BIJSENESS NOTICES. -66HARACTEB61 IN A NEW siENI:IATION stroll 64 The heroine 'a a lovely dream; • Who far too angel-like does seem To eat pork pie; Vie " villain," and Old Nick no worse Is t - - {pens his time inventing =Sea, I don't know why. Then, there's a father void of truth, A hero who's a matchless youth, Of courage high ; He can't be fiat, becarise he r 's tall, And grandly dressed from-Tower Hall! All-wool Fancy Ckissimere Coats, as low as 500 " Pants " 00 Vests 250 Zak gan entireaU- wool fancy suit for Su 50 aiWtoool Week Sack Coats, as/ow as , 611 4: 0 " , Cassimere Pants 5 C 0 " Cloth Vests 400 ilfaking an entire all-wool black suit far $2O 00 Ads wool good style Fancy Cassis/sere Bulls, to match, for $l4 60. Astonishing as these prices may seem, compared with those to which we have beenaccustomed for several years Eta ASS NOT FICTIT/008 -- WIC HAVE THE GOODS IN CiNANTITLES AT TEE EMCEE ICENTIONED. We make Alp no greuh—they are ail serviceable goods. Advancing from these rates we have goods of all grades. up t o th e ipbry finest fabrics, in large supply at a proportionate induc ti on from former prices; comprising BY FAB the largest and most complete assortment of Clothing in Phikidelphia (.1k en's, Youths' and itoys'), surpassed by eem e, and equaled by few, in styte, mks and fit, at p r ices guaranteed lower than the lowest elsewhere, or tee money reftsnded Gentlemen who usually hove their clothing made to measure, can be as welt or better fitted from our stock Am garments equal in every respect, atfront 28 to 50 per cent. Lower prices. Those whoprefer can have their goods made to measure in the best manner, with aline assort ment of pricesoods to select from. sif• TO CU:MUNN DEALERS. °Uri purchases for this season having been delayed waiting the =peeled decline in goods, we have now on hand the largest and best assorted stock of Clothing Xisi/adelphia, purchased for calm EXCLUSIVICHT. AT TIES VERY-LOWEST HATES. OE THE SEASON, which enables us Jo realize a fair profit and sell at prizes less than the wag o f scone goods in most other estab/ishments. We can supply Clothiers 'doing a fine city trade with , goods adapted to their sales, at prices so much tower than the cost or their present stocks. that, by making an average of the whole, they wit( be enabled to dispose of . their goods at prices covering the average cost, and even paying a profit. BENNET/. & TOWER HALL, 518 I %ir TtlrET STREET. ?lEEE CUSTOEOLBS CAME IN A. TRAIN FROM TSB WEST. &haw customer's game in a train from the West— in a. train from the West as the Goods came down; 'Zech thought of the store that sold cheapest and best As The train came thundering into the town. eTor the customers buy-, and the salesmen sell, Arm all the stores of their bargains will tell, Though charging exorbitant prices. Three buyers were found in the beautiful "Star"— In the beautiful "Star" as Goods came down ; AIl three had traveled from regions far, To BUY AT THY CHEAPEST PLAC.F. TN TOWN. Far the customers buy, and the salesmen sell, And all who have bought at the Star will tell That it never charged high prices. Would you be attired in the best Clothing to be ob tained in Philadelphia? Go to the Star. Would you Obtain the lowest prices, and the best and latest styles! Ton can obtain them at that emp,.rium. Do you wish a suit made to order? The Star has every variety of piece goods; and employs none but the bast cutters and workmen. We solicit an examination of our stock. Pi. B.—Clothing made to order at short notice. STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 409 OSESTNUT STREET, MON OF STAR. CHICHERUsiG WiIitGRAND, SQUARE AND HPRIGHLTIWEI PIANOs. ire recognized as the most perfect and permanent in struments in America and Europe. Fifty-sLa Medals. 20.000 in use. Large assortment ofi ORGANS and M - ZODEONS, 914 CHESTNUT street. W. H. DITITON. STEINWAY ra BU PIANOS INFIFInre ncrw acknowledged the beat In.PN I M alligoanents In .Europs as weal as America. They are aced In public and private._by the mated artiste Eoln• rope, by 1702 i BM.OW, DRISTBOHOOK, T. J.S_EI.L. end others; In this country by MILLS, 14, wayyscarbr, Boy sale cow l % BLASIUS lt 1624- LI toed Glieslznut street. EVENING BULLETIN. THURSDAY, MAY 3. 1866. THE RECONS utuc rioN (WES now. . If it be true that the members of the Cabinet have all, or nearly all, given their adhesion to President Johnson's reconstruction policy, and declared their hostility to the report of the Committee of Fifteen, it is a new illustration of the old adage, "Put not your trust in poli ticians." Mr. Seward and Mr. Welles have for some time sided with the Pres 41epti but wbat Lim brought Mr, Stanton around? The Johnson men have all along been clamoring for his removal, as a declared enemy of the Pr.e.sident's -plan. His radicalism has been as much complained of as thatof Mr. Sumnerand Mr. Stevens, and the rumored sudden conversion to the so-called "conserva tism" is a mystery that needs explana tion. The so-called change in the views of Mr. Stanton and the other cabinet mill inters, heretofore regarded as radicals, puzzles the Copperheads as well as the Republicans. They do not like to praise the men they have denounced so bit terly. They wanted their places va cated, to be filled- by men of their own epinions, and with this change of views, all hope of this vanishes. The question arises, now that the cabinet is repre sented to be a unit on the question of reconstruction, who is to yield, the Pres ident and Cabinet, or Congress? There is no probability of either yielding everything; but there is no reason why each should not yield something. The President has no right to insist on the immediate unconditional restoration of the Southern traitors to every right and privilege that the most loyal people pos sesss. The majority in Congress need not adhere strictly to the report of the Committee. There must be a compro mise of some kind, and thesooner one is determined upon the better. . In the meantime, why do not the copperhead organs begin their eulogies of Secretary 13 tont on? It is evident that they have not yet full faith in the report that he has gone over to the President's views. But if they think he has, we suggest that to Secretary Stanton be assigned the duty of preparing a plan of recon struction. THE STAVE CAMPAIGN. In a few weeks the Gubernatorial campaign in this State will open in earnest. From all sections of the in terior we have reports of the most capital feeling on the part of our friends, and a determination to sweep the State for Geary with overwhelming majori ties. Colonel Frank Jordan, the Chair man of the State Central Executive Committee, is now in Philadelphia, and has established his headquarters at the National Union Club, where he may be seen until Saturday of this week. He is actively engaged in organizing the campaign, and with the perfect unan imity that prevails throughout the rank and file of the Union party in the State, :there can be no reason,to doubt that a '„glorious victory awaits the friends of the Union in the Keystone State. ' John Bull is fond of chestnuts and he prefers them xoasted. He cultivates them in` of the world and does not care for the expense of preparing them for use, only prOvided that he shall not have to take them out of the hot ashes with hisown sensitive fingers. He has induced various people, such as the Danes, the Italians, the Southern Confederacy, and others, to' inflict terri ble burns upon themselves for his bene fit, by promises of a substantial co-ope ration, or an equal division of the profits, "keeping the word of promise to their ear and breaking it to their hopes." But like all other clever tricks, too frequent repetition has destroyed the magic spell and disclosed the secret of the perform ance. Commodore Rodgers, as gallant a sailor as carries the "Stars and Stripes" around the world, has given John Bull "a bit of his mind," on this subject, so characteristically bluff and pointed as to leave no doubt as to his ideas of fair play. In his anxiety to prevent the wanton destruction of the defenceless city of \Valparaiso, he urged upon the British Admiral the propriety of interfering in its behalf. Hepledged himself to dispose of the formidable Spanish iron-clad Numancia without British aid, and no one who knows either Commodore Rodgers or the Monadnock will doubt his ability to keep his word. He pressed upon Admiral Denman the great pre ponderance of English interests in Val paraiso, and, with his little fleet, offered to bear the brunt of the responsibility. His official report shows at once the timid vacillation of the British Admi ral and the evidentcontempt with which our American sailors held. him. The Commodore says: "The English Admi ral said, at first, that he would go with me, for I plainly declared that I would not take a step without him. I said that I had no intention of becoming a cats paw to draw European chestnuts out of the fire, and then have the Powers I served laughing at my singed paws, while they enjoyed the fruits of my te merity." Valparaiso might have been saved without firing a shot. The Spaniard has more temerity than wisdom, hut he would never have dared to throw a shell across an American or British ship into the town. John Bull would have had no objection to Commodore Rodgers taking that risk, but he lacked the pluck, upon which he is so wont to vaunt him self, to take it himself. This contrast between American boldness and British timidity will be a galling thing for the English people, while it will add to the laurels that the American sailor gathers from every occasion where he has an opportunity to exercise his coolness, his gallantry, and his independent manli ness. PERRY & CO The Coroners of New York have com menced the publication, in the newspa pers of that city, •of full descriptions of the persons, dress, &c., of the bodies of the unknown dead that are interred by them. This publication is made in ac cordance with the provisions of a recent law of the Legislature of that State. The eXam pie of our neighbor,in this respect,is worthy of imitation in Philadelphia. Under the administration of our present excellent Coroner, good order and regu lar system are the rule in the manage ment-of the business of the office. Care ful records are kept, and persons who may miss friends can tell by ex amining the books kept at the office whether they have come within the no tice of the Coroner. But, we are sorry - to say, good order and system have been the exceptions, and incompetency, con fusion, and carelessness have been too apt to be the rule in the administration of the office of Coroner, and, in the un certaint, of party politics and elections, we do not know how soon we may have a careless or an incompetent official to hold this important office. As the laws stand at present the news paper reporter is the volunteer medium who is depended upon for giving pub licity to the descriptions of unknown bodies, and they do not general so de scribe them unless there is an unusual degree of interest or mystery about the case. A regular systematic advertising of these descriptions would relieve the news columns of the papers of the day, of matter that should occupy space in the portions of the journals that are ap propriated to advertisement,; and it would serve the cause of humanity by relieving the suspense of friends, and by clearing upmystery more promptly than would otherwise be done. In Paris the bodies of the unknown dead are exposed at the Morgue, where every provision is made for their tem porary preservation, and every facility is afforded for their prompt recognition. Such an institution is i etter suited to the banks of the Seine, than it is to the shores of the Delaware, and the desired end could usually be secured quite as well by a correct description, widely cir culated through the agency of the news. paper press. We repeat that the exam ple of New York, in this respect, is worthy of imitation. • John B. Myers & Co., Auctioneers. Nos. 222 and '&34 'Market street, will hold on to-morrow (Friday) a continuation of their large sale of Foreign and Dorneotlo Dry Goods. hwlodu, g i 6 mu down, Ber man CoLWn Hosiery and Gloves, of favorite makes; I,o°o plies Plain and Figured Swiss !destine 3 .comece, Tollet Covers, &c. Also, Suspenders Ties."spool colon, Br ids, etc. Also. 40 cartons Umbrellas and Parasols. Als o _, Stork or R.:!ady made Clothing, Sta Tra veling rts; Hoop Skirts. (c c. ON beTT7RDAY. 2day 5, at 11 &Clock. by cataVale. on four rbontbn' dit, about 2fie pieCe9 or superfine and F Ingrain, Royal,. Damask, Venetia. . ll;4 Elenl[aa Cottage. and Rag - MPetlngs, Canton a nd Coir go, a.c. THE DAILY-EVENING BULLETIN s PHILADELPHIA; SDK!, MAY 3; 1866: ECM:WEAN CHESTNUTS. THE UNKNOWN DEAD. Large Sales Valuable Beal Rstate. . Messrs.-Thomas & Sonefortbcoming sales, of Real Wstate are well worthy. of attention... The ' sale; on Tuesday_next. will Include a large =Mint Of .yaluable „property. See auction column. - HANDSOME. COUNTRY SPAT, ,CIDDLTILN, HILIB.-111- `eluded in the sale of the 15th Inst. will-be every deal sirable and' handsome Country Seat. near Old York 'Station. CheltenMills. Bee last page forparticulars„ Sale of Real Estate Next Wednesday. , James A. .1 1 reeman, .Auct °neer; vertises on the tt Ird page of to-day's raper Ms sale for next Wednes. day. Them weekly tales' (it Real Bstate include proper ties that have to be sold. and are therefore worthy of pat neuter - - TO clamp BUILDER. O.II.EBTIv tri' STREET - . • and 2131,00G8 STREET. Neel: L ime& of every branch required for honseintrld in& and Sitting promptly furnished. . jeumes MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS, 'Unlike and superior to any and all reed Instruments Recommended by the leading or ganists and artistes in America and Europe. J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut streets. spl94h,s,tug STECK & PIANOS. Nearly one thousand of these popu lar instruments in mein Philadelphia. 1 M For Sale only byJ. E. GOULD,,sa.ttrp - Seventh and Cluminut. QTATIONERY—LETTES, OAP AND NOTE 10 PAPERS, ENVELOPES. BLANK BOOK% and every requisite in the Stationery line, selling at:the lowest figures at J. R. DOWNING'S Stationery Store, mal2-tdrpl Blgbth atreet.two doors above Walnut. 4 SPRING STYLE HATS.—WARBURTON. 480 e CHESTNUT Street, next door pl9.lmto the Post Office. ,rp/ :, -- 41 - 3,i'CALLA'I3 NEW HAT STORE. 616 CREST NUT, Jayna's Commonwealth Building, three doors shove new But.mmrar nflice,largest as ment of RAI S & CAPS and greatest variety , Every ;Article has the lowest pricsmarked on in plain figures. received some entirely new goods from New York. Yon'will find Spring goods 25 per cent. less than elsewhere. ' ardott 4 BARRY B. DUCAL LA, HATTER, well ' known In Chestnut stmet above Eighth, far Ave years, and Market street. below Eighth, solicits the patronage of his numerous friends awl customers at C. IrCALLA'S NFW HAT STORE, Jayne's Com monwealth Building,three doors abovenewituimerrer office. He can positively sell Spring Hats and Caps 13 per cent. less than elsewhere. • Call and examine the Immense stock and great variety before 'purchas• Ins. Remember No, 613 CHESTNUT Street, drat Hat store below Seventh, north side: • • ap3041 LOST—A .DOCKET BOOK.contabalrat tour Due Bills, drawn to G. W. HANHINSON, ordats and some valuable papers. and six One Hundred Dollar Bills. Ander will receive ONE HUNDRED DOLL Alit, by returning the same. at las RTOHMOND • atreet, ainboVe gton. road s late Queen etreet, K en- T IFS-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS IN OIL COLORS.— ..LA These superter Portraits are precnted in the most erriettc and finished manner. at B. P. REIHRIVS, Aich street. See epemmens. VISE ETTLES and a general assortment of other J. cooking vessels and etardware. at TRUM&N sHANIPS. No. 835 (Hight Thirty-rive) Market Street, below l'Unth. QIIPERB CARTES DE VISITE, 6 for $l, -exertisite stles of artistic execution ; now is tbe time to fume ur y Flctures taken et TM R'S Gallery, .Second street, above Green. STAIR RODS o; various lengths and breadths, arid Rod Bee, Buttons and Bands. for sale by TRUMAN & SHAW No. 835 (Wait Thlrty-flue) arket street, below Ninth. REDUCED PRICES.—Go to B. F. ItgIMER'S Pb togrepb (taliety, and obtain at moderate cost, the tiuet4 style ricturta Every variety, executed in su perior manner, at 624 Arch street. WATER SCA S, Stlre, Butchers' eel 11Houtekeepers' Se.ks.Welgti le, priuse and Pa - eut It,lntree. fur ludo at the Eturdware Store of TRUef N ac t• HAW, 80. MS (Right Thlrty•tive) Market Street, beYow Ninth. FmviNCo9 AL ° 011 .16 V; and WIIIIPkrerB - and Children'a hair cot. Corner F,xchanwe Place and Dock street. [lo] O. C. HOPP. iIATETFS A NEW GROWTH OF HAIR, V AND RhSTURES. GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORI GIN AL (X)L01( PREVENTS THIs, FAt LINO OUT OF THR HAIR. MANES THE HAIR OFT AND. SILKEN. Mom gomery'a Hair Reno:per. Montoreer3 'a Hair Restorer. Montgomery ;s Hair Restorer. Montgomr ry's Hair restorer. Montgomery's Hair Restorer. 2dontiomery's Hair Restorer. For tale by all ItrugaLsta. Prepared ouly by WM. O. MONTGOMERY, Proprietor, 140 North Sixth street. MINA LY WARA,ING. 1 CHOLERA. cHULERA, ms3.6trp MIMI ZVrn ZANILY /MOULD lIAVE • EiCYTTLE IN THE 110 CUE. noi CASE Or SUDDEN ATTACK. EN SEE MORT. eiWAY.NIUS WSL CORDIAL. "Straymes` Cordtal. `Ssralne's" Bowel CbrAtai. "Stanyne's" TREATXENT. Gential. "hteaynes" Bowel Oardtat. • Stroyne's`, In all eases. at all Bea- Bowel Me.ctiat. ' inroirrie"a" sons And In all climates, Bowel Cbediat. ••Suosine're• where there Is sickness Bowel riarclast. 'Wayne's" of tstemseli, pub.'s In ibe Bowel Genitat rAwaynes" Bowels, Dysentery. DI- Bowe! Oardtst. 'Wayne's" arrbces budden attacks Bowel Oredial. 'Bit ay nes . ' In the night, be prepared Bowel t'brdint. Wayne's" to lag von' bands on a Bowel tbrdtisi 'Wayne s" bottle of this Great Re- Bowe/ Gratital. "Wayne's" lardy, as nine times out Bowe/ o,rd.t.d "hire:meg" of ten immediate relief Bou.el 'Bwayne's" will be obtained. Bawd. -..brcltat. "Wayne*" Bowel Cordial. "btoottme'e" Bowel CnrdtaL Dr. cwayne was connected with a Cholera Hospital. alien that diseare raced a Hit elicit violence in Praia del pb la In 1532, and the experience there gained should be a guarantee fur the great superb ity of this mail. ctr e over all utters. And aso the very many mama performed lithee thallium ufextreme cases, glows ex. potence to he the great teacher. CHOLERA I Nraroruw, 011 SUM Yen Cr MPLAMT.-80 prevalent with .3 , uung children d4ring the WAYM !ma nn emottne's .h . owet Gordint ' never falla to cure and nay be giVev 19 the MOst tender inhuit. IQ direc tions acc, mpaut every bottle. PRItE ONLY 35 CFNTS A BOTTLE., Prepar. by Dr, SWAY/SE Su.N, No , th Sixth street, above Vine, Philkolelpuia. alratu,th f,tf LARGE SIZE WHITE s•H ErLAND SHAWLS AT 62 50.—0hl W. VOGEL, 1016 CH r.ST:6I3 street, Met, in older t , meet conmetition and not be under sold, made further reductions in the prices 01161tetland shawls. Ibe quality sold last week at 63 50. is no a offered at s2se, the II ne 61 and 66 -thawls reduce d:1463 50; the fine Shawl with fringe. reauced to #3. myt-6trps HOOP SKIRT bLeNHIP I.tritiltY Hoop HIM. ready made and made to order; warranted of the beetreatertale. Abso,Hkirta reted. . e l m 11.AYLRY. els Vine street. "NM MOM. THE BARRI , ON BOILER, A SAFE STEAM BOILER.—The attention of Manufacturers and others using titeam is confidently called to this new Steam Generator, as combining essential advantages in absolute safety from explosion in cheapness °Mist cost and cost of retains in economy of fuel, facility of cleaning and transportation, Ac., pc.t possessed by any other boiler now in use. This boiler is formed ut a combination °feast-Iton hollow spheres, each sphere 8 Inches extemal diameter, and 3 of an inch Mice. These are held together by wrought-iron bolts, with caps at the ends. Nearly one hundred of these Boilers are now In opperatlon, some of them in the best establishments in this city. For describtive circulars Or price, apply to JOSEPH HARBISON, Jr.. Harrison Boiler Works, Gray's Ferry Road, adjoining the 11. S. Arsenal, Philadel phia. aptdmrpf TOILDAPPS ORMIKEOLiTIED TONIC A.LIL—The 0 truly healthhil and nutritiom beverage, now in use by thonsanda—invalids and others-bas mtablisbed • ammeter Mr quality of Material and parity of mann facture, which stands unrivaled. It is recommendee by physicians of tins and Mbar places. as a emperior onic. and requires but a trial to convince the mow skeptical of Bs treat merit. To be had. Noholeaal am' eta of P. L JORDAXL 220 Pear street. HENRY JANES, ACCOUNTANT. - - - - Disputed and Confused Accounts Adjusted—Sets of books opened—small sets kept by contract. State ments and Balance Bbeete prepared for Bankrupt Estates. _ _ _ FRENCH AND SPANISH TRANSLATED. Boom 84, No. 413 Chcat nut street, apl9.6mt FITLEtt WEAVItit Mane MANILA AND TAM Cords, Twines. &C. . Boat Netts Water Btreet, and No. 22 Forth Daiwa Avenue, Mow= EC. Yrrunt. p cam W*& Onantim If. Clrorvmtv. WINE FRENCH MANTEL CLOCKS.—. 9. fresh Im r ppoo nation of beautiful styles, warranted correc KEEPERS.: BARR & BROTHER. Importers, 824 Chestnut street. below Fourth. TEAAO NATlLANlAuctloneer and Money Broker A N. E. corner of Third and Spruce streets, only one OliVe e stralroi x tr tte e iost N ito T r i t i y AN yftre." Pr gg l g to loan in large or mall amounts, at the lowest rate, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Wat ches Jewelry, Cloth• log, and goono of every desolption. Mice hours how A. M. WI 7 P. M, de2S-tfrpo, gaIMONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS. WATCHES, JEWEL. EY, PLATE CLOTHING, &c„ at JONES dr CO.'S. OLD-ESTABLISILM LOAN 01111 E; Corner of TH E IR /RD Lombard. and &S ILL ocreera, N. B.—DIAMONDS, WATCHES, nrwELity GUNS. &c., ' You BALM AT REEbtAHEARLY LOWPRICAN. ap234ml WE /LW&EMIT) , OEI4. attention K, out Ificent assortment of superior FLAMM we always have on hand, and offer them at very reasonable prices to purchasers. Beat of references and FULL filliAßl: Invariabl7 given by ME ANTON PIANO ItABITafAIMMI.E9 CK). ono . iniv Walnut atm& E li FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, ete,, a cote plete assortment at recently reduced prices. FARR & BROTHER, -Importers or IN , atcbee, etc., fO4 Cheetonf t stre et , below Fourth., _... VELLOW PINE FLOORING BOARDS:- ; 180.000 .1 feet yellow the flooring boardn, , afloat. For sale bY 7C.44. SOV/Dbai da (10. Dock Street lOW, apnea, 4fk e .4 41. 44 ° `4 3 d' t elk` fro 0 0 t o. 7,20 ol a> ,, 4\ CHESTNUT ST. 4, FAMILY SEWING-MACHINES. COUNT RY RESIDENCE FOR SALE. TA large and well finished House with stabling and carriage house, with plenty of good water Irnit. Two acres of ground enclosed. Situated on Woodbury 'Road. near Bed Bank Perry, (N. J.) Im mediate posseasion. Apply to GEO. J. HENKELS, N.W.eor. Thirteenth and Chestnut eta. , mAtt rpt PHILADELPHIA. JP(...10.1-C., 23 ALE, A Desirable Country Seat at Riverton NEW JERaEY. eight miles above the city, ='• on the River Batik, accesaible by Rail or Via tover eight or ten times a Cay,commanding one of the tinist VieW2l on the river.' consisting of a substannal poit.ttd Stone Rause. with grounds of about ti 6 acres. the house Is I. , rniatted with all the modern move• a encee, and eoDplled with water by a windmill on the premixes. ?here is also a GOOD STABLE with ICE ROUdE, ex. For_ full particulars, apply to PETER T WRIGHT, 214 CHESTNUT STREET, myt-tu tb SA Et 4D* srAras. bELLERti BROTHERS, No. 18 North Sixth Street, Having added to their limner business that of MILL AND FACTORY - FINDINGS, Intend keeping a ftill assortment of 'merit!' Int In that line, which they will seam the towns/ rates, including Pare Oak Tanned Leather Belting, Gum Beltingice a and Btu Band and Borneo Leather. Boller cloth and Skins, Card a grltoks. Rivets. dtc. Also continue to maitithicture as heretofore WIRE CLOI H, SIEVES, SCREENS,&o. Of which A FULL Atill3olknlMlT is kept constantly on hand. apPrimrpa A PREVENTIVE ONE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' Old Established One Price CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 isiA.Turc...E.T ABOVE. SIXTH. • Prices reduced to the lowest point. A line assortment or Beady-Made Clothing con. atwitly on hand. Custom Work made to order at very ; eh. rt notice, in style and durability unsurpassed. Opt BUY YOUR COAL NOW WILLIAM W. ALTER Has on band and is reoeivirg daily the beet qualities of Lehigh and Eichuylkill coal, which he is prepared to furnish at lowest market rates. . . AB coal has re.ched itv lowest point, and with a prospect of an early advance, he would respe advise all his castomers,and housekeepers generally to lay In their comingwinter supply at once: Delivery depot and office, • Ninth Street (957), below Girard ave.; Branch Office, cor. Bizth and epring Garden. • ALBRIGIIT & HUTTENBRA.IICK, Tailors, ftcepectfnllyinvitethepublic to a handsome aaaort ment of Spring Goods at their new Store,' 915 Ohestn.ut Street. spign,th,e2mi P' 1N 13 43F040.1D1S SPRING STYLES EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, 812 Chestnut St. PATENT WIREWORK Ron Iz*TT.INGs. sumac FRONTS,- GUARDS, PARTITIONS, &a IRON:BEDSTEADS AND WIRE WORK In variety, rnannbetured bY . M. WALKER cot BONS, rehtem #va eO.ll Nnwra SIXTH Street. frl 'GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE FOB RFISTr. na —A lane house, with all the 'modem convent. *nces. extensive grounds and plenty of shade; stabling fo• to'ree bm see; within ten minutes' ,wallc of Railroad Stetson. Willberented either with or without the stable. Adores Boxi,soaPhtlada. F. O. WI-MM. ' jar Excuse a little inconvenience arising froth alterations and improve ments going on in our store. It is more than compensated for by the EXTRA` BARGAINS we give our customers. As we want to re duce our stock to avoid its removal out of the way'of the workmen. The Finest Ready-Made Clothing in the City, and the largest assortment toselect from. Piece Goods to make up to order. WANAMAICER & BROWN, soumnossr CORNER NTH and MARKET als. - COMPOUND - INTEREST NOTES, 7 3-10 5-20, WANTED. DE HAVEN & BRO., 40 South Third Street. mcpv . A. - Li. THE EVENING BULLETIN WILL BE REMOVED To the New Building, 607 Chestnut Street, ABovE Komi, MONDAY, MAY 7TH. LOOKIIG GLASSES. A. 1..A.11,15i1E AND SINE ASSORTMENT, AT VERY MODERATE RATES. - EARLE'S GALLERIES, 810 Chestnut St. Bp:S./tin* EARLE'S GALLERIES, 818 Chestnut Street. ON EXHIBITION FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, HAMILTON'S NIAGARAS, Comprising "THE FALLS OF NIAGARA," By Moonlight. "NIAGARA, SUBSET." "THE WHIRLPOOL," Xi lAGARA. , A MOST REM AIso ARKABLE LAND SCAPE BY DURAND. "THE KAA.TS.KILLS," FROM HILLSDALR. AND A VIEW IN "YO SEMITE VALLEY," BY BIERSTADT. ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! , , incorporated , 1554, THOS. E. C_An HILL. PmWent. JOHN OCMDDYEAR, secretary. ILF.NEY THOMAS, &IV, COLA? r'JR.IN4G- ICE AND COAL CO. . . • - •1) IPP Or 61: • . We are now prepared to fttrnish BEST QUALITY MR in large or small quantities to Hotels,Steamboats Ice Cream Falor no, Families. Offices, ac., Aft., and a the LOWEST MA RRET RATES. me. served DAILY in all paved limits of the am shlidated City, West Philadelphia, Mantas, Rich. mond and Germantown. Your custom and Influence is respectfolly solicited. You can rely on being fur. Hashed with a FORE article and PROMPTLY. fiend your order to OFFICE No. 435 WALNUT STItEET. DEPOTS, S.W : borner Twelfth and Willow Street& North Penna. k Et and Mater street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets. Pine Street Wharf. Schuylkill. aptl-Mn 4p* KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY. Wholesale and Retail Dealers. Importers of Eastern Ice Having secured atoll supply of the best quality . of ICE, areprepared to !Sarnia' it throughout the season, as usual, PROMPTLY, at the LOWEST MARKET' RATES. Ebtelli, [Confectioners end Shipping 'supplied with large or small quantities. Particular attention given to the delivery of Ice to Families, Stores, Offices, &c. 11 E served dolly In West Philadelphia. Mantua. Richinond,l logo and all pares of the city. Your order respectfully solicited. E. P. KERSIWW, A, HUNT. OFFT(IF-B AND DEPOTS; Nos, 118 and 120 North Broad Street, Willow Street Wharf, Delaware Ave. aprlstattilm Keep Cool! Keep Cool !! By_ORDERIHEI YOUR ICE OF CHARLES S. CARPENTER & CO., • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ICE DEALERS, " . 717 WILLOW, ARV. FRANKLIN ST. Families supplied satisfactorily and at reduced rates. Dealers mid large consumers thrnishod on reasonable terms. CHAS. - El CARPENTER, JOHN OLEN , ENING, JOS. M. TRDIKAS, Jr., sp27 rpt PrePrletors. 114 AILIELtiti WITH INDIELLItusI27 EL, Ecabroldez 1111 ms, Bolding, Eitienri4ll. ao. BL ICORSZT, • 1800M/bat street. LINEN DR,F.4;•s, - :S:ii,':G - .0o! - Ds - . 7 BEAUTIFUL NEW STILTLES, Di WHITE AHD COLORED GROUNDS. Printed Linen Cambric -Dresses.. PLAIN LINENS FOR TRAVELING SUITE, &cs Received. by Late Steamers from , Europii, Selling at Importers' Prices .at MILLIKEN'S STORE, NO. 828 ARCH STREET. N. B,—Eltrangem in , the city win find it • adranta.— gems to give us a call. We make Linen Goode a ape— deity. and keep the largest stock in the gah3l-es to th 2m; ;4 al or•i• C• 3•01 HOMER,COLLADAY6 CO. (STIOCEE SOBS TO THOS. W. EVANS do CO.) ABE NOW SELLLNG Their Entire Stock of PARIS STYLE MANTILLAS, Greatly Reduced Prices. 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. _nay2St NEW SPRING GOODS. The subscribers are now receiving their Spring iiTo portation of HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS comprising all the best varieties of LUCENT AND COTTON MEETINGS, PILLOW AND BOLSTER CASINOS, TABLE DAMASES AND DIAPEES, TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, DOYLIES, CHAMBER AND BATH TOWELS, TOWELCNOS OF ALL DESCRIPTION'S, MARS'IS WELTS, C3UNTERPANES, BLANlanan, TABLE A .•! , TD PIANO COVERS, - And every other article of Furnishing Dry Doods re— quired r o commence house keeping orsupply the wants - of &family. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & barison, 1008 Chestnut Street. mILM-th as to 2t re Iflek.:Lat,Cl "1" "iti• VMPORIUM FOR 13 I_4 A. C S .1 IA S Gros Grains and Taffetas, in great variety. SILK MANTILLAS, Now Open, at No. 3.1. B. Ninth St., abv. Chestnut; • apM6 rpi Spring Hosiery and Merino Goods. The subscribers with increased facilities for ths transaction of the Hosiery Department of their bust , nesi , invite attention to their ample and well selected. stock of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Childrea's Hosiery, Merino and Silk Vests, Drawers, &c. 14: e w stock and at the reduced prices. SHEPP.93ID, VAN Fr ARLINGIIN & ARRISON, IlutbsSt • ! 1866. SPRING.. 1866, EDMOND Y &RD & CO., 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Streets; IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP Silks and Fancy Dress Goods, Linens and White Goods,, Shawls and Balmorals, DEALERS IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. Gstmantown Fancy Wool Goods, A Full Line of Prints, • AT THE LOWEST MAREET RATES. sp2s4ln rs• „ IA J. T. GALLAGHER, Late of BAILEY & Oa, FORMERLY. BAILEY a KITCHEN.' ; Invites attention to his NEW JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT , S. W. cor. Thirteenth and Chestnut Sts; HIS STOCK OF WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND OTHER FINE JEWELRY plate. Those wishing to par- Sterling Sfivertrare and Silver Plate& ware. • will be found yell nom chase or examine w 11 find it much to their advtustago to favor him with a call. All goods WARRANTED of FIRST QUALITY_, and . _prieea satisfacto The CELEBBATE)VA CHFRON and OONST WWI CH, of all sizes, for Ladies and Gentlemen. Special attention given to DIAMONDS. Watches and (looks clinically Repai re d end War ranted. mhl- th sa to . 1001 e 131.211—T0 blOppers, Oroceni, Hotel-keepers X' and others-A very superior lot of et= po no oder, by the barrel or dozen. P 7. JORD AN rot: hdO Pear stteet,below mitra and Walla:, leo3 CIECESINv T street.