Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 05, 1866, Image 1

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    1 t t 1' PEACOCK, Editor
tB=32,ils excepted) at
tja, g et; Chastnut Street, Philadelphia
"Evening Bulletin Association."
The BULLETIN is served to subscribers in the city at
a costs per week, payable to the carriers, or $8 00 per
, _
BOWEB..—Buddenly, on the 4th inst., Geo. C. Bower,
-Jr., in the Seth year of his age.
The relatives and friends of the family, are respect
fully invited to attend -his funeral. from the rest"
deuce of his father, Geo. C Botver,N el. corner of Stith
and Vine streets, on Monday afternoon, at S o'clock.
FREED.—On the 3d instant. at his residence, No. 413
Prune Street, Joseph M, Freed.
The funeral on Monday morning. the 7th instant, at
nine o'clock To proceed to Laurel Hill.
are preyarna t 0 nuppty =••
X.l 1.14:s with Dry Good.. at the lowest prices.
the cheapest and m"st satisfactory manner, at the
ap26th,s,tulst _ 1520 south NINTH Street."
UNDERTAKER, No. 18 North Ninth street.
above market. ap2l-1m•
wlll preach at 10% A. M. and Rev. Dr. Lambert,
rlenton, at 4 P. M. it'
NORTH street.above Greeratev.R.W.Henry,D.O.Pastor.
.Services tiabbath 'Morning at 10.4, and evenlogat 73g.
Strangers welcome. ap2l-e St*
6th.—Rev. is D: CARROW, will preach at 105;
k, A. M., and quarter to 8 P.M.
The seats are all free. its
Tenth and Filbert, Rev. J. F. Berg. D. D., will
4 ch to-mor
noon. row. Service at 10;i: Morning
and After*
r.o * Green street, near Sixteenth.—Services on Sun
day by the Pastor. Rev. S. H. Giesy, at 1034 A. M. and
7,14 P. M. subject 3n the evening—" Ihe Veice of the
.llantle." Sixteenth in the Belies on Elijah. lt*
in Green Hill Ball southeast corner of Seven
teenth and Poplar streets tomorrow afternoon at % to
4 o'clock. teats free. All cordially invited. Sunday
School 2.34 o'clock P. M. it=
Sunday School of the Church of the Messiah.
Locust, above Thirteenth, will take place To-morrow
Afternoon at 8 o'clock. several speakers will address
the School. Morning service at 1O 0 clock. It*
Eighteenth and Green. Communion service.
rtli Baptism and admission of Members to-morrow at
1034 A. M. Preaching by the pastor, Rev. Edward
Rawes,at 7X P. M. Sabbath School at2X P. M. its
REV. J. H. SIIYDAISI;PASTOR OF. THE W ' H. First Reformed Dutch Church, corner of Seventh
an Spring Garden str eta will preach tomoorrow in
the morning at 1034 o'clock, and in the evening at
quarter before 8 o'clock. are inviter, particularly
strangers In the city. iii I
- - -
CHESTNUT, west of EiGHTE NTH street.—
Bev. G. A Peitz. Pastor. To-morrow Evening, at 7.11:
o'clock, the second sermon upon "The Sower" will
be preached. Topic—Seed on Stony Places. Services
also at 10k,' •. IS. Slraneers cord allv welcomed.
es ie EIJIIII. 2110'11U &S.
keHOWARD auterlTA_L, Dias Vas aria Luta
Lombard street, Dispensary Department. Med
tOM treatment and medicines furniatied gratuitously
' , the Door. sees
A grand co - cert will be given at Concert Hall,
EVENING, May 16th, 1866.
The time and place for the sale of tickets will be an
nounced soon. rn - 46-6trpl
CHILDREN,—The annual meeting of contribu
tors will, be held at the office, northeast corner of
Seventh end Arch streets,on TUESDAY.May 8 ,1868. at
4P. M. An election of four Trus , e.s and six Managers,
will be held between the boars of 4 and 6 P. M.
holdersof the 0.)M.1114)N WEALTH OIL COM'
PANY trill be held at the office of H. J. Fox, No 221
South Fifth street, on Satu•day evening, sth inst., at 73.
o'clock. Delinquents invited to be present
TERLY MEE fING of the Di.torical Society of
Pennsylvania will be held on MONDAY EVENING
NEXT, May 710. at 8 o'clock, at he Hall of the So
ciety. The ntw Constitution will then be considered.
it* Secretary.
E. GutlGtil will deliver a lecture on MONDAY
E ING, May 14th. Subject-'•.Peculiar People."
The sale of tieltete.will besin on Tuesday morning. Bth
inst., and no ticketttwill be sold or engaged before that
time. 'The north half of the h, use will be sold at Ash
mead & Ev-n.s' Book- Stbre, 724 Chestnut street. and
the south half at 'I rumpler'shiu , la Store, Seventh and
Chestnut streets. Price 25 50 and 7a cents. mys-11trp1
PHIL, May 4, 1866.
the undersigned, agree to close our places of
business at 5 o'c1• ck and on Se tardaya at aP. M., from
May 14th to September 3d..1866 :
A. D. cARBoLL & CO..
my 4 2trp* ISAAC B kRTON 0.
Notice is hereby given that the several Ordinances
• relative to the taking u runningOGS, HOG.), GOATS,
and any other animals t large in the city of
Philadelphia, will be strictly enforced on and after
MONDA - Y, May 7th.
By order of the Mayor.
Chief of Police.
InY 3 StrPi
April 27th
NCE C ,M.PANY, No. 310 WALNUT Street,
. 1866.
ageneral meeting of the stockholders in the Arne ri
can Fire Insurance Company, will be held, agreeably
to Charter, on MONDAY, the 7th day of May next, at
12 o'clock, AL
The annual election for Directors will take place
immediately thereafter.
ar27-f,m,w&myrapi A. C. L. CRAWFORD, Sec.
- - -
Notice is hereby given that 'the provisions of the or
dinance prohibiting persons from washing or causing
to be washel "any pavement lu the City of Philadel
phia, between the hours of 7 o'clock in the morning
,and 7 o'clock, in the evening," will be rigidly enforced
until the Borst of October, proximo.
By order or the SI EISOr •
Chief of Police.
- -
2dITTEE will meet at the rooms of the Nations
Union Club, N 0.1105 Chestnut street, Phl!adelphia, on
edneaday, the 16th day of May. Instant, at three
'clock P.M.
The attendance of every member of the Committee
a earnestly solicited.
•.ANY, PEELLADELPHIA, May 4, 1868.
i A meeting
B oEEe k
P to ASSEN d .GEs oRf
ANY, of Philadelphia wxll he held at the Office of
he CernPanY. N 0.2,453 FR AINFORD .hoad, on MON-
S AY. 14th inst., at 120 clock, M., to consider the pro
.riety of purcbasnig certain Stuck and Bonds in a
..nnectln kallway ompany.
By order of the Board of Lirectors
1L1Y3•70 J. BINDER, PreslBent.
iWilbialia WC) terAiiiiia
Sire+ t, below Walnut
The Swimming Department of thi. Instution will
en the let or MA V, with increased facilities and ad-
I nalcomfort in Its twcommodeo lons,
consideration of the prompt and liberal suPbort
• ith which the programme °nest season was received,
•o subscription lists have been distributed for this sea.
11, bat the•Munager trains the all i hose of his pa
rons. desirous to encoura„e the same . plan for the
• ming teason, will enter their Dane at the office bee
re the lath of May: be.ring in mind that cleanliness.
rity of habits. d ally ex ercis , and an easy heart heti
roved at all times the best preventive against disease,
, The Intl ution will be open &r_pnbilo inspection.
.in 9 A. EL till 9. P. M.. on TUESDAY, the let of
ay and its friends ar d the petal are respectfully in•
ted./1 OWi Reorder Lnatruction to begin on the W 999•99.
f o ng.
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NO. 23.
ItITY.—On the evening of the Ist Inst. a meeting con
vened In fie tyshurg of a numder of leadirg citizens of
that, town, to consider the pro..osed location there of
the. Orphan Homestead, The following-named geo•
tlemen we,e appointed a cnmmittee to present the
sentiments of the tneet.ng to form: The Rev D. T. Car
niban, the Rev. Prof. F. A 3±,inhienberg. the Hon. D.
BicConaughy, J. L. Schick, Esq., and Dr. .'harles J.
Tyson, who reporte unanimou s lygpreamtile and res.).
lotions, which were adopted, and a cr
was courteously placsd in the nands of the gentlemen
present from Philadelphia in behalf of the noble
Whereat, A Committee consisting of Dr. J. Francis
Bourns, and Peter B,Simoem, Esq., from the Aasra fa&
tion to. found and maintain the National Orphan
Homestead: f .r the children of soldiers md seamen of
the United States, who lon. their lives in upholding the
cause of the Government in Its recent t , rri le conflict
with armed treason and rebellion, have visited this
tOwn where the most important battle of the war was
fought , wl.ll the view of founding that home here, if
.sultable accomm odatirns can be procured;
Resolved therefore. that e, la benall of the citizens
of Gettysburg, hereby express a cord.al welcome to
said Committee.
Resolved, That it is with heartfelt satisfaction we
learn that th. it mission here la ab , nt being crowned
with ervire anccess by the securing of a homestead for
the accommodation ri" the orpba , a already under tb.-ir
`Tare, with facilities for the et.largement of the accom
mndmions. as circumsta, nes may require
Resolved, That alai nnabat d l..terest In Ills welfare,
we will account it a privilege, as well as a duty, to fort.
tor the Orphans' Borne about to be established in the
midst of ash with our who e hearts, with our cor
dial co-operation In Re maintenance. as a part of tte
rich legacy watch the deceased When of them Or.
phew% heqneatbei tons and to our country, when they
offered up their lives that 'the Nation might not die,
but live.
l i brex•crrox.-Levi Mayherr was executed at Bstatvw
New York, yesterday, tor the murder of Thewtore
burham. The ca domnad man cono-ssc. , d at the gal
lows the justice of his sentence, and warned the apecta - ;
tors to heed the admonitions of their parents, and, thus
escape the late that had b fallen him. ..blayls , rr' died
wish firmness and with very little apparent suffarlog.
BUTOLDE.—POSt. mo u ths Piled his wir, near Auburn.
N. y., about three since, and who was under,
arrest fur the crime, committed suicide yesiezday by
cUttingtds throat with a row.
(Twentie h and Cherry. streets.)
Will be formally opened, on
FRIDAY EVENING. May 11th, 1866. at 8 o'clock.
This instrument is cf the very largest class, and was
formerly the pr porty of the
It has been entirely rebuilt and much enlarged.
Its resources will be displayed by the following dis
tinguished organists:
Messrs. M. H. Cross, Hugh Clarke,
Massa Warner, S. A. Getze,
J. O. B. Stanridee and Frank arle.
Professor TROMAS db
BOP ISH has. volunteered his
services, and the vocal portion of the programme will
be sustained by several competent amateurs.
For sale at Trampler's MUSIC Store, 7111 and Chestnut;
at W H. Boner dt Co.'s, 1102 Cuestuut, and at Lippin
cott's Drug Store, N. W c Tner of 20th and Cherry.
No ticket sold at the doors the church. noys-6t
Whereas, ,Much cluiplaint and great incon
venience continue to exist, owing to the crowded state
of the Library B tom on Saturday afternoons, and as
the President and Directors deem it a duty Incumbent
ao tA th ca em t s o o tibYlate aL st t i p o a n sf o et o o tt ur a a n t d o wel o t i rb s tan ra d
imbsribers. it is _
Bey toed, That on and after the first day of May. 1866,
the Library Room be open from 2 P, .1L to 7 P. M. on
Saturdays, „for Ladies only, and that during the said
hours on the aforesaid day access to the "Newspaper
and Chess Room," be bad by the door on the front
Arrangements will be made by which gentlemen can
return and procare books,
Facts and Fancies.
Lieutenant-General Grant was present at
the exhibition of left-handed penmanship
in Washington, last evening, with a large
number of members of Congress and others.
This is a new way of furnishing write=
hands to men who have lost them.
A Western editor thus notices the mar
riage of a contemporary:
"We notice that our old time friend, Bob
Huggins, has been marrying a "Adder.'
Bob may make a good doctor—in fact we
have no doubt of it, for we have seen his
sign and pill bags—but he will now dis
cover that he never finished his education.
He will exclaim, like Jonah, when the
Queen of Sheba stole his goard, that 'the
half had not been told him."'
.a. blunder in Victor Hugo's "Toilers o f
the Sea" is very amusing—and all the
more so from the fact that the author has
great pride in his geographical learning.
The Frith of Forth he renders in French by
the words Premier de la Quatrieme—the
First of the Fourth! There has been ' no
thing funnier than that since another
Frenchman translated "Love's Last Shift"
(the title of a play) into] La Dernierc
Chemise de l'Amour. , -
Citizens of Vera Cruz have given "Maxi
milian a sceptre of gold ornamented with
diamonds. Max did not make a speech in
reply, but only remarked that the sceptre
was "very like a whale—good for spouting."
John B. Myers ak Co. Auctioneers, Mos.
..n2 and 234 Market street, will hold during neat week
the following important sales, viz: •
ON MONDAY, May 7, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue,
on four months' credit, about 1,000 lots of Prehch.
India, ea.a..ay and Britleh Dry Goods, commencing
with 5,000 doz-n Gloves and Gauntlets, of a favorite
make; 2,000 pieces rich Imported Dress Goods; 25 cases
Hampden Cottortulem-100 pieces JelegantreSa auks;
full Dees Shawls, Basques; 2uo pieces Drapery Muslin
and Vestibule Laces; 530 pieces 124 and 14-4 elegant
mbroldered Lace unmake; full lines lidltfs., wnite
Goods, Laces, Embroideries Ita , moral and Ho opßklrts, Umbrellaa and Parasols Veils, Ties, Fancy
Dress Trummim s, &c.
Also, 20odozen Silk Neck Ties, of the importation of
Mears. Wernir, Itschner d Cb.
ON TITESDAY, May 8, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue
on four months' credit, a' out •1200 package- Boots,
Shoes. Balmoral% &c., of city and Eastern manufac
ON THUBSDAY, May cre d it , 10 O'ClOCk, bY cata
logue, on four months' and part for cash, 900
packages Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. including
Cloths. Csasimeres Batiste Doeskins , Coatings, Diu.
gonals, Tricots, Meltons Satinets, Italians, &c.
also, Dress Goods, bilks. Shawls, Linens, Shirts,
Hosiery, Gloves Hoop and Balmoral Skirts, aeritigs,
Ties, Umbrellas, dm. •
Also. 150 packruses Cotton and Woolen Domestics,
ON FRIDAY, May 11, at 1i o'clock, by natalt gue, on
four months' an dit, about 250 pieces of Superfine
and Fine Ingrain, Royal Damask, Venetian. list,
Hemp. Cottage, and Bag Carpetings, Canton and Coir
.tdattings, etc.
Laige Public Sales Valuable Real
ESTATE.—Messrs, Thomas dc Sons invite attention to
their catalogue (28 pages) issued this day, of vain
able Real Estate to be sold at public auction, as fel.
lowa :
Sale THIS DAY, at 4 O'clock, ON THE PBEHISES,
Holmesburg, Twenty-third ward. valuable COUNTaY
SEAT AND .1 4• ABM - by order of Trustee. Cars leave
Kensington depot at 8 o'clock.
Large sale on Tuesday next, including the estate of
F.ll. Drexel, deceased. together with a number of
other valuable Estates. Stocks, Loans &c.
Executor s sale ON THE PasatisEs, estate of James
Field, deceaaed, Residence and Furnhure, 10. n
Baca street, May IF , , at 10 o'clock.
amounts, AT TEE ExcileareE, including a very
large of Valuable Propersy, by order of Or
phans' Court, Executors, dm.
JSynLE, MAYa6eON v an s,
some Snows tSofODE. David
imNca, stable and Coe la House, No. 282 south Third
street. Also. the Furniture, Paintings; dtc.
Large Sales a% the Exchange 22d and 20th Inst.
Jam' Catalogues now ready.
Auction Notice—Sale or Soots and Shoes.
The particular attention of the trade is called to cur
large and desirable assortment of 1,4 i 0 cans Boots and
Shoes to be sold by catalogue, fbr cash, on Monday
morning, May 7 commencing at 10 o'clock. by Philip
Ford & Co., Auctioneers, at their store No. 508 Market
Important Public Sales of Real Estate.
Those seeking desiratVe residences either in the City
or country,.or those wishing to maize investments in
Real Estate would do well to' examine the Messrs.
Thomas's pimp- let lotted to-day. It is 2g pages, and
contains an unusually large amount and great varl•ty
ofproperty, together with large lista of valuable stocks
and loans.
Sale of Real Estate on Wednesday next, at
the Exchange, by James A. Freeman,
Pamphlet Catalagues of TtnteS A. Freeman's Sale on
Wednesday next issued to-day, including a number of
properties to be sold sailboat t acme.
Message From President Sehnson—Exer•
else of the Pardoning Power.
Wasztereerffie, May 4. -The President Sent &message
to the douse of Representatives, to day' in answer to
a resolution requesting the names of Persons worth
more Than twenty thousand dollars, to whom special
pardons have been issued, and a statement of the
amount of property which has beea seized asbelonging
to the enemies of the Government, or as abandoned
Property, sad returned to those who claimed to be the
original owners.
Accompanying the message sport communication
from the eecretary of State. who to the - Pres i
dent that of the seven thousand o to hundred and
ninety-seven cases of pardons passed upon by the At
torney-General, there still remain in the State Depart
ment seven thoneano and seven eases, which not yet
having been finally disposed of, have been stricken
from the accompanying list.
The Attorney-General, id a communication to the
President, says it does not app , ar from the records of
his office how much property—reel, personal and
mixed—has been
set of
and forfeited to the United
States, under he of 1862, as enemyee property: nor
do they, show any property taken frofa officer, of the
United States and returned to the enemies of the 13.
vernment; nor is there any thing in that office% regard
to abandoned property. - - •
The lint of p . rdore gratred under the Amnesty Pro
clamation of the Presilent, under the thirteenth, ex•ceptioa, is as follows:
Georgia 1,228 Son' le Carolina.
North Carolina 482 Arkansas.
Texas .. ... ... 269 Miaeouri
New Mexico ...... ...... ~.. 1 Reetuck3C.,......
Mississippi.. - 769 Florida
Louisiana. 142 West Virginia.
Alabama- ' 1,8611 . .
A. communication from the Secretary of tbe Trea
sury says, as to how n 'rich property, real, personal and
mixed has been seized as forfeited to the United Staten.
has been returned to those who claimed to be the ori
ginal owners. there Is to information' in the Depart
ment on the subject, as understood presumed the general
vague terries of the rest 'neon. It is the act
alluded to is that approved July 1 7, Mee. the execution
of which, as he understands, war; committed by th.
' President to the Attorney General, and so far as be is
advised, the Treasury Department has not undertaken
in any case the enforcement of Its several previsions,
or to release any proper y held as forfeited under them.
So far as the vepar.ment is concerned the abandoned
overcated lande heretof , re held by It were tinned
i under tee Secretary's circular letter orJune e7th
last, to the Bureau ot Refuges, Freedmen and Aban
doned Lards, in accordance with the provisions of
the act of Congress, approved March le 186 e. and Ex
ecutive orders on the sutject, and tbat no freedmen
act on
any of said lands have been dutphaed. by
any action of the department at the request or for the
benefit of return'ng rebels,
The becretary of War, In his communication to the
President, i' closes several reports, among them one
from the Adjutes t General's office, sayieg there ire
no records therein pertaining to the restoration of
peromea r s ty r aa G ' e l u a er n a e l d
3 in e i h g e rreaeosu Mtion railroads y ca .Q u u r a e r d
and held as a military recessity have been returned
tulle compat les under Executive orders ot the Bth 01
Augus 14th of Pctober. 1865. and those in the At
laralc etates ut der orders of the War Department, all
on condition of reorganizing and electing loyal beards
of directors, and giving bends Ball , factery to the Gov
ernment that they would within a reesonabletime
pay a fair visitation for the Government proper y
turned over to bald comparles, and sold to them on
credit Major General Lelatield, Cater of the
Engineer Department says that . Department
has caused no property to be seized under the
act of 18g2, as enemies' property, corps of
been taken from the officers of the corps of engineers
and returned to the enemies of the Government who
claimed to be the Original owners. The Department
hos, hoe ever taken pone sloe of large tracts of lands
and fixtures - in both rebel and lo.ye I teats:sas a mili
tary neceseity. and eccupied the eame with temporary
works, which ceasing to be needed and toed for offen
s lve or defensive purposes, have been dismantled and
the movable parts sold on account of the United
States, except cases where the loyal owners agree to
receive the usual buildings. Ac e as a discharge of all
claims on their part against the United States for use.
damage, &c., in whirl case their property was re.
turned to them accordingly.
The Chief of Ordnance says the records of ills office
show only one case where captured property received
by the Department has been returned to any one. This
was machinery captured at.elecon, Ga., which bag:been
returned to the former owners on the application of
Brigactier General J. D. Webster, recommended b 3
Lieutenant tieneral Grant.
General Howard. Commissioner of the Buresu of
Refugees, Fi eedm en. &c.. gives a list of the property
se zeT:l under the act or July 17.1862, and subeequentey
-Mitered to former owners by the bureau. The water
p_orteen Of th e property of - tttischseeacter is ettaseed In .
Virginia, and wa - a tormeely set span for the use or
refugees and feeedmen Ir 3 circular. It bereame appa
rent, however, that much of Saohd been improperie
seized, and lo avoid injustice tin under the circa
ler was temporarily suspended. Part of this property
bad been merely libeled, against pate the proceedings
had given a decree of condemnation and sale. Very
little, however, was actuallyeted, in the 12th of Sep
tember, is€s, Circular No. 15. series 1355, Was issued
from the Bureau to govern lts action respecting erty. Tide circular, oregioally crafted by the was submitted to the President, who materielie
amended the original provisions. It was promulgated
as receivid from him with respect This cel l ar
under the act ofJuly 16th, 18V-. This circular declartn ,
teat tt shall be regarded as confiscated only after an
ac nal sale bas taken place. and directs assistant cora
nalasioners of the Bureau to restore it when it appears
sate factorily that It has not been confiscated Such
property has. therefere been restored_upon proof that
the proceedings against it had been-dismissed in the I
United States Courts. The roe of the Mlle* do not
show whether parties to whom such preperty has been
restored were connected with the army of the so-called
Confederate states, or whether they gave aid Or com
fort to the Rebellion.
General Howard says thqt, the estate of William
Aikens, in Mouth Carolina, was restored by order of
.Major-General Sickles, commanding the department
1 hese estates were surrendered for the reason that
they were not actually abandoned. Of the others,
some were given up because very few freedmen were
resieent upon them, and these could be more ado are
tageously located. The °Bret s were rests red alter mu
tually eattsfactory agreements bad been entered into
between the freedmen and the former owners.
All df these pieces of property were embraced in
General Sherreat 'a Field Order, No 15 and the au
thority for the action tae en by the Bureau in respect
to them was derived from the thstruetlons of the Pie-
Went contained In General Orders, No. 145, from the
War. Departmentebearing date Oct. 5,11865. The pro
perty held under the act or July 1862, and the aban
doned property actually allotted to resident freedmen
comprise but a small proportion of the extra amount
which the Bureau has heir, in Its possession.
In August, 1865. an application was received from B
B. Leake of Tennessee, a former smaller of the rebel
army, who had received a special pardon. Ilia pro
perty was clearly abandoned, and his application was
not granted. An appeal was made to the President,
and on the teth of August was received at the Bureau
with the following indorsement:
"Exactrriva °Pricer., August IS, 1865 —Respectfully
returned to the Commlasiouer of Bureau of Reftigees
Freedmen," te.c,
The records of this office show that 8.8. Leaks was
specially pardoned by the President on the 27th ult.,
and was thereby restored to all els rights of property,
except as to slaves. Notwitbetanding Ibis, lt Is under
stood that the possession of his property is withheld
from him. I have, therefore, to direct that General
, Fisk, Assistant Commissioner atNashville, Tome see.
be instructed by the Chief Commissioner of Bureau of
Freedmen. &c, to relinquish , possession of the pro
1 erty of Mr. Leake, held by him as assistant commie.
stoner, dice. and that the same be immediately restored
to the said Leake. The same action will be held in all
1 almilareetraea.
Preaki definite e United -tates.
In complying with these instructions the
Bureau bas been compelled to part with the greater
portion of the property once under its control, except
in the ver thew cases where property and
been actually
meld unde act ofJuly elth, 1862, and in that portion
of 'south Carolina and Georgia embraced In the pro
visions of Gen, Sherman'a Bela order No. 15, Its tenure
of property has 'been -too uncertain to justify allot.
meets to freedmen.
In addition to the property seized under the act of
186?, and abandoned property allotted to freedmen,
four hundred thousand acres of abandonedland nut
allotted to - freedmen have been restored to - former
Recapitulation—Property seized under act of July,
Bonedd res , ored by she Bureau, 15,452 serest aban
property allotted to free 'men and restored b,
14,851; aband 12Pd property not allotted to
t r eed (' B au' m 9r e e n restored by the Bureau, 400 .000. Total, 480,-
104 acres.
Tire WALL Brazes. Foßaannze.--Since the puhlica
cation of the corrected list of kisses austrdisett by the
barks and business firms, there has been considerably
less exciteme.4 on the street in regard to the recent,
forgeries. A more thorough investigation into the an.
tre, (silents of Rom has led to the discoverry of certain
facts that may not be entirely itemises to the police in
their search for the culprit. Th- detective force heve
at present teematter in hand, and will undoubtedly, at
some not distant date. effect the arrest of the Lateran.,
recover a riO.tion of the stolen money, To encourage
the officers in their efforts. the Conlin , ntal and Union
National Banks nave offe , ed a rewa dof five thou
sand dollars for the appr hension of the forger, and
promise moreover topay the captors ten per re .t. o
the entire am tent of funds rescued. Toe whereab •uta
of Ross may, therefore. be nadts^overed f rat me,hut
aflame many days shall have elapsed, the.e will car.
thinly be a fina'e - to add to the still noconcluded
Mvaticaw Figws.- The &nstrfan troop. at Veteran
rae are alsconientel and grumbling on account of not
being paid. Forced . cans are still made on the ruer•
chants, who are being driven away by the pressure
upon them. *fanfare. the Liberal commandant at
Ainso...ncluntered a force of Blaztmlitarre t cops
near Villa &I Puerta and t. as defeated, losing three
puce of artillery. Gerrit's Liberal forces have bit ken
up into email bands. Tbirty , three persons bed been
arrested a d tried b.v court martial for uttering senti
of favorable to Juarez. Further ci
tion the capture of etphatthau by the L i be r als bas
been received by way of :lan Francisco. decide.'
Victory In Coahuila, at Pants Isabel. is also officially
V-ported. over a hundred Imperialist*, the French
Commander among them being killed ano near y two
butgLeti captured. together with tee artillery, bagger,
and maul:tone °EWA% '
Mrs. Jeff. Davis—liter Arrival at Fortress
Elonroe.and Interview with Her Haw;
YonTaass Mormon, May 3, 1886.—BIrs. Jeff. Davis
arrived here this morning. Her ythngest alla, a
sprightly girl, twenty months old, a colored man
servant, possessing the 'stalwart form and fierce
mustache of a Beeman grenaoier four trouks or im
mensely large proportions, anda travelling basket of
the largest pattern bore her company. Upon landing
she went to the Hygela Hotel, adjacent to the wharf,
and without *topping to change her traveling dress,
or even rem° , ing. her bonnet breakfasted, ann then
sent a' message inside the fort, announcing her
arrival and the permission from President
Johnson she bore with her to visit her bus
b..nd. Meantime the news, of her presence at
the hotel spread rapidly, and a retinue of anxious
persons soon withered about to get a look at her. With
admirable imperturbability. not to say an agreeable
equanimity or temper—bb the result, to some
extent, of past similar experiences she submitted to
the painthi necessity of being gazed at Time, that old
and stern teacher of wisdom, and unerring revelator
Of the mutat:ditties of eat thly dynasties and hopes, has
very sensibly changed her from tne haughty and defi
ant woman she Was a year ago. Her tone is more sub
dued, her mannet a are more qui. t and reserved, and
site does not seek to shine as resplendently ID flashing
diamonds, and costly laces. She -has a much elder
look—the look , of- a woman who has long borne the
burden of Diet and waged war with Conflicting doubts
and hopes. Ent a poor stuaent ot physiognomy is he
who does not stilt read in that face and penetrative
glance of those eyes a power of will and determination
as strong and pertinac,ous as life itself.
At haft-past eight o'clock Lieutenant Fessenden,Sth
United States it rtinerY, Waited upon her to escort her
inside the fort. Her child accompanied them. Bhe was
talc•, n to Gen. Ifiles's headquarters, who received her
with every politeness and consideration due her post
tion. Under other circumstances she 'might have
striven more sedulously, perhaps, to evore the most
favorable impression possible upon the custodian of
her hushand, but her great anxiety was to proceed at
once to her to *sand's place of confinement and see
him. She wanted to see how he had borne hit imprison
ment. whether hs was ruck or well, and learn alt about
him, Sbe was not long k eptan anxiety. Mr. Davis
bad been apprised of her coming. Within fifteen
minutes from the time of her admission to the fort
she was with him in Carroll Hall. Lieutenant
Fess; nden still bore her company. Bb e has re
.mahud. with Mr. Davis all day, and took her din
ner with him. An officer has been cot stantly to
the same room. Their meeting was a tender and
affecting one, as such a meeting must naturally be af
ter such a protracted separation, and particularly un
der the circumstances att endi_ g their separation. And
we let the curtain drop over their talks or the vast,
their realizations of thepresent and hopes for th e At
tu e. She confesses finding Davis in better health
than the bad expected: but still avers that he Is mu, h
feebler than when brought here. She is every way
sa tisfled with the treatme4 be has received, and ac
knowledges that everything. saving his restoration to
liberty. has been done to him that could be To Dr.
Cooper, his medical attendant and adviser, she is spe
(tally thank fol and gives the unqualified credit of
keeping him as well and cheerful as he is. It is not
k novvn yet hether she wit stay at Dr COOrier's during
her sojourn here or at the Hygela Hotel. It is also not
know,. yet how long the will remain here. Mrs. Davis
ieft 3fontrsal on Monday at three P. N. She has
traveled night and day to get here.
PeesOtt al. .
Count; Fridayrnask, the diplomatist and author,
died on at Washington. The Count was a Po
lish exile having been a soldier in the Podsh Revolu•
lion, in wlech be commanded a brigade. He was a
fluent scholar in the Russian, German. Hungarian,
Spanish, Italia.. French. Latin a , d English fanguaises.
He could speak them all. Upon European panties be
was an encyclopedia of Ittiowletge. 1 e resided in
Wash'ngtos all through the war, and rendered the
Administration no little service.
Ministerwis D. Campbell has been confirmed SR
to Mexico. and Hon. Wm. T. Coggeshall has
been confirmed as Minister to Equador
Presto ent Johnson has, within a day or two, signified
a purpose not to leave Wasoington daring the sum.
mer for watering places or elsewhere. His daughters,
Mrs. stover and lairs. Patterson, wilt probi bly spend
tbesetemer in Tc-nnesree.
William Hutchings. the last remaining revolution
ary soldi r In Maine. and the last but two or three in
the Union- died en Thursday. In the town of Penob.
a or, Hancock county, aged one hundred and two
years. Special honors will be accorded to his memory,
at the funeral on Monday next
General Sherman. accompanied by Col. McCoy and
hi.. staff, left st. LOWS TM/Malty alarming On as CZ
. tensive tour alor g the eastern territory of the Pacific
Railroad. Be proceeds dial to Wisconsin and Ito ace
to Fort Leavenworth, where he will 'agar Ire the mill-
tary gnaros,corps. IC H's route thew* will be to
Fort Riley, Fort Rearney,.omaha, Sioux t ity, Fort
Ridgely. et. Paul, Fort Ripley, the head of Lase
Superior Marquette anti thence probably to Chicago.
Henry Mar. b. a middle ageo roan, of materna, iv
ciadress, opened a broker's office on ?state street,
Boaton,about six weeks ago,and Thursd aycis appeared
from the city, leaving worthless checks behind on
which he Is said to have realized from 17,010 to 10,1 Xe
fr na wart ns parties.
The Senate bag confirmed a large number of mili
tary appointments; among them the follewtrg Brigs.
cher Generals to be .111 r: .r Generals by brevet fur gal
lant and Ineritorions service:l: 3lc DOW& I,Empe,ll eel; er,
Elancock, Schofield, How rd, Terry, Ord, Parker,
Stank .*. riumphre , a, Canby, Wright, Andrew J.
smith, Gibbon, Jefferson C. Davis, Hewer, woods.
Wilson, ltmory, Thomas Ripley. Barnsey. Provost
Marshal General Fry.Del ' afteld, judge A d worm' e Holt.
Balton Chandler, Thomas Wood, behriner. Surgeon
General Barnes, Dyer Shims, Assistaut -- cjatant. tie.
neral Townsend, Holtman, Paymaster General Brice,
Ramie, Retchum, Cullsna, .Heintze , rnau, Cameron,
Dolts. Gauning ilinks, ?Hewn, Bowen, Doolitt e,Beal,
Ullman, Bristho. Cole, Stevenson David, li Ayes,
Powell K-,ley and Lannan In addition to the above
there were many brigadier generals, c lonels and lieu
te- ant-colonels, brevet appointments in the regular
2.7.1: Fella - RE LOssls —lt is not known exactly
what amount. the Government wi I lose by the failure
of the Mercaants' National Bank of this city; but irre•
spective of the sum that be lust on account of the
deposit of Paymaster Paulding.the Government would
be the creditor of the Bank about $12.00. The tailed
Statee Treasurer holds in bonds to secure cep,sits
$lOO ario, and e2oo.ote to secure the notes of the batik:
also. $O,OOO in gold, being the interest due the bank.
Against this total atuount is to be charged ilao,ooo
circulation of the bank and $4,, tO depo
sit. It la understood that Pay nut ster Paul, lng
had a dotal. ln the bank of over hairs million dol
lars, supposed to have been made up of sums drawn
from other depositories and transferred to the Mer
chants'-National Bank, contrary to an order from tee
War Department, which directs disbar-sit g officers to
keep their fund. on de osit to depositories upon which
tbeGovernment draws in favor of the diabursiog oft].
cer's requr.tions. The last draft drawn by the United
Statr-s 'Treasure National of Paymaster Paulding upon
the Merchants' Bat k was dated Jan. 4, 1866, •
for $lO,OOO, and drafts upon of er depositors to toe
amount of several hundred thousand dollars, in flwor
of P uldirg, have been executed since that date.—
Ithekim ton Cbr. A, Y. Times.
the violation of the orders nf General Brice, of which
Major Paulding has b-en guilty. makes his securities
responsible to a certain extent; but there is certainly
ver 000,00, Perhaps Wo,t-to Ist absolutely Pallid-
Ina la In the city The batik ha been broken by the
Wore of L. B. Bayne, of Baltimore, who was for
merly Preaident. and la now a Director. He has, from
time to time. borrowed money to sPeCulate on. until
his indebtedness amounted to n arty esoo,ooo, for which
the bank has little or no security—at most not over
$40.000 in all. His assets, which a committee have ex.
amine 1, nominally represent &lout 47110 000. Be has
Mei largely in stock and gold speculations, he b. big
at one time a heavy buyer of Catawissa and other un
certain fancy stocks. Xixe. priv te deposits are about
RSO,OOO. .1. B Stewart, o Alexandria ..gton and Alex
andria Rallr ad and the and Frede. Juke.
burg Railroad, is one of ti e heaviest losers: but there
being no statement yet made oat, it will t ke a day or
two thosern the extent of t- e losses. There are stories
that directly rxinuected with the bank knew of
its Insolvency and withdrew their privet- funds from
the bank. Deposits were received yeaterday,and drafts
were given on New York. A large crowd has been
around toe bank all day, and some of the small deposi.
bra have heen vbry clamorous, but no outbreak cc
carred.—Wash. Clar. Tribune.
mos —ln the Senate yes erday the blll to prevent
smuggling, recently presented.. by Mr. Chandhr. was
reported with alight amendments Sevsral petitions
were offered and reforred after which the Senate nro
ceeded, ace ruing to the reeolution adopted on Wed
nesday, to the consideration of private - till's from the TEA. AT THE CENTRAL DEPOT,
Committee on Claims. after the passage of several
private bills the Senate took ap a bill to provide for the . MITCHELL & I LIE TCHir.R.
Pee meat for quartermaater's steres a. d aul.sistence .. I=4 Chestnut street:
supplies furnished to the army. 'The bill provides ter I
thepayment or claims ofloyal wen properly rec. Ipted 1 . T,BETH IN RITINs , .
Are a sure drawback on personal appearance and
for, to the amount of Mi. Claims
Claimshat amount -
may be pros. eaten In the Court of Mr. Grimes al comfort. Therefore, keep them In r
espairwith that established ant I the ills •
(Iowa) Said the Dill ought to be , amended CO a. to In- . . dote for all
elude claims for tranaporta den, so as TO send all large eases that wall there, fragrant Suzodont.
claims growing not of tr.nspor anon to the Court of - H. L. HALLOWELL & SON, No. 534 Mar-
Claims. He said there was more swindling ciltie In ket street, first Store below Sixth, have the heat as
river and ocean ransportatiou dur ng the war than in !
. sortment of Boy' and Childx•en" Clothing In the city.
anything ••Ise. Tbe bill erns read tbr-e times, and laid ,
` I C w a ti l i l th e a h n th d e e L ar tu e ln - P e rP f P r ar y ed mns
over till Tuesday next Mr. Wdzon mov dto take up
toe bill to estatdiT4l a National Militia. He said the
a AUBe had recently killed an Army Rill an ilt was tie' °l4 -
e at this establlahment.
to ei ti v e w ll . 3 a t x t o h e cia lowest p.trap p h r Ices - .
ceasery to pa a this to lieu of it. Mr. Grimes said he H. L. HALLOWELL .e SON.
c , ngratutated the conntry on the k Bing of the Army No. 534 Marketstreet
Ballet the El use. He hoped the Seuate Militia BID
would Mt killed also. Tee Senate, at Isi PAr 1 A WOliD To ilorygEmßEpErts, We desire
- --- ' 1 - -- , went
into Execnave Session, and soon after edjourntd till 1
ud &Son, No 52 Nor b
In the House Mr. Cool,, from the Conference Com- .
1 w
& elegant eroo 1
n ess s or o t r m Fr en a t n O e f ts W i tl ew l
la Papers to be found at the
Narita street,belowArch. The st. ck comprises a choice
mittee, made a report, which was agreed to, on the
va r iety of - Architectural DeevatTona, Imitations of
&teens corp_us bil.. , That bill .as thereaaa both pa.B.43. Fresc, es, Oak le Panels, suitable for Hal a rid Libra
Rouses 4 Air , euevem'e resolution congratelatit i g the : rasa; superb gilt for Parlors..ac., and a valley r other
.E,tnpfror of Rue is on his escape from a•sassination.
passed: nnanim usly. Teas 724, nays none '= A nun/.'
ner of bias of a private characterwere considered frnm
u s stoics all ho n o g f which l,7 ezper wi l i e i n tr ed r) w ld or a k t m th en. elOUest an raSs m .a sk ud e
the various conintiVets, after which the bill to revive your selentloas . •
be - grade of tieue. at ID the Ur nen mates arm was I, .m re--
40 ‘..r uTfR A ND TRAVELERS.—"Nee
taknm up for a euilderatioo, after which a v , r y e was
taken on its final , paits.ge and resulted In yeas Da,
bowels induc ed
nays 11. The members voting nay we a Moran. Baker, They cwavereall effects on the
Coffroth, Dent-on, earnsworib, Harris, nigh, fetal. Stag e box, fifty cents;
die's Compoun i r ra Trochee," posi lye requisite.
change of miter, climate litl s ,,, C. .
r 0 Et. zits.
soon after adjourned. dies. clrugsist, TweLtb and Race streets.
McKee Mercer, kforgil and Wiisort (Ps.). neHouse case of one dozen. five do . t•oll Paolo . •
BASE ilaLL.—The match which was post
poned last Thanksklving day, on account of the
weather, was played. un Saturday last, between the
Malvern and. Frankford Clubs, upon the grounds of
whenr at Frankford. Six innings were played,
at the request of the Malvern, the game was
called, and decid.d In favor of the Frankford Club.
The follosvlng is the score;
Prank:lord. C
Rowland, P 1 8
Oil odour, c 2 7
Coats. Ist b 8 6
Lin d. 2d b 4 5
R. Earns 0 7
Burl, r f -• 44.
By ram.l . .... 1 6'
E. Bruns, o f 3 5
Cox, s a 0 8
18 5s T0ta1........
13.17119 EACH lINTZ.HINGS.
1. 2. H. 4.. 5. 6.'
Frankford. . . .... 6. 5. 7. 10. 25.-56.
3falvern 8 O. 1. 1. 4. 0.-9
Umpire—Samuel Buel, Poughkeepsie 8.8. C., New
ng siason has now fairly commenced. and new houses
In large numbers are going up In various parts of the
city, particularly in the Fifteenth, Ntheteentb, Twen.
tieth and Twenty fourth Wards. In addition to those
noticed a few weeks since, we would mention the fol
lowing as having been commenced; A row of twenty
one dwellings on the east Mae of seventh street,
above Montgomery - street; 2a on the weatside of Mar
shall street, and 23 on the street between Marshall and
Seventh, above Montgomery avenue; son the north
side of Spring - Garden street, between Eighteenth and
Nineteenth; and 9 on the south side, between Twenty
flrst end Twenty second streets; Foundations are now
being prepared for dwellings on the entire square be
tween Amber and Carroll streets. At Girran avenue
and Crease street, two fine stor Harrisonings are
under way, and at Howard and Hrso streets. a
fa. tory Is tieing constructed. The main buil ling will
be 50 by iso feet, A warehouse tor the storage of sager
is going up on New Market street, above Vine...lt will
have a front of 80 teet on New Market, and ran back to
Front street some 20:1 feet.
STONE Ctorwriiro Hst.r..—On Monday evening next,
Messrs. Rockbill cr. Wilson. proprietors of the Brown
S tone Clothivg Hall, 603 and SG Chesthnt street, will
throw ope for public inspection, their superb and ex
tenslve edifice; between the hours of ' and le o'clock.
Ladies and gentlemen wvh their sons will enjoy a rich
treat in availing theasseives of this opportunity of ex
amining the various epartmenis of the most popular
clothing establishment In America.
JoH2c B. Goneni.--The many friends and
admirers of this popular lecturer will be gratified to
learn that he Is w, de Iver his great lecture on "Peculiar
People," on Monday evening, 14iii inst.. under the
auspices of the Young 31en's Christian Ass .ciatlon.
lie seem. to draw a larger home every time ne ap
pears In Philadelphia, and we predict an immense an
dience for this lecture. See advertisement for particu
'Jon lif ,k bef n WAGIiON, .
ev h aing c Cu sas y lei w n of ha e i A ld ol m e a a D hrse n a me nd
wagon. I. eeeo a that on Tuesday night the team was
left standing temporarily at N:orris street and German
town road and it disappeared. The horse and wagon
were found yesterday in possession of Helluskey, who
was about to take a side. Hewes committed for a
mrt her bearthg.
Ratc OVET..—A little boy, a son of Dennis
Considine, was ran over by an ice wagon at Second
and Walnut streets. The wheels passed over his leo,
injuring him severely. William liar , the dryer of
the wagon. was arrested, lie was taken before Al.
Berman bite and was committed in defatdt
ball tor a 'urther bearing.
woman named Margaret Smalls was arrested yester
day in a pawn office at Seventh and eouth streets,
wb lie offering to pledge anew delaine dress and asset.
The articles were atterwards identifi d as the property
of Mrs. Molinari, residing at No. 100' Naylor street.
The accused was takm before Ald. Barman, and was
commited fora farther hearing.
bailing from New York, was arrested yesterday, at
Sscond and Brown streets, on suspicion of the lance, y
Of blushing. from a hotel.- It is said that be bas been
stopping at varmrs houses and registering a cifferent
n- me at each place. He was committed by Alderman
HIS NAME.—The name of the lad who
had his :hull Doctored by a sane tb•own by some
ceber boy. on Thorsdb.y. ,is Shearer. He is be Fog of
Mr. George Shearer wbo resides at No. era Wharton
street. Toe difficniroperation of trepanning was Poe
ce,stully performed by Dr Smiley. but the rec..very
of the bay is considered very dot btfcil
surer is now engaged in receiving meratntile taxos
fr.( m storckeeport 1 , the city. Until the iinb ofJnze
this lac wilt be receirale et tbeTreaturer's affix , .
DEM). —one of the valuable horses pre
sented to th. Fairmount Fire Company, last week. by
the I iberty Fire Company, of .Reading, died sunden'y
' • -
N. P. Wrrals once wroth: -
They may talk of loco in a cottage, And bowers of
trellised vine- And nature bewl - chingly simple, And
rol kinaids halt d!vine; Teey may talk of the pleasures
oral eeping In the shade of a spreading tree, ALd a
walk in the Gelds at morning Sy the side of a footstep
free. But give measly flirtation, By the light of. a
chandelier—With music to pis y in pauses. And noboey
very near, Or a seat on the silken sofa, With a glass of
pure old wine, And mama too blind to discover The
small white band in mine, And the parlor grate filud
with coal, If the weather is chilly, from the yard of W.
W. Aber, 957X‘eth Ninth street. Branch 'Alice Sixth
and Spring Garden streets.
SPRING.:— . This is the season when nature
Is putting forth her choicest beauties when floweret,
blossoms and bright and fresh green leave• are to be
seen on all sides G.' Whitman & Co., the famous
confectioners of No, 318 Chest!' ut str, et. below Fourth,
are Imitating the perennial frt shness of nature, by
bringing ont seasonable novelties that are
tastettive to the eye as they are delirions to the We
sometimes think of a de , ightful g.rdeu when we visit
the establishment of E. G. W. & Co., and inspect their
stock of sweets; but as we are unlike Nebuchednezzar
in respect to a tot dness for a sp May wgstable
we prefer the store of E.G. Whitman Co. to garden
experience, inasmuch ha when we have gratified the
organ of sight, a small investment enables us to also
sati,fy the sense of taste,
AND SU3I3IEB.—Mr. C. Henry Love, the well-known
I d. aler in Gents' Famishing goods is now fully ro,t
pared to meet the wants of his patrons, harlog just
opened several !awl° s of Fine PI eters, conaLsting of
Gauze Merino
avers of
and Gauze Silk Unoer
shirts and Drawers of all sizes, rl he Lioen and Mus
lin Drawerb of this-establisnu ent tit to a cha.m, and
are here to be bad of all sizes. .Mr. Love has a very
attractive stock of new sty e Neckties, Spring Scarfs,
G'oves, Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. etc. as place tt
will be remembered is at N. W. corner of FUth and
readers who are yet uninformed as to the depot for the
very best fine confections, are recommended to the
manufactory of Mr. estephen F. Whitman. No. Um
Market street Toe most beautifol and - detielous pro!
ductions of skill in sweetsore to be round at tb,„e ab vs
• stab ishment in Infinhe profusion. .In fact it is THE
place to procure ab °lately faultless goons - tha
kind, and all who have taste in this departthent should
patronize No. 7210 Market street,
is the to‘ht effective article ever discovered for.curiare
ou'ckly , safely permanently, sprains, so rat, scr t lobes,
bursa, btuiseo, rneumatiem. or injuries or any ttis•ct
butt, to metvand horses. No fami.y at) , pld be without
it. All gesu'ne bottles ha e the priva'e 11. S. stamp
Of Demas, Barnes di: Co. over the top. For sale every
F. L. FETHERSTON, Publisher
11.1d/vern.. - 0.8.
Free, c 4 0
1 Abel, a 0 Mackey, p 3 1
SCbcedl r 18t, b............. 2 2
Eoyard. 2d b....„......... 1 - 1
inall, 3d b.._ 2 1
Montgomery, 1 f 8 0
1301er. c f 1 1
Ertel, r f 1 0
ONE DOLLARS worth of ice per week will
keep your provisions cool and sweet in the warmest
weather by using one of Schooley's large Refrlgera
tom- they have three apartments and are thorough
ventilators. The small sizes require but 50 cents worth
of lon per week. E. S. Parson & Co., manufacturers,
520 lkck street.
PATTEN'S, 1406 Chestnut street
sires at E. 9 Parson & Cu.'s Refrigerator manufactory.
2^o Dock street.
A. Tma - ritqG DIaPLAY.
he Con`ectionery estaishment of IJr. Geoe W.
r e T nkins. No. lid 7 tipriog Garden street,presents arg
In - riling appearance at the present time. The shelves
and counters fairly groan alto their enormous load of
Sweets of every conceivable variety. Mr. Jenkins has
been engaged is the mannfactsre of Confections for
mary yea, s and experience oss made him a perfect
Candiedf his business. His Caramels. French Nougat.
Fruit, Roasted Almonds, Cream ehocolaXes,
Jordan Almonds. etc., etc.. are deservedly in the
highest estimation with all who have given them a
trial. If you value the slimly smbet of.your wife and ,
children, do not fall to call and procure some of hilLex
rqulsite sweetmeats.
GENTs' H.vrs.—Oakford's styles
CROQ GET ilIpLl Ent.—The lovers of
this highly ent-rz‘ontng game will be pleased to learn
that air. G. A. Schwarz, the Importer of Fancy Goals,
at . 1006 Chestnut street, has Just received a
in vo Ve of rb e Ino pi ern en ts required for indniglnrg
this healthful recreation. 3.1 r. Schwarz has them of
various toleg,.note with the mallets tipped with vul
canized rtibb.r whm'i is „very decided Improvement
over tho - e beretef ..re in use. The loVers of the game
d lose t,o time in calling and making their
selections. See card in another column.
.I. Isaacs, M. a. Proressur of the Eye and Ear,, treats
all diseases appertaining to the above members with
the utmost succ.-ss. Testimonials from the moat re
liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No.
$l9 Ptnestreet The medical faculty are invited to no.
company their patients, as he 'as had no secrete in fib
practice. Artificial eyes inset ed. No charge mad&
for examination.
border regular shades only one dollar, at
PATTEN'S. lan Chestnut street,-
Gum Drops, and other efficacious Confections for,
, Coughs and Colds, go to E. (3. Whitman .4 Co.'s, 312
r Chestnut street. Dealers supplied.
WINE of Tar Syrup for Cougl,s, fizarba
and Affections of the Laws. This mixture is entirely'
vegetable, and affords speedy Relief in all PulmondMir
Diseases, such as Asthma. Spitting of Blood, Brost
chills, dm. Prepared only by
HARRIS d. OLIVER. Druggists,
8. E. Or . Tenth and Chestnut streets. Phila,
and rare varieties for select presents, manufactured by
No. 1210 Market street.
,monds are those manufactured by E. G. Whitman
Co- 318 Chestnut street. Dealers supplied.
PURE tr - rtuRTY WHITE LBAD.—Prehyred.
by Dealers, as it always gives eatiaraction to their cus
New Jersey Ma.
AN AGED MAN. —Ther t
Thee is ters
now residing
in Camden, a gentleman named Martin Belisle, cvha
on the first of March last, was ninety-nine years of
age. bemg now in bis one hundredth year. He was
born In 17e, ten years before:the declaration of Inde.
pens ct ce. 1812 be entered the service of the toiled .
States. and served in the Corps of "Sappers anti Mi
ners" Third Regiment, during that war with Great
Britain, at theclose of which he was discharged. and
being wounded, was entitled to a 'how is of 165 acres of
land. His father. Barney Belisie, - was killed in the
battle of Brinker's Bill, and fell close by the side of
General Warren. Mr. telltale's health is remarkably -
good ioranch an aged man: his eyesight sattictenthr
-Preserved as to enable bim to r, ad large print without
glasses, and his memory although tautly in some re
specta, is cialtegood. His physical pwers are not
eirong. Vet he can walk about Wit h considemb/e
sprightliness. .
"Mountain Partridge," has not done drumming yet.bur
is daily losing cast where his former demands were re.
epected, On Friday he sent an 'orde '"' to the °Dicer&
uf the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company. do
ma ding a pass to be lest at the ticket office for one of
his friends, but this morn ng when the friend made
his app-arance the t'cket was not there, Samea'a
graces having been mnside ably damaged to that guar
ter. Whether he will make another attempt to "defy
the world, the flesh and the deviL" and thus stand
like "Gib ra tar . " or whether he will at last consent to
"weep over Hecuba," and thus go down to oblivion
kracelully, after the manner of the "Cumberland."
the future alone can develop. But he Is " :rowing lit
tle by degress and pewit fully less" in influence every
TirogoryGg WORE.—Tile work of clean
ing nnbealthful places, removing filth and dirt front
the alleys and streets, acid of filling up stagnant pools,
is being tho. oughly done, and nous. keepers are equal
)" active in whitewashing the , r yards, fences &c. This
r.lt loons the right kind or spirit, and will add very ma
terially to the sanitary conditten of the people and the
SEVBRELY IN.7IIRED.—One of the men
employed on the ears of the Camden and Amboy Com
pany was s.werely Injured a da. or two since by being
knocked from the car by a bridge, while he was stand:..
lug up. near Eordentown.
The Chestnnt--Mr Sinn's benefit this afternoon and
evening. 'I be 'Walnut—Edwin Booth in "ki gimlet
Tbe Arch—' The treets of New 'York." Assembly
litalding—Slgnor Ellis. On Monday Howeiris biretta
opens OD the lot adjoining the academy 01 Mettle. The
opening perfo , mangy will be a grand on and wm be
preceded by a street pageant at in o'clock.
PETBRenunon, Va., on Monday night last twe
churches bet nglng to the caLred people were Pet on
lire and censu tut d, and d= ring the c giflagration an
oth-r was disc , .vered on fire, out in time to mve the
ilding. The evAnt has caused much excitement lit
the community. The index aa3 a: From every quarter
and from al, classes, we h .ve heard an unbrok en corn
tne,Lt of , egret and Indiana ion that thorn could have
e-m found winkle the limits of Peter burgh one bears
so pmfligate and abandoned as to inflict this outrage
on our colored people. and there is& disposition equ.
widv-spre ad to lake eve, y possible mama to hunt down
the ant morn: tiathora ot the 0 Ime If he a ulltY Davies.
imagine that they would firm the faintest abacow of
approval of their villainy in the gnu Pa hYei this nem
mon ty they have been waitillydemtved. In no part
of Virginia, or of the Bluth, does a Dater feeling exist
between the white and Wanks.
ATAL ExpLotuoir.—Tbe tow boat Nick lir
exploded her bolls. a Thu. aday night, near RandoVr e :
above Memulds. killing nine persons, among 10110 Di
4 ere Capt. Van Doris, htSeriib, and the eaginFer.
- GEMS IN HEAD GEAR.—Those in search
ofanartistic Hat for their little ones, and a Hat to
give general satistactlon recommendar, one for suPe
riority in materials, we "OA.EFORD'S"
styles. Call at their Wore under the Continental
"lubricative steam• engineacking.—for terms flee
723 chestnut at .. phila., ano 33 de p y at., new york.'
lot of Curtain ß s from auction which are slightly A
soil arg ed.
will be sold at halfprice They are the most elegant
ever Introduced
s o ld Thil ' adepia. They were boug.ht
low and will be cheap. Those in search of bar
gains would do well to call at W. Henry .Pa , cen's West
End Curtain and Upholstery Store, No. nce Chestnut
VERANDAH Alvlrrsos made to order at
- PATTI/ICS, HOS Chestnut street.
SUPERIOR French Confections, made of
pure loaf sugar, Cream Chocolates, caramels, Jordan
Roasted A cornern manufactured by
VANBANT. 8, E. of Ninth and Chestnut,undez
the Continental.
_ .
Hothouse strawberries, Cucumbers, fresh daily.
A. L. VA NSAN r,
Ninth and Chestnut.
• LACE CURTAINS.—Now, is the time tCe
purchase. Curtains never were sold cheaper. .pert
heavily worked real lace cortains,at from six to twenty
dollars, at
W. HENRY PATTEN'S Curtain Store,
14Q8 Cht stint street..
Puns LIBERTY Wnrrn LEAD.—Ordent
daily izirareaalle.
FURNITURE REPAIRED, upholstered and
varnished, at
PATTEN'S, 1408 Chestnut street.
—Sole manufacturers cats. Farson Co., N0.. 2 20D0e1n
street. Descriptive ogue sent by man wham
WINDOW SITADRS, One Dollar—no hum
bug-real Gilt Shades, only one donor, at
PATTRIV.,I4OB Chestnut streets-
you will have none other.
CURTALNS, Lace Curtains, new auction
Crainlns. one dollar. at
NACj Caps, get Or
Every kind of Hats a.: Oakford's
store under the Contir. ental Hotel.