CITY BULLETIN. TILE SLUM Ell IN PHILADELPHIA.—NO City in the 'Union can boast of more excellen and * more numerous intitutions * learning than Philadelphia. Her colleges, universities, art easociations, schools of science and philosio PhY. libraries, music halls. theatres, museums. gym nasiums, riding schools, skating parks, In short all her institutions for mental or physical training are tnost deservedly famous Summer is coming "hard upon" us and many of our citizens are preparing to forsake the comfort& of home for the creamed. hotels and boarding houses of the many faatilonable places of resort. Some wives and daughter. shrink from the necessity of a separai ion from husbands and brOthers, while the dreaded approach of cholera causes appire bensions of evil to the unguarded. To such consideo rate ones it will not be useless to say,there cannot be a Snore cafe place than Philadelphia during the possible Criais. our city is more cleanly,ourPhYldolaus morenif- Xnerous and skillful, and.women more courageous and efficient nurses than any otoer city can boast. If this assertionis questioned it can he referred to our irddiere In any part of the Union. They will never forget Phil atelphia. Every wise person can see at oncethe ad- Vantage of a comfortable hcime over the inconve niences of a crowded hotel or cottage, perhaps a day's Ifiurney from any reliable physician. 'Pen minutes in one of oar passenger cars will bring us to the banks of ; She Schuylkill; the elegant steamboats on the Dela- Ware invite us to enjoy the fresh river breezes;, every 'leaky is afforded for pleasurable anu healthful recreation in and around &dell:ibia since the natatorium, ;Dr. Jansen's Swimming school, was opened at Bread and Walnut streets there has not been even one excuse left for deserting home during the summer months. Where can we find a more delightful bath? aapacions room, large basin long enough to tire a practised swimmer, and the depth graduated to suit all classes, from the youngest paddler to the most. reckless diver, spring boards, sliding boards, floaters and every imaginable contrivance to make the art of swimming an easy and agreeable lesson. Dr. Jansen's subscription liststiows bow fully his school Is appreciated, the wives, daugh ters and sons of some of our most eminent physicians, givevractical demonstration of their favorable opui tons— litany who are engaged for a season at the seaahore are there learning to swim, in order to make their enjoyment of the turf greater than ever before. Our clry might sustain dozens of swimming schools, and to judge by the visitors who crowd into the Natatorium. Dr. Jansen wLI find difficulty in ac commodating his patrons, notwithstanding the addl• tiOnal dressing rooms prepared for the season lust opened. The most timid said delicate children and 3.dies are perfectly safe under the Doctors instruc tions, and many a pale face gains roses from the Irealtbful exercise in the Bath at the Natatorium. LOYAL .LABGION—AN ELECTION OF OFFl eans.—At a stated meeting of Commandery No. 1 of the State of Pennsylvania, M. 0. L, L 11. S., held last evening, at the Headquarters of the Order in this city. !The following officers were elected to serve daring the eneuing year: Commander—Major General George Cadwalader. Senior Vice Commander—Captain James Madison 2:railey. 11. S. Navy. _* Junior Vice Commander — Brigadier General Geo. H. Crotman, U. S. Army. Becorder—Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Sam. B. Wylie Mitchell, M. D. Correspondent—Brigadier General Joshua T. Owen. Treasurer—Bvt. Brig. Gen. Horatio G. Bickel. - .11hancellor—Bvt Limit -Col. James Collins, M.D. Chaplain—Bev. John J. Pomeroy, D. D. • • Council—Commodore Henry Hoff, 13.5.N4 Major /General Winfield S. Hancock. - U.S.A.; Bear Admiral livid D Porter, U.S.N,; Bvt. Brlg.Gen. Wm. D.Whip ifie. U S.A.; Capt. Geo. Porter Hotunin, U. S. Marine " TT:Order, throughout the country, is in a most flourishing condition. The Commanderies in New 'York and Washington, already number aunong their men, bers a majority of the most distin %Melted officers of the Army and Navy. - THE GAB WORKS INVESTIGATION.--The Committee oft3elect Council appointed to investigate -the affairs of the Philadelphia Gas Works held a meet. Ing last evening. Joseph Manuel, Esq , Chief Engi neer of the Gas Works, was present by request of the Committee, but he refused to be sworn or to testify. Be. stated that a person, who was a candidate for the -position that he now holds, had entered into a.Conspi -INCY to injure him. He (air. Manuel) did not recog nize the authority, but was amenable to the Board of rustees of the'eas Works, end any questions to be tasked ofhim must first be submitted to the Board, and by them submitted to him, to whom alone he was res. ponstble. As he was not an officer of a department of the city, he denied the right of the Committee to hold athn to accountability. At the proper time and place, and in apz oper manner, he would bring those con spiring against him before the proper tribunal. He was ready at times to answer the Trustees, or any one that t might appoint. The mmittee possessed no power to compel the Chief lingineer to testify, but, after some discussion, it 'was agreed to continue the investigation, Cot. Page,the chairman, remarking that he would enieavor Co pro cure witnesses who would not object to examination. A HANDSOME ImzeitovßAn-xT.—The erection of a handsome 11411 ding on lots 428, 430 and 432 'Walnut street, has been commenced by Mr. M. Carey lea. The new structure will be three stories high, ;with an ornamental front of white marble, and with - nt basement in New York: • Style. The whole will be divided into business emcee of different dimensions. The btelding Is to be constructed with a special view to completeness, The larger offims will be provided svith fire-prricifs masoned into the walls. Altogether there will be forty-eight rooms in the building, base xoent included. The main floor will be tesselated, and She stairs and upper entries will give ample light to the second and third floor passage ways. • A LARGE: INCREASE.—The committee of h ad e pb i a Third Presbytery on home missions re port that over $7,000 has sires& been received for the preeentyear. The entire receipts in 1865 amounted to 155,317 40. PRESBYTERIAN GENERAL ASSEMBLY.— 'The Second Presbytery of Philadelphia has elected the following Commissioners to the General Assembly: Ilev,Roger Owen, Rev. I. B. Davis. Ruling Elders; Barton H. Jenks and Silas E. Weir. • A NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH.—It 18 pro -posed to erect a new church in the vicinity of Twen tieth and Catharine streets, to accommodate the large ztumber ofCatholica in that neighoorhood. CoarisioDoßE RODPERS' REPORT.—The re- port of the gallant Commodore of the American Ben ~..„ fr. off Valparaiso, shows that he was willing to 'pitch In', - f.:.4 sr d give the Spainards as mach hot shot and shell as they wanted. We have lately become more peaceful .1n the latitude of Philadelphia, and confine ourselves to civic pursuits. We instance our fellow-citizen, W. 'W. ALTER, whets busy night and day filling orders for cheap and excellent coal. His offices are at 957 North IS'intb, and at Sixth and Spring Garden streets. 25 CENTS, AT HOYT'S. 25 cents, "Hoyt's Novelty Sales." At Hoyt's. 25 cents, The latest, At Hoyt's. 25 cents, greatest, and At Hoyt's. • 25 cents, most liberal plan At Hoyt's • 25 cents , ever adopted to Hoyt's goods. At uyHoyt's's P.• ~ At Hoyt's ,2sr: -25 cents, "Notning like it," at At Hoyt's. i•:';' 25 cents, =Chestnut street. At Lloyt's. • !.', 25 cents, Call early. At Hoyt's. , ,- a REFRIGEIIATORS.—The warm weather we .... - _ ',lave already had admonishes us to prepare in season ~ <,..1"0r the hot weather, which soon must ioevitably come. I '''--.,' .an view of this fact we would state that our friends, '-, Nessrs. B. S. &R. A. Bennis , No. 39 North Ninth tp• , - ~-., 4 a . a street have now on hand a large assortment of their ^ ~ ' :superior refrigerators, made in the very beststyle; and '' handsomely grained in oak. The; are decidediy ' the ' ' -..# Abest article yet offered to the public, and are offered an very moderate prices. Call and examine them. , ' l' ..M. &W. BooKrtria. & WILSON, B, & NV , It. &W. Gentlemen's Suits, R. &W. R. &W. Boys' aothing. R. &W. R. & W. lififteary Uniforms, R. &W. X. &W. clothing of all Grades, R. aW. at, &W. BROWN S rosE - R. dt W. R. &W. CLOTHING HALL, R. &W. R. &W. 603 AND 605 R. & W R &W. CHESTNUT STREET,R. & W' It. &W. ABOVE SIXTH. R. & W' LACE CURTAINS FROM AUCTION.—A large ' lot of Curtains from auction which are slightly soiled, 'will be sold at half price. They are the most elegant ever Introduced in Philadelphia. They were bought low and will be sold cheap. Those In search of bar. gains would do well to call at W. Henry Patten's West W-nd Curtain and Upholstery Store, No. 1.38 Chestnut lreet. VERAIiDAir. A.WNINGS made to order at PATI4NZS, 1408 Chestnutstreet. - - StrrEnioa French Confections, made of pure loaf sugar, Cream Chocolates, Caramels, .Tordsn Roasted Almonds, Bonbons. manufactured by A. *VANBANP, B, E. corner of Ninth and Chestnut,under *Be ContinentaL . Hot house strawberries, Cucumber's, fresh daily. A. L. VANSAN Ninth and Chestnut. IF You WISH TO BE BEAUTIFUL, use airage t i i n's Magnolia Balm. Its continued use removes and e e rc e , gauesi c i m i e r m ot e g , e tre fa es c! and hands, and leareii - parent. lovely, Any druggist will order it for you, if, Mot on hand, at fifty cents per bottle. LACE CURTAINS.—Now is the 111318 tO murchase. Curtains never were sold cheaper. Very Meavily worked real lace curtatns,at from aix to twenty at W. HENRY PATTEN'S Curtain Store. 1408Cheatnut street. PURR LIBERTY WHITE LEAD.—Orders * B uy im3reaang. 41" FURNITURE REPAIRED, upholstered and learnLshed at PATTEN'S, 1408 Chestnut street. - PACKERS' PATENT ICE CREAM FREEZERS. -Sole manufacturers, E.S. Parson & Co., N 0.200 Dock ' desiredfstreet. Descriptive catalogue sent by mail when - WINDOW SHADES, One Dollar—no hum bug—real alit Shades, only one dollar, at FATTEN'., ,1408 Chestnut streets. GROCERIES SENT TO THE COUNTRY.— MITCHELL do FLETCHER. 1204 Chestnut street. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD.—Try it,and Son will have none other. THE novelties in Misses' and Children's Mats. of our make, have won praise from all mothers who have selected them for their little ones. Go to . toe E.BORDS', under the Continental Hotel, land get one for your little one, and the household will ring !with joy at the gill. ONE DOLLARS worth of ice per week will keep your provisions cool and sweet in the warmest weather by using one of Schooley's large Refrigera torsti they have three apartments and are thorough ventilators. The small sizes require but 60 cents worth .of Ice per week. E. S. Farson dc Co., manufacturers, 220 Dock-street. To Tomuers . AND Tielorirlizas.—"Nee die'a Oompoand Troches," are a' positive requisite. They countervail effects on the bowels induced by mune of water, climate, ac. Single box, fifty cents; cuie of one dozen. five dollars. Sole Factor, C F. Nee ch es, druggist, Twelfth and Race streets. • C:7IITAMNS, Lace Curtains new auction Curtains, one dollar. at • PATTEN'S, 108 Chestnut street. MEsens. OAR - Forms have the new Regn la 11 n Cap ihr the Navy. Stores under the Continental CROQUET ImplamEms,-The kmmm'of th's highly entertaining game will be pleased to learn that Mr. G. A. Schwarz, the Importer of Fancy GeodS. at No. 100 e Chestnut street, has just received a large invoice of the Implements-required for Indulging In Ibis healthful recreation. far. Schwarz has them of various styler, some with the mallets tipped with vul canized rubber which is a very decided improvement over those heretefore in use. The lovers of the game should lose no time in calling and making their selections. See card in another column. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND OA.TABREG -1. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaininxto the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the moat re liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 619 Pine street. The medical faculty are invited to as their patients, as he , as had no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes Inset ed. No _charge made for ewtmination. WINDOW SHADES, ONE DOLL AE.—Gilt border regular shades, only one dollar, at PATTEN'S. HOS Chestnut street. MOTH-PROOF CLOTHES CHESTS.—Of all sizes at E. S. Falcon & Co.'s Refrigerator manufactory, 220 Doek street. FOB MALLOW PASTS', Moss Paste, Soft Gum Drops, and other efHcacions Confections for Coughs and Colds, go to B, O. Whitman & co.'s, 818 Chestnut street. Dealers suPPlied. Wnrs of Tar' Syrup for Couglu3, Colds and Affections of the Lungs. Tide' mixture is entirely vegetable, and affords speedy Belief in all Pulmonary Diseases, such as Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Bron chitis, dm. Prepared* only - RARRTSAO Druggist's, S. B. Oor. Tenth and Ohes ut streets, Phila. .INIMITABLY FINE CONFECTIONS. Choice and rare varieties for select presents, manufactured by STEPHEN E. WEITAGIN, No. 1210 Market street. THE Manlur CAItAMKG3 and Roasted. Al monds are those manufactured by E. G. Whitman & Co., 818 Chestnut street. Dealers &wiled. PUKE LIBERTY WHITE LBAD.—Preferred by Dealers, as it alwaya gives satisfaction to their cos tomecs. AUMSEMENTS. RAV3ti..s.—The comic pantomime of "The Con trabandist" will be given at the Academy this even ing, with Francois Ravel as the hero, together with the equally popular pantomime of ' Godeaski," with Antoine and Gabriel Ravel and Young America in the cast. A grand skating scene will be included in the piece. The Three Flying Trapeze will also beglven. To-morrow Francois Ravel taken his benefit, and on Saturday a grand matinee will be given. THE AucH.—"The House on the Bridge of Notre Dame" was superbly given last night, and Madame Celeste was capitally supported by Messrs. Mackay, Tilton, Robson and Ban n, and Miss Price ann Mrs. Henri. The farce of "Tura Hirt Out" was also de lightfully given, Mr. Marlowe playing the hero with most excellent humor and being capitally conjoined with Mr. Robson. To-morrow Madame Celeste takes her farewell benefit. and on Saturday "The Streets of IN.lew York" will be played. THE Clinsrsirr.—This is the last night but one of Miss Maggie Mitchell, she anpearing as the heroine of Little Barefoot." On Saturday aft.- moon and even ing Mr. Sinn's grand benefit takes place. The attrac. lions will be unprecedented. Tint WA.Lxv2.—At last we are to have Edwin Booth in "Hamlet," a character in wtJch most-people think be is without a rival. He .will be supported by essra. Charles Barron, J. H. Taylor and by the 101 l strength of the company Every effort has been made to present this grand Shakspeareau play in the very beet manner. The scenery, costumes, &c.. are all a..d historically correct, Of course overflow ing houses will be the reward of the enterprise and ebergy of Mr. Booth and the management. To-mor row Mr. Booth takes his benefit. SIONO BLITZ atid holds his court at Assembly Building giving levees each evening and on Wednes day and Saturday afternoons. Ma. Owßs Afaitrowu takes his benefit at the Arch rext Wednesday. We shall have a word or two to say hPreaiter in reference to this able artist and most ac complished gentleman. AT TIICKATIOE, Atlantic county, N. J., a singular and sad accident occurred on Mon day of last week. A young man named Charles Godfrey was standing on a board leaning against the side of a barn, and was koking in at a window, when the board fell frominnder him, and the same moment the sash came down upon his neck, hanging him between it and the window-sill. His neck was dislocated and death mast have been instantaneous. DEXTER, the alleged great cotton swind ler, has brought snit against General Woods, commanding the Department of Alabama, for false imprisonment, &c. Damages are laid at $.500,000. The suit will he heard in Mobile. Dexter has engaged Gen. Butler for one of his counsel. THE "EXCELSIOR" I-1 M (Selected from the best Corn-Fed Hogs,) ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENER sr CO. GENERAL PROVISION Dies f TM'S And Curers of the Celebrated 6 P,..X.CEILASIOIBL" u gar Cured 1-lauts, TONGUES AND BEEF, Nos. 142 and 144 NORTH FRONT ST. None genuine unless branded "J. H. M. & CO., EXCELSIOR." Te Justly celebrated "EXCELSIOR" HAMS are cured by I. H. M. *Co., (in a style peculiar to them. selves). expressly for FAMILY USE ; are of delicious flavor; fres from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are sate. minced by epicures mperior to enLtiz a ol h ert r I L for JAY COOK &CO., NEW OFFICE. 114 South Third Street, Bankers, AND Dealers in Government Securities, 6's of ISSI, IS 20's, Old and New, 10-40's• Certificates of Indebtedness, 7.30 NOTES, Ist, 2d, and ad Series. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections made. Stocks Bought and Sold on Clom• mission. r ncial Madmen accommodations RESEEVED FOB fez PHILADIMPECIA. February nee. fe7 CM BOARDING. TWO.LaRGE AIRY ROOMS will be vacant, with board, on the 7th instant, at Mrs. Sandgren's, 1010 Spruce street. mySat• BOARDING—TWO TOTING MEN CAN BD 4C. commodated with Board in a private family, with all the comforts of a home, within a few squares of the Baltimore Depot Addrosa,"Medico," this office. • 13 EN OVAL.—ADAMS' EXPRESS COMPANY—On _Liu and after TUESDAY, In aY 1 the FREIGHT DE.. PARIMENT of this Company will be REMOVED to the C,ompany's New Building, S. E. corner of ELE. VENTH and MARRETstreets. Entrance onEleventh street and onMarble street. ALL MONEY and COLLEION BUSINESS will be tratsacted as heretoforeat 820 Chestnut street. small Parcels and Packages will be received at either cdice Call Books 'Wilt be kept at each office, and any calls entered therein previous to 5 P. M. will receive attention same day. if within a reasonable dis tance of our offices, Inquiries for goods and settle ments to be made at 820 Chestnut street. JOHN BINGHAM, Supl. PHILADELPHIA, Aprll24, 1E66. apls Itn. ETIGENLE AN D CHAMPION OF ENGLAND PEAS. A new importation of these celebrated toreign varieties Just received per ship British Queen. For sale by ROBERT WHIST, Jr„ Seed and Agricultural Warehouse, Nos. 922 and 924 Market street above Ninth. ap3o-6tl eENGLISH RIVETED BACK LAWN GRA% SCYTHIS. Riveted Back Grass Hooks, Welsh the Stones. Grass Border shears, Hedge and Box Shears. Grass Edging Knives; with all other English and American Garden Implements. for sale by • ROBERT Miter, Su., ap3o6tl Noe. 924 & 925 Market street, above Ninth. THE DAILY E IMPURE/ BULLETIN : RIULADELPHIA THURSDAY Mit 3, 1886'. JUST RECEIVED, TABINAND-1011.A.LP-WIDB Velvet Carpets, DiSW DESIGNS. J. r. & E. B. ORNE, 904 Chestnut Street. 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 WHITE, REID AND RANDY CANTON MATTINGS. J.F.&E.B OHNE, 904 CHESTNUT !STREET. EI+TGLISH BRUSSELS, FOR STAIRS AND HALM WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J. F. & E. BORNE, No. 904 CHESTNUT STREET: 500 PIECES NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 004 Chestnut St& _mh2o4an rpl Carpetings ! Uarpetings ! AT RETAIL. McCallum, Crease & Sloan, No. 519 Chestnut Street, OFPOtirxr, INDEPENDENCE HALL. Now offer their extensive Stock of Foreign and Domestic CARPETINGS, AT REDUCED PRICES, matting Warehouse McCALLUMS, CREASE & SLOAN, HAVE .TUBT CANTON MATTING TWO HUM= ROLLS. CALCUTTA COCOA MATTING. All Widths and Styles, At the Lowest Prices. (...I,AIt..IVJEMILINT G. MEMO= LEEDOM dr SHAW invite attention to their assortment 01 Foreign and Domestic) CARPETING, DOW °FEDI:NG AT No., 910 Arch Street, mhz-2m rpi ABOVE A twill. "GLEN ECHO MILLS," GERMANTOWN, PA.' &CALLUM CREASE & SLOAN BrANuFAcTmEns. A ., ThrPO DEALEBa RTEERS ELI AND WHOLZ CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING& &c, WAREHOUSE, NO. 509 CHESTNUT STREET, opposite the State Home, PHILADELPHIA. Retail Devartment, No. 1510 Chestnut St. rp NirrBADIENB.-600b ThinchasulLayar Basin 0 bozo; Valencia Ratans mall; Beedleas Basins lbr isle by Mi. B. Bulimia': 11X1.035 South W ter street. ICraGEE AND LEMONS.-431cay Oranirea and iOll3, 111 1111.1 XIS order, ibr age by Jos. B BIIISIBEER do CO., i% South Delwin Mane, CARPMn:I 509 Chestnut Street, (Opposite Independence Hall). One Thousand Rolls, EiR,ESEI C]Et 0 QT_T.E7r. • The Game of Croquet originated in Etneand same ibex or Ave yeara ago. and has now become the moat popular among the nobility and gentry, It la highly exciting, and may be participated in by both ladles and gentlemen. Tbe implements for play ing the game consisting , of BALLe, MALLETS. &c., may be had of tilchwa,rz, IMPORTER OF GERMAN. FRENCH. AND ENG .LISH. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, NO. 1006 CHESTNUT STREET, apso-at} PHILADELPHIA. --- 4 -- - IRY ; , \ . z ,,,,_ , - -,i , ,,- ) 401. READY - MADE' 40 , .--'t? Ai ', LOTIFING N 0.82.4 CHESTINUTST. UNDER THE CONTINENTAL/101EL PHILADELPHIA • PA. ..*" lINSTRCCTIONS FOR SELF-ILEAStiIIENEFT. / COAT. Send Size from 1 to 'tea! . 2; from 2to 3; and front 4 to 5; and around the most prominent part of the chest, and around ( _ the waist. State whether erect :••-,„, .;',..X 4 z:- or ng. f•-• ,- w - V EST. Same as for coat. PINTS. Itudde seam; outside se= to hips, and *psi vast. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE. to Families Residingin or Going to the Countr. Those who wish to purchase supplies Or tho bestims llty of FINE ÜBO GE BI will and a tell and choice stock of the best that can be imported or procured from the New York, Boston or Philadelphia markets, and can be supplied with goods in package at whole sale prices. Particular attention Is paid to packing In the neat est and most safe manner poeslble. Goods delivered to any of the Depota t Express 0131C021 or ontin the Country free of. charge. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, aple-tf O. W. Cor. BROAD AND WALNUT. REFRIGERATORS. • SMITH sk Agents for the sale of theju.st_ Celebrated MAR CAJAL LINED REFRIGERATORS, Wholesale and Retail, Prom Elz to Twenty-five Dollars. 611 MARKET STREET. ap64ro HIESITELT,'S MAGIC OIL CUELES TETTER, SS ERYSIPELAS, ITCH, SCALD HEAD, AND ALL SHIN DISEASES! Warranted to cure or money refunded. For sale by all Druggists. Principal Depot, ASHMRAIN3 PHARMACY, o. 336 SOUTH SECOND ST. sarPrice L 5 cents per bottle. ap24-3mm_ OHN C. A RRI6ON, v0,.1 and 3 NORTH SIXTH ST T, 'Would invite the attention of Gentlemen to lila 11v1PROVED PATTERN SHIRT, xattitWrinEbheA - LwreTInSdrACTION. TO A CO2II:PM STOOK OF Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, itable forth° Season a • tim • int SPRING. ing WM. D. ROGERS. Coach and Light Carriage Builder. 1009 and 1011 Chestnut Street, mb244m•rp' PHILADELPHIA. F.. 1:IPERIOR PICKLING VINEGAR, PICKLES, KETCHUPS, PRESERVES, SAUCES, JELLIES, SYRUPS, MUSTARDS, &0., &o. AU warranted to be of a superior quality. MANUFACTURED BY EMIL MATHIEU & SON, Nos, 120, 122 and 124 Lombard Street, Below Second. ap9 1m rp 1 4 ig. " lo 33 14 COMPOUND • CAMPHOR TROCHES, Posildri Plarvemtive or Is -1 CMCOMaMM.A.:; Dianna:a, Dysentery, and Chalets Harbin. 4, 8010 Factor, C. H. Needles, Drnixbd, Aa• Pep° 0 4 .12th a Baca 8t.., Phila. cog' ' 4 5 Mailed 011 BAKER is ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The largest and:best assortment of Wigs, Toupees, Long Hair Braids and Curls, Water-falls, Viotorines, gotta, Missive Beanie for Ladies, At prices LOWER than elsewhere. trabseqp 909 CHESTNUT STREET. GEORGE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. 2921 OARTER • STEELE% Anp. in - DOOR EITREgiv BLeablnii Work and Buitindithsing promptly ended to. . V F W FOR SALE.—A. pair of handaome, bright bay Carriage Horses, sound and kind, and well mat :ed. Price $BOO. Third stable tom Thirteenth street; in Kingston street. below Walnut street, before 9 o'clock. my3-Bt s s HAMILL'S PASSAGE OFFICE. NATIONAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. tit 'a WEEKLY TO AND FROM QUEENS TOWN. (CORE HARBOR) AND LIVERPOOL. ' The elegant Al iron screw steamship "ERIN" leaves on SA.TUr May sth. Bates of passage, payable in currency : Ist Cabin SRI Steerage, $3O. • Passengers aeo forwarded to London, Paris, Havre, Hamburg, Bremen, .Ac., at moderate rates. -tserage passage from LIVERPOOL or QUEENS TOWN through to PHILADELPHIA:, IMO in cur rency. For further information, apply at the Company's Office, W. A. HA MILL, A gent, 217 Walnut street. SPECIAL NOTiOß.—Haying been appointed SOLE AGENT of the above "Favorite Line' in this city, would can-ion the public against purchasing their tickets elsewhere. ap2B-ta QoßaHl3ll.—Ohinese :Sugar Cane IS9rn_ handsome to article. for sale by 705,_8. 81:1881bA di co.. ioe goal/ Delaware avenue, LMIJSEMEITS;. _ .. , . i•. Penna• AoademY of Fine Arts, The Forty-third Annual Exhibition of PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE IS NOW OPEN, Chestnut Street, above Tenth, From 9A. M. to 7 . P. M., and from 8 WI 10 in the Evening. spit-till DIAMOND INTIR I4DOArt DEALER & JEWELER) WATCHES, JEABLRY k SHAM WARE, WATOHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED, 80 2 Chesinut St., Phila- Owing to the decline of Gold, has made a great reducition is price of hie large and well assorted Stook of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. ` Silverware, &c. ItTheptibilc are reepectitally Invited to can and ex amine our stock before macbaslng elsewhere. jailer ,; sin MII4 A:VC:11'1)1111 726 TT STBEET. to to WHGratqA T TC ANDAIL BUYERS OUR SPLENDID STOCK OF MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, AT A VERY 'LARGE REDUCTION FROM RECENT PRICES. Onr stock Includes all the latent shapes of STRAW HATS Blzmnrra AND GYPS N, BONNET MATERIALS OF EVERY IN EVERY S S HADE , . RIBBON ALL WIDTHS AND COLORS, TO MAT RE( MATIMTA rst FINE LACKS. ILLUSION NETS &c ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. OF THE CHOICEST ANDLES. MOST DM:SABLE STY We solicit an Inspection of our stock, and do not doubt that for completeness of assortment and mode ration of pricers it cannot be equaled. Give us a call. WEYL ROSENHEIM, ap7-Iml No.attestant street. Parts. .la. a 323 and 331 South Street, has a handsome assortment of SPRING liTh• LINRRY; Misses' and Infanta' Hats and Cam, RPramd Ss, ee, Velvets, Crapes, Ribbons, Peathets, Flowers, BOOTS AND ISHOEti REMOVAL. BOOTS AND SHOES. C. Etertizert, Sr, Son Have removed froM their old stand, No. 46 South FOURTH Street,which they have occupied for nearly Wi years. to the large and commodious store 80. 716 C.FLD-TNITT Street, directly opposite Masonic Ha L We take pleasure in stating 'to our patrons and the public generally that we are enabled in consequence of ea troordinary stock of goods now on hand to make a material reduction in our price. In connection with our regular business we have al ways a large stock of Youth's Line Boots and Shoes, made with the same care and attention to comfort, durability and stylethat is bestowed on our best Men's Gooe.s. We have also the best arrangements fur mak log to order the best and most tial Boots and Shoes for Ladies. apleth.atutml Ik`f 11:1/.10I 14 DI/ B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STRRRT. zurtuFAcrowat OP VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. lowest ne Weed and finest assortment in the city at th Store Shades made and lettered. apS-tf MEDICINES. PA PHILEVIP HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Have proved, from the most ample experience, an entire success Simple-Prompt- den y and liable. They are the only Medicines peribCtl adapted to popular use-so simple that mistakes cannot be made in using them; so harmless as to be free from danger, and so efficient as to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. h7o. Cents. 1, Ctrs FEVERS . Congestion, l'nfla*ara Hon--, » ,a 2. WORMS, Worm-Fever, Worm-Colle----.113 8„ " CRYING-COLIC, or Teething of infants--. 23 4, " DIARRIICEA of children or adults 5, " DYSENTERY Grining , Bilious Coll ."5 6, " CHOLERAVauses, vatattins—zs 7, " COUGHS, Colds, Bron' nibs a, " NEURALGIA, Toothache, Facesche—.....M a,HEADAIicta,, Sick Headachßß, 10, "DYSPEPSIA, =mut _ —25 11, " SUPPRESSED, or painful Periods---- -- --25 12, " WHITES, too profuse Perlod&... 18, " C:ROUP Co h difficult Breathing. 14, " SALT RHIs CH 15, " BEEUILATD3II, I Ve I =c 16, " FEVER and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues--. 50 17, pry.wr3_,_blind or bleeding.Bp 18, " OPFLTHALhfy, and sore or weak Eye ..:....,50 " CATARRH, acute or chronic, Infinensa..--50 " WHOOPING COUGH, violent Coughs.--50 21, " preased Instal:art " EAR D sti3 r lpaired earing.--50 23, " SCROFULA. en] Glands, Swelli.g , .....50 24. " GENERA.L D , Physical Weak ness- _____-50 25, " DROPSY and scanty ' 2e, " SEASICENICSs, sickness from rlairg.--.1150 27, " KIDNEY DISEASE.. Gravel.-- __. --50 28. " NERVOUS DEBILITY. Involuniary-Dis -23, " SORE MOUTH.Canier 7 ,._ " URINARY Incontinence, ;ratting bed.---co 81, " PAINFUL Periods, even with 12, " SUFFERINGS at - change of lifb.. -X 00 33, " EPILEPSY ftsama St. Vitus' &Tice.- 150 Si, " A. rticeisted Sore Throat.....-50 35 vials. morocco 11ILFAY CASE ts. cue, and books ..».».»....»....»«..,;10 00 20 large vials, in morocco, and book 6 10 20 WEB Vials, plain case and b00k....---.---. 5 00 15 boxers (NoA r t.italar d book 8 00 &EY SPECIFICS, Mahogany eases,lo vial . 00 Single vials, with direc ...... .............. 100 itreineTcfrei Sy the case or single box, are sent to any part of the country, by men or armrest free of th.liziNk, lE fi nsrp l tor the prtee. Address H STFAJEVIO HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE COMPANY, Office and Depot. No. 562Rroad d wa l iNew York. Dr. Humranarve consulted at his office personally or by letter, as above, far fbrms of dim. SP -Se. EDYOTT & CO., JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COW. ON, T. B CALLENDi KR. and ADDIROSE SMITH, Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia. 1927-th.a.talyrp IRON RAILING. DRILADELPMA. AND NEW • YORK ORNA IL MENTAL LEON WORKS. , , .b • z dA:“{: CAST, WROUGHT IRON AND BRONZE RAILING, for enclosing private dwellings, public squares, Ceme teries, 4tC,_ PATENT WIRE RAILING, WINDOW AM) DOOR GUARDS{ for offices, store fronts, bulwark nettings for abips, &a. Arc., made under the JENKINS PAT.WIT. being the only authorized manuttacturers of Wire Work under said patent in the city. IRON STAIRWAYS, SPIRAL AND STRAIGHT, IRON FURNITURE, STABLE FITTINGS, of every.varlety of new and Improved d SPECIAL CARE BESTOWg ns. ON GARDEN AND CEMETERY •Rm - RizT.LISIEV BENTS, Our varied assortment of Fountain Vases, Statuary, giving us superior &ditties. All orders shall receivecarethl and promptattention. • ja2s-thOffi . e am an rp W arero ß om E l ß n T a RIDGE Av O u e EDUCATION. pARDEE SCIE STIFICIWITII.3E LAFAYETTE cr)LLEGir, EASTON. PA. In addition to the general Course of Instruction in this Department, designed tolay a substantial basis of knowledge and schclarly culture, students can pursue those branches which are essential practical and tech nical, viz.:ENGINEERING. Civil, Topographical an/ rchanlcal; MINING and METALLURGY; ARCH I- . TECTURE. and the application of Onemistry tO AG RICULTURE and the ARTS. There is also afforded an opm.rtnnity for special study of TRADE ano COht.. MERCE,of MODERN LANGUAGES and PHILO LOGY; and of the HISTORY and INSTITUTIONS of of our own conn•ry. For Circulars apply to President CATTELL, or to Pref. R. B YOUNGMAN. ii.rny3,lmok Clerk of the Faculty. aria. ESTATM FOR RENT. The New Bulletin Building, No. 607 Chestnut Street, WILL BE COMPLETED IN A. PEW WEILMEI, %Yee proprietors are prepared to receive proposals fix renting such rooms an they will not nee themselves. These 'will be TICE SECOND STORY FRONT ROOD[, S) by 24 feet. THE WHOLE OF THE NORTHERN HALT OF THE HULLOING, Hour Stories High. with Entrance by a wide hall as Chestnut street, - And a Front of 25 feet on Jayne street: Suitable for a jobbing or Commission House, a BanX or Insurance Office. For Further Particulars apply at the ENTIENING BULLETIN OFFICE. ttNo. 329 Chestnut Strelbt. mu tPUBLIC SALE.—THOMAS & SONS, Auction' eers.—Handsome COUNTRY BEAT, 22 ACRE% eLTEN HILLS. near Old York Road Station, on the N. P. It. It On TUESDAY, May 15th, 1866, at le o'clbck_ , noon, will be sold at Public sale, at the PECri LADELP SI& .CHANGIi, all that handsome Country Serf , at Cbelten Rills, near Old York Station. on the North Pennsylvania Radroatl, containing IN Acres. beautifully situated on very high ground coin mending extensive views of the surrounding country. The improvements consist of a stone house, with 12 rooms, 2 kitchens, 2 piazzas. furnace in cellar: ice house (tilled), dairy vault; atone stable and carriage home, cow -house, de. Ihe lawn is well shaded with evergreen - and other trees. There is an orchard of fine pear and other fruit trees, kitchen garden, dam; also agrove containing about a% acres, Toe situation is perfectly healthy, and the water excellent and tizt• fat tug. eir The residence of S. H. Towne, Esq. May be examined daily. TERMS—Two-third' , may remain on mortgage: M. THOMAS &. SONS, Auctioneers, my 3,7,12.14 irs and 141 South Fourth meet PHEAL ES PATE.—JAMES A. BRFlalit Auctioneer.—DWELLlNGS, Nos. 1644 and 164 a rth SECOND street, Nineteenth Ward.—On WE:DICESDAY, May 9th, 1869. at 12 o'clock. Noon, will be sold at Public Sale at the PHILADELPELE EXCHANGE, the following described Beal Estate, viz: A lot 01 ground. With the improvements thereon, situate on itt west side of Second street, 68% feet south ward from Ma avenue, Nineteenth Ward: being 34 feet front by 121 feet 9 inches deep, to the east sldelof Philip street', with two houses Nos. 1643 and 1645 Philip street. Subject to aground rent '2[676 50 per annum. sir On the above lot are erected .2 three-story brick houses, fronting on Second street and 2 three story brick houses fronting on Philip street—each house has back buildings, contains Bor 9 rooms. The property yields a good rental. Ariy. mOOO may remain, e if desired h , purchaser. JEIIIIOO to be paid at th time of JAMES A. PERS•wa r Anctioneer. It Store CT. Walnut street. zi P se: :* , ,s• +EY SALE BY "ORDER OF ItElicS,—hettate of RAOBEL W. OREM, de- C Pal. ed. JAMES A, FIIERNaN, Auctioneer. HREEBTORY BRICK DWELLING, No. =North 1 hirteenth street. On WEDNESDAY. May 9,1866, at 12 o'clock. noon. will be sold at Public Sale, at the PRILAIELPHLA. EXCHANGE, the following de. scribed Riot Rata: e, late the property of Rachel W.. °rum, deceased, that genteel three-story brick dwelling house, with-two-story double back building and lot of ground. on the west aide of Thirteenth street, 215% feet above Race street: 174 feet front, and 1123Q feet deep to a 45 teet street, called Perry street. Rome Is in good order. slate roof, heater, bath, range. &c. Occupancy with the deed. May be examined 3 days before the sate. KEY , 0 1 520 Arch street. frir Sale peremptory. DLO to be paid at the time ofsale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, It Store 422 Walnut street. EXRCUTOBS' BALE.—Estate of THO3fil3 USLTAYLOR, deceased. J a lira A.. Film's' latA.N. Auctioneer. DWF...LLH7G, No. 217 North FIF TEENTH street. Under authority contained in the will of the late Thomas Taylor, deceased, ori -WED NESDAY, May 9th, 1866. at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at Public Bale. at the PHILADELPHIA. EX. CHA NGE. the following described Real Estate, viz : A two and a half story brick dwelling and lot, on the east side of -Fifttenth street, 136 feet northwaTd from Race street; being 15 feet 8 inches front (including the northern half part of a two-feet wide alley running eastward from said Fifteenth street to the depth of Ss feet zr ore or less): and in depth of that width 65 feet, with the use of said alley. Mr Clear of all incumbrance_. O' 1.100 to be paid at the time of sale. BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS, JAS. A. FREE Nr A It Auctioneer, 422 Walnut street To RENT—Desirable first-class Chester cossity "Elea COUNTRY RESIDENCE, completely furnished gnu newly refitted: large barn, poultry house, ice house filled, spring home, plenty of pasturing, find cold springs, splendid shade. an excellent garden with crops in the ground an abundance of fruit; apples, pears, plums peaches, quinces, grapes, cherries. cur rants. strawberries, etc. Situation high, beautiful, and perfectly healthful. Excellent boating, splendid fish- ing 3.. 4 and i ocd gunning. . to GEORGE W. STUL I at C. NI , IE'S Office No. 7= Sansom stree L, t, n. oerween I IL andS. 4 o'clock P. M. my3-4t* w4FOR SALE AT CHESTNUT HILL—A. Large and Commodious Stone Mansion, near the Depot, all modern conveniences. Now being completed. Immediate possession. Apply to 5 WAnIEDIGTON SQUARE. my3-3ts 2FOR SA_LE—Lestrable Country Seat and Farm 1 of twenty-fire acres, three-fourths of a mile east, of Green. Lane Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, DICRSON BROTHERS. 2O Walnut street. MySth-s-tuSt/ TO "Fzt desirabl HOUSE ,on MT EWsies near Eighteenthsel.nt tau Address Box 2784. Post Office. lts CF.., TO BENT—A desirable House in a central loca tion. Rent, Issao. Apply at 1127 THOMPSON street. • my 3-815 I', Dl' au ;3 Lay v:cooM phT.E.RSOICS' NEW BOOKS. JOSEPH GRIMALDI. .NISEPH. GRIMALDI. HIS LIFE AND ADV.KNIUREM written out from Grimaldi's; own manuscript and notes. BY CHAN.L.. DICKENS. One Volume, Octavo. Price 75 cents. HE GOLD BRICK. By Mrs. Ann S. stepuens, au thor of" Fashion and Famine," One volume, =no. Price 91 50 in paper, or 82 in cloth. THE BORDER RIP.LES. By Gustave Almsrd, au thor of "The Prairie Flower." 'The Indian Scout," etc. One volume, octavo. Price 75 cents. 'ilia. IN. UAL& A Story of Modern Life. By the Baroness Tautphoeus. A new and beautiful edition. Complete in one large duooecimo volume. Price 81 50 in paper, or 82 00 in cloth. THE MAN OF THE WORLD. -By William North. One volume. PriceBls+ln paper or $2 oi in cloth. LIFE SEIRVICI , S. MARTYRDOM, AND FUNERAL OF ABRAHAM LlNCOLN,Sixteenth President of the United States; and the Hon. George Bancroft's Oration Full of Illustrations. Price $l5O in paper; or f 2 00 In cloth. ET. MARTIN'S EVE. By Mrs. Henry Wood, author of ".bast Lynne," "Oswald Cray," "Verner's Pride," etc. Complete In one large octavo volume. Price $l5O in paper: or $2 00 in cloth. ?JAE SMAESPEA RE NOVELS. THE Yfft,Tß OF sHAKSPEARE. Price 21 00. SHAKSPEABE AND HIS FRIENDS. Price #t 00. THE SECRET PA , SION. Price One DJllar. THE FCRTU.NE SEEKER. By Mrs. Emma D. E.N. outhworth, author of tt e "Lost Heiress," etc. Com plete in one large duodecimo volu me:' Price 512 in paper. or IP:. to hu cloth. FALSE PRIDE ; 08, TWO WAYS TO MATRI MONY. A companion to "Family Pride" awl "Family Becrem." Complete In one large duodecimo volume. Price fit 50 in paper, or $2 in cloth. JEALOUSY. 'By George Solid, autno.'of " ' Consuelo," "Countess of Radolstadt,' "Indiana," First and True Love," etc., etc. Complete in one large duode cimo volume. Price $1 50 in paper, or tt 00 in cloth. Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue. ~address all cash orders, retail or waolesale, to T. B. PETERSON &BROTBIRS, No. Sub Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Books sent Postage paid, on receipt of retail Price. All NEW BOOMS are at PETEBSONS'. nly'S-2t AL VIA:10A 21 ll.stiiii , JOHN B. MY.1019 & CO., AUCTIONEERS. Nos. 2.12 and 234 IMA_REET strest, corner of BANK at. 15,000 LOZEN HOSIERY A NI) GLOVES.' TO-MORROW, - 11,000 dozen llosiqcy, Gloves, Suspenders, Ties, Spool Cotton. Brains, &e. Me pieces Plain an Figured Swiss Nulls, 'Theorists, Toilet Covet s. 42. e. 40 cartons Parasols and Umbrellas. Also, a larae inwice of Ready-naade Clothing, Tut valley Shirts. no. p .kirts, JAMAS A. AU 80. 422 W street. administrator's Sale—Estate of T. B. McCormick, deceased. GOOD WILL, STOCK AND — Risa CBES OF AN 'UNDR AR ER. • 0 V THURSD E AY MORNING, • At 10 o'clock, will sold by order of the Adminis trator, at No. =1 South Sixth street. the entire Stock, Fixtures, &c. which were of T. B. McCormictr, deed., comprising Cabinet Makers' Tools. Coffins, Oillee Furniture,Lallie's Fireproof Chest,' Desks, Signs, cbc..; with all articles used in the eating, Also, a quantity of Walnut. Pine and Mahogany Lumber. LEGAL NOTICES. TNTHE ORPI4 A Nei' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIL ADELPHIA.—Estate of Lieut. R. B. MONTGOMERY.—The Auditor ap pointed by the Cobrt to audit, settle and adjust the ac count of Illzsbeth Brown, Administratrlx to the Es tate of Litut. h, B. Montgr mery, deceased, and to re port distribution of the Balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties inrerested for the purposes or his appointment, on MONDAY, May 14, lass. at 4 o'cloelt P. Al, at his offi e, No. 220 south FOURTH street, i n the City of Philadelphia. JAMES W PAUL, rlw-tl2, , Must* ata.sursottrf - ra - wasvala a). 33 orth Water treet, and 29 Nnyth 11filawarq swung, RA 1b 14 n 24 I,I MONS—BIIIICh. Lana' And Seed lees Balaton and Malaga Lemons, landing from bark La Plata and for aale by 108. B. BUSPINIR 4 woos South Delaware avenue. - Aimiltor.