From&.Fortress Meares - Case or the Steamer "Washington ,Irving." FORTRESS MONROE, May I.—The follow ing additional particulars have been ob tained in relation to the steamer Washing ton Irving, which left Norfolk yesterday under such mysterious alrounistart&A, and created such excitement as she passed out of the harbor by disregarding three heavy shobs fired at her by a sand-battery on the Abeach, and repeated hails and volleys of musketry from a pursuing steamer. It -appears that ' she was seized at Norfolk :several days ago by the United States Mar shal in a case of contract with the U. S. ~ G overnment, and also libeled by other ,parties for debts incurred in Norfolk. :During yesterday the Government claim,, amounting •to $l,lOO, was paid by her owners, and shortly afterwards she was cat loose from her moorings at the wharf and started-down the river. - A telegram to' this. effect was sent to llajoraGeneral Miles, commanding the District, who "issued instructions %for a steamer to start in pursuit as soon as she appeared in sight. The pursuing steamer failed tointercept her, and she proceeded to sea, having: been red at three times from the fort, and received several vol 'leys of musketry. Towards evening a guard -otmen was placed on the steamer Eliza Hancox at Cape Henry, which started in pursuit of the Washington Irving and over took her .about nine miles east of Smith's island. The guard boarded her, sought an interview with the captain, and endeavored , - to persuade him to return, bat met with an emphatic -refusal, and the plea that his steamer was on the high seas,- and beyond the jurisdiction of the civil authorities of Virginia. Captain Shutes, of the Hancox, haying no instructions in regard to the af fair, was undecided how to act,'-but taking .the part of discretion, returned here abort twelve o'clock last night, to await farther instructions, leaving the: Irving- drifting about at sea, in charge of the guard' of one -sergeant and two men, detailed from the Fifth United States Artillery. • A misunderstand evidently exists in re gard to the whole affair, and is attributed by a majority of persons to injudiciousness •on the part of the military authorities in so hastily acting upon the information of a mere telegram from a sheriff of police in Norfolk. The further instructions were not given to the Eliza Hancox this morning,and she resumed her station on the quarantine grounds. One man was wounded aboard the Irving. It is asserted that her captain had a regular clearance from the Norfolk -Custom House. She did not make her ap pearance in the harbor to-day, as was ex pected,and it is now presumed that she has gone North, with the intention of reaching either Philadelphia or New York. The whole transaction naturally created a great deal of excitement here, and many specu lations are rife as to the sequel of the pro ceedings. The fact that the Government claim on the steamer was adjnsted, and the 'United States Marshal having released her before she started away from Norfolk, has -occasioned the doubt in the minds of those -conversant with the details of the occur rence as to the propriety of firing on her as she passed out of the harbor. Statement of the Public Debt. WASH:M(IEON, May 2.—The following is statement of the public debt of the United States, on the Ist ofMay, 1866: .Aebt Bearing Coin Interest. 5 per cent. bonds - $198,241,100 00 6 per cent. bonds of 1867 and 1868, 6 per, cent., bonds of 1881 283,74-1,150 00 6 per cent. 5-20 - bonds - 685,784,000 00 18,323,591 80 Total debt bear ing interest in coin - .Debt Bearing Currency In terest. ••6 per cent. bonds - 4.634,000 00 Tempo'ry loan 131,427,853 62 Certificates of Indebtedness 62,620,000 00 -One and two year five per cent. notes Three year compound in terest notes 167,012,141 00 'Three year 7-30 notes - 6,036,900 00 816,512,650 00 'Total debt bearing cur rency inter est - - - Natured debt not presented for payment ..Debt Bearing no Interest. 13. S. notes - 415,164,318 00 Yractiorial cur rency.- Gold certifi cates ofDepo sit - - - 28,192,017 54 9,036,420 00 'Total debt bearing no interest - • Total debt, .4mount in the Treasury.. Coin - - - Currency - 76,676,407 02 61,310,621 80 'Total amount in the' Trea sury - - Amount of debt less cash in the Trea sury - - • $2,689,689,842 78 The foregoing is a current statement of the public debt, as appears from the books •and Treasurer's returns in the Department on the Ist of May, 1866. [Signed] HUGH MCCULLOCH, Secretary of the Treasury. The Latest News hem Mexico. VERA. CRUZ, April 15, via New Orleans, ti 'Nay 2.—Generals.Almonte, Heron and Brin lourt have sailed for Europe, with four hun ',Cred French troops. General Galvez has been arrested and confined at Puebla. Gen. .Garcia has arrived at the Capital and taken _lds portfolio as Secretary of Star. Senor lagnnza has been appointed President of the Ministry. Senor Jonquin Noreiga has been named Under Secretary of State. There isno doubt that Maximilian intends to order a general draft. General Lozada has defeated and put to ilight the Liberals at Hunjecori. The Lib .eral loss was 40 killed and 15 prisoners, be :sides some arms and ammunition. After -4in obstinate encounter Corunas' Liberal forces were defeated at Urias del Castillo, leaving 350 killed and many wounded. Mazatlan \ remained in good condition, protected by 1,200 troops; and a new column 'will soon be formed to operate with. General Mozada on the Pazania. The Imperial Government had fixed a new lind peremptory term for the presentation ,o.r. all credits against the revenues. ; Colonel Dupin arrived on the 21st at Tam pico, with one hundred and fifty men; leav ing the rest of his forces escaladed at dif ferent poyds, intending to march against the Juarists occupying Ciudad Vircetura, Rio Verde Sardonis. Potosi continued oc .cupied by the guerillas of Barragon. Many - small engagement have occurred, the Im perialists being invariably victorious. pgma OF TRADE. lANDRiw R),rs *EDW. y. ToWNEIEND, wukerrilL . THORNTON, BROWN. - • geporgea r il tEMAlVenikaletln. • SAGUA—Bark E A Cochirae. Vlanebard--480 hhds sugar so tee do 8 bbls do S & W Welt3o_,i, 1 , 1 ,a. ".,,,i" bAGIIA.-Bark New York, Moore --` ---" ----- sea 13 tcs do s & W Webb. A t „„„ • ..„„,„,,- NAVASSA—BrIg Blue Wave,Carroll—." 2- -- '.---- J E Barley & Co, ~ firrival and 1914111m nri d LOoean.en. erosion • i , .._ TO - ••- • IMPS VBO7ll - ' Will Erin -LiverpooL-New York .....—.A wit 11, -11 11 ,litrication -Bremen...New Yoric,...--Api - • I Kangaroo .Liverpool-New York asPri. i l Wxn Penn • -Havre-New York...._ April ...s: Palmyra LlverpooL..New York April 1) The Queen. Liverpool.-New York., April 18 Hermann ' Southampton:-New York... ..--Aprll 18 City of Limerick-Liverpool -New York April 20 . TO DEPART. Hermann New York ...133emen ....... ----May 5 Allemanta New York... Hamburg ........May 5 Lafayette .New York...Havre May 5 City of London... New York-. Liverpool ...... .........May 5 Nova Scotian - Portland... Liverpool - May 5 Mariposa .New York... New 0r1ean5..........May 6 Fah gee -New:York...St Jago May 5 Wm Penn .New York-London..,-....May 8 Africa. atoston-Liverpool- May 9 Mho issippi New York-Bremen...- May 10 And'w Johnson-New York... Havana May 10 Costaltica. .New York-Asplnwall May 11 City of Washlngt'n-N York-LiverpooL May 12 Arago .....New York...Havre ... -- May 12 Scotia .New York-LiverToch. May 19 Santiago de Cuba...-N York-San nan,Nic. .May 19 smsr, guars, 5 61 BEng Bien, 6 511 HIGH WATER, 445 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Tacouy, .Pierce 24 hours from New York. with mdse to W If Baird & Co. Bark New York, Moore, 10 days from Sagas, with molasses to S & W Welsh. Bark E A Cochran. Sylvester, 7 days from frlagua, with sugar to S & W Welsh. Bark B II M Si Sylvester,3 days from New York, in ballast to Pembertori&Webster. Brig Bine Wave (Br). Carroll, 20 days from Navassa, with guano to J E Bailey & Co. Brig Frontier, Littlefield, 5 days from Boston, with salt, to Wm Bumm & don. Bohr Willie Dill, Farrow, 15 days from Matanzas, with molasses to John Mason & Co. Behr Isaac Bich, Crowell, 9 days from Boston, with mdse to D Cooper. Behr Kate It 2.lch,Cordery, 5 dafrom Wilmington, NC. with maze to D S Stetson & Co.Co Behr Henry Nntt, Cobb, 5 days from Boston, with mdse to Baker & Folsom. Behr Pearl, Brown, 7 days from Boston, with mdse to captain. Bohr N&H Gould, Crowell, from New Bedford. - Behr C Dormer, Laws, from Boston. Behr J Beatty, Henderson, from New Haven. ' Schr l ,d S e D mall (new),Tice, from Cooper's Point. Schr J Birdsall. Hazelton. from Salem. Bohr J Cadwalader, t3teeltnan, from Salem. Behr C R Vickery. Babbitt, from Dighton. Bohr Hunter, Endicott. from Dighton. Behr A Cordery, Doughty, from Boston. Schr L 0 Levering, Corson. from Boston. Behr B Seaman, Seaman, from Boston. Bohr W H Dennis, Lake, from Boston. Behr Geo Edward, Weeks, from Boston. Schr J M Broomall. Douglass, from Boston. Schr Lizzie Houle, Frambes, from Boston. Behr SS Lee, Somers. from Boston. Fehr .7 W Hall, Cain. from Boston. Schr Annie Magee, Ketchum, from Boston. Schr M Reinhart Hand, from Boston. Bohr Northern Light, Ireland, from Boston. Stair W P Phelps. Somers, from Boston. Behr W Bement Penny. from Boston. Schr A Boice. Bocce, from Boston. Behr Aid, Ireland, irons Boston Schr L A Dartenhowet, Shepard, from Boston. Schr J H Bartlett, Thyrkhill, from New Bedford. Behr Frances, Packard, from Cohasset Narrows. Fehr J M Vance, Benaze. from Providence. Schr W Wallace, Scull, from Providence. Schr Nightingale, Beebe, from Providence. Schr Chas Moore. Ingersoll, from Providence. Seitz Boston, Smith. from Providence. Schr 8 E Corson, Corson. from New York. Bohr E D Fogg, Barter, from New York. Schr D Gifford, Jirrell, from New York. chr B E Sharp, Walker, from Newburyport. Behr Gilbert Green, We- tooth. from Pawtucket. Schr Eva Belle, Lee, from Port Monmouth. Behr W B lideShan, Christy, from Itondout. Schr Roanoke, Barr ett, from Stamford. - Schr J Waples. Robinson, from Lynn. CLEARED YI323THEWAY. SteamerE Willing. Candid', Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. Ship Coburg (Br), Gibson, Liverpool, Peter Wright & Sons. . . Brig Lilly, Esdale, Trinidad, C C Van Horn. Brig Grozlmbo, Gilmore, Boston. W Hunter. Jr. & Co. Schr J H Bartlett. Bockhill, Portsmouth. Stiff Coal Co. Schr I Kienzle, Lake, Salem, Van Drawn, Lockman Schr Aid, Ireland, Salem, do Bchr Mary J, Ray, Quinton's, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Behr Itoanoke, Barrett, Norwich, do Behr W B M.cShain. Christy. Washington, do solar A Bartlett, Bartlett, Boston,- Q ntard, Sawyer & Ward. . Schr L Levering. Corson. Boston, do Bohr J M Vance, Bnrdge. Providence, do Behr Lewis Chester. Bartlett, Boston, do srbr•Lizzle Maul, Frambes, Boston, Day & HuddelL Sehr N E Clark, Clark, Boston. do Behr L A Danenhower, Sheppard, Dorchester, do Schr B ESharp, Walker, Boston, do Behr -Althea. Godfrey, Salem,, N Y and Sch Coal Co. Behr S E Corson. Corson, Boston. do Behr J Birdsall, Hazelton, Salem, captain. Fehr S A Balm, Bole% Boston, Blakiston, Greet!' & Co. Schr B 7 Vaughn, Bowen, Roxbury, do Schr M H Banks, Haley, Hoboken, Slnnickson & Co. Schr Jos Wapies, Robinson, Lynn, do Behr (3eo Edward, Weeks, Boston, do Shr Hunter, Endicott, Boston, do Schr G Green, Wescott, Pawtucket% W H Johns. Solar America, Hoffman, Norwich, do Schr Nightingale, Beebe, Providence, John R White. Schr Ezra D Fegg. Barber. Malden, do Schr W Bement, Penny. Boston, Street & Co. Schr W P Phelps, Somers, Boston, canner, Stickney pr Wellington. Bohr W H Dennis, Lake, Boston. do Schr J W Hall. Cain, Boston, Caldwell; ordon & Co. Bohr Cornelia, Phillips. Richmond, • • do Behr Northern Light, Ireland,Boston, do Bohr J M Broomall. Douglass, Salem, - do Schr D & E Kelly, Kelly, Boston. . do Bohr C B. Vickery, Babbitt,Dighton,Audenrled,Norton & Co. Schr Lizzie D Small, Tice, Lynn. M S Bulkley. • Behr 13 Gifford, Jirrell. Salem, W Hunter, Jr. & Co. Bohr Boston, Smith. Norwich, do s•Jir B Seaman, Seaman, Salem, Tyler & Co. Schr S 13 Lee, Somers, Boston, B. Rothermel. MEMORANDA. Steamer The Queen (Br), Grogan, at New York yes terday from Liverpool 19th nit, has 1208 passengers. Steamer Morro Castle, Adams, cleared at New;York vesterday for Havana. Steamer Ericsson. Lowber, from Bremen 12th nit. at New York yesterday. Bark Blumenthal (Hamb), Freese, cleared at New York tor Cork via Philadelphia. $1,186,092,811 80 $1,188,313,544 62 8877.729 64 Cargo of ship Coburg, which sailed yesterday after noon for Liverpool. cleared by Peter Wright do Sons: 490 casks tallow, 1023 bags and 2809 bbls oil cake, 350 bias pork, 75 boxes bacon, 251 bales rags, 145 cks bark, 839 bbla tar 5 do flour. 'TTORKS ON CHOLERA.— VV ASIATIC CHOLERA, by F. A. Buorall, M. D., in one volume. DIARRHEA and CHOLERA; their origin, proxi mate cause and cure through the ageacy of the Nervous system—by means of Ise—by .Toha Chapman, M. D. JAMEt3ON on EPIDEMIC CHOLERA. OTHER NEW BOOKS. HERBERT SPENCER'S PEINUAPLES OF BI OLOGY. Vel. I. INDIAN CORN ITS VALUE, CULTURE AND USES. By Edward Enfield. THE REUNION OF CHRISTENDOM. A Pastoral Letter to the Clergy. By `Henry Edward. COMPANION PORTS; Containing extracts from Longfellow, Tennyaon and Browning. THE tiTORY OF,ICENNETT. By Bayard Taylor. ORIGIN OF THE LATE WAR. By George Lunt. HISTORY OF HENRY THE FIFTH. By George M. Towle. LIVINGSTON'S EXPEDITION TO THE ZAM BESI. SEWELL'S PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION. GOULBURN'S DEVOTIONAL STUDY OF THE SCRIPTURES. AU new and standard books for sale as soon as Pub. lished by LINDSAY & BLAHISTON, Publishers, Booksellers and Importers, No. 25 South sixth street, above ilhestnnt. 15152,892,755 54 - $2,827,676,871. 60 $137,987,028 82 fl WORKS, ILI,USIS A.TED BY tiUsTA v.& U DORE.',• The Holy - Blble. Mustrated by Gustave Dort+. Parts 1 and 2. uante. Illustrated by do. Folio, cloth. Baron Hun chausen. do. do. Les Aventures asCroque Blltaine. do. Don Quixote. Parts 1 to 16. A complete collection of the works Illustrated by this eminent artist kept on hand, or imported to order. lush O. J. RICE. Importer of English and French B o oks, &a., my2-3t No. 21 South Sixth strew, above Chestnut. A TTRAOTIVE NEW BOOE.S.—jARGAL, A splendid novel by Victor Hugo, author or "Lea Idiserables." BARED MEATS=OI the Funeral. A filchi new comic book by the gregt"Private Miles O'Reilly." RECIOMMENDIND TO MERCY." A novel by the author of "Taken upon Trust." 1 vol. lemo. • ADRIFT IN DIXIX; or a Yankee Officer among the Rebels, with an introduction by Edmund Kirke. 1 val. 121eo. • A LkIECCB LIFE OF PiII:LI:DOIL—THE LIFE 01 PHILIDOR, Blued= and Chess Player, by Georg{ alien, Greek Professor in the University_ of Pen. ayivania; with Supplementary :.ay on mulder, at ChEsa Author and Men Bayer, by Thrie Vol EsB debrand and de Ism, Envoy Extraordinary and NM later Plenipotentiary of the Ring of Prussia, at thg Sourt of Saxe-Weimaz. 1 vol., octavo, 3_i vellum, gw top. Faxno $5. Latay published by__ BUTILEICI: r. 05 187 Scmth Fourth street, . THE DAILY ;EVENING BULLETIN ; PHILADELPHIA, - THURSDAY, MAY 3,186. r, LI:11CM Do It )1 Dip 1,4P1 ~I : / 1: 1 :N :t /A :4 SO 3#4 (Z{l) Di AMI ,Z NEW PUBLICATION& EPIDEMIC CHOLERA. A practical For sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, Successor to'w. 8. & A. Mortise. ere Chestnut street. PEREIJNERY., ViiBII3ISANMIL TRAVELLER& ItifSUBANOE COMPANY, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Cash Capital, 6200;000. Insures against Accidents of an Kinds. General Accidents Include the Traveling - Risk, and also all forms of Dislocations, Broken Bones, Sprains Bruises, Cuts, Gunshot Wounds, Burns and Scalds, Bites of Dogs, Assaults by Burglars; Boboers or Mu derma, the action of Lightning or Sun' Stroke, the et ;sets of Est losions, Floods, and Su ff ocation by Drown or Choking. • I.:wenty-five dollars_per_year will secure a policy for THOUSANDDOLLARS in the event of death by auk - description of Accident; with Twenty-five dol lars per week compensation. Smaller sums in pro. portion. No - merlical examination requireL DEBEETTONS. NEW YORK BEFEBENCEIL SETH PADELFORD, NATIONAL UT IC BANK A. E. BURNSIDE, HOYT, SPRAGUES & J. S. PRETTEP.LACK, CO. T.T.EN 0. PECK, GEO. S. BOBBINS & HENRY H. ORMSIIHE, SON. jA BEV, C. KNIGHT. ANTHONY & HALL, THOS. G. TURNER, J. C HOWE do 00. ALEX. FARNUM, HUNT, TILLINGHAST J. S. PARISH dr. 00. FRANK MAIiBAN, LOW PURI L,- - - Dukvsz dc 00. ROYAL C. Tarr, J. H. DEWOLF BENJ. BUFFO& JOHN T. MAHRIN. • HENRY H. • J. S. rmus: M. RAWSON, Secre SABINE, DR No. 230 Walnut STATE AG: PENNSYLVANIA, NEVI infer w;ui3Viii; First Class prlmiVn. FIWM LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Authorized Capital, $lO Millions. Invested Funds, over 16 Millions, Yearly Revenue, over 5 Millions. Invested in the United States, over $1,500,000 All losses promptly adjusted without reference to England., ATWOOD SMITH, General -Agent lb! Pennsylvania. OFFICE, No. 6 Merchants' Exchange. fe27tn,th,f6m egSDN'4(IOIOIIDI OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 150 south Fourth et , above Wal nut street CHARTER PERPET CrA_L. This Company insures against loss or damage by FIRE on PUBLIC and PRIVATE buildings, FURNI TURE and MERCHANDISE generally, City or 03untry. Also insures dwpigs perpetually by de. posits of premium. DIRECTORS, JAMES BROWN,__ LEMUEL COFFIN_ L ___ CB ATtr.wszi A. DUY. HILLBORN JON SA, WILLIAM D. LEWIS, JOHN WOODSIDE, WM. N. JOHN D. TAYLOR, WM. C. LONOSTRETH, THOMAS lIIKIMUNJr., Fri JOHN N. HUTCHDISON. JA c, President. CHAS. A. DITY. Vice President. -- oN.Secretary latss.ta.thlY WALL PAPER. 17' i- GO SEKDIVAIA. ( - VAL DENTALLINA.—A superior article for clean kJ Ing the Teeth, destroying animalcules which in fest them, giving tone to the gumskand leaving a feel ing of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the month. It may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and deter siveness will a ssista n ce it thevery one. Being corn., n e r d ° Votattitloieg earat substitute ibr the uncertain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentis t s_, acquainted with the constituents of the DE:NTALLIINA, advocate its use it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment, Made only by ' JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary, Broad and Spruce streets, For sale by Druggist° generally, and Fred. Brown, . Stackhouse, Hassard dr. Co., Rohert C. Davis, G. R. Keeny, Geo. C. Bower, Isaac H. Rey, Charles Shivers, 0. H. a eedles, G. J. Scattergood, T. J. Husband t J. C. Turnpenny & Co. Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberle, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, William B. Webb, E. Bringlenst & Co., James L. Bbrpham, Watt & Co., Hughes & Coombe, H. C. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth & Bro. ESTLACIIVEI DLPHT lozenges are a sans and Cone" Bore Tbroat, H altectiorzeraljy. Try Jr., Drn • S. W ner - streets. elrddl In the BITCH:EH it is the right thing in the right place. No Household would be without it after a Mu gle It is the oily Sifter now in ;use that givea satisfac tion. Every Sifter IS Warranted to giVe perfect sat's factlon. . ' • - • Factory, No, 630 HaisllE"r street, Philada. State 'Mid County Rights for Sale on Sissy Mrmrt Wholesale Trade supplied on reasonable terms. Samples sent to any Address on receipt of Si 03. 11132 e WALNUTS AND ALMONDS„—New crop Grenoble Walnuts and Paper Shell Almonds, for Bale by 18, 8885/8885 M u lee 8 Delaware ATOM OBJABBIEHI, Presldeal, Vice President. ..HOLUNSHEAD, teat; Philadelphia. _ JEREMY and DELA• PHILADELPHIA. 1:0 C 111 ' at) 0 8 0 it - LOZENGEK—These • care for Diphtheria oarsman and Bronchial em. THOS. ESTLACK, of Eighteenth and Marge; fite-amg ney on a Small Capital, 'IPENCER'S PATENT N SIFTER AD STRAINER. alnable "for nee In all where a Strainer or I 6 required. It will ITTR, MEAL SQUASH, ?LE, BUCKWHEAT, and will Strain EszavEstßaucals; COMFORT. BVSUMMI VALUDPh. LIU ES 4 ROFFMAN,' CARPENTERS - AND BUILDERS, my 2 1 .1 A •• • • I %' oll 212 EVAR Street. - eei Ent*: 60tDiclrerson etileet. 1005 Taylor street. Every' description:or Jobbing promptly attended to DASSFCETS`PROCIJIIED.--: • , .a: - • JOHN IL PRIM N.O T•A R Y P.IIB COMMISSIONER FOR ALL STATES, • PENSION AND PRIZE AGENT, No. Ms. DOCK street. Acknowledgments, Depositions, Affidavits to AC counts taken. Enhil-Stat 628. RMP SKIRTS ' - 628 NEW SPRING STYLES NOW BEADY, of Hopkins' " own make," at. No. CS ARCH street These Skirts are gotten np expressly to meet the wants 'of first-class trade, and embrace every size and style for Ladies, 35fisses and Children, which, for finish and durability, have no equal in the market, and warrantee to give satisfaction. .Also, constantly us hand, alai), assortment of good Eastern made Skirts, from 15 to 40 eprinv, at very low _ prices . , Skirts made to order, `altered and repaired. Wholesale and retail. nol&dmi KNIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 124.5. E. Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT stnets, Phil adelphia. • Agents for the eels of the Products of the Southwark •Sugar Refinery and the , Grooene Sugar Howe, of Philadelphia. ial-lyr JAMES A. WRIGHT. THORNTON PIICR. arms: y A GRISCOM. THEODORE 'WRIGHT. •PRANK L. NIZALL. PArrER WRIGHT dt bON S, Importers of Earthenware, Co d ' i Shipping and Com d mission Nerekumte, 0.116 WAZNIIT Street, Philadelphia. VENNSYLVANTA wolura.-ox THE DELA -a. WARE river. below PwtT,A DELP/ILA, CHESTER. Delaware county. Pa. RICAITEY, SON & Engineers and Iron Boat builders,' . _ Mannlacttuera of. All kinds of ONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING EN GINES, Iron Vessels of all descripti ons, Boilers, Vats, Tanks, _ Propellers. &e. &c. .. TBEANEY, W. B. ILEANEY,. , S. .AECHIBOLD, Late of . , Chief, PennNeafe & Co., Engdneez in Penn Works, Pkila. • • • D. S. NirvY. T. VACREAN MERRICK, WM. IL MERRICK .INO. E. COPE. ovnt - virenEc FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASH INGTON STREETS.. • PHILAIMILPELi. MERRICK A SONS_ , ENGINEERS AND MACH INISTS. Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River and Marine Service. Boilers Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, &c, Ousting,' of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops and Railroad Stations,"&c. Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and most improved construction. kvery description of Plantation Af.ehirterr and Sugar.. Saw and Grist Mi is Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defanators, Filters, Pumping glues, &c. - Sole Agents ter N. Bißenx's Patent Sugar Boling Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam. Hammer and Aspinwall &- Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Mark ,rIAG PIKTUBEEL-192BRILT, ITEIRRILL TELAOSAItA, NO. VS OPMBrzt street, anniacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, 4hc,i would atll the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, dc. '1 hey also Introduce -Gitgi pipes Into Dwelling!' and Public Buildings, and attend to extend• lug, ted. altering and repairing Gas Wpm. AU work war. ran jaw 1 1 1331 , PHILAMILPHLa. EiCHOOL... ii'OlTfiTH street, above Vine, will re-opm for tat zall and Winter sewton on MONDAY, 13ept. 2Sth ...Idles and gentlemen desdrins to acqctire a thorongl rnowledge of Ws accomplishment will find ever! nctlity at this schooL The horses are safe and wai trained, so that the most timid need not fear. Barldit onset: trained in the beat manner. Saddle horse: sonses'and vehicles to hire. Also carriages ibr falai ...ale, to cars, atearctboata,Ao. Taos. osAlez a son, UPRIVY WELLS.—OWNE26B OF PROPERTY.—The L only place to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Distr. rested, at very low prices A. PETBSON, Manufactures of Poudrette, Goldsmith's HAIL Lib street racy OBIUGHS. 'BLAIR'S LIQUID RENNET.—For making Ina few minutes a variety of delicious desserts. We will warrant every teaspoonttil to produce a solid curd with each pint of milk. it is very convenient and suited to every housekeeper and invaluable to those in the country. Just received a third supply of Alirmssea, that very nourishing food fcr Infants, made from animal matter. It is much esteemed by Physicians. HENRY C. BLAIR SONS, Apothecaries, Eighth and Walnut streets. ap:l3 riAMPHOI3.—A lot of Camphor for aale by WIL. 4...1 LIAM ELLIS .t CO., Dnagglsta, No. 724 and 722 Biark et Street. riOD LIVER OlL—Twenty-Ave barrels, new trulds, 0041 Liver 011, of very superior quality; Cite:L. Ammonia, just received. in Ara; alsO, Just received, twentylive barrels very superior Alcohol, warranted 5 per cent., in the beet of packages, and for sale by JOIEION BARER &00., ocn-ly No. 716 Market street. 12X - TRACT OF BEEF for beef tea or Essence of Ea Beef In sickness or for soups for table use. Made n Elgin, Illinois, by Gall Borden, from the Juices of choice beef and Is superior in (delicious flavor and quality to any hitherto betown. Packets with full di rections, one dollar each. HUBBELL, Apothecary, tilt) Chestnut street. D11.17130313T13' HIINDELES..— Graduates Hitrtant Tlles,Coratts, Brsudies, Mirrors, Tweesers,Png E.'ores, Horn Scoops, t3orgical Instroments, Trost& Mud and Soft Ihabber Goods, VIM Osseo, Glass an( eta]. Syringes, dc., all at "First Hands"_ SNOWDEN & B apS-11/ 13 Booth Eighth streak D OBERT BRORMAXER & 00. N. E. ODRNER LA, FOIIRTZ. AND RACE STREETS, Wholesale Druggists, lilants and Dealer* in Window 01e.w. White Lead, and Paints of every description, offer to the trade, or consumers, a complete stock of goods in their line, at the lowest market rates. ROBERT SHOTOLUMB. & 00., Northeast corner Fourth and Race streets. pa- AG d NE ox Sl s A— abs e o n In nt bnrsl C n Se e n d n i l n n g P'nCa round t e ins of bragneelaan St oz. and 4 of papens.floavy Calelnee Magnesia 'sliding and fbr sale byC.A_B.L.W I .- ELLIS SOD. et CO.. Drugelita, Market and Boveuath streets, Philadelphia. Bele ' DAY RUM—Just meived, an Invoice of Genalm 13 Im Bay A for sale by the gallon, to BABERM I IOIThr dc 00., Druggist, ad cat Fourth and Baca !tram. 4UAILI NOTIU.ES. N THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—SUMMONS 7N PARTITION. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. as.— THE etaninN WEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, T THE NHERIFF tiF PUT r. a DELPHIA COUNTY, GREETING: - If Mary - 1. Cox. Hughes Wells, and Wilberforce Wells, Howard Wells and William Hughes Wells, by heir Guardian, Hughes Wells, and Hughes Wells and Letitia C. Wells. his wife, in the right of the said Leti tia C. Wells. make you secure of prosecuting their claim, then we cammond yeti, that yen summon by good and lawful summoners, William Siddons. Austin siodons, Maria S. Siddons, William B. Taylor, •De Witt C. 'Taylor. Elizabeth B. Taylor, George A. Pearson and Rachel M. Pearson his wife, in the right of the said Rachel. I. 'Frederick Taylor, Jolla A. McDonald and Annie M. McDonald. his wife, in the right of the said Annie. William B. Taylor,Jr., George F. Taylor, Laura L.Taylor. and Martha A.Taylor, late of your county,so that they be and appear before our Judges at Philadel phia, at our District Court for ,the City and County or of Philadelphia, there to be held the first MONDAY of June next, to show wherefore wh, reas they, the said Demandsuit and the said Defendant together and un divided do hold—Ail that certain three-story brick mes :allege and lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Second street, between tnion and Pine streets, In •the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the Baia Second street twenty feet, and ex. lending In length or depth eastward fifty feet sir inches. Bounded north by ground now or late of Wil liam Townsend, south by ground late of Thomas. Mitchell, east by ground late of Philip Morris, and west by seennd street aforesaid. Andhave you then there the names of Shwa Sum mcners and this writ. Witness the Honorable George Sbarswood, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court at Philadelphia, 20th cay of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sizty•six. F. A. TREGO, ap2s lawn Pro Prothonotary. ESTATE OF GBDR,GE EMERICE,DECES.SED —Letters testamentary upon the estate of GEORGE WARRICK, deceased, have been granted to the under signeo, all persons Indebted to said estate will make pa) meats to, and those having claims upon it, will present them to ALBERT G. EItERICK, Executor, 607 North Eleventh street, or to his Attorney. J. D. RODNEY. 623 Walnut street. =ha-that STATIONERY. UNGLISII NOTE PAPER.—PEREE'S celebrated .14 rough pearl envelopes to match. Just received. MASON & CO., 9t7 Chestnut street. EENGLISH NOTE PAPER.—Wbatman's celebrated cold pressed rough, with envelopes. Just received. MA ap2B.6t ° i . O7ch S ernur CO.stret. ENGLISH PENS.—A full line of Perry's noted pens. MASON & CO., aP2 ,B • 6 t 907 Chestnut street. POCKET BOOKS, CARD CASES,Stamp Books, &..c A handsome assortment in calf and Turkey; pa tent clasps. MASON & CO., ap26 6t 907 Chestnut street. 10101tII , STAN INK.—The celebrated Alizarin writing 1. and coming ink, a black fluid and does not mould. MA SON & CO , ap2.3.6t 907 Chestnut street, CARRIAGES GARDNER & - FLEMING, COACH.- MAKERS, 214 South Fifth street, below alnnt, • niladelphls.. A • Aar n assortment of NEW and SECOND-HAND CARRIAGES always on hand, at REASONABLE PRICES. ap2.2m N AND LINEN BAIL DUCK of every width IC "--Y r : Hun one to six. feet wide, all- numbers. Tent and Awning Enck, Eapermekersfeltlnx i pall Twine. &c. JOHN W,•EVILuISIAN No. 102 Jones's Alleyl IMPERIAL FREI 4 7OH PRUNER.-60 mate In tin canbrtern andfanoy boxes, Imported and fbr sale by 308. ;8, 81:03181:8111 inoo,t 108 ElOntb;:Delemem _ wren% FINANCLUEL P. •S; PETERSON 'di 00. P. S. PETPf3ON ilk CO., 89 South Third Street. Stooks, 'Bonds, &0., ecc., Bought nil Bold atßoard of Broken. NOTESLiberal Premium paid for CONEVULID 1 / 417{ / 41237 Interest allowed on Deposita. • /8941 C V 4Z01., fed SPECIALTY. . SMITH, RANDOLPH it CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 16 South Third st., I 8 Nassau street. Philadelphia. New York. STOOKS .AND GOLD BOUEFHT AND BOLD ON 00MXIBIEEMIt. ALLOWED ON Dzposrre. pri - 71TnTITM7M EPHRATA, IfOUNIALG SPRINGS. ' LA xbAsnstie co., PENNA. This delightful and healthful watering plseekwill be Rrettigliar the recLts i r 3 E a ti e c e m of guests o this n the FI has RST OFpur JUNE dby the Undersigned every part of it has been Completely renovated and beautified. The entire es tablant Ims been repaired, papered, and every thing done to make the place more pleasant &tidbit tractive than ever before. Passengers can take the Reading railroad ears at Thirteenth and Caßtrwhill streets. at 8 A.M., . and reach the Springs at 12 N. Or by the Pennsylvania Central railroad, Thirty-first and Market streets. at 12 N., and reach the Springs at 3.80 P. M., an rail by both routes. For terms, dtc., address ALEXANDER S. FEATIEFER, sp26-slact. th 3m' Proprietor. AUCTION SALES. J A1,113123 A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER. " No. 422 W.ALNWT street. Sale No. 214 West Washington Square. TENTH SPRING SAME: MAY 9, 1266. This asle, at 19 o'clock noon at the Exchange, will Include the followiag properties— STOCKS.—Particulars to-morrow. BUILDING LOTS, FLORENCE—Twenty-six lots, of ground, each having a front of ZO feet by L'l.s feet deep, situate in Florence, Mansfield Township. Bar lington county, N. J. See catalogue. Peremptory Bale on account of whom it may concern. 61 ACII., BUCKS CO—Three tracts of land. con taining 61 acres of land, In Tinto= township, Racks cuunty,Pa- See catalogue. Peremptory. Sale on ac count of whom it may concern. TWu ROUSES, a BERRY ST., FRANKFORD Two brick houses and lot, on Cherry at, 103 feet S W. from Foulkrod st. 40 by 110 fee . Orphans' Court Sate —Estate of C. E. Wonderly, deed. LOT. FOULKROD ST—A lot of ground 80 feet N.W. from Cherry at 84 by 10134 feet. Same Estate. NOS. 1642 - AND 1614 NORTH SECOND ST—Two three-story brick houses, on Second street, and two on the rear on Philip at, 34 by 121 feet.. $76 50 ground rent. Part may _ NO. 469 NORTH Nll'iTH. ST-Three story brick l'ouse and lot, 17 by 30 feet. Orphans' Court Sale— Estate Of Mary L. Haines. dsc'd. LOT, TWENTX SEVEN'I'H, ABOVE. MASTER ST-1s by 100 feet. Same Estate. LOT, FRONT ST—A lot of ground. above Vine st, 17 by 42 feet to Water st.- 5g51 33 around rent. 217 NOR, H FIFPEENTH ST—Two story brick dwelling and lot, 15Ui st, above by 65 feet. Executors' Sale—Fstate of Thomas Taylor. 1= NORTH THIRTEENTH S r—Three story brick dweling. above Race, 17 by 112 feet. AEI' Immediate possession. Peremptory Sale by. Order of Heirs-Es tate of Rachel W. Onn. dec'd. LOTS BACK Louses and lots, Race at.. below 20th st. 60 by 140 feet to Soring st. Orphans' oourt Eale—Estate of Jacob Rees. dec'd. CARPETS, PARLOR FURNITURE, BLINDS, CHANDELIERS. ON TUESDAY MORNING, AL 10 ocicch, at 214 West Washington Square, the surplus furniture of a family removing, comprising Brussels carpets, chandellors, a snit of parlor furniture in oil, blinds, &O. - ft bile Sale. by order of the United States. PRNNSYLVA NIA BANK PROPERTY, bECOND STRkET. .VE WA LNUT Under direction of the Tre_asuryDepartnient, will be sold at public sale, at the Exchange, at 12 o'clock noon, on the 16th of May the valuable nroperty known as the Pennsylvania Bank, bounded by Second, Dock. °old and Lodge streets. It has a front of 7'5 feet on Second street and a depth of about 250 feet, and has teen prepared by the construction of the most substan• tial foundations to have erected thereon extensive additions to the present marble building. VALUABLE BEBIDEVCEB AT PRIVATE &WI y, • Dij.. ELEGANT WALNUT STRF..ET MANSION—Ont of the most elegant residences on Walnut street, & feet fronu large around. stable. ,ku. Also, *Bit.O.: STONE MANSION, Walnut neat Broad at. Will be sold, at very low rates, to a who will take them all In one lot, five desirable d w llingn In tht heart of the city-. Immediate occupancy can be had h desired. This is a very favorable opportunity to par Ilea who seek good real estate inveatmenia to buy al old prices property which will pay well and increase In value, _For partiadars apply at the traction store. STABLE very desirable property In the neigh borhood of Twelfth and Locust sta. TAVERN STAND and 9 acres of land, on'Bldai road, D miles from the State House, known as thr `Sorrel Horse." Plans, surveys, &v., at the store, Property No. 402 south Front at, 41 by 100 feet, do do 1188 and mo Lombard it 80 acres; Germantown ST do Fisher's lane Valuable Lot, Market street, above Nineteenth do do Barker do do de 8 Building Lots, south Twenty-second at Property northeast corner Fourth and Sprees Sts Dwelling, with side yard, Darby road' Brown-stone Store, Second st, nearChesinut Residence and large lot, Burlington do do 418 swath Eleventh at 5 acres of Land. Federal st.Tiventy-sLith Ward VALUABLE STORE, CH:ESTNUT ST—A ver3 valuable business property on Chestnut at, having Mt fronts—ln good order, &c. Occupancy with the deed. THE PRINCIPAL HONEY ESTABLISHMENT B. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise ceaapaßy; Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silvel , P7ate, and on d all articles of value, for anrdenZth of time tr ee ATOM OD. S AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE BALE. Fine Gold Hunting ease, Double Bottom anti eriaan — Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Le pine Wetches; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches. Fine Silver Hunting Case and Open Face Eaglish, American ad Swiss Patent Lever and Lein watches: Double Oase English Quartier and othei Watches; Ladies' Fancy Watches: Diamond Breast. pine; Finger Rings; Ear. Rings, Studs, &c.; Fine Gold chains: Medallions; Bracelets; Scarf Pins; Breast Pins; Finger Rings; Pencil Cases, and - Jewelry geue FOR BALE —A large and splendid Fireproof Chest suitable for a Jeweler, price $650. Also, several Lots in South Camden, Fifth and Chestnut streets. DAVDS A HARVEY t AUCTIONEERA. (Late with M. Thomas & Solna Store No. 833 Chestnut street. FURNITURE SALES at the Store every Tuesday. BALES AT RESIDKNOES will receive prarticula attention. Sale N 0.11333 North Eleventh street. bUEERIOR FURNITURE. COTTAGE SUIT, VEL. VET CARPETS, &c. ON MONDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at No. 1383 north Eleventh street. above Thompson, the superior furniture, including andsome snit walnut chamber furniture; cottage set, velvet carpets, dm Also, the kitchen utensils. May be examined on the morning of sale at 8 o'clock. buOTB, AtiOT/ONKiatt. In2o CrITESTNTIT Ore." IMMENSE SALE OF HARNPRS, SADD I rMs, TRUNKS, &c. ON SATURDAY MORNING, Sth inst., at 10 o.clock, at the store, No. 1020 Chestnut street, will be sold without reserve a large assortment of Harness. made expressly for city trade, consisting of all kinds of double ann single. and in various styles of mounting; light double and single. in covered mounting; gu t, sliver and black lined; double and sin gle express, in silver and brass mounting; dearborn, dc. Also, a fine assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Trunks, &c. de. CJ. WOLBERT. .. LARGE SALE OF IMPORTED WHITE GRANITE WARE..gc. ON FRIDAY MORNING. NEXT, • May 4, at prectsely 10 o'clock, at No. 16 South Sixth street, is open loie= - • 1 ' '1 be contents of 80 ORATES fresh Imported White Granite Ware, comprising a general assortment. for h. st city retail sales, Just landed from packet from Liveroo , l, Aisn, 1 cask Decorated Vases, and Tea bets, Goblets, Thmblers, ct.c. 'Terms cash My' et* 'BY HARRITT & CO.. AUCTIONEERS. " CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No 280 MAREET street, oorner of Bank street. Cash advanced on consignments without extra charge NOTICE TO CITY AND COUP TRY MERCHANTS. ON FRIDAY MORNING; MAY 4,, • At 10 o'clock. large peremptory sale 800 lota desirable Dry .Goode._ Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, &c. Also, Hosiery,' Suspenders, Umbrellas, Neck Ties, Spool Cotton, Cutlery, and a large variety of Staple GoOds, suitable for city and country storekeepers. FP L. AM & BRIDGE 0., AUCTIONEERS, - A. No. 505 111 A TIRET atzrEet. above Fifth. j FITzPATEICK & co., &lICTIONIEHM, No, 416 North SECOND ousel, tbove thillowhill, gIIVJCYOR 61141Gia 'llll7 - 10, 144 ... B°l4lB' AUOTIONRERA: 171 Nos. 111 and 141 South FOURTH street. BAL ps ta:" $ TOOKS AND, BEAL ESTATE At the Eschanae~ , every TUESDAY, at /2 o'clock, noon. Handbills' of , - eachi . ' property issued' separatel9. and on the Saturday 1: - ' r cNicca to each sale 200 W logaes in pamphlet fonn, giving fall eased_ ptions. BEAL .STATE PAI JATE BALE. , Printed catalogues, C0mi. "1,14 41 several hundred thousand dollars, including ejerY description of city and country property, from the smallest dweilingit to the most elegant mansions, elealca c,achtrY seats, farms, sin ei erM. iirt a t a lb ' Auction Mere EVERY THURSDAY. Particular attention given to sails PriVitia vasidenese. • • SIXTEENTH SPRING SALE. MAY it. Auxecators' Peremptory Sale—Estate of Fe M. Drexel., dec'd—SQUARE OF GROUND, Broad at,. Dr tureen Reed and Dickerson. Same Estate.—SQUARE.OF GROUND, Reed itur Dickerson sta I Same Estate—SQUARE OE GROUND. Thirteentlit st, Reed st, Clarion at,and Dickerson st. Same Rstate—TRUGULAR ..L 4 JT. N. E. corner of Thirteenth and Dickere on sta. Same Estate--LABGBiIIYi . , _Bread and Dickerson Same Estate—LOT or SQUARE, Dickerson and Mas ker et,. Same Estate--SQUARE OF GROUND, Thirteenth etree% • Same. • Estate—LAßGE LOT, Thirteenth et., be tweet' Dickerson and Talker. Same Estale-4.1.11G8 LOT , Thirteenth et., Teske(' at.; and Buck'road. Same Estate—LA.llo2 LOT, Thirteenth st.;.Tasker at.. Clarion at., and Buck road. Same Entate— , LOT, Lasker st. and Buck road.' air Sale. absolute of the whole estate. Clear of all incumbrance.. Lithographic Plans maybe had at the , . Orphans' Court Sale-- , Estate or Joseph J. nedner. dec'd—NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. N 0.324 South 21e1 street. below Spruce—has the modern- convent ences and in excellent repair. Immediate possession. Keys at the Auction Rooms. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of William Diehl, deed' —THREE STORY BRICK TAVERN and DWELL,. ING, S. W, corner Ninth and Depot streets, aboys Spring Garden street. • () hens' Court Sale—Estate of Wm. R.l3annen,dec'd TBBEE-STOGY BRICK DWELLING, Warnock street, north of Poplar. Same , Estate—LOT, Union street, Township of Blockley. _ _ —That s'Court Pale—Estate of Daniel Sweeney,dec'd HBEESTOBY BRICK DWELLING, Callowhiti street, west of 24th. , • Trude& a'. @ale —2 VALUABLE BUSENE.SI3 STANDS h. FOUR bTORY BRICK eTORE. N. W. corner Market. and Fifth streets. Same Estate-FOUR STORY BRICK STORE, Fifth street. above Market, adjoining the above. Ruin :crass Loc.&Tiox—STORE and DWET:LING.NO. 214 South Tenth street, between Walnut and Locust Executors' Sale--Estate of John Patterson, deceased --THREESTORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 160➢ Sansom street. Clear of all incumbrance. VALUABLE COUNTRY-PLACE. 37 . ACRES, 125 Perches. Lower Merlon Township, Mon:unary court, ty, Pa., 7.% miles from Market Street Bride, 1% miles '- from Manayunk Railroad' Station, 1% es N. of General Wayne Station. Sale by Order of Heirs—THREESTORY STORE and DWW,t.t.rNG, No. 5e4 North Tenth street; above Buttonwood. Same Estate—THßEE-STORY BRICK xiwEr,-- LING, No. 506 Nirrth Tenth at. Same Estate—BusdNgss Locrerrori--4 FRAME; DWELLINGS Nos. 814 and 816 Spring Garden at., ad— joining Washington Halt MODERN WIRES-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No.lln bouth Eleventh St.. below Washington Av— enue. NEAT THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No, 2415 Lombard street. ELEGANT MODERN POUR STORY PICTOU STONE RESIDENCE, with Pressed Brick Back Buildings, No. 1622 North Broad et.—well built and has all the modern conveniences. Lot 24 feet front, 2t.0 feet deep. Immediate possession. HANDSOME MO 'ERN FOUR-STORYI BRIM I• ESIDENC E. No. 2044 Arch street, east of 21st. Im mediate po • sessien. Peremptory SaIe—ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT and FARM. 46 ACRF S, near Bustleten. 23d Ward. le miles from Market at., 5 miles above Frankford, and 2.4 miles h om Holm esburg station on the Philadelphia. and renton railroad. VALITAFL.E BUSEYPS-'q STAND, No. 235 Ards street. LAFGE MODEBN 'FOUR-STORY BRICK REST CE, 1c0.170t Race street, west Seventeenth st.,s feet front, In perfect order and has the modern con venlences. also. BUILDING LOT, Race at., S. W. cor.l7th 33 feet front. DOUBLE NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, No. 20H. Race E. corner of Friedlander. THREE-:TORY BRICK DWELLING and LARGE BRICK STABLE, No. 715 Guilford at., between Second and Third and Sbippen and Monroe streets. Faecutors' Sale-Estate of Samuel Ashmead. dec'd— VALUABLE BCSINESS LOCATION - FOUR-STORY BRICE. BUILDLs.;G, No. =1 Dock at., east of Third. came E s tate-FOUR-STuRY BRICK BUILD NG. Nos. tV4, 206 and 208 Gold st. Executors' Sale-M.tata of Wm. Mason, decd THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. lrb"" Ly brand st., between Race and Vine. Same Estate-3 TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, 257 Juniper at., between Race and Vine. Same Estate-TWO.STORY BRICK DWELLING, 817 Wood at.. west of Bth st. Same Estate—Till:Mß-STORY BRICK DWELLING D 7 Lombard at., east of Second: 3 TEIREE-STORY BRICK STORES and DWELL GS, N05.1723,171r7, 1731, 1733 and 1733 Lombard at., west of Ib. MODERN FOIID-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 142 North Twentieth st., near Arch. Immediate ponessi on. HAI% DSOME MODERN THEME-STORY BRIM EESIDMN OE No. 433 North Sixth street, north of No blF—bas the modern cor.veniences. THREE-STORY BRICK Montrose a. 2 IHREE-STOSY BRICK DWELLINGS Nog. 2210 and 2212 Christian Et. NEAT THREE-STORY BRICK NESLDENCE, No 927 Vine et HANDSOME COUNTRY RESIDENCE, with about three acres of land, near Holznesburg, with fine mo:, dery improvements. - STOOKS, &c. :ON TUESDAY, MAY 15, At 12 o'clock noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange, for account of whom it may concern, without arrears of dm Wen da— 102 shares Capital Stock of the Princeton Gas Pight Co.,New Jersey. 39 shares Augusta and Hallowell Gas Light Co, Maine. par sso. 700 shares Acadia Freestone Quarrying and Manu facturing Co., Nova Scotia, par $2O. Sale No. 2045 Walnut street SUPERIOR FURNITURE. PIANO, MIRRORS CURTAINS. CHANDELIERS, OIL 'PAINTINGS, FINE CARPETS. &C. ON FRIDAY MORNING May 4th, at 10 o'clock. at No. 2045 Walnut street, by catalogue, the superior rosewood drawing-room fUrni rare. tine satin coverings; elegant curtain to match; French plate mantel and pier mirrors; rosewood piano; oil paintings and engravings, tine carpets; handsome chandeliers; dining-room and library furniture: fine mattresses, &c. Also, the kitchen furniture. Full particulars in catalogues. Sale No. 1318 Coates street, NEAT HOUSEHOLD kJ - aSUTURE PIANO. PPM VELVET CARPETS. SUPERIOR BAY - nrA WATSON WAGON. HAR - N.S. &c. ON MONDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock,'at No. 1818 Coates at by catalogue, neat household furniture. piano, tine carpets, superior bay mare. seven years old Watson wagon, harness, &c. Also, a quantity of fine wine. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morningef sal& Sale No. '1506 Cbestnut street. HANDSOWE WALNUT PARLOR AND VITA.3I. BER FURNITURE. FINE CURTAINS,__ELFe GANT WILTON AND BRussRL ,, , cAliarrrs. - - ON ') 1:1E.-DAN MORNING, MAY 8, At 10 o'clock, at No. mos Chestnut street, by cata logue. the elegant furniture, suit walnut and plash drawing room furniture, elegant carved rosewood and walnut dining room and chamber furniture, fine cur tains, handsome WRton and Brussels carpets, glans were, kitchen utensils and furniture, du. May be examined at 8 o clock on the morning of sale. BY JOHN B. MYEPS a: CO., AUCTIONEERS, Nos. 232 and 234 MARICRT street. corner of Bank.. LARGE • POSITIVE BALE OF CARPETING% ' CANTON AVD COLE MATTING% &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING, May 4, at ni o'clock, will be sold by catalogue, on. four months' credit, about 260 pieces of superior and fine ingrain, royal damask, Venetian, list, hemp: cottage and rag carpeting% which may be erammi4 earls on the morning of sale LARGE PEREMPTORY SA TA" OF FEMME AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. dtc. ON MONDAY MORNING, MAY 7, At 10 o'clock, be sold, by catalogue, ON'FOUD MONTHS CREDIT, abontooolots ofFrench,lndis,Ger. man and British Dry Goods, embracing a fall - assort. meat of fancy and staple articles in Ml.ffi, 'worsteds. woolPns, linens and cottons. N. B.—Gonda arranged for examination and ada; lognes tem:ly early en morning of sale LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES. BRothaNS, TRAVELING BAGS, dtc. ON TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 8, Will be sold, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on four mouths' credit, about 1,200 packages Boots, Shoee, morals, &c., of City and Eastern manufacture. Open for examination with catalogues early on the morning of sale. THOMAS BIRCH & SON, ATICTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 CHESTNUT =vet. (Rear entrance 1107 Sansom street.) HOBS - HOLD FURNITITRE OF EVERY DE SCRIPTION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. SALE, EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attended to on the =et Reasonable Terms. . SALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &c., AT THE EXCHANGE. THOMAS DtI:RCH & SON respectfully inform their friends and the public that they are prepared to attend n the sale of Real Estate by auction and at private Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. , UPERIOR HOUSEHOLD PURNPPURE. PIANO FORTE,, MELODEONS. CARPETS, MIRRORS, d2c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store. No.lllo Chestarit street, will be sold— A large assortment of superior household furniture. several piano fortes, 2 melodeons, pier and mantel mirrors, velvet,. Brussels . and ingrain carpets, china ; glass and plated ware, cedar chests, dm - - DRUG STORE AT PRIVATE HALE. A well established Drag Store, handsomely fitted up with lease of the premises, for sale. Apply at the p gOB.1) a Ock,• • ATIOI'IONRBRB, • No. 606 IKABB - F.l. atrast SAI,F , OF 1404' CABER BOOTS AND SHOES. ON MONDAY MORNING, MAY 7. Commencing at 10 o'clock. we will sell by catalogue, for cash. 1400 cases prime Boots. Shoes, Brogans, Gat. morals, Congress Boots, Oxford Ties, an., comprising • general aesortment orgoorla. D WELLING, No. Zat.