tom our Third Emotion of Yesterdays, - • Prom -Wastangteik. Maw - Despatea to the Bralettn..3 WASIIINGToN,May 1866.—The Senate Finance Committee had a protracted ses akin to-dayi over the question of eo aailzitig the National currency among the States, without coming to any conclusion. Toe matter waspot3tponed until the next meeting. This Committee have not yet acted upon the nomin : tions of Revenue Collectors from Pennsylvania.' They have all been referred to a. sub-committee who we investigating the facts in the matter. The Ship Canal scheme, which takes six xnillions' out of the Treasury, is to be put through to-day, irpcssible. The bill adding about eighty Paymasters to the 'regular _Navy has finally passed. State Regimental Standards. IT /1 RTLTS'EnThiG, May Ist, 1866.—The follow ing general order was received from Head quarters to-day : RV 1 1QUARTJOIS PENNS INANI.A. MILI TIA, HARRIsHITIIG, May Ist, 1866.—General Orders. No. 56.—8 y a joint resolution of the Legislature approved May. 16th 1861, it was provided that the Go vernors procure regimental standards for all the regiments formed or to be formed in Pennsylvania, upon which shall be in scribed the number of the regiment, and painted the arms Of the Commonwealth ; that all their standards,after the present un happy rebellion is ended,shall be returned to the Governor thothey may be carefully pre served by the State, etc. On the fourth day of July nest these regimental colors will be formally received by the Governor in the city of Philadelphia, in accordance with ar rangements ' made by the committee appointed for the purpose, to be deposited amongst the archives of the com monwealth, there to be sacredly preserved and cherished as emblems of the patriot ism and devotion of her sons,dead and alive - to liberty and the Union, the solemn and- eloquent record of her high appreciation of their heroic ser vices in the held as momentees of brave men and noble deeds. All Generals, Regi menbiland Companyofficers, and non-corn missioned officers and private of Peainsvl van* in service during the rebellion, are invited- to take part in the ceremonies of the Orr.ppinn, By order of A. G. Cuirrar, Governer and Commander-in-chief. A. L. Russmi, Adjutant-General, Penna. Sentence of a Poisoner. Tow:l%-r°, C. W., May I.—Dr. Gustafr, late of New York city, who attempted to poison a man named McKinnon here several months ago, was tried yesterday and found guilty. He was sentenced to fifteen years mprisonment in the penitentiary.. Meeting of Railroad Officers, Rule/Al.°, May Ist.—A meeting is being held here to-day, of Railroad Superintend ents and Freight Agen t s, to make the sum mer time table from New York to St. Louis. The meeting is fully attended. Death of an Old Editor. 13osnos - ' May L—Wm. W. Clapp. Esq., -died, yesterday, aged S 3 years. He was formerly a well-known editor and printer. Arrival of the City of London. Nw Toms, May L--The steamship City of London has arrived from LiverpooL Her advices are anticipated. The Steamer Costa Elea Signaled. FEw Yoas, May L—The steamship Oosta Rica. from Aspinwall, has been signaled below. Arrival of the Steamer Louisiana, ITENv Yons., May I.—The steamer Louisi ana, from Liverpool, has been aignn ed. Her advices have been anticipated. xxx:Emi comarams—rissr SESSION. WastoweiroW, May lst. Honsm—Mr. liourwell (Mass.) sent to the Clerk's deck an amendment which heproposed to ofrer to one of the tillis reported yesterday by the Committee on Reconstruction, and which was ordered to be printed. ltprcrvides that whenever the proposed Ocenstitn ticaal emu dment shailhave become a part of the Constitution, and Tennessee cr Arkansas shall have ratified the same, and shall have modified its coast= Lion and laws in conformity therewith, and shall have established an equal and just system of suffrage for all male citizens within its jurisdiction who are not less than twenty-one years of age, the Senatars and Representatives from such State if found duly elected and qualified, may, after having taken the required oath of office, be admitted into Congress as such- pro , sided that nothing in the section contained shall be construed as to require the disfranchisement of any loyal person who is now entitled tovote. Mr. Bingham (Ohio) also sent op a substitute, which he proposed to -offer for the bill, and which was ordered to be prliated. It provides that whenever any State lately in insurrection shall have ratified in good faith and irrevocably the above recited amendment, and shall have modified its constitution and laws in confor mity therewith, the Senators and Represermulves from such State, if found dilly elected and cputillied r hain taken the oaths of /thee requiredby law, v be admitted into Congress es spelt. Mr. Stevens (Pa.), from the Committee on Appropri ations, reported back the Senatej Mut metal= yin mak. ing an appropriation for the expenses of collecting the revenue from Customs, Whitql was considered and 'passed. _ On motion of Mr. Rigby (Cal.) the memorial of the steamboat Inspectors at Detroit for increased pay, and the memorial of the Legisi wore of Minnesota, asking an appropriation for improving the harbor of Lake Superior. were transferred from toe Committee on Attagroprialuans lo the committee on Commerce. . _Flint (Mess) offered a resolution, wts,rh was adopted, directing the Select Committee on Freedmen to inquire into - the expediency of recommending an appropriation of $lOl4OOO for the immediate relief of the destitution =mpg the white population and freed mewin thei.onth. Ries (bless.), from the Committee on Naval Affairs. reportEd back the Senate amendments to the Homebill for the better organization of the Pay De curred parkment.of the:blavy. The amendments were con ' The House proceeded. at the regular business in order, to the consideration Of the Mil reported on the Utk of April from the Committee en , ce, to amend theactaf July Sth, 1864., to encourage Immigra tion, and the act of Isfarc.h 3d, 1865 to regulate tne car 'late of passengers in steamships nn othervessels. After some discussion, the bill was passed. - Markets. Maw YOU, May la.—Cotton 18 dal: aides of MC, far middling. Flour Cult sales ea 6,1:03 Mils. at tin ebsneed prices; Southern, unchanged: toe bids. add; Casunlitai,gulet; Ws. sold. Wheat dal and droop. kg- Corn dull and drooping. Beef steady. Park aeadyst V71.734(a t 7 Se formless. Lardheavy at 1.1544 2e3ic. Whisky dull. Steers are better; Ciidxdsarland Preferred, 4534; MI. Central. 120%; Mich. Southern, 78N; N Y.Central.92l4. Beetling. 105%; Missouri 74: e BE. 74; Western 'Union Telegraph CO., 2732; U. S. Coupons, IEBI, 11N: The-Twenry Coupons_ lea 182 ex -interest ditto, Met, RIM: ditto lea% 101%, Ten -Forties, HU: Treasury s. MIA: One Year Certificate, loa3g; Gold opened at 125% and is Low quoted at 1263 i. CITY. BULLETIN. I.ICCOMM AND ANNUAL. Tax:Es Pon 1865.-- Ico postponement of the time preicribed for making income assessments, and no amendment to the Inter nal /Revenue act having been made by Congress, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue has issued instruc tions directing Assessors to enter at once upon the assessment of incomes, licenses, csarlages, watches, sirverplate and billiard ablest end their special =tes ti= is called to the importance of malting the assess ment thorough and prompt. All persons liable, therefore, are advised to be-pre pared so render the assessment lists promptly, within ten days from the _first of May, in accordance with the .requirements of the revenue law, which will be more rigidly...enforced than in previous years. Assistant Assessors are required to complete and de liver Their lista to the Assessor•within thirty days after the first of May, and in order is do this, tney will be compelled to spend much less time than has hereto fore been dem= ded of them in assisting individusis in stakingnp their income returns. Individual tax pay ers should, Therefore, =ebony make up their own re turns upon the blanks furnished them, whinb can be obtained of each Assistant Assessor. A prompt and faithful return Heavy taxayers will not only relieve assessors of much lab.,r, bat also of the duly imposed by law upon assessing delin quents, ens eliding a penalty to their returns. Any person, guardian. or trustee who shall neglect or re ruse to make and render snob list or return, nr shall render a false or fraudulent list or return to the As seism. nr Assistant Assessor, after ten days notice, will be liable to he assessed by the Assessor, according to the best information be can obtam by the =amino- Lion of such person, and his books and accounts, and is required by the law to add a penalty Hof twenty -five per centum, and in BA vases of a false or fraudalriat j nr return having been rendered, to add one hun t Bred per mutt= penalty. /t shored be remembered by all persons making in come returns, that income from all sources must be included, as there is absoluteiy no =oared m provide] for to The rev enue law. Full creclit. however, is given for all mations/ State. county and municipal taxes pa id within the year, and sections 116. 117, pages 70.71, of 11 e luternal eremite Law. provides that only flue dedneron eels hundred dollars shali beMade from the aggregate incomes of all the member I orttoY family, win - posed of parents and noir_ or _children or husband and wife: also the amount paid by any per son for the rent eine/ton estead used ur tiontiPied by .hlmselfer his fatally, and the rental vaMe of any torriesteadizsed or trended by any lierstra in..tia awn-right or in the zightof. his Wile, shall not he lincladedand assessed as jpart or the in comiletesnch Isinnon. The mired states Assistant Assessors In this city have Immo:Leaned to distribate the income blanks in their several divisions, and Will give tinenciUl:is tolaz payers when they will reeelvi WEST PiziaLADELPICLA.—The police 11ELS1.- nes yesterday W/113 a little in advance of the slay be lore, although therases presented the same ordliutry character. air. George W. Jones, disbursed $8 for the use of the cormty, George. Lavinsheer under the inlict ear* of the "ardent," George Laecker,Edward Hanley and Wm. Dyser. bailing in the same steamer, had bat the . s&berewittuil, and were committed. Likewise Jmnea Patten and James Crawford for liadnlging their taste in mallcions mischief. We are mapping the Darby road for the benett of the S‘npervisors and the property-holders, and shall give the statistics at an early day. The trmrel of the Pennsylvania State Central virs , ll.- road at the crossing at liarke. street, is raDV'M4III4. Very Daring the whole winter the citizens re skiing beyond 'Thirty-third street with their friends below, bare been compelled to pick their way through mud andslneh , timber, and stores; now, on one side of the street, now: on the other; with scarcely a light to guide them, except frrm the uninviting' summerles," to their places r f destination. At present one-third of the roadis occupied by this nuisance, and scarcely a night passes but some accident happens, in the way of "skinned shins," disrupted garments, &h., at the least. At the Almshouse, to which we next turned our at tentinn. we found the gardener, with a multitude of hands, busily engaged in planting potatoes. The Jackson White was &be favorite. 'Pr e field on which the laborers were employed contained some seventeen acre., zoom or less . Nat a bad potato patch! One field of some five or six acres had already been set with roots, and was doing finely. The rye. which last year was exhibited on Chestnut street, a giant variety, was in preat luxuriance. All of which information ought to be Interesting to taxpayers.for everything grown on the place is consumed by the inmates. "A penny saved is a penny gained" is an old time maxim that the present excellent - Board of the Guardians of the Poor consider it their duty to exemplify in their practice. No mattes what is produced on the premises, theystlll are compelled to purchase, and purchase largely, wr rmily, under the influence of spring 'weather, the population is becom Mg "smaller by degrees, sad beautifully less." Yes terday there weieS admissions. 1 birth. S deaths-2 in the .Ifledical," lin the Surgical. Discharged, 5-2 nasn, warren; we are beginningto grow welu7 of can ing them ladies, andoomplimenting such specimens of the gentle Sex: white; took "spring liever'. of' which the women were in the advance, leadine the men by one. flmsna to - dayi AM; 2565,$375—increase, 424, four lets Matador:lday. - atIM" 81:11CDAY CAR QuEsTioN.—The con tract with thermion Passenger— Itallway Company' for carrying the mails Through the clrY went hno effect this morning. The boxes have not yet been placed in all the ears, hat by the close of the week an will be supplied. and the new arrangement will bent fall ope ration. It will be a great convenience to the public and iwillm g r e e a thanyminutes cngt er lt wilt not to reach the main post office from any - portion of the city. There appears to be some misappnaltension in regard to the running of the cars on Sundays, and a corresr Pondemce co the subject has - receotly taken place be =men the Postmaster-General and Postmaster Wal born. The latter issued his instructions to the rail way company yesterday. On Sundays the messengers are to report at then - face at 6 45 AlkL, and The cars are to start from Seventh and Ninth and Chestinustreets not later than 7 o'clock A. IL Three cars will be required—one 'to go south. another north east, and the third northwest. In the afternoon the messengers . areto report, at the stations at 535 o'clock to receive the mails, and the cam willleave Thirteenth and - Wallace, Third and Master and Fifth and Whar ton streets. at 5.45 o'clock. This is all the running on Sunday required by the man. service. If the cars are run any ether portiturs of the day it will be at the risk of the Company. FIRE IN 'llia Rl, r WARD.—This morn ing. about six o'clock, the extensive saw and planine In 11 of John D. Jones on Twenty-first street. above Chestrut was liscoyered to be on fire. The building was, of brick. three stories in height. The alarm was promptly given, an the firemen 'were soon on the Around. but owing to the combustible nstXre of the cortenteof the strnetare the flames sprdad rapidly and brrred stubbornly. The whole structure wa completely destroyed. and the lergest :portion of the walls 1 - .lt down. 'Mere was a heavy stock of lumber and finished and unfinished work on hand. This was all burned. There was also cousid,ecrahle romoe,i mtry in the structure, and it was ruined. he Ices could not be estimated this morning. but it will be beery. There Is an insurance which it is supposed will corer theloss. one of the surrounding lip.i.perl2. was damaged by fire. but consid erable injury was done by water. Several hours elapsed before the fire was hilly eir'....nguisheti. and ome of thefiremen were in service tui ill ten o'clock. Nirsr BUELDHVGS.—The number of per mits for new buildings issued by the Building In • special's during A - pril was 252, as follows: Dwellings, four-story, 2 three-story, 102 two-story, SP—total, boner houses. 2 engine houses, 5; market. house. 1; stare holism, 2 school houses 2 breweries 2 Poster Home, 1; railing mall. 1: stables. 12 sugar house. 1; church. ,I; factories, 2; SORp house 1; slaughter houses, 2 still house. dye bones. 2 offices, 2 shots. Pc stares. 7. and shed I. There -were 125 permits issued for alterations and addi tions. making PSI as the total permits. which is an in • crease of ]56 over the same month last year. ATTEMPT TO. SOZOOT.—.A. caned. man. named Lloyd Douglass, seas arretded lasi evening at Servinth =ld Lombard ea:Pests.. for =emoting. to shoot a white man . named Ed waTill F. Ganthow. The lather suaavalting for a ca-. schen the accused told litua to move rattly if be didn't be would shoot him. at the same titrepoluting bra-atom at his head. A policeman then carof no and arrested Douglass. The prisoner was commiltedby Alderman _Swift. CADETS OF MIIEPERANCE.—Tiiis Organi zation 3nade a parade zo-day. The procession formed on Broad street, at half oast lien o'clock this mornin,C. A Imre =tuber of sections turned out in inn force. and the I ' M - miles made quite a fine display. There were in the line numerous banners and tietices emble matic of the temperance came. READY •POB DmivEttY.—The steamship SCOltiteEl mails azll be res. , ' y for delivery this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Post Office_ Sales at Phnada A T:F 3, I AFTER $l2OOO Penna as 1000 .Allegh'y Co 5s 20 tears Bds 7:3 sof3o Lphigb Nay 65 'O4 873 5000 Cio as new C 0000 do b 5 07 000 178 5-Vs c 10.2 20r01:1 9 - Tress 7 3-10 Nolo. Jialy 101 U 100 ob Soh :Nay pfd blO 35 04b do b 3, 35;41 200 eb Y a”d Bfiddle Coal Fields .>,' 200 oh do b3O 1 SECOND MOO Prnna 5s 36 , i City 6s new 97 3500 II S 5-211 s 'O4 I.lU'l sth 'Pen rut R 56M 'ED sh - anion Pas E 35 Finance and Bousinesa —Fray 1, ieea. The Stock Market was 'Very dull to-day. and for all the speculative shares on the list prices were weak. The condition of the money market continues one of nx brrken ease, and capital is cheap enough to en courage Fnecniation, but the outside public are suspi cions of the psrmanentiy of present values, and until there is some support from this quarter we can look fortnrt little change from the present languid state of affairs. Government Loans were sold to a limited ex teat at 1084 - for the Coupon Sizes. 'St and 1015iigit2 (or the Five-Twenties in small soma. State Fives sold free yat SB3÷.". and the War Loan at 1011 4 '. Beading RaiLvead declined and closed at 52tii. Pennsylvania Railroad sold at 5634: LAbigh Valley Railroad at 61% Camden and Amboy Railroad at 121%7, and Norristown Railroad at 55. Philadelphia and Brie Railroad and Ottawas& Railroad Preferred declined SchnYikDl Navigation Preferred closed at 115—adecline of and ZS was bid for the Coalmen stock. TAihigh Navigation was steruly .5434: Morris Canal Preferred= 115; the Common stock at 75; Delaware Division at lio, and Susqu fi ehannarmly. Canal at 15%. Bank shame were held very ln Passenger Railway shares the - sale - was of Thirteenth and Fi ft eenth Streets, at y We are indebted to the Hon. James Pollock, Direc tor of. the Mint, for the following statement of Depositsand Coinage at the United States Mint, for the month of April, 1856: Gold Deposits from aII ZEPOEITS. sources.-- 41,593,789 4n Silver Deposits, including purchases..---- 4.1,899 11 Total Depo:mits No. of Pieces. Value. VA92,200 00 7.;.7,9 77 $1,399,4Z 77 Double Eagles_.._ Fineßars..._....._. SILVER. rialfDollaxs. T0ta1.»........._ 39.6ffl Cents corm.• 850:000 Three Cent Two Gent pieces ........ 3 12 4 20 Total BECAirri - LATION Pieces. ..... 'GR.= --- 'Z9,608 I=B,ooo Gold Coinage._ Copper ~. _ ------- 1.41;7.231 Markets. M.ESDA Y, May I.—The downward movement in Gold ana Bachangehas had no percaptib le effect upon The Breadstuffs market. The receipts of Flour con tinue extremely light and ladders are very - firm in their - views. There is a fair home fccrosumption de mand and about 1,000 barrels changed hands at es 511@i V 1 for low grade and choice :Northwestern extra family, and slo@ll for Penna. and Ohio do., including 400 barrels Cumberland Valley do at ell IS; 550 barrels extras at%Ea, and small lots ofsuperfine at s7@s. Fancy lots range iron sliiiial6. Flour is rather firmer. with sales of 200 Wine's at ;4 07iiia5. Prices of Corn bleat are Eon inn). Tere is no fallirg offin the demand for Wheat and prices are well maintained. gales of 7,c00 bushels part at f 2 Mika, 55 for fair and good Red. and $2 95 tor choice do., im 1 ding4;OLL bushels Western on terms kept se cret. and 91 o.buebele bpring at $2 10, White ranges from $2 70 to 1.2 95. 'Bye is scarce and worth 90(iaSS cents. Zit() bushels sold on secret terms. Corn is less active- bur there is not much coming forward. Small sales cfseßow at 61 rani'. Oats are unchanged. Sales of Terns. at COMM 4 Euld light L elaware at 02 cents. In Barley and lds•tno champ>. In. Provisions there is a general upward tendeney in pric e, 111:1t not much doing. hisky Is firmer. Saes of Barna. and refilled at $2 25012 26,13 X 300 barrels Ohio at 27 and a small: lot Olextra cboicepackages at 1225. THE DAILY EyyjNINGIBuur i ETIN - PIULADELPRIA WED NE 4 ; his Stoe.k Board. FTR F ST BOARD, 91 sh Penns P. 5: - ,' , 200 sh , )7rie hf, ...v, hot sh !i 100 sh s..lDcvm :11 ,,, . '5OO all WO F.P.'i i oo sh Co . — .3 ,' no sh do traa :23; 20 sh 2.Vcrrnstown B. 0 . 4% ssh Spnace k.P.lne idt`i" 10 sh lama & amo3y .1253; :300 sh Caldwell 0 ...., 5 , 0 sh Read 11 52 94-10: , 1 10 sh Catawba pfd salmi 20% BOAB.D. ltta sh N Coal held b"10 7 100 all do lot Eli ?Wiz& Erie ----4LE15.1138 Si 1119,806 00 361 40 V. 6 163 46 1:21,5A 00 • Value. $1,399,126 77 M,161. 96 21,55(' 00 $1,441.141 23 sra.. : • :kr :a: r :a: r :4• ak: 'a , `5" HATS anToesToonce_ • pi PhoßPlp the opening of the books I'm subscriirtfian o Zbee.a stock or -a& Company is postponed =EL ap9o-mayllP 'O'PUP.E FARM OIL COMPANY the Annual hieeting of the Stockholders 4:tithiS 00131paal9 will be held aL. No. SO6 MARKET street (second story), on 11.0gDAY. May 7th. ISO, at 12 o'clock 22, for the Election of Officers for the ensuing year. „Az &c. a1:12342g , • G. W. CaLIFFLN, SeC79. AN ADJOURNED IEEEITNG OF THE Stockholder of the 1.J.3.1-433.4.31T COAT and I CWCOMPANY will be held on THURSDAY .EVEN ING,May 8,1566, at 73i o'clock trtNia..l44 South arxra stmts. By order of CHAS. T.TARZY, President Pro Tem.. LEWIS H. FRIMCII, Secretary. ap24,ssony2,at* lY crranx OIL OOMPANY, OFFICE 525 WAX. NUT S MEET, PITTT. A TIELPHIA. .an Anzroallleetlog Cif the Stockholders vat he held on THrk MAT, Mitty - 3cl, at 121}L, at the Office of tae Company. JOHN H. WYLE, .r.p1e.,21.2.5=n1121 . Secretor - Y. - OFFICE CP,,TAWISSA H. B. ;COMPANY U NO. 424 WALNUT Street, Plcur,enrmente., April 7th.1666. The annual-election for Presidentand Directors will beheld on MONDAY, the :Lb tay of the Otimpany's office. H. F. HITPCILMSON, s&wmpnmy7t Vice President And Secretary. rfOFFICE 05' THEI2ti r INGOIL& - IIMMCG CO., No. 524 WALNUTStreet, Boom 15. he annual meeting or the Stockholders -of this Company will be hale on TUESDA i 15th May, at 12 o'clock, for the election of officers to serve for the en suing year. JOu. 8.. WrfsciNS. apso-unIIS/ Secretary. pr p hif , 4l - 5 - I , l 4 iittemiliffiß4SlN6 ..A..15Y will be held on the first of M&T, at the Phßadelphia "R" , re)” , vge, at 12 orrin , * .132.,_ at which time an -election will be held ibr INanagers, Preaident and Treasurer, for the ensuing year. antarop se t,- GAP G COMPANY.—The Annual Machu of the Stockholders at the Gap Mining Company of w caster County will be held at the office lvo 186 South THIRD street, on MONDAY, May 7th, at 4 o'clock., P. M. An election will be held for Five Dlrectont to serve for the ensningyear. Z S. BOXCJI.L.EY, altantalYS Secretary. 10'NOTICE. DRLAWARE AND RARITAN CANAT., COMPANY—An election for nine DI- ItruCTOBS of the above Company, -to serve for the ensuing year. be held at the office in Princeton, New Jersey, on THURSDAY the tenth (lath) day si May, 1866, at 12 O'Clock, M. _apN-11% OFFICE OF SUG4I33, VALLEY OIL COMPANY, =2 WALNUT sorzurxr, AprlllL 1866. The Annual Mating of She Stockholders or the Sugar Valley Oil Onn,oany will be held at toe Catopany's *Mee, on TUM:,DAY. "may Bth, 1868 ea 12 O'rinmic VTIUVICS, ap.l9 tl my Secretary. OFFICE OF TEE MONT ALT) contrANY,PEca.....waspae, April 20th, MS. e A nnual ninual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Office of the Oaropan,y, So. 407 .T.l.BRalitr street, on .1102 MAY, the 14th of May nett, at: P. M... when an election will be held for Directors to serve for the ensuing' year. A. j, RA RR m0w.,V14 Secretary. Q- OFFICE OF THE M &PLR SHADE OIL COMPANY. W. 4 WALNUT Street, PaLtAn.=.- PE/A. April V 1866 , The Annnal eetir gof lb. Stockholdm &this Corn- Palt9 Icriit be held at thetr °Moe on will, MoS Elk. at 12 o'clock M. The Transfer _Books close on the lOth WI P. M. and open on the ap27-faco,w.tmyl7/ THOS. E. ssz Rt.' See 7. °FMCS OP E.ltaltru= AND BEAR. VAL. ' LEI COAL COMPANY, ISo. 214 CELESTNU: streei—PECIIADELPE33.I. 3pi 11 24Th. Visa. The annual mee,Log of stockholders. and eletr,itin of Officers of the abarookln and liesir Valley Coal Co pany will be held at the ofEce of the Company on MONDAY, Mac 7th, ls&S, at o'clock. M. WM. P. ATIEMFON. aR25,2:X0,My2.4,15? becrelazy. !U. CAMBRIA IBOIc COMPANY, —A special meeting of the Strm^'Vl , nlders of the eta-lbritt /run Company, will be In ld on THrEiDAI - . buy SDI, 3666, at the orrice of the 1_ 1 0.72p1.137. ICa.4o3C.`hestout street. Philadelphia, at 4. o'clock. PI Si- to consider and de ermine the disposition of the residue of the capital stock and such ether busineim as may - then be submitted. ay order of the Board. gpyW'm~So:s JOMC F. MILLE. Beareaor TREASURY DEPAILTILKST, .ELPELIL ?STE, issg—::once is hereby given. that the Tress:tre= or the tuned:Slates. the Assistant Treasurers At Slew Yolk, Phhadelphia and Boston. and the roiled StsZes Depositaries At Maltimme and tarru:lii= hare been directed to discontinue, from this date, the receipt of deposits an 11C0317101 of Temporary Loan, ezmpt =use intended far Clearing House p _ H. 76 L i. cCi" L LOC EC -Semisary of the Ttreaw.ry. OFFICE OP THE VC.I.C.AL..N MDZING Clll - Mt wav-str street, PnalAhmemta, April M., NU. Notice b hereby given that the Axonal 'Meeting of the - stockholders of the Vrtm* , l Cote. will be held at the OMce of the Company on THUSSDAY. liay 10 prom- at 32 o rectors and the transaction of other has:Mesa. WOMEA.TH, ap22 to myle Secrmery- NORTHHEIN LIBERTIES AND PIOTN utY TOWNSHIP COMTANT.—Part April 9, I SaS The suzunal meeting of the Enockholders of this Company. and an elietuon :or officers to serve for the emmtlin Sear. and =all others shall be eleMetL will be belo at the lattice of the Philadelphia littartuti Cbm • pony, No. = South POUP.TH Sttert, on hip.ICIDAY,. the ', - th day of May next, at II o'clock. A.. -V. apio WIL 8. W.EIIIB, mcr,etary. SCHUYLKILL END SUSQUEHANNA TH 3I2LILIIO.A.D COMPANY-0 vPILLEC SLltEET.—Pmmarartraza...977l /ME. The Annual lireedag of the Stockholders 02 this Company, and an election 2br President and 6-X - Unals, ggee- will take place at the Cnßee of the Copan y. on MONDAY, the 7th day or May, next, at 12 o'clock X. spit) t roys WL H. WEBS. Secretary. THE A3.7N 'CAL NEETEc4 OE TER STDDR n....L.LE.Rs 0F THE ELOOAT-3RORG IRON C Alb 'V will be held'at the Company's Office a lrondrle, Pa on TEENI 4-4 11AT, May I:3d, lbss, for the purpose of ele , - , ng nine Directors to n e rve the ensunigyear, and for toe transaction of o. has bralnees "wi r T.T NT S. B V'Fr.`t bactetary and Treasurer. No. 213 North Way street, PErLanairizta April 17,150 f.. apli-,30t1 OFFiCESIEECR'SEAS OZL COMPTEY.— Psrntknar-rate. April nfi ISse,—A apectal meet ing or the Stockholders of the Company urn be held at tio. 14f. South Fourth street, on Mon day, Id ay 14, at twelve o'clock, noun, to consider the expedie- cy of mortgaging a portion of the property ef the Company, for the-purpose of raising a wording Capital. ity order of the Boartt /of Directors. ap26 nawtmyl4l • S. Dr - r, secrets,rr. W ip THE lasystAL 3id' N 3 of the Stock ANT of the Govg'S MBUNTABC 00 a L (X, ANT will be held on T8'5....1).A.T, Mar Kn. 1306, at 3 o'clock P. 32.„ at No. 3 Merchants' Rrrh sage, iladelphie, to elect Five Directors to serve otte ensuing' year, and for snob cater.lattiMess as may =me before the meeting -The 'Slangier Books will close on Lath instant, and reopen on Map 1011. ap24 tu.tba,Gts 5211. S. GM :5M Secy. EObNOTICE.—The ttooks for tbscrition the tiapltal Scott of the Sct p Pasa to enger Hallway Company will be open at the Office of Me Philadelphia and Gray's Perry Passenger BallwaY Company. Twenty-second street below Si rune, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Use 10th, Uth and 32th days of May, 1861, between the hours of 9A. M. and 3 PAC Sy ardeiof the ar,2OI4aINV.IMYI4 10. GOO D SPRING BAELBOAD COMPANY. —PEILADMLPIELA, Attril 9. 1866. lin anneal meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, and an Vection for President and six man to serve for the exuming year atm until others shallbeetected,wnl be held et the *Moe of tie Philadelphia and Beading.o , mnd Company, No. South FOURTH Street, on Monday. the :Tai day of May next, 8111311 A. M. spin WM. M. WEBB, Secretary. PHILADIt LPH CA AND READING RAIL- U ROAD COMPANY. Office MT South FOURTH Street, P33II,iIvaLIIILI, Aprlll43, 1866, Notice is hereby given to the S kholders of this Company, that the option of receiving - their Dividend In Stock or Cash. under the resolution of the Board of 11th December. 1855, will cease on and after the Stri, of maymes,and that such Stockholders as donot demand their Dividend to be paid to them in Stock on or before that day, will be thereafter entitled to receive it in Cash only. am.S , -Iml S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. BUR DEPARTMENT, APRIL mt. ISM—Notice herebmglren that on toe IStli day of 3y.1866. the Intems upon all certificates of depo sit on account of temporary loan Other than those is sued for Clearing Reuse purposes). then outstanding anti unpaid. will be reduced to the uniform rate of fire per cent. per annum, frau that date, and all persons then holding such certificates in which a bigher rate of interest Is specified. are re9nested to present, the same to the officers by whom issued, that other certificates may be substituted therefor. H. Mt:CULLOM. 'Secretary of the Treasury. r 0 atucrk :VA FOR SALE. e OULDS.—Bottle Moulds for P7lnt and Green Glass. opS-lins] c. Bois-mug Ar. SON. 5../. coiner of York avenue and Noble street. SyTax ll fialyD IN 1144 u. y \ A great variety of Sun Tim- A k v„, brellae. Fancy and Mourning Parasols, San-shades and Chiba , rena Parasols. at redtmed •rioes, : it: - Old . vio Sr , a . • ..• COTTON A.ISM LINEN SAIL DIICIE of every width tram one 'teat% ibet Vide, all numbems. Tent saad Alkutv Duck, Pa nakeel z tik ali Tyr. A 30HN Nu, =Jones's Alien NOTIOES. JO= P. STOCKTON, Searetary, S. GROSS FRY, Treasurer. w4roxis. RICHARD BEINETAN's Ale, Wine and Liquor Vaults, 4239 Chestnut Street, PIIMADEMPEIA. Established for the Bale of Unadulter ated Liquors Only. Special Notice to Families! Richard .Penistan'e _ Celebrated, Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, New $o mach by ibr Invalids , the Bledteal ineether $125 PER 'DOZEN, (These Bottles hold one Pint.) Theahave benne of the vsele heetzarty. =Kt he admitted the Anse le it /2 aeliVered. ID selle chi without Sts charge. .Rrandies, Whoa, Gino, iThisties,ft,da Wseeranted peas, at the lowest possible rites, by the Bottle, flaUon. or Cask. CELeBER&ONES of the best tesszults offered knew hem by ettY ethnna, On Omen ander he in Bottles, PITIZZ GELARE itrICE. This Is aa excertan article far lavallllll. It to a sars cure afr lryranitas. O OIL, HAV.A.NA CIG6IIB. LIVE BAY Mai, am _Lend= Ana DatatttPaster Asa Braw EtiIUDINZ9, n stoat— .i. an Postai Alm dalSte JUST OPENED, Pertistan's Branch Ale. Wine and 'Liquor Vaults, Nos. 37 and 39 South Third Shiest Beer Entrance an Bank street. tram PERKINS% STERN Ea CO. BELLIES .112KCLI , z.tvsti.y CALIFORNIA WINES, 80. ISO BROADWAY, I. Y., NVorad.respecthrlty ban= the pi:llor' . that o good" asp be found In Phihnielphie eL thefollowint harms KIXDN COLTON 44 CLARKE, BrfatraT BLACK, BULLOCK at CLENBIL&W. 32.31:ES WIBB, Xi:Manny de FLIETCXEB, FT APR ART & CO, ILP.TLET. E Nora' Fifth street. THOE:MON BLACK dc SON. 111311m.f, so= HER MA JESTY CHAMPAGNE, J". P. JD "Cr TCD N'r, 131 SOIIIB PUNT ST., SOLE At s'lrlfido&—The Mica of the trade fa earned a t . the aularming very choice Sirbwat for WEI to WaItIDEEPR F. BUITORS, Booth Fr= 81TSEr. above = 11.A.DICUtal Mend, 8 yam old. ElEllailttes—cabipbo Go., abizia ailddea azit triple R. Crowe At Boas. Ebruisttpb Topes. Mee litpanith eftown awl P. Valler.e. irtztue.--Talar=e, Vioho Velho B. Dant= ser; Itebello Valente di elta Vintages =a to M. Timm s—abee_ Pits Proms axed ass TA*Ttli VICRILIZTH-43ohrtbos..11rtvellt00. CHAMPAGMES 7rtrotir Nitoltatit es cce ffaisazr axed Masi Cabinet and faits favorite la. WlELEarr.—abcdce kali a old SS. 131"12618 tar Z ` P71141 a v FIN.iNCIIII.I._ 5-20 7 3-10. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BRO., 40 South Third Street. P. S. PETERSON & CO P. & P 1112218011 it CO., 89 South Third Street. Stocks, Bonds, dot., &c, Bought and Sold at Board of Broken. NOTES. Liberal Premtain OWEETIIIND pald 1317213M237 In *limed cm Deposita. &Oa 40 0 C 13 . 41 ,. frele SPECIALTY. 3 8111111, RARDOLPH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 13 Sindh Third On i 3 Wonsan street s Philadelphia. I New York. STOCKS AND GOLD BOVOIErIe .A3rD BOLD CIN -6-91- COXPTROLLITIV6 NOTICE. TaRSURE DEPAR_ ,THENT OFFI CE OF COMP tOLLER OF CY, Wass:memos. March 50th, 1866. Whereas, 137 satisfactory evidence presented to tbe undersigned, it RANI made to pear that " TELE NATIONAL OF THE RE.PUBLIE OF PHILADELPHIA." in the city of Philade.phia, in the county of Philadelphia. and State of Pennsylvania, has been dnly Organised tinder and awarding , to the re quirements or the act of COngress, entitled An act to provide a National Carrency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the Circula tion and Redemption thereof," approved Jnne Sd. 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said act re quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking tinder said act. 20rne, therepre, I, Freeman Clarke , Oamptrolaer of the Currency, do herebyen-11..V that "THE NATION. AL BANK OF TEM BEPURLIC OF PHILADEL RAIA," in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking underthe act afbresald. In testimony whereof witness myhand and im a m} seat of owe, tide th .r da or Marth. TiaintoraysonMAN Ciatiiurz, Comptroller. EDIICA.TION. 14*MMeta 6n m: mence Wean , 8e ember at ' / la reWner of and h arms. ExemaximEß—ltev. G. Emlen Ham D. D., Ser. Themes Emnerd D. D.. W-Er- Isle President of Oran Collet& 1717-1340 PICX4III3, 13/LIMEIN Via Delaware and Raritan Canal. The Philadelphia and lien York 2 . • . - Steamboat Company. Stamm ?impellers leave DAILY tram FIEST WHARF below Er RR - vm =sae:, e run In .T. , 4 noras. This e connects with mai Sorth+=n and Eastern alT7lor-stian Companies Goods fterwarded ect SD 1 1 7o_nts free ol camtalsalna. Freight recetred at lowest mew. r•-• S' • FOE BOSTUIa, - T STEAMSEDEF I,OIX TORBOT. Das, F22O.2I2,4CH.POIMETZEY.PII7IS-ELS.ifs FB.QM F.atE ST. WHARF. PECELADELPIILL. AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The stPs , n.t.ip ARIES. Captain Boggs, wen sag from Phiiadelphir'on Saturday evami c, may 5. The steamship NoithLt.N. Captain (rowels, will sail trots Boston on Friday, May t, at 12. The line between Phibsdelphts and Boston Is rum composed &the SAXON, Captain Maq.lews,l7Eo tots barthed, 'SOltv A IC, lea i Crowbll 4 me tans burthed. ARUM, Boggs, SOOtons burthms. These Enbetannal and well appohated stearoshlps will sail rmactually as advmsised. and freight will be received every day, a glamour being always oh the berth to receive nano. ialppers are requested to send MU of /Ming WM their FerMrat OrlassailiAa t io Y WILD2OR & Ww aet South Delaware averam -1; PHILADELPEELL. ItIVEEMDBED ANT ,151:13.F0LE 1313FAMBIELP 003EPANIF. The fine etehmatape of this Lim insure at the krwesi ffiarket rates and =rem sall regteagety mum the Plat Wharf above ac, mg with itsiltnads team :---Ilialozoond, Mutsu axis etty Fotht, faccolits the MOSS 11111111 route Air tbs South and or sally to For ersdiobt or pumps, with excealsol spy Uons. _ - Al. a %A.. " " 99:13Zei - Ma luta W • • 15611PCSe and memenee at k V,kirst the= dire; mole • • Lyzabtait, atol, XnoxvWe Dim.Daltatt • the Botrth.wast. Steam= leave That Wharf above Market atm every Wedusadicv and Ellotaribor at 31. For freight ariP)7 to the CLIMB a DO.. It Nutt Wharves. O 3.8 Da Agt at Georgetywn; X..ll34rEdge D., is al Marla.Agen NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. BELA WANE and O.67ISILP.Z.dIaI W-BOAT 0011:PAN7. BARGES towed to and hum PECULDELPECLa, RAVRE-DE-GBACE. BAYAMON.); WASHING TOL and Vrtwmmenate CLY & CO. No. 11 South WharVes, Captain TOM; LAUGHLIN. Superintendent. e it FOB _HARTFORD, DOWN., DIRECT. VIA DEL& WARE AND RARITAN ILAN Tiiesteamer NEVADA, Captain OrnmleY. now loading at Al. CH street whartwill leave as above with despatch.. For freight. itc.. apply to WM. hi. BAIRD & South Delaware avenue. OR DEPOSITS. FOR BOSTON—Express Ling.—This Day.— The fine schooner FANNY SEATING. Capt. Daniels, is now loading for the /03:iVe port az third wharf above ltark - et street, and will sail as above: For freight, apply to DAVID OCIORECR north Wharves. rrEIE PAILTNEESITTP HERETOFORE EXIST JL. irg between EUGENE G. ETHN and Jules LANDEi L was dissolved on the lsth Inn_ by mutual consent, JOHN EANDIILL being - authorized to col lect and settle all accounts et' the late firm. GEN 0. ElletN, April JOHN LA E NDEL. M The Iron Foundry EU dry Business, In all its btanches, will be tenth., tied by JOHN _LAND ELL. at the old stand, Germantown road and Second street. Philadelphia* JOHN ',ANDEL". IPORTART TO RODSEEKEPERS.— SCHWERIN'S AIiIcIPILLAT.LNG POWDERS is the only .known sod best article to exterminate .13.oaches, lied Bugs, Ants, Moths, Fleas, Garden Worms, Alm IT CONTAINS NO POISON. M&U==i;la= BEWARE OF 00IINTIU,FETIB AND LIEITA- Ask for SCHWERIN S. Take no other. Sold by Joßicsorir. HOLLOWAY tk (VW/AM, and by Druggisie tverywbere. ap.r4,m,Nrai intalrmaginist GUM& FOE NEW YORK-.The CAN ER AND AMBOY arid eltit.A. AND TRENTON tutri.Ro oll l MN: PANVIS laN3l23,framilDwaliphiatet New York, and way Awes, from WA.LNIOY IMUCIEr 111HAUP, will Immo as foikere. vs: s. AWL. 2Lorialasmden one Amboy .B.OX I / 1 3., 12 .2b At GA. Di., Vl2 01413111311 and Jerseyt4 ram itagres Ey 2 et, NI 812 P. ...via Comeau andAreboy OD At LSD P. lA-, TisiDatoden to a Amboy, Atmore._ At B AL., me Lso For Mount Bgrams• vine. Pemberton and Vinnemoen. At SA.X. an 2 P. M...farPreehold. A.t 5 'and IDA.BL 7.2 IL 4, 5.30, and 7P. 1f.. ; /Or pub Roue% Palmyra, Itlverson, Progress, Delano, Beverly. Edgewater, Martinet:on, Plorents_Borden. thro town gh - to Tren , ton.. le A. Bland 4 P.M. /nee rune direct ugh - t o 7 , rnow..PROIL SEINEENGTON DEPOT WM /nave AB follnws AVILA. id., CM, 835 P. Maud 12 Pat. (night) vita Remington and Jersey $8 to The fosB Line will ran daily. All crttu37 — ra San days excepted. AL".BO and mai A. BE., 8, 8.gp4.38,5fu1dt.48 P. and 122didnight, for a:data, - • Al 7 and MTh, A. .ISL, - 12 .15 1 , and BP. far CornwellaTundadale,Ho o- TaconY,Wissin ming, Pridesbarg and and at 10.15 A. for ..W , istoL lamb maks, Pddington and P. for If Winesburg and interrnediate Statimta. - .13.E.1X/DERE MiT,AWARn to ; ; •RnA 1), for the. Delaware River 'Valley, Northern P lean* and Blew - Fork State, and the Great Lakra Two through trains daily (Sundays =opted.) trortaKensington' pot, as &Mawr. At 720 A. X. and LSO P. 351, far Inagsum Fails. Buf falo Dunkirk, Canandalgtuira Ithaca, Owego, gochener, yungh...myaon, amigo, Syracuse, Great Baud,ldonia Wltkesbarre Schramm Sthasitharg, Water GIP+ BeLvidere, Eantal, LaMbeitnale, iagton, ctr.. The 330 P. hf.. Line connects direct with he arida leaving Easton for Manch Chunk. Allan to*n. Bethlehem. dz. Ate P. /L. iarLambertville raulimermediateatarkaus larPor New York, and Way Lines leaving gen angina Depo t. take the tars on Filth meet, above Wel , 7t, "no an hour before departure. The am ism Into the Depot. said on arrival of each Train. run from the Depot. On SureisYsQadillitteses will leave Wal nut farm what!' at 6P. X.. to =next with P. X Dae. Pounds of 3= irt al ir arrit each Plasm. ger. ere sheSr apparel lakl 2l= a crt er h /n ige p a u nto ba w l:e el pats ern= 'The Company limit their r , wpenn.z - y for baggage to One Darter per potmd, and will not be liable ler atlY alconatt beyond WO, ex_llept by ePecial cantrace. 2ratkar itorzon. sold and baggage checked direct _through to Grabsott'sßuasig eitxpresos wM call Ica' atul dellver baggage reetat the Delaeta. Orden to be left at Sea Wal t= st LINES PROM NEW TOXIC FOR PMEADELPIELL: WM leave from Ibot or Ciartlead =vet, at 12 X. and a P. via .7ersey Cry stet Clemdea. At 7 and 11) A.2,L,fs p, BE. andl2 Sight vla Jersey cum alla Km "teem. &From Eder ISIL 1 3r..lllver,at 5 A.„ a 412, 4 P.ll, a.mbey and amden. W3i.. H GATEWER. AZEDS. _ ~, -. 7lmnptercieti:mfiv.ps_w_st v,l.Afit:4. • 4Kll.lp:7Ail*:T .SPECI al, NOTICE. Change of 'time of departure of .Liam for New York Wad Way peaces from Renslngton depta. Cm 11,211 after TUESDAY. May lESS, the time of departure of Through and Way /AIMS Rpng - 1,,, , t0n depot, will] bells follows, vim New York az it A.. L, 4.50 and 643 PAK. and 12 night, via Kensington and Temey Cfdy Express /Mei. Fare f 2. _ _ The 5.45 P. IL Ltne RiE ran daffy. all cr'...hens, Sun days excepted. ..So and 11 A. 21. t 3.30, 4.39, 5 and 5.45 P. 11.. and midnight, or Bristol, Trenton, Az. 12 3L , s, S.. 5 and S P. 3L, for Cornelis, Torrisdale, onest=7, Tacony, Wlaninoming, Brides cri, and Prankford, and at 1515 A. IL, for Bristol, an ds P.M—for Holnoesbarg, and intermediate tsnations At 7.3(. , A. M. and S.S.O P.M. forNiagroaPalls, Buffalo, Dunk Canadalgna, .Me" , Owejo, Bottm usr, Binghsompton, Or:tem.-Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, NcEkesharre. Scranton. Stroudsburg. Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertrille. F.ena irgton, ctn. The P.. 74. line connes dcrect with the mates leaving _Easton for Mauch C*nnl, Allen town. Bethleb.”. A 5 P. 11,.ftir Lambertviile and Intermedia Stators Rites In. New Tort for Philadelphia will leave foot of Cartland street at 7 and le A. IL, 6 P. IL. and = night, via Jemmy City and Remington. .E4I3C-5.1. W. H. f.I.9..TZMICR, Agent. CAIIIIMS7A2 D ROAD A.I.D TRANSPORTATRIN ....ECIAL :NOTICE. Charge of tine of departure of lines for New Tore and Wayp laces. from Walton =eel. wharf. On and after 1 LSD 3T, Itay Ist,lSsa the time of depantv'e of Ti rough and 'Way Lhus from Walnut street Wharf 'wlfl leave as follows: FOP. ... , UIW TOPS. At 5 9.3 L. via Camden and 4, '" , ‘ NIT ACc*M. 6 Camden and Se :mu City, .Rz. 309 2 " Camden and Amboy li4riTsa, Sit 5.30 Camden to S. Amboy - Arno= Jai= At S and 5= P.M. for Mount Harty, Evans- Title, Pemberton and Vincernown. ALI A.M. arid 2 Pat. for Freehuld. At 5 and 20 A.M.., L M-, s, 5.31) and 7 Par- it Fish- Hone, Palmyra, Riverton. Progress, .IDellmixt, Bever- Edgewal., HcrlingLan, Ftnence, Bardentown„ 'Mr to A..IL ands P /dues run di.-ect through t Trenton. Mir I.l.Des from ICea - York for Prdisdelphis. 3•211 let e Pier No. ISorth river. at 5 .6-IL, 2 and 4 P.M. sin Amboy and Camden, and from foot of Q3ort- Cusde ls-od street as 22 31. sad 4 P.M. Nis Jersey CtSysitd &35M-41. WK. B. GEL. 77210331. Agent. HII'PLNI* FOR NEW YORE, WM. P. CLYDE & is Son= Wharves. Phtl=a. JAS. 1L5.513, Agent, 117 Wall street. 'New York. Y and SATURDAY. A% 75t0014 WIC P. CILTDE & 00. Northam!' Eienth Innuvei. COPARTNERSHIPS. BEAL ESTATE. FOR ItEkl T. The New Bulletin Bedding, : No. 607 Chestnut Street s WILL BE IXIXEMIIum MA A PEW Wes. 'fi e 1 3213 Prietars are .1 3 1 to reeelvegroposals ibe maing Earl/ rooms as they will not we tboneelvee. ''these will be THE fiECIXVIM ETORY FRONT BOON, - 4O by 24 feet. THE WHOLE OP THE Noirnanzr HALF OP .TEOM BITILDINO, Rau Stories High. althillatraace by a Wide him air Clu?st:= street, And a Front Of feet on Jayne street' I; , ' Suitable .fer Jobbing or ternxrdiadon House, s Bast . Cr Insurance Office. Per Itither Tart:Seta= apply at the it vaaxiat* .}3I:II,LETLEI OFFICE, mts jco. 329 Chestnut Street. FOE; RENT, 'With nee of Steam Power, part of the - No. 111 South FOUBTB Street. Apply to 14 To .13.1.37 T—A Country Seat, atSchextck's Station, en the Philadelphia and Trenton 7-• road.slxteen runes from this city. This place .13 right opposite the Station. The cars run to and fro nearly every bur in the +ley. The above place is right lan the Neshationny; goad boating and 'fi.hing. Tnere is large grounds around the lame, plenty of .trialt,a large garden already made, Ice house Wed: o nouse. This is vne of Trenton. The drivesPhiladeiphia and around, specially up the Re- T. B. to theWumabirkom A PlYto Dr 7. H. • corner Sixth and erre streets. slant./ FOB SALE—(XYLIN'TBY BILSEDICISCE; A? Holearstrurg—Beestlfol situation and mfeccy esk_thfol; =pod= Dwel.ling with the the =dem conveniences and three acres of land Bounded by Coklaud avenue. MIL Decatur sittlatoshridge =pets. Tastefully laid out with shade and fruit trans. Stahl% Coach Borne, Laundry. dc. Close to Frolromehterg Ballroad elation and Bristol Turnpike. Amass fro. orient. TrnTomtate possersdaa. For further partieu... laza. see handbills and catalogue of 11L. THOntaS : EOS'S sale of ferny S. UFO. B. NT LL, Jr., A c" _znyl-mis Conveyssu er, 7 Santo= scam. .11, 1:W.1. FOR SALE.—A most &mixable and plesesnr ,z.. - .IEI located MUMMY SE al'. with 8 acms of handsome lawm well shaded; abundance of fruit;grapes and henietc a fuse vegetable garden; COICIZ house, with stabling far six hors= striated on the - Iterion tremp&e road. 134 mills above PlestonoMe. X of a ran e frnin Pennsylvasia avenue station, on the Peconsylcmila Railroad. Premises can be seen and house opened every day this week from is A.M. =tit SP. X. Per fartherpartleolars Inetdre alll9 (MEW-, NUS scree. xxxyl-UP MI FOB BALE— A. V.A.LIT Ttrit-UNMELT 674 REATatRIVEBTON. New Jersey, etrasisdng ors substardisl Stone IturSE. ith e OF OF Ameur 13: front*ng the Delaware River on the . tu Aj e braise is furnished with all the modern conveniences, and supplied with wider by a windw , ni on the premises. There is also a good STABLE with ICE TWOS.% &c. Apply in Eli= T. 'WRIGHT, 21.4 Chestruit meet, TIP mats e-- le FOR. c. A T - F—Ml 4 &IC es.."eet, eamer or Freed. lender &met, opposfte Rand Asyllinn.threeeldrY 011.9 e, double back-buildingx, saloon parlors, 6 clam bers. bath, gasorater-eloset, heats, summer and win ter lzttehen, ranges, grape vines. aleo s largelot on Freed/ander e - az.t, iS feet from by 68 feet deep. If no sold before Play Kb, wt2l be rented. Inquire at MAW a's new Hat store. 613 Cbertnat street a ese NOBTELTWELFTIISIT-EaT.—ThaNgar.W Threa-szco7 double three-ory ha built toga. replete with modern convp,,i- :sue-- hea:Wrs, winter and summer kitchen. saloon panes mr, do in good order. H,OOO may remain an mort gage. 11170 t sold belore May lath, will be rented. In quire at Her LIZA'S New Mkt store, 613 ebeirkret street. 1413= - el.•. !I. • • :C.:32•lnt OB TO 31MNT—Beandfolly and cmd - • mated, within two intozwes' walk of laberch Lan - . d coltunodlntes and elegant BIEEDENG.: . • all the amideat conseolecom ffiabls, mach-h. •c. 1 . 13 D 30 :2 1 =. APPIY between 10 and at 88 .fio =am frala4 tS2JW. P. ClEf. wog 'CAT Fine Imre Stone :Nr.non* cm Clapier street: near Townsbipllne,s C - ithin ten minutes' walk of 'She Gallagratriril B. IL. q. + n. POE SALE-4)OTTAGE AP CAPE MLAN'D on .Lafayerte street, lot SO feet front by Mck deep. Ii room& pia ~..^a front and back on fast and second stories. One half can remain on tonrtemge. If not sold before June Ist. will be rented, faccesned. Inqufre's new Hat =re, 613 Clear= et. ap p CTo LitT—a - orror AND 6:ROL - NIT: N:E:700.7-- ner, , Thirty.eight and Walnut, West Plilladelptda, 3.01) feet front by Zo feet deep: grape Niue% fruit Lrees., na2urs3 e vaster. Tr , '" , ediare possession. Inquire at If 's new Hat store, EIS Chestnut EL ap36 ids t,; 10 LET._ IMMEDIATE PO:tS.ESECID.N. ": Three-lmor I iV?:1:]1p braidings,. 3,, double back dings,. , iv. five sqiiresorContthedtaL Parloradd story calTets ftrr asap.. Rent 47te. AddressJUNO; ap3dtf WEST pFrrr.AMELPHIA PROPERTY PUR' IR* A 11. - P CEICAP.—The last one of thase_ splendid - .r.rown ”ume Dwellings, l oin.. S BSC e=l` street, finished in the best manner. with all the modern . con- Tesdencen. PP.I9 to C. IL SUPPLER, 17.0 North .Nin.e.. - teemb srraVt. apds-lr.* "„ WA TO - P.WN - T.—Fourth and Fish stories "No. NS mi Stiuth Second street, soltable far light In , noise. =ring purpose= will be rested 1w to a good tenant, apply to J. B. Cut:MIS dt. SOB, Beal Rasta , Brokers, 4= NG' alma street. c — TO .33-MCT.—a. COLA .iidy sta • biting for five horses; Ice house filled, milk tame, an garden. ID _minutes' walk from Tina station. on the North Pennsylvania Ballroad. A ..ply DAVID - . ,• • . • -•,4 fft FOE SALE CMLAP.—A threeetory brick 1.6 dweLing with back brill:Maga, 2011 Poplar ktmet, modern coirreollences, Apply to T. H. etucns SON- Beal Estate Brokers. 4= Walnut street. gFOR $ three-W=7 b.ick brown stone finish, 43 North Seventeenth street, gas. range. Ate. ATAPIY to T. $ CCRIIM ft SON, Beal Eistale 33trokers. VS Wean= street. mo R.MST—Large second story FRONT /I.OOIK, for one or two Genemen. Teterard- BCE emelanw-d. h - o. 4 Bellevue - nee, street. Wct 4 . FT. iikurttFz.ill TVDEAItTISCENT OF PIIRLIC HIGHWAYS, OF TICE OF Mille CONT.NIIONifIit. IS. W. Con- NEE I.lil AND WALNCTSTHEETS.—Pamer nELMEIIe, April SD. IBM NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed gronnsata will be received at this aloe mai 3.2 M., on MO3CDAT, May the 7th, 1166, for the Hustling of Hare street, from 'Twenty-fifth street to Pennsylva nia avenue, the said grating to be done aLeordine 10 t h e gr ade s now eet , thrisherl by law. All bidders may be present at the time and pekoe of opening said pro posuils. Pach bid must be accompanied by a certificate thisa Bond has been filed in the Law Detainment in accord ',nee with &Resolution at Councils, approved Hay_ 25 21360, and if th e lowest, bidder does not anise Meresult within three days after opening said proposals, he will be deemed as declinhig, and will be held liable on his Bond for the difference between his and the neat higher bidder. znyl•Sti Chief commissioner W of BlWways,' _,OPOSA.LS FOB BUILDING A NAVAL HOS - PTELL AT IMIIADEMPHLA, PA. BUREAU OF MEDIOMB AND ND - 11.G.Ray.3rAyr _ ..T.KPAIMEENT. WasBINGTOIC, D. C. proposals will be received at *ia office for ghe eree; ton and construction (complete) of a Naval Eospital at Philadelphia. Plans and specifications of the proposed bisildings can be seen at the office of John McArthur, Jr, archt teat No 2185 South Stsrh street, Blarladelphis. WAG ;e will afford all bidders every information rketesm , y , to . a tall understanding of the requirements of the De- 4 7 parnoent In the matter of the erection and construo. lion of the Hospital aforesaid. wneh proposal to be considered, mast be guaranteed - t r y two respotaskble persons, certified by the United s ates District Judge, Attorney or Co or other public echoer, as to their competence and wiagneas so guarantee to the sum of thirrY (80) per cen t, of whole amount of the propo-al • if-red. that the bidder - ar bidders so guaranteed (should the contract be awarded him or them)aball.within ten daps 01 the' accepter co of hie or their bid, enter into contract with the lc.avy Department, far the erection and constinc- - lion of tbe Hospital and its appurienauces and through the same to completion, according to the terms of the bid and the nlims and specifications above mentioned. Proposals szinst state the shortest lime required to complete the contract, with the understanding that between two or more bids of s gnat amount, the De partment will give the *reference to that naming the shortest time. Payments for the work will be made monthly as it progresses, upon certificate of the Architect stating its . amount and qnslity,and that the terms of the contract have been complied wtth—the Department reserving meaty (.W) per cent. of the whole amount of each cer tificate until the buildings are delivered into its handS complete and ready for occupancy, according to the terms of the contract for the erection and con struction of the Naval Hospital and its appurtenances before mentioned. - - - - - . - _An the proposals must be addressed to the under signed, marked Proposals for Naval Hospital. at Ptila delrbia. e proposals vcallbe opened in the presencs of that bidders, at ttieHavy Department, a, noon of Tuesday,. - Mar IP. ass. Tt e Department reserves to itself the right to reiem any or all bide not d. ems by 1t satisfactory. or to the - interest et the G 0 P. I. HORWITZ. - v.tit.. , r of Bureau. a.p9o-m. - ic , S.lot/ CARRIAGES ' - GARDNER — a tio jib:7 - ALAV - Alr, - 0.4 South Fifth atreet,.4ol47 /Or An assortment of 1. - EW.and SECOND-HAND 4 CARRIAGES Always on band, At RTr. AsGma_BLE PRICES. BINGWALT & mow's. On the premise!. . tiv •• zn•