From our Third Edition of Yesterday. From Washington. ...;[Special Despatch to the Enllettna WABHINGToN i May, 2.—The principal theme to-day iS - the - discussion'yesterday in Cabinet counsel :Over the reconstruction plan. Each .meMber-- is rumored- to have given in his adhesion to "my policy" and sworn,eternal- hostility to Congress and all radicaliclemes. ' ' The action .of. the Spanish Admiral in bomb Siting and destroyifig the - helFiless city of Valparaiso.,is severely ..condemned in diplomatic circles here. The-Ways and Means Committee are pre paring a:bill establishing branch mints in several of the gold Territories. The com mittee are decidedly averse to the proposi tion to remove the Mint, from Philadelphia to New York. - . The liquor and , tobacco question will be disposed of by the Committee in the course of a few days. There will be a majority and minority report in the case of Colorado, presented from the Committee on Terri tories. Dekgations are here from New Jersey, asking a suspension in several oases where rerriovals have been decided on. 'The Flag ,Preimatation at Philadelphia. •ILARRISBIIRG, May 24.—A call has been issued bythe, Governor for a meeting on Saturday; the - 12th inst., at 12 o!clock, M., at theOounty court room in the city of Phila lielphia,,, of the Committee representing the several military divisions of the State, appointed to assist -in inaugurating and 'conducting the Rag reception`ceremony at Philadelphia, on the 4th day of July next. Thle, call, with full, proceedinge relative to the ~eppointment -of the Committee, will appear in the 'papers of this city to-day, which "should. be copied by' the papers throughout,the State for general- 'inferma , Lion. Trials by Court Martial. WASIMINGToiI, Mar 2.—A - general order has just been issued from the War Depart ment in relatibn to trial by Military Courts and •Commifsions, stating that Whereas, Some military.commanders are embarrassed by doubts as to the operation of the proclamation of , the Presittent, dated The 2d day of. April, 1866, upon trials by military courts martial and military of fences, toremove such doubts, It is Ordered, by the President, that here after --whenever offenses committed by civilians are to be tried, where'civil tribu nals are in existence 'which can try them, these cases care not authorized -to be and will not be brought before nailWxy courts martial commisions, but will be com mitted to the proper civil authorities. This order is not applicable to camp-fol lowers as provided for under the 60th Arti cle of War, or to contractors or others speci fied in Section 16 of the Act of July 17th, 1862, and Sections 1 and 2 of the Act of March 261, 1863, Persons ' and offences cognizable by the rules and articles of war and,by the acts of Congress above cited, will continue to be tried and punished by military tribunals, as prescribed by the rules and articles of war arid acts of Congress. The 60th article of "-The Rules and Ar ticles of War," provides, that "All sutlers and retainers to the camp, and all persons, whatsoever, serving with —the armies of the United States in the field, -though not enlisted soldiers, are to be sub ject to orders, according to the rules and discipline of war." miThe acts of Congress, to which reference is made, provide that "whenever any con traator for subsistence. clothing, arms, am munition, munitions of war and for every description of supplies for the army and navy of the United States shall be found guilty by a court'martial of fraud or wilful neglect of duty, he shall- be punished by fine, imprisonment or such other punishment as the court martial shall adjudge; and any person who shall contract to furnish supplies of any - kind or description for the army or _navy, be shall be deemed and taken as a party." And further provision is made for -the punishment of persons defrauding the army, navy, or civil service• by procuring false vouchers, or entering into conspiracy with any persons in the employment of the Government, with a view to fraud, and for other kindred offences. The 34th New Jersey Regiment. TRENTON, N. J., May 2d.—The 34th New Jersey Regiment arrived in this city at one o'clock, this afternoon, on their return home from. Alabama. Departure of the Steamer Persia. NEW Yohs, May 2d.—The Royal Mail Steamship, Persia, in.sailed for Liverpool to day, with $126,000 gold. XENIXTH CONGRESS--FIRST SESSION. WASHINGTON, 111 ay 2. SENATr. —Mr. Clark (N. H.) from the Judiciary Committee reported the House bill in relation to the Court of Claims with a favorable recommendation. ► r. Sherman (Ohio) introduced a bill to reduce the rate of interest on the National aebt, and for funding the same, which was referred to the Committee on Fi ranee. It provides for funding the debt in 30 year bonds at 5 per cent interest, the bonds to be registered or coupon in such form and denomination as the Sec retary 01 the 's reasury msy prescribe, payable prim cipal and interest in coin. Mr. Sherman stated that the bill was prepared by the Secretary. and had been already partially consid ered by the Finavce Committee. • lifr Williams (Oregon) offered an amendment to the bill reported by the Committee of Fi'teen, for the al— mission of the Southern btates.• ft provides thst the, Southern States shall be admitted after the 9th of ]larch, 1867, with the exception of Tennessee and Ar karsas, which shall be admitted immediately on the ratification of the proposed amendment. Id r. Dixon (('onn.)offered an amendment for the pro position of the committee of fifteen. It declares that when any of the lately rebellions States shall present itself not only in an attitude of loyalty, but repre-, senten by men capable of submitting to the constitu tional tests, it shall be admitted to the right of repre sentation. . - Hottsit Mr. Blaine (Me,) asked leave to offer the following: Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested, if not incompatible with the public in terest, to communicate to this Rouse at the earliest practicable day, any authentic information that may come ti.tu his possession in regard to the reported bar , barons bombardment of the city of Valparaiso, by the. Spanish fleet. on the Met of March, ultimo. Also, to Inform the House what instructions hadbeen given by the Navy. Department to the officer commending the merican fleet in those waters. ir. Boutwell (Maas.) objected and the resolution. was not received. Kr. Cloffroth (Pa.) offered a resolution, which was adopted, instructing the Committee on invalid Pen- SWIM to report by bill or otherwise granting pensions to. all the surviving soldiers and sailors of the war of 3812. The regular order of business being the call of cons mine es for reports, Jenckes (ft. 1..). from the Committee on Patents, reported a bill providing that upon appealing for the. first time from the decision of the primary examiners to the examiners-in chief in the Patent office the appellant shall, pay, a tee of $lO. The bill was con sidered and pr ssed. Er. Jenckes also, from the same committee, re-. ported a bill to give Increased pay to Examiners and Assistant I. xarniners of Patents, from April, 1861, to' AnguSt 1865. 143 r. Washburn. (11l ) required au explanation, which brought out 'the fart that the bill was to pay car-. tain clerks for performing the duties of a higher, ,grade. - Herding (111.) compared it to an effort to pay. Colonrls who acted as _Brigadier Guserals the pay of the higher rank and he moved to lay the bill on the table. 1 he motion was agreed to. Mr. Chanter (Isl. V.), from the same Committee, re ported ,ajoint resolution authorizing the Secretary of fine Interitr to appoint three commi.,sioners to ex amine and report on the patented machinery and in ventions. that may be exhibited at the Paris exhibi tion of 1867, with power to employ the necessary draught , rnien and photegraphere, the expenses not to excetti 815-000. washenrne (lii.) opposed the joint resolution, arguing that there was no necessity 'for it, and that it was only an attempt to draw money oat of !Jae treasu ry to pay the expenses of three high-blown and ele. gent geßnotu le w m l n l swtahto d w thhate d i twvss t h Pe arul e i ni n foreign countriesreign -countries to send to the Patent Otltce drawings elpte tents issued by them, at a trifling expense. Ir. Chanter admitted that that was sn; but he said - there was considers' 1e delay In sending the drawings, and this was a question of time. Drawings of patents -were sometimes not received fur three years. Consiaerable -debate ensued, titer which, on motion of Idr. stevens . (pa.), tee joint resolution was laid on Rlle'table. The If ouse resumed the consideration of the bill to reong.- tire and esiabl ids the army of the United St -4tes. die weuty-tbird section being that which lasts uader scuss ion when the House had the mat er peace $l, was then considered. New York stock Markets. New Yong, May 2 —Stocks atendy; Chicago , and jEtock .12A1; Cumberland Preferred, 45;4; MGM= Central Scrip, 118%: Michigan„B„. New York Central 92%; Readinr, Canton, 58y.; Via ginia es, 68: 'Erie RR” 73•% Western Union. 5£3 5 ; U. Coupons, 1881, 108; iegtsjo' ]OI%. 18 6 4. 1013 5 :1165.1017 5 . w.2edoteX; np Tre o asn a rY . Notes. 101,1,i@l01%; Go/ -12g* bternitg- iixettaage; Itarr..Pionr . .ls dull; Western extra, slo@iie 50. 'Wheat ateady. --- Corn - dull and lOwer; White. 65 @fRECT, OfitS, firm aS_4@esse. Provisions 'quiet.' Voiles dull at 14,;;;®15c for Rib i ngold, for cargoes In bond. Whisky dulL • . . . Sale at sPhiladelphla Steck Beard. BALER ' AFTER 0500 Lehigh ts 'B4 87% 4000 Reading It GS '7O 02% 2000 II S 73.106 June 101%1 400 U 11 6.208,282 reg 101% 100 sh HestonVe R b 30,42 260 eh Sch Nay pfd 38 112 sh Lehigh Val 01% 2.3 eh Cam Oz.N.m 85 1203 100 sh. Read B. 1130 63% SECOND 11 400 do 100 City -96% 6s ' new ssg 400 do old 91 2000 Morris Can 1 nit 9011 200 al Dead B 830 533; 100611 do e 5 53 31 300 sh do 53% 500 eh do bswnint 53% 100 sh do 810 53% 23 eh Cam dr .Am 3c 121 300 sh Ocean 01l b3O BEAU ESTATE. ORPHANW -COURT SALE.—Estate of MARY L. - HAINES, (alias AITSTIN deceased. , OA Mrs A. E.EMAN, Auctioneer, under authority of the Orphans' Court. for the City and County of Philadel- phia, on WEDNESDAY, May 9, 1868. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at Public .ale, at the PHILADEL PHIA .I.XCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, late the property of Mary L. Halves, (alias Anstin) deceased viz - NO. _l. HOUSE No. 469 Noah AININTH street. that - certain three-story brick meesuage and lot of ground, situate on the east side of inth street, 68 feet 9% inches southward,from Batten wood street, in the Thirteenth Ward, thence extend• log eastwaro, par northwarduttonwood sire.* 28 feet 8% inches, thence 8 feet 8 inches, thence eastward paralleliwith Buttonwood street 4 feet 85 inches, thence southward 20 feet ;,V of an inch, thence westward parallel with Buttonwood street 34 feet 7% inches. thence northward along Buttonwood street 17 feet to the place of beginning. • . No. 2. I,t3T Twenty-seventh street, above Master. All thatcertatu Jot of ground. on the side of Twenty aeventh street above Master in the Twentieth Ward; containing in front 18 feet 6 inches, by 100 feet 1,09 >tloo 'to be paid on each at time of sale. By the Court, E. A..MERRICE:CIerk,O. C. JOHN F. METZ. ApministratOr. wax; ,A,..gitROMAN, Auctioneer. apl9 26my8 • ' - Store 422 Walnut street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.-Estate-of CRAB: E. VI O.e.DERLY. deceased.-.TAMES A. FREE- N, Auctioneer; under authority of theOrphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, May 9th, 1866, at 12 o'clock, aeon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHILADELPHIA. BBCRANGE, the following described real estate, the property of Charles B. Wonclerly, deceived, viz: No. I—HOUSES, Cherry street, Frankford, two brick Imnses and' lot composed of two contiguous lots, marked on William Einsey's plan of lots Nos. 45 and 46, rituate on the-northwesterly • side of a street, laid out on said plan called Cherry street, in the borough of Frankforcl,now Twenty-third Ward, beginning isa feet sorthweetward from Foulkrod street, being 40feet front by DO feet deep. • Kir Clear of Incumbrance. No. 2—LOT. Foulkrod street, a lot situate on the southwesterly side of Foulkrod street 80 feet north westward from Cherry street, Frankford, being 20 feet frontby 104,4 i feet deep, on the southeast line and 105 feet on the northwest line, tar Clear of incumbrance. lizso I o be paid on each at the time of sale. By the Court, EDWIN A. MERRICK Clerk 0. C. ISABELL.a. W ONDEaLY. Anministratris. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auct'r. ap19,26my8 Store 421 Walnut street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Estate of JACOB REESE, deceased.—JAMES A. FalliiMAN, A uctionefr.—PßOPhßTY, RACE. below Twentieth street, 60 by 143 feet. —IOL der authority of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY May 9th, 1866. at 12 o'clock, Noon, will be sold at Pbblic Sale, at the PH ELADELPHIA EX CHANGE, the following described Real Esme, the property cf lACOB REESE, deceased, via: A lot of ground. with two frame and two brick bonses therem, situate 01. the north side of Racs street, 40 feet east of Twentieth street, being So feet front by 143 feet deep to a 16-feet wide street; called Spring Street. //Eir L desired by th' purcoasers, the above 10t will be aivided into three lots, each having a front oral lee; on Race street. joy- Plan and survey, by which the property will be 801 d, at the Auction Store. By the Court. EDWIN A. ItXR,RICE. Clerk. 0. C. MEN KY 21, DECHEBT. Administrator. JAMES A. Rh PM A Auctioneer, ard9,26my3 Store, 4r. Walnut street. • lA u c R I AL e r. ETA L E— N AMR FRONT Street bawusi4lEsOArfar9, 1846,t1i o'clock, roon. wicl be sold atrobit° , Sale. at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, the following de. scribed Real Estate, viz.:—All that messnacre and lot ofd e gu Wa te t r u a st e re oetn, he e lew t V sd nes f t r F et n t c , o an t d a i w ni e g in front on each street 17 feet, and in depth from Front to Water street 42 feet. Subject to e2l at ground rent, per annum. so- The above is the• drat vacant lot below Vine street. Is In close proximity to toe Camden and Atlan tic Railroad Ferry. and is a most desirable building lot. Aft' $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. JAM_LI3 A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer sing 26,my3 Store, Walnut street ! PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE U NIT RD bTATES.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. r ENDIsYLVA NI& BANK PROPER CY, SECOND street. above Walnut street. Under anthortty of an Act of Congre.s, approved April 7, 1856, on W t DNES DAY, bf ay 16, 1866, at IS o'clock. noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHTLADItLPHtA EXCHA NG P the following descrtbed Beal EX , tede, the property of the United States, viz.: Al! that valuable property with marble building, extenalve foundations and building. material, formerly the Bank of Pennsylvania, and now the property of the Government, situate on the west side of Second street. above Walnut sire , t. In the Fifth Ward, Bounded on the east by Second street, pn the south by Gold street, on the north by Lodge Street, and on the west by Exchange Place and Dock street. This property has a front of abdut 75 feet and a depth of about 250 feet. It has been prepared by the con. strum= n of the most substantial foundation•, to have erected thereon eat , nsive additions to the present building The attention df builders and capitalists is par ticularly directed to this property, it is b unded on all sides by public streets, and is a most eligible site for a public building of any kind, or for stores and offices. Timms or SALE— WOOD to be paid when the property la ?truck off. Itemainder,'S 'h. upon the execution of 'he title. By orderof W. B. THOMAS, Colic , clor. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ap19,26my.3 10 rAORPHANS' COURT SALE—On the Premises it'. of JOHN RUCH, deceased, JAMES A. FREE. N. AOC' lONEER—BUILDUN • LOT, HAINES Stre.t near Hancock, GERMANTOWN. 'Under au thority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Ptiladelphia, on SATURDAY r FTERNOON, May 12. 1866 at 5 o ' clock. on the premises, GI 4 following de scribed Beal Est, te, late the property of Jlhri Ruth deceased. VIZ: A lot otigrouno situate on the north westwardly side of a road called Bockius or Bristol lane now Haines street; beginning at a stono, a corner of this aho ether land or the oald John Ruch, on the side ot the aforesaid street; thence e &tending in front on said Haines street soot hwestwardly 30 feet, and continuing of that breadth northwestwardly between parallel lines, and also parallel with and along said said John Ruch 's line, 128 feet, more or less. WI" The above is a desirable building lot on Haines street, near Hat cock, Germantown. • lam' $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court E A, MERRICK. Clerk O. C. SARAH RUCH. JOSEPH SHE.ETZj Adminis tratrat°r s . JAMESR ERMAN, Auctioneer, 5p26,my8,10 Store, 422 Walnut street. TRUS'rEES' a /1 , 50 t, LI VE SA. r a 1" OP JOHN TFIX , A, deceased.—JAßLES A-- FREE-i AN', Auctioneer —DWELLING, No. 14123..8EACH', street , above Palmer. Under authority contained in; the will of the late John 'lees. deceased, on WRDNES-; DAY, May 16, 1866, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at, Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA. IMO/LANGE, The following described ,Real Estate, viz.—A 2atory . brick dwe,llng, with frame back buildings thereon erected; and the lot of ground thereto belonging, situ-; ate on the northwestwardly Ride of Beach street, 315! feet 9 inches nortbeastwardlyfrom Palmer street;beingi 20 feet 571 inches front, and in depth on the southwest ; wardly line thereof 147 feet 6 Inches. and on the north-; east wardly line thereof 145 feet 43,', inches. • fia - Hay ba examined at any time. Ark - Clear of all lncumbrance. illielMmediate possession can .be given, the pnr-; r. t 1 erms Cash. tar Sale peremptory geir two to be paid at the time of sale. lay order of JACOB TlCES,Trustee. - JAMES A. FREENLA.N, Auctioneer, ap26my3 10 Store, 422 Walnut street. I.Wm ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF' pm FRANCIS KEILioN, deceasedJAMES A.I FREEM AN, Auctioneer. Under authority of the! Orphane' Court for 'he City and County of Philadel-i phia,on WEDNFSDA Y. May 16, 1E66, at 12 o'clock,i , n. v ill be sold at Public bia'e. a , . the PFTL ADEL. ; PICA EXCHA Nt4to, the following described Real,! No. propfrty of Francis Hellion. deceased. viz:. No. 1. —HOUSE No. 1238 N. eIXTEENTH STREET.' above GIRARD A.VENUE. A three-story brick. house and lot on the west side of Sixteenth street, IS' feet south of Csbot street, 16 feet front by 70 deep. No 2.—DWELLING. ADJOINING. A three.story; brick house and lot, adjoinir,g the above, No. 1236, 34l feet south of Cabot street, 16 feet front by 70 feet de.p.; sir 1150 to be paid on each, at the time of sale.; By the Court _ • E. A. MERRICK. Clerk. 0. C. ,• LOUR , KEILION, Administrator. JAMES A. F ~ ERMAN, Auct'r. S;ore, 422 Walnut street. I Zap26,my3,10 VEXICIJTOR'S SALE.— Estate of JACO B 1 HuW.deceased.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, A.uc-1 eer.—TWO SMALL D authorityS,RS Stret: GERMANTOWN. — Undercontained in the' will of the late Jadbb How, dec'd, on WED NEID AY, May le, 1168, at 12 o'clock, nnon will he sold at Pah lie Sale, at the PRILADELPHI3 EXCHANGE, that following described Real Estate; viz: All 'home twni 2-etorY atone dwellings and the lots of ground thereto. belonging, situate on the southeast side of Rw et street.; each 33 leet.front and 98 feet deep to - fteger street; one ; b. untied on the northeast by etpring alle‘ , and thei other south West, by Middle allt-y. These propeßiesl are within 2511 feet of Manb elm street, and also of Main! street. Posseesion with the d. ed. /253 50 to be paid on each, at too , rime of sale. By ostler of FRANCIS W. B 'CH fog Execut er. jzt.biEta A. FEE.EmAN, Amtioneer, 26,my8 20 - Store, Cr. Walnut street. TP DAILY EVENING:BULLETIN : PHILADELPRIA, THURSDAY, MAY 3,1866. FIRST BOARD. 100 sh Read R 53, 800 sh do blOwn 53.'4 100 sh 'do int 5314 100 ah do b3O 5314 100 eh ho 0344-100 100 sh Phil & Erie cab 32).5 400 sh do b 5 323 a 100 sh do 83Own 3214 bosh - do - ' 32% BOARD. 100 sh Clatawiesapf b 5 29.; 300 ah do b 30293, AO eh do - 30 300 eh do 880 30 300 sh Phl.lB & Erie R 82Y 100 eh:::do 830 32% 300 eh Go 630 32?, 4 100 eh _ do b3O 83 43 eh - Penns R ads 564' leh do ss! i 50 eh North Lib Gas 2334 ir FOR SALE CHEAP—A three-story brick g. dweLinwithback buildings, 2011 Poplar street, modern conveniences. Apply to J. H. CURTIS &, BON: Real Fatale Brokers 933 Walnut street. • . FOR SALE —A three-story b ick dwelling, lER brown stone finish, 43 North Seventeenth street, bath, gas. range: &c. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Bear Estate Brokers. OS Walnut street. riIiFALL SESSION OF MISS ABEKVITTI aIIGAItY FOR YOUNG LAMM will corn• mence on Wednesday, September ISth, at • hez resident*, corner of ropier and Sixteenth streets PhllaiSelphia. RIEFEBICNOZEI :—ltev. G. Emlen Hare, D. Di, - Rev. Themes Brainerd, D. D„ W . Allen, Eq. Aft p resident of Girard co ll e g e. typply• SEAL ENTATE. •". • ' - .l=C-kIN With use of Steam Power, part ofthe - BABEBIENTtor :No. 111 South FOURTH Street,Apply • BINGWALT & BROWN. aV2Btfi On the premises. REAL E.STATA.— JAMAS A. , :• Auctioneer.' TEN NEAT Dwtvtarios, ASH ' LA 'l2O street. On WEDNESDAY. May 16, 1868,- at 12 o'clock. noon, willbe sold at public sale, at , the PHI LAVE LPEtIA EXCHANGE. the following described ' real estate, viz.: All those 7 neat two-story brick houses and Jots of' ground -thereto belonging, on the west side of Ashland street. above Wharton street (be , tween Tenth and Eleventh streets). numbered seve rally 18, 20,22, 24; 26,28,30, each 14 feet tront and 42 feet deep. Wilt be sold sec arately. . Also, the 3 similarproperties on the east side of Ash land street, numbered 21, 2i and 27, the.two former _be ingl4 by 52ft., the latter being 23% teetwide on the front and 18 feet wide on the rear. Will be sold separately. pgr Plan at the Store. /ggir 160 to be paid on each at the time of sale, JAMES A. FEEESLAN,Auctioneer, . 8 ap y ,10 Store, 4V. Walnut street. ELORPHANS' COURT SALE.--Estate of JOSEPH B. RUNNER, deceased.-JAMES A. FREE- Auctioneer.—HOUSE, RANDOLPH • street. above Poplar. Sixteenth Ward. 'Under authority of the Or phans'.Court for the City and County of Pails delphia, onWaDNESDAY, May 16, 1666, at 12 o'clock, noon will be sold at Pub is Sale, at the PHLLADEL FRIA. %EXCHANGE. the following described Real hatale, late the property of Joseph B. Runner, de ceasE d, A three-story brick house and lot. on the east side of Randolph street (formerly Filmbeth street). 150 feet 3. of an inch north from Poplar street, 19 feet front by 65 feet .3% inches deep, on the south line. and 61 feet 103 inches deep on the north line. /11- $5O to be paid at the time °fettle ity the Court, E. A. MERRICK. Clerk 0. C. SOPHIA BENDER, Administratrix. M 1 A. FREEMAN Auctioneer, ap26 my 310 Store. 422 Walnut street. BISAL EIWPATE.—JAMES'A. FREEMAN', Auctioneer.—DWELLlNG, DAUPHIN J3trset, ard.—ON WELNESDAY,. May 16, 1866, At 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at-Public Salo, - ;at - the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following :de. scribed - Heal 'Estate, viz.; All that let of ground, with the three-story brick dwelling. and two-story back building, thereon erected, on the north side of Dau phin street 68 feet 2 inches east of Amber street, 18 feet front and 58 feet deep. llt=ange, hot and cold baths, lta.sso to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. Fillrfni A N Auctioneer. rap26m73,10 Store 422 Walnut street. pes:ti FOB SA IL—COUNTRY RUSIDENCE, AT Rolausburg—Beautiful situation and perfecoy itbit:ll; superior Dwelling with the all the modern conveniences and three acres of land. Bounded by Cokland avenue Mill. Decatur and Cambridge streets: Tastefully laid out with ehadeand fruit trees.. Kahle. Coach House, Laundry. &c. Close to Holmesburg Banned elation and 'Bristol Turnpike.' Access fre quern. Immediate possession.' For further particu lars. see handbills and catalogue of M. THOS! AS & to ON S rale of May 8. GIGO. W.o3TITGL, Jr.. myl-et' Conveyers er, 727 Sansont street. 11:1 COTTAGES TO LET CAPE ISL&ND, NEW JERSEY. I have several fine Cottages yet to let, furnished with all the necessary furniture. the., except linens, crock ery. knives. forks and spoons. Address immediately, my 2 Imi - FOR SALE.—A most desirable and pleasantly located COI:WIRY SE AT, with 8 acres of land, andsorce lawn, well shaded; abundance of fruit, grapes and berries; a fine vegetable-garden; coach house, with stabling for six horses; situated on the Merlon turnpike road. 114: miles above Hestonviile, of a mile from Pennsylvania avenue station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Premises can be, seen and house opened every day this week froth 10 A. hi nntil P.M. For further particulars inquire at 219 CHISST- N ITT street._myr-st• FOR VLUABLE — COUNTRY SEATatRIVEItTON. New Jersey, consisting 01 a su stantial pointed Stone HuUSE. with GROUNDS OF AB@UT 131 i ACRES, fronting the Delaware River on the bank. The house is furnisbed with all the modern conveniences, and supplied with water by a windmill on the premise,. There is also a good STABLE, with ICE HOUSE:, ite. Apply to PETER T. 'WRIGHT, 214 Chestnut street, up stairs. ap26l2t* LIFOR SALE—A Farm of 82 acres, at Abtnglol Station, on the North Pennsylvania Raltroed, spout ball an hour's ride from Philadelphia. Thii Property includes several fine sites for Country R‘-,i denefe. . . A LSO—Tv o Very desirable City Itealdences, Nos 2125 and 2111 Spring Garden street, Apply to WM. Mr I AN, Conveyancer, my2-4t. No. YU South Fourth street. P TO .EtENT—GERMA • TOWN. A STONE COTTAGE. ire roams; situate on Stenton avenue, commandiog a tine Vift; halfway between Wayne and Fisher's Lane stationa on Philadelphia and Germantown rail road, and within one square of Germantown turnpike. Apply to C. M. EVA.NS, roy2-St* 611 Arch street, FUR SALE—A FARM, containing lOt• acres JIBI superior land, together with modern aouble brick manaloo; Ice and carriage house• 2 tenant houses; 8 bums, &c.. &c. Situate 1 mile from Moorestown. J.; j a mile from Camden, Moorestown and MOM. t Holly Railroad, and 10 miles from Camden; live acres of garden fruit. young orchard and handsome lawn, well shaded. J. M. GT.Tmll 'KY t SONS, 508 Walnut street. FOR SALF.-1014 &AC Street,corner of Freed lander street, opposite Blind Asylum, three-story once, double back-bulldings, saloon parlors, 3 cham bers bath, gas, water•closet, beaters. summer and win ter kitchen• ranges, grape vines. Also, a large lot on kreedlander street, 18 feet front by 68 feet deep. If n -t sold befure May 6th, will be rented. Inquire at adcCal a's new Hat store. 613 Cbeatmit street. ap3Ohnlsl 634 NORTH TWELFTH STR Eh.T.—FOR SALE Ibreestory DWELLING, double three-sto beck bullrings. replete wftb modern tvovenlences— gas, beaters, winter and summer kitchen, saloon par lor, 4c. In good order. Korb may remain on mort gsge. If not sold before May 15th, will be rented. In gnus at MeCALLA'S New Rat store, 613 Chestnut street. - aphutf EGEFISIANTOWN RESIDENCE. FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Beautifully and converdentiy situated, within two minutes' walk of Church Lane Station. A commodions and elegant RESIDENCE. with all the modern conveniences; stable. coach-house, c. Lot 1601213. Apply between 10 SS North TRIED street. (mhl4 till W. Y. WILSTACH, D . FOR SALE. I;2 THE NEAT AND DETSIRABLE BRICK YELLING (In comple e order). No. Mg FILBERT 61zeet. by MUSES THOMAS & SONS. at toe .F.X- C.I3ANCiE, on TUESDAY, May 15th. .mu re nnin. ap2.Bs,tu,th 6t* I-Vo SPRUCE STREET,—FOR kl 4LE —A tour-story aII' modern brick residence 12 feet front, with three mon double back buildings. and lot 119 feet deep to an outlet situate on the north side of Spruce street. belotv Fe enteetub street. J. M. GUMMEX SONS, 503 Walnut sttpet, EFOR SaLk.— Fine large Stone Waralor on Clapier street. near Township line, within tenminutes' walk of the Germantown IL B. Statioy. e H. InnRHEAD. ap24-2tt 305 Sonth Sixth street. FOR SALE—COTTAGE AT CAPE ISLAND Kam Lafayette street, lot 60 feet front by 200 deep la rooms. piazza front and bard: on first and second stories. One half can remain on mortgage. If not sold before Janalst. will tereuted,farwsned. Inquire at licCU.llo.l3ew3lat store; 613 Chestnut et, apEotml6t .Wk.:4"1. -- PHILADELPIELL PROPER TY fe . ALE CBEAP.-:.'Ille, last. one of those splendid brown -tone DWellingai_No.' 4 J 3 BSCSET.stre.t,' finished IP theliest roanirr. with all the r r denlcon- N =Atee PPIY " . t , ° s IptUltr: PO.L.V. , ,The four story modern — brick r residesm2o feet f.ont, with three-story double' hick N311(31111%; slut , feet, , deep to thirty feet wide street. sousteaslo. 1833 Filbert street. J. M. GUM-. MET & SONS, SeB-Walriht greet. tieARCH B rREKT—FOR BALZ—A. three-story; mosern brick _ RESIDT , NCR, with at - lar andt three story double back buildings and lot 20 feet front, by Its feet deep: situate Nineteenth and Arch streets.; J. M ORM WRY cit BONG 508 Walnut street. ISFUB SALE.—The three•story brick residence., with three story back buildings, and every tun-1 venienct, atid newly pat end and painted throughout, situate l o. 320 South Twenty-tirst street. J. M. GUytME Y _ & SONS. 5 , 8 Walnut street. Mr FOR SALE.—The roux-story brick Residence; with double back buildings, and lot 20 feet front by 100 feet deep to a 12 feet wide str ,eet.• situate No. 22.3 South Sixth street. J. X. & soma, sea Walnut street. Cm Z . O LET.For three or four months froru :June ER Ist a delightmlly located, well furnished 11.0 USE,' two bath rooms, water and was to third floor. To a; small respectable !tunny this is a rare chance. Address box 1524 Pestoffice. iny2-3t* gFOR RENT.—AN ELEGANT FOUR-STORY house, on North Broad street, with or without riiiture, for sale. Address Emy2.3t* (Fs-ZO Lh.T--HOUSE AND GROUND, N. E. cor MS 'I Der, Tb lrty-eight and Walnut, West Philadelphia,' luu feet flora by 210 feet deep ; grape vines, fruit trees, natural spring water. Immediate possession, Inquire at NcCalla's new Hat store, 613 Chestnut at. apso•tf/ 10 LET. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. tt' Three-story DWELLING, double back buildings; ft in dye squares ofeontinental. Parlor and second story carpets for sale. Rent .00. Address JuNO, BuLLETtri Office. ap3otf NC - TO RENT.—Fourth and Fifth stories No. 105 lE,g South Second street, suitable for. light in • nufao- Luring purposes• will be rented I wtr to a good tenant. Apply to J. H. CORTDS dt SON, Real Estate Brokers, 438 Walnut street. . EDIUII4TION. ae e :7'92h:at ,ea,., . 4 4 "• - Ginwr TRUITE a intoit -4:llnroNfi• a yna.. a;aisiA: a : I A NA UIIMB al: al:atift az• f 'ef•ft: D AND WPO -9 •El • -9•••:: ' TIME OR= PORTIMIST2and 'the OA .e • a - StfithisrEFICITIENT: OP- PAfieilasearit TRAINS 'mea t & Ocu irl 3't Mut. PEENTIt and , fliid*Phis owls: MORNING MAIL. At 8 A. M. ihr :Reading, .Lebandft, Harrkburt, Pottsvifie Pine Grove, Tamaqua, thmbury_ port, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Palls, Milo, Allen. town, Wllkesbarre, Pittston, York, Carliale,Dbambera. wg, liagerattstes, &e 4 .11e- - This train connects at READING * wit h the East Pennsylvania 'Railroad trains for Allentown, dtd; and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisbu rg_ Railroad gm.; at PORT CLINTON with Oata,wissa Railroad trains for Williamsport,_Lock Herren. Elmira, dtc.. at RRTECKInte with Northern Cantral, Otunberiand Valley, and Schuyiktll and 13115queluinns trains for Northomotasland,Willitimsport, 'York, Chamberaburg, PinegrOVS, ao. • AFTEEINDON Leaves Philadelphia at 8.80 P. M. for Resrotts. vile, Harrisburg, dtc._, connecting with ug and Columbia RM. trains for Columbia &c. READIN ACCOMMN. Leaves Reading at G 6.00 A. M., st ODATI O opping at all Waists. Lions; arrives in Philadelphia at 8.55 A. M. Bto.rning, leaves Philadelphia at 5.00 P. M.; arrives B et atr7.55 2. orTrains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 7.80 A, M.rand-Pottaville at/LULA.- M..-arriving Phii.elPl• phM at 12.45 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.00 P. M., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 7.05 - • - Marxist) • accommodation leaves Reading at 7.80 A. M. and Harrisburg at 9.20 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leavea Philadelphia at 12.45 noon'-for locsolog and all way stational leavesll.Bo A, M., and Downingtown 12.80 P. X. for Phlladel and all way stations. All the above trains run daily, Sundays eareeted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 8.00 A. M.. and Philadelphia at - 8,15-• P. -M ; • leave - Philadelphia for }leading. at 8.90 A. M,.returning from Reading at 4.25 P.M MESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. for Downingtown and IntemodlEttppOintt take the .00 M . and 5.00 P. M. trains from Pug ode]. retxu3 . 2 . lpg from pownitlittown at 6.85 A. M. sad 2 80 Noon_ - • • . NNW YOBS RIZPIOESS FOR PITTSBURGH AND Leaves New Yorlr. at 9.00 A. )Land 8.30 P. nnti.. /.L.lwallit a i Reading at 1 A.M., and :..413 P. M.. and , co HarrisbuMLPsunsylvania. and' Norther__/ Railroad row Trains Asr Pittaburgh, Chicago. wl:* Barnet/cwt. Baltimore. dro. ReWrniuz. 3hrpress [Train-leaves: on arrival of Pennalvania n =a from Pittab at 8 and 9.05 A . 3L, at.4.4S and 10.52 . arriving' at New hang A. AL, and 2.46 P.M. Sleeping qty acc omand these trains through between /aster without. charts. Mall train thr 2Tew York leaves Harrisburg at 2,00 P. NoOX. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at IS n. SCIIWYLkaIa. VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 7.1].30 A. M. and 7.15 P. M., reaurnlna from Tamaqua at 7.85 A. 11.. and ISO and ISCIIITYYLHELL AND 81:180413EHANNA RAMBOAD. Trains leave Auburn at 7zo A M. fOr Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 1.50 P. H. for Pinegrove and Tre. mont; returning from Harrisburg at 4.16 P. M. and from Tremont at 7.3 a A. M. and 640 P. M. Through rst•cLesa ticts and emigrant tickets to all the principal points Inn the. North and West and Canada& The following tickets are obtained only at the Office of 8. Bradford, Treasurer, No.= South Fourth street, Philadel hia, or of G. A. Nicalls, General ttuperintend ent, OCGIBEIPPATION TIGEMTI3, At 25 per cent., discount between any points desired for ttunlllw and firms. A. E. HUGHES. Real Estate Agent. , ULU:SAGE TICKETS, Good for 5,000 miles,between all points, at PSI 50 each, for families and firms. BEASON TICKETS, For Only, t h a e llp , n s n at e ! o u ctew d el r ve a months, or holden Residing on the line of the Road will be tarnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets a$ half-fare. MICTIESION TICKETS. From Philadelphia to prlncipsl station, lood flu Saturday, Bruaday and Monday at reduced rare, to be Mid only at the Ticket Office at Thirteenth and Callow• bill streets. FREIGHT. goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above poltita from and Willow thstreete C s. ompany's New Freight Depot, Brost] FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave hia daily at 5.80 A. M.. 12.45 noon and k; AL, tbr g, Lebanon. Harrisburg, Pottaville, Port COnton, and all pot r lt A a in}elfond. - - Mae at the Philadelphia Post Office fbr all places co the road and its branches at 5 A. li, and Var the prin. Cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. M. PHILADELPHIA. WILMING TON AND BALTIMORE BAIL. ABLE.—Oommencing MONDAY, April HUI, 1866. Trains will leave Depot, corner at Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Express Trai at 4.15 A. M. (Mondays excepted tbr Baltimore a n, nd Washington, stopping at Mester ), Wilmington, Newark, litton, Northeast. Perryville, Bavrede-Gracte, Abe/teen, Perryman's, Magnolia. Mase's and Stetamer'a Ban. Way-mall Train, at &IS A. N. (Sundays ex cepted), for Baltimore, etopping at all regular stations between Philadelphia and Baltimore. Delawarelt.R.Train,9.ouA.M.(Sunday excepted), for Princres Anne. Mild re and intermediate stations. Express train at 11.45 A. M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, Express. Train at 3.00 p. M. (Bands-73 excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Nester, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North-East, Perryville, Havre-de Grace, Aberdeen, Penman's, FAS ewood. Magnolia, Chase'e and Stemmer 's Stan. Night Morena:, MOO P. M. for Baltimore and WaSh in=mrs by boat from Baltimore for Fortress Monroe, .biog&aty Point and Richmond will take the 11.45 A. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRALYs, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphia at 9 00,11.15 A.M.,11.30, 6 00 and 11.4 P. M. The 4M P. M. train connects with the Dela ware Railroad for Barrington and intermediate sta tions. Leave Wilmington 6.45, &00 and 8.30 A M., 440 and 6.30 P. M. Trains for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 9.00 A. M., am and 6.00 P. M. THROUGH TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE F CHEsTER FOR 1 P Leave Wilmingtan at 11.00HILADELPHI A.bL,4.26 and iA. ceo P.M. Leave Chester at 7.46. 6.46, 10.14 and 11.40 A. M., 4 .43 5.10. 7.26 and 10.36 P.M. From Baltimore to Phlladelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.2.5 A. M., Way Mail. 9.) A. AL, Fspretki. 1.10 P. M., Express. 6.35 P. M., Express. 8.23 P. M., Express. Trains for Baltimore leave Cheater at 4.49 and A. 32 A. AL. and 3,Ut P. M. Trains for Baltimore leave Wllmingtonat 5.33, and 9.83 A. M.. and 4.15P. M. Freight trains with passenger car attached will leave Wilmington ibr Perryville and intermediate stations as 8.051'. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre dektrace and intermediate Stations at 4_45 P.M. Leave Perry vile for Wilmington and intermediate stations at 5.0 A. M. connecting at Wilmington with the 8.00 A. Si. train for Philadelphia. SUNDAY TRAMS. Itrpress nein at 4 15 A. litt. ihr Baltimore and Wash.. button, stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Newark, Ilkton, Northeast, Perryville, Havre-dearece, Aber deen, Perryman's, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Run. Night Express 11.00 P. M. for Baltimore and Wean- Witten. accommodation Train at 11.30 P.M., fist Wilmington and Intermediate Stations. BALTIMORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 8.25 ,P. M. stopping at Havre de Grace, Penyville and WUmington. stops _at Elk ton and Newark (to take Passengers fen nadeliinis and leave passengers teem Washinn or Baltimore) and Cheater to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington. Accomcdation train will leave Wilmington en Phi lailelphia and intermediate Stations at 6.30 P. M. - H. P. ELENNEY, littspsrintertdent, PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS aiNINWAND CINCINNATI RA l'auUD C . Owing to the great distance saved by THIS ROUTE the Government has asaigned to it the carrying of the IT. S. MAIL to the Principal Mies of the West and Southwest. Timm BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OF CABS . BEI W ETIN PHILADELPHIA. AND CINCINNATI, AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOII/11 PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARRIVE IN CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS CAIRO AND ST. LOUR , ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER IhN Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 11.50 A. M. will arrive at Altoona in the evening ibr supper, where, Woodruff's Celetrated Palace elate-Room Sleeping. Cars will be attached, and run through to Columbus! without change, avoiding changing cars at Pittsburgh; at midnight., a comibrt never before afforded to Mei traveling community. Be sure to purchase tickets "VIA BTEUBEN at PENNSYLVANIA. "rt TT.ROAD OFFICE Corner Thirtieth and Market Streets. Philadelphia. • • S. F. SCULL, Cern Picket AWL Steubenville, 0. JOHN H. MILLER. Oen'i Eastern Pass. A_g't. 526 Broadway, New York. JOHN DURAND, Gen'l Supl. fete-tf "LIVINGSTON," ' Box 2 tB9, Pon office agprof 1866. PHILADELPHIA AND Run! RAILROAD, 1866. urns greatilne traverses the Northern and NortioW west cot:miles of Penni* Ivan% to the city of Erie on Lake Erie, it has been leased and is operated by the Pennsyl-i vania hallroad Company. TIME Or PASSENGER TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVE EASTWARD. Erie Mall Train 700 A.M.' Erie Express Train LOOP. M LEAVE WESTWARD. AND. Erie Mall Train..„ 9 00 P. M.. Erie Express Train .12.00 AL' Passenger Cars run through on the Erie Mail and Express l rains without change, both ways, between' Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 A,M, arrive at Erie; 9.15 A. 31„t Leave Erie at 1.55 P.M., arrive at New York 8.40 P. M. Elegant sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. For information respecting pas, bus ners aping' at cornt r TEM:METH and. MA RM streets, Phila. delphla. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B. Hingston. Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market, streets, Philadelphia. .7, W. Reynolds, Erie. Was. Brown, Agent N. C. R. E., Baltimore. H. H. zi GIISTON General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. 't H. W. OWINNEA, General Ticket A gent,Philadelpala, ; A. L. TYLER, Genera) Williamspo4 TRAVELIII6 GUIDE, (":t•',tl7:i rip ailleV4g4 INA lit 11 IkViVIIJ I I) j NORTH PicarnitirLVANlA B.—THE MIDDLE Botrna— o an mom direct line to Bethlehem Allentown ! afanoh—Con., White Haven Willchesbarre. mahanoy City , and all points in the Lehigh and =tog Coal Begiona.-; , Pamenger Depola In Philadelphia, THEW street above Thompson, and corner of Tornticat and /MARI CAN *Unfits. • • WINTER ARRANGEMENT, NINE DAILY TRAINS. On and after MondaY,Nov.2thh,l66s, - Paseetrer trains leave the Depot, Third street, aboVe Thompson, daily excepted), as follows: AT 7.80 A. M.-44orning Mrpress for Bethlehem and and Principal. Stations on North Pennsylvania Rath road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown, Catasaugmt,Slatington, blanch Chunk Weatherly Jeatiesiville, Hazleton White Ha ven Wilkesbarre, kinciton, Pittston, and 'all points In Lehigh and Wyoming alley% ago, In connection with TAlitgh and Mabanoy Railroad for Mahanoy,ty and with Catawissa Baliroadifor Rupert, Danville; and•Willrt. Arrive at Manch Chunk at 11.45 A. M.; at Wilkes at 2.45 P. M.; at Mahanoy City at P. M. Passengers by•this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing' Bethlehent At 12.00 X. for Eas ton and points on • New JerseV Central 'Railroad to New York. ' - • AT ELM A.' M.-A.ccomModation, fbr Doylestown, stopping at all Intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. AT 10 A. 21.—Amommodation. fbr Port Washing ton, stopp a in i E at all intermediate Stations. At 2.60. P Accommodation - for Doylestown, BtqP• ping at intermeile` ete stations. .Pmengers Mae stage at Doylestown for New Hope. AT &SO P. M.—Evening Express for Bethlehem and principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Rai% road,making_close connection at Bethlehem with Le high Valley Train for Easton, reaching there at 6.45 P. M. Passengers fbr Plainfield A Samerville and other points on New Jersey Central R.R. take N. J. C. Train at Easton; winch arrives In New Yerk at lo P. M. Pas sengers for Somneytown take stage at North Wales. and tor Nazareth at Bethlehem and fbr 6reenviile at Quakertown AT 4.15 P. M.—Accommodation, Itir Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville take stage at Abingllm Ibr Ltunberville at Doylestown. AT 6.15 P. M.—Through ACCOMMOdatIOII, fbr Beth lehem and ail Stations on main line of North Pennsyl vents Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for•em Xrehigh Valley Railroad and fbr Danville. Wth.....areer 6 ...and Catawissa Railroad.' AT 6.15 P. M..AcCoramodatton, so:r laitudale, atop ping at all intermediate Stations. - At 11P. M. Accommodation for Port TRAILsa3 FOB PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.25 and 25Jn A. 4., and 6.15 P. _ _ Passengers leaving Euiton at 9/0 A. X, connect at Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at 12.25 P. M. Passengers leaving Wilkeabarre at 1 P. AL, _connect at Bethlehem at Gas P. M. and arrive in PVlsdelPhis at 8.45 P. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.80 A. M. 6.15 and LSO P.M. Leave r.mosle st LlO A. M. Leave Fort Waahington at 10.50 DAY and 2.15 P. N. ON lINI3. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9A. IL Philadelphia for Doylestovm at BP. M. Doylestown - for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at P. IL . Ptah and Sixth Streets .lassitetti6ex 9us cony 3 , Palle eugars liittet°Cirsd frost of Second tad Third Balks Line convey pastasaters to Third Street Tickets raustbe rocured L=TlCket °Sim, THIRD street or HEBBS street, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. ELLIS CLARE, A Hillman's Baggage Express will call for antlte ßi li l l%er 114 tarc L e g .No. 113 a t the Depot. South THIRD meet. . noWtra FOR NEW YORK.--The CAM DEN AND AMBOY and P.EULA s • St A — 1) TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANY'S IJNEB, from Philadel his to New York. and way places, from W STREET WHARF, will leave as follows, via. ibret. At 5 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom., $2 25 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey 04y .EXpreite t CO At 2 P. M.. via Camaen and Amboy Espress. 800 At 5.50 P. M., via Camden to S. Amboy, ACCOM. At t A. M., 2 and &BO P.M. For Mount Holly, Ewans vilte and Yincentown. At SA. M.. and 2 P. X. far Freehold. At 5 and 10 A. M. 12 M. 4, 5.80, and 7P. M. : for Fish House, rairayra, Elverson, Progress, Delanco, Beverly, Edgewater, Burlington Florence. Borden town, dm. The 10 A. M.and 4 P.M. lases runs direct through to Trenton. LINK FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT will leave as follows ! At 11 A. M., 4.30, 6.45 P. M and 12 P.M. (night) via Huntington and Jersey City 11.xpress- .. 13 PO The 6.45 P. M. Line will ran daily. All others Sun days excepted. A 17.80 and 11,00 A. M. 3, 8.80, 4.88,5 and 6,45 F. M., and /2MM/tight. for Brtstol, Trenton. etc. At 7 and lea& A. IL, 12 M., 8,4, 5, and 6 P. M. for tornwella,Torrisdale,Holmesburg, Tacony,Wissino ming Bridesburg and Frankford and at 10.15 A. M. for BristoL Schencks, Eddhagton and 8 P. M. for Holmesburs and intermediate Stations. BELVIDRRE DELAWAKS RA I r.ROAD, for the Delaware River Valley, Northern Dwa.lvania, and New York State, and the Groat Lakes. Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington De pot, as follows: At 7.20 A. BL, and &80 P. M, for Niagara Fails, But- Oslo, Dunkirk Canandaigna.Elmira, - Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Ring , opton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkeabarre Scranton. Stroudsburg, Water Gap; Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flem ngtonotc. The U. Line connects direct with he Train leaving F 1144011 Ihr Mauch Chunk. Allen town. Bethlehem. An. At 8 P. M. tor Lambertville and Intermediate Stations Kir For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken Kinston Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour betons departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train. run from the Depot. On Sundays, QMnlbusses will leave Wal line.nut street when at 6P. M. to connect with 6.45 P. M uxAs of Baggage only r allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are Prohibited from l'.tring_ anything as baggage but their wearing ap All baggage over Pity pounds to be paid for er.: The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound. and will not be liable for any amount beyond 1100. except by special contract. Boston. 517 - Tic sold and baggage checked direct through to Graham's Baggage kapreas will call far and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders lo be len at No. S Wal nut street. •LIICs FROM NEW YORK FOR PMELADKLPHIA: Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at 12M. and P. M. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and 10 A. M.. 6 P. M. and 12 Night via jersey City and Ken sington. E.Prom Pier No. IN. River,at. SA. M. and 2, 4 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. WM. H. °AMMER.. Agent. REILLAAD.ELPRIA. 14 MK Mw N. TOWN AND NORRISTOWN nailato TABLE.-0n and after WED. NEsDAY, November let, 1865, until farther notice, FO Leave Philadelphia-6, 7,8, 9,10, 11, Lt. A. M.: 1,1, 2.19 minutes, 81 , 3,5, SX, 6,7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, P. IL Leave Germantown - 6.7, 8 , , 8.31, 9, 10, 11, 12, A. AL: L 2,3, 4, IX, is, 6.14, 7,8, 9, 10,11 P. X. The 5.% down train, and the sX and OX up trains de net atop on Germantown Branch, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.10 minutes, A. M.; S. 7 aryl lOC, P. IL Leave Germane:m-8 A. L and a% P. N. CIIINSTNUT RILL P.A.M.ROAD. Leave Philadelphlar-4, 80902, A. M.; Y, 831 C. 5 . X. 7, 27, and 11, P. M. Leave Chestnut 111U O -7.10 nshautes, 8, SAO, and IMO A. M.; LSO. LSO, LSO, SAO, &SO N - SUNDAY, and 10.40 P Leave Phliadelphia-9.10 minutia, M.; and 7 t. Leave Chestnut Hlll-7.40 minutes, A. 3L; 12.40, L4O Ltd 9.2.5 mlnntea P. M. FOR COI SHOROLUEBN AND PhaIiRD3TOWN. Leave Philadelphia-4, 8.35, 1L =lmam, A. AL; 4,%. 5%, &OS, Leave Norristown-61W. 7.44, 9, 1 . A. M.; /34, 436 arida P. I.L The 53f P. N. train all atop at School Zanee,. Wan. w on. itawcuak, Spring Mk , and Oonatsoheokrn ON 13IINDATS. Leave Plilladelphla-7 A. N., 23G. and 7 P. IC Leave Norrlatown-7 A. IL. and 5 P. N. NOR NANAYIINX. Lea m ve an Philadelphia— is, &87., mos A. as; 13( 7%, , d 11% P Leave Xanaynnz-41%. 7%, 8.110, 93611}x, A. X; 8, a, 8% ands, P. X. ON EiIINDA.TB. Leave philAibalphla-8 A. 211.; 2,34 3u and 7 P. X. Law° m an2 ,..,Di A, AL; 5 and BP. X. W. T. Wu.bori, General perintendent, - Depot, Ninth and Green streets. its• MORE CENTRAL RALLROA.D.— e, t 3 tee ."..***: 4GFAwictiTS.—ON AND A L E , rEB, MONDAY, March 19,1666, the Train will leave Phila• delphia, from the Depot of the West Chester dr, PhDs delphla Railroad, corner of Thirty-nrst and Market streets, (West Philada ), at 7.20 A M., and 4.45 P. M. Leave - Rising Sun, at 5.30, and Ozford at 6.05 A. M., and leave Oxford at 3.25 P. M. Tlil June let a Market Train with Passenger Oar attached will run on Tuesdays and Fridays—leaving The Rising Bun at 10.45 A. M., Oxford at 11.45 A. M,, and Kennett at 12.45 P. M., connecting at West Chester Junction with a Train for Philadelphia. On and alter June Ist. this train will leave he Rising Bun at 4 P.M., Oxford at SP. M., and Kennett at 6P. M. Marketing will not be taken on Passenger Trains. The Train leaving .Philadelphia at 7.D) A. M. con nects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Pracri Bottom, in Lancaster county. Returning, leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxfozd with the Afternoon Train for Philadelphia. The•Trairileaving Philadelphia at 4.45 runs to Rising Bun, Md. Passengers are allowrd to tske Wearing Apparel only, as Baggage, at d the Company will not in any case be responsible for an amount exceeding' one buu dred dollars, unless a special contrast be made for rise same. . intl9 lIENJECY WOOD, Oen% dup't. JERSEY RAILROAD " LINES—From foet of:Market street ppppee• • 0 , 1%4/scout Sundays. FALL AND . : : G EN MS mend WEDNESDZY, NOVEMBER 16th, . • For,Bridgeton, Salem, and all Stations on West Jer sey and balem Railroads, at 9A. M. and 3.30 P. M. For Millville and all intermediate Stations, at 9A, M. and 3P. M. For Cape May and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M. to 11111vMe connecting ry wi ß th freight train (Passenger car attached) for Cape , due 3.45 P. M. and 3.00 P. M. through passenger due 8.00 P. M. For Glassboro , and Intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M. 8 and 130 P. M. For Woodbury, Gloucester, &c., at 9 A. M., 3, 8.80, ane16.30 P. M. Freight will be received at second covered wharf be low Walnut street from 7A. M. until 6P. M. Freight received before 9 A. AI., will go forward same day. Freight delivered at 223 South Delaware Avenue. J. VAN R.MNESELAER„iinperimearient. - THE WENT JERSEY F.X.PREoS COMPANY - Will attend to all the usual branches of Exesicss Bus- Sizes, receive, deliver, and forward, •through other re sponsible Express Companies, to all parts of the coun try, any article entrusted to them. A. Special Messen ger accompanies each through train. Office. No. 6 'Walnut street. TBAVELIBIG OVIDEr PENNSYLVANIA antiTBAD RAILROAD. 11111 FINING ARRANGEMENT. The trains o f the Pennsylvania Central B. R. leave the Depot at Thirty-first and Market streets, which is reached by the cars of the Market Street PaSsenger eonlsaias) running to and from the Depot. The last car Prow street -about thirty minutes, prior to the departure of each Train. Orr Strivrs's s-- Cars leave - Eleventh and 'Market streets 45 minutes before departure of Evening trains. ANN'S BAGGAGE EXPRESS Will MB for and deli aer Baggage at the Depot Orders left at the office. No. 631 Chestnut street. will receive attention. TRA INS LE AND AREITV/0 DEPOT THUS: BLASI. TRAIN . . ' PAOLI LINE ACCOEI., No. 1 PAST . . PARKEBBIAG, . HABRISBITRG Aooold., - 'LANCASTER ACCOM., • PAOLI TRAIN, No. 2 • ERII. * - PHILADEUTITA =masa t CINCINNATI KKETZ . 3.I . _ • " LlO A. PHILADELPHIA t • " 7.10 • PAOLI ACCOM., No. I - • " &20 , 0 • PA_RE:ESBDRO - - • " 9.00 LANCASTER TRAIN a 12.30 P.. 111) FAST LINE - - • • 7, id. 7. PAOLI ACCOM., No. 2. - • DAY EXPRESS - - • 0 . 0 ACCOM., • • " 9.10 *Daily, except' Saturday. tDally. excepe Monday. All other trains daily, except Sunday. • The Pennsylvania Rauroad 00. will not assume any rlek for Baggage, , •pt for WeeringApparel, and 1.1.W0 their responalbility to One Hundred Dollars in value.' All Baggage exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk the owner. milesstaken by special contract. TICKET OFFICES • Have been opened fat No. 631 Chestnut street, Conn nental Motel. and Girard Mouse where Tickets may be procured to all important points in Pennsylvania, as well as the West, Northwest and Southwest; and full_karticulars given as- to time and connections, by 30.8. N C. A T.T.111,1, Ticket agent , The Ticket Office at West Philadelphia will be con tinned as heretofore. where all information respecting routes as well as Ticksta, can be had on - application to • THOMAS 11.. .r.A.RILE„ • Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An Emigrant Train runs daily, except Strada.% For ttininnwmation.aatosreandaocemmodationa apply SoMRANCIS EDEN. No. 127 Dock street. CElBErlnget AND PHILA. DELYRIA RAILROAD, VIA • 11%11 sumams ABBANGEHIIItyI% On and alter MONDAY, March 18th. DMA She trains will leave as follows: WEST CRIESSTER TRAMS, Leave Philsdeld s ta ier West Cheater, from Depot Thirty-first and bet street, 7.20 A. M., IMO A. al, Lit, 4.45 and 7.00 P. Leave West Chaster ins Philadelphia, from Depot on B. Market street. 640, UM 10.45 A. M., 120, 4.50 P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 7.80 A.M. and leaving Philadelphia at 4.45 P. M. will not stop at Pemlenon , and will stop below B. C. Junction at Media only. PENNKLTON TRAINS. P Leave, Philadelphia ler Pennelton Lib and 10.* . M. P . M. Leave Pennelion Err Philadelphla 8.16 A. M., 7.1 7.i3 These Trains step at all intermediate Stations. • ON SIINDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8,30 A.11‘.. and2OOP.M. - Leave West A. M and 5.00 P N. ON BITHDAYS—The West Philadelbhia Passenger cars ivtl leave Eleventh and market streets, half•an hour before the Train leaves the depot, and will= . depot on the arrival of eaeh train to conveypass Into the city. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. and 4.04: M., and leaving West Chester at 7.3 v A. N. and 4.50 P. 21.. connect at .B. C. Junction with Trains on the P. silpe B. C. B. B. for Oxford and intermediate points. • % egg—Passengers are allowed to take wearing appa4 only aa Baggage, and the Company will not, in ease, be responsible for an amount exceeding one hun. dred dollars, unless a special contract Is made for the urn& MEMBY WOOD. General Saperkitendent pm. • : ft- I 311:i• : _ 7 TON RAILROAD CO.M-PA_NY. SPECIAL NOTICE. Change of time of departure of Lines for New York and Way places from Kensington depot. On and after TU.n.DAY, May Ist, 1£66, the time of departure of Through and Way Linea frorn Kensington depot, will be as follows. viz New York at 11 A. M , 4.30 and 6.45 P. M. and 12 night, via Kensington and Jersey City .express lines. Fare r'3. The 6.45 P. M. Line will run daily, all others, San days excepted. At 7.30 and U A. M.. 3, 330, 4.30, 5 and 6.45 P. M., and. 12 midnight, for Bristol,lrenton, &c. At 7A. M., 12 M., 3, 4. 5 and 6 P. M., for Oornwells, Torrisdale, Hoirnewbarg, Tacony, 'Wissinonoing, Bridesburg, and Frankford, and at 10.15 A. M., for Bristol, and 8 P. M., for Holmesbrag, and intermediate (stations. At 7.30 A. X. and 3.30 P.M. for Niagara Falls, SIMI% Dunkirk, Canadalgua, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Roches ter, Bloghamplo ilkesn, Oswego,: Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wbarre, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Belvidere. Easton. Lambertville. Flem ington, ,tc. The 3.30 P. M. tine connects direct with the trains leaving Easton for Manch Chunk, Allen town. Bethlehem. &e. A SP. la „for Lambertville and intermediate Stations. Sir Lines from New York andhiladelphia will leave foot of Cortland street at 710 A. M., 6 P. Ilso and 12 night, via Jersey City and Kensington. ap3O-!t W. H. GATZMEII, Agent,: 34 . • I . : • • - ROA.O ASCD T: - SPORTATIQN • •ek , • th3l Charge of time of departure of lines for New Yom and way places, from Walnut street wharf. On and after'l ErESDA Y, May 1at,1666. the time of departure of Ti rough and Way Linea from Walnut street Wharf will leave as follows: FOR YEW YORE. At 5 A.M. vialiincen and Amboy Accom. $2 23 8 " " Camden and Jersey City, Ex. 3 00 " 2 P.M. " Camden and Amboy Express, 300 5.30 Camden to S. Amboy Accom. -CM= At 8 A.M., 2 and 5.3'. P.M. for Mount Holly, Etvade , vllle, Pemberton and lancentown. At b A.M. and 2 P.M. for Freehold. At 5 and 10 A.M., 12 M., 4. 5.n and 7P.M. for M Delanco, ei- House, Palmyra,Biverton, Progress , elanco, Bever ly. Edgewater, Burlington, Florence, Birdentown, etc. The to A.M. and 4 P.M. Linea run direct through 40 Trenton. IE4- Lines from New York for Pnfladelphia. wifi leave Pier No. INorth river, at 5 A.ll, 2 and 4 P.M.. 'via Amboy and Camden, and from the foot of COM' 4- land street at 12 AL and 1P..1,L via Jersey City and Camden. rso4t WM. EL GATZISKR, Agent. - °pique; u.t` AD.A.Mii Pturs.s COMPANY, 220 CHEST% Pnitansztrnxa, January 27th, 1562. The Adams Express Company haveenlarged their facilities at Washington, D. (1, by building a Railroad Depot, and having acquired additional capacity ter transportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages and Parcels to Washing ten, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick,. Adamstown, Fortress Monroe and other rftetes South, rim:Tied by the army, atreally reduced 1 - ates. Special agreements me for Merchandise In large lota. Sutler's goods and army tamp - Iles at satisfactory prices, on application at oar office. Soldiers' parcels taken at much lees than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and recelpted fir at our depot, Southeast corner of. BROAD and LO CUST atree/s. JOHN BINGHAM, Breserintendent. r.-• NEW ARRANGEICENT.—rurr, ADHILPHIA TO wiraae Iff3- w : : CHANGE OF CABS VIA CATA WISdA ROUTE. On and after Monday. April 2d 1886, Williamsport h for Willissport will leave thePhiladelphla and Read , lag Railroad Depot, Thirteenth and Jaltowhlll streets at BA. M. arriving at Williamsport at 6 P. M.. anti making close connections for Buffalo, Erie, Niagara Palls, Suspension Bridge all* all places in the Western, north Western, Southe Western States and the Othadas. ... • . .111.1146uaii TICXETS to all points can be prom:malt at the Company's office 45 Chestnut street, under Philadelphia Bank, opposite the Custom ROllllO, at the United States Telegraph Office in the Continennd Hotel, ano at the Depot of the Philadelphia and Read• tug Railroad Thirteenth and callowhili streets. N. VANRORDT, Passenger Agent. RARITAN AND DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD.—NOTICE.--o; anu ait.v.r saw. Y, February lith, the Elapreea Train will be discontinned. The Freigt Train leaven CAM. DEN at 2 o'clock, P. AL, (Sunday exoeged,) 34- istvhs New York next morning. ht • taken at low zab:a. L. B. COLE, Agezi&, COMPTROLLER'6 - NOTICE. TREASURY DEPARTMENT,OFFICE OF COUP TROLLER OF CURRENCY, WesimiexoN. March 30th, 1866. wh ereas , By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it, has been made to appear that " THE NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF PRILADEf•PHIA." in the city of Philademlita, in this county of Philadelphia. and State of Pennsylvania, hue been duly organized under and according to the re. quirements of the act of Congress, entitled "An act tQ provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge or United States Bonds, and to provide for the Circula tion and Redemption thereof, approved June 3d.1864. and has complied with all the provisions of said act tap quired to be complied with before commencing. ill business of Banking under said act. .Zfow, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that NATEON AL RANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF PECILADEI, PAIA," in the city of Philadelphia, in the .county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania is authorized to commence the business of Banking under the act aforesaid. {SELL In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of oftice, this thirtieth day of Marth. 1866. CLARKE, Comptroller. `—y—° - rmhsitmrBo37 g :AO ik11:11 F:11 DEPARTMYNT OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, Or. FIVE OF CHIRP COMMISSION itit. S. W. COR NER FIFTH AND WALNUT` tiTREETS.—Piuma. DELPHIA, A pril 3U. 1888. • 1 1 / 4 OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. • Sealed pronosals will be received at this office nutH 12 M., on DIONDAY May the 7th, 1866, far the Grading of Bare 'tree t, froro Twenty-fifth btre et to Pennsylva nia avenue, the said grad•ne to be dune a cording AO the grades now establianed bylaw. All bi idera may be present at the time and place of opening said pre poeals. Each bid must be accompanied be a certificate that a Bond has been filed in the Law Deoartment in aceird- P nee with a Reeolotion of C, uucth., aepreved May:nth, late, and if the lo—crt bidder doe+ net come forward within three days after opening said proposals, he will be deemed as declining, and will be held liable on his Bond for the difference between his and the next higher bidder. W. W. S'AFDLE'S.r,. Chief Commissioner of Highroak3; e l dr im laTA e n s g s a w n7ro t l l eat i gt r.l3.33ujimas 108 B:Delaware AveruO. 02 8.00 A. M. 10.00 " ".12.00 M. LOD P. Mir g 2.30 41 4 . 00 II - si 5 .130 n nip ,