Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 05, 1866, Image 5
- s's'i)'4'.:.;.,: r ''.:.i.•..,:.' - :,:.4.1i'f1 .-- i'•0:11 - . , BY TELEGI. RAP ri Front rennessee. CINCINNATI, May sth.—A Knoxville spe cial despatch to 7 the Commercial, says that the Convention re-assembled yesterday. A resolution was adopted, petitioning the Legislature for an act allowing East Tennessee a separate Stnte Government with but four dissenting votes. A committee was appointed to lay the matter before the Legisla ture. General T. °A. Cooper and Colonel Temple then addressed the Conven tion at some length in favor of the movement, and an executive committee was appointed for th e State and Corres. 7 ponding Secretaries for each county. The Convention then adjourned sine die. Almost every -county was represented and the unanimity presages success when the ques tion shall be brought before the people. Price of Mold In New York. (By the American Telegraph Co.] Nzw YOREC, May sth.—Gold has been .quoted today-as follows,: 20.30 A. M., .1.27 , &@* 111 30 10.45.. " I 1271: 11.45 A. M., 11.00 l27* I 12.00 A.M. 11.15 1127 i •I _ The Bathing Season. Correspondence of the Phhada. Evening Bulletin.] ATLANTIC CITY, May 4th, 1866.—These beautiful May days are nowhere more beautiful than at this delightful spot. It is a pity that the decrees of fashion forbid its votaries anticipating the usual hegira to the sea-shore by a full month. The delicioualy elastic atmosphere, the sparkling surf, the ever rolling sea, and the bright blue ex panse overhead, are never more attractive than at this season, when there are but few to enjoy them but the screaming grills, the nimble ' footed sand-snipe, the skimming water-fowl, and the early birds of landlords who are putting their houses in order for the summer season. The threatened advent of the cholera upon our shores is causing an extraordinary demand for sojourning places in the country around about the city, where the sir is pure and infection afar off. I have heard of fabulous prices being charged at farm houses, which although bat a few miles distant from the city, are much less convenient of access than Atlantic City. Judging by my own experience here, about this time, cholera would stand no more chance of a foothold in this delicious and bracing atmosphere than corruption would have in the heart of an iceberg, an unsavory odor in a bouquet of violets or stagnation in a fountain of living waters. Improvement is busy here in anticipation of a brisk season. Most of the well-estab lished houses are refitting for the summer. The Surf House will be under its old man agement. Mr. Benson is giving the estab lishment a thorough overhauling, and arrangements are in progress for adding to the property a front on the end of the wing nearest the railroad. This improvement, while largely increasing the capacity of the house, will add greatly to its convenience .and to the attractiveness of its appearance. The bountiful supply of pure and sweet water at the Surf House should insure fur it a large patronage; but Mr. Benson is determined to add to what may be reckoned its fixed advantages of soil and location, an unexceptionable cuisine and moderate terms. THE LOTTZBY POLICY BUSINESS. How it Is Carried on—itow Drawings are Made—Who are Interested --Arrest of John Morrissey, Ben Wood, and others, [From To-day's New York Tribunal A Mr. Scott, of New Jersey. having been bitten to the tune of some t4OOOO, In the purchase of lottery tickets, and ha ing, as he avers discovered, though at a heavy price, all the ropes and tricks of the trade, has started in an effort not only to recover his money. but to punish those er gaged in the business. Some two weeks some of order of arrest was obtained and served on some of the principal partles engaged in an action of the ealper,or Court of this State, ald on Wednesday an application was made to Judge Shipman of the C. S. Circuit Coast, fo an order of arrest agatist Beni. Wood, Joan Morrissey, Wm. A. Simmons, David td. Bead, Jacob Bauch and Lewis Davis. The Court granted the usual raisins, the declaration being in ties pass to 'fraudulently ohraining from said plaintiff moneys for lottery tickets and policy slips to his damage, $2.0,000." In th. , affidavit on which the capitol was granted the plaintiff swears that earl , in the year IESI be commenced the practice of purchasing lottery tickets, and also of lottery policy slips which p..rported to be decided oy the drawing of certahi lotteries located io the State of. Ke ttucky; that he purchased saia lottery tickets and lottery volley slips of various lottery and replay venders in the city of New York. and that he continued such purchases of s , a,d slips and tickets from said year down to the date of this affidavit; that the various venders from whom he bought the same were severally alleged Lobe the agnts of the owners and managers of said Ken tucky lotteries. and it was represented to deponent in the interest and on behalf of said managers; that the drawings by which said tickets and policy slips were to be deciaed would be lawfully and fairly drawn, and when drawn, fairly applied to the numbers on said slips and ti-kets. Bat deponent saith that he has recently been in formed and expects to be able to prove, that said drawings of said B entucky lotteries, instead of having been lawful y and fairly drawn for tne decision of the numbers on said slips and tickets so by him purchased, have been falsely and fraudulent drawn during the en tire of the above-nasard period, or when regularly drawn have been falsely a d fraudulen.ly suppressed, and other numbers wnich had not been drawn falsely inserted in their plate with 'he view of cheating and defrauding deponent and other persons who made similar purchases of slips and tickets from the vend ers aforesaid. Deponent further Patna that he Is informed and be lieves that the owners and-managers of said lotteries who have thus defrauded deponent are Benjamin Wood, John Morrissey, Wm. L. Simmons, David L. Bead, Jacob Rauch and Lewis David, all of whom are citizens and residents of the State of New York; and further saith that one of the tricks and devices by which, as he has been informed and believes, these parties as managers of said lotteries, contrived to de fraud deponent and others who purchased their slips and tickets, was to appoint said-Lewis Davis, one of their own party, and also a party in interest, as Com mithioner to sunerintm d and control said drawing's in the pretended interest of deponent and the public. hat • they then furnished Davis with a secret "key," or "cipher," by which they directed him as soon as said drawings were made at the bead - marters of said lotteries in said State of Kentucky to send them exclusive and private reprrts of the same. That said managers, on receive ing thesame in the city of New York, would rapidly compare the averages of their sales as they were affected and governed by the numbers of said pri vately sent drawing: and that if the said numbers were found to inflict losses on said managers through their relations with the numbers on said slips and tickets that the said managers would wilfully, de liberately,-wickedly, falsely and fraudulently, and for -the Purpose of mead , g and defrauding deponent and other purchasers of said slips and tickets, change and alter tit, said numbers so drawn in Kentucky and forwaried to them by said Lewis Davis, and replace them bY other numbers whit% were in agreement with sant managers' interests. Deponent further Eolith that, as he has been informed and believes, afu ther trick, or device,. or stratagem of said managers to prim ent deponent and the public from getting the I ruadrawings of said lotteries through agents of their own, was to stock the rooms where said drawings were mace with myrm'dons and agents of their own, Whose duty It was, under the direction of said Davr , and by ordpr of said managers, to exclude all persons other than themselves and parties in the interests or the managers aforesaid, from the observe, dons of said drawing; that one of the parties thus em ployed to violently prevent any intrusion by the pub lic up-rn their false and nnlawfhl-proceedinga was one John 11'; Briggs: which persons on one occasim, under the orders of tne managers, sitspend a drawing i for the avowed reason that said drawing t.hould not be witnessed f,y any person who was not o mnec.ed with or in the Interest of said managers Ithponent further says that, during the period be tween said early part of the year tsar dOwn to the pre sent lime, be bas, ourChast d very largely of - said saps and tickets so issued by eaidmaanagars; that the suns of money which he has thm been defrauded of through the fa se drawing and rtorrupt &tykes or said mana gers is above and heyon4 "the sum of flf,Olgi, „and be prays, pret,re, that the mid p tales above named' as managers Rod owners of ' , aid lotteries shall bear rested and beld to ball, al d that he may recover the amoun paid be him in petrel:test-a alturesaid, or such damages or pen.alties as toe law..may direct in the prem see kiwotn, •e. • - • On the Caplas toned alien this affidavit the 'defend ants Wood, ld py •and Simmer's were arrested, and at •.r ee gave bail in them= f 3 1 , 0 0 0 each Mr. Traphegen and TAMP , . ktrady for plaintiff THE Pnoroszn DIVISION OF: TEINNEFSNN—Ati the Knoxville CouVelalo, 'MU sato., an- aid eas favor of a separate bitote g vernment for East Ten• •W*Bsee wee tweet only wmr.ed, and the Pre3ident 'mast stanctedtnaup intacommitteetotakethematr Mr COURTS. Comrox Ilasis--.7odge :Ludlow.—Price vs. City Commisalonera. appol'cation f , wan injunction to restrain the Oommissionees from awarding a contract , for statlorierylo Satnuel Smith The olainant al lege• that the bid was not in form required by the Act of Assembir . Tne taws a still before the wart. Qualm.= Elassimes—Tudge hison.—A number of habeas carpus asses was before the court this 'morning. THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE AGE, for teething Paine, coupe, flatolencry, sleeplessness, &c., In children. ts. Bower's Initial, Cordial. Laboratory, Sixth and Green. Bottle, 25 cents. "ritur CoRN AND BUNION I....semzenes. 77 - for fifty cents. Sower. Sixth and Vine. liwstzzlr, Ink SWlds, Fans Card Receiv ra, Jevvel Oaakete, Cigar Cases • Cutlery etc. IiINOWI)EN & 131303'PHICR. Importers. 28 South Eighth street, DittracasTs' StYNDBIES IN EVERT VA RIETY..... SNOWBEN & BROTH M,,lmPettexut 29 South mghth street. 7 8-10's weirrito, Believer' dr Brother, ,o South Third Street. 5-20's wAtrrito DeHaven & Brother, to South Third street. COM:POUND interest notes wanted by De Maven '& Bro.' • • • 5.20 COUPON'S due May let, • and Com pundldbyjest notes wanted, ME EL 1 & CO. nght 84 Booth littrd street. PURE Fiturr Syßurs--For soda water; also bottled for domestic uses. lANOE; GRIFFITH & 00., No. 509 North street. • "EXCELSIOR ROCK SPRING," SARATma.A. Sertravos, N. Y.—The water of this 'Spring is highly recommended- by the most eminent physicians, and is believed to be superior to any of the other waters of 6aratoga .' Per sale by the leading druggists. Totrairrrs - exu)Taay.ra.r.us should supply themselvta with "Needle's compound Trochee,' be fore going away.. They are a positive corrective of all -bowel disturbauces; Safe, agreeable, and convenient. . . THE COMBINATION.OF INGREDIENTS USED in mak ng "Brown,* Bronchia/ Troches" I* such as to give the best possible effect with safety. The Troches are used always with good success, and are w defy known as the be remedy for Coughs, Colds, Throat Diseases, and Asthmatic troubles. CEDAR Caarnion is Cheapest, Pleasantest, most Desirable as defence ag. aingt CLorints.lif orris. Druggists even where sell it. HARRLS & CHAP_ HAN, Facturers, Boston. NOT LEZ, BUT JOHNSON has THE NEXT PAESI DMVI..—The Mobile 12. , :glater has placed at the bead of its columns the name of General Robert E. Lee as the State Rights Democratic candidate for Presldent in 186 S. The Memphis Argus thinks the time has not yet come to propose the name of General Lee for this high office. It am s Sur 13 , , they are no good or true friends of this .grAnd old man. a ho, in the p.esent posture of affairs, would drag his great name Into the filthy arena of party strife. Not till a new and better spirit snail prevail In the politics of this country, and t. e country shall call for its best men to stand and serve In high places, will it be pos.ible or appropriate to dignify the Presidential chair with a second, and 'greater than Washington.' "lc in the approaching political struggles, it becomes necessary or auvisable, or proper, to des gnate some Conservative candidate for the Presidency in 1868, our opinion, he—our present leader, the great states man of Tennessee—is the man." (ARUM ER 4 )1.04 L. r3AGEB OF S'T 00E fti PIRBT MOO II B TP341971-105 Notes lone 1 0 231. 30 6 0 City 131 new 97 1100 do 9674' 100 do nann'l 967 100 do 97 1090 Allegh Co Com 53 725- 400 Pa War Goan 191 5000 StuniCanf Rd* blO 2000 Reading It 6s '43 90 8000 N Pa R 65 90 2000 Pa R Ist mgt 63 100 10000 UnionCnl Bds bl 5 25 25000 Critl ss 5-21)3.'65 10254 100 sh Phil dc Erie 333 200 sh do b 5 33.% ioo oh . do bl 5 .133 a 200 sh b3O 934 100 sh do PitIOE i Olt eITOOKI3 IN NKR , YORK. (By .715/zgraph.) PZBBT CLAM lIITCOND CLAM. Itruerisaa (lola ......... _... 1D3 sales ...... sales Beadlog Railroad .....5391 leo sates sales New York OestraL—. 023,1 sales .—.. sales U. B. tts '5i..... - .......„.—..1-09 sales ...,.. sales 11. S. es, 6.3)5--.—..--102,‘ Bales Erie . ----........ 74 salesSlsa.tivr . Hactsealtiver..--..1101i sales .._.. sales - Steady. ._., Finance and Et asiness..May 5 Ma The abundance and cheapness of money - noted fbr some time past still continues, and the declining . ten dency in the rates of Interest consequent upon a steady and rapid accumulation of idle ce,phal, is well calcu lated to facilitate the absorption of the five per cent. funding loan which .is likely soon to be placed upon the market. The speculative a ovements which would otherwise be fostered by the monetary ease are held in abeyance by the constant fluctuations in Gold and Exchange, and the transactions both in stocks and merchandise are of a very limited character. Gov ernment Loans closed atlo9 for the Coupon Sixes, '81; the Five-Twenties at 102%; the Seven-Thirties at lin@ 102%, and the Ten-Fortles at 95. State Fives were without change. City Loans were firm at 96% @el for the new issues, with a steady Investment demand, and comparatively light offerings. All the better class of bonds were in steady request at fall rates. North Pennsylvania Railroad Sixes advanced to 90. Reading Railroad was very quiet at 13%,GeS Pennsylvania Railroad sold at 533.;,—an advance of %. Philadelphia and Erie Railroad sold freely at 83%@3331 and Catawiesa Railroad Preferred at 30. Lehigh Val ley Railroad was steady as 61%; Mine Hill Railroad at 56; Camden and Amboy Railroad at at 121%, and Little Schuylkill Railroad at 82%. Canal stocks were firm; Schuylkill Navigation pre. (erred at 8503.53 i, and the common stock. at 27X@)28, Coal and oifstocks were rug ected. Passenger Rail road shares were offered more freely: union was wt ak and sold at 35—a decline of IS. 763 i was bid for Second and Third Streets—an advance of 3. JAY Cooke & Co. Quote Governoieuakdecurilles, &c., go4jay, as follows: Buylne, Selling. U.S. a's, 1621-- -....-.-- 4 ' .ItB, 109,L 4 - Old 520 Bonds.. - ......... . ... ........-102 1023, New - isii ....7„._.-........-1.02 1024 6-20 Bonds, 1863....... 142 112Y4 10-40 Bends -..... 953 i 56 70.10 Aagetat......... -.--. -- tots to -2U 0 Jane .......... .--, ...-101Y 11431 0 July . . ... .._ .1014 102 U Certlitcateia 'lnitei:Gire . gti.-- ea": 100. Gold- at 12 o'clock _ ;....127 • 1274 Messrs. DeEnven .... Brother. DIG. 40 booth Tatra street, make the lellvwlag quotettoe ... of the rate/ of exchange to-day, at 1 P. M.: rativeerrLaranareotesld.,-an":GaDec.vollBB4.-13..12123'i1241• 72:1238:in5: Interest Notes: Compound JnnelSOl-. ju1y.1864.- ]O N • 41 Ang..1864..• /Of /1 . 10% Oct. 18614 a. 9j; May 48654. '53% " ° ang.1865... 4.;..i, ii , " 0 Sep 11865. : . S 43i .. Oct. 1865 8.4 3..; Smith, Randolph a 00.. Bankers. 16 South Thud Alaquote at 11 o'clock 86 Whows: Gold --- ....... --....—...127%@127% 11. S. 1881 80nd5............. 109 (51t9,4 11, S. 5-20, 1862 .102 01023 , .__. • •• • „ .IC2 `" lU2Sfi .102 102„t4 U. 6. 1040......._. . . 11.41-42 . 4 aeries. les .. ...... ''''''' — 1 9 02 % 1 9 02 6 .' S. 7-30.' id series.._ 102 01029 8d series.... 102 01101.0234 17. B. Certificates of Indebtedness— 100 fdloo3s Compounds. Dec.. 1884 B%® .9 The following Is the amount of coal transported over the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad, during the week ending Thursday, May s, 1866: From St. Clair Port Carbon.... " Pottsvil le....._ " Schuylkill Haven... Auburn " Port Clinton " Harrisburg and Dauphin. Total Anthracite Coal for week Bituminous coal from llarrisburg and Dalt. phin Total of all kinds Previously this year. Total Same time last year Increase 87.087 18 The coal tonnage on the Schnsihn— i Navigation for the week ending May 8,1886.. was 86107 oo Corresponding week last year—...:--..--. 19,8.15 15 Increase for this week... Tonnage for the year to date....—.......... To same time last year............ Increase -.-......--- Philadelphia Mark ets. , ~ S ATDADAY, May s.—The Flour market is very Bras, and the stook is redneed to slower figure 'than at tbi period fOrmany years past Theue.is 10 shipping des : mend bat there's a sts ady inquiry . for' the supply oi ' LIMA t iri, T- Pl' VA AND esAOII. casx..o iscusch the home t'ade. within, the range of ye.terday's quo. %_, Gelatin, Rio Taphateknud _East India Pearl kia_ga . Onions, vin fg , 29 to $8 T; barrel for superfine, $5459 25 halinf r and for sale by J . B, BD - Salm &OD , 108 SI for, extras, $ elgal for., NOrthwestern extra family' w 0, AvAnno , _ - . SW E'EN s. ofteriGhla.-I,oeo boxes Sweet Messina PIO 50@)12 for Penna. and Obiodo. do, and at higher It. set oranipas, in prime order, landing and for sale by -I MRE e 479113 OP $5,000, Roses end $6BO WA ' TEI ON unexceptlunabiP that nacrtgagre• _A Ap pl y yt.R. ma /or fancy lots—taco quality. Rye - -Slott Y.B. SUMER a EU. /08 8. DOpprare Avenue. .. 1113T1B d‘bol.7, Seallgatate Brokers, sas awn at. . „ .. ... . . rn.r..DAIL Y. - E VENINGF - ocElAtiraki .- • 2...!iii4DEL11414,:... SATURDAY, . MAY .6, 1860. - i -, ,.:'L:,:-:.:. .:!- :A -..,' !'i- 7. , ..r - ''.-•'--' ,i',.-- '4. Ti '..i" - : fz. ,';'.j: r 17:71:'.:-',';..';''::• . ".'.•.t• :'.', ~: .•;1 • . ;:: r4: . • ~'T . iii•':::i .z.,P; t• , :::•.:;:-',:- .:•i1..,,.. '„. ::,:..:-.': - k:••• .::,••:., ..',..:.. il ,•.'• •:.. SOO et Bch Nov pfd 2,5}; 2ie sh do own 27,4 200 sh do b 6028 5 eh Catawisa pfd so}; IVO sh do SI 100 eh do bswn int SI 100 sh do b5O iii sh Pettna R 53U 28 sh 3llnehlll R s 5 56 7 sh Lehigh Val 615; 25 sh Ocean 011 7 15 sh Hazleton Coal 57 t 2 sh Locust Mt 46 100 a I Ihg Mountain Coal n 5 4 all 10th ct 11th St R 100 ah 13th 15th St EN 400 sh RestOnVllle 37 800 Sh do h3l 37 Ms' FOR BALE—A VALUABLE COUNTRY SEAT wl h S$ acres of /and attachedmituate near Moores town, New Jersey, and accessib'e b, Camden and Amboy Railroad, seven autos daily. Large double mansion with +ce•house (filled) and all nectasar, - out buildings in thorough order. Hand•orne lawn and fruit in great Variety. Terms accommodating. J. M. OThallin,Y dr, SONS, 508 Walnut street. C9. I 3 — FURII — ETIT--FIJRN tifa LE COT TAGE, with . stabling a"d nine acres of land atrached, situate nine miles from the city and one mile from White Hall Station. oa the Pennsy.varia Central Railroad. Apundanca of fruit. J. L. GUAISLEY dr BONS, sus Walnut stree. , • - ar - FOR SALE—A VERY DENIM kBLE COUN TRY FLAW' ,cootathing acres ofauperier land, Mate on the old Lane,' mar road, 1 mile from V'lla Nova Stati is on .the Penns Iva la Central Railroad. Double modern atone mansion, stabling and outbuild ing. Stream of water pas.ing through, the premitiet and a gre.t yr riety of trait. J. AL OUtalit ltY 518 Walnut street. Tons.ewl. . 29,251 17 10 693 11 481 (5 25,810 09 4,433 11 dtgFORSALE—THE tiaNDEOMEFOPR.STORT BROWN STONE RESID.ENCh., wife three story ble back buildings. Every nconventence and la com pl.-le order, situate N 1514 Rine arrest: Loi 2.0 by 131 feet to a street. J. M. OUMMEy bONS, SOS Wal nut a' reels, - - 12,896 11. 47 02 83,610 03 FOR PALE—A HAND OMR THREE STORY MODERN , BRICK Ertt - IDENCIC, with attics, three.at ory doub e ba• k buildinge, and five feet slue yard. situate on the west side of Nineteenth Street, above Arch street Is finished throughout in a eupe• nor manner. and In perfvet order. Luc 2.5 by 103 feet. "J. M. G MIK ttY & 8 MS, 508 WAlnut street, - 4 795 UT 58,414 19 -1,128,414 01 -1,216,828 11 ..1.129,760 13 CAgog. STREET FaR 8 ALE—A VERY DE: arable corner residence, 22 feet front with every ern convenience, and. in excellent repair. situate on the south side of Arch etre ,et east of Broad street. J. M. 2d DI FtYirdt FON:4, Ea Walnut et' ert. CI FOR SALE—A four story brick Dwelling, 1530 rEa. Spruce street, with three-story double back build= logs with all the modern conveniences, A pply to S. H. CURT/ti Qc SON, Ital Es ate Brokers 4a Walnut ...... 16 6 , 1 07 .....248.611 10 147,760 05 ea — FOR SALE—A ree-stor% Wick Dwellln.r,with tbreeqn..ry double bank bullthngs,l4e. Tbompsort street. wl , h all tbe mt.d ern COUveuleeoes. A poly? to J. H. CURTIS & SUN, Real ..Estate Brokers, 4 Wal nut street.. ~.....100.831 03 SALE—A neat two-story -.Brick House, 1189 Routh Fourth, street. An ly to J. 14. CURL'S VON Real Fstate Brokers 433 Walnut .treet. is selling in a small way SSS:4B Prices of 9cre *Bl4 'are - eittlrely • The Wheat. Market presents nd, new feature—there is a-steady inquiry forthe supply; of: the 10Pal muleis , etyesterdeys quotations. S aes 'of t. 400 , bushels good; Penna. and 'Western Bed -at ft 2 55 lift. •brushet, , ' 2,00 a bushels common do. do . . on !mart t Rwme,,2,0:0 buebels Spring at, 42 05 and snail lots of choice Bed.Tted at $2 U. We quote White at $2 70®82:95. Eye comes in elowli , and commence 98 cents to $t Cora is lees Relive an lower. Sales of lloo_bushels :yellow. bust evening, at" 85 cents and ad. bushels to day at 83 tents, oats are unehAngo I. Sales 0(2603 bushels Penns at 60@)82 eta., and uelaware at 62 cent% - - - --- In loverseed and Timothy nothing doing. Flax ed to 'aken Am fast as it arrives. at $2 71®$2 75. Whisky is dull. Small sales of Pena. et $2 2.402 25 and Ohio at $2 27. - EtE THE EVENING BULLETIN WILL BE REMOVED TotheNew Building, 607 Chestnut Street, ABOVE smut. MINDAY, MAY 7TH JAY COOKE & CO., NEW OFFICE. 114 South Third Stre*i Bankers, AND Dealers in Gover'nment Securities, Ws of 1881. 5 20% Old and New, 10-40's; Certificates of Indebtedness, 740 MOTES, Ist, 2d, and Sd Series. Compound Interest Notes Wanted, INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections made. Stocks Bought and Sold on Com mission. SRecial business aceommodatlona RIMED:WED FOB LADIES. fe7 PECUADHLPIEA. February 1636. .fe7 Em. a.t - ) WARD..LOST—On Friday evening. in one tiphr of he Cinlon Rlwars, golyg to Itichmoi-d. at Ninth t and Spring Garden, a Ca black PA.RASOL, steel spangles on it. braes rod and white ha.die. Return to 501 Spruce. 69 North Second, or 279 North Second. Its EMBROIDEREDTNF.9.NTS' CAPS. FRO9I 60c. to et :5; a reduction to parties selling again; very much better than usual tar that price. SWISS 31CisLIN.—a 1 tie of plain gwiss. from Mc. to EOa a yard; a liberal advance to purchasers of whole SOFT CAMBRIC IdlNLlNS.—Several qualities of this desirable Muslin under regular prices. Thisstock of white good. is quite full, and prices are very low, by the piece or yard. PLAID AND S BIPED NAINSOOK.—A large lot of flue goods, at reduced I) , ices. TWaYARD WIDE FRMinH AND SWISS !,[CI. LIES, for evening dresses, much bet:er than usual for the price. BLACK GUIPURE LACES—ReaI and Imitation; I invite especial attention to an imitation, very closely resembling the real, at a trilling cost. NO ITINGHABI vs. CONTINENTAL LACE CURTAINS. NOTTINGFIAM vs. CON'TtNENTAL LICE CUR TAINS, by the yard. Notwithstanding the unprece dented large gnat tity- sold this season. i am stilt pre pared to so: ply the large‘t demand; purchasers of a single pair or yard, or or the hn: tired pairs or yards, can have their orders flied at once, at very low prices, as usual, at WORNE'S, No. SS North Eighth street. An owner wanted for a pair of Gold Spectacles and a Silver Cusped Purse. The owner's name on each. it/ IL - 10IR rieL bound tile of toe ehiladoip , i tress 1 . from '57 to '6B. Apply to W. arsissori. 611 Chestnut street. its 4635.000 TEUsT MONEY 70 LOAN, en , ire or divided, on Mortgage or ftrat lass city Property. It S R. JONaa, Set Walnut street. nWANTED TO RE—NT, for the Summer sealon, a furnLsbed Country Ralidence, with gwdsn, stet and pas ore fo r cows: mast be easily accessible to city. Address or apply w 15.1 Spruce street. myS2ts - - - - - rtAUSES A NEB GROWTH OF HAIR, V AND IthSTORES GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORI GINAL COLOR pREvENTTS THE PALLING OUT OF THo: MAKER THE HAIR LOFT AND SILKEN. Montgomery's Hair Restorer. Montgomery '5 Hair Restorer. Montgomery's Hair Restorer. Montgomery's Hair Restorer. Montgomery's Hair Restorer. Montgomery's Hair Restorer, For sale by all Druggists, Prepared only by W. C. MONTGOMERY. Proprietor. myletrp No. 140 North Sixth street, P EOPLE DIFFER ON MANY POINTS, DOT ALL AGREE THAT THE "LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DER-RAD/EP "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Is the moat "Li air Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Reliable Hair "Hair Color Restor • , r" "London" "Hair Color Restorer' "London" Restorative "Hair Color Restorer" t "London" "Hair Color Restorer' ' "London" Ever Introduced "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" to the 'EU ir Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Odor Restorer" "London" American "Hair Color Restorer" "London" • "Hair Color liertorer" "London" People "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Fur Restoring "Hair Color Restorer'! 'London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Gray Hair and "Hair Color Restorer" "London" g "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Preventing, "Hair Color Restorer" "London' i "Hair Color Reamer" "London" Baldness. ' Hair Color Restorer" PRES &RYES THE ORIGINAL COLOR TO OLD AGE "London" "Hair Color R-sto 7er" "London" Life, Prevents "Hair Color Restorer" "London" • "Hair Color .Reltorer" "London" Growth, the Hair Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Res , orer" "London" and from "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Flair Color Restorer" "London" Beauty, Falling. "Hair Color Restorer" No washing or preparation Deibre or after its use: ap plied by the hand or soft brush. Onl 75 cents a bottle, six bottles IL Sold at Br, SWAYNE'S, No. eV North Sixth sere" t, above Vine, Philadelphia and at the leading Druggists and Dealers in Toilet Articles. mh24-m,w,s ---- FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY. etc., a corn r" ---- ‘ plate assortment at recently minced prices'. pARR & B ROTHRR, • 1 / 4 „.._ J. importers or Watches j etc.. _ . e 24 Chestnut atteet , below fourth. BARGADIS INFINE CLOTHING ROCKHILL& WILSON "Brown Stone Clothing Hall," 603 and 605 !Chestnut Street NEW STOOK AT THE LOWEST PRICES. • Having Bold out our stock of Clothing tbr Gentle men and Boys, carried over from the late fire, our en tire Stock of . Fashionable Ready-Made clothin g is the Newest, AB OUR PRICKS AB EC THE LOWEST. Magnificent Spring Stock Now Ready, To Suit Everybody. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Our nowlY•litted up Custom Lepartment now con tains the largest assortment of all the fashionable New Fabrics for our : patrons to select from. suns orni AND MILITARY. MADE , UP To ORDICB, PROMPTLY, In the highest style, and at moderate prices. Soya' Clothing. In this department our stock is also unrivaled. THE BEET IN TILE CITY, At The Lowest Prices. Orders executed at shortest notice. The Choicest Stock OF READY MADE CLOTHING IN .PHILADELPHIA ROOKHILL & WILSON Brown-Stone Clothing Hall, 603 & 605 Chestnut street. ap7•s&wan rp2 LINEN DRESS GOODS. BEAUTIFUL NEW STYLES IN WHITE AND COLORED GROUNDS ALSO, Printed. Linen Cambric Dresses. PLAIN LINENS FOR TRAVELING EMITS, 8:0 Received by Late Steamers from Europe, Selling at Importers' Prices -at AIILLIKEN'S LAIIVEr4T _sirotErogt NO. 628 ARCH STREET. N. 8.--Eltrang.rs In the city will find it advanta• geons to give as a call. We make Linen Goods a spe cialty. and keep the largest stock in the city. mhsl-sa to th Ynst NEW SPRING GOODS. The subscribers are now receiving their Spring portation of HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS, comprising all the beat varieties of LINEN AND COTTON' MEETINGS, PILLOW AND BOLSTER CASINOS, TABLE DAMABBS AND DIAPERS, TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, DOYLIES, CRAZIRKR AND BATH TOWELS, TOWRIANOS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, IdARS'LS QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, BLANKETS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, And every other art Lie of Furnishing Dry floods re• °aired o commence house keeping orsupply the wants of a family. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Allison, 1008 Chestnut Street. mh22•th tut to 25t rp Spring Hosiery and Merino Goods, The subscribers wills increased facilities for the transaction of toe Hosiery Lepartment of their bust nes., invite attention to their ample and well selected stock of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Hosiery, Merino and Silk Vests, Drawers, &e. Nevretock and at the reduced prices SHEPPARD, VAN HABLINGRN & ARRTSOR, myttuttugt rpf 1008 CHMTNIIT Street. 'Et/NE PREACH MANTEL CLOOKS.—A fresh im. portation of beautiful styles, warranted correct TIME-SEEP.E.III3. FARR, & BROTHER. Impertera P 23 Chestnut street. below Penna. TOECAP'S CELEBRATED TONIC ALE.—Tht truly healthfel and nutritious beverage, now in use by thousands—invalids and others—has established a character for quality of material and parity of manu facture, which stands unrivaled. It is recommended by physicians of this and other places. as a superior tonic and requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical Ohs great merit. To be had, wholesal and eta. of P. JORDAN, 220 Pear street. I/ENKE JAMBS, ACCOUNTANT. Disputed and Pontroed Accounts Adjusted—Bets of books opened-4msll sets kept by contract State ments and Balance Sheets PrePared for Bank rupt Estates. ?RENTON AND RPANISH TRANSLATEI43. apl9 fant Risom 84. NO. 418Chvssno6 street w.Npg)iv';; ,, .:;.'.-;:e;HAokis. WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW SHADES. In every Desirable Style and Color, for Town or Country. WHITE CURTAINS. WHITS CURTAINS. WHITE CURTAINS, Of Lace, Malin, and Nottingham, No in Beantifal Styles. Striped Furnittwe Twills, For Slip Covers, Just Opened. I• E. WA.LRAVEN, IkIA.SONIO, HALL, 71.9 Chestnut street. FIRST kPIONAL BANK, Philadelphia, Sept. 20,18615 TIME DEPOSITS ON INTEREST, INTEREST AT THE RATE OF FOUR PER CENT, PER AN NMI WILL BE ALLOWED BY THIS BANK ON -DE POSITS, FOB WHICH CERTIFICATES WILL BE ISSUED, PAYA BLE AFTER lei v. DAYS' NOTICE. INTEREST WILL NOT BE AL. LOWED UNLESS THE DE POSIT REMAINS AT LEAST FIFTEEN DAYS. C. H. CLARK, President. DREXEL & CO., BANKERS' 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET 5..20 9 5 9 1 7•130 1 s, 10-40's, ISSIL's Certificates of IngAtedneaa, Compound Interest Notes and GOLD AND SILVER, Etought and Sold. DRAFTS DRAWN ON ENGLAND, IRE LAND. FRANCE AND GFRMANY. WM. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, 110 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BUY COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES OF ALL. DATES And pay the Accrued Interest. aplB 2na . SUIVIMER RESORTS ON LINE OF Reading Railroad and Branches. MANSION HOUSE, MOUNT CARBON, Mrs. Caroline Wunder, Pottsville P. 0., Echny'l co. TUSCARORA HOTEL, Mrs. Hannah Miller, Tuscarora P. 0., SchArkin ea. MAHANOI CITY HOTEL. G. W. Prost, Mahanoy Cita , P. 0., Schuy/tral cO. WHITE HOUSE, Mrs. Susan Maradorf, Beading P. O. , ' ANDAL USIA, James 8. Madeira, Beading P. 0. LIVING SPRINGS. HOTEL, Dr. A. Smith, Wernersville P. 0., Berke co. SOUTH MOUNTAIN HOUSE, H. H. Manderbach,Womelacorf P. 0“ Berko co. COLD SPRINGS HOTEL, Lebanon co., Charles Boederrael, Harrisburg P. O. BO YERS TOWN SEMINARY, T. B. Henky, Boyeretown P. 0., Berks co. YELLOW SPRINGS HOTEL, A. 11. Snyder, Yellow Springs P. 0., Chester co. LITIZ SPRINGS, Samuel Llchtenthaler, - Linz P. 0., Lancaster co. EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, Alex. B. Feather. Pro.. Ephrata P. 0.. Lancaater co AMU. 2lst, 1261. ap24-8m MARVIN'B PATENT ALUM AND DRY PLASTER FIRE AND BURGLAR SAFES NEVER LOSE THEIR FIRE PROOF QUALITIES• NEVER CORRODE THE LRON. NEVER ItIODLD THEIR CONTENTS. FIFTY THREE HOURS In Charleston Ste, ye books were perfectl9 Preserved. A.IEUVIN c C 0.9 721 .chestnut Stredt, MaaodlcHall,) Philadelphia, And 265 Broadway, New York, Sideboard and Parlor Solos ibr Silver Ware, Second-hand Safbe of all the other makers, Sarin ren.lved In exchange Ibr new ones. Bend for llnustratel catal•errie. mbs a ta.thStm.s imnot lAtar. _ To shippers, amen H o tel-k eeper J. L. CAPEN. PHRE.NOLOSTAT. • Successor to Fowler. Wflin do 00., Sftrte othere—A very saperks• lot "of hain ez i cider, by the mr .,.. 1 or dozen. p J. jokua tairM and vernal descriptions of clutractov noarpU &• - fear 22254.5e10w1 i bird sad Wain A Nk .e 12 •44 :tharu4 25,w,20322P da11Y Zio. 25 &TENTH 822502* ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE /ncorParated ' 1884. /mOB. EI . OjkwiT:ThwrimpßT,o73lV,ZirsEiLl4" COLD SPRING ICE AND COAL CO. DEALER/El IN AND SIIIPPRES OF ME and. COA.L. We are'now prepared to furnish BEST QTTALITY ICE In large er small quantities to BotelsAteamboata Ice Cream Salo. ns, Families, Offices, ac. , dtc., and the LOWEST DIA BEET RATES. , , 7 ICE served DAILY in all paved Ilmlbs of the eon sondaTed City, West Philadelphia, Manilla, Rich. mond and Germantown. Your custom and influence . Is respectfully solicited. Yon can rely on being fur• ailed with a PURE article and PROMPTLY. Send your order to OFFICE - No. 435 WALNUT STREET: DEPOTS, 8. W. corner Twelfth and. WlLlow Street& North Penna. R. IL and Mutter a4reet. Lombard and Twenty-tlith etreeta. Pine Street Wharf. Schuylkill. apEtSten KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY. ... . _ • Wholesale and Retail Dealers. Importers of Eastern Ice • Having secured a fall supply of the best quality of ICE, are prepared to furnish it thrnughott th_ seseou, as usual, - PROMPTLY, at the LOWRST nuura apT RATES. Hotels, "Confectioners and Shipping supplied .with large or small quantities. Particular attention given to thsdellvery of Ice .o Families. Stores, Offices, tuE served daily In West Philadelphia Mantua, Richmond, toga and all parts of the city. Your order respectfully solicited. • • E. P. KER.SH.OW, -A. HUNT. OFFICES AND DEPOTS; Nos, 118 and 120 North- Broad Street, Willow Street Wharf, Delaware Ave. aptietntiam Keep Coo!! Keep Cool!! BY ORDERING YOtB ICE OF CHARLES S. CARPENTER & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ICE DEALERS, 717 WILLOW, ABV. FRANKLIN ST. Pamlies supplied satisfactorily and at reduced rates; s era and large consumers furnished on reasonable term CHAS. S CARPRIVTES, JOHN OMNI...ENING, ap27.lm rp/ SOS. M. TRUMAN , Jr., • Proprietors. SELLERS BROTHERS, No. 18 North Sixth Street, Having added to their ibrmer business that of MILL AND FACTORY FINDINGS, Intend keeping a foil assortment of everything in that line, which they will aell at the lowest rates, Mr-lading Pare Oak Tanned Leather - Belting, Gum La ßelting g e d k lt . eara ea th 9 T cking, Band and Harness Leather. Boller Cloth arm Skins, Card Cl ar i Etoks, * Rivets, dte., - Also continue to manufScture as heretofore - WIRE CLOTH, SIEVES, SCREENS,&o. Of which A FULL ASSORTMENT is kept constant* on hand. era-slurp/ Very large and desirable WHARF PROPERTY Croning Delaware avenue near Callow= street. C. H =MIMED, apMs ,M.W/211 rp No. 515 South S EST H Street.; 1866. bPRINU. 1866. EDMUND YARD & CO., 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Streete r ELMO/WEBS AND JOBBERS OF Silks and Fancy Dress Goods, Linens and White Goods. Shawls and 13almorala DILLLEP.I3 IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. Germaptown Fancy Wool Good; A Pull Line of Prints, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES, _ AWNINGS, VERANDAHS AND FLATS. WM. F. SCHTEBLE, 49 SOUTH THIRD STREET,, PEILADBLPHIA. ZEiNTTFAMUUEF. OF AWNINGS ~E~'.AND~I3~. Awnings Proofed and Warranted not to Mildew. FLAGS Or AI,L BIZEB •ON HAND AND MADE , 'lO ORDER. Stencil Cutting and Canvas Printing. Bap, Tents- Wagon Covers, made to Older. apewsmsst FITLER, WRAITER CO. Iffaxinfactorels or MANILA AND TARRED CORDAGE. Cords, Twines, &ix, No. Si North Water Bireet and No. 99 North Detawar Avenue, Philadelphia. Ilowar Prztam. tuttEt.,ctL NA Colman P. Gwyn-rim &REHM WITH lIIITZTTELL.E INK S Embroider ariddles,at+mvmr, ax M.. A.. TOMMY, ionn7bbort mined. MONEY TO ANY ANOHNT LOANED— UPON DIA MtISDS W a 'WHEW JEWEL RP, PLATE. CLOTHING. &C., at JONES & CO.'S el ) • LEtESTABLISHED MAN OFFICE; - Corder of THIRD low acid D SK ILL Streets, Be Lomb. N. B. —DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELE,EI GUM. dtrt, ion 84.L.8 AT iimung. ABT,v Low'Pßicira ap9s-Dni aplat.rrt