA," in tbe city of Philadephia, in the county of Philadelphia. and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the re quirements of the act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide a National Carrenty, secured by a pledge of /United States Bonds, and to provide for the Circula tion and Redemption thereof," approved Jnne Bd. 1864, and has corapliedwith all the provisions of said act re• quired to be compiled with before commencing the business of Banking under said act. Now, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that " THE NATION AL BANK OF THE. REPUBLIC OF prirr.s DEL PALA," in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the. bush:tees of Banking under the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of office, this ttartil FßE E2ada of Marth, 1868. , LCLARKE, fr a hgu m riou . .Comptroller. PERFIJDIERY. MUCA.TI.OIe. PAIL - SESSION OP . • • e 13 T ' Eff,lipßAßY , ,PGR YOUITO LAISEPiEt mane on Wednesday, i3epteteber, Mita, raeldence, corner of Poplar' and ' Sixteenth atreetir Reernneerons:--Rev. G. Malan MVP, D. D. Rev. Thema Brainerd, D. D., W. Anen,mcg.. late Exasident of (Brand Caen. 19174311 _ 0 tan. mos directline to Bethlehem,Allentown ; Manch Chunk, ifsaletoir„White Haven Wilkeshaire. Mahanoy City, and' all points in the - Lehigh and W7Ol mint' Coal Regions. • • - _ . Passenger - Depots In Phlladei Ma THIRD Street above Thompson; and corner corner_ofBEßBB and AXIOM CAN strceta. wINTER -* Tat aIIELIEMENT. NINE DAILY 'DR 4rNi3. ' On and afterilionday,Nov.2oth,l66s,Passenger trains leave the Depot, street, above Thompson, daily 03gridays excepted), as .follows: 7.M A. M.—Morning Express lbr Bethlehem end or d Prindpal,Stationa on North Pennsylvania Rail. road, connecting at' Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown, Cate:mullet Slatington, Manch Chunk, Weatherly Jeanesville, sleton, White He von Witkeabarre, klava ton, Plttaton, and all points In Lehigh and Wyomingalleys; also,in connection with Lehigh and Ma.barby Railroad for lialianoy City_, and with Catawiasa Railroad, for Rupert, Danville, Alton and Williamapert. Arrive at Manch Chunk at MIS A. M.: at WiikceMme et X.; at Mahanoy City at 1 P. M. Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, palming Belifehem at 12.00 H. ibr Misr ton and points on New Jersey- Central Railroad to Now York. AT 8.85 A. M.—Accommodation, for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. AT 10 A. M.—Accommodation. for Pert Washing ton, Inopp a p at all intermediate Stations. • A..t. 2.80 Accommodation for DeylestOwn, stop ping at intermediate stations. Pamengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope. • AT 8.80 P. M.—Evening Express for Bethlehem and Princlpaloßtations on the North Pennolvania Re read, making connection at Bethlehem with i.e. high Valley Train for Easton, ng there at other M.. Passengers for Plainfield, S o omerville and points on New Jersey Central B.R. take N. J. C. Train at Easton, which arrives in New Yerk at 10 P. 3L Pas sengers for Snmneytown take stage at North Wales. and for Nazareth at. Bethlehem and. for (frees:mills a Quakertown. AT 4.15 lif.Accorrunodatkin, for Doyleatovrn, athoning__ at all intermediate Stations. Passengers' for W blow Grove. Hatboro' 'and Hartaville, take stage at Abington : for Ltenberville at Doylestown. AT.5.15 P. M.—Through Accommodation, for Beth leas:mm:i all Stations on main 'Mac/ North Permssi vardli Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley: Evening Train for ..pointa idehikh Valley • Railroadandibr .Danville. Cadawitsas Railro AT ad. 6.15 P. 31.—Accommodation, 'cm Lansdale, stop ping at all isi...**reatate Stations. - At - 112. H. Accommodation for Port Was hington. Tons.Owt. 28,815 15 11,097 08 -... 671 05 23,602 05 8,468 04 11,532 17 35 06 551805 - 84 42 05 -- 1,216.828 11 85,479 04 ..». 248,611 10 284,490 LS 157,81215 lila Steak board. FIRST BOARD.. 3 sh Commercial bk 53 7 sh Bk NAmer 222 100 sh 13th dr.lsth St R b3O 22 300 sh Sch NaV pf b 3 31% . 200 sh do b3O 213" 100 sh do 2ds 314 PO sh Bead B. 53. 4 10 sh Catawisa pfd 30ji BOARD. 105 sikCatawis pref .3011, 400 eh 13th & Lsth St R 22 57 sh do .. 2134 7 sh do • 52 100 sh Hestonvills R 29 100 sh Susq Can 1611 1100 sh React It lot 5.3% TBAVKLINO-11111 MIDDLE" BOUTS TROT 18 POll P B ILADELPSIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.25 and 10.02 A. M.. and 8.1.5 P. M. Paesenkers leaving Reston at 9.80 A. M., connect at Bethlehem. and arrive in Philadelphia at 12.25 P. M. Passengers leaving_ Wilkesharre at IP. H. connect at Bethlehem at 8.15 F. IL, and arrive in Philadelphia at 2.45 P.M. Leave Doylestown at 6.80 S. M. Ll 5 and 5.30 P. ht. Leave Lansdale at 6.10 A. M. Leave Fort Washington UN at 10DAYS. .50 and LDP. M. Philadelphia for Bet ON hlehem at 9A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 8 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. - Fifth and, Sixth Streets Passenger Cars cony 7 pail. en, ers to wad from Berks Street - Depot White Cars of Second and Third Streets Line convey passegners to Third Street Depot. - Ticket's =Lathe rocnredat the Ticketol3lces,TßlLD street or street, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. ELLIS CLARE, Agent. Triiirosn'a Baggage Express will call for and deliver B at the Depot. Wilco. No. 118 South THIRD street FOR NEW YORK.--The CAM DEN AND AMBOY and PHILA. Dna..? .11 TRENTON - R. A TT:ROAD COM PANY'S LINES, from Phlladel hLa to New York, and way places, from WALNUT STREET WHARF, w 111 leave agfollowa. viz : Aire. At 5 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom., 82 25 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express, 300 At 2 P. M., via Camaen and Amboy Express, 800 At 5.10 P. M., via Camden to S. Ambc y, Accom. At 8 A. AL, 2 and 5.30 P.M. For Mount Holly, Ewans ville, Pemberton and Vincentown. At SA. M.. and 2 P. iii. for Freehold. At 5 and 10 A. M. 12 M. 4, 5.30, and 7 P. M., for Fish House, Palmyra, Riverton Progress, Delanco, Beverly, Edgewater, Burlington, Florence. Borden town, dec. The 10 A. ilLaild 4 P.M. Ines runs direct through to Trenton. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT will leave as follows At 11 A. M., 4.30, 6.45 P. 21 and 12 P.M. (night) via Kensington and Jersey City rpres..-- .--. 13 00 The 6.4.5 P. M. Line will run • . All abets Sim days excepted. At 7.30 and ILOO A. M. 8, 3.20, 4.38,5 and 8,45 P. M„ and 12 Midnight , for Bristol, At 7 and 10.15, A. 1d.,. 12 M., 3,4, 5, and 6 P. for Conewells,Torreviale,Holmesburg, TaconY,Wissino- Ming, Bride:burg and Frankford and at 10.15 A. M. for Bristol. Schencks, Eddington and 8 P. M. for Holm esburg and intermediate Stations. BELVU)wP DELAWARES RA JT.ROAD, ibr the Delaware River Valley, Northern P lvania, and New York State, and the Great Lakes. Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington De pot, as follows: At 7.80 A. AL and 3.30 P. M, Ibr Niagara Falk', Bag fhlo, Dunkirk Canandaigua.Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Bingbampton, Oswege , Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkesbarre Scranton, Stroudsburg; Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flem ngton, dm. The 3.30 P. M. Line connects direct with he Train leaving Barton for Mauch Chunk. Allen town. Bethlehem. At SP. Ill.for LambertvilleandintermedlateStations .10f For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken augurs: Depot , Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train. run from the Depot. On Sundays, Qmsdbasses will leave Wal nut street wharf at 6P, M. to connect with 6.45 P. IA line. Fifty Pounds of Baggage nly r allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over Sity pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility Alr baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. Jfar Ticketrroid and baggage checked dtroff through to Boston. Graham'sßaggage Extress will call for and deliver baggage at the Depota. rdem to be left at NO. 8 Wal nut street. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PEMADELPHL4.: Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at and 12 M. Ivia Jersey City and Camden . At 7 and 10 EL .- M., 6P, M. and 12 Night via Jersey City and Ken sington. AFrom Pier No. IN. Iliver,at SA, M. and 2, 4 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. WM. H. GATIADER, Agent. • - p FIT T OEJAPHLEL (*PAT. Ai AA4 7 0 1 Tows • arm SosalisTows a. ,- e. TABLE.-On • and after WED. DS .1) AY , ZiovProber , Ist 1865 until further notice. FOR G WIV. • - Leave Philadelphia-6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, A. 'H.° 1,2, 1.10 minutes; 344, 4,5, 5%, 6,7, 89, 10, 11,12, P. M.' • • • Leave Germantown-6.7, 7%,' 8, 8.90, 9, 10, 11, 12, A. M.; 1. 2; a, 4,4%, 6,6%, 2 8,9, 10, 11 P. 'AL • The 8.20 down train, and the 8% and 5% up trains de aot stop on cieromatown Branch. ' •.:. • • • ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-2./0 minutes, A. AL; 7 and. 10%, P. AL • - • • Leave Gerniantown--8 A. Iti.• 1, 6 and 93i, P. callsTsur frafialoa.g. Leave Philadelphia-6, 0, 10, 12, A. H 4 2, 5%, L:11, and 11, P. AL • • Leave Chestnut Hill-7.10 minutes 8 9.40, and 11.40 A. IL; 1440, 8.40, 5.40, 6.40, 8,50, _and 10.10 P. AL • ONI3I7NDAYS. /.erive Philadelphia-910 minutes, 'A. It 1, and 7 Leave Chestnut Hill-7.10 minutes, A. Ai.; 1240, 5.40 and 9.25 minutw P. • FOR IDONSHOECOMBELV - AND 1401111113 TOWN. Leave phundelphla-4, 8.35,11.05 minutes, A.*.; 43i 034, 6%, 8.05, and 133, Leave Norri2towa-624,17, 11, A. IL; 1% 4)1 I -The P 3. 4 M i • train • stop at { SchoolLanc kWIAa.Z milts "oshonr- s on , DdYnnYn~ . Spring - And COaalit 014 131331/0.5.713. laave Ph li a driphla- 9 A. M., DC and 7 P. AL Leave Nontitnigii.7 MAN 21.. j and SP. M. - Leave Philaddada - 6. &85,11.05 A. M. 135.8, Wu IN, 534, 8.05, and 11% P /save litaruiyona-dii, 735, 840, 93i,11%, 1, 535 and 8, P. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. hi e . 2 and 7P. X. .Leave4l T. § . t ie . 3 1 3 . LL; 5 r a i nd 8 P. M. • Depot, Ninth and Green Wee% PRIDnr.rrr.PBIA BALTI,I MORE CENTRAL RAILROAD.— oi alf s l* GEMENTS.--ON AND A_FPER MONDAY, March 19, 1666, the Trains will leave Phila. delphirs, from the Depot of the West Chester & delphia Railroad, corner of Thirty-first and Market Streets, (West Phllada, at 7.20 A.M., and 4.45 P. M. Leave Rifting San , at ) 5.30, and Oxford at 6.05 A. M., andleave Oxford at 3.25 P. X. Till June Ist a Market Train with Passenger Car attached, will run on Tuesdays and Fridays. leaving The Rising San at 10.45 A. M. Oxford at 11.45 A. M,, and 'Kennett at n. 45 P. 111., connecting atWest Chester Junction with a Train for Philadelphia. On and niter June lst,„ this train will leave the Rising Sun at 4P.M., Oxford at 5.P. M., and Kennett at 6P. M. Marketing will•not be taken on Passenger Trains. The Train , leaving Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. con nects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Peach Bottom, in .Lancaster county. Returning., leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with the Afternoon Train for Pbiladelphia. I .The Train leaving PhiladelAia at 4.45 rims to Rising Sun, Md. Passengers are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as Baggage, and the Company will not in any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hun- dred dollars, unless a special'contrast be made for the same. Inhl9 ITIENB.I WOOD Gen% Sup't. , WEST JERSEY RAILROAD -• LINES—Prom feet ofPfarket street ii mer erry, cayara ox.ma4Sundays. FALL AND ,B,A.r - rsT Commencing . WiIDNEEDA , Y, NOVEMRIEII 15th, I For Bridgeton, Salem, andall Stations on West jer sey and Salem Railroads at:9 A. M. and 8.30 P. M. • For .110 11ville and all intermediate Stallaaa, at 9A, M. and BP. M. For Cape May and Intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M., to liillville connecting with freight train (Passenger car attached) for• Cape May, due 3.45 P. X. and 8.00 P. N. through paseenger,llue 8.00 P. I& - • For Niass'boro' ands utermediateStation% at 9 A. M. 8 and 3.30. P. • • . • _ ' For Woodbta7i 910uCeatar, atc., 'A. M. 8, 8.80, and 5.30 P. hi. - • Freight will be received at acaortel covered ivnaribe. low 'Walnut street from 7-A;71.1.: until 5 P. Freight receivedt ,before 9 If, wlli go - forward son* day. Freightdelivered at.32S South Delaware Avenue. ' f f" J. , V.ILICRZ,NraSirr Saperttitemlartt. , . - THEIVIIT JERSEY WirPFSPAS- OarIIPANY, y Will attend to 'll the ustull - bxanchea of EXPIM/193 BV/3• trass, , receiVe, deliver, and forward, through other ret, sponsible Express Companies, to all pasta of the calm. try, any article entrusted to them. A Special afes.sen. ger accompanies each through train. Office. No. 5 Walnut street PIE 'DAILY - .ETKNINGAMLIZI)pr : - .PHILAR,LPHIAT - SAITURDAY, - MAY 1-2;1866.- V.; READING RAILROAD. :.;;;, - •• GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM 2 -9 11 0 v. 41* :4 TO THE INTERIOR OP PRIM; ANIS THE 1810lWW.MEL,Ih.___BUttalHOLON.; NA, CU ;•s: DamERLAND AND WYO.:urea vM l THE NORTH, NORT.O w lase E. and the CL I SUMMER , ABRNINGKIDINT OF PASEIRSGER TRAINS ,leavinc• Ana_Ootripany'a iper u ka a ala TEENT/I and - CM.;;LOL BeeM, - sit the fallowing hours: ; • - MORNING IKAIL. At A. Nil.' for lt.oing, Lebanon, Karriabusg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Bunbru7 '. Wllliama~ port, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls Bahl% Allen: town, WiLtesbarre, Pittston, 'York, Carliale,CliaMbera. burg, Hagerstown, dm, dm This train connects at READING -with the, East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, dtat and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg, an.; at PORT CLINTON with Catawissa Railroad trains for Williamsport, Lock Hasten. Elmira, Ito.. at HARRISBURG with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and .Bm/sunhat:nut trains for Northumberland,Willlarraport. York, Chambetaburg, Pinegrove, etc. • • - • . • AFTERNOON BIKPREISS. Leaves Philadelphia at 8.80 P. M. for neatens, rawvile, vile, Harrisburg, dte.,• connecting with -wKi`ng and Columbia R.R. trains for Columbia Ac.. READING ACOOMMODATION. leaven Be.uiing at 6.00 A. M., stopping at all waysta• Cons; arrives in Philadelphia at 8.55 A.M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia 555.00 P. H.; =Wee in ng at 7.55 P. Id Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 7.80 A. H. and Pottsville at 8.80 A. H.. arriving in Phlladel• phis. at 12.45 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.00 P. H., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. H.; arriving of Philadelphia. at 7.05 P. IL • Harrisburg aecommodatton leaves Beading at` y,sci. A. H. and Harrisburg at 9.20 P. M. ,Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon. Reeding and all way stationteleaves Reading 1.1.80 - A, Mt, and Dovrningtown 12.30 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run da,_l3undays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pole at 8.00 A. Id. and • Philadelphia at 3.15 P. N - ; leave Philadelphia for Beading at 8.90 A. N., returning from Reading at 435 . If. CTIEMER. VALLEY 11A Tr WOAD. . Pewlerlitersfbr Downingtown and interznediatewintli take the 8.00 A. N. and 5.110 P.M. trains from Phel Wyatt:ming from Downingtown at 835 A. M. and NEW YORK lIICETM 2013 PITTSBURGH AND EST. • Leaves New York at 8 . 00 A. /Land B.BOP. Id...passing Beading at 1. A. If., and 1.48 P. IL. and connecting at Ilarrisbtimi=ennsylvania., and Northern Central Railroad rens Trains for PM...trutgli. Chime% War llamsnOrt. Baltlatorn, &c. ReWrning, Express Train leaves Harrisburg an arrival of Pennsylvania from Pittsburgh, at 8 and 9.05 A. M., at 4.49 and 10.52 A. M., arriving at New ;r li l li ffo A. and 2.45 P. M. Sleeping Csr accompanying these trains thronghbetween Jersey Ility a and Pittsburigh, wi t h o ut w ge. - train ear New Yvesburgat 2.00 2. M. Hail train for Harrisburg leaves NOW York at /II Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RA Tr.ROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 7,11.80 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. ramming from Timmins at 7.85 A. H., and LIO and 4.15 P. M. scwwytart - rt. AND suIIiQUIDIANNA Trains leave Auburn at 7.50 A. M. for Pinegrcrve and Harrisburg, and at 1.50. P. 51. ibr Pine rove and Tra most returning from Harrisburg at 4.15P.M. suidfroxi Tremont at 7.31 A. LS and 6.10 P. M. Through tarst-clacs - ticket; luta emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and Weet and (=arias. The following ticireta are obtained only at the Office of G. Bradford .'Treasurer, IZo. South E l 'm:rat street s Philadelphia, or of G. A. Moans. General dr.perintand ant, Bmding,,_ nol4-tfl Oornf Er T A T 10 N At 2.577 cent., discount between any pawn desired br ,0 il , e3 anti tyres. Good for 2 4 000 riiilw,beLween all Pointe, at 152 50 each, or families and SON TICE:Era For three, alit,Tun — e - 51tireiv7suiWur PI, Srti halilars anly, t call points at reduced rates. CLERGYMEN Feeding on the line of the Boad will he tarnished with cards, entlilinz themselves and wives to tickets at half-fare. • EXCURSION TIOIMITS. :From Philadelphia to principal Ectations, good Ibr daurday, Sunday and. Monday.. reduced care, to be I.2ad only at the Ticket Office at 'llairtAPs h and Callow hill streeta, FREIGHT: - - Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the shove points from the Company'a New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow stre FREIGHT TRUSS. Leave Philadelphia daily at 5.80 A. M.. 12.45 noon and 6 k. R., fbr Emang, Lebanon, Harrisburg, POttaville, Port Clinton, and all points bey cad. Id" A rr Close at the Philadelphia Post Ofttoe for all places ea the road and its branches at IL, and du the prin.! cipal Stations only at 215 P. . . . - TON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ri ABLE.—Commencing MONDAY,. April 16th, 186.6.' • Trains will leave Depot, earner of Broad street and Washington avenue, 113170110W3: ' Train. •at alb A. M. - -Allondays .excepted), for Baltimore and Washington. stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Newark. r lkton Northam,. Perryvllle, Havre-&e-Grace, Aberdeen, .Perrystan's, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Ban. Way-mail Train, at 838 A. M. (Sundays ex oepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. between Philadelphia and Baltimore. • Delaware B.E. Train, 9.ooA.M.(Sunday excepted), for Pruscess Anne, Mlifcrd and Intermediate stations Express train at 11.45 A. M. (Sundays •expepted) for Baltimore and Weshington, • • Express Train at 3.00 P. M. (Sundays excepted), for - Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Cheater, Claymont Wilmington, Newark, .h.Mton, North-East, Perryville, Havre-de Grace, -Aberdeen, Perryman's, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Ban. Bight Express at 11.00 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash higto. Passeneera by boat from Baltimore for Fortress Nonme,Norfolk,CityPeint and Rithmond. Will take the 11.45 AM. Train. • - - • . - - WILMINGTON -ACCOMMODATION • TRAINS, stepping at all between PhiLsdelphia and minn. _ gee sulelphla at 9 C0,11.15A.1L,4.30, 6.00 and 11.38 P. 31: The 4.30 P. M. train connects with the Dela . ware Railroad for. Barrington and intermediate sta- Leave Wilmingpon .6.43, 6.00 and 6.,Y3 . A. M.. 460 -and 6.30 P. .81, - • • 0 . Trains for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at SA A. M., 4.30 and 6.00 P. M.• THBONRIL T1L817.8p . 3 . pnc13.! BA ..-Tjzroun_ CHB:SUM& FOR PB_LLa DELPHLA. Leave Chester at 7.46, 8.46, 10.14 and 11.40 A. M., . 1 .43. 6.10, 7.26 and 10.36 P. M. From Baltimore to Plilladelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.25 A. IL, Way Mail. 0.15) A. M., Express. LlO P. IL, Express. 6.35 P. M., Express. 8.25 P.M., Express. Trains for Baltimore Leave Chester at 4.49 and ILYZ A. IL. and 828 P. IL Trains for Baltimore leave linxiaington at 5.M. and 9.33 A. M.. and 4.15 P. M. - Walrus with passenger car attached will leave n fer Perrreille suadAntermediate stations at 8.05 N. Leave Baltimore for Havre de-Grace and intermediate Stations at 4.45 P. M. Leave Perry ville for Wilmington and Intermediate stations at 5.00 A. M., connecting at Wilmington with the 8.00 A. M. train for Philadelphia. _ SUNHAT TRAINS. • Express Train at 415 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, Northeast, Perryvi ll e, Havre-de-Grace, Aber deen, Perryzmin'a, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Run. Night Express 11.00 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington. Accommodation Train at 11.30 P.M., for Wilmington and Intermediate Stations. BALTIMORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 8.25 P.M., stopping at HaVre de Grace, Perryville andWilloington. Also stops at Elk. ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington Baltimore or Baltimore) and Cheater to leave passengers from or Washington. Amon:iodation train will leave Wilmington fin Phi. ladelphia and Intermediate Stations at 8.30 I': id. • H. F. RENNET, Superintendent. • : 'e : fre I J. 111:, Z j'ammt:*; I.- AriD CINCINNATI RAILROAD • . Owing to the great distance saved by THIS ROUTE the Government has assigned to it the carrying of the U. S. BALL to the Princfnal Cities of the West and Southwest. THERE BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN PIT TT. A oELPHIA. AND CINCINNATI, AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARRIVE IN CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS. CAIRO-AND Sr. LOUIS, ONE TEAM IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER LINE. _.. - - - Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 11.50 A. M. will arrive at Altoona in the evening: for supper, where Woodruff's Celebrated Palace Istate:l:Worn Sleeping Cars will be attached, and run through to Columbus without change, avoiding changing cars-at Pittsburgh at midnight, a, comfort.never before afforded to tne traveling community. . Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA STICUBEN VILLE,__"_ at PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets. Philadelphia. S. P. SCULL. 42Ien'1 Picket Ag't. Steubenville, O. JOHN H. MILLER. Gera Eastern Pass. A,g' L. 626 Broadway. New York. JOHN DITBAND, Eking Sup% fel4-tf tees PHIL ,ILDELPEfIA .1 - v7z, Bla b It AND • i • . AILLOAD. 1868. . :Ave*. e traverses . the 'Northern and North. west counties* of, Pennsylwuals to the city of pale on hag been leased and Ls operated by the Pennsyl vnnia Railroad company., • T/ICE. P 4 RRTNEUGE. TRAMS AT PHEIA3IIIELPAIKA. Erie Mall "Train. ___._ Erie Express Train • L1C.&V.13 WESTINABD, Erie Mall Train 9.00 P. M. Erie Empress Train 12.00 M. Passenger Cars run through on the Erie man and Express O rains without Change, both ways, between Philadelphia and. Erie.• • pines, YOult colThrsanox. . . Leave New York at 9.00 .9..3W., arrive at Erie 9.16 A. M. Leave Erie at 1.05 P. M., arrive at New:York 8.40 P. M. Elegant rileeping Cars on' all Night Trains. , For information resp_ectingmlarbaslnn..B apply at' cOmer IMIATLEYRG- and M-A-U.. - T streets. Rhile , delphia. '' ' r And for Freight bustneBB - cof the ComPany?s Agentsi' Kingston, Jr.,. zanier Thirteenth and Market streets, PhiladelphM. • • • • ; , J,W. Reynolds, Erie. . • • , Ns.. Brown, Agent N. 31; .litell3TOßri • •-•- General Freight Agent,•Philadelstes. H.WiQWINN General Ticket Agent, P h iladelphia, A. L. YLER, General liup't., Williamsport. JJll6kALiiii Iry (44 Far;e~U~~~«nom THE PAN HANDLE ROIITE WESTWARD. ILWA.IMIGJEN6I €llllllll2, •• PENNEISLITANIA • IDEIMIAL • PEENO _ • _ The trains of the Pennsylvania Central A. leave the Depot at Thirty-first and Marketstreets, which is reached by the cars of the Market Street Passenger ll.tilway running to and from the Depot. The last car Issues - Trout etrost about thirty minutes, -prior to the departure ofeach Train. . _ ON Surnmas—Cars leave Eleventh and Market streets 45 minutes before departure of Evening. trains. IaANN'S BAGGAGE EXPRESS will call for and deli rer Tankage at the Depot. • Orders left at the office. No. 63.1 Chestnut street. will receive attention. Tsz I•Nts LEAVIC. AND ARUM- AT DEPOT MAIL TRAIN . at olio PAOLI ACCOAL, - No. 1 • • " 10.00 FAST LINE. - . • - moo Nr„ PARE_ESBURG, . • . " LOOP. _AL HARRISBURG AOCOAL, • " LBO " - LANCASTER ACCOM., • • " 4.00 " PAOLI TRAIN, No. 2 • • 6.30 " ERIE MAis • -•- • • 11 9.00 ' 1 1114ADEL1 1 .11:14,131EPRESS . "11,10 2 CINCINNATI EXPREBS, t ' • " 1.10 A. X. PHILADE:LPHIA ES BS, t " 7.10 " PAOLI ACCOAL, No. 1 • • 11 2.20 11 pa vtuItSBURG . • 9.00 " LANCASTER TRAIN . " " / 2 - 80 P. F.AST - . • LlO PAOLI A LINE CCOM., No. 2, . " 4.40 " Y EXPRESS 11 " liA. HARRISBURG AOCOM., • . " 9 5.69 .10 " •DallY. - except Saturday. • Wally, except Monday. Another trains daily, exceipt Sunday. The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. will not swami) risk for Baggage exas:- tforW=A - pporel, and 11.1=t their reap to One H Dollars in value. An EasNage__. exceeding that amount wlil be at the risk or the ovraer, unless taken by contract. TICKET OFFICES. Have been opened at NO. 631 Chestnut street, Conti nental Hotel. and Girard House, where Tickets may be procured to all important points in Pennsylvania, as well as the . West, Northwest and Southwest; and full particulars given as to time and connections, by Jonzi.C.., Ticket Agent The Ticket Office at West Philadelphia will be con tinned as heretofore. where all information respecting routes as well as Waste, can be had on application to THOMAS H. .r..ARKR - - Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An pholgrant Train rturs dolly, except Banday. gel inllinibrmatlanastotitreandaooommodafioos, Apply So BRANC:O3 FUNK. No. IR Dock street. " 'WEST CIIEBTREAND PHILA. • • "•.-. DELP'S:Li RAILROAD WA • Ellntalliat ARRANGEMENTS, On and after MONDAY, MarCh nth, WC the: trains will leave as follows: 'MOST OUST= TRAINS, LeaVe Philadelphia for West Cheater, from Depot Thirty-first and Market street, 7.20 A. M.. 13.00 A. M. gas, 4.45 and 7.00 P. 5L • • Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot On E. Market street. 6.20, 7.80. 10.45 A. M. 1.40, 440 P. M. Irainsleaving West Cheater at 7.30 A./Si. and leaving Philadelphia at 4.4.5 P.M. not stop at Pemielton, and will stop below B. C. Jtuaction Media only. PENNELTON TRAINI3. Leave Philadelphia for 'Pennelton 4.15 and 10.30 P. M.: Leave Pennelton for Philadelphia 8.16 A. PL, 7.85 P These Trains stop at all intermediate Stations. ON SUN. DAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8,30 A. BL and 2.00 P. M. Leave West Chmter 7.55 A. M and 5.00 P M. Os lin - a:nays—The West Philadelbhla Passenger cars wil leave Rieventa and Market streets, half-an tic-Air before the Train leaves the depot, and will leave depot on the arrival of eaeh train to conveypassengers into the city. Trams leaving Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. and 4.45 P. and leaving West Chester at 7.50 A. 31, and 4.50 P. IL. connect at B.C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. C. R. B. for Oxford and intermediate points. :. -,-- Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel Only el] Bazgage, and the Company will not, in any case,be responsible for an amount exceeding one hun• dred dollars, unless a special contract is made for the same. RUMMY WOOD. General Sarerintendant RARITA.N AND DEL &WARE BAY RAILROAD COMPANY. and after MONDAY, the 14th inst., trains on this road will run as follows: LEAVE V.I.W YOBS. PIER NO. NORTH. RIVER. LIAO A. M. EXPREeS LINE FOR CAMDEN RECT, taking passengers to Red Bank, Long Branch, Farmingdale. Brlcksburgh, Manchester, '1 oms Wooomat ale. Barnegat, Shamong, Tack eri on, Alston, Sc.cksun, andall stations on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad. TIIEOUGR TO CAMDEN IN 5 HOLIBS. PARE 12 (0. ' 4.L5 P. M. for Port Monmouth, Highland, Middle town. Red Bank, Shrewsbury. lA' atontown.Ocean Port, Branch Port, Long Branch. Shark River. Farming dale, squankum, Brtcksburgh, 'Manchester, Tome River and CANDE-N. FARE. lte Ou. REIG BT TRAIN EIT, s.oa P. M. for all points on the line and Camden. RITURNING TRAINS LEAVE CAMDEN Express A. 3L, arriving in N.Y. at 2.15 P. IL Freight at..--. 3.01/ " • 4.00 A. M. Way Mail and Express- at... 5.45 A. M. 9..% A. M. my:-tf - WM. N. CLAYTON. Superintenden% OFFICE OF THE .DAMS PRIMO COMPANY. stS OH T- Psta.anstttffiw, January 27th. The Adams Express Oampany have ealarW roma relr facilities at W ashi ngton. D. C., by lbuilding a Depot, and having acquired additional capacity for E are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages and Parcels to Washing ton. Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapo li s, Frederick, Adamstown. Fortress , M and other F l aws Booth. =aged by the army, at reduced rater. Special agreements e for Merchandise in large loaf. Sutler's geode and army supplies at tuullta arc cto ;a l prices, on application at oar office .. Soldiers' taken at much less than our usual rates, Heavy and bulky packages received and moelpWt fbr at our depot, Soritheast corner of BROAD and DO. OrteiT streets. JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent. NEW A RRANOFNIr RNTT.—PRIL ADELPIIIA TO WILLIAXS o I 'l' otrr MANGE OF CABS VIA CATA- W 1-SA ROUTE. On and after Monday. April 2d. 1861, through cars for Williamsport trill leave the Philadelphia and Read. Mg Railroad Depot, Thirteenth and tlallowhal streets, at s A. M. arriving at Williamsport at 6 P. 3L. and mating close connections for hirrilra. Oil Regions. Buffalo,Erle,Niagara Falls. Suspension Bridge and all places in the Western, North Western, South extern States and the Canadas HBOUGEL TICKETS to all points can be procured at the Company's Wilco 425 Chestnut street, ender Philadelphia Bank, opposite the Custom Bowe, at the Upited States Telegraph 011 ice in the Continental Betel, anti at the Depot of the Philadelphia and Read hag Railroad Thin eenth and tallowhill streets. N. VANIIOIIIg. Passenger Agent. BrSIN'ESB UMIL4N, LUTES ds ROFFMAN, • C_4RPENTERS AND BUILDERS, my2-ttil No. 212 PEAR Street. Residtnee; 6(6 Dickerson street. 1005 Taylor street. .Every descriptionot Jobbing promptly attended to. )IAsSPOR'TS PROCURED.— JOHN H. ritics t NOTARY commiSP,IONER FOR .ALL STATES, p.E.Nami AND PRIZE AGENT, No. V.S. DOCK Street. Acknowledgments, Depositions, Affidavits to Ac. counts taken. mhl34m2 628 NEW SPRING STYLES NOW READY, of Hopkina' "own make," at No. CS AROH Street. These Skirts are gotten up expressly to meet the wants of tint-class trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladles, :Kisses and Children, which, fbr finish and durability, have no equal in themarket, and warranted to give aatfataction. .A.lso, constantly oa band, a fall assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, foam 15 to 40 springs, at very low_ prices. Skirts made to order alteredand repaired. Wholesale and retail. nol3-emi C. KNIGHT 6c CO., WHOLTh4A Ix' GROCERS, B. E. Cor. WATER and OELESTIWT streets, Phil. adelpida. Agents for the Bale of the Products of the Southwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers' Sugar Rouse, of Thiladelphla. • , JANIS A. WRIGHT. THORNTON PIKE. CLICIEMiT chummy ••...1111010.11M. WRIGHT. FRANK UN - SALL. PaLPER WRIGHT do SONS, Importers o an d f Earthenware, Shipping and Commission Merchants, • No. US WALNUT Street. Philadelphia; PENNSYLVANIA WORKS,—ON THEDELA WARE river, below PHILADELPHIA, CI'IRSTE.R. Delaware count's., Pa. , HEANEY SON & CO , Engineere and Irbil Boat builders, Manufacturers of All kinds of CONDENSING ANDGINES NON . ..CONDENSING EN. , Tien Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Vats, Tanks, T. HEA te NEY, W. Pr ß7ll3 e . NEY, S. ARCHIBOLD ;I , La af ate Beaney. Neafe dr. Co., Engineer In Chief, Penn Woks, Phila. IL S. Navy, T. GIIAN 3!,Mcg. - - - QOUTHWADIC FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASH INGTON STREETS. - - - PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK SONS ENGINEERS AND 'MACHINISTS. Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines for Land, River and Marine Service. • Boilers Gasometers, Tankiiirort Boats, Ac, Ccstings of all kinds, either iron or brass; Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops and Railroad Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; and Sugar. ,13aw , and-Grist. Mills, Vacuum Pans, ,Open Steam ' Trains, .Befacators, , Filters, "Pumping En sole Agents for N. Billemc's Patent Sugar Boling Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer and Aspinwall & Woolsey's , Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. .7.00 A. M. -1.00 P. M. yes FIA.rIIRES.-311SKEY IifERAILL & 1.3 THACKAP.A. •-:dHEBTNIJr street, kiannfactnrers of Gas FiXtllll33, Lamps, tko,, &0., would and elegant at-sortment of O of nalltoz p tleliers, Pendants, Brackets, .Sc. Rhey also introduce Gee pipes into. Dwellings and Public Bulldings, and attend to -extend ing, altering and ropsdrLagGas pipes. All work war; frECCP4 tt.a roa,Tldln MDT:NO - 130M00Z4.1 street, above Vine, will ro-open for tna Pell and Winter seams on,-XOklD.AY,Sept. and gen:don:len ft‘i.ring thorolign ::c - aowtodo of tri.le aceottp , ...,elt .ilnd ovary &WIZ' tit Lida .lczooll.. The hones are safe and V 7411 In'ainoichotilAt • therrnoatanald need not fear. Saddla horses tretned -ir.-tto 4 bett.nutnner. Saddle horuK, 7- horie. l and ern:alai to hirn. Also erzzlagea Ihr- elna rani, to ma, ateaint:oata, ao. 11103.01tAleilli at WI% HOOF MOWS, REAL • 'ESTATE. FOE, RENT. The New Bulletin Building, No. 607 Chestnut Street, WLL BE COMPLETED IN A. FEW DAYS, The proprietors are prepared to reeelveproposals for renting such rooms as they do not use themselves. These will be THE SECOND STORY FRONT ROOM. 60 by 24 feet. TICE WHOLE OF. THE BUILDING, Boor Stories High. svlth Entrance by a wide hall on • • Chestnut street; And a Front of 2/5 feet on street Suitable for a Jobbing or Oommhision House, a Bank or Iniurance Office. For Further Particulars apply at the NEW BM LET= BUILDING. No. 607 Ohositnat Sfrac•+. FOR, ILENT, With use of Steam Power, part of the BASEHENT.of No. m South FOURTH Street. Apply to RINGWALT & BROWN, On the premise: alpoMi PUBLIC SALE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA BANE PROPERTY. bECOND STREET, PHI. ELPHLA, PA.—The above-named property will be offeredfor sale on WEDNESDAY, the latit of May. at 12 o'clock, noon, at the P f.A.OELPRIA. !CS CHANGE, under the following conditions—No bid will be received for a less sum than SUO.COO. Terms of Sale--One-third cash at time of purchase, one•third In 8 S ty (eo, days, and the balance in ninety (90) days from time of purchase. The Department reserves the right to reject all aide and retain the property. ' This property is among the must desirable In the city of Philadelphia. fronts 75 feet on Second street, Is bounded by Second, Dock, Gold and Lodge streets, and has been prepared by the construction of the moat substantial foundations forire erection- of extensive additions to the presentmarble building. .._ my45,5,12.15e - WM. B. TRold.a.S.' collector. COUNTRY PLACE FOR BALE.—WiII be sold peremptorily by M. Tunmsa la th , Sons, at e Exchange, on TUESDAY, May one o most convenient and beautifully located country places'in Montgru:aery county, within three squares of the Jenkintown station, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, and shunt the Same faistancefrom the village of Jenkintown where there is an Episcopal Church, two physicians, schools, stores. mechanics, &c. The bulldirgs consist of a good, old-fashioned stone house, with kitchen, range. bath-room. hot and cold water, large ice-house filled, large old barn, with plenty of sta'Nle room, carriage house, water at barn, dec.: a large garden ready plan ted, two hundred fruit trees in bear ing, a beautiful lawn. wth fishpond in the centre, carriage -drive, dm.; IS acres of land, with the privilege f 13 acres aoditional adjoining If desired- my 9 St Ezi COTTAGES TO LEr CAPE ISLAND, NEW JERSEY, I have several fine Cottages yet to let, furnished with alt the necessary furniture. fir—, except linens, crock ery, knives. forks and spoons. Address immediately, my 2 lmli grrt., E SRS. THOMAS & SONS WILL SELL. AT Vtil the EXCHANG E. on TUESDAY, the 15th of May. at to o'c:octt, a haud.ome HOIIS.E, and also a LOT adjoining the same, on the south side of PENN SQUARE, in good condition. For particulars and terms, see their advertisement. The sale Is made to cicsean iiistate. end tt.e . prcperty is well • orthy of the attention of any proftssionat man or other person, de siring a beautiful, com.modions and central resi dence. . mylo4t/ MEDIA.—FOR SALE—With possession, COT -WM TAGS near the Depot. coutaining ten rooms, beater, range, hot and cold water, bath, water closet. gas pipes throughout, floors deafened, walls 'med. Lot 0 by :00 feet, planked, with cuoice fruit and shade trees, grape-vines. Sc. ctc Seven trains daily to and from the city. Adjoining Lcrs Ws-) for sale. Apply to F. M. BROOKE, mythet; - 142 North Broad street. ELEGAN P COrrN 1101:10a, TO RENT.— A. beautifully situated House, on the River Road, stoma one mile below Tacony, and within 3 minutes' walk of a Station on Philadelphia and Trenton P.MI - 5 rooms, 5 chambers and 5 attics; plenty of flue shade, stable, coach house and almost an acre of Ground. Ice house on the place. Apply to JOHN G. JuBIN SON, 7EB Walnut street. mylo-St* FOR SALE—A VALUABLE COUNTRY SEAT Li a with 55 acres °fitted attached,shostenearldoores• town, New Jersey, and accessib-e kr Camden and Amboy Railroad, seven-times daily. - Large double mansion with Ice:bows (filled) and ail necessary out buildings in thorough - order.. Handsome lawn and Iruit In great variety. Terms accommodating. J. M. O'CILWAY & SONS, SOS Walnut street. E., GERMANTOWN RIMIDENCE FOR BALR OR TO RENT—Beautifully and conveniently situated, within two minutes' walk of Church Lane Stazion. A commodious and elegant RE:IEIMM= with all the modern conveniences; stable, coach-house, dc. Lot 150T.M.3. Apply between 10 and 2. at 38 North THIRD street fultal6tel W. P. WILSTACH. OP ItlfA_N i ON4 SALE.—A handsome Mag double, painted, stone, modern ItIiISIOENCE, with 2}_ acres of land attached, sitnate on Pulaski ave nue. within five minutes' walk from the railroad sta tion. The house has every city convenience, and Is in perfect. order. Immediate possession given. J. X. Gt.P.I.IIEY &SONS, lid Walnut street. CENTRAL RF A T ESTATE Eg. Agency. No. tra S. Third street, Philadelphia, Pa. Real Estate bought and sold on commission. Loans negotiated. Money procured on Bonds, Mort gages, and other securities. .House and Ground Rents collected. Commissioner ofDeeds for all the Statka. myS FOR SALE —A handsome three story brick Residence, with 3-story double back buildings, uhu furnished with every convenience, situate on tlie nest slde of Nineteenth street,above Arch. Lot 25 feet frcnt by 103 feet dee°. Posiiessioa given June Ist. J. M. 11O1IMEY & SONS,U,S Walnut street. f.• ,. . - FOR SAL .—' l he very desirable 3-story brick tis', Pies:deuce; :C o. 24 South Twenty-fast street. v. nu double 3-atory back buildings, arta replete with all the modern conveniences. Immediate possession. Apply to LEWIS R. R &DEER, '. m 215 st. O. o. 152 south Fourth street. FOR SALE CIISAY—RuraI Residence, about AllE 1h acres: variety of Fruit and Shade Trees, No. Sots FRANS k 013.1 Road. Aramlago. Cottage P. roams. Tenant, carriage and wagon house, tee house tilled, gas awl. water, with ether cone. niences. Eavire on the premises. [royS-6t'] WILLIAM SUCIIIL-S. C - 1 ,7 0 , FOR SALE.— t•,...n Fine large Stone Efausior, on Clapler street. near Township line, within ten minutes' walk of the Germantown IL R.. Station. ff.D FOR SALE.—.THE THREE-STORY 'BRICK I'wel ling with 3story double back buildings situate IN°. 919 Pine street, bus every modern convenience, and is In good order. Immediate p-ssession given. S. M. GLOM AIRY & SONt, 508 Walnut street. EIFOR 13EliT.—FURZi.16EIEJ).—A. AXDSO.IiE :." Country S, at tv , th ten acres of land attached, situate in Chester county, one mite from a railroad station, and about 22 miles from this city. S. M. ULM .IIIr7 & boNS, SOS Walnut street. r,a 08. BENT FURN ISBED.—A hand:tome four story brick. Residence, with 3-story back build lugs ) ; situate on Pine street. west of Eighteenth. Pos sessten given June 15th. J. M. GIISfM.EY & SONS Los Walnut street. COUNTRY SEAT AND FARR FOR , or ono hundred acA es. Bristol Ise, above seven mile stone, and near Tacony. Apply to R. WHITAKER, inyli.2llt* No. 6,0 Locust street. ; fft- 2014 RACE STREET—TO LET.—Three-story double beck buildings, replete with modera C5ll - now yea:tot. Open from 10 A.. M. to 4 P M. Inquire 6:8 Chestnut street, Mee ALT.A , ,S new Hat Store. myll GERBLANTOW.I , 7.—TO N R T—A furnished *::1. HOUai good location, Wet ground, well shaded, w hin five miuutes' walk ,of a way-station, on Ger mantownliallioad, address, Box 700 Philadelphia Post. Oflice. mp ioAff L+ - 7 1 1: . TO BE LET—Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Floors, tot CARTER, south of Cuestnut. mble for light manufacturing purposes. Apply to J. 11: CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brott rs, 415 Wal nut street. - -07 — j TO RER'T—ROoms of BuSding No. 42 South 51,,,,,1TR1RD street, suitable for Offices, with all the the conveniences. Apply to R. 'E. R3LEY. first floor.' mys-s,tu,th-tf2 Cr'sw. TO RENT— No. 1111 WALNUT Street. Pos- WItM session 13th June. Apply to - JOHN SAMUEL, 201 South Fifth street. FOR SALE.—?he thretstory Brick' Store and Situate .o. 528 South Ninth street. Lot is I cet front by Mil et deep. Early,poa.4essiou given. J. M GUMMEY & SUNS, .508 Walnut street. FO SATE.—STORM NOS. 167 and tag, North Third street, with immediate pos , ‘es don. Lo gan eon the prenlises: myffl-lnio* TO BF LET.—Third and fourth floors with the Alice on fast , floor: alsO, pert of a large cellar, No. of Sou'h Front street apply to J. H. CUR tIS Lt SON, `Re I Estate Brokers, VA Walnut s Lreat. 910 BE LET—SECOND. THTRD. FOURTH AND FIFTH FLOORS, 339 Walnut street, suitable for offices or any light busine3s. Apply to J. H. CURTLS & bON, Real Estate. Brokers, 433 Walnut street. --- TO BE LET.-FOURTH AND PIFTH'FLOORS, 105 South SECOND street. A platy to J H. CURTIS SON, Beal Estate Brokers,433 WALNUT street. MEI) al itioets - az" 11 tk:111 CO.PARTNEIifiRIP—The undersigned,sueoessorstO ZREDRUIC 3. GOODWIN, deceased, have this day avdciated themselves together under the name and style of de BUCK., for the porposa of selling Wrnught Iron Tribes, Fatings. &C., manufactured at t umberiancl Tube and Iron Works, and for transact ing a generallron Commission business. , - _ - Wt T.T.T • Office iis South Fourth Street. PHILADELPITIA, May 10,1566. myl6-124 A r.MRR.TA74F.APES.-10T kegl of thole oplen4l4 I An& vtogs,giripen ID tine Order Inaaug and for sale by JOE. B, 811851E.13, & CO.. 10. 931ith "Delaware avearoi ORPHANS , COURT SALE—Estate of JOHN GOODHEART, deceased. Three-story- brick . ELLING, Pio. 230 CHESTER street, between Eighth. and lvinth and Bate and Vine streets, wills three-story brick Dwelling in the rear on Eichell street. Pursuant to an alias order of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, will be sold at Public Sale, on TUESDAY. May 22d, 1860, at 12 o'clock; Noon, at the 'PHILADELPH.IA EXCHANGE. the following described properw,late of JOHN GOOD-. HEART, deceased, viz:;All that tlaree story brick messuage, and lot of ground thereto belonging; situate on the west side of Chester street. 264 feet north of Race 'street; containing in front on Chester street 17 feet, and in depth 70 feet to al5 feet wide alley. Bounded north by ground of Samuel Lewis, west by the • said 15-feet wide alley, south by ground of John La Corbit. Toge ther with the common use and privilege of the said gm feet wide alley. By the Court, E. A. MERRICIC, Clerk 0. Cr. MARY NAGLE, Administrataix. N.B.—The improvements are a well built threestory brick dwelling, 230 Chester street, contaluing 10 rooms, 2 parlors, 4 chambers, and 2 good garrets, plastered, with dining room and kitchen in basement,open Newel stairs, good yard, built bathe most substantial manner, back outlet on Schell street. Chester street is between Eighth and Ninth streets, and Race and Vine streets. Also, a three-story brick dwelling on the same lot, fronting on g Soden street (formerly Mechanic street), containin 11 chamben, parlor and. basement kitchen. Aar f5O to be paid at the time of sale. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ap30,My12.19 139 and 141 South Fourth at:met. ORPHANS' • COURT SALE.—ESTATE OR OM PETER HULME, deceased.—THONGS do SONS. Auctioneers.—Valuatue Residence, No. 19.21 SPRUCE street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.—Pnr avant t an order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold at Public Sale, on 'f u.s...DAY, May 15th. 1866. at It o'clock. noon. at the PHILADELPicti s EXCHANGE; the following described property, late of Peter. Hulme, dedd, viz All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground * situated on the north side of Spruce street, 19 feet west of Dean street. containing in front on Spruce street 19 feet, and in depth N. 88 feet to a 9 feet wide alley lead ing from Dean street to Thirteenth. Bounded north ward by said alley. eastward by ground granted to Thomas Brown, and westward by ground granted to Matthew Arrisna, together with the common use and privilege of said 9 tees wide alley, with or without horses, cattle. carts and carriages' at all limes forever, and or a water comse therein. Together with all and sh-gular the buildings and improvements, wart. streets, alleys, passages, water, water conrses, rights, liberties, privileges, hereditament:ex:A appurtenances whatever thereunto belonging or in anywise apper taining, and the reversions and remainders, rents, Ulm s and profits thereof. By the Court • E. A. N3tEtRICX. derk 0. C. Tertas—Onethird of the purchase money may re main on mortgage. Possession-will be given Sept 26, 7886. THOMAS IS SONS, an2s.mys 12 Auctlrs, 159 and 141 S. Fourth street, itORPHANS' CODR r SALE.—Estate of Wile. LIAM EAGAN, deceased. THOMAS dt SONS, auctioneers. Three-story BrickD WELLING, Lemon street, between Tenth and Eleventh and between Mt. 'Vernon & Wallace streels,FourkeenthWarcL Pamnant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold at public sale, on TUESDAY, May WA, 1866, at 12 o'clock, noon at the PHILADELPHIA. EXCHANGE, the following de scribed property, late of WILLIAM Ea.GA_N. decd. - viz All that three-story brick mes-3nage and lot of gruurd. situate on the south side of Lemon street, 174 feet inch west of '1 enth street, late in the District of Spring Garden; containing in front on Lemon street 14 feet, and extending in depth southward between lines 9 ` . z.iraltel with Tenth street on he east side thereof, as feet 3%", inches, and on the west line thereof 36 feet 53; inches Bounded E. by a 3 feet wide alley leading into Lemon street, S. by ground of William Campbell, and W. by ground formerly of George Pepper, deceased. Being the same premises which James Conlin. and wife, by deed dated the 9th day of April. A. D. 1&$, granted and conveyed unto the said William Egan_ , se, in in fee, which said deed is recorded is Deed Book T. H., No. 20, page 29. &c. reference there. unto had will more fully appear. By the Court. E. A. MERRICK.. Clerk 0. C. WILLIAM MORGAN, Adm'or. Ili mom - As & SONS. Auctioneers, My 1,12,19 139 and 141 S. Fourth street.. A. E. HUGHES. Real Estate Agent. ORPTT A NS' COURT SALE—Estate of DAVID U4l DAVIS. deceased.—THOl.LA.S & SONS, Ana tioneers.—VALCAßLE BUSINESS ST AN D— THREE STORY BRICK STO sE AND DWELLING No. 145 NORTH EIGHTH STREET.—Parenant to an alias Order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, wilt be sold at Public Sale, on TUESDAY, MAY 15th, 1866. at 12 o'clock. Neon, AT THE PHILADELPHIA. EXCHANGE, the ibbowing described prope ty let- of David Davis, deceased, vim No. I. (No. sin the Order of Court) All that lot of ground, with the three-awry brick messoage thereon e•ected, situate on the east aide of Eighth street.' 1683 feet smith of Race street; containing m breadth north and south 16 feet 4 inches. and In depth east and west 99 feet. Bounded northward by four other mes suages and let of said David Davis, eastward by ground now or formerly of Wm. Rudolph, southward by ground of Jas. Shorewood, granted or intended to have been granted to Thomas Clark. JlEr This property has no rigat to the alley, for any purpose whatever. between this and the property ad joining on the north. No. 147. N. B.—The above is a very valuable butinefs stand, By the Court. E. A. MERRICK, Clerk 0. C. DAVID DAVIS Jr., Administrator. EL THOMAS di SONS. Auctioneers, apZ m 5 12 139 and 141 South Fourth stteet. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Estate of DAVID jaa DAVIS, deceased. THOMAS SONS, Atte tanners.- ValtuthleßuslnessStand—ThreeStoryllricic STORE 'AND DWELLING, NO. 145 North EIGHTH Street. Pursuant to an alias order or the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold at_public sale, on TUESDA.Y. May 35th. 1866. at 12 o'clock; neon, at the PHILADELPHIA. EXCHANGE, the following described property, late of DAVID DAVIS, deceased, viz: No. I.—(No. sin the Order of Court.) All that lot of ground, with the three story brick tueesuage thereon erected. situate on the east side of Eighth Street, 168% feet south of Race street: con taining in breadth north and south 16 feet 4 inches, and in depth east and west 99 feet. Bounded northward by tour other messuages and lot of said David Davis, stwanl by ground now or formerly of Win. Rudolph' southward by ground of Jas. Sharswood. granted or intended to have been granted to Thomas Clark. gar This property has no right to the far any purpose whatever, between this and the property ad. join mg on the north, No. 147. N R— The above is a very valuable businen stand.. By the Court, E. A. 'MERRICK, Clerk 0. C. DAVID DAVIS, TR., ,Adm'or. M. THOMAS dr. SONS. Auct‘onears, ap3o-mmie 119 and 111 S. Fourth street. F'CRCUTORS' HALE—ON THE PREMISES. E.state of JAMES FIELD, dec'cL— CROMAS rfc oNS..A uctioneers.—HANDSO SLE RESIDENCE and FURNITURE, No 1022 RACE IStreet.—On TUES DAY. May sth, 1566. at 10 o'clock, will be sold at Pub lic Sale, ON THE PREMISES. AR that handsome threes-story brick messusge, with two-story back build ing and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Race street. west ef Ter th street, No. 10'2:2: containing in front on Race street 20 feet. and extending to depte 170 feet to a2O feet street, It has 2 parlors, wining room and kitchen on the firs floor, 5 chambers,aitting room and 2 attics, furnace. cooking range, batn mom, hot and cold ter closet, Clear of all incumbranee. Two-thirds of the purchase money may remain On bond and mortgage . May be examined any day previous to the sale from ie to 2 o'clock. BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS. Immediately after the sale of the noose, willbe sold the household and kitchen furniture, .k.c. Full por tion ars in catalogues. M. THOMAS & SON'S Auctioneers, M and 141 South Foorth street. C H. MIIIRHF•an, 203 South bixt.b. street PUBLIC °.".1.E. —THOMAS & SONS, Auction eera.—Handsome COUNTRY SEAT, an' , ACRES, I.; _LINEN HILLS, near Old York Road Station, on the E. P. R. R. On TUESDAY. May 15th, 1866, at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHI LADv't PRIA BX.CDAZIOS, all that handsome Country Se* t, at Chetten Bilis, near Old York Station, on the North Pennsylvania Ra !road, containing 22 Acres. beautifully situated on very high ground cam roar.olog extensive views of the surrounding country. The impro'vements consist of a stone house, with 12 rooms, 2 kitchens. a piazzas. furnace In cellar. ice howe (filled), dairy vault; stone stable and carriage hot s. cow-house. &c. 'the lawn is well shaded with eve, given and other trees. 'There is an orchard of fine pear and other fruit trees, kitchen garden, &C.; also a grove containing about s acres. The situation is perftctly healthy, and the water excellent and un- CzY The residence of J. H. Towne, Esq. May be examined daily. • TERMS—Two-thirds may remain on mortgage. M. THOMAS &SOLIS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South - Fourth street. OS °ETHAN'S' COURT SALE —Estote of GA FY, ItEj Mir.ors,and SOHN BL-ACE,a Minor. THOMAS & r , ONS, AUCTION EBBS. THREE STORY BRICE. DWELLING, No. 2114 CALLOWHILL Street. Per tinent to an order of the Orphans' Court or toe City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold at Public Sale, on TII.b.SPAY. May 92d, 1865., et 15 o'clock, noon, at the PHILADELPHIA EXAHANGE, the following described property of Garry, Minors, and Jelin Blec k, a Minor. viz. All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground. situate on the south side of Callowhill street,l22feemest. of Twenty-first street: containing in front 18 feet, and extending southward in depth. between lines at:right angles with bill street 159 feet 3 inches to a 20 f eet wide street called Carlton street. By the Court, E. A. MERRICK. Clerk 0. C. EDWARD GARTY, Guardian. N. B.—The improvements are a modern three-story brick dwelling, with two-story back building; has gas, cocking range, &c Also, a large frame stable in the rear fronting on Carlton P treat. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street, ISMI3G ESTATE: EURICITURE, C ap30my12,19 tint ORPHANS' COURT S LE.—Estate of ELIZA :E!y: BETEL M. Fis7G.E• HAM. tolereaied.—TElONl AS SONS. Auctioneers. TWO.sTORY ERIC EC DWEL LING, No. 118 (GATES STREET. Pursuant to an Order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. will be sold at Public Stde. on TUES. DAY, Nay ?Id, 1E66. at 12 o'clock, noon, at the PHILA.- DELPB.LA. EXCHANGE, the following described ProPerty, late of Elizabeth M. _lngraham, deseased, viz,:—Ail that Lot of Ground, with a two-story brick Dwelling thereon erected, situates on the south side of Coates street, above Front street,'No. 11S; containing in front on Coates street 15 feet e. inches, and extending in depth Gs feet 2 inches. balance to be paid at the time of sale. half of balance on delivery of deed, the residue at option of the purchaser in one year, with interest, secured by bond end "mortgage on the premises. By the Court, E. A. MERRICK. Clerk 0. C. R. -C. bicIIIIIRISIE, Trustee. ' M. 'THOMAS & Auctioners. ap•10.1m3•12,19 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. . . BOAIMIPMG. I:II:NTLEILIEN may obtain board at a•plealant sum- l7[ trier residence, from June 26 to September 14, In quire at the W. corner of Walnut and Thlrty-ninth'. streets West Pittladelpllia, myier6t*.. ICIVYWELLIIVINFIRO OF PBORKR:FF.--orna A.only place to get Privy Wells.cleeansed add ranted, at very low prices. A. PEFSSON Manufacturer ofTott Goldsmith's EtaL. Lib ran street